#vanessa is healing
ponds-of-ink · 1 year
MXES and Vanessa One-Shot: “Of Voice and Vision”
Took a bit of time, but I did remember to write this today! :D Here’s one of the Pre-Ruin scenarios I’ve had in my head for a few days now.
(don’t worry, the title will make sense in a minute)
It was the standard procedure today. Vanessa would take half-an-hour to set up equipment. MXES (or “Black Hare”, as he had been nicknamed in his data for a while) would use that time to review his previous lessons. And Gregory would be out with Freddy for a while– so long as he didn’t stir up any trouble.
What wasn’t standard was the eager smile Vanessa had. Even as she struggled to fix some last minute issues, she kept humming along to songs on her work playlist. “Just a couple more minutes, Mix,” she told the confused hare on a separate monitor. “Then we’ll be all set.”
MXES tilted his head. What was his creator so happy about? It wasn’t her birthday. Nor was it any of her companions’ or coworkers’. The nearest holiday was weeks away, last time his internal calendar checked.
Then again, any occasion could be a personal holiday to a human being. A vacation, a newborn, a romantic date… But, again, everything was standard. No such event had been entered into his software.
MXES continued to observe. Vanessa still hummed and typed away. The main computer whirred as final corrections travelled through its code. A sharp ding soon emitted from its speakers. Vanessa pumped her fist into the air before recomposing herself. “Well, Mix, are you ready for today’s ‘lesson’?” she asked, turning her attention back to the digital creature.
MXES’ ears raised. Oh. Maybe her happiness was related to the lesson. Odd.
However, that didn’t stop him from drawing himself up to full height and nodding proudly.
”Great,” Vanessa replied brightly, switching between tabs. “I’d say ‘Get ready’, but you look raring to go!”
MXES would have bowed, but now wasn’t the time. Bit by bit, his body faded from the secondary monitor. His world slowly shifted from this grid landscape to the very same room his maker was in. Soon, he was floating over her hastily-made bed.
“So how was the transfer?” Vanessa asked, inching her office chair towards the bed. “Was it slower than usual?”
MXES raised his hand, then lowered it until it looked flat. He tilted it left, then right.
“‘Only a little slower?’”
He nodded.
Vanessa’s eyes lit up, but her expression maintained its casual facade. She swiveled around to pick up a clipboard from her desk. “Everything feeling all right?” she inquired further, clicking her pen. “Any lagging or twitching?”
He shook his head. Nothing he was aware of.
Vanessa scribbled down some notes. Her eyes bounced between her listener and the paper before her. “Does anything look different to you?” she questioned. “Like a pillow being moved or a pencil not being in its cup holder?”
MXES tilted his head. Now why would she ask that question after he was “out” of the computer? He couldn’t really talk without assistance, after all.
Regardless, he looked around. The bed was a bit out-of-sorts, but everything on it was in their usual places. The pencils (save that one pen) were all in their spots. His creator was in the same chair she was always in… Except now she had rainbow-like streaks and a name floating above her head.
MXES bobbed his head, then frantically gestured to the text-like apparition. There was no way that was showing up on her end, was there??
Vanessa looked up in confusion, then shook her head. “Don’t worry, big guy,” she chuckled. “It’s just something only you can see.”
The hare slumped his shoulders. Phew. Crisis averted.
“What can you see though? Can you read it?”
MXES blinked. Obviously, he could. That was one of the lessons he had ages ago. Trying to convey it, however…
Well, he had to at least give it a shot.
He straightened himself up, readied that voicebank code, then activated it.
Wait. There was data here. New data.
He gauged Vanessa’s expression. That light in her eyes grew even brighter. He could practically register the excitement vibrating throughout her entire body.
Well, now he had to keep going. No use letting her bottle up all that emotion.
“Vvvv… aa.. nn.. V-ann…”
The syllable sorting was going to take some time, but at least he was getting close.
“Try finding the ‘vuh’ sound bite,” Vanessa suggested, her legs already shifting back and forth. “It should be in there.”
MXES nodded. Okay. Seemed easy enough.
“Vuhh.. nesss.. uhh.”
Now it was just the matter of putting them together. Just like reading.
Like someone on too much caffeine, Vanessa dropped her clipboard and laughed wildly. “It works!” she cried out joyfully, springing onto the bed. “The voice bank works! You said your first actual word!”
MXES’ ears raised. “Iiii… d-id?” he questioned slowly.
“Yeah!” Vanessa exclaimed back before grabbing a pillow and squealing into it. Then after a battle with self-regulation, she continued. “And that’s just the first layer of the iceberg,” she said, moving into a sitting position. “You know why you saw my name over my head?”
“Nnn.. oo. No.”
Vanessa stifled a laugh. “You know how you kinda had trouble with the facial recognition stuff sometimes?” she pressed on.
MXES just let out a “huff”. How could he forget?
“Well, I finally got an updated version of that software,” Vanessa explained, motioning a free arm towards the computer. “It’s almost the same as the Glamrocks’, but I’ve made a few tweaks— Stuff like you not having to deal with singing happy birthday out of nowhere or giving expired Fazbear discounts. You’ve even got your own database so you can keep an eye on repeat ‘visitors’.”
“Ohhh,” MXES responded, letting the emotion programming guide his tone. “S-soo.. I.. cannn.. re… re…mem…”
Vanessa’s smile weakened. “Yes, you can remember people a lot better now,” she cut in, her voice turning more quiet and gentle. “Just don’t stress out your voicebank today, okay? I don’t want you getting ‘tired out’ from all that syllable-searching. Try sticking to shorter answers. Like.. maybe.. One or two words.”
”O…kay, Vanessa,” MXES grumbled, crossing his electric arms.
A stress-free Vanessa got up and returned to her chair. “Talking about that database,” she resumed as she wrote more notes in her clipboard, “ I put in new options for you so that you could figure out exactly what changed. Hair color, glasses, prosthetics…”
Although MXES tried to pay attention, a new idea sprang up. If he could actually process people now, then could the same apply to non-humans? Could he see what he looked like?
MXES quietly teleported past his rambling creator. He looked around carefully. Were there any reflective surfaces that wasn’t a window? Or a lit-up monitor?
A small hand-mirror caught his eye. It was in a lying down position on some table, but he had training in dealing with reflective surfaces ages ago. Surely that data couldn’t have been erased.
He positioned himself in front of the nightstand. As he wasn’t prepared to handle real-world objects, all he could do was lean down and peer into the glass.
To be honest, a top-down view wasn’t the most… flattering angle. But what did MXES care about flattery? All he was concerned about was the fact that he was a strange bunny-like thing with lines running down his face. He knew he looked intimidating, but this was… not what he was expecting. Was it scary? Interesting? He wasn’t even sure what to make of it.
“Hey, Mix,” Vanessa spoke up beside him. “That’s, uh, not a good way to check out your reflection.”
MXES shook out of his trance. He looked over his shoulder to see Vanessa standing next to him. “Sss.. Saw-rre,” he murmured, slumping a little. “G-Got diss..track-ted.”
“Hey, it’s all good,” Vanessa said warmly, ‘patting’ him on the back. “I was wondering if you’d try out that new tech on yourself. Could you tell it was you, or do I need to rework something?”
MXES’ ears raised a little. “I.. could,” he answered simply, bobbing his head. “Very… weird.”
“What’s so weird about it?”
MXES looked back at the mirror. “Lines…” he relayed, pointing to those exact features. “Skele..tun… bunny.., glowy mouth??” He paused to ‘open’ and ‘close’ his mouth. “Mouth’s…a.. smile,” he gasped in realization. “It’s stuck??”
“Well, yes and no,” Vanessa answered sheepishly. “It looks like a permanent smile, but you can express other emotions. But your face isn’t stuck that way because you smiled so much one day.”
MXES “sighed” in relief. Okay, good. He wasn’t the victim of an old adage gone horribly right.
”In case you’re wondering,” Vanessa added softly, “there’s a reason for all of these.. ‘design choices’ that I’ve made for you. I don’t think your database is ready for the whole story, but I can tell you that none of those were an accident. Especially the ‘bunny’ part.”
MXES tilted his head from side to side. He wasn’t trying to ask for a change, if that’s what she was thinking. He was just trying to express his concerns and process them with her! Like trying to match up all the bizarre quirks of English spelling with these phonetic syllables! Sure, both of those things would take getting used to, but that was to be expected.
”Don’t… fret,” he snipped out at last, slowly reaching for Vanessa’s head. “Pretty.. head.”
Vanessa blinked. “I’m sorry?” she asked, moving her head forward so he could ‘pet’ her better.
“Don’t fret,” MXES repeated, ‘patting’ her on the head. “Pretty head.”
The woman snickered in spite of herself. “Are you calling me ‘pretty head’?” she clarified.
“Yes,” MXES replied confidently. “That… phrase.”
”I think you mean ‘Don’t fret your pretty little head’,” Vanessa corrected, emphasizing the omitted words. “But that’s on me. I set the bar too low for you.”
MXES would have cheered up, but his database told him otherwise. He lowered his hand and continued to scowl. “Still,” he huffed. “Pretty head. Don’t fret.”
Vanessa processed his words, then sighed deeply. “You’re right,” she admitted. “I shouldn’t be putting myself down so much. Not after everything that’s happened.”
The hare teleported to her side. He wasn’t quite sure what to say now (or even what “everything” meant), but he knew he had to be there. Either this was going to be a fretting-turning-crying event or the “storm” of gloom was going to pass.
”Hey, Mix,” Vanessa piped up, alerted the ghostly figure. “Thanks for complimenting my hair. I haven’t gotten these highlights in a while. I almost thought I grew out of them.”
MXES rolled his eyes and “exhaled” gently. All right. It was just a gloom-storm passing over. “You’re wel..come,” he said warmly, smiling a bit more.
“And, hey, while we’re at it,” Vanessa grinned slyly, “I could say that one of my proudest achievements was making all those cool lines on your model. You look like a cool citizen of the future!”
The poor hare couldn’t stop grinning. Or tugging down his ears. “Lesson.. please!” he sputtered out in a flustered tone. “Signals… mixing!”
“Okay, okay,” Vanessa laughed. “We’ll get back to your update check-in. Don’t want you to get your emotional codes in a twist.”
“Th-Thank you,” MXES stammered, already feeling himself stabilizing. If this was what getting a compliment was like at this stage in development, then it was only a wonder how he’d feel when he was completed.
But that was a potential issue for another day. All he had to “fret” about now was the rest of the new features. She did say the stuff he’s seen is only the first layer of the iceberg.
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send-me-a-puffalope · 1 month
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I've wanted to draw a purple version of scooped!Vanessa for a while now since my version is just an even whiter woman so I took this opportunity as an excuse to draw @chloesimaginationthings's design cause its just so cool.
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rexlottie · 9 months
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Jesus holding lamb but its Vanessa holding her ponysona
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arradraws · 9 months
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More sisters because they're amazing · · · 💉
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pastelpool · 11 months
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saw the FNAF movie last night
cheered and cried multiple times
i don’t give a FUCK that eight year wait was worth it!!!
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demontouched · 4 months
support casters being support casters.... i'm talking ab the undersea temple battle against vetto... finral and vanessa work seamlessly in tandem to keep asta from being murdered. vanessa pulling him out of the way of close calls, while finral both moves asta from place to place and uses vetto's mana sensing abilities to distract and misdirect him. truly the support casters.
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nd-frogoblin · 11 months
I too need vanessa
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I need her to get a nice warm bath and a hot chocolate!
Just give the lady a break, she has gone through so much and everyone just talks about how she should have turned against her manipulative and dangerous father, who raised her.
She is so utterly messed up she needs more than just therapy
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puhpandas · 8 months
if we ever got 3 star fam redesigns (not remodels) and they had new outfits and maybe new hair and additions that tell a story through things like their wardrobe and freddys makeup is completely gone and he has no bowtie and tophat but still his earring...
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sirsparklepants · 8 days
Love coming up with ridiculous headcanons. I make the rules and now Colossus comes down every few days to take Wade and Logan's laundry because anything post fight is a biohazard very few laundry setups are equipped for, and the X-men laundry is one of the few. Keeping them from using a laundromat counts as life saving work.
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cashewally-sarcastic · 8 months
Venti would love playing tag. Yeah sure theres windtrace but thats more hide and seek. He gathers up random kids and teens and they play tag around Venessa's tree
Venti's a more harmless version of the pied piper
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lexyscross · 9 months
If Vanessa went Vanny in the sequel, I feel like it'd be our Joker (2019).
The female version of Joaquin Phoenix's Joker.
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captainkingsley · 25 days
poolvernessa fic idea rotating in my brain rn is logan usually sleeping in-between wade and vanessa, until he has a night terror and scares the both of them, at which point wade starts sleeping in the middle and logan can't hide how horrible he feels about it
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send-me-a-puffalope · 10 months
wishing on every star in the sky that someone writes a fic about movie!Vanessa finding and adopting her own gremlin child Gregory. I am desperate for any ounce of 3 star family bonding.
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Even though Grace never numbered the kids, they'd joke about who would be numbered what. Kinda like how kids will argue about who'd be which Avenger or band member or whatever
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demonic-bubonic · 10 months
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I'm also obsessed with a fnaf x ace attorney crossover. Hi.
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normalenjoyer-png · 8 months
oh my god. dialogue
“i built those bots!” / “i coded them!”
“the difference is, i’ve moved on” / “i don’t think you have.”
“I HAVE!” | “i have. i have.”
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