#chronic urticaria
beetlecakes · 1 month
Being chronically ill and 20 is crazy bc why tf is going to Walmart for groceries so debilitating. I was in those aisles trying not to pass out😭😭
Like it’s so bad I can’t even concentrate to write
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duality-disability · 7 months
Update to our allergist/'throw a medication at it' post:
We had a follow up today, increasing the allegra we take but if it doesn't work by next week; We've 'failed the treatment' and will be perscribed a monthly injection called Xolair.
Only issue is: Xolair has a tiny chance to cause.. anaphalatic shock.
So we were perscribed an epipen to bring with us to every injection if we start it.
+ in the notes of our appointment, there was mention that our "symptoms and timeline match up with that of chronic spontanous urticaria"; which ig is our unofficial diagnosis, despite our hives having known triggers (cold, skin pressure, stress)
Also! We were told it looks like we could be getting scarring from these hives, which would be.. fuckin lovely.
yall i'm so tired.
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Having a urticaria flair for the first time in years and I’m miserable. I’ve taken double doses of everything I can, taken Benadryl and nothing is touching it. Luckily it started just before my last appointment with the Dr I see about it so she’s aware, but this is so miserable. I’m working the next four days in a row too so I can’t even fall back on Benadryl.
I’ll be sending my Dr a message at the beginning of next week if it’s still going on, but I really don’t know what else to do. I used to be on a steroid prn because it was really good at shutting down hives, but that’s my last resort as I’m Diabetic too and it shoots my blood sugar up crazy high for 18 hrs afterwards.
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teddynotthebear · 1 year
hey fam, your hives ever be so bad you convince yourself you’re being punished by god for misdeeds in a past life
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redtail-lol · 1 year
I'm diagnosing myself. With... Chronic spontaneous idiopathic urticaria (chronic spontaneous hives) because literally every 2 or 3 days I break out in hives on my arm and it's always my right arm always near my wrist. There's literally no unifying factor in these breakouts other than where it happens and what the hives look like (clusters of slowly growing skin-colored bumps) oh and obviously the itch. Ergo, there's nothing to pin as the cause. No allergen. It just happens. Fuck me
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glitch-whore · 3 months
Happy disability pride month to my fellow urticaria gremlins!!
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healthhub123 · 4 months
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dumbasswithapen · 8 months
can we just listen to Disabled people when they say what accommodations they need??? Like it really isn’t that hard to just take someone’s word on what is best for their own body! Whether it’s more or less or different than what you deem they need it really isn’t your place to say!!!
Sometimes, people need more than they show! Especially if they’re used to being in pain all the time, then they won’t always display that discomfort.
Sometimes the accommodations someone needs are different than what you assume. A friend who struggles with noise sensitivity may ask for you to turn on a different type of music, instead of turning it down, and if that is what they express they need you don’t have to say “oh no I can just turn it down!” and ignore them saying that that isn’t necessary because your idea of noise sensitivity is different than their own experiences and needs.
And sometimes people need less than you try to provide! Or simply don’t want that accommodation at the time! And here’s the crazy part: this applies even if what they say to do could hurt them. Obviously this isn’t a rule for every situation*, but for some it absolutely is. If your friend wants to tag along for, say, a hike, and they have joint pain it isn’t your place to add in “oh no but they can’t do [the hike]! They’ll be in pain! We have to do something else to accommodate them!” If that person expressed a desire to go, especially if offered other options prior that wouldn’t hurt them, let them live. Let them do the thing that puts them in pain, because Disabled people don’t always want to be shoved into a little box of safety. Absolutely sometimes they do, and some might always want to, but if they don’t, then let them make their own choices for their body. Just as anyone else does. You go out and get drunk, even if it gives you a hangover. You go skating even if you’re shit at it and scratch up your knees a bunch. Just because someone is Disabled doesn’t mean that they can’t do the same thing and do that fun thing that hurts them.
I don’t know if I’m displaying my point how I want, so here’s my own example: I am allergic to the cold. Anything below 60 degrees (f) I get hives. Any water cooler than a fucking warm shower I get hives. My joints don’t do great when it’s cold out. This does not mean that when I say I want to go swimming, you can say “oh but you can’t you’ll get hives!” Or “no you can’t do that you’ll be in pain!” Because. I know that. I know that. I know my Disability better than anyone else can, and I can ask for accommodations I need. I am not a child to be wrapped in bubble wrap so I don’t get hurt. My body is my body and I can do with it what I want, and face the consequences. Likewise, just because I said I wanted to go swimming doesn’t mean that when I don’t want to go out and muck around in the snow it is anyone’s right to say “oh but you wanted to swim earlier, so obviously it isn’t that bad for you!” Or “oh it’s fine it’s not that cold! Just wear a sweater!” Because at that time I need and want different accommodations and that should be listened to and considered accordingly, as far as it can be in that situation.
Seriously. Just listen to us. We are in our own bodies. We know ourselves. It really isn’t that hard
*a situation where this point would be null is, for example, a situation where the person has been peer pressured into doing something, or one where you know the person well and know that the endurance of pain is a self-harming behavior
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thatchronicfeeling · 10 months
Medical Person: What are your symptoms? Disabled/Chronically Ill Person: This is a trap.
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xieliancore · 9 months
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icb i hadnt draw heterochromia!chuuya before???
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Being chronically ill is crazy because I’m essentially just living with multiple warning lights on my dashboard lit up but if an otherwise able bodied person suddenly had their body’s check engine light on they’d go into a coma
We built different
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cannibology · 5 months
temperature sensitivity is such an annoying part of my disability. what do you mean i can’t go out in colder weather or warmer weather because the cold gives me allergy-like symptoms that last for days and makes my hands stop working but the heat makes me lightheaded and headachey and too exhausted to think? what do you mean i can’t be in direct sunlight or direct contact with cold without breaking out in hives? why must i have the physical constitution of a sickly victorian boy?
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p0is0n-is-th3-cur3 · 10 months
me when the chronic illness makes me sick: 😱😱
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teddynotthebear · 1 year
ok, chronic hives homies. urticaria cuties. my weal-covered warriors. I come begging on my knees.
I have a doctors appointment with a new doctor tomorrow, and she hasn’t ordered an allergy test yet but based on past experience she is definitely going to (because apparently it’s so hard to believe that someone has hives that need treatment that aren’t caused by an allergen). Because of this, I’m avoiding antihistamines and other allergy meds (because when you go in for testing they don’t want you to take allergy meds for three days before the test). However, as I’m sure most of you understand, because of this I Am Itchy As Fuck And Cannot Sleep.
How do I get some sleep while also itching like a motherfucker and being unable to take meds for it? TIA
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I’m not gonna lie, I’m the type of person to sound like I’m literally dying over the most minor and mundane stuff.
*starts wheezing and coughing like a 70yr old smoker and sounding like a kazoo after laughing too hard*
“*wheeze* I’m *WHEEZE* fine *WHEEZE* I need my meds I’ll be *WHEEZE* fine.” (Actually I am not fine I just don’t like worrying people. But if I didn’t have my meds near me I’d be freaking the fuck out actually.)
*gets a bit too cold because I didn’t anticipate the weather changing so quickly.*
“oh. My hands are super cold and my arms and legs and I’m super itchy now. *looks diseased and about to die of chicken pox or something worse* guys I’m f-f-fine I just need to warm up and I-I-it will go away.”
*goes outside when there’s a high pollen count, or smoke or air pollutants of some kind*
“achanooie, I’m fine guys I’m just having allergies. *eyes literally go red and puffy and is dribbling snot out my nose.* I’m fine :)”
*randomly touches something or brushes against something.*
“Oh shit. What was it this time? *a small or big amount of hives starting to form* I must have touched something on the table I’m allergic to I gotta go wash my arm I’ll be back. *disappears to the back rooms and comes back* well idk what it was but I’m not touching anything else.”
life with chronic illness is fun.. yay
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nocherryblood · 10 months
Getting ready to clean up a room or something so you have to pull out these bad (as in, literally, because they don't cover half my arm) boys:
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