#venus boys
hum--hallelujah · 2 months
man I mean just. the SMFS album lettering is made of clay. the cover art is an actual physical painting. there's a lot less fx on the album as a whole than Mania (which is NOT a knock on my bbg Mania btw, just pointing out the different approach) or even SRAR and ABAP. the songs sound basically the same live as they do on the record because the production is so minimal. they have a huge vinyl dog head onstage with them, that they touch and interact with and talk to (and, in Pete's case, get eaten by). the attic scene is made by lowering a piece of rigging to literally make the stage smaller. there's actually a LOT of sets especially comparatively to their previous tours, the rigging around the stage is done up almost as a physical frame for it. they only have one screen onstage and it's small, its purpose is to be the 8-ball and to add a little bit of texture to the wider design. the backdrops, even the new desert scene for 2ourdust, are physical backdrops — one of which was made by one of Pete's kids — not LED or projections. the album title is made of clay. it's about existing in the world, making things so you feel alive, making the world a little more fuckin weird! do you get it yet?
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psiithirisma · 2 years
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sbi 2006 edition ?!?!!
fun fact wilbur used to have blonde hair when he was a toddler which means two thing: 1) 4/4 sbi were blond, and 2) twins duo real bc techno also was blond when younger and later his hair turned brown like wilbur's
chart with sbi's age difference under cut!
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sapionic · 2 months
Venus Synastry ASTROLOGY
When your Venus is in someone's house 8-12
Having your Venus in someone's 8th house makes them someone that comes through for you time after time. Depending on the particular zodiac sign in the 8th house will determine in what ways, but overall this is likely someone that has the capability of being loyal or consistent. They likely provide you with a strong sense of merging. Things with this person is likely passionate, intense, and interesting.
Having your Venus in someone's 9th house in a good sense is that this person brings adventure to your life. They may even propel you into a state of independence that you didn't have at first. This person is likely to show you things you have yet to discover. Whatever they show you can be something that sticks with you even after the connection dissolves because VENUS is value. Good synastry placement for tour guides.
Having your Venus in someone's 10th house makes them provide you with the ultimate stable dynamic, especially romantically. They have everything you need and want romantically. This would probably be more enjoyable to you than the 7th house synastry as the 10th house provides more and has more value to offer and bask in than the 7th house. You may enjoy how this person looks physically. They could have a lot going for themselves or they simply provide you with a lot. Good placement for family.
Having your Venus in someone's 11th house means that they could have came to you. The connection could have started unexpectedly or in some type of spontaneous way. They provide you with support and a different style of doing things. They could bring forth experiences you didn't expect to experience. Internet friends would be idea for this synastry.
Having your Venus in someone's 12th house could have resulted in something between you two happening late in the day or the attraction was last minute, private, or with hidden intentions. It could take a while for them to vlaue you or understand if there is a connection here. Better suited for long distant connections or connections where there are no intentions on meeting. For instance, a webcam model and a viewer on her stream would be better fit for this synastry.
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transmechanicus · 4 months
Idk if i’ll be able to articulate this properly but i love trans ppl in alternative subcultures. Here you have these aesthetics with an already higher than average baseline of gnc attributes in terms of hair, makeup, clothing, and accessories or lack therof. But then you add in the fact that the person dressing in this way that is gnc as part of this culture is doing something that is gender affirming for them when in other contexts it might not be. Like, a punk trans girl with buzzed hair and a tank top, or an emo tboy wearing a skirt and eyeliner are being gnc in a way that fits to their preferred gender even though to outsiders they might look #Normal. I just think it’s really cool, and also pretty smoking hot! Yeah!!!
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zegalba · 1 year
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Björk: Venus As A Boy (1993)
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unloneliest · 1 year
in the lonely hearts club job leverage asks the question "does romantic love exist?" and answers it by having eliot buy parker a venus fly trap on hardison's behalf, expecting no recognition and revealing eliot remembers a throwaway comment parker made on their second job together.
we all know this.
but was anybody going to tell me hardison already had a browser window open looking for restaurants to buy eliot in portland in response at the start of the episode immediately after that? or was i supposed to figure it out on a rewatch all by myself?!
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transmisc2 · 1 year
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reposting an oldie but a goodie; “Venus as a Boy,” painted on commission for the Gender Unbound 2020 exhibition. found frame, acrylic gouache and colored pencil, paper cut-out, 3D pearl appliqués. 🌊⚧️🦪
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wigglys-dikrats · 4 months
i want to put all of jon’s characters in a glass terrarium and occasionally add apple slices dusted with calcium to watch all the little jons scamper to the nourishment
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ad-iris · 1 year
°•★*•.•*•. Astrology observations and notes °•★*•.•*:•.
Taurus suns (earth suns in general) are very picky with food meanwhile Taurus moons mostly eat everything.
Gemini big 3/3rd house placements are either very soft spoken or curse a lot, it's the extremes.
We need to get some stuff clear, cancer placements are cardinal..this actually makes them quite independent and also have very good leadership qualities. They are very good with making people do work.
Pluto should be checked when doing synastry/composite charts. Pluto is a planet of closeness and distance too. If Pluto has harmonious relations, it brings the natives closer, if not then they might grow distant/are already distant.
South node talks about a reduced aspect in one's life. For example, if one's South node is in the second house, they might not be that interested by money or luxury. If South node is in eleventh house, they might not want to have many friends and prefer few.
People with Uranus aspecting major planets (like sun, moon, venus, mars) are mostly seen as people unconventional interests, example a man with venus aspecting Uranus, might like masculine women attractive or might like men too.
Pluto aspecting mercury or venus, especially mercury... These natives have a chisel tongue. They can create words so beautiful with that chisel... But that chisel can be used to stab someone as revenge. They are strong with both, complimenting and insulting.
Virgo placements are often stereotyped for having a weaker digestion system, but if virgo has strong planets with positive aspects, they might actually rarely have bad digestion.
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folfar · 1 year
A scientific consideration of cultural preservation in Gideon the Ninth
HYPOTHESIS: the Venus de Milo is in Canaan House
REASONING: John is keen on decoration (the rest of Canaan House, the Mithraeum, his fancy baby-bone crown). John has strong opinions on preserving things he considers ‘worthy’ (the earth, his friends, Shakespeare). Why not famous art? Canaan House is filled with old and rotting portraits - they can’t ALL be of Cyrus and Valancy.
There was a single statue at the end of the corridor where it turned left. It must have once been a person, but the head and arms had been lopped off, leaving only a torso with beseeching stumps. - GtN p130-1 (when Gideon is looking for Harrow)
beseeching stumps?? It’s simply got to be the Venus de Milo. No stumps plead more tenderly:
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But she has a head! I hear you protest.
Aha! Now we come to Palamedes and Camilla doing psychometry to figure out the age of Canaan House:
"Fiat lux! If you want to talk improbable, let's talk about this"-a scrape of stone on stone-"being three thousand and some years older than this." A heavy clunk.
About 3000 years older than another part of Canaan House? Hmm! And what’s that Camilla is holding?
“Standing next to him holding a big wedge of broken sculpture and the flashlight was a tall, equally grey-wrapped figure with a scabbard outlined at her hip.”
“The cavalier narrowed her hooded eyes, fidgets gone and absolutely still; then she exploded into action. She dropped the wedge of sculpture with a clonk, drew her sword from its shabby scabbard before the wedge had bounced once, and advanced.”
CONCLUSION: the Venus de Milo IS in Canaan House! However, it was decapitated by known practical thinker and simp Camilla Hect so that Palamedes Sextus could do his carbon dating easier without tiring out his necromancer noodle arms
SECONDARY CONCLUSION: Camilla was going to use the head of the Venus de Milo to bash open the laboratory hatch
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subspaceskater · 11 months
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venus <he/it>
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inchidentally · 5 months
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if you ever wondered why Oscar openly stares at Lando all the time...
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psiithirisma · 2 years
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remember that post i made a while ago talking about a despicable me sbi au? well..
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pixelatedquarter · 6 months
Riff with Patrick and Patrick banter (apropos of nothing, 00915c on instagram is pretty cool)
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owchie-wowchie · 2 months
Inspired by another post of mine
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zegalba · 3 months
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