#veeery late lmao
late-draft · 3 months
Hello, Dema here!
First off—I have fallen desperately in love with your artworks. You have a very particular style, strong and fluid all the same, and I can't help but admire the way you draw and how you approach character design.
And talking about character design...
I saw your post about Zuko's bold design in S1 when compared to what we got in S3 and—as much as I love S3-Zuko—I completely agree with you. Something I've always loved about Zuko in S1 is just how striking he was, how much of a presence he had, even when he was being tossed around by a twelve-year-old. That being said, I love Zuko, I love him in armor and pointy shoes and with a ponytail, and I loved your alternative design for him.
What do you think about his S2 character design? How does it flow with the story beats and his overall character arc? Much has been said about the Hair-Growth-Means-Character-Growth (and I find it interesting, also, that he cut his hair again before joining the Gaang), but I'd like to know your opinion on how that translates to character design and how the decisions made in the show could be either good or bad in that regard.
Sorry about the long ask! I've just been thinking about this a lot, lately, and would like to know what you think. Hope you have a good day ❤️
AAAA Dema hii!!! I'm so happy I got a message from you, I didn't expect it!!
I'm super glad to hear, I'll wear it as a badge of honour and I must tell you that I also love your art, you wonderfully do volume and the shading done through a contrast of sharp and soft areas! Super solid anatomy too and I'd be lying if I said I didn't look up to your art!
Yess the character designs in the show actually are rather strong, I like a good balance between memorable and functional. Zuko is just *chef kiss* but, considering just how many appearance changes he goes through, some are bound to be weaker than the starting one. That said, I'm gonna go through a few of his S2 looks and make this reply long, ha!
The starting one when he ends up huddling with uncle Iroh with other poor refugees, fits extremely well for the narrative at the moment. It's actually one of my least liked looks for him, and that's great!! It's precisely how it should be, because he's also arguably at one of his two lowest moral points in the story - he basically lost almost all hope, no clear goal, nothing to fight for, he's desperate precisely because of the lack of orientation and thus his morals degrade and sink veeery low. He gets on my nerves so goddamn much in this period LMAO I want to beat him up, he looks like a recovering drug addict... annoying, entitled whiny jerk stealing food and anything shiny for his uncle, but even then he just does not cross the moral event horizon. Excellent characterization. He just looks atrocious and it's great because it fits this low point.
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Next he gets the standard boyish square of a hair, no notes here...
But theeeen, he arrives at one of my favourite looks of his, and it's not just because the clothes fit him very nicely (I've seen fandom say they look too big for him which, maybe?? But it doesn't look like he's swimming in them to me) And a thing I've noticed which, maybe it was just an accident on design part but I'm not sure considering they colour coded the entire cave scene; in this part his clothes match the shape of Katara's, first one in bottom then the one in top. The collar is the same haf-circle design but I don't know, maybe there was a limited pool of clothes designs guide which they cycled through. Or, he really is meant to come close but miss Katara by a beat, like sine and cosine chasing each other.
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But besides this outfit fitting the inconspicuous Earth Kingdom customer service persona, it also (perhaps inadvertently) does this VERY cool thing:
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It makes his shape look closed off and guarded, supposedly non-threatening. It's most visible in his fight against Jet, whose shape is open and goes in many directions like an aggressive star. But then look at what Zuko's shape does:
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When he attacks, it opens up to reveal the hidden aspect, again the aggressive star shape shows up! The same thing happens in "Zuko alone" episode but I think it's most clearly visible in this fight against Jet because here he has a direct contrast and comparing with Jet. I think this is an example where the outfit, whose similar design exists irl, overlaps with a great visual metaphor and enhances the narrative at that moment in story. He's still that combative firebender but he has to keep that aspect concealed most of the time. Plus it just looks badass as hell!!
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Animators really knocked it out of the park with many frames. I think Jun was too early and missed his better hairstyle, but Katara was just in time.
I agree it's super funny how his hair in the Beach is awfully long, covers his face to an uncomfortable degree and then he apparently shortens it before joining the Gaang, insane behaviour Truly an "I'm so angry and depressed I won't show my face nor be capable of seeing anything because there's nothing nice to see in my life" look...
I guess all his appearances in S2 cover his mental states, but only one of them is extremely Extra (the tea server, doesn't even take the apron off and goes to fight) and I don't see any spot where a similar tier design could be shoved in, narratively speaking. So all in all, S2 did as much as S2 could have. More tea server arc please though, the Guru episode really feels like it skipped 800 km of plot and everything that happened in it is so crammed and pretty sus in terms of character behaviour.
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toorurii · 2 months
aha! tis' i, i reappear again! my hyperfixation on your ocs is back as you can see.
two questions:
- in agape's toyhou.se page it says that miah "is crazy in love with him". how reliable is the statement? as in, is he ACTUALLY in love or is there a misinterpretation on everyone's favorite cupid on his part?
- i remember from VEEERY old relationship charts that javier was originally the fourth member of the rock band instead of nio. was it straight-up changed or is there... Lore... behind it now (i.e. javier did an oopsie and got kicked out, or he left due to creative differences, or something of the sort)?
tysm for answering if u do!! much love from the pizza-pasta land to u <3
Hiiii ik I’m SO late but once again welcome to my abode I am always happy to see you here 🥹
Q.1. It’s sort of both!!! Since Agape is a high-ranking Cupid, pretty much the highest ranking one underneath Venus herself, just being near him can charm someone instantly! Funnily enough Miah’s actually immune to Agape’s Cupid charm, however Miah’s also weak to a cute face and (I have no other way to put this) booty/thighs so Miah still has a thing for him… Miahs weird though in the sense that he’s never ‘in love’ and is super shallow/falls for people pretty easily… boy is never thinking w/ his brain ill just leave it at that 😶 Agape’s dramatic and conceited though so he won’t pass up the chance to say someone’s head over heels for him LMAO
Q.2. You deserve like. A veterans discount for remembering this. THE REAL TRUTH is that I wasn’t rly rocking w/ Javi being in there and just replaced him but to be honest putting lore behind it would be gas. He’s such an old OC that I have yet to revamp for my current ocverse but he is in my mind constantly I love that guy🥹 He has an ‘evil dark overlord’ complex but he’s actually a softie that likes baking and he’s lactose intolerant. He also rly likes bunnies… I once ran a one-off horror campaign where he chased the players around like a slasher in a bunny mascot suit w/ a butcher knife… I miss him
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evercelle · 4 months
hello!! ive been following from here and on twitter, but mostly twitter, since u veeery first started posting xiaoven (venxiao?) art
i wanted to let you know that your art has irreversibly changed my life for the better. ive been drawing since i was very very tiny but by the time i got to junior year of high school i had no muse and no inspiration and no direction and your posts got to me at just the right time. your use of composition and colors are gorgeous and i dont even usually enjoy this type of art style but yours really just spoke to me
working tirelessly to get “to your level” (as silly as it sounds) completely reignited a spark in me — receiving your xiaoven christmas card and being able to examine all the details in physical form inspired me to work on a huge, detailed illustration of my own! (or at least i thought it was huge and detailed at the time lmao, looking back it’s not all that great). and even outside of that, every illustration was a push for me to learn more about backgrounds, lighting, the placement of detail, expression, character design — it was a lot and im eternally grateful for it.
sorry for rambling at you !! but thank you so much for the work you do. im now broke in my early years of college so i havent been able to afford your shop wares, but i wouldve loved to help monetarily for all the good youve done for me just by existing. im not nearly as active of a follower as before (and even then ‘active’ was a stretch, ive kind of just lurked) but one of my mutuals reposted a work of yours and i felt like just kinda putting this here iunno
and im so so sorry if this is super parasocial or weird LOL :”))) i promise this is probably the only time ill have the courage to interact directly
thank you, ever :)
heyo anon!! i was pretty floored reading this... thank you for taking the time to send such a kind message. i don't think it's ever too late to come back to drawing, so i'm glad you found your drive. hope you've been having fun with every single illustration since, no matter how they turned out!
developing skills is hard and sometimes discouraging work... but i think getting to the point where you're able to express yourself the way you want must be one of the happiest feelings in the world.
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mihai-florescu · 10 months
AITA: It's a thought that's been plaguing me for a long time now. As long I it could, really. But I can't help it...every time I look at Madara Mikejima I have to conciously remind myself of the fact that he is not actually a guy in his late 20s or early 30s, but actually barely older than me. It's not even that he looks that old... it's just his vibes....this man is not supposed to perform those energetic songs on a strange. He's supposed to pick up his junior from his lessons and then they do a grilling...and then they can go kill a giyt. And he has a lame apron. For the bit of it, you know how I mean? He has the vibes of the one neighbor who's always up to some kind of grilling.
Ive seen this sentiment from other people too, i can see what you mean. For me one of my favorite things IS that hes so young and hes been through So Much, hes trying to pretend he can handle it when hes still a teen himself. And then they gave him a kid, with THAT card, im sure that didnt help lessen the perception of dad madara on the grill at All (well, then the story ended with the sentiment that madara IS so young actually, dont fall for his grown up parental persona, it's more damaging to him than helpful. So im veeery curious what direction theyre taking his character in next year...) He was an orphanage aid, he was a hitman, he was a dad, what will he do next... maybe he should join ra*bits. Im sure maguro would actually kill him if he did tho. Lmao
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lesboylycan · 2 months
Asks are turned off on your nonhuman focused account so I'm sending the ask game numbers here, hope thats ok! Feel free to answer them on the other account tho!
2, 3, 4, and 29!
- from @autisticcoyote
2. What's your favorite animal?
If we're going species only, leopard seals and grey wolves are tied for first with red wolves coming in at a veeery close second. If we're allowing for subspecies, then Vancouver island sea/coastal wolves (subspecies of grey wolf) take the cake. We're also a big fan of ross seals, crabeater sseals, weddel seals, baikal seals, eastern hognose snakes, and Mexican black king snakes collectively. (Twitch being tigerkin is partial to tigers, and Snail being... A Snail. likes snails (and various bugs) a lot lmao)
3. Favorite biome/habitat?
Ouhhh... favorite biome that I could survive in for longer than 5 minutes? Forested coasts and temperate rainforests. Allowing for all biomes/habitats? Antarctic sea ice 100%, and also the Antarctic sea.
4. Favorite time of day
That time of day during late spring/throughout summer that happens some mornings and most nights where everything is covered in a golden light. Our house is oriented in just the right way that all of the windows on the front of the house will catch it at an angle, so occasionally in the mornings we get to wake up to a completely golden room, and we've taken a couple photos of what it looks like in the evening.
29. [Is your] Gender influenced by your [...] 'type[?]
Heavily, yes. Even if some of our genders are human-adjacent, it's always influenced by our wolfishness and our beastliness. And then there's a whole sector of our gender sphere that's basically just "the genders a wolf might experience [based around mostly things commonly in wolves' lives, eg forests and weather phenomena and time of day]". There's also a gender in the mix off to the leftmost backmost "corner" of our gender sphere that's all icy and cold and wet and fishy from our leopard seal theriotype. (How does a sphere have a corner? No clue)
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stellacadente · 3 months
notes on my life/recovery lately bc this is kinda my diary whatever:
shit is hard and i'm very tired but it's like... half the time the same tired as the last.......months year whatever, the kind that's like i don't wanna live with all this weight on me tired, i don't wanna do anything, i don't have energy tired. but the other half of the time (okay, idk if it's half but you know, some of the time) it's the 'i'm doing something' kind of tired. so there's that, it's gone from doing nothing beside the bare minimum of the usual and feeling suffocated and squashed to starting to do things to get better. slowly it will indeed get better.. i think and hope
my psychologist seems nice, we've only done 3 sessions so far but he's gentle and listens and has already made me realize something that made me go oh? bc it made sense and put things into perspective. it's more about getting to know me and my Issues now bc it's the start and it IS veeery hard to express myself and be fully open but yeah baby steps therapy is a lot i need to give myself time
sometimes i still feel like maybe it'd have been better if i'd just died. sometimes i think of the hospital and get overwhelmed and feel so.. heavy and sad and alone. sometimes, actually a lot of the time, i feel so much shame. at times i think i can't do this. i can't get better and be happy. .... but i think all this is normal. sadly but like i can't just stop feeling all the negative emotions and thinking all the negative thoughts that have overwhelmed me for a long time all of a sudden?
started seeing my new psychiatric rehabilitation technician (if that's even how you say it in english ?) too and like. it's a nice contrast with my psychologist and psychiatrist lmao he's very chill (and this rehabilitation is generally more chill like it's not as taxing as therapy) and funny and he calls me out in ways that make me laugh at myself which. is actually nice. like imagine someone going "you think that judgemental thought you have about yourself is objective and real????" in both a dude be so for real way and a professional, useful way. simultaneously. obviously that doesn't mean the obsessive negative self loathing thoughts are gone, it takes time, but that approach does work with me. i'm a very ironic and self-ironic(?) person and this rehabilitation technician is around my age so like it's a dynanic and method that works, he makes me think over my thoughts, we discuss relationships and emotions blabla and it's very useful without being completely serious and somber..? i guess
also he knows stuff about trans things which. man it's a breath of fresh air in that place bc almost everyone has always been so bad at treating trans ppl lmao
and i told him stella cadente by mahmood is one of the songs that made me feel at first(ish) listen "Oh. it's talking about me" (i was telling him that kind of feeling makes me feel happy and is cathartic) and he put it in his spotify faves and said he'd listen to it later which. man honestly that might be more personal than anything i've told him so far (joking but also likeeeee that song is me.) (also he asked me what the song's about and i was like "uh. first of all it's not a happy song." and he replied "yeah i figured. i mean there was maybe a 1% chance that it was" 😭😭😭😭 called out.)
i've been doing word puzzles, crosswords, sudoku etc more again lately, especially when i start feeling very bad bc it keeps my mind occupied. i told the rehabilitation guy and he said that's good, better than movies and music (which i told him are my other ways to pass the time, things i like) bc those don't really require i do anything. and yeah agree and in fact i haven't been that good at watching movies lately bc my mind wonders towards the bad thoughts too easily and i can't get into the film
i'm gonna get a physical jigsaw puzzle when i go to my parents', or maybe actually buy a new one now i think about it, one that has an image i really like so it's even more fun and motivating
i got this. i got this. i need to keep repeating this to myself and when it's bad it turns into "i don't know how but i have to do this" and when it's Really bad it's "i don't think i can do this" but as long as i get through those moments i can keep doing these things that will help me get better
also i need to drag myself to the cinema soon. that makes me happy. this town just has no cinema and i'm so low on energy to take public transport and stuff. but cinema soon this is a promise to myself
that's it life is hard but i'll make veggies now
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septembersghost · 2 years
been thinking a lot about our occasional bcs exchanges and wanted to ask you: what do you personally think about "gene" in 611 and 612? because, at least to me, they really tried their best to make jimmy even worse than he was in brba – and saul was veeery bad already. it's probably just my pov, but it felt like they were trying to convince us that he deserved thoss 86 years in jail and i can't wrap my head around it, because this kind of "morality" was never the point of this narrative universe. it's totally a me thing, but i look at jimmy going crazy after the phonecall (and i am not talking about the anger outburst which is very jimmyTM, i am referring to everything he does after that) or thinking about killing marion, and it rubs me the wrong way, i can't help it. he was always flawed and became an asshole and did awful things, but like that? never. and i just... i don't get it. not saying i am right, because i am emotional and have a hard time being rational, so i am 99% wrong tbh, but is it really agency if everything a character does seems like a excuse for the plot to go in a certain predetermined direction?
i know we've talked/lamented about kim and the erasure of her agency and how crushing the treatment of her as a means to an end felt (and i could rant/cry about the mishandling of her and why it feels particularly terrible forever), and in a couple of replies you've mentioned jimmy too, and i'm sorry for being so awful at responding to things lately, because i swear i read everything you say like this:
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i don't think you're wrong, but if you are, we're wrong together, because i completely agree.
my problem with everything that happened after point and shoot was that, not only was it rushed, it suddenly *felt* like writing. what i mean by that is, so much of the strength of the show was in how organic each development felt for the characters, how real it was as part of their journey. even when something was devastating or violent (chuck's death, mike and werner, nacho's fate, etc), it felt utterly honest for the story. of course that had to happen. fun and games is where this breaks for me. kim fidgeting in court only to announce she's quit the law feels written. the breakup scene...i desperately tried to understand that at the time, but it feels this way too, manipulative towards us as the audience in a way the show simply wasn't at other times. and then we get plunged into the gene storyline and very little of it makes sense (the stealing from the mall mishegoss remains incomprehensible and inconsequential lmao), but perhaps the more grievous aspect is that it doesn't matter. you could skip from the saul jump at the end of fun and games to him being caught at the beginning of saul gone and very little fundamentally changes because none of the wheel spinning in those episodes served any purpose to me, *except* to vilify jimmy. this then becomes a failure of plot - why does he need to be taken to this extreme? we know saul did despicable things, but also that certain lines weren't crossed, why go so far here? and the only answer is: to try to justify sentencing him to 86 years in federal prison, with no hope of parole (sorry to peter, who somehow doesn't seem to get that this is the reality of such a sentence). it's maneuvering pieces for a determined outcome, rather than fulfilling characters' arcs more naturally. "gene" ends up feeling more like a split personality than another mask over jimmy (you could easily argue he has a complete psychotic break in waterworks). kim is silenced.
a further problem then becomes, okay, if they needed to prove to us that jimmy could sink that far, they needed to do that in abq, before the full saul descent, show some worse nadir in jimmy himself, but they didn't because we, and they, loved him too much to go there. jimmy does many bad things, but keeps coming back from the brink. then we have an episode where he does the most unselfish thing he could do in being willing to die if it means kim escapes safely, and no time to process or recover from that, or see the two of them attempt to do so, before breaking them up. i know they described this as continually breaking him and stripping things away from him and kim leaving being the final catalyst, but it doesn't sit well with me because there's no room for it to develop, it's just a swerve. he goes from the most empathetic moment to utterly devoid? and then unfortunately they're boxed in by breaking bad and they couldn't concoct a more unexpected way to approach those parameters.
"is it really agency if everything a character does seems like a excuse for the plot to go in a certain predetermined direction?" exactly. and, sure, everything is written to take the plot to a certain place in a story, but we shouldn't be able to feel the seams of it and question its integrity.
what's unsettling to me is they spent six seasons humanizing jimmy and showing his vulnerability and exposing the heart underneath the colorful suits and the mask, only to then take us to a place where i have legitimately seen people interpreting him as worse than walt. which is insane and the wrong conclusion, but that shouldn't have been open for debate (much like i hate how certain audience members can now so easily blame kim for everything and claim she betrayed him - it's wrong, but can i see how they arrive there? yeah, and that's troubling). you can't undo character development like that in three episodes and have it feel right. those last few episodes undo them. we only have the shared smoke scene to reconcile it.
"this kind of "morality" was never the point of this narrative universe. it's totally a me thing, but i look at jimmy going crazy after the phonecall (and i am not talking about the anger outburst which is very jimmyTM, i am referring to everything he does after that) or thinking about killing marion, and it rubs me the wrong way, i can't help it. he was always flawed and became an asshole and did awful things, but like that? never. and i just... i don't get it." say that!!! one of my biggest problems with this is the moralizing aspect of it. brba never fell into that trap, and maybe you could argue it should've been ~morally~ harsher to walt and jesse (although, objectively, it's extremely dark, it's not necessarily about moral judgment so much as it is about consequence, fate, and transformation). walt dies, but he dies on his own terms in a blaze of glory. jesse's imprisoned and tortured, he'll carry those scars, both physical and soul deep, but he escapes. it doesn't hinge on moralizing at us in a literal sense, it's rather what you said before - this universe was never about balancing morality and choices with the justice system. it was about balancing those choices with yourself, those you love, and those you hurt.
the balance doesn't come, because jimmy and kim never even have a conversation. she is powerless and voiceless in the unfolding of these events. he only gets her to show up by making it seem like he might turn on her. and i know they talked about synthesis, i fully understand and appreciate the reclamation of his name, but (at the risk of belaboring this point, because I've mentioned it before), there's no reconciliation or middle ground here. saul lies through the truth by putting the weight of everything on his extreme trauma, jimmy then negates this altogether and give himself more credit than is even due for the heisenberg empire, and the depth of his trauma isn't acknowledged. it's unbalanced. it's seven cushy years at club fed or 86 in supermax, like...this show was so beautifully nuanced only for them to literally and figuratively end in strict black and white? there's a puritanism to it, and the ways in which jimmy and kim are "punished," that's unsettling. it's meant to be tragic irony - the lawyer who mocked the system is the one who will spend the rest of his life in jail - but feels clashing somehow to the more humanistic (and even mythic) elements inherent to both shows. it's not even that it's antithetical, i get what they were aiming for, but the purpose and heart of the story isn't ultimately served for me. and so much of that is due to the lack of space it had to breathe, and the rushed decline and whiplash manipulation of the characters, jimmy particularly.
this is long and i don't even know if i'm answering you properly or running in circles because this is what it's been like in my head for months. it's tormenting. i miss our show so much, it was my favorite and i still consider it a genius piece of television and an artistic triumph from the creative standpoint of the acting, the cinematography, the majority of the writing, but something fractured so badly for me by the end. i miss having more insightful/deeply felt thoughts about it, i miss its magic, and i miss the sense of comfort that it gave me, even in its tragedy. i know you understand that, and i wish i could help us reclaim it. when we'd say bcs is a ghost story...it haunts me, but not in the way they intended.
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aesrot · 2 years
ANYWAYS, i dont remember everything but here's some of my thoughts on ep 3 of bitb, if you even care lol:
-um yeah i thought i wouldn't get spooked but charlie is way too good at this, and it was late at night, my headphones has this flashing little light and every time it flashed i could swear i was seeing shit on my peripherals. shoutout to my cat who kept purring and asking for pets on top of me, you kept me grounded bb <3
-BRO bitb is a whole new level, the pacing, the soundtrack, the acting?? everything was so fucking intense, i am obsessed
-condi's acting bro condi is fucking amazing !!!!!! rolan my babygirl my beloved my everything !!
-bizly making fun of grizz choices but my guy you did some dumb choices as well lmfao i would never go near the swamp ever again
-i said this already but i'll repeat it bc it was fucking hilarious: i kept dozing off bc i was big tired, and i kinda fell asleep when kian and rand were at that bunker and woke up to kian singing "OOOO RUN AWAYYYY" and i cannot tell you how confused i was asghagdhgd (i did rewind it so i didnt miss anything)
-kian </3 so fucking dumb and impulsive, get bugged lol L cant relate (ok but the song was pretty sweet wont lie)
-bizly screaming while shit went down w becky was the best thing lmfao yeah same dude
i think thats it, i did get veeery spoiled for the next ep, but its not that bad bc its getting me hyped to continue, i need to get the context of certain... clips i saw lmao
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fluffomatic · 1 year
DAMN i knew your birthday was in june but didn't think so early (one day i'll finally get in time...) >~<; we don't interact often and i hardly know the fandoms you draw for, but i want to say that your arts are immaculate in their ability to boost ler (and for someone lee) mood. it's visible how much soul you put into your drawings. thank you for existing and providing the community with your cute works, hope the whole month will be blessed for you and there's a lot of fun ahead waiting for you. HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY 🎉🎉🎉🎉 you can ignore it since i'm veeery late lol👍 just wanted to say it. very much
Ahh oh my GOSH!!! 🥺💚💚 Bestie you and I are in the same boat lmao, I barely know the fandoms you draw for but I fall in love with EVERY SINGLE PIECE YOU MAKE AHHHHH!!! You are so incredibly talented and amazing! So getting this from you is just incredible thank you so much 😭 Fuck it, let's pretend it's still my birthday 🤣 Hell yea thank you so much!!!
I'll continue to admire everything you make now
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bunnyb34r · 10 months
both excited for the last craft show and kinda dreading it
I really wanted to do three this year but I apparently applied too late (September 1st... the FIRST day "newcomers" (which would be me again bc I didnt join the year prior) could apply)
And the first one we did was HIGHLY PRASIED since we got into shows as "the BIG MONEY show" but like we all got screwed from what the other vendors around me were saying :/
Some blamed the weather being warmer and thus no one wanted to go out but do yard clean up. But if it rains or is windy on a show day turnout is notoriously bad (ask me how I know)
Some blamed inflation/that people just didnt have the money or didnt want to pay for homemade goods (everyone was priced to sell not priced by value... saw a baby blanket for fucking $30. My man that's at minimum 2 skeins lightweight baby yarn, so $16 min. Not to mention time spent)
Either way it just sucked. :/
(Dog cousin didnt help any lmao. I'm still annoyed heavily.)
Anyway this one is one we always do and the profits are always meager (not even profit really once you take in cost of materials, but we gauge on show booth cost and if we break even)
If it's raining people don't show up (even the fucking mall Santa they hired didn't fucking show up last year) and if it's a state college football game or a state football game people dont show up.
But I think a BIG factor is how they advertise. They shove all their text on a small side of the road yard sign and put them up within half a mile radius. They do have a digital sign now but like put that shit up a week+ ahead of time not just thanksgiving day...
Anyway I'm excited bc this is our first show with two tables (which we need especially with moms huge ass wreaths) and we do most if not all of our craft show shopping there bc a lot of the vendors return annually (crocheted gnome lady my beloved)
And the host is very nice (even if the event is veeery pro life. I look the other way bc they are actually focused on helping the birthgivers have a support network instead of being like HAVE THE BABY ANYWAY! but regardless)
Anyway anyway I gotta crank out these cat toys and I'm stalling sgsgsgsg
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mosviqu · 1 year
ur impact on me is showing very much🥳/pos
NOT U SAYING U WILL BE NERVOUS BECAUSE OF ME LIKE I AM MEETING YOU!!!!! not only are u pretty but also talented and amazing like i'm meeting my fav writer i am already nervous to just not embarrass myself lmao but not u saying fuck pixel calum😭😭 u are so much better off with him💔
yes u are definitely loyal‼️‼️never looking at them and jacob and MY bf🤨🤨it's not like u said after todays teasers u want to kiss my bf that definitely didn't happen🥸
if u order it i'm manifesting a red jihoon pc for u🙏 but i have yet to listen to the album even though it's been out for like a day lmao and i think he is silver for sure now
it's still crazy to me how that silly little ask about liebestraum led us hear i'm so happyaboutit ;-;;-;;-;;-;; i would love that feature so much oh my god pls tumblr get on that
i love how you added the /pos because i dont really think its that /pos if im being honest TT
STOP YOURE THE COOLEST ??? dont say that i hardly even write nowadays i dont deserve this kind of treatment i am a major loser. also stop calling me pretty bc i WILL ask you to make out with me /j. but i said what i said this is no longer me going to a 5sos concert this is me going to meet up w you LMAOOOO
VERY VEEERY LOYAL ‼‼ YOU ALREADY KNOW IT ‼‼ its not like you didnt ask me who i want updates on and me mentioning like 6 names nooOOO that did NOT happen.
me replying to asks late again LMAOO both of us heard the album by now 😭 i should really get a grip and reply more often to these bc the i forget and reply in like 2 weeks its embarrassing. but he IS silver rn 😭😭
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preraphaeliteknight · 2 years
Did you get up very early, or are you staying up very late?
I got up veeery early. It's 3:25am here. I slept like two hours lmao
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ghosty-schnibibit · 5 years
very late (both in terms of date and time) ttazz liveblog before graduation comes out later today! 
the main reasons i put off listening to the ttazz for as long as i did:
was in the middle of a balance relisten, specifically in the middle of eleventh hour, and didn't want to break my flow there (iirc i was right before That Episode and i didn’t want the mood whiplash of going from ttazz to the emotional gut punch of the chalice)
still getting over amnesty in general because d a m n, this was my first season with taz from beginning to end that hit me hard, i needed some decompression time
i'm always a little terrified to listen to ttazz eps because i've been here for a long ass time and have seen interactions between fans and creaters go bad fast and am always quietly worried for our good good brothers even though most of the fandom is relatively chill
but graduation begins today so! i felt like i needed to get it over and done with. going into this with my only spoiler being that sternclay is canon, let's do this!
OH SHIT! new ttazz music! :D
kill me with emotions more like
or clint could be pollution a la g’omens
... is there some reverb on justin's audio? he's echoing
i literally only saw ferris buller for the first time a year ago and i cannot remember wayne newton being in it
yes please i am so curious
aww, that's fun
... so the ending was likely originally going to be duck taking over as mothman??? i'm so mad
g i v e  m e  t h e  l o r e  g r i f f i n
oh my god that is so good, holy shit
oh right, the npc who was a ghost that i couldn't stop picturing as owl from winnie the pooh because of his voice lmao
oh dang griffin and trav's audios are echoing too, this is super distracting
i would agree with that honestly, i feel like it was more like a tv season-esque build than an epic
... mood, and also why i think it hit everyone so hard that ned died
same, i love bad liar duck so much
the audience struggled with it too for a bit there lol
it has been so fuckin long since i listened to the first few eps of amnesty, i legit do not remember what aubrey's original voice sounded like
"how did we come to ned chicane?" damn trav
i always made a connection between suffering game and the shifter arc in my head but i didn't want to compare the two seasons unjustly, i feel better now that griffin's made it more implicit
who is clinking a spoon against a porcelain cup
"i'm checking slack, fuck you guys" pfff
that is literally how you brought barry back griffin
i need someone to write an au where aubrey touched thacker and got quelled earlier in the timeline, holy shit
dang, i could have guessed it was planned... i guess a lot of this arc's foreshadowing came in the form of "the boys all picked red null suits" moments where random things all added up
... wait, didn't duck kill the tree abomination? i need to relisten to amnesty so bad, i honestly cannot remember, i think that arc’s finale came out while i was in the middle of finals
ilu griffin
we could have had a "you earned love, but you didn't earn LOVE" moment??? g r i f f i n
YES, give me those great parallels trav
i have literally never seen a national lampoon movie guys
i thought it was!!! dang :(
honestly i wish pigeon had gotten more screen time between the arcs, she was really a wasted character imho
i love danbry so much :')
i'm only familiar with brian blessed as hamlet sr.'s ghost lmao
i maintain that she fell off a pudding fruit tree lol
oh fuck i am somehow even more happy thacker did that knowing that now holy shit
nice, time for some graduation hype!
tiny heist? i don't remember hearing anything about this :0
i am so fucking excited to see these maps trav, holy shit
i! cannot! wait! for! travis! dming!
oh my god i do the same thing with all my ocs, i have an entire publisher doc with all their info written out too
i'm so damn exited! holy shit!!!
nice one griff lmao
alrighty, that's the end of amnesty! i can't wait to see what trav has in store for us, and i'll still be here livebloging along with it for the foreseeable future ^u^
p.s.: thank you guys so much for all the love on my recent post!!! i didn't expect so many people to enjoy me venting my emotionsTM over suffering game lol
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brienneofqarth · 4 years
so Zagreus just told Eurydice about his progress with the lyre and she recommended giving singing a shot, saying he could become “the next Orpheus”
interesting remark since Darren Korb aka this game’s composer plays both Zagreus and Oprheus’ singing voice
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aalbedo · 3 years
kaeya x reader drabble (please read the full request <3)
request: Reader (GN or whatever of your choice) is just a regular person, maybe kinda timid, works at a store or something, but they work really late hours. One night on their way home, some thug jumps out with a knife trying to mug them. Character(whoever you feel like writing this for) gets ready to swoop in and save them, when reader pulls out an even BIGGER knife and stabs the mofo. By the time Character gets there, Reader is applying pressure to the wound and lecturing them about the dangers of pointy objects.
Character(s) of your choice, and how they'd react to that (very specific lol) scenario?
format: veeery quick drabble
ship: kaeya x reader
tags: honestly just read the request and you'll figure it out
warnings: mentions of injury and knife? not sure
words: 415
note: hdkjshfjgd i'm so sorry that this is so short! i hope you still like it, i had some issues writing this but i hope it's okay lmao feel free to curse me in my inbox for making you wait so long anon
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“Hey, are you- uh… What’s-”
You heard a voice coming from above you, you kept your hands on the stranger’s leg, applying pressure to his wound, as you lifted your head up to look at the source of the voice. Kaeya was standing right in front of you, his eyebrows raised in worry.
“Hey Kaeya, what are you doing here?” you asked, moving your attention back on the injured figure under you. “You have to be more careful, you know, you never know who you could meet on the street at night,” you said sarcastically to the man.
“I saw you get attacked, are you okay?” He questioned you as he kneeled down, his smooth voice had taken a more worried tone.
You heard your attacker under you grunting, “I’m fine, I wasn’t harmed, don’t worry - this guy on the other hand.”
“Did you…” Kaeya paused, observing the wound, “...stab him or something?”
“Just a little bit.”
He burst out laughing, worry completely gone from his face.
“It’s not funny!” The man finally exclaimed, in an arrogant tone. You almost wanted to leave him there.
You turned your head to him, “you’re a treasure hoarder who just tried to rob me - shut up.”
“Oh, trust me, it’s hilarious,” Kaeya continued laughing, “I can’t believe that you actually did that.”
He observed the man’s cut - it wasn’t that deep, nothing that a couple of stitches couldn’t fix anyway. He shook his head slightly, still with a smile on his face.
“You’re really enjoying this, huh?” you commented.
“No, I just think you’re-” he cut himself off before he could finish the sentence and looked back up at you, “what are you going to do with him?”
“Well,” you started, with an amused tone, “did you want to arrest him or something?”
“No, of course not, I’m not an asshole. We should take him to the cathedral, so he can get himself patched up by one of the sisters.” He paused. “Then, when he’s not bleeding anymore, I’m going to arrest him.”
“What!?” The man exclaimed in fear, you choked a laugh as you looked up at Kaeya.
Kaeya chuckled as well, he stood back up and you did the same as you helped the treasure hoarder stand up by your side. Kaeya reached out a hand, gesturing to hand the man over to him, he then grabbed him and helped him stand up.
“Come on, let’s get moving. You wouldn’t wanna bleed out, would you?”
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hajimesh · 4 years
𝚑𝚌; 𝚑𝚎 𝚠𝚊𝚔𝚎𝚜 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚞𝚙
𝐨𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐰𝐚 𝐭𝐨𝐨𝐫𝐮 - 𝐛𝐨𝐤𝐮𝐭𝐨 𝐤𝐨̄𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐨̄ - 𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢 𝐤𝐞𝐢𝐣𝐢
𝐚/𝐧; 𝘪 𝘸𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥𝘯'𝘵 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘥 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘮 𝘸𝘢𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘮𝘦 𝘶𝘱 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 ( ˊᵕˋ )
-ˏˋ𝙢𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩 ♡
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“rise and shineee, my little butterfly!”
*cue to u grOANing*
bc how on earth is he so cheerful so freaking early in the morning!?
“stop, let me sleep ten more minutes.”
~ ten minutes later ~
“your time’s up,” he poked your face, earning a glare from you. “aw, cheer up buttercup! you’ll be late.”
“i don’t wanna go,” you pouted at him, trying to get him to sympathize with you
he pinched ur cheek and cooed. “cute.”
“but get up that lazy ass of yours and start getting ready.”
this boy just wants u to be on time🥺
but he couldn’t help but love ur grumpy and pouty face glaring at him
‘cuuute uwu’ was all he could think lmao
yup, he’s a simp whipped
veeery likely the both of u slept in
“shit, what time is it!?”
you felt his arms tightening around you, burying his face into your hair. “no.”
“i haven’t heard the alarm and it’s too bright outside!”
honestly, he couldn’t care less. if u did sleep in, then it meant that you’d stay since it was probably too late already
u had to practically shove him off of u so u could get up
once u saw the time, u sighed and went back under the covers
“too late?”
“it’s almost noon.”
he cuddled closer to you, “then there’s nothing we can do.”
u flicked him on the forehead, earning a dramatic whine from him
“ouchie! baby, what was that for?”
“you turned off the alarm,” it wasn’t a question.
you could feel him tense up. “h-heyy, it was for a good cause?”
ah, a needy baby. but we still love him
he’s the responsible one, of course
“it’s six am,” he whispered while softly shaking your body. “wake up.”
he hummed, chuckling amusedly at ur confused gaze
it wasn’t that often that u got to hear him laugh so freely, it was a blessing to ur ears
and so early in the morning omg
u already knew it was gonna be a good day
“good morning,” you yawned, stretching your arms over your head
he stroked your hair out of your face and then leaned down to kiss your forehead
“i’ll make breakfast while you get ready.”
ur eyes shone in delight and then switched to mischief–
“don’t even think of telling bokuto-san about this.”
“noo, why!? i must brag about this to him!”
but his serious look made u shut up
mushy cute boyf akaashi was for u and ur eyes only
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