#urticaria home remedies
healthhub123 · 4 months
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chandigarhayurved · 1 year
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Raised red bumps or splotches on skin that happen when body has an allergic reaction is known as Urticaria or Hives. Allergic reaction happens when immune system comes in contact with allergen. Urticaria last more than six weeks and often return over months or years. The welts often start as an itchy patches which turns into swollen welts varying in size. Urticaria can be uncomfortable and interfere with day to day life and can cause disturbed sleep.
Some of the triggers that cause allergic reaction in the body includes :
Pressure on skin
Allergens like molds, pollens or pet dander.
Scratching the skin
Exposure to hot or cold temperature
Insect like bee, wasp etc sting
Viral infections like common cold etc
Bacterial infections like UTI, strep throat etc
Certain medications like antibiotics, ibuprofen, aspirin etc.
Certain foods like eggs, nuts or shellfish
Raised skin lesions that appears in any area of body.
Severe itching
Reddish, purple or skin colored weals, depending upon skin color.
Rashes of different size and they change shape
Blanching- the hive become white when centre is pressed
Bumps generally last no longer than 24 hours
Lesion appear in batches
Painful swelling around eyes, cheeks or lips
Heat, exercise or stress triggers flare up
Aloe Vera Gel : It has skin soothing , healing and anti-inflammatory properties thus helps to reduce the hives and provide relief from itching. Apply aloe vera gel to affected area 2 to 3 times a day to get relief from itching and redness .
Oatmeal scrub : Oatmeal has anti-inflammatory, skin soothing and skin moisturizing properties. Gently scrub the affected region with oatmeal to pacify the inflamed skin.
Apply Cold Compress : Cold compress helps to calm the aggravated skin . Dip a towel or cloth in chilled water and then apply it on the affected portions.
Apple Cider Vinegar : Mix 1 tsp of vinegar with 1 tablespoon of warm water and apply on affected area with cotton ball to sooth itching and redness.
In Ayurved it can be correlated with Sheetpitta. Excessive exposure to etiological factors like cold breeze, intake of salty and pungent food, contact with cold substances, improper emesis etc leads to the aggravation of vata and kapha dosha. The aggravated vata and kapha in turn gets mixed with pitta dosha and spread all over the body and there they get lodged into external surface of the body ( beneath skin ). There the vitiated doshas leads to development of the condition.
Green grams
Older rice
Horse gram
Warm water
Sugar and its derivative
Cold water
Milk and milk products
Suppression of vomiting
Exposure to cold breeze
Ayurvedic Treatment for Urticaria
1) Aloe Vera  Gulab Gel :
Aloe Vera Gulab Gel is formed with the pure extract of herb Aloe Vera and the mixture of rose petals. Thus this wonderful composition provides a cooling effect on the skin that relieves from burning sensation, itchiness, etc. The gel helps in maintaining healthy skin and repairing skin damage.
Recommended Dosage – Gently apply over the affected area of the skin.
2) Panchatikta Ghrita Guggulu :
The tablets are very beneficial in curing skin diseases as it contains the Pitta pacifying ingredients such as Shuddh guggulu (Commiphora mukul), Neem (Azadirachta indica), Amrita (Tinospora cordifolia), Gajapippali (Piper chaba), Shunthi (Zingiber officinalis), etc. The tablet is Tridoshahara, thus is very effective in maintaining the hormonal level in the body.
Recommended Dosage – Take 2 tablets twice daily with normal water.
3) Skin care tablet :
Skin care tablet is a pure ayurvedic formulation. It helps to maintain the texture of your skin depending on the type of skin you have. It contains various herbs like Haridra khand, Panchnimb churna, Khadir chahal, Chirayta, Mulethi, Chopchini, Gandhak, Ajmoda that work very effectively on all skin types. Skin care is a blood purifying tablet. It cools and detoxifies the blood, increase blood circulation of the skin. It minimizes the blemishes, lighten sun tan, delay ageing of skin and heal skin problems. These tablets also act as a skin moisturizer, Improves blood circulatio, reduce itching and burning sensation of skin, Prevent acne and pimples.
Recommended Dosage: Take 1 tablet twice daily with normal water.
4) Neem Capsules :
NEEM capsules 100% Safe and purely Ayurvedic preparation. CAC NEEM CAPSULES is natural and herbal product prepared from the standard extract of herb Neem (Azadirachta indica). Neem herb is widely used to cure acute to chronic Skin problems such as Pimples, Itching, Dryness, Blemishes, Dark spots, Pigmentation, Scars  Neem leaves are rich in Vitamin-E, Fatty acids & emollients.
Recommended Dosage: Take 1 capsules twice daily with normal water.
5) Detox Premium Powder:
This is a herbo-mineral preparation that contains ingredients like Parwal Pishti, Giloy satv, Shukta Pishti, Kamdudha Ras, Gandhak Rasayan, etc.
Parwal Pishti: This Pishti reduces inflammation, flaking, itching of the skin. The Pishti is composed of natural coral calcium processed with rose water.
Shukta Pishti: It helps to balance the Pitta dosha in the body. All signs and symptoms related to Psoriasis patients are managed with this article.
Giloy Satv: This satv is prepared from the herb Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia). The anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and analgesic properties of this herb deal with psoriasis easily.
Kamdudha Ras: This herbal-mineral classical preparation balances Pitta dosha in the body.
Gandhak Rasayana: This herbal preparation is used since ancient times for all types of skin disorders.
Tal Sindoor: It contains ingredients like Shuddh parad, Aloe vera, Gandhak, etc that relieve redness in psoriasis patients.
Akik Pishti: This Pishti reduces all types of Pitta related disorder hence it gives good results in psoriasis.
Recommended Dosage: Take 1 sachet twice daily with plain water.
6) Itch Care Tablet :
It is pure herbal combination which is purely natural. Skin primarily protect our body from toxins present in environment. Itching is related to various skin problems like dermatitis or irritates such as nickel in jewelry, infected cut. Chronic skin condition like psoriasis, acne and due to internal conditions like blood, lungs, and liver. Mainly toxins in skin arises due to excess rakta dhatu and rasa or  plasma nourishes the skin.
Recommended Dosage: Take 1 tablet twice daily with plain water.
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ayurvedasifa · 2 months
Skin Allergy Home Remedy Treatment
Skin allergies are common issues that can cause discomfort and irritation. Skin Allergy Home Remedy Treatment. They occur when the skin reacts to allergens such as pollen, pet dander, or certain foods. Symptoms can range from mild itching to severe rashes and inflammation. Understanding the causes and symptoms is the first step towards finding effective remedies.
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Common Types of Skin Allergies
Eczema (Atopic Dermatitis)
Contact Dermatitis
Hives (Urticaria)
Natural Remedies for Immediate Relief
Aloe Vera: Nature’s Soothing Gel
Aloe vera is a powerful plant known for its soothing properties. Applying fresh aloe vera gel directly to the affected area can reduce inflammation and itching. Skin Allergy Home Remedy Treatment. Its natural cooling effect provides instant relief from skin allergies.
Oatmeal Baths: Calming Itchiness
Oatmeal is an excellent remedy for itchy skin. Adding a cup of finely ground oatmeal to a warm bath can help soothe the skin. Soak in the bath for 15-20 minutes to experience the calming effects. This method is particularly effective for widespread rashes.
Coconut Oil: Natural Moisturizer
Coconut oil is known for its moisturizing and anti-inflammatory properties. Applying a thin layer of coconut oil to the affected area can help reduce dryness and itching. Skin Allergy Home Remedy Treatment. It also creates a protective barrier on the skin, preventing further irritation.
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ayushaktiayurveda · 3 months
Get Your Customized 3R Plan | Ayushakti Ayurveda
Here is how the 3R formula in the “Skinotox program” can transform your health: Ayushakti doctors analyze your cause of specific skin disorder and other multiple health problems, if any, through video or face-to-face consultation & create customized “3R” formula in the using a blend of 6 proprietary tools like diet, lifestyle, home remedies, herbal formulas, & detox plans in the “Skinotox program”. These Simple Steps: 1) Remove: Eliminate blockages, inflammation and remove toxins from the gut and intracellular cells through the right type of detox so that proper blood supply reaches the damaged organs and intracellular toxins are cleared. 2) Restore: Repair & restore the normal functioning of all the organs and especially the ones that are affected by the illness through the usage of powerful home remedies, diet, lifestyle changes, and marma pressure points. 3) Renew: Rebuild & renew in step by step manner using herbal formulas and therapies on damaged or weak tissues, thus creating vibrant youthful health and long-lasting relief from chronic health problems.
Learn More:
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health-007 · 1 year
Home Remedies for Skin Allergies
One of the most prevalent medical disorders is skin allergies. When a person’s immune system overreacts to a specific substance, which is typically innocuous to most people, skin allergies result. Allergens are the substances that trigger these reactions, and an allergic skin reaction is the skin’s response to an allergen. The body produces specific antibodies 
To know more - Home Remedies for Skin Allergies
called IgE in response to the allergen, which is what causes this reaction. Skin allergies 
frequently manifest as dryness, peeling, redness, itching, rash, and swelling. Additionally, raised, irritating lumps that resemble ant bites may appear. Eczema [Atopic Dermatitis], Contact Dermatitis, hives [urticaria], and angioedema are among the allergic skin disorders.
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theayurvedaorg · 2 years
Home remedies to treat hives (urticaria) naturally
What are Hives An itchy, occasionally lumpy rash known as hives (urticaria) might emerge on the skin’s surface. Medications and natural treatments can frequently effectively treat hives and significantly lessen symptoms. Hives are extremely irritating, pigmented, elevated skin. They could appear anywhere on the body. Hives can be both allergic and non-allergic. Hives can cause a lot of…
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hopequickcare · 2 years
How Do You Get The Best Treatment For Rashes?
Itchy, red, and bumpy skin can be troublesome. There are many things for which one can get rashes, and it can cause pain, embarrassment, and irritation. It can cause by food, allergic reaction, and even from medication. The rash can even cause by the illness.
Both hives and eczema cause allergies. Some allergies come and go, but some need medical attention. Hence, if you search for Urgent Care Clinics Near Me, you will get the names of the clinics that treat rashes.
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Different types of rashes and itches.
Eczema has another name: Atopic dermatitis, which everyone suffers from children to adults. The main symptom is itchy, dry, irritated, and red. The skin will become fluid, small and yellowish when there is an infection. If a person is suffering from eczema, then the person has a family history of allergy.
Hives are the red bumps you will see on your body. It is also known as acute urticaria but does not stay for more than six weeks. If it is chronic, then it will go beyond six weeks. It happens due to infection and allergens. But the real reason is still unknown.
Contact dermatitis appears when the skin comes in contact with an allergen or irritant. It causes itching, burning, and blisters. Excess exposure to the water can also cause the same. It comes from the metal reaction as well.
Where to get treatment?
If the home remedy is not working correctly, then it is better that you must visit Non-Emergency Clinic Lufkin. The doctor in the clinic will treat you and give you the best medicine, both oral medicine and application on skin medicine, so that you can get back to your normal skin and all the rashes go away.
For more details, contact us at 9362994138. Also you can visit our clinic situated at 2109 East Denman Avenue Lufkin TX, United States.
Kindly visit our official site: https://www.hopequickcare.com/
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aptacare-blog · 5 years
Urticaria commonly known as hives, weals, welts or nettle rash is an allergic condition where the skin appears to be itchy with rashes. It may appear to a definite part of the body or spread across a larger area.
The disease affects 20% of people at some time in their lives. Urticaria is not a contagious disease. Whenever an allergic reaction occurs, the body releases a protein called histamine. When histamine is released into the blood, the tiny capillaries (blood vessels) leak the fluid. This fluid accumulates in the skin results in causing rashes.
In some rare cases, Urticaria is also known as vasculitis, which causes the blood vessel to be inflamed. In these cases, the rashes persist more than 24hrs, they are more painful and most of the time leave bruises.
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healthfreakscure · 4 years
URTICARIA|Home remedies for hives| Urticaria treatment [2020]
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drnarendrachahal · 3 years
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Urticaria is also recommended as hives and is a regular skin issue accomplished by unfathomably intriguing responses with regards to one's skin. Every so often, the causes might be non-unfairly defenseless moreover. It can cause disturbing bangs and developing that can be either red or skin-formed. They can similarly make an eating up upheaval in the affected region and can cause muscle bothering. There are different drugs accessible, at any rate these can be limited by some key home remedies for Urticaria.
Below is A list Of Effective Home Remedies For Urticaria That Will Help You To Get Better Relief!
Cold Compress: A sickness pack is the most ideal approach to manage supervise screen the urticaria signs. The temperature can help contract the veins and can upset further making and consuming sensations. To utilize this .. Read More!
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drmeghamodi · 6 years
Common skin conditions encountered by the dermatologist in Vasundhara
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Dermatologist in Vasundhara
As a dermatologist in Vasundhara, we come across a wide range of skin conditions which people want to get rid of. Amongst these, there are a few conditions which we encounter more often than not, because these are the conditions which commonly trouble people. And we believe that a little extra knowledge regarding these common conditions will help people understand it better and allow them to deal with it in a specific manner, instead of trying various methods which may or may not succeed. These common skin conditions include:
It is by far the commonest skin conditions that people world over complain about. This is a condition where the hair follicles present in your skin become clogged up with dead cells and oil, giving rise to various presentations such as pimples, whiteheads and blackheads. It is not necessary that this condition affects only the skin of the face, because hair follicles are present all over the body, but the oiliest areas of the body tend to be the skin of the face, chest and upper back, therefore it can commonly be seen in these areas. The dermatologist in Vasundhara offers you a variety of treatment options that can help you get rid of stubborn acne from your skin.
Although this condition may clear up with self-care and home remedies for some people, others may require specialist treatment in order to help them clear up their skin.
Pigmentation disorders:
Hyperpigmentation and hypopigmentation are two problems which most people fear, because they either give you dark colored patches on your skin or light colored patches on your skin, both of which are very obvious and for most people very unsightly. Such conditions include melisma, post inflammatory pigmentation, freckles and lentigenes. Hyperpigmentation results from the deposition of excessive amounts of melanin on your skin, and as a dermatologist in Vasundhara we can help you get rid of these blemishes, using a wide variety of treatment options. Vitiligo is condition that brings about the development of hypo pigmented patches, and even though most people think it to be contagious and untreatable, it neither of those. With advances in dermatological treatments, even vitiligo can be managed by your dermatologist in Vasundhara.
Stretch marks:
This problem is also becoming increasingly common in the modern times, because more and more people are concerned with weight loss, and you see many people undergoing dramatic weight loss during a short span of time. Although stretch marks will be seen with both weight loss and weight gain, it is more obvious with weight loss. This can rapidly lead to wrinkling and sagging of skin. And if you are looking for ways and means of making your skin look younger, then head over to the dermatologist in Vasundhara for the right solutions.
Eczema/Urticaria/Skin Allergies:
Commonly affects children, and gives rise red, inflamed patches of skin which is itchy and begins to ooze when there is flare up. Eczema is a chronic condition whereas urticarial and allergies tend to be more short lives reactions. They can be difficult to live with, especially since they are itchy, but there are treatment options available in order to either reduce the level of discomfort or cure it altogether.
Is a chronic condition where you develop dry scaly patches dispersed across your skin. Again psoriasis can be very unsightly, the reason behind why people want a cure from it. Since it affects the skin of the scalp as well, it can lead to hair loss, which again psychologically affects the individual.
We have come to realize that even though these conditions are common, most people don’t know a lot about them. Hopefully this helps to give you a better idea of what you are dealing with.
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ayurvedasifa · 2 months
Skin Allergy Home Remedy Treatment
Skin allergies are a common issue affecting millions of people worldwide. The discomfort and irritation they cause can significantly impact daily life. Thankfully, many effective home remedies can alleviate these symptoms and promote skin health. Skin Allergy Home Remedy Treatment. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore various natural treatments for skin allergies, providing you with actionable advice to soothe your skin and enhance your well-being.
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Understanding Skin Allergies
Skin allergies occur when the immune system reacts to a substance that is typically harmless. These allergens can include pollen, pet dander, certain foods, and even skincare products. Symptoms often manifest as itching, redness, swelling, and rashes.
Common Types of Skin Allergies
Eczema (Atopic Dermatitis)
Contact Dermatitis
Hives (Urticaria)
Identifying the Allergen
The first step in treating a skin allergy is identifying the allergen causing the reaction. Maintaining a diary of your activities, diet, and any products you use can help pinpoint the culprit. Skin Allergy Home Remedy Treatment. Once identified, avoid exposure to this allergen to prevent future reactions.
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tech-good-health · 3 years
Cold Urticaria: 4 Major Symptoms, Diet, & Treatment at Home
Cold urticaria is a type of allergy that arises within moments of being exposed to the cold. Reddish, irritating welts appear on the affected area (hives).
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Cold urticaria causes a wide range of symptoms in its victims. Some people have modest cold reactions, some have severe ones. Swimming in cold water can cause low blood pressure, dizziness, or panic in some patients with this illness.
Symptoms of Cold Urticaria:
The most prevalent clinical symptoms in patients with cold urticaria are listed below. These characteristics may differ from individual to individual. Symptoms can range from moderate to extreme, and some people will get more than others. This list doesn't really have all of the symptoms or characteristics associated with this illness.
The following are some of the signs and symptoms of Cold Urticaria:
After being exposed to the cold, a rash appears that is red and irritating.
Swelling in the cold-exposed area.
A severe allergic reaction can occur (anaphylaxis).
Cold urticaria is most common in young people, but it can strike anybody at any age. Women are more likely to have it than males. Symptoms often occur 5-10 minutes after exposure to the cold and continue 1-2 hours.
A small number of patients develop really severe responses, which might include difficulty breathing, shock, or passing out. Cold urticaria may fade away after a few years in some people.
Cold Urticaria Autoimmune:
A disorder in which your immune cells wrongly target your body refers to an autoimmune disorder.
Usually, the immune system protects us against pathogens such as bacteria and viruses. It sends out its army of fighter cells to destroy these foreign invaders when it detects them.
Generally, your immune system begins to distinguish between alien and native cells.
Cold Urticaria Diet:
People suffering from this should go for an Antihistamine diet:
Because many persons with CU respond effectively to antihistamine drugs, increased amounts of histamine may play a crucial role in the disorder. However, for the 40% of individuals who don't respond to antihistamines, an antihistamine diet could be a good route.
Also Read: Skin Cancers: Types, Causes, Prevention, Risk & 9 Treatments
Foods recommended to eat:
Go for vegetables most of the time.
Eat fresh meat.
You can eat meat.
Go for Pasta.
Have rice.
Consume dairy products other than cheese and yogurt.
You can have certain fresh fish, like salmon, cod, trout, etc.
Foods to avoid or stay away from:
Say no to cheese.
Avoid yogurt.
Don’t have preserved meats.
Avoid fruits such as strawberries, cherries, etc.
Spinach, tomatoes, and eggplant are not recommended.
A big no to alcohol
Avoid fermented foods.
Don’t have fast food.
Avoid canned, frozen, smoked fish.
Avoid intake of spices and seasonings such as chili flakes, cloves, etc.
Pseudoallergen elimination diet:
Even though an individual's food intolerances are negative, they may be hypersensitive or allergic to certain foods. Eating these pseudo allergens might cause symptoms that are similar to those of a true allergic response, such as hives.
In light of this, some specialists may advise CU patients to try a pseudo allergen elimination diet. This entails avoiding probable pseudo allergens for a few weeks and then gradually reintroduce them. Pseudoallergens include the following:
The food additives.
Histamine-rich diet.
Spices and natural substances in fruits and vegetables.
Cold Urticaria Death:
It can be fatal, causing anaphylaxis and death when significant sections of skin are exposed to cold, such as diving into ice water or freezing during neurosurgical and cardiothoracic surgeries.
Cold Urticaria Treatment:
Cold urticaria can go away on its own in some people after weeks or months. It works better in some people than it does in others. While there is no cure for the disease, medication, and prevention can help.
Your doctor may suggest you attempt natural remedies to minimize or relieve symptoms, such as taking over-the-counter antihistamines and limiting cold exposure. If something doesn't work, you might need to see a doctor.
Cold Urticaria Treatment at Home:
Keeping yourself warm: In the winter, minimize long journeys and, if you leave home, cover up as much of your uncovered skin as possible.
Other triggers must be identified and avoided: If your skin is sensitive during the winter, consider that dryness, the items you wear (for example, wool), and even your fabric conditioner or detergent could all be contributing factors.
Take your medications on time: Taking your medications on time has a great contribution to treating the problem.
Baths with uncooked oats: A cup of raw oatmeal in a bath can help relieve irritation and soreness. Make sure you're taking a warm bath. If the water is excessively cold, the irritation and swelling will persist.
Aloe vera lotion contains vitamin E, which your body requires to maintain good health. It might also help to relieve the itching caused by your hives.
Cold Urticaria Prevention:
Avoiding contact with cold temperatures is the greatest method to avoid cold urticaria and a serious allergic reaction to cold. This, however, is not always feasible.
There are a few things you may do to lessen your chances of experiencing symptoms, such as:
Warm jackets, hats, gloves, and scarves should all be worn during the winter months. Move out and expose your skin to the cold as necessary.
Check the temperature of the water before immersing yourself in it, and stay away from freezing water. If you prefer swimming in pools, even in hot weather, seek one that is heated.
Warm water for bathing and showering.
Drinks that are ambient temperature and do not include ice should be consumed.
Ice cream and other frozen sweets should be avoided.
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A reaction to being exposed to the cold could be a sign of an allergy. Visit your physician on how to manage cold urticaria in the future to minimize unpleasant side effects. CU may go away on its own after a few years. Consult your doctor if your situation does not improve.
They can help you design a plan to avoid getting a cold as well as a medical assessment to assist you to control your symptoms.
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Why Does My Skin Itch After I Shower
New Post has been published on https://skin-care-routine.com/skin-care-routine/why-does-my-skin-itch-after-i-shower/
Why Does My Skin Itch After I Shower
A. Why Does My Skin Itch After Taking A Shower?
Some people like to shower because they feel clean and refreshed. For others, however, bathing brings persistent and irritating itching. Although it is uncommon for some, itching after a bath or shower is really common. There are several conditions that can cause itching after a hot shower. Most of them are benign, while others can be dangerous.
1. Xerosis cutis
Dry skin affects people of all ages, but it is more common in the elderly. Cutis xerosis simply means that your skin is very dry. Xerosis is also known as winter itching because it usually occurs during the dry and cold winter months, due to repeated sauces and drying without moisturizer. Wetting the water for a long period of time removes the natural oil from the skin and irritates the skin that already lacks hydration. Itching usually occurs on the feet and legs, as these are the parts that have a lot of contact with water.
2. Colinergic urticaria
This is a form of hives caused by increased body temperature. The increase in body temperature can be caused by hot baths, exercises, spicy food and even strong emotions. The hives resemble a mosquito bite and usually group into larger hives over time. Like most other forms of hives, oral antihistamines can be used to treat it.
3. Aquatic urticaria
This is a rare form of hives that occurs when water comes in contact with the skin. People with aquagenic urticaria suffer just minutes after their skin is exposed to water, regardless of their temperature.
4. Idiopathic aquagenic prurite
It is a rare condition that causes itching without a rash after skin contact with water. As a result, you start to feel an itchy feeling after a shower. IAP is probably caused by the activation of the nervous system, with various chemicals being released by the nerves that are in the skin after contact with water.
5. Soap sensitivity
It is also possible that the soap you use can dry your skin while cleaning. Soaps that are aggressive to the skin may not cause or leave a noticeable rash, but they can leave a persistent itch after bathing. If the soap is not completely washed, soap residue can remain on the skin, which can cause itching and discomfort.
6. Hodgkin lymphoma
Hodgkin’s lymphoma is a cancer of the lymph nodes. People with this condition have enlarged lymph nodes in the neck, armpits, groin or chest. In addition to enlarged lymph nodes, it also causes symptoms throughout the body, such as weight loss, fever, night sweats and itching.
7. Itic prevention
Here are some ways and tips you can use to prevent or treat itching, if it does:
Moisturize your skin while it is still moist to block the moisture in your skin barrier
Use hypoallergenic soaps, moisturizers and even clothes
Take shorter showers that are not too hot
Dry the skin instead of rubbing it with a towel
Use anti-itch creams and sodas recommended by the doctor, such as menthol or calamine lotion in the itchy areas
Consider using essential oils, but check with your dermatologist first if you have any specific allergies to essential oils
To stay hydrated, drink 8 glasses or more of water a day
  B. 6 Reasons Why You Itch After Taking a Shower
We all saw it. After a long hot bath in the cold winter months, your skin itches slightly after drying and dressing. For most of us, this symptom is mild, lasts a few minutes, and is related to dry skin caused by cold, dry air and long, hot showers.
For some people, itching after bathing can be chronic, intense and even debilitating. There are several conditions that can cause itching after hot baths – most are benign, while others can be dangerous.
Anyone with unexplained itching, especially after a hot shower, should see their doctor for a thorough examination, as some conditions that cause this symptom can be dangerous and even fatal.
1. Xerose
Dry skin affects people of all ages, but it is particularly common in the elderly. Dry, irritated and itchy skin is the hallmark of a number of skin conditions collectively known as eczema. Xerosis, also known as winter itchiness, is more common in the dry and cold winter months, when repeatedly wet and dry without a moisturizer. Symptoms include dry, itchy, scaly, red skin with painful cracks in the hands and feet.
2. Polycythemia Vera
Polycythemia vera (PV) is a bone marrow disease in which red blood cells are overproduced. People with PV have “thicker” blood as a result of this disease process. The symptoms of PV are headache, dizziness, blurred vision, chest pain, bleeding, blood clots, enlarged liver and spleen and “reddish” skin (redness of the face). This condition can be excluded by means of a simple blood count.
3. Hodgkin’s lymphoma
Hodgkin’s lymphoma is a cancer of the lymph nodes. People with this type of cancer have enlarged lymph nodes in the neck, armpits, groin or chest. In addition to enlarged lymph nodes, Hodgkin’s lymphoma can cause symptoms throughout the body, including weight loss, fever, night sweats and itching Hodgkin’s lymphoma can be checked for enlarged lymph nodes by x-rays or by biopsy of an enlarged lymph node.
4. Cholinergic urticaria
Cholinergic urticaria is a form of hives caused by increased body temperature. The increase in body temperature may be due to hot baths, exercise, spicy food or excessive blankets in bed at night. Strong emotions can also cause hives in people with cholinergic urticaria. Hives for cholinergic urticaria are classically accurate and smaller than a mosquito bite. Over time, they can come together to form larger hives or grow together. Occasionally, cholinergic urticaria can be associated with more severe symptoms, including symptoms of asthma and low blood pressure.
5. Aquagenic urticaria
Aquagenic urticaria is a very rare form of urticaria, caused by water contact with the skin.5 People affected by it develop hives within minutes of contact with water on the skin, regardless of the water temperature. It is not known why this happens, although some researchers believe that water allows a certain skin protein to dissolve in water and that the dissolved protein can reach deeper layers of the skin, where an allergic reaction occurs.
The diagnosis of aquagenic urticaria consists of simply placing a drop of water at room temperature on the skin and observing the formation of a hive in a few minutes. Aquagenic urticaria, like most other forms of urticaria, can be easily treated with oral antihistamines.
6. Idiopathic aquagenic pruritus
Idiopathic aquagenic pruritus (IPA) is a rare condition that causes itching without a rash after a person’s skin comes into contact with water.6 IPA is probably caused by the activation of the nervous system, in which various chemicals are released by the nerves of the skin after contact with water.
  C. Itching After a Shower: Why It Happens and How to Treat It
For some people, bathing has an unpleasant side effect: irritating and persistent itching.
Itching after a bath or shower is not uncommon. It can be caused by dry skin or other skin conditions. Read on to find out why your skin itches after a shower.
1. What causes itchy skin after bathing?
There are several culprits that can be the cause of itchy skin after bathing. Some are more common than others.
a. Xerose cutis
“Xerose cutis” simply means that your skin is very dry. Dipping your skin in hot water for long periods of time can rid your skin of its natural oils and irritate skin that already lacks moisture. This sometimes causes itching after a shower. Most of the time, itching can appear on the feet or legs because these parts of the body are in close contact with water.
b. Soap sensitivities
It is possible that the soap you use will dry your skin while you clean it. The rough soap does not always leave a rash on the skin, but it can cause a persistent itch after bathing. Failure to wash all soap residue from the skin after bathing can also cause itching and discomfort.
c. Aquagenic itch
With this condition, the nervous system can be activated by water on the skin. As a result, itches after a shower. This condition is rare and, if you have it, you probably already know it. Aquagene Itching causes severe itching after any contact with water, including washing your hands and entering the pool.
2. Itching after bath treatment
If the itching persists after bathing, consider using a home remedy for treatment. Here are some ways to prevent or treat itching, if it does:
Dry instead of wiping. Rubbing the skin with a towel after bathing can remove moisture from the skin. Do not try to remove all drops of water from your skin. Instead, dry the skin with the towel after washing it.
Moisturize your skin while it is still moist. Applying a moisturizer to your slightly damp skin will help block moisture in the skin barrier. Opt for a fragrance-free hypoallergenic moisturizer. If you have acne-prone skin, consider using one that is “oil-free”. For an added cooling benefit, store the moisturizer in the refrigerator before applying it.
Change your soaps. If after a bath you have repeated itching without rashes, it may be time to change the soap. Look for a soap with mild, hypoallergenic ingredients. Moisturizing soap has been found to have a beneficial effect in reducing symptoms of dry skin.
Change your bathing routine. If you take long, steaming baths, your skin may become dry. Taking shorter showers, which are not very hot and decrease quickly to a warm temperature, can make your skin healthier and less itchy.
Try a soda after a shower. The American Academy of Dermatologists recommends using menthol or calamine lotion in the area of ​​itching and irritation.
Anti-itch creams that contain lactic acid can be used to relieve itchy dry skin and to keep moisture in the skin. Pramoxin hydrochloride is another promising ingredient that Trusted Source has been shown to reduce itching caused by dry skin. Note that over-the-counter creams used to relieve inflammation-related itching symptoms, such as topical corticosteroids, generally do not work against itchiness caused only by dry skin.
Consider essential oils as part of your bathing routine. You can use essential oils to prevent or treat itching.
Dilute the essential oil you have chosen. The oil should be diluted with a soothing carrier oil, such as sweet almond oil or jojoba oil, before being applied to irritated skin. Peppermint, chamomile, tea tree and pink geranium have potential benefits to soothe dry and itchy skin.
Drink more water. Dehydration can cause dry skin. In general, be sure to drink eight cups of water (or more!) Daily to keep your body properly hydrated.
3. Summary
Itching after a shower is not uncommon. Fortunately, simple changes to the bathing routine can often correct the underlying problems that cause itching. However, if the itching symptoms do not subside within an hour or two after showering, or if you continue to experience itching even after trying home remedies, consult your doctor. There are rare cases where itching can be an indication of a serious health problem, such as liver disease or Hodgkin’s lymphoma. So don’t ignore the symptoms of persistent itching.
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homeremedyhacks · 6 years
22 Proven Home Remedies to Get Rid of Hives https://goo.gl/r6yQzk #Urticaria #Hives
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twachaaclinicworld · 4 years
Common skin conditions encountered by the dermatologist in Vasundhara
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As a dermatologist in Vasundhara, we come across a wide range of skin conditions which people want to get rid of. Amongst these, there are a few conditions which we encounter more often than not, because these are the conditions which commonly trouble people. And we believe that a little extra knowledge regarding these common conditions will help people understand it better and allow them to deal with it in a specific manner, instead of trying various methods which may or may not succeed. These common skin conditions include:
It is by far the commonest skin conditions that people world over complain about. This is a condition where the hair follicles present in your skin become clogged up with dead cells and oil, giving rise to various presentations such as pimples, whiteheads and blackheads. It is not necessary that this condition affects only the skin of the face, because hair follicles are present all over the body, but the oiliest areas of the body tend to be the skin of the face, chest and upper back, therefore it can commonly be seen in these areas. The dermatologist in Vasundhara offers you a variety of treatment options that can help you get rid of stubborn acne from your skin.
Although this condition may clear up with self-care and home remedies for some people, others may require specialist treatment in order to help them clear up their skin.
Pigmentation disorders:
Hyperpigmentation and hypopigmentation are two problems which most people fear, because they either give you dark colored patches on your skin or light colored patches on your skin, both of which are very obvious and for most people very unsightly. Such conditions include melisma, post inflammatory pigmentation, freckles and lentigenes. Hyperpigmentation results from the deposition of excessive amounts of melanin on your skin, and as a dermatologist in Vasundhara we can help you get rid of these blemishes, using a wide variety of treatment options. Vitiligo is condition that brings about the development of hypo pigmented patches, and even though most people think it to be contagious and untreatable, it neither of those. With advances in dermatological treatments, even vitiligo can be managed by your dermatologist in Vasundhara.
Stretch marks:
This problem is also becoming increasingly common in the modern times, because more and more people are concerned with weight loss, and you see many people undergoing dramatic weight loss during a short span of time. Although stretch marks will be seen with both weight loss and weight gain, it is more obvious with weight loss. This can rapidly lead to wrinkling and sagging of skin. And if you are looking for ways and means of making your skin look younger, then head over to the dermatologist in Vasundhara for the right solutions.
Eczema/Urticaria/Skin Allergies:
Commonly affects children, and gives rise red, inflamed patches of skin which is itchy and begins to ooze when there is flare up. Eczema is a chronic condition whereas urticarial and allergies tend to be more short lives reactions. They can be difficult to live with, especially since they are itchy, but there are treatment options available in order to either reduce the level of discomfort or cure it altogether.
Is a chronic condition where you develop dry scaly patches dispersed across your skin. Again psoriasis can be very unsightly, the reason behind why people want a cure from it. Since it affects the skin of the scalp as well, it can lead to hair loss, which again psychologically affects the individual.
We have come to realize that even though these conditions are common, most people don’t know a lot about them. Hopefully this helps to give you a better idea of what you are dealing with.
Tags = Best Skin Doctor in Vasundhara, Skin Specialist in Vasundhara, Dermatologist in Vasundhara
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