#verna sawyer
lexyscross · 10 months
A playlist for our favorite murderous redneck cannibals. 🤎
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thevillainsfangirl · 10 months
You know what? Go ahead and be an apologist for that fictional character! They're not fucking real. 😊
(Just don't be fucking annoying about it. 🙄)
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calmcoldevening · 1 year
Slashers and their babies (including partner's pregnancy)
TW: no?
Characters: Jedidiah Sawyer, Bo Sinclair, Thomas Hewitt
Ps: English is not my native language, so sorry for misspels ♡
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Jedidiah Sawyer
• Jed spent all his free time with you; he always felt very comfortable in your company. Therefore, when your condition deteriorated sharply, he became worried. Frequent migraines; morning vomiting; refusal of some food that you, as a guy knew, loved very much; swelling and bad mood. Sawyer was seriously scared and immediately let his mother know about it; Verna always understood her son without words.
• When the woman talked to you, she mentally made some conclusions, but she didn't say anything to you, much less to Jed. The only thing she gave you some instructions to ease your condition: less housework, loose clothes, rest and the absence of human meat in the diet.
• After a while, when your belly became a little more noticeable, Verna talked to you about this topic, but asked not to bring Jedidiah up to date; Sawyer mom didn't know how the boy would react to this news.
• When the deadline was slowly approaching, she personally sent you to the hospital. Thanks to the connections of her new man, she was able to provide you with a place in good conditions.
• Jed was very restless. Why did you leave? Are you tired of him? Was he rude or did he hurt you? Please come back, he will definitely try harder, he will be a good boy!
• After a relatively easy delivery, you were in the hospital for a week. Back at the Sawyer house, you were greeted by a terrified Jed. He came out of the basement, painfully looking at you with his eyes-coals and twisting his fingers. His whole body showed uncertainty and fear, he was afraid to let you down, that you would leave again. But inwardly, Jed was so glad you were back. You're not leaving him anymore, are you?
• "Jed. This is our baby," you babble, gently looking at the child.
• Only now does the guy notice the bundle in your hands. Baby? Your baby? Your common child. . ?
• You hold out the baby to Jed, and Verna helps gently lay the baby in his arms. Jed can't believe his eyes. In his arms now lies a little snuffling miracle, his child, no, your child, the fruit of your and Jed's love. And is it really true? Jedidiah begins to gently sway from side to side, as his mother once soothed him during nightmares. He looks at the wrinkled little man with eyes full of love and all kinds of tenderness.
• "You're gonna be a great dad, Jed," you say, kissing the guy on the cheek.
• Only now does he understand your past state. You didn't leave him, you just went to the hospital! All the time he couldn't do anything, you were carrying your child, fighting for his life.
• Jed looks up at you and you see his copper eyes filled with confidence and readiness for this responsibility. He won't let you down. You will be wonderful parents. Together.
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Bo Sinclair
• Bo notices that you've been getting more and more nervous and short-tempered lately. Usually after dinner you sit on the sofa with him and coo softly, laying your head on his chest; now you immediately go to your shared bedroom and fall asleep or spend the rest of the evening there, at least when Bo comes into the room, you will already be asleep, curled up in a duvet.
• Usually Bo does not take into account someone else's mood and puts himself first; because of this, you have frequent conflicts, which, in most cases, end with your hysteria. With this outcome, the man hugs you and presses you to his body, stroking your back and apologizing countless times. Still, it's hard for him to get used to the fact that someone else in this house has a fickle character.
• After a couple of weeks, he begins to notice the plumpness of your lower abdomen. He thinks it's cute. Therefore, with your subsequent proximity, he certainly bites your soft flesh.
• In the third month, he already begins to think about your condition. You spend most of the day in your room and only occasionally go out to your brothers, usually to cook a meal and also quickly go upstairs with a full plate. It's not like you! Without your presence, the Sinclair meal turned into a simple quick swallowing of food; no one else enjoyed the meal; there were no jokes, stories, advice and other nonsense that had annoyed Bo up to that point. Now he just wanted everything to go back to the way it was before.
• You ask Bo to go to the city with you, to which he actively agrees, and you buy a pregnancy test at the pharmacy. Even though you already knew the answer, you wanted to show it to Sinclair. Two stripes. "That's what it turns out. . . Am I going to be a father?"
• The man is proud, very proud and incredibly happy! With the available money, Bo starts buying neutral furniture for the child and various things for you (up to some snotty magazines with cute actors' faces).
• Bo gave you full access to his closet: after all, you've always loved his clothes, especially big T-shirts, which can now make it easier for you to dress with a slowly growing stomach.
• Bo fulfills your every whim. No matter how stupid he is, a man understands that carrying a child is a huge job that requires a lot of effort, so now you are deprived of almost all the responsibilities (he threw off cooking to Lester, and Vincent considered a man who, with his love for beauty, will be able to clean this house wonderfully).
• He doesn't stop teasing Vincent: "Ha, freak! Have you seen that? Have you seen that?! I'm going to be a father, damn it! And you continue to sit and rot among your empty paintings!". After that, you scold Bo and calm Vincent down. "Vinny, this will be your nephew. I'm sure you'll make a good uncle." This significantly affects Bo's self-esteem.
• When Bo finally picks you and the baby up from the hospital, he doesn't let the baby out of his arms for a good five hours. He gives up immediately after he hears the shrill howl of the baby.
• With all his dislike of strong noise, he becomes a good father. At least he knows how to feed a baby, although otherwise he should learn.
• As soon as the child takes the first steps, Bo begins to tell him about the city, in particular about the museum. The kid just looks at his father as if he's crazy.
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Thomas Hewitt
• During your pregnancy, Tommy's favorite way to show his support: he picks up your body and puts it on his lap, pressing his back to his chest; his head is buried in the curve of your shoulder and neck; his hands cover your palms on your voluminous stomach.
• Both before and after pregnancy and childbirth, Tommy carries you in his arms. He tries not to leave you alone for more than half an hour.
• You have to give birth right in this house, the nearest city is very far away, and the old man Hoyt does not want to shine. Fortunately, it all ends well.
• Thomas looks at the little man in your arms for a couple of minutes. Flushed, wrinkled skin; clenched fists; kicking feet; squeezed eyes and a piercing scream. This child is literally from one and a half of his palm!
• Hewitt quickly gets used to the smallness of this creature and cradles the child in his arms with uncharacteristic tenderness and caution — Tommy treats the baby like a crystal vase, which, with a little pressure, will burst, crumbling into thousands of small fragments. Although with his superhuman strength, it probably would have been.
• Tommy watches you breastfeed with fascination; it makes you blush a little. A man with unprecedented zeal and interest looks after all your manipulations in relation to the baby. In the end, after a while, he also begins to perform these actions well.
• "Tommy, I need to go out for a while. Luda-May needs help. Can you babysit with [baby's name]?". He nods. When you come back, you see Thomas snuffling on the bed. He put one hand under his head, the other covered your child, who, apparently, followed the example of his daddy and now also drooled on the pillow. Such a cute scene.
• Who would have thought that a Texas maniac with a chainsaw is capable of such tenderness?
• When a child turns two, you stop putting him in the crib at night, and put him between you and Tommy. Hewitt clasps your hands together and covers the baby with them, creating an improvised barrier.
• Thomas turns out to be a very attentive and caring father. He treats the baby carefully and tries in every way to please him/her. Besides, when the three of you are alone in the room, he takes off his mask! The kid feels his father's face curiously.
• The man is still worried that his illness may manifest itself in the child.
• Unexpectedly, but your child and Thomas' favorite game is hide—and-seek. It looks especially strange when a man two meters tall and wide enough in girth is trying to hide.
• Yes, when your baby turned four, Thomas taught him to human flesh.
• The best toy? Daddy's chainsaw!
Okay, it was something a little strange, but I hope you enjoyed it <3
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Decided to take a break from filling out applications and turned on my Xbox. I was going to play some video games, but Xbox gave me Texas Chainsaw for free???
So I'm watching that..
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It isn't my favorite TCM sequel, but it's still fun. Even if the timeline doesn't make sense (not even talking about the continuity, but like, why is she so young in the 2000s if she was a baby in the 70s??), and the reliance of CGI blood is distracting, and the dialogue isn't always the best...
But it had cameos from some of the older actors ❤️ OG Leatherface (Gunnar Hansen) as Boss Sawyer, OG final girl Sally Hardesty (Marilyn Burns) as Verna Carson, and Chop-Top (Bill Moseley) as Drayton Sawyer ❤️
Bill Moseley is an absolute joy as Drayton, and I wish the rest of the movie was more deserving of those three ❤️
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adamwatchesmovies · 2 years
Leatherface (2017)
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While I didn't enjoy this film, that doesn't mean you won't. No matter what I say, the people involved in this project did it: they actually made a movie. That's something to be applauded. With that established...
No long-running slasher series can resist telling us what happened before the killer got their favourite weapon, superpower, or iconic mask. These misguided efforts at expanding the characters always disappoint. There are now two prequels in The Texas Chainsaw Massacre series. The first, released in 2006, told us what happened before the 2003 remake. Now, the 1974 Tobe Hooper classic has received the same treatment. This is not a good movie but for what it’s worth, it’s the best of these “slasher origin” movies we’ve ever received. Before I tell you why, what’s this movie about?
In 1955, Verna Sawyer’s sadistic children are taken away from her and sent to a mental institution by Sheriff Hartman (Stephen Dorff), who believes the family is responsible for the death of his daughter. Ten years later, nurse Elizabeth White (Vanessa Grasse) and patients Jackson (Sam Strike) & Bud (Sam Coleman) are taken hostage by Ike (James Bloor) and Clarice (Jessica Madsen) following a riot that sees many patients and staff killed. As they travel the countryside, leaving a trail of violence in their wake, the police close in.
With the children’s names changed upon admission to the Gorman House Youth Reformery, neither the characters nor the audience know which of the three men is Jud Sawyer, the boy who will one day grow up to become Leatherface. Astute viewers can probably deduce who it is, but there’s still a mystery as we watch the events unfold and wonder what will turn them into the killer we know. This uncertainty is what elevates this film past the likes of A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Child, Rob Zombie’s Halloween, 2011’s The Thing, Hannibal Rising and other horror prequels. At least this one has ambition. It wants to tell a new story. In fact, if it weren't for one scene towards the end, you probably wouldn’t know Leatherface is a prequel, and I mean this in a good way.
Directors Julien Maury and Alexandre Bustillo, along with writer Seth M. Sherwood have made a film that stands on its own… except when it doesn’t. In the opening scene, we see a young Jud receive his first chainsaw and you will roll your eyes. Still, it’s a breath of fresh air compared to what we've been subjected to by this series before. As of 2017, there are 8 Texas Chainsaw movies. Most of them simply regurgitate what we’ve seen before. Their stories are so bad they would need at least 4 passes through the ringer to become worthy of viewing… and at the end of the process, you’d just have the original movie so they’re utterly pointless. Revise this story 4 times and who knows? I know it sounds like a backhanded compliment but you don’t understand just how awful some of the TCM movies have been.
So it’s the cream of the crap essentially. I appreciated many things this film does but I still would never call it good. A full moon turns to a quarter moon and then a full moon again within the span of a few minutes. The evil characters are so evil they feel out of place. Everyone else is often too unlikeable for you to care what will happen next. The gore is excessive, certain characters or plot points are introduced and then disappear as if forgotten. Ultimately, by being a prequel to The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, all this movie does is remind you of a better movie you’d rather be watching.
And so, we’ve finally come to the end of the series. What a downhill ride it’s been. If I were to rank them all from worst to best, I’d go #8: Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning. #7: Texas Chainsaw 3D. #6 Texas Chainsaw Massacre III. #5 Texas Chainsaw Massacre IV: The Next Generation. #4 Texas Chainsaw Massacre II. #3 Leatherface (not too bad, eh? Though this mostly speaks to the inhumane wretchedness of the other movies rather than this one’s quality). #2 The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003) and #1 - of course - the original. Now, let’s hope we can finally put the series to rest on this “high note”. (On Blu-ray, May 31, 2019)
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knightkins · 2 years
( continue under cut )
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Acantha, Ambrose, Audrey, August, Blank, Briar, Bryce, Clementine, Clock, Corbitt, Cyfrin, Devoid, Draca, Em, Emile, Emory, Enola, Fallen, Florentine, Four, 4, Glitch, Grant, Harlowe, Iviana, Jaedon, Jayden, Juke, Kasper, Keeper, Raz, Marisol, Monica, Orion, Otis, Patience, Remember, Robbie, Sawyer, Solitaire, Sorell, System, Time, Verna, Vision, Zeo
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crysalita · 3 years
The Oldest Sawyer
Drayton Sawyer (2017) x reader
Word Count: 1631
Warnings: Death, Gory (Ending scene from the movie) Cursing.
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I was startled awake with the feeling of someone repeatedly shaking my body. The first thing I saw was the nurse right in front of my face.
I scoffed. “Get away from me, traitor.” I crawled backwards, and it was then that I noticed the officer that locked me up too. “Well, look what we have here.” I smirked as I noticed his tied-up form. “Where’s Jackson?” I looked around the room.
“Y/n, that’s the thing. Jackson, his real names Jedidiah, Jedidiah Sawyer. I would explain the rest of the story, but we need to get out of here, now!” Lizzy explained.
“What are you talking about? I’m not leaving Jackson- well, Jedidiah I guess. Unlike you, Lizzy, he’s actually my friend.” I stood up from where I was placed and pushed through the doors, only to find a room lit up with candles that exposed all the bones used as decorations.
The room stunk, it reeked a foul smell, like something was dying. “The Sawyers are cannibals, Y/n. That’s the smell of all their victims.” Hartman called out.
I rolled my eyes, and then proceeded to walk out the other room. “Jackson! Or Jedidiah! Whatever the fuck your name is!” I marched out of the room only to be met with a sweaty man with a beard. “Who are you?” I asked, only to be grabbed by the man and pulled into a tight hold. “Let go of me!” I cried as I kicked repeatedly. I was pulled into a room with a couch facing the opened doorway. “Where is he! Jackson!” My attempts at setting myself free didn’t help in anyway as I only ended up hurting myself when I accidentally kicked the doorway.
Lizzy and Hartman were dragged into the room as well, being pulled along by two other people I had never seen before. Hartman was shoved onto the couch with everyone in the room facing him.
“You messed with the wrong family.” The woman spoke up.
My hands went up to the man arms as I tried to free myself from his grip.
“Yeah, you proud of this god damn family, huh?” Hartman mocked, groaning due to the wound he had in his stomach. The woman sighed at his words and instead turned to face the other direction.
“Jed!” She called out. I perked up when I heard her call his name.
“Jackson!” The woman turned around and eyed me before she once again called out for the man who now held two names.
The room was filled with the heavy footsteps of an unknown person who I couldn’t see due to the man holding me down.
I peered around the man to see Jackson with a muzzle on his face, and a chainsaw in his hand. “Jackson!” He looked up at me and his demeanour faltered for a bit. He looked back at the woman and nodded his head in my direction.
“What is it, Jed?” She asked as she came closer to him. He mumbled something that I wasn’t able to catch before the woman pulled back and slowly nodded her head. “This is Jed’s friend, Y/n. She doesn’t die.” I sighed in relief, before I glanced over at Lizzy.
“Could have been you if you didn’t get Bud killed you piece of shit.” I attempted to get out of the man’s arms to charge at the backstabbing nurse, only for Jackson, well Jed now, to raise his hand to silently tell me to stop. He raised the chainsaw, and I smirked. “That is a better idea.” I thought. “At least let me get a punch in though.” Before I could throw myself at the girl, the same pair of arms came back around me and pulled me back into his body. “Let me get her.” I thrashed around.
“Don’t worry, darlin’. Jed will deal with her soon.” The man from behind me whispered in my ear. I froze at his words, having been the first time I heard him speak. I felt a weird sensation at his voice but shook it off as nerves.
Jed brought the chainsaw up to Hartman’s face and staggered around. “Look what that man did to your face.” The woman spoke. I couldn’t forget the sight of the bullet going through Jed’s face, and the missing chunk of flesh.
Jed revved the chainsaw as he started it up, this caused Lizzy to let out a loud scream. “Shut up over there. you’re next, you hear me?” Jed raised the chainsaw up in the air and then shoved it back down towards Hartman’s chest.
Hartman let out a cry when the chainsaw went straight through his hand. I had to look away at the sight of the blood spraying everywhere and dripping from the chainsaw. “Beautiful, ain’t it?” The man mumbled, his arms tugging me tighter against his figure.
The mixture of Jed’s, Hartman’s and Lizzy’s screams echoed throughout the room, until finally Hartman went quiet. I looked back at the bloody mess that was filling the room with the metallic stench.
Suddenly Lizzy slammed the back of her head into the other man’s face, causing him to release her, giving her time to run out the door.
I went to run after the nurse, but I was stopped by the woman who was ushering the boys out. “Go get her.” She ordered as she pointed out the door.
The two boys ran out of the house, cheering as they chased after Lizzy. “Jed, remember what I told you? Go get her.” She nudged Jed out. “Nobody messes with our family.” Jed revved his chainsaw as he lagged behind the others.
The woman turned back to me and gestured for me to follow her. “We need to have a little chat.” I nodded my head as I walked beside her. “I’m Jed’s mother, Verna, the boy that was holding you is Jed’s brother, Drayton, and the other one is Nubbins. If there is one thing that we don’t like, it’s outsiders.” She explained. “With that being said, Jed wants you to stay here, so that the only reason you are being kept alive. Do something to threaten my family, and I will skin you alive and feed you to the pigs, am I clear?”
“Crystal.” I mumbled.
“Who is that other girl anyways?” She asked as we kept our distance behind Jed.
“That’s a nurse back at that hell hole. She seemed okay at first, and then she got our friend Bud killed. It was always the three of us, me, Jed, and Bud, and she came along and ruined that. There’s nothing more that I want than to see her die a painful death.” I replied.
“Well why don’t you run along and hunt that traitor too, have some fun of your own.” Verna held out a tomahawk to me, and I took it from her. I smirked at the sharp blade as I twirled it around in my hand.
“Thanks, Verna.”
“No, no. You best get used to calling me mama, you’re a part of the family now.” She corrected. I smiled at her words before I took off into the woods.
I listened out for the footsteps, but it was hard to hear from Jed’s chainsaw.
When I saw someone run through the trees, I chased after them, hoping that it was Lizzy.
I froze when I heard the chainsaw get cut off, and the sound of crunching leaves coming from behind me. I spun around to find Drayton standing there with an axe in his hands. “You’re not tryna’ run are ya’?”
“Nah, just tryna’ find Lizzy. Hoping to give her a beating before she’s killed off.” The man in front of me slowly nodded his head before gesturing for me to follow him.
“Careful out ‘ere. Traps everywhere.”
“Really? I haven’t seen any-” Suddenly I was scooped up and lifted into the air. I let out a quiet scream as the rope came around me, encasing me in a trap. “What the fuck! Did you lead me to this?” I cried as I was dangling in the air.
“I told ya’ be careful.” He chuckled as he watched me.
“Are you just gonna sit and stare or help me out?” He waited a few more seconds before he finally made up his mind and walked over to the rope that kept me up. He cut the bit of rope and I was sent falling to the ground and landed with a loud thud.
“Shit, I think I broke every bone in my body.” I groaned as I held my side.
“Your fine.” He scoffed as he grabbed a hold of my arm and yanked me up. I winced as I staggered forward to try to keep balance.
“We killed her!” I heard through the trees. I limped over in that direction, following behind Drayton.
“Good you guys are back, what happened to you?” Verna asked as she looked over at me.
“Found herself in one our traps.” Drayton smirked as he looked down at me.
I looked behind Verna and Jed to find the body Lizzy with no head attached to it. I smiled at the sight.
I limped over to Jed and pulled him in for a hug. “I’m so glad you’re okay.” I whispered in his ear. I felt as he dropped the chainsaw and wrapped his arms around me.
“Aren’t you two just the cutest.” Verna cooed. “Can’t wait until you give me grand babies.” I pulled away when I heard that.
“Uh, no offence Jed, but I only see him as a brother.” Jed shook his head and gave me a thumbs up as he attempted to smile with the muzzle on.
“Well that’s okay. You can be Drayton’s than.”
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peachy-keenss · 2 years
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Shes a killer queen!
Ok so. Texas chainsaw posting starts NOW. Here's a painting of my interpretation of the matriarch of the sawyer household, Verna! She's only really like Verna from 3d in name but hey! She's still Bubba's mommy <33333
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an-toni-a · 3 years
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This is an old photo 🔝
Selma Prudence Sawyer is the daughter of Drayton and Verna Sawyer, sister of Chop Top, Nubbins and Leatherface. She is the only one of her family who isn't mad.
She's a 31 years old woman who changed her surname when she got married (Selma Prudence Sawyer -> Selma Espenson), with brown hair always tied with braids, green eyes and a sad gaze.
She is the daughter/sister of Daytron Sawyer, who always harassing her, and Verna, who always mistreated her with the iron (when Selma took off her shirt, Jedidiah always cried about her back with bruises).
She loved her brothers but in particular Jedidiah, who was always really shy.
At the age of 14, she was raped by her dad/brother and she got pregnant but she had a miscarriage.
When she was 18 years old, she saved some money and she thought about to leave her family and go to an another place with Jedidiah. But her mother wasn't happy and punished her with the iron.
After those events, she finally left her family, but always wrote to Jedidiah, and got married with her college boyfriend Melvin and they had a daughter: Linda.
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lexyscross · 2 years
I didn’t realize until now that one of my favorite tropes is: “Batshit Insane Family Who Will Go To War For Each Other,” but it is, in fact, a favorite! 🖤
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hornymagnets · 4 years
A playlist for my underappreciated chef 
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tawneybel · 5 years
I Just saw leatherface and I wasnt expecting to like it so much! am I the only one wants Verna as a mother?
I’ve seen four Chainsaw Massacre movies so far, in this order:
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning: Dean and Eric are cute. Slasher victims need more love.
Leatherface: Didn’t do much for me but I do kind of want Verna as a mother-in-law.
The Texas Chain Saw Massacre: Why are Bubba’s grunts and yapping so endearing?
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2: “I told you, boys, and I told you. Don’t call on this phone. Now damn it, get off,” are the greatest lines in the franchise, probably.
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scrapnick · 2 years
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Waist up full colour commission for @verna-hops of Bubba Sawyer with his hands full of love ❤️
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slashingdisneypasta · 4 years
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Just a quick collage for Mothers (And Grandmother’s / Mother Figure’s) Day! Not all of them are here, of course, but some. My mum had no idea who any of these characters were XD 
Pictures found: On google and kissthemgoodbye.net
Made on: BeFunky.com and the Photo Blender Photo Editor app on Microsoft. 
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sociopath-analysis · 5 years
Sociopath Profile: Verna Sawyer-Carson
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From the 2013 film Texas Chainsaw 3D and 2017 film Leatherface Played by Marilyn Burns (right, 2013) and Lili Taylor (left, 2017)
Verna serves as the major overarching antagonist in Leatherface since she is the one behind many of the terrible things that the eponymous antagonist does. She’s the matriarch of the Sawyer family and shows many symptoms of a low-functioning sociopath. While she appeared to be a sweet old lady in 3D, she was really one of the most ruthless Sawyers in the family.
She notably has absolutely no functioning empathy for anyone. She claims that family is important, but it seems to be more of a way to just abuse them into her homicidal actions, especially poor Leatherface. She believes that no one could love her son like she could, warping his mind into what she wants. It’s debatable on whether she truly loves him or if that is just her distorted, self-centered view of love.
She manipulates Leatherface by abusing him and belittling him. She takes advantage of his mental handicap and forces him into becoming her obedient attack dog. She gaslights him into thinking that no one would ever be able to love him like she does. She even alienates him from his true friends like Lizzy. Even after her death in 3D, he seeks revenge for is dear mother.
She also partakes in a lot of projection. She doesn’t see herself as the problem in her family. Verna just believes that she’s protecting her son from the outside influences of the world. She believes that Lizzy is a toxic influence on him, despite the fact that Verna is forcing him to become a serial killer. She also claims to be the victim of a cruel world despite the fact that her family is comprised of murderous cannibals and she is directly responsible for a lot of that. The ostracism she and her family receives is rather justified.
Overall, she is an even worse monster than the famous Leatherface. Mainly due to the fact that she is responsible for creating him.
Female Sociopath List
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bubbabeansawyer · 6 years
Ohhh my god why am I putting myself through this lmaooo
I've rewatched Texas Chainsaw 3D like 5 times for the fanfic I'm writing and the timeline and plotholes make no sense....and so I read the wiki to make sense of things which only made shit MORE confusing especially with how the sawyers are related to each other, like fuck this I'm gonna change some details cause this movie is a hot ass mess
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