#vaggie really thought charlie would still be angry with her after more than a few hours
the-carlos-cow-eyes · 1 month
Okay, this Is by far one of my favorite Chaggie moments-
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darkmasterofcupcakes · 4 months
I didn't thought of vaggie saying something homophobic.
But crackwhore was definitely said at least a few times, and probably something like how it's not because he like being fucked by 20 guys than it mean he should make the Hotel reek from it.
Because let's be honest, Vaggie is one to go for the throat, and I can see this happening.
Also, I'm pretty sure sometimes vaggie gave him looks murderous enough for Angel to feel freaked out, especially since I wouldn't be surprised if, when angry, Vaggie would give off an angelic aura or something.
Though it make me wonder if Angel worried if she wasn't in some kind of commies or fascist death squad when alive.
After all, highly judgemental military gal in hell doesn't give off reassuring signs.
I wouldn't be surprised if Vaggie once revealed to Charlie that the stuff she said when angry was "stupid shit my mom believed".
Obviously she never talked of it after, but I can see this happening.
Sidenote, but Charlie probably have the habit of bringing stuff that are on high shelves/place etc to Vaggie without prompting, because with the loss of her wings, Vaggie must have felt really shitty whenever she saw high places and just couldn't reach them, probably with some phantom pains when she instinctively tried using her wings,so Charlie took the stuff for her when she noticed that.
Vaggie is absolutely able to give off a sort of "angelic" aura when she wants to, though she obviously does her best to not use that "ability" very often because she wants to hide the fact that she's actually an Angel from everyone, for a variety of reasons.
And her aura could be especially intense when she was angry, because while it was supposed to be a secret (not that everyone basically didn't already know the truth) that Adam was her father, the fact was that he was, and Vaggie did inherit some of his high levels of angelic power, which she never actively uses, but it shows itself through the intensity of her aura when she actually allows it to show.
Vaggie rarely ever actually talked about her past to any, even Charlie. She did technically create a "background" for herself, a story to tell if anyone needed to know who she'd been before she ended up in Hell, to help sell the story that she was just another Sinner. But sometimes, when it was just her and Charlie, she would slip the tiniest bit and very, very briefly mention something about her mother. Like how some of the cruel things she said were things her mother had taught her, both directly and indirectly, as she was growing up. But she never wanted to say more, and Charlie, of course, never pushed, seeing it was difficult for Vaggie to remember her life before Hell, even if she didn't fully know why.
One of the things Vaggie had taken for granted most of her life was the fact that, because she could fly, she never had to worry about the fact that she's honestly not that all. After she lost her wings, and the initial pain was gone, she took a while to fully adjust to the fact that they were gone, and whenever she wanted to try and reach something on a high shelf, or something just too far out of her reach, her first instinct was to just try and fly up to grab it...only to obviously find herself still on the ground and feeling a bit of phantom pain from her missing wings.
It took her a long time to be willing to actually ask Charlie to help her get things from the higher shelves, but Charlie noticed sooner that she was struggling and started just usually putting things lower without being asked anyway.
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Drinks and a lame party. [HuskerDust oneshot]
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Alright, @randompersonnumber3​ and @spiderwithatommygun​ This ones for you two.
Fair warning. This is my first time writing HuskerDust. Still hope you enjoy it
             To say Angel was having fun would be a load of bullshit. He groaned from his spot against the wall of the large ballroom. Tonight Charlie, Vaggie, and that strawberry pimp had organized a party for to people of hell. Or simply put, to get some demons in this place. 
When the spider heard ‘party’ you could imagine his excitement looking forward tonight. He hadn’t the chance to have been at an actual party in a month thanks to Charlie and that shit. But as he looked across the ballroom this was not his idea of a party.
He grimaced as he looked again. 
Classical music filled the room, like something rich people would play at one of them fancy parties. What was worse, every demon in here was dressed all nice, men in suits women in fancy dresses. Hell, even the food was fucking refined. 
 Even he himself was forced to wear this classy clothing. Pink blazer white pants, something similar to what Alastor had thrown him into on the day he showed up.
At least he got to wear his boots.
Where was the loud club music! And the flashing lights, the smell of sex and drugs, the alcohol shitty food, and people in shitty clothes! 
Angel huffed, his mind backtracking a few steps. 
As if his mind followed his new train of thought they traveled across the room. Tucked against one of the far walls, sporing his white button-up and tie was the bar cat he always messed with. Angel grinned, a new idea coming to his mind. 
Putting his plan into action Angel strutted over to the bar cat.
Husk was in the middle of pouring some high-class demon a drink in one of those wine glasses. She was a cat-like demon, her fur a dark brown. And that red curly hair matched the classy dress she wore. 
As he got closer, Husk not even noticing him yet, he realized that the same demon was taking her own jabs at him. “Oh come on...I’ll make your night more interesting than this.” She purred, her tail wagging a little. Husk was obviously uncomfortable and giving about the same reaction he did with Angel’s flirting.
“Fuck off.” Angel snickered when the cat girl cocked her head back. All in the same minute she got up from the bar and walked away with her nose up in the air. His brows only knitted together when he caught sight of the spider taking her place on the stool.
There wasn’t anyone at the bar beside the two of them. Everyone was busy trying to harass Charlie for this only to be backed up by Vaggie and Alastor. And Nifty was busy picking up any little speck of dirt left by these fools.
So that just left them.
“What do you want.” Husk growled, he didn’t sound angry his voice was just naturally deep like that. Not that it bothered Angel. His cheeks were also a light tint of pink, so he assumed Husk had already been drinking, that wasn’t surprising. 
Angel smiled, leaning the lower sets of his arms on the bar while the first pair supported his face. “Oh come on Husky, you know by now.” While the tone of Angel’s voice suggested something else, he was in fact talking about alcohol. Husk groaned again but was already getting a bottle. And like Angel had found the winged cat doing lately, he grabbed two shot glasses and set them on the bar before pouring.
“Surprised your not dead with that kid throwing you around all night.” He was referring to Charlie showing Angel off as her newest ‘project’. He didn’t really like that word but didn’t care enough to do anything about it.
“I could say the same to you.” Angel laughed, picking up one of the shot glasses and effortlessly throwing it to the back of his throat. Husk seemed to do it at the same time before both their classes hit the counter again. “With girls like that? Thought ya woulda killed someone by now.” 
Husk used his tail to hold the bottle and fill the glasses again. He laid an arm on the counter while the other picked up the glass. “Compared to bein around you for a few months, they ain’t shit.” Angel snickered, shooting his shot back again.
“Awww, that’s so sweet.” Husk rolled his eyes, his ears folding back as he looked away for a moment. 
“Your more annoyin’ then them. Ain’t hard.” Angel’s smile didn’t falter despite the counter. Husk had a hard exterior but in these few months, Angel had come to know that he had a soft side too. And he had been lucky enough to see it for himself. 
“Oh stop, your makin’ me blush.” Angel joked, despite his cheeks actually tinting a light pink from the alcohol. Husk rolled his eyes, ignoring him. 
For a short time, the pair fell silent just exchanging drinks and trying to ignore the classical music that penetrated both their ears. (Yes Angel has ears.) After about four shots neither were perse drunk but both had a healthy amount of red to their cheeks. It was then Husk spoke up, “do you wanna go sit in the lobby and continue this? This shits hurting my ears.” Husk complained his ears pressing down to his head as a response. 
The music had gotten a little louder, that or the alcohol made both of their senses hyper-aware. “If ya wanted to be alone with me ya coulda just asked.” The spider purred with a smirk.
Husk was already moving away from the bar in the ballroom, one Alastor had just conjured here. His tail had hooked itself around a stray bottle as he walked away from the bar. “If your gonna be like that then your ass can stay here.” He grumbled. 
“No no--” Angel grabbed the cat’s arm as he was about to pass him. Husk didn’t exactly jerk away from him but he did flinch. “I’ll behave.” A lie.
Husk knew it was. But whether it was the whiskey in his system or just some stray moment of kindness that didn’t belong there, he found himself saying “then come on. My fucking ears hurt.” 
Angel grinned happily at the invitation and followed Husk out of the room. The opening and closing of the door were barely noticed by anyone in the room.
The lobby was quiet and empty. 
The pair took refuge on one of the couches far too large to be normal. They promptly continued their drinking once Husk grabbed a few extra bottles from the bar in the lobby. As they continued their shots somewhere at some point they began to exchange stories with each other. 
“So then I blew his head off and took the cash.” Angel laughed, and Husk found himself laughing too. 
“You just shot him and left.” Angel, still laughing nodded. 
“I mean, the sex wasn’t bad but like, he wasn’t gonna pay so.” Angel made a gun with his fingers aiming it at Husk. “Bang.” He said playfully and resumed his laughing. Something rare happened then. And Angel witnessed it first hand. 
The bar cat was smiling. 
Angel stopped laughing for a second and set his shot down. “Is that a smile I see?” He grinned, Husk rolled his eyes. His smile promptly fading. He shook his head. Angel found himself frowning as well.
He sighed leaning forward and covered his arms face. “Sorry sorry. Fuck I ruined it.” He muttered. Husk looked at him confused. Before he could ask why, or question why he cared, Angel looked at him with guilt lacing his face. “It’s just...nice to see ya smile. Y’know? It’s, nice to see you happy for once.” 
Husk stared at Angel for a time, his ears perking up and tail swaying. Angel stared back, worried he’d only made it worse. But the pair of lips that suddenly pressed to his said otherwise. 
The spider didn’t hesitate and easily melted into the kiss that tasted strongly of whiskey. He grabbed the fronts of Husk shirt tilting his head and the bar cat didn’t seem to mind. Angel had through it would go were these things normally did. But the denied acess past his lips and to his mouth seemed to say otherwise. 
Still, he didn’t push Angel away. In fact he pulled the spider onto his lap to which the other greatly complied. He kissed the spiders lips not with hunger but something similar to desire. His claws rested on the tallers hips and Angels sets of hands rested somewhere on Husks shoulders or chest. 
After a minute the kiss finally broke, both panting heavily. The smell of alchoahul and whisky in both of their breaths. But as Angel leaned back in he was promtply stopped by the claw on his chest. He looked at the bar cat confused and baffled. Husk only met the spiders eyes, not with anger like he expected he had looked strangly calm.
“That’s enough.” He said softly. Angel frowned, pouting slightly. “Oh don’t give me that look. Your drunk an’ I know what happens with this shit when your drunk.” Angel sighed, leaning down and resting his head on Husks shoulder. He expected the cat to push him off, but he only felt the claws come to hold him a little tighter. 
Angel let out a weak laugh into the silent hall. “So ya’ just kissed me ‘cause your drunk?” There was a long pause and an aduible gulp on Husks part. A shaky breath escaped his lips. 
“No.” Was all he said. But that was enough for Angel. 
They stayed like that for a few minutes...before Husk gently pushed Angel back. Once again he met the spiders eyes, but this time his expression came with a smile. “Now drag your ass to your room before you fuckin’ pass out here.” Angel blushed, smiling himself. Husk ears folded back in relization of what he was saying. His own cheeks became a shade redder as he looked away. 
“I mean..you know how fuckin’ hard it is to drag your ass up those stairs.” Angel huffed out a laugh as he climbed off the cats lap. 
“Alrigh’ I’m goin’. Wouldn’t wanna worry ya.” A more sincere tone carried his words compared to the usual teasing. Husk watched the spider pause at the bottom of the stairs, about to go up them. But he looked at the bar cat and gave a genuine smile. 
“Goodnight...Husk.” That unfamilar feeling he hadn’t felt in years...that feeling he’d been afraid to feel again swarmed his chest. And without realizing it the corners of his lips pointed up. 
“Goodnight, Angel.” The spider stared surprised for a momment. He waved, finally heading up the stairs. 
Once Angel was out of sight the cat-demon groaned holding his face. 
The racing of his heart.
That strange tingling feeling on his lips. 
The warm feeling.
The cold feeling of him being gone.
“Fuck..not again.”
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kiddoryder · 3 years
Hidden Blind Rage
Wow...It’s been since I wrote a fanfic huh? Well I’m really sorry about that. I mean you have to admit, 2020 was hell with all the crazy stuff that was happening I felt stress and lost my happy and spark on writing. 
 But thanks to the new year and new Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel clips and episodes coming out, I feel back and better than ever! 
 So this story is about one of my best friends Lolli-Momo1908 OC Blitz going through a struggle on the day of his and Sophie’s parents’ death. 
 So relax and enjoy the story! 
Blitz, Sophie, their parents and Ryan belong to @loli-momo1908
 An alarm was ringing loudly, and Blitz sleepily turned it off. He sat up and yawned and scratched his back. Blitz rubbed his eyes and for some reason, instead of feeling like his regular self, he just felt more...depressed and numb. He turned to his calendar and discovered why: Today was the anniversary of his and Sophie’s parents' death thanks to Ryan O’Grady AKA the Evil Eye Killer. Ever since that day, Blitz had the responsibility to take care of his baby sister Sophie from the danger of their life in Hell. 
 Blitz felt like he didn’t want to do anything but sleep on this terrible grim day, but he knew he had one job he can never quit on, and that was taking care of his sister. Blitz got out of bed and went to the bathroom to wash up and change his clothes. After putting on his clothes, he began to brush his teeth and come his hair. When he was done, he looked in the mirror to his hair, but he saw a flashback of fire and Ryan’s evil smile. Blitz shook his hair and saw nothing. He sighed in sadness and heard a knock on the door. Blitz got out the bathroom and saw Sophie. 
 Blitz - “Oh hey Sophie. What’s up?”
 Sophie - *a little sad and nervous* “Hi Blitzy. I saw on my calendar what today is...Are we going to be okay?”
 Blitz saw how unsure Sophie was feeling. Hating to make his baby sister sad, Blitz kneeled down to her height and said: 
 Blitz - “Don't worry Sophie. I know today is a hard and sad day for us but trust me: things will get better.”
 Sophie - *smiles* “Thank you big brother. And I know someday Mommy and Daddy will come back to us soon.”
 Those words struck Blitz’s heart like a knife. He didn’t have the heart to tell her there’s a chance their parents aren’t coming back. However, he feels like want to keep that hope for Sophie’s sake so she wouldn’t be feeling depressed. 
 Blitz - *smiles* “Yeah. That’s right. Someday they will come back but soon. Let’s go get some breakfast.”
 Downstairs they saw Niffty making some breakfast. Charlie, Vaggie, Husk, and Angel Dust was sitting on the table waiting for breakfast to be done. 
 Blitz - “Morning everybody.”
 Charlie - “Oh good morning Blitz and Sophie! How you guys slept?”
 Blitz - *shrugs* “Okay I guess.”
 Niffty - “Ooh! Hello guys! Do you want some breakfast? I’m making some pancakes and bacon!” 
 Sophie - “Ooh yes please!”
 Blitz - “To be honest, I’ll just have some coffee.”
 Niffty - “Coffee? Are you sure? I mean big growing men like you need their strength from food so you can have big strong muscles.”
 Blitz - “It’s fine Niffty. I’m not that hungry anyway.”
 Niffty - “Well alright.”
 Blitz sat down to Angel looking a bit sad. Angel noticed and said: 
 Angel - “Are you alright Blitz?”
 Blitz - *depressed* “Huh? Oh yeah. I’m fine.”
 Angel - “Are ya sure? You don’t seem like your regular self.”
 Blitz - “I’m fine Angel. I’m just a little tired. Didn’t sleep well last night.”
 Angel - “Oh Blitz. You know you are always welcome to sleep in my bed for some *flirty* fun nights.”
 Blitz’s left eye twitch a bit, and then he bopped Angel on the head with his fist. 
 Blitz - “Don't go horny on me dumbass! Besides, I’m not in the mood for your flirty games.”
 Then there was a knock on the door. 
 Charlie - “I’ll get it.”
 Charlie got up from her seat and opened the door. She saw it was her youngest cousin Sonya holding her book bag. 
 Sonya - “Hey Cousin Charlie!” 
 Charlie - “Oh hey Sonya!”
 Charlie gave her a baby cousin a big hug. Even Liz in her shadow form hugged her as well. Charlie let her cousin inside the hotel and into the kitchen. 
 Charlie - “Hey guys! Guess who joined us for breakfast.”
 Husk - “Oh. You brought the weird little boy over. Great.”
 Sonya - *annoyed* “I’m a weird little girl.” 
 Husk - *shrugged* “Whatever.”
 Sophie - “Hi Sonya! Hi Lizzy!”
 Sonya - *chuckles* “Liz said “Hi Squirt.”
 Sophie giggled and Blitz slightly smiled and shook his head. Sonya sat down and began to eat some breakfast. 
 Angel - “So kid, what’s bring you here? In this so-called lovely hotel?”
 Sonya - “My parents went out of town for a week and said I have to come here.”
 Angel - “Can’t you and Liz stay home by yourself? I mean you both are like what? 12?”
 Vaggie - *annoyed* “They are 11 Angel. They are still a little too young.”
 Angel - *scoff* “Oh please at their age not only I was already staying home by myself, but I already learned how to learn how to use a gun.”
 Husk - “At that age, I already knew how to mix drinks.”
 Blitz look down and look a bit sad. He remembers how when he was 11 years old, he would spend a lot of time with his parents. He would cook with his mother, his father would read books to him, and his parents would always comfort him whenever he was feeling down. Then Blitz snapped out of his thoughts when he heard Sonya moaning and rolling her in annoyance. 
 Charlie - “What is it Sonya?”
 Sonya - “It’s my parents. They keep asking me questions like if I’m alright and stuff. They should know that I'm okay cause Liz and I are tough, and I’m with you guys. *sighs* they can be such a pain in the butt sometimes. I mean, we are almost teenagers I don’t need them to keep hovering over me and Liz. We aren’t babies. 
 Blitz - *stand up, points at her and snapped* “Hey! Be lucky you and Liz actually have parents that care and love you alright?!”
 Everybody looked shocked at Blitz outburst. They never saw Blitz yelled at a kid like that. Even Sophie looked appalled on how her big brother yelled at her friend. Blitz realized what he had done and then slump back down in his seat. 
 Blitz - *guilty and embarrassed* “Sonya I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to yell at you. I...Didn’t sleep well last night and I've been feeling a little tense.”
 Charlie - *concerned* “Maybe you should go upstairs to rest.”
 Blitz - “Yeah...Good idea.”
 Blitz got out of his seat and went upstairs to his room. Everybody was still shocked on Blitz behavior. 
 Husk - “Geez what’s the hell up his ass?”
 Sophie - “Blitz is sad. Today is the day we lost our Mommy and Daddy.”
 Now everybody at the table looks concerned and sad. They should have known today was going to be a hard day for Blitz and Sophie. 
 Angel - *concerned* “Oh my poor Blitzy Que. No wonder he’s all upset.”
 Vaggie - “Are you alright Sophie?”
 Sophie - “Yeah. I mean, I know it’s sad, but I know someday Mommy and Daddy will come back. It’s Blitzy I’m worried about.``
 Charlie - “Maybe we should let Blitz rest it off. I’m sure he needs it for a day like this.”
 Blitz was laying down on his bed. He was trying to rest. But he couldn’t. All he could think about that awful day Ryan came and lost his parents. He tried to think of something else, but he couldn’t. 
 “You’re a failure kid.”
 Blitz’s ears twitched and his eyes widened. He turned around and saw Ryan in the mirror. Blitz walked up to the mirror and his eyes turned red. 
 Blitz - “Shut up.”
 Ryan - “Let face it. You can’t protect your ass from me anymore.”
 Blitz - “You don’t know what you’re talking about!” 
 Ryan - “I know deep down you’re just a scared sad little boy. You’re afraid I’ll hunt you and killed you and your baby sister the way I killed your parents. I’m getting ready for that. And when that day comes. You will die.”
 Blitz - “No you won’t! I’ll still fight you no matter what!”
 Ryan - “That what your father said and look what happened to him. Face it, you’re a failure to parents because you fail to protect them. Just like you’re gonna fail to protect your sister. You’re a disgrace to them.”
 Blitz - *angry* “SHUT UP!!”
 He punched the mirror so hard that it broke into pieces. Blitz snapped out his thoughts and realize that he was just going through a hallucination. He winces in pain and saw how his hand had some glass shards and was bleeding. Blitz went to the bathroom, got some bandages, and began to take out the glass shards first, the. wrap up his hand. Then he heard on the knock on the door and when Blitz went to open it, it was Angel. 
 Angel - “You okay?”
 Blitz - “I’m fine why?”
 Angel - “Well I- *see his bandage hand* What happens to your hand?”
 Blitz - *tries to cover it up* “I just had a little accident with my mirror that’s all.” 
 Angel - *disbelief* “Accident? Really? Tell me the truth.”
 Blitz - “It’s none of your business Angel.”
 Angel rolled his eyes and said:
 Angel - “Look babe, I’m worried about ya. I mean you act so...tense and stuff. Even ya sister worried about you because of what happened.”
 Blitz - “Look, it something I can deal with on my own. Can we just drop it okay?”
 Just when Angel was about to say something, he heard a ring on his phone. He looked at his phone to see who was texting him. Angel grimace and text back on his phone. 
 Angel - “Look Blitz, I gotta go to work. Please just let me know what’s wrong. You’re one of few people I can fully talk too.”
 Blitz just crossed his, turn his back away, and said.
 Blitz - “Whatever Angel…”
 Angel sadly sighed and left Blitz’s doorway. Blitz looked a bit ashamed on how he acted toward Angel and felt a weird, strange feeling in his chest. It was a mix of pain, yet something that slowly unlocking inside of him. He decides to ignore that feeling. 
 Blitz - *to himself* “Come on Blitz, you can get through the day.” 
 Blitz went downstairs and was now at the hotel’s lobby. He saw Husk mixing some drinks and sat on one of the stools. 
 Husk - “What the fuck you want?”
 Blitz - *annoyed* “Some orange soda please. Big bottle.”
 Husk - “Huh. Rare time I get ask for something non-alcohol related drinks.”
 Blitz - “Well you should know that I don’t drink.”
 Husk - *shrugged* “Whatever.”
 As Husk was getting Blitz his drink, Blitz kept looking down in sadness. He felt guilty that not only he snapped at Sonya but ignored and was rude to Angel. Angel was right: Blitz was one of the few people Angel can talk his true feelings too since Angel only trust a few people. Blitz decided when Angel gets back, he will apologize to him. Then Husk gave him a big glass bottle of soda. 
 Husk - “Here. Go nuts.”
 Blitz - *sarcastic* “Geez you really are a ball of sunshine aren’t ya?”
 Husk - “Yeah cause my job in this fucking hellhole involve two things I love: drinking and ignoring the shit out of people.”
 Blitz rolled his eyes and began to drink his soda. Husk then said:
 Husk - “So...The kid told me is the day ya lost your Ma and Pops.”
 Blitz - “Which kid told you that?”
 Husk - “Your sister.”
 Blitz - “Oh right. You don’t know how hard it is. 4 years since that bastard took our parents away and always trying to come after us and kill us.”
 Husk - “Well ya only beat the crap of the guy.”
 Blitz - “But that doesn’t help with how he killed my parents.”
 Husk - “So ya lost your Ma and Pops. Get the fuck over it! Everybody lose people but it’s no excuse to be a fucking crybaby about it. Get the fuck over it!”
 Those words made Blitz furious. Blitz took his glass bottle, broke it in half, and grab Husk by the bow tie pulling him close with one hand, and the bottle with his other hand bringing it close to Husk face. 
 Blitz - *dark and serious with red eyes* “You wanna say that again?”
 “Blitz what are you doing?!!”
 Blitz turned around and saw Charlie, Vaggie, Sophie, Niffty and Sonya looked appalled at how Blitz was about to hurt Husk with a broken glass bottle. Blitz’s eyes turned back to normal and let go of Husk and drop the bottle on the floor. 
 Niffty - “Ooh! A mess! I’ll clean it up because a handsome man like Blitz shouldn’t do such a dangerous clean up. It could leave him getting cut and that ruin his looks!”
 Niffty quickly got a broom and dustpan and quickly began to clean up. Charlie went to Husk and said:
 Charlie - *concerned* “Are you alright Husk?”
 Husk - *dust himself* “Eh. I had it worse than just a broken bottle on my face.”
 Vaggie - *mad* “Blitz! What were you thinking?!”
 Blitz - *defensive* “Look I’m sorry okay! It won’t happen again.”
 Charlie - *Blitz this isn't cool at all. I know today is a sad day for you and Sophie, but you shouldn’t lash out at others!”
 Blitz - “I wasn’t lashing out!”
 Sonya - *calm but serious* “Then what would you have called it?”
 Blitz didn’t have an answer to that and was holding his chest. That feeling was coming back again, but stronger. He was trying to keep it down and even hide but his friends look concerned about him. 
 Vaggie - “Blitz, maybe you should just talk about how you are feeling.”
 Blitz - “Don't worry about me. I’ll be okay.”
 Sophie - “Blitzy, don't be sad please.”
 Blitz - “I’m not sad Sophie. I’m just feeling...something else.”
 Sophie - “But this isn’t good on how you are feeling! Mommy and Daddy wouldn’t like this for you.”
 Blitz - “Well Mommy and Daddy aren’t here anymore Sophie.”
 Sophie - “I know but if you have huge hopes like me, they will come back someday.”
 Blitz - *snapping* "They're not coming back, alright?! So, just shut up about it!
 Then, Blitz noticed how the girls looked appalled. Even Husk had a disgusted look on his face. Blitz didn’t understand why, but when he looked down, he saw what always broke his heart: Sophie had tears in his eyes and looked shocked and hurt on how her older brother had just yelled at her. 
 Blitz - *regretfully* “Sophie...I-I’m so sorry I-I…”
 Can’t find any words to excuse his actions, Blitz just ran out the hotel door. He was deeply ashamed on how he took out his anger on his own sister. The last person he would want to hurt. Sophie saw her brother leaving and said:
 Sophie - “Big bro! Wait!”
 Sophie was about to run after him, but Sonya gently held Sophie’s arm. 
 Sonya - “Sophie, let Blitz go.”
 Vaggie - “Yeah she’s right. I think he needs some time to cool down.”
 Sophie - *worried* “But will he come back?”
 Charlie - *kneeled down and hug Sophie* “Aw don’t worry sweetie. Blitz will come back; he just needs some time. 
 Blitz kept walking in the city not caring about the dangers or yelling of other demons. What was stuck in his head right now is how he yelled at his own baby sister. The last thing he wanted to do Sophie was to hurt her and feeling horribly guilty. Today not only he hurt Sophie, but he hurt his friends too. All they wanted to do is just help Blitz and cheer him up, and he just pushed them away. The feeling in his chest was getting stronger and he kept trying to hide them. He didn’t know what it was, but he didn’t want to let it out. Blitz kept on walking until he heard a disgusting voice that he hated beside Ryan’s. 
 “Well, Well, Well. Look what the cat, or should I say bat brought of the bag.”
 Blitz turned his head and saw Valentino standing outside his Porn Studio building. Valentino had two women in his arms and was smoking his cigarette and did a mocking smile. Blitz rolled his eyes and said:
 Blitz - “What the fuck you want?”
 Valentino - “What? I can’t say hello?”
 Blitz - “I don’t have time for your shit.”
 Valentino - “Oh what’s the matter? Having a bad day? Why don’t you cry to your mama and daddy? Or you don’t have any? Which wouldn’t surprise me at all.”
 Valentino began to mockingly laugh at Blitz. Blitz felt rage inside of him. Just when he was about to fly and beat the shit out of Valentino, he heard: 
 “Bosses stop it!”
 They both turned and saw Angel Dust. He looked sad and worried about Blitz. He was about to walk toward Blitz, but then Valentino stood in front of him. 
 Valentino - “Where you think you are going Angel Cakes?”
 Angel - “To comfort Blitzy.”
 Valentino - “Oh Angel honey, don’t you remember? You need to play your part in the film “Sex and the City of Sexville.” 
 Angel - “I-I know Val. But Blitz is more important.”
 Angel was going to walk toward Blitz again, but Valentino grabbed Angel’s upper right arm tightly. Angel wince, as Valentino brought him closer to his face look mad. 
 Valentino - *seriously* “Are you disrespecting me sugar?”
 Angel - *glared* “For once, yeah! Because Blitz is more important than your stupid ass fucking movie and your stupid ass fucking face!”
 Val raise his hand up high and gave Angel a hard slap to the face and Angel fell on the ground. Just as when Angel was about to get up, Val lift his foot up, and stomp on the right side of Angel’s face very hard. Angel since in pain and Val move his foot a little on Angel’s face and kept moving it like if he was putting out a cigarette. 
 Valentino - *calm and angry* “You seem to forget Angel: I OWN YOU! YOU are nothing but a toy that I can play with it! Without me, you’re a fucking worthless slut! And maybe you would realize that once I have to punish you again in my room, and make you remember it!!”
 Seeing Val hurting Angel Dust in front of him was the last straw. All the anger Blitz felt, the memory of Ryan hurting him, killing his parents, burning down his home, and continue to hunt him and Sophie unleashed. Valentino and Angel then saw Blitz transforming. Blitz’s eyes grew deep red, claws were getting longer, was growing larger, more fur around him, and he was growling. All of a sudden Blitz was now a size of a giant tower and let out a huge roar. He kicked the Porn Studio, and it was into giant piles of rubble. Valentino looked horrified and got his foot of Angel’s face and screamed: 
 Valentino - *weeping* “My precious porno home! It’s all ruined and gone! *angrily point to giant Blitz* “You're gonna pay for that you motherfucking-“
 Blitz lifts up his foot and stomps on Valentino multiple times. Then he let out a huge war and began to walk to the city causing chaos not caring about the screaming demons. Angel got up and not only saw Val in a bloody broken mess but was horrified on how his lover turned into his final demon form. 
 Angel - “I gotta stop him!”
 At the hotel lobby, Sophie was sadly coloring in her coloring book. Normally she loves to draw and color but was still feeling sad how not only Blitz yelled at her, but then left. She feels like it was her fault for angering her brother and making him leave. Then Sonya came and said: 
 Sonya - “Hey Sophie it’s okay. Blitz didn’t mean it.”
 Sophie - *sad* “But I made him mad…”
 Sonya - “People get mad sometimes, but they don’t mean to take it out on the people they love.”
 Sophie - “But will Blitzy come back? It's been a long time and I’m worried about him.”
 Sonya - “I’m sure he will be back. Come on, let go watch tv with the others.”
 Sophie - “Well okay.”
 Sonya grabbed Sophie’s hand and they both walk to the couch where Charlie, Vaggie, Husk and Niffty was watching TV. As soon they sat down, the 666 News came on.
 Katie - “Good afternoon! I’m Katie Killjoy.”
 Tom - “And I’m Tom Trench! Chaos is happening today here in Pentagram City as a giant monster demon is attacking the city.”
 Katie - “That’s right Tom! Instead of the usual shitty turf wars, this giant monster is destroying half of the city. Let’s take a look.”
 The camera show of Blitz in his final demon form roaring and knocking down buildings. Many demons ran away in fear, some even stupidly try to fight back, but they were no match for Blitz in his final demon form. Blitz let out a huge sonic scream that destroyed some building and hurt some demons.
 “My ears! I can’t hear anything!”
 “My home!”
 “My car!”
 “My leg!”
 Katie - “Ooh this monster is destroying everything shitty thing it sees huh?”
 Tom - “I agree Katie. If this keep ups, then the big guns would have to come to take care of this beast.”
 Katie - “Ooh that would make more juicy stories and railings will be high! Ooh! Now I’m getting word that this monster is coming toward another building! Can’t wait to see the sorry motherfucking bitches who next.”
 Tom - *scared* “Umm...Katie?”
 Katie - “What you tiny sick Jackass?”
 Tom - “WE are the sorry motherfucking bitches that monster gonna attack!”
 Katie - *scared and confused* “Wait what?!”
 Then they screamed as Blitz stepped on them, destroy the news station, and the tv went statistic and had a “PLEASE STAND BY”. 
 Charlie, Vaggie, Sonya, Sophie, Niffty and even Husk’s eyes were widening, and their jaw was dropped. 
 Angel - *running* “Blitz! Blitz! Stop!”
 But Blitz didn’t listen. He kept on causing a rampage at the city. Angel saw how some of the demons were running away and stupidly trying to fight back. They were throwing things like rocks, food, drinks, glass bottles, some demons even tried to shoot him with guns. As much as Angel wanted to shoot them for trying to hurt Blitz, he didn’t see any point since those things just bounced off of Blitz like if he was wearing some kind of rubbery armor. However, this just made Blitz angrier and attack more. Not even Sir Pentious’s blimp and his weapons could stop Blitz. Angel was getting scared and concerned about Blitz getting hurt. Then to his horror, he saw Cherri with a bazooka gun about to shoot Blitz. 
 Cherri - “Say goodnight your giant hairball!”
 Just when Cherri was going to shoot, Angel quickly ran and said:
 Angel - “NO!”
 Angel push Cherri, and she ended up missing and the gun went straight toward a building. Luckily, it missed Blitz, but he was busy causing havoc. 
 Cherri - *pissed* “Angel! What the hell?! I was gonna shoot that giant monster!”
 Angel - “You can’t shoot him!”
 Cherri - “Why not?” 
 Angel - “Cause that’s Blitz!”
 Cherri - *shocked* “What?!”
 Angel and Cherri turned around and saw Charlie and the others. 
 Angel - “Don't hurt him! It’s-“
 Vaggie - “We know it’s Blitz! We saw it on the news.”
 Sophie - *scared* “Blitz looks so scary! I want him back!”
 Charlie - *horrified* “How did he get like this?!”
 Angel - *scared* “I-I don’t know! I was at my job, my boss was yelling, and then Blitz turn into that!”
 Husk - “That son of a bitch is going to turn the city into dust if we don’t stop him!”
 Niffty - “Or worst! They’ll bring out the big guns! I hope we see muscular men!” *get crush by a building piece* I’m okay!”
 Cherri - “What the fuck are the big guns anyway?”
 Charlie - “A special army that work for my Dad. They would come and destroy monsters that are WAY too strong. They even have angelic weapons!”
 All - “WHAT?!”
 Sonya - “That's why we have to do something quick! The big guns could really hurt Blitz or worst!”
 Sophie - *whimpers* “I don’t want them to hurt my brother!”
 Charlie - “Don't worry Sophie we will think of something!” 
 Cherri - “Well we can’t fight him. He’s too strong!”
 Husk - “And I doubt he would listen to any of us.”
 Angel - *sad* “Oh...We should have been there more for him! *determined* But we still can! He’s my Blitzy Que and we gotta do whatever it takes to turn him back to the man I love.”
 Vaggie - “But we don’t even have a plan!”
 The word love rings into Sophie’s ears. She suddenly had an idea. While the others were talking, Sophie began to fly high up in the air. While she didn’t master flying like her brother, she didn’t want it to stop her to help save her brother from rampage. Then Liz said in her shadow form to Sonya:
 Liz - *in shadow form* “Uhh dude?”
 Sonya - “This isn’t the best time now!”
 Liz - “Yes, it is! Cupcake is in the sky!”
 Sonya - *confused* “Cupcake in the sky?”
 Sonya looked up and saw Sophie flying toward Blitz. 
 Sonya - *horrified* “HOLY SHIT SOPHIE IS IN THE SKY!!!”
 Everybody heard Sonya yelling and they all looked up in the sky. They were all horrified to see Sophie flying toward Blitz who was roaring and destroying a city. 
 Sophie - “No! I have an idea to save Blitzy!”
 Blitz let out a huge roar and continue to destroy buildings. Then he felt something on his chest. He looked down and saw Sophie hugging Blitz tightly on his chest. Despite all the fur, he can see clearly that his baby sister was trying to hug him. 
 Sophie - “Blitzy! I know you’re in there. I know you are mad what that monster Ryan did to Mommy and Daddy. I know I’m mad too! But acting like this won’t help at all! It makes things worst. You make be scary now, but you’re still the best big brother I know and love. Please come back Blitz.”
 Blitz growling went lower and lower, his eyes went from red to normal. The others were seeing this, and Charlie's eyes widened. 
 Charlie - “Guys! I got an idea!”
 Charlie whispered her plan to the others. They all nodded and know exactly what to do. They all ran toward Blitz, jump on things like broken half buildings, cars, and landed on Blitz. Charlie and Sonya landed on his right arm, Niffty and Husk landed on his leg, and Cherri and Vaggie  landed on his left arm. They were all giving Blitz a big hug. 
 Charlie - “Blitz! I know the feelings you are having! Trust me, I feel like that every extermination. You don’t have to hide your deep feelings away! You can always come to me!”
 Vaggie - “Yeah! I’m always here if you ever wanted to talk about something that bothers you.”
 Sonya - “You have always been there for me! You automatically accepted Liz and I for being a Gemini. We accepted you for how you are! Even in your monster form!”
 Cherri - “Hell yeah Blitz! You save mine and Angel asses every time! I don’t mind saving your ass once in a while cause you’re a cool dude!”
 Husk - “Listen! You’re one of the few people that I actually like! Even though I enjoy ignoring the fuck out of people, I wouldn’t mind if you talk to me about what problems you have.”
 Niffty - “Yeah! Handsome men like you have feelings! We don’t mind your feelings!”
 Blitz was seeing how all of his friends, and sister were hugging him and comforting him. He felt tears coming out of his eyes. Blitz was feeling loved but noticed somebody was missing. That when he heard a loud: 
 His eyes looked up, and saw Angel did a really high jump from a tall building. Angel landed on Blitz’s snout and slowly walk up to his eyes and said:
 Angel - “Blitz...You don’t have to hide your feelings from us. Especially me. You must have been afraid of showing this side to me but trust me: I’m not scared. If you can let me show my feelings and ugly side to you, I don’t have any problem if you did it to me. I’ll always love and care for you. Just like you always done for me.”
 Angel gave Blitz a kiss on his face. Blitz felt tears coming out his eyes and dropping to the ground. He never felt anything like this in a long time. That’s when he began to glow in a big light orb. 
 Blitz groaned and began to open his eyes. He saw that all of his friends were staring at him with relief in their eyes. He slowly sat up and saw that they were not only on top of a building, but Blitz was now back to normal. Despite his clothes being a bit ripped up, he was finally back to his normal self. Blitz’s suddenly felt his waist being held tightly and it was Sophie who was hugging him tightly.
 Sophie - “Oh big brother! I’m so glad that you’re okay! I thought I lost you forever!”
 Blitz - “Sophie…”
 Then was in a tight hug thanks to Angel. 
 Angel - “Oh Blitz! I’m so glad you are okay! I can’t imagine my life without you!”
 Blitz began to remember what Angel and the other said to him while they were hugging him in his final demon form. Then Blitz hugged Angel back tightly. In a rare time, Blitz felt tears coming out of his eyes, and he began to cry. He began to cry hard and kept on hugging Angel tightly as he continued to cry. All Angel did was smile and kept on hugging Blitz who was busy letting out his emotions. The others were smiling in relief that not only Blitz was okay, but finally letting his feelings out. 
 Blitz was now in his room staring out his window. It was nighttime and he was in his pajamas. He was thinking about what happened to him. He was shocked on how he has a final demon form that was extremely deadly. However, Blitz already knew that everybody in Hell has a demon form that was deadly. Even a sweet person like Charlie has a final demon that was extremely deadly. He did felt relief that he has all his feelings out, but something was still that wasn’t relief yet. Then he heard a knock on the door, and it was Angel in his comfy pajamas. 
 Angel - “You okay hon?”
 Blitz - “To be honest in a way yeah…”
 Angels walk up to Blitz and they both stared out the window. For a place like Hell, the night did look really beautiful. 
 Angel - “Really nice night huh?”
 Blitz - *chuckles* “Yeah…Angel...Did you really mean those words you said to me when I was...A beast?”
 Angel - “Of course I did. Why?”
 Blitz - “It just...I never been in my final demon like that. I was afraid that I could have hurt you and Sophie. I can’t believe that I transformed into my final demon form. I mean I cause havoc in Hell.”
 Angel - *comforting* “Aw babe don’t worry about it. I mean some of the building was old and shitty anyway. Some of them are getting rebuilt. Besides, it’s Hell. Nobody gave a shit.”
 Blitz - “I know but…It was so horrifying to find out that I have this side of me that could be deadly.”
 Angel - “We all have that. It’s Hell. But you didn’t mean to turn into your final demon form.”
 Blitz - “I was just so angry. I was angry on how that bastard Ryan took away my parents, always trying to hunt me and Sophie down. How even once kidnapped you and beat you to the point you had to go to the hospital. I’m most angry at myself…I took my anger at you guys and almost push you away…” 
 Angel - Blitz listen to me *held his hand and cup his face* Even though it’s great that you care about others, sometimes you need to care about yourself as well. If you don’t, you became a big mess.”
 Blitz’s eyes grew in surprised. It’s one of the rare time Angel actually made valid point when he wasn’t being an asshole or trying to make excuses of his destructive action. Blitz realize his parents wouldn’t just want him to take care of Sophie, but himself as well. He wouldn’t be any good if he didn’t take care of himself. 
 Blitz - “You’re right Angel...I been so busy on taking care of Sophie and even you guys when you get sick or hurt, I forgot to even take care of myself. It just feels like it’s been so long...I didn’t want to be burden to anybody. I just wanted to protect you.”
 Angel - “And that’s what I love about you. But if you don’t be honest about your feelings out, you could end up in your final demon again but much worst.”
 Both Blitz and Angel turned around and saw Sophie in the doorway. She was in her pajamas and holding her stuff animals Fluffy. She said:
 Sophie - “Are you feeling better?”
 Blitz - *smiles* “Yes Sophie I am. *kneeled down to her height* Listen Sophie, I’m really sorry for what I said to you earlier. I was just really angry and sad on how Ryan took away Mom and Dad.”
 Sophie - *smile and sad* “It’s okay, I miss them too.”
 Blitz - “But honestly...I have high hopes for them coming back soon.”
 Sophie - *eyes sparkled* “You do?”
 Blitz - “Yeah. I mean who knows...Maybe Ryan didn’t really kill them, or they escape but hiding somewhere. Maybe they will come back, but just not right now. But I can promise you one thing: I will never keep my feelings bottle up like that ever again.”
 Sophie - *raise up her pinky* “Pinky promise?”
 Blitz - *smiles* “Pinky promise.”
 Blitz and Sophie did a pinky promise and they tightly hug each other. 
 Angel - “Aw so cute! Well we better get some shut eye. Come on Sophie.”
 Sophie - “Okay Angel! Good night Big Brother!”
 Blitz - *smiled* “Good night Sophie.”
 Angel - “Good night Blitzy Que! *chuckles but was smack on the side of the head* “Ow!”
 Blitz - *annoyed* “Don’t push your luck.”
 Both Angel and Sophie left Blitz’s room. Blitz went to his bed and took something from his nightstand drawer. It was a family portrait of him, his parents and Sophie. And he was also holding his mother’s necklace. He smiled and tear slid down his eye, even though he believes they are truly gone, another side had hope that they will return someday to him and Sophie. 
 Blitz - “Good night Mom and Dad. I miss you.”
 He put them down on his nightshade and fell asleep. Feeling more at peace with himself knowing that despite losing his parents, he always has his sister and friends to love and care about him. While he was sleeping, his mother’s necklace began to glow.  
 “You think he will figure out where we are Josephine?”
 “Only time will tell Arthur.”
 “You know I’ll always be proud of him.”
 “So will I.”
 Hope you all like it!
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toothedsmile · 4 years
The new demon: Chapter six
Chapter six: Eyes that hide
You opened your mouth to speak but Angel Dust was faster.
“Ah. So uh, what’s the deal with Smiles over there?”
You pursed your lips at being interrupted even though you weren’t speaking yet, while it was the same question you wanted to ask (though worded differently) you still would have liked to contribute to the conversation.
You knew you didn’t speak much to people you saw as just strangers, only with your tiny bits of somehow existing confidence and will to speak. And just as you actually wanted to speak someone else did before you!
With a small and unnoticeable sigh you guided your thoughts back to what was happening right in front of your nose.
It seemed that Vaggie (after a bit of banter with Angel) finally decided to explain who the so called ‘Radio Demon’ or as you better know him as, Alastor, actually was.
“Ugh. Decades ago, Alastor manifested in Hell, seemingly overnight. He began to topple overlords who had been dominant for centuries. That kind of raw power had never been harnessed by a mortal soul before, then he broadcast his carnage all throughout Hell, just so everyone could witness his ability. Sinners started calling him, ‘The Radio Demon’, As lazy as that is. Many have speculated what unimaginable force enabled him to rival our world’s most ancient and destructive evils. But one things for sure, he’s an unpredictable source of evil, a wicked spirit of mystery and a violent monster of chaos, the likes of which we can’t risk getting involved with unless we want to end up erased!”
Vaggies small speech was indeed quite a bit to take in, it seemed as if she had rehearsed the whole thing just to tell it to someone when the right moment arrived. Though her story didn’t surprise you much as you already had a few speculations about the Radio Demon, it wasn’t that hard to see when you just looked hard enough at the bunch of people who avoided him when he was walking on the street. And that smile, you knew something wasn’t right about him almost the moment you saw him.
And yet, after such an intense speech, filled with hateful passion! Angel Dust interrupted. (he seems to like doing that, maybe it was the attention? You really didn’t get it…)
“Ya done? He looks like a strawberry pimp!”
Perhaps he had some use after all, you thought as you snorted at the comparison. And as if on cue, Alastor somehow, in a twirl of something black (like the shadow you had seen him use when he appeared and disappeared) made his microphone appear. You could see that the eye was open, as you squinted your eyes at it, it moved to make direct eye contact with you, it’s slit pupil digging into your own. Out of surprise you jolted up a bit, slightly catching the attention of the two others sitting next to you before they once again started to banter with each other.
“Well I don’t trust him!” You hummed in agreement with Vaggie. “I have to say that I as well don’t really trust him much. He seems to be hiding something…”
Vaggie looked at you with a slightly grateful look in her eyes. Angel Dust merely rolled his eyes as he looked at his nails with complete disinterest about the possible danger the Radio Demon could possibly become.
“To be fair, do you trust any man? Any men? Men?” He joked dryly while Vaggie seemed just about as done as anyone could possibly be. His eyes glanced at you from the side, urging you to at least show some sort of reaction but you just remained there, sitting quietly as you knew you didn’t really have anything to say here. (That and you didn’t want Vaggie to get angry at you, she seemed pretty trustworthy and useful)
Vaggie slinked away from the horrible attempt of a joke, slightly patting you on your shoulder as if saying ‘don’t die again’ and went to Charlie.
“That was a horrible joke Angel. 2/10 for the attempt at the very least.”
Angels head turned directly to you, his eyes were narrowed into slits and trying to burn through your very being. It did not work as you just kept a neutral expression, only your eyes were the only indicator of mischief.
“You can’t say much, you haven’t spoken a word since ya sat your ass down.”
Deciding to ignore the very existence of Angel your eyes went to Charlie and Vaggie the latter seemingly pleading something at Charlie as she held her arms. As you looked at them you noticed that there was someone else that wasn’t with them, Alastor.
After looking side to side you saw that he was looking at a painting which had Charlie and two other people on it that seemed very similar to her, you assumed that they were more than likely her parents.
It seemed that Alastor had sensed your distrusting stare as he turned around not even seconds after to look you right in the eyes, his smile and as well as his horns grew but when you narrowed your eyes at him he backed down with a teasing glint in his eyes, as if he was testing to see what your reaction would be to him when he did something that you would more than likely deem as out of line.
Suddenly Charlie walked confidently up to him, or at least until she actually got close to him.
“Okay so, you’re sketchy as fuck and you clearly see what I’m trying to do here as a joke.”
As Charlie turned her back on Alastor you could see that he had once again a bunch of symbols floating around him as he menacingly smiled at her, right on the moment that she turned around he went back to smiling politely, as if he wasn’t doing anything wrong. Charlie clearly noticed that he had done something and narrowed her eyes at him with a slightly funny expression.
With a soft smile she continued her explanation and slightly small speech to Alastor, it was more than obvious to you that she was very invested in the lives of her (more than likely) future subjects and was hoping to help them improve themselves.
“But I don’t, I think everyone deserves a chance to prove they can be better. So I’m taking your offer to help! On the condition that there be no tricks or voodoo strings attached.”
As if she were a puppeteer she moved her fingers when she talked about the strings, with an eyeroll from Alastor in return of course.
Out of nowhere his microphone returned, you hadn’t even noticed that it was gone, he spun it around in the air only to hold it in his other hand to make sure that the previous one was free to open and hold out for a handshake with Charlie.
A green light appeared and wind wove around, slightly pushing everyone back. Angel, Vaggie and you held your arms up to avoid any sort of dust to come into your eyes. There was also an earie sound that pierced your ears, getting higher as the intensity of the light increased.
As you peaked through your fingers you saw that Charlie almost took hold of his hand to seal the deal, you tried to take a step forward to stop her but luckily enough Charlie eventually slapped his hand away and crossed her arms in front of herself. Alastor’s previously closed eyes opened up wide in surprise before he shut them and smiled.
“Nope! No shaking! No deal!”
She stepped away and held her elbow in comfort while Alastor once again went back to his wide smile with sharp teeth whilst holding his microphone.
“I-hm. As princess of Hell and heir to the throne, I uh hereby order that you help with this hotel, for as long as you desire.”
She smiled sheepishly up at Alastor before looking away and dropping her smile, Vaggie looked away too as her shoulders slightly drooped down.
With your eyes closed your head slowly and subtly shook side to side with some form of compassion for the decision Charlie had made at the moment.
‘She should have just made him go away, his presence will not bring any good to this hotel nor anyone involved.’ You decided to sit back down on the couch with Vaggie while Angel sat himself on the armrest, leaning on the backrest in a weird way.
When Alastor didn’t immediately reply to her question/demand she looked back and asked for verbal confirmation.
“Uh, sound fair?”
Alastor hummed and stroked his chin before shrugging. “Fair enough!”
With a relieved sigh Charlie leaned forward as Alastor walked away, she stuck up her two thumbs with a very small smile.
“Cool beans.”
Suddenly Alastor walked by the three of you humming some sort of song, hurriedly all of you went off the couch to avoid Alastor. Angel walked away to the chair that was in front of the Welcome banner while Vaggie looked at Alastor’s back with distrust before averting her eyes only to look back when he stopped with walking and humming, she quickly looked back down to avoid his eyes and took a step closer to you.
Yet it seemed that her attempt at avoiding any confrontation with Alastor was in vain as he quickly turned around and curled a finger under her chin.
“Smile my dear!” With absolute disgust she looked down at the offending finger while you tried to keep your smile back at the admittedly funny scene. Alastor stepped back and continued his sentence.
“You know you’re never fully dressed without one!”
Vaggie and Alastor looked into each other’s eyes, one with pure hatred and the other filled to the brim with mischief and bad intentions.
You thought that he would be done and focus his attention to some one else but it seemed that he still had something to say to you.
“And you as well darling! Try not to be so sour and smile a bit wouldn’t you dear?”
There he stood in all his smug glory, towering slightly over you and looking at you with a smile. He put a finger on each side of your mouth and dragged the flat line into a smile.
“There we go! Do keep it that way please.”
And as soon as he turned his back to you and walked away while humming, you let the fake smile fall and looked at him with a glare. You rubbed your hands over where he touched you, not wanting to have even the smallest trace of him on your face. Looking around you tried to search for another place to sit down.
Alastor had gone back to Charlie, probably looking for some more things to mess with. He leaned slightly over and put his hands behind his back.
“So, where is your hotel staff?”
Charlie rubbed her neck embarrassedly before folding her hands together in front of her and looked in the direction of Vaggie.
Alastor followed her line of sight and saw Vaggie standing there with her hands on her hips and looking straight at him with a frown and furrowed brows. He adjusted his monocle and laughed a mocking recreation of Santa’s laugh.
“You’re going to need more than that.”
He hadn’t even completely finished his sentence before he already walked away to where Angel was seated.
“And what can you do my effeminate fellow?”
With a smirk filled with nasty intentions Angel answered the question.
“I can suck yer dick.”
Alastor smiled into nothingness with a big smile before leaning back down to Angel and replying with a big “HA! No.”
Angel shrugged and leaned onto his elbow, holding his face in his hand. “Your loss.” The more than likely disgusted radio demon walked away from Angel at a bit faster pace than he normally walked and went to you.
“So, what is it that you excel in Darling?”
Leaning on the wall you looked at him with a neutral face and shrugged.
“Nothing much that would be of interest nor of use for the hotel. Besides, I’d rather speak to Charlie about these things.” You mockingly smiled up at him, knowing that that was not the answer that he wanted to hear.
“You might say that now darling but I can see that those blinkers are hiding something.”
He leaned in closer as he held you in place by putting his hands on your shoulders and looked you right in the eyes as he continued speaking, he spoke lower and softer so that the others couldn’t hear what he was saying to you.
“And I’ll make you show me what it is kitten.”
 A/N: sorry about the long leave Angels! Some things happened and I’m pretty sure that you all know about the covid-19 thing. As I live in Europe, I had to deal with the quarantine around begin to middle February so I had to work for school. But as it is vacation at the moment I’ve got more time to write! I hope you guys at least enjoyed this little chapter as it is a hundred words (and 600 less than chapter 4) less than the previous chapter.
This chapter hasn’t been edited yet!
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devintrinidad · 4 years
Charlastor Week #5: Date
“Why, pray tell, are we here again?” Alastor fingered his binoculars as he gazed at the scene below them. On his face, his usual smile was pinched and wavered so slightly when he caught a glance of something that he would rather not look at. “From what I can see, our presence is not needed.”
“Because,” Charlie stressed as she, too, adjusted the binoculars that rested on her eyes. “We need to make sure that Angel Dust is okay.”
Alastor sighed and set his binoculars to rest on his chest, the straps of the binocular allowing him to do so. He tapped Charlie lightly on the shoulder, careful to not allow his claws to accidentally dig into her clothing.
“I may not be the most knowledgeable concerning…. whatever this is, but I assume our neighborhood spider knows what he’s doing. After all, doesn’t he do this for a living?” He gestured towards the aforementioned spider demon who, if one were to look closely, was smiling contently in the presence of another. “I know that you’re worried about your first patient, but isn’t this an invasion of privacy?”
Charlie fumbled for words as she tried to justify what she was doing. On one hand, she truly cared for Angel. She loved him like a brother and she knew that he felt the same for her. It had taken a while, a few years in fact, but Angel went from outright sabotaging gangster to a harmless, annoying prankster. His tendencies for evil were curbed and he was, for the lack of a better word, almost angelic. Perhaps this year, he would be eligible for an appointment from a few angels from Heaven. Of course, it would be a slow process, but Charlie knew that he had it in him. As for this current situation, well…
Could you blame Charlie for being so careful? She didn’t want Angel to be corrupted by the common sinner or worse, she didn’t want him to get his heart broken after months of therapy about his self-esteem and purpose in life.
Therefore, it was up to Charlie and whoever was willing to help her, to make sure that Angels’ progress was heavily monitored.
In this case, they were monitoring Angel’s date with a newbie who had fallen into Hell only a few weeks ago.
“Come on, Al! I thought you were all for entertainment no matter how unethical it may seem.”
“That, my dear, applies to murder, cannibalism, and general discontent. This,” he grandly gestured to the scene below, “is trivial, and frankly, disturbing.” His eyes widened in disbelief as he adjusted the clarity of the binoculars’ lenses. “What are they doing with their mouths?”
Charlie gasped and did the same. “Oh my gosh!!!” She squealed with happiness. “They’re kissing and they look so happy together and—“
Alastor clapped a hand over her mouth, which caused Charlie to look up at him in question.
“Careful, dearest. Do you really want all of Pentagram City to know that you’re stalking one of your patients? I may not care about the hotel’s main theme, but it would hinder our business.”
“Ugggghhhh, fine, “ she answered, though her voice was heavily muffled by the hand that was held over her mouth. She pushed Alastor’s hand away from her own before magicking her binoculars into a pocket dimension for safe keeping. “Since it appears our presence isn’t needed, what do you want to do?”
“The Princess of Hell in want of something to do, with me, the infamous Radio Demon? Why—“ He placed a clawed hand over his heart, a mocking look on his face. “—I haven’t felt like swooning ever since my mother last pinched my cheeks!”
“Har de har har.” Without warning, Charlie took hold of Alastor’s elbow and steadily guided him in the opposite direction of Angel’s date. All the while, she ignored how Alastor’s radio static gradually began to feel less like a radio tuning into different channels and more like a satanic ritual gone wrong.
There was a lot of screaming and moaning of the damned.
“Lighten up, Alastor!” Charlie tugged him even closer as their footsteps went from a casual stroll to outright running. “This is gonna be fun!”
Alastor’s smile tightened in annoyance.
“When I said that entertainment applied only to murder, cannibalism, and general discontentment, I didn’t mean that the general discontentment should apply to me.”
“I don’t know… I feel like this is plenty entertaining.”
“My dear, I’ve lured hordes of demons into the pitch darkness of insanity just by hearing my broadcasts. Don’t assume that you are the sole exception.”
Much to his dismay, instead of the fear that Alastor craved, Charlie merely nodded at his little spiel and politely—politely!—booped him on the nose.
Charlie and Alastor were seated at a small cafe that Vaggie and Charlie used to frequent before life at the hotel became too hectic. Inside, there were demons that were punished for lower level sins: theft, suicide, being a disturbance to the rest of society, etc. The patrons were often undisturbed and polite, at least when compared to the rest of the denizens of Hell. In fact, when the hotel had first opened, most of those who had frequented this establishment had actually gave a thought into joining the redemption business. Not all were redeemed, however, but everyone was in a work in progress.
As it were, Charlie was entranced by the newer additions on the menu while Alastor was nursing a mug of black coffee. His arms were crossed in front of his chest, his feet tapped nonsensically on the hardwood flooring, and his smile was strained at best.
“I feel like I want to order,” Charlie announced as she snapped the menu shut. She assessed Alastor’s position and the fact that his menu was busy acting like a coaster for his coffee. Like always, his eyes were trained on hers—creepy, but not as much as when they had first met. “What say you, Al?”
He gave a long suffering sigh before gesturing towards the soup section on his menu. “Probably not the most palatable of choices, but it will have to do.”
“Food snob,” Charlie lightly teased. “You won’t like it until you try it.”
He arched an eyebrow, his foot ceasing its tapping. “Does that apply to this situation?”
“Kind of? Look, it’s been a while since we’ve had some downtime without business hanging over our heads. Why not just have some fun for a couple hours before we start filing our taxes and whatnot.” Charlie stirred in some sugar into her tea and inhaled the inviting aroma. “I mean, if Angel can go on a date, then why not us?”
Alastor’s radio static, which had been a low murmur for the majority of time they had been staying at the cafe—at Charlie’s request, of course—suddenly stopped. The dead silence, which had been foreign to Charlie ever since the Radio Demon had shown up at her door, had most of the patrons that were brave enough to withstand the Radio Demon’s presence running. However, Charlie had been more than acquainted with Alastor at this point—at this point, they could be considered friends—and she simply took another calming sip of her tea. Gone were the days where she felt socially awkward and shy around her dear friend. A perturbed Alastor was still an Alastor that didn’t have the means to hurt her. She was too powerful for that, anyway.
Besides, Alastor looked like he had sucked on the world’s sourest lemon than angry.
Which was obviously a big improvement.
“Would you care to repeat that, Charlie?”
“Fine. I’ll rephrase it.” Charlie leaned forward into Alastor space, causing him to jerk backward and away from her. The radio silence continued and Charlie couldn’t help but smirk at Alastor’s… lack of bravado. “You. Me. On a date. Now.”
Alastor blanched at that and for a moment, Charlie almost felt bad.
But this was Hell, she was the Princess of all of Hell, and she would be damned if she didn’t feel a little vindicated for all the times that Alastor had scared her in the past. Revenge was sweet whenever she was serving it.
Soon, the usual radio static resumed, although it sounded like he was flipping through channels before settling on something that sounded like slow jazz.
“Trying to lift the mood?”
“Were you requesting that we go on a date right now or…” Alastor almost sounded embarrassed. He fiddled with the tie that was wound tight against his throat and his ears, cute little things they were, had lain flat against his head. “… are we already on one?”
“Depends. You get to decide. Either way, we are going to enjoy ourselves.” With that note of finality, Charlie turned back to her tea and enjoyed the sweetness that settled gently against her tongue.
Alastor’s ear’s seemed to shudder against his head before he, too, took a sip of his preferred drink.
“A date.” He shook his head at that colloquialism, a disturbed look on his features. “Back in my day, we would call it courting and it was usually the gentleman coaxing the dame and not the other way around.”
Charlie shrugged. “It’s the twenty-first century and counting. You either get with the times or you’ll eventually be left in the dust.” She giggled quietly to herself. In a voice no louder than a mouse’s whisper, she said, “I’m older than you, but you’re acting like an old man.”
Alastor’s ears twitched in irritation. “I heard that, dear.”
“I would be surprised if you didn’t. Now, about that date?”
“I should have known that you wouldn’t forget.” Alastor drummed his fingers atop the table. The jazz that was playing in the background seemed to grow  little distorted and erratic the faster that Alastor continued his little drumming session until—
“I suppose we might as well make the most of our time spent right in the here and now.” He still looked a little perturbed, but the jazz had returned and the smile that was on his face was one of gentle consideration. He had agreed. “But please, nothing untoward and violating the five—“
“The five foot rule,” Charlie chimed in, looking like she had won a million dollars worth of gold. “Don’t worry, Al! I got your back! It’s not like I would make you do anything that would make you uncomfortable.”
“This farce of a date says otherwise.” Voice dry, Alastor hummed a few bars of an old musical number he heard when he was a boy and proceeded to stand from his seat. Any demons that had not left the vicinity began to run out the doors or fall unconscious to the ground—staff included. “However, I suppose that I must bend one of my rules just this once.”
A little worried that she may have pushed his buttons a little farther and harder than what was necessary, Charlie also stood up—albeit, a little too hastily so that her seat toppled to the ground.
“Alastor, what are—“
He took both of her hands in his and smiled a smile that was fit for one of the most mischievous imps in all of Hell.
“What is a date without a little entertainment?” He whistled low under his breath and immediately, there was a change in lighting, scenery, and even the table that they had occupied appeared to be heavily laden with food. “Care for a dance, my dear?”
Charlie looked in awe at their arrangements before pulling in Alastor close so that their bodies were flush with each other. She could feel both of their bodies melding into each other as their feet seemed to know what to do.
“It would be my pleasure, Alastor.”
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The Nicest People
Have you ever heard the saying “the nicest people are the scariest motherfuckers when they’re angry”? Well, Angel Dust had never really thought much about it over his century of existence. However, on this particular day, that would all change.
Angel, even having grown up in a crime family, never thought much about that old saying. His family were scary to other people. Hell, Valentino was scary, but he was never nice in the first place!
Charlie though, the demoness who had brought him off the street after pissing off Valentino one too many times, who had actually cared about him and did her best to help him, was the kindest person in his little world. He didn’t so much as breathe a word of his appreciation to anybody, but he knew that Charlie knew he cared about her. Angel likes to think that his small affections and their Friday night “movie and cuddle” tradition they had started over the last few years showed her that much.
That being said, Angel had seen nearly every emotion pass over the demoness’s face. Joy, sadness, fear, anxiety, she even got annoyed sometimes! But the only emotions he had never seen in those impossibly wide doe eyes, that now were narrowed slits, was disgust and...
Pure, carnal, rage. After all, Angel and most of the others thought that such a thing was impossible.
Until, that is, during this years purge. An angel had barged into the hotel lobby where everyone was crowded together, Alastor trying to comfort Charlie with wacky little songs, or cute little cheek kisses. The other occupants were there seeking comfort either in the presence of those who had become their friends, or in the cheap booze that Husker mixed up. Angel and Vaggie in particular were there to help Alastor comfort their friend and boss.
When the angel had burst through the front door, there had been a dead silence that permeated the room. Every sinner froze, eyes wide, unsure of the reason for its presence.
Charlie, teary eyed as she was, was the first to step forward, asking if one of the sinners had been redeemed, and if not, why they were here.
The angel had cocked its head, mask firmly in place, and its simple reply had been what sent Charlie off the deep end, “Redeemed? No, I’m simply here to take care of a vermin problem.”
Before anyone could process that an angel actually just fucking spoke, Charlie was already in front of it, nose to nose. Her hair had broken from its usual band and was flaring wildly, her horns, instead of pointing straight to the ceiling, were twice their normal width and curled backwards like her mothers, her irises poison yellow, and her sclera glowing bloody red. Her teeth, while still a gleaming white, were even sharper than Alastor’s, “Then get. Out. Before I show you why I’m the next in line for the Fallen Throne.”
“Move, demon. This is a job, nothing more.”
Charlie snarled before moving faster than any of us could track, wrapping her clawed hand around the angels throat before bodily throwing him back out the front doors.
All of the residents of the hotel were still in shock, but snapped out of it quickly when Charlie began stalking forward slowly, changing even more with each step. Her height beginning to rival Alastor’s, and three pairs of black feathered wings sprouting from her back, each wing tip decorated in a gleaming talon and the end feathers looked more like black razor blades, ripping apart her shirt and leaving her in only a bralette with her suspenders.
As Charlie walked outside the hotel, everyone had rushed forward to watch from the doors, Alastor being the only sinner bold enough to walk outside.
“Hey Smiles, what do you think is gonna happen? I’ve never seen Charlie this fuckin pissed before.”
Alastor couldn’t tear his eyes away from the beauty in front of him. His smile hurt his cheeks, “Why, my effeminate fellow, I do believe that we are about to witness the death of an angel,” he paused, “you might even be able to call him angel dust soon enough.”
Angel rolled his eyes at the horrible pun on his name. Before anything else could be said though, they all heard a groan from the ground where the angel laid. The sounds of screams around them nearly drowning it out. All eyes returned to the fight about to start before them.
Charlie allowed the angel to stand, her eyes casting an eerie orange glow upon the white dressed being. She stood tall, elegance emanating from her even in all her fury.
“How dare an abomination such as you lay hands on me!”
“Correction: it was only one hand. And it laid upon you for threatening me and MINE.”
And suddenly the ground around the two erupted, magma and hellfire whipped into a frenzy by the Princess’s temper.
Angel noticed another movement out of the corner of his eye, Vaggie had finished whispering something to Razzle and Dazzle, and the two disappeared into the shadows.
Charlie stretches out her wings for the first time in centuries and felt something inside her sigh with relief. ‘This is what you were born to do. This is what you were meant for. Destruction. Razing the world. Punishing sinners’
Charlie’s snarling grin could cut diamonds at this point. She could sense everything around her. Each angel that was invading her territory. Trying to hurt her people.
It was time they leave.
Just as the angel reached for their weapon, Charlie moved. She sprung forth with all the fury within herself. Two sets of wings helped propel her, the third set reaching forth alongside her claws, ready to slice into holy flesh.
The residents of the hotel watched in horrified awe (well, Alastor was quite gleeful) as their princess made well known why she was to be feared and respected.
Moments. That’s all it took. Moments before the angel was slammed so hard into the cracked earth that it created a crater, and it’s head was torn from its body. Blue blood splattered across Charlie’s face as she rose from the crater on her wings.
That’s when five other angels showed up, brought by the sounds and commotion.
“Do you wish to challenge me as well?” Charlie asked them all at once. Her eyes burning into the masks of each one as she tossed the decapitated angel to the side, licking at the blood staining her black lips.
Before anything else could happen, another figure entered the clearing, bearing a striking resemblance to Charlie herself, only this one was male.
“Looks like daddy Luci decided to join the party...” Angel murmured.
“My little fallen angel, it’s been centuries since you lost your temper. It’s rather refreshing, I must say. As for you five, what say you to leaving? Do you truly wish to feel the ire of two fallen angels? I can guarantee that you won’t survive should you decide not to leave of your own accord.”
“Your monstrosity has committed a high crime, Lucifer. She must be punished.”
At this, Charlie laughed, “You call me a monstrosity, yet your brother tried to exterminate sinners who are working towards redemption. What would the Heavenly Father think? After all, these sinners are trying to repent.”
The angel who had spoken tilted his head a bit, “Is this true?”
Finally, Alastor decided to step forward, to act as a “neutral party”, “It is true. We had all gathered in the hotel to comfort and support one other on this... difficult day. The angel in question entered the premises and mocked the sinners seeking redemption, calling all ‘vermin’ to be ‘dealt with’.”
Lucifer, with a grin similar to Charlie and Alastor’s own, turned back to the angel, maliciousness dripping from his voice, “You see? My daughter only acted in defense of her people. Not to mention, your angel broke the rules. No angel is allowed to enter any home or establishment in Hell.”
The angel mulled over the new information for a moment, and everyone held their breath except for the three demons facing them. Lucifer and Charlie were in no way fearful of the angels. They knew that they could take on five with no issues, and Alastor simply stared adoringly to Charlie, not a care in the world that five angels stood before him. That’s when the bell signaling midnight rung out through the bloody night.
“Very well. The bell has tolled. You shall all live another year. May those seeking redemption find it.”
They all turned to fly away, but Lucifer called out once more, “Oh, and Michael.”
The angel that had spoken, now identified as Michael, stiffened and froze in place before turning only slightly to look at Lucifer.
“If I ever catch an angel breaking my simple rules again, I will take great pleasure in killing every single one of them. Even you, dear brother.”
“I can assure you that no such thing will happen again. I give my word. Oh. And Father says ‘hi’.”
Lucifers only reaction was the narrowing of his eyes.
As all of the remaining angels vacated Hell, Charlie and her little motley crew remained outside. Finally, she lifted up her hand and sent the usual signal for the end of the cleansing into the sky, and demons from all around came to investigate what they had heard. Once many got a good look, they quickly retreated to a safe distance.
Alastor and Lucifer both approached Charlie, who was still in her full form
“Here, my darling/fallen angel” both said at the same time, then glared at each other as they each went to hand Charlie their coat.
Charlie took Alastor’s coat, not putting it on yet, before glancing at her father, “What? You can’t answer a call, but you hear about a fight and you come running? Do you still think I can’t handle myself?”
Lucifer looked away, seeming almost apologetic, “Charlie, while I admit that I have been rather callous, I have my own reasons for not supporting your idea. I know you could fight every angel in heaven and win, but that doesn’t mean that I wasn’t worried. I should have been... more understanding. I realize that now.”
Charlie’s eyes widened. This was the closest to an apology as she was ever going to get. That didn’t erase her anger though, and her wings shifted of their own accord, showing her irritation.
“Darling, not to interrupt, but I do believe that you are making our local population a tad nervous at the moment.” He handed her his handkerchief to wipe off the blood, and she took it gratefully, her form shrinking to her normal state while she wiped her face.
“You missed a spot, Sweetheart.”
Charlie looked confusedly at Alastor when he reached out and swiped a finger at the corner of her lips, bringing the drop of blood to his own and licking it off.
Charlie just rolled her eyes, “You couldn’t resist, could you?”
“Why would I even try my dear?” Alastor said with a staticky laugh.
Charlie chucked as she put Alastors coat on.
Lucifer looked suspiciously between the two, “And what is your relationship with my daughter Radio Demon?”
Alastor laughed again, “I’m her Beau, of course! I simply couldn’t resist the charms of my little belle!”
“What! But Charlie—!”
Charlie raised her hand, palm facing her father, and used the same stern look she remembered her mother giving on multiple occasions, “Dad, you haven’t got a leg to stand on right now. I’m happy. He treats me right.”
Lucifer looked almost like a kicked puppy, muttering that his sweet little fallen angel had a new man in her life and didn’t need him anymore. Then he stood straight once more, “Well, I suppose that’s all I really need to know,” he turned to Alastor, “just know, Radio Demon, if you hurt her, I will not be nearly as merciful as my daughter.”
That’s when the moment was broken, by Angel of course, “Merciful! Babes just tore that saps head off! I ain’t ever seen her so pissed!”
The field went silent, but it was broken with a small chuckle that turned into full blown laughter. Charlie doubled over, her guffaws bringing tears to her eyes.
After near five minutes of her laughter, she stood upright again, wiping her tears away, “Yeah, I guess you weren’t down here the last time I lost my temper, huh? But you see, that’s why I try so hard to be kind, and to help you all. I know exactly what I’m capable of, Angel. I know I could raze all of hell if I wanted to. Because if I’ve learned anything, I’ve learned that true kindness is only true when you are capable of true cruelty as well.”
That seemed to resonate with the sinners. After witnessing her fury, they finally understood why she was so pure. It wasn’t because she isn’t capable of depravity, it’s because she is, and chooses a better path.
“Well! Not to diminish the moment, but shall we go inside? I’ll even ale my mother’s famous jambalaya. How does that sound, love? Alastor held out his hand to Charlie, who took it, smiling widely beside him.
“I think that sounds grand.”
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snarkybluechristian · 3 years
Hazbin Hotel: Yandere Alastor x Vaggie Chapter 47
After a long day of therapy with only breaks to use the bathroom or eat and a break before lunch to work out on a cycling machine, Angel finally was allowed to go to bed.
Angel had spent the whole day pretending to watch porn.  Under ordinary circumstances, it would have been considered a good day, but since Angel had spent the whole day thinking, he was relieved to finally get to rest his brain.
Of course, Doctor Red was there to make sure Angel complied to all his rules, including what he had to wear to bed.
Just as before, Angel complied to all the rules.  Once he had brushed his teeth, dressed in his white undershirt and gray boxers, taken a sleeping pill, and used the bathroom a final time, Angel let the gargoyle demon to strap him to his bed, cover him with heavy blankets to keep him warm in the cold room, and pull up a stool next to his bed so that he could brainwash him with a final bedtime story.
Angel felt exhausted and beyond humiliated.  All day and all evening, Doctor Red had been infantilizing him in every way imaginable as a “way to make up for the attention his father never gave him.”
The spider demon had complied the best he could, but the effort it took for him to hold his tongue and keep a straight face while he planned was draining, even with the medicine inside him to keep him calm.
It was Angel could do to keep a straight face while Doctor Red read him his disturbing anti-gay propaganda.
“And the gay witch burned at the stake and all her victims lived happily ever after,” Dr. Red read, before dramatically closing his book.  “The End!”
Angel let out pretend moan of pain to gain the doctor’s sympathy.
“Oh, Anthony, what’s the matter?  Why so blue?” Dr. Red said, gently rubbing his stony fingers through Angel’s hair.  “You won’t be burned at the stake.  You’re going to be straight in no time.  You’ll see.”
Angel merely replied with another fake moan.
“Just have faith, my good boy,” Dr. Red replied just as he looked down at his watch.  “Oh, it’s getting late.  It’s almost 8:30.  It’s time for me to eat dinner with your father and time for you to go to sleep.”
The gargoyle smiled, ruffling Angel’s hair a final time before picking up his stool and carrying it out of the room.
Angel remained still and expertly maintained his catatonic expression.
“Alright, Anthony,” Dr. Red said as he pulled the blankets more evenly over Angel’s restrained body.  “Your sleeping pill should take effect in an hour.  Sleep tight.  I’ll be back for you in the morning…”
Dr. Red kissed Angel on his forehead.  It felt like he was a toddler getting tucked into bed.
Angel was so surprised he almost lost his composure, but the gargoyle made his way back to the door and turned out the light without missing a beat.
“Goodnight, Anthony,” Dr. Red said softly with his ruby eyes sparkling to reflect the light outside the room.  “I’ll see you in the morning.”
“Goodnight, doctor,” Angel replied as emotionlessly as he could muster.
The good doctor shut the bedroom door, made his way up the stone stairs, and exited the basement.
No sooner had Dr. Red left the basement than did Angel unleash his third pair of arms and vigorously wipe the kiss away.
Angel sighed and laid back on the bed, basking in the irony.  He was rejecting kisses from men.  Maybe he was becoming straight after all.
Angel breathed another deep sigh and settled back under his covers to enjoy a long night of sleep.
He relaxed that way for a few minutes until the air conditioner shut off.
Then Angel heard a familiar voice echoing through the vent, “You call this shit food?!  Why don’t ya let me outta here so I can really give ya something to feast on…Oh, yeah?!  If ya fuckin’ hurt Angel, I’m gonna come after ya after I finish off Sir Pentious tomorrow!”
Angel knew that sassy voice anywhere.
“Cherri!” Angel practically screamed.
In less than a minute, Angel loosened all his straps and ran over to the vent grating.
“Cherri!” Angel called through the vent with a smile of relief.  “Cherri, are you there?!”
“Angie?!” Cherri asked from the other side of the vent.  “Angie, is that you?!”
“Yeah,” Angel said with a sigh of relief.  “Thank God!  I thought they would have sent ya back to Sir Pentious already.”
“That ain’t happenin’ till tomorrow,” Cherri replied.  “I’ve been here since last night.  But never mind me, how are you?!  Are you okay?!  I thought I heard ya screamin’ earlier.  What have they done to ya?”
“They gave me electroshock therapy earlier when I was putting up a fight, but besides that, not too much,” Angel said with a slight chuckle.  “They gave me drugs and made me watch porn after that.  Then, after he strapped me into bed, Doctor Red read me a bizarre homophobic bedtime story.  They’re doing everything they can to turn me straight.
“Holy fuck, Angel,” Cherri replied anxiously.  “How can you be so calm about this?  They’re really tryin’ to mess you up.”
“Blame the anti-anxiety medication Doctor Red made me take,” Angel replied.  “What has been happening with you?  My Dad and brother told me what happened between you guys, Charlie, Alastor, and them, but they wouldn’t tell me what happened after that.”  
“After your Dad dropped off Alastor and Vaggie at his mansion, he drove to Molly’s apartment and forced her out of the car.  She was furious.  The poor thing tried to chase down the car, but your Dad drove like a bat out of hell and lost her pretty easily,” Cherri explained.  “I would have helped, but I was restrained with a straitjacket and your unconscious body…”
“Sorry about that,” Angel interrupted.
“No problem,” Cherri replied before continuing.  “Your family brought me here, removed the straitjacket, and shoved me in this stupid room with its stupid bombproof doors, windows, and walls.  They’ve kept me here all day and have only entered the room to give me plates of food and water bottles at gunpoint.  Apparently, Sir Pentious isn’t going to be ready for me until tomorrow.”
“Goddammit, Cherri,” Angel said with angry tears at the corner of his eyes.  “I’m so sorry.”
“It ain’t your fault, Angie,” Cherri said sarcastically.  “Besides keeping me locked in an empty guest room with only a mattress on the floor and giving me plates of food and water bottles at gunpoint, they’ve been pretty nice to me.  Except for your brother.  He offered me freedom in exchange for certain favors.”
Angel busted out laughing and replied, “My libido-less brother tried to get you to sleep with him?!”
“I swear to God.  I’m being completely serious, Angie,” Cherri said with a chuckle.  “After they tossed me in here, your brother showed up around an hour later wearing heavy cologne and holding a bottle of champagne and asked me if I’d like to spend some time with him in exchange for freedom…”
“And?” Angel asked curiously.
“I threw a smoke bomb in his face,” Cherri said with a proud smirk in her voice.  “That got him out of my hair really quick.”
Angel chuckled out loud and said, “That little shit.  I’m so sorry, Cher.”
“Don’t be, dude,” Cherri said reassuringly.  “This room ain’t all bad.  It has a bathroom with magazines in it.  I got to have a bath and wash my underwear and sock.  Your Dad said this was a guest room they had renovated and hadn’t moved the furniture into yet, but that is bullshit.  What kind of guestroom has bombproof walls, windows, and doors?”
“You’d be surprised with our line of work,” Angel replied.  “But besides that, they’ve been treating you well?”
“Yeah, but never mind about me, Angie,” Cherri said, her tone shifting back to serious.  “What about you?  They’ve been trying to brainwash you all day to turn you straight!  Jesus, man, that is really fucked up!”
“Yep, my therapist Doctor Red is a real piece of work, too,” Angel said.  “God sent him to Hell for for doing this shit to other people and he thinks it was because he failed to convert anyone.  He's gullible as hell though.”
“What do ya mean by that?” Cherri asked.
“Let me put it this way,” Angel explained.  “Doctor Red thinks he can fix me, and I’m just playing him into my hands.”
“I gotcha,” Cherri replied.
“The plan was to have a meal with my father and brother before they went to Alastor’s wedding if I behave for the week,” Angel explained.  “Then, when the end of the week comes, I take the opportunity to bust outta here and run to the wedding to save Vaggie.  That was the plan anyway.  Now, I gotta help you.”
“Aw, you don’t need to worry about me, Angie,” Cherri said.  “I can break out of Edgelord’s place easily.”
“Cherri, I ain’t leaving you with Sir Pentious,” Angel protested.
“Angie, you don’t need to worry about…” Cherri tried to protest back.
Angel quickly cut her off, “Cherri, listen to me!  Sir Pentious is an over-ambitious, incompetent simp, but you and I both know he is still strong enough, smart enough, and dangerous enough to be a threat to you and most other demons.  If Sir Pentious didn’t take you right away, that means he is setting up something special to deal with ya.  You couldn’t take him on alone before and I doubt you’d be able to this time.  I am not letting that happen and that’s final.”
Cherri sighed loudly and said, “I know there’s no changing your mind, ya overprotective nut, but what are we gonna do?  Sir Pentious will be here to take me tomorrow, you’re gonna be tortured in the basement, and I’ll have to fight a legion of your family members alone.  I don’t even have a hope of breaking out of here before then with this fucking bombproof room.  God, I should have just said yes to your brother.  If your Dad thought we were a couple, I would have been allowed to stay.”
A lightbulb went off in Angel’s head.
“That’s it,” Angel said.
“What?” Cherri asked.  “What’s your plan, Angie?”
Angel sighed deeply and said, “I know you ain’t gonna like this, but how about we get married?”
“What?!” Cherri asked incredulously.
“Hear me out,” Angel explained.  “If I pretend that I’m madly in love with ya, Dr. Red and my family will be inclined to keep you around to spend time with me to aid in turning me straight.  Then when I’m finally let outta here to spend time with my family, they’ll let you out, too.  Understand?”
“Yeah, I got it,” Cherri said with a smile in her voice.
“All you gotta do is pretend to like me back,” Angel added.  “Do you think you can do that?”
“Ugh,” Cherri groaned.  “You’re like my older brother.  This is gonna be so weird.”
“Cherri…” Angel pleaded.
“Alright,” Cherri agreed with another groan.  “I ain’t no actor like you are, but I’ll try my best.”
“Just follow my lead, baby girl…” Angel said just as a sudden noise got his attention.
It was the sound of the cellar door opening.
“Shit,” Angel muttered to himself.
“Angie, what’s the matter?” Cherri asked in concern.
“The doc’s back, gotta go!” Angel replied in a rush.
Without waiting for a reply, Angel quickly hopped back into his bed and reshackled himself.  He then made his third pair of arms disappear and shut his eyes.
Thankfully, the doctor reached the bottom of the stairs without taking any notice of any noise.
As soon as Dr. Red walked past his door, Angel tossed and turned as loudly as he could while keeping his eyes shut and began calling Cherri’s name.
“Cherri!” Angel called out while dramatically tossing himself to one side of the bed and then the other.  “Cherri!”
Angel heard Doctor Red opening the door to his room and asking himself, “What in the world is this?”
Angel smiled internally and kept up his performance.
“Cherri!  Cherri!  Cherri!  Cherri!  Cherri!”
Angel kept his eyes shut and continued calling Cherri’s name repeatedly while Doctor Red took notes on his note pad.
“Interesting,” Doctor Red muttered in a pleased tone.
Suddenly, another voice called out from the top of the stairs.
“Hey, doc!” Arackniss’s voice called.  “Have you found your notes yet?  The Don’s waiting for ya!  What’s goin’ on?”
“An interesting development,” Dr. Red said gleefully.  “You must come and see!”
Angel didn’t hear a response over his own cries, but he heard his brother walk down the stone stairs.
“What’s going on?” Arackniss asked.  “What’s Anthony doing?”
“He’s calling a woman’s name in his sleep,” Dr. Red said excitedly.  “Please observe.”
The pair were silent while Angel continued pretending to sleep and call Cherri’s name.
Arackniss scoffed and said, “Oh, he’s calling for his gal pal, Cherri Bomb.”
“Cherri Bomb?” Dr. Red asked.  “Oh, right!  The kingpin who tried to help Anthony and Alastor’s fiancée run away.”
At this point, Angel ceased yelling Cherri’s name and pretended to settle back down so that he could listen to the conversation.
“The very one,” Arackniss replied.  “She’s locked in the guest room on the first floor.  We’re selling her to her rival Sir Pentious tomorrow in exchange for weapons.  Anthony hasn’t seen her since that night, so he’s probably just worried about her.”
“Interesting,” Dr. Red said writing more notes in his notebook.  “Have they known each other long?”
“Anthony’s helped her with her turf wars for about 40 years from what I’ve gathered,” Arackniss said.  “From what I’ve heard, they’re pretty close.”
“Interesting,” Dr. Red said.  “40 years is more than long enough to develop a romantic attraction.  It seems that the treatment is working faster than we thought.  My scientific opinion is that Anthony is developing a longing for this demoness.”
Arackniss snickered under his breath and said, “After only a day of therapy?  There’s no way.  She and Anthony are only friends.”
“Don’t be so sure, Arackniss,” Dr. Red said confidently.  “Perhaps your brother and Cherri were only friends, but I’ve found that often in pursuing homosexual relations a patient might be suppressing desire for a heterosexual partner.  Now that we’re pushing away the homosexual attractions, the suppressed attraction to his female friend.  Oh, this is so exciting.  I must get this demoness involved in the therapy.”
“How do ya plan on doing that?” Arackniss asked.
“Gradually, of course,” Dr. Red replied.  “We mustn’t throw Anthony into it.  We must ease him into the heterosexual relationship like a glove.”
“I still don’t know about your theory but easing Anthony into a heterosexual doesn’t sound like a bad idea,” Arackniss said, making a puffing noise that let Angel know that he was puffing on a cigarette.  “So, what do we do first?”
“First, we must discuss this with your father,” Dr. Red replied.
Arackniss and Dr. Red then shut the door and headed upstairs.  Angel waited until the moment he heard them both shut the door to the basement before he unstrapped himself and dashed back to the vent.
Angel reached the vent and said, “Cherri?!”
“Angie?!  What happened?!” Cherri replied concernedly.
“Dr. Red came down to retrieve his notes, so I started crying out your name,” Angel said with a smirk.  “He came in to watch me, called my brother down, and now, they’re going to talk to my Dad to get you integrated into my therapy.”
“Hot damn, Angel Dust,” Cherri Bomb said with a proud scoff.  “How’d you pull it off?”
“Thank my 50 years of acting, sugar tits,” Angel bragged.  “Dr. Red is now convinced that you’re my repressed crush.  My brother ain’t convinced, but it doesn’t matter.  Either way, you ain’t going nowhere.”
“Holy shit,” Cherri said.  “You never cease to amaze me, Angel.  I owe you one.”
“Don’t mention it, Cher,” Angel said.  “Now, we just gotta act our way out of here.”
“Oh, God,” Cherri said in a sudden panic.
“What’s the matter?” Angel asked.
“Do you think they’ll make us have sex while they watch?” Cherri asked.
Angel paused for a moment and said, “Oh, God.  I didn’t think of that.”
Just then, Cherri heard some hands fiddling with the locks outside her door.
“Angie, they’re here, talk to ya later,” Cherri muttered out in a hurry before she zipped back to her mattress and curled up into a fetal position, pretending to be asleep.
Arackniss pushed open the door, and Dr. Red flicked on the lights and entered the room.
“Doc, what are you doing?  You’re gonna wake her up,” Arackniss protested in a whisper.  “We put her in the bombproof room for a reason, you know.”
Dr. Red ignored Arackniss and continued to look around the room and grimace at the conditions.
“Doc,” Arackniss whispered again.
“I heard you the first time, Arackniss,” Dr. Red said.  “I know very well what Miss Cherri Bomb is capable of.  I do not intend to wake her.  I only intend to make observations...”
Dr. Red took a moment to look at Cherri and continued, “Cherri Bomb is a scrawny little thing, but she is pretty.  She looks cold and hungry though.  You must improve these conditions.  A man who falls in love must be comfortable.”
Arackniss sighed out his cigarette smoke and said, “I suppose we can add some blankets in here.”
“That’s not enough, Arackniss,” Dr. Red chided.  “You need to furnish the room, give her proper beauty products, give her books to read, and clothes to change into.  You need to feed her better as well.  Women are delicate creatures, Arackniss.  You need to take care of them.”
“If you’re sure,” Arackniss replied skeptically.
“Of course, I’m sure,” Dr. Red retorted.  “I used to give courting advice, you know.  Now, we must go speak to your father, but for tonight, fetch Miss Cherri Bomb some blankets to put her in a more pleased mood.”
Arackniss grumbled, “Very well.”
“Well, what are you waiting for?” Dr. Red asked.  “Hop to it.”
“Hey,” Arackniss protested.  “Watch your tone, doc.  We’re employing you.”
“And your father told you to do whatever I asked,” Dr. Red quipped.  “Now, go.”
Arackniss silently stewed for a moment before he rolled his eyes and left the room to find the blankets.
While Arackniss was looking for the blankets, Dr. Red sat down on the mattress next to Cherri’s sleeping form.  Cherri felt him sit down next to her, but she managed to maintain her relaxed composure.
That was until Dr. Red started stroking her hip.
Cherri made a yelp of dislike and twitched her leg away.
“Oh, dear,” Dr. Red said apologetically taking his hand away.  “I’m so sorry, love.  I didn’t mean to wake you.  Go back to sleep.”
Cherri turned over to the side of the mattress facing away from the doctor and pretended to try to go back to sleep.
Fortunately, just then, Arackniss entered the room with a stack of blankets and a pillow.
“I’m back,” Arackniss announced.
“Good,” Dr. Red replied taking the pillow out of his hands.  “Now, let’s get her more comfortable.”
Dr. Red gently lifted Cherri’s head and placed a pillow under it while Arackniss covered her body with the blankets.
Once the blankets covered her form, Cherri pretended to relax in her pretend sleep.
As Dr. Red shut out the lights and left the room, he said, “She’s a good one.  I can tell.  Miss Cherri Bomb is extremely sensitive to the touch of a man.”
Arackniss groaned jealously as he left the room and shut and locked the door behind him.
Once she was sure they had gone, Cherri zipped back to the vent to explain what had happened to an anxiously waiting Angel.
The pair shared a few laughs and discussed some more details of their plan before they finally parted for the night and went to sleep.
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abbyfreemansmind · 4 years
Let’s talk about Hazbin Hotel
So, I finally sat down and watched Hazbin Hotel. I’d heard so much about it and felt the need to launch myself headfirst into having my own opinions about it instead of just listening to other people talking about it. This is gonna be a long post, so I’m gonna put it behind a neat little read more. Please note that this is coming from someone who genuinely enjoys adult humour and edgy humour and themes. I’ve got no problem with something that’s all swearing and raunchy jokes. It just needs to be done right.
Point 1 - The Plot The plot is describes as the Princess of Hell trying to open a new hotel to rehabilitate sinners so they don’t get exterminated during the yearly heavenly extermination to deal with Hell’s overpopulation problems. This plot is quickly undone through a few things that anyone can notice during the first viewing. 1 - Overpopulation? WHAT population? The scenery is most often noticeably devoid of any signs of life, outside of when background characters are called for. The scene where Charlie’s doing her news presentation is the most notable example of background characters. After this scene, we see almost nobody outside of the main cast and those weird little egg things. There are a few throwaway demons but outside of that, the streets are devoid of people. There aren’t even the corpses we had just seen during that opening scene. 2 - Charlie may as well be a total nobody what with all the power being the Princess of Hell holds. Just look at how the other characters treat her. You’d think the Princess of Hell would have some kind of benefit that would sway people towards agreeing with this whole idea. Instead, she gets mocked by just about everyone for reasons I can only guess involve winning her sympathy points from the audience. 3 - At no point does she give any proof that redemption would work. She basically says, “Hey guys! I hate seeing you all die, so I have this idea that has no backing evidence, that may or may not work, to try and get you guys into Heaven! Let me sing a song about it where I insult you all!”
Point 2 - Presentation I applaud the animators. Must’ve been hard, especially for Charlie’s overly fast song that really didn’t need to be nightcored, or literally any time Angel Dust was on-screen. Frame by frame. No rigs. All those stripes. All those colours that blend if you stare at them too hard or squint even slightly while watching. All that unnecessarily constant movement. It’s no wonder the thing took four bloody years to animate. Outside of animation, there are too many unneeded details and not enough needed details. Seriously. 1 - The turf war. We didn’t need this. We didn’t need this at all. If you take out the entire opening to it and the entire actual fight scene here, the episode still flows smoothly and we get the same amount of information and worldbuilding. In a pilot/first episode, you should only give the audience necessary details. Leave them wanting more, yes, but make sure they actually know what they’re getting into from the first episode. Make every scene count. Make it mean something. Don’t just shove every detail you can think of together and call it a day, especially if you don’t actually give the audience much information from it. 2 - Why is Hell overpopulated? Why isn’t Heaven? Why can angels go from Heaven to Hell, but demons can’t go from Hell to Heaven? Why does nobody care about being redeemed if Hell is so overpopulated that Angels annually come down and kill people because of it? Why does everyone treat the Princess of Hell like she’s worthless? Why doesn’t Angel Dust know about Alastor if they got into hell within 10 years of each other? Where is this supposed overpopulation problem? Would redemption even work in the first place? Why should I care about most of these characters (who are mostly complete jerks with no redeeming qualities other than “PROTAGONIST”, especially when two of the fan favourites repeatedly sexually assault other characters and, in one case, is both sexist and racist at one point)? Why are there turf wars? I should not be having to ask these questions. Don’t hold the audience’s hand, but don’t leave every single question you present in the show unanswered. Some of the questions presented make absolute sense to leave unanswered. Why does Alastor want to help with the hotel? Why are characters like Vaggie and Niffty, who do nothing all that bad, in Hell? These are questions that make total sense to leave unanswered for now. 3 - What crime is too terrible to be redeemed for? Charlie seems to think that literally everyone can be redeemed. That means murderers, rapists, abusers, tormentors... Certainly her song holds some kind of key to figuring it out! “Inside of every creepy hatchet-wielding maniac” Hmm... Okay... “All of you cretins, sluts and losers, sexual deviants and boozers” Uh... “So, all your cartoon porn addictions, vegan rants, psychic predictions Ancient Roman crucifixions end right here All you monsters, thieves and crazies, cannibals and crying babies" Oh... Also, did she imply that mental illness, alcoholism, drug dependency, plant-based diets/lifestyles, rabies and enjoyment of sex were sins in that song?
Point 3 - Edgy for the sake of edgy Hazbin Hotel tries to be an adult cartoon, but comes off as something a mentally disturbed teenager wrote during their emo/scene phase. 1 - The swearing and sex jokes. Oh boy. I’ve worked with children under the age of 15 who swear and crack sex jokes better than the adults in this show. The swearing and sex jokes are the only reasons this show couldn’t be aired as a Cartoon Network show aimed at edgy teenagers. It’s so poorly done that it in and of itself takes away from the quality of the show itself. Also, we have a character who’s name is an actual sex joke itself. Vaggie, full name Vagatha - a lesbian sex worker, of course. Fun fact for those who don’t know, but all of her previous character drafts had her name as some form of joke on the word vagina. This isn’t an accident, this is blatant and intentional. Also, here’s a pro tip for you! You can make an adult-oriented show without having swearing, slurs and sex jokes taking up a solid third or more of your script. 2 - The... “Representation”. Yes, Hazbin Hotel has LGBT+ characters! Yes, it has biracial and Latina characters! Charlie is bi, Vaggie is a Latina lesbian, Angel Dust is a gay man, Alastor is ace and biracial, Husk is pan, Niffty is Japanese (YIKES). Except none of it actually matters. No, really. Vivziepop was all like, “btw you can ship w/e, idc! also, i rlly like the fanon version of human alastor (who is whiter than marshmallow fluff even though he’s supposed to be half black)! :)” and threw all that out the window because... Who knows at this point. Now, if you look at the connected series, Helluva Boss, you get Moxie and Millie - an extremely obvious and loving couple. In Hazbin Hotel, you get Charlie and Vaggie who you probably couldn’t tell were a couple without somebody telling you that in the first place, what with all the loveydovey-ness going on with them. In fact, the biggest hint we even get is literally one line. “Life ain’t a musical, hun.” But then again, I’d be more apt to believe Charlie and Vaggie are friends, or Vaggie is pining after Charlie. Also, Charlie is a really bad girlfriend! She lets Vaggie get abused by practically the entire cast without so much as a single word in her defense and ignores everything Vaggie says. It came as no surprise when I remembered hearing about how the only reason these two are a couple is because one of the people on the team thought they were during storyboarding and Vivziepop just went with it. Also, fun fact, Vaggie fits both the angry lesbian and fiery Latina stereotypes. Charlie fits the stereotype for the bisexual cheater, what with how she seems to actually like Alastor more than her own bloody girlfriend. Alastor is canonically ace because he’s too full of himself to be with anyone else. Speaking as somebody who’s ace... WHAT?! As much as I don’t like Charlastor, it’s partially more popular than Chaggie because Vivziepop actually made them act like a couple for an entire musical number. Also, he’s annoying. He not only kept telling Vaggie to smile (heck you dude), he also smacked her butt, which is a form of sexual assault, people. This was all played for laughs, along with Vaggie’s (actually very reasonable) anger. Niffty is Japanese. A yellow-skinned demon who’s boy crazy and obsessed with cleaning... Big yikes. Finally, Angel Dust. The kinky gay man porn star/drag queen/drug addict/prostitute who verbally sexually assaulted two guys. Where do I begin. When it came to this guy, Vivziepop must’ve been like, “Imma throw every stereotype for gay men on this guy and call it a character!” If you look a Helluva Boss again, you get Stolas, who verbally sexually assaults Blitzo over the phone and also cheated on his wife with him in the first place, so this isn’t a one-off. Also, he was originally AFAB, so that whole line about “Why are you all women?” is more than a little heinous and in extremely poor taste.
In conclusion, this show is terrible. Everything about it. It needs some serious reworking, because as it stands, it’s really truly not that great of a creation.
tl;dr: Needs a lot of work and “ThEy’Re In HeLl!!1!!one!!!eleven!!!11″ isn’t even remotely an excuse for the genuine problems in it. Remember, at least one actual human being on Earth, not in Hell, wrote this garbage fire. Also, the animators deserve a higher wage than whatever they’re getting to deal with these designs. I shudder just thinking about animating them, with or without a rig.
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xradinoxinterloperx · 4 years
Angel Dust is Kidnaped! (little part of chapter of a Fanfic)
Originally written in Spanish, roughtly translated
Vaggie was stunned, at first, she didn't even know what to think about what had happened, she had tried to follow the limousine in vain to have any clue who it was. And although she first thought that it could be a rando that simply wanted to have a taste of the spider drag , she soon realized that it was most likely that it was his former boss, the Overlord Valentino, pimp and porn producer who had exploited Angel Dust his entire career and had no reputation for treating his "employees" with the greatest delicacy. Not only knowing how battered could Angel get out  of this encounters but also encouraging the  spider to fall in his old vices again, especially  drugs and crime.. Vaggie knew that the fact that Angel was a hotel guest did not settle well with the demon Overlord, perhaps the day came that he wanted to claim what was his.
She would have to organize a rescue or a way to get Angel out of there. Not that he had taken too much love from the first Client of the Hotel. From the beginning and until now it was still causing problems and not really taking the issue of redemption seriously. But even because of that brainless buffon,  Vaggie  was willing to put herself at risk and not abandon him. 
She returned to the hotel with Niffty to seek help from Alastor and Charlie. But only Husk was there attending the reception and the entrance bar. The whole return and the matter of finding out about the limo had taken a while. It was still early, Alastor and Charlie could take time to return, seeing that they would be in charge of talking with some demons of a certain importance. She was at the crossroads of having to wait or make a dangerous decision.
She did not want to get alone in the turf of an Overlord, but perhaps she had no choice but to try to solve this herself, although dialogue with that demon would result in  some kind of extortion for sure. It had been a few hours already, and When she was not yet decided on what to do, she received a call. It was from Angel Dust nothing less. Maybe she was saved the trouble to go anywhere to hear the kind of blackmail the overlord got in mind.
Before  taking the call, she noticed that on the screen that recognized Angel Dust's contact photo was not  one  she had configured. It was probably a  photo take from his porn sets, probably after some scene, where Angel was naked on his back smiling at the camera with his  legs spread, revealing more than what the demon Moth had ever wanted to see from him. she cursed the wicked spider bitch before finally answering.
Vaggie: Angel!
Angel: Hey Vaggie-doll ... - there was a lot of background noise, music and voices alike.
Vaggie Are you alright? What the fuck happened?
Angel: Well, Valentino happened.
Vaggie: I know it, don't worry, we'll find a way to get you out of there….
She  heard the laugh on Angel's the other side of the line.
Angel: Hey hey easy ... you don't have to do  shit about that, everything is going well.
  Vaggie:  What the hell do you mean !? Whethever you like it or not we will not let that guy exploit you again. We will not let you leave the hotel so easy after all the problems you gave us, you piece of shit ...
Angel: Hey, stop pissing off and listen for once, ok? They don't want me for more than the day, they offered me work and they even paid me cleanly.
Vaggie:  What!? Do you think doing porn again is going to help us with what we  are trying to do at the hotel?, are you also going to get a tattoo of the hotel in your ass to shit yourself more on us? We are gonna have to deal with you after that come pinga  Valentino  uses you again. And the things that he  makes you do… you’ll come back all  beaten and drugged again ...
Angel: Nonono babe ... Valentino is not even here ...
Vaggie paused a moment.
Angel: In fact, it seems he took his slice and left. He wants me to work yes, but its a one day thing and with other people. Velvet is still here, though. But she had been protecting me and saying that all of that new "goody" me, is what they need. She wants me to work with a friend of her, a bug-faced  old wench director named Cify.
Vaggie:  Velvet? La Velvet ...
Angel: Yes, that lady- Angel got distracted talking to someone else - oh thank you sweetheart! You are sweet-pie.
Vaggie:  Angel? And you feel a little safer with that other crazy witch, are you nuts?
Angel: Hey, whatever you think you know about ... Vilvet - Angel chewed something - I know what she is capable of and i seen her done even worse, I know that ...  she can be unstable. But it seems she wants me  in one piece ...
Vaggie: What do they want you to do?
Angel: Well nothing out of the ordinary, they want  me to fuck somebody ... in the literal sexual way I mean.
Vaggie:  Ugh ... You don't had to clarify it.
Angel: I know, I know, but where is the trap you say? ... And there doesn't seem to be one. This gal  Cify is a pretentious  professional, all that  hipster underground-artist vibe you know? she even offered me an all-detailed contract just for working this day, and you know how important those things can be down here ...
Vaggie: That's why I wouldn't trust someone like you who can hardly read to revise one ...
Angel: Auch, well, fuck you too Vaggie ...
Vaggie: Angel - Vaggie got angry again.
Angel: Hey is my damn body and I'm fine with this,capisci? At this point it is more trouble to  back down- Angel sighed annoyed- Look, If I am calling you, it is because I  don’t want  you to lose your shit and do something stupid, because I do not want to cause trouble, all you would have to do is come and pick me up at the end of the day and see that everything is ok, does it sound good to you?
Vaggie: ... -Vaggie was silent on the line, only his sighs and hesitation could be heard.
Angel: In fact, Vaggie - Angel suddenly said in a slightly weird tone - Hehe..., about what they want me to do ... Maybe I have to ask you for advice. Not that I haven't done what they are asking before, but Ah ... it was  while ago since the last time , and the way they asked me to ... Well...
Angel hesitated, as if feeling a little modesty, that puzzled Vaggie more, since Angel Dust was the most shameless and vulgar person she had ever met.
Vaggie:  ... What the hell are you talking about? - Vaggie finally replied.
Angel: Well, it's weird, they just want me to be with a girl.
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snarkybluechristian · 5 years
Hazbin Hotel: Yandere Alastor x Vaggie Chapter 4
Vaggie dashed down the multiple flights of stairs as quietly as she could until she finally reached the bottom and stopped to catch her breath and think.  
The Radio Demon’s home was much larger than she thought.  Oh, well.  On the bright side, that should mean she would have plenty of places to hide…
A bright red light lit up the far end of the hallway indicating the presence of Alastor or one of his minions.  Vaggie practically stopped breathing for a moment.  She didn’t start breathing again until the light disappeared into another direction.  Vaggie didn’t know where it had gone, but she figured she didn’t have time to figure that out.
Vaggie crept quietly off the stairs and opened the door of the first room she saw.  After shutting the door with her bound hands, she stopped to look around.  
As her eyes started adjusting to the dark, Vaggie realized that she was in a workout room.  
Strewn all over the black-matted floor, there was a bunch of really old-fashioned looking workout equipment. There were dumbbells with round weights at the end, a treadmill that was run manually, a rowing machine, and other equipment that Vaggie could only vaguely recognize.
Vaggie didn’t study the equipment too much however.  She quickly noticed the sliding glass doors on the other side of the room leading to the outside and made her next move.
Vaggie silently navigated around the equipment.  She moved as slowly and quietly as she possibly could avoiding every noise possible. Vaggie even regulated the noise of her breathing.
She did not know the full extent of Alastor’s demonic power.  Nobody really did, except those he had deposed and sent to the fiery pit, but Vaggie had a hunch.  
Alastor only came back to her room and dished out punishment when she had destroyed one of his radios. A rich kingpin like him could easily replace a broken radio and Vaggie had seen dozens of them in the house during their “tour,” so he didn’t return to lecture her about breaking a prized possession. There was another reason Alastor came back.  
Vaggie suspected that reason was that Alastor needed radios for surveillance.  Somehow, he used radios as listening devices that were telepathically connected to his ears.  He used them to survey his home, and most likely, the rest of hell.  That was how Alastor could hear whatever Angel had done and how he likely collected information all over hell.  Without them, he was blind, or more accurately, deaf to things happening across a longer distance.  
If that was true, Alastor had a few obvious weaknesses.  First, as with any security system, Alastor couldn’t possibly catch everything, especially since radios didn’t keep recordings.  Second, Alastor couldn’t track what he couldn’t hear, so if a target was silent and fast enough, they could theoretically escape him.  No one had succeeded yet, but that didn’t mean Vaggie couldn’t try. Besides, what choice did she have?
Vaggie finally reached the sliding door without facing any signs from Alastor.  She unlocked the sliding door, stepped outside, and silently slid it shut.  Still no sign of Alastor.  Vaggie smiled.  It looked like she was right.
That smile quickly disappeared however when she saw the Radio Demon’s large garden.  There were dozens of well-tended beds of red poppies with large statues in the center of each one.  As she approached one of the beds, Vaggie’s heart skipped a beat.  The statues were of demons, and not just any demons, they were all painstakingly-detailed statues of former kingpins.  Vaggie couldn’t recognize their faces, but she recognized the names on the little plaques placed by their feet.  
For the moth demon, it was more than a little unnerving, but she couldn’t let herself get scared now. Vaggie shook the thoughts out of her head and looked for an exit.  
Unfortunately, when Vaggie looked past the statues, she realized that there was a tall iron fence lining the property’s boundary against the outskirts of a thick forest. Vaggie quickly but quietly ran up to the fence under the shadow of the trees where it would be easier to hide and look for an exit on the periphery.  
Once she arrived, Vaggie stopped to catch her breath, looked back at the house she had just escaped from, and gasped in awe.  
It was the largest house she had ever seen, not counting the Happy Hotel.  It was easily five stories and large enough to house every resident in the El Salvador slum where she grew up.  The exterior was a red, stone, chateau-esque Gilded Age mansion that somehow looked every bit as menacing as Alastor’s reputation.  The red-flowered vines growing on the walls did nothing to soften its threatening exterior.  They couldn’t have.  The flowers, like the house and the poppies, were the color of blood.  
It was nowhere Vaggie wanted to be forced to live.  She scoffed at its excess and began walking tentatively under the shadow of the trees next to the iron fence.  
Vaggie looked at the fence and guessed that it went up about 20 feet.  A demon like Angel could hop over it without too much trouble, but for her, it was too high, especially considering that her wrists were still bound together. She would have to find a gate and pray that she could escape that way instead.
Vaggie began chewing at the knots that held her wrists together and tried her best not to worry about Angel.  If she got out of this place at all, it would be because of him and yet there was nothing she could do to help him.  That ate at Vaggie’s conscience.  
The dumbass got on her nerves and made horribly misguided decisions, but even she couldn’t deny there was good in him.  Angel had a reluctant heart of gold when it came to his friends, and even if he claimed he only came to save her to get back at Alastor, Vaggie knew that Angel considered her enough of a friend to stick his neck out for her all the same. She now owed him.
Vaggie stopped chewing the tight knots in frustration.  Rosie was very experienced at tying knots.  She probably had a kill count as high as Alastor did.  
Vaggie hated it.  She hated the rope that bound her hands together. She hated that she couldn’t help Angel. She hated Rosie for being a sadistic bitch.  She hated Alastor for dragging her there in the first place.  She hated that she couldn’t scream out her pain in frustration in case Alastor heard her and came running to retrieve her.  She hated all of it and could do nothing but shed angry tears and send God angry prayers for not helping her more quickly.
Then as if an answer to prayer, Vaggie noticed a small stone house the size of a medium-sized shed coming up in the distance.  She assumed it was a shed for gardening tools.  It had to be.
Vaggie was overjoyed. The shed would have tools to cut her hands free.  It could have the keys to the gate there, or at the very least, it was something she could use the rope to climb so she could reach the top of the gate.  It didn’t solve every issue, but it solved enough of them to give Vaggie a bit of hope, as long as it wasn’t locked.
Upon closer inspection, the shed was larger and better built than Vaggie thought.  It had air conditioning units on the side along with a hose and a few plumbing pipes going into the ground.  
That was when Vaggie came to a horrifying realization.  It was a slaughterhouse.  It had to be. No garden shed was this well-built.
The hand-painted sign above the door seemed to confirm her suspicion.  It said, “Sacred Treasure.”  Vaggie gagged.  Yep.  Alastor would pick such a messed-up title.  She was in the right place.  Oh, well.  At least, a slaughterhouse had sharp objects Vaggie could cut her ropes on, again, as long as it wasn’t locked.  
Vaggie twisted open the handle, stepped into the dark, windowless building, and shut the door behind her.  She felt around the wall with her bound hands until she found the light switch, and when Vaggie flipped it on, her mouth fell wide open.  
The building was a slaughterhouse that Alastor had converted into a shrine dedicated to her.  Hidden photographs of her covered the walls.  Vaggie’s heart sank.  The Radio Demon had been stalking her for months without her knowledge and that was not all.
The slaughterhouse table was covered in blankets and pillows that smelled like the perfume she liked to use indicating that Alastor had slept in there.  Vaggie gagged as she ran around the table, and found, to her horror, that a detailed statue of her with a display stand holding the spear she used to threaten him on the day they met.  
Vaggie was frightened, but she was also angry.  Alastor thought he could stalk her, study her like a new animal species, and steal her possessions without her permission.  He was going to pay for that, but first, she had to cut her bonds.
Vaggie began cutting her rope on the sharp spear in front of her statue.  She smirked in relief as the rope cut through the knots and unraveled on the ground.  The rope finally broke apart.  
“Yes!” Vaggie cried out in joy as she twisted her wrists around in relief and pulled the black handkerchief free from her neck.  “Now to find Charlie…”
“There, you are, my love!” the eerie yet irritating radio host voice said happily from behind her causing Vaggie to freeze fearfully in her tracks.  “I was so worried when Rosie told me about that fight you two got in. I wanted to come comfort you sooner, but we couldn’t find you anywhere and I honestly never expected you to get this far.  No one ever has.  I’m honestly impressed.”
Vaggie just then noticed the radio sitting at the feet of the statue.  She screamed out in frustration as she kicked the radio against the wall breaking it instantly.
“Oh, you figured that out, too?!” Alastor exclaimed in surprise.  “Oh, Vaggie!  You are so smart!  I’m falling in love with you more every minute!”
Vaggie angrily grabbed her spear and turned around to point it in the face of the Radio Demon sitting on the edge of the table.  
“What happened to the intruder?!” Vaggie yelled pointing the spear in Alastor’s face.  
Alastor, of course, wasn’t intimidated in the least but whistled a radio jingle and summoned his familiars. The light went out, the door flew open, and his deer familiars flew in carrying in Angel.  
The spider demon had all six of his arms tied horizontally behind his back, and his feet were tied together rendering him completely immobile.  He was slightly bruised and coughing very hard, but he still smiled weakly when he saw Vaggie.
“Hey, toots!” Angel said between coughing up blood.  “How’s it goin’?”
Vaggie didn’t respond, but her frightened face said more than enough.
Alastor snapped his fingers causing his familiars to throw Angel against the wall making him grunt in pain.
“Argh!” Angel cried out with a condescending smirk.  “Is that all ya got?  Is that all ya got, Alastor?  And, I thought you were going to show me a good time.”
Alastor responded by snapping his fingers and summoning a gag around Angel’s mouth.  
“What have you done?!” Vaggie angrily yelled pointing her spear into Alastor’s face.  
“Nothing the little bluenose didn’t deserve,” Alastor replied nonchalantly pushing himself onto the floor and leaning his face in front of her.
“Let us go now, you creepy shitlord!”  Vaggie yelled before attempting to stab Alastor in the face.
Unfortunately, in one fell swoop, Alastor swiped the spear out of Vaggie’s hands, tossed it back to its stand, put both his hands around Vaggie’s face, and leaned in until their faces were practically touching.
Alastor’s eyes turned yellow as he started singing an old Southern lullaby, “Go to sleep, you little babe.  Go to sleep, you little baby.  Go to sleep, you little baby.  Your mama’s gone away, and your daddy’s gonna stay.  Didn’t leave nobody but the baby…”
Something was wrong. Vaggie started losing the feeling in her fingers and toes.  She knew it was Alastor’s magic.  
Vaggie tried shutting her eyes and squirming her head away from his grip, but Alastor used his thumbs to hold open Vaggie’s eyelids and kept singing, “You’re sweet, little babe. You’re sweet, little babe.  Honey in the rock and the sugar don’t stop.  Gonna bring a bottle to the baby…”
Angel screamed through his gag.  Vaggie lost all the feeling in her limbs until her arms and legs were as stable as spaghetti noodles.  She writhed around fruitlessly while fighting the heavy feeling in her eyelids as Alastor sat her down against the wall next to Angel who could only watch.
Suddenly, two cellar doors on the other side of the room that neither Angel nor Vaggie noticed before flung open and Rosie walked up the stairs.  
Rosie glanced over at Vaggie coldly and complained, “Awww!  It looks like I missed most of the fun.  I so wanted to get back at her for burning my face.”
“I know what she did was quite rude,” Alastor said stepping in front of his barely conscious love interest and gesturing towards his other prisoner.  “But surely, there’s something I can do to make up for it.”
Rosie suddenly noticed Angel and squealed in joy, “Oh, Alastor!  Is that a new playmate?  Can I play with him please?  He’s so handsome!”
“Of course, you can, but be sure you can satisfy him,” Alastor warned her playfully as Angel suggestively wriggled his eyebrows at her in response.  “He’s in demand, and he’s in need of relief if you know what I mean…”
“Oh, of course,” Rosie said attempting to walk past Alastor to pick up her new “toy” before the latter put his staff in front of her.
“But I need you to do something for me first, if that’s alright,” Alastor said.  
“Oh, I don’t mind,” Rosie replied.  “You are giving me such a cute playmate after all.  What do you need?”
Alastor glanced back at his two prisoners and gestured back at Rosie for her to follow him to the other corner of the room where their conversation wouldn’t be heard.
Not that Vaggie could hear them anyway.  Her senses were being dulled by the second, and there was nothing she could do.    
The mouth demon began shaking fearfully until her right hand faintly felt a squeeze.  She twisted her head over to look down and saw one of Angel’s bound hands gripping hers.  Vaggie looked up to see Angel’s sympathetic eyes looking into hers in a warm, confident, unbroken stare.  She could only stare back to show she understood and smiled tiredly as a few tears fell down her cheek.  Angel did the same underneath his gag as he began massaging her paralyzed hand with his fingers.
The moment was broken when Alastor’s foot stomped on Angel’s hand.  Vaggie looked up to see Alastor’s angry eyes glare bullets into Angel as he howled painfully into his gag.  
Alastor then knelt down to Angel’s eye level, gripped the collar of Angel’s jacket, pulled him in until their faces were almost touching, and whispered threateningly, “If you wish to live, Dust, you will never touch her like that again.”  
Alastor then picked Angel up and threw him over his shoulder easily as if he were a towel.  Before Vaggie knew what was happening, Rosie did the same thing to her.
“Rosie, not so rough,” Alastor protested placing his arm on Angel’s back to stabilize him.  “If that is how you’re going to treat my future wife, I might have to rethink your present.”
“My apologies, Alastor,” Rosie said readjusting Vaggie so that she was being carried bridal style. “I’ll try to be more careful. Please don’t give my new toy away.”
“I wouldn’t dream of it,” Alastor said merrily stepping onto the first stair going into his basement. “I’ll see you two later.”
Without another word, Alastor began stepping down his stairs while Angel stared back at Vaggie as reassuringly as he possibly could until they were out of sight.  Vaggie stared back until her eyelids finally slid shut as Rosie gently carried her back towards the house.
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