#vendel people
ltwilliammowett · 1 year
The boat grave at Årby Gård
The boat grave at Årby Gård also known as Årbybåten contained a boat that is so far the only one of its kind and dates from the 10th century. It was found in 1933 at Årby Gård, near Rasbokil, east of Uppsala in eastern Sweden, and was fully excavated in 1935 but unfortunately insufficiently documented.
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The boat with the burial objects (x)
The boat itself is 3.95m long and 1.05m wide, it was made of 5 planks and weighs about 55kg. It could carry a load of about 130 kg. This means that it could carry a person plus cargo or two people over longer distances in calm waters. It had oars and paddles with a movable oar bench. The boat had been used, as repairs and other evidence show, for more than 100 years before it was used for the burial of a woman (whether it really was one can no longer be said) On the skeleton the oars and paddle had been placed. Inside the boat there were well preserved wooden bowls, spoons, ropes and a game board. Outside the boat were a dog and a stallion with its head cut off. Before the discovery, the tomb had already been looted and all metal objects removed. The damage to the boat itself probably occurred in the process.
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The excavation of the boat, 1935 (x)
The boat has an interesting place in maritime archaeological history because its shape and structure indicate the influence of a nonlocal ethnic group, that of the Sami. Little is known about how the hunter groups that handled domesticated reindeer from about 1000 BC, even before the Viking Age (800-1050 AD), are related to the Sámi. Around 500 AD, however, the northern Swedish groups came into contact with the Vendel people (a group of people from the Vendel region of the central Swedish province of Uppland), and knowledge was exchanged.
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In the 9th century, this context gave rise to the boat, according to more recent dating, which ends a hundred years later in the boat grave at Årby Gård. The burial custom that began with the boat graves of the Vendel Age (550-800 AD) did not end until the end of the Viking Age (1050 AD).
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theslayerbrother · 7 months
So there is a lot of Saying of how Jim changed characters Such as Draal Strickler Angor and Nomura to name a few but not that much of how the character changed him (especially his friends and family ) outside of bein Supportive.
edit - there Amazing headcannos by @albentelisa and by a few more so maybe i would return on Something that people already Said
Also i am not a Writer i'm so not calming it's 100% (well Claire mabye hehe) jk.
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Let's Start with the easiest and Probably the most loyal person to Jim and the first Person after Jim that was introduce was his BFF Toby. Toby Represent Jim mortality the fact that he Can be hurt and injured because toby very easily get hurt and injured because he only human and not in the best of shape but besides that he is able to Keep going Which is Why Jim kept going able to do things despite being only human.
(i am well aware that Jim was the one who push to toby to Keep going as well was the first but Jim a lot of the time felt a moment of weakness that he isn't good enough and toby Should him that isn't true it Kinda go visa versa)
another thing about toby is his happiness and he have a Positive out Look of things toby and Jim become friends a short time after his father Left Which is Why Jim able to Keep going as much as he did because toby was always being besides him.
that's Also Why the rott movie was bad because it tainted that idea.
but isn't canon still hunts me a lot of the time.
overall Jim became much more happy and Much less angsty that he Should've been without toby.
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moving on to Jim's Crash and Jim's Soulmate the Lovely but dorky Claire.
Claire represent Jim's fear especially the ones who relate to Losing his Loved ones and become evil Plus Lacking in Self belief.
thanks to Claire Jim able or have much easier time overcoming his insecurities his Lack of believing in self to do Something risky Such as the final Push in the bathtub Scene (Part of it obviously is the fact that Claire herself is a bit of a Dork lol).
the thing that Claire gave to Jim was her Love and acceptance that she trust him and he totally deserve the Love and care that Claire give him. as he doesn't need to be fear that he always feel accepted with her.
She is also extremely Smart So she can her only Second to Blinky so she help Jim with things that aren't trollhunting related and Very Powerful So She can Protect Jim when ever he need a hand.
Claire is Jim greatest Love and i think that Jim feel a lot more confidence and accepted because of her.
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even tho Jim Claimed that he doesn't care about his father but he def need one and Blinky was the Answer. i believe that Blinky Represent Jim desire for family and being a Leader because both of them becomes Leaders Jim become a Leader at part 1 of Season 1 and Blinky at the end of Season 2 after the Death of Vendel both were hurt by a close family relative Jim by his father leaving him and his mother as a little kid. and Blinky by his brother Joining the Side of gunmmar both able to make their own family Jim found toby as best friend and brother then Blinky became his troll Dad and ARRRGHHH his troll brother. Blinky befriend ARRRGHHH and Adopt Jim as his son.
Blinky made Jim the best trollhunter change him and give Jim a Parent figure that's all the Most wholesome.
Jim need a father figure to guide him in trollhunting world and Also being a father in general. Plus Someone to share his Knowledge with.
so Overall Jim need a guidance of mentor and a father and Blinky answer that call
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ARRRGHHH is everyone favorite wingman i do think AREGGGGG represent Jim entering a role that can be very well take your whole childhood away. both were enter the role of a Warrior in a young age i believe that ARRRGHHH form @albentelisa worlds he understand Jim as a role of trollhunter the Most and Probably Jim has much better time dealing with being a trollhunter thank to ARRRGHHH
Also his big heart and Adorable Personality help Jim have much better time entering a Strange world of the trolls well and Blinky and Draal Obviously.
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Draal is Jim troll brother one of my favorite relationships in the Series
Draal represent Jim defined by his father both were defined by their fathers until they able to break it Jim but overprotecting his mom and have carry all the responsibilities in the house and Draal by following his Dad's Job of being a trollhunter which is Why is He was a rival to Jim at first
Fun fact - i thought that Draal would be an Antagonist for Jim after he defeated him but i glad that he didn't became one and instead became an ally.
Draal was a role model for Jim because Jim understood honor of a Warrior and Also build confidence in Battle as well. Draal was Protector so much that Jim carried his wish and Kill gunmmar by his name and his death consider to be the best one in the Series.
Draal was able to Change Jim make him better as a Person i feel lIke because of Draal i believe that Jim is even honor then he used to before (he had a lot of honor before that but still) better Adjust to the troll world because he had a troll for a brother.
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@pinkytoothlesso11 and @rexnanorum @yavannah  @seekerofblades idon't know about the following two these following ones your expert not mine so i feel free to add up if i miss Something.
Barbara is Jim's mom and i think she represent his heart Barbara is Super Compassionate and have a Similar heart to Jim by being a Doctor and helping people both Jim and Barbara were hurt by Jim's father when he let the both of them down.
the Desire to help people so no one will be left out is Something that they both share Jim by being a trolhunter and Barbara being a Doctor.
Jim Learnt form Barbara that he doesn't need to be afraid to share the burden that you carry with your Loved ones. and that lies not matter what the intention behind it can and will damage your relationship with your Loved ones like what happen with them in Season 1.
Thanks to Barbara Jim become more honest Person who will have better time sharing his burden with his Loved ones and put his trust in them.
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now to everyone favorite avocado troll nerd dad Mister Strickler. Strickler is one of the few relationships that is more antagonistic cuz Jim and Strickler butt heads a lot in trollhuntes in Season 1.
i feel Like what Strickler represent in Jim is the Desire to be Loved and accepted Sure Jim have toby and Barbara but he bullied and for the first part of trollhunters by the trolls because he was a human and Strickler by being a Changeling both however fortunately get the acceptance and Love Jim by Killing Bular and getting together with Claire and Building a family with Blinky ARRRGHHH and Draal
and While Strickler by getting together with Barbara and creating a family with Jim.
Strickler give further Knowledge about troll history and Changeling history to Jim teach him Combat Moves that Blinky won't teach because they cross his Limit.
Also i feel Like the Credit goes to @pinkytoothlesso11 i feel Like when Jim has a half troll Strickler is one who can understand him the most.
Which is Why at the end thanks to Lovely nerdy Strickler Jim is much easier time handling and Seeking things that others might won't understand.
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an-autistic-dweeb · 5 days
Random Feral!Angor headcanons.
Angor lives in Claire’s house. Thus, Angor made a nest in Claire’s basement, and has definitely dragged the kids into it. Laid on top of them like they’re fucking bird eggs.
He’s bitten Draal. Literally just bit him for no reason. It… it adds onto Draal’s dislike for him.
Angor is still very cat-like with his affection. Just more extreme about it. Thus, due to not knowing, poor Barbara screeched when she saw a whole dead raccoon on the doorstep.
Angor is very fond of children. Back in his village, he was often the one to take care of people’s whelps when they went out and he had nothing to do. So, when he finally makes the connection that Jim, Toby, and Claire are children… let’s just say he lowers his walls a little.
He (very intentionally) knocked over a super important jar that belonged to Vendel. That’s not at all the reason behind the rivalry, but it is definitely when it was sealed.
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thorraborinn · 5 months
Hi there! I was wondering, would you know where I could find anything on like, social taboos involving marriage? I wanted to know if there's anything in the sagas or maybe in archaeology/anthropology that touches on forbidden unions. I know the goddess Lofn is cited as one who grants permission to such people to be together, but I wanted to know if we have anything on what these forbidden unions could look like? Off the top of my head, I imagine feuding families to be a good start, but I can't find much else on the subject. Thank you!
Marriages in Old Norse society were arranged by families (usually between the prospective husband and the father or other male relative of the prospective bride), and more for political and economic reasons than for personal ones. Some people were married specifically because their families were feuding, to bring the feud to an end (often the people involved wanted out but failure to retaliate could have consequences; uniting the families could end the feud in a way that saved face. In Old English a woman who is married into an enemy family for this reason is called freoðu-webbe, 'frith weaver'). Frands Herschend went as far as proposing to see women in Iron Age Scandinavia generally as hostages (in the sense that Freyr and Njörðr are hostages in Ynglinga saga). If the sagas are relatively accurate there does seem to have been an understanding that the family should be arranging things such that the woman is happy with the result, but they weren't legally obligated to.
In this kind of situation, a marriage that's forbidden would be basically any that either side of the family, especially the woman's closest male relatives, opposes. The reasons were probably diverse and personal, and not generally based on widespread taboos. Most of it probably had to do with money and social hierarchy.
Feuding certainly played a role here, or rather we should say relations based in reciprocity, whether positive or negative, did. As I said, marriages were sometimes arranged specifically to bring hostile families into a single family and end the conflict, but if one side thought they had the upper hand and stood to gain by continuing the hostilities then they would surely not permit such a marriage. Marriages might also be arranged out of obligation to more powerful people.
In fact, it might be possible to frame any actual social or legal prohibitions on marriage that did exist as protections for the woman from being married off to someone she didn't want, rather than restrictions on her freedom, because she hardly had any. We can surely consider divorce in a similar way, which was permitted in certain circumstances.
The main restriction that we do have evidence for is marrying someone who is too close a relation. There were probably situations where the financially or politically advantageous thing to do is to get two close cousins married to each other and it may have actually happened, but it's illegal in the laws we have a record of. This may have been less regulated in heathen times.
Of course, there could have been culturally-assumed restrictions that weren't formally prohibited in the law. There's speculation that, while a Nordic man marrying a non-Norse woman was not uncommon, happening the other way around was not generally permitted. This is supposedly reflected in the mythology, where the male gods marry jötunn women but the goddesses do not marry jötunn men. However, there is archaeological evidence from the Vendel period that contradicts this (the book I'm getting this from is over 20 years old, so by now there could be contradictory evidence from the Viking age too, but I'm not sure), so if there was ever such an ethnic taboo it must have either not been universal, or developed later. I'll also remind that there is a contradiction in the mythology as well; Gefjun isn't described as marrying a jötunn but she does have kids with one, which scholars do typically count as a violation of an ethnic taboo, sometimes as grounds to reject the myth itself as "impossible" (Lindow's description).
A lot of this may have varied by class. We mostly know about the land-owning class. It's hard to say whether poorer people would have even less freedom over whom they married because of their dependence on land-owners, or if they had more freedom because there was less social and financial stake in it. It seems likely that their marriages weren't as regulated, but their ability to actually move from place to place was the major limiting factor.
I'm not aware of any sources for it, but I have no trouble believing that illegal or otherwise unsanctioned marriage happened. The thing that kept people in line was inheritance. So if people were in a position where they could turn down their inheritance (whether because they had another source of resources or because their families were so poor their inheritance was negligible anyway), and could have a place to live, they could probably just do what they wanted.
So I think for the most part, if we were to picture Lofn's intercession as historical events, we might picture the site of those intercessions as kind of distant from the actual marriage, like opening opportunities to get by while forgoing one's inheritance, or unexpected changes elsewhere in the social network. Or a simpler example would be a woman successfully convincing her father, brother, or other male representative to let her do what she wanted.
This is a little out of step with Snorri's etymological explanation of Lofn's name as related to 'permission' but as I explained here I think the actual etymological meaning of her name was 'hope'.
Of course a lot of heathens read Lofn's description in the Edda as affirming of marriages that deviate from gender and sexual norms, which the text does in fact leave room for but probably isn't what Snorri had in mind. There's a lot of room for speculation about how this may have been relevant in pre-Christian times but it would be difficult to move it beyond speculation.
Unfortunately quite a lot of this is already pretty speculative, because of how much later our sources concerning marriage are than the time when Lofn may have actually been recognized. Frankly, the same applies to our sources for Lofn, and the time when she may have been recognized. If I'm right about the etymology of her name then I think it's at least a partial vindication of Snorri but that does not necessarily mean that his description of her is entirely reliable.
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toa-archive · 5 months
just wondering, you guys don't happen to have any higher-res images of barbs paintings? theyre some of my favourite pieces from the show but its hard to find clear shots of them
Oh mood. Only the Strickler painting unfortunately which did have some digital touch ups mostly around the eyes to add some glowy oomph. I believe the owner as of 2018 (So might have changed since) is the user Feuerbluete tagged in when this was tweeted originally. The scans they did for production are no doubt sitting in the great vault which I would LOVE to raid one day.
Let me in Dreamworks I promise to at worst just organise the thing.
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For my own reference I did note down all the paintings she has for anybody hawking for good screenshots of the things:
Swarm of trolls/goblins in purple
Angor Rot
Jim in armour
The Angor one particularly a lot of people miss being more often than not just out of shot. It is possible to get a good shot but it's difficult being a blink and you'll miss it moment.
For a bit of additional fun:
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No prizes for guessing what this version was a reference to :)
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albentelisa · 8 months
Hello ☺️
I know you've done general Jim, jlaire, and troll dad Blinky headcanons, but do you have any specific to the new timeline and even beyond? I love all of your ask posts btw, such fantastic Au's and our hc generally almost always align!
Thanks for your kind words ❤ ❤ ❤
My oldest headcanon about the new timeline exists since July, 21, 2021 (when I wrote this oneshot https://archiveofourown.org/works/32729335 ). This one is that Jim keeps the new amulet and Excalibur in the new timeline.
My other headcanons about the new timeline and beyond were build through the two and half years (a lot of stuff keeps expanding, to be honest).
So here's my really long post about the happy ending for everyone.
Jim has managed to make everything right in this timeline, even with some stuff he didn't predict (like Enrique was still kidnapped - it just happened on a different date).
Everyone in the new timelines has these odd hunches about things they experienced in the first timeline. Like Claire having some odd attraction to Jim, Blinky being fatherly to Jim, and Barbara getting random thoughts that Strickler might be inhuman. Toby has it the worst as he can't help but think that everything is not his adventure and that Jim would be a better hero.
Because of hunches both Claire and Barbara find out the truth way earlier.
However, Toby is the first who realize that Jim somehow knows about all the incoming events. Jim has no choice but to confess about the time travel. He keeps the details from everyone though, especially those that might cause complications.
Jim brings Douxie into the team before the final encounter with Bular. Claire requests Douxie to become her magic teacher once she joins and he agrees.
Aja, Krel, and Varvatos join once they arrive on Earth.
Draal lives. Vendel is injured but also survives.
Angor gets his soul back this time. He isn't happy with Strickler but decides to let it go per Jim's request.
Toby spares Bular (much to Jim's shock). Bular starts to live in Toby's house, trying to reconsider his ways. Initially, Draal watches his actions and they eventually become friends.
Morgana fails to possess Claire. She possesses Angor instead.
Strickler manages to convince some changelings to switch sides, so more changelings survive.
Jim doesn't allow Merlin to transform anyone into a half-troll. He shows Merlin Excalibur (leaving the latter speechless), so Merlin begrudgingly agrees to try Jim's plan first.
After Gunmar's death, Bular inherits Decimaar and uses it to liberate all the trolls his father controlled.
Jim and Claire talk Morgana into trying to give co-existence a second chance. She isn't convinced fully but agrees to wait.
The residents of the Trollmarket never go to New Jersey, which means that Aja and Krel have more people to help them.
Jim is deadset on never letting anyone be hit with an onyx shard. He ends up taking the hit for Claire - only to discover that it has no effect on him (as Excalibur cannot harm his owner and Jim is technically another owner because of the time paradox).
Merlin isn't happy to learn that the Green Knight is actually King Arthur. The same goes for Morgana, but she blames Merlin for her brother ending that way.
Merlin finally realizes that he has been too stubborn all the time, refusing to see other options. He uses all his magic to seal Bellroc and Skrael and entrusts Douxie with leading the new king of Camelot.
Jim is technically the King of Camelot now, which makes him rather uncomfortable at first. However, with Douxie's encouragement, he realizes that more than an authority figure, he's King of knights, a noble protector of both humanity and magical beings, and the first among equals.
Claire continues with her magical studies, fully determined to prove that shadowmancy isn't always evil and can bring much good to this world. She consults a lot with Morgana, even though she still considers Douxie her teacher.
Toby is still this timeline's Trollhunter but lately, he mostly deals with small errands from Bagdwella and other trolls. He doesn't mind as it feels a lot like vacation after everything the team has gone through.
Blinky succeeds Vendel as the leader of Trollmarket. He thinks about bringing some reform to the Tribunal and some obsolete traditions, thinking that trolls should start a new page in their history.
Aaarrrgghh always helps Blinky in his endeavors, but he protects peace in Arcadia. He's much like a local celebrity and kids love him.
Mary and Darci start a blog about various magical creatures, trying to show humans that the supernatural isn't that harmful. Mary also tries to date a troll at some point. It doesn't work, but only because of personality differences, not because their species are too different.
Barbara returns to drawing. Strickler uses some of his connections to promote her art a bit. Surprisingly, Barbara's art becomes really popular.
After some consideration, Strickler opens the school where different creatures, aliens, and humans can exchange their culture. He takes over as a principal and also teaches human history. Blinky comes over for troll history lessons, and when Claire is older she starts to teach Human World Literature there.
Eli is still the Earth ambassador at Akiridion-5, he's rather popular there. Eli is also the one who proposes the start of technological exchange with the Earth. Due to his efforts, Earth's technical progress is busted tremendously.
Steve the head of New Camelot Knights. However, eventually, once he is sure that everything is peaceful on Earth, he moves to Akiridion-5 to support Aja and help Eli. Even though Steve is officially married to Aja, he isn't that accepted at Akiridion-5 as it is technically breaking traditions. This time Aja informs him about all the nuances of akiridion reproduction. They still have kids, but only once both ready and consented to that.
Aja has a lot of stuff to solve, dealing with all the consequences of her parents' rule. She brings in lots of reforms and eventually limits her own authority, taking over the role of the main Akiridion-5 protector, while leaving everything else to those more fitting for it.
Krel moves to Earth, becoming Akiridion-5 ambassador and trying to popularize interstellar travels and exchange. He also has a side career as DJ Kleb.
Varvatos retires and starts living with Nana. Toby calls him granpa, which he doesn't like.
Douxie and Zoe go on the world tour with ADP once the world destruction is prevented. Claire, Mary, and Darci join them as Mama Skull.
Douxie opens his own cafe together with Jim. While they both are co-owners, Douxie enjoys taking over as a waiter occasionally, while Jim often cooks. It's the place where every creature is welcome, and well the Guardians often use it as their gathering spot.
Nomura becomes the leader of changelings who wish to return to troll society. Draal helps her a lot to fight for acceptance and against prejudices. They claim each other as mates, which causes an uproar in some circles. Even though both claim to be disastrous parents, they are great once they have their own kids.
Vendel retires, fully enjoying his rest. He comes to give blinky advice occasionally, but he's mostly a grumpy grandpa for everyone at the Trollmarket.
Dictatious takes over the troll library, adding some stuff he learns.
Angor goes on a travel (for an atonement, as he claims). He's seen all over the world, fighting against slavery and injustice at night. Soon enough he becomes a kind of city legend, and a lot of criminals are scared of him.
Bular goes to the Darklands, fully intending to reform the Gumm-Gumm tribe and get rid of the stigma they have.
Barbara and Strickler have their planned wedding and adopt some of the changelings' familiars, including Strickler's and Nomura.
Ironically, despite Jim and Claire being sure of each other feelings, Toby and Darci have their wedding first. It's the final push that makes Claire propose to Jim.
Enrique grows up to be a party monster, much because of NotEnrique's influence. They both tend to start parties which only Jim can stop.
Zelda (Nomura's familiar) is a huge fan of classical music, so they both can chat about it for hours. No one else is able to follow.
Wallie (Strickler's familiar), however, finds history boring. He's more of an IT and Math kid and is extremely talented. Strickler tells him the truth about their connection, and Wallie goes to live with Jim for some time to sort out his feelings. He forgives Strickler after some time though.
The world keeps changing as humans and supernatural beings learn to co-exist. Trolls take over dangerous mining, trading some difficult-to-get minerals. Humans also realize that trolls can eat some waste, which creates new ways to save nature. Nari feels that it's the world she, Bellroc, and Skrael wished to have before giving up and hopes that one day the rest of the Arcane Order will be unsealed and admit they were wrong.
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cosmerelists · 1 year
Cosmere Characters’ Favorite Tumblr Post
While writing my “if Cosmere characters were on tumblr” post, I started thinking not just about how they’d blog, but also what type of content they’d like to see. So I figured--let’s do a sort-of sequel! So if Cosmere characters were somehow on tumblr despite existing in their own worlds, here is what I think their favorite post would be. 
1. Siri: Do You Love The Color of the Sky (x)
She only wishes it could be longer.
Vivenna (in the notes): SIRI PLEASE
Vasher (in the notes): With respect, if you post this one more time, I will kill you.
Susebron (in the notes): So beautiful! Just like you! #reblogged
2. Pattern: Infinite Chocolate Glitch (x)
The one that purports to show how you can cut a chocolate bar to generate infinite chocolate forever.
Pattern: Mmmm...such a delicious, chocolately lie.
3. VenDell: Bone-Stealing Witch Drama (x)
Not that he likes it, but he does find it interesting.
VenDell: I am no stranger to wanting very specific bones for my...collection.
VenDell: But you offer to buy them! Not steal them!
VenDell: Some people give bone collecting a bad name.
4. Rlain: Tumblr Code (x)
As requested, he always reblogs tumblr code.
Rlain: As a trained spy, it is always important for me to know the code.
Renarin: R-Rlain, I don’t think...
Renarin: ...
Renarin: Wait, was that a joke?
Rlain: You’re getting better at hearing the rhythms!
5. Syl: Imagine How Is Touch The Sky (x)
She posts it with full sincerity...maybe.
Kaladin (in the notes): Am I losing my mind? What does this mean?
Shallan (in the notes): Yes <3
Syl (in the notes): Real spren understand.
Kaladin (in the notes): Do they??????
6. Marasi: Fucking Chocolate Guy (x)
Do you all remember how excited Marasi was by hot chocolate?
Marasi (in the tags): #HOLY SHIT IT CAN BE SOLID
7. Yumi: #not to be a lesbian (x)
If there’s a post with those tags, Yumi is likely to be a big fan. 
Yumi: Tumblr is full of goddesses!
Nikaro: You know that’s right.
8. Kaladin: Horse plinko (x)
And all of its many, many variations.
Kaladin: It just...soothes me.
9. Shallan: Flat Fuck Friday (x)
I just think she’d be sincerely delighted by all of the flat fucks.
Shallan: Adolin, look! Isn’t he beautiful?
Adolin: ...yes?
Shallan: Correct answer!
10. Dalinar: Gandalf Big Naturals (x)
For some reason...
Dalinar: I cannot explain it, but I feel a kinship with this man.
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avirxy · 8 months
Hi! What do you think of an au where Claire never came back home after the events of First Frost, so everyone thinks she was kidnapped or ran away, maybe Blinky and AAARRRGGHH found her, so she ends up doing her Trollhunter duties alone, basically living in Trollmarket, but the other kids still get involved in some way?
Oh Anon we are so on the same wavelength, because First Frost was originally supposed to be a lot shorter, with this premise, when I started out.
So I’d say she officially ‘disappears’ in eighth grade, giving the kids time to bond and form a kind of coherent group, so when she does actually disappear it leaves a bigger impact than just right off the bat after Jim and Toby met her.
By the beginning of Sophomore year she’s still missing, and it’s assumed she’s either a runway or kidnapped but there’s not much evidence to back that, her parents are left in a state of disarray, Enrique is still born but he’s yet to meet his older sister.
Around Halloween Mary throws out the idea of heading to a party, it doesn’t end the way they hope.
They’re targeted by Bular, who believes the amulet has chosen a human due to the human stature this new Trollhunter has, he’s wrong of course but by the time the kids are cornered the real Trollhunter shows up, it’s impossible to tell who it actually is due to their helmet, which covers their face, but the five escape Bular’s ire.
Then Blinky and Aaarrrgghh show up after the attack, the Trollhunter tries to brush off the idea but the kids are taken down to Trollmarket for their protection until sunrise and basically given a rundown of why they were targeted.
Claire hasn’t actually told Blinky and Aaarrrgghh the full truth about her situation, as in she didn’t explicitly admit she ran away from home. Still she’s been living with them in Trollmarket.
The more Jim and co learn about what’s been going on under the surface of their town the more they begin to think that maybe Claire was attacked by Bular, or taken by the Janus Order. Blinky tries to dissuade them of the fact, because one, he knows where their friend is, and two, he doesn’t want them recklessly endangering themselves and gaining Bular’s ire again.
Claire won’t actually interact with her friends, due to the immense guilt she feels, and she’d left to keep the people she cared about out of Trollhunting specifically, now she’s still managed to involve them.
They’re rarely allowed into Trollmarket though, as Vendel disapproves immensely of their presence, it takes time but he eventually warms up and allows sparing visits so they can get more information from Blinky and Aaarrrgghh. Claire purposefully avoids the library at those times.
Barbara is the first parent to find out, after the four are given a Gaggletack for the surface, tipped with the threat of Changelings.
Strickler has an awkward dinner interruption after Jim manages to hit his shoulder to say the least and ends up fleeing, unable to face Jim and Barbara, the bridge is still being constructed in the museum.
Soon after Mary’s moms, Darci’s dad and Nana are brought into the situation, they hesitate the tell Nuñezs their daughter may have been an unfortunate victim to the creatures underneath their town. They’ve already been grieving their daughter for almost three years..is false hope really necessary?
By the Battle of the bridge the kids aren’t present for the fight, only Draal, Blinky, Aaarrrgghh and Claire are there, she frimly denies involving her friends in the fight.
Bular is killed by her alone, his mangled stone corpse left in the canal as a warning for any of the Janus Order.
Bular is dead, the threat is gone, she should go home-she can return to the surface.
But she doesn’t. She can’t.
The kids learn about the caves where Bular had kept the people he’d bitten and cursed. Barbara and Jim look into ways of contacting Strickler ,who disappeared after the Battle, surely he’d know if Bular had specifically targeted people.
Around this time Darci comes into an unfortunate accident with a gang of goblins, the Trollhunter intervenes thankfully but doesn’t get away unscathed.
Darci tries to help them but they pull away, grumbling they don’t need help.
It becomes an unfortunate occurrence, seeing the Trollhunter take hit after hit in battle, the kids try to assist but they’re quickly rebuffed. Each and every time, they’re also brushed with a weird sense of Deja vu.
The way the Trollhunter moves, talks, it’s so achingly familiar.
It goes on like that for weeks.
Until they find them curled in an alleyway at night. Their armor is off, and their side bleeds a sickly dark purple.
Darci is taken aback by how young they look. Trolls age differently of course but the ‘mighty’ Trollhunter can’t be anything more than a teenager in troll standards.
Their offer to help is finally accepted just this once, if only to keep her from bleeding out. But the pattern repeats itself and they find the Trollhunter willingly coming to them for help when they can’t take care of their injuries alone.
Claire knows she shouldn’t keep doing this, being in the armor is what keeps her a troll during the warm months, if she’s out of it too long she could start to change back, but she desperately wants to see her friends, see how much they’ve changed, and their kindness is something she’s absolutely taking for granted.
Angor Rot’s appearance makes things turn for the worse, he’s relentless, desperate for his promised soul in return for taking out the Trollhunter, Nomura isn’t senseless, she’ll do just that once he’s brought her proof. What better proof than the Trollhunters stone corpse?
The begrudging relationship the kids have built with the Trollhunter, who still hesitates to let them enter the fray, comes to a head when Angor’s latest attempt nearly succeeds.
Dawn is minutes away and Angor sends Claire rolling toward the edge of the incline, cutting her off, unable to reach any sort shadow or protection from the rising sun.
Angor knows, he has too, that’s why he’s watching smugly from the shade as her friends scream at her to move.
They can’t reach her fast enough, and in a desperate move the Trollhunter tears off their amulet, instead of a troll as the armor dissipates it’s a human, a girl, with long overgrown brown hair, edges faintly tinged blue, most of the dye faded out.
Then she looks up..
Jim isn’t sure he’s breathing, heart thudding in his chest, Mary and Darci have frozen beside him.
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sato-vendel · 6 months
Professor Vendel,
As someone who enjoys history but finds lists of rulers a bit... dull, to say the least, I am very interested to know who you think the most eccentric ruler of our beloved Selvarem was.
Sincerely, A Student
What a delightful question, thank you.
There have been many 'eccentric' rulers in Selvarem's history, so it's hard to pick just one. I'll speak about one that is particularly popular.
Queen Iodia Einar was quite the individual. I won't go into the politics that led to her coming to power in this post, but the basics of what happened are that she killed King Caisan in a duel for the throne (notably, her weapon of choice was a hatchet instead of a sword, and according to some sources she used her fists more than the hatchet), and then she proceeded to take his sword and duel his daughter, Princess Rasiel, who attempted to claim that she should still inherit the throne. There are some slight variations between what people claim happened to initiate this duel, but the most common account includes that when Princess Rasiel asked for a duel, Einar announced, "I eat pretty girls like you for breakfast, let's fucking do it." When she defeated the Princess, instead of killing or exiling her, the two got married.
Queen Iodia was very popular with the public, and often hosted open balls, where she would talk, drink, and dance with people from a wide range of backgrounds and social classes, and even immigrants- something that most middle and working class of Selvarem had mostly accepted by then, but nobility still tended to avoid.
She was known for her vulgar way of speaking, casual fashion, and her openness about her use of substances like alcohol and cannabis. Her relaxed attitude was abnormal for royals of the time, but it worked out well for her.
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Box on bow brooch
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A box on bow brooch is a type of brooch exclusively found on the Swedish island Gotland during the Vendel age. As with many Germanic brooches, the name is a description of the object, meaning that in this case the headplate and the foot plate are connected by an obvious arch. In this subtype of brooch, a “button” or more often called “box” is placed on top of the bow, with two bird heads flanking the sides. 
They are often in gold or gold plated and inlayed with garnets from south-east Asia. Less than ten brooches have been found outside of Gotland, most predominantly on the East coast of England and modern day Frisia in the Netherlands. This means that the people from Gotland were well traveled and traded goods to far distances, but they never really settled outside of their homeland which is necessary for the spread of dress elements.
The British Museum, England
Museum nr: 1921,1101.221
Found in Gotland, Sweden
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pinkytoothlesso11 · 1 year
Hi there Pinky! When it comes to Trollhunters, who is your favorite female character from the show, and who is your least favorite character?
Ooh. That's a hard one on favourites..
I've got two! Barbara Lake, because she's ruthless and always ready to lay hands, yet is also a compassionate and kind doctor who sees the best in people (and puts Strickler in his place lol).
And Nomura. She's just a badass and one of the only characters to actually hurt Jim enough to flipping send him to the hospital.
No other character does that. (not counting Morgana, The green knight or the Acrane order, as they're on another level) Also she loves Peer Gynt. That is all.
As for least favourite... Also got two!
Usurna, because she killed Vendel by stabbing him in the back. And hurt Aaarrrgghh. Unforgivable.
And Kubritz, because she was inconsistently written and bad for the sake of being bad, until she wasn't. I feel she could have had a lot better character arc than ending with being literally stomped on by Morando.
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megan0013 · 1 year
week 1 - dystopia
Arcadia’s defense systems are some of the best in the country. The walls around the town are high and sturdy, their arsenal of weapons well-stocked and diverse thanks to a successful raid on Area 49-B, and, oh yeah, they have advanced technology only aliens have ever seen before. Because there are aliens in Arcadia. And a coven of very capable witches and wizards. And a legion of gnomes that have sworn absolute fealty to The Town Council after some incredibly difficult negotiations involving dream houses, nougat nummies, and a full-time hat maker.
And there’s the Trollhunter
His warnings are the reason the citizens of Arcadia were able to defend themselves after Gunmar’s hoards had taken the east coast and started making their way west from New Jersey. Without him, they never would have built the wall in time or stockpiled munitions and non-perishable food. They wouldn’t have known anything about weak spots in gumm-gumm armor and how to take advantage of them, or the typical battle strategies the troll army employed. And they certainly couldn’t have designed the vast, complex system of tunnels and traps that had been used to obliterate whole legions in one fell swoop.
Of course, that’s probably because he’d once been a very prominent tactician in the Skullcrusher’s army.
Not that many Arcadians know this about him. His wife and stepson do, obviously, and a handful of close family friends, but to everyone else he’s just Walter – the guy who loves puns and used to teach history at the high school before everything went to hell. They don’t know he’s one of those scummy changelings or that his armor isn’t the real reason he can switch forms. And why should they? Most people have only ever seen him become a troll when Daylight is in his hand. If they want to believe his stone skin is just a byproduct of being named the Trollhunter, then so be it.
The trolls in Trollmarket, though... Well, they know exactly what he is.
It was a tough sell at first, being accepted, but gaining Vendel’s approval and introducing his small family had gone a long way in earning their respect. Draal loudly declaring he’d only had Jim for a day and half but if anything happened to him he would kill everyone in the room and then himself hadn’t hurt, either.
The few who remained wary of him eventually left for what they thought were greener pastures, or quickly changed their tune in the aftermath of Gunmar’s escape from the Darklands.
And now, after three years of successfully leading trolls and humans alike, the Trollhunter’s judgement has been called into question by his own wife.
At least, that’s what it feels like to him.
“Stalklings aren’t pets, Barbara! They are killing machines.”
Barbara, however, doesn’t look the least bit impressed by her husband’s outburst as she continues strolling through the stable of what was once a petting zoo but is now home to a clutch of brand new stalkling pups and their mother. “Just because you’ve had a few unfortunate encounters with them, doesn’t mean they’re all bad. I mean, seriously. Look at that cute little face.”
The stalkling in question does not have a cute little face. Not at all. In fact, she’s got blood-red eyes and an ugly gray head and terrifyingly large teeth.
“It literally tried to eat you at the supermarket,” Walter says, watching incredulously as Barbara takes the great winged beast’s beak into her hands for a scratch. “You still have the scar on your leg from where it bit you.”
“We surprised her, that’s all. Persephone would never hurt me on purpose. Would you, my sweet girl?”
“Persephone? You named it?” Walter huffs out a sigh, fingers going to pinch the bridge of his nose in obvious frustration. “Darling, you can’t name them. Now we’ll never be rid of it.”
Barbara raises a brow. “That’s sorta the point, Walt.”
Persephone snorts in agreement.
“And, anyway,” his wife continues with a gentle peck to Persephone’s beak, “Jim wants a vespa or a puppy for his birthday, so…”
Walter blinks.
Barbara bats her eyelashes.
Walter frowns. “That’s not a vespa, nor is it a dog.”
“Oh, no, babe. Of course, not. But since all the scooters have been stripped for parts and I’m allergic to dog hair, I thought, well,” she grins and gestures to the five pups chirping away in the corner of the stall, “these little guys might be the perfect gift.”
The Trollhunter whimpers, knowing deep down in his heart that he’s already lost this particular battle and he's about to become the proud grandfather of not one, but five baby stalklings.
“Besides,” Barbara pats his cheek before pressing a kiss to it, “he can’t have Persephone. She’s my pet.”
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lovedropletsdreams · 2 years
Lost time - 1970 | Hisirdoux Casperan
Plot : You’ve known him for almost a thousand years, he’d known you for a few centuries when he should’ve known you the same (Hisirdoux Casperan x reader)
Word Count: 1.2k+ 
Warnings: none
A/N: it’s not as long as the previous one but I hope they offer the same enjoyment to you guys as it did to me while writing these, thank @prismarts for being such a dear to help me beta read this, any suggestions and feedback are welcomed :D
Taglist: @furblrwurblr @prismarts @alovesongshewrote @castle-of-my-dreamsj
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So, the miracle happened. You woke up. Full of confusion obviously, imagine waking up in the middle of a what? A cave, surrounded by trolls, looking at you with curiosity. Wait, is that piece of heartstone under your nails, what. One troll approached you, you assume he was the leader, from the looks of it. He introduced himself as Vendel. You struggled to get up, it felt like you hadn’t used your legs in a very long time. You wanted to introduce yourself, but your throat was parched. Vendel stopped you and signed to the other trolls to bring you to a room following him.
In there, he gave you a glass of water and said, “I know who you are, apprentice of Merlin. Centuries ago, he brought you here in dire need, and told us he needed the heartstone to help you,”.
And that’s where you learned that you are in the Trollmarket, home for the trolls, along with what transpired within the time you were unconscious. Merlin found a way to embed you in the heartstone which synergizes with your magic and helps to save your life due to its healing properties. You realized Merlin left the fact that you are Camelot’s princess, seeing Vendel address you as Merlin’s apprentice. And you chose to keep it that way, you remembered your last wish, for nobody to remember the princess of Camelot, you.
You spent several years in the Trollmarket, getting back on your feet. It was not easy, at first, the trolls were wary of you, a human. You tried hard to get yourself back on your feet. Over time, seeing your determination and your attempts to befriend them, they opened their hearts around you. There are still some that disagree with your existence in the Trollmarket, but they didn’t do much aside from snark and pranks here and there. Vendel, however, was different, you can feel his indifference to you, true, you being human plays a part in his dislikes but you find out he really is just looking out for every troll. As a leader, he must stay composed at all times, something you learned being the figure back in Camelot. But he found your talent at life magic interesting and decided to teach you how to utilize that magic better. Within your years in the Trollmarket, you learned how to do your magic better and some basic combat training. You also learned about trolls better, their habits, their likes and dislikes, and many more.
But you always miss the sun, sure you get out sometimes to help the trolls either with hunting or escaping from the Gumm-gumms, but it was always at night. You missed the smell of the grass in the morning, the way the sun warms your skin, you missed life in the daylight. So, after several years, you decided to embark on a journey, to see the world, and see how much of it has changed.
And boy, how much has it changed. You felt like a fish out of water, you felt like a newborn where you have to learn anything, including how to clothe yourself to match with the people (well you know, trolls are not exactly the right example of how a human should be dressed).
About Camelot, you’ve heard about the battle of Killahead from the trolls, along with the things that happened within the time you were in a coma, but hearing from humans, however, turned it into another story. Funny how things could change one or another, especially the ones supposedly with you in it. But neither mentioned the information you wanted the most, about a certain wizard’s apprentice. You wondered how Douxie had become. You remembered how he was dreaming to be a master wizard, is he one now? Or did he find a new dream?
You’ve spent most of the years living in the daylight, being with other people’s company that just comes and goes, seeing how things changed. But you also like laying low and enjoying teas from cafes, a hobby you found quite familiar yet comfortable in a way. Not to mention the things you’ve learned, both magic and nonmagic stuff, learning always excites you.
Then come the 1970s
It was quite an interesting year, any era would do the same to you, fascinating how an era could create changes within the people. But this one is different.
You were in a bar, something that you were not used to, but enjoyed from time to time, not because of the drink, no, the drink was just an accessory to you. You enjoy the environment, the feeling of rowdiness, how people bonded on nights with the liquid truth, or just the fun. You didn’t quite remember the name of the place really (is it moonlight? Moonlit? Moonacre? Alas the name just keeps slipping away)
And there he is
The 1970s was something in Douxie’s experience, meeting the Beatles (great lads with great music, he always said), the fashion is something he could get used to. Tonight, however, he just wanted to relax with some familiar faces and Archie.
You almost ran to him, you almost called his name, and you wanted oh-so-badly to run into his arms. But you didn’t, you remembered the thing you don’t want to recall the most, the memory spell. There’s no way he’d recognize you. The spell was meant for permanent activation. Instead, when he and Archie took a seat (fortunately) near you, you just tried to listen while taking a look at him. He looks a tad older (considering almost 900 years have passed, but ehh who’s counting), he changed his hair, it looked pretty cool with those blue streaks, it suits him. His laugh, god, how much you missed the sound of his laugh, how much you wished that you were the one he laughs with.
You swallowed the bubbling tears rising up your throat and drank your beer, which turned out to be a bad idea since the drink’s bitter and you dislike the feeling. But somehow the bitterness just makes you laugh at your own condition, bitter drink for the bitter one.
That laugh made Douxie’s head turn. It was not loud, barely heard by anybody else, but there was something to your laugh and he heard it. He catches your eyes and you quickly turn away, but then you heard the sound of the chair being dragged in front of you.
“Hi, I’ve never seen you around here, you new here love?” that smooth endearment causes you to look at him, did he just, call you what now? The Douxie you knew never used endearment, he was too shy to do it, he was a moppet (with a man bun ;) ) did you mishear him?
A hand waved in front of you, “you alright love? Do I have something in my face?” he smiled
You did not mishear.
“No, uh, I’m alright, good” you tried to calm yourself by drinking, bad move. You choked on your drink instead.
“Woah, slow down, careful…” he said softly patting your back
Great, you just embarrass yourself, seconds after meeting him. This wasn’t good. You put your hands covering your heated face. “I- I’m sorry, I—“, then you heard him chuckle, lips lifting to a soft smile.
He took your hand that was covering your face, and his hazel eyes once again found yours
“How about we repeat the introduction again, I feel like we put ourselves in the wrong shoes, we could put our better shoes this time, what do you think?”
Maybe this is your second chance?
“Let me introduce myself once again, I’m Hisirdoux, Hisirdoux Casperan, you can call me Douxie, nice to meet you!”
“I’m (y/n) (l/n), Nice to meet you too Douxie”
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an-autistic-dweeb · 10 days
I’d make an excellent lawyer in the ToA universe. Most importantly in Jim’s trial.
Some points I’d make are:
By American laws, Queen Usurna has one count of attempted murder against Jim, and is the most insistent on getting him killed. Who’s to say she doesn’t have something to hide?
(This is mostly pettiness) Gatto is part of the tribunal and he EATS PEOPLE. So it’s clear that they shalt not judge.
While Jim was an idiot in going in alone, he’s not the one that opened the Killahead bridge when his friends saved him. Thus, he is not solely responsible for Gunmar’s escape.
Why was the bargain for Jim’s case to either destroy the amulet or go through a trial? Sure, destroying the amulet could have worked back when it was only Bular, but now with Gunmar on the loose, Troll society needs it now more than ever.
Gatto also has several murder charges and an attempted murder charge, get him the hell out of here.
Literally, the Quagawump* queen and Vendel seem to be the only two lacking a personal vendetta.
Jim was saving a life when he went into the darklands. His friends were saving his life when they went in after him. Both of these cases are justified.
(*can’t spell it—)
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thorraborinn · 10 months
Hi, I would like to write Úlfhéðnar in elder futhark and so far I came up with ᚢᛚᚠᚺᛖᛞᚾᚨᚱ, is that correct?
That is a correct way to write it, yes, although I'd recommend that you end it with ᛉ or ᛦ instead of ᚱ (so ulfheðnaʀ rather than ulfheðnar). Also note that both of the long vowels are somewhat late developments, in skaldic-era language it's believed they both would have been short (the lengthening of ulfr to úlfr is very well-documented and understood, the one with heðinn to héðinn less so).
But since I have your attention I am gonna take the time to remind you that the word ulfheðnar is out of sync temporally with the elder futhark, as the word would not have been uttered by a human being until after the elder futhark was defunct. Back when elder futhark was used the word, if it was used that far back, would probably have been something like *wolfahaðinōʀ ᚹᛟᛚᚠᚨᚺᚨᛞᛁᚾᛟᛉ.
In runes contemporary to Old Norse it would be something like ᚢᛚᚠᚼᛅᚦᚾᛅᛦ.
Of course, I don't know what you're doing with this so this might not apply, but I think if I were in your position I'd find this a good opportunity to make use of the "transitional" late-stage elder futhark associated especially with some inscriptions from Blekinge, Sweden. To me, this could sort of bring together Vendel-period art depicting animalistic warrior figures and the family of people named "[something]-wolf" in Blekinge who raised those runestones in the middle of the Vendel period. It's harder to make good guesses about how to write stuff for that time since there isn't much to go on (and they're internally inconsistent) but here's what I think is a pretty good guess at something that might have been written then:
ᚹᛟᛚᚼᚠᚼᚺᚼᛞᛁᚾᚼᛦ wolAfAhAdinAʀ wolªfahæðinaʀ
You can of course ignore all this and just go with your original if you want.
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rosemaidenvixen · 2 years
A while back I posted that in the sunshine au each of the kids will have a signature color, and I thought I'd go a little more into detail about what that means for one character in particular.
Her color is green, the color of both envy and harmony.
After the Battle of Two Bridges Blinky decides that in order to give his human charges an advantage in their struggle against the Janus order, he'll let them handle several magical artifacts that Vendel has in storage in the hope of awakening some form of Wizardry in them.
Because learning magic is a lot like learning music. It doesn't require any special innate factor, and with practice and hard work almost anyone can become skilled at some form of it.
Jim is barred from using the artifacts, due to his "curse" interfering with any outside magic, but for the rest of the kids it's wildly successful.
Claire awakens her magic first, darkness flickering at her fingertips and shadows bending to her will. Toby discovers his magic in the stones he spent his life studying, finding power in the heat and pressure of the earth itself. Mary's magic burns bright and hot, much more volatile than the others', able to summon an inferno on a whim.
Then there's Darci, who tries as hard as she can but is never able to summon more than a flicker of power.
That's when they learn that while most people can learn some form of magic, a few people are the magical equivalent of tone deaf. And that no matter how much work and effort they put in they'll never be able to master anything but the most basic of spells.
Darci falls into this category.
She's utterly crushed at learning this but tries to keep her spirits up and be happy for her friends. After all this isn't their fault, and they'd happily give her the ability to practice magic if they could. And while Jim does have special abilities of his own he paid a terrible price for them.
The other kids know how left out Darci feels and make a point to never exclude her and to not rub their talents in her face.
But as sympathetic as the others are and as much as she tries to force herself to stay positive, Darci can't help but look at all her friends growing into new, fantastical powers and feel the sharp sting of envy.
As time goes on Darci find herself more and more torn between her support for her friends and her growing bitterness. But then something unexpected happens that sends everyone reeling.
The arrival of someone who's also known for wearing green.
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