#urticaria images
healthhub123 · 4 months
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milksockets · 8 months
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'two striking images of dermatographic urticaria - an inflamed + itchy skin rash caused by scratching the skin. the large circular hives above + the disseminated blotches opposite are more typical expressions of urticaria; the cross-hatching + writing on the body were most likely produced with a needle or pencil.' in the sick rose: disease + the art of medical illustration - richard barnett (2014)
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asche237 · 3 months
Faded Memory
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Summary: You woke up but you don’t remember a single thing of your past. You don’t even know what you are or who you are. 
Tw: mentions of eating a dead body + slaughtering Reader speaking is blue
villager speaking is red
Pt 2 of - - - - > pt 1
You slowly open your eyes to see the sun’s rays hitting the floor from the window away from you. You get up and walk around until you find a mirror and you see that you do not look the same at all… You had a whole new appearance. The only thing you saw that was familiar was your white camellia flower hairpin and that was pretty much it. You felt weird, like as if you felt so much stronger but you couldn’t understand how. 
You found a window and you tried to reach out into the sun but ended up hissing in pain. The pain was very piercing and you saw your skin burn. However, you saw that your skin very quickly healed. You knew that no normal human would burn up unless they had solar urticaria, but even if someone did have that they wouldn’t heal up as quickly as you just did. You wondered and wondered what could have become of you but you just couldn’t think of anything. 
You started to feel hungry so you went into the kitchen and found some food. You tried to eat it but you threw it up so quickly. You couldn’t understand why you couldn’t eat but your priority right now was trying to get something to consume. The day seemed to just swing by because when you looked outside you saw it was nighttime. You decided to extend your hand out into the moonlight and you felt no burn or sting so you fully stepped out of your home. You saw that you were just fine and so you went back inside and decided to get a change of clothes before going outside and you walked down to the village and all you saw was bodies of the unlived. 
You couldn’t understand why everyone died but you couldn’t do anything. All of a sudden, you smelled something like blood and it fueled you and it made you so hungry. You started to drool as if you couldn’t resist eating the dead bodies. You decided to take a little bite of a human you found because maybe, just maybe, this will satisfy your hunger. You took a bite and you felt addicted so you kept eating away at the human. After you finished you felt that your hunger was actually satisfied. You then saw that the sun was rising so you were going to rush home until you realized your estate was too far. Your next best thing was to just run into a house and hide there. However, when you entered that random home you saw a villager, an alive villager, and you wondered how he was alive. The villager was trembling in fear as you walked towards him. “Please wait! you can’t kill us like how he did the others, please have mercy!” the villager says. You think for a second to wonder what this villager is speaking of. “What are you talking about? Who killed the other villagers?” you ask hoping this damn villager will put his fear aside and give you an answer. “It was Muzan! He slaughtered everyone!” You suddenly feel as if that name was familiar. “Muzan..” you said. It was like as if you remembered something but your mind just couldn’t think of an image or memory of that name. 
“Fine. I’ll show you mercy however I will be staying here with or without your permission because I cannot go out until night time. Do you understand?” You asked the villager. “Yes! Yes of course stay here as long as you like! Just please let me live!” you rolled your eyes. "Whatever" you mumbled
To be continued...
A/N: I posted this on my computer so sorry if its wonky or just doesn't look good.
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magpies4nights · 9 months
huh (Dev log # I'M ON 4?!!?!?!)
Hi guys! It’s me, @magpies4days on a different blog! That’s really the only promise I kept. Whoops. That’s why I don’t do promises. Anyways, since the last time I updated y'all, I passed all my finals and everything that was important. Yep, I passed my finals, which seems miraculous, because I accidentally studied the wrong study guide for my history exam and didn't really sleep enough the night before, and I got a 90 on it, which I'll be honest, that was the lowest grade I've ever gotten on a test in that class, but it's still an A so I won't cry about it. I turned in a really shitty essay too for one of my classes, but it seems that my professor didn’t actually read it because she gave me a 100 (ain’t gonna complain about that). I also procrastinated so hard on my graphic design final that I did it in like 3 hours and finished it 2 minutes before it was late. I still turned it in 5 minutes late because my computer decided it was funny to start acting up. Oh well, I passed that class, even for honor's standards. Normally I would be happy getting a B because I'd get a C and still celebrate but unfortunately I slayed too hard that my GPA was the minimum requirement for the Honor's organization to notice me. That's the Thinker in my Myers Briggs type showing baybee (JK JK I'm an INFP (unfortunately.)). Anyways, I’m on my winter break, and as much as I love getting breaks, god I forgot how much I hate summer and winter breaks. Summer breaks make me depressed because I have nothing to do, and winter breaks make me depressed because it’s literally the worst season of the year (cold weather (I have cold urticaria), dry air, less sun, the position of the sun is weird, and d3 barely does anything).
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Anyways, onto the actual dev stuff. I probably should’ve figured this out the moment I started my idea, but I found out that to export my game to Mac, I’d have to have a developer id and pay for it. Which now I understand why most indie devs never upload to Mac. Oh well. (Fun fact: Mac actually has a feature called BootCamp which lets you portion your hard drive to allow you to have a Windows driver (Be wise on your portioning though because it’s permanent). I found this out when I was 16 and trying to download Pizza Tower demos. Totally not saying that so you could play it on your “Mac,” *wink wink*).
I had to switch my dialog stuff from a script I found on the internet, to an add-on that most Godot devs use ( Dialogic). I know. I am awful. However, there is a reason to this, and it’s entirely because I am an idiot. I have experimented with how Godot exports JSONs, and as it turns out, the images nor the audio would load! The text would, but it’s just not the same, especially when the dialog box is supposed to change with the character speaking. While it could be something in my code that is causing this to happen, or I'm forgetting to export something else while checking off all the boxes, it still gives me a headache and I decided it was for the best to switch. I may not be able to code for now, but there may be a day when I can. Hopefully. I had to change the layout of the dialog stuff because Dialogic kinda makes it like a visual novel kinda thing. I decided to torture myself and make everyone have different heights. Don't worry, everyone has relatively normal heights. Except for mayyybe Sleepy Weepy. They're like 6'2 (which may mean there's some cutoff for their sprites).
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Aaaaanyways, enough about me suffering about dialog again. I’ve been working on the beginning and ending cutscene so that I can first torture everyone with 5 minutes of dialog in the beginning and then at the end music with text that may give people a hard time reading the lyrics. The animation isn’t done, but the text kinda is??? I’ll have to revise it like I have the past 56 times because my future self is hard to please, and I think everyone is out of character except Xandra.
Yeahhh, that’s about it so far. I made new music while I was being harassed with finals. Take a gander, but with your ears. Or don't, forcing you is unethical.
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Top 10 Sleepy Weepy of all time!!!!! (This is doesn't even make it in the honorable mentions)
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liu-lang · 1 year
day 3 & 4 - day 3 I rmbr’d to wake up for sahur but I didn’t take my day time allergy pill…I checked the weather and thought it was only drizzling but I went out around 14h and it was full on raining and I started to have an allergic rxn (felt like cold urticaria ?) The telltale sign is that it always starts on my legs and it ramps up very quickly to intense itching that makes my legs feel uncomfortably warm and welts will develop….so I had to break my fast in the middle of the sidewalk and take a pill 😞
day 4 I managed to fast the whole day but I was veryyyy sleepy ; I’m still trying to find anxiety drugs that work for me. Starting in Jan, at the recommendation of my oncologist, I got off SSRIs, worked with my psychiatrist to try Lamotrigine for a month (we had weekly appts) but in the end had to stop bc side effects that were typical for just starting the meds persisted and worsened when we increased the dose and she was concerned about Stevens–Johnson syndrome being triggered (would not recommend googling as there’s images of severe skin lesions). After the Lamotrigine failure my PCP recommended off-label use of Hydroxyzine for my anxiety. I’m only taking it as needed though at 5 mg once at night (back to pill cutting) bc it makes me super sleepy….which back to the start of this story, I was soooo sleepy on day 4 to the point of being unable to read on the train and almost missed my stop
anyway today is day 5 but I had my oncology appt today so I didn’t fast and after everything we tried for the last 2 months, today’s labs showed no improvement in the components of my CBC we were tracking so …I inevitably have to go the infusion route 🫠 time is a circle blah blah I cried so much ; they urgently wanted to start this week, as soon as Wednesday march 29, but I wanted more time to think and to try to have one more normal week so …the first one will be Friday …but now I réalised I double booked myself and I have to move my appt with my psychiatrist tt I usually have on Friday mornings …..at least I get to sit in Central Park after the infusion though and the weather will be nice …maybe I will see ppl walking their dogs in the morning too
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findusinaweek · 2 years
Everyone should have a therapist who is a nerd.
My therapist has told me "If you can't love yourself in this state right now try to find a fanfic with a character you love who is experiencing a similar state". She has made me read fanfics as homework multiple times. Once because I was spending hours daily beating myself up for being a failure she told me to find a fanfic where a character messes up and isn't mean or down in themselves but just let's it go and tries to do better. I have not quite found one of those yet (Steve Harrington from Stranger Things is the closest but only if he also has therapy and recognizes/accepts he is kind of an idiot).
I also wrote myself a little fanfic with Amanda from Dream Daddy because I needed comfort and my dad sucks but Dadsona is a wonderful father so that kind of fulfilled a need.
I'm working on the whole healing and not hating your inner child and really struggling with it. I know they/he/she (I think of different ages of myself as different genders and I don't want to explain that here) exists in me and I know I mentally cut them off from me. And I've learned that if I can't be nice to myself I can be nice to other characters. Right now I'm stuck on Deimos (AC Odyssey). Deimos also experiences being in a cult as a child and trauma and neglect and a shattered self image. Deimos becomes a monster of a person, one that I think many people in such horrible circumstances could allow themselves to be. So I'm drafting out a minicomic (who knows if I'll make it but its the planning that counts ) where Deimos listens to their inner child. If you can't trust yourself now maybe you can trust the child from when all those hard bits became your truth.
Was in the middle of a crisis where I didn't feel...right. Safe? I can't really explain the details. I know what I have to do to get myself into a better situation but I've been unwillingness to do it. It doesn't feel acceptable or possible. My therapist had the gall to tell me that it's what Brasidas (AC Odyssey/RL historical figure) would want. Uhm excuse me? You don't know what famed deceased Ancient Man and love of my life would want for me? But would the Brasidas I've built in my mind from Assassins' Creed Odyssey and history books and fanfics and so on and so forth want me to live in a constant state of distraught? No. I think it's Plutarch who mentions a story where he gets bit by a mouse and says "there is nothing so little but it may preserve itself" and uh that sustains me sometimes. I think he would expect me to do everything in my power to make my life a safe and free experience.
Also I've talked at length about video games with my therapist and how although they are not always the best coping mechanism they can help fulfill a need. I really like survival games like The Long Dark, where there is nothing supernatural, just the cold and nature to fight against. It allows me to narrow down my brain to the thought of water, food, comfort, safety and sometimes that's helpful in a bout of anxiety. It helps me remember that bigger things will pass. I just need to keep myself fed and watered and safe from the cold. The developers also say not to use it as a survival manual but I have cold urticaria and also I'm forgetful so in the winter sometimes I ask myself if my outfit would keep Mackenzie warm enough and that's how I decide how safe I will be. Self care for Mackenzie is self care for me.
Also Just being told by another adult that it's ok to just allow yourself to enjoy things? Even if they seem silly or childish? It's nice.
She understood what I was talking about when I described how the portrayal of mental health in The Magicians helped me (especially Quentin) and validated my feelings.
It's lovely to not have to censor or change your daily way of speaking when in therapy. If the person understands your slang/what you are talking about when you describe your day to day life it's just very nice.
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teachingrounds · 4 months
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A "contrast reaction" is to be distinguished from a "toxicity." Toxicities includes entities such as thyrotoxicosis, contrast-induced nephropathy, or nephrogenic systemic fibrosis.
Contrast reactions are acute to subacute reactions to contrast media administration. When contrast reactions occur they should be classified by type and severity. Allergic-type reactions include hives, pruritis, cutaneous edema, bronchospasm, laryngeal edema, and anaphylaxis. Physiologic reactions include nausea/vomiting, headache, vasovagal reaction, hypertensive urgency/emergency, arrhythmia and seizure.
Most severe reactions occur within 20 minutes of injection, although anaphylaxis can occur up to ~4 hours afterward. Mild reactions (esp. hives) can be delayed.
Image depicts a patient with diffuse drug-induced urticaria.
Source: Choo, et al. Drug-induced Urticaria. From "Drug Eruptions," Springer, 2022.
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crimsonzia · 3 months
was wooyoung poorly or smth? :c
I'm not sure what you mean by poorly but he's receiving treatments for the condition he has to deal with :')
images of the news and what cholinergic urticaria is if that helps!
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I'm so sorry if I didn't get what you mean by that let alone the answers we only have/we got! 😭
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virtue-boy · 9 months
"D. moroides is notorious for its extremely painful sting which may leave victims suffering for weeks or even months. It is reputed to be the most venomous plant in Australia, if not the world.[10][16][17] After contact with the plant the victim will feel an immediate severe burning and stinging at the site of contact, which then intensifies further over the next 20 to 30 minutes and will last from hours to several days before subsiding.[3][17][20] During this time the victim may get little sleep because of the intensity of the pain.[3] In severe cases it may cause urticaria, and the lymph glands under the arms may swell and become painful,[3][17][20] and there have been rare cases of hospitalisation.[15][16][17][21]
"Very fine, brittle hairs called trichomes are loaded with toxins and cover the entire plant; even the slightest touch will embed them in the skin. Electron micrograph images[20][22] show that they are similar to a hypodermic needle in being very sharp-pointed and hollow.[23][24] Additionally, it has been shown that there is a structurally weak point near the tip of the hair, which acts as a pre-set fracture line.[9][24][25] When it enters the skin the hair fractures at this point, allowing the contents of the trichome to be injected into the victim's tissues.[17][20][24][26]
The trichomes stay in the skin for up to a year, and release the toxin cocktail into the body during triggering events such as touching the affected area, contact with water, or temperature changes.[9][17][23] Ernie Rider, a conservation officer with the Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service,[16] was slapped in the face and torso with the foliage in 1963, and said:
For two or three days the pain was almost unbearable; I couldn't work or sleep... I remember it feeling like there were giant hands trying to squash my chest... then it was pretty bad pain for another fortnight or so. The stinging persisted for two years and recurred every time I had a cold shower...There's nothing to rival it; it's ten times worse than anything else.[16]
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ronaldanthony4 · 1 year
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I recently embarked on a creative journey that led me to craft a brand new digital artwork, and this time, it revolved around one of my beloved original characters, Liliana. The muse for this piece was Liliana herself, captured in a half-body portrait as she gracefully donned her delicate, white, spaghetti-strapped sleepwear. The image portrayed her in a tender and affectionate pose, as if she were posing solely for me, Arlon, to immortalise through the lens of my imagination.
In my imaginative narrative, I envisioned Arlon, the protagonist of my creative universe, as the one behind the camera, capturing Liliana's ethereal beauty. It was as though Arlon and Liliana had come to life in the digital canvas, bringing a piece of my artistic vision into existence. Her eyes sparkled with a hint of mischief, inviting the viewer to explore the depths of her captivating soul. As I continued to paint this portrait scene with words, I couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude for the power of imagination, allowing me to create a world where love and beauty intertwine effortlessly.
The inspiration for this artwork was not confined solely to the boundaries of my imagination; it was also deeply influenced by a remarkable AI-generated artwork that had found its way into my collection. The fusion of my own creative spirit with the wonders of artificial intelligence had given birth to a unique piece that I was eager to bring to life. As I embarked on the process of bringing my artwork to life, I couldn't help but marvel at the endless possibilities that emerged from the collaboration between human creativity and AI technology. The AI-generated artwork had sparked a new wave of inspiration within me, pushing the boundaries of what I thought was possible in my own artistic journey.
The creation of this artwork was not without its challenges. I found myself immersed in the creative process for two whole days, each moment dedicated to perfecting every stroke, shade, and detail that would breathe life into Liliana's portrayal. As I delved deeper into the project, I realised that AI technology not only enhanced my artistic abilities but also opened up a world of endless experimentation. However, these days were not just marked by artistic dedication; they were also shadowed by a physical discomfort that I could not ignore.
As I meticulously crafted Liliana's image on my digital canvas, I was simultaneously battling a relentless adversary – itchy hives, or urticaria, that had taken residence on my limbs. It was as if my own body rebelled against me, protesting my intense focus on my creative pursuits. But as an artist, I was no stranger to adversity. I pressed on, fuelled by my passion for art and my determination to see Liliana's portrait come to fruition. I took short breaks to alleviate the discomfort, applying soothing menthol creams and taking antihistamines, but my determination remained unwavering. The hives served as a constant reminder of the challenges I had overcome in the past, fuelling my motivation to conquer this one as well.
The urticaria, though persistent, became background noise to the symphony of creativity that enveloped me. With each brushstroke, I poured a piece of my soul into the artwork, infusing it with the emotions and essence that defined Liliana as a character. Her tender gaze, the softness of her sleepwear, and the love that radiated from her pose all took shape under my artistic hand. As I continued to paint, I found solace in the process, as if the act of creation itself was a form of healing. The urticaria may have been a constant presence, but it couldn't dampen my spirit or my determination to bring Liliana to life on the canvas.
I oscillated between the physical discomfort of my condition and the exhilaration of creation. There was a peculiar synergy between the two – the irritation of my skin almost seemed to fuel my artistic fire, pushing me to pour even more of myself into the artwork. It was a testament to the transformative power of art, how it could transcend physical boundaries and become a vehicle for self-expression and resilience. As I meticulously painted each stroke, I could feel my pain dissipating, replaced by a sense of purpose and accomplishment. The artwork became a symbol of my ability to overcome adversity and find solace in the act of creation.
As the final brushstroke fell into place, I couldn't help but feel a profound sense of accomplishment. Despite the challenges that had accompanied this creative endeavour, I had emerged victorious, both as an artist and as an individual. Liliana's portrait, born from the fusion of my creativity and AI inspiration, stood as a testament to my artistic journey and my unwavering dedication to my craft. The intricate details and vibrant colours captured the essence of Liliana's spirit, leaving a lasting impression on anyone who beheld it. It was a reminder that through perseverance and the power of imagination, we can transcend any obstacle and create something truly extraordinary.
In conclusion, my artistic odyssey had led me to create a digital masterpiece, a portrait of Liliana that embodied both her character and my own resilience as an artist. The itch of urticaria had been no match for the burning passion that fuelled my creativity, and in the end, it had only served to make the artwork more meaningful. This journey had reaffirmed my belief in the transformative power of art and its ability to transcend physical discomfort and adversity. As I gazed upon Liliana's portrait, I couldn't help but smile, knowing that it was a testament to the enduring bond between an artist and their craft, a bond that could overcome any obstacle in its pursuit of creative expression.
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valgasnewsthings · 2 years
Deaf nettle benefit.
 Lamium album is a plant not relating to Nettle diclinous, are different families, but they are both are benefit for human. Lamium is useful families to labia, and in this family all herbs using in human at kitchen, and in healing. And deaf calling her, that she is not burning, that a nettle diclinous.  And this beautiful nettle blooming beautiful,  the best honey plant.And not remove her as weed in your garden, leave her for bees, and prepare and cook from her taste and benefit tea.
Flowers are base using in therapy, they are having abundant mucus, tannins, saponins, flavonoids, choline, histamine, alkaloid thiamine.  And from vitamins are vitamin C ,  in leafs are 15 perc. for carotene. And for organism effect as ant inflammation, anti seizure, calming, astringent, diuretic, blood stopping, and dilutes phlegm, weak calming effect.
And in medicine flowers infusion using in ache menses, destroys, spasms urinary bladder, inflammation for kidney pelvis and nephritis, lung tuberculosis, bronchitis, scrofula, skin diseases, diarrhoea, infusion, powder of corollas using externally in injures, eczema, urticaria, exudative diathesis, wounds, burns. Flowers and herb infusion are using in itching rashes and ulcers. Juice of leafs, flowers use internally and externally in children s diathesis, boils, skin itches. Flowers infusion for gargle throat, as in angina anti inflammation. Flowers enters in herbs which helping in allergy dermatitis, psoriasis, ulcers.
One tbl.sp. flowers or dried chopped leafs of lamium white, cook in glass for the hot water, infuse hour, filter, use 1/3 glass for 4 times/day before meal as in insomnia, hysteria, nervousness high, allergy displays, as urticaria, boils.
4-6 tra.sp. flowers adding in 2 glasses for the hot water, infuse hour, filter, use 1/3 glass for three times/day before meal in urinary bladder diseases and urinary ways, gastrointestinal highway, diarrhoea, bronchitis, asthma .
3 tbl.sp. fl. lamium adding in 0.5 l. of vodka, infuse week in warm place, filter, use on 30 drops for 3 times/day before meal, dilute in 100 ml. of water.
One tbl.sp. flowers adding in glass of hot water, infuse 30 min, filter, gargle throat and mouth cavity for 4 times/day after meal in angina, stomatitis, teeth ache.
6 tbl.sp. dried flowers of lamium, lead till boiling in one l. of water, boil 5 min. Turn off fire, infuse till a cooling, filter, apply compresses in burns, boils, skin diseases.
From fresh leafs press juice, and of flowers, use 2 tbl.sp. with honey for 4 times/day in ischaemic heart diseases, diarrhoea, top breath diseases, urethritis, cystitis, neurasthenia, hysteria.
Avoiding using on pregnancy time, lamium remedies strengthening uterine tone, chronic hard stool, child s age, low pressure and other diseases tie with a forming blood  clots are too avoiding using lamium. And on lamium also having bad enduring and allergy. If you are going curing allergy with her, thus check before her use that she is not causing allergy, but better visit allergist doctor.
By Filin A. Biologist, candidate for biologic science.
To paint this plant, as convert this image, please check my links on my right blog side.
from Valga s health news,gardening,and cooking ,and beauty . https://ift.tt/dWlc1pw via https://ift.tt/WNvytRm
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aethxr-ash · 2 years
Hiya! I would like two platonic matchups from genshin and spy x family if that's possible. If this is closed then please ignore this
I'm aroace and agender, brazilian, 16, i don't have a gender preference! ^^
I consider my personality pretty basic I'm very random and my humor is extremely broken like I'll laugh at a bread piece falling, and my laugh is extremely loud and according to other people sounds like a maniac or a villain that just defeated the hero, i act more as a big sibling or parent to my friends even though I am extremely touch aversed to the point i flinch when touched, i am sorta quiet because people say to them my voice is way too loud though to me it's at a perfect volume. I also like to dress up as a knight and yell “FOR HONOR AND GLORY!!” i cannot see a sword. No matter how big it is i will try to pick it up and act knightly in my own way, my mind is a mess. If someone tried reading my mind they would just see static and rapidly changing images / videos and a million thoughts.
I like cats, pepsi, apple juice and garlic bread. I am addicted to Pepsi and if i don't have it i will sob (sometimes) I dislike one thing only and it's strawberries i cannot see one because I'll start gagging.
I am quite tall about 6'8, though my face looks like a 5 year old, i am about as pale as the moon because i don't get vitamin D. I have curly hair with heterochromia (yes heterochromia on the hair exists) my hair is black with lightish brown strands, i wear glasses and cannot see a damn thing without them i have to get uncomfortably close to see someone's face. i usually wear only red clothing (guess you can tell what my favorite color is) and own an oni mask i like to wear it's a traditional hanya oni mask actually!
I love cats so much though I'm deathly allergic to cats to the point where i have to carry around an inhaler, that doesn't stop me from cuddling in their fur and eventually dying from a million sneezes. I like to go to bars just to order water because if i do drink alcohol my skin will turn red with a lot of hives,, basically i am ALDH2 Deficient. Also i have solar and heat urticaria which is why I'm so pale, I'd love to teach people about my cultural dance a.k.a Samba!
⊱┊platonic personality matchup for anon !
hi ! you sound really cool. i hope you like this and i'm sorry it took so long !!
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⊱┊genshin impact
yun jin !
✧ she'll never hesitate to act, dance, or sing with you
✧ she enjoys learning samba from you !
✧ and she'll teach you how to sing chinese opera in return if you're interested
✧ she's able to keep you grounded whilst still being fun
✧ she's a lot smaller compared to you (i think she's like 5'2"?)
✧ she'll do your hair if you'd like her to !
✧ encourages you to be yourself but won't push you past your limits if you're uncomfortable !
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⊱┊spy x family
anya forger !
✧ she sees you as an older sister
✧ loves to play knights with you !
✧ knights, spies, assassins, she loves to be a hero and help people
✧ she had a difficult time reading your mind for a few months, but gradually learned how to decipher your thoughts
✧ talks very highly of you to loid and yor, who treat you as if you're their daughter too upon seeing how kind you are to anya
✧ she thinks you're one of the coolest people in the world (tied for first place with loid and yor ofc) and aspires to be as cool as you when she's your age !
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hazygrains · 6 years
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Living with Psoriasis
These are all old photos from my past blogs. I don't have any updated ones, but yeah I still have red and white patches on my legs and arms. & I'm an inactive member of PSORPHIL. Haven't posted anything psor related for years, so here you go.
I was diagnosed with Psoriasis in the year 2007. I was only 14. I know next to nothing about the disease. I was never confident in my own skin. I had lots of doubts and insecurities even before I was diagnosed. I kept on wishing I had this kind of body or that I had fair flawless skin and so on. My faith in myself was nonexistent. I refrained from joining social events and activities in school. I was a wallflower and I still am. I tried to get away from the attention because I was too afraid of what others might think of me. It was bad. My way of thinking at such a young age was messed up. Now having this skin condition made me feel much worse than I already did back then.
Psoriasis is a lifetime disease. It is chronic and there's still no cure for it. There are tons of treatments to avoid triggers but it differs from person to person. I was honestly overwhelmed when we found out. I was only 14 and in my second year in high school. My mother was in denial at first. She kept on saying it was only an allergy, that I got it from swimming pools or this or that. She had endless assumptions. We just couldn't fully accept that it is hereditary. My parents don’t know someone who has it in the family. Well, maybe my ancestors had this ailment. Who knows?
I, too, was in denial. Every night I kept on asking myself, “Why me? Of all the people, why me?”. It still pains me to see myself covered in red scaly itchy patches and also having to experience other skin conditions such as Dermatographic Urticaria. It was tough for me and my family with all the medication and financial stuff we had to deal with just to “cure” me. Thankfully, I got rid of it, only for a while. (Psoriasis may go into remission. The symptoms may not be visible for a period of time, but it will always come back again when triggered. It is a never-ending cycle.) And you know what else I had to deal with? Judgment. We all know it's innate to human beings, but it still hurts me. I sometimes received painful words from mean, narrow-minded people. I remember someone joking and saying, “Get away from me. I might get infected,” when they already know the fact that it wasn’t contagious, still, they just couldn't stop saying nonsense. If I know this is transmittable, I wouldn’t bother going out and risk the health of others. I know I shouldn’t let other people’s words get me down, but I just can’t help it. It just goes to show how powerful words can be. I just hope people are more cautious about what they say.
It actually took me a while to fully accept the skin I'm in and I'm still working on caring less about what other people think of me. Now it made me ask, "Why not me?" I guess that's just how life goes after all. Things happened to us. It may seem unfair, but life is neither fair nor unfair. It just the way it is. Faced with such circumstances, we must trust God’s plan for us. He always sees the big picture, and He will make all things right. Battling with Psoriasis for 11 years has only made me stronger. Yes, I do have days when I feel hurt, gross-out, shitty, and ugly but only for a little while. As much as possible, I always try to look on the bright side of life. Also, it is comforting to know that there are people out there who go through exactly what I’m going through and who have the courage to upload images of their skin without the fear of discrimination. It made me feel I'm not alone and I thank you all for that. You guys are awesome.
Let's continue spreading awareness and be an inspiration. Just remember, that you’re simply beautiful for who you are and your body, even with psoriasis or whatever you're dealing with. They’re just spots that were left as badges for how badass you are.
“Our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed to use.” - Romans 8:18
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drkeerthanakalva · 4 years
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Best Skin Specialist in Hyderabad
Dr. Keerthana Kalva is one of the best skin specialist in Hyderabad with huge experience in the field of clinical and cosmetic dermatology. Dr. Keerthana also specializes in laser application treatment for skin, non-surgical skin rejuvenation treatment, and hair loss treatment like mesotherapy. She provides effective treatment for skin and hair concerns like pigmentation, acne, eczema, urticaria, fungal infections, nail disease, vitiligo, keloids, warts, psoriasis, hair fall, and alopecia areata. Treatments like chemical peel, laser hair reduction, skin tightening, stretch marks reduction, dermal fillers, dermaroller, non-surgical facelift, and growth booster treatment for hair loss, are also provided at her clinic with utmost safety and precision. To treat any skin and hair concern, and to get youthful and beautiful skin, consult with the best skin doctor in Hyderabad at Inform Clinics, one of the best skin clinic in Hyderabad. For more information, email at [email protected] or call at +91 7569987471.
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skrowbear · 4 years
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happy holidays, hope I don’t develop any mysterious new ailments this year 😌
[Image description: Panel one shows a person with short curly hair holding a hand against the glass, drooling while looking at a slice on carrot cake. In panel two, the same character is stooped in front of the toilet, looking ill. In panel three, the carrot cake is shown to have ominous crosshatching around it as the person, SK, walks away from it. Panel four reads 'there are a lot of nuts in seasonal desserts. I've started to associate Christmas with allergic reactions.' There are detailed drawings of a chocolate truffle, pecan pie, a tart and a Christmas pudding, all with the same ominous crosshatching behind them. Panel 5 shows SK walking outdoors, wearing an orange coat and a green toque. There are snowbanks and a red TTC streetcar is driving behind them. The text reads 'I started to feel a little weird last December when I went outside. I ignored it.' Panel 6 is a close up of SK in the same outfit, with curly brown hair sticking out from the hat. Their face is flushed red with raised bumps and sweat all over. There are snowflakes with the ominous crosshatch behind them. The text reads 'On Christmas Day 2019, I went outside and my face broke out in hives.' Panel 7 has a drawing of a walk-in clinic. The text reads 'I went straight to the first walk-in clinic open on Boxing Day. It turned out I'd become allergic to the cold, a condition called cold urticaria.' On Panel 8, there is a drawing of a box of prescription pills with the blister pack partially out. The medication name is written as 'Rupaul.' The text reads 'Now I take a daily allergy pill to be able to go outside.' There are only two panels on this page. The first reads 'I live in Toronto, Canada. In late 2019, I worried about leaving my house safely.' There is a drawing of the CN Tower, a landmark in Toronto, with the sky hatched in. The final panel depicts SK, with their curly brown hair not covered by a hat, walking in what looks to be a grocery store. They are wearing a mask and a person walking behind them in the distance is also wearing a mask. Crosshatching surrounds both of their mouths, symbolizing that now everyone is worried about their health when they go outside.]
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drrohitbatra007 · 4 years
Get a consultation from the best skin specialist in India at DermaWorld Skin Institute. It is a world-class center providing cosmetic, laser, and aesthetic skincare treatments using the most advanced techniques. Dr. Rohit Batra is an expert in providing treatment for various skin and hair concerns. Treatment for skin allergic conditions like eczema, scabies, dermatitis, hives, urticaria, fungal infections all are provided at Dermaworld. Advanced cosmetic treatments like Dermal fillers, facial peels, carbon laser peel, thread lift, growth factor treatment, double chin reduction treatment, and laser toning are provided at the clinic by the best skin experts at Dermaworld. For more information, visit today at DermaWorld Skin Institute!
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Disclaimer: Images and contents used in this post are only for promotional purposes.
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