#uuhhhhh headcanons
thetoaddaddy · 1 month
I dont think i ever really explained why I like the idea of Jiraiya living a more troubled/neglected childhood. Honestly I just like the juxtaposition of the rich girl from the most influential family, the tragic orphan full of resentment, and the white trash hick from the slums.
Have I hooked you? Long sorta in this essay I will type of explanation of my reasoning post. Trimmed so you don’t have to suffer through scrolling a big long post unless you volunteer to it. And I welcome reblogs with your own thoughts added to it or comments. I like having these kinds of discussions.
It makes for a fun dynamic and puts together three very different social classes that make up the Sannin and the most common 3 classes of society. Tsunade has everything from money, social status and livin in the rich how dare the neighbours put up an extra twinkle light we’re contacting the police neighbourhood. Orochimaru lost his family but lives fairly okay being a ward of the Hokage/state plus as a genius kid with potential to end the war with his big fucken brain and lack of empathy he would most likely be treated more special. Jiraiya hiding his money in the floorboards of his room cuz he knows his parents will steal it to buy into their addictions and he’s well aware no one really expects him to be nothing more than a failure.
Plus we don’t have any characters who have a troubled relationship with their parents in this way. Yeah we got dead parents and asshole cold distant rich clan expectations parent tropes. But not too much on poor and abusive. Which is weird cuz its pretty common to be low income with some garbage parents. (Not to say that’s the case all the time of course) Nor do we see much for alcoholism or similar addictions just ruining a family. The most he ever speaks about his parents in canon is that they were civilians. Kinda cold imo. Like I get that most likely kishi figured no one cares that much from where Jiraiya came from but that throw away line had me thinking and this headcanon came out.
So it’s pretty poetic that Jiraiya grew up full Glass Castle from a nothing neglectful civilian family and made something of himself with his own determination rather than being crutched with clan powers or high blood relations. He’s a nobody who proved people wrong and grew beyond his upbringing. His life we see on screen has always been pretty born under an unlucky star/he had to claw his way for anything he’s wanted and nothing was ever given to him. So it makes sense to me anyways that his early life was just as claw his way out from falling off the face of the earth. He could have just picked the easy way and not rise above being some drunk gutter rat that is just a direct product of his upbringing. But he focused on trying to get out rather than keep the cycle going. He picked the academy and proved he was not just above the curve but the grit he already had from surviving his broken home made for a determined courageous motherfucker. With that he became rich and renowned. All on his own.
I think that gives him more interesting motivation than the canon basically being ‘on my quest for pussy brb🏃‍♂️’ Like damn can we please uncreepy him kishi i stg. And I like to ignore his railroaded prophecy ass I must find my destiny stuff. That ruins his accomplishments. Honestly as a fairly empathetic person who grew up poor and hungry why wouldn’t he take pity on three war orphans and try to do good by them where he was never given that comfort? It’s far more compelling and interesting story than some crazy old toad told me to do it and I took those words so fucking literally it led the rest of my life.
I like to imagine he’s simply more wayward and never felt satisfied staying put(especially with all the horrible memories Konoha gives him). It also makes more sense for him to have this kind of chip on his shoulder over being some average guy who had an average upbringing. He can handle himself not just in battles but in dealing with the more uncomfortable situations like traveling through poor areas with the know how.
Like he knows how to speak crackhead and the slum folk clock him as one of their own. I wouldn’t call it street cred or anything. He just has the street smarts beyond that of an average person and it shows. Plus in some verses I like to think he travels hoping to find love as well. Can’t find one’s soulmate staying put in a village can they? ;)
Not every character has to be tragic I know. And this is just what I think. You don’t have to agree with me or accept my interpretations. He could have easily just brushed off the subject cuz he keeps people at an arms length. Which he does for the most part.
But I feel like with the Sannin era we were left with such well cooked and seasoned snippets that it became kinda frustrating that the rest was kinda undercooked or plain still in the damn deep freeze. So we get brain zoomies and try to fill in the big ass gaps. I want to know how three of the most interesting and important ninja of the shinobi world grew up. It’s fun to imagine and make these types of interpretations. Even if it is answered one day in a mini series or a book, I’ll still probably prefer what I and my moots cooked up. Cuz honestly we put more care and deep thought into these characters than kishi does at this point 😭
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Ok I posted it to TikTok
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hadischara · 9 months
lyney with a reader who's ALSO a fatui spy but both of them don't know. ensue espionage and "YOU'RE under THE KNAVE??" "yea...?"
Of course! I love that one very much, thank you dear Anon!
I hope you don't mind me making it in a headcanon form, tell me if it should be a OS or not. Set before the incident btw.
𝖂𝖆𝖎𝖙...𝖄𝕺𝖀 𝕿𝕺𝕺?!
You two met when you got backstage passes once.
And it was pretty neat! Just.... one little detail. He had an envelope on his desk with the fatui sigil. Has he gotten threatened?
So only natural that you'd get suspicious of him, right?
Well, you we're just as suspicious to him actually! That's cause you stared at his envelope and eyed his skills with lot of precision.
Who would do that if their not planning anything?
So you started to investigate one another, and weeks of frustration came.
He had asked you out on dates, walked you home and everything!
He just couldn't find any hooks and wrong doings in your files or anything! On top of that, every time you were with him he got this hot feeling in his cheeks.
You got out empty handed just as well.
Anything other than that he's a magician you couldn't find.
And everything else was blurred together. But you just had to think of the dates. He was so nice, was it for show? Or did he mean it? He got your head spinning, that's for sure.
It was a slip up of the both of you that caused you to find out. Well, and the slip up of an Agent too.
You had just walked out of a little secret talk with someone when Lyney came out of the opposite door, your files in hand, while you had copies of his in yours.
"Why do you have my files? " Both of you had asked when he saw the other Agent you had a talk with go out too.
"You can't go around giving away my files (Agent Name)! Are you stupid enough to actually give it to a stranger? Did father not teach you ANYTHING about something like stranger danger?"
"But (Name) is my superior? They work under the knave. I thought you were under suspicion of betrayal or something. Have fun on one of your dates again. "
The Agent just left you, an awkward silence filling the room between you.
"I feel stupid now. I researched everything for nothing. I could've just asked the Agents. " You said.
Lyney just nodded along, feeling embarrassed himself.
"How about I uuhhhhh give those files back and take you out properly this time? No suspicious things this time."
"Wait, you work as her spy?" He asked you. You nodded, and he gave you one of his actual smiles. "Well, if we get lucky we might see each other on a mission some day. But let's stay at the dates for now huh?"
Your cheeks got a beet red, while you nodded eagerly. Yes maybe you would, yes.
How was it? To your liking? Maybe I'll make a oneshot out of it.
Cya :D
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fisheito · 8 months
friend fish!!! do you have any super specific headcanons for nucarni you'd want to post about? like from the serious to the silly. im talking from like how did little yakumo deal w humans and snakes hating him and then his grandparents loving him to who are the left handed mfs and who are the right handed mfs. how did kuya handle huey disappearing vs can garukaru wink. i like your brain and i like the very specific little things that come from everyone's brains and just wanted to see if you wanted to post any sillies or seriousies :3
why, friend anon, it seems like You are the one bursting with ideas... if u wish to share with the class i shan't object ohoho
MMM>....UUHHHHH boy ain't it just appropriate that once u hand me the microphone, my mind blanks hmmm........ ............(leaves ask and comes back in several hours)
OH I got one!! yakumo and chickens
s o one day, i wished to draw yakumo holding a chicken. just snekboi holding an absolute buff orpington orb of chicken, because it would be, how u say,... grotesquely adorable, yes??
but before i could, i wondered.. is that possible? do chickens like yakumo? or would they sense his snakeyness and hate him? was it ever discussed in the story?
my immediate thought was of those chickens who get hypnotised into a catatonic state when u draw a straight line in front of them. u know all those gifs of the chickens that just go [plop] with HARD FOCUS on the line? and as soon as line was erased, chicken blinked back into existence/Killer Peck mode?
i remember ppl hypothesising that it was bc the lines reminded them of snakes and the chickens were like shhhhh play ded the snakes will want nothing to do with us.
i can;t remember if they ever actually found the answer to that behaviour. i wish i knew. but i don't. so instead i imagined eiden placing a 🧍‍♂️yakumo horizontally in front of a chicken to see if the trance could be replicated
the whole thing made me think about yakumo's relation to animals, especially farm animals, bc idk if his grandparents ever farmed animals or if it was JUST produce. the story so far seems to say vegebls only but *I* want *FARM ANIMALS* and *YAKUMO* ***toGETHER*(*(***** so we continue the train of thought
yakumo has pulled Princess-Snow-White-shenanigans in the past (Idol Fest). those forest animals didn't have a problem rolling up to yakumo just to listen to him sing. i don't remember if exact animals were mentioned in the story, but i'mma assume it was lil guys like rabbits, birds, rodents, deer. i mean... snakes have been known to share habitats with these guys... so it would make sense for some of them to be scared if yakumo's energy is more snake>human.
but then KUYA??? he's a fox. yet he's got parades of adoring forest worshippers everywhere he goes, regardless of predator/prey status. so maybe the vibe of Yokai overrides whatever trophic chain dynamics are supposed to exist in this world. So instead of EEK! A SNAKE/FOX! the animals be like Yokai=cool nature powerbeing let's hang out ?
but then i wonder if the Yokai Vibe is moderated by Yokai expertise. bc kuya of course has way more experience as yokai... he's more likely to embrace his foxy traits than yakumo with his snakey traits (what is this.... a competition of self acceptance now??).. so maybe the animals all trail after kuya bc of his confidence,,, but would they do the same for yakumo who hasn't yet transcended to that Power Strut Aura?
which relates to childhood yakumo. to surrounding animals, what was his vibe? snakey? human? yokai? did it matter? he mentioned that the other snakes used to bully him .. and that people also used to chase him away... so his vibe was. what? like the king cobra who eats other snakes, and can bite people? at this point, it's not like yakumo has the self-control or self-acceptance to consciously manipulate his outward appearance. his vibe is his vibe.
so, in this unsure, untrained, scared snake-self stage of his life, he still appeared as a Threat to other snakes (and probably other animals that typically fear snakes). i imagine that if i were to introduce yakumo to farm animals at this point, they would react like they saw a potentially dangerous snake. chickens angy. cows might stomp u. goats might eat u
and yet Grandma and Grandpa , like many humans, promptly threw convention out the window and went [lol what threat?? he scared. let's give him some soup]] -> for further proof of ppl being like that, look at. any dangerous creature. cute as heck. i'll fawn over apex predators. angry bear incapable of empathy? deserves my respect. sure i'll share my room with a snake if it looks like it's crying . self-preservation? why would i care about that if i have the chance to make the snake less sad??
i mean, farm animals are domesticated so they're supposed to be pretty chill. i like to think that once yakumo spent more time on the farm with a loving family, his energy became more stable and more human. and surely with daily exposure, those farm animals would acclimate to yakumo's presence. maybe even grow to like him if he takes care of them.
THAT IS TO SAY even if the animals initially shun him or treat him like Danger... they eventually associate his energy with the good times. and yakumo would learn how to act around each specific animal so as not to upset them (just like any good zookeeper!!). As both parties build upon their experiences, the likelihood of positive interaction between yakumo and another animal goes up up 🆙☝!!!
IN THE END, ALL THIS MEANS is that, simply bc i like animals, i'm gonna pretend that yakumo's grandparents also farmed creatures (dang, an undertaking for 2 elderly ppl. i know. but this is gay fantasy isekai). ok, maybe more believably, a neighbour farmed animals and yakumo was the only young'n around to help. and because of all that, yakumo has experience dealing with animals.
according to my made-up timeline (😄) if i drew him at human age ~7, it would make sense if it was a pic of a cow chewing on his hair (being bullied by ungulates. he's crying), or chickens pecking him en masse
and if i drew him getting ALONG with those same animals, it would more likely be a yakumo at human age -- well- older than that. he's got some working experience at that point.
i crave interspecies friendships. humans do nonsensical things to befriend other critters. why can't the chickens override their snake fear for this one special boi. it is what i want to see and i will twistturn canon until i see it.
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l0ve-weenkun · 2 years
leon headcanons bc im insane
listen to me, ive got fucking Leon brainrot. this man is taking over my goddamn life and i have no issue with it but like bbrbrbrbr i need this man in my arms in my hands on my bed, under me, over me, on me however, so anyway!! have some headcanons that i thought abt for him while i was doing my homework today in my very distracted brain: .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.・。.・゜✭・ ⍟ this man is literally so fucking touch starved, you have no fucking clue. the first time you ever hugged him he didnt even know what the hell you were doing, until you let go. when you left after your goodbye hug he went home and he couldnt believe what had happened, its been so long since someone actually had the confidence to get that close to him. he lay in his bed, confused and sad, and it brought him to tears. he didnt know how to feel, but he knew that he missed that kind of comforting warmth only a hug can bring.
⍟ do not take him to an arcade with a claw machine because he will hyperfixiate on it until he wins the prize hes aiming for, especially if you mentioned that you thought it was cute, or if you tried winning it yourself. you bet your goofy ass that he'll spend a ridiculous amount of money for your happiness.
⍟ he wont admit it, but Leon actually loves holding hands. it doesnt matter where or how, if you hold his hand he will instantly blush and be very happy, although he wont vocalize it at all. any kind of skinship youre comfortable with he will accept with open arms, especially since hes not used to being loved on so much.
⍟ cuddles? yes please. hold this man close, hold him like the world is ending, he needs it so bad, this man knows no care and loves every moment he spends huddled under the bedsheets in your arms. sometimes when he comes home after missions hes just so tired and overwhelmed that the moment he gets in bed and you cuddle him, he'll break down into quiet sobs, not wanting to, but he just cant help it anymore, and he'll apologize a million times under his breath, choking on his words, but if u quiet him with a soft kiss he'll stop talking and just nuzzle into you softly and try to calm down as you rub circles into his back.
⍟ lets talk about this age gap,,,,uuhhhhh, there is nothing to talk abt!!!! he doesnt talk about it, it doesnt make him uncomfy hes just embarassed, "how/why did this young person fall for me" vibes, Freddy will often bother you guys about it, he'll call Leon "gramps" and he calls you "kid" but thats more of a nickname than being an asshole. (if youre older than Freddy but not Leon he'll find something else to call you) Melanie often questions you on your taste for men, but she does slightly admit that Leon is a pretty ok candidate, he just needs to loosen up a bit. rest assured, with you here, he will loosen up a bit.
⍟ Leon often feels the need to look after you (especially if youre significantly younger than him,,,totally not me hahaaa) he tries his best to be as responsible as possible and keep you far, far away from harms way, always checking up on you to make sure you're ok. he'll send you little texts every 30 minutes or so, most of the time they sound very,,, automated lmao "status report, mission progress" and such, but you grow closer together he'll send cuter texts like "hows it going? are you ok? need anything?" and sometimes, especially if hes on a mission, he'll send "i love you ♡" just to make sure you remember while hes gone.
⍟ he doesnt really give out kisses as you can imagine, most of the time hes on the receiving end, but when he does, he loves giving forehead kisses. not only because he's significantly taller than you, but he just feels most comfortable there, its not invading much of your personal space, and its just a sweet gesture. on the other hand, when you go to kiss him, kiss him anywhere and everywhere because he will melt in your touch. you can imagine how not having skinship with someone for ages has affected him, but anytime you kiss him its like the world stands still and its just you two, even if its just for a moment. (kiss him especially on his neck and his ears, he will literally die if u do)
⍟ cook for him, this man loves it when you cook!!! he'll sit in the kitchen and watch you as you shuffle around the kitchen like an idiot and make a big mess just to make sure he's well fed, it brings him so much joy and comfort knowing you care so much that you'll potentially burn down your kitchen just to make sure hes not hungry. also, he's like a fucking child, he drinks milk with every fucking meal. hes probably thinking that it'll literally give him stronger bones. he believes that. idk if thats why he drinks milk so often, but he drinks milk at least twice a day. (as a lactose intolerant mf thats gross but u do u)
ill write more at some point lmao for now just have this spur of the moment nonsense, im going to go pass out maybe, yes i know that theres, like no capitalization at all, and no apostrophes but leave me alone smh lmao
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navysealt4t · 1 year
hi blue (explodes in your ask box)
i provide letters with the intent of seeing your opinion on fandom things, please enlighten me
I / O / S / Z
thank you 🙏
I - Has tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why
not really? for the most part its just made me get deeper into fandom lol. like ive started reading botw fics bc of the tumblr fandom and its been very fun
O - Choose a song at random, which ship or character does it remind you of
ooo i shuffled my liked songs and got the song "after the war" by reinaeiry and. :( it reminds me of lizzie and ayva if they had gotten the chance to be together without any pirate or navy bullshit . oughhh now im sad :( they are so tragic like waghhhh i know u dont know them but. shaking my lil gremlin hands at you they were so in love and ayva just haunts riptide's story sm i love them... daily propaganda go watch jrwi riptide for tragic lesbians..... :(
on the other hand it could totally be about albatrio or polypirates. wagh.
oh and speaking of lizzie/ayva cafe 1930 is a them song. it has no words but. them.
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon (prompts optional but encouraged)
RANDOM HEADCANON TIMES jay was taught the flute & violin as a kid and while she can play them super good she prefers playing random chords on the ukulele that sound good together :]
gillion he/she and neos pronoun user i will die on this hill sorry . speaking of this genderfluid chip & trans girl jay always. and butch edyn
chip loves singing he sings so much random words while he's doing chores and singing sea shanties arlin taught him or singing ollie to sleep. jay teases him endlessly about the lullabies he sings to ollie
animal lover jay is canon but. she loves animals so much. just adores them so much she will pet any animal that comes up to her she doesn't care about rabies. she's tried to make them get a pet other than pretzel so many times. im sooooo tempted to write a fic where jay smuggles a cat on board and yes it will be navyseal
jay loves sketching like mundane scenes in her life rlly colorfully and dramatic and with a lot of meaning behind it. like u know that one drawing that's like "i realized something about human connection but im too drunk to write it so i drew it" ??? thats how she draws. she dips her toes in landscapes :)
gill loves drawing ppl. his family, his sister, random ppl on the street, etc etc !!! he has gotten really good since when he first started but he goes through random bouts of self doubt where he refuses to draw
chip doodles random shit really and he does it on EVERY piece of paper he can find the corners of their map is covered in tiny doodles. these include angry doodles of niklaus looking very mischievous and pretzel with a big knife.
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go (prompts optional but encouraged)
I CANT THINK OF ANYTHING BUT UUHHHHH OH im working on a thingy that im hoping to turn into a youtube video :DD basically i love the game unpacking and the way it tells it's story is phenomenal and the casual representation and the art style and music and relatability and everything about the game is amazing !!!! i have been doing so much research and typing in google doc im so excited to get working on it :3 ive played the game at least 10 times i lveo it. this is fan related bc i am a fan and i say so <3
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ezrisdax-archive · 2 years
it’s been a while so you know what uuhhhhh send me a pair and I’ll tell you all the headcanons I have for them if I ship it
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unioncolours · 2 years
For the ask game!: Sai?
Mon ❤ Here is the ASK GAME
SAI, my man!!
send me a (nart) character and i’ll list:
favorite thing about them
I think Sai is really cute - like, appearance wise and I like that about him. I also love ALL scenes with him and Inojin, one can really see he's taken fatherhood seriously. (Yes, even with Inojin's second chunin exam. I will fight you all if you come with Yamanaka fam slander my way). I think his jutsu is really cool too.
least favorite thing about them
Maybe that we can't canonically see his transformation towards the person he is in Boruto era, and - again, this is the fans' fault - that people seem to think his attitude towards other people and the way he speaks is a Funny Quirk TM akin to personality that he has taught Inojin, when it's much more psychological than it just being hihihihi he said Naruto's dick is smol hahhahhhihh
favorite line
Uuhhhhh, I suck at remembering lines hahahha. In this case, I don't think I can answer it.
Sai-Shika :D BUT I do have a funny idea that Shikamaru is fooled into a bet where he has to kiss Sai and Sai is all cool with it. But yeah. I don't think for example Team 7 were ever true comrades and friends to Sai.
Saiino. But I think I can read fics where he tries out kissing with other characters as well, prior to settling with Ino. I like the idea of Sai kissing people hshshshs
Sai//Saku. Just naahhhhh.
random headcanon
Him being more stressed about Inojin than Ino when Inojin was a baby. He'd be so careful and wanting to do everything Perfect, and beating himself up when his parenting schedule didn't work out.
unpopular opinion
Well, after Inojin's second chunin exam it damn feels like an unpopular opinion to say he is a good father. Don't @ me, Yamanaka fam haters, I will bite.
song i associate with them
I don't have one specifically to Sai, but this song was what I listened to a lot while writing a Yamanaka fam centric fic called Let them bloom, where Sai is a good dad.
favorite picture of them
That one he drew himself of him and Shin 🥺
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lovely-english-rose · 2 years
15, 21, 27, and 36 for the FE ask meme!
FE Ask!
15. What are your favorite musical tracks?
The Shackled Wolves (Thunder), At What Cost (Rain), The King of Lions, Bubbles, Different, Lilith, Main Theme (Fates), Love, Enishi/For Sakura and Elise, Don't Speak Her Name, Main Theme (Awakening), Id ~ Serenity, Mastermind, Id ~ Purpose
whooo I know it's alot but I LOVE listening to soundtracks ;w;
21. Any rarepairs/crack ships you have?
I generally don't know which ships are rare or not, but honestly does ANYONE but me care about Vaike and Cordelia?? 😩 I adored their supports so much, they're one of the pairs I started doing every replay of Awakening, and I normally like to switch it up-
36. Share a funny FE-related story, either ingame or not!
OH! The one, singular time, I chose to not marry Niles so I could meet Nina, I was doing her paralogue right? And this moment, to this day, absolutely kills me
Nina: You can't make me! And you can't CATCH me!
Niles, hitting that mf crit: You can't hide from me!
and proceeded to 1 shot his own daughter- I just sat there for a good 5 minutes like
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ngl i would love to draw this moment but i don't trust my ability lol
27. Any fanfics/fan content you’d recommend? (You can plug your own stuff it’s fine)
this one going under cut in case it gets long-
You're Beautiful (yuri/byleth), To Put an End to Strife (a 3h golden end rewrite, ft. yuri/byleth), honestly i recommend checking out all of sevarix's stuff- I've loved everything I've read, tons of ace positivity and headcanons. I need to catch up on new fics but these are some I had bookmarked ;w;
Caecus / Tacitus a 3h rewrite of sorts (vw/am mashup), dimitri can see possible futures and tries to use this to set things down the right path, can be a tad confusing at times but very fascinating imo!! main ship is dimitri/felix
Still Dreaming - corrin/niles, plays around with the idea of alts in feh, its been a while since I've reread but I remember really liking this one ;w; cute and fun
Stay Close, Solitary Thoughts, Three Simple Words - uuhhhhh some more corrin and niles stuff- i haven't read in a while but i have them bookmarked so they must be good-
A Very Chrobin Comic - i remember loving this SO MUCH back when awakening was the newest game omg- im glad its still up, honestly going to reread it all later
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cyberiada · 2 years
2, 5, 8, 10, 16, 22: You have to kill Payroll specifically. How do you do it?
ask game
2. choose a band that you think could make an amazing soundtrack for a steamworld game based on vibes alone
definitely Trocadero. their music mostly gives me dig vibes, especially Goldmine Blues and Keep Moving, but Good Fight is such a heist song!! overall great band. if there's ever dig 3 or heist 2 i would love if it had a soundtrack with these vibes
5. what’s a headcanon that you will defend with your very life?
Ivanski is NOT russian. he's either polish or polish-russian. let that man make delicious pierogi and say kurwa
(also Ivanski seems more like a polish last name than a russian one to me. polish last names often have a -ski ending. i know that the whole circus thing he has going on is mostly associated w russian characters but, correct me if i'm wrong, i don't think there's ever been canon evidence of him being russian? also not every slavic character is russian hope this helps <3)
8. if you have one, tell us about an oc x canon ship that plagues your brain (doesn’t have to be romantic! doesn’t have to be yours either). there’s no such thing as cringe, we are all here to have fun
i'm not scared anymore. i'm cringe and i'm free. oc x canon ships are awesome- nevermind i'm just gonna uuhhhhh *runs away with unimaginable speeds* *i trip and drawings of Galleo and Cordi fall out of my pockets* uh. gay robots
10. Orik Tits out Tuesday, Copernica Gay Wizard Wednesday or Furnass Friday?
orik tits out tuesday, of course
16. put your playlist on shuffle. what character do you associate with the song? can be an oc!
i got I Hold Your Hand in Mine by Tom Lehrer!! definitely Avi my oc Avi because he gets to be a little fucked up sometimes (all the time). as a treat
22. You have to kill Payroll specifically. How do you do it?
i stomp him to death with my combat boots and put him in the plinko for his gay crimes
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heartbetween · 3 years
working on transferring headcanons over but uuhhhhh, this was needed. had the old blog for a year so i guess that’s something right? 
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lighthouseborna · 4 years
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  𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐬 !
FULL NAME.  Henry James Turner, generally, though sometimes he will give it as Swann if he’s feeling cheeky and/or making a point (with an addition that he reeks of Sparrow but he is not a Sparrow .. you feel?) NICKNAME.  None, (tragically?) GENDER.  Cis male  HEIGHT.  6′ / 1.83m AGE.  20-21 generally (verse dependent) ZODIAC.  Gemini  SPOKEN LANGUAGES.  English, Jamaican Patois*, a handful each of some French and Spanish words (*I will probably never write the Patois because I have yet to find a reliable+time accurate source and I’m very afraid of getting it wrong, but know that I die with this headcanon clutched to my chest!!!)
  𝐩𝐡𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬 !
HAIR COLOR.  Golden brown EYE COLOR.  Dark brown SKIN TONE.  Probably moderately fair given his heritage, except that it’s generally tanned because you’d have to kill him to get him out of the sun BODY TYPE.  Athletic; too drawn out to quite call “sturdy” but too solid all the way through to be classify as “willowy”. Can seem deceptively less at a glance. ACCENT.  British English. I know there’s a quality of it that’s indicative of a specific region but I don’t know which one DOMINANT HAND.  Right.  POSTURE.  Held tall & shoulders back; everything you’d generally expect of “confident” posture because all that really is you know is a projection of openness; the difference is it’s not schooled or impressed on him so there’s also this sort of... noodly looseness carefree lack of self-restriction. (The exception being when he’s unsure, and he then tends to adopt this...hands-folded-together kind of Proper standing and it’s very cute.) People who are shy slouch and fold in on themselves and pay excess attention to how close they are to people and how much space they are taking up, and they likely have a sense of personal space that extends into the public space sphere- Henry is the opposite. He stands tall and unfolds and his personal space barrier is very near. You have to do a LOT to invade his personal space. He will probably accidentally invade yours. (Or mostly accidentally invade it, anyway. Sometimes it’s on purpose. (Cheeky.)) SCARS.  [He is not careful]. The one on his face is the most immediately visible, though it’s arguably [not that bad.] TATTOOS.    None ......... at least for now wait that’s. I haven’t thought about it before actually?? the possibility does canonically exist here. hmm.  BIRTHMARKS.   ...None? FEATURE(S). Some scattered, mostly faint freckles, though a few are a little more attention-grabby than others; probably doesn’t own a comb and you can probably tell; he shaves & lately I feel like it’s because he hates the way having facial hair feels; wow those arms tho; he’s like [that Shel Silverstein poem about people who think good thoughts]? even after he’s been through the grind and the grime (and after he picks up that scar on his face) you still look at him and think “sunshine” probably. he thinks good thoughts; not that I’m calling him ugly cause, uuhhhhh; unfortunately he’s very aware that he’s cute and will in fact use this to murder you very sweetly with unfairly leveraged puppy dog eyes; will also murder you accidentally because he smiles with the force of the sun and does so liberally & without ulterior motive
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  𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐝 !
PLACE OF BIRTH. Shipwreck Island, The Caribbean HOMETOWN.  Shipwreck City of Shipwreck Cove on the Island of.. Shipwreck (god..bless...pirates.....) BIRTH WEIGHT. 7lbs 14ounces BIRTH HEIGHT. 22inches MANNER OF BIRTH. Traditional labor  FIRST WORDS.  Would love to a HC for this but I do not and cannot think of one rn? slfkjglsfkjg SIBLINGS.  Technically N/A but my god is that the crime of the decade PARENTS.  Elizabeth Swann & William Turner (II) PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT.  I feel like I don’t have to answer this one? slfkjglsfkjg 
     𝐚𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 !
OCCUPATION.  lmao CURRENT RESIDENCE.  Technically, the lighthouse, but he is a bit of a wanderer CLOSE FRIENDS.  Hetty, Carina, (Jack but Jack doesn’t count ‘cause also that’s family, but also Jack.....yknow?); others are verse dependent ... I mean everyone is but...... you get it RELATIONSHIP STATUS.  Catch him if you can (bask in the sun when/if you do.) FINANCIAL STATUS.  ...Variable CRIMINAL RECORD.    Oh dear...
  𝐬𝐞𝐱 & 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 !
SEXUAL ORIENTATION.  Fluid (& that’s as close to a label as you’ll ever get)  PREFERRED EMOTIONAL ROLE.  submissive  |  dominant  |  switch. (Genuinely not sure what this means tbh.) PREFERRED SEXUAL ROLE.  submissive  |  dominant |  switch. LIBIDO. Average to... maybe bordering a little high actually TURN ON’S*.  Wit, intelligence, empathy will get his attention; if we’re talking literal, standard rules apply with emphasis on kisses and a warning that being somewhere public will not particularly phase him TURN OFF’S*.  Cruelty, narcissism (not like ha-ha-i-was-right playfulness but full blown Nobody-But-Me-Is-Ever-Right self-importance), ...I don’t know there’s probably more but that seems like the biggest?; there will be no tying or restraints but that... is the only Hard Line I’ve encountered so far? LOVE LANGUAGE.  Physical touch; he does tend to express with acts of service & gift giving but doesn’t demand or even really expect them in return RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES.  Never been caught in anything particularly serious; highly susceptible to crushes - most of them pass purely on the basis of parting ways but I don’t think of it as shallow so much as openness that simply doesn’t develop any farther; not ‘above’ (for want of phrasing) casual physical encounters, but does prefer having some kind of relationship/rapport; oh so darling and precious, bordering unrealistic, in his idea of love, and anyone who intends to keep him will have the job of helping him find the reality of what commitment to a relationship is first *He’s open. He’s not looking for anything specific, you know? So both of these are hard to encapsulate when the possibilities are very broad.
  𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐬 !
CHARACTER’S THEME SONG. [Yoink] since nobody wrote him one :/ ( But also [this] is a noteworthy contender) HOBBIES TO PASS TIME.  Exploring; he can and will happily tuck into a book, especially fiction and legends; at one point early on I said ‘mapmaking’ (’chart making’ is more accurate to what I was meant but I didn’t realize there was a difference at the time) and I got attached and I’ve never had the heart to remove it although I don’t know that it’s all that accurate; a bit of a doodler and he’s not bad at it, but not great either; I don’t know if it’s a time-passer so much as just one of the ways he Shares but he likes to tell stories let him tell stories (though he usually doesn’t make up his own he’s sort of...a story-passer, not writer. He will re-tell them with changes, though!) ILLNESSES.  I think having panic attacks technically means some form of anxiety/trauma disorder? (because any persistent/semiregular occurrence of something like a panic attack implies an ongoing disorder, even though it’s not a daily stressor. Arguably it also has to do with...not addressing the root of it, oof) LEFT OR RIGHT BRAINED.  You know this isn’t really a thing the way people think it is.  PHOBIAS.  Lack/being robbed of agency. Failing his family/loved ones strikes as something that would feel like a big personal disappointment but I don’t know that it’s technically a phobia. SELF CONFIDENCE LEVEL.  Confident- the true kind, in the sense that he is comfortable and trusts his knowledge & instincts, and doesn’t mind being wrong or learning from others; you can hit the Make It Worse button by drawing too much attention to his scar or (if you suck) turning out to have deceived his gut instinct/intentionally overturning some faith he put in you VULNERABILITIES.  Trusting, and it does give him a naïve streak that makes him, technically, susceptible to manipulation, but it feels worth mentioning that he trusts his gut more than a stranger; impulsivity; he tends to play down injuries? not to the point of denying assistance, but it could potentially open the door for playing off the wrong injury to some great consequence; frick he’s easy to goad into arguments and fights; his heart isn’t so much stitched to his sleeve as it is a permanent fixture, even after being prodded repeatedly. Couldn’t move it somewhere else if he wanted to, he just wears it.
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neopuff · 4 years
Do you mind characters from older shows like Motorcity or Tron Uprising? If not, then Julie & Mike from Motorcity, Raven from TT, Paige from Tron Uprising and Aya from GLTAS 😃 (feel free to do just one and ignore the others if it’s too much!)
definitely!! but i have actually still not seen tron uprising and i only saw the first half of GLTAS but lets see what i can do
favorite thing about them
her hair.........also i just love her
least favorite thing about them
im still mad about her potentially being a robot/android/whatever. i just think thats unnecessary and annoying
favorite line
“i’ve got your back” :)
i want more julie/chuck content but julie/claire and julie/mike are the real brotps
julie/claire and julie/mike are also the otps
julie/texas. ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
random headcanon
she’s half thai
unpopular opinion
hating julie/texas was unpopular back in the day but i dont think anyone cares now
song i associate with them
hey julie by fountain of wayne (and again i. vidded her to this)
favorite picture of them
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favorite thing about them
he’s a handsome boy and he’s good to his people
least favorite thing about them
hmm. nothing?
favorite line
i havent seen motorcity in years so i got nothin
mike/chuck and mike/julie
mike/julie is my fave but i also like mike/chuck and mike/dutch a lot
uuuuhhhhhh idk mikes pretty shippable with everyone
random headcanon
(bisexual finger guns) he does em for a reason
unpopular opinion
i dont think i have any
song i associate with them
uuhhhhh this makes me old but Kings and Queens by 30 Seconds to Mars (yes theres a vid)
favorite picture of them
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favorite thing about them
teen titans is what got me into fandom life in the first place but raven specifically was a big part of that
least favorite thing about them
so long as we’re just talking about TT03 raven....shes fine. sometimes pretentious but it works for her
favorite line
classically i will say “evil beware, we have waffles”
raven/robin, raven/starfire, raven/cyborg
raven/robin, raven/terra, raven/cyborg
random headcanon
shes ace and bi. also because of her upbringing shes shit with modern technology
unpopular opinion
my unpopular opinion is simply my unending hatred of BBR
song i associate with them
Dark Blue by Jack’s Mannequin (here’s the vid)
favorite picture of them
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ill do Aya but my memories of GLTAS are few
favorite thing about them
i like that shes green and bald
least favorite thing about them
that she dies, i believe
aya and hal!!!!
ofc aya/razer.....sad
song i associate with them
ok here i have an answer and its super basic but I Am Not A Robot by Marina and the Diamonds (yes theres another vid)
favorite picture of them
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amanekasai · 3 years
uuhhhhh wilbur. for the character ask game. (you like him right? if you dont pick someone you do)
i do like him!!! thank u
first impression: holy fuck this guy is batshit crazy
impression now: THERE HE IS!! MY FAVORITE WHITE BOY!!!!!!! /q
favorite moment: when he was abt to blow up l’manburg !! idk something about that scene i just. i love it
idea for a story: literally anything with sbi. i fucking love sbi. cant think of anything specific rn tho lol
unpopular opinion: wilbur soot was not the best president.
favorite relationship: him and the rest of sbi. god i love family dynamic aus.
favorite headcanon: wilbur with wings !!!! also . also also what if. what if he had like . Robotic features or something. because his mother is a samsung smart fridge. God holy shit i need to draw that actually
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stumacherstan · 5 years
can i get uuhhhhh stu with s/o who dresses/acts like a badass but has a really soft and adorable room with a bunch of stuffed animals on their bed and how he reacts to it?! please n thank you!!!!
Stu Macher x softbaddie!Reader Headcanons:
You were nervous for him to come over
But you’ve been to his so many times and wanted to hang in your room
You thought about redecorating it
But if he didn’t accept you for all of you then that’s on him >:(
Stu was hyped to see your room
He thought it’d be all grungy and spooky
Because you’re always sharped eyeliner, resting bitch face, and dressed as if a fight was gonna break out
You had that snarky attitude with dead eyes
He loved it
When he entered you room and saw the opposite
Stu couldn’t help but snort
You “playfully” shoved him
Which made him wheeze and apologize
“Sorry babe”
You roll your eyes and let him marvel at your room
Stu picks up everything
He picks up your stuffed animals and giggles
He does little voice imitations for them
He’ll make them do silly dances in your face
You smile
He touches your walls and comments on the color
God he loves your blankets
They’re so soft
Stu won’t spill your secret so you’re not too worried
He loves your room dude
Feels blessed to be in there
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this is an oc masterpost of all my haf-formed ocs languishing on pinterest with their messy aesthetics and unedited blurbs, in roughly chronological order of their creation, plus sorted by fandom. this post is only asoiaf, harry potter, hunger games, and riverdale, cos i have tooooooo many original characters otherwise and the post was getting incredibly long. (note that i love my ocs but these one’s are not polished or even the final versions of their characters, i just wanted to post them lol)
under a read more, if you’re on mobile start scrolling i guess, sorry,,,
Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire:
Laeya Targeryen: (child of Rhaella and Aerys Targaryen, born 280 AC - three years older than Danaerys) 
Fearful of her impending marriage, Laeya is eleven when she takes her younger sister and flees across the sea to Dorne, hiding herself and Dany with dyed hair and badly controlled magic. As Leia and Dani Sand they learn to live normally. At 15 Leia joins the Royal Guard and secures Dany work as a tailor's apprentice. When she is 17, an assassin tries to kill her in front of the Dornish court and everything changes...
- so laeya straight up has magic, which im considering an extension of the dragon thing dany has - she can control flame and for the disguise uses her ‘inner fire’ to make her eyes white-blue like super hot flames, cos the purple eyes are super distinctive. and then she’s discovered and suddenly politics are happening. honestly she’s entirely a way for me to remove the child marriage bits of the targaryen storyline (stop marrying off your twelve-year-old baby sister viserys u asshole) - in terms of meta/basics, laeya doesn’t have a fc cos most of my early ocs don’t, and bcs i picture her as emilia clarke with faked dark hair and blue eyes lol
and a quick aesthetic below:
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Kyrra Snow: (child of Robert Baratheon and Maery Snow, birthdate ???)
Kyrra Snow is the eldest natural-born child of Robert Baratheon, current King of Westeros, and daughter of Maery Snow, a Southron (but Northern-born) merchant woman. After her mother realises Kyrra was growing up a little too much like her father in looks and needed to leave the far South before she caught the wrong sort of attention, Kyrra was sent off to travel with her aunt and cousins. She is 17 and heading further north, to Winter Town, when Jon Arryn dies.
- kyrra’s another child of everyone’s favourite asshole king, and she’s got a lot of people after her head, but she just wants to travel and continue her work as a simple peddler. (riiip poor girl) honestly she’s not that developed but yolo -
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Brynn Stark: (child of Catelyn and Eddard Stark, Robb’s twin sister)  
Brynn believes in honour and family, and she is loyal to Winterfell and the North above all else. Likes - archery, embroidery and weaving. Betrothed to [some young Northern lord] to keep the bonds between the Norther families strong.
-i basically made brynn as a contrast to sansa’s pro-southnness and excessive femininity and arya’s anger and desire for swords (relatable mood tho lmao). so brynn is here to mediate, extoll the virtues of both needlework and weapons, make a decent marriage to someone she likes, if not loves, and hold down the fort in the North while shit gets increasingly messier in the South. and a possible faceclaim is Àstrid Bergès-Frisbey - 
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Rosienne Lannister: (child of Joanna and Tywin Lannister, born 273 AC)
Rose is looked at by the realm with dismissal, a consolation prize for her father, a spare daughter only useful for matchmaking, but at least able-bodied and pretty, unlike her brother. After a long betrothal, Rose is married to Willas Tyrell at the age of eighteen, cementing her role as the next Lady of High Garden...
- Rosie/Rose is a bonus Lannister, bcs why not. likes cyvasse and the harp, soft and kind and maternal, powerful in her own way. originally she was from a minor divergence where joanna survives tyrion’s birth and goes on to have another kid, but not sure if i’ll keep that aspect, so for now she’s tyrion’s twin -
and her aes (yes that quote is cropped, no i don’t care rn):
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honourable mentions to my other got underdeveloped got/asoiaf ocs who need more effort before i post properly about them:
Tamlen Storm, a rookery apprentice (working for the Maester of House Tully, managing the ravens) who may or may not be a reincarnated si-oc trying to save westeros, 
and an unnamed northern huntress who stumbled into the plot somehow and wants her normal life back (entirely inspired by Keira Knightley as Gwyn in Princess of Thieves, when she’s doing archery stuff and looking v butch).
Harry Potter:
Taurus ‘Ara’ Lestrange:  (child of Bellatrix and Roldolphous Lestrange, born 1978) 
Raised by the Goblins after a legal mix-up following her parents' imprisonment in Azkaban, Taurus is good with a sword and aiming to be the next Minister of Magic. She attends Hogwarts with the other magical kids her age, under the fake identity Ara Burke, unknown cousin of a minor half-blood family. When the Potter brat’s drama starts destroying her change at an education just as her fourth year, her OWL prep year, begins, Ara intervenes.
- im tangentially aware that as bellatrix’s kid she’s almost occupying the place of whats-her-name from the cursed child, but considering that i know nothing about the cursed child and don’t care about it anyway, i have elected to ignore this. her actual parent might turn out to be some smitten half-blood from a minor branch of the Greengrass family, or it might actually be Rodolphous, who knows. slightly inspired by the fic ‘Harry Crow’ (by robst on ff.net) where harry is raised by the goblins -
messy aes:
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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Valerian Potter: (child of Lily and James Potter, born 1980)
After the Potter twins’ parents are murdered by Voldemort, they’re dumped on the doorstep of Number 4, Privet Drive. Dealing with two traumatised magical orphans, Petunia and Vernon Dursley turn to violence and neglect to stay in control, acting far more harshly than expected. With the arrival of two Hogwarts letters, life gets complicated incredibly quickly. (Self-sufficient and scarred from abuse, Val and Harry are immediately Sorted into Slytherin). 
- val’s fic is basically an angst fest, okay,,, -
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and shout-outs to: holly addison potter, a half-baked reincarnation si-oc (i love that concept a lot, can u tell) and my fav girl thea dursley, who already has her own fic and so isn’t getting a proper spot in this post 
The Hunger Games:
Asher: (District Two, age 18) 
[rip no blurb for asher]
-asher is a career from two, who wins the 70th games. mostly im focusing on her recovery and how the games function in two, with training volunteers and mentoring and collecting sponsors, plus eventually the rebellion. lots of the D2 headcanon i have is inspired by @/lorata but i defintely made a distinct effort to have my own stuff, cos where’s the fun in plagiarism -
aes for Asher’s Games:
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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  Rowan Everdeen: (District Twelve, age 19)
Rowan will do anything to protect her family. This extends to going to Head Peacekeeper Cray on a cold winters night, charging the most she can get for her virginity.  It extends to Reaping Day, when she steps out in front of the crowd and says “I volunteer as tribute” in the steadiest voice she can muster.  It extends to clawing her way out of the Arena, bloody and exhausted, with blades in her hands and violence kept tucked behind her teeth. It extends further, to a simple ‘Yes, President Snow’ when he coldly, carefully implies her family might meet with an accident if she doesn’t play the good little Victor (and fuck the people who pay the Capitol for her company). It extends to joining the Rebellion, to looking President Coin directly in the eye and agreeing to be a Mockingjay, a symbol for the people to rally around.
- another everdeen kiddo! as the big sister, rowan volunteers for prim, and goes through the Games - she’s a healer and a hunter, and a decent enough actor that she can manage interviews and a camera presence, unlike katniss. rowan also pairs well with a minor au i have, where the reapings are spaced out over a week and official training is a longer, giving the capitol a nice, long buildup to get excited and place bets, etc., and giving the poor, underfed tributes from the outer districts a better chance, which makes for more interesting television and better Games -
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Adrasteia Crane: (The Capitol, age 28) Unlike her big brother, Adrasteia doesn’t want to be a Gamemaker. Instead, she wants to create clothes, artwork, to enrapture the Capitol. She wants to be a Games stylist. After years of design school, of working her way up the ranks, first a PA’s assistant, and then fetching and carrying for Twelve’s prep team, and then eventually on a prep team for the dull tributes from Six, Adrasteia Crane finally has what she wants - the position of stylist for District Three’s male tribute in 74th Hunger Games. 
- tbh adrasteia is only seneca crane’s sister because i couldn’t think of a suitable last name for her lmao. i think i’d actually prefer her to be unattached to any major canon players. however, his death is a good motivation for her to join the rebellion, so we’ll see. she’s got a bit of the capitol fashion thing going too, with soft pink hair and diamond-effect skin on her face and shoulders -
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also bonus hunger games content: another oc, Sarsaparilla Verran, from District Eleven, fifteen and alone when she goes into the Games. An orphan, her siblings lost to the Community Home system years ago, her relatives dead or uncaring. So, Rilla is a wee lonely bab tbh. she did not want this, unlike most of my other hg ocs, and she’s not excited for weeks of murder. she just wants her family back, but since that isn’t possible, she’ll build a new family instead. and uuhhhhh,  spoiler alert, she dies before she can have this ://///
and my hunger games aus - a canon divergence where katniss joins the careers instead of peeta, her desire to go home to her family outweighing her reactive hate for the concept of training/volunteering to kill other teens, and a fem!Haymitch au where she’s a little wiser to the dark side of the capitol before she commits acts of rebellion (she still rebels anyway tho, just smarter).
Cat Cooper: (middle child of Alice and Hal Cooper) Cat Cooper (17) is the black sheep of the Cooper family. Her piercings, brightly dyed hair and connections to the Southside Serpents make her the odd one out among her sisters and constantly at odds with Alice Cooper. Cat’s life is occupied with her Serpent friends, work at a local coffee shop, and training - martial arts, supplemented with cross country, gymnastics and swimming. Until her older sister is shipped off to places unknown and her baby sister starts getting caught up in murder investigation with the absent Serpent heir... 
- haven’t decided between Catelyn or Catherine for Cat’s full name lmao. she used to be Kit, actually, but I changed it cos i prefer Kit to solely be my divergent oc (kit serafim). Cat is an ADHD disaster who loves her sisters and her friends and wants to get the hell out of Riverdale on a sports scholarship (she does either boxing or karate mainly, need to figure that bit out) -
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Georgie Andrews: (child of Mary and Fred Andrews)
Georgie likes soft drinks, cheerleading, and hanging out with the Blossom twins and Polly Cooper, their closest friends and a welcome distraction from their own problems. After Polly and Jason vanish, Georgie’s support system is almost gone, and they has to deal with everything they’ve been bottling up, just in time for Fred Andrews to get shot.
- also just angst ngl.  so georgie’s gender is basically ???, they enjoy cheerleading and not much else. they spend half their time dealing with depression, by trying to ignore stressful/hard topics and focus on the good side of everything. this isn’t a great long-term coping mechanism and has the fun side effect of pissing of the people around him when she seems unable to be serious or empathetic to someone else's pain (bcs she’s too busy deflecting for the sake of her own fragile mental health), so it gets fun when fred is shot and archie starts getting in too deep with the lodges -
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Sera Thornstone: (parents ???) Southside Serpent. Going to the Riverdale Community College and running errands for FP Jones. And secretly meeting up with her Ghoulie lover down by the Sweetwater where nobody goes. 
- everything about sera is vague and undecided lmao. but she has a ghoulie gf/bf/nbf? and they’re hiding that they were down by the river on the 4th of july, cos a serpent is an immediate suspect. going to community college to work on getting general credits before saving up for fancy school for law or journalism. the aes isn’t entirely accurate cos sera’s built from the remains of another serpent oc who i scrapped (she does have a baseball bat tho) -
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and honourable mentions to jen johnson and octavia blossom-murphy, my other riverdale ocs who actually have content, plus an in-development unnamed oc who gets adopted from the soqm by the Muggs family and growsup with Ethel. and my riverdale role reversal au, which i will never write but have some nice aesthetics for under the tag wip: bughead role reversal au.
all my mini-aesthetics here are unsourced images/from pinterest. any similarities to other people or characters, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. 
alrighty that’s it. now i have to tag this behemoth argh
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