#verse: mandalorian empire
justaballoffluff · 1 year
on the one hand, I really like the idea of Jedi Tari following Revan into fighting the Mandalorians because she may not care about the Republic, but she can't stand to see so many people put in danger
but on the other, Jedi Tari who's just like "nah fuck the Order and the Republic" and she just goes and joins the Mandalorians
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direwolfrules · 2 years
Would anyone care for some unsolicited fanfic recs in this trying time?
Star Wars (because I have no other life):
(Re)convene by Nightfall_1409:
10 years after sacrificing himself for the Rebellion, Ezra Bridger is offered the chance to turn back the clock and alter the course of history forever- the Force sending back with him a ragtag band of heroes, all whom have proven themselves worthy of the chance, all of whom have the drive to prevent the events that turned their lives into living nightmares, all of whom have the chance to save their loved ones from their fates.
Now 35 years in the past, returned to the era of the Republic 6 years before the rise of the Empire, 3 years before the start of the Clone Wars, he has to unite his scattered allies- Ahsoka Tano, Din Djarin, Boba and Omega Fett- and put together the puzzle of what caused the galaxy to fall, or they'll all be doomed to watch it happen again.
Personal Thoughts:
I really like this one. Time travel is my favorite trope. It’s well written, it draws you in, and the author has done an excellent job of mashing up Legends and Canon in fun and unique ways.
It has everything: Force Sensitive Omega, Tired Space Dad Din Djarin accidentally becoming a main character, Ezra and Anakin as chaotic besties, no Jedi bashing, and much more that would be spoilers.
The author tries to update twice a month. It’s really good. Also this is the only one I’m including the summary for because I’m lazy.
Time-Traveling Artoo by SpiderMansUnfriendlyNeighbor
Crack fic go brrrr. Seriously though, it’s just Artoo fucking with Sidious and then kidnapping children to matchmake. I was laughing the whole way through.
A Means of Survival by LessAttitudeMoreAltitude
In which Ursa finds a half dead Jedi Padawan named Caleb and the Mandalorian Adoption instinct activates. Listen, Sabine has decided the Jetti’ad is her favorite person, they can’t just not adopt him
The Time Heals ‘verse by jessicas_pi
Force Sensitive Sabine travels back in time to the Clone Wars, accidentally bonds with a Force Entity that I’m 99% sure is the Brother, becomes Obi-Wan’s Padawan, and keeps accidentally-on-purpose bringing people back to the past.
Also Quinlan Vos is there.
It’s Sabezra if that’s a turn off for anyone.
You Either Die A Hero… by RennyBanette
The 501st gets trapped in a time loop on Umbara. Delightful crack full of Krell murder and fire.
The Desert Storm by Blue_Sunshine
This is the Star Wars time travel fic. It’s so good. 4 years after the fall of the Republic Obi-Wan gets caught in a sandstorm, and when it passes he’s back in time when Anakin’s just a three year old clinging to his mom’s skirt.
Naturally, Obi-Wan frees the Skywalkers, changes his name to Ben Naasade, takes his younger self as a Padawan, and gives Mace Windu so many headaches.
Featuring: Jedi Shmi Skywalker, Pong Krell getting his shit wrecked, Legends stuff, Jedi Shmi Skywalker, Mandalorians being awesome, Alderaan being awesome, Jedi Shmi Skywalker, Obitine, the Sith being evil and creepy, and most importantly, Jedi Knight Shmi Skywalker
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merrysithmas · 1 year
Thoughts on the fact we're getting a lando series 💀
I REALLY LIKED the SOLO movie and I thought it was EASILY Disney's best Star Wars project before Andor. It had a charismatic cast, a great atmosphere, beautiful set design, a compelling arc for Han, and a great set up for a followup project - but Disney went apeshit after it lost money and blacklisted it for NO reason, not understanding it was the Sequels & how they demolished Luke Skywalker which angered fans... not Solo.
[which also could have been easily fixed as the next movie was called The RISE of Skywalker and the most powerful Jedi of his age Luke couldve, with practically no effort, literally... been resurrected, but I digress]
So I really like Donald Glover as Lando and I think he'd be amazing in a series (he is writing it too), and I would hope they'd include Alden's Han as well -- but this shouldve happened years and years ago & frankly the audience and goodwill for it is absolutely gone now.
Like fans actively root for Disney's Star Wars projects to fail... that's... bad. And tbh not unjustified.
Disney was too chickenshit to stand behind recasting (Alden was a GREAT Han and Glover was a GREAT Lando) - and now theyre in a swamp mess of AI cgi insanity while the whole creative world revolts against AI lmao. Instead of just casting Julliard graduate Graham Hamilton as Luke and rebooting the OG trio for a Heir to the Empire trilogy (what everyone wants) they're busy.... dragging The Mandalorian behind a shed and axing it to death by giving the show over to a deeply generally unknown (and OOC) Filoni original character Bo Katan who was originally conceived in TCW to be unlikeable intentionally within the narrative?
I'm sure the Lando show would've been great, but they already cancelled Lando twice and I'm sure they will again. Every single SW project Disney has announced has been cancelled including, already, the first bricks of their repulsive MCU Mando verse lol. Which was just announced in April 😂
It's just... busted.
I doubt Lando will ever exist & if it does I'll never give Disney my money about it.
Lando has been one of my fav sw characters forever, so its just bewildering it has gotten to this point.
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mwolf0epsilon · 5 months
Forceful Intervention AU - Supporting Cast
The Masterpost for the Forceful Intervention Verse got ridiculously long and reached the character limit, so I opted with making a post for the supporting character cast instead of stressing over trying to make everything fit into one singular post.
Without further ado, meet the cast of OCs!
Lissa Colo'Ba - A natborn officer who served with the GAR while under the command of Jedi General Chora Tuteru and the 209th Battalion (aka Avis Squadron). Known simply as Dove (a nickname given to her by the troopers of the 209th), this mysterious pilot has a past that links her both to the Jedi and Mandalorians alike, in more ways than just her service record. Like the saying goes, never judge a book by its cover.
Maeleen Eppa - The renegade daughter of two very corrupt senators, Mae was reluctantly conscripted into the GAR after finding herself in hot waters with both her parents and the Republic (after accidentally stumbling into Separatist space while trying to run away from her home planet of Poluzitania). Spending the majority of the war serving under the 104th as an engineer and mechanic, her loyalty towards both Jedi Master Plo Koon and the 104th became the driving force for her rebellion against the Empire.
Zed Kwinde - A strong Force Empath that was raised as a Guardian of the Whills for the Kyber Temple of Jedha. He grew disillusioned due to feeling powerless in the face of war, as he could sense the misery and pain of others but was not allowed to interfere as that was not his battle to face. Unwilling to sit around idly, Zed fled the temple and completely reinvented himself, becoming somewhat of an expert in cybernetic enhancements, slicing and marksmanship. While he comes off as snarky and selfish, his intentions are often much purer than they seem.
The Golden Ladybug Crew - One of many brothels in Coruscant's red light districts that has allied itself to the Coruscant Guard, due to having formed a mutual respect for each other's street-savvy survival skills. The Golden Ladybug is not only open to clone troopers who have nowhere else to go, but also often provides supplies and information to the Guard in exchange for protection from the shadier folks who threaten the Madam's business and affairs.
The 105th/Petrichor Company - The veteran troopers of Krell's defunct Battalion, who could not be relegated to other Jedi due to their distrust of Force Users. Having initially worked with the 501st to try to rehabilitate them, several incidents involving in-fighting and excessive violence ended up forcing the Jedi to leave them under the Coruscant Guard's jurisdiction, in the hopes that some community service might help them get along better with "outsiders". The 105th was then assigned to work with the Golden Ladybug, who through sheer commitment and infinite patience, managed to rehabilitate the traumatized troopers.
Scully & Erin - An unlikely duo of a Changeling with connections in the Coruscant Underbelly, and an AgriCorps Jedi Ruurian. Scully and Erin both have ties with clones that (despite the horrors of Order 66) have clearly not been sullied or forgotten, as they are always willing to lend a hand to whomever most needs it. Even while on the run. The two travel with ex-501st Trooper Nax (known to them as Hobbs) who they rescued from Daiyu.
Metronome Squad - A batch of clone troopers divided among four battalions who maintained close contact throughout the war. They were ultimately separated by the tragedy of Order 66, but later managed to reunite with each other (those who were left anyway). The group consists of Rhythm (Communications Officer of the CG), Pitch (Clone Medic of the 501st), Beat (ARC Trooper of the 104th) and Tacet (ARF Trooper of the 212th).
Guard Remnant - A group of surviving Coruscant Guard troopers with faulty inhibitor chips, that managed to flee the heart of the Empire after Order 66 went out. Comprised primarily of riot troopers and unofficially lead by Slick, the Guard Remnant has made of the town of Bakkskrash their home and keep the settlement protected with the help of Dogma and Rhythm (whom both accidentally became the sole law enforcement for the entire town).
Sponge Clan - A tight-knit family unit comprised of ex-501st clone medic Sponge, their partner Hugo Espin, their adopted clone children, hybrid clone child Molly, Pitch of Metronome Squad (who at the time was having issues reconciling with Rhythm, thus had nowhere else to go), scuba trooper Penguin, heavy gunner Lichtenberg (who was considered MIA on Umbara but managed to survive by the skin of his teeth) and several pets (the most notorious being Beautiful, Sponge's barghest companion and most trusted friend). They are not immediately allied to any of the many Mando clans whom seem to have taken an interest in them, instead focusing on the Guard Remnant and the town of Bakkskrash.
AI Troopers - AI copies of Fives and Tup that were created from brain-scans that were done prior to their deaths. It's unknown who exactly created these AI copies, or what reason they had to do so, but the experiment seems to connect to one of Palpatine's various Immortality projects.
The Lost Children of Mandalore - Several Mandalorian clans that reside in Epifania, after their ancestors settled there while on the run from the Mandalorian Wars. While the clans sometimes don't see eye to eye, they are united in their affinity for the clone troopers who have sought shelter on their quaint little planet.
The Golden Pye-Dogs - A band of pirates that have allied themselves to the Guard Remnant and the Sheriff of Bakkskrash. While most don't understand why these scheming scoundrels would willingly work with law enforcement of any kind, one can't ignore the fact they seem to have an adopted clone child as the factor behind this particular choice.
The 13th Sister - Once an AgriCorps Jedi and dear friend to Erin, Kera Brookii willingly became an Inquisitor in the pursuit of power. Having grown disillusioned with the Jedi Order's seemingly "unfair" training policies, Kera felt like her potential was wasted and sought revenge on those who she assumed looked down on her. Cruel and manipulative, she is suspicious of Zed's activities as a mercenary for the Empire, being sure of him being a double agent. None of the other Inquisitors believe her however, as they consider her traitorous by nature and far too power hungry to ally themselves with willingly.
Sulu Ra, the Mad Cloner of Kamino - A microbiology specialist on Kamino. He was adept at perfectly replicating microorganisms that comprise the majority of a being's internal and external body flora, thus helping their products to live outside of lab conditions, making Sulu Ra's work an important part of the cloning process. However, due to his morbid curiosity of natural mutations and hybridization, interest in bio-weaponry, and natural dislike of wasting resources, the once highly sought out microbiologist became a nuisance that actively tampered with the cloning process to indulge in his own sick and twisted experiments. His list of victims includes Tup and Dogma, Olly's entire batch, two entire battalion's worth of rookies, and many more beings that they themselves created from scratch.
Aoife - A mysterious young lady with seemingly omniscient knowledge of the world around her. No one knows where exactly she came from, but Aoife seems to have good intentions regardless of her strange nature. She saved Hardcase from a fate she herself says was impossible for him to have been relegated to because it just "didn't make sense in the story".
The Rascal Gang - A group of kids who's parents were either a part of the rebellion or who were clones. Mismatched in all sorts of ways, this oddball group seems to have ended up on the Colossus, and are on the lookout for something. What exactly that something is, remains unknown (but likely has to do with the Resistance).
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lauronk · 2 months
So, I have HC questions about your latest short fic about Joel as a Mandalorian.
First, is Tommy in this verse, and if so, is he also a mando?
Second, is Tess in this verse, and were they bounty hunter partners at some point? If so, what kind of badass was she? Was she a Mando?
Last when will be get more!
hiiiiiiiiii bumble my love
okay so i originally didn't put much thought into the rest of the tlouverse in mando because i was struggling so hard with making sure the star wars parts were accurate 🙈 lol BUT here is what i have come up with:
tommy - yes he would be there. i can't decide if he would be a mandalorian because while it makes sense if he and joel were both taken in as foundlings at the same time, something in my brain just doesn't see him as one. plus, we can't hide that lovely hair under a helmet! so i think he was one up until a certain point and then he left, and now he's residing on another planet just kind of getting along and trying to stay out of empire/empire remnant attention
tess - i think she would also be a bounty hunter (she's too badass not to be, honestly) but not a mandalorian, and the only person joel is ever willing to team up with. i think before ellie she's the only person he's ever been really tempted into taking his helmet off for (but he doesn't)
when will there be more - probably never lol while i enjoyed writing it and i usually never say never about returning to my stories, writing anything star wars adjacent is SO STRESSFUL to me because there's so much lore and so much room for error and just so very very many things i do not know
the ficlet
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serenofroses · 1 year
Reposting from inactive blog to here.
Regarding the topic of Sign Language in star wars universe.
I unfortunately don't really sign, but I relied on hearing aids and lipreading quite heavily but not perfectly well. It's something I lacked in life for communication and projecting my disability onto OCs for this verse.
Again, this is my personal headcanons for my legacy and everything here are strictly fictional asdfghjkl.
The point is, I know it is common to rely on ASL and BSL as the base concept to use for deaf and mute characters to sign. Personally for me when it comes to deaf characters in my legacy verse, namely Ania and Jazz who are hearing impaired, there are more than two Sign Languages to range from within the galaxy's regions. I find that using ASL and BSL in star wars really awkward because you'll be asking 'where's american/british comes from in star wars???'. I won't be using that for a specific reason.
Ania and Jazz both have hearing aids and implants to help them, but Kritanta and Vowrawn made sure to teach the twins on sign languages under circumstances.
The first one being the Galactic Sign Language, shortened as GSL, which was formerly known as Republic Sign Language but the Senate elected to change it to Galactic for universal purpose. This can be roughly connected with Basic speaking language being mostly common. GSL is the SW equivalent to ASL (american sign language).
Tau Idair in this legacy was fluent in GSL due to one of her parents being deaf. Tau communicated Jazz in GSL within crowded places when she struggled to hear (and hearing aids can pick up a lot of noise frequencies at once, which can be distressing to deal with).
Secondly, with the resurface of the Sith Empire's existence, there is an Imperial Sign Language, shortened as ISL, as opposed to "Republic" Sign Language. It is the main sign language within Imperial core worlds. It is mostly common among Agents and Soldiers to communicate with each others for covert missions or radio silence. ISL is the SW equivalent to BSL (british sign language).
Kritanta and Vowrawn are fluent in ISL due to their daughters being hearing impaired when they found out they were born profound deaf. However, neither of them shy away from learning GSL. Not to mention that Kritanta wore a mask 24/7 for health reasons that hid away the ability for his daughters or anyone else to lipread.
Marr and Jadus were fluent in the knowledge of ISL and GSL the same reason for wearing a mask and communicate with hard of hearing officers. But generally this applies to masked characters who can take up the options of learning basic knowledge. As Ania relied on lipreading the most, Marr and Jadus didn't wait to linger long so they can take their mask off in private to communicate with her.
Thirdly, much like ISL but there's another one used within Imperial core worlds known as Sith Sign Language, shortened as SSL, commonly used amongst Siths or force-users to communicate and possibly talk shit and gossip behind non-force user's backs.
An idea brought to you by darthvronton that I'm including it in this legacy. It is possible that SSL borrows sign words from ISL purposely. a suggestion to take note brought by a friend.
Fourth, not all neutral core worlds like Tatooine or Nar Shadda followed GSL. The Hutts introduced and spread the influence of Huttese Sign Language, shortened as HSL, across neutral aligned factions. This was to go on par with characters speaking Huttese.
Especially the likes of Blizz who may have known HSL because they do communicate for trading. As part of the deal with the Jedi and Republic to keep out of trouble rather than going to jail, Blizz agreed to be an interpreter for the deaf Jedi… which they eventually became Jazz's main interpreter.
Lastly, the fifth being exclusive only to Mandalorians as they invented and translated their language into Mando'a Sign Language, shortened as MSL, for deaf and mute mandalorians without feeling the need to remove the helmet out of privacy.
All in all, I had to avoid using Basic Sign Language for universal use because when you shortened it as BSL, it can get mistaken for British Sign Language. This is why Galactic was a more appropriate choice.
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glouchyouchy · 9 months
Just a quick post laying out a few pointers ( since I unexpectedly received a handful of queries about my fanfic ( The Mandalorian and the Jedi... thank you for your interest BTW :) )) that basically boil down to these four :
1) A Look Back. - 1 in the latest chapter ( which I labelled as III.2 but is also chapter 8 numerically ( https://archiveofourown.org/works/51672316/chapters/132792904 ) ) directly PRECEDES A Look Back. - 2 in II.2 ( chapter 3, numerically ( https://archiveofourown.org/works/51672316/chapters/130814095 )). It gets confusing, I know ( sorry >_< ), but the idea behind the anachronistic telling of the story is so 'scenes' which have similar themes or which tie in together ( cause / effect ) are grouped together to achieve some point that I want to come across. :)
2) Doesn't Bo-Katan acting basically like Ursa's AMIGA / Sabine's aunt mean you're making her REALLY OLD by the time of the Mandalorian? ( I think this is a Bo-Din shipper's concern :)) ) = Don't worry, I'm a Bo-Din shipper as well! Also, I think the age consistency issue with her has already been pointed out ( Bo was shown to be active and very much already in her physical prime ( and already old enough to be leading people ) in the Clone Wars era ( see the Satine / Obi-Wan arc ), which means she's possibly in her late 40s, maybe even in her 50s or 60s by the time of the Mando-verse ). My personal head-canon is simple : Mandalorians ( or those who I assume are actual native / genetic Mandalorians like Bo-Katan, Ursa, and Sabine ) are basically Star Wars SAIYANS ( yes, from Dragon Ball! ). While they have roughly the same lifespan as humans, they retain their physical primes / youth until the day they die ( I haven't had any cause yet to assume that they have longer life-spans that regular humans like Luke, Leia, as well as Han and Lando ( truth be told they actually look TOO OLD in the sequel trilogy ( over a decade too old, IMO, because those movies supposedly occur JUST 35, 40 years AFTER the original trilogy ( I could be wrong though ( don't trust me on this, I'm no expert :)) )); if they do eventually end up being shown in canon to actually have longer lifespans than regular humans, though... that would make them Star Wars NUMENOREANS / Dunedain ( like Aragorn ), I guess ).
3) When does the attempted attack by the Empire on the Lothal sector occur? ( The one where Hera was in danger of being defeated ( the battle over Garel ) until Sabine comes to the rescue with a sizable contingent of Lothalite defence force fighters ) = This is II.3, Five Years Later. - 1 ( numerically in chapter 4 ). Just before the battle of Endor, but a good while after Hoth :) I'd say it happens just days before the events shown in The Return of the Jedi :)
4) When does II.1 The Lonesome Tower. occur? = ( this is in in chapter 2, numerically ) Just before Peridea. - 4.2 in the latest chapter, III.2 ( numerically chapter 8 )! :)
Hopefully these will help :) Thank you again for reading! See you soon!
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finalslay · 1 year
arthur morgan alternate verses.
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vampire. after  an  encounter  with  a  vampire  on  the  streets  of  saint  denis,  arthur  does  not  escape  unscathed. its fangs sink into his arm, and during the struggle, the creature's own blood ends up in his mouth.  unbeknownst to arthur at the time, this in turn sets off a chain of events that he is not remotely prepared for. when his own death occurs, arthur wakes up, but not without changes. an adversion to sunlight ... enhanced senses ... and a thirst, deep and insatiable.
fantasy. the  van  der  linde  gang  steals  from  the  rich  and  gives  to  the  poor,  up  until  the  point  where  their  leader  starts  getting  delusions  of  grandeur.  the  money  starts  being  kept  for  themselves,  the  gang  setting  up  a  base  in  a  crumbling  manor  —  their  reputation  grows,  the  crimes  becoming  more  frequent,  and  the  stories  begin  to  spread  about  how  it  dangerous  it  is  to  travel  the  forest  of  blackwater,  lest  you  be  ambushed  by  the  outlaws. modern. arthur  is  a  bartender  and  a  bouncer  at  a  shady  bar  called  dutch's.  it's  full  of  sin  and  debauchery  ;  the  owner  swindles  most  of  his  customers  at  the  poker  tables,  and  when  they  refuse  to  pay  up?  it  is  arthur's  job  to  get  them  to  hand  it  over.  he's  tired  of  it,  tired  of  the  constant  violence,  but  he  owes  dutch  van  der  linde  so  much.  he  cannot  just  up  and  leave  so  easily,  can  he?
the last of us. follows  the  backstory  of  modern  verse,  but  when  the  cordyceps outbreak  happens  and  everything  falls  apart,  dutch,  arthur,  and  the  others  who  work  for  him  all  form  a  group  of  their  own.  after  their  smuggling  ring  inside  their  quarantine  zone  is discovered,  they  go  outside  the  zone  and  become  hunters,  ambushing  people  on  their  travels  outside  of  the  zones  and  stealing  their  supplies.
star wars. follows  the  canon  storyline  /  backstory,  except  in  a  star  wars  setting.  the  van  der  linde  gang  still  exists,  outlaws  with  a  hefty  bounty  on  each  of  their  heads  after  a  job  gone  wrong.  on  the  run  from  the  empire's  bounty,  the  gang  primarily  sends  their  strongest  member  out  to  earn  them  credits  —  a  mandalorian  by  the  name  of  arthur  morgan,  one  who's  been  with  them  ever  since  his  father's  death  when  he  was  a  child. - inspired by this art.
borderlands. loyalty  is  a  fatal  flaw,  as  is  shown  by  arthur  morgan's  dedication  to  handsome  jack.  employed  as  a  personal  guard  and  soldier,  the  man  is  devoted  and  loyal  to  the  president  of  hyperion,  even  though  he  doesn't  agree  with  jack's  practices  on  pandora.  after  jack's  downfall,  he  ends  up  drifting  across  different  planets,  taking  jobs  wherever  he  can  for  a  quick  dollar. - heavily affiliated with @auroradicit's jack. i may make an alternate one as well, where he’s a vault hunter.
resident evil. a  mercenary  working  for  the  ubcs,  arthur  is  unaware  of  the  deep  corruption  that  umbrella  holds  —  and  it's  not  until  the  raccoon  city  outbreak  that  he  learns  of  the  truth.  after  managing  to  escape  the  city  before  its  destruction,  he  goes mostly  off  the  grid,  taking  odd  jobs  here  and  there  as  a  contracted  soldier,  before  eventually  joining  the  bsaa's  task  force.    
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mando-of-esverr · 7 months
About Darius || Verses
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Main Timeline
Kid Videre || Clone wars era || 19 BBY & before
A youngling apprentice in the Vidor academy, Darius up and around learning from his father, Baribus, how to be a Videre and an upright young lad. However, it's a little nerve-wracking to be a little boy in a galaxy now embroiled the new conflict of the Clone Wars.
Young Videre || Young Empire verse || 1 BBY & before
Born to the prolific Scourman, Baribus Thatch, and his wife, Vienna Thatch, Darius is a young Videre with a promising career as the fledgling bodyguard for the Esverran Noble family, House Heraldy. Following in his father's footsteps, Darius has become a proficient scourman, a skilled bodyguard, courageous friend. He has lived his childhood through the Clone Wars and really has only known the aftermath of the Clone Wars and Imperial Rule. However, others have not and everyone is a supporter of this new Galactic Empire. With His Lordship Heraldy secretly supporting the Rebel Alliance, Darius would work as a go-between for the Heraldies and their Rebel contacts... until they are discovered and Imperial Disciplinary Action is taken...
Set Adrift || Post-Banishment verse || 0 BBY - .5 ABY
After Lord Heraldy's rebel ties were discovered, House Heraldy was raided by Imperial Authorities. While the initial raid resulted in the deaths of Lord Charles Heraldy and his wife Lady Heraldy, Darius was party to an escape of the Heraldy heirs, Lavinia and Charles Augustine. However, the escape ended in disaster when their ship was shot down by TIE fighters, killing most of the passengers aboard. With only a brief flash of flame as his last memories, Darius awoke in a hospital under his false name after being in a bacta tank for severe crash injuries. But what wasn't healed by medicine was the onset of flash force blindness, A symptom of being cut off from the Force. As an Esverran, he had always been connected to his people through the force, but now there was nothing - a silence where there should have been a symphony - a silence that only came before one's own execution. Naturally, Darius departed as soon as he was able, but without the Force or his family to guide him, he wandered numb and alone through the core worlds of the Galaxy.
This Is The Way || Young/Apprentice!Mando verse || .5 ABY - 3ABY
After several months of his wandering, Darius accidentally discovered a covert, mistaking a forge for a well and receiving an invitation after he prayed for help in finding "the way". He was taken in by a covert of the Watch and became a convert sponsored by a True Mando named Tajur Jiang ( @sundanceofapache). Under Tajur, Darius began to find a new way of living, of surviving, and a new purpose. Together, he would learn how to handle his new life without the Force and how to find his new place as a Mandalorian of Esverr.
Asset Protection, Father of One || Main Mando Verse || 3 ABY - 5 ABY
After becoming a fully-fledged Mandalorian and getting a bit tired of the scarcity of bounty work, Darius and his buir, Tajur, decided to go into a business they knew was always booming and founded the asset protection company "Hawkeye Asset Protection". From there, clients would come to them with requests for various levels of protection. After all, who's going to face down a Mando for a few hundred credits worth of goods? And if they are dumb enough to do so, who says they're going to live long enough to regret it? With that in mind, Darius and Tajur work on improving their company, providing various protection packages while also inviting others they deem skilled and competent to join their lucrative securityq business. What they don't expect, however, is for their business to land Darius in the middle of a hot situation that started with a package containing a Holocron and ended with Darius bringing home a near-ferral 12 year old boy named Mathafew Farthen. Mathafew had been fleeing his Inquisitor and Northumbrian(Darr'Thumbrian - Imperial Videre) handlers when he'd crashed into Darius on a a supply run with his pilot Theo. Upon seeing who'd run into him, Darius at once recognized boy as a Trueman (a telepathic Videre) and was startled to find him able to feel him in his mind. Believing his people to have been destroyed in the Purge, Darius chose at that moment to do all he could to protect the boy from whatever was distressing him. How could he have known it would have pitted him against an Inquisitor and an Imperial Videre? Fortunately, arrogance is a broad weakness. And though he was almost overcome, he managed to dispatch the duo and get Mathafew to safety. After that, Darius formally adopted Mathafew as his own, swearing to keep him safe from the Empire, correct his Videre training, and bring him up as a proper Mandalorian. At this point in time, Mathafew and Tajur are the only ones who know of his old family name, as the boy keeps near constant mental contact with him. Something Darius appreciates but hopes he can keep between him and Mathafew.
Lusankya Verse 1 || Counter Agent || 5 ABY - 6 ABY
After being captured by Imperial Remnant forces and discovered to be not only the "kidnapper" of an "Imperial Videre Initiate", but a former Esverran himself! With his connection to Esverr brought to light, it was requested for Darius to be immediately transferred to the Nor'Thumbrian division of the army. The headquarters of that division? Aboard the secret Imperial Prison, Lusankya. Darius's time there was arduous. After being stripped of his Mandalorian armor, Darius was forced through into the process of a Nor'Thumbrian "Scouring", a counterfeit Videre Scourging that affected not only one's eyes and force senses but one's entire psyche as well. The process nearly destroyed the Mandalorian, but he managed to keep a semblance of himself until he could recover from his Scouring. Unfortunately, his recovery did not go the way his captors desired. Having "failed" to succumb to his scouring, Darius was put through a secondary conditioning in hopes of making use of him since getting a proper Nor'Thumbrian out of him was out of the question. This might have been successful, had he not clung so firmly to the creeds of people. With the two procedures proving to be failures, Darius was abandoned as a subject and shipped off with a fellow washout, Tycho Celchu, whom he escaped with back to the New Republic. However, neither of them escaped unchanged, the pair of them gaining a Force Bond in their travels. Now, whether they like it or not, the Force has greater plans for them than either of them care to think about.
Lusankya Verse 2 || Sleeper Agent || 5 ABY - 6 ABY
After being captured by Imperial Remnant forces and discovered to be not only the "kidnapper" of an "Imperial Videre Initiate", but a former Esverran himself! With his connection to Esverr brought to light, it was requested for Darius to be immediately transferred to the Nor'Thumbrian division of the army. The headquarters of that division? Aboard the secret Imperial Prison, Lusankya. Darius's time there was arduous. After being stripped of his Mandalorian armor, Darius was forced through into the process of a Nor'Thumbrian "Scouring", a coutnerfiet Videre Scourging that affected not only one's eyes and force senses but one's entire psyche as well. The process nearly destroyed the Mandalorian, but he managed to keep a semblance of himself until he could recover from his Scouring. Unfortunately, his recovery did not go the way his captors desired. Having "failed" to succumb to his scouring, Darius was put through a secondary conditioning in hopes of making use of him since getting a proper Nor'Thumbrian out of him was out of the question. In this, they were successful. Through chemical and sim conditioning, Darius became an unwitting sleeper agent, with all of his conditioning tied to his simple desire to go home. With his conditioning set deep in his psyche, Darius was released with the other prisoners and allowed to "escape" back to the New Republic. What they didn't count on was him bringing a failed sleeper agent with him - a certain Tycho Celchu with whom gained a force-bond over the course of their travels. Now Darius is back in the New Republic and a certain Imperial Handler is keeping their eye on him until the time is right to activate their new human toy.
Inquisitor/Dur'Thumbrian Verse || Dur'Thumbrain!Darius || ???
Black is the color of death for an Esverran. It is the color that consumes light and life, hope and joy. It is the color of the Dark and it is the color of the sclera of all Nor'thumbrain Scourmen and it is complimented by the silver iris color they share with their Falsemen brothers. Darius is no exception. After his capture, Darius was put through a potent and painful process known as the Nor'Thumbrian "Scouring". Rather than just his eyes and Force sensitivity being affected, the process affected his psychological and spiritual self. Psychologically breaking him down to his base personality, the Scouring reconstituted his psyche according to the design of the Nor'Thumbrians just as it reconstituted his eyes and his connection to the Force... but not in the ways of the Light. After his Scouring, he was put into recovery for a period of time, allowing him to adjust and come to terms with his new state of being. Pain, numbness, and psychological shaping were the key aspects of induction into the Nor'Thumbrians. Through their efforts, Darius came to see himself as the equivalent of "dead" and thus without need to fear "death", for whom he was a servant. With this form of deep brainwashing, Darius was pulled in the the dogma of the Nor'Thumbrians, and given his old sir name as his assigned name. With additional conditioning, Darius soon ceased responding to his Mandalorian name and began to identify simply as "Thatch" among the Nor'Thumbrians. Now properly trained and conditioned, Thatch is a prolific hunter, trained to hunt down his quarry without fail, yielding only to the stronger Dark Side user, and following the commands of the commanding Inquisitor in charge. He retains some of himself, though it can often only be seen in the songs he sings when on his own, and the far-off look he gets as he gazes at the stars.
Animorphs Crossover Verse || Hitchhikers & Parasites || 8 ABY - ? ABY
While escorting a shipment of bacta to a world on the edges of Wild Space, Darius becomes embroiled in a secret war when he becomes host to an intelligent parasitic brain slug known as a Gastropodas. Through this parasitic being known to him only as "Presence", Darius discovered the creeping threat of the Ga'podas Empire infiltrating the Known Galaxy. Now, he must warn the New Republic before their freshly won war for independence ends in them being subsumed into something worse than Empire.
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I am officially entering conspiracy theorist mode
They keep bringing up the fucking cloning in The Mandalorian and like, I keep loosing my shit, and now with what little we've seen from the leaked Bad Batch Season 3 trailer, I keep deluding myself into thinking Omega is going to be someone important in the Mando-verse.
Specifically, two moments make me think of this.
In the trailer, Omega is clearly being experimented on, and in that snippet where Emerie sticks something into the back of her hand, I think instead of injecting something, she's actually extracting her genetic material for cloning reasons. Plus, they've put a narrative emphasis on the fact that the Empire is wanting to "control cloning technology", so it leads me to believe that they are doing clone experiments on Tantiss (which we know because Sequels Palpatine bullshit stuff)
BUT, the other moment that made me think Omega is going to be important is that both Dr. Pershing AND Moff Gideon have mentioned the value of the cloning technology, but where Pershing mentioned Kaminoans specifically, Moff Gideon said "cloners". Moff Gideons lack of clarifying the Kaminoans almost makes me wonder if he's referencing the cloning experiments and clones on Tantiss.
I don't know what it means or how it even comes together, but basically,
Please please please please let Omega be in the Mandalorian. PLEASE give her that Ahsoka Tano-Level plot armor! Please let me know that she's going to survive Bad Batch S3 and be besties with Din!
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dotthings · 1 year
Then there's the tv critic who is complaining that The Mandalorian isn't for "casual" Star Wars fans any more because this particular critic doesn't feel like watching The Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels or The Bad Batch.
This article wasn't aimed at an MCU-like glut. This was specific complaining that the live action tv series is treating the animated series as canon and drawing in characters and storylines from those shows.
So now it's considered "casual" to have actually watched the canon of the thing you're a fan of? Not stuff like posting meta, making fanart, fanfic, videos, cosplaying, going to conventions, no, just merely watching the canon is considered too much effort.
And the implication is there that the animated series are extra deep dive material solely for obsessives while the live action tv is for regular people.
Meanwhile The Clone Wars, Star Wars Rebels, The Bad Batch continue to be some of the best Star Wars storytelling ever put on film.
And the head creative in charge at LFL overseeing the live-action goodness is the guy who helped develop The Clone Wars with George Lucas and has created, or co-created, some of the most beloved characters in Star Wars, and has guided the animated series.
I also don't agree that the live action tv 'verse is so complicated that you HAVE to watch the animated series, nobody has to watch, people can watch what they want, people can enjoy whatever parts of the Star Wars universe they want.
But if people are going to refuse to even give the animation a chance then complain and make negativity-for-clickbait petulant articles acting like their own unwillingness and narrow minded thinking is somehow the CREATIVES FAULT??
Also animated fans have been trying to tell you.
Please watch at least some of the animated series. There are numerous articles suggesting which key episodes to check out.
You do not even know the awesomeness there, if you haven't seen them yet.
Or what's about to hit in a much higher visibility in live action.
Funny I don't see critics whining that now it matters to be familiar with Timothy Zahn's Heir to Empire trilogy. No, it's just animation that's *whine* too much wooooooork. Just admit you're an anti-animation snob, relax, and enjoy the story as it unfolds, who cares if you're confused, bro.
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stellevatum · 6 months
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Full Name: Kar Parja Alor’ade (Birthname Nari'aan)
Aliases: Too many cover identities to list
Code Names: Shriekhawk, Kalros, Shaman, The Void/Void Envoy, Cetanu-di, Night Herald
Gender:  Female-presenting, insofar as the physical embodiment of the cosmos can be. Celestials are cosmic beings and may not even have a “real” form, let alone any sort of adherence to a gender binary.
Race: Celestial/Old God/Force Being(take your pick)
Birthdate: At some point in time, estimates 42 BBY/2160 CE. Celebrates on January 26th
Eye Color: Green (with black sclera)
Hair Color: Red
Height: 167.64 cm/5’6”
Weight: 57kg/125 lbs
Build: Lean, fit. Built more for speed than strength visually.
Orientation: Graysexual/grey-aromantic. Polyfidelitous– but may remain monogamous if agreed upon it. Has experimented with women during her life but still prefers men.
Marital Status:  Verse Dependent
Noticeable Features: Scarring mainly on her back and legs, tattoo on her left shoulder blade, three piercings in each ear, and nose. Lichtenberg scarring up her entire left arm.
Enhancements:  Subdermal implant (left arm), Cochlear aural comlink device (left ear), greybox neural implant (in the skull).
Personality/Quirks: Chaotic and unpredictable, and prone to plans ‘outside of the box’. Follows her own personal code of morals/ethics. Her means of thinking could be misconstrued as insanity. Highly intelligent, quick to learn, with a daredevil streak bordering suicidal. Hyperactivity could be a double-edged sword. Loyal to a point to her team, even if she cannot stand them. Strong work ethic. Drinking habit should be monitored. Productive and damaging to the enemy at the best, uncontrollable and chaotic at the worst.
To be handled with great caution.
Kar is a Celestial– a being supposedly an embodiment of the cosmos with its own personality and set to experience itself in a whole new way, a nigh immortal race with a high level of technological skill that many of the sapient races has led to consider them as gods when they were uplifted in the ancient past. Her biological parents were once worshipped by the Mandalorians as Kad Ha'rangir (god of war and change) and Dal Akaani (goddess of war and tactics). She is Nari'aan, The Traveler. Had she not been stolen away and raised among family she would have been the intercessor between the shorter lived races and their kind.  Her youth and adolescence were colored, a foundling adopted and raised by mercenaries, being a government spy, enslaved, and even trained as a secret apprentice, co-founder of several rebellions. Though it should be known as tales often go, they are prone to embellishment, no one is entirely sure what is true and false.  What is true and known Kar finds her intelligence network that eventually evolves into her “Void Network”. Part intelligence network and part empire without nation or borders. Due to her deep embedded influence in universal affairs, her authority has more or less been recognized. As such, she rules part diplomatic leader, part queenpin, to any and all who come hiring her agents. She is a rather colorful character with an equally colorful personality, exploring the cosmos as part scholar, part adventurer, always looking for an opportunity to further her own reach and goals.  Her (current) story spans almost a thousand years in her main timeline and across at least four galaxies, with many friends, enemies, and lovers to boot. 
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purgetrooperfox · 2 years
hi! I'm new here, could I possibly get a sparknotes about your oc's? -🍉
hello! welcome! I'll do my best to condense some of my guys lol I've been meaning to post some character sheets on here so maybe this will be the kick into gear I need. you can find my oc fics on ao3 (same username) in a collection on my profile as well!
putting some of my more Frequently Mentioned sw ocs under the cut!
Nocte (he/him) is my Coruscant Guard CMO
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he was trained to be the designated medic for an ARF squad, but extenuating circumstances at the start of the war resulted in his assignment to the Guard. acting as CMO means he doesn't get much field exposure but he's well-trained for it when need be
back on Kamino, he thought the Coolest thing one could be was a Mandalorian. he did not, however, like many of the Mandos he met
he's loyal (sometimes to a fault) to family and generally distrustful of politicians
he has a soft spot a mile wide for kids and shinies. very protective of them. like. extremely protective
buddies with Fox. vaguely disapproving of most things Thire does. knows Monnk and Wolffe from when they were all cadets
he has a bit of a reputation for recklessness in his personal life. work hard and play hard amiright
a year and change(ish) into the war, he starts a uhhhh kinda sorta relationship with Kit Fisto. bear with me on that, I swear it makes sense and I'm actively working on a fic with the context. in some (several) verses, he gets into a relationship with both Kit and @/spacerocksarethebestrocks' Dara. and sometimes @/penguinkiwi's Ashe is mixed in too
he's close like 🤞 with @/dilf-archivist's Saleese. she's the only Senator he trusts
after the rise of the Empire, he watches the slow disintegration of his unit until his chip errodes, shorts, and he's killed in the process of breaking some of the younger troopers out :)
he can be friends with your OC too 👉👉
Uj'alayi (he/him) is an ARC trooper
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[R art cred: @/maiseey]
initially assigned to work with the Jedi Shadows. he was kind of cocky, and butted heads pretty hard with Quinlan at first. they made a good team once they got on the same page.
about halfway through the war, he suffered a Traumatic Incident, nearly died, lost his arm, nearly died again (via decommission), ended up with the Guard. in the new role, he works primarily with animal handling and occasionally takes the odd assignment with the Shadows on the side
tbh his personality changes a lot after the Incident, in ways I can't concisely explain in a blurb
he's generally pretty easy-going, quick to laugh and joke, gets along well with most people on a surface level
avoidance through humor was always one of his coping mechanisms, but it comes out in force after the Incident
occasionally goes back to Tipoca to help train new batches of ARCs and argue with Alpha-17
once he decides he trusts someone, it takes a Lot to shake that
he gets purge-troopered after the rise of the Empire and gets a squad of stormtroopers to oversee
your OC will have to put in work to be his friend 😔
Lān'drien "Lane" Hurosa (they/them) is a journalist on Coruscant
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they're from Ryloth (b. 48BBY) and claim to have used the experience of growing up there amid significant political and social turmoil as motivation to get into reporting
sticking their nose where it doesn't belong has gotten them in a not insignificant amount of trouble, which is how they first met Quinlan Vos
their work puts them in proximity to the Senate fairly regularly and they're usually good at networking among them, regardless of their personal politics. there are exceptions to this though
friends with Saleese <3
they're pretty skeptical of the Jedi tbh. kind of just squinting at them over steepled fingers like "okay you say you're not beholden to politics but..."
Quinlan introduces them to Uj early in the war and the rest is history (they're together off-and-on until order 66 and the fall of the Republic)
several years later, they join up with the Rebellion. I haven't hammered out all the details yet but they get to be Ezra's weird old uncle (gn)
they do have that fuckign Rylothian (French) accent and I think it's hilarious
they'll be friends with your OCs if they aren't dirtbags 😌
Bastra Vargdan (he/they) is a Jedi Investigator
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[I borrowed his undercover outfit from mk erron black]
he was born (57BBY) and lived on Dathomir until he was like six y/o. Dooku was the one to scoop him and take him back to the Temple, at the behest of his community. fun fact, he went back to Dathomir to get his tattoos done by someone in his village, per tradition
he's in Quinlan's age/crèche group
he's a known buddy and bully (affectionate) of Obi-Wan Kenobi
Sifo-Dyas took him as a Padawan. Dooku had varying levels of influence over his training by proxy, which included making sure he's at least proficient in Makashi. his primary 'saber form is a blend of Djem So and Shien (V)
he was Knighted by Mace Windu after a three-year solo mission undercover with a gang of slavers in the Outer Rim. Sifo-Dyas was only able to act as his remote liason, and only for a year before he died. one of Bastra's home visits was for the funeral
he's been assigned big brother to @/certified-anakinfucker's Omura
when she comes of age, he takes @/certified-anakinfucker's Kimni as a Padawan (Kimni is kinda sorta our joint OC now I guess???)
a lot of his spare time before taking Kimni on was spent in the crèche, helping out with the littles
his role during the war flits between backing Obi-Wan up in leading the 7th Sky Corps and investigative work. he is less than impressed by this. especially the part where he's supposed to bring his Padawan to the frontline
he spends. basically his entire tenure after getting Knighted fighting with himself. let's say he touched the Dark during a low point and has to work to keep it at bay for the rest of his life. and he manages not to Fall
he survives Order 66 by the skin of his teeth and goes into hiding. he does some merc work and bounty hunting to get by, but steers clear of the Core
the Inquisition catches up to him in the end and he dies in Imperial custody on Nur in 14BBY
he'll be friends with your OCs ✌️
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bylightofdawn · 2 years
El's Fanfiction Post
A repository of my various Star Wars series and one-shots as well as other fics I've written for various fandoms.
Between the Stars Verse
Stars and the Spaces Between  Major Relationships:  Jaster Mereel/Plo Koon, Jaster Mereel & Jango Fett, Jaster Mereel & Plo Koon Rating: Teen  Tags & Warnings:  Some violence,  major canon divergence. This is a bastardized combination of old Legends Canon and Disney Cannon Summary: A Jedi and a Mand'alor find themselves thrust into an untenable situation where they have to put aside their theological differences in order to survive. In doing so, they learn maybe they have more in common with one another than either thought possible.  Word Count: 22,623 Chapters: 5/5 Status: Complete Link: Here
Finding the Middle Ground  Major Relationships:  Jaster Mereel/Plo Koon, Jaster Mereel & Jango Fett, Jaster Mereel & Plo Koon Rating: Teen  Tags & Warnings: None to speak of, Mandos being Mandos, some fluff Summary: The continued adventures of a Jedi and a Mand'alor navigating the tenuous edges between friendship and a slow-blossoming romance Word Count:  8,375 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete Link: Here
Seeds For the Future  Major Relationships:  Jaster Mereel/Plo Koon, Jaster Mereel & Jango Fett, Jaster Mereel & Plo Koon, Additional relationships to be added Rating: Teen  Tags & Warnings: Mandalorian Civil War, some political drama, some violence and angst. Summary: Jaster Mereel was always going to go down in history as being either one of the best or worst Mand'alor. At the end of the day, it depends on which part of the political spectrum you fall. When he brings Mandalore to the table to hold talks on potentially opening Mandalore's borders to the Galactic Republic and their ancient enemies, it met with mixed reactions. This only further emboldens Death Watch to step up their attempts to disrupt the peace talks and could ruin any hope of Mandalore stepping further onto the galactic stage. Set against this political nightmare is the continued relationship between the Mand'alor and his secret Jedi lover. But secrets are prone to be revealed at inopportune times. Word Count:  196,215 Chapters  40/40 Status: Complete Link: Here
Tend to the Flame (and worship the ashes) Verse
A Fragile World Between Sharp Teeth Major Relationships: Commander Cody & Clone Trooper Slick, Commander Cody & Captain Rex Rating: Teen Tags & Warnings: Angst, hurt and no comfort for a sizable chunk of the fic. Some mild gore in relation to medical crisis but nothing overt. Lots of anger and dysfunctional relationships. But it will have an eventual bittersweet happy ending. Summary: Making the conscious decision to desert from the Empire was perhaps the most terrifying choice he’d ever made in his entire life. But Cody finds life on the run harder than he ever expected. When he's at his lowest, a helping hand is offered to him, but it's not one he is willing to accept so readily. Can two clones who hate each other's guts find their way to common ground and maybe even a place of healing, or will they kill one another first? Word Count: 25,109 Chapter: 8/8 Status: Complete Link: Here
Flickers in the Storm (inside of me) Major Relationships:  Alpha-17/Shaak Ti Rating: Mature Tags & Warnings: Some sexual content, Post Order 66 canon divergence AU, Sexual exploration, Demisexuality. Tooth-rotting fluff. Found family Summary: Two years after Order 66, during the middle of the worst rainy season on Felucia, an Alpha Class ARC trooper and the on the run Jedi he's been protecting navigate the murky waters of their relationship. A clone should not want his Jedi but Alpha-17 has always been an unusual clone and Shaak Ti has never been your average Jedi. Word Count:  6,834 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete Link: Here
What comes next? Major Relationships: Commander Bly/Aayla Secura & Quinlan Vos/Asajj Ventress, Rating: Gen Tags & Warnings: Angst. Grief and mourning, post Order 66 and all the trauma that comes with that. Some minor suicidal ideation. Summary: A Jedi and a clone commander, two men broken by lost love and grief try to find forgiveness in a universe where such things are hard to find. Word Count: 2,859 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete Link: Here
What We Left Behind
Major Relationships:  Delta Squad, no pairings just all the Delta Squad feels Rating: Gen Tags & Warnings: Post-Canon: What if Sev ended up joining the Rebellion, Reunions, Walon Vau's zero percent approval rating Summary: “This better be life or death, I was in a karking meeting with the general.” The years being a rebel hadn’t done a lot to soften the more jagged and sharp edges of Sev’s personality but his second in command was made of sterner stuff. “I know, boss, but we need you down at the shuttle bay now. A bunch of guys dressed up in Mandalorian armor showed up here demanding to see you.” His second in command said, sounding remarkably calm all things considered. Few things managed to fluster Arani Vane, a trait Sev greatly appreciated in his second. “Fierfek, on my way.” Word Count:  7,629 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete Link: Here
Turning the Pages Verse
The Promise of the Future Major Relationships: Commander Cody/Obi-Wan Kenobi  Commander Cody & Obi-Wan Kenobi Rating: Teen  Tags & Warnings:  Modern AU, copious amounts of mutual pining and people being dumb. Ship teasing and never quite managing to cross that line Summary: In the waning days of the war, Cody and Obi-Wan are tentatively hopeful for the future. Until news of Qui-Gon's death reaches them and that hope turns to despair with the realization that everything they'd been hoping for was now in jeopardy and the future is suddenly very uncertain. Word Count: 4,124 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete Link: Here
It Only Knocks Twice Major Relationships:  Commander Cody/Obi-Wan Kenobi  Commander Cody & Obi-Wan Kenobi, Obi-Wan Kenobi & Anakin Skywalker & Ahsoka Tano, Commander Cody & Ghost Company Rating: Teen  Tags & Warnings:  Modern AU, copious amounts of mutual pining and people being dumb, poor communication skills, eventual people get their shit together, happy ending. Summary: A decade and three thousand kilometers later every time Cody saw the sun sparking off of that familiar shade of burnished copper, he found his eye drawn to it out of habit alone. He'd spent three long years trying to follow flashes of that bright reddish-gold hair stuffed hastily under a helmet across a battlefield, it was just habit by now. One that wasn’t easily broken even after a decade apparently. Cody caught the flash of bright hair from the corner of his eye but this time, when he turned to look instead of seeing yet another unfamiliar face, his eyes caught in profile a face he hadn’t expected to see ever again. Word Count: 34,487 Chapters: 8/8 Status: Complete Link: Here
Far From Home  Major Relationships:  Waxer/Boil, Waxer & Boil & Numa found family. Rating: Teen  Tags & Warnings: Modern AU, Found Family, technically clonecest but neither are related in this fic. Summary: Boil finally comes home after retiring from active duty to be with his husband and his adopted daughter. If only the universe would cooperate with that end goal. Word Count: 4,505 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete Link: Here
Not a Clockwork Romance  Major Relationships:  Commander Fox/Quinlan Vos, background Commander Cody/Obi-Wan Kenobi, Commander Bly/Aayla Secura Rating: Teen  Tags & Warnings: Modern AU, Fox and Quin's terrible emotional intelligence,  Enemies, to fuckbuddies, to something more? Poor communication skills.  Summary: Fox and Quinlan have been secret fuckbuddies for a while and that has worked for them up until this point. But when the lives of their closest friends grow and mature, they are forced to examine their own relationship in a new light. Maybe they both want something more than just a quick roll in the hay but good luck getting either of them to admit that. Word Count: 11,942 Chapters: 3/3 Status: Complete Link: Here
The Universe In Motion Verse
Stars and the Spaces Between Song: Sun Major Relationships:  Jaster Mereel/Plo Koon, Jaster Mereel & Jango Fett, Jaster Mereel & Plo Koon Rating: Teen  Tags & Warnings: Some violence,  major canon divergence. This is a bastardized combination of old Legends Canon and Disney Cannon Summary: A Jedi and a Mand'alor find themselves thrust into an untenable situation where they have to put aside their theological differences in order to survive. In doing so, they learn maybe they have more in common with one another than either thought possible. Word Count: 22,623 Chapters: 5/5 Status: Complete Link: Here
Finding the Middle Ground Song: Mercury  Major Relationships:  Jaster Mereel/Plo Koon, Jaster Mereel & Jango Fett, Jaster Mereel & Plo Koon Rating: Teen  Content Warnings: None to speak of, Mandos being Mandos, some fluff Summary: The continued adventures of a Jedi and a Mand'alor navigating the tenuous edges between friendship and a slow-blossoming romance Word Count:  8,375 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete Link: Here
Flickers in the Storm (inside of me) Song: Venus Major Relationships:  Alpha-17/Shaak Ti Rating: Mature Tags & Warnings: Some sexual content, Post Order 66 canon divergence AU, Sexual exploration, Demisexuality. Tooth-rotting fluff. Found family Summary: Two years after Order 66, during the middle of the worst rainy season on Felucia, an Alpha Class ARC trooper and the on the run Jedi he's been protecting navigate the murky waters of their relationship. A clone should not want his Jedi but Alpha-17 has always been an unusual clone and Shaak Ti has never been your average Jedi. Word Count:  6,834 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete Link: Here
Seeds For the Future  Song: Earth Major Relationships:  Jaster Mereel/Plo Koon, Jaster Mereel & Jango Fett, Jaster Mereel & Plo Koon, Additional relationships to be added Rating: Teen  Tags & Warnings: Mandalorian Civil War, some political drama, some violence and angst. Summary: Jaster Mereel was always going to go down in history as being either one of the best or worst Mand'alor. At the end of the day, it depends on which part of the political spectrum you fall. When he brings Mandalore to the table to hold talks on potentially opening Mandalore's borders to the Galactic Republic and their ancient enemies, it met with mixed reactions. This only further emboldens Death Watch to step up their attempts to disrupt the peace talks and could ruin any hope of Mandalore stepping further onto the galactic stage. Set against this political nightmare is the continued relationship between the Mand'alor and his secret Jedi lover. But secrets are prone to be revealed at inopportune times. Word Count:  196,215 Chapters  40/40 Status: Complete Link: Here What We Left Behind Song: Mars Major Relationships:  Delta Squad, no pairings just all the Delta Squad feels Rating: Gen Tags & Warnings: Post-Canon: What if Sev ended up joining the Rebellion, Reunions, Walon Vau's zero percent approval rating Summary: “This better be life or death, I was in a karking meeting with the general.” The years being a rebel hadn’t done a lot to soften the more jagged and sharp edges of Sev’s personality but his second in command was made of sterner stuff. “I know, boss, but we need you down at the shuttle bay now. A bunch of guys dressed up in Mandalorian armor showed up here demanding to see you.” His second in command said, sounding remarkably calm all things considered. Few things managed to fluster Arani Vane, a trait Sev greatly appreciated in his second. “Fierfek, on my way.” Word Count:  7,629 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete Link: Here
Dulce et Decorum est Major Relationships: Commander Cody & Captain Rex Rating: Teen Tags & Warnings: Post Battle of Geonosis, the horrors of war and how terrible clone lives are. Summary: To a clone, the best sort of death is to die for their Jedi and for the Republic, that is something that has been told to them since they were decanted. Over and over again like a mantra until it is woven into the fabric of their very realities. But after their first taste of battle, a young clone is forced to face the fact that maybe there should be more to their lives than to just die for the Republic. Word Count: 5,012 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete Link: Here
How Quiet Its Death Major Relationships: Commander Cody & Obi-Wan Kenobi Rating: Teen Tags & Warnings: Major character death, nothing but angst and pain found here, bad ending. Aftermath of grief and violence. Summary: A fleeting reunion twenty years in the making, yet it's the very last thing the man simply known as Ben Kenobi these days had expected to happen one fateful day in the dusty streets of Anchorhead. Word Count: 5,774 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete Link: Here
Safe in Your Hands Major Relationships: Commander Grey/Depa Billaba Rating: Explicit Tags & Warnings: Explicit sexual content. This is smut with some illicit fluff mixed in. A hint of femme domme Depa. Summary: Reunited with his General after six long months of separation after the disastrous battle of Haruun Kal, a clone commander and his Jedi general have face uncertainty of the future and seek to reaffirm their relationship which has been damaged by time and trauma. Word Count: 9,655 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete Link: Here
The Art of Decompression Major Relationships: Commander Fox/Unnamed Lover Rating: Explicit Tags & Warnings: Explicit sexual content, Light dom/sub, praise kink, come marking, a love note to Fox's fat tits Summary: It was a bad habit he’d begun and one he wished he could kick but it always seemed to build like an itch under his skin that would not go away until it had been scratched. After a few minutes of consideration, he pulled out his comlink and dialed an all too familiar number. Word Count: 4,712 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete Link: Here
Those Who Made It Home Major Relationships: CodyWan, Cody & Rex friendship. Rating: Teen Tags & Warnings: Aftermath of temporary character death, trauma, terrible mental health practices. Drinking to cope,It does have a happy ending. Summary: The price of waiting too long is that one day it might be too late and then you are left with a lifetime of regret. When Obi-Wan is seemingly killed by a sniper's bullet, Cody is left to pick up the pieces. This is the Deception Arc from mainly Cody's POV and the fall-out from that deception. Link: Here Status: Complete Word Count: 19,528 Chapters: 5/5 Status: Complete Link: Here
Making Bets With the Devil Major Relationships: Rufus Shinra/Reeve Tuesti , Rufus Shinra & Reeve Tuesti, Rufus Shinra & The Turks Tseng & Reeve Tuesti Rating: Teen Tags & Warnings:  Post-Meteorfall, Enemies to Friends to Lovers,Gray Morality, Angst, Blending elements of the OG Game and the Reboot Games, Angst with a Happy Ending, The long and winding road to redemption . Summary: In a post-Meterofall world, Reeve Tuesti tries to sever ties with Shinra in order to make his own way into the world. Rufus makes him an offer he cannot refuse. The offer of a full year of financing from the SEPC if he can prove he can stand on his own two feet without the help of Shinra.
What he didn't count on was a slowly budding relationship between himself and a man who might be the literal devil. Meanwhile, Rufus Shinra is dealing with the depressing view of his future and his seemingly painful inevitable death, and perhaps through Reeve he might actually have a second chance at making amends for the mistakes he's made in the past. Not that he can come out and admit that because Rufus Shinra isn't the kind of man who lays all his cards on the table. Word Count: 17,978 Chapters: 4/6 Status: WIP Link: Here
Tomorrow May Be Too Late Verse
Maybe Tomorrow is a Better Day Major Relationships: Cahir Mawr Dyffryn aep Ceallach/Gallatin, Cahir Mawr Dyffryn aep Ceallach & Gallatin Cahir, Mawr Dyffryn aep Ceallach & Emhyr var Emreis Rating: Teen Tags & Warnings:  Heavy Angst, Season 3 Spoilers, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Angst with a Happy Ending, Temporary Character Death, Alternate Universe - Time Loop Summary: Cahir Mawr Dyffryn aep Ceallach finds himself cursed to relive one of the worst days of his life. In the process, he goes a little bit mad, but maybe, just maybe, he will find a way of escaping his own personal hell with his sanity and Gallatin's life intact. Word Count: 14,568 Chapters: 6/6 Status: Complete Link: Here
Tomorrow May Be Gone Major Relationships: Cahir Mawr Dyffryn aep Ceallach/Gallatin, Cahir Mawr Dyffryn aep Ceallach & Gallatin Rating: Teen Tags & Warnings:  Canon-Typical Violence, Medical Inaccuracies, Injury Recovery, Developing Relationship, Witcher Season 3 spoilers Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Gratuitous Amounts of Pining Summary: Cahir and Gallatin travels have taken them to the shores of Thanedd where they are caught up in the aftermath of the Coup. Cahir is gravely wounded in the fighting, and it's up to Gallatin to keep him alive. The road toward recovery isn't easy but the shattered trust between them is mended along the way. Maybe there is still hope for them after all as they try and navigate these new waters. Word Count: 18,107 Chapters: 8/8 Status: Complete Link: Here
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piepeloe · 1 year
Mandalorian S3E8 season finale
That was pretty amazing! I'm not usually one who's wild about stunts or fights, but everything here was awesome.
All the characters got a chance to shine and everything tied together to bring closure. Tbh, there was so much closure that after the ep ended I opened Twitter to see if it was maybe the series finale? It all felt very final, very happy ever after.
If you look at the entire season and then knowing that there's a Mando-verse movie coming, I wonder if they had to change course halfway through making S3. Because while excellent, the final 2 eps do rush through things and some of the stuff with the New Republic didn't get explored. Feels like maybe they wanted to end the Gideon & Mandalore stuff so they could set up for Thrawn.
I guess it depends on when that movie's coming out whether we get a S4 first or not.
Seeing them retake Mandalore makes me want the same for the Jedi. It won't ever be the same, because all the Jedi who remember the Order are dead, but still.
Loved Mando finally adopting Grogu! Bit weird finding out 'Din' is the family name apparently. Also LOL. The kid just helped fight off the Empire, but now Mando wants to take things easier because he has a kid. Don't quite get why they can't have their base on Mandalore either, though I do prefer their little home.
I really enjoyed this ep (and this season tbh), and if this somehow is the end for this show I'd be fine with it.
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therapardalis · 1 year
//FYI cos I haven't mentioned these recently; era-specific verse names for different points in the Star Wars timeline:
Prelude to Chaos = Pre and during Phantom Menace Clankers or Clones = Clone Wars Scum and Villainy = Early-mid Empire, (Bad Batch, Solo, Kenobi) End of the Empire = Latter part of the Empire (OT, Rogue One) Old is New Again = Early post Empire, (Mandalorian) Out of Order = Sequel trilogy
Specific interactions will get their own verse name as well, but if we don't have that yet it'll be one of these.
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