#uty flawed pacifist
karmaspidr · 3 months
What if Clover Leveled Up in Flawed Pacifist?
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This is one of my favourites scenes in not just Undertale Yellow but Undertale in the general.
The pure rage that Clover experienced in this scene is incredible. You can tell exactly what he is feeling. Anger towards Asgore for causing all of this. Anger at himself for letting himself to be distracted from the mission. Anger towards the Monsters for going along with this. Anger towards Ceroba for betraying him. Maybe even Anger towards the humans who had unjustly sealed the Monsters all those years ago.
What I want to know is what would have happened if all of that anger manifested in a jump in LV which resulted in a Big Shot.
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frozenhi-chews · 6 months
One of these days I'll expand on this, but HOLY CRAP I cannot imagine the betrayal Starlo must've felt if you kill Ceroba in Flawed Pacifist. This guy, this monster who idolized humans and was so ecstatic to see one that he had them join his posse, killed his best friend. And, just, that's gotta hurt MORE than when she git married to Chujin, because despite his broken heart, she was at least THERE. She was ALIVE.
Here she's not.
Despite her willingness to die, Starlo hates you once you kill her. And part of it is how close they were before she was killed. The other part is the fact you basically betrayed him. You had no inclination to kill anyone beforehand. Heck you probably didn't even SHOOT anyone (unless you were me and was pissed at Axis).
All that training, all that bonding, the fact he stopped you and gave you that Deputy badge, said that he was PROUD of you. Suddenly all down the drain because now his best friend is gone. I cannot even fathom how that must've felt. Like no wonder he sees you less than dirt, you killed his friend and broke his trust. No longer are you his Deputy, even if you wanted to go back to the Wild East. Actually that would likely be a bad idea, he just would not like you around.
Also it's such an interesting contrast of, "yes you're safe in the law, but personally I do not want to see you again." Just, hoough love that!
Have no idea how to end this, so, yeah holy crap Starlo absolutely hates you in Flawed Pacifist
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monzterbatz · 3 months
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old random doodle i never finished lmao
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spiderqueenpc · 7 months
the thing that impresses me most about UTY is that the writing challenge the devs had to contend with was ABSURDLY difficult and yet they somehow pulled it off. how do you maintain Undertale's overall tone and let the protagonist "win" when the space you're writing in forbids you from leaving the middle of this venn diagram?
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it feels impossible but they just did it anyway. hats off to them.
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madamlava · 9 months
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Call me weird if you like but 'Flawed Pacifist' was my favorite ending actually
(Not surprising given I enjoy Asgore's character and UTY handles him immaculately here)
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iluvvaporeon · 6 months
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starlo doodles!!!
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randomsprinkles · 6 months
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“Why did I hesitate to fire that last bullet”
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whiteeevee996 · 5 months
Do you think after Flawed Pacifist Starlo makes Ceroba a headstone and puts it next to Chujin's
It kills part of him inside but it's what she would've wanted and so he does it without question
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eilarae · 9 months
i would die for starlo undertale yellow
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desertsanctuary-blog · 3 months
Did Ds Clover do a Flawed Pacifist?
Yes. Clover has done every route.
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acaciapines · 6 months
Clover wakes up.
epilogue of my undertale yellow fic!!! the sillies have made it home....
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karmaspidr · 3 months
Do you think Starlo's rage in the flawed pacifist ending is justified?
Because even though even though Clover was justified in fulfilling Ceroba's wish, she was still Star's best friend and maybe former love. Anyone would have lost it in his position.
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artsycloudysleepy · 9 months
note for followers: I'll stop tagging any UTY spoilers in 2-3 months! i'll say when i do, but just as a (very early) heads-up! :D
as always, please at least watch a playthrough it's too good to pass up on omg
(+ anyone who wants to read the tags dw i don't spoil anything /srs)
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mysteriousbp · 2 months
UTY Second Chance AU unused content.
Yeah... There's some unused stuff that I have around. So rather than let it rot in my files, I will just show it here.
Unused art for this
Yeah... There's unused art for the first post,
Originally this was the original Amalgamate Kanako design:
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But I gave her clothes back because her design was too plain for my liking. So it's not unused but changed.
Another used art for the first post is this one:
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Originally I wanted to make the Ketsukane's more kitsune-like with multiple tails. There was supposed to be a stab with how Ceroba didn't have a tail in game with her only having one tail in my AU. But that just made it look like I'm calling her stupid. So it was scrap. But this is an idea I want to rework one day.
Well... Originally, the time between Kanako falling down and leaving the True Lab wasn't the almost 2 years that it's now in my AU canon. Originally, it was supposed to be a 5-year gap. But I found it too long for poor Kanako, so it was shorted to almost 2 years. But part of the original plan that was also scrapped because of that change was the plan of having Sadie and GK outgrowing Kanako.
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Yeah... Originally, those two were planned to outgrow Kanako so she would have a new set of monster friends. But it was scrapped. And thank god it was. I feel in love with Sadie and GK since I started to make them Kanako's BFFs for this AU. (And originally GK didn't have hair or a tail) But these designs were later reused for their teen designs for my Deltarune Yellow AU.
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Never throw out your unused stuff. It may be useful later.
The Meanwhile post.
Well... Rather than just using a screen shot, I originally made art for the post.
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But I wasn't happy with it so it was scrapped.
Tom original design:
Originally, Tom had a missing tooth and a shoelace missing in one of his shoes.
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These things weren't originally meant to be scrapped... I just forgot. But by the time I remembered, Tom already had appeared with all of his teeth and none of his shoelaces in some posts. So those design choices were scrap.
Melody original name:
In the concept art, Melody was originally named Grace.
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But it was changed because Melody sounded better.
This post originally had art made for it.
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But it was scrapped because it didn't explain well some things. So I just answered it without art.
This post also had unused art.
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I just didn't know how to explain any of it. So the art was horribly written. So it was unsued and I just tried my best to explain.
This is the early art for this post.
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I changed it because it was too confusing. Too much going on with the first one. (Also, this was a what if fight. The red soul was used as an exemple.)
This post originally had a different version of the comic.
Originally the comic was supposed to take place outside. And the opening drawing from that version was the only thing drawn.
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It originally started with the reason why Frisk missed the call after the Flawed pacifist. Because they were making a memorial for the others.
This was art for an original post that I never posted because I thought it wasn't funny after finishing it.
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And here's some art without some of the effects.
Here is the orphanage photo without the old effect to make it look like it was taken from an old camera.
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And here's art from this post without the faces being covered up.
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I think that's it. For now...
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sequenceshift-blog · 3 months
SequenceShift Starlo
It's been a while since I've put out anything for SequenceShift. So, I decided to start rambling about my depictions of Undertale Yellow characters in my AU. I decided to go with Starlo, mainly due to @profounddefendorcrusade-blog and their posts about him.
So, what's the deal with Starlo in SequenceShift?
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Sorry for a lack of pictures btw.
Well, like UTY Starlo, he was childhood friends with Ceroba and the Sheriff of the Wild East. For a time, he was pretty much almost entirely identical to how he is in vanilla UTY.
Until the massacre of the Wild East.
Basically, a Renegade human (NOT one of the six souls) made their way underground, falling into the Barrens, and started laying waste to the Wild East. Almost half of its inhabitants were killed and Starlo was just barely able to take down the invader.
This basically mentally broke him. He had believed in Western culture without any of its actual drawbacks, only to have to come to terms with the harsh realities of lawbringing. Now many of his friends were gone and the community he worked so hard to build was shattered. However, he eventually started to take this as a learning experience into becoming an actually responsible and competent lawbringer. He swore himself into Ceroba's service, trained to become a deadly combatant, and was eventually made Chief of the newly formed Royal Rangers. Rather than just pretending to be badass, he genuinely became badass with the goal of making sure nothing like the Wild East Massacre happens ever again.
Unfortunately, this came with its own flaws.
He and the Feisty Four started to grow distant from one another, despite them being core members of the Rangers. This was a mix of trauma and their new jobs. Eventually they started seeing each other less as friends and more as coworkers, with only Moray and Mooch truly sticking together. This didn't really help Starlo, who devoted himself even more to Ceroba.
At his core, he's still the same kind-hearted, dorky farmboy who's looking out for his friends and community, which ties into his main motivation. He wants to make Ceroba, his best friend, happy again. However, he is willing to go to drastic measures to accomplish that, even if he knows it's wrong.
On a Pacifist/Light Neutral run, he still shows off that cowboy persona of his. He still wears his poncho and sheriff's badge over his Ranger uniform and holds a lot of the same demeanor, even if it's not as prominent. It's used as a coping mechanism (with him still yearning for that escapist Western fantasy he was living out) and to help cheer up those around him. He keeps up this persona, hoping to be able to willingly bring Clover to Ceroba. He only drops it at the end of the Barrens, where he (reluctantly) attacks Clover after they show that they aren't going to just go with him.
However, cracks start to show in his persona the more monsters Clover kills. He starts simply being passive aggressive, but the more ruthless a neutral run is, the more hostile he becomes, showing more of that darker anti-hero side. Should go without saying, but it becomes especially apparent if Clover kills any of the Feisty Four. This reaches its lowest point in the Vengeance/No Mercy route, where straight up ditches the poncho and badge, instead wearing his Ranger uniform on full display, showing that he's fully embraced his role as a ruthless lawbringer.
However, on a Pacifist run, he can be convinced to see the error of his ways. His version of Undyne's Friendship interactions has Clover and Dina bringing the Feisty Five back together, which definitely improves Starlo's morale and mental state. This eventually leads him to take a stand against Ceroba, not because he's disillusioned with her. Rather it's because he still cares for her as a friend (no matter how much wrong she's done) and knows that by continuing to collect human souls for Project Integrity, she's only digging herself into a bigger hole.
Tl;dr: Starlo in SequenceShift has the same cowboy persona, but hides a more ruthless antihero side beneath that. However, even that's a mask for the same kind-hearted, dorky farmer who just wants to make his best friend happy.
Thanks for indulging in my ramblings. It's good to be talking about my AU again. If you wanna hear more about any of the other characters (or if I missed something about Starlo), feel free to hit me up!
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oliverr-gardenn · 8 months
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I've been working on an au called Undertale: After! I dunno if the idea is original or not but I've had this idea for a while and Uty inspired me a lot.
It exists in a universe where Frisk left the underground after a flawed pacifist and never reset. 10 years later, another human called Rowan falls however the underground is very much not ready for another human
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Here's some new soul ideas and more (unfinished) details about Flowey and the others.
Rowan's a homeless human child who used to live in the worst neighborhood in their city. The only person who looked out for them was their older brother figure, Arlo. He even gave them their iconic hat! Recently Arlo passed away mysteriously and left Rowan all alone and heartbroken.
That's when Rowan decided to go to Mt. Ebott because they heard that children who climb up that mountain disappeared.
This is probably all for now, I'll write some more things in my notes later probably
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