#valentine’s gifts
winterthings22 · 2 years
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bixels · 7 months
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There's no such thing as overpreparing for love.
Happy (late) Rarijack Valentine's.
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gotchibam · 8 months
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Sylveon sends love your way! 💗
Available as print! ✨
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svdaily · 8 months
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juicygossip23 · 2 years
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megarax-ponyo · 7 months
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💘🐶💛¡¡Flying hearts day is here!!💜🐱💘
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maturiin · 7 months
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somewhere out west
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maggie44paint · 7 months
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I absolutely despise how I drew Gabriel here but V1 serves cunt
Happy (early) Valentine's Day!
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inkly-heart · 7 months
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💝 twst 2024 valentine gift message compilation 🎁
Yes, it’s that time of year again—
For preliminary information on what this is, please check out this post!
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This year’s messages came printed on a coffin-shaped piece of paper. (The back of it is shown in the image above.)
The common theme underlying all of the messages is that the sender (you!) gifted the character a fragrance.
***Spoilers below the cut!!***
My dear friend—
Thank you for your gift.
I’m not an expert, but I once read
that this type of thing can help with
relaxation. I’ll certainly try it out
soon. I’ll make you herbal tea
sometime as a token of my
Hello, friend—
Thank you for the lovely gift. I’ve
been busy lately, so it’s nice to have
something to help me relax. You’re
always going the extra mile for
everyone around you. I’ll bring some
homemade sweets over soon to say
thanks, okay?
Eeey, friendo!
Thanks for the totes ‘Cammable
gift! It looks nice, AND it’s got a
fragrance that’s right up Cay-Cay’s
alley. I’m super excited for the
gift-back, and hope you are, too!
I’m gonna get you something you’ll
be amped to post about on
Heya, pal—
I never thought you’d get me
something so fancy! It’s got just the
kind of scent I like. You’ve got
perfect taste. I’m gonna use it
soon—thanks! As for what to give
you in return, well… Got any
requests? Just don’t go too
My good friend—
Thanks for the gift! I didn’t think
it’d be something so fancy. You’ve
got a good eye for this stuff, Prefect!
It’s nice having a fresh scent in my
room to help me focus when I’m
studying! Wait until you see what
grade I get on my next test.
Allow me to thank you for your
generous gift. Heh. Can’t believe
you actually picked out a halfway
decent fragrance. I might actually
keep this. I thought about sending
you something in return if the mood
struck me, but this thank-you note
should do the job just fine, right?
Thanks for the gift! I don’t buy
things that aren’t absolute
necessities, so it’s nice getting
something like this. Don’t get me
wrong, though. I’m REALLY not
picky when it comes to people
giving me presents, so feel free to
keep giving me whatever you like!
Thanks for the gift.
This is the kind of subtle fragrance I
can see myself using. I don’t like
being indebted to others, so I’ll
think of something to send in return
so we’re even. Don’t expect too
much. Just sit tight.
My boon companion—
Thank you for your wonderful gift.
You have quite the eye for quality
and chose a fine fragrance. That
said, I prefer not to accept gifts
without providing anything in
return. Expect something from me
of equivalent value soon.
My dear friend—
Thank you for your lovely present.
Did you know that morays have
keen senses of smell? I’ll quite enjoy
this. I’d like to treat you to a drink
at the Mostro Lounge in return.
What do you say?
Dear Little Shrimpy—
What a neat choice for a present.
Did you pick out this scent ‘cause it
reminded you of me? Kinds funny if
this is the vibe I give you. I guess I’ll
use it if I feel like it. No promises.
To my dear friend—
Thanks for the gift. You picked this
fragrance out for me, right? I’m
flattered! Ooh, I know. Next time
you’re in a gift-giving mood, you
could take me shopping to help pick
it out! The more the merrier, right?
Then again, that might defeat the
purpose of the gift… But let’s not
sweat the details!
I was surprised enough just to
receive a gift from you, but a
fragrance? You never fail to surprise.
It couldn’t have been easy selecting
this. I’ll have to gift you something
appropriate in return.
Dearest friend—
Thank you for your gift. It was a
rather thoughtful choice; I can use
this when I’m doing stretches. What
would you like in return, I wonder?
You’re getting something
hand-picked by me, so I’ve no doubt
you’ll be pleasantly surprised.
And merci boucoup! Did you
choose this just for me? I’m
delighted. The design is so lovely
and elegant. I normally avoid using
fragrances unless it’s a special
occasion, in which case I shall
happily wear one—the one you gave
me, of course.
Dear classmate—
Thanks for the gift! I don’t know
much about fragrances, but this
one’s mighty fine! It makes my
dorm room feel a smidge more
fancy. I’d better get you something
nice in return. It’s kinds fun
thinking up ideas for that.
uh, are u saying I stink? is this like
a passive-aggressive gesture or sth?
I have questions, but since u gave
it to me, I gratefully accept. I
don’t pay much attention to
fragrances, but this one smelled pretty.
dece when I gave it a whiff.
Hello, Prefect—
Thank you for the gift! It’s a
fragrance, right? So this is how you
perceive me. That’s fascinating! I’m
about to do a thorough analysis of
its composition. Who knows? I
might discover something neat. Let
me know what fragrances you’re
into sometime!
To my good friend—
Thank you for the gift. Hmm…
This fragrance is meant for pleasure
and relaxation? What a tasteful
choice. I rather like it; perhaps I
shall take more of an interest in
these things. You would be welcome
to pay me a visit, by the way, should
you feel so inclined. I would enjoy
sharing an old tale or two.
Thank you for picking something
out for me. It’s a rather nice gift.
Immersing myself in an unusual
fragrance reminds me of my days
visiting other lands. I know! I
should cook for you some foreign
cuisine as a token of gratitude! I can
hardly wait.
Thank you for your gift. This smell
is so nice and relaxing, it makes me
want to nod off. I hope tjis
improves the quality of my sleep
and helps me want to wake up sooner
when my alarm clock goes off. I’ll let
you know how it goes. Hopefully
I’ve received your gift. Fragrances
are a part of one’s personal
grooming, and you had the nerve to
gift one to ME?! Challenge
accepted. I’ll come up with the
perfect thing to return the
sentiment. You’re going to get
what’s coming to you—mark my
Dear esteemed student—
I was quite taken aback when an
unexpected package arrived in the
headmage’s office! To think you
would send me something so
thoughtful… Hmm. This fragrance
suits my tastes nicely. Normally I
wouldn’t be able to accept personal
gifts, but I think I’ll make an
exception for this, seeing as I’m
Dear pup—
What is this? Giving personal gifts
to teachers is hardly good pup
behavior. But the moment I opened
the wrapping, I could tell you
picked this out for me. The design is
suitable enough, as is the fragrance
itself. I suppose I must commend
your knack for gift-giving. Good
Dear juvenile—
I generally decline gifts from
students, but you clearly chose this
scent out of respect for me. I won’t
use it around Lucius, but it might
be nice to use in the staff room
every once in a while. I gratefully
Dear student—
What is this? Did I give you
a homework assignment that involved
getting me a present? Kidding, of
course. This is the perfect scent for a
guy as cool as me! I’ll teach you how
to make my signature Vargas
protein drink in return!
Heya, my little imp!
What is up? Did you pick this out
just for me? It’s a fantastic scent,
thanks! If you’re interested in this
type of thing, I happen to have a
fine selection in stock, so swing by
whenever you want! I’m looking
forward to your next visit.
Dear minion—
Mrah?! I was expecting tuna, but
instead I get some weird thing
called a fragrance? What IS this
thing? I woulda taken tuna in a
heartbeat, but since my
hench-human picked this out for
me, I guess a proper boss would put
it to good use. Be grateful for my
kindness, partner!
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jellycatstuffies · 7 months
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Jellycat Valentine's Day Cards 2024❤️
Ko-fi / Instagram
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pointelleprincess · 8 months
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Rose McGowan 1997 ₊˚⊹♡
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pinkblossomxo · 8 months
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The perfect Vday roses 💗🎀🎀
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juicygossip23 · 2 years
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