#vacancy filled
I saw you were reading Bloom and Bone on Instagram and had to ask what you think about the theory Elain and Tamlin are mates?
LOL this ask is gonna revive the "separatist-apologist hates Elain" discourse. And if you're like, then don't answer it, I wanted to because I am enjoying the fic and I want to say nice things about houseofhurricane, who is so nice and lovely and has the kind of eyes you could drown in and what was I saying?
Facts about me very quickly:
- I would ship Elain with a candle if it was written well. @houseofhurricane is a fucking genius with the written word and between you and me, has a very french-kissable mouth.
- I just think hot girls deserve to be railed. And to that end, I am enjoying this fic.
Fanfic is for exploring what if and frankly, the person who introduced Vansssssnake does not have a moral high ground, ya feel? Like the girl who tried to make that haunted scarecrow sexy should pipe down about other writers. Stay in her lane. And Bloom and Bone is so achingly well written that I am literally ON FIRE with jealousy. What new deal with the devil would I have to make to be half as good with a turn of phase?
But IN CANON I WOULD BE A RAVING DUMPSTER FIRE OF AN ASSHOLE OF THEY WERE MATES like I would take a bond breaking better than I'd take that. SJM wouldn't, so there is 0 danger of it, and to that end we can all just have fun with theories without getting too riled up.
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ssaalexblake · 1 year
I love how Pike went away for three days after telling Spock that he won’t Need to do anything while he’s gone because they’re in spacedock, and that Pike will come home and find out that in those three days Spock A) stole the enterprise, B) managed to get their security officer back from her sabbatical and C) hired his mum’s friend to be their new chief engineer. 
He also got a massive hangover and took up music. 
Spock is Not an underachiever. 
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ofj-art · 11 months
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concept art for Lenore
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toexistwithin · 4 days
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stardustedknuckles · 9 days
Seven more shifts where I have to walk 17 minutes to and from the apartment to the train and then I get to take a bus to my front door at the new place and also I won't have to keep living my life in anticipation of strangers walking in to stare at the place where I live. It's been over a month of apartment viewings. They're only increasing and I'm just getting madder about the fact that we had to pay rent for an entire stretch of time where we couldn't just live like it was our literal home.
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humunanunga · 1 year
It's right and fair and just to mourn the species gone or going extinct in the span of humanity's lifetime. It does suck. But the point of no return we are past is the prevalence of biological activity on Earth. This planet already lost its chance to become another Mars or Venus.
Life was born before there was breathable air, before land was habitable, and continued to produce survivors through Snowball Earth, the Great Dying and Chixculub. The Age of Mammals came because the Age of Birds went.
There are worms a mile underground and vertebrates at the bottom of the Mariana Trench. There are whole ecosystems living off of hydrogen sulfide around hydrothermal vents hotter than lead's melting point, and bacteria in boiling volcanic springs. There are fungi that have already learned how to feed off of polyurethane in Ecuador and gamma rays in Chernobyl.
Adaptive radiation. Survivors will inherit the world. They always have.
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sociallyawkwardsailor · 9 months
Y'all I just...this man is a complete and entire dumbass. All New Year's deck log entries should be dedicated to him.
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Anyway, *sea chanties harder*
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peachyteabuck · 8 months
tomorrow I get to tell my landlord we are not renewing the lease
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infime · 1 year
actually the way tht u need at least a certificate to be considered credible in anything these days is killing the self taught 'boast' culture ugh
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fcktaken · 11 months
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France, rivers: Droller, Loire, Sioule, Ardèche, Chassezac, Eygues.
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futureghost97 · 1 year
rant in tags bc I want to sob into a pillow
#I can’t describe to you guys what my job is like. I know I post ridiculous funny stuff but it’s very rarely funny in the moment#I’m a substitute teacher‚ which means that even though I’m in the building EVERY DAY OF THE YEAR#and even though I’ve known most of these kids since LAST DECEMBER (2021)#they just. don’t fucking listen to a word I say#it took 14 minutes and a dean of students in the room with me today to get one of my classes to stop talking over/ignoring me#and I’m not even yelling at them‚ I’m literally trying to 1.) say ‘good afternoon folks!’ and 2.) tell them what the assignment is#all day long I’m ignored and disrespected by the same kids and there are no consequences because this is a charter school#and day after day I’m also disrespected by staff because I’m ‘just a sub’ and you#everyone keeps calling out of work#we finally filled the last VACANCY we had TWO WEEKS AGO. we’ve been down 3 full time teachers since the beginning of the year#and as of two weeks ago we finally filled the last vacancy. so I could go back to JUST substituting.#but today the 7th grade ELA teacher just gave us his one-week notice which means that now that I am the ONLY BUILDING SUB#(we started the year with 3‚ now it’s just me)#I have this terrible suspicion that ​I’m gonna get stuck with 7th grade ELA for the rest of the year. while trying to do grad school.#I just… I’m exhausted all the time#and I act like I’m not but I am#this job is so demeaning and exhausting and I love my students (specifically my 8th graders and high schoolers)#but I’m not gonna see them for the rest of the year. I’m gonna be stuck in 7th grade ELA I just know it#when I say that the middle school is like an active war zone I’m not joking#I had to stop a kid from choking out his classmate today#I leave work every day with headaches because it’s always so fucking loud‚ even in the middle of lessons#I want my old job back‚ this year has been exhausting and I don’t know how I’ve ended up taking on so much more than I’m supposed to#I covered 6 out of 7 periods again this week. the most that any full time teacher has to teach is 4 out of 7#and the subbing coordinator keeps giving me the heaviest coverage loads and then telling me he’s ‘disappointed’ by how tired I am#he also gave every single person on the subbing team specific shoutouts in his daily emails… except me#tldr I’m feeling disrespected by students and overworked by my coordinator and undersupported by admin and taken for granted by coworkers
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drawnecromancy · 2 years
Franchement si j'avais le temps et que j'étais pas méga en galère sur le dessin en ce moment je ferais de fou un genre de peinture 'photo de groupe de la première génération de Chevaliers" genre quand ils sont arrivés à Émeraude a 4-5 ans et puis une fois qu'ils sont adultes et chevaliers a 19-20 ans et... Peut-être une fois que j'aurais fini de tout relire, quand ils seront plus vieux aussi :0
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deadfractals · 2 years
Fuck, again, I wanna be a man but I love all the sin and the cigarette ash. Black lips, amen, I want to be a saint but I love all the darkness-  Lights just burn my skin.
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mademoiselle-florence · 3 months
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Ma soeur Camille et sa BFF Camille en vacances, elles ne peuvent plus jouer les garçons manquées et se comportent enfin en jeunes filles.
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aigle-suisse · 5 months
Juillet 1995, Privas, le barrage 07 - The dam of Privas, Ardèche, France par Bastien Castillange Via Flickr : In July, 1995 - In the "dam" of Privas, the summer imposes the bathing, the young people gather there. It seems to be "La Neuve Bathing Spot" (Lyas), no ? The river in which they bathe is Ouvèze, I believe. Or Mezayon ? If it is not Ouvèze, thank you for correcting me in a short message... www.paysdeprivas.com/Active_holidays.php Juillet 1995 - Au "barrage" de Privas, l'été impose la baignade, les jeunes affluent en masse. On dirait le Plan d'eau de La Neuve (Lyas), non ? La rivière dans laquelle on se baigne est l'Ouvèze, je crois. Ou bien le Mézayon ? Si ce n'est pas l'Ouvèze, merci de me le signaler par un petit message... www.paysdeprivas.com/loisirs-sportifs.php
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vftalent111 · 6 months
World Talent Hiring
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