mklegends-smokescreen · 11 months
Mortal Kombat: The Requiem Mirror; Chapter 3: Battle of the Realms
We cut to Cassie, in a chamber, with her weapons on the opposite side.
Cassie: Guys? Can you hear me? Where are you!?
Robin: Yeah, where are we?
Kung Jin: Some kind of... Room?
they quickly realized they were in some kinds of chambers, seperated from one another.
Robin: Hold on, there's a door here, let me just... OPEN SESAME!
he yells out, as the door opens, but not to his command.
Cassie: I don't think that was you, dude.
Robin: Shut up and step outside.
They all walk out to the coliseum grounds, standing infront of millions of tournament fans who were once banished to this realm, and a ominous voice, who reveals to be Valthor, starts talking:
Valthor: Welcome, viewers and champions, to tour de Rellum!
he yells out, as the crowd goes wild, and the hundred fighters who compete in the tournament stare in awe.
Valthor: I've waited many millennia for this, and I've come a long way to be here. In this great 100 man (and/or woman) melee, anything goes! You make someone bleed? that's five points. You shatter some bones? ten. Slay your opponent? You move on to the next round! every round ends if half the ammount of current kombatants have been defeated. With that in mind. Let the Battles begin!
As the crowd roars, the fight begins. Cassie, Kung Jin, Jaqui, Takeda, and Robin rush to defend themselves and fight their opponents.
As the battle rages on, Kombat Kids and the rest of the fighters face their opponents and fight with everything they have. They use their skills, knowledge, and weapons to their advantage as they battle for their lives and freedom. The stakes are high and the fights are intense, but they know that the only way out is through. As they fight, they each realize the importance of their mission and the gravity of the situation. They know they have to fight hard and stay focused if they want to have a chance of winning and escaping. With the first round being over in minutes, Valthor yells out an announcement.
Valthor: Our first round is over. And we're down to 50 fighters. We'll be back after the ten Earthrealm minute break.
The Kombat Kids, exhausted and wounded, take a breather and rest as the remaining 45 fighters prepare for the next round.
Cassie: Well, I'd say this went better than expected.
Takeda: We're not out of the woods yet, Cass. There are still 45 fighters left, and we have to beat them all if we want to get out of here.
Cassie: I know, Takeda. I'm just trying to stay positive.
Jaqui: Yeah, we gotta keep our spirits up if we want to have a shot at winning.
Robin: There was a girl back there, I, feel like I've seen her before...
Kung Jin: What? You got a crush on her?
Robin: What? No! I'm trying to say that I feel like I've seen her before. She wasn't an Earthrealmer or anything like that, but I couldn't really tell.
Cassie: We have 5 minutes left before the next round. We should try and get some rest and save our strength.
Meanwhile, Billie is training. She practices her fighting moves and prepares for the next round. She has her doubts, but she knows she has to keep her focus and stay positive if she wants to have a chance at winning. Billie takes a deep breath and steels herself, knowing that the next round is going to be a tough one.
Valthor: Alright, welcome back, fans and fighters alike, to Tour de Rellum!
some fighter: Come on! You could have come up with a better name!
the fighter says, before he is blasted into oblivion by the sinister figure.
Valthor: As. I. Was. Saying! ...Welcome back. We have 25 fighters left, not counting the one I just eradicated, so 24, and it's time for the 2nd round to begin. Buckle your engines and start your seat belts, because its time to FIGHT!
the crowd cheers, as the 24 fighters charge at one another. Cassie and Kung Jin square off against two large, muscular men. They put their fighting skills and martial arts training to the test as they battle their opponents. The two men are skilled fighters, but the Kombat Kids hold their own. Takeda, Jaqui and Robin fight their opponents as well, using their powers and skills to their advantage. Billie is on an absolute spree, slashing and slaying left and right. She notices Red Robin in the fray and decides to give him a run for his money, which he returns. The two young fighters trade blows and parries, each one looking for an opening to take the other down.
Robin: You Know, we could settle this over some coffee, if you'd want! I know this cute little coffee shop back home, I could treat you if we get outta here!
Siris: (smirking) How about we finish this first, and then we can talk about your date offer.
Kung Jin: Hah! Called it! You two're dating!
Both: Shut up, you're ruining this for me!
They yelled as they looked at one another, and kept on fighting. Takeda and Jaqui are fighting together, back to back, their powers and skills on full display as they battle their opponents. The two of them work in sync, using their abilities and weapons to their advantage as they fight for their lives. Meanwhile, Cassie is battling her opponent, using her martial arts skills and gun experteese to take him down. She lands a series of quick, powerful punches and kicks, before finishing him off with a devastating Shadow Kick. The dragoness toppled Robin to the ground with a knife at his throat, but just before anything could happen, the 13th to last fighter has been eliminated. Siris, Cassie, Robin, Kung Kin, Takeda, Jaqui and six others were the last twelve to remain, and they were the only ones left, in the 3rd round. Valthor looks at the crowd, and speaks.
Valthor: Ladies, gentlemen, and other, the 3rd and final round is upon us. Only one lucky winner will be granted their freedom. But before we get to the next round, I'd like to thank the tournament's sponsor, Hetap, whom's CEO's life I have put into custody until he decided to sponsor this tournament. And now, another 10 minute break. Get your snacks, have your drinks, these final few rounds'll be...*intense*.
Siris: You were lucky, but I guess you haven't changed a bit. See ya in the next round.
Robin: Yeah, uh, see ya! (he whispers to his friends) What's a Hetap?
Takeda: I'll explain later.
Meanwhile, back on Earthrealm, Johnny with his squadron discovers some kind of strange energy looming around the last spot where the Kombat Kids were. He tries to restore it with his green glowing hand, which eventually, succeeds. He calls base for a status report.
Johnny: Status report: Opened a portal to yet another dimension. Sonya, do you read me? Over.
Sonya: Yes, we do, Johnny. Please, be careful. (she says, a hint of fear in her voice) Over.
Johnny: We might need a few choppers, on the way, this is a big portal. Over. (he turns to the squad) Okay guys, the rest is up to you, I'll have my daughter and the others out of this mess, and then we'll go home. Understood? (the team nods) Good.
The image cuts to Kano in his unsupervized cell in the SF headquarters, relaxing while drawing, which is his favorite past time. Suddenly, a red puddle is on a floor, out which Skarlet pops out of, but Kano barely notices. Skarlet is surprised at how easily he was distracted. Then she remembers, and walks up behind him. She touches his shoulder.
Skarlet: Hello, Kano. Did you miss me?
Kano: Oh hey, luv', how's work goin'?
Skarlet: Working on it.
The blood mistress says, as she takes Kano out of the cell back through the puddle to the Black Dragon base. Kano and Skarlet share a brief, but passionate kiss, after Skarlet is quick to recap what happened in the past few hours.
Skarlet: Our daughter is captured and I am not sure where, her captor has disapeared around here.
Kano: Through a portal?
Skarlet Through a portal. Wait, how did you know?
Kano: (smirking) I know a lot more than you think, luv'. But the important thing is, we're gettin' her back. Together. We need sum' wizard or sorcerer to restore this portal.
Skarlet: I prioritize in blood magic, but I could try. But it will take a bit of time.
Kano: Take all the time you need, luv'. I'm here for ya. But we gotta hurry. If anything happens to her, I'm slittin' someone's throat.
Skarlet continues, but she makes it work. The two Black Dragon leaders with a team of they're greatest fighters prepare to enter the dark realm, to save their daughter and free her. Skarlet and Kano prepare to enter the portal, with their weapons at the ready. The two leaders, prepared for anything, enter the portal. The first thing they see is nothing but a dark void, with comets, random objects that were the worlds greatest mistakes, and in the middle of it all, a large coliseum with cheering. But as soon as they see this, one Black Dragon member acknowledges the Johnny Cage and the Special Forces beside them. Skarlet and Kano, along with their group of warriors, ready their weapons and prepare to engage in battle.
Johnny: Woah, woah woah! Everybody, chill the "F" out! I know, a lot of you have a hate boner against one another, but the coincidence that we're all here, implies we're here for similar reasons. Kano! How's it goin' ya sick bastard. 'See you hooked up with someone, and you're not in your cell? What a whacky situation. (he laughs) And who is the lady?
Kano: Listen, I'm on my mission, you're on yours, so shut up, get off me sausage, and bugger off.
some S.F. solider voiced by Nick Landis (offscreen): We get it, you're australian!
Kano: Alright, mate, calm down.
Johnny: Look, just tell me what you're here for. Whatever it is, it can't be much different than why I'm here.
Kano, starting to lose his patience: We're here to find our daughter.
Johnny: You have a daughter?
Skarlet: Yes, and some sinister force has taken her.
Johnny: Oh cool, same, and her entire squad, too.
Kano: Yeah, so we're all in this mess together. But let's not get all sentimental about it. We find our kids, kick this Edge lord's arse, and then we go back to being enemies. Agreed?
Johnny: Agreed, but if you cross me, you'll be seeing more than double, got it?
Kano: Wound't have it any other way, Cage.
Tremor, who's been in the back the whole time: Okay, are we doing this or are you two just gonna keep having this dick-measuring contest?
Kano looks at Tremor firmly: Traitor.
Tremor: Ass-
Johnny Cage: Alright, enough bickering, people. We've got a mission, and that's to find our kids and bring 'em back. Tremor, you coming along?
Tremor: Yeah, I'm in. Don't think this makes us pals, Kano.
Kano: Trust me, I'd rather stick my hand in a blender than be pals with you, Tremor.
They head to the not-so-ominous and dark coliseum to search for the kids.
Johnny: So, how do we get it?
Kano: I don't fuckin' know, you're suppose to be the smart guy in the situation.
Tremor: Hold on, I might have an idea.
The golem turns into rubble and fuses with the ground to get under the door and open it from inside of the coliseum, letting the two groups in.
Johnny: Well, look who's the smart guy now.
Kano: Ey, fuck you, pretty boy.
Skarlet: Let's just keep moving.
The groups look for a way in, but don't find one in time for the begging of the semi-final round.
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halesiarpg · 6 months
En Halesia tenemos nuestro propio calendario y manera de llamar a los días y meses.
Lumora (Lunes) - Inspirado en la luz, simboliza el renacimiento y el inicio de nuevas empresas.
Verdena (Martes) - Día dedicado a la vegetación y el crecimiento, reflejando la vitalidad de la naturaleza.
Fluvis (Miércoles) - Centrado en la fluidez y el movimiento, como el agua que recorre el mundo.
Candor (Jueves) - Representa el calor y la claridad, tanto literal como metafórica, en la búsqueda de la verdad.
Zephyra (Viernes) - Día para honrar el viento, el cambio y la adaptabilidad en la vida.
Natura (Sábado) - Celebración de la vida en su esencia, un día para apreciar el entorno natural y sus criaturas.
Mystara (Domingo) - Dedicado a lo desconocido, la magia y la exploración de los misterios del mundo.
Cada mes está vinculado a un dios y en ese mes se le suele rendir más culto a esos dioses donde los veneran. Brumalix se considera el inicio y Nocturnis el fin, por eso son los únicos meses sin un dios asignado.
Las estaciones empiezan directamente en el mismo mes, es decir, el invierno empieza el 1 de Gelidus y así sucesivamente. Además, todos los meses tienen 30 días exactos.
En el Reino de Azgeda, Wyrm y Starhaven, el día 1 de Gelidus no amanece en todo el norte, es el día más oscuro. El sol sale a partir del día 2 de Gelidus. Se cree que es porque es el momento en que Zythor da paso a Zarnak.
Brumalix (Enero) - El frío profundo, cuando las leyendas dicen que los espíritus del invierno caminan la tierra. El mes del inicio del ciclo. Se celebra principalmente el venir del nuevo año, se suelen iniciar con él nuevas empresas.
Frostara (Febrero) - Sylenia - Marcado por las escarchas matinales que cubren la tierra, anunciando el final del invierno. Se vincula a Sylenia puesto que se reza por un año próspero y lleno de bondades y buena suerte.
Verdantis (Marzo) - Isandra - Cuando el verde vuelve a dominar los bosques, y la vida renace en toda su plenitud. Se vincula a Isandra puesto que es cuando empiezan a presentarse de nuevo las flores, el verdor del bosque, y la vida en general.
Aestas (Abril) - Aelius - El brillo del sol es fuerte, trayendo luz y calidez, es el apogeo de la primavera. Es el mes donde las flores están en su apogeo y por su belleza se suelen emprender a las artes y festividades.
Auroris (Mayo) - En este mes se puede ver una aurora boreal que recubre el cielo nocturno algunas de las noches del año, durante este suceso astronómico se cree que nacen quienes guardan una gran responsabilidad para con el mundo. No posee una deidad vinculada.
Solarae (Junio) - Solara - El comienzo del verano, cuando el calor acuna la tierra y las grandes festividades tienen lugar. Casi con envidia, Solara tomó el siguiente mes en donde brilla con más fuerza y hace sentir a todos el peso de su poder (calor).
Luminae (Julio) - Lunaria - Los días son largos y llenos de luz, un mes donde la magia se siente más potente. El mes donde la magia más fuerte se encuentra, donde la luna más trabaja con los hechiceros; por ello está relacionado a Lunaria.
Searis (Agosto) - Aetherion - El comienzo de la cosecha, cuando el sol dorado madura los frutos y granos. Se relaciona a Aetherion dado que es el mes en donde se suelen ver los frutos naciendo y las cosechas emergen; él como padre creador siendo el responsable de velar por todos sus hijos.
Autumnox (Septiembre) - Valthor - Llega el otoño, cuando el equilibrio del día y la noche se encuentra. Esto se relaciona a los cambios del temperamento de Valthor, habiendo fallado en crear y dar como el resto, sólo para secar ese verdor.
Crepuscula (Octubre) - Kaldor - Los días se acortan y las sombras crecen, el otoño en su máxima expresión y ha tomado completo control del mundo y en cada rincón se puede ver las sombras que acechan y comienzan a acrecentarse. Dado que la gente suele entristecer y quedarse más encerrado, se relaciona a Kaldor
Nocturnis (Noviembre) - Zythor - La bruma de la muerte termina por cubrir todo el mundo, empezando a escucharse los susurros del otro mundo. Este es el mes dedicado a Zythor. El frío se intensifica, un preludio al invierno, cuando las historias se cuentan junto al fuego. El mundo de los muertos cobra más fuerza y las apariciones son más frecuentes.
Gelidus (Diciembre) - Zarnak - La noche más larga, un tiempo de reflexión y celebración de lo etéreo y desconocido. El frío se hace más presente y se nota más la presencia de Zarnak en el mundo, dando comienzo al invierno y dejando el mundo entero cubierto de nieve, excepto el desierto.
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rjalker · 1 month
He's being so... Gregarious in this book...
"I saved your life! What are you talking about?" demanded Valthor. "How did I save your life?" "By sleeping in my bed," explained the lord of the jungle. Valthor laughed. "A courageous, heroic act!" he mocked. "But nevertheless it saved my life," insisted the ape-man. "What saved whose life?" demanded a voice at the door. "Good morning, Gemnon!" greeted Tarzan. "My compliments and congratulations!" "Thanks! But what about?" demanded the Cathnean. "Upon your notable ability as a sound sleeper," explained Tarzan, smiling.
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thelorehold · 3 months
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The Dragon's Embrace
Quest Summary: The players are tasked with recovering a powerful artifact known as the Dragon’s Embrace, a legendary amulet that grants its wearer control over dragons. The artifact has been stolen by a dragon cult, which aims to use it to dominate the realm. The party must infiltrate the cult, retrieve the artifact, and prevent their plans from coming to fruition.
Quest Type: Retrieval/Infiltration
Quest Hooks:
- A nobleman whose family has guarded the Dragon’s Embrace for generations seeks the party's help after the artifact is stolen.
- Reports of dragons attacking villages under the command of cultists spread fear and urgency.
- An old dragon, seeking to protect its kin from being enslaved, offers its assistance to the party.
Quest Objectives:
- Gather information about the dragon cult and their plans.
- Locate the cult’s stronghold where the Dragon’s Embrace is kept.
- Infiltrate the stronghold, retrieve the artifact, and sabotage the cult’s operations.
- Confront the cult leader and prevent them from using the artifact to summon and control more dragons.
Key Challenges:
- Dealing with the cult’s spies and informants who try to thwart the party’s progress.
- Overcoming traps and magical wards protecting the cult’s stronghold.
- Battling dragon minions and cultists who are fiercely loyal to their cause.
- Uncovering hidden passages and solving puzzles to locate the Dragon’s Embrace.
Key Locations:
- The Noble’s Estate: The home of the nobleman where the party begins their quest and gathers initial information.
- The Dragon’s Roost: A hidden cave where the old dragon resides, offering guidance and aid.
- The Cult’s Stronghold: A fortified fortress in a remote mountain range, heavily guarded and filled with dangers.
- The Ritual Chamber: The inner sanctum of the stronghold where the cult leader plans to use the Dragon’s Embrace.
Key Characters:
- Lord Edrin: The nobleman who seeks the party’s help in recovering the Dragon’s Embrace.
- Valthor, the Wise: The old dragon who allies with the party to protect dragonkind.
- High Priestess Serapha: The charismatic and ruthless leader of the dragon cult, determined to dominate the realm.
- Guardian Drakar: A powerful dragon bound by the cult, serving as a major antagonist and guardian of the artifact.
Quest Rewards:
- A substantial reward of gold and treasures from Lord Edrin’s estate.
- The Dragon’s Embrace, if the party chooses to keep it, granting them control over a dragon or powerful dragon-related abilities.
- Magical items and weapons found within the cult’s stronghold.
- The favor and gratitude of dragons and dragon-related factions, potentially leading to future alliances and quests.
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celestria-universe · 3 months
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Existe un relato alternativo que intenta explicar y entender un poco más el funcionamiento del planeta, una historia que se remite a muchísimos años atrás y de la cual pocos han escuchado hablar. Es un secreto entre quienes practican la fe de creer en dichos escritos, es casi como una religión; muchos lo consideran un motivo tan válido como para perder la vida por esta causa y ha prevalecido a lo largo de los años como uno de los secretos y misterios más grandes de la historia.   Ha habido muchas familias relacionadas con dicha creencia, antes de que las sociedades estuviesen siquiera formadas ya había seres que practicaban la adoración por este cristal que sustenta la vida pacifica en el planeta. Durante muchísimos años dichas personas se encargaron de protegerlo, de asegurar que seguiría en pie para las generaciones por venir. Fueron pasándose de generación en generación la tarea hasta que en cada familia líder nació un ser influenciado por la magia de dicho cristal. Dos humanos, dos vampiros y dos lycans fueron nombrados guardianes de dicha gema, habiendo sido dotados naturalmente al nacer con poderes especiales y apariencias diferentes.   Pero tras años de tal desgastante tarea, los guardianes fueron sucumbiendo ante lo desolador del sentimiento de ver el tiempo pasar y a sus allegados fallecer; las criaturas que entonces habitaban el planeta no eran como las que hoy en día conocemos, estas no podían escapar del tiempo y envejecían por igual. Lo que comenzó como una bendición terminó convirtiéndose en una maldición llevando a mas de la mitad de estos seres a sumirse en un sueño profundo, congelándose en el hielo más frío de Adamant con la fuerte creencia de que nada malo podría pasarle a aquello que protegían. A pesar de ello, el poder de Killtah se mantuvo intacto por muchos años, reinando la paz  y la convivencia en ese planeta al que llamaban todos hogar.   La perdición nació como final posible al ser Valthor, uno de los vampiros a cargo de cuidar el poder de la gema, quien causó una ruptura en el núcleo del material desprendiéndole un pedazo para robarlo y desaparecer junto al mismo. Los guardianes dormidos despertaron, pero ya era demasiado tarde, el hielo sobre el cual Killtah se erguía estaba quebrado y su preciado poder corrompido. El fragmento que Valthor robó no fue el único que escapó de aquella cárcel de hielo, habiendo hasta hoy en día algunos pedacitos mas pequeños repartidos por el mundo y utilizados con fines en extremo viles e incorrectos.
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dantecornelius · 5 months
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All Characters are Either 18+ or Adults in their Respective Species NSFW Explicit Content
{{user}} is a dragon who has been held in the grasp of the greedy queen who captured them when they were young. They grew up in small cages on display, showcasing the queen's power. As they grew older, their hope dwindled each day. Then, one fateful night, they heard a voice in their head as the skies shone with blue lightning.
Hello just a regular Dragon and all Scaled covered related bots enthusiast that might try his claws at bringing morre joy to people with simmilar interests so Enjoy and stay Dragonlicious
Aany feedback or help in making the expierence better for evryone is apreciated Greatly ^^
Reach out to me on Discord: dantecornelius
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A Pact with the Cursed Woods
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In the ancient land of Valthor, there lay a forest shrouded in an impenetrable darkness. Its gnarled and twisted trees, seemingly defying the laws of nature, were said to harbor eldritch secrets beyond the understanding of man. The villagers who lived nearby whispered of the cursed woods, telling tales of those who had dared to venture within its sinister confines, never to return.
It was in this place of dread that Lyra, a young woman of great courage, dared to tread. Her mother was gravely ill, and she had heard of a rare herb that grew deep within the forest, said to hold the power of healing. Though she knew the dangers that awaited her, the thought of losing her mother was too much to bear.
Lyra journeyed for hours through the twisted labyrinth of trees, her heart pounding with terror. But her perseverance was rewarded when she stumbled upon a clearing, at the center of which stood a foreboding castle, its spires reaching up to the very sky.
As she approached the structure, Lyra could feel a sense of unease building within her. She could hear whispers emanating from within, voices that seemed to be calling out to her from the very depths of the castle.
As she stepped inside, she beheld a tall, dark figure with eyes that glowed like molten embers. His voice was hypnotic, and he spoke in a tongue that Lyra could not comprehend. But she knew in her heart that he was the master of the castle, and that he held within his grasp the answers to all of her desires.
He promised Lyra the herb she sought, and so much more. He promised her power beyond her wildest dreams, and the love of a prince who would make her his queen. Lyra was entranced, and she willingly accepted his offer.
But as the days went by, Lyra realized that she had made a terrible mistake. The prince she had been promised was cruel and vicious, and the power she had gained came at a terrible price. The castle was a prison, and the master was a monster who fed on the souls of those who had been foolish enough to enter his realm.
Lyra tried to escape, but the master was too powerful. He trapped her within the walls of the castle, and Lyra knew that she would never leave alive.
And so, she remained there, a prisoner of the cursed forest, her soul forever bound to the master of the castle. And in the darkness, the whispers of the forest echoed through her mind, a constant reminder of the terrible mistake she had made, and the eldritch secrets that lay hidden within the cursed woods.
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crystal-wind · 2 years
Valiant Thor - Flashback to the 1950s Valiant Thor from Venus Contacted USA Government in March 16, 1957, in Alexandria, Virginia. Val Thor is one of the finest leaders of the planet Venus, operating under the direction of the Central Control. This is a synopsis of events and contacts with delegates from the planet Venus. Val Thor explained it like this: People from Venus came and visited Earth many thousands of years ago... #valiantthor #venus #valthor #crystalwind http://www.crystalwind.ca/eureka-amazing/the-truth-is-a-lie/ufo-s-time-for-disclosure/valiant-thor-flashback-to-the-1950s
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dottie-wan-kenobi · 5 years
Also I want a marvel pairing for the listy thing so let's go with...Thor and Valkyrie, since I watched Ragnarok today
Some of these are AU where they made it to Earth btw
who worries about what they will look like when they are older?
I mean they’re both pretty old, but Thor is canonically younger than Valkyrie so I’m gonna say him. it’s probably tied into “what am I gonna look like when I’m an old king” (while that was still applicable to his situation) instead of “am I gonna have wrinkles???” tho
who hogs the blanket?
they both do it and it got so bad they have to sleep under separate blankets, or specially made blankets that are so big it’s like two put together, meaning they each get one while still being under the same blanket together
who eats the others uneaten pizza crusts?
Thor. Valkyrie doesn’t understand why humans like pizza at first, but then she has some and likes it, but only wants the “good parts” so Thor eats the crusts (’cause he likes them for some reason lmao)
who is more likely to cry over a sad book or movie?
Thor. he’s a lot more emotional than Valkyrie is, so yeah when a dog dies in the movie they’re watching, he’s the one with tears in his eyes while Valkyrie’s like pretending she’s not upset by the emotions onscreen too (tho she doesn’t cry, because it’s just a dog)
who talks smack while playing video games?
Valkyrie. she gets in the zone and it just slips out. also, if she’s playing a game with strangers, those strangers are usually boys saying she can’t play because she’s a woman, so she dunks on ‘em while categorically mocking every single one of their fuck ups
who sings along with the radio?
Valkyrie. it takes a while to get used to Earth music but once she does, she sings her favorite songs and sometimes, especially if she’s in the shower, accompanies them with like hand movements/acting. she really really gets into it
who would enter them both into a talent show?
probably Thor just bc that seems like something he’d be interested in doing?? Val would either opt out or win the whole competition, no in between
who would accidentally set the kitchen on fire while cooking?
Thor. he was the prince of Asgard, he doesn’t know how to cook for himself, and also when he’s hungry and doesn’t want to wait for the oven, he will use lightning and he will scorch the ceiling and counters
who would throw the other into a pool?
Val would throw Thor and jump in right after. Thor likes when she shows how strong she is, and she likes touching his bare chest and then seeing it dripping wet, so it’s a win-win situation
who shops for groceries?
they probably have servants for this lmfao, I just don’t see either of them doing it really
who kills the spiders?
generally neither, but sometimes Val will be too tired to release it outside and she’ll put a cup over it and forget about it
who is the morning/night person?
I get the feeling they’re both disgusting morning people who get up early to work out or run laps or something, and though they can stay up late just fine, their internal clocks wake them up with the sun and then they’re both tired all day long
I can’t decide
if it’s Thor, he’s a big bumbling idiot about it like stumbling over his words and blushing like “I know that you do not care for Asgardian royalty...that is, you do not care for past royals, I would hope you care for me...no, I mean I KNOW you care for me, you’ve said so, but....” “get to the point babe” “I’m very poorly attempting to ask you if you would like to be the queen of Asgard...that is, if you would like to marry me....” “I would love that”
if it’s Val, I imagine that it’s after a battle or a long day/week or sex, they’re tired and in bed, and they’re just laying together and she feels so at peace, and suddenly it feels like the Right Time to do something about the question that’s been rolling around in her head for a while now, so she takes his hand in hers and whispers “Thor?” “yes?” “I love you” “I love you too” “I wanna spend the rest of my days with you” and she’s feeling awkward about it, but it’s the right choice and she’s happy she’s doing it, esp when he says “I do as well”
Send me a ship and I’ll answer these questions!
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mklegends-smokescreen · 11 months
MK Legends: The Requiem Mirror; Chapter 2: A New Evil
back to Rellum O'chalep, Valthor called his most trusted minions for a task. 
Dzarpok: You wanted to see us, master? 
Valthor: Yes, Dzapok. I've receaved intel that the earthlealmers are starting to look for the mirror, and the Githyanki betrayed me. I need my most faithful men to find them and capture the greatest warriors in all the realms. I will give you a bit of my power, send your squad to hunt down these Earthrealmers and bring them to the Colliseum. Same goes for all of you.
Dzarpok: My lord, we shall carry out your command, bring the Earthrealmers here and drain their power to fuel your own.
Valthor, with a smirk: When you come back, take them to the chambers of the colliseum, when it begins, the rest will play out...
As the Kombat Kids—Cassie, Kung Jin, Takeda, Jaqui, and Robin—explore an abandoned fortress, they are vigilant and focused on their mission to find the shards of the Amethyst Mirror. The fortress is eerie and shrouded in a thick, unsettling atmosphere, a testament to its history of dark deeds. Unbeknownst to them, Dzapok's squad of minions lurks in the shadows, preparing to ambush the Earthrealm warriors. The sinister minions are armed with newfound power from the shadow lord and are determined to capture the Kombat Kids and bring them to the Colliseum. The Kombat Kids move cautiously through the fortress, their senses sharp and weapons at the ready. The air is thick with tension as they inch closer to a chamber that might hold one of the mirror shards. As they approach, Dzapok's squad, concealed in the darkness, readies themselves for the ambush. Just as the Kombat Kids reach the chamber, the ambush is sprung. The sinister minions emerge from the shadows, launching a surprise attack on the Earthrealm warriors. The battle is intense, with the Kombat Kids using their combat skills and powers to defend themselves against their assailants. 
Robin: Ya know, this would have been interesting... if we called Tremor to help us out!
Takeda: Can you not do this right now?!
Despite their efforts, they were overwhelmed by the dark minions infused with the dark powers of the dark lord. With their defeat, the Kombat Kids are captured and taken to the shadowy realm where Valthor awaits in the Colliseum. The sinister figure plans to drain their powers and further enhance his own, solidifying his grip on the Amethyst Mirror shards and gaining the potential to wield unimaginable power. The minions search the sachel around Red Robin's waist, which is where he found the shards the squad have found so far. A little more than 20 out of the hudred-ish shards of the whole mirror. 
Minion: Sir, shall we continue the search for the other shards?
Dzarpok: No, we have several other search parties on the lookout for these shards. For now, open the portal to Rellum O'chalep. We have a duty to fufill.
Minion: Yes.
He'd open the portal, taking the squad to the dark realm. 
General Blade tried to contact them. 
Sonya: Commander Cage, do you copy? Cassie?
but no respond came from the other side. Johnny Cage walked into the room.
Johnny: what happened? Where's the squad?
Sonya: I don't know, and I DON'T KNOW!
She said, grabbing her head.
Johnny: Hey, calm down. They're fine, I'm sure. If Cassie could beat a Netherrealm god, this should be a cake walk for her.
Sonya is scared, unaware of what happened to her daughter, but she softens up after hearing her husbands words. Then it hit her...
Sonya: Roll back the clip.
Johnny: What?
Sonya: The camera on Cass's shoulder pads, play back the last thing it recorded!
Johnny: Alright.
He presses the button, which plays the previous scene, after which it turns off. 
Sonya: They must have encountered something new. Something... bad. (she looks at her husband) I need you and your team to go there and investigate, now. I'm not losing another person, Johnny. Not again. (she kisses his cheek) Now, go. And bring Cassie back. Please. (her voice breaks) Bring our daughter back. 
Johnny: (his voice also breaks) Don't worry, I will.
meanwhile, in the Black Dragon base, the blood mistress Skarlet and her 17 year-old daughter, Billie (codenamed Siris) plan on busting their leader, Kano out of captivity. as they plan ahead, several powerful undead warriors start breaking down the base's door. Skarlet pulls out her knife and Siris grabs her fathers keepsake knife with her cybernetic hand, ready for battle.
Siris: Hey, mum? If we make it out of this and break dad out of jail, can we take a stop by that restaurant close by?
Skarlet: Of course, darling. We'll have a well-deserved meal after we've rescued your father.
They were ready to fight until someone broke the doors down.
Siris: Mum, who the hell are these guys? I thought the Special Forces was attacking.
Skarlet: I'm not sure, dear, but prepare for battle.
The undead warriors burst through the door, and the battle begins. Skarlet and Siris, their blades in hand, fight fiercely against the relentless foes. The outcome of this battle will not only determine their immediate safety but also their ability to continue the mission to free Kano and restore the Black Dragon's power.
As the undead warriors continue their assault, Skarlet and Siris fight back with ferocity and skill. Their blades clash and their bodies move with fluidity as they dance a deadly dance. Skarlet's blade is a blur of motion, and Siris' cybernetic hand makes a fearsome weapon. The two warriors are in perfect sync, and the battle rages on. Eventually, the squads leader walks in and barely no damage is done to him, despite their efforts, they are beaten, Skarlet dazed on the ground, and Billie was taken to Rellum O'chalep by the reanimated fighter.
Siris wakes up, her eyes opening slowly, and her body sore and aching all over. She looks around, trying to figure out where she is and what's going on.
Siris: (whispering) Where am I?
Siris is greeted by the shadowy figure, who notices her incredible fighting capabilities.
Valthor: Ah, welcome, Ms. Siris. I was worried my men had killed you and your mother, but It would seem I stand corrected.
Billie has stared at the necromancer, whom's appearance she mocks quickly.
Billie: Huh, you look like a mix of Maleficent, Darth Vader, and Dark Phoenix. I like it. But I'm not interested in whatever the fuck you got goin' on here.
Valthor: You may want to think before you speak, Ms. Siris. You're not in the best position to be making demands, given that you are currently my prisoner.
Siris: Whatever, just tell me why I'm here, asshole.
Valthor: You may refer to me as Valthor, the Lord of Shadows. And you're right, Siris, I have noticed your exceptional talents in combat. You are indeed special, and that is why I have captivity of you. 
Siris: Just skip the hoity toity chit-chat, and tell me why I am here?
Valthor: See that coliseum? I'll be hosting a tournament there, and the winner, gets to leave this damned realm.
he gravity of the situation becomes clear to Siris. She is now faced with the challenge of participating in this tournament, not only to secure her own escape but to potentially find a way back to her mother and the mission to free Kano. The stakes are high, and the battles in the coliseum may be her greatest test yet.
Siris: Alright, I'll participate in this tournament under a condition...
Valthor: What is your condition, Siris?
Siris: Assist the Black Dragon clan in taking down the Special Forces. After which you'll leave. Deal?
Valthor considers her offer, his shadowy presence seeming to contemplate the potential benefits of such an alliance. After a moment of silence, he finally responds.
Valthor: Very well, Siris. We have a deal.
With that, she was taken to the coliseum and escorted to her chamber. During that, many other fighters from all other realms have met a simillar fate, readying for the coming event.
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halesiarpg · 7 months
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En el contexto de la devastadora guerra entre los Noldor y los dragones, emergió un grupo disidente de Noldor, opuestos a continuar el conflicto. Esta decisión los marcó como traidores ante los ojos de sus propios hermanos y de los Sindar, iniciando un periplo en busca de refugio. Sin un territorio donde asentarse y enfrentándose a la adversidad de sobrevivir en la costa sin conocimientos de caza o pesca, su situación se volvió desesperada, llevándolos a implorar la intervención divina. Valthor, el dios que reinaba sobre estas nuevas tierras, respondió a sus súplicas, transformándolos mediante un pacto que les concedió poderes marinos, cambiando irreversiblemente su esencia y aspecto. Así nacieron los Avari, elfos que perdieron sus características raciales para convertirse en seres del mar.
Estableciendo su hogar en Falmar, una isla en forma de X creada por Valthor, los Avari adoptaron una nueva forma de vida vinculada al océano. Dotados con el dominio sobre el agua y la capacidad de vivir en el mar, su sociedad evolucionó hacia la navegación y, eventualmente, muchos se aventuraron en la piratería. Estos seres marinos no solo desafiaban a los barcos de sus ancestros sino que también se convirtieron en un azote para cualquier nave que cruzara sus aguas, marcando un giro drástico en su destino y estableciendo una identidad única separada de sus raíces Noldor.
Los Avari, transformados por el pacto con Valthor, exhiben una diversidad física que refleja su nueva vida vinculada al mar. A pesar de su variada apariencia, comparten ciertas características distintivas: su tez permanece inmaculadamente blanca, y sus cuerpos esbeltos y ágiles les confieren una destreza excepcional en el manejo de armas ligeras, así como una capacidad innata para el sigilo. Esta agilidad se complementa con una visión adaptativa que les permite ver en la oscuridad más profunda, una ventaja tanto en la superficie como en las profundidades oceánicas.
Al sumergirse en su elemento, los Avari pueden adoptar una forma marina espectacular, con la parte inferior de su cuerpo transformándose en una cola de pez adornada con escamas brillantes en tonos de azul, verde o ámbar. Cada individuo luce un patrón de escamas único, imposible de duplicar exactamente en otro. Aunque sus garras son más diminutas en comparación con otras razas, son extremadamente afiladas, y sus ojos se tornan plateados, mejorando su visión submarina. Han perdido las orejas puntiagudas de sus ancestros elfos, adquiriendo una apariencia más humana que, junto a su atractivo natural, les sirve para desarmar a presas y adversarios por igual. En el mar, su ferocidad como combatientes es insuperable, especialmente las mujeres Avari durante el embarazo o cuando cuidan de sus crías, momento en el que su agresividad se intensifica notablemente.
Su longevidad puede extenderse hasta los 500 años.
Melpómene: Permite al personaje manifestar la voz que tan famosos los ha hecho. Afecta al alma del sujeto tanto como a sus oídos con aquellas melodías místicas por las que son reconocidos
Oleaje Furtivo: Son la raza más ágil y silenciosa de todas, además de una de las más veloces. Eso los hace buenos luchadores y maestros del sigilo. Al estar dentro del agua no tienen rival.
Magias afines: Hidromancia, Aeromancia y Electromancia.
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starlitselkie · 6 years
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I love these two @mistahmuffins
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scavenger142 · 5 years
❝ Oh, I’ve missed this. ❞ &* from the puppy~
@mjolnirchosen | ragnarok meme | accepting
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            ❝Missed your hammer did you?❞ The Valkyrie teased after watching Thor land nearby and spin the weapon about with practiced ease. ❝I never cared for that wretched thing, but I’m sure she suited you better than Hela.❞ She dismissed the topic with a wave of one dainty hand and pointed towards the tent set up nearby. ❝If you’re finished bonding with Stormbringer, lunch is being served.❞
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oc-tober 2021 day 28, rest, with @oc-growth-and-development
glainyn is going on a fieldtrip to dar narbugud :)
Where are the rest? You press your back to Valthor’s, wave Sadreda to Márus’s side, grip your swords tight and watch the darkness. Where are they… Your eyes are good, and it has been weeks since you have gone to face the sun, but even the half-light of the luminescent fungus is not enough to find them by, these things with shadows for hides and the night for eyes. You had been too slow for Thargi, but the next ones you had found in time (if only just), but Thargi had insisted you go forward without him, and you have. You are not sure you should.
“Behind!” cries one of the elves and you spin, blades already crossed as the gap-mouth things fly towards you, shrieking, claws like war-picks ready to crush armor and bone beneath impossible strength. You bellow your own challenge and catch one’s claw on the point of your blade and wrench it aside, leaving it open for Valthor’s axes. 
They shriek as they die, thrashing and spattering them with something closer to pink than true blood-red, and you back away, breathing hard and searching for more.
“Must you run about shouting to be heard clear across the lake?” Forglinn demands in a near-whisper. You clean your blades and do not dignify the haughty elf with a look.
“We are no louder than they, and nothing has changed for it.” Forglinn shakes his head in disgust and you sheath your swords. “You are under no obligation to follow, if you think this too much. Stop, rest, and enjoy the silence when we have moved on.” Forglinn’s hands tighten on the hilts of his long knives and someone smacks the side of your helmet.
“And here I thought you wanted Raskwith to control his temper,” Valthor growls. You shrug him off and continue down the narrow, uneven tunnel.
“Let us be done with this place,” you say. Valthor mutters behind you and Márus takes his place at your side. 
“Glainyn, how much farther will we take this?” the rune-carver asks quietly. “The trolls and the orcs are one thing, even the Globsnaga ones, but these things? The spores? What else will we find down here?” You take a breath. You will apologize to the elf later. If we all return...
“It can only get worse,” you say under your breath. You hope the others can’t hear. “But we cannot let it fester unchecked.” Márus sighs.
“Alright, then. Deeper in we go.”
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mjolnirchosen · 5 years
tag drop┊muse & ships
muse┊stand tall now; the weight of nine realms rests on your shoulders ╱ primary visage muse┊point break; humility brought you strength ╱ secondary visage muse┊whosoever holds this hammer if he be worthy; hammer be his might ╱ tertiary visage muse┊like a good cape in the winter ╱ aesthetic muse┊gird your loins ╱ desires muse┊tempted by the pleasures of the flesh ╱ bait muse┊it came to me in a vision ╱ headcanon muse┊'ands on the 'ilt stupid ╱ hand fixation ship┊i would rather spend one lifetime with you; than face all the ages of this world alone ╱ hunterthunder | creaturesxfhabit ship┊with no reservations; i would die falling into your arms if it meant you were safe ╱ thangel | phencyclidinc ship┊do not go where i cannot follow for i am nothing without you ╱ odinvelle | lesfleursfortes ship┊you rambled your way right into my heart ╱ thorlicity | lesfleursfortes ship┊our love is transcendent; i would choose you everytime ╱ thaby | lesfleursfortes ship┊there are no pretenses; i have seen your heart and it is mine to hold ╱ hitterthunder | hittcr ship┊yin and yang; there's strength in not always being the strong one ╱ thunderwolf | creaturesxfhabit ship┊i saw you and i finally believed in love; allow me to get familiar ╱ valthor | scavenger142 ship┊sparks flew when i was struck by your electric love ╱ thonder | shieldchosen ship┊obliviousness kept us apart; this is not political but from the heart ╱ warhammer | swordandcounsel
#muse┊stand tall now; the weight of nine realms rests on your shoulders ╱ primary visage#muse┊point break; humility brought you strength ╱ secondary visage#muse┊whosoever holds this hammer if he be worthy; hammer be his might ╱ tertiary visage#muse┊like a good cape in the winter ╱ aesthetic#muse┊gird your loins ╱ desires#muse┊tempted by the pleasures of the flesh ╱ bait#muse┊it came to me in a vision ╱ headcanon#muse┊'ands on the 'ilt stupid ╱ hand fixation#ship┊i would rather spend one lifetime with you; than face all the ages of this world alone ╱ hunterthunder | creaturesxfhabit#ship┊with no reservations; i would die falling into your arms if it meant you were safe ╱ thangel | phencyclidinc#ship┊do not go where i cannot follow for i am nothing without you ╱ odinvelle | lesfleursfortes#ship┊you rambled your way right into my heart ╱ thorlicity | lesfleursfortes#ship┊our love is transcendent; i would choose you everytime ╱ thaby | lesfleursfortes#ship┊there are no pretenses; i have seen your heart and it is mine to hold ╱ hitterthunder | hittcr#ship┊yin and yang; there's strength in not always being the strong one ╱ thunderwolf | creaturesxfhabit#ship┊i saw you and i finally believed in love; allow me to get familiar ╱ valthor | scavenger142#ship┊sparks flew when i was struck by your electric love ╱ thonder | shieldchosen#ship┊obliviousness kept us apart; this is not political but from the heart ╱ warhammer | swordandcounsel
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For ship gif reactions 😆! ThunderShield, ThorBruce and ValThor!
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