cilly-murphy · 7 years
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#never fuck with molly fucking weasley
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wizenqamot · 7 years
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OF THE SACRED TWENTY EIGHT: [1/?]  → Regulus Black
But Master Regulus had proper order; he knew what was due to the name of Black and the dignity of his pure blood. For years he talked of the Dark Lord, who was going to bring the wizards out of hiding to rule the Muggles and the Muggle-borns... and when he was sixteen years old, Master Regulus joined the Dark Lord. So proud, so proud, so happy to serve...
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salazarslytherin · 7 years
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hp meme ~ [4/5] - deaths
4/5 - bellatrix lestrange
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rmusluqin · 7 years
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@hpminorcharnet creation event: minor muggleborns
hp social media au: colin creevey
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put the number of posts you have in the tags and pass it on
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poseidcn · 7 years
become the sun.
drabble: lightning era
word count: 933
the sundown series. night three.
there were many things harry wanted to leave behind, after the war. there were so many times when his heart would just plummet at the sight of an object, robbed of its use.
there were too many things that would cause of rush of tears with just a second look.
because the war took its toll on the wizards and witches, and most fled away without batting an eyelash.
but the ones who stayed didn’t really stay because too many things had changed and home wasn’t really home anymore.
a look at ron would remind harry of the countless times his best friend had risked his life for him, back to the days of being eleven again— and the feeling of being eleven never really left harry. the undeniable emotion of loneliness crept in and somehow harry felt like he had lost everything even when he knew he had nothing in the first place. and some days ron would offer a sandwich or a cup of tea to his best friend while in their months of being twenty, and all of a sudden there’s this pain in ron’s chest because everything was all the same when too much had been stolen from him.
a look at hermione would remind ron of how everyone had fought through their battles and found a shed of light along the way, just enough to reach the end of their journey. he wondered what guided fred into that light— what had held fred with that much love; enough for him to get away? but hermione was there to comfort him, to slowly mend the broken pieces of his heart with just the touch of her fingers. the times when hermione laced her hands into ron’s felt like being seventeen again; the butterflies in her stomach that had never left. and she, too felt like everything was all the same when too much had been stolen from her.
a look at harry would remind hermione of how some warriors fought in battles they never wanted; the battles what were etched upon their skin and engraved in their bones. how everything happened for a reason, and how a butterfly from long ago could cause a hurricane, a hurricane strong enough to drown out even the brightest of stars. and one day hermione passed by draco malfoy, and even she wondered if the gods above liked to play cruel games with the mortals below. but draco held his head up high, his stride fast and paced; this burning sensation constantly gnawing away at his arms, the eagerness to run far, far away from here. he decided when the glares were too harsh and the whispers were too loud that everything was all the same when too much had been stolen from him.
a look at neville would remind draco of how good things come to those who believed, believed in the people they loved and believed in the good causes they fought for. a look at neville would create this underlying feeling of envy and cold-blooded emptiness because draco too, could have had that but he had no way out. but he did. he took the coward’s way out. he accepted his fate, when neville fought and fought and finally he received what he deserved. and on any other day when draco passed by any other young man with unruly, windswept jet-black hair, he felt his heart leap out of his throat, because he wished he could turn-back time and go back. go back to where it all started, and change everything. because he knew, he too deserved redemption.
a look at draco would remind luna of how the moon rises, just to reflect the sun’s light. luna relived the past, over and over, wishing eternally that she could have done something more; more to help out her friends she knew were hurting so much on the inside. the times when her eyes would glaze over the thestrals, her eyes darkening when she sees the other students flinch for the first time because she too, understood. but finally she realized that somethings were meant to be, that the gods were telling them something when draco apologized, when hermione forgave, when ron stepped up, when neville held out his hand, when harry had this unforgettable look in his eyes as the sun fell below the horizon, his hands reaching out towards the light, finally free of whatever held him back.
a look at luna would remind neville to continue being fascinated in the wonders of the world, the ways of the people and the emotions of the unwanted. how everyone could get better and become even stronger through hardships and a lending hand from another friend. because like luna said, the gods were telling the mortals something. that whatever happened throughout their journey carved another road to their destination, uncovering another brilliance they would have never discovered otherwise. and neville wanted to thank the gods, he wanted everyone to realize that everything happened for a reason because it was meant to be.
what was meant to be is what created you, meaning that the stardust in your veins shined a radiance unbeknownst to your own because you were chasing sun; soaring in vibrancy, constantly. and the sun was just a giant star, and soon you will be too, with the rest of the world chasing you forward.
and neville wished that everyone knew that.
because he too, knew that even though everything was almost stolen from him, the ones who stayed behind were the ones who mattered the most. and right now, he was just a star, glowing faintly. but one day, one day he believed that he will grow powerful and become incandescent, enough to become the sun of all of the stars and be chased.
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gryffindorkxdraws · 7 years
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The Marauders
“We solemnly swear that we are up to no good. On this fortnight of October 31st, 1975, the four Marauders agree to follow each other until death do us part. We also agree to always keep secret the Great Power that we possess. Oh, yes- and one more thing. To make Snivellus's life during and after Hogwarts a living hell.
Signed (in no significant order), Padfoot Moony Prongs Wormtail”
― Mordred, Forever Alive
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derrickperegrine · 7 years
sorry daddy i've been bad 😈
hey ash ☠️☠️
circle of hell: first (limbo) | second (lust) | third (gluttony) | fourth (greed) | fifth (wrath) | sixth (heresy) | seventh (violence) | eighth (deception) | ninth (treachery)rank: first hierarchy | second hierarchy | third hierarchy | nobilityrealm: empyreal | aerial | subterranean | lucifugous | aqueous | terreneemblem: spider lilycharacter sketch: you take your glasses off and press your hands to your tired eyes. the worst part of hell isn’t the torture and suffering; really, it’s the unending paperwork and bureaucracy. as the president of lies and marquess of illusions, you have to deal with unending amounts of drafting and writing out deceptions and paranoias, getting it through to the lower-ranking demon clerks, having it approved by good ol’ lucifer himself, before you can hand it to some first hierarchy demons to pass onto their subjects. it’s really not a job for the lazy and fainthearted. luckily, you are a resilient and responsible abomination, and you’re fairly quick on your end of the deal – a truly rare quality in hell; since everything lasts forever, a lot of idiots end up taking a reeeaaaally long time on their work. moreover, your familiarity with the system means that you can often figure out shortcuts and loopholes that help speed up things and keep things interesting ;) your diligence and work ethic earned you a high-ranking position, and you’re currently flying high (or low, considering that you’re down in hell). most of the major sins involving misunderstanding and lying can be traced back to your department. often, when the target is big enough, you’re allowed to ignore regulation and carry on your own mission. it usually ends up being something quite elaborate, and becomes the talk of the entire office. it’s certainly rewarding work, and as long as you keep the coffins in the eighth circle burning, you’re good by lucifer’s books.patrons: lucifer, balamrivals: zaphkiel, razielsong: black mambo, glass animals
reb celebrates 666
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theodorenctt · 8 years
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url edits : @cedricdiggory
go on, take it! you saved me, take it!
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whizardwheezes-blog · 7 years
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☗| the sharp knife of a short life |☗
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cilly-murphy · 7 years
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Happy New Year, Potterheads!
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pansyp · 7 years
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400 follower url moodboards: @cedricdiggory
want one?
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salazarslytherin · 7 years
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happy birthday, NEVILLE FRANK LONGBOTTOM, born July 30th, 1980
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toxicroak · 8 years
i'm sorry to hear about how you feel, but glad you're prioritizing yourself ❤❤ take good care lovely! hope you find happiness & stability
thank u sososo much 💖
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gryffindorkxdraws · 7 years
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Gryffindor Couple
Aries x Pisces
I betcha didn't know, you started up a chain reaction, I saw no intention on your face, It must have been some kind of chemical attraction. I felt a spark, left a mark I can't erase.
— Simple Plan
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cilly-murphy · 7 years
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Harry Potter best book moments - Order of the Phoenix, p. 851
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