#valvert fanfic
cliozaur · 4 months
Until recently, I wouldn't have believed fanfiction could be so captivating that you can't put it down. A few days ago, I spent the whole night glued to an amazing Valvert fanfic. It started out deceptively as a "punish me M. le maire" piece but then blossomed into a serious, heart-wrenching drama about Toulon's secrets, brimming with suspense, plot twists, and betrayals. Oh, my heart ached for most of the story, even though I knew it would have a happy ending.
This experience made me realize two things. First, I don't enjoy post-Seine fanfics nearly as much as those set in Toulon or Montreuil-sur-Mer. These earlier settings offer the enticing possibility of uncovering secrets that Hugo kept hidden from us. Second, I might need some therapy. It's probably not ok that my safe-spaces are the bagne of Toulon or the mairie of Montreuil-sur-Mer.
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🐾 🐺 🐾
just wrapped up beastfic (though an epilogue is still to come). as always, it's been a delight! ♥️
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maforyu · 1 year
A co-stars/acting AU!
Film director/actor/writer Javert has a huge crush on his co-actor, Jean Valjean. He's just really dumb about it.
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secretmellowblog · 11 months
For me the ‘canon homoerotic subtext’ between brick!Valjean and Javert is really more about the parallels between Javert and Eponine, who are explicitly set up as character foils.
Brick!Javert isn’t obsessed with Valjean like he is in adaptations. He’s not psychosexually obsessed with hunting him down; he really doesn’t seem to think of him as being any different than any other criminal—- he doesn’t think about Jean Valjean much at all until after Jean Valjean saves his life.
But after the barricades, Javert’s sudden weird desperate emotions about Jean Valjean are like a twisted mirror of his character foil Eponine’s weird desperate emotions for Marius.
Some guy takes pity on them, and extends them a bit of basic impersonal kindness— and they react by descending into this violently self-destructive suicidal admiration built on self-loathing. They’re both described as making themselves the “dogs” of Marius/Valjean, the dogs of people who barely remember they exist.
And anyway! I think there is potential to explore things there in analysis and fanfiction
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24601orwhatever · 4 months
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MASTERED BY @medium-observation
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lenievi · 7 months
maybe with more info it'll change but Javert>Valjean gets funnier with the way it goes in the book
like Javert saw Valjean when Javert was in his early 20s, then he became a policeman, and some 15 years later (when he’s around 40) he meets a guy, his instinct goes !!!! and he spends FIVE YEARS watching him and thinking about him and studying him and collecting info and trying to make him crack, but also three of those years were spent being extremely respectful towards Madeleine because he was his superior (not to mention Javert avoided him as much as he could in those three years), and all that time Madeleine is just kind to him and Javert's mind just goes: but convict? can't be? no? yes? no? but my instinct! but instinct is not infallible! convict? no?
and then Madeleine is not kind to him once and Javert gets petty and goes yeah, he's Jean Valjean after all
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le-loup-et-lion · 3 months
So I just realized something very funny
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nortism · 3 months
Nor's Les Mis Fic Recommendations
I've been scouring les mis ao3 for a few months now so here are my fav fics I've found. I've tried my best to tag tumblrs where I can but let me know if you are the author of any of these and I'll tag you!
Three Days (or The One Where Javert and Valjean Take a Road Trip Through France and Raise a Child) by zamwessel
Rating: E
Ships: Javert/Jean Valjean
Javert calls what he thinks is Valjean's bluff about needing three days to find the child Cosette and intercede for her. The Inspector comes along for the ride -- and gets much more than he bargained for, in the process.
Notes: First Les Mis fic I ever read and its an absolute banger. It's pretty much exactly what it says on the tin and I'm a sucker for a kid fic so I absolutely adored it.
A Change of Bizarre Kind by M_Moonshade
Rating: E
Ships: Javert/Jean Valjean
Six months ago, Doctor Henry Jekyll sought to escape the dramatics of London by coming to M-sur-M. Tonight his murderer pays a visit to the Mayor Madeline. (Being the Curious Case of Inspector Javert and Mister Hyde)
Notes: Criminally underrated. Jekyll and Hyde AU but I went in knowing very little about that book and I could understand what was going on. Each chapter contains bits from the past and present day until the timelines eventually add up which makes the main mystery all the more compelling. Also Fantine is alive and well which is always nice.
Our Souls Still in Fetters by Cinaed
Rating: E
Ships: Javert/Jean Valjean
After Javert is assigned to discover a blackmailer within a public-house that caters to men who prefer other men, Valjean is unexpectedly drawn into the case. Together they must stop the blackmailer before any lives can be ruined...including their own.
Notes: This author has so many great Valvert fics but this one is probably my favourite. There's the classic "undercover as a couple" trope as well as old timey gay bars. Also a huge fan of how this author portrays Cosette and Valjean's relationship.
In Defiance of all Geometry by idiopathicsmile
Rating: T
Ships: Combeferre/Enjolras/Grantaire
Amis House might not be the biggest student co-op, or the fanciest, but it's got something all its own. Specifically, smoke damage on the kitchen ceiling from that time Courfeyrac lit a political pamphlet on fire. In which there are secrets, pining, pancakes, and revelations, and sometimes the shortest distance between three points is not a triangle but a circle.
Notes: I love a good poly fic and this is one of the best. Also just a generally fun and wholesome friendship fic. Definitely a nice comforting read after all the old man angst I've got on here.
Gimme Gimme Gimme (A Man After Midnight) by Need_To_Comment_Rising (@aromantic-enjolras)
Rating: T
Ships: Courfeyrac/Enjolras, Combeferre/Courfeyrac (Its complicated)
Enjolras takes a swig of his drink with everyone else, and then smirks at Courfeyrac over the rim of his glass. "You didn't seem to mind much me being bossy yesterday night when I had you in my bed..." At his side, Grantaire chokes on his drink and starts coughing. But how did we get here, you might ask? Well, let’s rewind. ------- Enjolras and Courfeyrac have had a friends with benefits arrangement for a while. But when Coureyrac starts dating Combeferre, Enjolras is left with the question of where he fits in the new status quo...
Notes: Another poly fic with aromantic!Enjolras. I love fics with unconventional relationship dynamics as well as people actually communciating with each other (though not before there's been some hijinks ofc). Criminally underrated.
How Marius (Painstakingly) Won the Hand of Mlle. Fauchelevent by writingsyrup (@syrupsyche)
Rating: G
Ships: Cosette/Marius
When setting out to woo his beloved Cosette, Marius had never imagined that it would bring him to this: sitting at a dining table next to her grim-faced father, and staring at the marble that was Enjolras picking at his peas. Or; Enjolras and Cosette are siblings in 19th century France. Marius has to deal with the consequences of this.
Notes: Probably the best Marius characterisation I've ever read, he's just so awkward and weird bless him. I love a good awkward "meeting the parents" and this filled that hole in my heart. Is part of a wider series but can be read as a standalone.
Omnia mutantur, nihil interit by Apathy and saltedpin
Rating: M
Ships: Javert/Jean Valjean, Cosette/Marius Pontmercy
Valjean's panting breath does not belong to him. He scrambles out of the bed and stumbles on too-light feet to the mirror in the corner, although he already knows what he will see. Peering back at him from behind a curtain of dark hair, wide-eyed, is Éponine Thénardier. Jean Valjean awakens one morning from uneasy dreams to find that something quite unexpected has happened during the night.
Notes: Cosette and Javert get bodyswapped and Marius is weirdly into it, if that's not enough to convince you to read this fic then idk how to help you. Not normally a huge body swap fan but this was absolutely hilarious as well as having some genuinely sweet moments. Also Theodule is there which means something to some people.
It's Not the Same Anymore by ShameDumpster (@shamedumpster)
Rating: T
Ships: Enjolras/Grantaire
Grantaire is a bookstore clerk in his late twenties, and to everyone’s eternal disbelief, a father. It’s been years since he’s seen anyone from his former group of friends, after a falling out cleaved him from the ABC, but everything changes when Enjolras walks into his bookstore. Can they rekindle their friendship, or something more, while they both come to terms with how their lives have changed over the past decade?
Notes: SO SO GOODDD!! Top tier slowburn kid fic, I could wax poetic about it for days. Had me gripped from start to finish.
Acts of Mercy by cruisedirector and Dementordelta
Rating: M
Ships: Javert/Jean Valjean
After witnessing and reporting a murder, Javert is dismissed from the police and takes a job protecting the women in a brothel, where many of his long-held ideas about justice are challenged.
Notes: Breaking, man from the 1800s finds out that life for women is hard. Such a solid redemption arc fic with some really memorable ocs.
Lynx's Claws and Wolf's Mane by Kaleran
Rating: T
Ships: None
When he is older, when he is a prison guard, he thinks back to his childhood and realizes he had been considerably fortunate. "Prison is no place for a girl like you," his mother told him often, usually fussing with what rags they could use for clothing. "Forgive me for this, draga mea." And so, instead of a daughter, she pretended to have a son.
Notes: Completely canon compliant except Javert is trans and the impact that has on the story really adds an extra layer to his character that I find really compelling. Warning, it is very depressing bc canon.
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thefrenchbrick24601 · 8 months
Hey y’all um. Can I please rant about my favorite Les Mis fanfic pretty pls
the What Streak of Madness series (beginning with A Change of a Bizarre Kind) by M_Moonshade was the first Les Mis fanfic I ever read and to this day it is my absolute favorite. Ive reread it a thousand times and it never gets old 
basically, it’s a retelling/crossover between Les Mis and The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (dw you don’t need to know a lot about that story, what you need to know is in the description/notes) where basically Javert takes a potion that releases his darkest impulses, including his extreme attraction to the mayor
it’s extremely well written, author has fantastic writing style
we get tender moments, we get angsty moments, we get smutty moments
very fun smut, bottom javert 
mystery and intrigue!! ooo!
multiple “books” in the series that expand on the story/the boys relationship 
Fantine is alive! And a Girlboss!!
the characters are very well done, author had a really good understanding of the characters 
and it has a happy ending!!
yeah anyways I love it so much go read it if your interested <3
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whorejolras · 5 months
yes i ship valvert. yes i fucking hate javert. we exist.
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cliozaur · 4 months
Recently, I found a Valvert fanfic claiming to be historically accurate. I was so excited, anticipating a historically accurate setting as the author promised. I start reading, and I see that almost every detail is wrong. What and where they eat: French croissants that appeared in the early 20th century, baguettes that first appeared in 1837 but were ridiculously expensive, and, of course, tea, it goes without saying; modern cafes with tables outside (late 19th century phenomenon). The way police investigation is organized (practices of the late 19th century); modern work ethics. And of course, they speak and behave like emancipated people of the early 21st century. Painful. Actually, the only thing that probably makes that fanfic ‘historically accurate’ is the inclusion of one historical figure.
What I want to say: I am used to all these anachronisms in fanfics and can turn a blind eye. But just don’t claim it’s ‘historically accurate.’
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🐾 🐺 🐾
beastfic up to chapter 3 now. i'm really happy with the dark fairy tale vibes and atmosphere ♥️
here's the fic summary~
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calico-cows · 6 months
I’ve been reading a cute Valvert fic and lost track of time. Happy 1:30 am
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secretmellowblog · 7 months
For @valvertweek, I have posted:
A brand new *third* chapter of "Annoyances," my Brick-based post-seine tragicomedy! My excellent beta reader @fremedon tells me this chapter is very good, and they have great taste.
The fic's summary:
Jean Valjean, exhausted from the barricades and the sewer, somehow finds the strength to drag Javert out of the Seine. He has no strength left for anything else. He collapses from exhaustion on the quai near the Pont Au Change as the situation rapidly devolves into tragicomedy. Inspired by a tumblr post from @Alicedrawslesmis: “Oh god can you imagine Valjean having to jump into the Seine to get Javert out? the man has had No sleep for the past idk 40 hours and just had to crawl through 5 miles of sewer carrying a dead body and thinks he’s going to lose everything to the law and then this fucking asshole jumps off a bridge? and he has to jump after him? and swim like an olympic athlete against the current to get the guy out of the water from the rapids? that’s too much. That’s just god fucking with him at this point. Valjean pulls Javert out of the water and passes out from the exhaustion of the last two days and Javert is like ’…great. Now I have to drag this man back to his apartment AGAIN’ but Javert is also exhausted from the last two days so it’s just a comedy of errors”
The title of the fic comes from these lines:
“That Javert, who has been annoying me so long; (...) that frightful hunting dog!”
—Jean Valjean in  Les Misérables Volume 1 Book 7 Chapter 3, Hapgood translation
“You annoy me. Kill me, rather.”
— Javert to Jean Valjean, in Les Misérables Volume 5 Book 1 Chapter 19, Hapgood Translation
In Chapter 3, we will explore: Cosette, and the severe consequences of abandoning your daughter alone to go run off and risk your life without any explanation!
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autumngracy · 6 months
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Not me creeping up to the wordcount of the fourth longest book ever written
#A Reflection of Starlight#AROS#valvert#fanfic#writing#Hey I switched back to LibreOffice again after setting up my new computer#(RIP my old computer's installation of MS Office 2009)#And also my old computer in general as it is now giving me the blue screen of death upon boot#but ANYWAY#does anybody know how to make LibreOffice stop highlighting formatted areas? BC with Dark Mode it's highlighting white text#which makes it impossible to read my footnote and page numbers#Also I CANNOT believe this program was coded to be so that 'Ignore' and 'Ignore All' options only do so for the CURRENT SESSION ONLY#Like what in god's name???#I spent 3-4 hours reformatting AROS after converting it only to learn that all the 'errors' I told it to ignore just popped back#the second I reopened the document like jesus christ#Why even offer those options if it doesn't do it permanently for that document file#HHHHHHHhhhhhhHHHHHH#I then spent another several hours being forced to change the language formatting to French for all the French bits#JUST so it would stop underlining all of them in red#And there's no way for me to get rid of the underlining on things like cut off bits of dialogue#bc they are NOT proper words and I refuse to add them to my Dictionary (thus polluting it) just to get rid of them#Ugh#So anyway remember years ago how I joked about what if I accidentally wrote a fanfic longer than the source material itself#That being one of the longest books ever written (technically THE longest book ever written#if we're counting the FRENCH version of it and not the English translation#And yeah I know I technically split AROS into 3 books but that was only for reader convenience#It's still one book in my heart#And also because I think it would be REALLY funny to surpass Hugo's wordcount#Which is entirely plausible bc in English it was only about 531k so I only a little over 100k off and I think I can easily make that#with the material I have left to write but is already mostly plotted out
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breadvidence · 11 days
Another prompt, something you talked about over discord: a Les Mis 2000 Valvert fic. You are the only one who understands (?) this show so you are the only one capable of making it.
Things the fic could include: Blank expressionless stares. Confusing timelines. Nonsensical dialogue. Everyone just kinda Standing There.
The fic no one asked for, til now
Look on my work, ye Mellow, and despair! (For those who have not seen or heard the tea on LM2000, the creators interpreted Jean Valjean as an evil violent criminal, a sexual predator—the politics are bad, bad, bad. The experience of writing this was very strange. The profound ambiguity in Javert's brain over whether this is specifically the convict Valjean might seem strange given Valjean is already the mayor, but LM2000 does not respect timelines and so I will not either.)
Javert wonders, sometimes, if he has gone mad. The people of Montreuil-sur-Mer love their mayor. He hears as woman call the man a bear, and suffers a moment of excitement, uncomfortable twitch all through his body, almost energetic: thinks that she, too, can see how those hulking shoulders move slow and threatening through a crowd, the menace that is like a red light in eyes under heavy brows, the heavy hands that are paws which would rend apart—but no; she is startled, he is quiet, and she did not know he was present, and she is puzzled as she explains an entirely different metaphorical figure. Accused of some gothic cave in place of a bedroom, he invites women to view it, and when Javert hears of it he shudders with the question of their safety—but they laugh, they twitter, the mayor was merry over it, in his slow booming way, and it was like any man’s bedroom. 
Monsieur Madeleine goes his way, and Javert follows behind, slow and cautious, and tries to tell himself that a rich man’s eccentricities are not his concern. Such things have never been of interest to him. He is a hunter of thieves and poachers, unlicensed whores and counterfeiters, not—this, whatever this is. A threat, and if there’s something about the bulbous nose and broad shoulders that seem familiar, well, his unease is enough already. Then—there’s the whore’s wedding. Loose morals are not his business any more than a rich man’s sins, unless they are expressed in real crime. Still. It troubles him, Madeleine’s strange slanting humor over it. He could be convinced of the value of a woman exchanging a fille publique’s license for the marriage papers. Perhaps. Unless she is still to work, as a married woman? Well, whoever fathers the children, they’ll serve France, he supposes.
Despairing, he thinks: it ought not have come to this. Why must he roam as he does, and seem to find himself in every place? Madeleine’s hand is at Javert’s throat, but he’s silent. Javert wishes he would speak. 
It starts like this: the café was not one of his usual haunts, a complaint to follow up on, a conversation overheard, slang and filth from the galleys taken up by the mouths of men who had never been there but wished to consummate a crime common to the chained and the desperate and the womanless. He notes their names and makes his way back towards the station house to open a file, itching under the close brick of the ramparts to his left and the house walls to the right. He thinks wistfully of forests and the baying of the bloodhounds. He prefers poachers and brigands for prey, but he goes where his superiors send him. He must pass by the mayor’s house, so disreputably kept in the low town, and is displeased to see him emerge from the front door and come down to the fence. He touches his hat and hopes he may pass by, but Madeleine makes a sign for him to wait.
Javert halts, his chin lifted but his gaze respectfully held at the level of Madeleine’s breast. Waits. God, the man’s silences! He flicks a look up, meets inscrutable eyes, lets himself focus instead on one uneven ear. Is it the consequence of head trauma, he ponders, the kind that cracks and slides the skull about to reform ever so slightly yet grotesquely wrong?
“Inspector,” he says, low, “you look like you are off to a fine meal. You were smiling, slightly. I might want to follow you to see where in town can make Javert look eager.”
“I found a pair of buggers,” he says, offended at the accusation he would spend his wages prodigally on such pettiness as food, then frowns in tired distaste at Madeleine’s guffaw. “Forgive the unfortunate implication, monsieur. I was not smiling, but grimacing. I will file a preliminary report at the station so that myself and your other agents of the police can monitor them.”
“If that is a grimace, then all the world is a frown.” He’s smiling, now, as he leans his thick hands on the fence. “Buggery isn’t a crime.” 
“Indecency. Disturbing of the peace. Obscenity. These are crimes, monsieur. The buggery is merely a revolting mechanic of a perversion that disorders society. If the state’s law does not persecute based on God’s law, then it is because God will handle His business. We handle ours.”
Madeleine opens the gate, and an invitation can be derived from his gaze. Or an order. “If it is a revolt, it comes from what were the galleys.”
“These were not galériens. They were not, that is to say, bagnards, or forçats, or whatever name you want for them. Men who are not convicts will bugger each other.”
“You know so surely? Come in, inspector. You recognized them by the words they used, didn’t you? You are familiar with them. You were a guard. Guards see much, though they stop little.”
The hair prickles on the back of his neck, unease, the bristling of a hound. “I will not take your time with this.”
“You won’t take anything of mine. I’ll take yours—your time, that is. Come in.” 
It is a command. He proceeds with a slow step, his long hair falling over his cheeks. There is a blush there he cannot account for. Shame. There is no fire in the hearth, no ashes. He stares at the naked stone and murmurs, “You do not call dogs fucking in the street obscene. You merely beat them into the kennel, where they do not make an offensive sight for citizens. The bagne is a kennel, of sorts.” 
“Do you know, inspector, your voice has a kind of hypnotic quality. Not unpleasant.” Madeleine seizes him by the upper arm, fingers slipping over the leather of his coat before they clench tight, tight, the seam of the sleeve pressing into skin. “You might say more pleasant of things.” And turns him, roughly. “Look around you. I keep my home a kind of kennel, to remember humbleness.” 
“Dogs do not read so much, I think, or keep silver on the mantle. Forgive the argument, monsieur.” 
“You often argue. It is unpleasant. Did I not say that you ought to do elsewise?” His hand slides up to his shoulder, too harsh to be a caress, and pauses to dig a moment into the meat of his shoulder. “I think you ought to tell me what you know about buggery. Pleasantly. I think when we are done you will find it isn’t the state’s business, that it is not disordering. You are incapable of causing disorder—isn’t that what you think, inspector? I think you will not be able to hold yourself above others, unless you change your mind on the matter. Then those men you overheard will not be at risk of your report-writing, and they will not go to the bagne, where no-one should go. Though—who knows! Maybe I do them wrong.” He shows his teeth. “They might think the hard labor worth a hard fucking. One of the, at least, who’s looking to play woman. I don’t hazard the minds of the buggered.” He gives him a little shake. “You should explain to me.” 
“If I were to so fall as you suggest,” Javert says, in a last quietly-spoken attempt to save himself, “I would report on them and myself and you, and resign. I am upright, monsieur, in truth, and no hypocrite.” He makes eye contact, and feels hope, in the pause that follows. It hurts, a throbbing in his temples, to threaten a magistrate. He tries to frame it to himself as a warning, as he might warn a man about to step in shit with his fine boots. He feels the strength of the hand on him, and thinks of other strong men he has known. No, no. 
Madeleine’s fingers close around his throat, harsh, the grip exact: Javert will be able to speak, with discomfort. A practiced torture. “Do as I’ve said.”
Javert despairs.
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