bocadosdefilosofia · 1 year
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«Teniendo en cuenta la maldad de la naturaleza humana, que puede contemplarse en su desnudez en las relaciones libres entre los pueblos (mientras que en el estado legal-civil aparece velada por la coacción del gobierno), es de admirar, ciertamente, que la palabra “derecho” no haya podido ser expulsada todavía de la política de guerra, por pedante, y que ningún Estado se haya atrevido todavía a manifestarse públicamente a favor de esta opinión; pues aún se sigue citando a Hugo Grocio, Pufendorf, Vattel y otros (¡dichoso consuelo!), aunque sus códigos elaborados filosófica o diplomáticamente no tienen la menor fuerza legal ni pueden tenerla (pues los Estados como tales no están bajo una fuerza exterior común), como justificación de una agresión bélica, pero no se ha dado ningún caso de que un Estado haya abandonado sus propósitos a causa de argumentaciones de tan importantes hombres.»
Immanuel Kant: Sobre la paz perpetua, en Ensayos sobre la paz, el progreso y el ideal cosmopolita. Cátedra, pág. 154.  Madrid, 2005
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5 and 44 for Spotify wrapped ask pls! ✨🪲
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absolute-immunities · 2 months
increasingly convinced that Morton Horwitz is a moron
it’s really irritating to hear someone is banging on about context and language and history and then gets them all wrong
for example:
Take the concept higher law—When Thomas Jefferson invoked the ‘self-evident ... truth’ of an ‘inalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness’ in the American Declaration of Independence, he sought to weave together at least four different historical strands or layers of meaning: first, the seventeenth century Whig fundamental law tradition derived either from immemorial custom or from an ancient constitution existing before the Norman invasion; second, Thomistic natural law, whose content consisted primarily of specifying a person's social duties in an organic community; third, the seventeenth century social contractarian conception of natural rights existing in a state of nature and exercised by atomistic individuals against the State; forth, a conception of rights in which Newtonian scientific laws were gradually transformed into Kantian moral laws.
beyond the dubious proposition that Jefferson was trying to “weave together” any “strands or layers” of meaning, most of this is unfounded
“Thomistic natural law” was simply not present in Anglo-American imagination, much less its discourse
the language of the Declaration, and the discourse of which it was a part, was in the key of public law, the law of nations, of the publicists Vattel, Wolff, Pufendorf, and Grotius
these publicists, men of Protestant education and Protestant service—Vattel, of Basel, Geneva, and Saxon service; Wolff, of Leipzig, Jena, and Prussian service; Pufendorf, of Leipzig, Jena, and Swedish service; Grotius, of Leiden and Dutch service—could not, by any stretch of the imagination, be called “Thomistic”
Pufendorf, whose survey of the history of the field in The Law of Nature and Nations (Basil Kennett trans., 5th ed. 1749) (1672) has full chapters on the Chaldeans, Thales, and Anaxagoras and Archelaus, treats of the scholastics, and the whole Roman middle ages, with a single dismissive aside at the end of his chapter on the Neoplatonists, short enough to excerpt here in full:
Aristotle had hitherto but very few Followers: He was scarce known in the Western Parts of the World, till towards the Beginning of the sixth Century. The celebrated Boëtius, by translating some of that Philosopher’s Writings, laid the Foundations of that prodigious, and truly despotic Authority, which the Peripatetic Philosophy became afterwards possessed of; and which, even to this Day, in many Places, it ftill maintains. The Arabians, in the eleventh Century, grew fond of it, and introduc’d it into Spain. From thence sprung the Scholastic Philosophy; which spread itself all over Europe, and, with its barbarous Cant, became even more prejudicial to Religion, and Morality, than to the speculative Sciences. The Ethics of the Schoolmen, is a Piece of Patchwork; a confus’d Collection, without any Order, or fix’d Principles; a Medley of divers Thoughts, and Sentences out of Aristotle, Civil and Canon Law, Scripture, and the Fathers. Both good and bad lie there intermix’d, and confus’d; but so, as that there is much more of the latter, than the former. The Casuists of the succeeding Centuries, made it their sole Business to excel their Predecessors, in vain Subtilties; nay, what is worse, in monstrous, and abominable Errors; as all the World knows. But let us pass by these unhappy Times, that we may, at length, come to that Age, wherein the Science of Morality was, if I may so say, rais’d again from the Dead.
“passing by these unhappy Times,” which, for the author, included the full millennium after the death of Boethius, Pufendorf renews the narrative with Francis Bacon
if that was how the Continentals treated the scholastics—and Vattel and Wolff do not even condescend to mention the scholastics, though Grotius, writing in the infancy of his field and under the protection of a Catholic prince, allows them a handful of cordial notes—still less could the English be thought “Thomistic”
Blackstone, educated in the civil law, who littered his Commentaries with references to Roman and canon law, to Domat and the decretals, to the Institutes, the Novels, and the Codex, and who made some few sparing references to Montesquieu and Locke, made, across the whole of his Commentaries, his vast survey of the public and private laws of England, which begins with the natural rights of man, precisely zero references to Thomas, and zero to the Thomists
they simply did not matter
despite the Thomists’ insistence on writing the revered Thomas into our history and insinuating him into our thought, this is a dialogue in which Thomas did not take part, and a discourse in which Thomism has no place
the “seventeenth century social contractarian conception” is presumably a gesture at that mainstay of the American syllabus, Locke, who was an irrelevance in public law
the “contractarian conception” is, again, more properly grounded in the eighteenth-century publicists, in Vattel and Pufendorf
here Horwitz’s suggestions are, again, totally inapt,
but I’ve tired myself out confirming that the public and natural law background to this public and natural law text bears no marks of “Thomistic natural law,”
so, rather than make any further analytic or conceptual arguments, or address the balance of the misconceptions and crude errors that Horwitz has knit together here,
I’m just going to gesture towards the text and say “get a load of this guy”
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nitroglycerin-a · 7 months
La cosa più triste della situazione in casa è che vedo quei due animali fare una vita tristissima, il cane ha sradicato un cavo della luce in casa perché oggi la coinquilina è rimasta chiusa fuori 3 ore perché da circa 4/5 giorni le si sono rotte le chiavi ed io le continuavo a dire: “vattele a fare, la ferramenta sta qua davanti, ci metti 10 minuti”, “ah ma tanto sei in casa te no?” No, non ero in casa, gliel’ho detto 40 volte che non c’ero e lei lo stesso mi ha chiesto implorandomi di incontrarci in un punto per darle le MIE chiavi, sapendo che IO sarei rimasta chiusa fuori visto che sono arrivata quando stava già al lavoro, boh, la casa puzza, è venerdì, ho pianto fortissimo pensando all’amore, mi sono persa in barriera di Milano, è stata una giornata piena di grigiume e malinconia. Il macchinista del tram tossiva come un fumatore avvelenato da 3 pacchetti al giorno e posso assicurare che non è per le sigarette visto che sono stata 5 minuti aggrappata vicino alla cabina del conducente ed ho inalato una quantità di polvere di ferro e di fumo di freni che non respiravo più, è stata la cosa più drenante e avvilente che abbia mai visto in tanto tempo; forse alla fine del mio percorso tornerò in campagna, forse è lì che dovrò stare.
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chouncazzodicasino · 8 months
secondo te perchè c'è un richiamo erotico nelle trecce?
O un richiamo estetico? Non saprei. Le trecce per me sono belle se sono grandi, lunghe e corpose, vattele a fa' con 'na quantità di capelli normali, ricci e scalati, vengono due zeppetti sottili. Sto parlando di me? Forse..
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burlveneer-music · 2 years
Konjur Collective - Blood In My Eye (A Soul Insurgent Guide) - from Baltimore, a synth / horn / drums free jazz double LP on Astral Spirits’ new cow: Music imprint
It is with great pleasure that we can finally announce the official release of the long-awaited release of Blood In My Eye (A Soul Insurgent Guide), the debut release of Baltimore’s own Konjur Collective. Blood In My Eye is a super special record for many reasons. One, the roots of this lp stem from the ever-expansive creative process of percussionist Bashi Rose. A long-time creator in many mediums, Bashi is probably responsible for leading many Baltimore youth into various forms of expression via mentorship, performing arts, and deep conversation. Bashi has been one of my biggest influences over the years. Two, the record is the foundation on which cow: Music sits. It was during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic that Bashi shared with me the record in its unmastered form. After giving it a few listens I knew that Astral Spirits would be a great place to release this masterpiece. After a few initial meetings with Nate Cross and the various members of the Collective, my dream of cow: Music was born. Though Chris Williams Quintet’s ‘Live’ was the first release, it was Blood In My Eye that made our start possible. Three, Baltimore, Maryland has always been a hotbed of musical activity. Legends such as Chick Webb, Billie Holiday, Stanley Cowell, Lafayette Gilchrist, Vattel Cherry, and Gary Bartz have all called the city home at some point in time. Blood In My Eye is not only an album that works as a dedication to political prisoner / revolutionary George Jackson but a new chapter in Baltimore’s recorded musical history. For far too long the city has quietly created while other cities have flourished. Well, that is about to change. The 2xLP suite is a rollercoaster ride of Black Empowerment and emotional expression like nothing else available today. Show Azar - Synthesizer Jamal Moore - Alto Sax, Trombone, Electronics, Percussion Bashi Rose - Drums Artwork by Ariston Jacks Layout by Dylan Marcus McConnell / Tiny Little Hammers Produced for release and liner notes by Gabriel Jermaine Vanlandingham-Dunn
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Hégéconom!@ & Économerc¡ng
Hamilton ne considérait pas la propriété privée comme dérivé de la loi naturelle comme Locke l’affirmait, mais comme un droit civil ; le bien commun primait donc sur la propriété. Il était influencé par l’important The Law of Nations (1758) de Vattel, œuvre trop négligée par les historiens des idées de la Révolution américaine
Si la thèse avancée jusqu’ici est valable, soit qu’il y ait eu au XIXè siècle une réorganisation des politiques commerciales de l’Empire britannique vers un régime libéral cherchant à reproduire la même structure économique que l’ancien système colonial à l’aide de la division internationale du travail, il devient alors pratiquement impossible d’étudier l’économie politique américaine en vase…
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t-jfh · 7 months
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Hear no evil? Russian President Vladimir Putin.
(Photo: Sputnik, Kremlin Pool via AP)
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The ruins of Putin’s war in Ukraine. (Photo: AP)
Put this cruel tyrant on trial. Let humanity be the judge
As Vladimir Putin’s war enters its third year, it is time to count the bodies. Ukraine admits to 31,000 deaths suffered by its troops. The actual toll is probably much higher, not to mention all the serious injuries. Tens of thousands of its civilians have lost their lives, including hundreds of children, while 21,000 young people have been kidnapped and taken by force to Russia.
Damage to infrastructure and housing and the environment has been huge. Russia has not dared to admit to the number of its military casualties, estimated at more than four times that of Ukraine. It is thought that by the end of this year, half a million people will be dead or disfigured.
What does international law say about all this?
It says, very clearly, that Putin is guilty of invading another country for no good reason and, as one of the founders of international law, Emmerich de Vattel, said centuries ago, the Russian leader bears legal responsibility for “all the evils, all the horrors of war; all the effusion of blood, the desolation of families, the rapine, the ravages are his works and his crimes”.
Opinion by Geoffrey Robertson
Human rights barrister and author
The Age - March 4, 2024
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Illustration: Dionne Gain
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Late Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny embraces his wife Yulia in 2013. (Photo: AP)
One murder too many, Mr Putin? It could be Ukraine’s lifeline
Russia’s dystopia deepened on the weekend when Vladimir Putin murdered his leading political critic, Alexei Navalny. We are supposed to believe that the cause of death was “taking a walk” in a Russian prison.
But while Putin’s rule by terror is dismaying for Russians who yearn for change, it could backfire against Putin on the Ukraine battlefield, according to a leading analyst.
“There is a bleakness in Russia now,” says the doyen of British strategic experts, Sir Lawrence Freedman. “It’s very hard to see sources of vulnerability for Putin with Navalny dead, [Russian mercenary leader Yevgeny] Prigozhin dead. He has more control of Russia now than he’s ever had.”
Opinion by Peter Hartcher
Political and international editor
The Age & Sydney Morning Herald - February 20, 2024
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Vladimir Putin delivers his state-of-the-nation address in Moscow. (Photo: AP)
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During his state-of-the-nation address, Putin warned the West against deeper involvement in the Russia-Ukraine war. (Photo: AP)
Putin warns that sending Western troops to Ukraine risks a global nuclear conflict
Moscow: Russian President Vladimir Putin has vowed to fulfil Moscow’s goals in Ukraine and sternly warned the West against deeper involvement in the fighting, saying that such a move is fraught with the risk of a global nuclear conflict.
Putin’s warning on Thursday (Russia time) came in a state-of-the-nation address ahead of next month’s election which he’s all but certain to win through fraudulent manipulation.
By Vladimir Isachenkov
The Age & Sydney Morning Herald - February 29, 2024
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vroomvroomformula1 · 3 years
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vulnerasti-cor-meum · 5 years
"To say that any punishment is just since the transgressor knew beforehand the penalty he was about to incur, is using barbarous language, repugnant to humanity, and to the law of nature, which forbids our doing any ill to others, unless they lay us under the necessity of inflicting it in our own defence and for our own security."
de Vattel, The Law of Nations, I.13
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felsefesitesi · 8 years
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Savaş, ya da en azından kavga devlet ile ortaya çıkmamıştır. Hukuk, ya da en azından hak da devlete bağlı oluşmamıştır. Ne var ki bugünkü anlamını devlet ile kazanmış, konu edindiğimiz filozofların düşüncesinde de önemli yer edinmiştir. Devlet, en başta iktidar olarak ortaya çıkmış ve özellikle savaş kavramının ve zor kullanmanın kurumsal hali olarak belirmiştir. İstediğini yaptırma gücü olarak tanımlayabileceğimiz iktidar yasayı ve silahı kullanabilir. Machiavelli ve Hobbes gibi düşünürler “iyi silahların olmadığı yerde iyi yasalar olamayacağı” söylemini geliştirmişlerdir. Savaş ve hukuk problemlerinde devletin de akla geldiği söylenebilir. http://www.dmy.info/hukuk-ve-savas/
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silversainz · 2 years
Here for you
dad!Sebastian vattel x teenage reader
Summary: being the youngest f1 driver and being a female in such a sport can be amazing and scaring sometimes. and well when old man see young females in such a sport they find any opportunity to be a weirdo and creep to them
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warnings and read with caution: sexual harassment, pining, creepy behavior, old man, hitting, slapping, lots of angst, Sebastian being a father figure, fighting, mentions of bleeding, crying, cussing lots of it, not proofread, probably some errors.
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"and there's the birthday girl!" Sebastian cheered as you walked into the restaurant and pulled you in for a hug while playfully fake crying. Everybody watched the scene unfold and laughed at him, while giving you soft pats on the back and some hugs as you let go of Sebastian and walked over to your seat beside Mick.
"my girl is getting old" you rolled your eyes at Sebastian's dramatic self and put your hand up to your chest acting offended. "I'm not that old! I'm eighteen now!" You gigged as everybody groaned and started pretending to cry on each other.
being the youngest on the gird came with the benefits of being treated like a little sister and daughter to everyone on the gird even with those who you didn't talk to or even know that well. and so tonight for your birthday, eighteen to be exact. they all decided to take you out to your favorite restaurant and just celebrate your birthday together. As they knew you didn't like going all out for your birthday and liked to have simple birthdays.
As the night went on and everybody was laughing chatting away with each other while drinking and enjoying their food. as you were in a conversation with Charlotte who sat next to you, somebody tapped you on the shoulder causing you to jump and look at them, only to see an older looking man, instead of somebody you knew.
"oh um, can I help you?" you asked the man causing the guys to look your way with curious eyes and looking the creepy looking man up and down. "Y-youre y/n, r-right" the man stuttered over his words way too drunk and smelled so badly of strong alcohol
"yeah I am, can I help you?" from under the table Charlotte grabbed onto your hand squeezing it as a warning sign, something she often did with you when she found discomfort in the man talking to you. but you chose to ignore it and politely smiled at the man a happy smile pulling at your lips
"o-oh you're much more beautiful in person, wow babe" he continued on eyeing you up looking at you with hungry lustful looking eyes, it's when he licked his lips and put a hand on your shoulder gripping it roughly, made Sebastian stand up from his seat a furious and disgusting look in his eyes, he walked over to the him and pushed him away lightly "alright that's enough, mate. You've clearly had too much to drunk." Sebastian got up in the mans face and got in front of the man blocking him from you.
the man put his hands up in defense and laughed "o-oh c-come on mate" he mocked Sebastian's accent "I was just admiring the pretty young girl" Sebastian ballied his fist up at that and got up in the mans face.
"I don't fucking care. get lost and stop hitting on young girls you fucking creep" Sebastian grabbed onto the mans shoulder and forcefully pushed him away from the table, he watched as the man took one last look at you and shook his head while walking away.
Sebastian looked at you and rubbed your shoulder in a comfort way "you alright kid" he asked as he made his way back to his seat while looking back and seeing if that man left. "yeah-um I'm fine. that was just unexpected. I'm sorry guys" everybody waved you off mumbling about how it wasn't your fault and tried changing the subject for you, while looking around making sure the creep left.
as hours went by and the restaurant was now completely empty, except for the 11 of you in the restaurant. everybody decided it was time to go home seeing as it was almost three in the morning and you all had spent all morning till night there.
as everybody was putting on their coats and grabbing their valuable items getting ready to leave, they all hugged each other saying goodbye one by one while they all left their separate ways. As you grabbed your phone and was getting ready to leave, Sebastian pulled you to the side with a smile on his.
"I hope you enjoyed your birthday dinner kid" he pulled you in for another hug making you wrap your arms around him hugging him tightly "I sure did. thank you for putting this all together it mean a lot, especially coming from all of you" you pulled away and Sebastian grabbed his coat putting it on getting ready to leave as well.
"well I'll see you tomorrow kid at the race, right?"Sebastian asked as you nodded your head "yeah I'll be there. Also um I need to use the bathroom real quick, can you wait here until I come back please" you asked, Sebastian chuckled while pulling out a chair.
"sure I'll be waiting here, take your time" and with that you walked off in the direction of the restroom, unbeknownst to you a man lurked in the shadows of the restaurant and eyed you from across the bar, like a prey in the night. he tossed his cigarette in the cigarette tray while taking another shot he got up from his seat and walked towards the bathrooms that he saw you walk in.
while you stood there washing your hands. you felt weird like somebody was staring at you, but as you looked around you saw no one and was the only one in the bathroom. You turned off the faucet and dried your hands. as you opened up the bathroom door you were about to walk out when suddenly somebody had grabbed you and pushed you harshly back into the bathroom
it all happened in the blink of an eye, so you didn't even have time to process what was happening, but when you did you opened your mouth to scream but the man was quicker than you and put his hand up to your mouth covering it. "Shh sweetie, it's okay. I'm not gonna hurt you" his hand slid up your thigh gripping it with his rough hand and you felt tears blurry your eyes but you blinked them away and recognized the man as the some one from earlier. you tried to push him away but he was much stronger than you and kept you trapped in between him and the wall.
"oh shh don't cry" his hand left your thigh and moved the hair from your eyes "please don't cry honey" as his hand left your face and went to reach in his back pocket to get something, you took some as your opportunity and kneed him in the stomach, his hand was free from your face and you so you screamed so loud yelling Sebastian's name.
"you fucking bitch!" The man yelled out and slapped you hard across the face sending you backwards. he grabbed onto your arms and slammed you hard into the wall, you screamed out in pain as he shoved your head in the wall "why did you fucking do that, you fucking bitch!" He let go of you, but all you could do was hopelessly slid down the wall your vision blurry and head pounding with pain causing you to put your hand behind your head and hissing when realized your head was bleeding.
as you sat there the man only saw this as an opportunity and stood above you, gripping onto your cheeks harshly while he raised his hand and slapped you again across the face, causing you to black out and black in, as he went to raise his hand again you heard loud shouts and somebody grabbing onto your body and pulling you into their embrace.
as you regained conscious and could see things, you saw Sebastian standing over the man and punching him over and over until the man's face was bleeding and he couldn't fight back, Sebastian didn't stop tho, he continued on hitting him until somebody eventually pulled him off "let fucking go of me" Sebastian screamed at the person who held him back and broke away from their holding and ran over to the man who laid hopelessly on the floor, he got on top of the man and started punching him repeatedly not stopping until the man passed out.
"s-Sebastian ow fuck" you tried to yell but it only came out as a whisper, "Sebastian!" You yelled this time and held onto your head the pain increasing by the minute. everything suddenly went quiet and all you could hear was the harsh breathing from Sebastian, you whined in pain as somebody put a wet paper towel on your head trying to stop the bleeding.
"fuck kid" Sebastian ran over to you while pushing the employee who held the wet paper to your head away from you and pulled you his chest his using his whole body as a shield as he hugged you. "i-i can't see, it's all blurry" you cried out in his chest, Sebastian lifted your head up from his chest and took a look at your face "shit you're bleeding" the employee who stood beside him handed him more paper towels, while the other one watched the man on the floor and called the cops.
"h-he touched me" you cried out, Sebastian dropped his hand from your head and looked at you "he fucking what" Sebastian went to stand up but you grabbed onto his arm to stop him and pulled him back down to your level. he fought against your strong hold on his arm trying to get loose to go and beat the man up again, but you didn't let go and so he gave up and just pulled you back into his embrace.
five minutes went and Sebastian still didn't let you go even as the cops and ambulance arrived. as the cops handcuffed the man, the paramedics bought you to the car and settled you on the bed in the back getting ready to take to the hospital
"where is Sebastian" you asked the lady beside you, your vision slowly coming back. "He's coming sweetheart" as soon as she answered you Sebastian hopped in the back of the ambulance with you and immediately grabbed onto your hand.
"I'm right here kid" Sebastian gave your hand a light squeeze "I'm scared" you told him as you still couldn't see much and all you practically saw was all blurriness. "You'll be fine don't worry" he resumed you.
"please stay with me"
"shh I'm staying here don't worry"
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a/n: I hate the ending I'm sorry, I can't write endings for the life of me. anyways I'm sorry that this is literally all over the place and I know I say this a lot, but I wrote this late again and so I kinda rushed it because this has been sitting in my drafts for days, so I'm very sorry if it's sloppy. On another note Lewis fic should be coming out soon!
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el-ly-sha-give-no-f · 2 years
Crash on a rookie year
Author note: okay this is it after my second time writing this, still pissed off actually, IYKYK, right, this is my first fic that is not requested by anyone, so I don't give you permission to repost on Wattpad, AO3 e.t.c, sorry for the delay, I hope you guys enjoy reading this if anything in this fic that sounds stupid and doesn't make sense, just ignore it because I can't imagine what happens if it's in real life, I replace Lando with the reader and I made Zak little bit of bad guy, no offence though! thank you!!! <3 love ya and stay safe.
heavy angst and fluff at the end
TW: car crash! smoke! hospitals! ambulance!
PAIR: F1 x McLaren!Reader
WORDS: as usual, I don't know but quite long.
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Monaco. One of the most hardcore and challenging circuit for me. Indeed. being the first female that joins the modern F1 world is hectic, Sexism and Body shaming are everywhere and anywhere. But you need to be just smart and ignore it.
currently, all the drivers are on the grid.
"hello y/n, radio check, did you hear me?" I heard my team race engineer voice, asking and checking the radio system.
"yup loud and clear Tom" I reply
"Great, are you okay? Is there any wrong with the car or anything ? we still have time to fix it"
"Nothing, all good as usual it's lovely, but my helmet clip kinda loose but I can live with it," I told him
"Okay do your best for team y/n, Daniel made a bet, if you get high position than him, he treats us a drink" we both laugh at Daniel's bet.
"deal, we'll get the drink everybody, and podium too" I fling back.
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"Monaco everybody! The race just starts as you can see on your screen. Hamilton on the front, OH! there she is! our McLaren driver, she shines like a star everybody! from P4 to P2! she just did the double overtakes cars just like that, the last time we saw someone did like this is Sebastian Vattel, this woman is crazy, let's see who's is the driver that she passed. Her success to cut Charles Leclerc and Pierre Gasly while her teammate is behind her which makes both of them on top three! its a good start for McLaren"
"currently position is, Hamilton P1, Y/LN P2 and Ricciardo P3"
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"y/n, P2 Y/N, you both did a fantastic job, hope you guys can hold this position till we give you a green light to cut Mr Hamilton that in front of you" ask Tom.
"HeHe, Not a problem sir, I hold your words!" I return happily
"Good! By the way, Daniel said you are crazy, good job y/n"
"I am and he too! thanks to you guys" I fling my words back to him before focussing on the track again.
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"y/n, you're 6 second behind Hamilton, do you think you can move from P2 to P1?"
"I think I can manage with that Tom" I response
"Okay go ahead, it's a green light from us and Zak too, he said you can do it, but Y/n do it carefully" Tom declare
"awh you care about me Tom" I joke
"Heh, Silly you y/n of course! now go shines again"
"yup looks like P1 gonna be ours this time" The feeling of exited makes me more confident to move in front of Lewis, while people at the paddock waiting for me passionately hoping I can do it. My heart starts to pound.
"Let's see, Lewis" I mumble before starting to drive to the right side of his car. My foot started to press the pedal harder to increase the speed, Im was halfway through his car. This is it, my first podium.
Mine exited only happen for a second when suddenly our Sir Lewis Hamilton start defending his current position by moving to the right side by means where im currently on, which makes our car tyres touch with each other. I try to not exaggerate this accident by turning my car to the left side but fail.
"for fuck sake Lewis"
"my tyre"
im mumble before trying to stabilize my car but again fail, my head begins to spin same goes for my car that currently spinning 360°. Well, didn't expect my car to turn upside down over and over again until it stop which is the result that made me crash into the barrier and upside down.
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"oh, no looks like something bad just happened, our McLaren driver y/n y/l/n crash! seems like its a very heavy crash"
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I can't hear anything except Tom's "robotic" voice echo through my earpiece.
"oh god" I groan
"y/n....y/n, swi-tc-h...o-ff...th-e ca-r"
"I can't, im upside down, and my helmet is gone, need help here" I just inform them even though I know they can't hear me
I start to smell smoke when I start to look around, I see smoke starting to wash over my car instead of Monaco's fresh air.
I look down and see some red liquid dropping on the crushed rock below my head, I suspect it is the blood that comes out of my body but I look again if I mistake it with my car oil, but what kind of oil is red.
"I think Im bleeding" hoping Tom hearing me
-----just a little tiny time skip-----
For almost 2 minutes I've been upside down, still never heard a safety car or medical team sirens yet, my head starts to fill dizzy due to the upside-down situation, I've discovered where the blood coming from.
it's from the wound on my head. I think it's because my helmet has gone while I turn upside down over and over again.
slowly body slowly become numb and my eyes slowly close.
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"is y/n out of her car? is it a red flag? if its a red flag, we going to start this race over again, got to rid all of the debries from the track, let's see y/n and Lewis crash recap"
"due to y/n crash place that is quite far from where safety car and medical team at, it's going to take some time to get her out of the car, we just got an info that the race is going to start over again, its a red flag"
"oh, there we go, as we can see right now y/n teammate, Daniel Ricciardo itself, running to y/n car and switching off her car, is it off? yes? Daniel Ricciardo's success to turn it off everybody"
camera showing from afar that Daniel sign a thumb down to the medical team that had just arrived but was far away from the scene and Daniel screamed telling them to come over and help.
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As I saw y/n and Lewis collide with each other, the only thing that I thought is how is she and if it was just me right now on the track? y/n has been my best friend since forever, it makes me scared when I saw her crash in front of my eyes.
I had time to dodge them and saw Lewis back on track.
"fuck is she okay? awake?" I ask Tom's concern
"We don't know, we can't get a response from her and we disconnect from her radio system" Tom answers
"God y/n, did you guys send the medical team? is it a red flag"
"Yeah, but its kinda late for them to arrive to y/n place quite far away and nope, not yet"
I take a quick breath
"oh fuck it" I swear before safely making a U-turn not to crash another driver, and drive to where y/n car crashed.
"Daniel, what are you doing?"
this time is not Tom asking, it's Zak Brown itself asking. AS I CARE!
when I arrive the first thing see is her crashed wreaked badly and I can see the smoke surrounding her car, when I got out of my car I quickly sprint to her and crouch down to switch her car off. I feel something dripping on my hand until I look up and see y/n head bleeding.
"Daniel I ask you again what are you doing?! let her be! the medical team will arrive, and it's not even a red flag!" I heard Zak screaming through my earpiece.
"YET!, im saving somebody's daughter and my best friend, she's bleeding!" I reply, Im in a squat position, trying to unbelt her seatbelt and hold her by her stomach, so as to not make her fall, after how minutes of trying cause her seatbelt is stuck, I realize it's impossible to get her out from small space, I try and suddenly Y/n start to wake up.
"Hey hey! Y/n, listen to me, Im trying to get you out from here, and I want you not to panic okay?" I ask her and all she can give me is a nod in confusion.
"Great, so here is what we're gonna do, I need you to get out of this car, and get out through this small space, can you do that for me I hold you okay? get your head out first"
As Y/n slowly do what I ask her to do, her back already touches the crushed rock on the ground Im trying to shield her head from the small rocks.
Gratefully, she succeeded to get out of her car, as we were both a bit far away from the car, I started to carry her over my shoulder and run to the Medical team that bring a stretcher toward us as we get closer I lay her back on the stretcher, and the Medical team carry her inside the ambulance.
"you still told me to continue the race and just hoping the medical team to arrive and get her out of the car? she could have been dead, you don't know shit about her condition! eh, Zak?"
all I can hear is Zak groan.
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" Daniel Ricciardo her teammate carrying y/n body out from her car, when I said it's a red flag everybody, it is a bad crash, we can see y/n is bleeding right now, let's see some of drivers reaction to this incident right now"
(imagine their reaction cause I can't find shit)
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I don't know what happened after I got into the ambulance, I guess I passed out. I can feel im lying on a bed right now, definitely not my hotel bed, cause this one feels uncomfortable.
I try to open my eyes but fail, I blinded by the light for a moment. I try again and again till my eyes fully open, I feel someone holding my left hand, and as I turn my head to the left, I see Daniel my life best friend is sleeping while his head on the bed.
I smile, now im remember he saved my life and gets me out of my car, and carry me to the medical team. God Daniel.
I let him sleep a little more, I let him rest.
Daniel has been helping me a lot when im in hospital, Lewis and Toto came and pay me a visit, they apologise for what happened, and I just said this all is not their fault, its nobody's fault, obviously, they glad that im okay, but Zak kinda not happy with Dan and im definitely gonna defend him(Daniel), that old man I swear to god.
Right now Dan talking to me while I look at me and I thought, I surely gonna tell my kids one day about this........
our kids.
YEYHEHEHHEHEHEHHEHEHEHEHEHEHHEHI plot twist mathafacka, oh my gad im glad this time my laptop is not turning off, so what did you guys think? is it good? is it too nonsense? Comment please and I try to do my best in the future! thanks for reading my first fic! I love you guys, thank you and stay safe <3
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Footnote 8 reads “Vattel is discussing France,” but surely he’s discussing Poland?
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ebonetnoir · 3 years
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The Tongue of Time, Star of the States, Joseph Comstock, 1st Ed, Occult, 1840 The Tongue of Time And Star of the States: A System of Human Nature, With the Phenomena of The Heavens and Earth. American Antiquities, Dress, Remains of Giants, Drinks, Geology, Diseases, Volcanoes, Sleep, Egyptian And Indian Magic, Somnambulism, Trances, Diet, Resuscitation. Also An Account of Persons With Two Souls, and of Five Persons Who Told Colors by the Touch. By JOSEPH СOMSTOCK, M. D. FIRST EDITION, RARE ILLUSTRATED Publisher: Joseph Comstock (Self Published) Copyright: 1840
--CONDITION-- This book is in poor condition. Leather. Front board is completely detached. Hinges cracked. Binding square. Good candidate for repair. Rare and hard to find book of curiosities. There is evidence of some moisture damage to text block; slight buckling, etc. Pages are fine, not sticking together; text block is crisp and clean. Four bands on spine. 481 pages plus index. --ABOUT THIS ITEM-- This book was self published by Joseph Comstock, a doctor and is wildly esoteric and inclusive of occult topics. TOC listed below. CНАРТER I. Preliminary Address, to all people who read, reflect, and reason. Varieties of style. Chaucer. Cicero. Biography. Milton. Addison. Celebrated Women. The Chinese. National Characters. Literature. Languages. Use of evil. The Crusades. The Holy Land. The refutation of atheism. CНАРТER II. Man, Matter, and Mind. Prolongation of Life. Fossils.' Remains of Giants. Volcanoes, and submarine Volcanoes. Geology. Niagara Falls. Theories of the World. Falling stones. Showers of stars. Formation of solids in the air. Stumps of trees ninety feet below the surface. Rafts. Coal beds. Mounds. Skeletons. The Deluge. American Antiquities. CHAPTER III Ancient Mounds and Fortifications. Remains of work shops, Walls, Pyramids, Palaces, and Cities. The Flood. Mr. Evans. Gov. Pownal. The Potatoe. Tobacco. Creation. CНАРТER IV. Superstition. Idolatry. Witchcraft. Dreams. Egyptian and Indian Magic. Somnambulism. Judicial Astrology. Phrenology. Animal Magnetism. Death of Julius Cæsar. Salem Witchcraft. Cases of Nancy Hazard, Jane C. Rider, Mrs. Cass, and Miss M'Evoy, who told colors by the touch. Seeing with the fingers. Hearing with the eyes. Optics. Sir Isaac Newton. Dr. Newton. Mr. Locke. CНАРТER V. Of burying, embalming, and burning the dead. Of visions, voices, and impressions. Cromwell. Lord Herbert. Pausanias. Anaxagoras. Ros-common. A premonition defeated. Prediction of snow in June, fulfilled. The Indian and his tamed snake. CНАPТER VI. Enthusiasm. Bonaparte's Russian Campaign. French and American Revolutions. Roger Williams. William Penn. Edmund Burke. Robert Morris. CНАРТER VII. Of Sleep. Dreams. Sleep watching, sleep working, and sleep talking. Hippocrates. Question of the legality of telling certain dreams. Remarkable cases. Opium and the Poppy. CHAPТER VIII Universality of deception. Fascination of serpents. Inquiry after universal opinions, and the common lot of mankind. Bishop Heber. The Veddahs. Mr. Marsden. Locke. Reid. 8tuart. Brown. The Craniology of Gall. The Quaker. Evil Spirits. Socrates. Plato. CНАРТER IX Life. Health. Death. The Soul. Sadden death of a Beauty. CНАРТER X. Theology. Ethics. Diet. Dress. Drinks and Diseases. Alcohol. Exercise. " Famine. Priestley. Johnson. Josephus. Trances. Resuscitation. Heat and Cold. Bishop Beveridge. CHAPTER XI. Of the Senses, passions of the mind, memory, judgment, association. The Will. Mr. Áléxander Alexander, and Point no Point. CHAPTER XII. Something of Politics. Vattel. Patrick Henry. John Randolph. Volcanic Waters. Thorlakson. Comets. Stimulus of Necessity. Uses of the Spleen. CHАРТER XIII Some farther notice of the sleeping preacher. Different opinions of her sleeping aud waking soul. Herod the Great. The Gymnosophista. Case of William Blatchford, Jr. Women bearing children at sixty years of age. CНАРТER XIV History and anecdotes of women. Of the best method of females managing property, and preserving their estates. Of prayer. Deceit. Singular Case. Hortense on optics. Conclusion. Item Dimensions: 8.25 inches x 5.0 inches
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all anyone talks about when it comes to influences on founding fathers is locke. no one ever talks about montesquieu, despite him being cited many times more by our founding fathers than locke. he influenced the founding fathers more than anyone. the separation of the three branches and the checks and balances and all those things about our government that are drilled into our head as children all came from him.
furthermore, no one talks about the influence of ancient greco-roman authors. many of our founding fathers were fluent in latin and/or greek. they were familiar with the works of cicero, plutarch, livy, plato, aristotle, epicurus, etc. the very concept of natural law finds its roots in aristotle. not to mention the influence these men had on montesquieu himself. too many see our founding fathers as embodying the spirit of a modern lockean liberalism, where the government is sterile and exists solely to maintain law and order and enforce contracts and protect property. when, in reality, they share more in common with the spirit of classical civic republicanism.
what’s particularly telling is that they replaced locke’s “life, liberty, and property” with the much more classical “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”. “happiness” at the time having a meaning more akin to “prosperity”, something closer to the ancient concept of eudemonia instead of merely pursuing fleeting desires. jefferson considered himself an epicurean and states two virtues of epicureanism as “1. happiness is the aim of life. 2. virtue the foundation of happiness.” aristotle wrote “the happy man lives well and does well; for we have practically defined happiness as a sort of good life and good action.” 
this classical, civic spirit is further demonstrated in the preamble of the constitution where it explicitly declares the purpose (well, one of its several interrelated purposes) of this republican government as promoting the general welfare, a principle embodied in cicero’s famous maxim “salus populi suprema lex esto” (the good of the people shall be the highest law) which our founding fathers were certainly aware of. as james duane, a founding father said:
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or james wilson, another founding father (who called liberal philosophies “narrow and hideous” and “totally repugnant to all human sentiment”):
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vattel, a major influence on our founding fathers:
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nathaniel chipman, another founding father:
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virginia’s constitution: 
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pennsylvania’s constitution: 
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massachusetts constitution: 
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i can keep going but you get the idea. my point is, these sentiments echo classical views of society/government rather than the liberal view.
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