#using TUMBLR
phoenixyfriend · 11 months
Reminder that there are currently no workarounds to following a reblog chain back.
"Prev tags" is not going to work. It was always inconvenient and controversial, but it is now impossible.
If someone brings up the "click the empty space next to it" thing, they are mistaken. Here's an example:
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If I click "sergeant-angels-trashcan" I will go to the top of that blog. If I click the white space below the username, I will go to this post on that blog.
If I click fucklestat, I will go to the top of that blog. If I click the white space next to that username, I will go to this post, at that specific comment, on that blog. This is how we avoid additional comments we don't want, like when you have three people in a row that were just tagging another person or going 'omg this' and you want to cut back on
(That doesn't apply to this specific post, where the dedalvs addition is actually super cool, but the fact that I have multiple reblogs in a single post was important for the example.)
However, if sergeant-angels-trashcan were to tag this as "prev tags," with no additional information, then the reading is "sarge appreciates the tags from rainbowwificonnection. I need to find this post on that person's blog.
Previously, I would click on their name up here, and it would take me to that exact post on their blog:
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It does not do that anymore.
Like the other 'click on the username' situations, it takes me to the top of this person's blog. However, clicking the white space above, below, or next to them will take me to Sarge's post, not rainbowwificonnection's.
Can I open up the notes and dig through the tags? Sure, maybe. If it's a post that's gone viral, though, and it's a few days out of date, it will be next to impossible to find the specific post and specific tags. Could I go to their post and scroll down until I find the post? Sure, if this isn't a queued post, and the post is from the last day or two instead of a few weeks. Remember, searches don't work consistently on this site.
And beyond that, if the previous person has reblogged a post multiple times, you can't be sure you've found the correct one.
"Prev tags" only has meaning to the person you reblogged from, unless you copy the tags out and include them in the body of the post or into your tags with "<< prev tags" as an indicator.
So yeah. Stop using prev tags. They've gone from inconvenient to downright impossible.
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headspacedad · 2 years
hey new tumblr users
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Now, I’m seeing a lot of posts about new arrivals to the site that are confused about the purpose and point of reblogging posts.  I know that a lot of the sites you came from put a lot of emphasis on earning ‘points’ for your original posts and the only way to earn your own ‘points’ is to interact with others posts.  Don’t get me wrong - we love it here when you add a comment, either to a post or in the tags, but that’s not the POINT of posts here (for the most part).  The goal of a post here is to share.
You’ve got to think of tumblr less as a classroom where one person is teaching and more as a nature hike with friends.
You see a shiny rock you like.  You pick it up.  You show it to a friend.  They like it and show it to their friend.  Their friend puts a pair of googly eyes on it and passes it to their friend.  Their friend runs off to share it with a group of their friends that are looking at bugs under a rock.  You don’t HAVE to interact.  All you have to do is share the rock with a friend because you know your friends might like to see the rock.  Someone passes you a dandelion they picked.  You think its cool and pass it to a friend you know likes the color yellow.  They hand you a yellow leaf.  You pass the leaf back to the dandelion friend. 
The point of having a blog on tumblr is to share stuff that you think is cool with people that follow you.  People will follow you because they think the stuff you’re scrapbooking on your blog is cool (or fun or weird or funny or heartfelt, etc).  You can absolutely paint your own rock and share it with friends.  But if all you do is pass on someone else’s painted rock because you think the people following your blog will like seeing it?  That’s awesome too.
We’re not really about earning ‘points’ or ‘fame’ here - this is your scenic rest stop on the highway.  We ARE about sharing.
So - share.
And if you want to add to what you’re sharing - that’s cool.  But you don’t need to.  As long as you’re sharing with your followers, you’re using this site the way its designed to be used.
See a cool rock?  Reblog that rock so your followers can enjoy it too!
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triaelf9 · 1 year
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lavendorii · 6 months
i cant stop giggling holy shit hey finn did you know that trans people HATE YOU 😡😡😡😡for transfem headcanons 😡😡😡😡ur cis btw right. haha right. (ssilly)
I HAVE LITERALLY NOT SHUT UP ABOUT THIS EXPERIENCE SINCE IT HAPPENED I make one post about transfem character headcanons as I am trans and love women and love women who are trans and I got a callout post from some dark academia writing blog in their mid twenties
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natduskfall · 11 months
Mmmm if im on a sideblog i can only reply to people with my main? Mmm i wanna reply to people’s comments and tags but im still kind of a noob with tumblr interactions and etiquette XD
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storkmuffin · 2 months
having a better tumblr experience
-i discovered (probably years after everyone else) that on tumblr you can not only block tags you don't want but you can actually just block things by content wholesale on pc and omg it's made my tumblr use so much more tailored to me yayyyyy bc i follow people i find cool but i am not actually interested in everything they post about
-i went back into my own archives and realized it's so true what those posts say: my favorite tumblr blog is my own! so i've been reblogging from archives and it's been a wonderful time.
-reviewing my archivesd posts made me go to the archives of ops who make the type of content i can't - gifsets of favorite scenes, gifsets with art effects - and gorging myself (using pc to do this is so much easier than scrolling on the app)
-not scrolling on the app and using the PC version makes me generally much happier
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Hi. I was just wondering if you had any tips for new Tumblr users to get their posts seen. I am a writer and want to post stories on my page. I tried doing that with a fic I wrote and had no luck in getting it seen in the tags I listed. Tried doing support and was left hanging. I created a new blog and want to post it there as a fresh start but don't want to redo the deletion and creation process over again. Any tips for a new user and writer?
The most honest answer is in the beginning stages of your blog, you're likely to not get much interaction if any! I don't personally use Tumblr for fanfic, so I can't give any pointers in regards to formatting or tagging—although I do recommend using a "Read More" because people will often scroll past a large block of text—but the truth of it is that you're not likely to find a ton of interaction early on.
Don't let it discourage you! It's partly to do with the volume of posts on this website; your post is one out of thousands and thousands, and so it's easy for it to get lost. I always recommend feeling free to reblog your own work, rather than delete and repost, in order to try and show it to your audience again!
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bcofl0ve · 6 months
hiii do any of you know if getting a diff tumblr domain (like the .blog .lol ones they offer) breaks your links in the same way changing your url does? ty!
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vladdyissues · 1 year
I'm seeing a lot of new followers who also seem to be new to Tumblr. Please hear me out for a second:
We are in the midst of a serious bot problem here.
Please PLEASE customize your profile in some way—like a blog title, even if it's just "im new asdflkjh", and/or a custom avatar, anything is better than the ugly default one—to let us know you're an actual human being, because seeing stuff like this:
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is an automatic block and report. (The example above is an actual bot, btw.)
We're not doing it out of malice. Tumblr users are paranoid. We've been getting inundated with bots for months (they've been a problem for years but there's been a major increase since November '22) and we're trying to get rid of them, and the only way to do that is to block and report them.
If you look like a bot, if you have no avatar and no title and no posts or likes and you start following someone, you're probably going to get reported and blocked. Setting a new avatar and giving your blog a title is the best way to prevent this.
So please, newbies, edit your profile so you don't get mistaken for a bot. Thank you (and welcome to Tumblr) 👋
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orionsangel86 · 10 months
I promise my tone is not malicious and I come in peace. This is in regards to the likes/reblogs situation. One of the issues that gets lost in the arguments for why reblogs died down is because, when this site was crawling with over zealous individuals who thought they were fighting the crusades, many people would get attacked over art or a post they didn’t tolerate. And no I’m not talking about actual bad stuff but like dumb things like not necessarily shipping a fandom’s main ship or adult content for actual adult ships and so on. God forbid some of us don’t follow the made up fandom rules. Some of us aren’t even trying to be an active part of those circles, we just wanted to reblog pretty pictures, cool art styles, or neat short fics. Like it was never that deep or real for some of us, it was just a little hit of dopamine, ya know? I’ve since removed myself from all fandom experiences as it’s just less hurtful that way. The other issue that also contributed greatly was the purge. So many artists had to abandon this sinking ship and I don’t blame them. So many of them relied on commissions and stuff and it sucked that they got hurt more than one way. The whole situation sucks, I’m sorry 😞
Hey, im sorry you had such a bad experience with fandom. I recall those days. I didnt spend 8 years in SPN fandom to not come out with some battle scars from all the nonsense! I remember vividly following an artist who posted amazing destiel art, but who was a multishipper who also posted w*ncest art and I remember getting angry anons being like *how DARE you reblog art from someone who ships w*ncest!!!* it was dumb and I ignored it. I always ignored all that crap.
I can understand not wanting to reblog for fear of getting stuck in some discourse and I was very saddened by the purge when so many great creative blogs quit tumblr for good.
I totally get having anxiety about reblogging as well. Its a stronger commitment to just liking something. But you can set up as many anonymous side blogs as you want and reblog stuff on there if it helps with the anxiety, and as always just ignore the discourse. Ive had 2 posts "breach containment" and some of the absolutely brainless comments i get on those posts are enough to set my blood pressure rising... but I ignore them because its not worth the effort to argue with a stranger on the internet imo. Nowadays idgaf about fandom discourse. Im just here vibing in my own little world and I'll be having as much fun here as possible. I just get a bit sad when i see no one is reblogging the awesome art i reblog or the gifsets someone spent so much time on. I wish more people would interact.
So when I see a backlash to posts begging people to keep the site alive by reblogging, it does get my hackles rising and I wanna shake those smug people who are like "oh you just want clout dont tell me what to do" because im like "well why the fuck are you even on tumblr then? Go back to twitter or instagram since that attitude is more suited to those places".
I want tumblr to succeed. I want it to gain more popularity and continue to be a hub for art and creativity and fun. There are so few places left on the internet for these kind of things. But we are a community, and communities only thrive with regular interaction, and interaction on tumblr starts with a reblog.
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One of the weird things about using the Tumblr queue mechanism is that, because my queue tends to be about a week behind I forget that I’ve seen things and I regularly have people telling me “love that thing you just reblogged.” My friend. I had forgotten that thing existed. That was there as a little treat for myself in future. If you do not link it back to me I won’t have the faintest clue what the fuck is going on.
I barely know what day it is, let alone what random bullshit will be on my dash today.
Lets find out together.
(anything you see tagged #what a queutie - I guarentee you I do not know it exists)
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hedwig-dordt · 1 year
What the fuck
Why does tumblr suddenly start autoplaying shit? I hate that. 
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vesper93 · 1 year
Does anyone else get those really gross hospital game adverts on Tumblr where someone is literally squeezing pus/worms out of someone's ear or mouth?
They're so gross and they're everywhere at the moment!!
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gayspiderman · 1 year
i’ve decided that the 1k celebration will be: My Presence
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natduskfall · 11 months
I'm kinda dissatisfied with only being able to like posts and respond with my main.
Is there a way for me to export my blog and create it as a standalone so that the posts and notes stay intact?
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p3terpaan · 2 years
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You literally cant tell whats going on but that's okay. olive(r) sketch twirls hair.
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