#ved dialogue
devimayi · 1 year
about myself
desi girl vibing in a un-desi world.
desirous of krishna's company.
friend of radha, the beloved of shyam.
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works by me (found on wattpad)
wattpad id : @‐krishnaki
𝐊𝐀𝐔𝐑𝐀𝐕𝐎 𝐊𝐈 𝐊𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐀 - ᴍᴀʜᴀʙʜᴀʀᴀᴛ ғʀᴏᴍ ᴛʜᴇ ᴋᴀᴜʀᴀᴠᴀ𝗌' ᴇʏᴇ𝗌
History, such a fickle thing. Tales of conquerors and the conquered, good and evil, where often, the conquered are ignored. The historical account of the Mahabharata, a great book written by the spiritual rishi, Ved Vyas, the incarnation of Narayan. Perfect by all accounts, or is it? What about the Kauravas and their associates? Duryodhan, Karn, Bhanumati, Vrushali, Gandhari, Dhritarashtra, Shakuni and Aswatthama and many more were ignored by Vyasadeva. Keshav, Kounteya and Krishna. Madhav, Mahanayak and Mahabharati were the main focus of the Mahabharata. In this book, however, I'll attempt to potray the Mahabharata through a different perspective.
𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐊𝐀 𝐃𝐄𝐕𝐈 : ɢʟɪᴍᴘᴇ𝗌ᴇ𝗌 ɪɴᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ʟɪғᴇ ᴏғ ᴀʏᴏᴅʜʏᴀ'𝗌 ʀᴀᴊᴋᴜᴍᴀʀɪ
Those who attain immortality in the body never die until the end of time, they roam the earth after their family and friends have long left it. Those who attain immortality in people's hearts however, their stories are loved, cherished, read and studied. Aranika is one such person who attained immortality in people's hearts. Her story began when @Akhila6002, the one who put her thoughts and turned it into a story, started writing. And I, evidently, started another book to continue her story. Aranika, the eldest princess of the great kingdom of Kosala who is a time traveler from 2052. She is a Vishnu ansh who got three boons from Vishnu dev. She is the one who can be present in 100 places at once, she who is the most pampered daughter of Shatrughan but a long buried secret for 6 years, that she is the blue skinned girl with a golden crown adorned witb peacock feathers, she is the one who entertains the eartlings with her melodious flute, is revealed to her when she was just 17! Little girl, big responsibilities Huh! But she needs to go through all this because she needs go experience the hard reality of this world to become the saviour. Moments in Aranika and the Raj Pariwar's day to day life are presented in the form of oneshots. Enjoy ! Cover Credits : @Akhila6002
𝐌𝐀𝐇𝐀𝐁𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐈 - ᴘᴀɴᴄʜᴀʟɪ ᴋᴇ ᴊᴇᴇᴠᴀɴ ᴍᴀɪ ᴇᴋ ᴊʜᴀʟᴀᴋ
𝙎𝙝𝙚 𝙬𝙖𝙨𝙣'𝙩 𝙟𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝘿𝙧𝙖𝙪𝙥𝙖𝙙𝙞 𝙗𝙪𝙩 𝙨𝙝𝙚 𝙬𝙖𝙨 𝙆𝙧𝙞𝙨𝙝𝙣𝙖. 𝙆𝙧𝙞𝙨𝙝𝙣 𝙢𝙖𝙙𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙡𝙙 𝙙𝙖𝙣𝙘𝙚 𝙩𝙤 𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙩𝙪𝙣𝙚𝙨, 𝙬𝙝𝙮 𝙘𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙙𝙣'𝙩 𝙨𝙝𝙚 𝙙𝙤 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙨𝙖𝙢𝙚?
𝐬𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐝𝐢. ━━ ᵐʸ ᵉᵈⁱᵗⁱⁿᵍ ᵖᵒʳᵗᶠᵒˡⁱᵒ
What lies in this book might possibly be cringy edits, but do not steal any of them, thanks!
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i humbly urge everyone to please bear with my crazy ramblings. and if you got this far, thank you! keep spreading love.
@radhakrishnaki_punya → kanhaiyapriya → amritkimohini → @devimayi
instagram : @radhakrishnaki_punya
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Vrindavan, Dwarka & Krishna
Brajesvari Shyamā
Preview of Chapter 1 - Of Pearls & Palaquins
Dialogue Writing with Savitri & Krishna
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satishwig · 1 year
Oppenheimer's Dilemma
          The Hollywood movie based on the life of Oppenheimer, father of Atomic Bomb, has created a sort of flirt in the minds of the people, chiefly due to some reference therein to the Bhagavad Gita.  Moviegoers (now of course, movie-watchers since movies are now available on OTT) are naturally to form opinions about the message of Gita on the basis of what has been depicted therein.  In fact, there are certain people who allege that Gita is about warfare. There have been even attempts in USSR and USA seeking ban on Gita on the premise that it is about warfare and violence. In this movie also, Oppenheimer is depicted as somewhat justifying the death and destruction that took place at Hiroshima and Nagasaki following the discovery of Nuclear Bomb by alluding to Gita.  Arjuna, who was arraigned against his own kith and kin in the battlefield of Kurukshetra, did not want to kill his own people, but Lord Krishna was exhorting him to do his prescribed duty and his duty was to fight and kill his opponents since Arjuna belonged to Kshatriya caste (a warrior class). Hence, the opinion that Gita is about warfare and violence simply because the Gita was said in battlefield and the backdrop was warfare or fratricide.
          In my view, the said opinion is formed on the basis of superficial knowledge of Gita and is the result of bias and prejudice. Gita was said to Arjuna in the battlefield of Kurukshetra in the backdrop of war but it is not about warfare. The dilemma that Arjuna faced in the battlefield is not the dilemma of Arjuna only; it is the dilemma of common man who is torn apart by conflict and confusion, affection and aversion and the bipolarities of the worldly existence. Gita is relevant not only to Arjuna but to the common man in the society who too wages a battle of life and death and is encountered with warlike situation. Gita teaches him to rise above these polarities and to perform his prescribed duty without affection and aversion and without seeking the fruits thereof.  Hence, message of Gita is relevant to all people of all ages.
But, the message of Gita is not confined only as to how the worldly duties should be performed, as some people think that Gita is all about Karma or Karma Yoga. It is far more profound and sublime.  Gita is the core of Hindu (Vedanta) philosophy. It is an inquiry into the nature of man; it is an inquiry into the nature of God; it is an inquiry of Universe and the relation of man with the Universe and the God. “It is an Upanishad that is sung by the Lord; it is the science of Brahman; it is the scripture of Yoga as part of the dialogue between Sri Krishna and Arjuna...” So is given at the end of every Chapter of Gita that contains 18 Chapters.
          Gita is an Upanishad. It is the core Vedanta philosophy. Vedanta means “end of Vedas”(Shruti) upon which the entire superstructure of Hindu philosophy is based. There are  108 Upanishads out of which 11 are basic, which along with Brahmsutra of Ved Vyasa (his commentary on Vedas) forms core of the Vedantic philosophy whereas Puranas are an afterthought written by rishis (spiritual scientists  or poets)  as an extension of Vedas and thus called ‘Smriti.’ These are in the form of story-telling mixed of mythology, history and philosophy; hence they have tremendous appeal to the masses.
 Gita is science of Brahman. It defines Brahman, Ishwara (God) and relation of man with God and Brahman.  The concept of Brahman is different from God.  Brahman is the common substratum of Jiva (creature), Ishwara (God)  and in fact the entire creation and beyond.  Brahman is all pervading and is beyond time and causation. It even surpasses God. The subject matter of Vedanta or Vedic culture is in fact Brahman and not God. That is why it is said that India is a Godless culture. Lord Krishna in Gita identifies Himself at times with Ishwara (God), sometimes with Brahman and sometimes with Jiva.
 The practical lesson of Gita to man consists of four yogas i.e. Karma Yoga, Raj Yoga (Yoga of Psychic control), Jnana Yoga (Yoga of Knowledge) and Bhakti Yoga (Yoga of Devotion) along with certain values, practicing which one can go beyond grief and sorrow and attains peace and tranquility. Thus, to say that Gita is about warfare and violence is to do violence against Gita itself.  
Anyhow, was Oppenheimer right in justifying his creation of Atom Bomb that was followed by death and destruction caused by the use of it, by quoting from Gita? When Lord Krishna reveals his Universal form to Arjuna in XIth Chapter Verse 32 and tells Arjuna that he is ‘Kala’ which was interpreted as “Destroyer of the Universe”, he in fact was revealing the core philosophy of life and death.  According to Hindu philosophy, God has basically three chief functions to perform: creation, preservation and destruction. This is remarkable feature of Hindu philosophy as death is considered logical concomitant to life and destruction to that of creation. This cycle of birth and death, creation and destruction -  is endless. If creation is done by God, then by whom the destruction is done?  It is God alone who creates and destroys and creates again to destroy. He is ‘Kala’ (or Kali – Mother form of God) and all are under His sway, that is, the sway of Time (Kala means “Time”). All that has been created by Time will be sucked up by Time unless one has gone beyond Time and become one with Brahman who is beyond Time and Causation. Everything that is compound has to decompose and out of the decomposed components, compound is formed again. This is the law of Nature and Science accepts it (except that God is the Controller.)  Thus, according to Hindu philosophy, God is not only Creator (Brahma); Preserver (Vishnu) but He is also Destroyer (Shiva), although as Brahman, God is beyond creation and destruction; He is beyond good and evil. 
When Lord Krishna says, he is ‘Kala’, he was identifying himself as Ishwara (God) and telling Arjuna that in fact He is the doer. Therefore,  Arjuna  should not consider himself to be the doer and incur the consequences of doership.  God in fact is only the doer.  Arjuna should become an instrument in the hands of God and perform his prescribed duty. And, in this way he would not incur any sin.  This, in fact is Karma Yoga i.e. to become an instrument into the hands of Almighty while performing one’s duty.
 According to Oppenheim, he too was acting as an instrument in the hands of God and he was, therefore, not the cause of destruction. He quotes Verse 17 from Chapter XVIII, which says, “He whose mind is free from the sense of doership, and whose reason is not affected by worldly objects and activities, does not really kill, even having killed all these people, nor does any sin accrues to him.”   But, whether Oppenheimer was really an instrument of God and free from the sense of doership?  Was his reason not affected by worldly objects and activities? Was he performing his duties selflessly, without affection or aversion or without his personal ambitions or national objects?          
          Christopher Nolan’s movie is based on ‘American Prometheus’, which is a biography of Oppenheimer written by Kai Bird and Martin J Shervin. His biography (not the movie) faithfully reveals the moral quandaries that Oppenheimer was facing. The dilemma that Oppenheimer faced was: whether to follow the dictates of his own conscience or the dictates of his Political and Military masters who had an agenda and the agenda was that Allied forces never wanted Nazi Germany to win the race to produce the bomb.
 The dilemma of Arjuna, on the other hand, was that he was arraigned against his own kinsmen in the battlefield of Kurukshetra, to fight a war of righteousness versus unrighteousness. Arjuna did not want the conquest nor the spoils of conquest.  He did not want even the rule over three worlds, what to talk of the small Kingdom that was called Hastinapur at that time.  He instead wanted to lead the life of an ascetic. And if it so happens, let his opponents kill him instead of him killing them. In the midst of this all, however Lord Krishna told him to perform his prescribed duty in this war between righteous and unrighteous forces instead of running away from war.  Krishna told that God is the only doer.  Arjuna should become an instrument in the hands of God and perform his prescribed duty.
 Was Oppenheimer too acting an instrument in the hands of God? The Allied Forces wanted to teach a lesson to Germany, Italy and Japan.  Hence, the bomb was to be created for the sake of hegemony of Allied Forces. Oppenheimer could not stand up against this official justification of creating a deterrent, which was to be experimented on human beings. And nevertheless, it was not a war between righteousness and unrighteousness. Thus, clearly he was acting as an instrument into the hands of his political masters.  The film, therefore, is not a faithful depiction of the biography.  It does not answer the question: why the bomb was used when the war had stopped.  It is in fact a subtle attempt to whitewash the sins committed by the Allied to have upper hand in War and Christopher has made an attempt to hide the massacre of humanity behind a selective reference to Gita, a Hindu scripture.
Article by Satish Kumar Wig
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arleniansdoodles · 1 year
Actually, If you Go to Alfheim and use the sled there, there Will be a story, Mimir Will ask How Freyr becamed adored by the elves and then Freya Tell the story about he and Gerdr, How after she parted away, Freyr tried to gain her heart again, travelling thought the world tree while drugged ( Not kidding, he smoked weeds Just to impress her and understand travel between realms) and soon after he rised Just above the light of Alfheim, making the elves believe he was some kinda of powerfull Divine being, which made them adore Freyr.
Here a link to It, of you want.
Interesting! Thanks a lot for this one anon; I haven't heard all of the in-story dialogues, so I didn't know Gerdr was already mentioned! From what I gather, she wasn't married to Freyr in the game ... But that's okay, the bit of backstory I made for her can still work! XDDD
Anyway, this is the trouble I'm having with the GoW games siiigh they've shifted a lot of the myths around, so whenever I think I can use a particular myth, I have to go back and make sure it wasn't already mentioned (and altered) in-game! T_T At least for Gerdr, it just means I have to remove that R at the end of her name, since Freya didn't include it lmaoo
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transineurope · 2 years
Hi I’m live in Funen Denmark and I’m potentially not getting the surgery that I want (double mastectomy) what are the best private surgeon options for me outside the UK and Republic of Ireland?
Reportedly Reformklinniken in Malmö is willing to do top surgery without getting a note from a psychiatrist so they might be worth looking into.
The recommendation for private top surgery for Danes used to be at St. Josef Hospital in Troisdorf, Nothern Germany, but I don't know if that's up to date and I believe they do ask for a note from a psychiatrist.
These are two options close by, but I don't know if it being close by is a priority for you. It's difficult to say what the "best" private surgeon is for you without knowing more. That said, if any followers feel they can recommend a good surgeon, I encourage you all to do so in the notes!
If I were you, anon, I'd also contact the Funen LGBT org Lamda for advice more specific to your situation/where it's easier for you to have a dialogue about it:
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If you want to do it digitally anyway, LGBT+ Danmark is another option.
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loismailoujones · 2 years
Referencias Apa
-Aron, N. R. (2018, enero 23). Modernism was about revolt, but Lois Mailou and her black contemporaries had a more radical and urgent project. Timeline. https://timeline.com/modernism-was-about-revolt-but-lois-mailou-and-her-black-contemporaries-had-a-more-radical-and-8cedc1956c18
-Dialogue Magazine. (2009, diciembre 1). Lois Mailou Jones, painter and teacher. Dialogue Magazine. http://dialoguemagazine.com/index/lois-mailou-jones-painter-and-teacher/
-k0bayashi [@k0bayashi]. (2012, julio 8). Loïs Mailou Jones - Good Morning America Interview (stereo). Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xT7t5BEwyrI
-Loïs mailou Jones. (2020, enero 22). NMWA. https://nmwa.org/art/artists/lois-mailou-jones/
-Lois Mailou Jones – a pintora negra das cores vibrantes. (s/f). Com.es. Recuperado el 21 de noviembre de 2022, de http://mol-tagge.blogspot.com.es/2010/11/arte-artista-negra-pintora-obra.html
-loismailoujones.com. (s/f). Loismailoujones.com. Recuperado el 21 de noviembre de 2022, de http://loismailoujones.com/
-Perfil, V. T. mi. (s/f). Miradas femeninas en el arte. Blogspot.com. Recuperado el 21 de noviembre de 2022, de http://miradasfemeninasenelarte.blogspot.com/2017/04/lois-mailou-jones.html
-Textile Design - Lois Mailou Jones - Wikiart.org. (s/f). www.wikiart.org. Recuperado el 21 de noviembre de 2022, de https://www.wikiart.org/en/lois-mailou-jones/textile-design-0
-The ascent of Ethiopia. - Google search. (s/f). Google.com. Recuperado el 21 de noviembre de 2022, de https://www.google.com/search?q=The+Ascent+of+Ethiopia.&rlz=1C5CHFA_enCO1029CO1029&sxsrf=ALiCzsZaHnsRhj74cCHcyaR7M9CHLTCZFA:1669055268182&source=lnms&tbm=vid&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwijg_uy87_7AhUyUjABHS88DwwQ_AUoAnoECAIQBA&biw=1280&bih=664&dpr=1
-THE HARLEM RENAISSANCE. (s/f). Blogspot.com. Recuperado el 21 de noviembre de 2022, de http://harlemrenaissanceassignment.blogspot.com/2012/03/painting-ascent-of-ethiopia-by-lois.html
-Turner, B. (2006). Suriname. En The Statesman’s Yearbook 2007 (pp. 1168–1171). Palgrave Macmillan UK.
-Wikipedia contributors. (s/f). Lois Mailou Jones. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. https://es.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Lois_Mailou_Jones&oldid=142044026
-(S/f-a). Recuperado el 21 de noviembre de 2022, de http://file:///Users/natalia/Downloads/pdf-lois-mailou-jones_compress.pdf
-(S/f-b). Revolution-of-race.com. Recuperado el 21 de noviembre de 2022, de https://revolution-of-race.com/los-mailou-jones-xyz7nms/
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leftluminarytragedy · 5 months
How to write prompts on VED to get the best results Mugafi
In the realm of scriptwriting and story development, AI writing tools have become indispensable for writers seeking to refine their narratives and streamline their creative processes. One such tool is VED, a writing tool with advanced assistance especially built for screenwriters and Authors. It’s not just your normal tool which helps you in formatting your scripts and screenplays, it’s much more than that. VED comes with an AI copilot which can help you research, enhance and take your story and scripts to the next level and to make it pitch perfect.
To harness the full potential of VED, understanding how to craft effective prompts is crucial. This guide will walk you through the strategies for writing prompts that yield the best results, ensuring that your screenplay or story develops into a compelling narrative.
What is a prompt?
In today’s world of AI tools such as ChatGPT and Bard, there is a very common term that you must have come across, that is a ‘prompt’. For people who are not sure what prompts actually are, let me give you a quick overview.
In simple words, a prompt is a question or instruction given to an AI to get a specific answer or result. It tells the AI what to do or what information to provide, helping users get exactly what they need from the technology.
To understand how to use prompts in VED to make your story better, keep reading.
Crafting Effective Prompts for VED
Specificity in Prompts
When interacting with VED, the specificity of your prompts directly influences the quality of the output. A well-defined prompt should clearly state what needs improvement and how. For instance:
Prompt 1 Example: “Improve the emotional impact of the dialogue in this scene.” Here, you specify the element to improve (emotional impact) and on which part of the screenplay (dialogue).
Prompt 2 Example: “Enhance the synopsis by introducing a tragic backstory for the protagonist that influences their quest.” This prompt is more detailed, addressing multiple elements (character background, influence on plot) and directing VED on how to enhance the synopsis.
Using VED to Craft Loglines and Synopses
Elements of a Logline:
Main Characters
When crafting a logline using VED, ensure your prompt includes these elements to create a concise and informative summary of your script.
Logline Prompt Example: “Create a logline for a story about a retired detective drawn back to solve a mystery involving his old nemesis, set in 1970s Los Angeles, highlighting themes of redemption and justice.”
Elements of a Synopsis (3 Act Structure):
For synopses, your prompt should outline the basic structure of the narrative to guide VED effectively.
Synopsis Prompt Example: “Write a synopsis for a screenplay where a young lawyer faces a moral dilemma when asked to defend a guilty client, leading to a climactic resolution where she must choose between her career and her values.”
Overcoming Common Writing Challenges with VED
Writer’s Block and Research
VED can be a powerful ally against writer’s block and the daunting task of research.
For Writer’s Block:
Prompt Example: “Suggest three plot twists for my current storyline where the main character discovers his ally is a traitor.
READ MORE...I Story Generator Tool, Script & Screenplay Writing software | Mugafi
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drswclinics · 6 months
Breaking Taboos: Discussing Effective Treatments for Erectile Dysfunction in the UK
Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is a prevalent condition affecting men worldwide, yet it remains largely under-discussed due to societal taboos and misconceptions. In the United Kingdom, an estimated 50% of men aged 40 to 70 experience some form of ED, highlighting the importance of open dialogue and effective treatment options. Understanding the causes, available treatments, and seeking professional guidance are crucial steps in addressing this condition and reclaiming a fulfilling sex life.
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Understanding Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile Dysfunction refers to the consistent inability to achieve or maintain an erection sufficient for sexual intercourse. Various factors contribute to ED, including physiological, psychological, and lifestyle-related elements. Common physiological causes include cardiovascular issues, diabetes, hormonal imbalances, and neurological conditions. Psychological factors such as stress, anxiety, depression, and relationship problems can also play a significant role in ED. Additionally, lifestyle choices like smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and a sedentary lifestyle can exacerbate the condition.
Treatment Options
Fortunately, several effective treatments are available for managing ED, ranging from lifestyle modifications to medical interventions. It's essential to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the most suitable approach based on individual needs and medical history.
Lifestyle Modifications: Adopting a healthier lifestyle can positively impact ED. Regular exercise improves cardiovascular health, reduces stress, and enhances blood flow, all of which contribute to better erectile function. Additionally, maintaining a balanced diet, quitting smoking, moderating alcohol intake, and managing stress levels can significantly improve symptoms.
Psychological Counseling: Addressing underlying psychological issues is crucial in managing ED, especially when stress, anxiety, or depression contribute to the condition. Psychological counseling, cognitive-behavioral therapy, or couples therapy can help individuals cope with emotional challenges and improve sexual confidence and intimacy.
Medications: Several medications are approved for the treatment of ED, including phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitors such as sildenafil (Viagra), tadalafil (Cialis), and vardenafil (Levitra). These drugs work by enhancing the effects of nitric oxide, a chemical that relaxes muscles in the penis, allowing for increased blood flow and improved erections. It's essential to follow prescribed dosages and usage guidelines to ensure safety and effectiveness.
Vacuum Devices: Vacuum erection devices (VEDs) are non-invasive devices that use suction to draw blood into the penis, creating an erection. This method can be effective for men who cannot tolerate or prefer not to use medication. VEDs are safe and relatively easy to use, but proper instruction from a healthcare professional is necessary to ensure correct usage.
Penile Injections and Urethral Suppositories: For individuals who do not respond to oral medications, injectable medications such as alprostadil can be directly administered into the penis, promoting blood flow and facilitating erections. Urethral suppositories containing alprostadil can also be inserted into the urethra to achieve similar results. These methods are effective but require guidance and training from a healthcare provider.
Penile Implants: In severe cases of ED that do not respond to other treatments, surgical intervention may be considered. Penile implants are devices surgically inserted into the penis to enable erections on demand. While invasive, this option can provide a long-term solution for individuals with refractory ED.
"Treatment for erectile dysfunction erectile in uk" is a common condition that can significantly impact a man's quality of life and intimate relationships. However, by breaking taboos surrounding ED and seeking appropriate treatment, individuals can reclaim their sexual health and overall well-being. From lifestyle modifications to medical interventions, various options are available to address ED effectively. Open communication with healthcare professionals, understanding the underlying causes, and exploring suitable treatment modalities are key steps in overcoming this condition. Remember, seeking help is not a sign of weakness but a proactive step towards regaining confidence and intimacy in your life.
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afashiongirl02 · 10 months
Critique Film #2
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Vatel, un film historique remarquable, brille notamment par ses costumes, dignes d'un Oscar à eux seuls. Au-delà de son esthétique, le film offre une superbe reconstitution de l'époque. Il dépeint l'histoire d'une rivalité amoureuse entre François Vatel, servant d'un noble appauvri, et le Roi Louis XIV, tous deux épris de la même jeune femme. La dynamique complexe de pouvoir est palpable, le roi ayant la capacité d'écraser aisément son rival.
Le film excelle dans la fidélité de sa reconstitution historique, offrant un aperçu authentique à travers décors, dialogues, gestes et costumes minutieusement élaborés. Cette attention au détail enrichit l'immersion dans l'opulence et les intrigues de la cour du Roi Soleil.
En outre, le film met en lumière le pouvoir absolu de la royauté, soulignant comment le frère du roi, le prince, peut réclamer sans contestation la compagnie d'un homme ou d'un jeune garçon, une liberté qui serait inimaginable pour un simple noble. Cette dimension critique ajoute une profondeur notable à l'œuvre.
Redirect notice. (n.d.-c). https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.rottentomatoes.com%2Fm%2Fvatel&psig=AOvVaw27oIJ4wosesa4QnAzc8oWV&ust=1702326039898000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBMQjhxqFwoTCKiQmPPYhYMDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE
Lab 8
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arts-cintora · 11 months
Rabbit Fire 1951
Rabbit fire (1951) directed by Chuck Jones and written by Michael Maltese
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"Rabbit Fire" is a classic 1951 animated short film produced by Warner Bros. It is part of the Looney Tunes series and features the iconic characters Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, and Elmer Fudd. The plot revolves around a humorous case of mistaken identity, where Daffy and Bugs try to convince Elmer that it's not rabbit season but duck season, leading to a series of comical exchanges and antics. The short is known for its witty dialogue, clever wordplay, and slapstick humor, making it a beloved classic in the world of animation, even now a days, this short film is still beloved by the public.
The 1951 animated short "Rabbit Fire" was created through traditional hand-drawn animation techniques, a common method used in the animation industry during that era. Here's a simplified overview of the process:
Storyboarding: After finalizing the script, the story is visualized through storyboards. These are essentially a series of rough drawings that outline the sequence of scenes, camera angles, and character actions.
Voice Recording: Voice actors record the dialogue and perform the characters' voices. In the case of "Rabbit Fire," Mel Blanc, a legendary voice actor, provided the voices for Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, and Elmer Fudd.
Character Design: Characters like Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, and Elmer Fudd were already established in previous Looney Tunes cartoons, so their character designs were reused. However, specific character expressions and poses were designed for this particular short.
Animation: Skilled animators then take the storyboard and create the animation by drawing the characters, frame by frame. The animation is done on sheets of paper, and each drawing is slightly different from the one before it, creating the illusion of motion when played in sequence. After the animation, the drawings are traced onto cels (transparent sheets) and painted. This process gives the characters and backgrounds their final color. The painted cels are then combined with the background art to create the final scenes.
"Rabbit Fire" was made using the expertise of the Warner Bros. animation team, including notable figures like Chuck Jones and Friz Freleng, who were responsible for the direction and creative vision of the cartoon. The short's humor and comedic timing were a result of the talented animators and voice actors working together to bring the characters to life and create a memorable Looney Tunes classic.
How was it shown, and what was the response of the public?
Animated shorts like "Rabbit Fire" were commonly shown in movie theaters as part of a program before the main feature film. They often served as an opening act or entertainment before the main attraction. Many animated shorts, including those featuring Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, and Elmer Fudd, received positive reviews from critics. These reviews highlighted the creativity, animation quality, and comedic timing. Characters like Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, and others became cultural icons. They were widely recognized and loved, which contributed to the popularity of the animated shorts.
Over time, classic animated shorts like "Rabbit Fire" found their way onto television. They were often broadcast as part of children's programming or special cartoon shows. These broadcasts introduced the shorts to a new generation of viewers. Many viewers who grew up watching Looney Tunes cartoons have a strong sense of nostalgia for these classics. They often introduce younger generations to these animations, passing down their love for the characters and humor. Viewers and animation enthusiasts also appreciate these classic cartoons for their historical significance in the animation industry. They recognize the influence of Looney Tunes on the development of animation as an art form.
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Title: Future of occupational therapy profession
Ever wondered what Occupational therapy is and what occupational therapists can do for people? Let me guess your answer was no right? It’s like physiotherapy some people will say. Although there is a 7.1% yearly growth from 2002 to 2018, South Africa had 5180 registered occupational therapists by 2018(Ned et al., 2020). Now that we know that the growth of the community of occupational therapists is growing each year what about its future? Will it thrive or will it just survive. Occupational therapy (OT) has the power to transcend the boundaries of a profession and reimagine its role in society. Building upon Kronenburg's understanding that the idea of occupational therapy is too radical to be contained within traditional confines, this blog will explore a vision for a future OT profession that actively works towards dismantling injustices in the Cato Manor community. We will discuss 3 significant injustices and propose actionable steps for a brighter future.
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Statistics of registered OTs (https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.researchgate.net%2Ffigure%2FProfile-of-occupational-therapists-in-South-Africa-January-2018_fig1_340051027&psig=AOvVaw3LiJv1vo7CLMPYs6shhLNS&ust=1691256938283000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBAQjhxqFwoTCKCTjpvFw4ADFQAAAAAdAAAAABAD, n.d.)
Kronenburg's perspective on occupational therapy's radical potential is flawed. While it can contribute to societal change through values like social justice, inclusivity, and empowerment, it must also consider its practicalities and limitations. Occupational therapists can advocate for policy reforms, collaborate with community organizations, and implement interventions to address systemic issues (Jansen van Vuuren et al., 2021). However, maintaining professional standards and accountability is crucial. Striking a balance between radical thinking and practical implementation is essential for occupational therapy to effectively address emerging societal needs. Collaboration, interdisciplinary research, and ongoing dialogue within the occupational therapy community are necessary to drive meaningful change within professional practice.
In the therapists’ eyes, occupational therapy's future offers growth, innovation, and collaboration through technology(telehealth), person-centered care, community health initiatives, interprofessional collaboration, research, and cultural competence, enhancing lives and facilitating meaningful occupations.
With that being said the community of Cato manor faces a lot of injustices one of them being environmental Injustice. Presence of environmental hazards and inadequate access to green spaces. Every little patch of land is populated in this community by shacks and all open space is filled with dirt. It hasn’t been proven if the municipality is efficiently servicing this community, however the community members also do not seem to take responsibility of their waste which posses a threat to their own health. Solutions that can be put in place are: Increase environmental awareness through community education, promoting responsibility towards natural resources. Integrate nature-based interventions in occupational therapy to improve well-being, environmental stewardship, and therapeutic opportunities. However according to Arde and Enoch (2022) Cato Manor has made headlines for all the wrong reasons, including the murders of housing activists and a council candidate.it might be difficult to start up and maintain such programs in this community.
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Waste in the streets of Cato manor (Ward,2022).
Like any other community Cato Manor is facing the harsh effects of gender inequality. According to Gray and Maharaj (2015) Poverty and inequality in Cato Manor are a result of apartheid policy and history. There is a lot of discrimination and gender-based violence that hinders the progress and well being of women within the community. One of the community members mentioned that she knows of a woman who is beaten by her boyfriend but because she has nowhere to go, she chooses to stay with him so that she gets a roof over her head and a meal. This shows how our government is failing people there are no jobs out there and people are failing to support themselves and end up being victims of GBV.We constantly campaign for justice for all, GBV must fall but we have been failed by government. We can Offer trauma-informed care and rehabilitation services for survivors of gender-based violence, promoting independence. Improvement of safety measures, reporting processes, and safe spaces for women and girls through working with local authorities is vital as some of GBV cases go unreported because of fear. Empowerment workshops: Develop self-esteem, assertiveness, and professional skills for women and girls can assist with independence in our women and eliminate depending on a man to live which is a construct of the society we come from.
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Image showing current statistics of GBV (https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fmg.co.za%2Fnews%2F2020-08-27-real-action-on-gender-based-violence-a-pipe-dream-as-women-die-every-day%2F&psig=AOvVaw30bigXVeOagrCnOxD-Gm8i&ust=1691261165091000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBAQjhxqFwoTCNCZj4TVw4ADFQAAAAAdAAAAABAD, n.d.)
Lastly, inadequate healthcare services are prevalent in the Cato Manor community. In the 6 block of community practice, we are currently in certain issues have stroked my heart and left it in pieces. In this clinic it is policy that a patient cannot be seen without a diagnosis. Today a middle-aged women came to the rehab team after hearing a mental health talk that was done by all professionals of the clinic the previous week. The student therapist’s supervisor advised for the clinic to be taken to mental health nurses which specialise in counselling. The lady has suicidal ideation, has history of attempted rape and carries a lot of trauma but it was very easy for this nurse to dismiss this patient and tell her she cannot see her she must get a diagnosis. What if this woman is never seen coming through the doors of the clinic to reach out for help and ends up taking her life? We as health professionals are slowly but surely contributing to these injustices. Surely she could have sent her to the DR so that she is assessed properly for her to receive the counselling and support she needs. We are failing to advocate for the patients that we see. In these meetings that are held we should be trying to challenge the system, but we have become passive and let the broken system rule us all! Moving forward we could advocate for mobile healthcare units providing primary care, screenings, and preventative services in remote areas as some people do not afford to come to the clinic regularly. We can conduct community-based health education programs promote preventive care, health promotion, and disease management.
In conclusion, the future of occupational therapy lies in having a balance between limitations and policies with radical potential to address and dismantle systemic injustices within the Cato Manor community. By actively working towards eliminating environmental injustice, gender inequality, and inadequate healthcare services, occupational therapists can empower individuals to lead fulfilling lives and create a more equitable and just society. Let us seize this opportunity to redefine occupational therapy and shape a brighter future for all in the Cato Manor community.
For additional information:
Sonke a South African based non-profit organisation.
tel: +27 (0) 21 423 7088
National GBV Helpline for reporting incidents of domestic violence :0800 150 150
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sahoorinky · 1 year
Odia Book Adhyatma Ramayan By Kabi Suryamani Chyau Pattnaik
These sacred verses are extract from the latter portion of the Brahmand Puran composed by the great Ved Vyas. These verses are a dialogue between Lord Shankar and goddess and universal mother Parvati. This pious story was recited to the universal mother Parvati by the Lord Shankar. This religious book contains the ideal characteristics of Lord Ram, the precept related to devotion, knowledge, dispassion, adoration and good conduct. The main context of the book is based on spiritual and metaphysical knowledge. The book is available in Hindi commentary. It is hard bound, with illustration.
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ol-burger-beats · 2 years
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Looking back at another good year of music, travels and record digging! Thanks to everyone who bought one of my albums in 2022. The streaming numbers were good this year as well, but seeing a large increase in vinyl sales means so much more. This year I released the Loft LP with @hhvrecords in January, and also got to re-release the Dialogue LP with @olevuyo and @jakartarecords 🙏 I’m putting out a new album featuring tons of my favorite rappers next year, can’t wait to share it with you. And stay tuned for the release of @hpnee ‘s album in early 2023! 📷: @_lisana #35mm (ved Oslo, Norway) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmMO_H4Kz5o/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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spade-riddles · 3 years
More Tea 🍵 Time Responses
This is a follow up to this post from yesterday. I think a very compelling case is made about the Paris location. Be sure to check the links near the bottom of this post.
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Anonymous said:
re: the tea time Coney ISLAnd clue. check out the William Barthman Clock, in manhattan. directly on the green (🌲???) subway line. short walk from both 23 cornelia street & 211 elizabeth street. nothing says "our old spot" quite like "WILLIAM B." in lower manhattan 😉 --- anon (i'm shy, but you can call me 🏜️🍑)
Anonymous said:
RE: Coney ISLAnd — Someone on a Reddit thread mentioned how “rogue who coaxed you” is a play on “roller coaster”. Now @theprologues pointed out the gold clock in “The Way I Loved You” lyric video. “It's a ROLLER COASTER kind of rush” 🧐 Was Tea Time Anon just trying to say “The Way ISLA-ved You?”
Anonymous said:
i'm not sure about the ISLA= is LA. if someone wanted to signal us about LA they would probably just capitalize LA, wouldn't they?
taynbowswift said:
Gold clock = sunshine 🤔 aka kk 🤔
@swift-79 said:
Isla in Spanish= Island
@chosetherose said:
Thinking this over, I don’t take the lyrics of the bridge literally. I think Taylor is the narrator here and is saying something along the lines of...
“We’re you waiting for me in the tree line where a clock was counting down to when we could step out of the woods into the golden daylight? I left you hanging. You showed up to celebrate me but I put distance between us and changed your sad but clear skies into a storm. When it came down to it, you were the most important thing. But I neglected you publicly.”
What this has to do with the tea time anon, and ISLA capitalization, I have no idea. It still feels to me like Isla could be the baby’s name. But I don’t understand what we’re all missing in the bridge? 🧐
@inkandtype said:
Well one important thing to remember is that Taylor has often used masculine pronouns for herself. Much like Emily Dickinson.
Grand Central Terminal. Main concourse. There’s a chandelier called the Sirshasana that looks like a tree. Grand Central clock is there also.
Anonymous said:
I think there might be some merit in what the anon said about which capitalized letters we should focus. Assuming there's a clue in the title too, coney island should be written in lowercase as is in the album. But aside from ISLA there's also a capital C. So we either have to pay attention to all capital letters, meaning CISLA, or as the anon said only to SLA.
Anonymous said:
The Coney ISLAnd tea most definitely relates to the île de la cité in Paris. In English it's the "ISle de LA cité" hence the capitalized ISLA. The gold clock, the tree line... it all fits. And then she called the song Coney Island to divert attention from the Paris theme. There are benches in the tree line close to the clock. I've been to Paris many times and that's not a super busy spot, this could have been Karlie and Taylor's meeting point/hang out spot in Paris.
Anonymous said:
And I think the whole song reflects on how Karlie wasn't feeling appreciated because Taylor didn't acknowledge her in public after Kissgate and after 2016 in general. And as a direct result, Karlie's sun went down :( Taylor did leave her hanging every single day and she forgot to say her name numerous times...
See this detailed post with pics from @cyberpunk89. It expands on the Île de la Cité in Paris.
See also this detailed post with pics from chickawah23. It expands even further on Île de la Cité in Paris.
lov4-kaylor said:
I'm really proud of this group and the dialogue. I think it's safe to say the Paris Clock is what the song is referring to. I also think the mention of all the kids names in the Grammy speach is symbol of the new baby. And there is a good possibility that the babies name is Isla.
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mazarin01 · 3 years
Writing Tag Game!
I was tagged by @lokkanel <3 Thank you so much! 
Tagging: @hakkepippern @anaisanais-stuff @alwaysandeverfics (no pressure at all to join)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
49 fics and a few drabbles. 
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Kanskje du behøver noen (det gjør i hvert fall jeg) (Rated T, 200K)
Summary:Isak (29) eier en liten nærbutikk (arvet av sin morfar), lokalisert i et lite tettsted 20 minutter sør for Kristiansand.
Even (31) har nettopp forlatt et turbulent liv i Oslo og flyttet inn et lite hus i nærheten av der Isak jobber og bor. Et hus han har arvet etter en ukjent grandtante.
En sommerkveld møtes de....
En sang fra den andre siden (Rated M, 222K)
Isak (16) har erkjent for seg selv at han liker gutter, men det er ingen som vet om akkurat det. Even (18), ny på Nissen, er åpent panseksuell og bipolar. Isak oppdager Even og forelsker seg umiddelbart. En brutal situasjon fører til deres første møte. På fest like etterpå kysser de for første gang og reisen ut av skapet har startet for Isak - heldigvis med Even ved sin side.
The Way You Look At Me (Rated E, 12,2K)
“I wouldn’t fuck with you,” Isak replies in all earnesty. “I’d fuck you though.” The words unintentionally leaves his mouth and the world's fastest blush emerge, covering his entire face.
“What?” Even sounds seriously surprised. His hand is still on Isak’s knee and his hand feels just as heavy.
“Eh- did I say that out loud?” Isak says with a voice barely audible.
“You did,” Even replies, voice equally low.
Isak (23) hooks up with Even (25) at a party where they both are forced to be at.
A hook up with a twist ;-)
Blond Elvis (Rated M, 71,2K)
“I need him in my life,” Isak stated.
“Who? That guy?” Jonas asked.
“Yes! Did you see his eyes?” A sigh escaped Isak’s mouth as he stared in the direction of Even, who now had walked over to some guy smoking. “And those cheekbones. And the hair.”
“We’ve already commented on the fluffy hair.” Jonas chuckled.
“He’s like a blond Elvis.”
A story about Isak and Even, set in Oslo / Hartvig Nissen, where they find each other and rescue each other.
Bak hver gråtende sky skinner sola (Rated M, 29,6K)
Møt Isak 19 år. En angstfylt gutt (sliter med small-talk, stamming, angstanfall og ofte føler seg sosialt utilpass blant folk han ikke kjenner så godt) som kom ut som homofil for et halvt år siden.
Isak har nettopp flyttet til Bergen for å studere biologi, skal bo på hybelhus med tre andre og dele bad med en gutt...
Følg Isaks første uke (ish) i Bergen.
4. Do you respond to comments?
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I don’t write angsty endings. 
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
All my fics have a happy ending. EVAK is always endgame in my fics. 
7. Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you’ve written?
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do, but not that often. I have a hard time writing it. It’s like one sentence per 15 minutes or so. Haha. But there is a few E rated smut fics and some fics with a little smut inside. 
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of. 
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
13. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
My only WIP on AO3: Boys of Summer would be nice to finish. 
15. What are your writing weaknesses?
I have no skill in limiting myself wordwise. I use too many words to say something that surely can be said with a lot fewer words. 
16. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I prefer the dialogue to be in the same language as the rest of the fic. 
17. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
SKAM (first and only)
18. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
Året er 1989 og det er fredag kveld. Even (17 år) skal ringe Isak (15 år) og spørre om han vil se på film med han. Det er bare et problem, fasttelefonen har plutselig ingen summetone…
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the-vanillaa-bean · 4 years
The Aftermath | Miracles Happen (Legolas x Reader)
*wink wonk* — Imagine Legolas lusting after you. PART 2
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Acuore — Bath Time
Multi-fandom — Love After Battle
Legolas x OC || Melamin | Serenity & Hysteria | A Series of Oneshots
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Thranduil x Reader + Legolas || More than Life | Serenity & Hysteria | A Series of Oneshots
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Lord Of The Rings Imagines — Family - Aragorn Imagine
Happy Mother's Day (Legolas X Reader) by Eternal-Violet-Void on DeviantArt
Remember King Thranduil. — Imagine; Thranduil x Legolas x Reader
You + Them — A Queen for a King (Viserys x Reader) (Request)
What Goes On In My Mind — My Dragon
Dragon's Blood / Viserys Targaryen x Reader
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Edge of the Obsession — Til’ the end
Write from the heart — Oneshot(Request)Legolas x reader, where the reader...
UNCPanda — Reconciliation
The Drinking Game. | Legolas X Reader
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Multi-Fandom Imagines — Forbidden
The Memory {Legolas X Reader} by cchope-love on DeviantArt
In Black and White || Thranduil || AU by Lilysm on DeviantArt
Rebellions are built on hope — To Know One’s Heart- Legolas Greenleaf
Welcome to Wonderland — Legolas x Reader
Stories of Middle Earth — Imagine being Legolas' pregnant wife and having...
Let's write stuff! — Serendipity
Fool of a Took! — Imagine falling for Legolas, but shutting yourself...
Tolkien One-Shots — Legolas x Reader One-Shot: Don't Run Away
Legolas x Reader- 1 by WarriorNerdz66 on DeviantArt
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The Cabin That Reunites | Under a Full Moon ( Jacob & Reader )
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ccrriissuuus writings — Imagine being married to Legolas while having an...
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Quileute Imagines — Jacob x reader Warnings: Swearing, kind of smut?...
The Worry In His Eyes- Jacob x Pregnant! Reader by SonPanssj4 on DeviantArt
I write stuff. — Be Careful
Unspoken [Damon Salvatore x reader] by JulietWayne on DeviantArt
Feel the need — What I Want - Damon Salvatore [Smut]
•All Fandom Oneshots• — Damon Salvatore X Reader: Who Owns the Bed
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Imaginary Shots Hiatus — Damon Salvatore – He Flipped The Switch
Forbidden Love: Jacob Black x Reader by AbbieDK on DeviantArt
Tempest{Caspian X/Reader} by lioness94 on DeviantArt
Reader Stories — Can I request Legolas x reader forbidden...
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Legolas x Human!Reader by Emitheduck on DeviantArt
Kitchenator's Writers Blog — Legolas ~ Period
Stories of Middle Earth — Imagine giving your hoodie to Legolas but he...
Meg's Fandom Harem(thanks anon!) — Centuries Passed
Trick to Love - Jealousy and Matchmakers, Fan Fiction | MediaMiner
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eikleknesundelnes · 4 years
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“Disrupted Urgency: a spring spent” - var en akkumulasjon av en lengre kreativ prosess utført i samarbeid med Lucas Farias Gusmao, gitt form og uttrykk på Teaterhøgskolen i Malmø d. 29 September gjennom sommerkurset “konceptuelt scenkonstarbete”. Siden Januar 2020 inngikk Lucas og jeg i en kreativ prosess hvor vi brukte somatiske innganger, fysiske improvisasjoner og noteskrivning til å starte dialoger om kropp, makt, blikk og systemisk undertrykkelse. Ved sommerkurset åpnet vi praksisen opp igjen og kastet oss inn i et dyptgående og spennende arbeide - med de nye impulser og perspektiver som kurset ga. Verket hadde flere tematiske fundament, vi snakket sammen om maktstrukturer i samfunnet, klima kollaps, queer traume og hvordan språk, blikk og kropp former rom og hvordan vi beveger oss rundt hverandre. Verket gikk igjennom flere skissestadier hvor den gikk fra et kollektivt rituale, til en durational performance og til sist formet som en 10 minutter lang danseforestilling. Ideen var å utforme et metodisk formspråk og performance-modell som kunne anvendes i Queer-spaces til å fasilitere samtaler om kropp, legning, undertrykkelse og traume. Nøkkelord som gikk igjen var: connection/disconnection, the gaze, freedom, identity, costume, gatekeeping, language as a tool of power, disruption, empowerment, a queer movement language, dialogue, ritual, organic/inorganic, trauma, structure, shamanism, heteronormativity, racism, normcritical movement practices.
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