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good-chimes · 24 days
Users with permissions to this shared mailbox:
Bdubs (role: Publicity & Comms for Scar Goodtimes, Actor). Last login: Today.
Cub (role: Hotguy PR Agent). Last login: Today.
Scar (role: IT’S ME, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, THE ONE AND ONLY!). Last login: 215 days ago.
To: Hotguy <[email protected]>
From: Cuteguy <[email protected]>
Subject: are you there?
is this hotguy’s email? i thought you were coming on patrol?
To: Cub, Hotguy PR Agent
From: Bdubs
Subject: The VALUES AND PRINCIPLES of Scar Goodtimes Acting Enterprises
Dear Cub (if that’s your real name),
Now that you’ve been working for Scar for several weeks, I realized I never sent you any AGENCY INTRODUCTION documents. That’s okay! None of us are perfect, despite what you might feel when you look at me.
For your ENJOYMENT and EDUCATION, here are:
The Founding Principles of Scar Goodtimes Acting Enterprises
1.   Bdubs is Scar’s favorite employee.
1a.   Bdubs is also Hotguy’s favorite employee DESPITE the fact he does not technically work for Hotguy, and no upstart new PR agent is going to change that.
2.   Hotguy’s identity is a secret. You must never reveal that we both work for the same person. Take it to your grave if you have to.  
3.   However, if you see someone talking shit online about Hotguy or Scar you should immediately defend his honor. I often do this and you can see the results in the shared folder admin\arguments_bdubs_has_won. You might not be as good as me at winning debates on the internet—don’t worry!! I can give you tips.
4.   Here at the agency, we have the HIGHEST STANDARDS in responding to emails from the public. I noticed there are SEVERAL HUNDRED UNANSWERED EMAILS sent to Hotguy’s addresses that redirect to our shared mailbox. Scar is a very busy man! It is YOUR JOB to clear these out.
5.   We are open and helpful with everyone. Except hostile journalists. And the TCG. And the tax authorities. And anyone who might want Scar to do anything unreasonable like ‘be on time for something’. Keep this in mind as you go through the inbox.
All The Best!!!
P.S. I have noticed that admin\important_documents is now full of files called ‘virus1.exe’ ‘virus2 (gov encryption).exe’ ‘virus3 (might be sentient).exe’ etc. Explain this!?
To: Bdubs, Publicity & Comms for Scar Goodtimes
From: Cub
Subject: RE: The VALUES AND PRINCIPLES of Scar Goodtimes Acting Enterprises
Yeah man cool this all sounds great
Scar seems to have a few email addresses that feed into here. i’ve sent replies according to which one the public emailed:
[email protected] — i replied to some of these but then i kinda got bored and started sending links to cool space facts instead. People will appreciate these i’m sure.
[email protected] — sent everyone a bulk reply of “Thank you for EMAILING_HOTGUY!! Hotguy loves you!”
[email protected] — sent everyone a photo of Scar in his Hotguy costume
[email protected] — sent everyone a photo of Scar in his Hotguy costume minus the shirt
[email protected] — sent everyone who gave their address some trick arrows. Only some of them will explode.
[email protected] — redirected this one to spam
[email protected] — also redirected this one to spam. replying to the IRS just encourages them.
inbox zero, my friend. we’re ready for the next concerned citizen to write to us. Let’s go.
P.S. don’t worry about the viruses. Just a hobby. they’re in \important_documents because I needed a folder that scar never clicks on.
To: Cub, Hotguy PR Agent
From: Bdubs
Subject: Re: The VALUES AND PRINCIPLES of Scar Goodtimes Acting Enterprises
Dear Cub,
Interesting. INTERESTING.
Don’t think you’re going to work your way into Scar’s affections with CLEVER VIRUSES and SHIRTLESS PICS OF HIMSELF. I see your game.
I’ve been Scar’s agent for years and I think when things heat up you might find this job too hot to handle.
All the Best!!!!
To: Hotguy <[email protected]>
From: TCG Special Officer <[email protected]>
Dear Hotguy (civilian identity unknown),
We are currently undertaking a review of your recent vigilante activities as ‘Hotguy’.
Vigilantes (‘heroes’) are encouraged to protect citizens and cooperate with the TCG. For this we require vigilantes to regularly communicate with their TCG liaisons, attend emergencies on request, and support law enforcement operations.
None of our emails to <[email protected]> have been answered—I was going to say ‘in some time’, but I checked our file on you, and it turns out the right word is ‘ever’. You have never answered an email from the TCG. I am sure you can see why this is an issue.
We do admittedly have some difficulty getting vigilantes to ever listen to us, but this is a new low in obstructionism.
We have requested your assistance in investigating thefts from two biotech laboratories, vandalism at a local redstone supplies shop, and multiple call-outs to security incidents at Mumbocorp. You have completely ignored all of these requests. We note you have instead caused widespread chaos, disrupted several TCG operations, and at one point impersonated the Mayor in order to trick ‘Doctor M’ into purchasing a non-existent bridge. 
May I remind you that vigilante activity is only legal insofar as we decline to prosecute heroes for property damage. Kindly reach out to our liaison department immediately so we can work together on collaborative action under the direction of the correct authorities.
On behalf of Head Agent V. Berger,
Special Officer #49
To: Hotguy <[email protected]>
From: Cuteguy <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: are you there?
who is answering hotguy’s emails and why have you sent me a list of top supernovas! this is NOT HELPFUL
To: TCG Special Officer <[email protected]>
From: Cub
Dear Concerned Citizen,
Thank you for reaching out about the availability of Hotguy. Hotguy is unable to respond himself because he is rescuing kittens from tragically falling into rivers, an activity that has fully occupied him for the past eighteen months.
This is quite the list of criminal events, my friend. I thought the TCG had this kind of thing under control. It’s concerning that you don’t. Doesn’t make your TCG department look super great, huh?
Thinking about it, this really seems like something the Police Commissioner should know about. If you’ve lost the Commissioner’s email address, don’t worry. I found it on a forum.
Hotguy PR Agent
To: Hotguy <[email protected]>
From: TCG Special Officer <[email protected]>
Dear Hotguy’s PR Agent,
I understand as a law-abiding Hermitopia resident, you may be alarmed at descriptions of disorder intended for Hotguy’s eyes only. Please do not be concerned.  We also strongly recommend you do not forward this chain to the Police Commissioner. As you will see from the news, the city is peaceful and everything is completely under control.
Kind Regards,
Special Officer #49
To: Hotguy <[email protected]>
From: Cuteguy <[email protected]>
tell hotguy to call me he’s not picking up!!!
To: Cuteguy <[email protected]>
From: Cub
Dear Concerned Citizen,
Regrettably Hotguy is not available as he is escorting orphans to the North Pole to tour Santa’s workshop.
Hotguy PR Agent
To: Hotguy <[email protected]>
From: Cuteguy <[email protected]>
it’s JULY
To: Cuteguy <[email protected]>
From: Cub
Hotguy believes in being prepared
is this really cuteguy? what’s going on?
To: Hotguy <[email protected]>
From: Cuteguy <[email protected]>
i was coming back from patrol and going to pick up my pizza. i always get pizza, cub, you have to understand this is an important part of patrol.
when i turn the corner to my normal pizza place there are
they’re milling around and scratching like someone just dumped them here. whenever they squawk they burn a tiny hole in the nearest wall. i tried to get near one to look at the device on their beaks and i nearly got my finger burned off.
now i’m on a roof. i want my PIZZA, cub. i’m a close-range fighter and i’m not getting up close with a laser chicken. this seems like a hotguy problem!
To: Hotguy <[email protected]>
From: Pearl Moon <[email protected]>
Subject: Hotguy appearance? (press enquiry)
My name is Pearl Moon, and I’m a reporter with the Hermit Herald. I heard Hotguy has a new PR agent at this address. I’m not going to lie, I’m delighted. Hotguy’s a great guy for a quote, obviously, but getting hold of him is kind of a nightmare.
I’m at the scene of the Eighth Annual Fried Donut Festival. I’m contacting you because a citizen running a stall has allegedly just seen a, I quote, “weaponized chicken”.
According to them, it shot an “adorable laser” into their supplies, punctured a hole in their fruit toppings cooler, and ran under the stalls. I’ve been on this beat for a while and this sounds like a Doctor Monster or a Zedaph special to me. Personally, my money’s on Doc.
I know your client and Doctor Monster go back a long way, so I was wondering if we might see Hotguy himself swooping in?
Yours in pursuit of the truth,
Pearl Moon
To: Pearl Moon <[email protected]>
From: Cub
Subject: Re: Hotguy appearance? (press enquiry)
Dear Concerned Journalist,
Thank you for your email. As you know, Hotguy is currently in Canada fighting smallpox by shooting individual bacteria with a special crossbow, for which he has received a commendation from their Prime Minister.
I’ve just contacted him to get a quote about the chicken and he definitely said, “Seems bad.”
Enjoy the festival! Feel free to send Hotguy a souvenir donut box to my address.
Hotguy PR Agent
To: Hotguy <[email protected]>
From: Cuteguy <[email protected]>
there’s some kind of festival with crowds of civilians going on in the next street. the chickens are wandering towards it. to make everything worse, i think i saw a newsreader van.
this is funny but also very bad.
i’m going to see if i can lead the chickens away from the festival with some bait, since hotguy’s obviously too busy admiring his own biceps in the mirror to help. i’ve got half a granola bar and an apple core. this is going to work really well for eight hundred chickens. here goes nothing.
if hotguy wakes up from his afternoon nap, you can tell him we didn’t even need him.
To: Hotguy <[email protected]>
From: Pearl Moon <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Hotguy appearance? (press enquiry)
Dear Cub,
I’m pretty sure Canada doesn’t have smallpox anymore. I don’t think anywhere has smallpox.
New update: Several hundred chickens have just erupted into the festival from a side street. They all appear to have lasers. The sheer weight of poultry has overturned two artisan donut stalls, which has caused what I’m going to describe as “mass panic” as people try and avoid the laser beams. People screaming, people running, everything coated in a fine layer of powdered sugar. No injuries yet, but it looks like the Prize-Winning Triple Marshmallow Churro Donut display will never be the same again.
Also, I swear I just saw Cuteguy.
Yours in pursuit of the truth,
Pearl Moon
To: Hotguy <[email protected]>
From: Cuteguy <[email protected]>
i got ONE chicken with the granola bar and NOW IT’S DECIDED IT’S MY BEST FRIEND. it keeps trying to fly into my arms! this is not helping!!
its friends are now all over the stalls. the laser chicken breed has discovered a new staple food and it’s fried donuts. this is NOT my fault. clearly none of this is my fault.
oh god now there’s two TCG agents coming over to see what all the shouting is about. the chicken radius is growing. there’s a folk band on a bicycle and a chicken just launched itself into their tuba.
i’m going to try and round the rest of them up. keep the TCG off my back and tell hotguy to do ANYTHING HELPFUL AT ALL.
To: Hotguy <[email protected]>
From: Pearl Moon <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Hotguy appearance? (press enquiry)
Situation update: Cuteguy is in the middle of a huge crowd of shouting people and appears to be clutching a chicken. Also, Doctor Monster has turned up. He’s trying to give a dramatic speech about his “evolved chickens” from a nearby rooftop through a loudhailer, but I’ll be honest, everyone seems more interested in Cuteguy.
#laserchickendisaster and #whereishotguy are trending on Chatter, but no sign of Hotguy yet! Sure he doesn’t want to give us a longer quote?
Yours in pursuit of the truth,
Pearl Moon
To: Cuteguy <[email protected]>
From: Cub
I have a cool contraption that you could probably use for catching chickens. downside is you do need some plutonium. Not much but, like, not a legal amount.
Alternately i also have a great recipe for roast chicken
To: Hotguy <[email protected]>
From: Cuteguy <[email protected]>
we are not roasting these chickens, cub, the chickens have done nothing wrong!! And WHY DO YOU HAVE PLUTONIUM, WE TOLD YOU TO STOP THE DARK SCIENCE. DO SOMETHING USEFUL ABOUT THIS FESTIVAL SITUATION INSTEAD.
To: Hotguy <[email protected]>
From: Pearl Moon <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Hotguy appearance? (press enquiry)
Situation update: Doctor Monster has now turned his loudhailer on Cuteguy and accused him of stealing his evolved chickens. He seems very upset. The Doctor has declined an interview, but I’ve got some incredible photos and the powdered sugar really suits him.
I’m trying to get a quote from Cuteguy but it’s quite difficult to even see him through the crowd, and the chickens, and the German street band, and the displaced donut vendors, and the TCG agents who are trying quite earnestly to get to him, and—did I mention—the chickens.
My camera team is getting some great footage, but do you know what his plan was here?
Yours in pursuit of the truth,
Pearl Moon
To: Hotguy <[email protected]>
From: Cuteguy <[email protected]>
everyone in the crowd thinks i own these chickens!! one of the chickens has set fire to a hot oil vat and a journalist is after me and an old lady keeps trying to hit me with her handbag!!!
i’m behind cover
it won’t last
if you don’t get hotguy here now i’m never speaking to him again
To: Cuteguy <[email protected]>
From: Cub
nooo you’re doing great man, knocking it out the park. Doesn’t sound like you need Hotguy.
you’re a hero too, right?
To: Hotguy <[email protected]>
From: Cuteguy <[email protected]>
okay cub listen.
i don’t WANT hotguy. if i could fix this chicken situation without the city’s most annoying vigilante turning up to take the credit, believe me, i would have done it already.
but you know what hotguy can do? he can win the crowd. hotguy’s always on the right side. nobody would ever accuse hotguy of owning fifteen hundred laser chickens. he tells people about hope and teamwork stuff and they believe him.
oh god
the TCG are here and i’m apparently target number one.
they’ve just spotted me on this gazebo and i’ve got no good roof to jump to. i’ll have to make a run for it. if you don’t hear from me again, i might have got arrested.
hotguy spouts all that rubbish about teamwork, but hey, it’s pretty obvious he doesn’t believe in it himself!
To: Bdubs, Publicity & Comms for Scar Goodtimes
From: Cub
Subject: what I’m about to suggest is legal
we should help him huh
do you know where scar is? like which cell phone towers might be close. I’ve got a map of the towers if you can give me a location.
To: Cub, Hotguy PR Agent
From: Bdubs
Subject: this sounds NOT legal
Scar is actually recording a snack commercial over on Twelfth Street. Details in projects\casting_directors_bdubs_is_not_feuding_with\dumb_projects_we_have_to_book_for_money\Sparkle!Cereal!
To: Bdubs, Publicity & Comms for Scar Goodtimes
From: Cub
Subject: this is 100% legal white hat hacking definitely
okay I’ve remotely accessed Scar’s phone and put a klaxon on it. Should be audible two hundred yards away.
I’m gonna call him now.
To: Hotguy <[email protected]>
From: Pearl Moon <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Hotguy appearance? (press enquiry)
Situation update from your reporter on the ground (still no quote from the guy himself?)
Cuteguy has been showing great stamina in the chase that’s been going on. The camera crew is impressed!
He is currently being pursued by:
1.   Doc
2.   Doc’s cyborg guard robot
3.   Two TCG agents
4.   Three hundred and sixty chickens (approx.), one of which believes Cuteguy is its best friend
5.   Several animal activists attempting to recapture the chickens
6.   A bar crawl that seems to think they’re doing a parade and wanted to join in
7.   A German band on a long bicycle with two clarinets and a man trying to shake a chicken out of his tuba
Cuteguy is…looking back over his shoulder?
Oh, wait! Situation update paused!
To: Hotguy <[email protected]>
From: Cuteguy <[email protected]>
To: Hotguy <[email protected]>
From: Pearl Moon <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Hotguy appearance? (press enquiry)
Hotguy has arrived!
He’s swooped in with three trick arrow shots that set off fireworks above the crowd, rappelled straight up to Doc on the roof, and started a fist fight with him. It’s very dramatic. I’m not sure he’s actually landing any of those blows.
Helpfully for Cuteguy, no one is looking at him anymore. He’s surreptitiously putting distance between himself and the TCG agents.
Doc is now making another speech while fighting Hotguy. If I’m honest, he seems pretty happy he’s finally getting the credit for his own evil plot. We’ve got a close-up on him. Doc would like us all to know that this is the future of poultry, the future of lasers, and possibly the future of donuts? Last part a bit unclear as at that point Hotguy threw his loudhailer off the roof.
Meanwhile, Cuteguy is trying to lure the chickens away from the civilians with pieces of donut. This would be working better if the crowd weren’t all shoving forwards to try to get a better look at Doc.
Doc has taken off on a jetpack declaring he’ll “be back!”. Hotguy has given him a thumbs up.
Oh, now Hotguy has finally caught on to what Cuteguy is trying to do and is chivvying the crowd to help herd the chickens away with donuts for bait. Donuts are flying. The crowd is now enthusiastically participating in this donut-tossing activity. The chickens are delighted. Hotguy has spotted our camera team chasing him and we’re getting a lot of that action-shot this-is-my-good-side pose.
Hotguy and Cuteguy work together pretty well when they get going, huh?
Now Hotguy has swung down to land in the middle of the crowd and put an arm around each of the TCG agents, who are heavily dusted in sugar and look somewhat sheepish. What a nicely framed shot! Almost as if Hotguy pushed them into position for the cameras.
Well, I suppose I’m writing an article about how much Hotguy helps the TCG.
Your client owes me one.
Doc’s guard robot has rounded up the chickens that Hotguy and Cuteguy have funneled back into a nearby alley. It seems to be putting them in large nets. The local pizza place has a sign that says RIGATONI JONES PIZZA: CLOSED DUE TO CHICKEN EMERGENCY, and for some reason Cuteguy seems upset about this. Excitement over, I suppose?
I do hope you tell Hotguy how helpful the Herald was! Next time he’s got a tip-off to share, just tell him to remember your friendly local journalist Pearl Moon.
He knows where to find me ;)
Yours in pursuit of the truth,
Pearl Moon
To: Cub, Hotguy PR Agent
From: Bdubs
Subject: hmm
You know, Cub, I’ve been thinking. That wasn’t bad, how you got hold of Scar. NOT BAD AT ALL. I am starting to think you might be a useful type of person to have around.
All The Best
To: Bdubs, Publicity & Comms for Scar Goodtimes
From: Cub
Subject: Re: hmm
cheers man
i’ve rigged the klaxon so it plays when either of us or cuteguy calls scar. if he waits too long to answer it starts to play the whole Lilo and Stitch movie audio. if anyone asks this is not technically a virus.
To: Cub, Hotguy PR Agent
From: Bdubs
Subject: Re: hmm
I LOVE it. I love it.
You know, I have a whole list of casting directors I think you could test some virus development on. It would do them good. Keep them on their toes!! (I believe this is called…“white hat”).
I am HEREBY going to let you into my most SECRET FOLDER.
<[email protected]> has shared admin\nemesis_list
Maybe start with ‘casting_directors_who_do_not_recognise_bdubs_talent-spotting_genius’ and ‘producers_who_were_rude_to_scar’
To: Bdubs, Publicity & Comms for Scar Goodtimes
From: Cub
Subject: Re: hmm
leave it to me, man
we’re gonna go far
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My piece for the Hotguy comic zinethology! Thank you so much to editor @antimony-medusa and designer @cocoabats (I have used tumblr’s format for most of it because my eyes are too bad for pdf scaling on my phone, but for the FULL INCREDIBLE HOTGUY EXPERIENCE you will want to download the actual zine at @hotguycomiczine!!)
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phantomphangphucker · 5 months
Phic Phight - Too Fine Too Be Normal
@lexosaurus @hannahmanderr @zombiemerlin
When outsiders have to deal with any member of the weirdo trio it really is best to just roll with the punches. Plus, Orson actually LIKES his techy internet buddy; so what if he’s some kind of superhero pharaoh or something?
Orson blinks at his screen, not for the first time feeling confused and baffled over TooFine’s chat comments.
TooFine: brb gotta go eat a bat, nightshade found the plant paint I covered her fruit tree in
He’s assuming what the guy means is that ‘nightshade’, TooFine’s friend, is trying to hit him with a baseball bat. Strange and extreme but at least this time he’s not claiming to have ‘accidentally fallen into another dimension’. Whenever TooFine leaves suddenly it’s always wildy outlandish stories. Certainly there’s no way he thinks Orson actually believes them right? Yes it was very funny anyways. Reading TF’s impressive imagination always made him feel a little better about life, like even if your life is simple and plain you can bring some crazy into it with your mind.
Sometimes though, it’s clear he’s actually telling the truth, like that one time they were on voice chat and Orson dad popped in to try and convince him to let him teach him how to hunt again, Orson liked meat but he had zero desire to actually go and kill things. But TF started talking guns too, apparently that thing about TF’s in person friend having parents who made weapons was very much true. TF impressed Orson’s dad, meaning his dad now approved of the friendship. At least TF didn’t bring up that ‘ectoplasm’ stuff while his dad was around, the last thing Orson wanted was his dad thinking all his online friends were crazy too. His dad definitely didn’t believe the claim that TF’s friends parents also had a modified military vehicle they used on the actual road; something about how military treads can’t be used on roads because they’re too damaging. TF followed that up with ‘our roads can withstand some pretty heavy artillery’, Orson’s chuckle and eye roll probably convinced his dad that TF was screwing around with him a little.
Either way, hopefully TF gets back in time to keep helping him with this stupid drone he’s trying to build. He’d love to be able to go get the mail without having to actually go outside, so much wasted effort when he’d rather be gaming or reading. Then he gets a voice chat request, the voice that comes through is not TF’s
“Oh shit hey, you actually picked up, wow I can’t believe he made an outsider friend. Weird”, this new teen clears his throat, “okay so, Nightshade actually might have knocked him out in a fit of rage? So he’ll be a bit- hey! No! Put that down! You don’t get to hit him again just because I’m protecting his PDA!”.
TF actually used a PDA? Such old tech? Why? Weird.
“Emilie is PINK! PINK!”.
The boy teen groans, “ugh. Goths. Anyway, while he’s out, he give you any ideas for a good birthday gift? I’ve been banned from giving him weapons or explosives, and the last time I got him a souped up hard drive he hacked the federal government and filed the presidents taxes for some insane reason”.
Orson blinks, “I think he’s been talking a lot about electric cars and electric bikes? What happened after he… did the presidents taxes?”. He really just wants to know where this guy was going to take that level of bullshit.
“I’d rather ideas that don’t require me to steal my rich arch enemy uncles credit card. And eh, nothing much, just got abducted by some secret service folks up into the Appalachian mountains for some ‘one on one’ talks time. He got some new wicked scars out of it even, one looks like a hockey stick! I don’t even have one like that yet! But hey, what’s life without a few abductions here and there? The gov loves shooting me!”.
Orson makes a face, alright so were TF’s friends just as bad as him? Shaking his head, “get him a lock picking kit then, in case anyone abducts him with handcuffs or something”. What the actual hell? He absolutely has to google this.
“Oh that’s not bad-oh hey buddy! You good? No lumps and bumps? No booboos or owies?”.
“You jerk, I’m fine. Why is she still armed!”.
“Emile. Is. PINK”.
“It suits her!”.
“She’s a black apple tree! Pink is never her colour!”.
Oh so the goth did actually name her plants, odd but not insane. And yeah, a hacker did actually do the presidents taxes… weird. There’s no way that was actually TF right? Was he friends with an actual hacker?
“Oh T I totally voice called, or whatever, your online buddy? It seemed like the chat was recent and shit so you know”.
“Man, you are way too overprotective and way too much of a mother hen for a dead guy. Gimme that”.
“Hey at least dead hens can shoot laser beams out of their mouths, way cooler than living ones”.
TF clearly has his… PDA back, “you’re still working on that ‘let me be lazy’ drone right?”.
Orson blinks, “yes, but real talk, did you actually file the presidents taxes?”.
“Oh my zone! DP you shit head! Ugh, look the guy was trying to embezzle my towns funding to buy another yacht, so I figured hey why not forcibly report all his off shore accounts and that weird charity donation to a Russian network. I also might have gone after all his staff too? They weren’t impressed but I call anarchy and how was I supposed to know his people would actually not suck at tracking people?”.
“T, dude, I’m pretty sure the federal government and the goddamn president have better tracking than those G.I.W. morons”.
“Are you going to fix Emilie or what!”.
Orson flips through google results a little more and yeah, a ton of people got hacked for taxes… Hell Orson even stumbles on a whistle blower data leak about ties to Russia that he nopes out of real quick. “TF bud, that’s super concerning”.
“Heh. Fair enough and- oh shit!”. There’s an actual explosion over the line. “Hey, you wanna actually witness shit for a change, because good goddamn. DP! Have you been skipping sleep again! Why is the goddamn sleep god throwing a building at us!”.
You know what.
Fuck it.
Orson sends the zoom invite, it’s accepted immediately. It’s actual pure chaos. There’s shouting, what looks like a sentient star cover blank wearing a mask in the sky, a glowing black and white teen throwing actual everything forbid bath bombs at the thing in the sky. TF looks like he’s from freaking ancient Egypt, with a helm on and everything. Then a bunch of glowing vines shove TF out of screen, a girl in a green and black body suit with a freaking cape chasing after.
For a second he’s wondering if TF is playing a massive prank on him and somehow created a hyper realistic superhero show set up. The… PDA is pointed up at the sky as the voice of the guy who started the voice chat shouts, “I HAVE MIDTERMS! WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO!”.
The blanket creature shouting back, “SLEEP!”.
“Oh yeah I guess I should have seen that one coming”.
Okay so. TF’s friend, whose parents make weapons, is a superhero or something? Google to the rescue.
TF shouts, “why are you stabbing me! There’s a god in the sky! Fight him!”.
“Naw, UnderGrowth actually likes Nocturne, since sleeping humans aren’t actively polluting Mother Nature”.
“Fuck that stupid grass stain”.
“I’m going to end you”.
Orson blinks at his phone, DP, Danny Phantom. A real person, in a real town, that looked like a real superhero. It’s that rumoured haunted town actually, a real haunted town. What the actual hell? Is he friends with a superhero or sidekick? Who’s also a hacker? And eats a concerning amount of meat without getting sick somehow? Has all the stories he’s been getting, and not reacting strongly too, been real??? Alright, okay, gotta play it cool self. He probably actually thought Orson was taking him seriously and has decided that Orson passed some kind of weirdness meter test. This was basically almost an identity reveal wasn’t it? Holy crap he’s involved in a real life comic book secret identity reveal.
The ‘Nocturne’ guy gets blasted into a wall, DP pelting It with eggs he got from somewhere. The Nocturne holding up a massive canister over Its head, “YOU WILL FAIL IF YOU DO NOT SLEEP!”.
“Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit”, TF comes sorta back on screen, grabbing up his PDA, the ‘facial markings’ don’t look like make up, it looks like it’s part of his skin. “Okay okay, so that right up there is a massive thing of halothane vapour from the looks of it, fun. So we’re all probably gonna pass out here, feel free to disconnect if shit gets boring”.
Orson squeaks a little, “boring? You get up to some insane shit. Why is a… sleep god? Trying to knock y’all out?”. Roll with the punches, gotta roll with the punches. Freak out later.
TF snickers, “DP doesn’t get enough sleep and has been frustrating this ghost since he formed. God’s am I right? Ha!”.
“Get back here you!”.
“Oh for crying out loud! I’ll fix your freaking plant okay! Ugh!”. TF gets smacked into a wall all by the plant girl anyways.
Orson eyes the parts of his drone before looking back to the screen, “why are you helping a random friend you made, build a drone when this crap is going on?”. Because it seriously has to be asked.
TF uses sand to push himself out of the wall rubble, “eh, normalicy is nice and shit, plus you’re impressively chill. I bring up sneaking into a death gods liquor cabinet and you just give me a ‘that’s nice, have fun. Don’t hospitalise yourself’. Sure, Red’s chill but she’s more DP’s friend”, smirking, “and his ex, plus she rides a hoverboard and shoots ghosts so…”.
Oh okay, so there’s a fourth one. This is completely insane. Whelp. Guess he’s in it now though. Orson shrugging, “I’ve always been a pretty laid back guy, though this is definitely the craziest thing I’ve seen. Way worse than that chic on drugs or something who was trying to bite people”.
“Oh yeah drugs are bad, way worse than hacking regardless what the government has to say about it”.
Then the canister explodes, giving Orson a serious anxiety spike as bits of metal impale in things and gas starts going everywhere. DP actually does a comedic salute in the air before just falling to the ground. The Nocturne guy looks very pleased with Itself and actually wraps around the probably unconscious teen, hissing at the plant girl when she tries to approach.
TF cringing, “stupid obsessive ghosts. DP looks like he’s been bent like a shrimp”, TF moving his PDA camera and yeah the black and white teens position is kinda shrimp like.
All Orson can think to say is, “great, now I’m hungry”.
TF laughing while hurling a fist full of sand, “HA! Yeah sushi would be great right now”.
“You disgust me”.
Was it normal for ‘villains’ to seemingly baby heroes? Because that’s what this looks like. Nocturne literally just wants the black and white teen to sleep, that’s it. Weird. And then freaking pillow monsters??? Start storming the screen, TF and Nightshade/plant girl doing battle with them. The zoom gets cut out so Orson is just going to assume the device got broke.
That happened.
One question, well many really, but why is someone so tech focused going with a freaking Egyptian theme? Nightshade made sense, he’s pretty sure even her ‘code name’ is actually a plant. And DP was, well, a literal ghost so the Phantom name made sense. Weird that ghosts were actually real still. Yes he’s seen some stuff about them on the news occasionally but it still seemed so far fetched. And he’s pretty sure he saw some people dressed up as DP at last years comic con.
Very weird.
Well. Nothing for it now. So he sends TF a message asking if he’s good. It takes multiple hours but….
TooFine: we’re good, DP’s still out cold and has been abducted into a sleep gods lair but like, we good. Sleepy Blanket won’t try to skin him like some people.
OriOri: that’s good? I mean, his skin would probably make a poor blanket?
TooFine: HA! Thats the kinda joke DP would make! He’ll be proud
TooFine: he’ll be proud whenever he wakes up
TooFine: and when Sleepy Blanket stops acting like a crazy dragon protecting its horde
TooFine: and when he finds his way back to the land of living
OriOri: it’ll be a while
TooFine: good. He really should sleep more
TooFine: the dumbass
OriOri: if he gets so little his pissed off god then yeah. That’s impressive actually
TooFine: you have no idea. Anyways, tots sorry for dipping on your little project. I’d offer Techy’s services as make up but he’s an idiot with newer tech
Orson has no clue who that is and isn’t going to ask.
OriOri: at this point I’m more curious why the heck you went with an Egyptian theme for a guy who hacks the federal gov and makes visual horror games
TooFine: eh, it would be kinda weird if a reincarnated pharaoh wasn’t Egyptian themed, you know how it is. Technically you don’t but you know you know
Orson sighs, this was so weird. But he is so not going to let on that he never believe the shit TF said.
OriOri: I guess? Now do you know how to better connect female usb c to an hdmi, cause it’s pissing me off
TooFine: *snort*
TooFine: but of course I do. Debendint on how far you need the connection to work you might have to bike something from scratch. I tots got blueprints and they are definitely not stolen from the fbi terror investigations unit. Definitely not.
Orson was probably going to get arrested one day because of this, but screw it, TF was fun to talk too and made his mostly boring life more interesting. Not interesting enough to ever consider moving to the guys nightmare town though. Not a chance in Hell.
Prompts: Tucker fucked up. Hard. But it’s like, how the hell was he supposed to know that hacking the federal government was a bad idea? Nocturne takes a liking to Danny and decides to help teach him a lesson, whether Danny wants it or not. Outsider POV. Tucker makes a new online acquaintance, and will casually allude to the crazy shit he and his friends get up to while ghost hunting. The new acquaintance thinks Tucker is just embellishing the truth, until…
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colesabi · 3 months
hello :3
9 and 12 for Leon, please?
9. Could you be roommates with this character?
Oh absolutely. He’s barely home anyway so it’d really just be me and I’m cool with that. When he is home, I’d probably do the cooking and I’m kind of a caretaker at heart so I’d probably help clean up his wounds and then nag him about physical therapy lol. I also love to watch movies, so there’d be movie nights for sure. It’d be like having a friend over every now and then that has their own room and pays half the rent. :3
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
My favorite headcanon I have for Leon is that he’s a tax-evader. I think it came out of some ask last year that @highball66 had and it just devolved but I like to think that Leon is so busy with his missions and because he was so young in RC and then getting conscripted to the gov right after, I don’t think he’s ever filed his taxes like ever but because he’s so valuable to DSO/US Gov, they just sort of turn a blind eye. I’d be willing to compromise and say that Hunnigan helps file his taxes later on but I still maintain that boy owes the IRS millions lol.
thanks for the ask!!
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Philosopher and presidential Green Party candidate Cornel West currently owes more than half a million dollars between unpaid taxes and unpaid child support, according to tax records.
Records show West owes nearly $466,000 in federal income taxes from 2013 until 2017. This came after he accrued (and later repaid) a debt of nearly $725,000 from 1998-2005, and more than $34,000 in 2008, according to tax records in Mercer County, New Jersey – where he owns a home.
Additionally, West has an outstanding $49,500 child support judgement from 2003, records show.
The debts were first reported by The Daily Beast.
The tax debts have not been paid off as of 30 days ago – the last available data, according to Mercer County records. ABC News reached out to West and his campaign to see if West had plans to pay off the debt or set up a payment plan; they have not returned those requests for comment.
The outstanding child support payment is owed to Aytul Gurtas, his former partner and mother of one of his children. ABC News was unable to reach Gurtas for comment.
While it's not clear how long West didn't pay child support, New Jersey family lawyer Kathleen Stockton said that the amount of money appears substantial. The average U.S. child support obligation is about $5,800 per year, according to census data, making West's nearly $50,000 more than eight times that.
Stockton noted that it is possible West paid Gurtas and didn't register it with the court – though West has given no indication of that.
When the question of his debts was brought up on The Breakfast Club radio morning show last week, West told the radio show host "Charlamagne the God" that they were being used as a "distraction" from his presidential campaign, which has focused on ending poverty, mass incarceration and environmental degradation.
"Any time you shine a flashlight under somebody's clothes, you're gonna find all kind of mess, because that's what it is to be human," West said.
Earlier on the show, West mentioned he was "broke as the Ten Commandments financially, personally, collectively."
West's debts are personal, not related to the campaign, so they may not directly bear on the finances of his candidacy. Still, personal finance issues have been known to interfere with campaigns: Florida Sen. Marco Rubio's sometimes imprudent management of his own finances were scrutinized during his 2016 campaign for president, and then-Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker's personal debt seemed to undermine his message of fiscal hawkishness.
According to West's financial disclosure filed with the Federal Election Commission in August 2023, he currently makes at least $200,000 annually. That includes his professorship at the Union Theological Seminary, where his annual income falls upward of $100,000; his speaking engagements, where he makes at least another $100,000; and his retirement fund, which earns him somewhere between $5,000 and $15,000 annually. His spouse, a professor, makes at least $50,000 per year.
Kedric Payne, an ethics lawyer with the Campaign Legal Center, said in an email to ABC News that the U.S. Office of Government Ethics advises candidates to disclose debts the size of West's.
"The federal disclosure law requires candidates for president to report liabilities owed over $10,000. Child support is excluded, but OGE advises that overdue taxes are reportable. If West in fact owes taxes, voters have a right to know why this isn't disclosed," Payne wrote.
West's associate, author Christopher Phillips described West as "authentic" and someone who hasn't hesitated to spend his own money to help others.
Phillips, who said he has known West for eight years, said that when he first met West over the phone, the scholar volunteered to lecture and spend time with his students at the University of Pennsylvania, where Phillips was a writing fellow.
"He said he could come down on his own nickel, and he spent the entire day breaking philosophical bread with my students … just because he likes what I do," Phillips said.
The campaign did not respond to ABC News' multiple requests for comment.
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trixree · 1 year
i LOVe being trans omg so 2 years ago my ~identity~ got stollen and I had to jump through HOOPS with the IRS to prove that I Am Who I Say I Am, Please Let Me File My Taxes and they were like "ok! please retrieve this handy PIN number from our online portal to file your taxes electronically" and I was like "excellent, I will do this" and i log on to their silly website a few months back and I run into something called ID.Me which is a ~tool~ that the ~government~ uses to verify your identity via a 2 step process: you upload a photo of your drivers license and then take a "live selfie" and the software compares the two photos
I got my DL photo taken when I was freshly 16. My mother had me put on mascara and lipstick for it. I had very long, dyed blonde hair that I wore down and around my face. I cannot stress enough that I look nothing like that person anymore: I look like a misplaced Make A Wish boy. So the identification verification FAILS because the algorithm is CONFUSED by my BOYISH, SICKLY CHARM but don't worry! There's a second option! :):):):):) Just jump on a video call with three original copies of state identification! You can mix and match with your social security card, birth certificate, drivers license, or passport! I don't have a passport, nor do I have my original birth certificate. So I had to paper file my taxes this year. Again.
I didn't change my name when I transitioned, I didn't change my sex marker, I did not even medically transition. I shaved my head, changed my wardrobe, and stopped basically doing drag for my mothers' or anyones approval. I told my parents about the Trouble I was having and my mom tried to say "well, it's because you don't select F when you do those forms" and I laughed because yeah I do, I've never selected anything else (what would I even select? "I dissent"? Is there an NB option on all gov forms now? Cause I missed that memo) because I'm not fucking stupid and then she followed up, "well, when you give your pronouns..." WHAT PART OF THIS PROCESS ASKED FOR PRONOUNS? NONE OF IT. LITERALLY NONE OF IT. All the information I entered into the forms matches verbatim what is on my license down to literally every detail: name, sex marker, etc.
Now I'm trying to apply for unemployment benefits and GUESS WHAT MY STATE UNEMPLOYMENT WEBSITE USES TO VERIFY YOUR IDENTITY??? ID. motherfucking ME. GUESS WHO'S STILL TRANS? ME. FUCK.
Yeah so I gotta go in-person to get my DL photo changed and to file for unemployment. Both places are on opposite sides of the city and it will be over 100 degrees tomorrow. FUCK my life.
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
New Jersey sued the U.S. Department of Transportation for its role approving New York’s planned congestion toll, arguing the federal government should conduct a fuller environmental-impact study of what would be the nation’s first congestion pricing system.
Gov. Phil Murphy announced the lawsuit, filed in federal court in Newark, Friday morning. The suit, which also lists the Federal Highway Administration and two officials at that division of DOT as defendants, could upend plans by New York officials to raise money for the subway system by charging congestion tolls on people who drive into the busiest parts of Manhattan.
“We believe the feds short-circuited the normal review process,” the Democratic governor said in an interview on Good Day New York.
The Federal Highway Administration, or FHWA, doesn’t comment on pending litigation, a spokeswoman said. New York’s Metropolitan Transportation Authority, which will oversee congestion pricing, didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment. MTA officials have previously said they conducted an extensive environmental analysis.
The FHWA signed off on the MTA’s review in late June, and the MTA has begun setting up camera systems needed to charge the tolls. The authority hopes to start charging congestion tolls by the spring of 2024 on vehicles that enter Manhattan south of 60th Street.
Murphy argued that the new tolls will unfairly target New Jersey drivers, who already pay a $17 toll to use the Lincoln or Holland tunnels into Manhattan. Around 111,000 people drove into Manhattan’s business district from New Jersey on an average fall weekday in 2019, according to the New York Metropolitan Transportation Council, a planning group.
The MTA this week convened a board that will set toll rates and consider exemptions—including a possible credit for drivers who must already pay tolls to use tunnels.
The congestion charge could be as high as $23 during rush hour, according to the MTA’s environmental review. Drivers just using highways along the Hudson and East rivers can avoid the fee, and low-income residents of the congestion zone would receive an offsetting tax rebate.
The toll must raise enough money to cover operating costs as well as bonds to finance $15 billion of mass-transit improvements for the MTA. New York approved the congestion pricing in 2019 as part of a larger budget bill in Albany.
In addition to raising funds, leaders of the MTA estimated that the new tolls would reduce traffic by up to 20%, thereby improving air quality and reducing trip times. Similar systems are in place in London, Stockholm and Singapore.
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sonicenvy · 1 year
I think if there is something that I've learned this year having to deal with a lot of healthcare nonsense it's that many patients (myself included) need to learn our rights, and that there ARE options that we can take when we can't afford payment for drugs or care and when we get rejected by insurance for coverage for something. I wish to god we had a better healthcare system in this country; I do, but for now we have to live with the bullshit we have, and I think people would be served better by getting educated about their options and rights in the now to reduce harm in the now, while we fight for a better system. For now, here are some things that are of interest:
If you do not have health insurance at this time, you can get it through healthcare.gov. It doesn't matter where in the country you live, what your previous claims payment history is or what your current medical conditions are. You can pay for and get ANY plan that is offered on this site. This is defined through ACA Subtitle D, Part I.
When you look at the plans not signed in, they look SUPER expensive. They are not. Create an account and submit your tax information. Once your previous year's tax information is submitted, the site will tell you what your tax-credit reduction is for your monthly premiums. This is the amount of $ that the government will subsidize your premiums for. The less money you make, the more this amount will be. If your income was greater last year than it is this year, when you file your taxes you will get money back that you should have received in reductions on your premiums. If your income is greater, you owe. They give you the choice of how much of the credit to take in the now. If you choose not to use all of it, you get the unused amount back on your taxes.
If you have marketplace plan questions, call the healthcare dot gov help line (1-800-318-2596) and someone will help you. They will answer any questions you have, no matter how dumb they are. You can ask them simple stuff like "What is a premium?" and they helpfully explain it.
No insurance company can raise your premiums based on your claims payment history, your health conditions, your health history or any other form of "evidence of insurability". They cannot deny you a plan for any of these reasons or deny you renewal of a plan for them. You have rights, if your insurance is trying to do this, you can report them to the government. It is illegal for them to discriminate against YOU for any of these reasons. This is all defined either under ACA Subpart I: General Reform, sect 2702, sec 2703, and section 2705.
If you are over 65, you are eligible for medicare, and you should get it. If you have a serious disability, you can get medicare earlier. This will significantly reduce your healthcare costs. You have already paid into it if you have been paying taxes on a W2.
If you are poor, you may qualify for medicaid. If you are unemployed you probably qualify for medicaid. Eligibility requirements vary by state, but if you are below the federal poverty line and under 65, you are almost certainly eligible. Medicaid is low cost and covers most services. If you have children and are poor, you can get CHIP.
Certain services are considered "Essential Health Benefits" under the ACA and ALL plans are required to cover them. These EHBs include items and services in the following ten benefit categories: (1) ambulatory patient services; (2) emergency services; (3) hospitalization; (4) maternity and newborn care; (5) mental health and substance use disorder services including behavioral health treatment; (6) prescription drugs; (7) rehabilitative and habilitative services and devices; (8) laboratory services; (9) preventive and wellness services and chronic disease management; and (10) pediatric services, including oral and vision care. If you plan refuses to provide ANY coverage for items and services under these categories, that is illegal and you can report them.
If you visit a non-for-profit hospital for emergency services, and are uninsured or poor, they must provide you with financial assistance, whether that is FREE care or significantly reduced care. This applies even for insured patients who are visiting an emergency room that is not in their network. Talk to their billing department and ask about financial assistance and charity care.
Under the No-Surprises Act, a subsection of the CAA 2021, a provider of emergency services cannot balance bill you (bill you money after you have paid your deductible, copay, coinsurance and your insurance pays out their obligation to make up for costs on the visit from their providers being not in your network). This is something new I didn't know about until my current situation lol.
Certain forms of medical debt CANNOT be reported on your credit report. Additionally, if you apply for an FHA mortgage to purchase a home, the FHA does not consider medical debt when assessing mortgage eligibility. For more information about new rules regarding medical debt as related to creditworthiness here is the general bulletin.
If you are denied coverage for a medically necessary drug or service, you have the right to appeal this. Call your insurance company and ask for an explanation for the denial of coverage. Sometimes, your doctor can provide a letter of medical necessity for the service to get you coverage. The same drugs and services can be billed under different classifications, which may affect coverage. Read through your plans benefits booklet to find if the service you are being denied is covered under a different billing classification (usually called a CPT #). If this is the case, you can work with your provider to reclassify the billing of the drug or service to get coverage. Arm yourself with all the right vocabulary and information by reading through your plan's benefits booklet and by requesting an extended EOB (explanation of benefits) for the claim in question. Note that you cannot get extended EOBs for medication claims, but you can for services. You may also want to enlist your provider in your fight against charges as there is certain information that they can more easily access than you can and that they can do on your behalf.
Many drugs have manufacturer coupons that you can use to reduce your copay. These coupons can be applied WITH your insurance. If a pharmacy employee tells you otherwise, they don't know what the fuck they're talking about. Ask to speak with the head pharmacist about this. You can find many kinds of drug coupons through sites like goodrx or the manufacturer of your drug's website. Sometimes your doctor may also have coupons; ask them. If you have an especially competent pharmacist, they can also help you find coupons or discounts.
Anyhow, I hope someone finds this helpful. Learn your rights and your terminology so that you can get the care you need and deserve!
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theculturedmarxist · 2 years
This original report was produced by Important Context and the OptOut Media Foundation.
Last Friday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported roughly 3,900 American deaths from COVID-19 in the week ending on Jan. 11—more than died in the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001. The number, which represented a 44% increase from the previous week and added to a national pandemic death toll already well above one million, hardly made the news. Such was the case in November when the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) released a report on long COVID revealing that as many as 23 million Americans were suffering post-viral symptoms.
The country’s media, and to a large extent, policymakers, have moved on from the ongoing crisis—a reality that is, at least in part, a testament to the work of one man: Jeffrey Tucker, the founder of the Brownstone Institute, a shadowy new nonprofit dedicated to waging war on public health measures.
With his receding white hair, comically small circular glasses, and signature bowtie, Tucker looks positively academic. He can almost sound the part too. Tucker once told an interviewer from libertarian think tank the John Locke Foundation that he’d arrived at the name for his institute by looking to history. Brownstone, he explained, was a common building block in the 1800s before the advent of steel. He’d felt it an apt metaphor for the group’s purpose.
“I think going back to that time at the birth of the modern is really important now,” Tucker said. “We need to rediscover the principles of the founding, the principles of the enlightenment, get optimistic about the use of science within the framework of integrity, and deal with crises like pandemics within the framework of freedom and human rights. Those are all things that we discovered in the 19th century that we’ve somehow forgotten in the 21st century.” 
Tucker has long had one foot in the distant past. In 2016, he advocated for the return of child labor. A report from the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) from 2000 noted that he had written for the white supremacist, neo-Confederate League of the South and was listed on the organization’s website as a founding member. Tucker denied his membership. In the 1980s, he was an assistant to Lew Rockwell, a fellow League of the South founding member and then editor of former Texas Congressman Ron Paul’s infamous racist and homophobic newsletter—Tucker himself is suspected of contributing writing but has declined to comment about it. He and Rockwell worked together for years at the Ludwig von Mises Institute, which has “strong neo-Confederate principles,” according to the SPLC, and which Rockwell founded with financial backing from Paul. 
With his Brownstone Institute, a tax-exempt, 501(c)(3) nonprofit, Tucker has sought to turn the clock back on public health—and perhaps on child labor laws as well. The organization has become a prolific and prominent source of misinformation related to the COVID pandemic, including vaccine misinformation, with connections to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and former President Donald Trump.
Just last month, Mother Jones reported that a majority of the members of DeSantis’ new “Public Health Integrity Committee,” which he established to scrutinize federal public health recommendations, had ties to Brownstone. That same month, DeSantis’ surgeon general, Joseph Ladapo, spoke at a conference the group hosted.
Despite Brownstone’s prevalence, however, funding for the institute remains shrouded in secrecy thanks to America’s lax disclosure rules. But, new federal tax filings obtained by the Center for Media and Democracy and provided to Important Context and the OptOut Media Foundation reveal that the organization has little popular support. Instead, it is bankrolled mostly by large donations of up to $600,000.
‘An Elite Protected Class’
Tucker, who has called for “reparations for the business victims of lockdowns,” fancies himself a populist these days, standing up for the little guy against out-of-touch “elites” imposing unnecessary public health measures that help the powerful at their expense.
“I know of no exceptions: every person I've heard claim that lockdowns are completely normal and much needed is a member of an elite protected class,” Tucker tweeted in November 2020.
But the man behind the Brownstone Institute has made his career in the world of well-financed, big business-aligned libertarian nonprofits. Tucker is a veteran of groups in the political orbit of right-wing billionaire industrialist Charles Koch. As recently as 2017, he worked as a director for the Foundation for Economic Education, which has gotten Koch support for years, including $205,000 from the Charles Koch Foundation in 2021. DonorsTrust, a money conduit that Koch network donors and other conservatives use, also gave the foundation $295,000 that year. The fund is the biggest known donor to white nationalist groups, the Center for Media and Democracy found.
From 2017-21, Tucker worked as the editorial director and vice president of the American Institute for Economic Research (AIER), a libertarian think tank that has also received funding from the Charles Koch Foundation, including a nominal amount in 2021. The group also received $55,000 that year from DonorsTrust. 
Tucker is currently an adjunct scholar at the Mackinac Center for Public Policy, which received $500,000 in 2021 from Stand Together Fellowships (formerly the Charles Koch Institute), $150,000 from the Koch-funded State Policy Network (SPN), and another $150,000 from DonorsTrust. He is a research fellow at the free market think tank Acton Institute. An associate member of SPN, Acton received $250,000 from Stand Together in 2021 and over $1.4 million from DonorsTrust in 2021. Tucker is also listed as a policy adviser to the Heartland Institute, a free market, climate science-denying think tank and SPN affiliate that has received money from Koch in the past. In 2021, Heartland received $26,000 from DonorsTrust. 
Throughout the pandemic, business-aligned groups and the political right have been pushing back against public health measures. Koch-backed organizations have been in the fight since March 2020, messaging against business closures and later, school closures and masking in an effort to minimize economic disruption. The Brownstone Institute arose out of those efforts; specifically, an October 2020 conference Tucker helped organize while at AIER.
Held at AIER’s headquarters in Great Barrington, Mass., the conference spawned an influential open letter—the “Great Barrington Declaration”—calling on governments and scientists to reject broad public health measures in favor of pursuing herd immunity through mass infection and “focused protection” only of the vulnerable. Similar ideas had been proposed in a reopening plan from the Koch-funded Heritage Foundation months earlier.
The declaration and its authors, three scientists from prestigious universities—Drs. Jay Bhattacharya of Stanford and the Koch-funded Hoover Institution, Martin Kulldorff (then) of Harvard, and Sunetra Gupta of Oxford–were promoted by the political right, including the Trump White House, DeSantis, and Koch-tied groups, to undermine scientific consensus around public health measures.
The mainstream scientific community rejected the declaration. After the document was published, 14 major public health organizations, including the American Public Health Association, denounced it in an open letter, while World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus called it “unethical.” But the damage was done. The document had provided an academic veneer to a laissez-faire economic agenda: reopening businesses, without protections for workers, despite the circulating virus.
The declaration signaled that public health was the new front in the war over the size and scale of government. 
Tucker left his role at AIER to commit full-time to that war. Brownstone, which he founded in May 2021, would be his primary weapon. Initially billed as the “spiritual child of the Great Barrington Declaration,” the group brought on Bhattacharya and Kulldorff as senior scholars and Gupta as a contributor.
The Brownstone founder’s efforts were welcomed by Koch-tied organizations. For example, Tucker was interviewed in October 2021 about his new institute by the John Locke Foundation, which got $150,000 that year from SPN. A year later, Hillsdale College—which gave Bhattacharya and Kulldorff teaching fellowships—brought Tucker in as a lecturer on the economic consequences of lockdowns and vaccine mandates. In 2021, Hillsdale received $55,000 from the Charles Koch Foundation, $30,000 from DonorsTrust, and $17,000 from Donors Capital Fund, another funding conduit of the Koch network.
Tucker denies that Koch has played a significant role in supporting the policy agenda articulated in the Great Barrington Declaration and blasted out by Brownstone.
“That’s a hell of a conspiracy theory…Koch orgs have been tragically acquiescent toward lockdowns,” Tucker wrote in October 2020 in response to a tweet pointing out the link between Koch and AIER.
Misinformation Hub
Since its inception, Brownstone has been churning out articles downplaying the seriousness of COVID to portray government mitigation measures—“lockdowns,” masking, travel restrictions, and mandates—as overreach at the expense of the common people. The pieces are generally misleading, rife with misinformation and faulty analysis, and promote a narrative that the institute and its writers are underdog truth-tellers against a powerful establishment.
Experts Important Context spoke to were highly critical of Brownstone. Yale epidemiologist Gregg Gonsalves called the organization “a collection of conspiracy theorists, disgraced scientists, radical libertarians, [and] anti-vaxxers, all of whom think they’re half-Galileo, half-Spartacus when it comes to their views on COVID-19 and public health more generally.”
“Despite the fact that their work is incoherent, unmoored from any real scientific evidence, they maintain that it’s a vast conspiracy that has kept them from being heard, even as many leading figures were the darling of the Trump Administration and current politicians like Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis,” he continued. “We’re in tin-foil hat territory.”
Epidemiologist Eleanor Murray, an assistant professor at the Boston University School of Public Health, said she hadn’t been paying attention to Brownstone. 
“The initial Great Barrington Declaration was clearly not a scientific document,” Murray said. “I teach and do research and advise students and consult with health departments; I don’t have time for them.”
Brownstone articles have suggested that school closures could be linked to school shootings like the May 2022 attack on Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas; that New York’s spring 2020 COVID wave, which saw New York City hospitals forced to rely on freezer trucks to store human remains, wasn’t actually serious; that ”the children” have been poisoned by exposure to masks, tests, disinfectants, and hand sanitizer.
Unsurprisingly, Brownstone has been a hub for vaccine-related misinformation as well, with multiple pieces questioning the safety and efficacy of the mRNA COVID vaccines. The institute has even featured writing from notorious anti-vaxxer Dr. Robert Malone, who falsely claims to have invented mRNA vaccines.
In September, a Brownstone article declared, “The vaccine narrative is as leaky as the vaccines” and claimed that “the ‘abundance of data’ demonstrates that vaccines do not prevent infection, transmission, hospitalization and deaths for the under-60s.” Earlier this month, the group published a piece titled, “Did National Security Imperatives Compromise COVID-19 Vaccine Safety?”
“We now know [the vaccines] do not prevent infection nor transmission and have not prevented a continuing high incidence of COVID-19,” it falsely stated. “Furthermore they are associated with an unprecedented incidence of serious adverse events and deaths compared to any other drugs in the history of the pharmaceutical industry.”
To substantiate the claim of “unprecedented incidence of serious adverse events and death,” the authors relied on VAERS data, which numerous fact-checkers have noted is unreliable. 
The COVID vaccines have saved millions of lives. While breakthrough infections are not rare, studies have found that vaccination reduces transmission. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend the jabs, including the bivalent dose, for everyone ages six months and older. Major medical groups like the American Medical Association, the American Academy of Family Physicians, and the American Academy of Pediatrics backed the recommendation.
As Mother Jones noted, Brownstone has promoted quack COVID cures like hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin and celebrated anti-vaccine demonstrations. The group has tacitly encouraged radicalism from its supporters. Tucker himself authored an article that ran with an image of a guillotine about holding public health officials and policymakers “accountable” for trying to save lives from a deadly, airborne pathogen. Tucker suggested that “consequences” would “set a fabulous precedent for the future.”
Brownstone fellow Paul Alexander, a former Trump administration HHS science adviser who famously advocated for mass infection, published an error-ridden, semi-coherent tirade on his blog calling for violent retribution against public health officials who sought to limit the spread of COVID. 
“You beasts, you Fauci and Birx and Walensky and Hotez and Francis Collins and Howard Njoo and Tam, all of you, you know you had zero science to back up your lockdown lunacy, but you were power-drunk and IMO malfeasant, you illogical, irrational, absurd, inept and incompetent malfeasant untermensche, you beelzebubs,” Alexander raved. 
“This must be Nuremberg 2.0, you must swing from gallows for what you did!” he concluded.
Nine Donations
Brownstone’s 2021 IRS Form 990 belies its populist appeals. Based on the group’s tax filings, a handful of large donations accounted for more than 83% of its total revenue. 
Brownstone brought in nearly $1.2 million in 2021 in contributions and grants, with $1 million, or 85%, coming from just nine donations ranging from $25,000 to $600,000. Donation amounts for the remaining $179,000 were not disclosed.
Details surrounding the large contributions remain a mystery. Important Context/OptOut Media Foundation was unable to identify any grants to the institute from other tax-exempt organizations. It is possible that more information will be revealed over the summer when the tax filings of donor-advised fund managers—charities that manage individual donation accounts for their clients—come due. It is also possible that individual donors or corporations gave directly, meaning their identities will likely remain secret, barring transparency from Brownstone.
The group notably pledges on its website, “We do not and will not share donor names.” Tucker did not respond to our request for basic details about Brownstone’s funding.
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sally5674 · 7 days
How to Pay Your Self Assessment Tax Online: A Step-by-Step Guide
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Thus, the payment of Self Assessment tax online is easy and convenient and enables the person to meet the tax obligations as required by the law. Here then is a checklist that can help you avoid hitches when making payment so that you are always timely; 
 Step 1: collection of one’s particulars 
 Before you begin, make sure you have the following information ready:Before you begin, make sure you have the following information ready: 
 Unique Taxpayer Reference (UTR): A reference number that is issued to an individual by HMRC when he or she registers for Self Assessment and it is a 10 digit number. 
 National Insurance Number 
 Amount of Tax Due: You will be able to find this on your ‘Self Assessment tax return’ or in your ‘HMRC account. 
 Bank Details: For customers who are using online banking or debit/credit card in making the payment for the products. 
 Step 2: Log in to Your HMRC Account 
 Visit the HMRC Website: Enter the website, gov. uk then you will have to choose that you want to log in. 
 Enter Your Government Gateway ID: Login into your account with your Government Gateway ID and the password. If you aren’t on the list yet, being so can take anything from a few days if you register on the site. 
 Step 3: Self Assessment Section 
 Once logged in: 
 Access Your Tax Return Information: Log into your account and find the option that says “Self Assessment” simply click on it. 
 Select the “Make a Payment” Option: As will show amount of tax due and enable you to go further in the payment process. 
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 Step 4: Choosing the Method of Payment 
 There are several ways to pay your tax online, and the method you choose will depend on how quickly you need the payment to be processed:There are several ways to pay your tax online, and the method you choose will depend on how quickly you need the payment to be processed: 
 Direct Debit: One can use it to authorise an initial or a standing order payment. This takes about 5 working days to process. 
 Debit or Credit Card: Regarding the payment you have the option to pay through credit card directly on HMRC’s website. Remember that he have to pay some additional amount as processing fee, if you are opting for credit card transactions. 
 Online Banking: You can transfer the funds from you bank account. Faster Payments generally take a day to be processed while Bacs takes at most 3 working days and CHAPS processes within the same day. 
 Bank Transfer: They also accept payment from your bank directly by using HMRC’s details which are usually given when the payment is being made. 
 Note: Always use your 10 digit Unique Tax Reference (UTR) as the payment reference to enable HMRC post your payment properly. 
 Step 5: Formalise the Payment Process 
 Confirm the Payment Amount: Ensure that you confirm the amount you are paying to match the amount that you require to pay. 
 Enter Payment Details: (if making a payment using a card or online banking), enter your particulars as provided in the instructions. 
 Submit Your Payment: After entering your information pay specific attention to this to confirm your payment as follows. 
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 Step 6: Save your payment confirmation
 Once you’ve completed the payment:Once you’ve completed the payment: 
 Save a Record: Save a copy of this payment receipt either by print or through the screen shot in your file. This will be of great help in situation where you will be required to prove that you made a payment. 
 Check Your HMRC Account: Usually, it may take 2-3 days for the payment to reflect in your account however you can log into the portal to check whether the payment has been processed or not. 
 Important Deadlines 
 31st January: The last date to file your Income Tax return online and to pay the tax which you have computed for the previous financial year. 
 31st July: For those of you who have payments on account, the second payment is due by this date. 
 It is quite easier and time effective to pay Self Assessment tax online. Actually, following this step by step guide will help you to meet the due date so that you do not have to incur the cost of paying a penalty. It is important that you confirm every detail in the payment before you execute it and it is advisable to keep a copy. 
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hisaribi · 29 days
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Place your bets if google also gonna leave and where do I put my fics to. Also like ok they turned off AdSense (which was sort of useless before, but now it's impossible to use), maybe that counts. Miro who also sort left at least allowed non-paid users to still have their boards (I think). Also I sorta worry about Figma. Adobe's been pirated for ages now so whatever
And steam (they did already make gamedev from around here pay tax both in Russia and the USA though), and egs (they do allow payments from Russia but mostly through China for gacha-games, including Fortnight)
Gosh I probably use a lot of other software that can be blocked
Also I should probably go to Kazakhstan and buy a sim-card and maybe create a payment card and all the tax things here and move my google accounts there, but I have no money for food even, because of lay off that happened in the begining of summer, and I only have like 50 bucks till the end of the month. Which might be surviviable if I didn't have to deal with credit card debt and mortgage
Also it is sorta funny, all the you can't use our products, considering rn one of our regions is bombed using american bombs, and I say funny because otherwise I'm gotta get aneurysm
Like on one side govt tries to block access to a bunch of sites (I literally can't use ao3 or YouTube without VPN, which is also getting blocked), on the other our accounts and accesses are getting under sanctions, like when I still worked in creatives production I had to use VPN again to get an access for the base stuff I needed to work with (once again, some were actually blocked by the gov, but a lot were blocked by the site themselves), and I sort of just think what else would I have to deal with
And ye-ye, don't @ at me about it's deserved or whatever, I'm just annoyed and whining
Also Durov was arrested because of telegram in France, and I use telegram as my main blogging platform, so will I have to just delete it because of this bullshit as well
Discord is also acting out for some of my peers, and if I'll have to go there with VPN I'm gonna be so annoyed. I'm already annoyed with it being like oh buy nitro, buy this, buy that, which it throws at me every time I try to attach file or just write a message, but it's also like sorry payments from you won't work, you still get to see ads though
It's also 6 am I woke up from the pain because I had troubles feeding myself and gosh I need meds and I need to buy them because I only have them enough to last till Saturday, and also I got a new prescription for new meds but I have no clue how much would it cost but also I feel exactly nothing so whatever
I just hope your day is better than mine
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e-file-irs-form-2290 · 3 months
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novumtimes · 3 months
Martin Lewis warns over four MILLION Brits could be owed 100s in overpayments check how to reclaim your cash now
MARTIN Lewis has warned millions of Brits could be owed hunrdreds after paying the wrong amount in their student loan repayments. The Money saving expert has urged anyone with an outstanding student loan to check if they have been paying the wrong amount. 1 Martin Lewis gave the expert advice in his weekly newsletterCredit: Rex In his MSE newsletter, Martin explained four ways that those with student loans could be paying the wrong amount and whether they could reclaim cash. A freedom of information request he filed previously found that a million people overpaid their loans in 2022/2023 in that year alone. Martin says there is no time limit for reclaiming so even if this was a decade ago, you can still do it. There are four big reasons that may mean you are owned hundreds of pounds in refunds. You start repaying your student loan once your earnings surpass a certain threshold. However, Martin emphasised that you may have overpaid if there were months where you began repaying your loan despite not earning enough over the tax year. This is likely to affect those who have only been employed for part of the tax year, or those with fluctuating incomes or commissions. The point at which you commence repaying your student loan depends on the type of plan you’re on. For example, those on a Plan 2 loan only begin repayments when their annual income exceeds £27,295, while for someone on a Plan 5 loan, the threshold is £25,000 per annum. Those who are in the wrong repayment plan could also be paying more than they should. These thresholds are dependent on when and where you went to university and mark the income amount above which you begin repaying. Martin Lewis issues urgent warning to 800,000 parents missing out on £2,000 to help with summer childcare costs If you’ve not told your firm which plan you’re on, the Govt tells it to default to a Plan 1 loan, where you repay on income above £24,990 per year. Yet millions are on plans where you only repay if you earn over £27,000 per year. Plan 1 has a significantly lower repayment threshold than most other plans, meaning some individuals on lower salaries may have started repaying their student loan prematurely. If the default setting is then used, you’ll have overpaid, so you should speak to your payroll to fix it and reclaim. Another reason you could be forking out more than you should is if you started repaying your loan too early with 120,000 affected by this over the past four years. You’re usually only eligible to start repaying in the April after you left your course. So if you mis-stated when your studies finished, or your employer got it wrong, you could’ve repaid too early, and are due that cash back. Lastly, you may have had money deducted after your student loan was fully repaid. Around 190,000 are said to have been affected by this problem over the past four years. After a set time, often 30 years but it varies, the loan is wiped. However, you could still repay even after your loan is cleared due to pay-as-you-earn (PAYE) timings. How to reclaim payments For those seeking to reclaim any overpayments on their student loans, the process involves logging into your student loan repayment account through GOV. UK and selecting “request a refund”. If you suspect you’re on an incorrect repayment plan, it’s recommended to speak with your employer or get in touch with the Student Loans Company directly on 0300 100 0611. You should also get in touch with the Student Loans Company for a refund if you started repaying your loan too early. If deductions were made after the loan was fully paid off, the Student Loans Company should automatically issue you a refund. If possible, gather old payslips, your payroll number and a PAYE reference number, says Martin. But if you don’t have those, don’t let it put you off – this can often be done in a phone call, and now a new system allows some of the claims to be done online. Source link via The Novum Times
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A proposal to add new tax brackets and increase rates for wealthier Mainers was vetoed by Gov. Janet Mills on Friday.
In her veto message, Mills listed multiple reasons for her veto. Because the bill started as a concept draft — a document without substantive text that is often used as a placeholder before the full bill language is drafted — she said the legislative process didn’t have enough transparency or opportunity for public input. She also said the bill wouldn’t provide meaningful relief for low-income taxpayers and fears it would have unintended consequences for the state budget.
The bill, LD 1231, passed in the Maine House of Representatives 88-57 and in the Senate 22-12. The proposal would have increased the income threshold for current tax brackets starting in 2025 and created three new income brackets with higher tax rates for wealthier residents.
It was put forward by Rep. Meldon Carmichael (R-Greenbush) because he said he wanted to specifically help out middle class workers, who he described during the House debate as a “segment of hardworking Maine families that have been continually left behind economically” because of circumstances out of their control.
Carmichael quoted the governor, who in her annual address said “the state of the state is strong,” but, he added, “the state of hard working families is not.”
Under LD 1231, most earners would have seen the same or lower tax rate while those at the top of the pay scale would contribute a greater portion of their income.
Currently, any single individual making more than $58,050 is taxed $3,686 plus 7.15% of excess over that amount. Couples filing jointly making $116,100 or more are taxed $7,371 plus 7.15% of excess over $116,100.
Under the proposal, there would be three new brackets for individuals making $144,500 and more that would be taxed at progressively higher rates.
Mills, a Democrat, said she shares the “worthy goal” of reducing the tax burden for lower-income people, but she said this bill wouldn’t actually achieve that because of the state’s many exemptions, deductions and credits that more people have become eligible for in recent years.
“The cumulative impact of these changes is that low-income individuals in Maine have little or no tax liability,” Mills said in her veto message. “As a result, this bill would have little or no impact on the taxpayers it is intended to benefit.”
In a statement following the veto, Garrett Martin, president and CEO at the Maine Center for Economic Policy, also said there wouldn’t have been much benefit to low-income taxpayers, “but asking the wealthy to pay more was a step in the right direction.”
“When multimillionaires pay the same income tax rate as a Mainer making just $62,000 a year, it should be obvious that change is needed,” Martin said. “The Maine Legislature should continue to work towards a fairer tax code, and Governor Mills should join the bipartisan effort to do so.”
However, Mills said she fears the bill would have had unintended consequences for the state budget by increasing the reliance on less than one percent of taxpayers. She said those taxpayers’ incomes are “disproportionately composed of highly volatile sources such as capital gains and business income.”
“At a time when we are already keeping a close eye on Maine’s budget because of increased spending and flattening revenues, there is concern from budgeting officials that relying on more volatile forms of revenue may inadvertently jeopardize the State of Maine’s fiscal standing,” she said.
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dankusner · 4 months
NRA convention coming to Dallas this week with Trump, Abbott: Here’s what to know
The event is billed as the largest gathering of Second Amendment supporters.
People in the audience wait for the start of the National Rifle Association's Leadership Forum at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center on Friday, May 4, 2018, in Dallas.
The conference returns to Dallas this week and is expected to draw more than 70,000 attendees
Tens of thousands of gun rights supporters will head to Dallas this week for the National Rifle Association’s annual conference, which will feature appearances by former President Donald Trump and Texas Gov. Greg Abbott.
Here’s what to know about the conference:
Largest Second Amendment gathering
Billed as the country’s largest gathering of Second Amendment supporters, the event runs Friday through Sunday at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center in downtown Dallas.
This year marks the organization’s 153rd annual meeting.
Seminars will cover tips for concealed carry, school security and how to interact with law enforcement.
Roughly 650 vendors with guns and gear will cover 14 acres of exhibit space.
More than 70,000 people are expected to attend.
“This is the place to be for anyone who is an NRA member or a Second Amendment supporter,” NRA spokesperson Nick Perrine said.
Dallas last hosted the event in 2018, and Houston hosted in 2022.
Trump to address members
Trump, who will give the keynote address Saturday afternoon, has been a frequent fixture on the NRA stage since his first address to the organization in 2015.
Trump has repeatedly promised to protect gun owners’ rights, even as the U.S. grapples with an epidemic of gun violence.
In February, the former president told NRA members gathered for the Great American Outdoor Show in Harrisburg, Penn., that “no one will lay a finger on your firearms” if he returns to the White House.
Trump also bragged that during his time as president, he “did nothing” to curb guns.
“During my four years nothing happened. And there was great pressure on me having to do with guns. We did nothing. We didn’t yield,” he told the crowd.
Trump did, however, ban bump stocks, a gun accessory that allows semi-automatic weapons to fire rapidly like machine guns.
The ban came after a gunman in Las Vegas killed 60 and injured hundreds more at a 2017 country music festival using assault-style rifles, many of which were equipped with bump stocks.
The U.S. Supreme Court is now weighing a challenge to that ban.
Admission to the event is free, but attendees must belong to the NRA.
Are firearms allowed?
Attendees can carry guns at the conference with one notable exception.
Firearms, gun accessories and knives are forbidden at the event where Trump and Abbott are speaking, per a requirement of the Secret Service, Perrine said.
Attendees will be screened before entry and subject to searches.
Also banned are backpacks, laser pointers, mace and pepper spray, toy guns, selfie sticks and umbrellas.
NRA strife
This year’s meeting comes as the NRA is mired in turmoil. In February, a jury in New York found Wayne LaPierre, the longtime head of the organization, guilty of misspending millions of dollars of NRA money.
He was accused of using the funds to pay for an extravagant lifestyle that included exotic getaways and trips on private planes and yachts.
LaPierre is required to repay almost $4.4 million to the NRA, which jurors found had failed to properly manage its assets, omitted or misrepresented information in its tax filings and violated whistleblower protections. LaPierre announced his resignation days before the trial was set to start.
Longtime NRA executive Andrew Arulanandam stepped in as interim CEO.
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shop-korea · 6 months
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INCREASED - $16.65 - eVOICE - 800
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