#online tax app
setupfilling · 3 months
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All GST registered businesses have to file monthly or quarterly GST returns and an annual GST return based on the type of business. GST Return Filing is mandatory in nature and non – filing will attract penalty and may result of GST Cancellation also. Simplify the GST return filing process for your small business with our comprehensive guide. Stay compliant with India’s GST regulations effortlessly.
Read More >> https://setupfiling.in/gst-return-filing/
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the-trans-dragon · 9 months
What if they didn't put ads every 3 posts. Three posts between ads, literally. Not even counting the ad for Tumblr Live.
Also what if tumblr didn't know what city Im in. I do not want my location tracked or stored anywhere unless I give explicit ongoing permission, like with my GPS app that I allow to track me only when the app is open, and then it deletes the data (allegedly) when I stop giving permission.
#ugh i do SO much to try to keep my location private. i use an android with all the tracking things Off (except for my weather app#which is a highly specific app that does NOTHING except provide weather; and i have the location turned Off so it doesnt even know where i#live). my tumblr email is not connected to any real life stuff because i made it when i was very closeted and made a new email and password#for it and never linked them to anything else. i have bare minimum apps. i use firefox and duckduckgo.#for shits sake i use a small barely-known map app because any Map App that has had large success under capitalism is inevitably going to#start selling private info or working with a cheap security system designed to allow quiet data leaks.#i guess i use gmail and gphotos but my phone doesnt HAVE a native Photo App. i have to use one i download and im too damn skittish to try#i guess i did get netflix recently....sigh.... i figured they WERENT tracking me because they email me EVERY TIME I USE NETFLIX to alert me#that OHHHH A NEW DEVICE IS USING NETFLIX AAAAA WHAT IF ITS AGAINST NETFLIX POLICY OH NOOOO. so i figured they didnt have a way to ID me.#UGH. CAN I PLEASE EXIST WITHOUT BEING MONITORED FOR FIVE SECONDS. can i please access Social Media which is a shitty substitute for actual#human connection but its the best i have--without someone noting my location and then trying to sell me things??? can i please watch film???#i cant go to a theater because my region does NOT believe in covid and not even medical staff attending Very Ill Patients wear masks anymore#stupid fucking homophobic transphobic anti-vax society has made it too dangerous for me to access most Not-Online forms of enrichment. and i#cant even use the Internet (a magnificent ASTONISHING human creation) without being tracked and advertised to.#ugh..#humanity is just so cool and brave and kind and amazing and yet we have taxes and advertisment IDs and traffic and medicine shortages.#its not like the ads even work. even when it shows me stuff i DO want. i cant fucking afford things. i already have spent too much money on#things that i dont need like Good Food and Entertainment and Juice. ugh....okay i do need food and liquids....Good food even. my body cant#survive on College Foods like it could in the past. And i might literally die if i dont buy juice...#and i guess its really really really heartwarming to have good entertainment to take breaks from all the stress.... its not like i havent l#..... like im so frugal. thank god my partners encourage me to buy myself things. i have been so much healthier since giving in and buying#Non-Water drinks instead of just Chronically Drinking Less Than A Bottle Of Water A Day. my partners are so good and sweet 😓 i shouldnt be#upset with myself for letting them convince me to take care of myself. that isnt fair to them or me so i will stop doing that now.#my faith in humanity is mostly just knowing that my partners exist. theyre so sweet. if people like them exist--then i have faith in humanty#no pressure lol. they are both so good and perfect regardless of how much energy they have to spare for Being Good. they are just inherently#very dear and good to me and for me. but just because i have faith in humanity doesnt mean im gonna stop complaining the whole time!!!!!! i#will whine about the bad stuff forever!!!! and BITE IT if i ever get the chance. but i will complain until the bothersome things go away.#if i complain my whole life with no results then...! so be it. i will whine and it will be art somehow.#sorenhoots
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constellraetion · 2 months
i get a little mean sometimes. as a treat
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closewise · 11 months
Tax Write Offs For Notaries: Tips To Maximize Tax Deductions For Notary Signing Agents
Tax season can feel overwhelming, especially when deciphering the complicated IRS forms and rules. As signing agents, you’re no stranger to dealing with official documents, but tax forms can be a new ball game. Understanding that income taxes apply while you may be exempt from self-employment tax on your notary fees is crucial. And if you earn income as a signing agent, self-employment taxes come into play. But fear not because we’re here to ease your worries and help you save thousands of dollars! We have the information you need to understand the tax write-offs for notaries and ensure you make the most out of it. Instead of feeling overwhelmed, take a moment to breathe and read on.
Read More: How Notaries Save Money On Taxes
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theambitiouswoman · 7 months
Wealth Building: Money Topics You Should Learn About If You Want To Make More Money
Budgeting: This means keeping track of how much money you have and how you spend it. It helps you save money and plan for your needs.
Investing: This is like putting your money to work so it can grow over time. It's like planting seeds to grow a money tree.
Saving: Saving is when you put some money aside for later. It's like keeping some of your treats for another day.
Debt Management: This is about handling money you owe to others, like loans or credit cards. You want to pay it back without owing too much.
Credit Scores: Think of this like a report card for your money habits. It helps others decide if they can trust you with money.
Taxation: Taxes are like a fee you pay to the government. You need to understand how they work and how to pay them correctly.
Retirement Planning: This is making sure you have enough money to live comfortably when you're older and no longer working.
Estate Planning: This is like making a plan for your stuff and money after you're no longer here.
Insurance: It's like paying for protection. You give some money to an insurance company, and they help you if something bad happens.
Investment Options: These are different ways to make your money grow, like buying parts of companies or putting money in a savings account.
Financial Markets: These are places where people buy and sell things like stocks and bonds. It can affect your investments.
Risk Management: This is about being careful with your money and making smart choices to avoid losing it.
Passive Income: This is money you get without having to work for it, like rent from a property you own.
Entrepreneurship: It's like starting your own business. You create something and try to make money from it.
Behavioral Finance: This is about understanding how your feelings and thoughts can affect how you use money. You want to make good choices even when you feel worried or excited.
Financial Goals: These are like wishes for your money. You need a plan to make them come true.
Financial Tools and Apps: These are like helpers on your phone or computer that can make it easier to manage your money.
Real Estate: This is about buying and owning property, like a house or land, to make money.
Asset Protection: It's about keeping your money safe from problems or people who want to take it.
Philanthropy: This means giving money to help others, like donating to charities or causes you care about.
Compounding Interest: This is like a money snowball. When you save or invest your money, it can grow over time. As it grows, you earn even more money on the money you already earned.
Credit Cards: When you borrow money or use a credit card to buy things, you need to show you can pay it back on time. This helps you build a good reputation with money. The better your reputation, the easier it is to borrow more money when you need it.
Alternate Currencies: These are like different kinds of money that aren't like the coins and bills you're used to like Crypto. It's digital money that's not controlled by a government. Some people use it for online shopping, and others think of it as a way to invest, like buying special tokens for a game.
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pinkhairswagtourney · 11 months
please consider helping me with replacing + protecting my insulin !!!
i’ve made a few posts in the last couple of days about my current situation , but i thought i would consolidate it all into one post ;;
hi there ! my name is shroom and i have type two diabetes . i have to take insulin every day to survive – i take my levemir when i wake up and before i go to sleep , and i take my humalog before every meal . 
my younger brother is a nightmare to live with . he abuses me mentally and physically , and nothing is ever done about it . he shoved me down the stairs just a few months ago , leaving me with a permanent knee injury . the other day , he was upset about something completely unrelated to me , and decided to take the rest of my insulin pens out of the fridge and smash them with a hammer .
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when i told my father about what happened , he told me that i shouldn’t have kept them in the fridge . for those of you who don’t know , you have to keep your unopened insulin pens refrigerated . once you start using the pen , you can keep it at room temperature . my fathers knows this – i’ve told him several times and his father also had diabetes , it’s just an excuse for him to not have to do anything about my brother’s behavior .
i’m now left with only my two current pens , and my supply is rapidly dropping . at this rate , i have less than a week’s worth , so i’m going to have to start cutting meals and stretching my insulin . to prevent anything like this from ever happening again , i’ve decided to invest in a mini fridge and a new doorknob with a lock for my bedroom .
for a month’s supply of insulin , i have to pay $70 – $35 for three pens of both humalog and levemir . the mini fridge is $28 with $9 in taxes and shipping fees . the cheapest doorknob i could find online that’ll work with my door is $13 . all together , that’s about ~$120 . 
i’ve already had a few very charitable people help me out and i've reopened commissions to help fund this !! if anyone could spare a few dollars , it would mean the world to me !! even reblogging this and spreading the word is highly appreciated
p-pal - ovmasai c-sh-app - $soppdronning commission's page
thank you so much for reading !!!
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cosmicpuzzle · 2 years
7th Ruler and Meeting Spouse
So on request from one of my follower, I decided to make this post. It is not necessary that the house placement of 7th ruler must always indicate the environment or how you meet them.
Sometimes, the house location of Venus or Jupiter can work. Sometimes even the sign placement of Venus or Jupiter can indicate where you meet spouse. So you need to apply this with judgment.
7th Ruler in 1st : In traditional societies, a classic arranged marriage where bride and groom meet in presence of family. Sometimes you may know the person from childhood, like they are your relative or stayed in same house as you did. In western world, this can mean your spouse sees you somewhere and then approaches you for marriage.
7th Ruler in 2nd: This can mean again a marriage arranged by your family. Even in western societies, this can mean your family has selected one particular person already, may be they are your family friend from childhood or your family does business with their parents and they take over etc..may meet them at work too or when you go to bank or shopping.
7th Ruler in 3rd : This can mean marriage through matrimony or newspaper classifieds in traditional societies. In western world, can men through dating apps, all kinds of social media. You may meet them as team mates at office. You travel to a seminar or lecture and meet them there. You may meet at school, college, places of learning or your friends/siblings introduce you to them. They may be friends of friends.
7th Ruler in 4th: This can mean an arranged marriage by family in traditional societies. You may marry a relative too or someone known to your family circle. They may be distantly connected to your family. you may marry someone from your childhood, so someone you went to school with and later you propose them. Similar to 2nd house at times. You may also meet at office.
7th Ruler in 5th: This can mean you meet your spouse at a very young age like 7 to 10 years as 5th house is children. So you may meet them in school, playgrounds or they were your neighbors when you were a kid. Can meet at social parties, places of fun , drama theatres, magic shows, exhibition, political events, theme parks for children, children birthday parties etc.
7th Ruler in 6th: This can mean you meet them at work, you may meet at supermarket, gym, when you visit a doctor, or places where animals are cared for like PETA, medical shops, relief camps, donation places, NGO's etc.
7th Ruler in 7th: This can mean a formal arranged marriage. You may meet at foreign places or at weddings, social events or through your business partners.
7th Ruler in 8th : Nothing specific, you may meet them during emergencies or they come into your life suddenly out of nowhere like friends turning into lovers which you didn't plan for or marrying your friend's spouse after they get divorce..may be when you go to a funeral, you may meet at night clubs, forbidden places or they may be introduced when you get some therapy like they are your psychiatrist friend or your astrologer's friend. An astrologer may even give hints about your spouse. someone who may have had marriage already. You may also meet at places related to money like insurances, taxes, bank loans etc.
7th Ruler in 9th: You may meet them at college, university, when you pursue bachelors or masters. You may meet at religious places like temple or church or when you go to a pilgrimage. Sometimes this can also mean a marriage based on law like court marriage, you may meet at a trial, you may meet when you go abroad or you meet a foreigner online.
7th Ruler in 10th : You may meet them at work, in context of your job, or your boss introduces you to them, I have seen some cases where the person was personal assistant to boss and then they got married later, you may meet through business conferences or at Government offices, may be you need to renew some Govt. document etc.
7th Ruler in 11th: You may meet them over internet, dating apps, matrimony websites, business meetings or through professional colleagues. They may be your friend initially and becomes lover later. You both may have common friends. If you do business, then in context of advertisements, promotion campaigns etc, They may even be a celebrity.
7th Ruler in 12th: You may meet in foreign lands, when you go abroad, in hospitals, airports. I have seen one case, the guy was a travel agent and booked tickets for his client and went to airport to send off his client and met his wife there as she was client's sister. Meeting could be destined or fated in some way.
Book your Spouse Reading now. DM here.
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How to design a tech regulation
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TONIGHT (June 20) I'm live onstage in LOS ANGELES for a recording of the GO FACT YOURSELF podcast. TOMORROW (June 21) I'm doing an ONLINE READING for the LOCUS AWARDS at 16hPT. On SATURDAY (June 22) I'll be in OAKLAND, CA for a panel (13hPT) and a keynote (18hPT) at the LOCUS AWARDS.
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It's not your imagination: tech really is underregulated. There are plenty of avoidable harms that tech visits upon the world, and while some of these harms are mere negligence, others are self-serving, creating shareholder value and widespread public destruction.
Making good tech policy is hard, but not because "tech moves too fast for regulation to keep up with," nor because "lawmakers are clueless about tech." There are plenty of fast-moving areas that lawmakers manage to stay abreast of (think of the rapid, global adoption of masking and social distancing rules in mid-2020). Likewise we generally manage to make good policy in areas that require highly specific technical knowledge (that's why it's noteworthy and awful when, say, people sicken from badly treated tapwater, even though water safety, toxicology and microbiology are highly technical areas outside the background of most elected officials).
That doesn't mean that technical rigor is irrelevant to making good policy. Well-run "expert agencies" include skilled practitioners on their payrolls – think here of large technical staff at the FTC, or the UK Competition and Markets Authority's best-in-the-world Digital Markets Unit:
The job of government experts isn't just to research the correct answers. Even more important is experts' role in evaluating conflicting claims from interested parties. When administrative agencies make new rules, they have to collect public comments and counter-comments. The best agencies also hold hearings, and the very best go on "listening tours" where they invite the broad public to weigh in (the FTC has done an awful lot of these during Lina Khan's tenure, to its benefit, and it shows):
But when an industry dwindles to a handful of companies, the resulting cartel finds it easy to converge on a single talking point and to maintain strict message discipline. This means that the evidentiary record is starved for disconfirming evidence that would give the agencies contrasting perspectives and context for making good policy.
Tech industry shills have a favorite tactic: whenever there's any proposal that would erode the industry's profits, self-serving experts shout that the rule is technically impossible and deride the proposer as "clueless."
This tactic works so well because the proposers sometimes are clueless. Take Europe's on-again/off-again "chat control" proposal to mandate spyware on every digital device that will screen everything you upload for child sex abuse material (CSAM, better known as "child pornography"). This proposal is profoundly dangerous, as it will weaken end-to-end encryption, the key to all secure and private digital communication:
It's also an impossible-to-administer mess that incorrectly assumes that killing working encryption in the two mobile app stores run by the mobile duopoly will actually prevent bad actors from accessing private tools:
When technologists correctly point out the lack of rigor and catastrophic spillover effects from this kind of crackpot proposal, lawmakers stick their fingers in their ears and shout "NERD HARDER!"
But this is only half the story. The other half is what happens when tech industry shills want to kill good policy proposals, which is the exact same thing that advocates say about bad ones. When lawmakers demand that tech companies respect our privacy rights – for example, by splitting social media or search off from commercial surveillance, the same people shout that this, too, is technologically impossible.
That's a lie, though. Facebook started out as the anti-surveillance alternative to Myspace. We know it's possible to operate Facebook without surveillance, because Facebook used to operate without surveillance:
Likewise, Brin and Page's original Pagerank paper, which described Google's architecture, insisted that search was incompatible with surveillance advertising, and Google established itself as a non-spying search tool:
Even weirder is what happens when there's a proposal to limit a tech company's power to invoke the government's powers to shut down competitors. Take Ethan Zuckerman's lawsuit to strip Facebook of the legal power to sue people who automate their browsers to uncheck the millions of boxes that Facebook requires you to click by hand in order to unfollow everyone:
Facebook's apologists have lost their minds over this, insisting that no one can possibly understand the potential harms of taking away Facebook's legal right to decide how your browser works. They take the position that only Facebook can understand when it's safe and proportional to use Facebook in ways the company didn't explicitly design for, and that they should be able to ask the government to fine or even imprison people who fail to defer to Facebook's decisions about how its users configure their computers.
This is an incredibly convenient position, since it arrogates to Facebook the right to order the rest of us to use our computers in the ways that are most beneficial to its shareholders. But Facebook's apologists insist that they are not motivated by parochial concerns over the value of their stock portfolios; rather, they have objective, technical concerns, that no one except them is qualified to understand or comment on.
There's a great name for this: "scalesplaining." As in "well, actually the platforms are doing an amazing job, but you can't possibly understand that because you don't work for them." It's weird enough when scalesplaining is used to condemn sensible regulation of the platforms; it's even weirder when it's weaponized to defend a system of regulatory protection for the platforms against would-be competitors.
Just as there are no atheists in foxholes, there are no libertarians in government-protected monopolies. Somehow, scalesplaining can be used to condemn governments as incapable of making any tech regulations and to insist that regulations that protect tech monopolies are just perfect and shouldn't ever be weakened. Truly, it's impossible to get someone to understand something when the value of their employee stock options depends on them not understanding it.
None of this is to say that every tech regulation is a good one. Governments often propose bad tech regulations (like chat control), or ones that are technologically impossible (like Article 17 of the EU's 2019 Digital Single Markets Directive, which requires tech companies to detect and block copyright infringements in their users' uploads).
But the fact that scalesplainers use the same argument to criticize both good and bad regulations makes the waters very muddy indeed. Policymakers are rightfully suspicious when they hear "that's not technically possible" because they hear that both for technically impossible proposals and for proposals that scalesplainers just don't like.
After decades of regulations aimed at making platforms behave better, we're finally moving into a new era, where we just make the platforms less important. That is, rather than simply ordering Facebook to block harassment and other bad conduct by its users, laws like the EU's Digital Markets Act will order Facebook and other VLOPs (Very Large Online Platforms, my favorite EU-ism ever) to operate gateways so that users can move to rival services and still communicate with the people who stay behind.
Think of this like number portability, but for digital platforms. Just as you can switch phone companies and keep your number and hear from all the people you spoke to on your old plan, the DMA will make it possible for you to change online services but still exchange messages and data with all the people you're already in touch with.
I love this idea, because it finally grapples with the question we should have been asking all along: why do people stay on platforms where they face harassment and bullying? The answer is simple: because the people – customers, family members, communities – we connect with on the platform are so important to us that we'll tolerate almost anything to avoid losing contact with them:
Platforms deliberately rig the game so that we take each other hostage, locking each other into their badly moderated cesspits by using the love we have for one another as a weapon against us. Interoperability – making platforms connect to each other – shatters those locks and frees the hostages:
But there's another reason to love interoperability (making moderation less important) over rules that require platforms to stamp out bad behavior (making moderation better). Interop rules are much easier to administer than content moderation rules, and when it comes to regulation, administratability is everything.
The DMA isn't the EU's only new rule. They've also passed the Digital Services Act, which is a decidedly mixed bag. Among its provisions are a suite of rules requiring companies to monitor their users for harmful behavior and to intervene to block it. Whether or not you think platforms should do this, there's a much more important question: how can we enforce this rule?
Enforcing a rule requiring platforms to prevent harassment is very "fact intensive." First, we have to agree on a definition of "harassment." Then we have to figure out whether something one user did to another satisfies that definition. Finally, we have to determine whether the platform took reasonable steps to detect and prevent the harassment.
Each step of this is a huge lift, especially that last one, since to a first approximation, everyone who understands a given VLOP's server infrastructure is a partisan, scalesplaining engineer on the VLOP's payroll. By the time we find out whether the company broke the rule, years will have gone by, and millions more users will be in line to get justice for themselves.
So allowing users to leave is a much more practical step than making it so that they've got no reason to want to leave. Figuring out whether a platform will continue to forward your messages to and from the people you left there is a much simpler technical matter than agreeing on what harassment is, whether something is harassment by that definition, and whether the company was negligent in permitting harassment.
But as much as I like the DMA's interop rule, I think it is badly incomplete. Given that the tech industry is so concentrated, it's going to be very hard for us to define standard interop interfaces that don't end up advantaging the tech companies. Standards bodies are extremely easy for big industry players to capture:
If tech giants refuse to offer access to their gateways to certain rivals because they seem "suspicious," it will be hard to tell whether the companies are just engaged in self-serving smears against a credible rival, or legitimately trying to protect their users from a predator trying to plug into their infrastructure. These fact-intensive questions are the enemy of speedy, responsive, effective policy administration.
But there's more than one way to attain interoperability. Interop doesn't have to come from mandates, interfaces designed and overseen by government agencies. There's a whole other form of interop that's far nimbler than mandates: adversarial interoperability:
"Adversarial interoperability" is a catch-all term for all the guerrilla warfare tactics deployed in service to unilaterally changing a technology: reverse engineering, bots, scraping and so on. These tactics have a long and honorable history, but they have been slowly choked out of existence with a thicket of IP rights, like the IP rights that allow Facebook to shut down browser automation tools, which Ethan Zuckerman is suing to nullify:
Adversarial interop is very flexible. No matter what technological moves a company makes to interfere with interop, there's always a countermove the guerrilla fighter can make – tweak the scraper, decompile the new binary, change the bot's behavior. That's why tech companies use IP rights and courts, not firewall rules, to block adversarial interoperators.
At the same time, adversarial interop is unreliable. The solution that works today can break tomorrow if the company changes its back-end, and it will stay broken until the adversarial interoperator can respond.
But when companies are faced with the prospect of extended asymmetrical war against adversarial interop in the technological trenches, they often surrender. If companies can't sue adversarial interoperators out of existence, they often sue for peace instead. That's because high-tech guerrilla warfare presents unquantifiable risks and resource demands, and, as the scalesplainers never tire of telling us, this can create real operational problems for tech giants.
In other words, if Facebook can't shut down Ethan Zuckerman's browser automation tool in the courts, and if they're sincerely worried that a browser automation tool will uncheck its user interface buttons so quickly that it crashes the server, all it has to do is offer an official "unsubscribe all" button and no one will use Zuckerman's browser automation tool.
We don't have to choose between adversarial interop and interop mandates. The two are better together than they are apart. If companies building and operating DMA-compliant, mandatory gateways know that a failure to make them useful to rivals seeking to help users escape their authority is getting mired in endless hand-to-hand combat with trench-fighting adversarial interoperators, they'll have good reason to cooperate.
And if lawmakers charged with administering the DMA notice that companies are engaging in adversarial interop rather than using the official, reliable gateway they're overseeing, that's a good indicator that the official gateways aren't suitable.
It would be very on-brand for the EU to create the DMA and tell tech companies how they must operate, and for the USA to simply withdraw the state's protection from the Big Tech companies and let smaller companies try their luck at hacking new features into the big companies' servers without the government getting involved.
Indeed, we're seeing some of that today. Oregon just passed the first ever Right to Repair law banning "parts pairing" – basically a way of using IP law to make it illegal to reverse-engineer a device so you can fix it.
Taken together, the two approaches – mandates and reverse engineering – are stronger than either on their own. Mandates are sturdy and reliable, but slow-moving. Adversarial interop is flexible and nimble, but unreliable. Put 'em together and you get a two-part epoxy, strong and flexible.
Governments can regulate well, with well-funded expert agencies and smart, adminstratable remedies. It's for that reason that the administrative state is under such sustained attack from the GOP and right-wing Dems. The illegitimate Supreme Court is on the verge of gutting expert agencies' power:
It's never been more important to craft regulations that go beyond mere good intentions and take account of adminsitratability. The easier we can make our rules to enforce, the less our beleaguered agencies will need to do to protect us from corporate predators.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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Image: Noah Wulf (modified) https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Thunderbirds_at_Attention_Next_to_Thunderbird_1_-_Aviation_Nation_2019.jpg
CC BY-SA 4.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.en
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sas-soulwriter · 9 months
Research Tips for Writing Your Book
Are you diving into the exciting world of writing and researching for your book project? Here's what you need to know to make your research journey a success:
Define Your Purpose: Before diving into research, have a clear understanding of your book's purpose and goals. Know the themes you want to explore and the message you wish to convey. This will give your research a focused direction.
Create a Research Plan: Outline the specific areas you need to research, set milestones, and establish deadlines. A well-structured research plan keeps you on track and helps you manage your time efficiently.
Use Multiple Sources: Diversify your sources. Books, academic papers, interviews, and digital resources each offer unique perspectives and insights. This diversity enriches your understanding and adds depth to your writing.
Organize Your Notes: Keep your research notes well-organized. Consider using digital tools like note-taking apps or physical notebooks with labeled sections for different topics. Efficient organization will save you time and effort later.
Fact-Check: Ensure the accuracy of your research. Verify any details that are crucial to your story or argument. Misinformation can erode your credibility and disrupt the reader's immersion.
Cite Sources Properly: Keep meticulous records of your sources and be diligent about citations. Use a recognized citation style (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago) to give credit to the authors and avoid plagiarism.
Interview Experts: Reach out to experts or people with firsthand knowledge relevant to your topic. Interviews can provide you with valuable insights, real-life experiences, and unique anecdotes to enhance your book.
Visit Relevant Places: If your book is set in a particular location, consider visiting it if possible. Experiencing the environment firsthand can help you capture its atmosphere, culture, and nuances more authentically.
Take Breaks: Research can be mentally taxing. Don't forget to take breaks to recharge and maintain a fresh perspective. Stepping away from your work can also lead to new insights and ideas.
Stay Open-Minded: Be open to unexpected discoveries during your research. Sometimes, the most profound insights come from unrelated sources or tangential information that you stumble upon while researching.
Keep a Journal: Maintain a research journal where you can jot down notes, ideas, and thoughts as they occur. This journal can serve as a valuable resource when you're writing your book.
Join Writing Communities: Connect with other writers in person or online. They can offer guidance, share their experiences, and provide emotional support when you face challenges during the research and writing process.
Revise and Refine: Don't think of research as a one-time activity. Continuously revisit and refine your research as your book evolves. New ideas or directions may emerge, and you may need to adjust your research accordingly.
Respect Copyright Laws: Understand the copyright laws applicable to your research. Ensure you have the rights to use specific materials, especially if you plan to incorporate them into your book. Obtaining permissions or licensing may be necessary.
Balance Research and Writing: While research is crucial, there comes a point where you must transition from research to writing. Avoid getting stuck in a perpetual research phase. Once you have enough information to start, begin writing and integrate research as needed in your work.
Remember that your research phase is an integral part of the creative process. It's where the foundation of your book is built, and it can be a fascinating journey in itself.But keep in mind, as you're writing your first draft, you can never know everything, never research everything. A second opinion is always good, and for that, you can ask friends, family, or even me on this blog.
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hyper-pixels · 2 months
How to Grow Up
A guide on how to grow up. It was originally posted by @/friendliness but half the links were broken. So I took what links weren't broken and added other links and more things to know.
This is USA based resources
Reasons to Stay Alive – A Tumblr post of 116 reasons to stay alive by @/friendliness.
How to Get Better At Asking for Help – Website is Harvard Business Review. The article is “5 Ways to Get Better At Asking for Help” by Wayne Baker.
What to do if you Can’t Afford Therapy – Website is Psych Central and the article is by Steven Rowe.
How to Quit Smoking – “The 22 Best Ways to Quit Smoking” by Debra L. Gordon and David L. Katz M.D. from the Healthy Digest.
How to Legally Change your Name – Website is Forbes.
Wanna Learn Something New? – A Tumblr post made by @/hamletthedane with various new things to try from language learning to ballet.
Free Harvard Courses – Harvard University’s free online courses.
Getting a New Computer? – A quick and dirty comprehensive guide by WIRED on what to look for.
How to Sew – Website is Autodesk Indestructibles. The article is “How to Sew” by Jessyratfink. Having a small sewing kit (that you can pick up from nearly any craft store) is super handy and has saved my life and clothes.
What to Look For in Clothes – A YouTube video by Alyssa Beltempo titled “How to Identify High Quality vs. Poor Quality Clothing | Slow Fashion”. Here’s a WikiHow [x] if a YouTube video isn’t your style.
What’s a mortgage? – Website is realtor.com and the page is called “What is a Mortgage? Home Loan Basics Explained” by Cathie Ericson.
First Apartment Checklist – A checklist PDF. Here’s another link to a Tumblr checklist [x] 
What to Ask Landlords Before Renting? – “25 Questions To Ask a Landlord When Renting a Home” by Morgen Henderson.
What’s Renter’s Insurance? – Website is Forbes Advisor. The article is by Jason Metz and titled “How to Get Renters Insurance”.
Plant Care – A master list of how to care for plants made by @/difficults
Time Management – Website is Entrepenuer and has 10 time management tips. One I personally recommend is keeping a physical calendar book on hand. I keep mine in my bag with a designated pen.
Finding the right job – Website is The Muse and it has 13 free career assessment tests.
Make a resume – Website is Resume Now. Many hirers look at your name, the middle of the page (where your experience list is) and skim the rest.
Job Interview Tips – Website is Linkedin. The article is titled “10 Job Interview Tips to Land The Career of Your Dreams” by Caren Merrick.
How to Write a Cover Letter – Website is The Writing Center. University of Winsconsin, Madison. It’s titled “Writing Cover Letters” and I can’t find the author.
Couponing! – Website is Coupon Database :: Southern Savers. It has a list of mobile apps for coupons to places.
Call 211 for Help – the website leads to 211.org. It's anonymous and can help you get connected to food programs, paying bills and things like doctor appointments. Here’s a Tumblr post about it [x] by @/poessionisamyth
Groceries! – This is a Tumblr meme post, but scrolling through tags/reblogs/replies and there’s plenty of good tips. The post is by @/charlotten
What To Do if You Can’t Pay Your Bills – Website is Nolo. The article is “When You Can’t Pay Your Bills: Thiings To Know” that was updated by Amy Loftsgordon. 
Are You Paying Too Much for Your Phone Bill? – An article by Beht Beverman titled “How Much is Too Much to Pay for a Cell Phone Bill?”.
54 Ways to Save Money – Website is America Saves.
How to Do Taxes – Website is Wiki-How.
The 70/20/10 Method – Website is Business Insider. The Article is “A Beginners Guide to the 70-20–10 Budgeting Method” by Paul Kim.
Side Hustle Ideas – Website is Forbes. “30 Side Hustle Ideas To Make Extra Money In 2024” by Krista Fabregas.
Your Rights When a Cop Pulls you Over – Website is Business Insider. Cops are allowed to lie to you, and they will, so be careful.
Hotline List – The website is DoSomething.org. Depression/Suicide, domestic abuse, child abuse and runaway/homeless/and at-risk youth hotlines.
What to Keep in Your Car – Website is MentalFloss. I live in a snowy area that gets blizzards and bad ice. I keep blankets, water and other aids in my car as well as a knife and road flare. I also own a self jumping car battery and it has saved my ass more than once. Heimlich Maneuver – A one minute video by the Mayo Clinic.
The Heimlich Maneuver on Yourself – A one minute video by The List Show TV.
What to Keep in Your Wallet – Website is PureWow. The article is by Rachel Bowie. Keep your drivers license, medical insurance card, and an emergency contact in your card. If you have a pet home alone make sure that you have a card detailing this. Free printable one here [x]
Packing List – Website is Smarter Travel.
Traveling with Little to No Money – Website is Nomadic Matt.
How to Pack a Suitcase – Website is Real Simple. The article is by Thersa O’Rourke.
How to Apply for a Passport – Website is WikkiHow.
Making a Travel Budget – Website is Travel Made Simple. “How to Make a Travel Budget” by Ali Garland
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samoankpoper21 · 7 days
Dasher - Kento Nanami
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A/N I've stumbled upon a couple posts online where dashers have gotten upset because they weren't tipped enough and I wasn't trying to be part of that narrative 😅; I ordered food this week and I felt bad because I didn't have enough to tip the dasher via card so I texted them letting them know hey sorry funds are a bit tight but I can only tip you this much, thankfully they were understanding! To all the dashers y'all are real ones! Enjoy~!!
Nanami stared at his phone blinking once, twice. Tip: $0. His eyebrows scrunched downward when shortly after he got a message:
"Hello! I know you're probably thinking I'm some greedy, ungrateful person that doesn't tip but rest assured I will tip you when you get here! I don't trust the app with tips ^^ Thank you!"
He went back to the order to see that you have selected the "hand to me" option on the app. Shrugging he continued to grab your order making his way to your apartment.
Ringing your doorbell he stepped back scrolling on his phone waiting as your door peeled open. Looking up in time he silently gasped. "Hi!" you gushed. Nanami was taken aback by your plush, brown skin. He stood there admiring your safffron pajama set: the way the spaghetti strap camisole hugged your full breasts and tummy, the shorts stopping short of your thick, full thighs, the silk robe stopping short of your full bottom. He gulped when your sweet voice rang out with, "Nanami yes?" Clearing his throat he confirmed. "Sorry, do you mind holding the door open for me while I grab my purse?" Using his foot as a doorstep he inwardly groaned when you turned around giving him ample view of your robe grazing over the globes of your ass. Rummaging through your purse, with your back towards him you scream out, "Sorry! I know you probably think I have an archaic way of thinking but I don't trust that the app will give you the full amount for tips."
"It's alright."
"It's just that I read online that food delivery services sometimes keep a percentage of the tips to themselves while you guys are left with zilch-ah! Here it is! Bwahahah." Turning around to face him, making your way towards his direction you smiled warmly. "I usually give 20%." Nanami calculated quickly and tried giving the $20 back to you. "Miss this is too much."
"The total for your meal minus the app and other taxes came out to $35. 20% of 35 is $7, 10 if you round up."
"Smart and handsome." Nanami could feel his face rapidly heating up. "Here," attempting to push the $20 back. "It's too much really."
"Really it's all right. Just think of it as extra pocket change or gas money."
"I can't accept this."
"I insist. Please." Sighing in annoyance at the notifications interrupting his time with you you continue. "Sorry I'm keeping you but seriously take the $20, I don't mind." Wishing he could stay just a bit longer he hands the bag over to you making sure to gently graze your hand feeling a warm zap. Smiling again you thank him when he stops you midway. "I don't think your way of thinking is archaic. I think it's admirable, something different from this generation. Please don't have the dashers hold the door open for you like that again. You may never know their motives."
"If it's any consolation I trust you, trust you enough to hold my door open. You make me feel safe." Clearing his throat trying to hide his blush you ask, "If I may be so bold may I have your number? I would like to get to know you more."
"I'm so glad you asked."
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ana-snz · 1 month
My Dashboard is broken and I can’t see anything at all but tbh it’s kind of perfect timing bc I’m a bit burnt out and probably (hopefully) gonna take a lil break from here. Unfortunately with how much mental energy I’ve exerted over the past few days I’m crashing pretty badly and need to just turn my brain off for a little bit to recharge.
I know a handful of folks think this whole thing was overblown and unnecessary, but I think it did serve to highlight some underlying problems in the community. It sucks to see this pattern of minimization and dismissal that so many of us disabled folks are familiar with in the real world repeat in what is supposed to be a fun place to escape and enjoy ourselves. No one wants unnecessary drama or to argue over something like this, but disabled people also don’t want to be spoken over or dismissed when we’re trying to voice our concerns and point out ableism when we see it. Of course everything can be taken too far, policing the ways people can and cannot express or enjoy themselves on their personal blogs is also not a good or healthy thing to do, but occasionally pointing out harmful rhetoric when it occurs is part of all healthy kink spaces and helps keep our community safe, and it is disingenuous to equate that with being puritanical or overly rigid or moralistic.
Also I think it’s worth mentioning that yes, at the end of the day this is an online community and none of it is That Serious, but by nature of it being it a kink space it is also quite vulnerable and I don’t think it’s abnormal for people to want to feel safe and accepted in it, and that includes other people being respectful of the IRL shit we’ve all got going on, because we’re all real people outside of this app.
I will probably still be lurking (since I’m housebound I have very little accessible to me besides low-pressure scrolling on my phone) and depending on how long this particular crash lasts I might not be gone too long, but just wanted to give a heads up & also remind all my fellow disabled baddies to give themselves a little extra love & compassion this week. It might not seem like a big deal, but getting involved in this kind of discourse (idk why I keep using this word lol, my brain’s just latched onto it) can be more mentally taxing than we realize as it’s often tied to health / medical trauma for many of us.
I hope this doesn’t sound too ✨dramatique✨ lol I just want to highlight that with illnesses that impact energy levels, even things that are important and meaningful to us can put our bodies over their limit and make us sicker, so it’s crucial to make sure we’re pacing properly and taking good care of ourselves. This is supposed to a fun space and if it’s starting to feel more stressful than enjoyable, it’s probably a good idea to take a little break. Love y’all.
(Oh look, another long post! Haha a bitch likes to talk 📢)
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putschki1969 · 5 months
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Store Specific Original Tokutens Revealed
We finally have visuals for the postcard tokuten (Source). As I expected, the HMV one is VERY pretty (although so far I am not seeing anything about the tokuten on their website).
Amazon.co.jp: “Mega Jacket” Other stores: Postcard [A] Tower Records: Postcard [B] Lawson HMV: Postcard [C] NEOWING: Postcard [D] Animate: Postcard [E]
■FC shop “KEIKO Official Fan Club Meat and Chocolate CD/DVD OFFICIAL SHOP” tokuten FC Shop: Postcard [F]
Online Sign Event
In celebration of Keiko’s upcoming physical single release, she will be holding two online sign events (as she did previously for her album release of "dew"). If you pre-order the target products at the target shop within the target period, you will either receive one out of two original photo designs or one of the cover images with your name and Keiko’s handwritten signature. The present will be shipped together with the ordered product. The sign events will be live streamed on the KEIKO Official YouTube Channel for everyone to watch (Source).
■ Date and time #1 Event: January 18, 2024 19:00- (JST) #2 Event: Janaury 23, 2024 19:00- (JST) ※The broadcasts are scheduled to be archived for one week.
■ Stream URL https://www.youtube.com/c/KEIKOOfficialYouTubeChannel?app=desktop
■ Target Products Single 「夕闇のうた」 released on 2024/1/24 ① 【CD+Blu-ray Disc】 (AVCD-61396/B) ¥2,420 ② 【CD+DVD】 (AVCD-61395/B) ¥2,200 ③ 【CD only】 (AVCD-61397) ¥1,540
[#1 Event: January 18, 2024 19:00- Bonus Details] A) ①【CD+Blu-ray Disc】 + ③【CD only】 ¥3,960 ⇒ Bonus: Original photo (pattern A in size L), with customer's name (nickname) and Keiko's signature. B) ②【CD+DVD】 + ③【CD only】 ¥3,740 tax included ⇒ Bonus: Original photo (pattern B in size L), with customer's name (nickname) and Keiko's signature.
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[#2 Event: January 23, 2024 19:00- Bonus Details] A) ①【CD+Blu-ray Disc】 + ③【CD only】 ¥3,960 (tax included) ⇒ Bonus: Cover image of ①[CD+Blu-ray Disc] with customer's name (nickname) and Keiko's signature B) ②【CD+DVD】 + ③【CD only】 ¥3,740 (tax included) ⇒ Bonus: Cover image of ② [CD+DVD] with customer's name (nickname) and Keiko's signature C) ①【CD+Blu-ray Disc】+③【CD only】 ¥3,960 (tax included) ⇒ Bonus: Cover image of ③ [CD only] with customer's name (nickname) and Keiko's signature D) ②【CD+DVD】+③【CD only】 ¥3,740 (tax included) ⇒ Bonus: Cover image of ③ [CD only] with customer's name (nickname) and Keiko's signature
■ Target sales period  #1 Event on January 18: January 11 (20:00 JST) - January 17 #2 Event on January 23: January 11 (20:00 JST) - January 22
■ Target store: https://www.corazon-store.com/event/2023/12-06/9497/
※Shipping fee is ¥880 ※Registration to the CORAZON site is required for purchases ※Please note that the number of products is limited. As soon as the target store runs out of stock, sales will end. ※The number of characters for the nickname is limited to 10 characters. Refrain from using inappropriate language or emojis. Kanji, hiragana, katakana and romaji are all eligible. ※The store only ships within Japan so you will have to use a proxy service like Tenso ※Overseas credit cards work
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tarotwithdanise · 2 years
Your future career.
꒰⠀from left to right ; intuitively choose the pile your mind, heart and soul desire for. if you are having trouble choosing the right pile for you, here’s some tips you can do ; (1) take a deep breath (2) close your eyes (3) ask guidance from your guides (4) finally open your eyes and you can choose the right pile for you by the guidance you ask from your guides. if you are still having trouble by choosing the right pile for you let me know because i am willing to help and guide you.
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Pile one
I see here that you are working your way up from the bottom to the top. Someone may get be jealous of you in this job; it's the people around you, most likely a colleague. They are jealous because you made it to the top by working hard. The following are the careers you might have or plan to pursue: careers in law and order; careers in health and fitness. For some of you, careers in financial institutions and teaching and tutoring areas. Actor and entertainer jobs, charity work, mortgage broker. Administration work and assistants: barista, waiter, caregiver, counselor, and broadcaster. But most of you I'm getting here you would like to work in the field of entertainment. Are you going to be successful in this career path? The answer is maybe. If you maintain fairness and balance with others, you guys will earn this success and abundance. People often mistake you for a being cold individual because you don't like to show off your emotions a lot. Someone with air sign placements on their chart will help you, or you have a lot of air sign placements on your chart.
Pile two
Right off the bat my dear pile two, some of you might be struggling finding work now or in the future and maybe because you are deeply affected with the people around you, they maybe like to spread rumors and gossiping about you that resulting a frustration and burden responsibilities. The cards talking to you that be patient and don't mind those people who doesn't even have a single penny of contribution to your life. I figuring you a loner individual that frequently felt the loneliness far down inside. Career you might going to have is in the areas of army, tax person, motivational speaker or advisor, funeral director, financial advisor, insurance broker, drug abuse counselor, involving other’s resources, mental health worker, night worker, businesswoman or business man, a manager or carer. If you are planning to change a career right now this is maybe a sign to seeks something else new. Some of you may lack of foundation and security in the life you had been. Music and recreation are the paths forward you if pursues.
Pile three
I see here that you are this type of person who has perseverance, someone who still continues the fight no matter how hard it is or how many times you fail. You have this fighting spirit. You guys are usually good at writing. I see someone here who can be a good writer and author and somehow, i'm picking up that you have the possibility of getting recognized for whatever career you are going to have, you have a high tendency to get well-known. The careers you might pursue and are going to have are publishing company owner, brand development and a copywriter, as well on those areas of field of creating an app, an online game, a website, or a web application. For few members, it might be interesting if you would like to pursues your career at administration work, legal work, or health-care work. Also, you may often considered as someone who likes to take care of others inside your work. Delays can be happen when it comes accepting and getting the desired work.
Pile four
Pile four. For most of you, the career you will have and tendency to have is working in foreign lands or in your work place it may involves a lot of foreign people. In your career, it will give you freedom to travel a lot like from one place to another. You might also have a water sign on your chart. For few, you maybe be working far away from your place and city. The careers you might have and pursues can be in the areas of science, problem-solving, computers, and travel jobs such as pilot, stewardess, cabin crew, cruise line worker and many more to mention. Also in the fields of creative work, activism, community projects (in general, social work), youth work, and news. While for few, I'm getting that in areas such as negotiations.
Pile five
Most of you in pile five are attracted to pile number four. You can check it out, it may have some messages for you. I'm getting almost the same cards for pile four and five that why! For some of you, you already have this career; if yes, You will gain happiness, success, and abundance with this specific job. Also, it indicates that this job will be perfect for you if you just keep pursuing it. The careers I'm getting into are public relations and affairs, creative jobs, and property investor or property handler worker. For most of you, I'm getting the same careers as for pile four. You guys will be traveling a lot with this job. More to added careers i'm getting are in the fields of science, problem-solving, computers, and travel jobs such as pilot, stewardess, cabin crew, cruise line worker and many more. Otherwise, you may pursue the careers related to news. For few of you, those who have this job, you guys might be feeling isolated at thus work. This work doesn’t really satisfy you at all. You know that to yourself that you have great potential to achieve more towards with career, but for some reason, you are unable to blossom currently.
Pile six
I see most of you are newly graduates or in longer phrase someone who is fresh out of school, someone who is really eager to find a job immediately after graduating. You might be working in a city that never sleeps; this city is traffic. You may to use your intelligence and common sense to have this job or this is a warning that don't be to get tricked by someone who is close to you because this person may wants what you have in life. I'm not sure what it is, but they want what you have presently or maybe it's a simple feeling of jealousy. This person thinks you are lucky (which is true). This is irrelevant, but I'm writing it down here so you are just kinda aware. The career you might pursues and may have in the areas of power plants like a factory worker or electrical/mechanical engineer, electrician, technology expert, and social media influencer. May most people who chose this pile is somewhat freshly graduated and you are trying you luck to apply for work at a new company. You are taking the expertise you learned from a past company (OJT) to benefit this another one company. As well the careers in special agents, a spy, espionage, the army, police, and marketing areas. You are the type of person who prefers to work by themselves rather than to be on a team. A typical someone who puts more on a performance to their own work than setting themselves free to be who truly they are. Pile six people, you attract people most of the time like a moth to a flame, but you have deep-rooted intimacy issues and will not let anyone close to you. Probably you are someone who I can call an "anti-human or allergic to close friendship".
Pile seven
If you have a past or previous partner, they might return in some cases. You might get a reliable advance from someone from a masculine energy; It can be a friend, a father, a grandfather, a brother, uncle or simply someone who is close to you. This person has a Leo on their chart, or maybe you are the one who has a Leo significant sign. The career you are going to have is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and you must seize it. The careers you might pursues and are going to have are in the fields of working with animals and the careers in caring for vulnerable people. You might say and do what you are most passionate about. Also the fields from the legal works, work in peacekeeping, and diplomacy jobs. In the career of readings like proofreading, a career than can have cooperation, a hairdresser. No matter what job and work it is, it can mean you are about to be recognized in a big way. You might also get a career at the top of the corporate world, possibly even as CEO! or career as veterans and doctors. You are the type of person who lacks courage, passion, fear, even timidity, and impatience. Weak will and lack of backbone. Being untamed and powerful alone isn’t going to work at all. If the beast inside is in control and the you the reader may need a little help and support from others. There is a need to connect with life in a more spiritual way. Pile seven: I see you as someone who has big and wide dreams. Keep trying and going!
Pile eight
important note : I don't intend to pursue, hurt or harm your feelings with my post. Perhaps, not everyone experiences the same.
Pile 8, you guys can be at your worst, you may experience being bullied. If you guys might get bullied in school and your bullies (if ever you get bullied) are mean-tempered people who like to show off and are demanding attention. Some of you maybe afraid to go to school or having a big deal like trauma on going to school. If you are someone who doesn't experience being bullied well bad news may come to you sooner so be prepared. There is unhealthy competition going on here. Also, you may want to have a life that have more colorful meaning and responsible. Okay, back again to the bullies, these jealous people are causing drama out of boredom and due to lack of direction, this is because they felt insecure and find someone who they can targeted with. You can forgive them but the pain they cause to you will be held inside your head and heart whether you admit it or not even your life goes on. The damage and trauma that these people cause to you is no joke. Don't be afraid from these people, it's easy to say but a little fight back can put them a little tense and worry. The careers you may pursues and are going to have are in the fields of creative jobs, community projects jobs, and youth work jobs. You are someone who is very compatible with the work you do and it comes very naturally. What seems hard for your coworkers is easy for you to do, and you might not understand why others find it so difficult. For few of you, in the field of leadership jobs, legal work jobs, and intellectual work jobs. This is also mean to make important decisions in your day-to-day work life. You might find that the lines between success and failure are way too close. You are able to grow and evolve in your workplace, free from unreasonable demands and red tape. You have this talent as a gifted spiritually and writing like a psychic, healer, and a writer.
Pile nine
Pile nine, some of you may feel lonely too the same feelings like Pile two, you maybe be attracted with that pile. When you get this job, as I see here you want your work to come out perfect, you might be a perfectionist individual. In this career, you will also build a good friendships with your colleagues or co-workers that can last a long time, even after you all settle down to work. The careers you might have and be going to pursues are maybe an event planner, real estate broker or owner, property investor, and designer. Careers in welfare job. You don't like to work for nothing, you making sure there's a valid reason to accept a work. In a work situation, few people may sees you as someone feel unsupported on their role. For few members of you, working for charities and social working jobs. The last message is that the tarot cards can mean you will run your own business, especially a home-based business.
© tarotwithdanise ── all rights reserved. do not copy, translate, alter, or repost my work with or without my explicit permission.
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barbwritesstuff · 5 months
Hey (sry if this comes across as super weird 😅 feel free to ignore!), but I am looking to publish my game through Hosted Games and I was just wondering if you would maybe willing to share your experience working with them?
Hosted Games has been very upfront and professional with me.
Royalties have been timely, statements are easy to understand, and they were also patient and helpful while I sorted out all my tax stuff with the Australian Tax Office (which took ages).
They take a big cut of your earnings, but they also have a very dedicated built in audience which I think does make a big difference to the bottom line, and handle a lot of the unfun stuff (like dealing with the app store and Steam) so you don't need to worry about that.
The community on the forum is also VERY good at sorting out bugs, spit balling ideas, etc, during the drafting process.
Release day was a bit janky. I didn't know exactly when Blood Moon was going to drop which made it hard to do much online to build up hype.
But overall, I'm very happy with the choice to publish via Hosted Games. It won't be for everyone or every game, but it was the right move for Blood Moon. 💙
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zhanael · 2 years
Hey there, everyone.
I've been trying so goddamn long to not do this, but I need help, and I don't know where else to turn.
I'm known as Zhanael online, and I'm a disabled, ace lesbian living alone with my cat on the Front Range of Colorado, which ain't a cheap place to live. I moved up here to help take care of my mother before she passed, and attempted to work for a while afterwards, until my disabilities (both physical and psychological) got the best of me. I'm already on SNAP and Medicaid, but I'm still waiting on my (first-time) SSDI app that was submitted a few months ago. I have unemployment, but only about $114/wk after taxes.
I'm STILL $200 short of Dec. rent and I have a $600 credit card payment that needs to be paid ASAP, as I'm currently overdrawn due to interest. I've had to put EVERYTHING on that credit card since I last worked 13 months ago, so I've hit the limit, despite my best efforts. I've used up my 401k already, my friends have mostly done what they can, and my dad is on SSDI already, so his help is heavily limited.
Please help me, Tumblr. I only have PayPal and Zelle, so if you're willing to help out, the email is this URL at Gmail.
Or you can toss me your email and I'll send a money request through Payps. Whichever you feel is safer. DMs are open if you want more info.
Edit: Also just put up a GoFundMe here.
Even if you can't help, have a great rest of 2022 and stay safe.
And as a bonus, here's my lovely girl, Blake:
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