#e; harry potter
rrosamariaa · 9 days
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modern times sirius black's search history at some point:
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lunarlivs · 2 months
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harry and friends ◡̈
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fandom-geek17 · 1 year
Do I have a thing for a redhead and a black haired falling head over heels for each other?
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………..it’s a possibility…..
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inkyarcturus · 2 months
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And what if they were to just continue existing here and nothing bad ever happened to them-
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The Dark lords nanny - upcoming fic
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-(y/n) had known Tom during school, being his age and in the same house, she'd grown up with him and watched him become a dark, tall, and handsome young man. He disappeared soon after graduation and soon after the name 'Voldemort' began to echo through the wizarding world, the new dark lord.
And (y/n), a for-hire nanny/governess, gets a curious call from someone she once knew, an offer to be Voldemorts, or as she knew him-Tom Riddle's, live-in nanny for his newborn son, his heir.
she takes the job, it's good money with a nice room and free food, and the place she moves into, the dark lord's new manor, is very nice and big-she hardly interacts with him anyway, giving all her attention to young Mattheo who grows quickly and gets attached to her like super glue. so far, she has no regrets about being the Dark lord's nanny, and she's only 3 months in.
What she doesnt know however, is things between her and the dark lord-her boss-are about to change.-
yeaaah i wanna write this so bad-just gotta figure out the actual story line first, i just have little flashes/scenes in my head rn lol
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Guys, this is Tomarry to me; and you can't say otherwise because I can't hear you LALALALA —
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isogenderskitty · 1 month
people who’ve only seen hatchetfield: starkid has like practically no gay characters :/
the avp trilogy which has been sitting right there for probably most of their lives and is the foundation of everything:
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plus these less explicit more headcanony (but like, BARELY) examples that i really think are worth mentioning as well, i have receipts don’t tempt me i will literally make an entire video about this stuff (and i might actually):
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blackcathjp · 8 months
love fics where draco discovers harry has a praise kink. they'll be making out or something when draco mumbles a compliment like, "you feel so good, you're doing so well for me." which makes harry's brain short circuit and go fuzzy, letting out extremely turned on whimpers against draco's lips while his hips stutter and grind harder against draco.
draco's eyes widening in response, realizing, "oh, my sweet little thing. you like it when i say you're being good for me, huh? look at you, you're shaking, so sweet, so hot. fuck, you're mine, all mine."
harry just combusts from the sweet praise, which is barely even dirty talk, but it feels much sweeter and hotter, making him come untouched, babbling, "yes, i'm yours, all yours draco, fuck."
harry loves draco's voice so much. so voice + praise kink = a very hot and turned on harry. he also likes complimenting draco because he gets so flustered and stutters more, trying to act like he's unaffected but his skin hides nothing - it's a dead giveaway with how pink his ears and cheeks turn.
but harry gets so much hotter underneath, and even more when draco's so mindlessly overcome with pleasure that he can't stop talking.
in conclusion: harry has a huge praise + voice kink, draco likes sharing (and making harry beg him to talk). sometimes, draco purposefully keeps quiet, only moans and grunts, but harry wants more, begging, "please please, i wanna hear you, please draco, i'm being good for you right 🥺🥹?"
draco smirks. he's so easy.
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maryfromwork · 1 month
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None of these have anything to do with each other but uh..
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bubblegump-1-nk · 6 months
Shall I Write It in a Letter
pairing: Gryffindor!Reader x Theodore Nott
summary: In which Theo wakes up one morning and realizes he can no longer not have you, so he writes you a letter. But when that letter gets lost, things become complicated. - inspired by Anne with an E; song: Bloom by The Paper Kites.
Warnings: angst that could be fixed by simple communication 😒, hints of cheating
P.S: I super duper highly recommend to listen to the songs either before, during, or after you read my fics . Not only do they encapsulate what the fic is about, but they’re also just super good songs!! <33d
Christmas break had been in session for about a week and a half, and Theo was spending his time off at home. Although he was sad to be away from his friends, he was happy for the much needed alone time.
The sun was shining brightly through the dark velvet curtains in his room, and he slowly woke up from his dreams. As his eyes fluttered open, he felt a pang of pain in his heart. His dream had been of you, specifically of kissing your soft lips on a warm summers day by the Black Lake. He’s found that more recently than ever, his head is full of you, as is his heart. As he’s laying in his bed, he closes his eyes once more, trying to hold onto the bits of you he won’t ever experience. In this moment, thoughts of you more prevalent than ever before, he realizes he doesn’t have to not have you. Quickly, becoming fully awake, he springs out of his bed and walks quickly to his desk.
He pushes all the papers and miscellaneous items off the surface, and pulls out a paper and quill. He’s become fully aware of just how much he longs for you, and why should he not be able to tell his best friend that he’s in love with her? He’s been yearning for your love for as long as he can remember, and it has finally transformed him into a fool, giving him the confidence to express his love for you.
My dearest y/n,
I’ve found that you’ve been circling my thoughts more than usual lately, so much so that I can hardly call them my own anymore. I think about you all the time, yet I’ve been too much of a coward to say anything. But I’ve realized that I don’t want to wake up one day, either in the near future or in the years to come, and regret not trying, because of pride, or embarrassment, or just simple fear. I need to escape this torture chamber I’ve made for myself, where I must hold you at arms length though I know I wish for nothing more than to be wrapped in your embrace at all hours of the day. So I need you to tell me if it’s all in my head. That the lingering touches and longing stares are just simple delusions I’ve created in my mind. But if they’re not, and Merlin how I hope they’re not, I’m telling you here and now that I am in love with you y/n l/n, and I don’t think I can bear to be apart from you any longer. I also want to go ahead and apologize for telling others I loved you, that they knew before you did, but to be fair I think everyone knew before I did, too. You are my breath of fresh air, the light in all my darkness, my proof that life is pure and good and that happiness is achievable. I may not be a religious person, but if worshipping you was a religion I’d be its most devoted follower. And if my feelings are not reciprocated, please find a way to put this past you because I could not endure losing you as my best friend as well.
Yours Forever, Theo.
After pouring his heart out onto the page, he carefully placed it into an envelope, wrote your name on it, and walked to give it to owl. After sending it away, he walked back to his room, his anxiety suddenly crashing through. Thoughts swarmed his head: She doesn’t love me, I’ve ruined everything, I should stop it from reaching her. But his heart quickly stopped his brain from doing too much damage. You needed to know or else Theo would live in agony for the rest of his life. Upon reaching his room, he sat back at his desk and sent letters to each of the Slytherin boys, confessing what he’s done. He even slipped a copy of the letter to Mattheo, the only one he felt he could truly trust with that piece of his heart.
It had been two days since the letter had been sent. Had his owl reached you by now? Had you seen it? What were you thinking?
He was an utter mess, his mind swarming with questions and his body teeming with anxieties.
Soon it was 4 days, then 6, then a week, and then the last day of break rolled around the corner. Still he had received no response from you, perhaps you wished to talk in person? His heart hoped that that was the answer, and that the lack of a letter was not your rejection
You got onto the train just as it was about to take off, thanks to your missing jumper. The train was packed with kids saying their hellos and catching up, and with much effort you finally found Harry, Hermione, and Ron and got inside the compartment.
“Is it just me or is it crazier than usual?” You ask as you sit down.
“Definitely crazier, apparently Lavendar and Parvati got into a huge fight over break so everyone’s running around to hear about it.” Hermione explains as she hands you some candy she bought for you.
You say your thanks and continue talking with your friends when there’s a knock on your compartment.
“Hi Dean!” You say as you get up to slide open the door. You step out quickly to talk with the tall Gryffindor boy.
You have a friendly conversation, lasting about 10 minutes before entering the compartment again.
“What was that about.” Ron asks, before anyone else has the chance to.
“I saw him at Diagon Alley over the break and he asked me out. We hung out a couple times over the break.” You explain.
“Never would have expected that one.” Says Harry.
You raise you eyebrow at him, “and why would that be?”
“Just always assumed it would be Nott.” Harry says.
“I can’t just sit around like a fool waiting for him. He’s shown he just sees me as his best friend and the quicker I get over him the better.” You explain.
“But, he hasn’t shown you that he feels that way.” Explains Hermione, who is team Theo and y/n.
“He hasn’t shown me any differently. Wake me up when we get there I’m taking a nap.” You say, tired of constantly being reminded of your inability to be with Theo.
You arrive at the castle, and you make your way through the crowds to find your Slytherin friends. Just as you spot their group, Dean Thomas stops you.
“Hey, I’ve saved you a seat next to me, ok?” He asks, while his hands snaked around your waist.
“Thanks, I’ll be right there.” You say to him, giving him a small smile before turning your attention back to the group
“Merlin.” Theo says, causing the group to turn their heads. He had seen you walking around the crowd, and had turned away quickly when you had finally spotted them. He hadn’t seen you on the train and obviously hadn’t received your letter, so a part of him still hoped that you just wanted to talk to him in person. His anxiety began to take over him when he saw you walking towards him - would you tell him to fuck off? That he’s some sort of creep best friend? Or would you tell him that your heart beat for him? - that’s when he saw it. Dean Thomas gripping your waist and you sending him that sweet, tooth rotting smile his way.
“Oh shit.” Said Mattheo, who had been the first to spot the pair.
“Fuck that’s messed up.” Said Draco.
“I’m sorry mate.” Enzo said, patting Theo’s shoulder.
“How’d that even happen?” Asked Blaise, confused because he had never really seen you interact with Dean.
Mattheo sent him a look, warning him to drop it.
“Let’s just get out of here.” Mattheo said, gently grabbing Theo’s arm, pulling him away towards the dining room.
Theo could still feel his heart breaking, each shard falling to the pits of his stomach and stabbing him. He got his answer at least, not only did you not love him, you clearly didn’t care enough about him to even write back to him. And now, his God-sent Angel, was flaunting around with another man. How could the sweet girl he grew up with, the one that showed him that even salt could be beautiful, break his heart and crumble its pieces in your fist?
You were confused when you suddenly saw the group leave, making their way into the dining hall. You tried to get to them, but the crowds of people pushed you back until finally, you realized it was fruitless when the crowd began pushing you back towards the Gryffindor side of the Great Hall. You decided to just sit down, and that you would try to find the group, Theo specifically because you missed him deeply, after dinner.
Dinner passed quickly after the tedious sorting ceremony. You talked with your friends and caught up with those around you, sneaking glances towards the Slytherin table as often as possible. Finally, Dumbledore dismissed the students and you all made your way towards your common rooms. Since it was the first day back, teachers were making sure students went directly to their rooms, leaving you no time to find the Slytherins. You decided it would be best for you to just wait until tomorrow, though you thought you might implode if you spent one more second away from Theo. A thought that made you feel instantly guilty when Dean appeared at your side.
The next day rolled around, and still you hadn’t been able to get ahold of the Slytherins. If you hadn’t known any better, you would have assumed they had been avoiding you. Finally, right before lunch you entered the library to grab some books when you saw the boys congregated in the back. You made your way over to them, carefully stepping around the stacks of books Madame Pince was reorganizing.
Once you finally reached the group, you went to announce your presence before Theo looked away from Draco (who was telling some boring anecdote) and looked down at you. Before you had any time to give him a smile or say your hello’s, he detached himself from the group and stormed right past you, through the stacks of books, and out the door. You stood shocked, facing the doors before finally turning back around to face the group. Your face was painted with an expression of confusion, which only deepened you received a nasty look from Enzo.
“We’ll be on our way now.” Said Enzo, walking past you with Blaise following close behind.
What..?” You finally managed to get out in your state of shock.
“Listen, y/n, just do us all a favor and leave us alone, especially Theo.” Mattheo said, in quite a rude tone before walking passed you. You stood confused and shocked at the interaction that had just unfolded. What had you done? Why were the boys mad at you? What had you done to Theo?
“I just have no idea what it could possibly be.” You said to Hermione, as you paced around your dorm room, recounting the story from earlier.
“Maybe it’s Dean. Maybe he’s just jealous.” Hermione offered.
“No, but I’ve had flings with guys before, and it’s not like he hasn’t been with girls before. It’s some thing deeper than that I know it.” You state, picking at your fingernails.
“And your sure you haven’t done anything? I mean you can’t think of one thing that could possibly have led to this?” Hermione asks, just as confused about the situation as you.
“Yes, I mean I literally cannot think of one thing that could have led to this. I would never hurt Theo, ever.” You say, plopping down on you bed, exasperated by the days events.
“I’m sorry y/n but I have absolutely no idea why they’re acting like this.” Hermione said, sad she couldn’t be of more help.
“It’s fine Hermione, it’s not your fault. I’m just going to go to bed.” You say, wanting this nightmare to end.
Could you really be losing your best friend to a reason unknown to you? Not only can you not be with the man that you love because he doesn’t reciprocate your feelings, but now you may have just lost him completely. You fall asleep after hours of rolling back and forth contemplating your complicated relationship with Theo, and even in your unconscious state you cannot escape him because he peeps into your dreams.
The following week is agony. Your best friend won’t talk to you, let alone allow himself to be in the same room as you, the boys you’ve known since childhood give you nasty looks every chance they get, you have to entertain a relationship with Dean your not even sure you want to get into and your teachers are stuffing you with assignments. All you need is a good party with lots and lots of alcohol. Once Friday afternoon finally rolls around, you can feel a slight weight lift from your shoulders.
You walked into the Slytherin common room with Dean. Pansy, Daphne and some other Slytherin girls hosted the first party since break and seeing as you’ve been close with them since 1st year, you were clearly invited. You decided you were going to look your absolute best for this party: you’re makeup was flawless, your hair done to perfection, and the corset and low-waisted mini skirt you were wearing was doing your figure perfect justice.
“Fuck me.” Said Theo as he saw you walk in with Dean. “I’m going for a smoke outside.” He says.
“Need company?” Mattheo asks, not wanting to leave his vulnerable friend alone.
“Nah mate, thanks though.” He says, before walking outside quickly, before he can see anymore of you.
It had only been a few minutes, and you had already downed about 3 drinks. Once the alcohol started to hit, you detached yourself from Dean’s grip making up some excuse, before finding your way towards the Slytherin boys.
You spotted Mattheo sitting on the arm rest of a couch, sipping out of a plastic cup. You walked up to him, hips still swaying to the music.
“Where’s Theo?” You stated, once you reached him, your confidence booming.
“What do you want?” Mattheo asks, looking up at you with contempt.
“I need to find Theodore Nott. Where is he?” You state.
“You have some serious nerve.”
“What?” You ask, taken aback.
“Listen, y/n, you’re once of my closest friends, but Theo’s my best mate. And what you did, that shit’s just fucked up. Like seriously, I didn’t even know you were capable of that.” He says, disgust leaking out of his words.
“I’m sorry?” You say, confused by his words.
“Merlin y/n, I mean how dull can you be? You just expect everything to be all right after you not only completely ignore his letter where he fucking tells you he fucking loved you, but you turn up with some Levski (famous quidditch chaser) wannabe? I mean that’s some next level shit.” Mattheo says, getting up as he presents his rage induced speech.
“What letter?” You say, unaware of what he’s talking about.
Mattheo just stares at you, stuttering to get some words out.
“I said: what letter, Mattheo?” You say, much more sternly.
“Wait, so you’re telling me you never received it?” Mattheo asks, in shock.
“I don’t even know what I didn’t receive.” You say, exasperated.
“Just, wait right here, I’ll be right back!” Mattheo says, before running up the stairs towards the dorms.
You stand there in shock, your adrenaline pumping. Had you heard him right? Theo had sent you a letter confessing his love to you? How had you missed it?
“Here! Here! I have it!” Mattheo yelled, running towards you, waving a piece of parchment around in his hand.
“This. One.” Mattheo says, between breaths as he reaches you, handing you the parchment.
You rip it from his hands, reading it quickly yet thoroughly. Tears brim at your eyes, did he really feel this way? Merlin you felt so stupid, how could this have gotten lost?
“I-I…” you stuttered, unaware of what to say.
“Outside. He’s outside. Go!” Mattheo said, stilling catching his break.
“I- ok, thank you!” You say, before quickly running out the door, finding your way outside.
You see Theo sitting outside, smoking a cigarette. His face is illuminated by the moonlight and you swear in that moment that you’ve never seen anything more beautiful.
“Theo! Theodore!” You yell to him, as you run towards his figure. The grass was still wet from the rain that had fallen earlier that day, and the blades of grass began to stick to your calfs.
Theo looks at you, before getting up and attempting to escape you.
“Theo, wait, please! Mattheo just showed me the letter! I never got it!”
He stopped in his tracks, and slowly turned around.
You finally catch up to him, breathing heavily.
“I never got your letter, I didn’t know about it until just now.” You explain, showing him the letter Mattheo had given you.
“What?” He said again, bewildered by what was going on.
“I wasn’t ignoring you, or your feelings. I just never got to read about them until tonight.”
“So, you’re telling me you never received it, at all?”
“No. I never got a letter.” You explain, your eyes searching his for some hint of how he was feeling.
“Did you read it?” Theo asked slowly.
“Yes, just now I did.”
“And…” Theo asked, hope returning to him and hitting him like a truck. He was filled with anxieties and he felts his stomach doing flips waiting for you to answer.
“Of course I’m in love with you, I thought I made it so obvious!”
“I thought I made it obvious!” Theo said with a laugh, all negative feelings and thoughts leaving his body and head at your confession.
“My heart quite literally beats for you, Teddy. I’ve never been so scared then when I thought I was losing you.”
“Really?” He asks. His eyes are lit up and he can barely contain his smile
“Yes you idiot!” You say, smiling wildly
“What about Dean?” He asks, afraid.
“Fuck Dean! It’s only ever been you, Teddy. It’ll always be you.” You say, staring up at him with nothing but love and devotion.
“Does this mean that you’ll have me?” He asks, grabbing your hands.
You nod vigorously, unable to get any words out as tears of happiness are threatening to spill if you utter a single word.
And with that, Theo dips down and kisses you. The kiss is deep and passionate. You two explore each others mouths, and your hands explore each others body. You taste every bit of each other, and feel each others hair, faces, arms, waists, chests, in ways that you’ve never felt before. You take this chance to make up for all the lost time you’ve spent pining for each other in secret. The kiss is hungry, yet gentle and Theo holds you close, as if if he doesn’t hold you as tightly as possible you’ll slip away from him. After a few minutes he pulls away, touching your forehead to his and holding your face in his hands.
“I’m so so sorry for believing the worst in you. I was just in so much pain. Ignoring you was the hardest thing I’ve ever done” He states, referring to the week prior.
“It’s ok, Teddy. Let’s not worry about that now.” You say, causing his lips to come crashing down on yours again.
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rrosamariaa · 5 days
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Them being sarcastic little shits together is so important <3 It's self deprecating jokes with your convict ex boyfriend hours
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mrsmikaelsxn · 2 years
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Pretty Girl Lovestruck A Malfoy And A Potter
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Flower Crowns Drunk In Love Injured On Purpose Pride and Pigeons I Can't Lose You
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Dating Theo Headcanons Tired
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His Obsession What Did You Do Muggle Activities
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Rest Birthday Girl
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Water Fountain Kisses Revealed Feelings ABBA Marathon
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Rainy Day Reads
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Morning Ice Skating Troublemakers
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Summertime Sunsets
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Mall Of Magic Marry Me Breaking The Code
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Ecstasy Of The Heart Oblivious To Love
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Santa Klaus Stay With Me Dating Klaus Headcanons Tears Of The Sky
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Christmas Shenanigans
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Sleepy Girl
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Kissing Tears
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Simp Rafe Headcanons Dada's Sleeping Wife With Migraines Headcanons
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Hangover Cuddles Drunk Bliss Puppy Love
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New Girl Promise Forever
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sweetiecutie · 2 years
okay, so wrote abt Theo fucking reader but, what if the reader here decides to take control and make Theo feel good. like i think Theo would just die there
Warnings: pure filth, beware
Based off this post
Omg I’m just imagining gently pushing on Theo’s chest, ushering him to lay down, and then getting on top of him, knees pressing into his sided as you smile cheekily down at him and Theo is all blushed, staring up at you in utter awe not even blinking🫣. And then you trace your hands down his torso, goosebumps breaking out on his sensitive skin wherever your fingertips were mere moments ago, and boy just melts. Every thought leaving the handsome smart head of his, and Theo just lays there underneath your comforting weight, hands gripping on your ass and thighs shakily, ready to take everything, and I mean everything, you’re about to give him.
You wanna ride him? - He’s gonna babble some nonsense mixed with pleas of “don’t stop” and “more, fuck, need more”, pretty hazel eyes rolling back at the intensity of the pleasure. Or maybe you want to sit on his face? - Baby, your seat is always ready - he’s gonna eat your pussy so fucking good and the possibility of him cumming in his pants before you’re even finished is way way higher that you may think it is. Or, perhaps, you want to give him a handjob? Or blow him? It really doesn’t matter because THEO👏WILL👏TAKE👏IT ALL👏.
And usually, since Theo is the one in charge, he is the one overstimulating you. But imagine it’s being him on the receiving end for the first time. God, forcing orgasm after orgasm upon him - Nott goes absolutely stupid and pussy drunk. Remember how I mentioned that he’s not very vocal during sex? Now throw it all out the fucking window bc he whines. Theo will whine and plead and cry and groan and whine again, begging you to stop bc it’s too much, but please don’t stop bc it feels too good.
And Theo will be groping your tits bouncing right in front of his face, licking and sucking and biting and marking. And just imagine him moaning desperately while his puffy from constant kissing and biting lips are enclosed around your breast while his tongue is playing with your hardened nipple. 🫠🫠
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tadaxii-i · 2 years
I’d made this fanart of opev!regulus and I just found it in my drafts-
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@euphorial-docx i guess (we’re mutuals, I forgot)
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bythepen98 · 1 year
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Doodles || Golden trio (ft. Snape)
No matter how many bashing fics I read (and I really do enjoy those sgshsn), these three will always be among my favorite friendships in fiction. Also wanted to include good ol Snape bc I can and I adore him.
I see their dynamic as very sibling-coded, very platonic soulmate type even. They're literally each other's ride or dies and I'm not kidding when I say that I wish I had that for myself :(
Also, redrawing movie scenes is easier than having to come up with original ideas. I might do that more often.
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vampandvisiongirl · 1 year
Don’t stand here and tell me that the moment Harry looks at Hermione towards the end of Order OTP (when he is being mind fucked by Voldemort) & his first memory is of them hugging at the end of Chamber of Secrets isn’t fucking beautiful.
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