#thats the point of this post im stalling
bunnyb34r · 10 months
both excited for the last craft show and kinda dreading it
I really wanted to do three this year but I apparently applied too late (September 1st... the FIRST day "newcomers" (which would be me again bc I didnt join the year prior) could apply)
And the first one we did was HIGHLY PRASIED since we got into shows as "the BIG MONEY show" but like we all got screwed from what the other vendors around me were saying :/
Some blamed the weather being warmer and thus no one wanted to go out but do yard clean up. But if it rains or is windy on a show day turnout is notoriously bad (ask me how I know)
Some blamed inflation/that people just didnt have the money or didnt want to pay for homemade goods (everyone was priced to sell not priced by value... saw a baby blanket for fucking $30. My man that's at minimum 2 skeins lightweight baby yarn, so $16 min. Not to mention time spent)
Either way it just sucked. :/
(Dog cousin didnt help any lmao. I'm still annoyed heavily.)
Anyway this one is one we always do and the profits are always meager (not even profit really once you take in cost of materials, but we gauge on show booth cost and if we break even)
If it's raining people don't show up (even the fucking mall Santa they hired didn't fucking show up last year) and if it's a state college football game or a state football game people dont show up.
But I think a BIG factor is how they advertise. They shove all their text on a small side of the road yard sign and put them up within half a mile radius. They do have a digital sign now but like put that shit up a week+ ahead of time not just thanksgiving day...
Anyway I'm excited bc this is our first show with two tables (which we need especially with moms huge ass wreaths) and we do most if not all of our craft show shopping there bc a lot of the vendors return annually (crocheted gnome lady my beloved)
And the host is very nice (even if the event is veeery pro life. I look the other way bc they are actually focused on helping the birthgivers have a support network instead of being like HAVE THE BABY ANYWAY! but regardless)
Anyway anyway I gotta crank out these cat toys and I'm stalling sgsgsgsg
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chompe-diem · 5 months
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launchpad boys in their 20s. albin runs hot but sometimes on cool autumn nights when it's chilly enough for sol to get sleepy sol will move out of his tub and stay in albin's room
funny story i get rlly in my head abt posting my art so this is actually approx the ~1yr anniversary cuz i know i drew this sometime last may
additional fun fact this lowkey the best thing i've drawn which is why i'm scared to post it lol
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Why you care so much about what feyre and her stans are doing🤔
you know, im actually very glad you sent this in anon, though i know it wasn't sent in good faith. when i say feyre 'stans' - i am being 100% sarcastic. my argument is that i don't believe the people who peddle the idea that they hold feyre to be first actually believe that ideal. i also believe they end up purposely derailing actual conversations about abuse, feminism, and racism bc they don't want to actual critique rhys, so they end up selling much more intentional bs to avoid the conversations all together,
as to why that matters - i can explain.
(1) i think a lot of people who work under the idea that they like feyre 'first' believe that a female perspective = feminist. in theory, i believe a lot of rhys stans subconsciously (or consciously) understand that his actions are villainous (to some capacity). like they do understand that there's only so far they can actually support sexual assault. i think a lot of people use feyre to circumvent this issue: if feyre agrees or even likes the abuse, then it cancels out the implication of the it. and this partially because the book flocks to do the same thing - it never introspects about what x character's actions say about them as a character. think about it - even if we work with the idea that rhys doesn't enjoy the abuse he put feyre through, going as far as to reiterate that he feels shame -- we have to question why the story responds to that with plainly stating that feyre actually enjoyed the abuse and/or felt genuine attraction rhys in those moments. because then it (a) removes the idea of moral-greyness; rhysand never has to reflect because the story always believes he secretly justified. (b) there should still be a conversation about what that means. the mating bond operates as both a justification and a rebuke of feysand's actions (c) it puts into question what the story is actually arguing about feyre's trauma from utm. if feyre always secretly wanted rhysand utm...so much to unpack there. we're not genuinely rebuking abuse. and that's fine if you're drawing a scene or simply entertainment - it becomes worrisome when we considered that there is a lesson being put forth.
(2) people who use feyre as the scapegoat to often time sidestep conversations. feyre's narration is only considered when it validates rhysand's abuse - other times, the idea that we should consider canon wholly (analyze the information we're given v. what we're told) becomes nonexistent. so even though feyre has reiterated her boundaries to rhysand (and even though rhys is already aware of those boundaries via his mental snooping), there still this need to 'hear things from rhys side' - even though we know what feyre choice would have been. we know that feyre would have never wanted that information kept from her. its literally been her only consistent trait- don't lie. and as i said in this post: even the act of creating the intervention undermines three books of feyre's narration cementing her boundary.
(3) 'feyre stans' often hijack the conversations; the conversation about racism (and rhys's absue) always stalls because -- AGAIN -- there's only so much analysis they can happen before you realize the problem is both sjm's ideology and her obsession w/ rhys. at some point they always end up defending sjm (and her racism and misogyny). there's a struggle between actual unpacking rhysand's action and what that means for him as a character. they do want to have the serious conversations, just not in a way that detrimental or all-encompassing. selective reading, plain and simple.
i also believe thats why there so much overblown hate for tamlin (that in my opinion, backfired terribly esp over the last three years) is merely insecurity about the problems w/ rhys's charcater. morally, there only so many conversation we can have before the weirdness rears it head. we can't argue tamlin is abusive and then in the same breadth argue for the neccessity of the same form of abuse. we can't argue that rhys is morally-grey and then ignore the greyness area. we also cannot say rhys grows as a character if we argue that he never grows from the person we met utm. we can't say that we 'recognize' he was wrong, but then constantly uplift those very moments as moments of love. we can't say sjm has racial/moral in her story and then remove how that effects more favorable characters.
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kumezyzo · 1 year
literally love you for all the streamer!reader hc cus no one else really does it 🫶🏼🫶🏼 (pls do more for my well-being ill beg 🤧)
hehe. first thing that came to mind was the creation of everest. so here you go. fem!reader
i was so incredibly sleep deprived and in a random holiday inn express in colorado/kansas when i started writing this. so its my brain basically on crack trying to describe harmonies in my cellist little peanut brain 😭😭
i also assumed this anon wanted bf!sapnap... and im sorry if thats not the case. just pretend i never wrote any of that.
anyway, enjoy! or dont... :) m.list
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bsf!dream who asks you to harmonize on the vocals with him.
"its like barely an octave higher," he tells you as you stand infront of the microphone. you roll you eyes and adjust the headphones on your head.
"its barely an octave higher," you say, mocking his voice.
"yea and then its higher on the second 'coming down' and keep it high but flat," he says easily.
you stare at him with furrowed eyebrows as you think over his words.
you sigh, "i hate being your friend."
bsf!george who teases you when he hears your vocals added to the song.
"oh my god, yn's singer era?" he grins at you. you groan and shove him playfully.
bf!sapnap who hears your raw vocals and just feels like a proud bf that you stepped out of whatever comfort zone you had to sing in dreams song.
when people hear the take with all four of you, they can actually tell because of your voice.
during bsf!dreams promotion for the song, he posts on tiktok with the title 'yn not singing and stalling for three minutes'
its a compilation of you talking and pacing around the studio, prolonging a groan, and insulting clay as much as you can. and saying obscenities into the microphone, obviously.
"im hungry, are you guys hungry? we should go get some food....and not come back-" "ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"
"clay, youre a bitch." "clay, i hate you." "dream is a bitch, sub to me-" "so high like im on acid-" "i thought nick and george were supposed to be on this song too."
bsf!george who complains about how much you and sapnap were pelting him with snowballs during the music video.
"for some reason they gave them all to sapnap. and he gave half of them to yn," george said recalling the semi-traumatic events. "and both of them throwing them were so painful."
on your own stream, you talk about the behind the scenes of the music video.
"shes [amouranth] actually such a cool person...i was about to leave nick for her-"
"what you guys didnt see after nick popped the champagne, was that he proceeded to point it at me and completely drench me in it," you say pursing your lips in annoyance. "and it didnt even taste good!"
"they asked me to join this little pillow fight right here," you said pointing at the screen. "and instead of hitting kaitlyn, i went around and smacked the fuck out of george. but you can barely see it."
"i really hope they didnt get that energy drink on the carpet..."
bf!sapnap who suggested you getting in a bikini like the other girls in the music video.
you look at your boyfriend blankly, "your such a perv-"
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i liked writing this. thats it. -nony
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whispering-coffee · 9 months
I’ve been holding this off for a while mainly cause I was afraid of doing it but I finally pulled through and now I have a story to share with ya’ll explaining what happened during my hold at the mall!
I went dressed in black leggings and a sweater, bummer that it wouldn’t show I know but i was nervous! I had drank some before leaving my house so by the time I had arrived at the mall i was already feeling the need.
To make sure I was going to suffer (I know i know im a masochist bite me) i drank an entire water bottle i brought with me in the car before actually heading into the mall. So yada yada time passes and im trying to figure out what to do at the mall and I go get myself a drink at the food court then i head off to look around the stores.
About an hour in the mall and its starting to feel pretty urgent but not bursting so i decided hey, why not play a game with myself, and got into a bathroom line. However once i actually went into a stall i just sat there fully clothed not doing anything, still holding it in then shortly after left. Trust me i was getting pretty bored here to have to do that.
I got another drink and finally after finishing it I was getting antsy, crossing my legs and shuffling my feet while i sat at a table.
So i go back to looking around stores, feeling my bladder ache each time i take a step and now im actually like, nervous because like its dawning on me that Im really doing this in a public place. Let me say its pretty crowded, its not like the mall barely has anyone in it. So here i am standing around in the corner of a store thinking to myself if I really wanna do it, i was thinking for like a good 5-10 minutes walking back and fourth till i decided i was gonna pull through, after all i made a promise that i would post something interesting and different ;p
I leave the store and about another hour passed and im pretty desperate, like constantly moving around wanna put my hands between my legs desperate. But since it was a public place i couldnt really just do that unless i had to go REALLY bad (foreshadowing haha).
Did i mention it was really cold in the mall, only made everything worse xD
Anyways so Im pretty desperate, i take a seat at the food court again and get ONE MORE drink, and as im sipping on it im squirming in my seat cross legged, im sure anyone who’s into omo would immediately catch on if they saw me.
Just a little bit later im scrolling through my phone with my other hand on top of my lap (not between my legs just yet)
Now Im REALLY anxious because its getting to the point where I know im going to have an accident soon so i get up and just start walking around with my chest aching from nervousness. I even stared at the bathroom in contemplation before walking away.
A couple minutes of aimless walking and i end up having to sneeze.. needless to say a little bit escaped but i stopped it albeit i looked a little silly. My heart dropped during it too.
About ten or twenty so minutes and i have to go REAAALLY bad and im super anxious, i even entered a bathroom line thinking i didnt want to actually wet myself but after a couple minutes of waiting in line i felt another leak which automatically prompted a hand to crotch response, you can imagine my embarrassment.
After the leak I was honestly horrified but also having a LOT of fun, i was close to having an accident so I decided to try to find a secluded area in the mall to hang around in for when i lose control. Each step i took was agony to take but i kept movin, slightly bent over too.
Eventually i found an area where not alot of people were, there were still some but it wasnt as crowded as the other areas. It was like this dead end section with nothing of interest other than a few benches and stores.
I stayed here for about a couple minutes, mild panicking, hella anxious, and kiiiind of excited. Thats when i started losing control. I was kind of in a little corner where a protrusion of wall was blocking me but if you’d still be able to see me if you walked closer to the dead end.
It was a mix of terrified excitement when i tried to stop the flow but couldnt. The sounds of my pee hitting the floor wasnt helping. I dont think anyone actually noticed plus since I was wearing black leggings it wasnt super noticeable. I promptly rushed my way out of the mall keeping my head down leaving behind that puddle.
When i got back to my car i put out the towel i had stored in my trunk over my driver seat so i wouldnt ruin my car seats and kind of just sat in the car thinking about what happened. At the end i actually found the experience really enjoyable and might do it again ;)
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sso-maev · 8 months
Story quest thoughts!!!
Biggest impression I got from the quest is that the team has a direction for where they want to take the story. Which like finally. The quests being called “beginning of the end�� really signifies to me that they’re not gonna keep stalling with the story anymore. The stakes are going up and it really feels like we’re nearing the end of the main story quests, at least the story we’ve been following.
Speaking of stakes, omg we actually bombed the DC headquarters. Went over this in a previous post but like. Sso has NEVER made a previously permanent area inaccessible. Im gonna miss the platform and emo crust-Justin (Gone but not forgotten❤️) but honestly? This was such a great way to make the scale of the battle so much larger. Also it does make sense to me that the HQ never actually drilled for oil. Dark core has other establishment that I’m sure were actually doing legit business, but since all the workers on the oil rig are robots anyway and it’s the location of the portal, it makes sense that they reserve the HQ for just the magic shenanigans.
Anne never hesitating to use her powers in the most dangerous way possible will never cease to be funny to me. Go queen commit whatever atrocities you need to. But I honestly think everyone was pretty well written in terms of dialogue. Anne takes a major risk with her powers, and it results in her getting the revenge she wanted. Alex isn’t only used as an engine for comedy, and I really like the bit where she expresses remorse for leaving us to face the dark riders on our own. Linda gets a lot more screentime than I expected, and she really reminds me of her book counterpart in these quests. The DR have nearly killed her so many times and she’s just not afraid of them at this point. She has this confident assertiveness to her that we don’t really see as much when she’s talking to friends, outside of short quips. Lisa is the only one who didn’t get that much through these quests, but I’ve kind of gotten used to that at this point. I can project my headcannons onto her regardless
Surprisingly I was also really fond of the soul horses this time! Concorde and Tincan had some really nice ominous foreshadowing to their dialogue (Runestones hasnt been used since WHAT dark times Tincan???????) and both Meteor and Starshine had some fun dialogue
The DR are always just so great. You don’t understand I love Jessica more than anything in this world. Her telling Katja to “do the thing” and it’s just them riding over an already iced river is absolutely wonderful. And oh my god the ENDING. Its so cinematiccccc. Mr sands is back after what. 7 years?? Insane. The three hits on the tree, the glowing red runes of the hammer, Sabines full name of general Malumi, Erissa sommersaulting out of the portal LIKE. The questline was short but it was so packed with new story developments. The soul riders think theyve won while the dark riders welcome their fourth general come onnn.
So Darko is dead right? Like if they were gonna bring him back they would at this point. I do wish they found a way to integrate him here, and if not that introduce him earlier in the game. I don’t really care that much about him as a character, but him being introduced as relevant, killing Elizabeth and then never being talked about again isn’t really the conclusion I want.
But overall I really liked the quests. Everyone felt in character, we got really impactful cutscenes, and the story is progressing in a way thats both natural and really exciting. I can’t wait to see whats gonna happen now that the HQ is gone and the dark riders are complete.
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jibbingjibberish · 8 days
the sequel nobody asked for: comyverse medical stuff. (covering both dom/sub and hybrid aspects)
again, 1997 usa setting, all details are subject to change, dont count it as canon necessarily until its in a fic, etc etc. and if a fic says smth contrary to this post, what the fic says takes priority.
dom/sub status, historically, was ascertained through a variety of methods; everything from childhood temperament to soothsayer readings of the infant and, finally, the most advanced tactic of them all, waiting and asking the person when they figure out more about themselves. many mythologies converge on an idea of dom/sub status reflecting the gods; greek myth speaks of flaws of the gods resulting in humanity's deficits, while many abrahamic faiths have, of course, multiple explanations converging into one (the second official human is a derivative of the first, splitting the ideal scenario of a single person being capable of domming and subbing into two people; god wants us to take a breather and relax; men are supposed to be the doms and women are supposed to be the sub, and anybody who's otherwise is a freak of nature, but that one's losing traction fast). beliefs that are more reincarnation type deals (thinking like buddhism) take it to be that people will swap between dom and sub in each reincarnation in search of nirvana, and that accepting one's inherent nature without overindulging beyond need is part of the answer. ofc theres a lot of other faiths too that have their own interpretations, i cant list them all, but, point is, this is widely regarded to have just been an inherent part of mankind since the beginning.
scientifically, tho, its commonly regarded that subs lack certain amounts of sensitivity in the brain to certain stimuli (basically, their pleasure (dopamine, NOT serotonin jesus christ if i have to hear "wow this gives me so much serotonin" one more time im gonna lose it. SEROTONIN IS A GENERAL MOOD BOOSTER. DOPAMINE IS THE IMMEDIATE HIT OF "OH YEAH THAT FEELS GOOD") sensors r suuuuper fucked up), and that doms generally lack "satisfaction" type receptors, as well as more or less reporting lower levels of oxytocin, which is another feel-good neurotransmitter, specifically linked to things like physical contact. of course, theres a lot of other reasons why someone would be lacking in these chemicals other than being a sub or a dom, but the prevailing theory is that extreme stimulus overrides the natural barrier, and that regular utilization keeps the brain producing these levels of chemicals long-term. (of course, im writing this in juxtaposition to our society; things would not be perceived the same way in universe! also, take all of this as correlation, not causation.)
what this means is that, for an average, healthy sub, theyd need to drop at least once to three times a week; doms would need about once a week. of course, more can be beneficial, but not necessarily for everyone; some subs flourish in a 24/7 lifestyle, but most don't, really. logistics n all that lol
theres also more medical leave/time off given for subs, generally, and a sub breakdown is horrible pr for a company. which does lead, as i believe ive mentioned prior, to discrimination against hiring subs in the first place, and especially when compounded with other minority statuses (ie. disabled and a sub.) theres societal pushes to give doms more time off to support their subs, but thats been stalling for a while.
subs are overall shown to have a shorter lifespan (~10 years or so) than doms, but there's a lot of factors that go into that (injuries from scenes, higher stress, etc). idk where else to put this lol
demographics, too! so, doms n subs r roughly evenly split (dom lean), and theres not really much of a gender difference, either. due to misogyny, some sub men and dom women tend to lie (or are hardcore coping), but the prevailing narrative of "be yourself" seems to inform a lot of martyn and ren's generation. oh i just realized. we'd register them as boomers, due to their ages (boomer generation ends '64, and they were born before then, so cusp). huh! the 90's really were a long time ago.
as for hybrids, uh... hybrids make up about 40-60% of the population. as far as the general public (including martyn) knows, it just happens; u wake up and ur body decides ur a furry now, basically. ofc, some people r born w hybrid features, so theres this knowledge that a lot of it is hereditary. but it only started popping up about 30-40 years ago. very very strange. lots of conspiracy theories abt this, but nobody has a definitive answer. except for two people
lots of medical bigotry resides against hybrids, and, again, intersections w other minority groups makes some people's ability to get treatment pretty slim at times. tbh, most of the time, new research is showing that internal structures arent particularly affected by even rapid, extreme cases of hybridization, but most medical professionals dont want to accept that. pseudoscience abounds, even as society starts to integrate hybrids into normalcy more and more; an entire generation has grown up with the perspective of hey, this is just how some people are, and they're typically somebody im close to, too. again. numbers are around half the world's population, albeit very hard to prove, as a lot of ppl still feign a non hybrid status.
what causes hybridization? researchers can't quite figure it out. ur genetics change, genes turn on and off, but the dna sequencing to cause it literally doesnt exist until it does; basically, not some kind of mutation. its not an illness to be caught, either, tho; literally all of martyn's friends r hybrids, and ud think he wouldve become one, too, if all it takes is proximity.
but yeah! numbers project everyone to be a hybrid by 2020 if growth continues as it is. nobody knows for certain, tho,,, least of all martyn.
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hobiebrownismygod · 11 months
OC/Spider-Sona Backstory: The Widow
Maitreyi Jokhar (she/her), Earth-20262, Present day, Spider-man/Black Widow variant
Part 2!
Before you read, you should probably check out Part 1 HERE first so that you understand all the lore and references I'll be making! <3
Backstory Continuation:
"Get the formula. Then kill him. No witnesses"
Pierce's words echoed through her head as she waited. She was sitting on the couch of a cream colored room, decorated simply with some framed pictures, a clean kitchen and a bookshelf in the corner. It was the living room of the man who's life she was going to end.
Nick Fury. Bit of an overkill name. But from what she'd heard, it was a very, very well-known name.
She stayed silent as she heard the front door open, gently pulling her gun out of her coat and pointing it towards the entrance of the room as the man walked in. He stopped, but didn't seem very shocked. "Name's Fury. And you are?"
"No one important." She replied coolly, placing her finger against the trigger as she faced him. He placed his hands in his pockets, giving her an almost bored look. To the average person, this would seem a bit unsettling. But she knew. He was trying to stall.
"So, kid. Who's sent you?" He asked, his eyes darting towards the door for a moment.
"If one head is cut off, two more shall take its place."
He chuckled. "I should've known."
"I'm here for something."
"I know what you're here for." he replied, his expression turning solemn. "But S.H.I.E.L.D. doesn't negotiate with terrorists."
"Bold of you to assume this is a negotiation." She replied, tilting the gun up slightly. "The formula."
"Look, kid. This formula that you're talking about doesn't exist."
"Thats a lie."
"We haven't tried to replicate it and we never will. It's too dangerous. Tell that to your leader."
She stayed silent. He wasn't lying. He couldn't be. Suddenly, she felt her spider-sense tingle slightly. Someone was coming. She heard footsteps quickening as they approached the door and realized it was time for her to go. But there was one last thing she had to do.
She pulled the trigger. Fury stepped back in shock and clutched at his stomach where the bullet had penetrated his skin. He hadn't been expecting that. She leaped out the window as agents poured into the room, but there was one person who stood out. She caught one glance of him before she swung away. A young man in his 20s, blonde and fairly muscular. It was odd. He looked so...familiar...but not in the "she'd seen him before" kind of way. Like they were related somehow. Weird.
Ok this series is probably gonna end up being longer than expected because I cannot write so much at once 😭. I refuse to fit an entire movie plot into one post, I need to spread it out so it makes more sense. This is turning into more of a marvel fanfiction than a spider verse fan fiction but I'm just trying to make it as accurate as possible, im sorry. Let me know if y'all have any feedback <3
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feelo-fick · 1 year
PHIOOOOOOO you should tell me about yor littol shadow guy........I think they r silly....and purrhaps my oc Castaway and him share a few characteristics.....
feelo... first off they use any pronouns! second of all, theyre a very shy type — theyve lived in the woods away from society for very long, until the moomin-crew discovers them
they actually play the flute!! cause im not sure if youve seen the post about my ancient flute alarm but its the only thing that can wake me up, so i decided to include it into his character HAHAHA if castaway plays anything, maybe theyd play together huhu
he doesnt speak much at first (or maybe doesnt speak at all? im unsure), but i have lots of arc ideas for the future if i ever make comics for him!! if you look back at my og post there were a few comic panels showing him lowering the scarf around his neck and her hoodie, with the episode title "Under the Hood" — it signifies a core part of her arc that i have no time to explain JABSHABD
some more fun facts, at some point she sets up shop (well, more like a tiny vendor stall) in the woods where she sells little trinkets and advice for a few cents or a cool rock HAHAHA they store their things in their little bucket for safe keeping and pulls them out when necessary (e.g. they grab a minnow out of it and just start eating it as a snack)
going back to them speaking, if they do end up not speaking, id like to imagine they speak through drawings in a notebook, so its just a game of pictionary whenever theyre around HABSAHHA itd be funny to see people try to piece together what theyre saying as they grow more and more annoyed and the drawings get messier
anyways thats all! id love to hear about your little guy 👀👀 we can ask eachother questions and take turns! (and if you rp... ive been waiting to do a moomins rp for a while huhuhu)
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raveneira · 2 years
Why this change was more harmful to Sarada’s big moment than you think
If it wasnt obvious yes this will be another anti BoruSara post although that isnt the main focus, obviously if your a shipper then you obviously have no issue with the scene I’ll be critiquing, so for your own peace of mind scroll on.
Anyway Im gonna be talking about the Chidori scene which yes, Im still very pissed about which wouldnt still be the case if it werent still being talked about today which unfortunately it is, and any critique of it is seen as just ‘haters’ jealous of their BoruSara moment.
Key point, jealous, of their BoruSara moment.
If you didnt catch it, this was supposed to be and originally was SARADA’S moment, Boruto, let alone anyone else, was not a factor, they played background roles while Sarada was the MVP of that moment, it was NEVER a BoruSara moment, it was always SARADA’S moment.
And there lies the problem with the anime changes, it robbed Sarada of what was originally hers and made her NEED Boruto to succeed when originally all she needed was them to stall while she found the core and when she did she went ham all on her own, no help needed.
I left out a key detail there intentionally since I’ll bring it up later but first I gotta address the moment Im specifically talking about and WHY it hurt Sarada’s big moment and her character.
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First off Sarada is panicking, unsure of herself, she cant focus and cant find the core fast enough, she even berates herself for always needing Boruto and Mitsuki to protect her, keep this in mind.
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Once Sarada DOES find the core, like the manga she concludes that shes gotta be the one who destroys it herself and prepares herself to do so, however...rather than taking off and destroying the core, theres a long pause for Boruto to look back at her, Sarada to look at him, Boruto smiles at her, and then Sarada looks on with determination, and THEN she moves forward to destroy the core.
So whats wrong with this? why is this bad? simple, just look at the original scene in the manga.
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Sarada isnt panicking, she doesnt doubt herself, and she doesnt berate herself for needing ‘saving’ all the time or being ‘useless’. She is confident, focused, and jumped into action all on her own.
Remember how I said I left out a key detail on purpose? well now is where I bring it up. The key detail of this scene I left out is Kawaki telling Sarada to focus, why? to make a point about the difference between Kawaki’s involvement in this scene and Boruto’s despite both serving the same purpose.
Whether I do or dont mention Kawaki telling Sarada to focus it doesnt change the scene at all, she got distracted, Kawaki told her to stay focused and she did, it doesnt take or give anything away to her moment, so whether I do or dont bring it up her moment is still the same, it was irrelevant.
Compare that to Boruto’s involvement, Sarada was berating herself for being useless and always needing Boruto [and Mitsuki] to save her, shes panicking and unsure of herself, and even after spotting the core and knowing what she needs to do, she still needed an extra morale boost from Boruto giving her reassurance with a smile giving her the final push she needed to act.
If you cant see why thats bad I’ll go ahead and spell it out for you, in the manga Sarada simply needed to be told how to defeat Boro and fill in the rest on her own while they take the heat to buy her time which shs succeeds in doing all on her own, however in the anime Sarada needed silent reassurance from Boruto AND his assistance to give her an opening just to hit Boro when she specifically said in the manga that her Chidori was the best jutsu for the task BECAUSE it was faster than he could weave signs, Boruto helping her to hit him undercuts her speed feat while giving Boruto one in her place since he literally backflipped over her Chidori just before she ran by.
Do you see why this is an issue yet? why this hurt her character and her moment?
Without the manga for comparison the anime paints a very clear picture, that Sarada isnt confident in herself or her abilities, she isnt a level headed captain and crumbles under pressure, even if she has it all figured out she still needs Boruto to give her reassurance and confidence, she also needed Boruto in order to create distractions and an opening for her to hit Boro undetected, and a new speed feat is achieved by Boruto back flipping over a high speed chidori.
So whats special about this scene for Sarada in the anime version? nothing really, it was cool that this was her first chidori moment and she asked her dad to give her strength but thats about it, the praise falls more on Boruto than it does her in this situation since she was freakin out the whole time prior and needed his help to back her up.
Which is exactly the problem, its no longer her moment, its Sarada and Boruto’s when it didnt need to be, they have plenty of moments where their teamwork and chemistry shines, but this was HER moment to shine on her own, she didnt NEED Boruto to succeed because she is strong and capable of holdin her own without him.
This was literally not just her big chidori moment, but also her moment as captain, her first time taking on the leadership role where her comrades lives rests in her hands and she has to be the one to make the calls for victory, so this moment was critical in showcasing her leadership skills and the anime completely ruined it by having her distracted, wavering, doubting herself, panicking, and needing someone else to help her succeed.
That Is TERRIBLE for her character
To put it inter perspective lets look at how Mitsuki and Kawaki’s involvement impacts her moment, Mitsuki is the one who suggests her as captain because he believes shes the most suited for the role and has good judgement, Kawaki agrees with Mitsuki and believes shes their best chance of winning, Kawaki informs Sarada about the whole core situation and leaves the finding and destroying of it to her, when Mitsuki is hurt Sarada gets distracted for a moment but Kawaki reminds her to focus and she does.
Now if we include the anime additions there was also a added scene of Kawaki looking back at Sarada which you could argue has the same effect as Boruto, but the difference is Boruto was actually a completely added scene that didnt exist in the manga, however the moment between Kawaki and Sarada actually DID occur in the manga just the sequencing was different in the anime.
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For starters Boruto and Mitsuki went ahead and started attacking Boro on their own, Sarada also jumped in and so did Kawaki, this however was changed in the anime but more on that later.
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After all 4 of their attacks fail, Kawaki asks Boruto and Mitsuki to buy him time to explain his plan to Sarada, afterwards he jumps in and attacks Boro alongside Mitsuki and Boruto leaving the rest to her, this was also altered in the anime.
Like I said the anime changed the sequence of these events but its important to know how these changes affected the moment if at all which the short answer is it didnt.
Instead of all 4 of them attacking Boro together at first and then Kawaki explaining, Kawaki actually stops Sarada before she can go join Boruto and Mitsuki, he holds her hand while explaining the situation about the core, however Sarada gets distracted and loses focus and acts recklessly when she sees Mitsuki get hurt [refer back to that panel of Kawaki telling Sarada to focus] and pulls away from Kawaki to try and go help him [again refer back to that panel where despite her concern she remained level headed and focused on her objective] while foolishly running head first, Kawaki jumps over Sarada and Mitsuki assists him to blow Boro in half.
Its here that Kawaki looks back at Sarada and says hes counting on her.
So how is this different than the Boruto scene? simple, like I said this scene actually does exist in the manga the sequencing was just different.
Basically the scene where Kawaki tells Sarada to focus and ignore Mitsuki is changed to this
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And the scene where he looks back at Sarada is actually just these panels but extended a few extra seconds.
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The reason for this is because they switched where Kawaki tells her the plan, so instead of Kawaki simply telling her to look close and find it and then running off, they had Sarada lose focus and rush in to save Mitsuki which caused Kawaki to get involved and stop her, the moment he looks at her is the silent version of the panel where Kawaki tells her to focus.
In short, his look towards Sarada was SPs version of the ‘Forget him Sarada! focus!’ panel. But by changing the sequence of events its understandable why ppl have different interpretations on what his look meant vs Boruto’s, context is key after all and if your anime only you will have a very VASTLY different understanding of this fight than those who read the manga.
Anyway my point is that although altered, this moment DID infact exist in the manga, it wasnt just some additional scene added but literally what happened in the manga just in a different way. Boruto looking back and smiling at Sarada giving her a morale boost was nowhere in the manga, Kawaki reminding Sarada to focus on the plan however is even if SP altered it, it still EXISTED in the source material.
So how did these changes affect her moment? they didnt, nobody really talks about Kawaki  saying hes counting on her, holding her hand etc because in the grand scheme of things none of that mattered, its not worth mentioning outside of shipping obviously but in terms of Sarada and her big moment? these alterations had zero effect on it, nobody talks about Kawaki’s involvement because it was irrelevant, the same cannot be said for Boruto.
Shipping or non shipping related Boruto is brought up because he was, as terrible as it is, he was a intergral part of her moment and success. He’s the one who reassured everyone to have faith in their captain, his smile gave Sarada the push she needed, his assistance was what allowed her to hit Boro undetected, and without him she wasnt confident in herself prior to him smiling at her.
So no, these two moments are vastly different, and whats most sad about it is that they included extra bits for Kawaki that didnt take away from Sarada or her moment at all, so it isnt like it couldnt be done, but for Boruto they made sure that his inclusion completely undercut Sarada entirely.
Despite popular belief this has nothing to do with shipping, but Sarada’s character being held back by Boruto stealing her spotlight when he didnt have to, the sequel is literally called BORUTO, theres literally over 200 episodes of this boy shining both solo and teamwork, he did not NEED to be included in her big moment and because he was we got tweets like this that should’ve been about Sarada.
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Like I said shippers are a separate subject of course, but this included non shippers as well, it was not just a BoruSara vs antis situation, Sarada fans who dont even ship her with anyone were pissed at her scene being undercut like it was, the only ppl who were happy with this scene were BoruSara and Boruto stans, which should tell you all you need to know since this entire scene catered to those very ppl. Nuff said.
I dont really feel the need to hide any names because this isnt a personal attack on anybody other than the studio itself, these tweets are just examples to make a point of how these changes harmed Sarada’s character and moment by making it all about Boruto more so than Sarada and the attention shifted from her to him instead. If you compared the conversations after the chapter dropped vs the episode you’d be amazed at how different it is, hell there wasnt any shipping talk from any side, the attention and praise was all on Sarada and SHE was the main thing ppl talked about, sure the boys got praise too for relying on her and backin her up, but the main focus was on HER as it should’ve been.
So yea, its 2023 and this is still an issue, know why? because her leadership being undercut didnt stop here but its a recurring thing with her character ever since [see the Funato arc if you need any convincing] even the manga had walked back on her leadership but the difference is atleast she did have good leadership in the manga at one point [Ironic how her leadership was undermined the same way it was in the anime, shoehorning Boruto in on what should be her moment] meanwhile the anime has yet to show Sarada having good leadership, and assuming they’ll animate 58 [which I doubt] then the disrespect wont even be surprising since she never had a firm grip on her teammates to begin with.
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itsdefinitely · 1 year
things i noticed on the opening night of beetlejuice at the national theater
putting a read more because this is a long post
-didnt change the whole being dead thing unfortunately :(
-there was no sandy in the whole being dead thing :(
-justin collette does what i can only describe as a gay voice (he also does The Voice really well; its consistent!!)
-at the pose for the whole being dead thing, beetlejuice motions for the crowd to keep cheering (a lot) until rhe crowd is screaming and then he starts. uh. well. hm.
-the purple curtains that are slightly open and emit smoke are used for scene changes
-"and then the b-man is free and the mai tais are on me" someone in the audience: "woo!" "yeah, woo. woos for all of us"
-beetlejuice does that thing when you pretend to walk down the stairs behind the couch
-they changed ready set not yet to be about wiring!
-the maitlands die of an electric shock instead of falling to their death
-beetlejuice exited stage right, and then walked down the stairs when entering next; he just kept teleporting around the stage like that
-when beetlejuice was being melodramatic about the puppet show, he got on the floor to keep screaming
-"that was one heck of a shock" dont judge me. i like the line changes.
-barbara dry heaves after finding out she died
-they kept barbara's hand being on fire!!
-during the whole being dead thing pt 2, beetlejuice reads off his hand to remember how to spell his name
-during the whole being dead thing pt 2, beetlejuice does a think where he pretends hes riding a horse (yknow at the end when the horse walking sounds happen)
-everyone started cheering when beetlejuice was doing the thing with adam on the chair… you know the one… so he KEPT GOING AND PRETENDED HE WAS RIDING A HORSE (a theme that may continue to appear later)
-okay i dont know how to describe it, but adam and barbara are played in a way that is Violently Bisexual (i love it so much oh my god)
-i wasnt really sure about delia at first but i love that she mispronounces So Many Words (like. more than Leslie Kritzer did)
-instead of the house going back, the purple curtains lower again during dead mom
-THE COMEDIC TIMING ON "…aaaand thats how i got herpes."
-barbara and adam are so good auuughhhhhhh theyre so much more. i dunno. uh. in touch?? like, they feel less like dorks (still dorks though)
-when adam interrupts beetlejuice's soliloquy, theres like the biggest pause.
-"im sorry guys, ill pay you for the full day" as the soliloquy chorus is leaving
-"you make." dramatic pause "daddy." another dramatic pause "SO angry."
-i love barbara so much in this shes more of a girlboss than usual
-okay i know how to describe it now. there is so much like. body language in this. adam is a lot more raunchy, barbara is a lot more realistic (she flosses at one point), and there is SO much hip thrusting from beetlejuice (no t-rex arms though)
-they close the curtains again, and only half of it opens for delia's scene (amazing staging)
-delia doesnt do the fortnite dance during no reason
-lydia sounds so much more genuinely confused than amused when she says "is this still about me?"
-adam and barbara with sheets over their heads project on the screen behind lydia
-the curtains raise when lydia chases them, and its the attic again
-"perhaps i myself am strange and unusual"
-she sounds so heartbroken when barbara asks "and your mom?" "dead."
-"should we get the sheets?" "adam" "we should get the sheets" "adam." "no no no we should-" "ADAM" looks at each other walks offstage without the sheets (it was probably to stall for the scene change)
-like with no reason, half the curtain raises instead of all of it
-"i am very good at sex." its so funny to me because delia is played as So over-the-top and this is Completely deadpan
-lydia is so whiney (i dont know any other way to describe it) when she says "and their eyes are mad of the deeevill" it feels like a real teenager
-being able to hear every footstep after "i wish i were dead."
-half the curtain raises again, the opposite side to the previous scene
-no wig change :(
-they kept the extra arm/leg!!
-green lights when beetlejuice says "im gonna have a new best FRIEEEEEEEEEEND"
-this is mostly unchanged, but i love all of it anyway
-they kept beetlejuice burning the note
-when beetlejuice gets knocked off, theres a projection of the smoke ring
-say my name gets extended at the end!! at the "gonna make him say me name (make him sya your name)" part!! for an extra 2-4 bars i think
-ah yes. this is the scene.
-lydia pretends to do a ballet move (i cant remember what its called)
-delia isnt wearing lingerie, and her dress doesnt get ripped off
-everybody cheers for day-o (as they should)
-no pig, but we have the small plate with the meat hand on it, and maxie dean's wife says that line (the deep "daylight come and me wan go home")
-beetlejuice still emerges from the table!!
-all the green spotlights on him when he says:
-"it's showtime"
-obviously, no big face and hands, but they hand wood/cardboard (cant tell which, probably wood) versions of them
-they keep the carnival projection on the stage
-"guess we're not invisible anymore"
-can i mention again the justin collette does The Voice??? its slkdkcidiwoksmcnskkw
end of act one
-theres no physical house prop, but the curtains are lowered and the house is projected onto it
-the projection and all the lights turn red when skye inhales deeply
-skye does her best not to look at lydia
-EVERYBODY LAUGHING WHEN "well we're really not supposed to" "why?" "pedophiles :]"
-i couldnt see it clearly, but i think skye had a fire instead of a flashlight
-this part is mainly unchanged too, but i really really like it still
-skye runs out the door (instead of walking up the stairs and disappearing)
-beetlejuice clones!!
-the pie lady actually catches the pie (when i saw it on broadway she didint)
-theres no "that looks like a penis" :(
-i love the npr tote bag. i kinda want one
-beetlejuice doesnt put on a sad little kid voice when talking about his mother drinking. its more like it happened when he was a teenager/young adult. he also doesnt do the "i shouldve left like your-" sad sad about to cry voice "father" he says the line, but his voice doent break. hes more mean
-"get her to marry me" clones: "huh????" "oh, its like a uhm. green card thing." clones: "ohhhhh" "yeah, yeah. strictly business"
-during that beautiful sound pt 2 (which i adore) beetlejuice makes a zip your mouth kind of motion when the clones are supposed to be quiet, which like. is that possession??
-the transition between these scenes is beetlejuice directing two of his clones to run in circles while the set around them gets moved
-i love the glowy effect with the book (also you can hear every page turn)
-picking up a metal detector "i never even used this. and then i felt bad that i never used it" pretends to use the metal detector "beep beep beep beep"
-"get right outside my comfort zone" LEANS TO THE SIDE AND RUNS HANDS DOWN TORSO
-delia jumping up on the couch
-delia and charles's dramatic sighing
-i just. i like otho
-"the b is silent, but it still stings" "no, not that one" "why say doubt, when you can stop at do" "not that one" "doubt. it has a 'u' but it doesnr have a 'me'" "thats the one"
-"ugh classic maitlands. yknow what?" steps towards the edge of the stage, looking at the audience "theyre the real villains of this show" lydia: "what?" "nothing"
-"classic bait and switch, oldest trick in the book" looks off to the side and sighs
-"Normally, I perform exorcisms por bono, but you made me come to-" the most disgusted voice "-Connecticut"
-barbara still floats!!
-no wig change for the whole being dead thing pt 4
-theres still the fire clickers!!
-beetlejuice comes from the stairs instead of rising from the floor
-i never noticed this before but otho, delia, and charles get bound by chains
-adams mouth gets sealed shut its so cool aaae
-"i want you… to marry me!" everyone: "WHAT?" very exasperated "oh cmon guys its a greencard thing"
-good old fashioned wedding my beloved
-the door is still green and expels fog
-"classic bait and switch, oldest trick in the book!"
"why does everyone keep leaving me :D" he doesnt even sound mad. then,
it went on for at least 30 seconds (probably more)
i cannot stress enough how long that scream went on for
-*holding his head in his hands, the most tired and defeated voice ever*
"alright. new plan."
"youre all going to die"
*happy cheery joyful*
-flashing lights going on for forever as they change to the netherworld (i know it takes a bit to change scenes but my eyes Hurt)
-they do the thing with the white square things lighting up one by one
-miss argentina has a southern accent and mispronounces argentina
-angry pygmys still shrunk his head <:(
-juno was like. too much for me i think. tone her down a little. also, she doesnt have the smoke machine that makes it look like she's smoking (still has a cigarette though)
-chase sequence!!
-lydia is genuinely so heartbreaking (she is usually but this show especially)
-theres no life or death sign (from what i saw) but the logo is on a podium with a sheet on it
-adams podium still says sexy-beetlejuice has a cool suit i love it!!
-he didnt really yell; the "where the contestants suck and the host is very angry" was all in the same tone
-"let me check my stocks"
*the sheet on the aforementioned podium is lifted, revealing otho/kevin in stocks*
-kevin offers to give beetlejuice his prius, claiming that "IT WAS A PLUG-IN" before hes wheeled offstage to the sound of wood splintering on impact
-"Mr. Juice."
ill be honest, i dont know if it was because ive seen the show before (most likely) or if it was because adam was more bold throughout the rest of the show, but it didnt have the same impact. but this makes up for it:
-as adam is telling everyone everything, he gets close to beetlejuice to the point where they are inches apart and his hands are on beetlejuice's ass
-the kiss!! slay!!
-barbara is actually angry, and adam says "maitlands 2.0" to get her on the same page
-barbara cant kiss beetlejuice HAH
-"WAIT WAIT WAIT. this is all very
im a highly sexual being and i do love an orgy. but you all dont strike me as the orgying kind. except for her."
*points to delia*
"shes done some stuff."
*delia pauses, and then makes a big motion with her arms like "yeah you got me"*
-his hair changes too!!
-the lights still turn pink when
"i cant believe some cultures think this kind of things alright"
-this part is very unchanged
-i love the living monologue. i love the birds and the stock song thay plays and the roller-coaster of emotions and the being hit over the head and the being stabbed
-juno is back!!
-"one minute youre on top of the world, and the next minute, you feel like no one will ever love you… this guy knows what im talking about!
i pick on you because i see myself in you. later tonight. say my name three times."
-"and you."
*dramatic noise the whole stage turns blue except for a spotlight on lydia*
-"look lydia now we both have dead moms!"
*nobody onstage laughs, the audience losing their minds*
*swinging the severed leg back and forth*
*uses the leg like a golf club*
"and a swing and a miss"
someone in the audience: "FORE!"
*flips them off* "three. fuck you."
-*in a scottish accent* "charles ya ripe old bastard never change"
"i already have changed. ive changed a lot."
*no accent* "well thennn... go fuck yourself"
-when beetlejuice and delia are doing… that thing during the goodbyes, beetlejuice pretends to ride a horse towards delia (told you the theme would return) and she pretends to ride a horse when he gets close
-"dora" "delia" "we didnt hang out much"
-"i think ill miss you most of all. scarecrow. boop" *put cowboy hat on lydia*
-i love beetlejuice's exit so much, gets carried dramatically by his clones only to be put down right after
"this has been a strange day."
-lydia still floats during jump in the line/dead mom reprise
-"im home."
end of act two
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26: "honestly why would I care?"
Fanfic of OFMD ed x stede
Rating: M/E
Cw: violence, like a lot-but I tried not to be too graphic, mention of blood, injury, swearing, alcohol, mentions of death including murder, guns. (I think that is all, if someone notices something I didn't tag promise I just missed it, please dm and I'll add it to the cw list, this is my first fanfic ive posted so im not entirely sure how cw tags work)
26 "honestly why would I care?"
This is why he had to kill him. He made him weak. This was the second time they had been captured together and of course he had stayed with him.
Stede was slumped over in the corner, a green bruise forming on his temple where he had been hit by the butt of the rifle. Ed looked at his boots. Stede left. He hated Stede. He wanted to hold Stede while he was injured and he hated himself for that. Its good Stede was fucked up. Maybe he would die of the injury and it would solve all of Ed's problems. He was Blackbeard for fucks sake. Why did this little frilly man undo him like this? And then Ed looked at Stede again. A mistake. Stede looked like this when they met. Unconscious and injured.
He was very aware of Stedes breathing when he realized that his breaths became quicker. He was waking up. The Spanish had been wise and chained them to the wall of the ship. Bolts he imagined went through to the hull based off the size of the bolts coming out of the wall. He pretended to be extremely interested in them when Stede finally came to.
"Ed?" He said in that weak voice that calmed the turmoiltus storm in Ed's soul. That made Ed angry so he ignored Stede and continued to be extremely interested in this extremely boring bolt.
"Ed?" Stede asked again. His voice stronger now. He was awake fully now which violently annoyed Ed.
Ed side eyed Stede with the bitchiest look he could conjure but he was so handsome covered in other men's blood and his torn emerald green silk shirt that Ed quickly looked away.
"Oh, Ed, please look at me."
Ed physically shifted his body so his back would be to Stede. A rather awkward action as his leg was broken and both his hands chained to the wall at a point that stretched his arms up just high enough that it rather pinned him to the wall in one way, back flat against the wall and facing Stede. He still managed it but it was an incredibly choppy and painful movement. But it was better than looking at the only man who ever managed to break his heart.
"Ed, darling..."
"Hrummph" came Ed's response.
"Is your leg broken?" Stede asked in that gentle voice of his. The only gentle voice Ed had never felt was trying to take advantage of him.
"What do you care?" Came the terse answer, though it was rather muffled as Ed's face was directly into the wall.
"Ed, darling, please. Give me a moment to explain myself." Came the voice from behind him. That voice so polished and pleasant. And painful. That voice that once said that Ed made him happy. That voice that lied.
"Whats there to explain? Honestly, why should I care? You made your decision rather obvious. Honestly, why are you even here?"
"I'm here because, well, black Pete insisted we try this jam at a stall and well I'm always on the look out for a good jam then the Spanish attacked and well um they ended up putting us both in the same - ya know what, it doesn't matter."
"Ugh!" Came the muffled groan from the most feared pirate on the 7 seas. "Of couse you got captured for jam."
"I was looking for you, Ed."
"Whatever for, Stede. You don't have anything to say to me. And don't call me that. Ed. Thats only for my *closest* friends. Which you aren't. Never were." Came the muffled reply.
"Well yes we got a bit distracted by the jam. But we were in port because I heard a rumor you were there. And we need to talk. Me and you."
"Whats there to talk about? You left. Now you're back. La. De. Dah."
The silence that followed weighed heavy on both of them and Ed finally gave into his desire to look at Stede. Spinning his head around at a rather awkward angle he finally looked at Stede again.
The absolute bastard had the audacity to look beautiful. The silk shirt was open and ripped in annoyingly slutty places. The blood of the men he'd killed framed his face almost delicately, the scarlet color bringing out the blue in his eyes, the emerald shirt elegantly contrasting his blonde hair that now included a rather dashing beard and mustache.
Stede thankfully took Ed's silence as an act of contriteness and not as an inability to form a complete sentence due to his besotted state.
Ed snapped out of it when he realized he couldn't kiss this man again.
"You came back" Ed snarled.
"I never left." And that's when he felt Stede tap his foot. Looking to their feet Stede's boot rested against Ed's good foot.
Ed shuffled himself back around so he would be properly sitting again but still wouldn't look properly at Stede pulling his feet away from the reach of Stede's feet. A bit of a painful process with the one broken leg but he gritted his teeth and hoped Stede didn't see the tears well in his eyes when his foot landed at a bad angle.
"Why?" Ed asked.
Stede's answer was cut short by the sound of gunfire. The lock had been blown off the door.
The door swung open to show Jim standing in the door way with a smoking pistol. Olu's voice echoed behind them, "Jim, we have the keys." Olu shuffled around the trigger happy assassin and pulled out the keys and began unchaining both captains.
"Sorry for the wait captains the plan went a bit awry but we've managed to pull most of it off but we'd best git quickly before Roach and Frenchy accidentally-"
*BOOM* Echoed through the ship tossing it sharply starboard.
"Nevermind, they already did it." Olu sighed. "Come on captain."
"I can walk, Ed needs help" said Stede with concern in his voice.
"Alright then, I'll cover you two getting Blackbeard off the ship. But we need to hurry before it fuckin sinks because of those fucking imbéciles."
They pulled two more pistols seemingly out of thin air and marched forward.
Olu put Ed's left arm over his shoulders as Stede did the same with his right. They began carrying him down the hall. The rat bastard Stede had the AUDACITY to smell good too. Like old leather and vanilla and black tea. So close to him, their faces almost touching. Olu was also rather close but he did rather smell like old tobacco smoke and gunpowder.
The foray was rather impressive in the background with the rushing and flooding water that was turning red with blood of the people Jim was rather violently killing in front of them. Olu shouting encouragement and praise at Jim like, "nice throw!" And " that was very sexy the way you shot that guy without looking at him!" Jim would glance back with a smile and stab another person.
He ignored the lingering thought that it must be nice to have a supportive partner who encouraged and praised your hobbies and career successes.
"Ed?" He heard in his right ear again. "Ed, I was wrong. What I did. I know I had to do it to get some clarity but it made me realize what I wanted."
They lifted Ed over the pile of bodies that littered the stairs to the deck. Ed was in a lot of pain.
"Ed, please say something."
"I am in a lot of pain."
Stede grabbed a bottle of rum from a pirate who was being stabbed by a Spaniard.
"Here this will help numb the pain."
Ed drank the bottle as fast as possible. It was nearly 3/4 full. It did help dull the pain in his leg at least but did nothing to help the feeling of being eaten alive from inside his chest out.
By the time they got to the waiting dingy the deck had nearly sank to the surface of the ocean. Rather conveint as Ed would not have been able to climb down a ladder.
"Hop in captains!" Urged Fang brandishing the oar.
They crawled and stumbled into the dingy. Stede first and Olu nearly dropped Ed into the dingy. Unable to steady himself Ed found himself falling onto Stede resting his body on Stede's starkly bare chest (his shirt somehow becoming more ripped in the foray) and his face only a few inches from Stede's. Olu hopped in and Jim pushed them off from the ships side. Fang and Olu began rowing as fast as they could while Jim dove head first into the brink swimming for another dingy containing the two morons who preemptively blew up the ship, and they felt it rather important to cuss them out in Spanish while brandishing an astonishing amount of knives as soon as possible.
Ed tried to adjust himself so he was no longer so close to Stede only to find Stede was holding him around the waist.
"Don't move too much. You've a broken leg and I'm quite certain our little stroll did not improve it."
Ed tried to make a grunting sound but to his horror it sounded more like a whimper.
"Ed. I love you. I'm here and I'm not going anywhere. You've always had me. You always will."
"You've lied to me before. How do I know you're not now."
"Well, you don't, I suppose. You'll just have to trust me. But I swear to you," Stede shuffled himself so he would be holding Ed slightly more comfortably and less like a nurse and more like a lover. "I'm good on this promise."
Ed couldn't hold it in anymore.
He kissed Stede like he need it to breathe.
He then passed out in Stede's arms cause the rum mixed the extreme pain finally got to him. He felt at peace for the first time in a long time cradled in his lover's arms.
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butch-bakugo · 2 years
Maybe im being defensive on a different blog or maybe im just tired of making excuses but it litterally pisses me off sometimes on how we as communties on this platform, refuse to even tap the glass surrounding the topic of a "dni" or "do not interact" as something that is, in truth, totally outlandish and entitled.
Its held up as everyone's special little perfect scroll that makes anyone a monster for not reading and completely adhereing to. Like its your fault for existing in the same space as someone who finds some innate thing about you triggering and its your fault their mental health is now in "utter shambles". How dare you exist in their space. How dare you not explore every aspect of them before mindlessly scrolling down after liking one of their posts. How dare you not read every piece of the fine print in their 20 paragraph 3 teir with 6 paths per teir caard before following them for 1 thing they post sometimes. How dare you step on their lawn. This blog is their property and they have every right to be upset when you step on it!!
Dude... Blogs are public property. Blogs are your little stall in a sea of a billion stalls at a festival held in a city park. Some people will stop and buy shit, other might spit at your feet. Others steal shit or yell at you and heres the reality...
You chose to put up the fucking stall.
You chose this public place. You picked it and decided to sit there and make things and wait. You cant check every customer and why would you? Why should they give you a pamplet of a billion facts of themselves before you could even consider allowing them to just merely stand infront of your stall? Why do i or anyone have to prove to you that we are "worthy" of your blog? Of your content? Why should we have to fit your mold to like a few pictures or pieces of art? Why do i have to sign in?
This is public property and yes, its my fault if i insult you or steal shit but you cant be a white karen and cry to the people crowded around your stall that i merely exist near yours. Thats why i utterly disregard them and will continue to because why?
Dnis are fucking stupid, it dosent stop the people you dont like and if your gonna beg for likes and reblogs, you cant pick who likes and reblogs it.
When i say this, people point out that i have a dni. But heres the thing. At the tippy top of mine, i state that i fully understand and expect it to be disregarded and not adhered to and thats honesty. I dont expect people to and why should i? Its merely a statement of me saying that these people are ones im going to advocate againest and thats it. What grinds my gears is the people who cry and scream and hurt themselves then beg for sympathy from their muturals because they "genuinely" expected it to be respected.
You genuinely expect people to care? When your blog is about cookie run character edits? When your blog is about winx club fanart? Why should they care? Its not my job to follow your rules on a public platform. Its not my job to check every blog i like or reblog from. Its not my job to make my existance something palatable to you and its not my job to respect something i dont have to.
The sickest part of all of it is that its so disconnected from reality. In reality, every person with more than 5 things on their dni has loved ones and close friends who would fit their dni and they don't cut them off like they try to cut at internet strangers. My own damn friends would meet my "dni", my mom would, my sister would. Dose that make them all horrible terrible bigots? Fuck no! It makes me realistic. Its this understanding that just because you dont know someone, one opinion of theirs that dosent align with yours on mundane shit, automatically makes that person a horrendous disguesting bigot who hurts everyone and should never be trusted again with no reason or ability to get better or become more educated or could educate you.
Ive had fully white people not touch important racial posts because im "panphobic". Ive had fully abled people ignore important disabled articles about our rights being taken away cause i support he/him lesbians. Like... The issues dont match each other and you need to be able to put the tumblrina bong down and hold hands aginest actual important issues when they arise instead of mundane fandom bullshit. I dont care if you like the dream smp when im trying to get you to spread more important info about sexism. I dont care if your a demipansexual pro-shipper when really fucking important info about climate change activists are dieing.
Like you gotta be able to step away for a moment and if you find yourself genuinely caring about stupid bullshit like "endogenic rights!!" in real life that dosent affect anything over any of the big 5 of oppression: mysogny, racism, lgbtphobia, ableism and classism... Then you need to step away and get a fucking grip. You need to breathe and leave. Stop like and a ride a bike. Delete and move feet. You get the point.
Get up and get out and get some perspective. None of it matters. Move on.
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faerieorbitars · 2 years
ph also while i was drafting that last post i found this in my drafts and idk i’m feeling a little goofy silly funny. so. heres some thoughts on my self indulgent princes tutu/disney classic fairytales (really though just peter pan) story idea . i’m just gonna post whatever this says mostly unedited
idk if ill actually post this or keep it in my drafts but probably i will post it bc i like when people read my things and give me feedback even if its just for my own enjoyment :) (i did post it teehee)
for anyone whos never watched princess tutu heres the Quickest possible plot summary without spoiling it bc you Should watch it: its abt a town where fairytales come to life, because of a man who died while writing his last book, trapping the hero (the prince) and villain (the raven) in their final battle without an end, so they break out into the town and the prince shatters his heart into pieces to seal the raven away, but losing all his emotions in the process
the story is abt a duck (named duck) who is turned into a girl by the man (drosselmeyer) so that she can turn into princess tutu, a heroine from his story, and find the shards of the prince's shattered heart and return them to him. there are other characters in town who take on roles from the story but most people (duck included) dont seem to realize there even Is a story or that their town is taking part in it- except for those that know the prince (fakir and rue) and very much Dont want the story to continue. thats abt as much as i can say without spoilering the twists but its very good and you should watch it. thank u
anyways . now time to put funny guy in here for no reason . one of the other important story points in pt is that drosselmeyer Loves tragedies. so that combined with this idea that some of the ppl of the town are inadvertently becoming characters In the story gave me this idea that like. the peter and co in the story (slightly more book accurate just way edgy for reasons i will get into in 2 seconds) are completely different from the ones running around gold crown town (basically the disney versions) . and peter from the story is more like some dudes 'dark' version of peter pan where hes malicious or whatever and doesnt actually care abt people . and the tragedy of his story is eventually the lost boys all either grow up or die, tink dies, hook dies (idk what im even gonna do with him LOL), but peter forgets all abt them bc hes so selfish and obsessed with not growing up he never even feels sorrow over losing them so he doesnt even know he should be lonely and sad
but i know my boy so like. hes not like that. he genuinely cares for tink, and the lost boys, thats his family even if he never like says it. which is part of the problem cause like, while the prince has no heart the story has stalled, so everyone is just stuck in the same place in the story, otherwise living out their lives. the raven cannot get out and nobody can meet ill fates bc the story has stopped. but duck/princess tutu returning the prince's heart shards is causing the story to progress . plot points from the story begin to occur and they are quickly hurtling toward the return of the raven and the end of the tale- which btw is ALSO a tragedy. its always going to be a tragedy. things dont end well in the ending drosselmeyer had planned. but bc duck is a good person even once she realizes this she knows that the prince deserves to have his heart back so she keeps looking for the shards
anwyays this is rambling as hell but the idea i had was that at some point while duck is looking for more heart shards, she runs into peter who is, despite being forever an immature obnoxious boy , like genuinely a good kid who tries to do the right thing, so of course even if he doesnt like. know whats going on hes gonna help out! he doesnt know duck is tutu bc thats a secret identity magical girl thing but like, if she ever asks for help he does and they get along very well . he also gets along with tutu who he just thinks is a different person . he has No Idea that gold crown town is trapped in a story or that the story doesnt end well for him Or duck (tutu's fate is that she'll turn into a speck of light and vanish if she confesses her feelings for the prince so. lol)
UNTIL. he meets another character named princess kraehe, a crow prima ballerina, who tells him to stop helping tutu and that theyre all better off if the prince stays heartless forever. she casually drops that tutu is fated to die if the story goes as it is, and hes fated to lose everyone he cares about and be alone forever, and if he doesnt believe her he should seek out the story of the prince and the raven and read it for himself. which he does. and yeah shes right. and when she finds him again and is like hey like even IF nothing happens, wont you have to grow up if the story ends? so arent you in a lose/lose situation here no matter what if you help tutu? hes like yeah ok maybe everything IS better if the story stalls and nothing progresses . i happen to like things exactly as they are
so from that point on hes actively stopping tutu from finding the shards of the prince's heart as much as he can. hes still friendly with duck bc shes great and as far as hes concerned shes basically a lost girl even if she goes to school instead of running away into the woods with him (which is fine but lame) but that also gives him more reason to oppose tutu . whcih is conflicting for duck bc She Is Tutu. he never directly allies himself with kraehe bc shes obviously evil but its still like a mess
and then later on character development happens n blah blah he goes back to helping tutu but like ill save that bc im lazy and also i would have to spoil the twists of the story to get into that so maybe another time. lol
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credulouscanidae · 2 years
re: learned helplessness post // (please know i am not intending rudeness)
the problem isnt that these people need specific instructions, its that they (for lack of kinder terms) make things harder for themselves, and also that instead of asking someone who can help them in person, they just quit and blame the online recipe. the blame of the online recipe is where the helplessness part comes in
to use the boiled egg ex., most recipes or guides online actually *do* tell you that you need a pot big enough for the amount of eggs, enough water just to cover them, and to set the stove on high until the water boils. there are specific instructions. asking what temperature to set the stove to needs only a follow-up "what temp does water boil" google search to know that water boils at 212F/100C
the point of "learned helplessness" (i do agree the term has become watered down from its actual meaning) is to frustrate the person helping you into just doing it for you, or to convince them youre too incompetent to do it and, again, do it for you
as someone who also genuinely stalls and gets overwhelmed when i dont have a specific process lined out and practiced, there comes a point where you do need to help yourself. ask to be shown specificly in real life how to do something. watch a how-to video if thats not an option. instead of just giving up and deciding not to do it because its scary and new (/not mean)
in conclusion i am not intending any snide tone or sarcasm or meanness or anything so please dont think that i am attacking you or your brother. that post is specifically about people who are unwilling to find a way to do the things they need to do, not people that need help in general
hey, thanks for such a respectful message and adding to the discussion! its really interesting hearing these different perspectives
i guess in the end we dont personally know the people in the screenshots. are they demonstrating learned helplessness? or are they simply venting a frustration that they experience in their day to day lives as a disabled person? i know in the end they chose to post those things online, instead of googling solutions or connecting with other people privately to find solutions, but i guess in the end we dont know who they are, what support networks they have/who they can reach out to, or if they're using the boiling egg as a vague example to demonstrate that some tasks arent as simple as abled people find them! and for the record, i have had my fair share of online recipes that really vaguely say "add a splash of" "use a generous amount of" and other really vague instructions, so i guess its a luck of a draw on what recipe you find haha!
but in the same vain i do see where you're coming from. i think it's important for people to challenge themselves. someone i know also has troubles doing "simple" tasks like boiling an egg, and they explained that they have learned to challenge themselves with these tasks, and overcomign the anxiety of fucking it up. and theyve fucked up a lot trying to heat frozen meals, or making toast, and like, its shit cuz it costs additional money cuz youve burnt the food and can no longer eat it, but if you are able to afford to make those mistakes, then yeah, go for it. especially if theres no financial consequence, i think its really important to self-evaluate, find your threshold, understand yourself and your limits, and push yourself in that compassionate way. like with my ADHD, i definitely dont do the "i have this thing, oh well guess im just doomed to do [symptom] forever". i try to approach it with "maybe i cant do all 10 tasks ive been putting off doing all in one day, but im going to make it a goal to do at least one today" "im going to forget and be overwhelmed, so im going to set 5 different alarms 5 mins after each other to remind me" doing things like that to set yourself up for success.
so in that sense, yeah, i definitely agree that it benefits when people challenge themselves, in ways that are practical. i do admit my brother for example struggles with confidence, but he also has some personality difficulties where he feels the world owes him. he definitely demonstrates learned helplessness in some aspects.
and i think my brain just went on a tangent, because i was mainly getting heated at the comments on the post, wehre people were being downright ableist and shitty. and i think i just see this rhetoric way too much, where when someone genuinely struggles with something, it's generally met with a "haha! how can you find that difficult? thats so easy!" and that always rubs me the wrong way. i interpreted the screenshots as the people talking about finding it difficult to boil an egg as them trying to provide insight into the idea that something seemingly so simple is actually really complex for some people.
but anywaayyy, as i said in the end we dont know who these people are, or their intention, but i personally interpreted them as just being very candid in explaining their struggle. and maybe, yeah, they could learn to take risks and attempt to boil an egg instead of talking about how much they cant do it to the online sphere, but i know i dont know the context, and therefore dont wanna make assumptions
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askglanni · 6 years
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((So I know I should be responding to asks but uh, the nice messages I got this morning really made my whole day so here’s...this lil Show Of Gratitude. In all honesty I haven’t been feeling the best lately, about myself, my art, and just in general. So doing things in general has been difficult. But like I said I’m not giving up on this blog right after starting it, even if it takes me ages to respond to things and if I keep hating my art. It means a lot that people are so encouraging and nice and it’s always so shocking to see people genuinely enjoying the things I like. I’m not used to my friends or family being very supportive of me so it’s...super nice, lmao...Thank ny’all so much for having patience with me and being encouraging!! Also, the strange purple and orange gremlin is me.
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