#used to the patterns and that should make it easier. like eventually it should become muscle memory.
gaylotusthatexists · 1 year
Every single boss and mini boss in Hollow Knight makes me irrationally angry actually. Why are they so frustrating.
yeah :) they do be like that actually. unfortunately i think that’s the point asdhslsy you really aren’t meant to be able to beat them first go, just gotta keep trying over and over again and eventually you’ll get the hang of it. i believe in you
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fbfh · 28 days
curiosity is a wonderful thing - ch 8
wc: 3.1k
genre: slowburn, friends to lovers, fluff
pairing: audrey x ben, mal x ben????, eventual ben x daughter of alice!reader
warnings: audrey being a lil bitch again, mind control/hypnosis magic, implanted thoughts, minor emotional manipulation from mal
summary: disappointed again by Audrey's motivations, Ben prepares for a huge tourney match. But something - or someone - becomes very distracting all of a sudden.
song recs: the king - sarah kinsley, mind control - topsecret, do it for her - steven universe soundtrack
a/n: so we took in a stray cat (orange ofc) and he literally did this to me the other day???? peak orange cat behavior tbh. not my pic if that wasn't obvious
TAGS @yesv01 @magcon7280 @hopefullhearts @thatawkwardlittlefangirl @sunshineangel-reads @dustyinkpages @inejsknifes @tulipmagnoliaisme @ev3ningrain
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“So, where’s bunny?” Audrey asks Ben as they head to the tourney field. She says his nickname for you with a note of venom. Even though it rarely happens, whenever someone else refers to you as bunny it always hits Ben’s ear wrong. 
“She’s probably just running late,” Ben says, “nothing out of the ordinary.” 
He says it sweetly. You three were supposed to meet up before the match today, but Ben figures you probably took a wrong turn, or got tied up in a project. Ben covers for you like that a lot. He doesn't mind at all, and since he can't go with you to Wonderland, he feels like this is the next best thing. Or the least he can do, he supposes.
“Well great, that's…” Audrey starts, trailing off as she gets distracted by a group of girls. More specifically, by how amazing their hair is. She tries to pay attention to what Ben is going on about this time, but their hair… it’s too distracting. It looks photoshopped. It looks like the hair they use in salon ads and shampoo commercials. She glares at them, her gaze venomous until she realizes her eyebrows are all scrunched up. She snaps out of it, smoothing out her face. First not just one person with better hair than her, but multiple girls with hair so much better than hers that she’s going to get wrinkles over it? What’s next, mixing patterns? Unblended eyeshadow? Orthopedic shoes?
“Do you think they actually paid for those?” She spits conspiratorially.
“D- uh, they- they might have…” Ben sputters at the sudden change of topic, following her gaze and trying to figure out what exactly has got Audrey in such a bad mood suddenly. 
“She did it to Jane’s hair too,” Audrey continues in that tone she only gets when spreading gossip. “And Fairy Godmother’s not happy about it.”
Oh. She’s talking about their hair. 
The realization dawns on Ben, and he takes a closer look at the group of girls. The girl on the left’s new color and style remind him a lot of yours. It looks good. Ben glances back at Audrey, realizing she’s this upset over someone else’s hair.
“I mean… what’s the harm?” Ben starts gently. From what you’ve told him about Mal and Evie, Mal is probably just trying to make friends with the makeup and fashion tips she’s picked up from Evie - and as far as Ben’s concerned, that’s something that should be encouraged. Before he can finish his thought, Audrey interjects, as she so often does when the conversation isn’t about her.
“It’s gateway magic!” She exclaims incredulously, as if this should be obvious to him. 
Gateway magic? That’s… not a thing… Ben thinks, wondering for a fraction of a second if Audrey might be joking. The only reason that magic is retired in the first place is because of the technology boom that came from Auradon’s alliance with Atlantis. All the new technology can do pretty much anything magic can do in people’s day to day lives. 
Aside from that, it’s also much easier to regulate and add in safety precautions. Most people have become more interested in exploring and expanding new technologies than focusing on magic and its traditions. Ben has a feeling that in the coming years, magic will eventually begin to be re-incorporated into society, but for now, it’s somewhat obsolete. Technology is easier to learn, gets more consistent results, and you don’t need to dig through ancient texts for information - one quick Doogle search and you’re good to go. 
“I mean, sure, it starts with the hair.” Audrey continues, and Ben can sense a tangent coming. “Next thing you know it’s the lips, then the legs, then the clothes, and then everybody looks so good, and…”
As he listens, Ben starts to see her point. If using magic to alter the way you look becomes common, it could have dire consequences. Adolescence is a fragile time, and if cosmetic alterations start running rampant at Auradon Prep, who knows how detrimental that could be to the student body’s self image and self esteem? The last thing Ben wants is to contribute to misogynistic, unrealistic beauty standards, give young girls even more unattainable ideologies to compare themselves to. 
He’s sure Mal is well intentioned with all this makeover stuff, and he doesn’t want to punish her for efforts to make friends - solve one problem by causing another. If he can just talk to her, have a heart to heart and explain why he’s concerned, he’s sure she’ll understand. That way they can collaborate, come up with a solution for how Mal can make friends without doing anything that could inadvertently create a negative aftermath. 
“...Then where will I be?” 
Audrey’s voice breaks Ben’s momentary, spiraling train of thought. He looks at her as she pouts, fussing with her own hair. She pulls out a compact mirror and begins inspecting her face. The realization that Audrey is only worried about herself yet again sends a flash of disappointment through him. Maybe if things were different he could talk to her about it, maybe he could get her to understand. But he still has a tourney game to get ready for, a meeting with his parents after that, and a new potential crisis to put out. 
“Listen, Audrey-”
Either she doesn’t hear him, or she doesn’t want to, and cuts him off again - something Ben starts to realize he’s growing very used to. She snaps her compact shut and looks at him vaguely, digging around her bag for her plumping lip gloss. She makes a mental note to get more, the extreme plumping kind if she wants to get ahead of all this magic beauty bullshit on the horizon.
“I will see you after my dress fitting for coronation, ‘kay?”
“O-Okay…” Ben replies, but Audrey is already bounding away.
“Bye bennyboo.” She calls out behind her, leaving Ben alone in the hall. He feels himself cringe a little at her repeated use of the nicknam, but reprimands himself. It’s well intentioned - well enough at least - so he shouldn’t be judgemental. 
Behind him in the empty hall, Mal stands, staring at the back of Ben’s head intently. She steadies herself with a breath. She’s been practicing on the birds outside her window - she even practiced on Carlos a few times - she’s been pouring over her mom’s spellbook nonstop since yesterday, she’s ready. She has to be. She takes a breath and walks forward, clearing her throat. 
“Hey bennyboo!” She says, sarcastic and saccharine. 
Ben turns around, startled by the sound of Mal’s voice, and bites back a sigh. He really wishes people would just call him Ben. Before he can greet her, Mal takes a few steps closer, locking eyes with him, and holds up a baggie of cookies that look very… homemade. 
“Do you want one?”
He looks at the cookies briefly, then smiles at Mal. It seems a little strange that she would take up something like baking when she refuses to even take an art class, but Ben is too distracted by the fact that she’s finally putting a good foot forward. She’s doing something kind, making a gesture, she’s trying.
“Oh,” he chuckles, smiling and trying to find a polite way to decline. He never eats right before a tourney match, especially dessert. 
“I uh,” he starts, fumbling for words that always come so easily. “I’ve got a big game - I don’t eat before a big game, but thank you so much!” He adds quickly, her eyes locked onto his. Have they always been that green? 
“T-thank you. Next time, next time definitely.” He concludes. He should go. He needs to go warm up or he’s going to be late. Why is he still standing there?
“No, yeah.” Mal says, pulling his thoughts back to her. If her eyes had always been so intense, such a vibrant, glowing green, Ben is sure he would have noticed before. “I completely understand.”
Mal smiles sadly. 
“Be wary of treats offered by villains…” She laughs sadly, eyes still locked on his, drawing him in. “I’m sure every kid in Auradon knows that.” 
Panic and guilt flash through him. 
“No, no, no-” He fumbles, trying to explain, but finding the words feels like trying to run through quicksand. He can feel his brain slowing down, struggling to think, growing more and more quiet. 
“No, that’s not it,” he sputters, desperately trying to correct her impression of him, that he doesn’t trust her, doesn’t like her. “I- I really do-” 
He gestures weakly toward the tourney field, eyes still locked on Mal’s, stuck in her entrancing gaze. Everything around him seems to glow with a tinge of that green, that intoxicating emerald color of her eyes. He tries to say something, but there are no words in his head to draw on. It’s like someone cut the power supply to his mind, leaving him reeling in the dark, stuck in place as Mal stares him down, inching closer to him. He can’t think, can’t blink, can’t move. All he can do is watch the shades of green emanating from Mal’s eyes, casting everything around him in emerald and lime and harlequin. He wishes he could say something, then slipping into the back of his mind like a snake, words begin to form. 
Everything you say and do makes everyone believe you’re wildly in love with me. Even yourself. 
Everything you say and do makes everyone believe you’re wildly in love with me. Even yourself.  
“No, I get it.” Mal says out loud, sounding just like the strange orders permeating Ben’s mind. “You’re cautious, that’s smart.” 
Everything you say and do makes everyone believe you’re wildly in love with me. Even yourself.
“Oh well,” Mal sighs, “more for me I guess…”
Everything you say and do makes everyone believe you’re wildly in love with me. Even yourself. 
She holds up her sugary concoction between them. 
Everything you say and do makes everyone believe you’re wildly in love with me. Even yourself. 
Ben steps forward.
Everything you say and do makes everyone believe you’re wildly in love with me. Even yourself. 
He reaches out his hand, compelled by her, then hesitates.
Everything you say and do makes everyone believe you’re wildly in love with me. Even yourself. 
“Eat the cookie, Ben.” Mal says, her melodic voice sounding just the same out loud as it does echoing around his head. 
Everything you say and do makes everyone believe you’re wildly in love with me. Even yourself. 
“Eat it!” She snaps. Ben reaches out automatically, taking a bite. The glow in Mal’s eyes softens, a glint of that green still reflected in Ben’s, and he blinks, trying to come out of this strange stupor. 
“See?” He replies hazily. “I totally trust you. Totally.” 
Mal smirks. She glances over at her friends, who Ben didn’t even notice. Mal looks back at Ben. 
“...How are they?” She asks tentatively. Her heart pounds uncontrollably in her chest. This is the moment of truth. She can feel Evie and Jay and Carlos all holding their breath, right along with her. 
“They’re good, they’re great.” Ben answers quickly. “They’re amazing! They’re, uh…”
A warm, fizzy feeling fills his mouth, trickling down his throat as he swallows. 
“I mean, they’re warm, and chewy, and-” he sputters mindlessly. That addictive, bubbling, fizzy feeling spreads from his throat to his chest, making him feel all hazy and disoriented. “And, you know, they…”
He trails off for a moment. That warm, itchy fizzing feeling begins bubbling in his stomach, spreading throughout the rest of his body. 
“Is that walnuts?” He blurts out, continuing to ramble mindlessly about the cookies. “I love walnuts.”
She knows that, comes Mal’s voice in his mind again, she must know that. That’s why she put them in there. God, she’s so beautiful, and considerate too. Always thinking about other people before herself…
“And, um, you know, the chocolate… the- the chocolate…” he sputters. “The chocolate chips are… uh…”
The earth seems to move around him, absolving him of all his duties, all his responsibilities and obligations besides pleasing her. 
“Sorry. They’re, uh… they’re warm, and soft, and sweet…” He rambles, describing the angel before him more than the cookies. His breathing gets shallow as he subconsciously steps closer, needing her like he needs air. He’s fixating on her again, aching for another hit of that intoxicating look she had trapped him in.
“Mal, have you always had those little golden flecks in your eyes?” He murmurs, voice more low and intimate as he gazes down at her. He’s looking at her differently than he had been - that much is obvious. He reaches up to take another bite of the cookie and she gasps, grabbing it from him.
“I think that’s enough for now…” She says. Ben chuckles, his gaze unwavering. She’s so considerate, always looking out for him in little ways that no one else does. His pupils dilate as he stares at her, overwhelmed by a sense of familiarity, comfort. A strange, aged brew of feelings rises up through him. It makes him think of something, remind him of someone, but he can’t put his finger on it… He’s so wrapped up in the sensation that he doesn’t even notice Jay standing behind him until he speaks, placing his hands firmly - and somewhat roughly - on Ben’s shoulders.
“How you feeling, bro?” Jay asks. There’s a knowing element, a note of some inside information shared between Jay and his friends within his words, but it goes right over Ben’s head. Everything in his mind is screaming Mal Mal Mal! You want to be around Mal as much as possible! She’s your whole world, and you’re totally obsessed with her! 
“I feel… I- I feel…” Ben murmurs, eyes still locked on Mal’s as he tries to find the words, struggling to put his finger on it. A dreamy smile crosses his face.
“I feel like singing your name-”
Mal’s eyes widen in fear and she moves forward, clamping her hand over Ben’s mouth before he can even think about actually doing it. He wasn’t going to, but he smiles into her palm as he realizes she thought he was serious. 
“Okay, well,” Mal says softly with a nervous chuckle. They’re attracting too much attention like this already, and she knows they have to move on if they want a chance at pulling this off. “Don’t do that.”
Ben takes in a deep breath, and the scent of worn, grungy leather and spray paint fumes invades his senses. There’s something else too… nail polish? It’s intoxicating coming from her skin, dizzying, and he wants more. He takes her hand in his, holding it tenderly and inspecting it closely for a moment, his eyes fixated on her bitten nails. They glint in the afternoon light, reflecting off the sparkly, cracked mixture of purple and green polish. Just like her eyes. He looks up at her so softly, and it makes her feel sick. 
“When did you do this?” He asks, glancing back at her nail polish, his thumbs tenderly grazing over her fingers and knuckles. 
“Um-” Mal starts. She’s uncomfortable. She’s not used to having this much attention unless she’s getting screamed at or is knee deep in a gang fight. She’s… unsure of what to do with Ben looking at her like that. He continues before she can try to figure out a response.
“It looks really good, it… it suits you…” He says wistfully, staring at her hand and wanting so badly to kiss it. He looks back up at Mal, and the intensity in his eyes, in his body language makes her waver for a moment. She looks over Ben’s shoulder at Jay, silently begging to bail her out. Jay bites back a laugh at the sight of big bad Mal squirming when someone shows interest in her, but he nods anyway. 
“We gotta go, we have a big tourney match to get ready for.” Jay says, playfully shaking Ben’s shoulders in hopes of snapping him out of his stupor. It doesn’t work, but he hears what Jay is saying anyway. “Right Carlos?”
Carlos blinks, walking closer to help drag Ben away. 
“Uh, right. See you later, Mal.” He says, shooting Mal a thumbs up, silently congratulating her on pulling off such a complicated, difficult spell. Ben feels his heart plummet as Jay pulls him away, Mal’s hand slipping out of his. He twists around in Jay’s grip, struggling to not let her out of his sight yet. You can’t leave her yet, you can’t! 
“You’ll- you’ll be at the tourney match, right Mal?” He asks, a distinct note of desperation reaching for her as he speaks. 
“Yup.” She answers with a performative smile, skin crawling at all the attention he’s throwing at her. “I’ll be the one in purple.”
She mutters the last part under her breath, muscle memory kicking in as she deflects her unexpected discomfort with verbal jabs. She doesn’t think anyone will hear her remark, much less acknowledge it if they do, but she flinches a little as Ben laughs loudly. “I’ll see you there.” He says, beaming at her. Mal can’t remember the last time she made someone laugh out of anything other than fear. 
“I’ll see you right after.” 
He repeats it desperately, like a prayer. Like he’s trying to convince himself that the pain of being apart from her will be over soon. A cold sweat breaks out on the back of Mal’s neck. She grabs Evie’s arm, desperate for some sense of comfort, and walks away as quick as she can without breaking out into a full blown sprint. 
Jay and Carlos attempt to drag Ben away, a little surprised at how hard he’s fighting to look back at Mal every few seconds. Eventually, after a lot of squirming at talking out loud about how great she is, how pretty her eyes are, isn’t she just the best, they manage to get Ben to the tourney field to get ready for the match. Ben stumbles through his usual routine when getting ready for a match, his head swimming the entire time. He’s completely preoccupied with thoughts of Mal. Soon it’s time to head out onto the field, and it couldn’t come sooner. 
Mal is out there, waiting for him, and he is not going to let her down. He calls out morale boosting chants with the rest of the team, psyching himself up to lead his team to victory, because Mal is going to be up in the stands watching him. He’s going to break records, play the best game of tourney in history for her. Everything he does is for her.
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20dollarlolita · 9 months
Can you believe it? 20dollarlolita Pattern School Step 2!
Only took me a year and a half. For people who don't remember a year and a half ago, we've started a project about learning to sew from patterns. The eventual goal is to help people become proficient enough at reading patterns to be able to tell what's going on in a pattern with instructions in another language, taking a pattern that doesn't fit and resizing it so that it does, and taking a pattern that isn't technically lolita and make it work in lolita fashion.
Step 1 was to make a non-fitted item from a commercial pattern. There were two goals of step 1: first to ensure that everyone was familiar with notches, grainlines, and other pattern markings; second was to give people experience with selecting fabric and trims to help give a non-lolita pattern a more lolita feeling.
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For step 2, we're modifying a commercial pajama pants pattern into bloomers. In this step, we're going to become familiar with how to prepare a commercial pattern for modification, to compare pattern size to body size and to use your tape measure to judge added fullness, and how to do some basic flat pattern manipulation to add in style ease. Bloomers are a great first manipulation/fitted project due to the loose fit and the fact that, in most lolita applications, the vast majority of it is under your skirt and therefore invisible.
For this specific sample, I'm going to use Gertie's Harlow Pajama Pants pattern for this. I'm doing this because I bought a commercial pattern from Green Store and then promptly lost it, and these pajama pants are a free download. If you are printing the tiled version on your home computer printer, you only need pages 41-52 and 58-71, which will save you about 40 pages of printing.
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I highly recommed doing some research and having a good idea of how long the bloomers you want to make should be, as well as how they are decorated. This is my research board.
You can use any pajama pants pattern that has a casing (elastic or drawstring) at the top, and no zipper. In this case, pants with a looser fit are going to be easier to turn into bloomers. If you like wearing your pants at a certain point on your body, I'd check for pajama pants that are at that waistline. The pants that I'm using are designed to sit at your natural waist, which might be too high for some people.
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Your first step is to assemble and fortify your pattern. If you're printing this on copy paper, it's going to be strong enough, provided you use enough tape when tiling your pattern. If you're using a tissue paper pattern, like the kind you'd buy at the craft store, it helps to fuse some inexpensive interfacing onto the back of the pattern. We're going to work with these patterns a lot, so it's important to make them a little bit stronger.
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Now, you are going to need to go into your pattern instructions and find two important things. The first is your overall seam allowance. In most commercial patterns, this is 5/8 of an inch. Some other patterns might have different seam allowance.
The second is how big your elastic casing at the top will be. In this case, my seam allowance is 5/8" of an inch. Because my hem casing is .25"+1.25" (the amount you turn up plus them amount you turn up the second time), I know that my elastic casing will take up 1.5".
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You're now going to mark on your pattern what the stitching line is. Your pattern has seam allowance included. This is very useful for when you cut out the pattern. However, if we take our pattern measurements with seam allowance, we won't have accurate numbers. So we have to clarify where the seam allowance is.
The first thing that I do (not pictured) is to write how much I'm removing along each line. In this case, I write 5/8" along the side and crotch seams, and "1+1/2" at the top where the casing is. Since we're going to drastically shorten these pants, it doesn't matter what the hem allowance is.
Then, I take my ruler, and I mark my stitching line. I do it in pencil, check that I'm correct, and then go back and re-draw it with a red marker. This helps me make sure that I'm following the correct lines.
Make sure you transfer your notches onto your new stitching line. You can see in the picture above how I'm using the ruler to measure where the notch is going to go.
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The next step, walking the pattern, is a little tricky to explain. Here's a post that goes into it in great detail.
Basically, you're going to overlap the seam lines, to make sure they line up. The only problem with doing this is that both seam lines are curved. So, instead of lining it all up at once, you're going to go about an inch at a time, letting the pattern rotate so that it stays flat on the table. At any given point, you're only going to have an inch or so of the line overlapping, but that's all you need. If you run into notches that don't line up, cross one out and re-draw it so that it matches the other notch.
If this seems really complicated, you don't really need to do that on this project. It just is a good practice to have.
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So you now should have a pattern with all the commercial markings, but where you've drawn the stitching line.
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So now, you're going to put your two pieces together along the outseam. Since this is a pretty straight part of a pajama pant, it shouldn't be too difficult to get them to line up. Remember to overlap them on your stitching line, and not on the edge of the pattern.
We're putting them together so that you can measure them both at the same time. it saves us some math.
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In bloomers, there are three major measurements to take into consideration. You need to know how big you want the leg to be, how big you want the booty to be, and how long you want the leg of the bloomer to be. In addition, you need to make sure that the waist of your pants will be big enough to fit your waist. In most pajama pants patterns, this isn't a problem, but checking it is good practice.
So, in this picture, you can see that I've measured the cuff of the pants. These two pieces together make up one pant leg, so I just need to measure the two pieces to know how big the pant leg will be.
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I then take my tape measure and hold it around my leg at the same size that the pattern is at that point. I just use my eyes and judge if I think that'll be enough room to make my bloomers nice and poofy.
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If your pattern doesn't tell you your hip line (mine didn't), it's usually at the point where the two notches on the crotch curve are. One of the reasons why we're doing this on a commercial pattern is that someone did the work for us and put those notches where they should be.
Now, remember, these two pieces are only half of the pant pattern. When we measure the hips of the pattern, we have to multiply this measurement by 2. Half the hip measurement x 2 is the full hip measurement.
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Once again, hold this out next to your body and make sure that you like how much fullness you need. Remember that, in addition to having extra fullness because bloomers are poofy, you need room to be able to move and sit down. This measure between the size of my body and the size of the pattern looked pretty good to me. I could definitely have gone a little bit bigger.
The pant leg measurement is okay to be a little bit too long. You can always make it shorter. However, feel free to chop about 18" off the bottom of a full length pant leg. This just makes things a little easier.
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Now, we're going to move the two pattern pieces until they're the size we like. If both the hip measurement and the leg measurement are too small, we're going to move both pattern pieces apart. To turn pajama pants into bloomers, this is likely to be the most common adjustment.
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If the hip measurement is pretty okay, but the cuff measurement is too small, you're just going to move the bottom part of the pattern apart.
You'll notice that this is still enlarging the hip measurement a little bit. This is fine for bloomers since the style is for a lot of fullness in that area.
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And if your cuff is the correct size, but your hip measure is too big, you can keep the cuff size the same and move the hip line apart until it's the size you want.
This technique of lining up the pattern pieces, and then moving them until they're the size you want, is the basics of flat patterning. As long as you follow the philosophy of keeping the measurements you like roughly the same, and moving the areas that you don't like until they measure what you need, you can easily resize a pattern without having to re-draw everything.
If you had to spread your pieces apart, tape some paper underneath the gap. This piece of paper should bridge the gap between the two pieces, turning them into one piece. Really quickly double-check that these pieces measure how you want. Then, mark a line in the middle of the paper bridge. Draw your notches onto the cut line. Cut the two pieces apart on that line. You've now made both pieces bigger. Tape another little piece of paper onto the cut edge of each piece, mark out your seam allowance, and cut that off.
Bonus points: swap the position of the pattern pieces, so that the crotch curve is one continuous line. Measure the length of that. Then, hold your tape measure along where the crotch curve of your pants will fit, and make sure that you have clearance there. I'm not going to photograph that, andi t's not super necessary with most pajama patterns.
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Go ahead and cut your pieces out.Even though I'd shortened the pattern, mine were still too long to fit on a 2-yard cut of fabric. Since I knew that my pants were a little long, I just let the end hang off the edge of the fabric.
Here's the really magical part about this. Even though you've resized your pattern, you still have all your seam allowance, notches, grainlines, and your pattern instructions. Since you kept all your pattern markings consistent, you can now follow the instructions that came with your pattern. Go up until it tells you to hem the pants, and then try them on.
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In my case, my pants were way too long to be bloomers. I knew that I wanted to do a casing with a heading, which does use s pretty big hem allowance, but even so, I'd need to shorten them.
Check out your bloomer research board to see how long you want them to be. I wanted some long ones that did the old-school bloomer peek, so I made them on the longer side. I also didn't want them to ride up into my butt when sitting in a wheelchair.
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So, time to fold up the bottoms, add my elastic, and call the basic construction finished.
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I looked up on my research board to try to find a good way to decorate these. One of the nice things about bloomers is that you can wear them with a wide variety of coords. This makes them one of those items where you can add some extra lace, and then use that lace in multiple coords. I feel like, since these bloomers are a good way of adding detail in multiple coords, it's a good excuse to add a little bit extra lace. You can see how much of a difference it makes in this picture. It really turns them from baggy shorts into real bloomers. I really recommend sometimes investing in a couple of big purchases of lace. If you have lots of lace on hand, you're more likely to include it in your projects, which can really help push a meh project into proper lolita fashion territory. I have a rule that I don't spend more than $1.50 a yard on lace unless it's really fantastic, and I manage to find things at that point on Aliexpress and sites like Cheeptrims.
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Now go on and let them peek out of your favorite skirt. And remember, definitely don't press that skirt before putting this picture in your tutorial.
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bg-brainrot · 3 months
WHaBFHtLA - Astarion x GN!Reader - Chapter 17: What We are Now
Pairing: Astarion x GN!Reader (Elf!Tav)
Genre: Reincarnation, Angst, Mystery, Slow burn
Rating: Explicit, 18+
Tags: Gender-Neutral Pronouns, POV Second Person, Canon-Typical Violence, blood, lots of talk of blood
WC: 11.5k words, 17/?? chapters
Summary: When you’re left to your own devices, you find yourself knee-deep in mystery. Despite all of this, Astarion never leaves your mind. And perhaps you never leave his.
Ao3 | [Ch16][Ch18] | WHaBFHtLA Masterlist
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When you awake for your twenty-second day in the house, you wonder if you should even bother counting anymore. Astarion is done with you, what use was staying for another week? Should I just… leave? You think, blinking yourself out of your reverie.
You don’t leave immediately– rather, you can’t bring yourself to. He has condemned you, called your little situation over, but he hasn’t forcibly removed you, so you sit on the bed and think.
Let’s say he really never wants to see me again… What do I do now?
Your mind answers quickly, I need to help the spawn.
Well, I can’t just stay here! … Can I?
I don’t want to go, you answer. Maybe I’ll just stay until I get kicked out?
That wouldn’t help. Astarion may only be more upset. Shouldn’t you get out before you make him hate you even more?
Maybe he just needs time, you defend. I can hope, can’t I?
You’re not sure how long you spend just thinking, but when you finally finish you decide on a few things.
First, you will stay here as long as you can, until the vampire kicks you out himself. Second, this changes nothing– you may be the only one who has the means to help the spawn and you cannot abandon them when you might be their best hope. And third, no matter how much it hurts, even if Astarion abhors you with every fiber of his being, you can’t seem to feel anything but love for him. It’s like a valve you’re no longer able to shut. So, you will simply need to see where the flow of love guides you– whether it be into the man’s arms for forgiveness or away from his disdain.
Path decided, you spend the rest of the day hard at work memorizing the cipher. You light the paper as Dal instructed, illuminating an intricate pattern of symbols and their corresponding Common counterparts. Fascinating, you think, taking a quick perusal. It seems a mixture of some elvish, some infernal, and perhaps a smidge of thief’s cant?
Several of the symbols simply make sense, clicking immediately in your mind. Others swim in front of your eyes, as you realize with growing dread that you’re starving . Not enough to warrant risking an encounter with Astarion, right? Right, you think, steadfastly focused on trying to decipher the paper.
Eventually, your hunger becomes too much for you to ignore. Spending another day without food is certainly out of the question– you’re not sure how vampires seem to do so regularly given their unrelenting hunger– so you summon your remaining courage and intone an Invisibility spell. 
Now invisible, you sneak out of the room to tiptoe down to the kitchen. You pause for a brief moment on the stairs, debating whether or not you should steal Rhapsody while you’re invisible– you decide against it, afraid that going anywhere near his room could get you caught. Perhaps you should wait until it feels like you’re no longer welcome. Only then, only maybe, you should steal it as a last ditch effort.
Once in the kitchen, you grab anything that might stay well, dried fruits, nuts, grains, and slink back to your room. You never see the man you’re avoiding, but you’re certain that he knows you’re still here. How could he not?
Does he just not care? you think. The thought fills you with unease, dreading his apathy more than any amount of antipathy…
Back in your room, hunger sated, thirst quenched, and feeling more like yourself, you get back to work on memorizing the cipher. It’s easier once the growl of your stomach stills, allowing you the clarity you needed for some of the trickier symbols.
Ah, I see, you think at one point. In all of my dreams, I would never have guessed that symbol translated to this. What a clever little system. I wonder if Astarion contributed to it. 
Astarion– you mind keeps coming back to the man. Despite the dull ache in your chest every time a thought of him crops up, you can’t stop thinking of him. Even now, knee-deep in research he would loathe, your mind strays to him. I wonder what he thought of it all, back when my past-self started the research. He always let them do their work before eventually distracting them away. He must have been fine with it once upon a time, albeit unenthusiastic.
You think of him once more a few hours later, once you think you’ve nearly memorized most of the cipher and recognize his name written in code on a journal entry. It takes a moment for you to translate, but it reads, “Astarion is to join me on the next expedition. If you’re reading this, love, please finish packing.” You smile at the note, wondering if Astarion did end up reading the reminder.
The smile drops when you read the next line, “We’re exploring at coordinates 38, -22, it’s our best lead yet– a bit hidden, but I’m nearly certain it’s the wizard’s tower.” You set the paper aside, wondering if it had in fact been that fateful place.
Halfway through the day, a knock comes at your door. Your heart catches in your throat. Could he be…? You head to the door cautiously, quietly, as if you could sneak up on it– As if your silence could keep the man on the other side from reconsidering and running away. Maybe he understands, maybe he spoke with Dal and finally, truly–
You open the door to see Dal, waiting patiently, a kind, open look on her face.
“Hello,” she says, bowing her head slightly. “I’m sorry to arrive here unexpectedly, but I spoke with Astarion.”
You try not to let the mention of his name affect you, or the fact that it’s not him at the door show in sheer disappointment. You’re not sure how successful you are, but your voice sounds somewhat normal when you respond, “Hi Dal, it’s alright. We, um, fought. As I’m sure he told you.” If you could call that a fight…
She nods, and you wonder what he said to her, if he was as mad at her as he was at you. “He was hoping I would talk to you, actually. To… convince you not to help us. I told him I didn’t want to do that.”
Of course she wouldn’t, or she wouldn’t have snuck in here without his knowledge in the first place.  But you’re still curious where this leaves them. After all, they still clearly all care for each other. How did they all manage to stay ‘siblings’ this long, with this many disagreements? As an only child, you don’t suppose you’ll ever understand. “Is he mad at you?”
Dalyria scrunches her face a bit, as if unsure how to answer that. “Yes. But not in the way he seems to be mad at you. I won’t delude myself into thinking that any of us matter enough to Astarion to warrant more than a century of, well, brooding.”
Again, it feels like you’re speaking with an old friend– if your heart didn’t feel so thoroughly beaten, you might have even laughed along and assured her otherwise. As it was, you could only manage a simple response, “I see… So I really did ruin everything, didn’t I?”
“Hardly,” she says with the shake of her head. “He will come around. He just needs… time. And maybe for a few of us to beat him over the head.” She gives you a reassuring smile that doesn’t quite do anything to reassure you.
“Even if he has all of the time in the world, I don’t think I’ll be able to stop trying to help you, so what difference does it make?” you ask. It’s not in your nature to give up on something like this. You can tell that that runs deeper than who you are now, it’s who you’ve always been.
“We appreciate that. And I hope that Astarion will too, in due time,” she says looking down, perhaps to where Astarion may be at this very moment. “As much as he doesn’t want you to do this, he still cares about us enough to give me this chance.”
You look at her, furrowing your brows in confusion. “What does that mean?”
“I would like you to stay to help us,” she says, looking at you intensely. “But you can’t exactly stay in the colony, not with all of that… well, blood in your body. You might get eaten alive before you can read a single piece of paper.”
It makes sense– Petras had mentioned as much when you had been locked up in their cells. You can’t imagine being locked up and without magic again would be of much help anyway. “So, what’s happening? Is Astarion letting me stay here?”
She nods. “He won’t be staying here with you though. He’s still quite upset. I’ll try talking to him, of course, but we aren’t on the best of terms currently, so no promises.” 
You feel a weight lift off of your shoulders. The dread you had been carrying with you all morning fades ever so slightly. Thank the gods, I have time. “How long?” you ask.
“He said you’re allowed to stay until your ‘previously agreed upon time’,” Dal intones in his voice, and you do laugh this time.
A week. Not a lot of time, but enough to at least get through some of these notes, ask Dal questions. Maybe start to look for new leads…
“Okay,” you say to her, with a firm nod. “I can work with that. Thank you, Dal.”
“It’s the least I could do,” she says, waving away your thanks. “I am aware that you’re sacrificing a lot for us. Just as you did in your past life. Know that I will never forget that.”
In this lifetime, you don’t know what it’s like to have a sibling. But gods do you wish that you could count Dal as one. You wish that you could ask her for a comforting hug, for her to listen to all of your problems about Astarion– maybe you’d had that before, but you’re too afraid of ruining yet another relationship to find out. “I’m happy to help you all, just as I did before,” you say. “Maybe when this is all said and done, you can put in a good word for me with Astarion.” 
The woman laughs. “If you manage this, I will help you win over anyone. An archdevil, a god, you name them, and I will make it happen.”
Even with the world on offer before you, you know that your heart only wants the one man. “I think I would be quite content with Astarion,” you say, blushing despite yourself.
She gives you a knowing smile, eyes warm as she looks upon you. “Don’t worry, my friend. He will come around eventually. A love like yours doesn’t transcend lifetimes for it to fade like that.”
Gods, you want to believe her. Just like you wanted to believe Halsin. So you nod, trying to keep the burning in your eyes from turning into tears. “Yes, you’re right,” you respond, with no real conviction. I just hope he believes that someday. 
"I know I am!" she says, emphatically, sensing your lack of faith. "You know, when you first arrived, when you were locked in the cell– he and I spoke. He told me he wanted nothing to do with you."
You recall as much, so you gulp and respond, "Yes, he made that very clear."
"He only agreed to speak with you for our sake. I asked him to check at the very least, to see if maybe you had a means to help us. After all, if he wanted nothing to do with you, it wouldn't matter, would it?" She offers up the question like a challenge, one he likely took up with ease.
Sure , you think. Pawn off the weird elf that showed up on your doorstep to your desperate siblings. "That… makes sense." You still feel a sting of disappointment at knowing he truly didn't care what had happened to you. “He asked me about your hunger at the very least.”
“Well, he's nothing like that now. He wants me to leave you the hells alone,” she says, as if the answer was right before you. “Don’t you see? Whether or not he knows it, he cares now. He only wants to keep you safe– he just has a very… Astarion-way of showing affection."
That's one way to look at it. "I know, Dal," you say with a sigh. "I'm afraid that affection isn't enough in this case."
She looks at you for a long moment before she shakes her head in frustration. "Gods, you two really aren't any different. A hundred years, two hundred years, you'll continue to completely lose all sense of reason about each other."
You want to defend yourself, even Astarion, but you suppose she's right. "Did we… fight often?" You're afraid of the answer.
"Not particularly," she says, smiling at you ruefully. "But it was always about something truly exasperating like this."
You wish you'd dreamt of some of those arguments, if only to figure out how to fix everything– you doubt any of it would be that helpful for this particular situation though. Perhaps Dal remembers. "How did we fix things afterward?"
The woman shrugs. "Not a clue, honestly. I just know that eventually Astarion would show back up with a skip in his step, acting like the sun shone out of every dismal crack in the Underdark.” She gives you a lighthearted chuckle, which you reluctantly reciprocate. 
“Fine, I’ll retain a modicum of hope,” you relent. “But in my past-life, they had more than a hundred years of love between them, resolving their issues together. I’ve had what? Three weeks of awkward fumbles and apologies?”
At that she snorts, throwing her head back a bit. “You’re both so dramatic. You will just need to believe me when I say, this has been the happiest, most alive I’ve seen Astarion for the past hundred-fifty years.”
The thought fills you with guilt more than any type of joy. Not only had your previous life sent him into a broken limbo for decades, but to think that you also had ruined the first bout of happiness he’d experienced? You feel like the villain in Astarion’s story more than anything. “Well, let’s hope that proves to be enough, despite all of this.”
“Like I said, I’ll speak to him,” she assures. “Now, I should get back to him before he tries to murder Petras.”
Dal looks to be about ready to leave when she adds, “Oh yes, here.” She shoves a Sending Stone into your hand. “It’s Astarion’s.” She adds before you can ask, “Don’t worry, he gave it to me. Something about keeping his house from blowing up, but I suspect he also wants to make sure you’re alright. This way we can communicate a bit faster. If you need anything, Leon and I are ready and willing to help, either to answer questions or get you any materials.”
Your hands close around the stone, hugging it to yourself tightly as you recall that the last person to use it was likely Astarion. “Thank you, Dal.”
“Think nothing of it! I know this feels… bad,” she winces at the understatement. “But it might be a good opportunity for us to investigate openly– without needing to hide from Astarion’s worried glares.”
It’s true enough, you suppose. But you still feel like the bad outweighs the good. You decide not to tell her that though, since this is her life on the line. “Yes, I’ll be sure to call you up here if I find anything, ask any questions with the stone if I have them.”
With one final wave, the woman leaves you to it, heading back down the way she came. You think it’s the last you’ll see of her for the day until you receive a message from her once she’s out of sight. 
“Testing the stone. Also, don’t forget, no matter what happens, we’ll always be your family too.”
Your heart clenches at the shy admission of love from her, and you promptly reply, “The stone works. And thank you, Dal. I appreciate that more than I can say.”
You spend the rest of the night ensuring that the cipher is thoroughly memorized. Once you’re certain you could recite it forward and backward, you light the corner of the parchment with a small fire. As you watch the paper burn in your hands, you can’t help but feel a sense of real accomplishment for the first time since you’ve arrived.
Every other success has come with a caveat so far. You had gained entry into Astarion's house, only under his strict limits. You had helped save the colony, but not without exhausting yourself. You'd managed to gain Astarion's trust, only to destroy it quite thoroughly.
So you relish the feeling, soak in the momentary victory. That night your reverie comes quickly.
You dream of the Hero's life that night. At first, you suspect it's another useless, albeit comforting dream of Astarion, cozy in the man’s arms. But when you open your eyes you find his hands aren’t caressing so much as restraining.
Your body struggles against Astarion’s grasp. “Let me go, Astarion!”
“No!” he hisses, pulling on you tighter. “We need to go. Now.”
Oh no, you think, as the dream settles around you. You can feel a chill in your bones, the deep dank of the Underdark around you. You must be in the necromancer’s tower. Is this… that day?
“Astarion, we can’t turn away now,” you plead, tugging against him. “We’ve come too far for that.”
“Nonsense,” he responds with another forceful pull. “We can, and we shall .”
You can feel your body’s heels dig in, into the dusty tiles beneath you, crushing them slightly with the pressure. “I know what I’m doing. I can get to the wizard’s laboratory and–”
“Wizard?!” he all but yells in his panic. “I know you want to help, but this, my dear, is a necromancer’s tower. You know as well as I do that this isn’t worth it.”
“It is worth it. And I know what I’m doing,” your voice counters, strong in its confidence. You can feel that certainty, and maybe they had been prepared for all manner of inevitabilities. Unfortunately not the one that mattered. “If we leave now, we will have to wait another month until the tower is available to us. Will we be any more prepared then?”
“Fine,” Astarion growls, nostrils flaring with anger. He turns his body away from you and you’re left facing his armor-clad back. “Go on then. I’ll be waiting here when you finally come to your damned senses.”
And so you continue on alone.
Unlike other dreams, where you wish you could control your body, run into Astarion’s arms, save yourself– you don’t shy away this time. You already know how this will end, and you know that no amount of cowering will save you. So you embrace the experience.
Your body walks throughout the tower, careful all the way, but with solid, steady steps. You know that their confidence isn’t unwarranted. They’d faced necromancers before, they’d been in magical towers– the only difference was that back then they had had help. 
After what feels like hours of careful sneaking and searching, you find what you suspect was the laboratory from their research.
It’s as disgusting as one might expect a necromancer’s lab to be– beakers full of dark, suspended liquid, the thick stench of undeath in the air, and more than anything, blood. Gods, there is blood everywhere. The man who worked here was not a kind one if the splatters and trails of the substance were any indication.
Your body tiptoes around some unknown liquid on the floor, carefully inspecting every inch of surface, looking for something. The notes, you think. They’re probably hidden away somewhere…
Thinking in a similar vein of thought, your past-self heads toward a large, imposing desk at the end of the room. Opening drawer after drawer, they pull out papers, looking through them, tossing them back on the table once they dismiss them. Eventually, they find a compartment behind one of the drawers– tucked behind is a familiar stack of papers. The very same that Dal had deposited in front of you earlier in the day. Only this time, they’re pristine.
Your past self starts shuffling through the papers, clearly written in a language that neither of you read. Perhaps something long dead by the looks of this place. They seem to be unsure if these are the papers, their confusion seeping through to you, until they get to the final page.
There, a ring is sketched, several notes pointing out elements within the design.
The elation your past-self feels is blinding in its strength– It’s like staring into the sun, and you feel the reverie receding as a result.
No, no, you think. There are other emotions, anticipation, concern, curiosity– all of them call to you, indicating that there’s still more to find here. I need to learn more. I can’t–
The dream slips out of your fingers, and you’re left laying awake in bed, staring at the ceiling in disappointment.
Somehow, you're still counting down the days in this house. It's your twenty-third day, and you have free reign of the place– an odd sensation after Astarion's watchful gaze monitored many of your movements for three weeks.
It's not unwelcome though. Despite its overwrought decorations, the mansion is lovely. With a sigh, you get out of bed and wander down to the kitchen. Ah, you think, opening the pantry to a sad, lacking sight. I need to go get food.
You had skipped several meals last week, as a result of battle, injury, and general disposition, so yesterday you'd been able to forgo your weekly trip. Now, you nod and close the empty cabinet, ready to go restock. All the while aware that it may very well be your last trip to this market.
As you head out, you can't help but think about what an inconvenience this is. Gods, I wish I didn't need to eat. At the same time, what would the alternative be? An ever-present hunger that gnaws at you every moment of every day, like a vampire? You suppose you should be grateful for your mortal body’s needs.
The thought does result in you spending the trip thinking about blood.
There is a lot of blood in the world, and some mortals are even willing to offer their blood up freely. However no amount of mortal volunteers would be enough to satiate the entire colony of vampires.
You could try to create a source of blood for them, but would the hunger ever truly leave them? Or would they just need to keep drinking, stuck in a sanguine cycle of continuous thirst? You’re not certain, but therein lies the dilemma: How can you ever satisfy a hunger born of vampirism? 
Gods, I wish that myth had been reality, you think, heaving your groceries over your shoulder and heading back to Astarion’s mansion.
It's on the way back that you're reminded that you’re not the only one out to sate a vampire’s hunger. There are plenty lining up, just waiting for their chance.
As you climb up the stairs to the grand door of Astarion's manor, you spot someone waiting at the precipice. They seem to be nervous, not approaching the door even as the seconds trickle on. When you pull up behind them, they startle.
“Oh sweet hells,” they breathe out, hand on their heart. “Who… ?” They look at you confused, and you get a good look at the stranger. They’re a tall, purple tiefling– a bit lanky and awkward, but overall neatly arranged, with the appearance of a bardic scholar.
“Sorry for the fright,” you respond, nodding at them. “If you’re looking for Astarion, he’s away.”
The tiefling does nothing to mask their disappointment, but looks at you appraisingly. “And you are?”
Who are you? You’re not entirely sure how to respond. You’re not his lover, his housekeep, nor his colleague. You’re nothing but a stranger to him, you suppose. Pushing aside the introspection, you only say, “A guest.”
They look visibly relieved, and something in you stings at how easily they believed that. Do I really look that ill-suited for him? You decide not to express this as you push past them and toward the house.
“Excuse me,” they say, holding a hand out to you as you walk past. “Do you know when he’ll be returning?”
You could be honest, say that he won’t be back until the end of the week and even then, he will be leaving. Or you could be even more honest, say that he wouldn’t want to see them anyway. But for some reason, you hold your tongue, shake your head, and add a simple, “Sorry.”
They give a sigh, dropping their head in a deflated defeat. “Well then. All this way for nothing.”
Your curiosity can’t help but poke at that. “How far did you travel?”
“I hail from Athkatla,” they say, with a grimace. “I don’t much look forward to heading all the way back.” In Amn, you recall. Certainly a distance to travel, though not near as far as Neverwinter. It’s likely that they didn’t have the luxury of a teleportation circle though.
Such a sizable distance for a chance to meet with Astarion? Surely that couldn’t be the case. Then again, that was the case for me… You still ask, “Why come all this way for Astarion?”
They look at you as if you’re daft. “Are you quite certain you are a guest here?”
“I am,” you say, adjusting your bag as you try to stand a bit taller, prouder. “Why?”
“Because there’s not a single hopeless romantic alive who isn’t aware of Astarion,” they say, and you can practically see the ill-placed longing in their eyes. “Naturally, it’s a slim chance, but for the love of a good vampire? It’s the very fabric of legends.”
“Don’t you know that legends aren’t always what they’re cracked up to be?” you ask, a bit too bitterly. Both thoughts of the mythical sunlight ring and of Astarion’s long-unbeating heart turning your lips into a scowl.
The tiefling doesn’t seem to care, laughing lightly. “That’s where you’re wrong. All good legends have a kernel of truth to them. It’s simply a matter of finding it!”
Huh, you think, considering the odd optimism of their words. Externally, you respond, “Well then, good luck finding the truth.” You bow your head as you walk away, eager to put this conversation behind you and get back to your own myths.
“Wait! Could you– maybe you could relay a message to the man?” the tiefling calls, desperation raising the pitch of their voice.
You’re about to agree– after all, what harm would pretending to relay a message do?– when you take a pause. Maybe they should have the cold reality of the situation laid before them. Maybe they won’t have the same, horrendous experience you’d had, if only you can dash the last remnants of hope from their heart. Or maybe, just maybe, you’re feeling jealous. More jealous of this real, living person in front of you than any of the hypothetical lovers who’d arrived at his door in the past century.
Embracing the starting smolders of jealousy, you say, “He’s uninterested. In fact, I recommend that you rewrite the legend.” You take a step back toward them, staring at them with what you hope is an intimidating look. “He’s not a lonely, good vampire, waiting for someone to come save him. He’s flawed. He’s rude. And his heart belongs to one soul and one soul only.”
They take a step back, clearly uncomfortable with the turn in conversation. “And who are you to say such things?”
There’s that damnable question again. This time though, you tilt your chin up, ignoring the guilt in your stomach, the ache in your heart. Because you know who you are, despite everything that’s transpired between you. “Astarion’s long lost love. Write that in your next legend.”
With those words, you turn back toward the house. You ignore their spluttering responses, opening the door, entering, closing it behind you. Once you’re alone with your thoughts again, you let out a deep breath.
Gods, why did I do that? you think to yourself, acutely aware of what a disrespectful show that was. The tiefling hadn’t done anything wrong– nothing that you hadn’t done anyway. How could you snap at them like that? One day you realize you love the man, the next you decide to declare it to a stranger. Worse yet, a stranger who was vying for that same man’s love.
Love really does drive people mad. You go to organize your food supplies for the week in a fog of shame. Underneath it all is a subtle satisfaction: you had only spoken the truth. Astarion really has refused to love another, you truly are his lost love. All you need to do is fix everything that you’ve broken and the pieces will align again. Or so you tell yourself. It’s a solid driving force to keep you going forward, away from the depths of despair.
Perseverance is really all you need right now, because you have a large stack of papers with years worth of information, just waiting for you to uncover it.
You start at the beginning. Or at least, you think it’s the beginning. It’s hard to tell with the way that Dalyria has stacked the papers, and you take it upon yourself to start reorganizing them as you read.
After many hours, you find several distinct piles emerging in front of you. 
The first pile is where you place all of the research on blood: what makes blood, how vampires process blood, how it impacts them even if they can survive without it. Plenty of it is knowledge you know, only with the depth of someone who’s obsession is evident in the details.
The second pile is composed of all of the research you had done on the mage’s mythical enhanced sunlight rings, as well as the mage’s tower. Some of it overlaps with the research on blood, but a large portion of it is looking into the myth, tracking down its source, and where the mage lived. 
The next pile contains all of the ring diagrams that Dal mentioned. Plenty of intricate design work, courtesy of your past-self and perhaps some of Gale’s work as well– you recognize a few magic runes in his script. The designs range in sizes, in complexity, in form. From a glance, you can tell that the rings were designed with two major components in mind: a material needed to be embedded within the base metal and another material needed to infuse it. Truthfully, it’s basic enchanting, likely their initial design ahead of visiting the necromancer’s tower based on Gale’s conjecture.
The final pile consists of, well, everything else. You place notes about vampirism, journals of your past-self’s process, and investigations on other leads among other things. These leads include a mythical fountain of blood in Evereska, a stone said to contain the life’s blood of an entire nation, even a tall tale of how a man staved off hunger for three centuries through discipline and more than a little blood magic– all incredibly dark, gory legends which seem to be even more far fetched than the rings. It’s unsurprising to see the depths to which they would have gone to fix the problem, although a bit concerning.
Gods, you think. I would have hidden some of this away too. 
And the forbidden nature of these legends takes you to the singular uncategorized piece of information: the necromancer’s notes. They’re grotesque, of course– a testament to the dark depravity of this man’s magic. But they also feel distinctly different from your own notes.
A quick Detect Magic shows that none of the materials in front of you are directly magical in nature, but you can tell simply by the heavinessness in your heart that they are important. Perhaps there is more to this legend than meets the eye…
You wish you could tell though. It’s difficult to decipher the notes, with the dark, dried splotches of blood covering a large portion of the text. Surely Gale would have removed the blood if he’d been able to, but you still attempt a quick, magical clean.
Sure enough, the blood remains, and you curse the nine hells. “Fine then,” you growl at the notes in your hands. “We shall have to do this the hard way.”
The hard way will have to wait though, as it’s already gotten quite late in the day, your mind is inundated with information, and you’ll need to prepare a new set of spells to fight this particular beast. So you set down the materials, leaving them in an orderly set of stacks for the night, and enter your reverie in a bit of a huff.
That night you dream of a life in which you were a bard, spinning your tales of legend at a tavern. It’s one of your less preferred lives, as you’ve gathered that they’re somewhat of a scoundrel. You can’t help but wonder if dreaming of them is born of your guilt from the day, a form of wicked penance. It certainly feels like it as you spend the reverie playing the lute for a pittance.
On your twenty-fourth day in Astarion’s manor, you wake up well-rested and truly excited to get to the bottom of this necromancer’s notes. Underneath the excitement is a bit of dread. Only three days without Astarion, and you’re already wondering if you might ever see him again. 
I hope I’ll at least see him when I leave, you think. Surely, he wouldn’t let me leave without a goodbye?
You try not to dwell on it as you prepare a few key spells for the day: Identify, in case there’s any spell put on the papers; Remove Curse, just in case that spell isn’t a kind one; and Comprehend Languages, to be able to read the archaic text. 
Alright, you think to yourself, as you hurriedly scarf down a meal. Let’s try to figure this out.
Several hours, a few spell slots, and a lot of swearing later, your excitement has thoroughly wavered. What the hells are these made of, you think, staring down the necromancer’s notes in frustration.
They are certainly not made of paper, because any attempts to transmute the material have failed immediately. They are not magical in of themselves, but they do seem to have some kind of preservation magic affecting them, protecting them from everything save for blood. The notes seem to be written in it. And, worst of all, your own dying, damnable blood will not let you make out the text save a few spots– likely all of the same spots that Gale already took a look at. No wonder he wasn’t able to make heads or tails of this rubbish, you think with a sigh.
Those spots are informative, to an extent. Once you’re able to comprehend the ancient language, you find a few key pieces of information. They describe what Dal mentioned, that the blood of a vampire lord was key. They describe that the rings must be made of a magical metal, infused with that very same blood– you briefly wonder if you’d be able to melt Rhapsody down without Astarion noticing.
Finally, the notes describe a vampire’s hunger in deep, deep detail. You don’t want to know how this necromancer could have gathered this much detail, but it was clearly an integral part of his research. One passage in particular stands out to you:
A vampire’s hunger is unquenchable. It is as eternal as their souls, seemingly intertwined into their very essence. As such, I knew I would need to find the source of this unquenchable thirst and do the unthinkable: quench it. Naturally, I have utterly smothered it.
When faced with the dilemma of an eternal gift coupled with an eternal curse, you must somehow separate the two. So I have done so.
All you need to do is take this hunger, give it new form, and fill that form beyond all reason. Simple, really. How could it have taken me so long to find this solution? How could I have limited myself to the mere moral quandaries of mortals? 
Of course the most natural ingredient of all is blood–
The words cut off, as your own past-self’s blood cuts off the rest of the page. You’re not sure what to make of it. It certainly sounds like the lunatic ravings of a man drunk on his own power, but it also doesn’t seem entirely impossible… 
Regardless, the magic is dark. It almost sounds like he took the curse of a vampire’s ravenous hunger and gave it physical form, then quenched that physical form with the very thing vampire’s require: blood. More so than removing the curse, it seems to imply transferring it to an object, essentially, to sate your own thirst. You can’t even imagine how much blood you may need for a ritual of that magnitude.
I should think that this is ludicrous, you think, glaring down at the parchment. I do think that this is ludicrous. But… Some part of you isn’t wholly convinced. Yes, it sounds insane. Yes, the necromancer was likely mad. But, blood aside, it doesn’t seem that far from your own magic. Transmutation at its very core is modification, it’s changing the nature of things. This isn’t pure madness.
That’s all well and good, of course. However there’s no use dwelling on it while the rest of his notes are so entirely illegible. 
In fact the last time these were legible was… 
The thought strikes you like a crack of lightning. I was the last person to see these notes in their entirety. Well, not you. But it may as well have been you, given that you have their memories. 
Just a few nights ago, you read through the notes in your reverie, understanding none of them. You want to facepalm at the sheer misfortune of it. “What in the Outer Planes am I supposed to do with that?”
You remember from that very dream that you weren’t done in the tower. You have no clue where you could have ventured to cause your death. What else could you have been looking for? 
Should I… the thought feels wrong. You don’t want to finish it, Astarion’s angry face all but burned into your mind. But finish it you do. Should I head back to the tower? 
You’re not sure if it's your heart or your soul that aches at the thought. And you’re not sure if it's in pain, fear, or a deep, unshakable thrill. 
You still the emotions with a singular deep breath. No, I can’t go. Not yet.
There’s no point in going until you know what it is you’re looking for. You wish you could figure it out by simply racking your brain, but memories, reveries don’t work like that. You’ll need someone with arcane magic to help you.
The Sending Stone is out of your pocket a moment later. 
“Dal, do you have a wizard, maybe a sorcerer, available who knows Detect Thoughts?” you send.
Her response is as immediate as it is disappointing, “Leon has some experience as a sorcerer, but never learned Detect Thoughts, but can’t replace spells. No one else comes to mind. Sorry.”
“No need to apologize. I’ll figure something out. Thank you Dal.” 
Another dead end. 
Fine, you think. I’ll simply wait. It’s only a few more days of being here. I can have someone back in Neverwinter help me.
The thought causes your heart to clench in fear. You had tried to avoid thinking too deeply about where you might go after this, but the thought of returning home makes you want to scream. It may not be returning home in shame– after all, you did manage to learn quite a bit– but it feels miserable.
After a few more hours of reading, ignoring the fear steadily building around you, you lay down for your nightly meditations. 
That night, you dream of your previous life as a blacksmith. It’s initially a rather welcome dream, as always. Repetitive and warm, soothing all of your frustrations easily. 
Then you realize that everything’s going wrong today. Your metals aren’t welding, cracks keep appearing after you quench. At first, you hate it. The additional stress to your already burdened mind is too much. But after the fourth mistake, you realize that your past-self is still going at it– a new metal, a new tool, a better form. 
Right, this is who you’ve always been. You will persevere.
In the end, it’s an informative dream, and you take notes from it before you can forget. After all, if your delusions of deciphering the ring’s magic bear fruit, you will need to forge six thousand rings. You may want to learn from yourself before that.
For your twenty-fifth day in the house, you spend most of it taking your own notes. 
After a quick breakfast, an even quicker wash, you’re back in front of the pile of papers, on to find another avenue for the spawn’s salvation.
You’ve always found that the easiest way for you to figure out next steps is by writing all that you know out. So you consolidate a lot of your learnings from your past-self’s notes, adding in some notes of your own context. And, as you continue to retread the notes, you start to uncover some odd patterns.
Under the diagrams of several ring designs, you spot a few symbols, ones you don’t recognize from the cipher. Once more the Sending Stone is pulled from your pocket.
“Dal, another question. What are these symbols underneath the diagrams?” you message.
You can practically hear the sigh that precedes her message, “Despite our best efforts, we never could make heads or tails of those. Even Gale had no clue.”
It piques your interest though, nudging at something in the back of your mind. “Are there any other symbols like this in my notes?” you shoot back.
“Yes, some in the enchantment notes. Others in notes of the tower,” she responds.
“Thank you, Dal.”
You go back to inspect those notes, and, sure enough, you find a different set of symbols. “What in the hells?” you speak out loud, as you recognize the one under the ring’s enchantments.
It’s the symbol of your shop– of your past life as an enchanter.
You flip back to the ring design and comprehension dawns on you. It’s the blacksmith’s initials composited into a brand, the one you used on the items you forged.
Are they referring to some of your past lives in these notes? You take a closer look, unsure of what the symbols could indicate. But as you spot the acronym of the innkeeper's inn under the tower’s notes, it all but confirms it.
You suppose they would have experienced the same lives you had, and some of the same reveries, especially around anything that might have been helpful to their life. The thought that they could have experienced memories you haven’t concerns you though. “What does this mean?” you think, tracing over the symbol with a finger.
Gods do you suddenly wish you had taken better records of your other, less interesting lives. Really, it’s your past-self’s fault for living such an exciting life. Astarion’s fault for being so damn captivating.
There’s no use in regretting now though, there are plenty of other mysteries for you to solve as you let that one ruminate.
Let’s say the daylight ring really is our best bet, you think, laying out the various diagrams. What would I need?
You know quite well at this point in your life the components of a spell. There are three component types, and the more complicated the spell, the higher likelihood that you will need to incorporate all three in greater amounts.
First, material components. Items that a spell consumes to be cast. In the case of the ring, you suspect that this is blood. A lot of it. Included in that is the blood of a vampire lord.
Second, somatic components. Hand movements to bring the weave into your spell. In this scenario, you suspect these components will be the actual crafting of the ring. Likely a complicated process, and one that you may be able to decipher from Gale’s added notes.
Third, verbal components. An incantation, a phrase, a song– anything to tie the spell to the material plane. Here, you had next to no clue where to begin. There’s not even a hint of an incantation in any of these notes, and, even if there was one in the necromancer’s notes, you don’t suppose you would be able to find it.
Looking at the three different elements laid before you, you know that your options are limited for now. 
Save one. 
Rhapsody. You know exactly where it is, you know exactly what it’s capable of. You could take it now and begin to find a way of transmuting it or… you could leave it. Because it’s Astarion’s blade and you’ve already taken enough from him.
He’s told you he hates it, you think, trying to rationalize your theft as you stand up.
He’s not even using it, you think, walking down the long hallway to Astarion’s room. 
He probably won’t even notice it’s missing, you think, entering the room silently.
Before you can stop yourself, you’re standing in front of Rhapsody. The wicked blade seems to call to you, its allure twisted and warped by years of serving a dark lord.
It’s not Astarion’s– not truly. He hasn’t used it in almost 300 years, if Dal is to be believed. So when your hand reaches out, grasps the handle, and wraps the blade in a soft cloth, you only feel the barest twinge of guilt.
You can’t help but turn to your former self’s portrait next to the bed, wondering what they would think of all of this. The answer is clear enough by the fire you see in their eyes, the conviction in the set of their shoulders. They would want you to finish this.
Before you head back to your room with the pocketed blade, you head to the parlor. An idea struck you, courtesy of your past-self’s portrait. Perhaps the anvil in the room didn’t belong to Astarion after all. Perhaps it was just another remnant of your past-self that he’d been too afraid to throw out.
Once in the room you make your way back to the oddly shaped sheet. Throwing it off, you take a closer look at the tool.
Just as before, you notice various metalworking tools, a few pieces of metal that you think you recognize as Platinum, Iron, even a few scraps of Mithral. Almost as if Astarion had covered it with a sheet without bothering to clean up your previous work. You suspect that that’s exactly what happened when you find a pair of pliers still squeezing a piece of gold.
From your notes, you recall that your experiments with the spawn and advice from Gale had led you to believe that gold or silver would be your best bets as conduits for the magic– assuming that the metal from Rhapsody would play well with them. You recall from your reveries that not every type of metal would weld together properly.
Surely you had more material than this to work with though. You look around the room, wondering where else Astarion may have stashed your previous treasures.
Your eyes land on a covered seat that seems a bit lumpier than the rest. Upon uncovering it, you discover various small pieces of metal, some common like copper, others much rarer, like Adamantine. You grab a few, in case you do end up transmuting Cazador Szarr’s blood-infused blade.
Back in your room, you lay out some of your material components. This shall do for now. You decide that tomorrow you will focus on solving the much bigger problem: blood. 
It’s late now though, and time to rest on what you’ve learned.
As you lay your head down for your reverie that night, you finally allow yourself to believe Dal. You truly may be the only one capable of piecing these clues together. 
The idea warms you as much as it concerns you. Knowing that it’s up to you, your memories, to save the spawn? You feel the pressure for the first time, an uneasiness settling in the pit of your stomach. No one has depended on you like this before, and the pressure feels almost tangible. 
That night, you dream of your life as the innkeeper. Again, the inn is dead, not a customer in sight and likely none for the rest of the night. So you pull out a book. 
Following along with your past-self, you read a story about a beautiful man who has been cursed, the adventurer that saves him. It would all be very touching if the adventurer didn’t resonate so well with you, leaving you wondering if perhaps you were as dull and predictable a ‘hero’ as Astarion had led you to believe. 
The story ends with the hero saving the man, of course– as all good, happy tales do. You love experiencing the twist with the innkeep, feeling their emotions rise and fall as the hero faces their challenge, and surmounts it with the help of those around them. 
It's a nice sensation after all of the frustration of the day and you stir from your rest with a content smile. 
Your twenty-sixth day in the house, you see red. On top of missing so much information, you know that you have another major dilemma to figure out: where will you find a lot of blood?
After several hours of brainstorming, considering different sources, magical substances or items, you land on one that seems the most feasible.
You could create blood with alchemy. While you would need a large amount of starting material, you could likely use water or another liquid. You yourself don’t have the capability to create water, but it would be easy enough to acquire.
But the solution seems too simple. Surely Dal and the rest would have found a way to transmute blood on their own, would have done so for the spawn at some point over the past several hundred years?
So you message her. 
“Hi Dal, have you all tried transmuting water to blood before?” you send.
“Hello. Yes, we have. It would help if it worked, but it never seemed to quench our thirst.” She immediately sends another message, “When we looked into it, we found that it was lacking any life essence. We needed to find a way to make it real.”
“Understood. Did you find any leads on that?”
“None on my end, let me check with Leon.”
A few minutes of silence pass as you continue to scratch notes with your quill. You’re a bit startled when she follows up, “Nothing on Leon’s end either. Though he said that your past-self had some ideas. He recommends looking at the research on blood composition.”
You thank her and are about to get back to work when you stop, Sending Stone still in hand. Before you can second guess yourself, your next message is on its way, “How is Astarion doing? Have you… made any progress?”
The pause that follows feels incredibly loud, your heartbeat pounds painfully in your ear as you wait for a response. It comes a second later, and gods are you unsure how to move or feel or react to it. “He’s been a bit stir crazy. I think he misses you.”
You remind yourself that Dalyria is only being kind. That she is rooting for you both despite the fact that neither of you want the same thing, that he’s not over your past-self, that the odds are so heavily stacked against you you may as well try again in your next life. But the idea of Astarion missing you sends you falling back, collapsing on your bed in a dramatic fashion.
Clutching the stone to your chest, you send one more message, “Thank you Dal. I hope I can see him again before it’s time for me to leave. Do you think I will?”
“I’ll drag him along myself if I need to. And I will definitely come by before you leave,” she replies, and you close your eyes in a mixture of relief and anticipation.
Despite all of the work you’ve done in the past several days, you miss him– more than you thought possible. More than you’ve missed anyone in this lifetime. You don’t regret a single moment of the progress you’ve made, but gods do you wish you could share it with him. He would look over your work with a ‘tsk’, maybe remind you to go get a meal before you drive him insane…
Imagining the scenario, eyes closed, laying flat on your bed, you’re struck with the stark, sad reality of it. I may never have that happen.
Perhaps you shouldn’t have asked Dal anything after all, because now you find yourself lulled into a sad daze.
The final few hours of the day are spent on daydreams of Astarion, as you futilely try to retain information on the composition of blood. When you lay in bed for your reverie, you’re unsurprised to find yourself in his arms once more.
“Astarion?” your past-self asks. You’re both in the kitchen, though it looks nothing like it does now. The walls are a different color, the table is different, shelves are stocked. 
“Mmm,” Astarion murmurs, burying his head into the nape of your neck like a cuddling feline.
“What’s the matter, love?” you ask, as you prepare yourself a meal. 
He shakes his head into your neck more, and you can feel your emotions surge with love and concern. “Did something happen with your siblings?”
Astarion gives a noncommittal hum, his arms squeezing around you tighter.
“I can’t help you if you won’t let me,” you say, tone chiding, but heart still full of compassion. 
The man pulls his head away from you for a moment, his ruby eyes meeting yours. “Aurelia said that they’re tired of living like that. That they would never have agreed to my suggestion of the Underdark had they known…”
Your past-self takes their food off of the stove, turning around to face Astarion. “Love,” you start, hand cupping his face. “It’s not your fault. None of it is. And they know that. What would the alternative have been? Dying in Baldur’s Gate?”
He closes his eyes, leaning into your hand for solace. “I know you’re right. But…”
“But nothing,” you say, stopping him in his tracks. “We’re doing all that we can to help them, and they appreciate it. It’s simply been a difficult few weeks and they’re on edge. Once we find someplace new, everyone will sleep a little more soundly.”
Astarion sighs into your palm, pressing a light kiss to it before opening his eyes to you. “You’re right. Gods, you know how annoying it is when you’re right this often?”
“I know,” you say with a smile. You kiss him on the nose, on the cheek, on the lips as he chases your lips down. “Now, let’s find a suitable place so that everyone settles down, alright?”
The two of you sit down at the table over your meal, beginning to discuss various areas of the Underdark. You simply listen to the conversation, already knowing the outcome, knowing how close they all truly grew despite the disagreements. You also take the time to appreciate the ease of your relationship, wishing that you too could solve problems like this, with Astarion by your side.
Your ache for the man persists when you wake up, and you find that your twenty-seventh day in the house isn’t as productive as you’d like it to be. 
You’re so filled with the building fear from the week. A stormy cloud hangs over you, dousing you every few minutes with thoughts that you’re about to leave, about to be tossed out unceremoniously. It’s consumed most of your waking thoughts, offering you little space to continue your work.
You were already so afraid to be left alone for the week. To think that you may never see him again, save maybe to come help his family…
What you need is to wash these thoughts away. You decide to take a long bath today, hoping beyond all hope that it will cleanse your mind. In the bath, you allow yourself a bit of pity. 
Gods, I don’t want to message my parents, you think, sinking into the water. It’s the least of your concerns, really, but the easiest one for you to focus on. What will I say? Sorry, I tried, but it turns out we’re fundamentally wrong for each other?
You wince at that, scrubbing at your skin furiously to strike the thought away. No, I would say: It turns out I’m not the same person I was in my past-life. You were right all along!
The scrubbing comes harder, and your anger builds. Or maybe I’ll pin the blame on the metaphysical… My soul has a hero-complex and I don’t quite care to fix it.
You stop scrubbing. You feel almost raw, your mind suddenly blank.
No, you finally think. I shall simply tell them it didn’t work out.
With a sigh, you continue to soak for a bit, considering the far trek back to Neverwinter with a hollow dread.
After the bath, you manage to pull yourself out of your dreary state. You focus, decide to keep your mind preoccupied with the work, shoving down any Astarion-related worries until tomorrow, when they are warranted.
Right. Blood composition, you think to yourself, pulling out the notes that Leon had mentioned once more.
Rereading them, thoroughly this time, you think you know what he meant. While at its core, transmuted blood is made of all of the same things, iron, carbon… it’s lacking something that gives it life. Likely whichever bit makes people’s blood distinct from one another, you think, recalling how Astarion had commented on your flavor.
You look through the notes, trying to see if there was a way for someone to contribute that life essence, but find that nothing clear comes to mind. At the bottom, you spot in your own handwritten code a small name, “Halsin?”
It makes sense, you think. Druidic magic is different from your own, honing into the very nature of life, they can tap into magic you cannot. Perhaps you ought to pay him a visit once Astarion kicks you out…
You push that thought aside once more, trying to focus on your research. To still your mind, you think of all of the leads you’ve earned in the past week. Your memories, your past lives, Halsin, the tower. Gods, you think. I appreciate my past-self’s head start, but I wish they’d left a to-do list.
So you run through all that you know, all that you have, and all that you will need to make these mythical sunlight rings come to fruition.
You have the metals to test the crafting, and have found several good diagrams from your past-self. You have Rhapsody to work with. All that you’re missing on the material components is a vast quantity of usable blood.
You are positive now that the crafting itself is part of the somatic component, having reread Gale’s suggestions. It’s certainly where all of the materials come together, and you think you should be able to learn the process with a bit of trial and error.
You haven’t the foggiest what the incantation might be, other than in the illegible notes from the necromancer. Or worse yet, it’s back in the tower. You decide not to worry about this part until you find a wizard to help you.
Satisfied with your learnings from the week, you’re determined to begin testing materials tomorrow– maybe try to sort out Rhapsody’s composition. None of your previous life’s tests included Rhapsody, as they’d only learned of its importance after your passing, so now is as good a time as any.
That night, you enter an uneventful reverie as the enchanter. You break down a few magic items, and try to remember what you can for when it comes time to finally melt down Rhapsody.
At the end of the week, you feel like Astarion has all but given up on you. 
It’s odd, but after spending nearly 28 days in his house, it feels like your house as well. You suppose you shouldn’t get attached to that idea, since the man who owns it hasn’t said a word to you in almost a week.
And not another word of him from Dal, not a message or a sign that he even cares enough to think of you. You don’t need him to love you, as you continue to remind yourself. You only wish that your time together had meant to him even a fraction of what it meant to you.
However the man is nothing if not full of ill-timed surprises. 
A knock comes at your door. Likely Dal, you think. She said she would be coming by before you left.
“Come in!” you call, not bothering to move from your place on the floor. You’re in the middle of taking notes on various metals, and you think Dal will appreciate what you’ve learned so far, so what’s the point in putting anything away.
The door opens, and you look up to see a familiar, silver-haired vampire at your door. He finds you surrounded by papers, a piece of Platinum in your hand, and knee-deep in research you just know he would hate. All of the shock and embarrassment pales in comparison to the way your entire body reacts to the sight of him.
It’s only been a week days apart, and your heart seems to be beating doubly fast to make up for lost time. Was he always this beautiful?
Yes, he has always been this beautiful, your mind answers. And this charming, and this graceful, and… you cut yourself off before you can be frozen in place.
“Astarion!” you all but scream, scrambling to shuffle papers out of his view, dropping the piece of metal. You didn’t expect him, and you’re not sure what to do, but you know he wouldn’t believe that you’re up to some light reading.
“What–” Astarion begins. He shakes his head before continuing, “You know what. I don’t care about whatever it is you’re up to.”
“You don’t?” you ask, incredulous. 
“No, I don’t.” His voice is deadpan, his expression blank.
“Oh. Okay.” You’re baffled. You’d thought throughout the week of what you might do if you saw him again before you’re kicked out. And it certainly isn’t what’s transpiring here. He cared a lot about this last time you saw him. “You absolutely don’t?”
“Nope, we’re going to pretend I didn’t see all of that.” He gestures at it dramatically with both of his hands. “And I’m going to continue with what I came here to do.”
“And that is?” you can’t help but ask, still subtly kicking papers under the bed, lest he change his mind.
“I came to ask you if you’d like to go to Waterdeep with me.”
You stare at him, certain that you’re hearing him wrong. This isn’t the conversation you’d expected to have the next time you saw him, not in a thousand years. You? Go with him? “To Waterdeep?”
“Yes,” he says, taking a deep breath, as if this is all quite the inconvenience for him. “I’ve always been offered a guest. I suppose it’s about time I impose on that damn wizard.”
After what had transpired between you, you’d been so prepared to be kicked out by the end of the week, this shocks you more than you expect. You’re certain your face is an open book and your voice is certainly eager when you ask, “Really?”
“Don’t make that look, or I'll regret asking at all,” he says, groaning.
You don’t know what look you’re making, but you wipe your face as much as you can before you ask, a little less hopefully, “But honestly, really, I can join you?”
“Yes,” he repeats. “But if you make me say it once more, consider the offer revoked. I expect to see you prepared for at least a few days' stay by morning or I shall leave without you. Understood?”
You tamper down the remaining urge for confirmation and nod. “Got it.”
“Very well,” he says, turning on his heel to go.
But it’s the first time in days that you’ve seen his face, heard his voice, you can’t just let him get away. “Wait, Astarion,” you call. What could you say? ‘ Sorry?’ It wouldn’t be honest. ‘Why?’ You’re afraid that the answer is just ‘Dal.’ ‘ Are we–?’ No, you’re absolutely not all better. So you simply say, “Thank you.”
He turns back to you and you get a better look at him. The expression on his face is light, unaffected, but there’s a strain to his eyes, his cheekbones look a bit more gaunt than you’re used to, and the tightness in his jaw betrays any semblance of nonchalance. “No need to thank me. I’d already been planning on inviting you.”
What? You’re about to actually ask him why when he exits your room, leaving you confused and your questions unanswered.
Aside from the elation you feel at having seen Astarion again, let alone having received an invitation from him, you’re giddy with thoughts of Waterdeep. You’ve never been before, and you will have the opportunity to meet the Gale of Waterdeep? You feel your face breaking into the same ecstatic look Astarion chided you for.
After researching the ‘useless’ formula for the ring for so many days, you want to get to the bottom of it. This is it, you think. This is my opportunity to pick Gale’s brain. Putting aside whatever it was you’d been in the middle of before Astarion arrived, you begin packing all of your notes in your Bag of Holding.
I’ll figure it all out later, you think, practically shaking with excitement. My gods, I can’t believe it. I will get to go to Waterdeep!
Before you pack the rest of your clothing, you sit down and send a message to Dal. “Dal, Astarion invited me to Waterdeep! I’ll be gone for a bit, but I think I’ll be coming back?”
She responds and you can practically hear the smile through the message. “I figured that’s why he kept me from following him. Enjoy, and we’ll see you back here soon.”
She’ll see me back here soon! you want to scream to the heavens, out the window, under the floorboards. But you don’t because you’re not about to make Astarion change his mind, and truly you’re not certain what this means for you. Until you know why he wanted to bring you to Waterdeep, then you shouldn’t assume…
That doesn’t stop you from feeling light as a feather for the rest of the day. From practically tripping over your own feet as you pack a few snacks for the road. 
You don’t see Astarion for the rest of the day, but you can feel his presence in the house, as if he’s watching you make an utter fool of yourself– you find you don’t mind. As long as the house feels full of him, you continue along, a smile never leaving your face.
That night when you sit down for bed, you pull out your journal and quill with jittery, anxious hands. Your journal entry reflects your week of learnings, of fears, of excitement:
I think I’ve made some real progress! I think I know how to make the rings, but not… how to make the rings. I know the materials I’ll need, the somatic component of creation, though I am missing the actual incantation and the actual materials. Better than I would have thought after a week, but my past-self seems to be guiding my hand every step of the way.
As for Astarion, well… I don’t think we’re better per say. But I also don’t think he hates me. He invited me to go with him to Waterdeep without much explanation. Surely he wouldn’t invite me if he hated me, right? We leave in the morning. I can’t wait to meet Gale, hopefully have a chance to ask him some things. Though I suppose it may all depend on Astarion’s mood.
33 notes · View notes
the12thnightproject · 3 months
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Chapter 45: Winter Vacation Katsu shows Mitsuhide around Kyoto; then back in the 16th century he has another surprise for her.
Mitsuhide x OC; Hideyoshi x MC (Mai)
All Chapters Archived on Ao3 
Logline - With Mai, Hideyoshi, and Aki missing, Mitsuhide and Katsuko reluctantly team up. Disguised as a merchant and his concubine, can they outsmart the man known as the God of Deceit?
“Now, the further you turn this, the warmer the water is.” I glanced over my shoulder to see if Mitsuhide was tracking the instructions, just in time to notice that he was looking at me, and not the plumbing.
Or perhaps I should say he was looking at my plumbing area, which very likely was visible below my bath towel. I raised both eyebrows at him and he winked. “You are a rather undeniable temptation.”
While it would have been nice to stay cocooned on the couch all day, eventually practicalities intruded. I introduced Mitsuhide to modern kitchen appliances, laughed as he spent five minutes turning off and on the lights in syncopated rhythm, fed him breakfast (well, it was lunch at that point), and now we were having a crash course in water management 101.
While running water was a concept he could get behind, he seemed not at all interested in temperature control, or the intricacies of how it worked from the source. “I presume there are people whose jobs there are to know specifically how it fits together, but at the moment, I’m only concerned with using it in its designated function.” He stuck his hand under the stream of water.
I twisted the level to make it warmer, and when he didn’t comment, I left it at that temperature. “On that note, I guess you’re an easier visitor than Shingen. He’s driving Sasuke crazy by taking everything apart to see how it works.”
“You spend a lot of time with them?” That unfamiliar tone was back in his voice. I don’t believe that he was actually jealous – just that there was enough history between the Oda and the Takeda-Uesugi alliance to mean that I had been hanging out with the enemy.
Lowering the conversational temperature back to casual, I said, “They’re the only people I know here since I prefer not to become close friends with anyone who will worry when I blip back into the past. So maybe let’s consider this time a neutral zone, and you can go back to trying to kill him when we return to the Sengoku era.”
What happens in modern Japan, stays in modern Japan.
He didn’t reply, but simply surveyed the pattern of water as it streamed down the walls of the postage stamp size stall. “So um, anyway, this is wasting water, so I’ll leave you to it…” I trailed off as he swiftly tossed away his clothes and stepped in.
He was so beautiful with the water flowed down his body, outlining every contour of his muscles. I know I had just spent the night and morning with that body, with this man, but I would never take that beauty for granted.
He raised that one eyebrow, smirked, and crooked his finger at me. “You did say something about needing to conserve water.
I had said that, yes. “There’s no room- eek!”
He reached out and pulled me in, bath towel and all. “My love, there is always room for you, no matter where I am.” He undid the now soaking towel and tossed it into the sink. Now there was little between us but water, and even that evaporated to steam when he wrapped his arms around me.
“Kitsune, I am not opposed to shower sex in concept, but we need a bigger…” My back would probably slide down the side and I’d hit my head and drown…
He rotated me away from him and I grabbed the towel bar for stability. “Hold on to that. I imagine that is what it was placed there for.”
Yeah, I’m not going to speculate on what Sasuke’s parents do in the shower, thanks for that mental picture.
He reached around to cup my breasts, and then I felt his teeth nipping at the side of my neck. “Oh God, we’re going to die.”
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We did not die during shower sex… not any of the times we tried it.
Nor did Shingen and Mitsuhide attempt to kill each other when the four of us got together. Oh, the two of them would never become good friends – they were too much alike in the wrong ways, not to mention too different in every other way – but they managed mutual politeness during a meal that Sasuke and I cooked. That got upgraded to professional respect when they discussed the Yoshiaki and Motonari threats, which then devolved again to a cutthroat game of Catan that had both Sasuke and I eliminated within the first hour.
My moderately awesome ninja buddy and I watched the game from the sidelines for a little while before we both decided it would be safer to retreat to watching Picard (neither Shingen nor Mitsuhide had gotten into sci-fi, as travelling over 450 years into their future was sci-fi enough for both of them).
During the weeks as we counted down the time before the Togakushi wormhole manifestation, we all made the most of our time. Aside from breaking in the shower (and the breakfast bar, which Mitsuhide and I discovered was set at a very convenient height) we did actually emerge from the house every day to explore modern Kyoto. Mitsuhide decided that since this was more or less an enforced vacation, he would spend his time pursuing the interests that generally got pushed to the side amidst all the war councils, interrogations, and spying: live theater and music.
While I never could convince him to give K-pop - or any rock music for that matter – a chance, he did discover an appreciation for jazz. An unfortunate appreciation, since I disliked that sort of music. At least we were able to have a lively and ongoing debate over the merits of both, which usually devolved into mutual distraction.
Even though we always had a lovely time wandering through Kyoto in winter, my favorite part of the days were our evenings. I could be as cutthroat about Shogi and he and Shingen had been over Catan, and it was as much fun trying to outthink him and it was to distract him. I never won… though I came close twice.
Nor had I neglected my personal mission to organize the Mikumos’ library (with their permission). When they returned they would find everything neatly filed and cross referenced both in a database, and also in a hard copy notebook. Unfortunately, even after spending a couple of hours a day digging through their archives, I hadn’t discovered much about my father. True, Sasuke’s mother had kept a journal during that time which pinpointed when Aki and Francisco entered their lives, as well as what the two were studying, but otherwise the journal was pretty dry.
“Discover anything useful?” Mitsuhide wandered into the room with two cups of tea. I gratefully took it. Though he still couldn’t cook, he made a damn good cup of tea. I took a sip… and promptly burned my tongue. Good tea, but very hot tea. I fanned my mouth. He tsked. “The hazards of impatience, Brat… shall I kiss it to make it better?”
“Cute.” Not that I would ever turn down a kiss, even though it did threaten to throw me off track for the rest of the afternoon. Once we broke apart, I pulled out Professor Mikumo’s journal and read her description of Francisco. “We’re hosting a Portuguese exchange student who is very interested in Sengoku trade routes and any attempts by the explorers to influence politics. Or rather that was what the letter from his academic advisor stated. Unfortunately, this young man’s grasp on our language is tenuous at best, and as no one here speaks Portuguese, all of our work becomes delayed as we try to discuss everything in sign language.”
Mitsuhide politely nodded. “Yes, it is his lack of understanding that led to the most fascinating purchase of my life.” He tapped his lips, and followed that up by kissing me again. Mm. We were in danger of taking the afternoon off (again… it was last week’s work derailment that had led us to discover that the breakfast bar was the right height for eating… something that’s not actually food). No… this is important. I hadn’t even told him yet about that priest. “Francisco.”
“Dear me, have you forgotten my identity so quickly?” I shall have to give you a refresher on that topic.” He slid next to me and pulled me onto his lap.
I stopped his hands before they could make their way under my shirt. “I think he… or the priest who tried to buy me… might have been the one who shot Aki in 1578.”
To his credit, Mitsuhide immediately flipped into business mode. “On what evidence?”
Er. Well. “For Francisco, gut feeling, mostly. He had gun in his desk when I took the letter… and it was not there the next time I looked.” Before Mitsuhide could devil’s advocate me out of that, I added, “He’s been in Japan, both modern and Sengoku for over ten years, and yet he still hasn’t learned the language?”
“He could indeed be that incompetent.” By now, I knew that Mitsuhide wasn’t necessarily disagreeing with me – he was merely pointing out where I needed stronger proof.
“Ok, yes, sure. But it seems to me that whatever missions there were to send people like Aki back in time – they would have wanted the best.” But why had Aki never questioned Francisco’s language deficiencies? It seemed a critical error on his part, an error from someone who usually didn’t make errors. Unless Aki was well aware that Francisco was faking it, and pretending not to know in order to watch him? But if that were the case why give Francisco the letter for me? Ugh, I was confusing myself. Still, I needed to at least get everything out on the table before Mitsuhide started poking holes in my already shaky theory. “Suppose everything Francisco did was not incompetence, but a charade. He never intended to rescue me at the auction. But if his plan failed, he could fall back on his idiot disguise.”
If I reframed my view of everything Francisco had done, it could all have a sinister interpretation.
And here came Mr. Logic. “Was not the slave auction your idea to begin with?”
“It was. Francisco just took advantage of the opportunity I gave him.” But Mitsuhide was correct. I had brought the idea to Francisco and basically blackmailed him into it.
“Hm, and we won’t be doing anything like that again now will we?” The ‘royal we’ had returned. His arms tightened around me. “Now, you said something about the priest? I did interrogate him rather thoroughly, and he had no connection to the disappearances.”
Had I been mistaken in identifying the priest as the man who watched my gymnastics competition? I pulled the computer closer and tabbed into youtube. “Look at this.” Mitsuhide was quiet, intent as the video played. When the camera angle switched to show the priest, I paused and pinch zoomed it onto his face. “Same man?”
He leaned closer. “It is possible. The hat makes it difficult to be one hundred percent certain.”  He frowned, and it seemed there was some anger being directed inward. “Though perhaps that is me not wanting to believe that my interrogation technique to be infallible. I should have-.”
My turn to shush him with my finger. “Well, you questioned him as if he was what he appeared to be, a rather vicious priest. If that in itself was a disguise… well you didn’t know about the existence of time travel, so he might have training that the average psychopath does not.” I leaned back and rested my head on his shoulder. I really hoped he wasn’t going to beat himself up over this. “You can’t know everything.”
“It is, in fact my job to know everything.” His hands massaged low circles around my back. “However, I have promised you… as well as Hideyoshi and Mai… that I will no longer take on the world alone. Nor is there much I can do about these two men right now. Not when we are here, and they are somewhere in the past.” He stood up, and took me by the hand. “Come on, Brat, you’ve worked all afternoon.”
I had at that, so I let him lead me into the den, where another of those snoozy jazz stations was playing something in the key of dull syncopation. I dropped his hand and made a beeline for the remote. No, I wasn’t planning to subject him to K-pop, but a nice movie night would be good. He beat me to it and held it over my head. “Oh that’s mature.”
Single eyebrow raise. “One person’s immature is another person’s success.” He tossed the thing onto a shelf that was above both of our heads. “Come here. This music, as opposed that shrill wailing you inexplicably like, is designed for dancing.” He pulled me into a dance hold. “Have I mentioned that I am quite fond of your era’s style of dance.”
Before I could again protest his depiction of K-pop as ‘shrill wailing,’ he had my head resting on his shoulder, as he pressed his hand on my back. His lean grace might have been made for this, as he expertly maneuvered me in a small circle around the center of the room.
Eventually, that slowed to a single swaying embrace as we clung to each other. The sun had long set, the only light came from the glow of the TV and the neighbor’s Christmas lights shining through the window.
I knew the steps of this dance we were doing, knew that soon, Mitsuhide’s lips would kiss my cheek, and then my mouth, until the dance became something else entirely.
But for the moment, I was perfectly happy melting against his body, in the more innocent hold.
We had time.
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Three weeks later, and four hundred and fifty(ish) years earlier…
As soon as we “landed” back in the Sengoku and split off from Sasuke and Shingen, we made our way to Azuchi. I had expected that Mitsuhide would settle in and immediately pick up war planning with Nobunaga and Hideyoshi. And while he had indeed spent the day and half the night conferring with them, we were off to Sakai the next morning.
Our machiya in Sakai was unchanged, it was Mituhide and I who were different. We were approaching the townhouse as ourselves, not as fake merchant and reluctant concubine. There was no need to put on any act.
The real Kyubei was waiting inside to greet us. He smiled and bowed formally as if we had been gone a year rather than just a couple of months.
“Did you keep watch on…?” Mitsuhide left the rest of the question trail off, which mean this likely had more to do with my mystery surprise and less to do with whatever Motonari was doing.
I unobtrusively tried to listen in on Mitsuhide’s conversation with Kyubei, but what little I could pick up was in kind of a master/vassal shorthand of half sentences. Eventually, Mitsuhide noticed me lingering in the corner. “Dear me, is a little spy trying to spoil her surprise?”
He should be well aware by now that I was not a fan of surprises, even one that he had promised was a “good” surprise, so I just crossed my arms and glared at him.
“Patience, Brat, I’m just confirming the timing of it all.”
Knowing that was all I was going to get out of him, I retreated upstairs and unpacked the few items of clothing I’d brought to Sakai with me. As I was changing out of my dusty travel clothes, Mitsuhide joined me – and once again he was wearing the long, dark wig. “I thought the disguise was retired.” Please don’t make me dress up as Kaya. I’d happily put away the Kaya identity for good, and at the moment was wearing one of Mai’s hastily altered kimonos. Though it wasn’t completely to my taste, it was a lot more casual than the elaborate concubine disguise.
Correctly sensing the direction of thoughts, Mitsuhide helped me adjust the fold on my obi. “It’s temporary. The man we are going to see knows me only as Kyubei. You, on the other hand, are perfectly fine.” He tugged on my hair, and of course the hairstyle instantly fell apart. Without Sho to help, I was useless in the coiffure department. “In any disguise… or, er, disarray.”
He helped restore my hair, and then, in a move reminiscent of his former disguise, he extended his arm. Without any hesitation, I took it and we walked out into the chill winter evening. “Are we walking?”
“Are you saying you would prefer to huddle up in a palanquin?” The teasing smile he gave me indicated that any future palanquin travel we did would be far less innocent than our last trip. “That could, of course, be arranged, but tonight, we’re not travelling very far.”
Though I puzzled for a moment as to whether or not that had been a clue to my surprise, his purposefully bland look offered no additional help. We were not heading in the direction of Francisco’s, so that possibility was off the table. Instead, we ended up in the local retail section – not the business area with merchant’s large import/export warehouses, but the smaller apothecaries, clothing shops and tea houses patronized by the people of Sakai.
Even so, when Mitsuhide stopped in front of an herbalist’s storefront, it seemed an odd choice. My confusion grew when he led me through the shop and up the stairs to the living area. Once we reached the top of the stairs, he stepped aside, allowing me to face the man who had risen from his dinner to greet us.
A man whose face I had seen nearly every day until I was nineteen… and after that, had only been viewable via a drawing. “Toshiie!”
While my brother stood there stunned, I threw myself into his arms. “I thought I saw you in Sakai last fall… but I figured I was imagining it.”
He allowed me a long hug before stepping out of the embrace. “I was going to rescue you… I just needed more time to…” He glanced at the teapot on the table.
“Rescue me? From what?” It sounded like Toshiie had… already known I was in Sakai?
He turned and faced Mitsuhide. “Him.”
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@lorei-writes @bestbryn @selenacosmic @lyds323 @tele86 @akitsuneswife
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megaman-r · 9 months
Hello! Welcome to my rather extended effort to make a classic-style-ish Mega Man game. My name's Nevi, my main is @afniel, and I'm here to be everyone's problem. I used to be tracking progress for this on Twitter, but we all know how that went, so now I'm here instead.
First, the top 3 questions I tend to get:
What is this?
A fan game, created in the NES style. Well. Eventually it will be. Making a game is not a quick or easy task.
What's it about?
When I was young, I always thought it was boring of Capcom to not give Roll her own game. I got older and I still think that, but I've also thought other things along the way, like, why do these games always raise such alarming existential questions and then completely forget they happened? How long would it take to learn a functional amount of music theory? Is it Metool, Mettaur, or Metall? Whatever they're called, why aren't there a lot more of these little guys in the games?
Basically, I'm giving Roll the game I always thought she deserved.
Can I play it?
Currently, there's really nothing to play. I've got the basic engine functioning quite well and a good chunk of the visual assets finished to a working degree, but refining everything, getting the gameplay as tight as it needs to be, and making sure nobody's AI breaks or sucks is a pretty big job. That all said, my first real roadmap goal is to have a single-stage playable demo. While I don't have any notion of a release date for that, I am working steadily towards it, so please stay tuned!
The rest of the FAQ is long and maybe less interesting, so I'll stash it under a cut to save you a little scrolling.
The Game Itself
Is it going to be girly?
Probably not as girly as you're imagining, if you're asking that. After all, there's still explosions, boss fights, insta-death spikes, a ton of weapons to choose from, and quite a lot of shooting. Just because the main character is in a dress won't change the core feel of the game, nor will it be easier than other MM games.
Also, a thing being girly isn't bad anyway. It's just a style.
What makes this different from any other MM game/fangame?
Fair question! I'm going to be a little secretive about it though and just say 'choice.' It's a thing that the MM series isn't known for giving players, outside of what order you want to explode the robot masters. I think it could be more interesting than that.
That said, the mainline classic MM games don't have a whole lot to distinguish them from each other, and they're still fun and each one of them is someone's all-time fav game, so even if it just ends up being Another MM Game, that's still not a bad crowd to be in.
Are we fighting Dr. Wily? What's the plot?
Some of that will come with the eventual demo release. The rest will be on full release. I don't want to spoil it up front, you know?
You will get to see some familiar faces for sure, I'll say that much.
Will this game be accessible?
I want it to be! I think games in general have a lot of work to do to become more accessible to disabled gamers, and as a disabled gamer, I want to try and do my due diligence in that.
It is playable on both keyboard (not comfortable) and controller (a lot more comfortable), and while the controls are fairly simple, there is already a fully-functional option to switch between classic MM style down+jump to slide, and MMX style dedicated single button slide.
Remapping buttons is somewhat beyond the scope of the engine I'm using, which is unfortunate, and all the more reason for me to learn something more flexible like Godot.
I'm trying to choose palettes for things that should be eyestrain-friendly. Flashing will be kept to a minimum in the default game mode, and I plan on having a sensory-friendly mode with no flashing whatsoever and certain other effects lessened/changed/removed. Of course, I can't guarantee that certain patterns won't affect sensitive people regardless, but I'm going to give it a good try.
Depending on how easy the game engine makes sensory-friendly mode, it may end up being a separate download version, but I hope not, that's just not as good.
Alternate difficulty modes are also something I want to do! I just haven't looked at implementation yet, but it should be pretty easy.
Game Development Stuff
What are you using to make MMR?
The engine itself is in Pixel Game Maker, which is kind of an underdog DIY game engine and if I'd really been thinking I'd probably have started it in Godot or something, but I'm already here and honestly, I like how it works, so I'm keeping it. The assets are entirely made in Aseprite, and the music is entirely Famitracker, with a little use of Audacity to make sure tracks loop properly and to get things into the right format.
Very few visual assets are taken from the games directly, mostly some enemies and all of the sound effects (because those are not something I want to try to recreate using only Famitracker—I only have so many hours in a day).
How NES-like are we talking, here?
I'm aiming for NES-like in the way that Sonic Mania aimed for Genesis/Master System-like: the style matches, the limitations are mostly observed, but certain limitations are disregarded when it would be extremely awesome to do so.
Some examples: I'm very fastidious about color palettes per tile and per minor enemy sprite; I'm less fastidious about color palettes onscreen at a time and color palettes per boss sprite. I'm not trying to replicate the sprites-per-scanline flicker. Number of frames per animation isn't something I'm really considering as long as it looks visually appropriate. I'm sticking with 2A03 music, except for where I mean business, and then I may whip out the VRC6 channels instead.
So no, this wouldn't run verbatim on an actual NES, even if you recoded it in 6503 Assembly, but you would be able to get quite close.
How did you learn to make pixel art?
Well, when I was a wee little neurodivergent child, one of my favorite hobbies was making tiles and characters in MS Paint and building big collages out of them. I made a lot of beehives, for some reason...
Then I became a medium-sized neurodivergent teenager, got really into RPG Maker 2000, and the sprites and tiles were not to my liking, so I started editing them and eventually making my own from scratch.
I'm now a fairly normal-sized neurodivergent adult, and making pictures out of little dots is still a lot of fun, especially with a harshly constrained palette. Doing NES-like graphics just kind of comes naturally after all that.
How did you learn to make music?
Honestly? I just began throwing myself at it. My first attempts were unabashedly bad. When things didn't make sense and I couldn't get them to sound right, which was all the time, I looked them up. Starting with general chord theory was what really made it begin to click. The first thing I composed and kept was the Lagoon Stage music, and not coincidentally it's been through the most refactors as well. Coming from an art background where I'm very used to the Ugly Painting Stage of any given piece has definitely helped with patience, too. The important thing is to just keep beating your head against it. It's frustrating, but you only learn to make music by making music.
Every track on the OST represents about two days of feverishly slamming notes together for four-six hours a day, preceded by one-four whole months of tapping and humming random things until one of them ignites something in my brain that goes, "Oh, I know how the rest of this should go!"
How did you learn to code?
Well, honestly, I didn't; PGM is a visual scripting engine, so everything pretty much looks like flowcharts, and the number of functions is kind of constrained. Every object in the game is a state machine, so that's pretty much the paradigm I understand. I could not code my way out of a paper sack in any actual language.
That being said, I do understand the core concepts of what programming is, and most of that I learned by watching Retro Game Mechanics Explained on YouTube until I suddenly understood what 6502 Assembly was all about and everything else just kind of made sense. I don't know either! It's a little weird. But it did work, so I can't complain.
Is this related to [Other Fan Project]?
Nope, it's not part of or related to any other fanworks. I'm a solo dev working on just this one project right now. (However, if you're making a classic or MMX-style game and need pixel art assets, I'm open to talk about that!)
Your robot master has the same name/concept as [Other Fan Character].
Sorry if that's the case! There are so many really stellar MM fan characters out there that a little name/concept-sharing is basically unavoidable. No infringement is intended, no profit will be made from this game, and I'm uninvolved enough with the general fandom that I can pretty confidently say I didn't even know about your character. Take it as a case of Great Minds Think Alike, if it happens.
Do you have anywhere else I can keep up with this?
I sure do! I've got a Discord specifically for it where I toss a lot of WIP sprites and such, and that's where eventual playtesting will happen too if you're into that sort of thing, and a Trello that I don't always remember to update, but it exists at least!
Mega Man R Secret Gamedev Clubhouse Discord
Trello Roadmap
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mbti-notes · 6 months
Hi, do you have some adices for diffrent types before christmas? I am ENTJ and I will spend christmas with ISFJs and ISTJs. In the past, I felt a lot of alienation in family life, often with a difference of opinion I felt that I was "me" versus "them." I would like to have a good relationship with them while feeling good about myself.
It's unfortunate that some people don't feel safe in family but rather feel stuck with a family they never chose. Some family members don't turn out to be very compatible with you for reasons such as the one you stated of being too different or having too many differences of opinion.
When children feel alienated, there is a reason for it. You have not specified the reason, which means it's difficult for me to understand what the root of the problem is. Obviously, your family has not understood you to the degree you desire, nor you them, but why? What is the obstacle between you exactly? Can't solve a problem without targeting the cause.
Since you are vague, I can only give you a generalized response. Family relationships get very complicated when there is a long history of unresolved issues between members. As problems are continually swept under the rug, past hurt can linger on indefinitely. Most adults try to carry on with life using an "out of sight, out of mind" attitude but then get shocked by how deeply they are impacted by the unresolved issues every time they come face-to-face with family.
Ideally, the best thing to do is approach each other as the more mature individuals you are today, rather than from the perspective of the individuals you were in the past. This makes it easier to communicate about unresolved issues calmly, work toward mutual understanding, and eventually resolve them to mutual satisfaction. Only then can everyone heal and move on with a clean slate.
Unfortunately, resolution is difficult to achieve because it rests on the assumption that everyone involved has actually matured to some degree, at least enough to look back at old problems with greater objectivity. In reality, this isn't always the case. In reality, it's easy to regress and become that child again, feeling hurt and alone. In reality, it's easy for everyone to just repeat old patterns of conflict.
No matter how much you want to heal a relationship, it isn't possible as long as there isn't a matching willingness and commitment from every party involved. Hope for improvement can only be sustained when every party cares enough about the relationship to try and make it work. Do your family members display such willingness and commitment? If so, good. Then you need only remember that the key ingredient of healthy relationships is kindness. No matter what you need to say or do, always proceed with kindness first and foremost, and the rest will work itself out in due time.
In cases where there isn't enough willingness and commitment from them to resolve past issues, the best thing to do is set appropriate boundaries to protect yourself from getting hurt again. This means learning to handle relationships with more nuance and skillfulness:
Take responsibility for your feelings and emotions so that you act upon them in kind, reasonable, and constructive ways.
Speak only from your own perspective when communicating and avoid casting judgment and blame.
Put categories in place to ensure you classify each individual appropriately with regard to how intimate/close you should or shouldn't get to them.
Put rules in place to ensure that you do not invest more than you get in return.
Explain to people what is and isn't acceptable when interacting with you and what will happen when they behave inappropriately.
Enforce reasonable consequences in the event that your preferences, rules, or boundaries get violated.
Dealing successfully with family means rising above and being the adult in the room even when others can't, even when they are pressuring you to be your childish self. Refusing to participate in old relationship dynamics is the way to stop replaying them. Are you capable of it? No matter what happens, it'll be good practice. I always approach big family gatherings as a challenge. I challenge myself to put into practice all the things I've learned about how to be a good person. In the event of failures, I learn from them and try something different the next time. Happy holidays and good luck to you!
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real-godzekiel · 4 months
More character ideas that expands on the game concept in this post. Like before, more info is below readmore.
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Phutredhaz is a demon of rot and biological decay. She's a very demanding and dangerous entity, but She needs people to sacrifice fresh bodies to Her. She used to have a cult inside the very hotel, but the cultists didn't know how to find new members and eventually started dropping like flies from the a spreading Disease and infighting. Now, She finds random, often desparate and mentally unwell newcomers of the hotel and just forces them to do tasks for Her. She's not smart at communicating. In fact, Her ideas of how humans act are quite a few centuries behind. She does not know how to do small talk and often tells people things without explaining the context or reason behind telling them. If you are nice and obedient, She will do Her best to be polite and reward you in return. However, the rewards are not really good nor useful for the average human being. She will appear in the game suddenly after the the hotel room turns red, then She will abruptly force Desmond to collect rat bodies around his room in a limited time. Only after a few minutes have gone back will She realize She has to explain to Desmond how he would have to do it, and the timer will reset for this one time. After this, She wouldn't explain anymore when She appears. Desmond will have to collect a set amount or else She. well. She kills him. Phutredhaz will usually appear in times where Desmond is not too busy.
Wet Clench was a science experiment gone horribly wrong. They were meant to study ways to allow humans to regrow lost limbs, but I guess they should have given the creature dead human body parts to replicate first. They escaped and found their way to the plumbing system of the hotel. Worm kills by enveloping humans into their large circular mouth and quickly consuming their body to become another set of arms and hands. Their body is gooey and flexible as slime, allowing them to come out of faucets in the hotel. Worm has the intelligence of a 6-year-old and tracks by scent, taste and texture. Mess around with the pipes and run in funny patterns, and they'll likely fumble and give up for a while. Oh, and if you can't tell, they stink!
Melvin Tanjung... Melvin Tanjung. He stays in a room just beside Desmond's. Desmond's 411, Melvin's 412. An alcoholic computer programmer still angsty from his last breakup with a girlfriend he met at a giftshop. He also has the Disease, and even worse at taking care of himself than Desmond. He will either communicate with Desmond exclusively through walkie talkies, telephones or cellphone. I haven't decided which one yet as I am stupid and don't know the details of how modes of communication work. Either way, when he first tries contact you during early-onset Disease, you can choose whether or not to respond.(Melvin and Desmond have NOT ever met before this, btw.) Nick will highlight the choice of not responding since I think most players will just go for it. Anyways, Melvin helps you a lot with the computer, controls and item aspect of the game, making getting valuable information and fighting certain monsters a lot easier.(e.g. he will allow you to unlock certain functions of items faster, and fight against a specific computer-based monster) You just have to help him with pipes and stuff. I haven't figured out specifics yet, but it'll be made very easy so the players will clearly see an advantage in helping him. However, he will slowly crumble under the Disease whether you help him or not. The difference is that once you helped him, he knows where you live! You'll have to keep in contact with him, or else he might just go over the edge and I don't know, think you died and break into your room and all. He will be voice acted, and his audio won't be able to turned off when he communicates with you, even when he is screaming and mumbling as parts of his body melts off while he cannot die. I don't know. I just think it's a cool idea to have agonizingly unpleasant audio that plays all the time as a price to pay for benefits. Jesus. What the fuck.
Janitor Jenny will be encountered primarily outside your room. He prevents you from going to prohibited areas and using items that you shouldn't. There's also curfew. Why is there a curfew. Who knows! She is Janitor Jenny and she has been the janitor of the Huddled Inn for a very long time. Yes. She is Janitor Jenny and she loves gardening and cleaning and yes she is Janitor Jenny. Nothing wrong with him. He protects the building and stops guests from getting into trouble that might threaten the security of the hotel. Ah yes. Right. Do not contact authorities. Do not dirty the walls and floors. He is Janitor Jenny and he loves his job. Ratna Jenny died a decade ago. Eh. Doesn't matter, it's fine. Who cares. She is Janitor Jenny and he is so good at his job.
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lunarsilkscreen · 5 months
JavaScript Frameworks
Step 1) Polyfill
Most JS frameworks started from a need to create polyfills. A Polyfill is a js script that add features to JavaScript that you expect to be standard across all web browsers. Before the modern era; browsers lacked standardization for many different features between HTML/JS/and CSS (and still do a bit if you're on the bleeding edge of the W3 standards)
Polyfill was how you ensured certain functions were available AND worked the same between browsers.
JQuery is an early Polyfill tool with a lot of extra features added that makes JS quicker and easier to type, and is still in use in most every website to date. This is the core standard of frameworks these days, but many are unhappy with it due to performance reasons AND because plain JS has incorporated many features that were once unique to JQuery.
JQuery still edges out, because of the very small amount of typing used to write a JQuery app vs plain JS; which saves on time and bandwidth for small-scale applications.
Many other frameworks even use JQuery as a base library.
Step 2) Encapsulated DOM
Storing data on an element Node starts becoming an issue when you're dealing with multiple elements simultaneously, and need to store data as close as possible to the DOMNode you just grabbed from your HTML, and probably don't want to have to search for it again.
Encapsulation allows you to store your data in an object right next to your element so they're not so far apart.
HTML added the "data-attributes" feature, but that's more of "loading off the hard drive instead of the Memory" situation, where it's convenient, but slow if you need to do it multiple times.
Encapsulation also allows for promise style coding, and functional coding. I forgot the exact terminology used,but it's where your scripting is designed around calling many different functions back-to-back instead of manipulating variables and doing loops manually.
Step 3) Optimization
Many frameworks do a lot of heavy lifting when it comes to caching frequently used DOM calls, among other data tools, DOM traversal, and provides standardization for commonly used programming patterns so that you don't have to learn a new one Everytime you join a new project. (you will still have to learn a new one if you join a new project.)
These optimizations are to reduce reflowing/redrawing the page, and to reduce the plain JS calls that are performance reductive. A lot of these optimatizations done, however, I would suspect should just be built into the core JS engine.
(Yes I know it's vanilla JS, I don't know why plain is synonymous with Vanilla, but it feels weird to use vanilla instead of plain.)
Step 4) Custom Element and component development
This was a tool to put XML tags or custom HTML tags on Page that used specific rules to create controls that weren't inherent to the HTML standard. It also helped linked multiple input and other data components together so that the data is centrally located and easy to send from page to page or page to server.
Step 5) Back-end development
This actually started with frameworks like PHP, ASP, JSP, and eventually resulted in Node.JS. these were ways to dynamically generate a webpage on the server in order to host it to the user. (I have not seen a truly dynamic webpage to this day, however, and I suspect a lot of the optimization work is actually being lost simply by programmers being over reliant on frameworks doing the work for them. I have made this mistake. That's how I know.)
The backend then becomes disjointed from front-end development because of the multitude of different languages, hence Node.JS. which creates a way to do server-side scripting in the same JavaScript that front-end developers were more familiar with.
React.JS and Angular 2.0 are more of back end frameworks used to generate dynamic web-page without relying on the User environment to perform secure transactions.
Step 6) use "Framework" as a catch-all while meaning none of these;
Polyfill isn't really needed as much anymore unless your target demographic is an impoverished nation using hack-ware and windows 95 PCs. (And even then, they could possible install Linux which can use modern lightweight browsers...)
Encapsulation is still needed, as well as libraries that perform commonly used calculations and tasks, I would argue that libraries aren't going anywhere. I would also argue that some frameworks are just bloat ware.
One Framework I was researching ( I won't name names here) was simply a remapping of commands from a Canvas Context to an encapsulated element, and nothing more. There was literally more comments than code. And by more comments, I mean several pages of documentation per 3 lines of code.
Custom Components go hand in hand with encapsulation, but I suspect that there's a bit more than is necessary with these pieces of frameworks, especially on the front end. Tho... If it saves a lot of repetition, who am I to complain?
Back-end development is where things get hairy, everything communicates through HTTP and on the front end the AJAX interface. On the back end? There's two ways data is given, either through a non-html returning web call, *or* through functions that do a lot of heavy lifting for you already.
Which obfuscates how the data is used.
But I haven't really found a bad use of either method. But again; I suspect many things about performance impacts that I can't prove. Specifically because the tools in use are already widely accepted and used.
But since I'm a lightweight reductionist when it comes to coding. (Except when I'm not because use-cases exist) I can't help but think most every framework work, both front-end and Back-end suffers from a lot of bloat.
And that bloat makes it hard to select which framework would be the match for the project you're working on. And because of that; you could find yourself at the tail end of a development cycle realizing; You're going to have to maintain this as is, in the exact wrong solution that does not fit the scope of the project in anyway.
Well. That's what junior developers are for anyway...
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schizosupport · 2 years
hi I’m really sorry if I’m a bother or in the wrong place because I’m not diagnosed with any sort of psychotic disorder, but anyone I know IRL who I’ve tried to talk to about this hasn’t even really been able to understand me, so I guess at least it’s not how most people experience things.
I remembered (about a month ago?) that I don’t exist. i KNOW i’ve remembered it before; there are references to it in writings from years ago with various levels of specificity. something’s always made me forget again eventually, but I don’t want to forget this time because I have been living too long with things not adding up to be able to deal with the dissonance anymore. i haven’t been able to figure out the exact nature of it, whether i died at some point or just never existed in the first place, but i’m pretty sure whatever reality is this isn’t the ACTUAL one, just my weird looping corner of consciousness or something.
for some years (5?) i have been going in and out of phases of paranoia; specifically usually about people seeing things in my computer. i don’t know what, just that there is SOMETHING that if anyone sees it reality will entirely cease to function. when i’ve been more stressed sometimes i have also had to be careful to not think any of my passwords so people don’t hear them and get in and find the *something*.
right now i’ve not been particularly worried about that stuff, but it feels relevant because I think i was kind of right, if a bit misdirected, because i think the thing that’s keeping “me” here is the same thing i was afraid of being found, that if it’s revealed it’ll finally break the whole illusion. i just am not sure anymore if that’s something i should be avoiding or not. and there’s been something i’ve been looking for in patterns for so long that I just can’t quite consciously access because it’s literally locked away, not part of this reality, so no wonder i can’t quite figure it out.
either way, since Remembering at least some of the connection to *this* has become a lot less relevant to me. weird things that my conscious mind used to immediately just shut down find it slightly easier to come forwards, i can’t turn the lights off some nights because it’s too easy for things to start shifting around and getting way too spooky if i’m not careful, things crawl and move out of dark patches and shit and it sucks. and also things like eating just don’t feel relevant anymore, i do it if i need to to keep up appearances but its like knowing that these inputs are false has decoupled feelings of hunger stuff from actually wanting to eat. and that DID trigger me into relapsing w my ED and that tries to fill up my mind (and succeeds a lot of the time) but even that becomes irrelevant when i remember again
i just don’t know what i should be doing because some of this stuff is scary but i don’t want to keep running away. i feel like i SHOULD be just leaning into it and maybe the signs i’ve been trying to understand will come through more clearly but i’m still too stuck here and too cowardly to let the truth poke through this familiar pattern of things but i CAN’T live with this not making sense forever. i am clear enough that *this* reality is not convincing enough anymore but i don’t know how else to do it.
Hey anon! You're not a bother, and you're not in the wrong place. In fact, I'm happy you reached out!
So I'm going to be somewhat blunt and tell you that from where I'm standing, with the understanding I have of reality, the thoughts and feelings you are describing sound as if you are experiencing psychosis. Further, it sounds like a really lonely, scary place to be in your head right now, and I'm so sorry you are going through this without any proper support.
I'm thinking that the fact that you reached out to this account, speaks to the fact, that on some level you also feel as if these beliefs and experiences might not reflect consensus reality. I think it's extremely important to stress that that small feeling of doubt is actually precious and important.
It does NOT invalidate your suffering, it does NOT mean that you're "actually just being over dramatic" or whatever shit some people might say.
What I can tell you is that I, personally, benefited from seeking help for psychosis, at a time where I wasn't sure if there even was such a thing as "consensus reality" - that it was a tough journey, but in the end I came out feeling less alienated and scared all the time.
You speak of "THIS reality" not being convincing enough anymore - and I know the feeling all too well. But the thing about reality is that it's not just one thing. It's multi-faceted.
The thing I call "consensus reality" is like the "universally held truths" of the reality we all share in. But there are as many private realities as there are people perceiving the world.
Think of two people with different political viewpoints. They will be perceiving the same "reality", but they will be understanding it in a vastly different way.
When I say something sounds like psychosis, what I mean is, that it does not align with some key fundamentals/universally held truths of shared reality.
As an example, it is a part of my "reality" that I do in fact exist, and therefore, from where I'm standing, I'm unlikely to receive a message from a person who does not exist.
That does not mean, that within your private reality, at this moment, you "don't exist". But what I'm trying to communicate is that beyond the reality in which you "don't exist", your message reached me, in my reality, because in my reality you "do exist".
In my experience in and out of psychotic thinking, when my private reality gets super wonky, it's helpful to act "according to consensus reality/majority belief". When my own reality gets more coherent and easier to navigate, I can be critical of which "rules of consensus reality" are actually important, but when I'm in the trenches, I just try to somewhat blindly do what would be correct according to consensus reality.
So for example, I try to eat as "normal", to speak and act as "normal" etc. I have hard rules on myself about things I'm not allowed to do, no matter how correct they seem, or how out of whack reality appears. (Like hurting myself).
I don't know what you want to do anon, or what you are ready to do, but I really hope that you continue to exist in my reality, and I hope that eventually, you will feel as if you do in your own, as well.
I know these are really really difficult questions to grapple with. But you are strong, and I have a lot of hope for your future.
Psychosis may suck, but it is not the death sentence it's been made out to be, and most all psychotic people I know are the sweetest most understanding people ever. And you are welcome here, in our community.
So anon... I know this is not the best advice, but all I can say is... When you don't exist in your reality.. try to act as if you did. Fake it till you make it. I promise future you will be happy you continued to nurse the body/brain.
If you have access to any quality psychiatric and/or psychological care, it could be of benefit to you, but don't go before you feel ready.
I wish you so much good!!! Take care!
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tathastuedu · 25 days
Best IELTS Coaching in Delhi | Get 7+ Bands
Do you want to increase your IELTS bands to 7 or above? Now, if this is your goal then you have come to the right place in order to find the best IELTS coaching in Delhi which can help you achieve what you want. This blog post will discuss what it takes to pass in the IELTS exam, if it is realistic to pass it in one month, the importance of taking coaching classes, and if it is possible to choose the best IELTS institute in Delhi. IELTS exam is a test which is aimed at testing the English proficiency of a candidate and it consists of nine bands; most of the candidates target as a minimum band of 7 in IELTS exam to get through for higher studies or for professional courses. Here are some strategies to help you reach this target in each section of the exam:
Regular practice is crucial. Expose yourself to a variety of English audio materials like podcasts, news, or lectures using multiple accents or use study material provided by the best IELTS Coaching in Delhi. Learn how to take notes effectively so that to record necessary information within a short period. Practise writing under exam conditions using time you have set aside for the exam; this will help in time management Familiarise yourself with the exam format and question types – multiple choice and matching etc.
Read more by diversified resources like; newspapers, journals, magazines and books. This will make your vocabulary rich and improved your understanding skills. This will teach you how to skim and scan to quickly find the answer during the IELTS exam and manage your time better. It is easier to understand the questions by practicing it excessively following sample tests that have true/false/not given type of questions or multiple choice or summary completion and you will definitely achieve your desired score.
Emphasis on the information needed for both Task 1; description of visual information and Task 2; writing of an essay. When writing essays in IELTS exam, it is also important to keep a proper structure and to use paragraphs in the correct way to present your ideas in a logical manner. It will help in developing the vocabulary and employ varieties of structural frameworks appropriately. It is good to write essays and have other people proofread them in IELTS Coaching to make sure your writing is improving so that you can have better results in IELTS exam.
Use the spoken English section to increase fluency by speaking about a number of topics with continuous and natural speech. you should practice pronunciation and intonation as well as using a rich vocabulary and a variety of grammatical patterns. Do a few role play of speaking tests with a teacher at the IELTS Coaching in Delhi or friend to understand the test environment and get feedback on areas of improvement.
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General Tips
Make sure to plan and strictly follow a study schedule that can cover all four sections. The right materials: Use IELTS preparation books and practice tests or study materials provided by the IELTS Coaching institute. It is helpful to become a part of study groups as the additional motivation and possible insights can be of great use for the students. If this is the case then one may have to consider taking up an IELTS preparation course at the best IELTS Coaching in Delhi or a tutor who may offer one-on-one IELTS preparation.
 If you must improve your scores in each section of the IELTS exam and get at least an average band score of 7, these strategies and consistent efforts in practice are steps towards your desired score.
Is it worth taking IELTS Coaching?
IELTS Exam is the most important exam for those who wish to study, work, or eventually immigrate to English-speaking countries. Considerably risky, many test-takers begin to wonder if it is even worth spending money on IELTS coaching. Beginner investors can weigh up how it could help them by considering these points.
Structured Learning
Teachers create a certain structure when they coach students for IELTS exam. Professional coaches at the best IELTS Coaching institute in Delhi offer a systematic approach to mastering the four sections: Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking. It has the benefit of making candidates go over the entire content and not omit any parts that may be considered ‘comfortable’ knowledge zones.
Expert Guidance
The first major benefit associated with IELTS coaching is knowledge and expertise transfer. The trainers can assist the individual by giving specific feedbacks, highlighting functional weaknesses, or suggesting specific interventions. This method may be very effective for those students who find specific parts of the exam challenging.
Practice and Resources 
Teachers at IELTS coaching may be a good source of practice; many IELTS coaching centers have plenty of such aids, including test papers that mimic the actual exam. Taking practice tests under strict time restrictions also develops stamina and familiarity with the test structure. Also, there are various additional features only available in IELTS coaching centers that are helpful and not included in typical preparation books.
Motivation and Discipline
The key for many candidates is that a IELTS coaching center can be a strongly motivating place due to its discipline focus. The willingness to come to class and complete assignments ensures that they stay on task as regular progression cannot be achieved otherwise. IELTS Coaching classes Delhi also offer the students the necessary support group in the form of their peer group with whom they share and learn.
Cost Consideration
It is important to note that coaching for the IELTS can be financially costly, but it is also important to consider that this cost can be justified by the results that a candidate can achieve. Given that some immigrants or universities have certain band score requirements set for them to meet in order for the immigrant or to be accepted in the university respectively, the investment can be justified by the increased chances of scoring the required band score.
It is possible to say that the question about the necessity of IELTS coaching in Delhi largely depends on personal considerations, learning styles, and current performance or level of language skills and set goals. Those who seek a guided structure approach and need specific preparation IELTS coaching in Delhi now becomes an opportunity that increases the chances of success multipliers.
Is IELTS Difficult?
The IELTS is a test that is recognized internationally as a method of testing English language ability. I hear many test-takers ask, “Is IELTS hard?” While it may be challenging for some, IELTS exam can be easy if a test-taker is sufficiently prepared for the exam, knows the test structure, and has sufficient proficiency in the language.
Test Structure and Content  
IELTS comprises four sections: Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking. The IELTS test assesses each section covering different language skills; hence it is comprehensive. Hearing and Reading sections are sometimes perceived to be less challenging by those who have the capacity to understand what they hear or read pretty fast. But it might be even harder to prepare for the Writing and Speaking sections since fluency and the ability to convey thoughts in a coherent manner is required.
Individual Proficiency 
Another common trend that can be easily traced is that IELTS can be easy or hard depending on the candidate’s level of English knowledge. It is not much of a challenge to someone who uses English as first language or someone who has bilingual proficiency. On the other hand the exam can be quite tricky and stressful to those non-native speakers who might have had little or no exposure at all to the English language. Some of the important skills used in this section include the breadth of vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation controls as well as the ability to recognize accents in the Listening section. And one can easily learn these skills at the best IELTS coaching in Delhi.
Preparation and Practice  
Proper preparation can be the key factor reducing its excessive challenging nature for IELTS candidates. It is always useful to sit practice papers to become comfortable with the format of the test and to make use of preparation books and materials that are written specifically for the IELTS test. Repetition is important to develop the ability to manage time effectively, which is essential since each part has enough time limit. However, such people feel the need for a IELTS coaching or online resources to offer them the right structure for preparation for the exam.
Psychological Factors 
Test anxiety can also affect the perceived level of difficulty with the IELTS. Irritation and anxiety can hinder results – especially in the Speaking and Writing parts. Test-taking strategies from the best IELTS coaching in Delhi can be applied when dealing with anxiety before the exams like deep breathing and practicing under exam like conditions before the actual exams in order to increase the overall performance.
It is possible to say that IELTS is a rather difficult exam but the level of its difficulty is relative and it depends on different circumstances, including the candidate’s knowledge of English, appropriate preparation, and skills in answering the questions in the actual exam. Especially those who prepare systematically and extensively together with some amount of practice typically report that they can get the scores they want and thus the exam does not stand in their way from realizing their academic or professional aspirations.
How to choose the best IELTS coaching institute in Delhi?
The selection of the right institution or center offering the best IELTS coaching in Delhi can tremendously influence your preparation for the exam as well as the overall results. There are many alternatives to choose from and thus the need to make a choice. Below are the aspects you should keep in mind and look for in a coaching institute to assist you in getting the targeted IELTS score.
Reputation and Track Record 
The first thing that one should do is get information concerning the reputation and the performance of different institutes that offer IELTS coaching in Delhi. Consider institutes that have had successful pasts and graduates who left favourable feedback. The feedback from parents or those who have used the service in the educational forums is important to understand the effectiveness of coaching delivered. Also, helpful friends or family that has taken the exam, and they have something good to say about the experience.
Experienced and Qualified Instructors  
The experience and skills of the trainers form another major consideration of an IELTS coaching institute in Delhi. Make sure the institute hires teachers who are experts in this field and have been teaching for quite some time and have a command on the IELTS format and have great teaching techniques. Teachers should be in a position to give special feedbacks to the students, identify their individual deficiencies and suggest how they can perform better in each unit of the test.
Comprehensive Study Material  
Study preparation is important and the right study materials are important for any preparation to be effective. Determine whether the IELTS institute offers detailed and methodical study material that is manually presented in forms of books as well as practice tests and other resource online. The study material should comprise the 4 sections of IELTS – Listening, Reading, Writing & Speaking and should also have a number of practice tests and mock tests to give an examination like feel.
Teaching Methodology  
There are many teaching techniques used in a number of IELTS coaching institutes. Choose an institute that has a structured and systematic way of IELTS teaching methods. Lesson plans should not be teacher-centered but student active with an emphasis on all four skills. This institute should provide periodic test series, extra teacher support classes, and individual attention to all the students to increase their performance. Also, it is important to consider institutes that offer a wide range of, and more importantly, adjustable class hours for people with busy schedules.
Batch Size  
The number of students per group can play a crucial role in the quality of the instruction delivered by IELTS coaching institute. The use of small groups helps to construct attention and feedback to every particular student by the instructors. It also gives more room for interaction and also improves the student-teacher relationship. Asking questions about the average batch size and the average student-teacher ratio and then selecting a credible institute based on the answers is the best approach.
Infrastructure and Facilities  
IELTS coaching institute should be endowed with necessary infrastructure and resources for teaching. This includes provision of teachers with well equipped classrooms and audio-visual aides and provision of classroom accommodations that make learning comfortable. It is helpful to have a library with books and other materials that can be useful to them. Also, make sure that the IELTS coaching institute can offer online platforms for those who prefer distance learning methods.
Location and Accessibility  
Another factor that is relevant is the location of the coaching institute, as this can also be a significant issue due to heavy traffic. It should be located in such a place that transport can be easily availed. This will save you a lot of time and energy and let you spend more time prepping.
Cost and Value for Money  
Nevertheless, cost should not be the determining factor in making a selection, but it is important to consider an IELTS institute that provides the best value for money. Check and compare fees of various institutes and assess what they have to give in exchange – from quality of teaching to study material and tutorial support. It is also important to try the institute’s class through any mode of free session or demo class they offer before making the purchase.
Additional Support and Services  
Last but not least, the IELTS coaching institute in Delhi should provide additional services for the student who needs it. This can comprise of exam registration, visa guidance, and studying away from the home country. I would recommend such institutes that support students in every possible way as such institutes can deliver proper results for students who are planning to study further or wanting to have better careers in the English speaking countries.
Many factors should be taken into consideration when trying to select the top IELTS coaching institute in Delhi like Institute’s reputation, Quality of Tutors, Study material provided, Teaching method, Batch size, Infrastructure Facilities, Location, Fees, Additional support services etc. These aspects can be fully analyzed and considered in order to zero in on the IELTS institute that can support your IELTS band level requirements.
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laurensbookshelves · 7 months
Why You Should Start a Book Journal
It's 2023, and soon we'll be in 2024 where we give ourselves excuses to set goals that most of us will inevitably forget about or that we'll find a way to get out of, especially when it comes to reading. But what if you had something that could allow you to be productive, set goals, be creative, and so much more. I started my book journaling journey (whew, what a mouthful!), a couple of years ago and it's a hobby of mine that has become so fulfilling in such a short amount of time, that I just feel the need to share that passion with you guys, and hopefully this can inspire one of you to start a book journal too!
Since starting my journaling expedition my ability to analyze and comprehend a story has grown immensely, while also appreciating the story writing process. This ability to analyze has in turn made me a better book reviewer on my social media pages like Booktok and Instagram. This skill has helped improve my reviews because by writing down my thoughts and feelings it makes me think deeper and more analytically about the book, which gives me a deeper insight to reoccurring themes, character arcs, and any plot devices. This skill is also useful in developing your own writing skills both for fun, and if you were interested in the possibility of becoming a writer yourself.
One of my favourite parts of reading is the journey you go on, the characters, and story that you fall in love with on the way. However, part of the reading journey is looking back on moments that you don't want to forget, and remembering how you felt the first time you met your favourite character, or read your most beloved quote. When us readers fall in love with a book we want to remember it, and much to our annoyance we usually end up forgetting unless we write it down, or annotate it. This is where having a book journal can be really useful because by journaling your current reads or favourite books, you can never forget any of the knowledge gained, or the parts you never want to forget.
Many readers, specifically fiction readers, look to books as an escape from their current reality or as a way to live a hundred different lives. So when you decide to start a reading journal, eventually it can be something you look back on and may be able to pinpoint certain parts of your life, what was going on at that time, and the things you thought to be important during that time of your life. It's also a way to see the parts of the book that first caught your eye, or the characters that sparked your interest. A reading journal is a great way to physically see your life through books.
Starting a book journal can potentially help you with future readings, at least the ones you decide to pick up. Keeping track of your readings can show you reading patterns that you seem to gravitate towards. By taking notes it can allow you to see what aspects of the book you didn't like or were lacking, and the things you loved, or that transfixed you. You can use your annotations as a guide for future books you want to read. For instance, you won't need to have the readers debate on whether you'll like the book because you'll be better equipped to understand your reading preferences. It's also a way to discover what genres of books you like, especially if you're new to reading and trying to navigate your style. Not only can journaling improve future readings, but it may also help you to better communicate with your book friends. Talking about your passions can be hard sometimes, especially books because there's so much information being piled into small, compact thing, so having notes to look back on can make conversing with others easier. In turn you may even get feedback, or book suggestions from friends based on your reading preferences, which is always a win.
There are so many reasons to start a book journal, but the most important one to mention is that you can be any age. Journaling isn't designed for one group, you can do just about anything in a journal as a way of expressing yourself, and that has no age restriction. It's also compact enough that you can bring a journal with you anywhere, you just have to remember to pack it. Also, with gravitating towards being a more digital society we've made it easy to download digital journals, and there are hundreds of different layout to best suit your needs.
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k9andcompany · 10 months
Are you ready to say goodbye to pesky potty problems and ensure your pup is trained correctly? Whether you are a new dog owner or have been raising dogs for years, this guide has essential tips and tricks to ensure you and your pup succeed on your potty training journey.
Getting to Know Your Dog
Before you start potty training your pup, it’s essential to get to know them and develop a thorough understanding of who they are. Dogs have unique personalities just like us, so paying attention to their behaviors is essential to building a successful relationship and a better training experience.
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Preparing for Potty Training Success
When preparing for potty training boot camp, remember the basics! Stock up on items like pick-up bags, training treats, indoor crate pads or absorbent mats, and cleaning supplies — they’ll become essential during this process. Then, identify a designated potty spot outside in which to practice consistently.
Once your space and supplies are ready, it’s time for the last item you’ll need: time. Get ready to develop a schedule and routine for yourself and your puppy to ensure that they can consistently practice going potty in the appropriate location.
As a bonus tip, remember that crate training and potty training can go hand-in-hand — here’s a refresher on crate training that may supplement your potty training success.
Housebreaking 101
It’s time to implement potty training essentials into your routine, and the key points to remember are anticipation, consistency and scheduling, and positive reinforcement.
As an owner, it’s important to anticipate accidents and adequately deal with the aftermath when they occur. If you see your pup squatting down to potty, promptly take them outside and try not to let them do their business in the house. If you do this every time, they should eventually pick up the pattern!
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Consistency and Scheduling
Setting up a consistent environment conducive to learning is an integral part of successful potty training for your pup. Deviations from routine can deter your pup’s progress, so it’s crucial to create a routine for going to the bathroom and ensure your dog follows it with few deviations.
When deciding your dog’s potty schedule, be realistic! There are no hard and fast rules for when to take your dog out; the most important part is consistency. For example, you could take your pup out ten minutes after every meal or every other hour until you understand when the urge strikes. Whatever you decide, follow your schedule daily until you’ve got it down pact.
There are supplemental items that may make potty time easier to communicate, such as doorbells that a dog will nudge when he needs to go out. You may consider that as you get more advanced in your training, but it’s best to start simple!
Positive Reinforcement
Positive reinforcement is one of the most effective ways to train a dog, and potty training is no exception. Once you determine the type of motivation that works best with your dog, you can hone into the nitty gritty of potty training. When they do go potty outside, throw your own potty party! Celebrate the heck out of a job well done with treats, praise, and anything that lets them know they did right.
Maybe you’ve heard the (now antiquated) advice to “rub their nose” in their mess –it doesn’t actually accomplish anything, just instills distrust in your new puppy. Remember: be pawsitive for stellar results.
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The Final Steps
Successfully potty training your pup is achievable with guidance and patience. Learning your pup’s unique personality, stocking up on the right supplies, and creating a positive and consistent environment can make housebreaking a breeze. Finally, continually reinforce desired behavior over time to ensure lasting results. With practice, you’re sure to have a potty-trained champion!
Are you looking for your pup’s perfect accessories? Don’t forget to check out everything K9 & Company offers you and your beloved new pet.
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zamanroofing · 11 months
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Simsbury CT's Finest Roofer: Quality Roofing Services for Your Home
Whether you own a home or a business, your roof is one of the most essential parts of your building. It's not only about keeping the elements out, either; it's also about keeping your structure strong and efficient.
How Bad Weather Affects Your Roof
Depending on the time of year, residents in Simsbury, Connecticut can expect a wide range of climatic conditions. Your roof takes the full brunt of the weather, from the blazing sun to the biting cold, year round. Storms with lots of rain and high winds can also put your roof to the test.
Warping and cracking of shingles due to extreme heat can eventually lead to leaks and water damage. However, when temperatures drop to the point of becoming dangerous, roofing materials can become brittle and easily break or come loose during winter storms.
Roofs also face substantial obstacles from the weight of snow and rain. If you don't take care of any holes or crevices in your roof, water can leak in and cause rot, mold, and eventual structural failure.
In addition, roofer Simsbury CT are vulnerable to being blown off the roof by high winds. This leaves weak spots wide open for flooding in the event of future storms.
The importance of routine roof inspections is highlighted in light of the hazards posed by weather. If you can spot problems before they become major and expensive to fix, you can save yourself a lot of money. In the next installment, we'll delve deeper into methods for weatherproofing your roof.
Roofing Options in Simsbury, Connecticut
There are a number of things to think about when selecting the best roofing materials for your home in Simsbury, Connecticut. Extreme weather, such as heavy snowfall and powerful winds, is common in this region throughout the winter. This is why it's so important to choose weather-resistant materials throughout your home.
Asphalt shingles are a popular roofing material in Simsbury, Connecticut. These shingles are perfect for properties that are low on the housing market's priority list because of their low cost and high durability. They come in a variety of colors and patterns, so you can find one that suits your taste and works with the furnishings in your home.
Roofing material options may include metal. Metal roofing is commonly considered to be the safest and longest lasting choice. They can withstand severe weather conditions without deteriorating. You can save money on heating and cooling costs all year long by switching to metal roofing.
Considerations like cost, local weather, and aesthetics all play a role in selecting the best roofing material. A seasoned roofer in Simsbury, CT, can assist you in assessing your needs and making an informed decision.
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Advice for Taking Care of Your Roof in Simsbury, Connecticut
There are a few fundamental things to remember when it comes to roofer South Windsor CT. First and foremost, there must be constant monitoring. Having a professional roofer inspect your roof on a regular basis will help catch any problems early on, when they're easier and cheaper to fix.
Keeping the gutters free of debris is also essential for roof maintenance. Water pooling on your roof due to blocked gutters might eventually rot it. Preventing this problem can be as simple as keeping the gutters clean.
Any problems, no matter how minor, should be fixed right away. If roof leaks or broken shingles are ignored, the situation will only worsen. You can avoid having to make expensive fixes down the line if you take care of these problems quickly.
Services of a Qualified Roofer
In order to keep your roof in good condition and extend its lifespan, professional roofing services are essential. While there is certainly value in doing things yourself or using a handyman, there are also tasks that are better left to professionals.
Professional roofers can provide you an accurate assessment of your roof's condition. They may see problems that the untrained eye might miss. Because of the potential for weather damage, this is especially important for roofs in Simsbury, Connecticut.
Having professional roof maintenance done is a huge stress reducer. You can rest easy knowing that your roof is in good care, even when terrible weather comes. The life of your roof may be prolonged and your home protected from expensive repairs in the future if you invest in regular inspections and maintenance from reputable specialists in Simsbury CT, such as Roofer Simsbury CT, Roofer South Windsor CT, or Roofer Manchester CT.
Homeowners in Simsbury, Connecticut should inspect their roofs often to ensure their durability and safety. The elements, especially snow and wind, can take their toll on your roof over time. Roofing materials that are well suited to the climate in Simsbury may help it last longer.
Preventative Roof maintenance, such as cleaning the gutters and shingles, could end up saving you money. While there are many tasks that a homeowner may handle themselves, it's important to remember that there are others that are best left to experts.
Your roof's condition can be accurately assessed by a professional roofer in Simsbury, CT, or the nearby communities of South Windsor and Manchester. They will investigate it thoroughly to identify any issues that might not be visible to the naked eye.
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peterjose · 1 year
Aviator Tips & Tricks | Strategies for Online Aviator
Aviator is widely popular in India now. The reason is simple: It is fast, engaging, and offers big rewards. We list a few tips and tricks to excel in the Aviator game. Also, look at why the game is so prevalent in the country.
Aviator Game Tips & Tricks
Aviator, manufactured by Spribe Gaming in 2019, has quickly gained popularity. In this game, a plane starts to rise in a curve before it vanishes off the screen. Bettors have to cash out the winnings before the plane goes missing. The sight of multipliers increasing makes the game more exciting and rewarding. 
Several tips and tricks should be taken into account while playing Aviator. Here are a few of them:
Aviator Ins & Outs: While Aviator is not a game with a massive set of rules, it is essential to understand the key aspects of the game. One can maximize winnings with thorough knowledge of Aviator. Knowing what is 'Auto Cash Out' or tracking the previous multipliers will make a huge difference while playing the game.
Play Demo Game: To learn and develop strategies for Aviator or any other casino game, playing the demo version helps. It is very similar to the real money version. One can play unlimited rounds of Aviator and understand everything related to the game. Also, all the features in the real-money version are available in demo mode.
Use Aviator Stats: With plenty of information available, like previous multipliers, top multipliers of the day, bets placed by other players, etc., it becomes easier to learn in-depth about the game. Bettors can compile the stats and understand the patterns in the game - the more the use of stats, the merrier the Aviator experience.
Knowing a few tips and tricks will significantly benefit playing any casino game. However, the most important thing is to keep playing Aviator, be it a demo or for cash, for a while, and one will eventually master the game.
For more details you can also read about Jahaj wala game
Why is Aviator So Popular in India?
As mentioned above, Aviator has been a popular game, but do you know why it has been so popular among Indian online gaming enthusiasts? There are many reasons for it, so let's look at a few:
Simplicity: The Aviator game gives you a very simple feel the moment you start to play. There is a plane that starts to ride upwards, with which the odds also increase. You will have to cash out the winnings before the plane vanishes. It is straightforward to understand. Even those new to online gambling can quickly grasp it.
Rapid Pace: Aviator is a fast-paced game, and one can rapidly play many rounds. The plane starts flying the moment the game begins. The coefficient will keep increasing, and the winnings too. Meanwhile, once the game ends, the payout is also prompt.
High RTP: Return to Player (RTP) indicates the net return or winnings that a player will have upon placing the bets. At 97%, Aviator has an excellent RTP, attracting more players to the crash game. The RTP also indicates one can win consistently in the Aviator game.
Aviator is an online casino gamer's paradise. It is fast, simple, and has some wonderful graphics. Moreover, it is a thriller that keeps the bettors on the edge. Unlike some other games, Indian online gamers have made several videos and images on social media on Aviator, which is a testament to its popularity. 
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ashly-29 · 1 year
How to Skin an Animal Using a Skinning Knife?
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A skinning knife has a sharp, thin blade that is typically longer than the width of your thumb. The edge of the blade is also semi-sharp and becomes exceptionally sharp at the end of the blade to make it easy to cut through skin without dulling quickly. Blades on this knife may be either completely straight or curved slightly upward towards the front for easier cutting.
This knife is used for removing animal skins from parts like legs and flanks where bones are difficult to avoid. When removing a skin, the knife is held perpendicular to the skin and the skin is slowly worked towards the cutting end of the blade until it eventually reaches it.
A good quality knife will have a blade made from high-quality steel with a fine edge. The edge should be sharp enough to cut easily and won't dull too quickly. The best blades also have a long and thick spine to help improve their strength, making them less likely to break during use.
Also, consider what kind of animal or game you will be skinning your meat from before buying this knife. A larger game like deer or boar may require a bigger knife so keep that in mind before purchasing one.
Method of Skinning an Animal:
Skinning is a task that most people would rather avoid. It’s messy, unpleasant, and can be dangerous if you don’t know what you are doing. Even if you do know what you are doing there will be some blood and guts to deal with.
That said, there is no reason to fear skinning an animal. If done correctly it can actually be quite painless for the animal. As long as the knife edge is sharp and your hands are clean, it will go very quickly with minimal suffering on behalf of the animal being butchered...
Here are the steps to skin an animal using your skinning knife:
Step 1: 
Start with a clean animal. I suggest you keep it in water overnight to allow the blood to drain out. In most cases, it is preferable to have an animal fully bleed out. This will help you keep all of the meat away from the spinal cord, leaving you with a cleaner cut in the back end of your animal. 
Instead of skinning an animal completely dry and bare, follow these steps and use some kind of broth or liquid as your base for cleaning up any mess. 
Step 2: 
Find the spine along the backbone (the curve of a spine is called a thoracic vertebra). You can usually feel this at this point without having to go through some hard work. The spine will be stiff and will usually stick out like a sore thumb.
Step 3: 
Once you find the spine use your skinning knife to cut through it. You want to keep your knife as flat as possible against the bones so that you don’t accidentally cut too deep. The skin can be a little tougher than the meat, but with practice, this skill comes naturally...
Thumb pressure is usually all that is needed in a clean kill when using a sharp blade. You can put pressure on top of the blade or put your thumb on the back of the blade right behind where it meets up with your hand. The knife should slide into the skin without resistance.
Step 4: 
Clean the wound. Use whatever is present on your knife for cleaning up blood and clearing meat from around the spine. This is a good time to start cleaning up meat and any remaining blood that was not removed.
Step 5: 
Pulling cuts usually pull more meat away from the outside of a carcass than just pulling straight down. This is why you want to make your cut as low as possible along the back. Once you have cleaned up all of the mess, you can move on to your final cuts using some sort of liquid or broth for lubrication. The liquid should go on the meat and not the bone.
Step 6: 
Tie off the hide at any recognizable pattern. A good way to do this is to fold the hide over itself in no more than four places. Cut off any excess skin. This will be messy with just a knife, but a chainsaw or other saw capable of cutting through thick hides can help speed things up. Using an electric skinning knife with a sharp razor blade will provide the cleanest cut.
Step 7: 
Trim off anything you may have missed in the previous steps. Remember to use your common sense. If you don’t need it, don’t cut it out. At this point, I like to mix everything together in what I call my “cleaning broth”. It is basically water mixed with whatever scraps I have laying around like blood and meat trimmings.
How to Protect Your Knife?
What’s the key to maintaining a clean, sharp edge on your skinning knife? You need to know how to care for it properly. And the first step is the cleaning and drying the knife. But that’s only part of it— you also need to store and sharpen your blade so it stays razor-sharp, too. 
It may seem like a lot of work, but once you know what you're doing there's no better tool for outdoorsmen than a good skinning knife. Here are a few tips to help you get the job done right, every time.
First and foremost don't touch your knife with your bare hands. Instead, wear rubber gloves (or an old pair of socks), or use some sort of skinning glove. If you don't want to buy a new pair of gloves every year, just remember that they can be washed and dried the same way as your hands. And it's pretty easy to wash the ones that come up over time and get raggedy at the fingertips.
Keep gloves on while you sharpen the knife too. In winter, snow can make a sharpening stone or bench stone slide around, making even simple knife maintenance inefficient and frustrating. When washing your knife after each use, pay attention to how much dirt gets ground into the blade because it will show up on the final edge when it's time for sharpening.
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