#uriel x aziraphale
thesassysneks · 4 months
Uriel laid 8 eggs!! She was paired wtih Aziraphale, and she’s het lavender and hyplermel. So their babies should be a variety of different morphs!
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diavalkitty · 4 months
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servantserah · 2 months
Crêpes part 22
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Sorry for the wait! Finally kind of a scene change tho cause drawing the same scene over and over again was getting very exhausting. Hope you like this update!
ℹ️ You can find a guide with all my Good Omens AUs and comics >>here<<!
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vangoghschair · 10 months
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I have so much to say about this.
1. Why do Michael and Uriel look like upper class lesbian mums who just came from a court hearing cos their kid got called into the principals office?!
2. Michael + Uriel = Muriel
3. These are Muriel's lesbian mums, Crowley and Aziraphale are their uncles, emancipated from the family for being too silly
4. Michael and Uriel are so fucking done with aziraphale and... I mean...the traitor and the demon's shit
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indigovigilance · 1 year
Angel Pinky Rings
I'm going to get strangely obsessed with finger jewelry for a moment.
Please do not ask Neil Gaiman to confirm or deny.
Before the Beginning, Aziraphale doesn't have a ring:
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...then after the Beginning, he does:
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...which he wears continuously for the rest of the story:
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Archangel Michael
doesn't have a ring in Book of Job:
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and then they do:
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Uriel does:
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...even Saraqael does:
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...and Sandolphon:
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...but not the Supreme Archangel
not in Book of Job:
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and neither before Armageddidn't:
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nor after:
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...and not the 37th Order Scrivener:
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Originally I thought the rings might denote rank, but Gabriel not having a ring throws a wrench in that.
Left vs. Right
Every angel that wears a ring wears it on their left hand (everyone except Saraqael wears it on their pinky, who wears it on their ring finger) except for Aziraphale, who consistently wears his pinky ring on his right hand. Furthermore, the style of each ring appears to be unique; we don't usually get a very good look at them (or at least I don't, I have kind of crappy hardware) but the differing styles seem to be meaningful to the individual. Putting it on the left may indicate that it has a negative connotation; the fact that Aziraphale's ring is on the right sets him apart.
Protecting the Ring
Additionally, all the angels that have rings, when they fold their hands, tend to cover up their ring-bearing hand, almost protectively:
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Semi-Rational Theory
The rings are vessels of memory: they are only worn by angels who have transgressed against God's will, and are worn forever after as a symbol of the covenant made between the Creator and the Servant. They dump the memories of their transgressions into the ring so that their minds are made clean, but carry the mark of their prior sin with them for the rest of time. Much like a rainbow, it serves as a promise that the transgressor will never transgress again. The angels protect it because, consciously or not, they know that this ring contains a part of themselves, and it is both precious and shameful.
Absolutely Irrational Theory
Aziraphale wears his ring on his right hand because it doesn't fit on his left. That's because it's not actually his ring; it is Angel!Crowley's, and he is keeping it safe for them. Crowley and/or Aziraphale might not even know anymore that that is what it is, but by some pact between them made before the Fall, it is in Aziraphale's stewardship to keep safe until such time as Crowley can safely have his memories restored.
Again: Please do not ask Neil Gaiman to confirm or deny.
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This bish is sus AF
If you would like to reblog, please reblog from this repost with additional content and references.
To read more of my original content on erasure theory:
Jimbriel, Satan, the Book of Life, and what it means for Crowley
The Erasure of Human!Metatron
Baraqiel and Azazel
or, my first and my most popular post to date:
A Nightingale Sang in 1941
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goodomens-girlie · 1 year
you think crowley and Aziraphale bicker like an old married couple?
u forgot about these babies
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actual-changeling · 8 months
We need to talk about the Archangel Michael.
No, seriously we NEED to talk about Michael because I think she's going to be way more important than we currently think.
(quick side note: I will be jumping between pronouns for everyone involved because I go by vibes and also bc I'm trans and I like doing it. Hopefully it won't be too confusing, but I'll try to make it clear who I am talking about.)
So! Welcome back to Alex's unhinged meta corner. In accordance with the usual essay rules, let's begin with my hypothesis before we go down a long, probably very unhinged spiral.
I completely underestimated how thorough I was going to be, so to not overwhelm everyone with a miles long post, I will be dividing this meta into parts and will post them as I finish them.
A lot of small details have been fluttering around my mind over the last few weeks, and I think I am finally starting to put all the pieces together—and there are a LOT.
Part 1: Season One and Michael's Rank
We know them as one of the three (four—but that's another post) Archangels next to Gabriel and Uriel. While Gabriel's title was that of the Supreme Archangel, Michael's is explicitly stated in episode one of season two as 'duty officer', which, broadly speaking, makes them the Watcher, the one in charge in the case of Gabriel's absence for whatever reason, taking command where he can't; usually that probably meant him simply being busy and not him being unemployed and naked.
Their position is further signified by their ring, which resembles the Ophanim, the many-eyed angel wheels.
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They are the one to keep a literal eye on things—they find pictures of Aziraphale and Crowley in S1 in the Observation Files, they watch over the heavenly hosts, they oversee plans, everything.
Michael even takes it a step further and (presumably created) the grapevine with hell, having direct contact to higher ranking demons such as Ligur, most likely also Dagon, and Beelzebub.
This is where we get to my theory: Michael is actively working with demons against both heaven and hell. It doesn't mean that they care about preserving earth, though they might later on, but that whatever plans heaven currently has are to be stopped.
I'm going to take this one step further and say that Michael also knew about Gabriel and Beelzebub, and helped him escape.
Now to the fun part: the evidence!
In season one, they are interested in stopping Crowley and Aziraphale from preventing the apocalypse, but that does not mean that they agree with the plans heaven has for said event—only that they need it to happen so their own agenda can stay on track. She has information she technically shouldn't, like, well, literally all the details about how, when, and what is going to go down
This is due to heaven and hell's general cooperation, which is its own post, but all of that runs through them.
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That 'apparently' is doing a lot of heavy lifting here, it's the basic and plausible deniability that's required for them to not be in trouble. She is also in charge of ORGANIZING the troops, fulfilling her role as a navigator.
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On top of that, the way she talks to Ligur highly mirrors the way two covert operatives might talk to one another, using phrases like 'our man' and 'working for you'. The mere assumption Michael makes here, that Aziraphale could be a spy, implies that there ARE already spies and angels working for hell.
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Consorting with the enemy is allowed as long as it is done within a very specific framework, so Michael and Ligur are free to do so, while Aziraphale and Crowley are working outside of it, which gives heaven & hell the basis to punish them for it.
I think the phrasing of this sentence is also quite interesting.
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Not "time to come back to heaven" or anything along the lines that takes Aziraphale's ethereal status into account, no, she simply says he needs to 'choose sides'—and who is to say that he needs to choose heaven or that heaven and hell are the only sides one can choose? Additionally, Michael is the one to bring the holy water to hell while they send one of the Erics, and while the trial as a whole holds a certain tension, there does not seem to be any open animosity between him and the dukes of hell.
In short, Michael is working with hell behind the scenes, likely pursuing their own goals, and standing in opposition to heaven.
Moving on to season two, and here it gets REALLY fun.
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5
(hopefully it will just be five. it was supposed to be two. then three. but here we are)
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batsyvie · 1 month
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batsy post jumpscare 👩🏻‍🦰👩🏻‍🦰👩🏻‍🦰 a comic of mein babies based on my own experiences of being told to shut up whilst in the middle of mass #catholicupbringingcore
i have two commissions to do so I stopped procrastinating from doing this comic to procrastinate on them instead. think smarter not harder people.
anyways, for those who are confused on the meaning of the comic, i’ve added a brief summary in the alt text!
they are in love already oh em goodness. closeups are under the cut❤️❤️❤️
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beauspot · 1 year
Good Omens 2 Spoilers
you’ve been warned…
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so um…im crying. anyone else or just me? i can’t believe that’s how the season ended. the context of the kiss is so so so different than i imagined the confession did not go the way i thought it would.
none of this is to say the season was bad, i loved it. im just very sad rn. we really really need a season 3 because it can’t end like this guys. everyone say thank you neil for ripping our hearts out of our chests and making us cry.
Just a Few Things weighing on my mind and (destroyed) heart
I loved Maggie and Nina, I think they are so cute and so clearly parallels of Aziracrow. When Nina called Maggie Angel I almost fell off of my couch.
I know this was revealed before the show but having a disabled angel be there and it just not be a thing was so cool.
Never would have expected Gabriel and Beelzebub to fall in love and fuck off like that, but i support it.
This season was really gay. Not really weighing on my mind just an observation and i liked it very much.
Aziraphale blessing twitter and grindr 😭
The Kiss (Right so it was painful to watch but like in a good way. Like a good hurt because we wanted to see them together but the fact that Crowley poured everything in him out there and Aziraphale just couldn’t let go of his past is so…frustrating. But believe me as a former religious kid who was born and raised christian i know how hard it is to disentangle yourself from that thing that was essentially what drove your life and was your purpose. I mean i’m still struggling and I haven’t been alive for over 6000 years so of course i give him grace it’s just frustrating to see them upset like this. With each other and with themselves. Fuck)
The end credits of the final episode showing both of their faces? Fuck. (also right before the credits rolled i said those credits better not fucking roll and they did so)
Crowley shutting off their song. Their “Everyday”. What is your issue Neil Gaiman? I want to know what I did to deserve this.
Crowley telling Aziraphale that there are no Nightingales singing.
I also just can’t get over Crowley building the cosmos and seeing it come to life with Aziraphale while he covers his head like Aziraphale does in the garden.
That’s it for now im very sad. Great season, I want more. I just truly was not expecting the season to end that way. I looked at how long was left in the episode right before they started arguing and then they did and I was like uh how is this going to be resolved in the next 10ish minutes enough for them to kiss. Silly me fr.
Listening to my moody playlist. Please watch the season, that’s all.
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flash-bastardd · 1 year
So apparently randomly shipping Gabriel and Beelzebub wasn't enough (its Canon now cause of us)
Apparently we have TWO new shipS on our hands and istg if it becomes Canon before our ineffable idiots imma fuckin lose it.
I dont think they've even SPOKEN to each other.
Like either of them.
This whole Michael and Dagon thing seemed to have happened overnight but hey the fans want what the fans want.
So all angels and demons must be matched up then. Who we putting Uriel with?
Fuck I love fandoms. We're all fucking lunatics.
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thesassysneks · 2 months
One clutch finished hatching and another just starting to hatch!
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ineffablelvrs · 1 year
let's start a fun game while we're waiting for go2 !!! rb and in the tags claim a random minute (0-54 ?? that's the average episode length in s1 im pretty sure) from a random s2 episode (1-6), for example: episode 3, 32:54. then when you watch the season come back and say what scene you got (make sure to tag spoilers though) !!
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servantserah · 2 years
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Myosotis: Falter part 10
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Some hard to swallow pills for Gabriel. Nothing hurts quite like realizing you have started to act like the person who hurt you.
ℹ️ You can find a guide to all my Good Omens AUs and comics >>here<<!
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avocado-writing · 6 months
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Aziraphale x Reader
Breakfast in Bed
Soft Dom!Aziraphale*
The Voice
Receiving Head*
Confessions in the Storeroom & pt2*
Whipped Cream*
Twinned Feelings (drabble)*
First Time*
Biblically Accurate* ♥
Thigh Riding*
Body Positivity
Crowley x Reader
In the Bentley*
Practical Jokes
Road Head* ♥
Dyslexic Reader
Rough Dom*
Lazy Day
Brought Back
Leg Humping*
Abandonment Issues
Not Right
Moving In
Corruption Kink*
Aziraphale x Reader x Crowley
Driving the Bentley
God Took Her Time*
Tech Genius
Trouble Trusting*
Teen Angel (platonic)
Getting Older
Aziraphale x Reader x Crowley (part of the Light, the Dark, and the Spaces Inbetween)
Kinktober 2023 Masterlist
The Honeymoon* ♥
Double Ball Gag*
Beach Day*
Orders* & pt2*
Admiring Aziraphale*
A Little Young
Self Care
Xmas oneshots x x x x x x x
Gabriel/Jim x Reader
Uriel x Reader
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sentientsky · 1 year
when i write fanfic, i sometimes write quick little crack versions of certain scenes. just for the sillies. because i can, yk? here’s one i just finished. cause why not :)
Crowley leant forward, inky wings curtaining around the two of them. Warm breath on his face, the racing of a human heart. Fire falling from the sky, he kissed his angel, soft and sweet and desperate—love at the end of the world. Aziraphale twined his arm’s around the demon’s neck, hands carding through red hair. He sighed into Crowley’s open mouth, and a little shudder ran through his entire body.
A rather exaggerated groan came from beyond where they stood.
With more than a touch of irritation, Crowley broke away for a moment and shifted his wings back to peer at the angels around them.
It had been Michael. Of course it had been Michael. Uriel turned to look at their fellow archangel. Michael shrugged. “Well, I mean,” they began. “First Gabriel and Beelzebub. And now these two. It’s getting out of hand, honestly ”
“I have literally seen you making out with Dagon. On several occasions,” Uriel quipped. Michael’s face flushed a bright pink and they averted their gaze.
“I dont—I really—“
“Did you think you were being subtle??” Saraqael interjected. Their brow crinkled in incredulous confusion. “Everyone in the office knows.”
Michael was muttering something Crowley couldn’t quite hear. And then a ringing came from somewhere on their person. Blushing furiously, they pulled out a cellphone.
“Is that—” Uriel began.
“Shut up,” Michael snapped. They flicked open the phone and pressed it to their ear. “Babe, bad time. Can’t talk right now—No, I know. I know. I’ll defrost the chicken when I get home—No. I won’t. Babe, I won’t forget this time—It was one time—Okay, yeah. Love you too.”
The phone closed with a click, and then all was silent for a long while.
here’s the actual fic, if you’re interested: x
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goodomens-girlie · 10 months
here’s a list of all the things Good Omens has ruined for me:
1. Bird songs - a nightingale didn’t sing in Berkeley square on July 28th 2023
2. History - what were Crowley and Aziraphale doing during this historical event?
3. Say Yes To Heaven by Lana Del Ray- if you’re on Good Omens TikTok you know
5. The Bible
6. Hozier (even Eat Your Young and Angel of Small Death and the Codeine Scene)
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