#vegan Kyoto
cruella-devegan · 6 months
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AIN SOPH. Journey / Kyoto, Japan
Soy crispy chicken burger filled with fresh cabbage and tartar sauce 🍔
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collectoroftheabyss · 7 months
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Kyoto, 01.23
missing this cute cafe a lil more than usual today
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ginosgarden · 22 days
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Traditional Kyoto-style lunch set from Mumokuteki. All vegan!
From my October 2023 Japan trip.
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faustochou · 10 months
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Today, I had lunch at Mumokuteki, a trendy vegan restaurant in Kyoto. The restaurant is not only a restaurant but also a part of the restaurant that is like a “vegetarian” #Muji, selling locally sourced organic food, comfortable and simple clothing and decorations, handmade utensils, and well-preserved vintage furniture.
Their lunch is a fine selection of brown rice 🍚 , curried pumpkin, pickled potatoes 🥔 , vegetables 🥬 , radishes, etc., served with lettuce salad, fried plant steak 🍃🥩 with special sauce, and miso soup.
The best part is the dessert - sundae! A frosting made from soy milk 🍼 , topped with black coffee ☕️, and served with tiramisu, blueberries 🫐, and strawberries 🍓, it’s a taste you won’t find anywhere else!
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myneighbortokyo · 2 months
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February 20th 2024
Shinkansen to Kyoto
Ace Hotel
Record Shopping
Vegan Uzu Ramen
Craft Beer Canvas
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bindannmalweg · 1 year
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Für uns gings mit dem Shinkansen weiter nach Kyoto! Auf dem Weg konnten wir den Mount Fuji sehen. In Kyoto haben wir 3 Nächte in einer kleinen Wohnung verbracht und haben da sogar eBikes und PoketWifi bekommen. Wir haben also die ganze Stadt auf dem Rad erkundet. Angefangen haben wir beim wunderschönen goldenen Schrein. Die Natur war so beeindruckend und beruhigend. Abends gab es das erste vegane Ramen, sooo lecker! Am nächsten Tag hatten wir nicht mehr so tolles Wetter, aber wir sind trd in den Botanischen Garten gefahren und haben uns natürlich nochmal so viele schöne Kirschblüten angeschaut. Mittags waren wir nochmal Ramen essen - und Soymilk Ramen sind einfach himmlisch! Auch an dem Tag haben wir ordentlich Schritte gesammelt und sind in der ganzen Stadt rumgewandert.
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hippocampinae · 2 years
Pour la fin de mon séjour au Japon, mes parents ont eu la chance de venir me voir. On ne l'a pas crié sur les toits, car ils n'étaient pas admis pour tourisme : ils étaient admis pour voir leur fille vivant au Japon.
Ces visas pour la famille immédiate avaient plutôt comme objectif de permettre aux grands-parents de rencontrer leurs petits-enfants, qu'ils étaient dans l'impossibilité de voir depuis le début de la pandémie. Mais mes parents étaient admissibles aussi, alors on en a profité.
Mon père a entrepris de faire un récit du voyage et, lorsqu'il l'aura complété, je publierai nos aventures décrites par lui.
En quittant mon appartement, j'ai roulé ma grosse valise et ma valise de cabine jusqu'à l'arrêt d'autobus, avec mon sac de katana sur le dos. Je me suis rendue à l'aéroport de Kumamoto et pour la première fois j'ai failli manquer de temps avant mon vol. Lorsque Steven était venu chez moi, il avait oublié un chargeur portatif externe. Il m'avait également prêté un sac réutilisable. J'ai mis ses choses ensemble dans une de mes valises, puis j'ai oublié. Eh ben, c'était dans ma valise qui allait aller en soute, donc ça a causé problème à la sécurité. J'ai à peine eu le temps de courir au dépanneur après avoir fini par réussir à enregistrer ma valise pour m'acheter à déjeuner avant de passer la sécurité et entrer dans l'autobus menant à l'avion.
Arrivée à Tokyo, je me suis dirigée vers chez Gabrielle, une autre JET de Montréal qui était en vacances au Québec et qui nous a loué, à moi et à Steven, son appartement en son absence pour qu'on puisse y laisser nos valises. Il pleuvait et j'ai eu de la difficulté à trouver son appartement car son immeuble n'apparaissait pas dans Google Maps. J'ai fini par me rendre, rentrer mes valises, changer de pantalons parce que ceux que je portais étaient trempés, puis je suis ressortie pour diner des ramens.
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Je suis rentrée à l'appartement, faire une sieste et attendre mes deux autres valises que j'avais envoyé par la poste depuis Kumamoto.
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Le lendemain, le 27 juillet, mes parents arrivaient au Japon. Nous avons tous les trois quitté notre destination le 26 juillet pour nous rendre à Tokyo, mais avec le décalage horaire eux quittaient le 26 (date de Montréal) pour arriver le 27 (date de Tokyo). Le matin, avant d'aller les chercher à l'aéroport, j'ai été dans le quartier Shibuya. L'appartement de Gabrielle étant dans le quartier Adachi, ça aurait été plus complexe de me rendre à l'aéroport qu'à partir de Shibuya. Je me suis donc promenée, j'ai été au Nintendo Store et au Pokemon Store pour voir. J'ai diné des ramens, encore, mais vegan cette fois.
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Puis je me suis dirigée vers l'aéroport, pour accueillir mes parents. Malgré leur long voyage pas reposant, ils étaient de bonne humeur. Nous avons pris la direction de leur hôtel, dans le quartier Amakusa. Je les ai aidés à faire le check-in, puis nous avons été acheter des sushis au dépanneur, que nous avons mangés dans leur chambre. Après avoir mangé et discuté un peu de la journée du lendemain, je les ai laissés pour la nuit et je suis retournée à l'appartement de Gabrielle.
Pour le reste de l'histoire, ça viendra éventuellement.
Mais en gros nous avons été à Tokyo du 28 au 30 juillet, Kyoto du 30 juillet au 7 août. Pendant cette période où nous avions une chambre à Kyoto nous avons également été à Osaka et à Nara. Du 7 au 11 juillet, nous dormions à Hiroshima. Nous avons également été à Miyajima et à Ōkunoshima. Nous avons ensuite été dormir à Fukuoka du 11 au 15 août, période pendant laquelle j'ai fait visiter ma ville, Kumamoto, à mes parents. Nous sommes retournés à Kyoto du 15 au 19 août, pour finir à Tokyo à partir du 19 août et repartir vers Montréal ensemble le 23 août.
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terumiyokoyama · 2 years
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今日の装い・・。 京都の堀川新文化ビルヂングで開催されている 「堀川新文化ビルヂング開館1周年記念 KYOTO nuno nuno NUNO須藤玲子、林雅之、we+によるテキスタイルインスタレーション」に出かけました。 NUNOの布、リスペクトと言うことでNUNOの布で作った帯をしていきました。 布の作られる過程の映像もとっても興味深く、見入ってしまいました。 NUNOは私にとって布好きになった原点の布の一つ・・。 25年ぐらい前、新井淳一さんというお名前とともにNUNOの布を教えて頂き、お洋服を作って頂いていました。 私の帯の布も展示されていてパシャリ・・(^^♪ 今日は午後から雨とのことで手紡ぎ手織の木綿の着物と取り合わせ・・。 一衣舎さんの水洗い仕様のお仕立て・・、 絹の総居敷当てが付いていてこんな時期、こんなお天気にぴったりのお着物・・(^^♪ もちろん足元は黒田商店さんのマイソール下駄です。 堀川新文化ビルヂングから丸太町へ・・用事をいろいろ済ませて帰ってきました。 お店を再開するべく準備中です。 娘の和ろうそくもご覧いただけます。 和ろうそくと着物のお店・・。 月に1週間程度の開店ですが、よろしかったらどうぞいらして下さいませ。 10月はプレオープン・・(^^ゞ 13日(木)11:00〜15:00 14日(金)11:00〜15:00 17日(月)11:00〜15:00 18日(火)11:00〜13:30 19日(水)11:00〜15:00 に致します。 お気軽にいらして下さいませ。 ✳︎お話会 「きものって素敵!シリーズ ①」 日時:10月24日11時より1時間程度 会費:1,000円 場所:岐阜県羽島郡笠松町江川112 「これから着物を着たいなぁ〜 着物を着始めたけど・・」 そんな着物初心者の方に向けて 着物の種類・・着るシチュエーションなど お話ししたいと思います。 娘のお友達の @shanti_yuj さんの Raw sweets ロースイーツとお茶付き(^^♪ とっても素敵な、「心にも身体にも地球にも優しい organic raw sweets🌕 vegan&white sugar freeの安心でおいしいケーキ🌿」を 作っていらっしゃいます。 きもののお話し致しましょう。 お待ちしております。 ——————————————————- 【きものと和ろうそくのお店】 きもの睦月 @kimonomutsuki ・・きものをもっと身近なものに・・ #きもの #きもの教室 #手仕事 #草木染め #紡ぎ #着物のご提案 #着物のお話し致しましょう #きものって素敵シリーズ #綿さつま #和小物さくら #洛風林 #布好き #糸好き #岐阜 森のしずく @mori_no_.shizuku ・・植物の恵みを通して、人々を癒し、祈り、 そして未来へ繋げていく・・ #和ろうそく #森のアロマ #yuica #ワークショップ #癒し #japanesecandle #aroma #瞑想 #meditation #子育てママ  https://www.instagram.com/p/CjfcNigrH2e/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pamelalovenyc · 8 months
Navigating Global Cuisines: A Travel Foodie's Guide
For many travelers, exploring the world isn't just about the landscapes, cultures, or activities—it's about the flavors, aromas, and culinary adventures awaiting in every corner. After all, what better way to connect with a new place than through its food? From the bustling street markets of Bangkok to the cozy bistros of Paris, let's embark on a gastronomic journey and see how you can make the most of global cuisines as a travel foodie.
1. Street Food: A Taste of Authenticity
Street food offers a window into the soul of a place. It's where traditional flavors meet innovation.
Bangkok: Dive into Pad Thai, freshly made from street carts, or savor Mango Sticky Rice.
Marrakech: Relish Moroccan treats like M'smen (a square-shaped flatbread) or Harira soup at Jemaa el-Fnaa.
2. Fine Dining: A Gourmet Experience
Luxury restaurants provide a unique blend of ambiance, presentation, and culinary artistry.
Tokyo: Experience the meticulous craft of Kaiseki, a traditional multi-course Japanese meal.
Paris: Savour gourmet dishes at Michelin-starred restaurants, accompanied by world-class wines.
3. Local Markets: Fresh Produce and Traditional Ingredients
Local markets offer fresh ingredients and a glimpse into daily culinary practices.
Barcelona: Visit La Boqueria to find fresh fruits, cured meats, and a variety of cheeses.
Mumbai: Crawford Market will mesmerize you with its array of spices, dried fruits, and local snacks.
4. Cooking Classes: Delve Deeper
Why just taste when you can learn to cook? Many destinations offer cooking classes for tourists.
Rome: Master the art of pasta-making.
Chiang Mai: Learn the intricacies of Thai cuisine, from Tom Yum soup to Green Curry.
5. Unique Dining Settings: Elevate the Experience
Sometimes, it's not just about the food but where you eat it.
Maldives: Enjoy a meal in an underwater restaurant, surrounded by marine life.
Cappadocia: Relish a traditional Turkish breakfast in a cave setting or on a terrace overlooking hot air balloons.
6. Dietary Restrictions: Navigating Challenges
While exploring global cuisines, dietary restrictions needn't dampen your food adventure.
Apps: Use applications like HappyCow for vegetarian and vegan-friendly restaurant recommendations.
Translation Cards: Carry cards explaining your dietary restrictions in the local language.
7. Beverage Trails: Beyond Food
Every cuisine has its signature drinks, from teas and coffees to wines and spirits.
Tuscany: Embark on wine tasting tours, sipping the region's finest Chiantis.
Kyoto: Experience traditional tea ceremonies, understanding the Zen behind each sip.
8. Seasonal Delights: Timing Your Visit
Some culinary experiences are bound by seasons.
Germany: Visit during Christmas to enjoy festive treats like Lebkuchen and Glühwein at Christmas Markets.
Japan: Spring offers Sakura-themed dishes and beverages, celebrating cherry blossom season.
9. Culinary Festivals: A Gastronomic Celebration
Align your travels with global food festivals for a heightened experience.
Melbourne: Taste your way through the Melbourne Food and Wine Festival.
Lima: Join the Mistura Festival to explore the diversity of Peruvian cuisine.
10. Local Etiquettes: Respecting Traditions
Understanding local dining etiquettes ensures respectful interactions.
South Korea: Never stick your chopsticks upright into a bowl of rice—it's considered disrespectful.
India: Eating with hands, especially the right hand, is common and often appreciated.
Traveling the world as a foodie is more than just satiating hunger; it's about immersing oneself in the stories, traditions, and people behind every dish. As food writer M.F.K. Fisher aptly put it, "First we eat, then we do everything else." And in the world of travel, food often becomes the central narrative, weaving tales of history, culture, innovation, and sheer passion.
As you map out your next travel destination, let your palate lead the way. Seek the spices, chase the aromas, and let every bite be an exploration, a revelation, and a celebration. Here's to global adventures and culinary trails that leave a lasting taste! Safe travels and bon appétit!
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cruella-devegan · 6 months
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AIN SOPH. Journey / Kyoto, Japan
Crispy soy chicken burger filled with fresh cabbage and tartar sauce 🍔
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japanguiding · 9 months
TOKYO - - - - - - - - EBISU -Hainan Jeefan Shokudo (singapore chicken & rice) -Chinese Cafe 8 (cheap lunch) -Blue Papaya (cheap lunch) -Afuri healthy ramen restaurant -Ebisu Bahn Mi sandwhiches -Falafel Bros -Yebisu beer museum (500 yen includes 2 beers) -Tokyo Photographic Museum -Parasitological Museum (free) -Ta-im (Israeli food) 
 NAKA MEGURO -Nakame no teppen honten Izakaya (expensive) -Onibus Coffee -Fukuho Gyoza (very cheap) -Kiyosugi standing bar -Colloseo Italian restaurant -Baja Mexian Take out (cheap) -Junakdelic Mexican Food (3000 yen) -Breakfast Club (american breakfast) -Bells Hotdog -8 Pizza -Hatos BBQ meat (expensive) -Berry/ Just Another Space (cool secret gaijin bar 3rd floor) -Locale Tokyo (organic) -Niigata Sanpō-tei Tokyo Lab Nakameguro 
 JIYUGAOKA -New new york club deli GAIKUGEIDAIGAKU -Sunny Boy Books (zines) -Higuma Doughnuts 
 DAIKANYAMA -DooWop Daikanyama (chicken burger) -Pizza Slice -Tsutaya T-Site magazine shop -Log Road shop road -Mina Perhonen fancy clothes -Okura traditional clothing -Maison Kitsune clothes 
 SHIBUYA -Commune Takobar Parco Mexican food -Risotto curry restaurant -Shibuya Crossing -Mandarake manga -Loft department store -Miyashita park -Eggs n things -World breakfast -Harrys Sandwhich Company -Takenostuka (bar diner) -3 Coin Bar (cheap) -Beat Cafe bar (THE ONE) -Tasu Ichi bar -DJ Bar Oath -Hanbey izakaya -Ko Chan izakaya -Bar Trench -Nondoko 209 -Wayback Burgers -Swig Bar -The Nuts Exchange (vegan) 
 OMOTE SANDO -Taro Okamoto museum (620 yen) 
 HARUJUKU -Sama Curry -SmokeHouse BBQ -Takeshita Street shop road -Kiddy Land -Purikura Land Noa photo booth -World breakfast -MOMA art design shop -Dog cafe -Yoyogi park -Meiji Jingu temple -Sakuratei okonomiyaki -Jins Glasses (glasses shop) -Menchirashi (udon) SHINJUKU -Shinjuku Gyoen park -Sekaido art supply shop -Fukuho Gyoza (very cheap) -Alley tapioca -Gong Cha tapioca -Momo Paradise sukiyaki restaurant (3000 yen) -Mannen Ya fashion -8 Bit Cafe -Shot Bar zoeotrope -Vagabond shinjuku 
 SHIN OKUBO -Nene Chicken (Korean chain) -Mash Bros (pie shop) 
 UENO -Ueno Park -Ueno Zoo (600 yen) -Ueno National Museum -Tomato fabric shop 
 ASAKUSA -Asakusa local burger AZABUJUBAN -Soul food house -Sukha Latin food 
 AKIHABARA -Manga shops -Sex shops 
 TOKYO STATION -Park -National museum MOMAT (500 yen) -Imperial Palace 
 ROPPONGI -Hainan Jeefan Shokudo (singapore chicken & rice) -Mori art museum -Tokyo Tower -Brew Dog bar -Mercer Brunch (expensive) -Havana Cafe (diner bar) -Geronimo (shot bar) -Falafel Bros -Gon Pachi (Kill Bill bar) 
 GINZA -Kagari ramen 
 ODAIBA -Team Lab (3000 yen) -Gundam 
 SHIMOKITAZAWA -Rojiura samurai curry restaurant -Ghibli Cafe -Captain’s Donut -Flippers pancakes -Bio ojiiyan restaurant -Trouble Peach bar -Marvel bar -Waffle cafe orange tea -Good Heavens british pub -El Caracol mexican food -Miyoshino sake bar -Umeshu bar -Stick up (clothes) -Grizzly (clothes) -Desert Snow (clothes) 
 YOYOGI UEHARA -Anda Gyoza restaurant -Commune Press zine shop 
 SANGENJAYA -A Bridge restaurant -Borrachos -Dar Roiseau SETAGAYA -Seatagaya art museum -Saigon Kamimachi 
 KICHIJOJI -Ghibli museum (must book in advance) -Inokashira Park -Inokashira Park Zoo -Cafe Russia Restaurant -Cave Frog Shop -Cat cafe -Avril No Mise yarn specialist -Home Planet restaurant -Ramen Maji 
 NAKANO -Manga district -Broadway -Taco Che Alt Manga Shop 
 OTSUKA -Bar Speakeasy 
 KOENJI -Faith Koenji Gallery -Hattifnatt cute cafe -Sound Studio Dom Koenji -Jirokichi Live House 
 IKEBUKURO -Sunshine City -Aquarium (2000 yen) -Shops -Pokemon Center shop -Snoopy Charlie Brown shop 
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - KYOTO -Arishiyama -Arishiyama Monkey Park -Ki Kyoto (Lebanese food) -Muraya Kyoto (cool bar) -Nakagawa Liquor Store -Public Tavern Tsubame Hall 大衆酒場つばめホール CHEAP DAY TRIPS -Mount Takao -Kamakura -Kawagoe Saitama DAY TRIPS -Hakone -Atami -Nikko 
 CHAIN RESTAURANTS -Saizeriya (italian) -Hub (british pub) -Torikizoku (izakaya/wetherspoons style) -Mos Burger -Sushiro -Hamazushi (sushi) -8 Pizza -Pizza Slice 
 GALLERIES -Gyle art gallery harujuku -Voillld -Scai the bath house -Shibafu -Anagra art gallery -Otsuka -Adachi -Ohara el greco -Tokyo art book fair 
 CLUBS -Harlem -Atom -Oath shibuya -A Life -WWW 
 TOP PLACES/THINGS TO DO: -Shibuya/Yamashita Park/Harujuku/Meiji Jingu/Yoyogi (You can walk between these) -Shimokitazawa Rojiura samurai curry is the best Get desserts at Captains Donut and Shirohige Ghibli cafe -Kichijoji Go Inokashira Park and Ghibli museum -Mount Takao Get nature see monkeys
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Day 44
Heat of Kyoto
Acer wanted us all to get up early to get to the 10,000 gate shrine before the heat and the tourists and to his credit he was at breakfast before us at 7am.
It took us to long to get organized and to find our way so by the time we arrived at 9.15 it was already hot as hell and busy with tourists.
Regardless it was an special experience visiting the fox shrines up Mt Inari.
It was so intensively hot and humid on the climb up that we just had to drag ourselves up and look forward to the walk down and the lemon flavored shaved ice that greeted us at the halfway point down.
Incredibly we bumped into an old work colleague Pete Sahota from BSkyB at the bottom near the main shrine as we were making our way back to the sanity of the AC in the train and a shower and change of clothes at the hotel.
After cooling down and refreshing up we had lunch at a trendy vegan cafe and then split up to explore the local shops. By 7pm we were all ready for a drink and a snack so we went to the Spring Valley brewery for a couple of pints, flat breads and wings.
It’s an early night tonight so we can try again with an early start at wet make our way to the bamboo forest, and golden pavilion.
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faustochou · 10 months
This is a vegan restaurant 🍃🍴 owned by a Taiwanese woman. I didn't notice it at first, but when I saw the traditional Taiwanese bags on the wall, I started to think...is the owner of this restaurant Taiwanese? Or do they like Taiwan a lot?
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I communicated in English until I asked them at the checkout, "Are you Taiwanese? The chef replied, "My mother is Taiwanese. He speaks Japanese, Mandarin, and some Taiwanese and English.
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jordanprice · 10 months
June 20 - Osaka
Today we went to Osaka. It was my third time this trip visiting there, but there was still a lot I hadn’t seen or done yet. It is like an hour away from where we are staying, but I would say it was worth it to go multiple times as there is a lot going on there.
When we arrived in Osaka, we split for lunch. Professor Smith gave us an extra 30 mins, which I appreciated and it made me feel validated as I was the one who suggested it earlier that morning. Lauren and I went with Emily and Bianca to some vegan restaurant to eat. We ended up having to take a taxi, as it was much faster than walking or taking a train. I got some noodle dish, which ended up being quite the mistake. You see, two things, one I was not expecting there to be peanuts in some noodle dish, and two I was not expecting to be allergic to peanuts. I was allergic to them as a kid, but they didn’t show up on my most recent allergy test. I most certainly am allergic to them though after that. My breathing was a bit worse and my throat closed up a bit, but I took some Benadryl, did my inhaler, and I was fine. I felt so bad for Lauren though, as she was really worried about me, and I didn’t want to stress it out. I have no idea how people with allergies or any eating conditions in general survive in Japan. Like I guess I took it for granted being told on a menu if a dish has peanuts. Because of this, I ended up making us late for the group meet up time. I felt bad about it, but people were understanding.
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As soon as our group got to the meeting point, we then headed to the Osaka Castle. We did not go in it, but we went up to it. It was quite pretty in my opinion.
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After the castle, we went to America Village. It was nothing at all like America, except for it had a McDonald’s. There was one very American thing I did see though. Which was a black Silverado with a toddler and a pit bull in the back of it, so there’s that.
After that, we headed to a shopping street. We saw the famous running man advertisement from the bridge, and it was definitely a large billboard. The street on the other side of the bridge was quite cool. There were a bunch of 3D advertisements, some of which were moving, and there were a ton of different shops, a lot of which was street food. Lauren got strawberry ice cream and a strawberry smoothie, and we both got a strawberry tart which was pretty good.
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We were then released for the day, and Lauren and I decided to stay in the area and walk around for a while and look at the shops. She especially wanted to find gacha machines, so we looked around and found some. We also went back and found the ones she saw on the way there that she wanted to check out. I ended up getting a like $40 Pokémon card from a $15 gacha, so that was pretty cool. We then also got matching keychains of cinamaroll as a bee. We got two of them from one grab in a claw machine, which was really fun.
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I wasn’t feeling well at this point, so we headed back. I got two more chicken and cheese quesadillas from the one place we had gone to before, then I was feeling better.
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This was an amazing trip and was such a great experience overall. I learned a ton about Japanese culture and got to be there in person to see it. The four weeks both feel like they’ve went on forever and like I blinked and it’s gone. I’m so glad I met Lauren on this trip, as spending it with her has made it a lot more enjoyable. I’m also happy that I got Vishnu as my roommate, as he is a nice guy and we got along well. By the end of the trip, I am definitely ready to go home, and in some ways am even getting tired of Japan. Overall, I will say I enjoyed Tokyo a lot more than I did Kyoto, but both had a lot of value in seeing. One final thing is I’m really looking forward to sleeping in a bed again man.
(Bonus photos from the last day)
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Academic Reflection
Today I learned about the characteristics of the cityscape of Osaka. One thing the reading mentioned is that Osaka has weak zoning regulations for businesses, meaning there isn’t strong legislation on what businesses can and cannot operate in the area. I personally don’t know enough on the topic to be able to tell seeing it in person where this would come into play, especially since the business really all seemed to just be like food, clothing, or arcade type stuff.
I also learned about how they frequently destroy and then rebuild buildings and even entire blocks. They do this to constantly modernize the city and to upkeep the contemporary Japanese city aesthetic and complex spatial structure. That is one thing I did notice walking around Osaka is that there were practically no old buildings at all, they were all new from what I could tell. I suppose this is intentional and does make sense. Constantly tearing down and replacing buildings ensures they are always modern, but it just seems like such a costly endeavor to keep up. I suppose if the buildings are profitable enough, it then makes it worth it to keep them as contemporary as possible. In a way, cities like this in Japan feel like they are from the future, and definitely more advanced than what I am used to seeing in Florida.
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biancabacigtravels · 10 months
June 18th, 2023: Kyoto International Manga Museum
This day was short since we were only in this museum for around 2 hours. I'm going to be completely honest; I wasn't all impressed with the museum, and I think it is because my expectations were too high. I was expecting it to have more interesting things that explain the history of Manga better, and not just a bunch of manga stacked together like at a library. It truly, looked more like a bookstore than a museum. At least that's the impression it gave me.
After the museum however, I went to the cafe that was just outside and part of the museum. I thought the cafe was more interesting than the exhibits in the manga museum. The food was great, and I got a latte with art on it! It was really impressive. So, at least the food and the coffee were good.
After the museum I had a Kimono rental reservation at 1:30pm, near the hotel. I was very excited because it is something I've been wanting to experience since I arrived to Japan. We went and getting ready was really quick. I just went in, picked the one that I thought was the cutest and they put the Kimono on me. They also did my hair and to my surprise they were very quick with it. After we were ready we went out and too a bunch of pictures and walked around the area until it was time to get back to the location.
After I left the location, I went back to the hotel to rest and to play video games for a bit until it was time for my reservation at a vegan ramen place that I went to with a friend. The reservation wasn't until 8:15 so I didn't get ready until it was 7pm. The place wasn't too far but we still had to take the bus. Once we got to the restaurant, I wasn't expecting it to be so fancy. The place was small but the ambience and the music that was playing in the background was so calming. It almost felt like a meditation. The food was delicious, I've never had vegan ramen before but this ramen was probably the best I've ever had. I had a wonderful experience at this nice restaurant and I would definitely recommend it to anyone.
After the experiences and readings, I've learned that Manga was first created in the early 1900's and it was found at the back of newspaper, something like American comics. It was intentionally made for children but as it became increasingly popular amongst Japan, they made manga for an older audience. And as the popularity just kept growing more and more, it spread internationally and now it has become popular in the West and across multiple countries with hundreds of translations. Because now, anime has become and is still becoming so popular and relevant, people are becoming more interested into reading manga.
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laurensjapanadventure · 10 months
June 15- Kyoto Imperial Palace/National Museum
Today we visited the Imperial Palace and the Kyoto National Museum. We visited the museum first which was relatively small. We were not allowed to take photos but my favorite pieces included a sculpture that was doing the "yass" pose and a piece called "A plethora of Crabs" The crab piece mentioned how 8 legs are seen as wealthy since more appendages can grab more money. I learned a lot It also mentioned that crabs are red when boiled, a color known to be auspicious. Before the Imperial palace, Jordan and I ate at a vegan place. It was pretty flavorless but I was grateful for food that I could eat. We barely managed to catch the English tour at the Imperial Palace. I really had to pee so I had to wait until after the tour to go. It was difficult to hear the guide speak so I moved close to him.
After our first amazing experience with TeamLab, Jordan and I decided to visit a vegan ramen place owned by them that we had reservations for. While waiting, I got a strawberry smoothie, I'm still sad that I have yet to find any strawberry sandwiches. We visited the arcade and I won a few gatcha machines.
When our reservation time arrived at 6:15, we arrived at the restaurant. It was really good but very strange as we were expected to be very quiet. There was a very judgemental woman who stared us down across the table despite slurping so loud. I was sad that my dish had tomato but TeamLab wanted me to keep it in and break it apart as a part of the artistic experience. It just made the dish taste more like tomatoes. I still really enjoyed the food regardless and was grateful for a good meal.
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