#invoice without tax
setupfilling · 6 months
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rooksunday · 3 months
thinking about fox getting his first poll card after the vode get citizenship. the guard scattered after sithsplosion day, but he and a score or so that were functionally useless without each other, like nervous space greyhounds with military training, all ended up bundled together on some planet in the mid rim.
he’s been working on a book about his years at the senate. no one knows about it aside from thorn, who has been checking his basic, and advising him where he needs to wind the reveals back a little because libel. the rest of the time he does payroll for a number of small businesses, picking and choosing his hours, and delighting in sending invoices for his business: the shiny security fund, he’s called it, to continue the tradition in a more official manner.
(when they’d been on triple zero, the fund had been for rations. blankets. bacta. they’d conned credits from tourists and stolen them from senators and turned those credits into hope for the poor bastards shipped to the city that ate shinies before they could ever earn paint. these days, the fund was for whatever his guard wanted. aside from a pony. fox couldn’t figure out where hound would keep the pony.)
the book had been born from two lists. one was the blackmail and gossip the guard had collected during their stint on coruscant; that was where thorn needed to check for dangers, but since most of those senators had died in sith-related incidents, or had been jailed when the media got hold of their dealings, all fox was doing was providing context.
the other part of the book was fox’s List. thire sometimes called it a manifesto, because he had been studying for his degree and liked to show off occasionally. the list was a suggestion of changes to the republic, some small, some large. it was a silly fancy of fox’s, as the whole book was, but if he couldn’t indulge himself in his own karkin’ book then they might as well have punted him off the high levels back on coruscant.
yet for all that he’d settled—and paid taxes, even—fox hadn’t felt part of the citizenship of the planet. then the poll card had arrived. and suddenly he mattered in a tangible way. just like the bothan baker next door did. just like the twi’lek downstairs, the one with the noisy kriffin’ speeder, did.
thorn found fox in the kitchen, still staring at the scrap of card. he rapped his knuckles on the doorframe.
“you okay there, chief?” he asked. he’d been trying out alternatives to ‘sir’. “noise complaint again?”
fox shook his head. he didn’t look up. “voting thing. there’s an election.”
“oh! yeah, we got ours yesterday. are you— what’s that face you’re making. i don’t think i like it.”
fox raised his head and gleamed his smile at thorn, who backed away slightly, one hand drifting to where a blaster once hung. fox’s eyes felt very wide. he jabbed the poll card like a vibroknife.
“do you know what this means?”
“democracy comes in two postal batches?”
“no! well, yes, apparently, and that’s inefficient, but— no!” fox jabbed the card again. “this means i am a citizen and i am about to make that a senator’s problem. where’s my manifes— list, thorn? it’s time for an update.”
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I do love the way that Cordy is so obviously just running Angel Investigations all the time. She's doing budgets, chasing invoices, she's making calls, she's getting things signed that need signed. She's not just important for the visions - she's doing the actual on-the-ground things required to allow AI to function as an actual business as well as a journey towards cosmic redemption.
She's so set in this role that by the end of the first series she can just hand Angel things and he signs them without a thought. Because she's running this company. To paraphrase Anya - without her, Angel would in fact be a scared old man staring at a quarterly tax return and wetting himself.
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tellmeallaboutit · 3 months
knock knock (Raphael x F!Player)
Chapter 6, In Which You Try To Look Away (It's Harder Than You Thought)
by the way, I saw today an art on twitter which is extremely Raul-coded
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I am not a murderer, you thought as you ordered the ATM to give you another two hundred euros.
Even if I am, that guy deserved it, you thought as you re-inserted the card to give you two hundred more (damn those limits per withdrawal).
Even if he didn’t (and he did), nobody is going to miss him, and his fiancee will move on to the next lawyer in Oliver Peoples glasses soon enough, and besides, people die in freak accidents all the time. 
Even if they don’t, well, if every death wish resulted in an actual death, humanity would be long extinct and that wouldn't be your fault, would it now?
With that comforting thought, you pocketed the last of your ten thousand euro goal, tired from having to repeat the same task for almost an entire hour. Anything can happen, Raphael could cut off access to his account on a whim, but cold hard cash was something you could hold onto even if you fell from his grace.
"Ms. Berger," came a voice on your phone with a strong French accent the moment you picked up. It was Raphael’s banker, Francois-something, who gave you the PIN in the first place. “Would it be easier if we delivered cash directly to you? Your withdrawals keep triggering our petty theft alerts."
"Oh no, thank you," you replied, trying your best not to sound like a petty thief. "I have enough for now... I think."
“As you wish,” came his slow reply.
"But uh... could you help me make two bank transfers?" You asked after a pause. "One to my mother, Franziska Berger… (how much how much how much?) ten thousand euro, I’ll send you the details… and one for the stray cats shelter... (how much how much how much?)… five thousand euro?"
Too much? How do you quantify the cost of accidentally-on-purpose getting some useless yuppie run over by a bus in terms of absolving your sins? 
Five thousand felt somewhat stingy.
“The stray cats?” The banker repeated back at you as though questioning whether this was some sort of coded drug deal.
“Yes,” You replied firmly. “They do incredible work. Ah! The kids cancer foundation, too. Five thousand. No, ten".
That seemed about right for the guy’s life.
"Ah, you meant charity. Of course," Francois replied, relief and amusement in his tone. "Lovely, great for the ESG rating. Make sure to get an invoice for the tax refund."
It didn’t quite sit well with you to use stray cats and kids for tax refunds, but you still said yes and stashed the money deep down the rucksack. You got a bit of cash for now (soon you will go for more, because who knows), but it’s still not an income source. 
What could be? Should you ask Raphael to buy an apartment in your name, or two? You could rent it. Or a company? Tenebris, for instance. Just imagine their gobsmacked faces - especially after they gave you the boot without even a severance package.
That was a delicious thought.
You let it simmer as you sat down in an tourist-trappy Italian restaurant in the city centre, just about to order an Aperol Spritz when your phone began to ring again. You are in high demand these days.
"Anya!" Your mum gasped on the other end of the line. “I saw you on TV!"
Sure, the accident was all over the news channels. Some blurred out the dead body better than others did. You would bet your last cent that the unedited version got more views.
"Yeah, gruesome," you grimaced.
"Gruesome? Why? Ah, you mean the guy. Well, that happens all the time; they really give driving licences to anyone these days. I do hope the driver rots in prison for what he did to this poor young man. Anyway, no. I called to say, I saw you and Raul on the news”.
She managed to infuse an uncanny amount of innuendo into the last sentence.
“Raul is such a handsome man, Anya”, she sighed wistfully. “Quite the catch you got there, huh?”
There we go again. 
“What, way out of my league?”, you joked dryly. “I’ve been told that”.
“Oh, no, what nonsense! You are such a pretty girl!” Your mother protested. “More importantly, a good-hearted girl raised right; I am glad there still are decent men who still appreciate that. Did you meet Raul for a lunch?”
“Oh no,” You replied nonchalantly. "We actually… ah, we actually went to a church. He introduced me to his pastor."
Your mother sucked in an audible gasp like she'd won some kind of maternal lottery.
“His pastor, already? I am so happy for you, sweetie.”, she finally managed to say. “This is like a fairy tale come true”.
Yeah, a Grimm one.
“Sort of”, you chuckled. '“By the way, you will receive a bank transfer soon, ten thousand euro, don’t be afraid. It’s… well, take care of your health, okay? Get a decent dentist this time, a private one”.
“Where do you have the money from? Is it his?”, your mum suddenly sobered up. “Anya, what on earth is he paying you money for? I hope you are not doing anything… anything…”
"No," you cut her off and licked your lips, recalling the last thing that passed between them. “Mom, please! It's not his money, it's my company’s – long story.”
One that you haven't come up with yet.
Besides, if Raphael was giving you ten thousand dollars (thirty-five thousand in total with your other expenses for the day) for one blowjob, then you definitely had a successful career, just not in the field you had planned on.
“Okay,” your mum replied. “But still...you don’t need to...why don’t you buy some nice dresses instead? What on earth was that t-shirt you were wearing to a church?"
“I am hanging up”, You threatened half-heartedly.
You didn’t. You listened in the background to the story of how your mum’s school friend called her to say she saw “her Anya” with a very handsome man on the TV, nonplussed by the fact there was a scattered corpse in the background. 
In the meanwhile, you opened Google on your phone. 
You didn’t fancy doing that before - annoyed by that fake persona Raphael had created. But since he obviously put that much effort in it, it’s worth looking up what he had been up to and for how long.
Nothing good, for sure.
"…Raul D'Avergni, managing partner of an international law firm, inherited the private equity conglomerate, Avernus Capital. This transition was precipitated by the unexpected and tragic passing of his father..."
"…By December 2024, D'Avergni's high-profile liaison with Isabelle Arnaud, actress and socialite, had unceremoniously ended..."
No. Who? No. You didn’t need any ex-girlfriends.
"…Ms. Arnaud levied abuse accusations against Mr. D'Avergni…”
Oh, no…
“…she retracted her claims within a mere twenty hours and ensued a public apology for any harm inflicted upon D’Avergni’s reputation..."
"…her psychiatrist intervened on her behalf. Evidently, Arnaud was grappling with severe mental health issues that led her to make unfounded allegations..."
Raul likes them crazy, they said? Or makes them crazy?
"…Ms. Arnaud now resides in a high-end medical institution in Monaco, focusing on her mental health issues..."
What did Isabelle look like, you wondered, as your mum finished her talk and wished you a good day. You typed her name into the search bar, holding your breath in anticipation as you half-expected to see Hope's face staring back at you.
The woman clinging to Raphael's arm at some fancy film premiere bore no resemblance.
Your stomach sank as if it had plunged into the depths of hell.
She was exactly the type of woman Raphael should have on his elbow; a timeless beauty, but something more Renaissance like, the kind of faces humankind seemed to have stopped producing. She was in her mid-twenties, as well, but… hell, you could not hold a candle to that. Few could. 
Not even the Tavs. She resembled her namesake, Isabelle Adjani, in her youth, maybe even better.
The pictures showed her laughing and looking deeply in love while gazing up at Raphael, while he offered only a very formal smile to the camera. So not Hope then. Nothing like their story. She was in love, he wasn’t. 
Later snaps by paparazzi painted a different picture: a gaunt woman hidden behind oversized sunglasses and swallowed up by her hoodie, clutching to her coffee cup. 
With a swift click, you banished Isabelle from your screen and plunged further into Raphael's (Raul’s) life story.
You found a photo of Raphael in his twenties (yes, just like the Tumblr post you hated, and no, you wouldn't have fucked him at that age), caught up in a minor scandal in Sankt Moritz (apparently his fraternity brother had pissed on the Swiss flag), more gossip, his philanthropic affairs for local theatres and art galleries, numerous articles praising his professional achievements, and interviews with Lawyer and WSJ and the like. There was mention of a brief marriage and divorce in his early thirties, but when you tried to Google the woman's name, nothing came up.
The whole thing left a sour taste in your mouth. This was someone's real life story, not a fictional character. Raphael wasn't just some wealthy corporate jerk; he was a half-devil from Avernus, which was infinitely better and more sympathetic.
You were well aware that Raphael wasn't exactly a good guy. But he had his rules; he had to have his rules. As for the whole thing with Hope though... What exactly was she? An idea? A person? The fandom barely discussed her, and what little they did, you didn't like; all horrible takes, every single one.
The whole plot felt half-baked.
Anyway, what seeing Isabelle did motivate you to do was to take a real stroll down the city's most expensive boutique street.
Now, the first thing you bought was not because you wanted or needed anything, but because Raphael expected you to. You were not much of a materialist anyway; you were ideologically opposed to consumerism. These things were overpriced, generally not worth it and, on a larger scale, represented everything that was wrong with society.
You decided to enter a Valentino store out of curiosity, as you had never been inside one before. The saleswoman's disdainful look at your T-shirt motivates you to buy a black dress with a white collar, not necessarily because you liked it, but because you want to prove that you can afford it, despite the price tag of two thousand euros. 
Well, you liked it a little. The wool and silk blend was great to touch.
The details of the rest of the shopping trip became a bit hazy. You had your reasons; the consort of an Archdevil Supreme had to look really nice. If you couldn't be as pretty as Isabelle, you could at least dress as well as she did. So you started with some nice blouses and trousers, and a (just one) jacket. With that, you needed shoes. With shoes, of course, you needed a bag. Now that you had a bag (you closed your eyes as the price flashed at the till), you needed some jewellery (you needed to see what all the fuss about Tiffany's was about). And, of course, you needed make-up. 
At each shop, the sales assistants smiled wider and wider as you piled more and more bags onto your arms. By the seventh stop, it felt like their smiles were entering uncanny valley territory. 
Eventually, the banker would call you, right? But when exactly would that be? You tried to find out, but failed. It had to be over forty thousand.
The thought made you dizzy. In one day you had spent your entire year's salary. Now all you could do was hope that Raphael wouldn't make you work off the debt somehow. Unless it was the kind of work your mother suspected you were already doing for him.
You came out of the last shop with five bags and the feeling that you were a very shitty socialist. Since you couldn't carry any more, the shopping concierge (apparently it's a real job) offered to store the bags until your driver picked you up, and just as you were about to say which bloody driver, whom do you take me for, you remembered that you actually had one.
"Mrs Berger," the receptionist said cheerfully the moment she saw you in the door. "Nice to see you again! How can I help you? Oh, yes. The driver, of course. Yes, of course, let me put you through to Mr D'Avergni's personal assistant".
Oh, it's Mrs Berger and my pleasure? They were wondering if the rumours about you wanting the guy to be run over by a bus were already out there. The personal assistant's name was Camilla, her voice was the embodiment of professionalism, and she was the one who could take you to the driver, who was there in no time.
His name was Yuri and he was more talkative than you would have liked. Gruff, huge, way too big for the car he was driving (any vehicle known to man would be too small for him), with a deep booming voice and the face of someone who had spent half his life behind bars.
"Have you seen that poor bastard? All over the main road," he remarked as he passed the street cleaners. "Probably too busy fiddling with his phone to keep an eye out."
"Mghgm," you offered. 
"So, are we stopping by your place first, Miss Berger? Boss said you wanted to get some things first. Are you moving in?"
"Am I?" You ask, surprised by the news yourself, and then think to yourself: "Why not?”
Why the hell not.
You didn't waste any time. With a tidy suitcase in tow, you were out the door of your apartment before Yuri could get too bored. You packed the essentials - toothbrush, laptop, documents - and a few other things that suddenly felt crucial to your life.
Out the car window you watched the cityscape change from urban jungle to manicured suburbia and finally to a small gated community. The driver talked politics (he had exactly the kind of convictions you'd expect), then about how amazing Raul was (and how extremely open-minded he was to give an ex-con a job), before returning to politics. 
You didn't ask what crime Yuri did his time for. 
You knew it was Raphael's house the moment you saw it through the car window. Who else would live in such a place? Not a house, that's too boring a term; a villa, all intricate stonework, marble and terracotta, such a flamboyant display of wealth that it should have been taxed just to exist. 
Only a devil or a mafia don would call such grandeur home. So much, too much, theatrical to the point of grotesqueness; no real person could possibly live like this. You couldn't help but wonder if Raphael had been influenced by the films he had seen - perhaps he had developed a taste for modern cinema.
He must have liked The Godfather.
This place. The fountains, the statues (classical, Roman, as if sculpted by the ghost of Michelangelo), the gardens. You wondered how many souls it took to keep this whole thing running.
The gates opened and the car drove you into an underground car park that was already very busy and very Italian: Ferraris, Maseratis, Lamborghinis. You counted; eight. Who needed eight cars? Not even one for each day of the week. 
The lift took you up; Yuri left your shopping bags and suitcase in the foyer and said goodbye.
You'd never set foot in such a house before; the closest you'd ever come was drooling over Sotheby's property listings.
Why would anyone need all this space? For just one person? It was at least six hundred square metres; and the guest and service house looked like another two hundred. The kitchen and dining area was three times the size of your apartment.
You could play golf here.
For what it's worth, the villa didn't remind you of the House of Hope. Firstly, it was completely empty; the servants, if they were in there, managed to make themselves invisible. Second, it lacked the baroque, replaced by the dolce vita and flair of a Lake Como residence. Thirdly, there were no self-portraits, not even pictures, nothing to suggest that the man who lived here had a face, a history, let alone a family.
The first floor was devoted to entertaining guests: the kitchen, the dining room, the library, the ballroom (you guessed this kind of rooms used to be called ballrooms, he even had a piano in it). The second floor was half-locked, except for the master bedroom (the bed easily could accommodate two orthons and a cambion sandwiched between them) and the dressing room. 
There was also a basement - the entrance blocked by a number lock. You considered trying the PIN combination, but decided you didn't want to snoop down there... well, you wanted to snoop very badly, but you didn't want to face the possible consequences. Unless they resembled those in his private club.
So you roamed both floors twice before staking claim to your new sleeping quarters in the master bedroom by putting your suitcase down there. You checked everything else in the room: Raphael's bedside glasses, his choice of books (predictably, Machiavelli, but not The Prince, another book you had never heard of called Mandragola), even his dark silk pyjamas, which lay on the chaise awaiting their owner's return. You open his drawer: hand lotion, velvet sleeping mask, lubricant, two opera tickets (Götterdammerung) from about a month ago... 
Then curiosity led you to look under his bed, where he indeed had something stored: a large black storage box.
Oh, you just had to have a look. 
Just to get an idea of what’s on the evening programme.
Handcuffs, the real kind, the police kind, metal ones. The thought of all the women (and men) who might have been bound with them, as jealous as it made you feel, was titillating. A whip and a crop. Yes, that works for you. And what's this? Butt plugs? Only if they were still sealed in their original packaging (you were not into that kind of hand-me-downs) and way smaller. A chastity belt? Well, that's... intriguing, but probably not in your first month together. A hook? That can stay where it is.
At least nothing too extreme like needles or enemas or any of the other disgusting things you sometimes saw on weird porn sites.
Underneath all that, toys and accessories, lay another plain black box. Oh, a box in a box. Something was written on it.. 
"Good evening," you said as you opened the lid.
Then promptly closed it again.
"No," you said. "No, no, no. It was just a fic I read and liked, I was very horny, but it's not really my thing. No, thank you. Just because I didn't have a father doesn't mean I have daddy issues. I don't care about the guy, he never cared about me, end of story".
You took a deep breath before opening the box again, hoping that the items inside had disappeared. 
But to your dismay, they were still there: a velvet collar adorned with "Daddy's Little Mouse" in shimmering gold thread, a headband with mouse ears, red lace cobweb-thin lingerie and a tail-butt plug (thankfully still in its original packaging and on the smaller side). The tail was furry and tipped with white, so you must have been a dormouse.
All of the toys were top quality, handmade, and incredibly vulgar. Well, no surprise, having seen what Haarlep was wearing in his house.
You closed the box shut again.
"I'd rather cook us something to eat," you suggested, getting up. "Some pasta. I bet you like pasta?"
You definitely liked pasta and hoped that Raul (Raphael, Raphael) would not have you hanged on the hooks and tortured for your very non-Italian interpretation. You hoped in vain, because he chimed in and tried to stop you from committing a crime:
"Working late. Don't bother with dinner. Take some time to relax and enjoy yourself. R".
As you descended the stairs, ignoring his text, you wondered - did he ever cook? Or was his kitchen just for show, with the real work done in the servants' quarters (do they still call them quarters?).
You forgot that question the moment you saw what was lying on the marble kitchen counter.
The same box you had left upstairs, still with 
on it. 
You blinked and took two large steps back. 
The box seemed to crawl forward in response.
You shrieked; this was a bit too much. Raphael's presence, the supernaturality of it, had been subtle before; now it was becoming a bit performative.
"I got your hint," you said, your voice a shaky laugh. "Don't scare me, please. Please."
The box stayed where it was, but it radiated an energy of impatience, as if it might jump at you if you neglected it any longer.
“Fine,” you conceded, coming a bit closer. “A little romance would’ve been nice but…”
"Setting romantic atmosphere," a cheerful female voice said.
who the fuck who the fuck who the fuck
Fucking smart home systems. The lights dimmed to a soft orange glow, the heavy curtains closed with a soft whoosh and a familiar tune echoed off the walls, the ballroom piano playing in the distance:
I put a spell on you
Because you're mine
The melody was familiar and so was the voice behind it - smooth, silky and oh so captivating (the adjectives you would use to describe it could fill many romance novels). A deep, rich baritone. You chuckled - had Raphael discovered blues? It suited him. 
You know I cannot stand it
You running around
You loved his interpretation of the song. It felt so intimate, him singing to you, so... very, very special. Your fear vanished in an instant; you poured yourself a glass of wine and took a luxurious sip.
"I'll put these on for you," you laughed, putting all the flirt you ever had in this laugh. "But don't expect me to call you 'Daddy'."
There was no protest; Raphael was too busy singing, pouring his entire soul into it. You made yourself busy too; stripping. You weren't very skilled (any skilled), but the thrill of being watched by him awakened something in you. You caught your reflection in the mirror and damn, you were hot. 
Shrugging off your shirt and sliding down your plain black briefs, you swayed your hips at your reflection as the wine worked its magic on your mind. For once in your life, you felt genuinely attractive; he made you feel genuinely attractive. The sexiest you'd ever been. 
Slipping into the silky red lace lingerie he had chosen for you (splurged on, because it was a La Perla) - you fastened the collar around your neck. A long golden chain dangled from it, wrapped twice around the hook and cascaded down your back. Then you put the mouse ears - not cartoonish, not Minnie Mouse ones, but real fur and incredibly lifelike - on your head like a headband. 
You looked like...well, precisely what your mother suspected you were doing to pay the bills. But at least high-end. Very high-end. The only thing worse than being an escort is being a cheap one.
But there was one more item left in the box.
"Ehh," you said at the sight of the mouse tail, especially the part that was meant to be inserted. "I'm going to need... I'm going to the bedroom."
It had been ages since your last foray into such play; back when you were with that boyfriend who constantly pestered you about anal and found it somehow arousing to "accidentally" (sure, mate) poke you and mumble an insincere "oops, wrong hole". 
You didn't stick around much longer after that.
Stretched out on Raphael's sumptuous bed, you slicked up everything - the plug, your pussy, your arse - with copious amounts of lube. First, some warming. So you began to rub yourself, two fingers finding their familiar way to your clit. You couldn't shake the crawling feeling of being watched, every inch of your body scrutinised by unseen eyes.
"Raphael," you called out into the empty room, desperate for some form of interaction or response. "I would love it if you would join me... or say something pleasant”.
Now would be the perfect time to call me a good girl.
But there was no response, just an eerie silence in the room. Feeling too naked and too slutty, you pulled the blanket over you, a makeshift barrier between you and his eyes. Under the fortification, tucking the tail in seemed less daunting.
Before you could get down to business, there was a jerk at the blanket, which fell to the cold floor, leaving you bare again. Then another tug on the chain attached to your collar, pulling you closer to the bedpost.
"I'm sorry," you gasped breathlessly, both hands instinctively reaching for your collar. "I won't hide."
The chain didn’t let go, making a point out of a slight pressure around your neck. Taking a deep breath, you focused on the task at hand, stroking your clit as you guided the plug inside you. 
You told yourself to relax and take it slow; just imagine it's Haarlep. How many times had you dreamed of being squeezed and stretched between the two of them? It was always Haarlep who took you from behind; it just seemed more their style.
The plug slid in deeper. It didn't hurt, and the little discomfort it caused added to the excitement. 
Damn, this is so dirty. 
"It's in," you said as the plug settled inside you. "All the way in. What's next?"
The words were barely out of your mouth when the golden chain, suddenly a snake-like lasso, wrapped tightly around your wrists.
Pulled them towards the bedpost, stretched out and bound tightly to either side. Fear gripped you and you clenched around the plug, pulling your knees tight together.
Tightly. Very tight. A little too tight. You tried to wriggle, the metal biting your skin; you could move your hips a little, but no more. 
You couldn't get out yourself, which was not good news when you were alone (well, almost) in a very big house. Your mind immediately thought of that girl in Gerald's Game.
"Raphael?" you asked. “It’s not that kind of game, is it? It’s a nice game? Can we play a nice game?”
He did not answer, but you heard footsteps. Footsteps coming down the long corridor. Confident, quick and very purposeful.
Stay calm, stay calm, it's him, it's him, who else could it be? Haarlep? The orthon? The driver? 
The door swung open.
It was Raphael, and he was visibly surprised to see you in this state, which was absolute bullshit considering he was responsible for tying you to this very bed. 
"Well, I'll be damned," he said, covering the distance to the bed in two strides. "What a welcome home surprise, piccola." 
Raphael gave you a lecherous, wet-lipped smile and knelt on the bed between your legs. There was something boyish about it, an expression you'd never seen in the game, as if he'd just found his first bike under the Christmas tree.
You searched for “piccola” earlier today: “baby” or “little girl” in Italian. 
"I'm not going to call you Daddy," you repeated, and Raphael shook his head and laughed, not seeming at all horrified at the thought (and he should be).
"I have some compelling evidence to the contrary, Daddy's little mouse," he teased, his fingers playing with your collar. 
"Anything but Daddy," you pleaded. "That's just... demeaning."
Weirdly incestual, too. You haven’t even seen the guy, not a photo, not a… (don’t think of him why the fuck would you think of the old bastard now).
“This is the whole appeal of it, is it not?”, he said. “How would you prefer to address me then?"
Raphael? Something told you that telling him that would make him very angry, and you weren't exactly in a position to want an angry man on top of you. Raul? No, that name just felt completely wrong and made you feel like you were in a Spanish soap opera. 
Raphael began to unbutton his shirt one button at a time, revealing a white undershirt, which he then took off. 
His physique was impressive for a man of his age; not those bodybuilder abs from bg3 but a well-toned body shaped by workouts and diets, which seemed to be very much at odds with his indulgent ways. Rough brown hair spread across his chest and lower abdomen against honey-tanned skin. Every inch of him seemed so put together, so perfectly groomed.
"Master," you finally decided (there was this one fanfic…) as you spread your legs wider in an invitation. 
"Master?" Raphael seemed amused, his fingers tracing the lace of your bra, teasing your hardened nipples through the fabric. "Such flattery. So this makes you my slave girl? Tied up and ready for me to use as I please?"
Reading Raphael say such things was one thing, but hearing him actually say them in real life made you feel embarrassed. It was a bit, ugh... 
“You get flustered easily for someone who waited for me dressed like this, little mouse,” Raphael raised an eyebrow at your see-through lace. “Topolina." 
He wrinkled his nose and laughed, as if the word was funnier in Italian, and poked the tips of your mouse ears. You wanted him so badly that your lips caught his as he came closer and you pushed your tongue into his mouth. He kissed your back, his hands moving up and down your body. 
"How the hell did you manage..." he mused aloud as he studied your bound wrists.
His fingers ventured between your legs, and the moment he stumbled upon your tail, his whole body twitched with excitement, his breath catching in his throat as he traced the soft fur to reach the base of the plug. 
The playful gleam in his eyes was replaced by an intense, wild desire.
"Merda," he breathed out. "Look at that. Aren't you a dirty little girl?"
You cringed at how pornographic the line sounded (his suddenly much thicker Italian accent didn't help), but Raphael seemed to find it excruciatingly erotic.
In one swift motion, he lunged forward and forced your legs apart, his hands pulling your knees towards your chest, folding you in until your muscles screamed in protest at the stretch. 
Without warning, he thrust deep inside of you. You gasped in surprise; no preliminaries, no foreplay, no taking it slowly, just raging, explosive lust.
Fortunately, your own fingers had done their job earlier, so despite the brutal force of his first thrust, pleasure surged through you, along with a sharp twinge of friction as his cock rubbed against the toy lodged inside you.
He seemed to relish the sensation and so did you. 
Your eyes fluttered shut as your body arched beneath him; stretched and pinned by his weight, trapped, surrendering to the relentless pounding that followed - raw and invasive and yet so fulfilling.
You were so looking forward to coming again from his penetration alone. The mere thought made you pull harder on your restraints, craving the delicious pain of being bound. The furry tail must have tickled his balls because he tucked it under you so that it would tease you instead. 
"Cross your ankles behind my back," Raphael rasped into your shoulder as he grazed it with his stubbled chin. "Yes, just like that... now tilt your hips."
You responded with your most submissive “yes, master”, making his cock twitch inside you, and then sifted your hips to better accommodate his pleasure. Wrapped your legs tightly around him, pulling him in deeper, pain-pleasure soaring through you. You sniffed his hair. 
His cologne (worn leather, cherry liqueur, bitter almonds) smelled so good oh so good.
He slid his arms underneath your arse, lifting you towards him at every thrust. 
Raphael said few words after that, grunting and thrusting and thrusting. Something about him was different this time - something very human - from how his sweat-soaked hair stuck to his forehead to his expressions of sheer lust that bordered on comical at times. 
One thing remained the same - the pleasure his pounding brought you, the familiar hooks of approaching orgasm - not any orgasm, the orgasm of being with him, his sharp talons - sinking inches deep into your flesh again. 
fuck does he feel good
rough or tender it just feels so good
his cock his tongue his breath on your neck
You screamed "fuck me", then once again, louder, not caring how obscene you sounded, and bit his shoulder without a second thought. 
The scream that escaped you was higher pitched than you had intended.
do whatever whatever you want whatever you want with me
Raphael's face creased with annoyance as his strong finger pressed into your cheek. "Easy…easy… piccola... I appreciate…. a good performance… not …overacting," he scolded as he went at you harder, pushing you to the point of pain.
hurt me
fuck me fuck me harder
You would have protested at the implication that you were pretending, but you were too busy coming under him, his hand clamped over your mouth before your temporal insanity could drive you to actually call him ‘daddy’.
If he wanted you to why wouldn’t you he is so sweet to you oh so sweet to you
The scream was swallowed by his palm as an orgasm, brutal in its intensity and lightning-fast, ripped through you, whip-snaked it. You greeted your release with a wail, biting into his hand. Raphael paused mid-thrust, apprehensive of how your pussy convulsed around him and your leg spasmed uncontrollably - if this was a performance, you deserved an award.
"You weren't pretending," he panted, awe-struck. "My apologies. You were not".
The realisation frenzied him; he spilled within a minute after, rutting into you with intensity belying his age. Utterly spent, he collapsed on top of you, his breath, cherries and tobacco, warming your throat as his cock softened within you.
"I may have gotten a little carried away," he said, sounding embarrassed and slightly apologetic as he lay down beside you. "But it seems you're more than content."
You eagerly and quickly nodded.
"Are you that... passionate with every man?" He asked as he helped you free your wrists - jealousy creeping into his voice at the mention of that mysterious 'every man'.
You couldn't help but laugh at the question. "No," you replied. "Far from it. You are not just any man. You are anything but."
Raphael let out a sigh of relief and kissed you, making no effort to hide how much your compliment pleased him. 
When you parted, you hopped awkwardly off the bed - the odd gait one adopts when they have a plug in them (no way were you going to remove it in his presence, no way) and cum was trickling down your thighs. 
Shit, the condom. Now you forgot to ask him to wear it.
Would he have?..
Ah, screw it. Google says Plan B is effective for up to 72 hours after unprotected sex, so you'll take it tomorrow - for tonight and last night. You'd never been this careless before, but hell, you'd never murdered people with a mere thought or slept with an Archdevil of Hell.
Raphael was still lying there, basking in the afterglow, when you returned.
"I have to admit, Anya... I'm seriously thinking of proposing," he murmured with such tenderness as you snuggled against him that you wondered if Raphael really was incapable of love.
"That would be quick," you replied, but made it sound like you wouldn't mind at all.
"Quick?" he scoffed. "A man knows what he wants in a woman the moment he sets eyes on her. Unfortunately, there are very few left in your generation."
You smiled, already dreaming of being the Archduchess of Hell, and half-dreaming in general from sheer exhaustion and satisfaction. 
"They lied about you being bad in bed," you murmured as sleep began to take over. "I knew it was all bullshit."
"They?" He asked, his face contorting into a scowl at your sentence. "Who are they? Anya, for God's sake, stop reading those trashy tabloids."
You closed your eyes for a moment. When you half-opened them, you saw him on the balcony outside, in a black silk robe, AirPods in his ears and a cigarette in his mouth. Behind him you could see the smoke and fire of the Avernus mountain ridge, the fireballs cascading down from the sky. Beautiful. 
Raphael gestured with his free hand, aggressively, and you listened a little closer; fortunately he was more than loud.
"...we will bleed them dry if they dare to break our agreement..."
"...they knowingly and willingly accepted our terms, they will choke on the consequences..."
"...all must pay their dues, sooner or later..."
"...an army? We have our own army..."
A yawn escaped your lips as you snuggled deeper into the plush pillows of the massive bed. Everything, except the AirPods, fit perfectly into the image of Archdevil Supreme.
You felt so chosen, so alive, so gloriously alive, and your life had just begun.
"Are you coming soon?" you called out as you tried to think of an appropriate nickname for him - something intimate, but not too cheesy. Darling? Baby? Sweetheart? Love? My favourite devil?
But he beat you to it before you could decide.
"Soon, my love. Rest," he blew you a kiss. With a loud click, he shut the glass door and cut you off from hearing the rest of their conversation. You let out a contented sigh and rolled over onto your side, drifting into a peaceful slumber.
"My love," you said in your sleep. "Raphael called me his love”.
The urgent need to go to pee woke you. The time was a mystery, but it must have been late enough for Raphael to have gone to bed too.
He was pressed close to you, his hand cupping your breast. You looked over your shoulder; asleep, peaceful, in buttoned pyjamas, and it was the one moment when he did not look threatening at all; vulnerable, if anything. You kissed him on the cheek and he smiled in his sleep and held you close. 
When you came back from your short (not really, a good thirty metres to the toilet) trip to the bathroom, you snuggled closer to him, preparing to doze off again, and then you heard something.
You listened closer, thinking you had dreamed it first.
Soft, gentle whimpers. You recognised the voice. You didn't know how, but you did. Something childishly cheerful and slightly mad about it.
Oh, no. No. You were happy, spooning with Raphael, and you didn't need this shit right now, especially when things were finally going so well.
Hope, please, you begged.
You got all your happy endings, so many of them, wonderful endings where Raphael was killed by the player and you got to live and your revenge and whatnot. Can I have one too, please? Without you whining and making me feel guilty for something I didn't even do?
"My love," you asked Raphael softly, your fingers tracing idle patterns on his side. "Can you let her go?"
"Mmm," Raphael murmured in his sleep, "Sure, piccola. Whatever you wish for."
You waited for him to act, but he only tightened his grip on the blanket and shifted slightly.
"You have all the hells and the crown and everything (and me). You don't need her anymore," you tried again. 
"Anya, let me sleep," Raphael mumbled into his pillow, away from your voice. You tried to hide from her voice under your pillow as well, but you could still hear the soft, painful moans. 
They were very, very far away, but still there.
"She's still wailing," you complained, taking him by the shoulder and shaking him a little. "Raphael? Raphael?"
 "Who is wailing?” he groaned in pure frustration, and then made a half-hearted attempt at listening. “Ah, merda, not that bloody bitch again! I swear, I will plug that hole myself!"
You tried to make sense of that sentence and couldn't, but what you did get was that it promised Hope nothing good and sounded vaguely vulgar, which was even worse. 
"Don't hurt Hope," you begged, appalled by his threat. "She doesn't deserve it!"
"I don't deserve it either," Raphael retorted before turning away from you. "Please be quiet."
He should direct this request to his prisoner. 
What had really happened between them? You didn't think his obsession with Hope was sexual because, well, because, for example, he fucked you and you both enjoyed it, so he was definitely into consent, and Hope was more like a metaphor, a concept, a point to be made, and some shitty fucking rushed Act 3 writing.
"You... you didn't hurt her like that, did you? There was some talk... With that boudoir line... It was misinterpreted... right?"
Right. He may be evil, but he is lawful evil. He believed in consent and seduction, not violence. 
"I haven't hurt anyone, what in damnation are you talking about?" he growled through gritted teeth, and you let out a small sigh of relief.  "But if I don't get some rest, I might."
He hadn't hurt Hope. He wouldn't lie. He cannot; devils can deceive, but not outright lie. You read it somewhere.
Okay, he's not going to let her go and he's not going to help you and Hope was certainly not going to shut up. You have to go to her. And say what? Say what? Sorry for your predicament and the centuries of torture, Hope, but could you please be a bit quieter, me and Raphael just had sex and are trying to sleep? 
Let her go? And lose his favour, his credit card and the place next to him in his bed?
Yes, come on. It would be the right thing to do and you would do it. 
Where was she anyway, you wondered as you walked down the stairs. In the cellar? Hanging from the ceiling? You still don't have the key to the cellar. When you reached the ground floor, the kitchen, you realised that the noises were not coming from the cellar - they were coming from outside.
Outside? Did he hang her on a tree on this cold April night? 
You put on his trench coat and slipped into your sneakers. This was so unnecessarily evil, you thought, suddenly feeling much less happy about everything, especially as the pained whimpering got closer. Hardly human, you thought, more like a creature trapped and desperately trying to free itself. 
Yes, definitely more of a creature.
In fact, it reminded you of a dog. You searched the darkness of the night, determined to find it, and there it was: a dachshund wedged between the ground and a large, weathered fence, whimpering into the still night. 
The poor thing must have thought it was quite the burglar, trying to burrow under a hole in the fence to pull through. But it only managed to get itself stuck.
"Oh, poor baby," you said as you approached the dog. "Let's see if we can get you out."
You pulled on the fence to widen the opening and the cub was free.
It licked your hand in gratitude. Dogs love you. All animals do, and it's quite mutual. You had a harder time with people.
There were distant, panicked cries for Steffie somewhere in the distance; the owner was out on a rescue mission. You took the dachshund in your lap and went to meet her.
The woman was in her sixties, dark brown hair, a very aged beauty, and she looked a bit funny in her fur coat and slippers. She had tears in her eyes. Steffie ran to her as soon as she saw her.
"You silly little girl," she scolded the whining, complaining dog in her arms. She had a thick American drawl. "Why do you keep going back to his house? What's so special about him? I told you he was bad news!"
"Is he?" You asked the question when you knew the answer.
"Oh, I'm sorry," she stammered, forcing a smile to her lips. "I didn't mean it like that. You're Raul's new girl, aren't you? Samantha. I live down the road. Sorry about Steffie, she's very... adventurous."
There were exactly three houses on the street, a mile apart each.
"You meant it like that," you said. "If it's about Isabelle, she's apologised and withdrawn her accusations".
There was a pause, and Samantha's perfectly friendly smile cracked a little.
"Well, in that case," she said, before adding with forced cheerfulness, "thank you for looking after Steffie, sweetheart! You take care now."
She tried to walk away, but turned back; she was as curious as her little dog.
"I was walking Steffie when that French girl ran out of his house," she said, unable to resist the urge to gossip. "She was naked and babbling like a lunatic. She had blood on her, too".
"Did she scream something about the devil?" you asked after a pause.
"Devil? No. Not that I speak French," said the woman, making a last attempt to walk away, but failing. "Listen, I have a daughter about your age. And if some guy - ANY guy - tried to put that kind of crap around her neck, I would chop his arms off".
What did she mean? 
The collar. 
She meant the "Daddy's little mouse" collar you still have around your neck. 
Oh, don't kink shame me, you were going to say, but that kind of talk sounds ridiculous in real life. She managed to shame you very badly, so you hid the collar under your trench coat and mumbled, "I put it on myself".
That actually made her look at you again. Steffie looked at you with the same expression. 
Everybody's out to guilt trip you - Hope, the dog (the dog you saved!), the neighbour, the guy who got thrown under the bus, and you've done nothing but enjoy some devil sex.
The woman finally decided it was time to go, muttering "You need Jesus, sweetheart" before she left.
That's your God who kept women in collars and on leashes for centuries, not the Devil, you thought bitterly, and unlike the Devil, he didn't even fuck them. 
Well, only once.
You were back in the en-suite bathroom, washing your face in the marble sink.
Who the fuck was this man, really? What the fuck was happening? 
Your hand shot out, yanking open a cabinet door. An array of men's grooming products stared back at you - cologne, razor, facial moisturiser and scrub, deodorant, shaving gel, sleek, expensive bottles. A man took care of his looks.
Another cabinet creaked open under your touch. 
Your eyes darted to the label on the bottle - Risperidon. You had no idea what it was, but you memorised it for a future Google search, repeating it under your breath like a mantra. 
"Are you rummaging through my belongings, nosy little mouse?”
He was dead asleep last time you checked!
You jerked, closing the cupboard and stumbling back to the bathroom sink, gasping for breath. "No," you stammered, turning to find him standing in the doorway. "I mean... yes. I can't sleep. I thought you might have some pills."
His eyes were canny; he didn't swallow your lie and made no pretence of doing so. He bridged the gap and hugged you from behind - frighteningly strong and wanting every ounce of that power to seep into your bones. His strength made you realise just how much of a level 1 human NPC you were.
"You don't have to violate my privacy when I'm not around, Anya," he whispered against your skin as he began to trail soft kisses down your neck. "If there's anything that's bothering you, just ask me directly. I want us to be honest with each other."
What was in the cellar? What kind of work does he do for you? Did he rape Hope? Or was it Haarlep? Where is Haarlep, by the way? Why does Raphael want to play Raul? 
"What happened to Isabelle?" you asked. 
"Ah, I see. Is that why you asked me if I had hurt anyone?" he said. "Is that what the tabloids told you?"
You nodded.
"Isabelle had an addiction," he admitted, the crow’s feet showing themselves. "It spiralled out of control. She had… a bout of psychosis, a mental breakdown. Made false accusations to the press. She's now getting the help she needs, poor girl”.
"Why was she covered in blood?" you pressed, looking at his reflection in the mirror as an infernal light danced in his orange eyes.
For all the fire in them, they seemed icy, impossibly cold for a man who had called you my love less than an hour ago. "How did you come by this information? You seem to know more than one would expect of you, Anya. There are things about you that make me... wonder. I have been giving you the benefit of the doubt, perhaps foolishly."
Your breath caught in your throat. “The neighbour”, you said. “Your neighbour told me”.
The truth you’d spilled slaked him, but only a little. He looked at you, jaw hardened.
"Samantha? I’ll have a word with her. Very well, we were making love when Isabelle had a psychotic episode."
Making love? Really? He did not make love to you.
"She lashed out at me," he continued. "It was my blood, Anya. I would never hurt her or any other woman. Without their consent, that is."
But that couldn't be true, because there was Hope - and many others who owed him, and Raphael might have been many things, but not a liar, and yet here he was, lying right to your face.
He did hurt people. Whether they deserved it, whether they brought onto themselves, that was a different matter, but he did hurt them.
"If you need proof, you can take a look at the psychiatrist's report," he offered coldly. "The authorities got involved... unfortunately."
"I believe you," came your shaky reply. 
You desperately wanted to. 
Raphael’s eyes flickered.
"Trust goes both ways, Anya," he whispered in your ear, running a finger along your collar. "If you do not trust me, then I will be forced to ask some very unpleasant questions myself. Do we understand each other?"
Which questions? He knows everything there is to know about you. He knows your browser history.
“We do”, you said, still looking in the mirror. “Of course we do, my love”.
"Is that so?” he smiled. "I suggest we go to our bed and put that theory to the test."
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loojii · 2 months
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≡ EACH ADOPT CAN BE SOLD FOR THE FOLLOWING PRICES ≡ OPTION 1 58,08$ USD (incl tax) 48$ USD (excl tax) includes ➔ Bust design shown above OPTION 2 175,45 $ USD (incl tax) 145$ USD (excl tax) includes ➔ Bust design shown above ➔ a half body drawing of the design (buyer can give wishes for half body design) OPTION 3 260,15$ USD (incl tax) 215$ USD (excl tax) includes ➔ Bust design shown above ➔ a full body drawing of the design (buyer can give wishes for full body design) ---- Options 3 and 2 have priority when there are multiple people interested! Once bought you can do whatever you want with the design. I'll send you the proper files after the payment, which is a higher resolution of the design without the watermarks, text and background Payment is done through PayPal invoice (Price is incl taxes)
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Mitsurichan3 commissions information & Terms of Services
Means of contact:
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(please subject it as COMMISSION REQUEST - details).
Payment methods
Paypal - through invoices sent via email
Ko-fi commissions page
Payment is done in US dollars, through paypal or Ko-fi. I am flexible in terms of payment, with 100% of the commission amount paid upfront, 50% upfront-50% once completed, or discuss multiple payment plans on a case by case basis. I am unable to provide refunds at this current time, so please keep this in mind.
General information:
Thank you so much for taking time to read through my TOS and commission information. I am Diana, aged 25, and am currently unemployed. I am open to answer questions, discuss details and talk about pricing so feel free to reach out!
I am opening commissions in order to pay my monthly bills
Please do not ask for updates every few hours, I also have a personal life and things pop up last minute.
Later this fall I will be going back to university, so commissions will stay open to help pay the costs of graduate school as well.
Commission price will also have tax applied to the final cost.
By commissioning me in any kind of way, you are agreeing to the terms of service above and below:
Detailed information:
Can draw:
Ocs / canon Characters
Ship Art
Nekomimi / Usamimi
Suggestive outfits
Please send me references, they are super helpful! Even a simple stick figure and a lot of written descriptions will go a long way!
Cannot/wont draw:
Hate art
Terms of Service:
Once the commission is paid for, I cannot do any refunds
I’ll only accept upfront Paypal payments through Paypal invoices, or my Ko-fi commissions page. Do NOT send me money independently. After receiving payment I will start on your commission
I reserve the rights to use/display your commission on a portfolio, artist website, and social media. However, if you wish to keep your commission private, please let me know ahead of time.
Turn around times vary between 3 weeks to 2 months, depending on complexity of the artwork requested.
I will give periodical updates at each step of the process (sketch, line art, flat colors, full rendered and email finished piece).
Sketching usually takes a week once payment has been received. I will contact you to approve the initial sketch. Clients can make 1 major change at this stage, before being charged an additional $5 per change afterwards. This will be added to the total price.
I will send the finished product through an email address of your choice.
I reserve the right to decline any commission I am not comfortable working on, for any reason.
My Art cannot be used to train AI or make NFTs.
You may NOT claim my work as your own, trace, recolor/redraw, or redistribute my work for profit.
You may NOT use or repost someone else’s commission piece without my and the buyer’s permission. If you receive permission, you must use/post with credit
Your commission piece is NOT for commercial use. This is for personal use only.
If you are the buyer, you may post the finished commission whenever you want but please credit properly, or share it from my social media accounts.
If the commission is a gift for someone else, you are allowed to share the piece with the receiving party. (PST! Let me know what they think too!)
I can accept requests if you don’t have the adequate visual reference of your/the character that you want me to draw. Do your best to communicate effectively and I will meet you halfway. I will ask a lot of questions to better understand your request.
Picrew/ Character creator images (for ocs) are accepted, as long as you have another actual reference to pair it with: i.e. using the picrew to outline an outfit you want, or a change in hair/eye color. I will accept a Picrew/Character creator image if it's exactly what you want.
Thank you so much for reading! And thank you for considering me for a commission!
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astrojulia · 1 year
Hi! Thanks for your time and effort in creating your informational posts. Do you have anything about Saturn returns? My kid adult is coming up to his Saturn return and I can see he's feeling life is a little bit heavier. He's a Pisces so he's in his feels anyway but I was hoping I could ease the burden a bit by understanding more about it. I didn't know about Saturn returns until well past my own, and I remember that time as such a crisis. Thanks, Ms. Julia!
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All about Saturn Return
I always write for people who don't know anything about the subject, so feel free to skip this part.
First we need to know what is the Saturn Return, a planet return is when the planet returns to have the same sign that is in your birth chart, for example, Solar Return and Venus Return is normally each one year, Saturn's return is already every 28 to 30 years. But of course the Saturn Return is the most talked about of them all. And yeah, just a reminder, it normally takes 2 - 3 years to end your Saturn Return.
While it may sound intimidating, the Saturn Return can be a time of growth and transformation. Saturn is often associated with qualities like discipline, hard work, responsibility, and maturity, so this period can bring about important life changes and challenges. Therefore, even if for many this event is a very difficult part, for a small part it is something very good, because above all Saturn is about harvest.
Saturn's Return forces you to review four points in your life, so if you haven't questioned yourself about these matters and haven't done something about them, you will be even more challenged, which are them:
To be responsible for your own decisions, whether they are big or small, without looking for culprits;
Accept that life has its own pace and there are times when the only thing we can do is wait;
Faced your own shadow and knowing how you are anything but perfect or an “angel on this cursed land”;
Waked up from living a “fake” life;
Or making an analogy to better understand all this… I don't know if this exists in all countries, but adapt it to where you live, but I like to relate the Saturn Return to a large income tax return, every year those who work need to prove how much they earn and what they are spending it's equivalent to what you're saying what you earn... with that you need to have several documents as well as invoices... Those who keep all these files find it very easy to make such a statement... but who leaves it for the last minute…May even pay a fine.
During the first Saturn Return, which occurs in your late twenties, you may face issues related to your own identity and an area of your life like family, your house and career. It can be a time of self-discovery and introspection, where you face your fears, take responsibility for your choices, and make important decisions about your future. That's why you hear about the thirties crisis, people starting a college "out of nothing", ending marriages... It's a time to reap what you sowed.
The second Saturn Return, which occurs in your late fifties or early sixties, is another opportunity for reflection and re-evaluation. This can be a time to take stock of your life, align with your true values, and make changes that bring you closer to your life purpose. Just as it can be a period where you need to see how you are going to take care of your life, many have much older and weakened parents who need care, so it is a time to evaluate what needs to be done to continue with the best way possible to live, if the first Saturn Return was successful, this one will be even more successful (because Saturn likes old things you know).
Now here's the part that gets interesting... Saturn Return is an astrological event that has a lot of hype, but digging about this subject... I found that there's not as much information as I'd like, so we'll have parts that will be A LOT of my theory, so feel free to comment.
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Saturn Placements
The star of our show, where Saturn is will be where you will be charged.
Saturn has already offered you more than 20 years of tests on the subject, because where your Saturn is in the Natal Chart is already an area that, even if you love it very much, you have a lot of difficulty
It’s a even funny thing to think but since you want to be soo good about where your Saturn is, is like everything you do to achieve is never good enough. But when you reach the age of 28/30, the moment of truth comes, how hard did you work to achieve your long term dreams? The signs speak of the greatest fears that need to be faced and the houses show where this battlefield will be.
┊ ➶ 。˚ ° Sun Placements in Saturn Return
┊ ➶ 。˚ ° Moon Placements in Saturn Return
┊ ➶ 。˚ ° Mercury Placements in Saturn Return (draft)
┊ ➶ 。˚ ° Venus Placements in Saturn Return (draft)
┊ ➶ 。˚ ° Mars Placements in Saturn Return (draft)
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Saturn Return: Saturn in Different Zodiac Signs
Saturn in Fire Signs
Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) are known for their passion, creativity, and independent spirit. When Saturn is in a fire sign, its return may bring up issues related to self-expression, creativity, and personal goals.
A Saturn return in Aries can bring a much-needed dose of discipline to this impulsive sign, helping Aries natives to see their projects through to completion. In Leo, a Saturn return may focus on issues related to children, relationships, and creative self-expression. A Saturn return in Sagittarius may push you to reexamine your beliefs and philosophies and move beyond fanaticism.
However, Saturn's restrictive energy may also limit your creativity, pleasure, and moral compass during this time.
Saturn Return in Aries by house
The first house Saturn return in Aries is said to be the purest expression of a Saturn return in Aries, as the symbolism of Aries overlaps quite a bit with the symbolism of the first house. This return could involve becoming aware of physical aging and limitations of the physical body. However, it could also be a time to reinvent how the world sees you and try a new look, a name change, or a physical modification.
In the second house, having Saturn, the planet of restriction and limitation, could show that money does not come easily. However, Aries in the second house could show that one has the ability to get money quickly, even though they might be inclined to spend it just as quickly. A second house Saturn return in Aries could push one to get their finances in order and unlearn impulsive spending habits. It could also be an opportunity to accept one's own financial style and succeed on their own terms.
The third house is involved with communication, and having Saturn in this house could be associated with feeling like it is hard to communicate with others and make oneself understood. Aries in the third house might tend to think and talk fast, interrupting others often. At a third house Saturn return in Aries, one may need to make an intentional effort to learn how to listen to others. It could also be a time to address any aggressive communication tendencies and face the consequences of getting into fights.
In the fourth house, having Saturn could reflect feelings like one did not get the nurturing they need growing up, while Aries in this house might show that family dynamics include aggression or impulsivity. A fourth house Saturn return in Aries could push one to acknowledge how these dynamics have hurt them and seek more stability. Alternatively, one might want to claim the aggressive or impulsive tendencies from their heritage as their own and put their own spin on them.
The fifth house is associated with creativity and children, and a fifth house Saturn return in Aries could involve defining maturity on one's own terms instead of letting someone else tell them what is necessary to be an adult. Saturn in the fifth house might tend toward one’s inner child being overly serious, but Aries has a reputation for being a bit immature. This return could be an opportunity to balance the two and find a new understanding of what it means to be a mature adult.
The sixth house focuses on routine responsibilities and health, and having Saturn here can be associated with health problems or a very focused approach to staying healthy. Aries in the sixth house could show an impulsive approach to health, and a sixth house Saturn return in Aries could push one to get more serious about physically taking care of themselves. It could also give permission to listen to one's own intuition about how their body works best.
The seventh house is associated with significant one-on-one relationships, and having Saturn here suggests taking such relationships seriously. A seventh house Saturn return in Aries could manifest in working out the boundaries of significant relationships and finding more independence in them. It could also be a time for marriages or divorces.
The eighth house is linked with intense experiences like death and sexual intimacy, as well as sharing finances or property. Having Saturn here in one's birth chart can cause either an inability to get away from such difficult matters or a fear of approaching them. With impulsive Aries in the eighth house, one might experience heavy eighth house matters as seeming to blow up out of nowhere and out of their control. An eighth house Saturn return in Aries may encourage one to confront these issues proactively and deal with them before they deal with them.
The ninth house is associated with the systems of beliefs that make up society, like philosophies, legal codes, and religious doctrines, as well as higher education. A ninth house Saturn return in Aries might be an opportunity to pursue topics on one's own terms, like through independent study or a personal spiritual quest. It could also be a time to go back to school with newfound patience and perspective.
The tenth house is involved with matters of career and status, and having Saturn here could suggest that one's public role in the world is a source of concern. A tenth house Saturn return in Aries could push one to find a career that fits them better and provides more freedom. It could also be a time to confront the limits of one's body, especially if one's career involves risk or physical exertion.
The eleventh house is associated with friendships and community groups, and having Saturn here could mean that finding a peer group is an important focus of one's life. An eleventh house Saturn return in Aries could involve balancing individualism with social connections and finding ways to have things one's own way while also having others in their life.
Lastly, the twelfth house is associated with secrets and things that are out of view, and having Saturn here is a hidden structure or agenda running one's life that even they may not be aware of. A twelfth house Saturn return in Aries could push one to sit still and sort through the confusing matters of the twelfth house. It could involve trying walking meditation, long enough to figure out what is going on inside and gain insights.
Saturn Return in Leo by house
Saturn Return in Leo in the first house can affect a person's physical body and identity. Having Saturn in the first house could cause individuals to present themselves in a serious and dignified way, while also struggling with physical health issues. Similarly, Leo in the first house could make individuals flamboyant and artistic, but when paired with Saturn Return, they may feel like they need to tone down their personality to get a high-status job.
In the second house, Saturn Return in Leo can impact a person's financial situation and possessions. Individuals with Saturn in the second house may struggle to earn money, but they may have a disciplined attitude towards spending. Leo in the second house may tend to spend a lot on having fun, which can lead to overspending. Saturn Return in Leo in the second house can help individuals develop a budget and spend wisely.
The impact of Saturn Return in Leo in the third house is associated with communication. Saturn in the third house can make it challenging for individuals to communicate with others effectively. Leo in the third house can make individuals dramatic and self-absorbed in their communication style. Saturn Return in Leo in the third house can push individuals to become aware of their communication style and learn to express themselves within healthy boundaries.
In the fourth house, Saturn Return in Leo can affect home and family matters. Individuals with Saturn in the fourth house may feel like they did not get the nurturing they needed while growing up. Leo in the fourth house may reflect a family that is overly concerned with issues of status. Saturn Return in Leo in the fourth house can give individuals the confidence to move forward on a controversial path, and parents may grudgingly admit that perhaps they are on to something.
Saturn Return in Leo in the fifth house is associated with children and creativity. Individuals may feel like they need to become parents to be a proper adult. Leo in the fifth house may push individuals to pursue a creative career. Saturn Return in Leo in the fifth house can give individuals the discipline needed to make a go of it.
In the sixth house, Saturn Return in Leo can impact routine responsibilities, like day-to-day work and maintaining health. Individuals may be very focused on getting recognition for their work. Saturn Return in Leo can help individuals find recognition, but if they are not appreciated at work, they may need to find a job that suits them better.
Saturn Return in Leo in the seventh house is associated with significant one-on-one relationships, like marriage. Individuals with Saturn in the seventh house may take such relationships very seriously. Saturn Return can be associated with marriages or divorces, and a seventh house Saturn Return might be especially likely to go in this direction. Leo in the seventh house may tend to be concerned with the status part of relationship status, leading to the need to learn to follow one's own heart regardless of what others think.
In the eighth house, Saturn Return in Leo is linked with intense experiences, like death and sexual intimacy. Leo in the eighth house may tend to overshare about private matters. Saturn Return in Leo can push individuals to develop better boundaries around private matters.
Saturn Return in Leo in the ninth house is associated with systems of beliefs like philosophies, legal codes, and religious doctrines. Academia tends to be structured in a way that Leo in the ninth house would love, so a ninth house Saturn Return in Leo could involve finally getting a degree or going back to school. However, individuals may have better results if they pursue an academic path that is a true expression of their passion rather than one that they think will impress others.
In the tenth house, Saturn Return in Leo is involved with matters of career and status. Individuals may achieve prominence in their profession with hard work, but it may also be hard to feel like they have ever done enough. Saturn Return in Leo can drive individuals to examine what motivates their ambition and pursue a path that actually works for them personally.
Saturn Return in Leo in the eleventh house is associated with friendships and community groups. Individuals may find that their commitments to groups and organizations become overwhelming for them. Saturn Return in Leo can push individuals to drop commitments that they are not passionate about.
Finally, Saturn Return in Leo in the twelfth house is associated with secrets and things that are out of view. Individuals with Leo in the twelfth house may find it hard to access the flamboyant, creative energy of Leo. Saturn Return in Leo can give individuals an opportunity to acknowledge their potential in this regard and learn to be honest about their hidden side.
Saturn Return in Sagittarius by house
The first house is associated with one's physical body and identity, and having Saturn in this house can result in a serious and dignified personal presentation, as well as potential struggles with physical health. If Sagittarius is present in the first house, one may identify themselves with a religious or political commitment, and a Saturn Return in Sagittarius could cause one to question their identity without these beliefs. This house also relates to travel or contact with different cultures, and a Saturn Return in Sagittarius could lead to an emphasis on embracing one's unique cultural identity.
The second house relates to personal finance and possessions, and having Saturn in this house generally suggests that money does not come easily. Sagittarius in the second house may indicate a strong philosophy guiding spending and saving habits, but it is important to confront unrealistic views regarding money or possessions during a Saturn Return in Sagittarius. Pleasure may also become complicated, and one may need to correct imbalances related to entertainment spending and necessities during this time.
The third house is associated with communication, and having Saturn in this house can result in difficulty communicating and feeling understood. If Sagittarius is present in this house, one may find it hard to express deep thoughts in small talk and may be tempted to share unsolicited advice or divisive opinions. During a Saturn Return in Sagittarius, one may learn to stand up for themselves in conversation and acknowledge reasonable boundaries about what they can and cannot say.
The fourth house focuses on home and family matters, and having Saturn in this house can reflect a lack of nurturing during childhood. If Sagittarius is present in the fourth house, one may have emigrated from one country to another or have parents from different cultures. A Saturn Return in Sagittarius could be a time to explore cultural heritage and confront whether the beliefs one was raised with are truly fitting.
The fifth house is associated with children and creativity, and a Saturn Return in Sagittarius may lead to becoming a parent or feeling like one must become a parent to be a proper adult. Sagittarius in the fifth house also relates to pleasure and risk-taking, and a Saturn Return may prompt one to tone down excessive behavior or allow more pleasure into their life. If one is a parent during this time, they may need to balance their own preferences with other important factors.
The sixth house relates to routine responsibilities such as work and health, and having Saturn in this house can lead to a focus on maintaining good health or potential health problems. Sagittarius in the sixth house suggests an idealistic approach to habits and routines, and a Saturn Return in Sagittarius may result in finding new inspiration for organizing one's life. One may also desire work with meaning, and a Saturn Return may prompt a change from a frustrating job or finding purpose in their current work.
The seventh house is associated with relationships, and having Saturn in this house indicates a serious approach to significant one-on-one relationships like marriage. A Saturn Return in Sagittarius may lead to marriage or divorce, and Sagittarius in the seventh house suggests a desire for a partner with intellectual depth or cultural background. One may need to change beliefs about relationships to maintain a comfortable connection.
The eighth house invoeighth houselves intense experiences like death and sexual intimacy, as well as shared finances and property. Having Saturn in this house can indicate difficulty with such matters, and Sagittarius in the eighth house may lead to bold exploration of intimidating experiences. A Saturn Return in Sagittarius may prompt bringing one's belief system in alignment with profound experiences, and one may need to ensure they are not taken advantage of in financial or property matters.
The ninth house is associated with beliefs, higher education, and travel to different cultures. Having Saturn in this house may suggest a dogmatic approach to societal structures or difficulty with such structures. A Saturn Return in Sagittarius may involve questioning or clarifying beliefs, or finishing a degree or returning to school.
The tenth house relates to career and status, and having Saturn in this house suggests concern with one's public role in the world. Sagittarius in the tenth house may lead to a desire for a career with freedom and opportunities to learn. A Saturn Return in Sagittarius may prompt finding a better fit for one's job and examining beliefs about authority figures.
The eleventh house is associated with friendships and community groups, and having Saturn in this house may indicate a focus on finding a peer group. A Saturn Return in Sagittarius may lead to discovering true friends and examining one's own role in any loneliness experienced.
The twelfth house relates to secrets and hidden agendas, and having Saturn in this house suggests a hidden structure or agenda running one's life. Sagittarius in the twelfth house may involve hiding a thoughtful and joyful part of oneself, and a Saturn Return in Sagittarius may prompt acknowledging this hidden part. A great use of this time may be traveling alone to get to know oneself better.
Saturn in Earth Signs
Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) are known for their practicality, stability, and hard work. When Saturn is in an earth sign, its return may push you out of your comfort zone and encourage you to take risks.
A Saturn return in Taurus may bring up themes related to money, resources, and values. In Virgo, a Saturn return may force you to confront issues related to your health, career, and daily lifestyle. Saturn is very comfortable in Capricorn, its home sign, but even here, it can stir up themes related to career, family, order, duty, stability, and responsibility.
Saturn's energy can help you build a solid foundation for your future, but it may also feel restrictive or limiting at times.
Saturn Return in Taurus by house
In the first house, the physical body and identity are influenced by Saturn's presence, leading to a more serious and dignified presentation. With Taurus in this house, a desire for beauty could become all-consuming, especially during the Saturn return when one becomes aware of aging. However, this period could also provide an opportunity to focus on physical health and discover new ways to enhance one's current self.
In the second house, Saturn's influence on finances and possessions could lead to limited resources, but also a disciplined attitude towards what money is available. Taurus in this house is comfortable with financial affairs and has a practical approach to financial security. However, the Saturn return could trigger a shift in priorities, requiring a careful consideration of financial habits that no longer work.
The third house is associated with communication, and Saturn's presence here could make it challenging to express oneself effectively. Taurus, on the other hand, is associated with the voice, making this physical aspect of communication especially significant. During a third house Saturn return in Taurus, one may become aware of how physical quirks, such as an unusual voice or awkward body language, interfere with effective communication. This period could offer an opportunity to work on these issues and gain deeper psychological insights into how one communicates.
The fourth house is linked to home and family matters, and with Saturn's influence, one may feel a lack of nurturing during childhood. Taurus in this house desires a secure and cozy home, and during a Saturn return, one could feel an intense pull to buy the perfect house. However, one should be careful not to become obsessive about remodeling or house-hunting. Instead, this period could provide an opportunity to explore family origins and address any suppressed issues that could affect future foundations.
In the fifth house, children and creativity are associated with Saturn's return, and one may feel the pressure to become a parent to be considered a proper adult. Taurus in this house could make one a nurturing parent, but the Saturn return could also bring financial concerns to the forefront. Additionally, changes in one's body may affect how they approach attracting partners, requiring an adjustment of strategies.
The sixth house focuses on routine responsibilities, and Saturn here may indicate health problems or a strong focus on staying healthy. Taurus in this house is a reliable worker, but during the Saturn return, one may realize that their commitment to a job isn't appreciated. This could lead to changes in routine and a search for a better fit.
The seventh house is associated with significant one-on-one relationships, and Saturn's presence here suggests that one takes these relationships seriously. A Saturn return in Taurus could lead to a change in relationship status, but Taurus in this house may prioritize security over the right partner. This period could bring up the question of whether one has sacrificed too much for a relationship to work.
The eighth house is linked to intense experiences such as death, sexual intimacy, and sharing finances or property. A Saturn return in Taurus could emphasize the financial side of this house, leading to achieving financial goals or sudden financial struggles. Taurus's desire for things to be predictable and touchable could make it challenging to accept experiences that don't fit those norms.
The ninth house is associated with systems of beliefs, legal codes, religious doctrines, and higher education. Saturn's presence here could make one a dogmatic enforcer or someone continually blocked by these structures. Taurus in this house values belonging to a religious tradition, but during a Saturn return, one may be challenged to articulate their reasons for being there.
The tenth house is involved in matters of career and status, and Saturn's presence here could indicate a concern with one's public role. Taurus in this house may prioritize financial stability in their career choice. During a Saturn return, this could lead to solidifying one's commitment to a good fit or making changes if financial stability has tied them to a job they hate.
The eleventh house is associated with friendships and community groups, and Saturn's presence here could make finding a peer group an important focus. Taurus in this house may have stable friendships, and during a Saturn return, one may find their longtime commitment rewarded. However, if one has been loyal to friends without considering compatibility, this period could bring up a need to confront these relationships.
The twelfth house is associated with secrets and hidden structures, and Saturn's presence here could indicate a hidden agenda running one's life. Taurus in this house could desire security but may struggle with the more mystical experiences associated with this house. During a Saturn return, becoming open to mystery could be necessary.
Saturn Return in Virgo by house
The first house is associated with an individual's physical body and identity. With Saturn in the first house, individuals may present themselves in a serious and dignified manner, while also struggling with physical body issues. Additionally, their Saturn return in Virgo may push them to prioritize their physical health and well-being.
The second house is linked to money and possessions. With Saturn in this house, individuals may face challenges in acquiring wealth, but may have a disciplined attitude towards whatever money they do have. With Virgo in the second house, individuals may be very careful with their money, but their Saturn return may push them to confront any fears or anxieties around money and scarcity.
The third house involves communication and the way individuals express themselves. With Saturn in this house, individuals may find it challenging to communicate with others and make themselves understood. With Virgo in the third house, individuals may be precise and hold themselves and others to high standards in communication. However, their Saturn return may show them the limits of this approach and push them to become more attentive to things unsaid.
The fourth house is associated with home and family matters. With Saturn here, individuals may have felt like they did not receive the nurturing they needed growing up. With Virgo in this house, individuals may examine whether the financial lessons they learned from their family are still serving them. Additionally, their Saturn return may present an opportunity to learn domestic skills and develop routines that work for them.
The fifth house is linked to creativity and children. With Saturn in this house, individuals may feel pressure to become a parent in order to be considered a proper adult. With Virgo in this house, individuals may refine their artistic or creative skills with meticulous attention to detail. However, their Saturn return may push them to confront any perfectionistic tendencies and examine the limits of their creative abilities.
The sixth house is associated with routine responsibilities, such as maintaining one's health and work. With Saturn in this house, individuals may be very focused on staying healthy and may face health problems. With Virgo in this house, individuals may believe that putting in effort gets results, but their Saturn return may push them to confront whether their efforts are actually getting them the results they desire or whether they need to make changes.
The seventh house is linked to significant one-on-one relationships, such as marriage. With Saturn in this house, individuals may take such relationships very seriously. With Virgo in this house, individuals may look for a practical partner to balance out their dreamy nature. Their Saturn return may test how well they are handling this dynamic in their relationships and may push them to learn to take care of themselves more instead of relying too heavily on their partner.
The eighth house is associated with intense experiences such as sexual intimacy or death. With Saturn in this house, individuals may have an inability to get away from such difficult matters or a fear of approaching them. With Virgo in the eighth house, individuals may be very good at handling the technical details of complicated financial agreements. However, their Saturn return may push them to examine any assumptions they hold around mystical experiences and let go of some of their need for control.
The ninth house is linked to societal structures such as religion, philosophy, and higher education. With Saturn in this house, individuals may be either an especially dogmatic enforcer of such structures or someone who seems to be continually blocked by them. With Virgo in this house, individuals may be devoted to the rules of whatever system they are affiliated with, but their Saturn return may show them the consequences of enforcing rules in an overly rigid way.
The tenth house is associated with career and status. With Saturn in this house, individuals may feel that their public role in the world is a source of concern for them. With Virgo in this house, individuals may enjoy a career that allows them to use specific technical skills. Their Saturn return may provide recognition for their progress, but may also push them to confront any frustration with an overly critical authority figure.
The eleventh house is linked to friendships and community groups. With Saturn in this house, individuals may feel shut out of social connections early on in life, but may find commitments to groups and organizations overwhelming later on. With Virgo in this house, individuals may be drawn to volunteering for causes or organizations that matter to them. Their Saturn return may present challenges if their focused effort contributes to their organization achieving a success so big that it puts them out of a job.
The twelfth house is associated with secrets and hidden anxieties. With Saturn in this house, individuals may have a hidden structure or agenda running their life that even they may not be aware of. With Virgo in the twelfth house, individuals may keep a lot of worries to themselves. Their Saturn return may make it harder than usual to keep a lid on their anxieties, but may also provide an opportunity for reflection and self-organization.
Saturn Return in Capricorn by house
In the first house, Saturn's placement is associated with an individual's physical body and their identity. With Saturn in the first house, individuals may present themselves in a serious and dignified way, but may also struggle with a problem involving their physical body. Capricorn in the first house could have a similar effect of making individuals look wise beyond their years, allowing them to grow into the image they portray at their first house Saturn return in Capricorn. However, individuals might find that getting old is a bit different from what they expected once they get to this critical point, and having new insights that change their identity in some way could be jarring. Nevertheless, being adaptable can make them stronger.
In the second house, Saturn's placement focuses on money and possessions. In general, having Saturn in the second house could show that money does not come easily to individuals, but they might have a disciplined attitude toward whatever money they do have. With Capricorn in the second house, individuals may be careful about their finances, and their second house Saturn return in Capricorn could be a time when their saving pays off, allowing them to afford a major purchase they have been eyeing. However, they might also tend to think they have less money than they actually do. If their attitude toward their finances tends to fixate on scarcity, they may run the risk of making their fears come true at their second house Saturn return in Capricorn. Being grateful for whatever they have can help them expand their resources.
In the third house, Saturn's placement is involved with communication. Having Saturn in the third house, regardless of its sign, can be associated with feeling like it is hard for individuals to communicate with the people around them and make themselves understood. If they have Capricorn in their third house, they may be a person of few words. This might be at least partly due to an ability to clearly see the main points of any subject. Their third house Saturn return in Capricorn could be a time when they really hit their stride in explaining things to others. They might also be overly focused on being proper in their communication, to the point they are unable to express things that really matter to them. Another potential danger in this approach is that they could miss out on something important that someone else is trying to tell them because they don’t present their case in quite the right way. A situation of this sort could be significant at their third house Saturn return in Capricorn.
In the fourth house, Saturn's placement focuses on home and family matters. In general, having Saturn in the fourth house can reflect that individuals felt like they did not get the nurturing they need growing up. With Capricorn in the fourth house, their family may have prioritized ambition over an emotional connection. Their fourth house Saturn return in Capricorn could make them very aware of the soft skills they missed learning on their climb to the top. That said, Capricorn in the fourth house can also indicate a family that has a basically secure structure, even if it is not always the warmest family. Their fourth house Saturn return in Capricorn may nudge them to help their family when they need it – or their family might turn out to support them in some way.
In the fifth house, Saturn's placement is associated with children and creativity. Some people become parents at their Saturn returns, and a fifth house Saturn return could be especially likely to go in this direction. Individuals might feel like they have to become a parent in order to be a proper adult. Capricorn in the fifth house could make a serious effort to bring order to something chaotic, like children or the creative process. While this might sound like a doomed quest, they could potentially succeed in implementing their artistic vision at their fifth house Saturn return in Capricorn. If they are raising or working closely with children at their fifth house Saturn return in Capricorn, they may be challenged to weigh their idea of how things should go against what the children in front of them actually show them that they need. A truly sound structure must pass the test of messy reality.
In the sixth house, Saturn's placement focuses on an individual's routine responsibilities, like the day-to-day part of their work and what they must do to maintain their health. Saturn in the sixth house can be associated with health problems, but it might just show that individuals are very focused on staying healthy even if they don’t have an illness to be concerned about. With Capricorn in the sixth house, individuals may push themselves hard for productivity in their work and daily routines. Their focused effort could bring them to a significant achievement at their sixth house Saturn return in Capricorn, but they might also experience burnout if they have been pursuing their goals in a way that is not sustainable. Alternately, they might have a tendency to slack off, especially if they were burned by a parent or other authority figure who pushed them too hard when they were growing up. In this case, their sixth house Saturn return in Capricorn could help them find their own rhythm for getting things done.
In the seventh house, Saturn's placement is associated with significant one-on-one relationships including but not limited to marriage. Having Saturn here natally can suggest that individuals take such relationships very seriously. Saturn returns can be associated with marriages or divorces, and a seventh house Saturn return might be especially likely to go in this direction of changing their relationship status. If they have Capricorn in their seventh house, they may want a partner who can bring stability to their life. At their seventh house Saturn return in Capricorn, rushing into marriage for the sake of settling down could be tempting. Marrying now might not be wrong, but they should be aware of what they are doing and why. If they’ve already been in a committed relationship for some time, though, their seventh house Saturn return in Capricorn could be a time when they question whether they are getting all of the security they need from their relationship. They might feel like they have to choose between emotional warmth and financial stability. Perhaps they can ultimately have some of both, but they may need to develop the courage to ask for it out loud.
In the eighth house, Saturn's placement is linked with intense experiences like death and sexual intimacy. Boundaries tend to blur in these extreme situations, so the eighth house also handles situations of sharing finances or property. It can even take in paranormal experiences where the basic structures of the physical world do not perform as expected. Having Saturn here in an individual's birth chart can cause either an inability to get away from such difficult matters or a fear of approaching them. With Capricorn in their eighth house, individuals may have a practical attitude toward the financial commitments they make with others. However, it might be hard for them to acknowledge how emotional they really feel about their money and their possessions. If there is a major imbalance here, their eighth house Saturn return in Capricorn could bring it out. Also, Capricorn in the eighth house could potentially be refreshingly pragmatic about death. In that case, they might as well use the energy of their eighth house Saturn return in Capricorn to plan things like their will. They may even be called upon to handle someone else’s estate.
In the ninth house, Saturn's placement is associated with the systems of beliefs that make up society, like philosophies, legal codes, and religious doctrines. It is also linked to higher education. A person with Saturn in the ninth house, in general, might be either an especially dogmatic enforcer of such structures or someone who seems to be continually blocked by them. The organized nature of Capricorn overall fits well with the vibe of the ninth house. Individuals could achieve an academic degree they have been working toward at their ninth house Saturn return in Capricorn. Their academic journey might tend to emphasize effort and professional ambition rather than passion, and this is fine as long as it works for them. A potential problem with Capricorn in the ninth house could be a tendency to emphasize the letter of the law over the spirit of the law. If they do this, they might get called on it at their ninth house Saturn return in Capricorn. They should embrace opportunities to restructure their thinking in a way that makes it stronger.
In the tenth house, Saturn's placement is involved with matters of career and status. Having Saturn in the tenth house natally could suggest that an individual's public role in the world is a source of concern for them. With hard work, they may achieve prominence in their profession, but it may also be hard to feel like they have ever done enough. The symbolism of the sign of Capricorn overlaps substantially with the symbolism of the tenth house, so a tenth house Saturn return in Capricorn could have a double dose of the basic Saturn return in Capricorn themes. Professional ambition could definitely be a huge focus of a tenth house Saturn return in Capricorn. They may be able to achieve a career goal they have been working toward for a long time. However, any goal they achieve at their tenth house Saturn return in Capricorn might have to truly be their goal. If they were pushed into a particular career by a parent or other authority figure, they may wind up questioning it at their tenth house Saturn return in Capricorn.
In the eleventh house, Saturn's placement is associated with friendships and community groups. In general, having Saturn in the eleventh house could mean that finding a peer group is an important focus of an individual's life. Early on, they may feel shut out of social connections, like they do not come easily to them. Once they hit their stride, though, they may find that their commitments to groups and organizations become overwhelming for them. With Capricorn in their eleventh house, they could be drawn to friends who are ambitious and going places in life. In a best-case scenario, they might find at their eleventh house Saturn return in Capricorn that their friends are able to cheer them on as they pursue their goals. However, if they feel obligated to put up a good front for their friends, they may feel isolated at their eleventh house Saturn return in Capricorn. Most journeys toward success include both ups and downs, and relationships where they can’t be honest about their challenges might not last.
In the twelfth house, Saturn's placement is associated with secrets and things that are out of view. Saturn represents structure, so Saturn in the twelfth house is a hidden structure, a hidden agenda running an individual's life that even they may not be aware of. If they have Capricorn in their twelfth house, they might secretly be more traditional than the image they portray to others. This could especially be the case if they also have Aquarius Rising, as many people with Capricorn in the twelfth house do. At their twelfth house Saturn return in Capricorn, circumstances may push them to become more honest with themselves and others about the full complexity of their personality. On the plus side, they might discover they are more practical and organized than they think they are.
Saturn in Air Signs
Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) are known for their intellectual curiosity, communication skills, and social savvy. When Saturn is in an air sign, its return may challenge your thinking, communication style, and relationships.
A Saturn return in Gemini may push you to find emotional and mental balance by connecting to your truth. Saturn's exaltation in Libra makes this placement more harmonious, but it can still bring up issues related to partnership, finances, and independence. In Aquarius, Saturn may encourage you to question conventional wisdom and embrace your individuality.
Saturn's energy can help you refine your thinking and communication skills, but it may also create obstacles in your relationships or career.
Saturn Return in Gemini by house
In the first house, Saturn return in Gemini may lead to a wardrobe makeover or health issues. People with Saturn in the first house tend to present themselves in a serious and dignified manner. However, individuals with Gemini in the first house can tend to look younger than they are, and this may result in an awkward combination with Saturn in the first house. A first house Saturn return in Gemini may lead to purging one's wardrobe for a makeover. Individuals may also discover a health problem during this period, and the mental aspect of Gemini can be powerful.
In the second house, Saturn return in Gemini may test whether an individual has spread themselves too thin or needs a side hustle. The second house is associated with money and possessions, and having Saturn in the second house may indicate that money does not come easily to an individual. However, individuals with Gemini in the second house may be associated with multiple income streams, and they may be able to keep track of complicated financial arrangements. A second house Saturn return in Gemini may push individuals to simplify their lives by picking one income stream and getting better at it.
In the third house, the symbolism overlaps quite a bit with that of the sign of Gemini. A third house Saturn return in Gemini may push individuals to confront some of their basic strategies for interacting with others. They may start to notice things that seem small, like whether they interrupt or are interrupted by others in conversation. However, working on these issues could help individuals develop more fulfilling connections.
In the fourth house, Saturn return in Gemini may push individuals to look at whether their home life worked well for them growing up. The fourth house is associated with home and family matters, and having Saturn in the fourth house may reflect that an individual did not get the nurturing they needed growing up. Gemini in the fourth house could reflect that there was a lot of activity and conversation in an individual's family life when they were growing up. A fourth house Saturn return in Gemini may push individuals to nurture themselves and build a home life that suits their needs.
In the fifth house, Saturn return in Gemini may involve becoming a parent or dealing with childhood memories. The fifth house is associated with children and creativity, and some people become parents during their Saturn returns. A fifth house Saturn return could make individuals feel like they have to become a parent to be a proper adult. Individuals with Gemini in the fifth house may have common childhood experiences like learning to get along with siblings and attending school. A fifth house Saturn return in Gemini may push individuals to make things better for their children than they experienced in their childhood.
In the sixth house, Saturn return in Gemini may help individuals nail down their system for getting things done. The sixth house focuses on routine responsibilities like work and maintaining health, and individuals with Gemini in the sixth house may be great at multitasking. A sixth house Saturn return in Gemini may be a time when individuals really nail down their system for getting things done, and they might even become the next organizational guru.
In the seventh house, Saturn return in Gemini may lead to changing relationship status or finding a mate who is versatile enough to keep up with them. The seventh house is associated with significant one-on-one relationships including marriage, and having Saturn here natally can suggest that such relationships are taken very seriously. A seventh house Saturn return in Gemini may be a time when individuals find a mate who is versatile enough to keep up with them. However, individuals may also struggle with dynamics similar to sibling rivalry in their adult relationships.
In the eighth house, Saturn return in Gemini may involve developing the courage to speak up about something they have shame about or having stronger boundaries in how they share resources with others. The eighth house is linked with intense experiences like death and sexual intimacy. Individuals with Saturn here in their birth chart may find it challenging to approach difficult matters. A twelfth house Saturn return in Gemini could involve developing the courage to speak up about something they have shame about, which may help others as well as themselves. Alternatively, it may push individuals to have stronger boundaries in how they share resources with others.
In the ninth house, Saturn return in Gemini may involve confronting political or religious turmoil. The ninth house is associated with the systems of beliefs that make up society, like philosophies and religious doctrines. Individuals with Saturn in the ninth house may be either an especially dogmatic enforcer of such structures or someone who seems to be continually blocked by them. A ninth house Saturn return in Gemini may be a time when individuals confront the political or religious turmoil they grew up with.
In the tenth house, Saturn return in Gemini may push individuals to become more consistent. The tenth house is involved with matters of career and status. Having Saturn in the tenth house natally could suggest that an individual's public role in the world is a source of concern for them. With hard work, they may achieve prominence in their profession, but it may also be hard to feel like they have ever done enough. Individuals with Gemini in the tenth house could excel in a career that involves communicating and interacting with others.
In the eleventh house, Saturn return in Gemini may push individuals to identify who their real friends are. The eleventh house is associated with friendships and community groups. Individuals with Saturn in the eleventh house may feel shut out of social connections, but they may find their commitments to groups and organizations overwhelming. Individuals with Gemini in the eleventh house may have a social life that is broad but not necessarily deep. An eleventh house Saturn return in Gemini may push individuals to identify who their real friends are when the going gets tough.
In the twelfth house, Saturn return in Gemini may involve airing a personal or family secret or developing stronger boundaries in the way they talk with people. The twelfth house is associated with secrets and things that are out of view. Individuals with Saturn here in their birth chart may have a hidden agenda running their life that even they may not be aware of. A twelfth house Saturn return in Gemini may be a time when individuals finally get the courage to air a personal or family secret that has been holding them back, or it may push individuals to develop stronger boundaries in the way they talk with people, especially if they have been careless with the secrets of others in the years leading up to their Saturn return.
Saturn Return in Libra by house
In the first house, the Saturn Return in Libra may involve presenting oneself in a serious and dignified way. Those with this placement may become more aware of their physical body and identity, and may feel that they need to take better care of themselves. They may also struggle with physical issues, and this placement can be a time of learning to take care of oneself.
In the second house, the Saturn Return in Libra may involve learning to advocate for oneself financially. Those with this placement may find it difficult to make money, but they may have a disciplined attitude toward whatever money they do have. They may also have a desire to make others happy, but they will need to learn to prioritize their own needs when it comes to financial issues.
In the third house, the Saturn Return in Libra may involve finding a balance between expressing oneself and maintaining harmony with others. Those with this placement may struggle with communicating with those around them and making themselves understood. They may also feel inhibited in what they say, leading to a desire to avoid hurting anyone's feelings. This placement can be a time of learning to find a point of balance where they can express what really matters as respectfully as they can, even if not everyone is happy in the moment.
In the fourth house, the Saturn Return in Libra may involve dealing with family tension or finding comfort at home. Those with this placement may have felt like they did not get the nurturing they needed growing up or may have grown up in a family that put a priority on looking good. This placement can be a time of discovering what makes them comfortable and arranging their current home life accordingly.
In the fifth house, the Saturn Return in Libra may involve changing one's approach to romance or becoming a parent. Those with this placement may be too focused on the physical appearance of prospective partners and need to pay more attention to other qualities. They may also feel like they have to become a parent in order to be a proper adult. This placement can be a time of learning to change their approach to romance or parenthood and finding a balance between their own desires and the needs of others.
In the sixth house, the Saturn Return in Libra may involve discovering a routine that works or becoming more grounded in reality. Those with this placement may have been pursuing a routine in an overly rigid way and need to allow their real needs to assert themselves. They may also consider physical beauty to be an important marker of their physical health and spend a lot of time maintaining their appearance. This placement can be a time of discovering a way of arranging their routine that truly works for them, grounded in reality.
In the seventh house, the Saturn Return in Libra may involve facing gaps between ideal and actual relationships. Those with this placement may take significant one-on-one relationships very seriously and may struggle with gaps between their ideal relationship and how it actually functions in the real world. This placement is often associated with marriages or divorces and can be a time of significant change in one's relationship status.
In the eighth house, the Saturn Return in Libra may involve negotiating shared resources or facing trouble with unrealistic ideals. Those with this placement may be optimistic and assume the best in people, leading to trouble if others do not share the same ideals. This placement can be a time of negotiating shared resources or facing trouble with unrealistic ideals when it comes to one's finances or possessions.
In the ninth house, the Saturn Return in Libra may involve facing legal or philosophical issues. Those with this placement may become gloomy about the realization that life does not seem to be fair or may need to decide what they must accept as unchangeable and what they can work on to make the world a more just place. This placement can be a time of facing legal or philosophical issues related to one's beliefs or higher education.
In the tenth house, the Saturn Return in Libra may involve achieving career goals or dealing with dysfunctional authority. Those with this placement may feel like their public role in the world is a source of concern and may struggle with feeling like they have not done enough. They may also be drawn to a career that gives them an opportunity to put things in order and make them look good. This placement can be a time of achieving career goals or dealing with dysfunctional authority when it comes to one's public role.
In the eleventh house, the Saturn Return in Libra may involve confronting unfair dynamics in friendships or deepening commitment to groups. Those with this placement may feel shut out of social connections early on but may find that their commitments to groups and organizations become overwhelming later in life. This placement can be a time of deepening commitment to a friend group or organization, or confronting unfair dynamics in friendships or other group commitments.
In the twelfth house, the Saturn Return in Libra may involve getting in touch with a sensitive side or facing secrecy in close relationships. Those with this placement may have a hidden agenda running their life that even they may not be aware of, and this placement is often associated with secrets and things that are out of view. This placement can be a time of getting in touch with a sensitive side or facing secrecy in close relationships and learning to be honest with oneself about the problems caused by trying to make everybody happy.
Saturn Return in Aquarius by house
The first house is associated with an individual's physical body and identity. Having Saturn in the first house can cause an individual to present themselves in a serious and dignified way, leading to a struggle with a problem involving their physical body. However, if Aquarius is present in this house, an individual may enjoy having a unique appearance, but this could become problematic when trying to achieve certain goals. This house's impact suggests a need for individuals to balance their individuality with their goals, finding ways to express themselves while working towards their aspirations.
The second house is linked with money and possessions. Having Saturn in the second house can indicate that money does not come easily, leading to a disciplined attitude towards whatever finances an individual has. On the other hand, if Aquarius is present in this house, an individual may have a logical attitude towards their resources and may be willing to try experimental investments. This house's impact suggests that individuals need to balance their logical approach to finances with a grounded sense of reality, finding ways to make sound investments while not getting carried away by their innovative ideas.
The third house is associated with communication. Having Saturn in the third house can cause difficulty in making oneself understood. If Aquarius is present in this house, an individual may be comfortable using technology to communicate, which could lead to oversharing. This house's impact suggests that individuals need to develop better communication skills, finding ways to express themselves clearly while being mindful of what they share with others.
The fourth house deals with home and family matters. Having Saturn in the fourth house can make an individual feel they did not get enough nurturing during their upbringing. However, if Aquarius is present in this house, an individual may come from a quirky and independent family. This house's impact suggests that individuals need to acknowledge the nurturing they lacked in their upbringing, finding ways to embrace their roots while also developing healthy boundaries.
The fifth house is associated with children and creativity. Having Saturn in the fifth house can make an individual feel they need to become a parent to be a proper adult. If Aquarius is present in this house, an individual may not be satisfied with traditional ways of dating, mating, and having children, leading to a desire to innovate. This house's impact suggests that individuals need to balance their desire for creativity and individuality with their responsibilities as parents, finding ways to express themselves while also nurturing their children.
The sixth house focuses on routine responsibilities and staying healthy. Having Saturn in the sixth house can indicate a disciplined attitude towards one's routine and health. If Aquarius is present in this house, an individual may have a clear idea of how things like their routine and diet should function, which could lead to dogmatic behavior. This house's impact suggests that individuals need to find a balance between their innovative ideas for health and routine while also being mindful of their bodies' needs and limitations.
The seventh house deals with significant one-on-one relationships. Having Saturn in the seventh house can suggest taking these relationships seriously. If Aquarius is present in this house, an individual may prefer to organize their relationships on their own terms. This house's impact suggests that individuals need to work on their communication skills, finding ways to express their unique views while also ensuring their partners are on the same page.
The eighth house is linked with intense experiences such as death and sexual intimacy. Having Saturn in the eighth house can cause fear or an inability to approach such experiences. If Aquarius is present in this house, an individual may have a desire to share their finances or property with others in the name of universal brotherhood. This house's impact suggests that individuals need to find a balance between their desire to share and their need for privacy, finding ways to express their ideals while also being mindful of potential exploitation.
The ninth house is associated with beliefs and higher education. Having Saturn in the ninth house can make an individual dogmatic or blocked by societal structures. If Aquarius is present in this house, an individual may have a gift for tracing societal ills to flaws in philosophical underpinnings. This house's impact suggests that individuals need to find a balance between their desire for change and their respect for established structures, finding ways to express their ideas while also being mindful of others' beliefs.
The tenth house deals with career and public status. Having Saturn in the tenth house can suggest concern for one's public role in the world. If Aquarius is present in this house, an individual may be drawn to a career involving innovation and technology. This house's impact suggests that individuals need to find a balance between their desire to innovate and their need to adhere to established structures, finding ways to express their unique ideas while also being mindful of their responsibilities.
The eleventh house is associated with friendships and community groups. Having Saturn in the eleventh house can mean finding a peer group is an important focus. If Aquarius is present in this house, an individual may fall out with a bad crowd that discourages their individuality or solidify their commitment to a community that shares their vision for improving the world. This house's impact suggests that individuals need to find a balance between their desire for acceptance and their need for individuality, finding ways to express themselves while also finding like-minded individuals.
The twelfth house deals with secrets and things that are out of view. Having Saturn in the twelfth house can indicate a hidden agenda running an individual's life. If Aquarius is present in this house, an individual may conceal their unique quirks, but may need to open up to build select groups that understand them. This house's impact suggests that individuals need to find ways to express themselves even in the face of potential criticism or rejection, finding like-minded individuals who understand and accept them.
Saturn in Water Signs
Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) are known for their emotional depth, intuition, and sensitivity. When Saturn is in a water sign, its return may challenge you to confront your fears, deepen your emotional maturity, and face your shadows.
A Saturn return in Cancer may manifest as emotional heaviness or the need to build better boundaries. In Scorpio, a Saturn return can be a time of transformation and spiritual rebirth. In Pisces, Saturn may push you to question your beliefs and find a path to living out your dreams.
Saturn's energy can be intense in water signs, but it can also help you develop greater emotional resilience and spiritual depth.
Saturn Return in Cancer by house
The first house is associated with an individual's physical body and identity, and Saturn Return in Cancer in this house can bring about opportunities to formalize one's role as a caregiver. People with Saturn in the first house tend to present themselves in a serious and dignified way, and those with Cancer in the first house are often seen as good at taking care of others. However, at the time of the Saturn Return, it is important to set boundaries and prevent others from taking advantage of one's kindness.
The second house is related to money and possessions. For someone with Saturn in the second house, money does not come easily, but they may have a disciplined attitude toward whatever money they do have. Having Cancer in the second house may lead to seeking emotional security through material possessions. Saturn Return in Cancer in this house can challenge this habit and push individuals to find security in other ways. If someone has been able to handle money in an emotionally balanced way, this Saturn Return can bring financial stability, which can help them achieve their goals.
The third house is associated with communication. Those with Saturn in the third house may find it hard to communicate with the people around them and make themselves understood. With Cancer in the third house, emotions could be a big part of communication. Combined with the blockages that Saturn in the third house can bring, this could come out as being afraid to say anything because you might hurt someone's feelings. At the time of the Saturn Return in Cancer in the third house, it is important to become more conscious of how emotions are used in communication.
The fourth house is related to home and family matters. Those with Saturn in the fourth house may have felt like they did not get the nurturing they needed growing up. With Saturn in Cancer, in general, the vibes are similar. A Saturn Return in Cancer in the fourth house could be an opportunity to examine childhood emotional wounds. This Saturn Return can also bring an opportunity to buy a home or settle down in a stable residence.
The fifth house is linked with children and creativity. For someone with Saturn in the fifth house, a fifth house Saturn Return in Cancer could push them to negotiate boundaries between self-care and caring for others if the possibility of having children is on their mind. This Saturn Return can also help them be more honest about what they want in dating and romance.
The sixth house is associated with daily responsibilities and health. If someone has Cancer in the sixth house, they may be drawn to a job that provides security or a nurturing environment even if it has other drawbacks. Saturn Return in Cancer in this house may bring attention to the bargains made for security and nurturing environments. It can also affect habits like diet and exercise and encourage one to nurture themselves more kindly.
The seventh house is related to significant relationships. Saturn Return in Cancer in the seventh house can push individuals to look at what they have given in exchange for security in relationships. They may also need to learn to open up emotionally in their relationships, even though they might feel like revealing their emotions would threaten the stability of their relationships.
The eighth house is linked with intense experiences like death and sexual intimacy. With Saturn in the eighth house, individuals may have an inability to get away from such difficult matters or a fear of approaching them. Cancer in the eighth house might tend to be emotional about heavy stuff, but Saturn there could block the release of emotions. At the time of the Saturn Return in Cancer in the eighth house, it is important to feel the feelings about significant events and trauma in order to move forward.
The ninth house is associated with beliefs and travel. With Cancer in the ninth house, individuals might be sentimentally attached to a religious or political affiliation that they associate with their family heritage. Saturn Return in Cancer in this house could push individuals to confront whether their beliefs work for them personally and try out new approaches.
The tenth house is related to career and status. If someone has Cancer in the tenth house, they may be drawn to a profession where they help or nurture others. Saturn Return in Cancer in this house may bring opportunities to find a profession that involves helping or nurturing others. The hard part about the helping professions is often knowing when to stop helping, and at the time of the Saturn Return in Cancer in the tenth house, individuals might learn important lessons about professional boundaries.
The eleventh house is associated with friendships and community groups. With Saturn in the eleventh house, individuals may feel shut out of social connections, like they do not come easily to them. Once they hit their stride, though, their commitments to groups and organizations may become overwhelming for them. A Saturn Return in Cancer in the eleventh house can help them discover whether their commitments to these groups are a good fit for them.
The twelfth house is associated with secrets and things that are out of view. Those with Saturn in the twelfth house may have a hidden agenda running their life that they may not be aware of. With Cancer in the twelfth house, they might tend to hide their sensitivity. At the time of the Saturn Return in Cancer in the twelfth house, it is important to become aware of emotional triggers and achieve powerful insights.
Saturn Return in Scorpio by house
The first house is associated with a person's physical body and identity. With Scorpio in the first house, a person may have trouble viewing an illness or injury as just a random occurrence. Instead, they may feel compelled to look for deeper meanings in any physical challenges they experience at this time. The presence of Saturn in the first house may also cause a person to present themselves in a serious and dignified way.
In the second house, Scorpio's influence may cause a person to view their money and possessions not only as ends in themselves but also as the means to the end of getting what they want emotionally. This can lead to issues with control and manipulation in relationships. During the second house Saturn Return in Scorpio, a person may be forced to confront these issues and consider whether they are sabotaging themselves financially because they secretly think people will be more sympathetic to them if they are in need.
The third house is associated with communication, and having Saturn in this house can make it hard for a person to communicate with others and make themselves understood. With Scorpio in the third house, a person may either love or hate shallow small talk. Getting stuck at either extreme of that spectrum could lead to feelings of loneliness at the third house Saturn Return in Scorpio. A person may need to work to balance their need for depth with the limitations of the connections that others are able to give them.
The fourth house is focused on home and family matters. With Scorpio in the fourth house, intense emotions may have been a prominent part of a person's home life while they were growing up. The presence of Saturn in this house can complicate matters and tend to suppress open emotional displays. During the fourth house Saturn Return in Scorpio, a person may be pushed to consider whether the strategies they learned in their upbringing for coping with emotions are still working for them. If there was a family secret that couldn't be discussed openly, they may need to finally deal with it.
The fifth house is associated with children and creativity. With Scorpio in the fifth house, a person may feel like they have to become a parent to be a proper adult. However, Scorpio tends to like to control things, and children tend to resist being controlled. During the fifth house Saturn Return in Scorpio, a person may need to consider whether they are pushing their child in a particular direction in an attempt to meet their own emotional needs.
The sixth house focuses on routine responsibilities and health, and the presence of Saturn in this house can be associated with health problems or a focus on staying healthy. With Scorpio in the sixth house, a person may be capable of precision and insight in their work, and they could use these qualities to accomplish something significant at their sixth house Saturn return in Scorpio. However, they might also want their work to be meaningful, and they could reach their limit with a job that seems to be pointless.
The seventh house is associated with significant one-on-one relationships, including but not limited to marriage. With Scorpio in the seventh house, a person may crave relationships with people who bring intensity to their life. However, the presence of Saturn in this house can complicate matters, and a person might realize that an exciting partner is not well suited to bring them the security they also want. During the seventh house Saturn Return in Scorpio, a person may feel like they have to choose once and for all between intensity and safety in a significant relationship.
The eighth house is linked with intense experiences like death and sexual intimacy. With Scorpio in the eighth house, a person may be tempted to fight against a change that they know on some level is necessary. However, relinquishing control could show them possibilities they would not have thought of on their own during the eighth house Saturn Return in Scorpio.
The ninth house is associated with the systems of beliefs that make up society, like philosophies, legal codes, and religious doctrines. With brooding Scorpio in the ninth house, a person's view of the world may tend to emphasize the dark side of life. During the ninth house Saturn Return in Scorpio, a person may be challenged to learn what they need to learn from difficult situations without getting destroyed by them.
The tenth house is involved with matters of career and status. With Scorpio in the tenth house, a person may be drawn to a career where they get to solve difficult problems. However, the presence of Saturn in this house can make it hard for a person to feel like they have ever done enough. During the tenth house Saturn Return in Scorpio, a person may have to balance their desire for security with their desire to feel like they are making a difference.
The eleventh house is associated with friendships and community groups. With Saturn in the eleventh house, a person may feel shut out of social connections early on. With Scorpio in the eleventh house, a person may be deeply loyal to their friends and other associations. During the eleventh house Saturn Return in Scorpio, a person may need to be honest with themselves about whether others are as committed to them as they are to those connections.
The twelfth house is associated with secrets and things that are out of view. With Saturn in the twelfth house, a person may have a hidden structure or hidden agenda running their life that they may not even be aware of. With Scorpio in the twelfth house, a person's secrets could be successfully hidden even from themselves. During the twelfth house Saturn Return in Scorpio, a person may be forced to confront a deeply repressed trauma or realize that they need to make more space for rest and contemplation in their life.
Saturn Return in Pisces by house
The first house is associated with an individual's physical body and identity. With Saturn in the first house, individuals may feel a struggle with a problem involving their physical body. Pisces in the first house could cause individuals to appear dreamy and imaginative, but this could cause them to struggle with finding a sense of self. This house's impact suggests that individuals need to balance their individuality with their identity, finding ways to express themselves while also being grounded in reality.
The second house is linked with money and possessions. Having Saturn in the second house can indicate that money does not come easily to individuals, leading to a disciplined attitude towards whatever finances they have. If Pisces is present in this house, individuals may struggle with being realistic about their finances, leading to an emotional attachment to possessions. This house's impact suggests that individuals need to balance their emotional attachment to possessions with a grounded sense of reality, finding ways to make sound investments while also being mindful of their finances.
The third house is associated with communication. Having Saturn in the third house can indicate difficulty in making oneself understood. If Pisces is present in this house, individuals may have a talent for creative communication, but may struggle with being understood by others. This house's impact suggests that individuals need to develop better communication skills, finding ways to express themselves clearly while also being mindful of others' perspectives.
The fourth house deals with home and family matters. Having Saturn in the fourth house can indicate that individuals did not receive the nurturing they needed growing up. If Pisces is present in this house, individuals may have grown up in a chaotic or artistic environment. This house's impact suggests that individuals need to acknowledge the nurturing they missed out on while also developing healthy boundaries.
The fifth house is associated with children and creativity. Having Saturn in the fifth house can cause individuals to feel they need to become a parent to be a proper adult. If Pisces is present in this house, individuals may struggle with making practical decisions about their creative endeavors. This house's impact suggests that individuals need to balance their desire for creative expression with practical considerations, finding ways to express themselves while also being mindful of their responsibilities.
The sixth house focuses on routine responsibilities and staying healthy. Having Saturn in the sixth house can indicate a disciplined attitude towards one's routine and health. If Pisces is present in this house, individuals may struggle with being realistic about their health, leading to a tendency to avoid facing responsibilities. This house's impact suggests that individuals need to balance their creative approach to routine and health with a grounded sense of reality, finding ways to make healthy choices while also being mindful of their limitations.
The seventh house deals with significant one-on-one relationships. Having Saturn in the seventh house can suggest taking these relationships very seriously. If Pisces is present in this house, individuals may struggle with being realistic about their relationships, leading to an emotional attachment to their partners. This house's impact suggests that individuals need to work on their communication skills, finding ways to express their unique views while also ensuring their partners are on the same page.
The eighth house is linked with intense experiences such as death and sexual intimacy. Having Saturn in the eighth house can cause fear or an inability to approach such experiences. If Pisces is present in this house, individuals may struggle with being realistic about their finances and shared property, leading to an emotional attachment to possessions. This house's impact suggests that individuals need to balance their emotional attachment to possessions with a grounded sense of reality, finding ways to express their ideals while also being mindful of potential exploitation.
The ninth house is associated with beliefs and higher education. Having Saturn in the ninth house can make individuals dogmatic or blocked by societal structures. If Pisces is present in this house, individuals may struggle with being realistic about their beliefs, leading to an emotional attachment to their ideas. This house's impact suggests that individuals need to find a balance between their desire for change and their respect for established structures, finding ways to express their ideas while also being mindful of others' beliefs.
The tenth house deals with career and public status. Having Saturn in the tenth house can suggest concern for one's public role in the world. If Pisces is present in this house, individuals may struggle with being realistic about their career goals, leading to an emotional attachment to their professional aspirations. This house's impact suggests that individuals need to find a balance between their emotional attachment to their career goals and a grounded sense of reality, finding ways to express their unique ideas while also being mindful of their responsibilities.
The eleventh house is associated with friendships and community groups. Having Saturn in the eleventh house can mean finding a peer group is an important focus. If Pisces is present in this house, individuals may struggle with being realistic about their goals for community involvement, leading to an emotional attachment to their vision for a better world. This house's impact suggests that individuals need to find a balance between their desire for acceptance and their need for individuality, finding ways to express themselves while also finding like-minded individuals.
The twelfth house deals with secrets and things that are out of view. Having Saturn in the twelfth house can indicate a hidden agenda running an individual's life. If Pisces is present in this house, individuals may struggle with being realistic about their need for privacy, leading to an emotional attachment to their hidden parts. This house's impact suggests that individuals need to find ways to express themselves even in the face of potential criticism or rejection, finding like-minded individuals who understand and accept them.
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Sailor Saturn Render
Ultimate Guide to Surviving Saturn Return
Retorno de Saturno: Descubra a idade crítica da sua vida - Marcelo Levi
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Saturn Return
Saturn Return in the houses
Saturn Return by element
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dailyanarchistposts · 5 months
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Chapter VII. Fifth Period. — Police, Or Taxation.
In positing its principles humanity, as if in obedience to a sovereign order, never goes backward. Like the traveller who by oblique windings rises from the depth of the valley to the mountain-top, it follows intrepidly its zigzag road, and marches to its goal with confident step, without repentance and without pause. Arriving at the angle of monopoly, the social genius casts backward a melancholy glance, and, in a moment of profound reflection, says to itself:
“Monopoly has stripped the poor hireling of everything, — bread, clothing, home, education, liberty, and security. I will lay a tax upon the monopolist; at this price I will save him his privilege.
“Land and mines, woods and waters, the original domain of man, are forbidden to the proletaire. I will intervene in their exploitation, I will have my share of the products, and land monopoly shall be respected.
“Industry has fallen into feudalism, but I am the suzerain. The lords shall pay me tribute, and they shall keep the profit of their capital.
“Commerce levies usurious profits on the consumer. I will strew its road with toll-gates, I will stamp its checks and indorse its invoices, and it shall pass.
“Capital has overcome labor by intelligence. I will open schools, and the laborer, made intelligent himself, shall become a capitalist in his turn.
“Products lack circulation, and social life is cramped. I will build roads, bridges, canals, marts, theatres, and temples, and thus furnish at one stroke work, wealth, and a market.
“The rich man lives in plenty, while the workman weeps in famine. I will establish taxes on bread, wine, meat, salt, and honey, on articles of necessity and on objects of value, and these shall supply alms for my poor.
“And I will set guards over the waters, the woods, the fields, the mines, and the roads; I will send collectors to gather the taxes and teachers to instruct the children; I will have an army to put down refractory subjects, courts to judge them, prisons to punish them, and priests to curse them. All these offices shall be given to the proletariat and paid by the monopolists.
“Such is my certain and efficacious will.”
We have to prove that society could neither think better nor act worse: this will be the subject of a review which, I hope, will throw new light upon the social problem.
Every measure of general police, every administrative and commercial regulation, like every law of taxation, is at bottom but one of the innumerable articles of this ancient bargain, ever violated and ever renewed, between the patriciate and the proletariat. That the parties or their representatives knew nothing of it, or even that they frequently viewed their political constitutions from another standpoint, is of little consequence to us: not to the man, legislator, or prince do we look for the meaning of his acts, but to the acts themselves.
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cadaver1ne · 2 years
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Info/pricing & terms of service here:
without getting into Details, i unexpectedly owe some money on my taxes due to legal changes, so i have to come up with that in the next few weeks. i ordinarily wouldnt be taking more commissions right now but i kinda don't have a choice, so
will draw: ✔ gore ✔ explicit material ✔ cybernetics, machines, etc ✔ armor ✔ animals ✔ character sheets, references from written descriptions
won't draw: ❌ hate speech of a group or specific person ❌ gore or porn of real people without their express consent ❌ ...that's about it. genuinely. if you have something you havent been able to get drawn, i'm probably game.
payment is rendered via paypal invoice. for more information, please see terms & conditions.
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fazcinatingblog · 13 days
List of things that keep Sophia up at night:
Laura not billing enough for each tax return/BAS/etc
Not having enough money to pay bills
Not being able to pay wages
Late fees/penalties
Losing Laura to another firm (as if any other firm would want me lmao)
That all 63 accountants have 20 jobs each per week
Not getting to $30k invoices for the week
What to eat for dinner
Which meat and salad to get on her next footlong sub
Whether Laura has taught everything to the new girl yet
How to get rid of Laura without having to pay out the $8k of annual leave
How to make Laura do more invoicing
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xiakha · 14 days
FFXIVWrite 2024 Prompt #10 - Stable
Who is the best and most important Scion of the Seventh Dawn? Is it the Warrior of Light?  As if. Have you seen the way she organizes her finances? No? Exactly. She doesn’t. She doesn’t even remember to check to see if she’s being paid correctly for a job, or if at all. The best god killing machine makes her most important in terms of the function of the Scions, sure, but apologies, even I must concur that she is not the best or the most important. Is it Minfilia? No. Only Thancred nominated her. She’s been gone for years. Oh yes, the Scions are in part her legacy, but to give her credit for all of the accomplishments achieved by the organization so long after her absorption by the Mother Crystal is… unserious to say the least. Might as well give Louisoix the credit. On that note, is it Alphinaud? Gods no. Not even his mother nominated him. Oh yes, Ameliance got to nominate someone too. To most, it isn’t at all obvious why she would be given a say, but those who know understand immediately. Anyway, Alphinaud didn’t receive any nominations. One person got the overwhelming majority of the nominations.  Tataru Taru. As if it could be anyone else.
Some less privy to the internal workings of the Scions, even within the organization, might question this wisdom. Tataru doesn’t fight, she doesn’t go afield. As far as the face, yes, she could arguably be the face of the Scions, as most, if not all, non-martial matters go through her, or at least are eventually reviewed by her. But the best? The most important? Let us list the ways.
First and most importantly, the organization of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn cannot operate without paperwork. In the Seventh Astral Era, how is any organization supposed to do anything without written records and signed forms and certified receipts? It can’t be done. And also, it has to be done right. Was it treachery and the insidious influence of capital that brought down the Crystal Braves? Well. Partially, yes, that was what led most directly to the grand company’s implosion and disbandment, but also, no one was checking invoices and performing audits. Would the members of the Crystal Braves have been so easily lured by the offer of Monetarist money had their salaries been paid on time? Well. Probably, yes. But that’s yet a separate matter completely. Properly done background checks and scheduled training were also things that someone needed to have assigned, but there was no one to lead the effort. Had Tataru not had her hands full extricating the Scions from the Waking Sands to their new home in Mor Dhona in the Rising Stones, fending off the dual terrors of Rowena and Lolorito through the power of burning the midnight oil reading tax law and finding the right paperwork to make them fight one another, perhaps she could have taken a look at the Crystal Braves and actually changed how that organization was run! (And maybe suggesting changes, pointing out errors, and trying to figure out how certain members ended up with that much spending power would have gotten her threatened or killed. To be perfectly frank, Tataru knew better than to meddle in that midden pit.)
Secondly, there could be no Scions of the Seventh Dawn if there were no Coin of the Seventh Dawn. Tied to the slightly more important reality of paperwork is the regulation of cash flow. Oh, the Scions are pretty well funded, all told. Beyond the grants they are given, there are other forms of investment and monetary aid nearly bursting through the doors to demand the Scions attention. And Tataru not only manages all of these sources of funding, but also vets them and keeps tabs on them to make sure they aren’t seeking any undue influence. Take that Alphinaud and his Crystal Braves!  And not only is she filling the coffers, she’s making sure they’re emptying properly too, paying merchants and craftsmen for their services, earmarking salaries, reimbursing her coworkers for their expenses (so long as there is written receipt), and lending out aid when appropriate. Tataru always has had a head for numbers and calculations ever since she was young. She practically ran the lapidary she was apprenticed to, despite her then lack of experience with gem cutting and engraving work. Sure, many of the Scions have an Archon mark, sure. Yet they still rely on Tataru. Urianger could chart the future movement of the stars and calculate the probabilities of a card appearing in a drawn spread while analyzing and interpreting ancient prophecies, and yet he still can’t add up his expense reports correctly. Y’shtola has a habit of sneaking in shoe purchases among her valid expenses, and Tataru sniffs them out every time. Xiao… doesn’t fill out expense reports, so Tataru queries her contacts in the mercantile world for whatever it is that she could gather are legitimately Scion related purchases to compensate Xiao for. It’s often a lost cause, but she does it because she legitimately cares.
Third, Tataru legitimately cares for each and every Scion. Yes! Every single Scion! From Alisae to Wigstan. That’s right, Wigstan. Most don’t even know when Wigstan joined the Scions or what he does beyond standing around in the Waking Sands. Is he still there? Well, Tataru would know! At any rate, she knows and has stock of all of the creature comforts of every Scion. She has the kinds of teas and the preparations for all of the Archons memorized, and every liquor or beer or mixed drink that those Scions who imbibe prefer memorized as well. She knows of everyone’s favorite sweets, baked goods, and confectionaries. She knows who likes a hot bath prepared if they’re headed back from afield, she knows who have want for fluffier pillows or firmer bedding, she knows who is currently shacked up with who and whose preferences will necessitate taking a room further from the rest, and importantly, she is discreet. Nowadays she’s not running around changing sheets and putting out the wash herself, but the retainers and servants know not to pry because she will never tell. A Garlean interrogator or an Inquisitor of the Holy See could not extract any of that information from her. Except maybe if they met for tea and biscuits. She knows well the value of gossip and intrigue after all. Tataru’s first forays into becoming a master craftswoman were after all made in the service of aiding her fellow Scions. The lapidary apprenticeship laid the groundwork, sure, but when Y’shtola came back to the Waking Sands upset that she had thrown a heel right after the Circle of Knowing merged with the Path of the Twelve, Tataru managed to re-affix it. She then read up on how to properly cobble, so when Yda returned with a nasty repair needed on her favorite pair of boots, Tataru knew what to do! She, of course, didn’t just repair shoes like some sort of fairy tale creature, the confections and tea brewing after all came to the forefront quickly, but that was the start of her multidisciplinary set of crafting skills.
And, to keep this rant brief, lastly, the Scions claim to have many, many connections. But in truth, it is Tataru that has all the connections! Who used her network of wives and ladies in waiting to secure the Waking Sands as a Scion Headquarters in the first place? Who chatted up the House of Splendors girls to the point of having an edge on Rowena? Who knows all of the former Doman refugees, including the children? Who has the ear and knows of all the gossip of the sociable and less xenophobic sides of Ishgard, Hingashi, and Sharlayan? Who is currently forging new connections in Thavnair, and taking strides to work with what remains of Garlemald?  Tataru, Tataru, Tataru, Tataru, and Tataru Taru, that’s who! Oh sure, many individual Scions have other connections or deeper connections. Arenvald, for example, has done work and knows many in Ala Mhigo that Tataru would needs rely on his connections in that city-state, but no other Scion casts a wider net. Alphinaud did a neat trick on the linkpearl in the middle of Labyrinthos with the summoning of the entirety of Eorzea and beyond, true, but do you think he was the one that organized the Scion linkshell? Heavens no! If it wasn’t for Tataru, Alphinaud and the other Scions would have been fumbling for how to contact the rest of the Star for bells, and that wouldn’t have made for nearly as dramatic a moment, now would it? If it were not for Tataru serving as the backbone, the heart, the brains, and the tongue of the Scions, the organization would likely have fallen to Ascian scheming, or at least lack of organizational skills, long ago. She is the rock that has anchored the Scions for the entirety of its existence. She is the foundation that the Scions build all of their whimsy and expeditions on. Tataru Taru is utterly and conclusively the best and most important Scion of the Seventh Dawn.
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amour-de-tous · 2 years
Hello my friends, it is that horrible time where I once again am going to be poor on main. (CW for lots of dental talk and surgery talk; if you want the non-medical details plea hit up the TL;DR at the bottom) As you may or may not know, I have had a Dental Emergency™. In very early October my tooth Broke A Lot and the earliest the surgeon could see me was December 13th. That was a long....long wait eating pureed foods. 😅 (I am still not back to eating Regular and I cannot WAIT until I am) I have had the surgery! Which involved general anesthesia! Which was a lot really, both mentally and physically and, mostly, financially (okay, no, mostly physically, but the financially is killing me softly here). This is only step/stage/part 1 of the process, the removal of the broken tooth and the bone graft. I still need 2 more visits with this specialist surgeon, before I have to go back to the Regular Dentist Guy and finish the process/get my other teeth dealt with (plus some day I’d like my teeth cleaned again but that’s not gonna happen any time soon lol). The whole cost of all this is going to be around $8,000. Yes, that is ABSURD. Yes, I am furious. No, my insurance doesn’t cover any of this, because of course it doesn’t. :| No, I am not asking for anywhere near that amount, that’d also be absurd. But any little bit helps, you know? I should PROBABLY start a gofundme but for reasons I Cannot Get Into On A Public Platform, I actually cannot do that, either (anyone wanna start one for me? aha).  TL;DR: I need money for dental surgery/reconstruction that is an ongoing process and going to cost an absolutely ridiculous amount of money. So this is the part where I say if you have any extra cash and would like to lend a helping hand to this disabled, unemployed, still-stuck-at-home-because-I’m-immunocompromised-and-covid-is-a-Thing nerd, would you? Paypal is cnmusic @ cathasaigh dot com. You know the drill (friends/family so paypal doesn’t think I should be providing a shipping invoice for a product that doesn’t exist lol).  However, if you’re seeing this after the new year (after December 31st 2022) please message me before you donate, because Paypal’s new $600 cap is going live next year and I Cannot Deal With Complicated Taxes, I Will Simply Perish. My chronic illness brainfog cannot handle that without at least ten breakdowns and seventy eleven meltdowns and a cry. lol Thanks, lovelies.  And as always, please, please, please do not feel at all bad or guilty or any of that if you can’t contribute!!! I get it! I am also super duper broke! We are still in a ~*;PANDEMIC;*~ . I get it, no worries! Also, since things are tough for most folks right now with ~*;PANDEMIC;*~ and holidays and families and such,  I hope you have a very good day and something good happens to you every day this week and also that you manage to acquire your favourite food or treat, regardless of whether you can help or not. <3 Also, okay to reblog!
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haeywaa · 30 days
Maximize Efficiency with Expert Cash Management Solutions
In today’s fast-paced business environment, effective cash management is crucial for maintaining financial stability and supporting growth. Expert cash management solutions can help businesses streamline their operations, optimize liquidity, and enhance overall financial efficiency. This article explores how leveraging advanced cash management solutions can maximize efficiency and drive business success.
What is Cash Management?
Cash management involves the collection, handling, and use of cash in a business. The goal is to ensure that a company has enough cash on hand to meet its short-term obligations while optimizing the use of its funds. Effective cash management helps businesses avoid liquidity problems, reduce financing costs, and invest surplus cash wisely.
Key Benefits of Expert Cash Management Solutions
Improved Cash Flow Visibility
Expert cash management solutions provide real-time insights into cash flow. By integrating these solutions with your financial systems, you can gain a comprehensive view of your cash position, including incoming and outgoing funds. This visibility allows for better forecasting and planning, helping you anticipate cash needs and avoid potential shortfalls.
Enhanced Liquidity Management
Managing liquidity effectively is essential for ensuring that your business can meet its obligations without holding excessive cash. Advanced cash management tools help optimize liquidity by analyzing cash flow patterns and recommending strategies to manage working capital more efficiently. This includes managing accounts receivable and payable, optimizing cash reserves, and reducing idle cash.
Streamlined Cash Collection and Disbursement
Automated cash management solutions streamline the collection and disbursement processes. For example, electronic invoicing and payment systems can accelerate the receipt of payments, reducing the time it takes to convert receivables into cash. Similarly, automated disbursement systems help manage outgoing payments, ensuring that bills and payroll are processed efficiently and on time.
Enhanced Fraud Prevention and Security
Security is a critical aspect of cash management. Expert solutions offer robust security features to protect against fraud and unauthorized transactions. This includes encryption, multi-factor authentication, and transaction monitoring. By implementing these security measures, businesses can safeguard their cash and reduce the risk of financial losses due to fraud.
Optimized Investment Opportunities
Efficient cash management doesn’t just involve managing daily transactions; it also includes investing surplus cash to generate returns. Expert cash management solutions help identify and evaluate investment opportunities that align with your company’s risk tolerance and financial goals. Whether it’s investing in short-term instruments or managing liquidity portfolios, these solutions provide insights to make informed investment decisions.
Regulatory Compliance
Adhering to regulatory requirements is essential for avoiding penalties and maintaining financial integrity. Advanced cash management systems help ensure compliance with relevant regulations by automating reporting and record-keeping. This includes managing tax-related cash flows, regulatory filings, and maintaining accurate financial records.
Implementing Expert Cash Management Solutions
To maximize efficiency with expert cash management solutions, consider the following steps:
Assess Your Needs
Begin by evaluating your business’s cash management needs. Identify areas where improvements are needed, such as cash flow forecasting, liquidity management, or fraud prevention. This assessment will help you choose the right solutions that align with your business objectives.
Choose the Right Tools
Select cash management solutions that offer the features and functionality you need. Look for tools that integrate with your existing financial systems, provide real-time insights, and offer robust security measures. Consider solutions that are scalable and can grow with your business.
Implement and Integrate
Once you’ve selected the appropriate solutions, implement them within your organization. This may involve integrating the solutions with your current financial systems, training staff on how to use the tools, and establishing processes for managing cash flow effectively.
Monitor and Optimize
Regularly monitor the performance of your cash management solutions to ensure they are delivering the expected benefits. Use the insights provided by these tools to make data-driven decisions, optimize cash flow, and adjust your strategies as needed.
Review and Adjust
Periodically review your cash management practices and solutions to ensure they remain effective. As your business evolves, your cash management needs may change, requiring adjustments to your strategies and tools.
Expert cash management solutions are essential for maximizing efficiency and achieving financial stability in today’s competitive business landscape. By leveraging advanced tools and strategies, businesses can gain better visibility into their cash flow, optimize liquidity, streamline processes, and enhance security. Implementing these solutions helps ensure that your business can meet its financial obligations, invest wisely, and maintain a strong financial position. Embracing expert cash management practices not only improves day-to-day operations but also supports long-term growth and success.
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loojii · 6 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Send me a message if you're interested ~
🔴 ADOPT 1 > CLOSED sold on DA 🟢 ADOPT 2 > OPEN 🔴 ADOPT 3 > CLOSED sold on DA
OPTION 1 58,08$ USD (incl tax) 48$ USD (excl tax) includes ➔ Bust design shown above
OPTION 2 175,45 $ USD (incl tax)  145$ USD (excl tax) includes ➔ Bust design shown above ➔ a half body drawing of the design (buyer can give wishes for half body design)
OPTION 3 260,15$ USD (incl tax) 215$ USD (excl tax) includes ➔ Bust design shown above ➔ a full body drawing of the design (buyer can give wishes for full body design)
Options 3 and 2 have priority when there are multiple people interested!
Once bought you can do whatever you want with the design.
I'll send you the proper files after the payment, which is a higher resolution of the design without the watermarks, text and background
Payment is done through PayPal invoice (Price is incl taxes)
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tervioza · 1 month
they have been trying to install this lightning for what feels like a year now, the main electricity guy does not know what he is doing at all i would be very worried i would get electrocuted if i was him with those big clumsy hands . so hes trying to fix this one lamp and in doing so he just powers off everything on the first floor including everything i need for work. for the 3rd time this day. im in rush all day. everyone wants something from me always. this man comes in trying to book a room. a walk in at 3 pm. i cant do that without a computer so we wait there very awkwardly as i restart the server 15 minutes eye to eye with this man until i finally check him in. theres a phone call i pick up that lasts half an hour - until i hear a very loud kurwa and see that the electricity guy has been electrocuted. turning off the power on the first floor yet again. okay. as he sits down on the couch to catch his breath i see a prostitute walking through the door. that explains the awkward silence of the guy before. i was not trained for this. i hope she finds happiness in her life. okay. 5 minutes after this comes in a guy wanting me to commit tax crimes for him. i tell him no sorry will not be doing that at all. he sends his minions to me to beg. genuinely they fill me with disgust. that goes on for an hour. none of these guys know how invoices work. or what VAT is. they are trying to argue with me but they dont know what they are arguing about. okay. i finally tell them im going to call the cops i dont give a fuck and they fuck off to drink beer with the non government money. check in check in check in in rush until 6 pm. my boss comes in asking me to falsify a document. i tell him haha what & he seems sure im going to do it. tell him no sorry i will not be doing that & he seems disappointed. cant fire me even because well im trying to leave. i try to not laugh cry as a group reservation comes in 5 minutes before my shift ends .
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moonogre · 1 month
Sometimes I can’t believe I feel a modicum of guilt quiet quitting this dumpster of a job. So now I must remind myself of why:
This woman kept badgering me after I told her my aunt had a stroke
This woman lied to me about how much she would pay me
This woman was from the outset going to pay me RIDICULOUSLY under market rate for my role
This woman’s impact on my finances has put me in a position that will take a long time to repair
This woman took six months to give me a contract
This woman slashed my already very low salary in half
This woman would not listen to my advice on my clients and now the accounts are in jeopardy
This woman has never kept a meeting with a client or myself
This woman would not advise me of travel dates with appropriate notice so I could never have real stability in planning my life
This woman gave me a contract with no vacation or sick days and where I could be let go at will. All of the risk of being a consultant with none of the flexibility, and all of the shitty things about being an employee and none of the protections or stability
This woman lies to clients and marks up third party services on forged invoices
This woman does not read emails
This woman will not read emails and then belittle me about things I’ve explained in an email
This woman does not look for or over work she has asked for and will demand I resend and redo things for months and months
This woman has called you without apology or self awareness at 9 o’clock at night
This woman will not erect a functional and sustainable communications system to save her life
This woman takes credit for other people’s work
This woman has implicated me and other teammates in illegal activities
This woman lies in RFPs and bids to get clients
This woman does not pay her employee taxes or unemployment insurance
This woman lied about her business to get PPE loans
I thiiiink that’s all of it? So no more guilt. Don’t work, slow quit, take her money until she fires you, never talk to her again.
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