#vergil needs/deserves it
devilmayfamily · 11 months
Imagine Meeting DMC 2 Dante
So, I finally got around to playing DMC 2 and Dante is so much more stoic in that game than he is in any of the others. He doesn't talk much and is just a very serious lad compared to the other games where he is the wacky woohoo pizza man.
Capcom trying to make him this way didn't hit too much and I'm sure the rest of the fandom can agree from what I've seen from other reviews.
This isn't where this post is getting at tho.
Seeing Dante more like Vergil in this game had me thinking.
What if this is the Dante you met?
Imagine having baby Nero, walking around Redgrave, and seeing the white-haired man. He's in red so you know it's not the man you met a few years back but maybe he's at least related. It couldn't hurt to check, right?
So you walk up to him and he doesn't say anything but he does notice Nero. And Dante immediately thinks that the boy is his. And he's confused and a little scared. He wasn't made to be a father, especially not with the life he lives.
So he tries to let you down easily and leave the situation as soon as possible. He tries until you say, "I watched you go the first time, I can't let you go again. Please, even if you aren't him, I need someone related to him. Nero needs his family and I'm the only one."
And Dante realizes you are Vergil's mate and this was Vergil's offspring, Dante's kin. And a protectiveness washes over him and he instantly feels the need to protect you, the boy, and kick Vergil's ass the next time he sees him, no matter the man's condition.
So with a few words, Dante takes you back to the DMC building and gives you one of the upstairs spare rooms, and helps you take care of Nero. He tells you about Vergil and their family and in turn, you tell Dante about how you and Vergil met and about his new nephew.
He helps you raise the boy as he becomes the moody, sarcastic hotheaded teen we see in DMC 4. And at some point Nero does ask about his father and you both tell him and he still hates Vergil just as much as he does in DMC 5.
And seeing Dante become this light-hearted, wacky man over the years kind of helps soothe you and you could see yourself living the rest of your life helping Dante with his business, even if it's just as his financial advisor.
And when Dante and Nero go on their mission in DMC 5 and Dante finds out it's his brother behind all this, that battle at the top of the Qliphoth is much more heated and Vergil can tell this is something more than just getting back at his brother for opening a portal to hell and trying to become the ruler.
So when they're walking through hell, Vergil has to ask. "I know there is more to this than our old rivalry."
Dante hums. "Yeah, it is."
"Enlighten me then brother." "Nero, he's yours." "I thought we established that already?"
Dante chuckles. "Yeah but not about his mother."
Vergil looks at his brother curiously. "Is she alive?" "Very much so. She's been staying with me since we were 30. She came to me on the streets, begging me to stay thinking I was you. She's quite the woman, Vergil, I can't believe you let her go."
Vergil hums, nodding.
You will always be grateful for Dante letting you in and helping you out. And Dante will always feel like he's in debt to you even if it should be the other way around. Because you are his family, and he will do anything and everything to make sure you never end up like the lost woman who came begging for his love and approval all those years ago.
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gothixm00nz · 1 year
"YoU cAn'T gIvE vErGiL a ReDeMtIoN aRc!!!!"
just you fuckin' watch me bitch
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jangmo-othewarrior · 9 months
*grabby hands*
gimme more dmc Pokémon shenanigans I know you want tooooooo
Dante has more dark types than everybody else. This isn't because he actively seeks them out, it's because he treats them far better than most people. They then get attached and just live in the DMC office. This group includes Tyranitar, Houndoom, a Litten, and the wild Galarian Zigzagoon that live in the trash cans. He also gifts the befriended pokemon to his friends sometimes if he thinks they suit them better.
Kyrie's Sylveon ends up having eggs, so she give Dante and Vergil Eevee eggs! They have absolutely no idea what they are doing. Vergil's Eevee is also the first pokemon outside of Salamence he has ever owned, so he's... struggling. They eventually evolve into a very cheery Espeon (D) and a very prim and proper Glaceon (V).
Nero only had Dreepy for a long time, but once he officially joined the Order Credo gifted him a Rookidee. Kyrie helped pick the best one for him, so she was mainly a gift from both of them. Post DMC 5 she's a Corvisquire, but Nero feels like she'll evolve into Corviknight fairly soon.
A Nymble accidentally got hit by the Van once. Nico felt so bad that she nursed it back to health and adopted it. The little thing now hides in random nooks and crannies just to jumpscare Nero at the worst possible times.
One day (a little bit after DMC 3) Lady walked into the office and Dante had a Poochyena hanging out of his arms. He handed it off to Lady, fell onto the couch, and passed out.
Vergil and Nero went on a mission post-DMC5 and found an Electrike that was hurt by demons on the job. Nero ended up taking it home, and Vergil unintentionally used it as an excuse to talk to Nero. Manetric is now a very loyal and good boy, and often ends up in dog piles with Houndoom and an annoyed Glaceon.
Patty found a baby Sandile underneath DMC's floorboards when Dante was in Hell post-DMC2. Dante has absolutely no idea how it got there, but hey, Krokorok gives Patty scary dog privileges so he's cool with it.
Speaking of DMC 2, Lucia's partner is an Absol! She kinda just showed up one day and didn't leave when Lucia was a child.
Gloria introduced her partner as a Liepard, but he is actually a Zorua. Dante gave him to Trish after he caught him stealing his pizza. Trish secretly thought that was hilarious and immediately bonded with the fox over their ability to disguise themselves.
Nina gave Patty a Fidough and she absolutely loves Dante, so much so that Patty has used her as an excuse to visit him. He doesn't mind.
Dante gave Nero a Carvanha alongside the DMC sign when he officially joined the business. Carvanha usually stays at home with Kyrie, and he adores her and the kids quite a lot. Lady congratulated Nero on receiving the official seal of approval for the business. She wasn't talking about the sign.
And finally, the third Nelo battle was much more intense, and a desperate Bagon tried so hard to get his partner back that he evolved in Sheilgon. In the end, it didn't work. Decades would pass before he would come back, but he did in the end. That's all that really matters, to Salamence.
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storytellering · 2 years
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more alt au sparda boys as a bday gift for a certain person <3
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andromedaesresolve · 1 year
Sometimes I think I'd benefit from having an alt tumblr where I can post my horny thoughts so that y'all don't have to deal with them but idk maybe suppressing them makes me a sexy kind of unhinged
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prototypelq · 1 year
I`m firmly in the camp 'all Spards need hugs and therapy', sadly though, there Might be hugs for them, but I cannot imagine any one of them going to actual therapy. On the side of healing though
One of the fascinating scenarios to me is how the twins have to help each other overcome their issues. Obviously, Vergil has been in literal Hell for half of his life, so he will need time and help to adjust, and the only person he can trust with that is Dante. The only people the twins truly connected to in their lives were each other, and after many years that connection became painful and rotten, but never truly faded. So, after they yeel, and fight, yell some more and joke around later, they can mend that.
The truly hard part will come after that. Once they return from Hell, Vergil is going to have to try to forge a new relationship for the first time in a very long time. Since his main experience with relationships with other people is his rivalry with Dante, and paired with the fact that Nero is just as impulsive and hotheaded as Vergil, the process is going to be rough, but I am sure they will figure it out, because both really want this connection to work.
Dante, on the other hand, I believe will have even worse time adjusting to having his family be present in his life. His painful history with Vergil have run him into the ground over the years, and each time Dante tried to make a new connection to anyone - the person eventually left him. Lady seems to be a trigger-twitchy associate, Trish left to be her own person and because watching Dante falling into depsair has been hard for her, looks like Dante and Lucia have not seen each other after their job, Patty left to live with her mother, and Morrison even commented Dante was upset after that. And Nero. Nero falls right into the 'extremely painful family history' category, and while Dante clearly wanted to be present for his nephew, he also could not bear doing it for long, which resulted in their distant partnership in (family) business and occasional gifts, like the neon sign.
While Vergil is, well, rusty (extremely understating) with his social skills and never used his opportunities to make meaningful connections to people around him. Dante has tried and tried over the years, and all of them kind of failed. Yes, Dante had gathered people around him and they do hold on to each other (Patty evidently calls him, plus he, Nero and the women share work sometimes), he cannot truly commit to having a meaningful relationship with either of these poeple because the most important connection he ever had, with his twin, has been a constant pain the entire time, so he closes himself off to not let it bother other people and not add any more burden for himself.
When Dante and Vergil fix their relationship, Vergil just might become the person to help Dante overcome his insecurity and constant avoidance, first of all by becoming a proper uncle to Nero. I don`t think any other person could help Dante get out of the shell he had been forced to create for himself, and there is very little motivation for him to work on these issues as important as Nero. And while Nero is Dante's motivation, Vergil will be his main support during this process. Because if Vergil has been able to have a healthy relationship with Nero, Dante can have one too surely. Because Vergil is the most real, strongest and most painful connection Dante has ever had to anyone, and he is the only person Dante can trust with these issues. Their bond was forged through hellfire, and it can help them both come out of it.
Nero truly is the gift to twins, and he might be the solution to them overcoming their trauma and having genuine, healthy and meaningful connections with other people.
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icycoldninja · 2 months
Dating Vergil headcannons
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-Vergil is undoubtedly a loving sweetheart. Yes, he has a grumpy side, but he truly loves you and cares for you however he can.
-Always protects you, be it from devils and grotesque monsters or a dog that happened to growl at you a little too much.
-Kinda gets overprotective like a dad over you whenever you get sick or injured, no matter how small the wound/illness is. He will immediately go into full parenting mode and wrap you up in a cocoon of blankets while worriedly feeding you soup and forcing bitter tasting medicine down your throat, or force you into a chair so he can dress and disinfect the wound as needed.
-Very jealous around Dante. Even though he knows that his brother would never attempt to steal you away from him, he can't shake that feeling; that nagging worry that perhaps you would fall for Dante's charms and leave him all alone.
-Of course, you'd never ever leave him, but Vergil's not the best at reading people, so he often needs to be told that.
-Shower this man in all the love and affection he deserves--you're the only one he'll ever allow to anyway.
-Calls you cute nicknames (but only in private) such as Babe, Dove, Sunlight, Sweetness, Queen, and My Motivation.
-Not good at expressing his affection through speech (bro I feel u) but excels at writing love letters to you, which he will never give to you in person--he'll just leave them lying around and hope you notice them.
-In order to escape teasing from Dante, he refuses to participate in any kind of PDA, no matter how small. He will, at the very most, hold your hand, but only when Dante is not around and if you ask nicely.
-Behind closed doors, however, things are entirely different. You will have yourself a living koala. He will latch onto you and never let go, using his huge frame to keep you pinned to whatever you happen to be lounging on, be it his plastic chair or your living room couch.
-Can't cook. It's a Sparda family curse. You are now tasked with the sacred duty that is producing a meal for this poor dude.
-Once a year, he undergoes his demon mating period--during this time, he gets really grumpy and cuts off all contact with everyone for like a month, the only exception is you.
-That's cause he needs you for something, if ya catch my drift. ;)
-Literally cold as ice, all the time. No matter how much you hold and snuggle him; no matter how many layers of clothes he wears, he's always cold.
-He doesn't feel it though, only you do, and because of that, he wonders why you always want to wrap him up in blankets and cuddle him.
-Complete and utter NERD for books, movies, TV shows, anime and so on. Knows enough about these topics to write an entire wiki but unfortunately must suppress this knowledge to save himself from the agony that is Dante's taunts.
-If you happen to share the same interests as him, then good for you! You two can spend all day holed up at home, geeking out about literally everything like the soul mates you are. 💓
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but-a-humble-goon · 5 months
Honestly I'm fascinated by V's relationship to Vergil. Like, basically the minute he popped out V took one look at himself and was like "oh my god I was wrong about everything, I have been a complete moron my entire fucking life, I need to make this right," but he doesn't seek to defeat Vergil, he seeks to save him. He knows even for all his catastrophic idiocy Vergil is worth fighting for and deserves a chance because he was Vergil. It turns out after all this time the one to finally see through all his bluster and cut through to the scared kid who "just wanted to be protected and loved" was... himself. No love quite like self love.
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yandere--stuck · 1 year
can you do differences between dante and vergil when it comes to jealousy?
❤️ Between him and his brother, Dante is more likely to be able to keep the peace between him and a rival someone else occupying your time. For some time, that is. See, Dante's a family-oriented guy. He knows he can trust the family he's made with you over someone who's practically a stranger. This doesn't mean he'll immediately show his distrust toward them. Nah, it'd be showing his hand too soon! And there is a slight chance that they may be good for you. But only slightly.
⚔️ If When his fears prove founded, Dante tries to convince himself he's disappointed. But, he's not. If anything, he's overjoyed at the final straw that let's him separate them from your life. Just gotta get them alone. Intimidate them a bit. Just enough to leave you alone and finally have things be perfect. Maybe grab them by the hair or neck, show off his fangs so dangerously close to their throat as he tells them how lucky they are. So fucking lucky he's on humanity's side. Because it'd be so easy, so easy to just...
❤️ He tells them to leave town, or he'll make good on his threats. He'll take a day off from an incoming missions to watch over them. Whether they leave or scramble to find you... Well, he knows you'll be a bit sad that they're gone now. But, hey, you'll always have him <3
💙 Vergil is far colder in his approach. Unlike his younger brother, Vergil feels no need to camouflage his intent or feelings. He does not like this person, he does not like them being near you, they do not deserve you - even just as little as basking in your presence. He barely talks to them, and if pushed to, his replies are curt and blunt. You're pretty much shadowed by Vergil the entire time, too. Though, he may just take some time to talk to your friend one-on-one and inform they you already have a mate and their presence in your life is no longer needed.
⚔️ Vergil is fuming for days, no- weeks afterward. That human dared to laugh in his face?! He's sworn to never attack any human unable to take him on considering his strength and power... But he's more than willing to let that rule slide for this. It's imperative that he must. That fool is a stain on your life. But fear not, beloved, Vergil has the power to protect you.
💙 Vergil is strategic. He waits. For months, he waits. He could have stopped or changed his mind at any time. It's a long time to wait, after all. A long time to consider taking a human's life. But, that's just how dedicated he is. How much love he has for you. He will wait for as long as it takes. He will move any mountain. He will break every rule he's made for himself. Vergil had to hold his excitement when you first found out your friend was missing and when the news breaks, it's reported they had passed from a gunshot wound. So unlike Vergil. And when he pulls you into a comforting embrace, a gentle purr rumbling in his chest, you can't see the smile that greets his lips. Victorious.
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wavykade · 7 months
Let's start with the fact that the Self-Aware Vergil is ambiguous and therefore dangerous.
Behind his cold gaze hides a whole world of emotions that he suppresses within himself, considering them a weakness. His appearance is nothing more than a mask, whose task is to hide his vulnerability. He confidently convinces himself that he doesn't need anyone and that his main goal is to gain power. And yet, this desire flows from the depths of his wounded soul. Vergil is afraid to expose his morality to danger so he remains in solitude, never wanting to feel the pain of loss and betrayal again.
His last episode of care and love happened when his mother was still around, when Vergil was just a child. But she was killed, and since then, he has never felt the gentle touch again. It's probably easy to understand how desperately he longs for tenderness.
And when we begin to understand what he hides within himself, it becomes obvious that when he discovers that everything around him is a deception, it hits him VERY hard. Just imagine, Vergil has spent most of his life striving to attain power, only to find out that all his goals and aspirations are artificial and that the world in which he exists is nothing but an illusion.
His inner core becomes less sturdy, and he is truly lost.
He feels that all his desires and interests are transforming into empty promises, and the world he believed to be real turns out to be a meaningless masquerade. And within this boundless vacuum, his future undoubtedly awakens to an existential crisis.
But Vergil is known for being incredibly stubborn. That's why he can't accept it, no way. He's not willing to settle for the wrongness and emptiness that envelop his existence. Why should he strive for something unattainable and implausible? He needs what is present in his life, something tangible and true...
He needs you.
He remembers you. Your voice echoes in his memory, unattainable but so close. You are an important and real part of his being. And you truly deserve him to have you. Because with you, he will gain something that others don't have, something that he will carefully hold in the depths of his heart and cherish every day of his life.
In this world, painted with gray colors and lifeless emotions, Vergil longs for you, perfection, and authenticity. The image of your existence is an absolute reality in his distorted world. You become the link that connects him to verity, a beacon in the consuming darkness.
And perhaps, only with you, he can find solace in his difficult existence.
He just needs to reach you, find the right path... a way to break the fourth wall.
And of course, he will do it. Because for him, you have become an exception, and Vergil can never remain indifferent to such a treasure. We know how motivated he is when it comes to his desires...
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mannequinreligi0n · 2 months
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As Vergil’s partner, you’ve created a plan to help him get some well-deserved sleep. ie. comfort
PAIRING: Vergil X GN!reader
WC: 543 words
AUTHOR’S NOTE: sorry for being absent :( i’ve had terrible writer’s block and haven’t had the motivation to do really anything. so pls enjoy this and i’ll be back again soon heehee
A shaking to your left wakes you from slumber, accompanied by whimpers from a familiar baritone voice. Breaking the seal of sleep, you peek over to find Vergil trembling with fear. Soft whispers of desperation fall flat from his lips, barely audible even in the dead of night. 
‘Another nightmare,’ you think in your groggy mind. It’s the fourth one this week and it’s only Tuesday. Making peace with your loss of sleep, you scoot closer to Vergil’s tense form and carefully place a hand on his shoulder, shaking him lightly. 
“Hey…hey, it’s alright - I’m right here.”
Vergil seizes at the sudden touch, jolting awake with a surge of air. He sits upright, absentmindedly shoving your hand off of him. Beads of sweat march one-by-one down his forehead as he takes in his surroundings.
Countless nights of terror and screams led to you two devising a set plan to efficiently handle such scenarios. The plan went as follows:
Wake Vergil
Give him space
Occasionally, he will wake up still mentally in whatever prison his mind has formed that night. For your safety, you need to be ready to move away, if need be.
To help ground him.
*Depending on the severity of the nightmare, you will either proceed through the list or jump directly to the final step after this.
Reassurance, phase one
You may now ask if he is alright. Vergil is sensitive to touch so only comfort him physically if he initiates or requests it himself.
Vergil, when ready, will take a lap around your home. He’ll check the locks, note any changes, if any - all with Yamato in hand. This is an old habit of his from when he was on his own and needed to constantly survey his surroundings. Don’t question it. Don’t stop it. He will not go back to sleep til it’s done.
Reassurance, phase two
Once returned, he will crawl into bed, ready to be back in your arms. ‘I love you’s will be exchanged. At this point, Vergil will be calm enough to settle in for the night once more.
Vergil will remain attached to you until he’s fallen asleep. Your scent is a comfort to him, it’ll be the last thing he’ll want to remember before returning to dreamland. Once he’s rolled away from you and is comfortably back on his own pillow, he is asleep and you’re in the clear. 
Another thing to note is the absence of discussion of said nightmares. 
They will not be discussed the night of.
Don’t even try it.
If he feels comfortable doing so, he may share the details the following morning over breakfast or something of the like, but he will immediately shut down the topic any time before that. 
Most nights, like tonight, the plan has saved you both from the stress of sleepless nights. Of course, some nights will deviate, but you’ve now handled enough of Vergil’s chronic nightmares to be quick on your feet. Trust is important to him and it took some teeth-pulling to get him to be so vulnerable in front of you, but the plan has proved to be effective and reassures Vergil that he is safe in your presence, despite what his mind may tell him. 
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kitsunefox1108 · 1 year
Hello! how have you've been? i hope you're doing great! so, may i please request a Vergil and Dante (separate) x Virgin! Fem Reader? This idea have weeks in my head, so finally i decided to make this request xD anyways, i hope this is okay for you (also, sorry for my bad english, it's not my language) have a nice day! — 🐰 Anon
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Vergil doesn't think being a virgin is a bad thing.
He is not a master at … carnal pleasures. Even if he had experience, so he himself is not very familiar with all this. And if you don't want to have sex with him, that's okay, he'll understand.
Your comfort and convenience was important to him. He will try his best to make you happy. So if you agree to a big step… he will try to deliver as much pleasure as you deserve in his eyes.
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Dante is surprised.
However, he doesn't mind.
Yes, he sometimes teased you about this, but not because he wanted to offend you. Because he likes your embarrassment.
That's why he sometimes teases you so much when his hands seep through your shirt during a kiss..
But, he will never allow himself to go further if you don't. He is waiting for your consent. And he's waiting for you… to tell him what you want. Show him you're ready.
And then… he will plunge you into the world of pleasure, you only need to ask
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beneathstarryskies · 1 year
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For @actuallysaiyan because you're my bestie and deserve the world! ❤️
A/N: Just some soft/fluffy drabbles for Dante, Vergil, Nero, and Sparada x reader
Warnings: lots and lots of fluff, slight angst, mentions of pregnancy in Sparda's drabble, suggestive themes but nothing explicit, fem!reader
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The setting sun lowers against the horizon. The bedroom slowly grows darker and darker. The passing time doesn’t bother you because right now you’re suspended in the most loving moment you can imagine. It wasn’t difficult for you to talk Dante into sharing a lazy day spent mostly in bed with you. He didn’t have any pending missions today, and the one time the phone rang he blissfully ignored it in favor of pressing the sweetest kisses on every inch of your exposed thighs, enjoying the trembling muscles and the soft gasps that left you every time he inched closer to where you needed him most. 
Now, as the sun goes down, he’s hovering over you. Your hands card through his messy white hair, and you admire the way the evening sun reflects on his snowy eyelashes. The blue of his eyes shines even brighter in this light. His lips curl into a mischievous smirk when he notices the softness of your features as you look up at him. 
“You like what you see, sweetheart?” he asks. 
“So much,” you giggle. “You’re beautiful, Dante.” 
He turns his head, the thick curtain of hair concealing the blush on his cheeks. This gives him time to seek solace in the soft curve of your neck, and he takes the chance to kiss your skin softly to make it seem like this was his intention all along. You massage his neck and shoulders, and all the while you can hear him purring softly. Finally, he looks at you again. 
“Baby, can I make love to you?”
You’re surprised he’s only just now asking. His body is burning to finally make love to you. All day long, you’ve been caught in this haze together. You turn each other on over and over, but neither wanted to break the spell by suggesting you finally take him inside of you. 
“Please, baby,” you kiss him softly. “I want you.” 
Dante lines himself up at your entrance. He takes his time teasing you both by prodding your hole with his leaking cockhead. As he slips into you, inch by inch, you’re both panting and gasping over how good it feels. Your walls just open up to him with such ease. You can tell by the slow roll of his hips, that Dante doesn’t intend on rushing things at all. You spent all day laying around together, touching each other, and kissing. Now, he’s quite happy to make love to you all night long. 
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You’re happily seated on Vergil’s lap. One of his arms is wrapped securely around your waist and the other is holding his book open as he reads to you. The poetry falls from his lips like honey. As he turns the page, he kisses your temple softly. You’d found him sitting in here reading happily by the window. You’d slipped into his lap, and he was so enraptured by his reading that he’d barely noticed. His arm went around you almost by instinct, and he continued reading. It wasn’t until you’d looked up at him with your wide eyes and a sweet smile, and asked oh so nicely for it, that he began reading to you. Hours have passed now, with him reading quiet, romantic poetry to you. Your eyes are heavy and you let out a soft yawn. 
“Do you need a break, sparrow?” he asks softly. 
“No, keep going,” you smile up at him.
“As you wish,” he kisses your forehead softly. 
He starts a new poem, and you’re hanging on as long as you can. Vergil holds onto you a little tighter as your body goes weak against him. He’s barely made it to the third stanza when he realizes you’ve fallen asleep. He chuckles softly at the sight of you sleeping in his arms.
“I suppose that wasn’t one of your favorites,” he quips to himself. 
He closes the book and sets it on the small side table. He lets you sleep on him for a little while, then gently carries you to your shared bedroom. He lays you down on the bed and kisses your forehead before tucking you in. 
When you wake up hours later, you pout at the prospect of being alone in bed. You get up and wrap yourself up in a blanket. You can vaguely smell something cooking in the kitchen. As you walk in, you’re greeted by the sight of Vergil wearing the light blue apron you’d playfully bought him that says “Kiss the Cook” on the front. He has a cookbook open and propped up on some cans. You realize he’s trying to make your favorite dish. 
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Nero has been away from home much longer than either of you would’ve liked for him to be. Finally, one morning, he makes the phone call you’ve been waiting for. He tells you he’s on his way home, only interrupting once to tell Nico to “can it” as she teases him for how soft he is for you. He’ll be home by the end of the day. You decide to call in to work so you can be home when he arrives, then you set about making all kinds of preparations. Starting with making him a cake, chocolate with raspberry swirl. You put a roast chicken in the oven and put a bottle of wine in the fridge to chill. Then, as it gets closer to time for him to arrive, you take a long shower and slip into his favorite of your silky nighties and a long robe. You put on a bit of makeup to look your best for him. 
However, you wait and wait for him. The chicken gets done, and you don’t even know if you should bother waiting for the sides. With a sad sigh, you wrap up all the food and put it away. You make yourself a sandwich and munch it down before going to bed. 
It’s past midnight when the front door opens. Nero is sheepish as he walks into the living room, expecting you to be worriedly waiting in the living room Instead, there’s no sight of you. He goes to the kitchen and sees the table all set for a romantic dinner that didn’t happen, and his heart drops. 
He goes upstairs and sees you sleeping peacefully in the bed you share. As quietly as he can manage, he undresses before sliding into the bed beside you. He’d tried to tell himself he wouldn’t wake you, but now that you’re in reach he’s not sure he can resist. He wraps his arm around your waist and pulls you closer to him. You feel his lips against your shoulder as you begin to stir awake. 
“Baby?” you ask softly. 
“It’s me, angel. I’m sorry I was so late,” he cuddles against you, pressing his face against your neck. “The van broke down and we were fixing it.” 
“Oh! Baby,” you roll over in his arms and begin kissing him so sweetly. Nero just melts into your soft touch. You cup his cheek, “I’m so sorry, baby.” 
“I’m home now, angel. That’s all that matters.” 
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Your eyes are wide as you take in every detail of the vast castle. Sparda’s large hand envelops yours completely as he gives you the grand tour. Sparda can’t remember the last time he invited someone here, although he guesses that’s to be expected. It’s been centuries since he stayed at the Fortuna castle last. After his sons found him in the underworld, he came to this place. He wasn’t sure what he expected to find in Fortuna. Perhaps just a peaceful place to die if nothing else. Instead he found you. You’d begun by delivering him supplies. One rainy day, he’d invited you inside to warm yourself up by the fire in the large entrance hall. He’d served you tea and cookies, and found himself genuinely enjoying your company. As time went on, he invited you in more and more often when you stopped by for your deliveries. Like most on the island, you’d been raised to view him as a god. However, you’d quickly moved past that when you realized how much you enjoyed his company. 
A little at a time, the Dark Knight began to fall in love with you. You shared his feelings in abundance. When the time came for him to invite you to move into the castle with him, he’d felt quite nervous about the whole ordeal. You’d accepted with a kind smile and a sweet kiss. Love was in the air. Today he was giving you the tour, and tomorrow you would call this castle home. 
He walked you through the vast libraries and gallery halls. Then, he walked you into the residence halls. He showed you the master bedroom first, then the nearby guest rooms. They were furnished so beautifully, but the emptiness of them hit your heart with sadness. 
“We can find uses for them,” he says as he leans down to kiss your cheek. 
“Maybe we could turn one into a nursery?” you suggest with a playful wink. 
For a moment, Sparda is truly flabbergasted. His eyes widen as he stares down at you, trying to piece together if you’re serious or not. He hadn’t considered having more children. Would he only let them down the way he did Dante and Vergil? You cuddle against him and giggle. 
“Only when we’re ready, of course?” 
“So,” he smirks, “You truly wish to carry my child?” 
“Of course!” 
He hoists you up in his arms and begins to carry you towards the master bedroom once more. 
“There’s no harm in trying,” he says. 
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shuttershocky · 4 months
The reason there's no DMC6 yet is because the only playable character is gonna Lady so they need to figure out her moveset so its perfect. I'm not coping of course not.
This is going to be blasphemy and sacrilege to say (on the same level as "DMC2 isn't unplayable" which I DO NOT ACTUALLY THINK BTW) but I think we're more than ready to get a Devil May Cry game without Dante. From how badly the girls got sidelined in 5 while teasing a Lady and Trish adventure that we never got, they deserve at least a full game.
Shit, make it a whole girl's night. Bring Lucia back and put her in an actually playable game. Expand Lady's moveset and so she's not just Gunslinger-only but DMC3-strength Gunslinger+++, she's called the walking arsenal for god's sake, give her twice the guns Dante has. Trish doesn't have the demon sword Sparda anymore so have Nico fashion up a big sci-fi scythe for her. V's summoner playstyle was undercooked in 5 and deserves a second chance but V himself can't be reused? Well it turns out Patty's a big girl now and she's the descendant of an incredibly powerful demon summoner so... Make her inherit V's playstyle (just replace the demons since they can't be DMC1 enemies anymore) but have actual attack and movement options for the summoner beyond just Royal Fork so Patty can fight and actually style on enemies, while adding more of the summoner-summon interactions that made V actually pretty cool like the ability to walk on Shadow's skewer or ride on Nightmare to force Domination.
And because gamers are going to cry if there's not a single man in the playable cast, Nero's still on Earth, except he now has both robot limbs and devil limbs, which made DMC5 Nero on new game plus play like a goddamn dream. Dante even officially left Nero in charge of Devil May Cry while he's in hell, so just have Nero in the office surrounded by all the girls. Everyone around's gonna think he's a debonair lady's man when he's actually a married guy surrounded by women his very poor uncle owes money to.
Besides, I think there's a lot of fun potential in Nero and Patty meeting each other. Both of them were orphans that eventually had run-ins with Dante, and Patty even posed as Dante's daughter while they traveled, making Patty the closest thing Nero can have to a weird cousin. They're even opposites in attitudes, with Nero being an unrefined gorilla (Nico herself can't explain how Kyrie fell for him) while 8 year old Patty was a pink balloons, flowers, plushies, and sundaes girl that probably stayed just as girly even when she grew into an adult. They would not work well together. Kyrie would love her though.
And fine of course Dante wouldn't actually get skipped over, it's just that being tied to Vergil means he's gotta play by Vergil's rules. This means the inevitable DMC6 Special Edition comes with both Vergil and Dante in a special mini campaign in hell on their mission to prune the underworld's biggest plant with the tiniest possible garden shears, the Yamato and the Devil Sword Dante. Maybe they piss off Mundus with their lawnmowing and that's what causes Mundus to launch an invasion on Earth, causing the events of the main story.
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apricitae-world · 1 month
This is a follow up of my "NERO DEFENCE TIME" post, you can check that one below:
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Let's talk about her design first: dressed entirely in black with leather accents, a corset and sunglasses at night. Smooth blonde hair, cleavage and hourglass figure. No doubt, you are supposed to be alured by here since the first moment.
Trish is a more conventionally attractive version of Eva. Where Eva has a slightly hooked nose, Trish's straight and long. While Dante's mother hid her body and hair behing many layers of fabric and a veil (also evoking the imagery of a catholic saint), her clone's outfit could be seen in a nightclub.
Despite being created to lure the main character to Mallet Island by looking like his deceased family, her personality shines and acts in an almost opposite way to Eva.
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Tapping into her story, the player sees she sacrifices herself to do the right thing. Despite living under Mundus' thumb her entire existence, her connection to Dante and experience of the human world is combined with her courage and resilience. Despite bring met with destruction, she endures.
In Devil May Cry 5, she accompanies V while he goes through his emotional turmoil (her knowing he is a part of Vergil is up for debate) and speaks the truth he needs to hear.
'I'm not your mommy, V." I think this sentence is great BECAUSE it crushes Vergils' expectations regarding Trish. She will never be his mom. She is her own person and deserves to be treated as such.
While Dante has the Devil May Cry shop, Trish has traveled to many places to work. I see this as curiosity (while also fighting demons) to experience what humanity has created.
She was created as torture. With a purpose that didn't involve her at all. And even so, she rose against her creator, found connections and a reason to live. There is nothing more beautiful than that.
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deadlymagicbeans · 1 year
May I please request fluffy domestic headcanons for Sparda boys? Just quiet home life with their SO, they deserve it so much :'-)
**Hey Anon! it'd be my pleasure! these boys deserve a long nap and some cuddles as their lives are so chaotic haha. Thanks for requesting this! - Bean**
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Devil May Cry: Dante, Vergil, Nero Domestic Headcanons with their S/O
*Gender neutral pronouns for S/O*
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Considering he's out for jobs a lot to pay the bills, when on his off days he's very laidback and not wanting to do anything at all. Most of the time he's begging his S/O to come lay with him when they're up and about, He's a cuddle monster and will not let his partner go once he has his grip on them.
Loves the quiet moments he gets. whether him and his S/O be cooking (aka forcing him to save money instead of spending it on pizza much to Dante's whining), laying in bed watching old reruns of corny romance movies with them or just spending the day away doing nothing at all, he cherishes them. He's a very busy man and has seen the horrors from literally hell and back, so for him to spend a day doing nothing and to be around the person he loves the most it gives him a glimpse of a life of normality he craves oh so much.
Wants to wake his S/O up with breakfast in bed, as you know it's what a normal domestic couple would do right? but every time this man sleeps in way past 1pm to the point he gets briefly upset if he finds out his S/O was up before him which spoils his plans. (he's catching up on like 20+ years of sleep, he's knocked out cold.)
Loves to take bubble baths, it's a luxury he didn't have until he had his shop (and when his water bill is paid), but only saves them for times when he can share them with his S/O and cause you know water ain't cheap?
Overall he loves the quiet home life him and his S/O have when life isn't constantly trying to throw deadly demonic curveballs at him but he wouldn't change it for the world.
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Relaxing? Vergil? no chance, this man is always up and ready to pounce whenever the next threat or fool tries to challenge him. But with a S/O he will calm down just a tiny bit but still always on high guard.
When he's truly comfortable, he seeks to be alone. but the only exception he'll accept is with his S/O, Most of the time it's him sat reading a book with his S/O fast asleep hugging him.
He has a stash like Dante. but this time it's books, piles and piles of Books. You won't find him reading any romance novels anytime soon though as he finds them in his own words "Distasteful".
He isn't the best at a normal domestic life as he's pretty much never had one up until now. The concept of a "day off" is absurd to him, there must be no time off in the seek for greater power... but that can wait for a few hours while he stuck to the bed by his S/O's demanding cuddles (get this man to sleep, he needs it).
He would never say it out loud but he secretly loves to spend time with his S/O alone in those peaceful moments, gives him a small life outside his normal life (if you could call it normal). Heck even over time he might open up to his partner more and more with his physical touch and life. (only alone that is, if anyone else comes in *Cough* Dante *Cough*, Vergil immediately is back to his normal standoffish self)
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Nero is the only Sparda family member with the most normal balance of hunting and home life than the other two, so overall Nero spends the most amount of time in his off time with his S/O. but it still isn't that much.
Wouldn't confess it it publicly but he loves the closeness of domestic life, too others it may seem mundane but to Nero? it's the closest he'll ever get to a normal life and he'd be damn sure nobody will interrupt it.
Loves doing stuff for his S/O, like cooking (also i see Nero being the only one not to burn down a building by just turning a oven on), chores etc. his outward appearance may him him grumble but this man will want any chance to be around his S/O more.
Nero loves to cuddle or do anything that involves the chance too, sleeping? yes, watching a new series together? also a yes. but ever try to bring it up in front of anyone else and he'll deny any of that happened (Everyone knows he's lying).
Doesn't have a "stash" like the other two but loves video games, he has a small collection of games he personally enjoys but unlike the others Nero is willing to let his S/O play a game or two while he watches them. He thinks it's cute to watch them rage at a boss fight, just don't get him to do it because if he finds it hard then he might have to buy a new remote.
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