qqueenofhades · 1 year
Clarence Thomas: appointed by George H.W. Bush (Republican)
Samuel Alito and John Roberts: appointed by George W. Bush (Republican)
Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, Amy Coney Barrett: appointed by Donald Trump (Republican)
Conservative total: 6
Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan: appointed by Barack Obama (Democrat)
Ketanji Brown Jackson: appointed by Joe Biden (Democrat) replacing Stephen Breyer, appointed by Bill Clinton (Democrat), who also appointed Ruth Bader Ginsburg;
Liberal total: 3
Most common split on all these bad decisions: 6-3
Gee, it's almost like SCOTUS actually is incredibly important, Hillary Clinton and the entire mainstream Democratic electorate knew that in 2016, Democratic presidents consistently appoint the justices who are on the side of the rulings that you agree with, it was maybe a bad idea to let a man charged with 71 felony counts including criminal espionage appoint one-third of the current court, and yet BUH BUH BERNIE AND HER EMAILS.
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anonymous-eggy · 1 month
just listening to it isnt enough i need to push Hoziers music forcefully into my ribcage and let it grow roots in my organs
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thebirdmanhewatches · 4 months
Well the qsmp ended and neither my streamer nor my streamer in law was there and my favourite plot beats where forgotten about months ago but hey it was fun while it lasted
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numbmontezuma · 2 years
Oh my fucking god i just realized bayonetta 3 unironically pulled a “it’s adam and eve, not adam and steve”.
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seth-sieben · 1 year
Fuck insomnia
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agoodroughandtumble · 4 months
remember that time like five days ago when i was adamant that i was done with the fuckboi. like actually done. and trying to be my best GirlBoss about it and then i ended up getting an uber to his at like half six in the morning yesterday because he said he's still in love with me and i am WEAK AS HELL.
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ninemelodies · 10 months
my depression is so bad tonight wtf
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keirawantstocry · 8 months
Gimme anything you want about tnt duo<3
hehheheehheeh giggling and kicking my feet and kissing you hard  and bloody on the mouth mwah mwah
Quackity took a long drag of the cigarette in between his first two fingers. He drug his eyes out to the horizon and watched the smoke drift up out of his mouth to join the dirty sky above Las Nevadas. 
“You wanna hit?” 
He shot his eyes over to the man perched on the settee across the room. 
Wilbur stared back at him with eyes of fire and a dangerous smirk. “Shotgun me?” 
Quackity huffed. “Always looking for an excuse to get close huh?” 
Wilbur picked himself up, all long limbs and smooth movement. With one arm he held himself up above Quackity, his hand pushing down into the arm of the chair he sat in. 
Quackity tilted his head to look Wilbur in the eye. Put the cigarette in his mouth while making direct eye contact and reveled in the way Wilbur's gaze dipped. 
He took a drag, pulled the cigarette away and cold lips were on his in an instant, pushing open his mouth and sucking in the nasty smoke. They stayed pressed together, Quackity refused to be the first to pull away. 
Wilbur pulled away with low lidded eyes and it was more addictive than any drug that Quackity had ever tasted. 
“Get out of my fucking country,” he said half-heartedly. 
Wilbur shrugged. “Too addicted to the drugs here I fear.” His eyes weren't trained on the cigarette. 
“I know.” Quackity took another drag and closed his eyes. “Gods, I know.” 
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demonfox38 · 19 days
Completed - Costume Quest
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I was worried that my generation would ruin Halloween like my grandparents ruined Christmas. You know what I mean? In the love of the holiday, Christmas became an overblown mess, with family mandates and stress over gift-giving sapping the quiet affection one could experience on a dark winter’s night with their family. I thought Millennials would go too far with Halloween, put up one too many giant skeletons, spend hundreds of dollars on candy and booze and get blasted into oblivion all in the name of having a good time.
I can’t say that I saw a worldwide pandemic burying it. Could have seen Stranger Danger doing it in, though. Maybe it would help if my neighbors ever participated in handing candy out. Or, if a bag of good candy cost less than $20.00 a pop. Or, if it was ever over the freezing threshold here on Halloween.
The point is, Halloween in Iowa has become a raw deal. You should probably pray for all of the Iowa City college girls with their butts hanging out the bottom of their costumes. At least, if you are the praying type.
Is it too early to think about Halloween? Wal-Mart doesn’t think so. Neither does “Costume Quest.” As I was cycling through my Steam library, trying to pick what to work on next, it managed to boot itself up and go, “LMAO, loading drivers, idiot.” Which, fine, whatever. I’m behind on my quota of games to beat in a year. Might as well knock an eager one out.
“Costume Quest” is a turn-based, button-prompt style RPG set on a nostalgic Halloween night. Ya know, the kind of magical night where simple pieces of junk turn a child into a gigantic missile-launching robot or a vampire or a unicorn or whatever this sentient fry monster thing is.
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Using the power of imagination and their smart mouths, protagonists Wren and/or Reynold (whichever you pick) sets off on a mini-journey around their suburban hellscape while their sibling (dressed as a candy corn, of all the indignities) is kidnapped by goblin-esque creatures. They pick up two additional teammates who also manage to get into trouble by their own personalities (being too brave and being a little science nerd, respectively.) Along their way, they discover how and why these monsters invaded their little town, as well as the motivation for all of their candy thievery. You know. When the adults aren't just freely handing it out, mindless of who is at the door.
In addition to the main game, a DLC bonus story called "Grubbins on Ice" is included with the game. This takes place a few months after the original adventure, following up on the twitterpation of Wren/Reynold's party members and the homeland/culture of aforementioned monsters. It mostly serves as a teaser for "Costume Quest 2" (and an ad for "Stacking", if you find it), but it does tack on a couple more hours of gameplay, for what that is worth.
Am I glossing over a bit with the writing? Probably. "Costume Quest" isn't on par with something like "Psychonauts", in terms of depth or ingenuity. It's not to say the game is entirely without charm or a few chuckles. It's just exactly what you'd predict for a story like this. Some Halloween nostalgia, lots of modern era cracks at mid-century suburban living, adults being unobservant dingdongs. That kind of stuff.
The gameplay systems are relatively standard as well. Most of your exploration boils down to knocking on doors, seeing if you are going to get treated (receive candy) or tricked (get into a monster fight.) Equipped costumes affect what attack styles and special abilities a character has in combat, to mostly predictable consequences. Except for the fry monster. That's definitely unique! Additionally, some costumes allow you to take special actions while exploring, like using a plastic lightsaber to light up dark areas, skating over ramps with roller blades, or luring people to new destinations using the scent of…french fries.
Look, the fry thing was really creative, okay? Maybe it's not the most impressive costume, but it is super unique. I'm trying to give credit where it's due. That, and using the power of liberty to restore health.
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The nearest thing I can ballpark that to is "Parasite Eve"'s Liberation mode, and even that is in name only. (Although, someone should really have a deeper talk with these kids about the underlying and disturbing implications of "Manifest Destiny"…)
In terms of input style and numbers, this is very much a "Paper Mario" / "Mario & Luigi" style of RPG. Your health and levels will seem low-capped, although that is not without some humor as well. (Your max level is 10 in the main game and 14 in the DLC, which corresponds well to ages that kids often stop going out for Halloween. At least, that seems like the joke to me, at the risk of ruining it via dissection.) You will also have to time button presses, tap madly, or wiggle sticks to maximize both your offense and defense.
One to three hits are enough to take out members on either side of the field. So, don't be too surprised if your kids drop like flies early on. You can always bolt on a battle (even final ones), if you don't feel prepared to tackle it. Any time you exit a battle, you will fully restore everyone's health. So, get aggressive. Get cowardly. Do whatever works with your flow!
“Costume Quest” isn't the most complex of games. Like, I completed the game and its DLC within 8 hours, and that was including leaving the game idle while taking dogs out. The reason for this may be… not shocking at all, if you hang around the same circles of gaming journalism that I do. To make a short story shorter: AAA publishers suck; Double Fine needed some fallback game ideas for when their more lucrative deal fell through; an idea jam session resulted in the creation of a couple of games (including "Costume Quest.") So, this game didn’t have the kind of budget more renowned Double Fine games might have had. It was more born out of a need to do something small to keep the lights on. Which, hey. Understandable. Respectable, even.
Having said that, a little polish on the game’s levels could have been helpful. I’m not running the most cutting-edge gaming machine known to man, but it’s more than strong enough to handle games from over a decade ago. There feels like several spots where the game is lagging due to what I’m assuming is bad level occlusion or excessive detail rendering (I’m thinking tree leaves.) Additionally, some of the side quests are redundant, particularly the apple/eyeball bobbing mini game. I can’t say I was enraptured by the music at any point either, but that’s a matter of taste. The battle victory/defeat music could have wrapped up a little faster though. Like, chop chop. We’re out of that mode. Let’s go.
As of writing this evaluation, the Steam price for this game is hanging around $9.99 USD, which…Sure? Am I gonna be that picky on the price? If you catch it under $7.99, that’s probably a little fairer to you, but I’m not the person to tell you how to spend your allowance. I guess it’s at least cheaper than actual Halloween candy. And it’s coconut free! That’s a point in its favor!
Sometimes, friendship and/or civilization is all about finding the people that like coconut and hate almonds so that you can trade with them and make both of your lives better.
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blitz0hno · 6 months
Yes I'm a walking encyclopedia of plurality facts yes I meet the criteria for DID and I know it yes I wish desperately to be a singlet
Still faking tho
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marriageandthecrown · 2 years
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theygotlost · 4 months
urrrrrrgh im torn. i have memorial day off and ido how to spend it. on one hand it would he nice to go out to the beach or state park and enjoy the beautiful world and nature but on the other hand ive been busier than normal this weekend already and i kind of just want a whole day were i lie around and do nothing and maybe get some more oc refs done and work on my artfight page and stuff. but i will also feel like im letting a day off with nice weather go to waste if i dont go out appreciate it you know? and it just feels kinda pathetic to stay home alone when everyone else is doing somethig fun. i cant do both because if i spend the day out i will be too tired to draw when i get back
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bitchapalooza · 4 months
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Urrrrrrgh I love exploring characters using dark themes, it’s fuuuun (context to my last post so I don’t look insane)
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pietrodart · 3 months
Currently missing Emily and her relationship with Pietro. Mostly Emily tho. Jusst thinking theres a high chance we'll never see her again in comics hurts my soul. Help!!!!!!! She a great character with many like-able traits. Her relationship with Pietro was the cutest thing ever 😭😭💔💔
SHE REALLY IS A GREAT CHARACTER URRRRRRGH. honestly i would accept losing any other character in exchange of having emily again. and yes, her relationship with pietro is so cute :((( i miss them everyday so i was just re-reading avengers to see them kiss and +2+2+2+2+2! i need them back.
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halt-kun · 7 months
Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 253 - The decisive battle in the uninhabited, demon-infested Shinjuku (25)
Will Maki deliver in this chapter
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Nice jump cover
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It's so satisfying to see her doing wonders on Sukuna's body (punching and slicing holes in it)
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Kusakabe's chapter ?????
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Let's go
as long as Kusakabe getting a cool moment doesn't mean Maki's down
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Caught off guard from behind a car ?
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She blocked it ?
but he's already behind her again
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Ino ???
Wait did Maki get hit with a dismantle ???? NOOOO
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You took the bait and now Kusakabe will get your ass ?
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I had some nice instinct
now show me Maki not diced up
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and threw Sukuna into a wall, a traditional form of greeting
very common
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Did he ricochet ?
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Hey Yuta wasn't only an appetizer
Higuruma, I agree
But Maki's the real deal which means he might become more serious
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less curse energy in exchange for a strong body, I don't remember all the intricacies of the debate but I'm pretty sure some people said Yuji didn't have a heavenly restriction
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she already had to kill her whole clan, what's one more hater
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You mean in term of body enhancement ?
If curse energy can ever beat just raw body without any curse energy ?
no techniques, no domain, only curse energy ?
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black flash Sukuna
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there will be a come back
now that I'm thinking about it, if the player die but get brought back, it should remove them from the culling game and further Kenjaku's plan ?
After all Yuta did the same when he made a pact to kill Itadori
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Break next week ?????
okay good luck Kusakabe
is he a player ?
I don't remember
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hopefully not spoiled this for you but! …Aaron’s back……. And possibly is part of a gang or a mafia type situation????????? guess danny, as much as i love him, realised cost of living wasn’t it versus good storyline roles💀
URRRRRRGH I knew he would fold lol. But, you know, if you can go back to a job that pays well whenever you decide you need to, then why not. He hasn’t been doing anything else has he? Might as well. Thankfully I’ll never know just how infuriatingly pointless those scenes will be lol.
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