#tomorrow may be too late verse
bylightofdawn · 9 months
Tomorrow May Be Gone Chapter 2
Chapter 2 is up! I adore the hints of Fringilla and Cahir's relationship that I was able to drop in this chapter. I really love their dynamic and I could natter on about it endlessly. I definitely need to write more with those two and the wonderful evolution they have unwilling and forced to work together allies and rivals to Cahir quite literally trying to cover Fringilla with his body during the Siege of Aretuza. Despite her being a mage who can project her own personal shield. Look, he's pretty but he's not very smart. 🤣
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burniingup · 2 years
Minako BSD verse headcanons
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I try not to insert my OC's too far into associating with canon characters when I give them fandom verses. Mainly because I don't want canon muses to feel pressured to have a certain relationship with my OC. However, Minako already in her default verse works for a doctor who has ties to the government so that gives me an interesting opportunity.
I kind of like to think that Dr. Souma Mishio, the doctor mentioned in Minako's backstory that she works for, is one of the doctors hired to do surgeries for the Hunting Dogs. She herself wouldn't officially work for the military, only under the doctor.
She also still isn't a doctor herself. Only an assistant really, trusted with little more than things like passing the scalpel.
Her main job is the same as her default verse - assisting him with his personal experiments.
That's just one option though. Minako has a bit more range in this verse than Shie and Yukari. At her heart, Minako is a nice girl. Whereas the others CHOOSE to associate with bad people, Minako is more or less forced.
This means she's got more options to get pulled into really any group. Her ability can be useful (mainly to those with ill intent) and her medical knowledge could be useful to anyone.
Mishio drags her around all kinds of places so she has opportunities to meet up with just about anyone.
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vanishingstarrs · 4 months
midnight haze
katsuki bakugo x reader, slow burn, hurt x comfort, anxiety, fluff, sfw
part 1, part 2, part 3
It was late. You shouldn’t even be awake, but you couldn’t sleep with all that was going on in the world.
So you decided to do something productive: bake. You needed something to focus your energy onto and who didn’t love cookies? You were sure your dorm mates would appreciate some in the morning when they all awoke.
You had very minimal lighting, but were wearing your glasses so that wasn’t an issue. You also had a pair of earbuds in one ear so you could monitor for any noise or disturbances you may be causing by being up so late into the night. The music was soft and meant to be soothing, you hoped it might make you sleepy with time, but it didn’t take and eventually you sat down next to the oven while you waited for your timer to run out.
“What are you doing?”
You nearly jumped, your hand coming up to clutch your chest as you pulled out your earbud and looked up at the person standing there.
“Jesus, you’re quiet.”
“And you’re not.” The blond countered.
You frowned at him,“Sorry, I couldn’t sleep.”
Bakugo sat down across from you, eyes glancing at the oven briefly before looking at you again,“How much longer?”
You glanced at your phone before looking at him and shrugging,“Seven minutes.”
He said nothing as he turned on the stove and placed a pot of water on. He stood and watched it until it was hot enough to pour into a mug with a teabag hanging off the side. He held it out to you, your eyes focused on the fact that it was his mug, his favorite color, his initial, his.
“For me?” You asked, unsure.
“Drink.” He said.
You took it and slowly took a sip, the tea was unfamiliar in taste and you figured it might also be one of his. Usually Momo was the one to offer you tea, you weren’t well versed in them, but did enjoy the taste whenever you had one.
“Did I really wake you up?” You asked as guilt settled in the pit of your stomach.
To your knowledge, Bakugo was a heavy sleeper.
He eyed your timer again.
You didn’t really know what else to say. You stopped the timer before it could make noise and stood up, placing the mug on the counter and picking up an oven mitt instead. The cookies smelt amazing as you pulled them out and part of you wanted to taste one, but the other part worried you’d get judged for eating it so late. Instead, you placed them on a rack to cool and took another sip of the tea.
You felt his gaze on you.
“Aren’t you gonna eat one?” He asked.
You shrugged for the second time,“They’re too hot right now, maybe tomorrow.”
“It’s already tomorrow.” He deadpanned.
There was no way your face wasn’t red as embarrassment flooded your mind, now you felt even worse for him being awake despite him saying it wasn’t your fault. The heat of the tea concealed your blush but fogged up your glasses, which was arguably even more mortifying, as you suddenly remembered that you were wearing them. No one ever saw you in them. You always made sure to wear your contacts in class and in costume for training, around anyone besides your parents.
Before you could do anything about it, the frames were plucked off your face and you watched dumbfounded as Bakugo used his t-shirt to clear them back up for you. You briefly eyed the tiny sliver of skin exposed by him using his shirt.
“Why can’t you sleep?” He brought the lenses up to his eyes to make sure they were good before placing them back on your face.
The question was unexpected, the whole interaction was, in fact. He was the last person you’d expect to care. Well… you didn’t know if he actually cared but still. You gulped, did you want to confide in him? You were never really close, I mean, sure, he didn’t yell at you the way he did the others and often times you’d worked together and managed to take care of your assignments without arguing. But you weren’t friends. At best, he tolerated you.
While you continued to hesitate, he walked over to the rack of cookies and plucked two out of the bunch. He bit into one, showing no signs of liking or hating it.
“How is it?” You couldn’t help seek validation, even if it was from him.
He held out the second cookie to you and you took it. One bite, two, they were fucking amazing. Not to toot your own horn, but if you were good at anything, it was baking.
He finished his off but said nothing on the taste or quality, you had a feeling chocolate chip wasn’t his favorite but didn’t dare ask what was.
“You gonna answer my question?”
You sighed and took another slow sip of tea before the mug was pulled from your hands and you watched Bakugo tip it back and down the rest. You watched with an open mouth as you didn’t know whether to be offended since he’d made it for you or go red at the fact that he’d drink from the same cup as you without care. As he rinsed the mug in the sink and set it down to wash later, he looked back at you with raised brows, okay…
“I’m worried.” You fidgeted with your fingers now that you didn’t have the mug to hold onto,“About Midoriya, about the fate of Japan… the world, actually. I wonder how it’ll all end, and whether all of us will—”
Your voice cracked, you took a deep breath,“You know?”
He sighed. “You gonna cry?”
Okay, that kinda hurt, you thought to yourself. Stubbornly, you held in your remaining feelings as you shook your head, you couldn’t say no or else you’d definitely shed a tear or two.
“Worrying won’t help him, or any of us.” He spoke up after a second,“What you need is rest, so that when they need us we’re able to do something. I know it’s all words or whatever, but that’s about all I can offer. Put your shit away, I’ll walk you back to your room, that tea should be kicking in any minute now.”
You looked at him with a questioning gaze and he scoffed.
“Relax. I didn’t slip you anything, I drank some too. It’s just some shit I buy, it soothes and helps you sleep. C’mon, I’m tired.”
You nodded and left it at that, quickly working to put your baked goods in a cute cookie jar you’d purchased once and writing a note for your classmates to help themselves and that they were fresh. You added that you’d clean up your dishes in the morning and your initials at the end with a smiley face. When you turned back around, Bakugo was waiting and he let you walk ahead of him.
It didn’t take long to reach you door, but when you did what he said surprised you.
“Leave your door open. Mine will be too.” He didn’t say it, but the implication was there. He’d be there if you needed anything.
“Okay.” Was all you responded with.
You didn’t know if it was the tea, or the fact that you felt a little lighter after telling someone a bit of what you were feeling, but you were definitely starting to feel tired and you couldn’t help reach up to rub one of your eyes.
“Nice glasses.” He teased.
You were thankful for the darkness to hide your blush as he ended it with,“Night.”
He was already walking away when you whispered so low he surely couldn’t have heard it,“Night… Bakugo.”
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foxes-that-run · 8 months
Harry said Daylight is about infatuation with troubled things. He sings about a long distance relationship where his muse, to me Taylor, keeps him at a distance, he wants to be with them and wants more than his muse gives him. In a theme for his work at that time Harry sings of cocaine, travelling the world and romantic encounters but he really just wants his muse to love him back. Yet knowing they keep him at a distance Harry can't help wanting to be with them.
The lyric video has Sunflowers with their heads are dropped :( this happens when they don’t have water, a reference to Taylor Swifts Clean (When the flowers that we'd grown together died of thirst) and Sunflower Vol 6.
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Music video
The music video for Daylight is fantastic and full of Haylor easter eggs in these:
@womanexile has detail in part 1 and part 2,
@this-daydream-is-dangerous-13 post about the timeline for making the video and the James Corden $300 video showing it was made May 22 before it’s July 23 release. The Olivia tattoo is seen in it. and
This post about seven and the video
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Title and Track list
Daylight is also the name of the last song on Taylor Swift's album Lover. It was originally the title track, and Taylor hinted at it in the Red Liner notes while she was still dating Harry. Taylor’s Daylight is about true love, the last sung verse of Taylors Daylight is [love] "it's golden like daylight". Harry then opened Fine Line with Golden. Daylight is track 5 of Harry's House.
What Harry has said
Howard Stern (8:10) Harry said:
"Daylight was quite an early song on the album, it's one of my favourites and it was kind of a stream of consciousness writing that happened kind of late. It was one of those songs that very much captures a moment of what was happening in the studio. We were kind of all talking about going to bed and then we started this song and it felt like if we go to bed and do it tomorrow it's not going to be the same as it would be if we finished it now. So you found a way to stay up. I think sometimes there are things that can feel like we have to find a way to finish this now. We did an all nighter, finished it and went out the beach to watch the sun come up and it was a nice moment of this album." Stern 'this is about some woman that didn't pay attention to you. He reads the line with cocaine before asking. There is a frustration in this song' Harry confirms it is about one woman. And responds "I think it is kind of like an infatuation with chasing troubled things"
Stern continues, 'You know Taylor Swift has a song called Daylight, maybe she's the girl in the thing?' To which Harry says "here we go, mm hm." and looks away. Stern, seeing the answer, offers, 'or am I reading too much into it.' which Harry agrees with, Stern comments on his smile Harry adds "You know I'd love to tell you that your spot on, but I can't" smiles and exchanges a knowing look with Mitch. Call me as convinced as Stern, what Harry said was he couldn't confirm that, especially after Stern read the cocaine line.
To Zane Lowe Harry (41 mins) told a similar story about staying up to complete it and told the surfing/song writing metaphor. Zane approached it along with As it Was and Grapejuice as a suite he sees as expressing pain and vice dependency. Harry moved on to talk about As It Was.
Harry was in LA promoting Fine Line when the COVID travel ban was introduced 17 March 2020. Harry told Zane Lowe (24 Mins) he stayed home for 6 weeks then booked and went to Shangri-la studio to record. LNT, Daylight, Keep Driving and Sushi were in this group, to Stern and Lowe he said Daylight was one of the first. That places these songs between 28 April 2020 and 18 July 2020 (when Harry was back in the UK) Daylight at the earlier end of that time. The leaked too much sauce was recorded and Taylor wrote Folklore in that period also. See 2020 timeline.
Live Performances
Daylight was the 4th song on the Love on Tour Setlist, once Harry's House was released. Harry replaced it with Stockholm Syndrome for 18 shows from 18 May 2023, appearing in a handful of shows in June and July. The only shows with both were Wembley and the last show.
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The tour visuals have a blue bird flying between LA and London. Harry also had a cloud background. Showing LA rather than NY is interesting when the song mentions NY.
What is the Bluebird Reference about
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Bluebirds appeared in the opening to Love on Tour and may refer to:
Charles Bukowski's has a poem Bluebird, Harry is read Bukowski books and poems on stage. In the poem, the bird is a metaphor for Bukowski's emotions, articulated that he weeps in private. He keeps it hidden with whiskey to protect his image that sells books of misogynistic poetry, he opposes weeping with strength and cleverness. If Harry is referencing this, this is it is consistent with the reference to Harry's own work:
In "If I could Fly" Harry shared his vulnerability with his muse for their eyes only and hoped they would not run from him. In this same HH recording period, Harry has a series of songs that describe a rockstar lifestyle, referring to choking and cocaine, (Daylight, Keep Driving and (leaked) Too Much Sauce and (leaked) Make My Day) but that Harry actually just wishes his muse reciprocated his feelings and wanted to settle down and be happy.
When she was 14 Taylor Swift's was given her first record deal and performed at a writers night at the Bluebird Cafe in Nashville. She talks about it in this video when she returned to the cafe, there are photos of her 2004 performance with Scott Borchetta in the audience. The cafe has a chair with a plaque she included in the Taymoji set. Harry would have known this, however the Grammy museum also covered when she played there in 2018. Taylor also had a bluebird in the WANGBT video and on 17 June 2023 uploaded a single image to youtube with bluebirds promoting Eras in Mexico. This was a few weeks before Harry’s daylight MV was released.
This link lists songs about bluebirds. I think Paul McCartney's "Bluebird" and Joe Ely's "If you were a Bluebird" are both plausible.
In Summary I think the bluebird is a metaphor for Harry's inner feelings that he is someone who loves and wants to be loved back. He sees his rockstar trappings are a salve, not a life goal.
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I'm on the roof, you're in your airplane seat I was nose-bleeding, looking for life out there Reading your horoscope, you were just doing cocaine In my kitchen, you never listen, I hope you're missing me by now
The opening verse expresses the frustration Stern referred to. Harry's muse and he are apart now, and he is missing them, almost indigently hoping they miss him too, yet he cares, he’s reading their horoscope. This sounds to me like a disagreement or unsatisfying parting and Harry wants to be with them.
I hear the first lines as a double meaning:
Harry is high (on the roof, nose-bleeding) but his muse is higher (in the sky).
his muse has also now flown away in their own airplane seat and left him waiting - they are separated by distance.
'Nose bleeding, looking for life' reminds me of Kiwi "Holland Tunnel for a nose, it's always backed up" and Satellite's name and "You got a new life". "Out there" and the tour visuals showing LA rather also remind me of Satellite's 'L.A. Mood'.
In the music video here Harry climbs down from a ladder to the sky, which reminds me of Story of My Life's "But, baby, runnin' after you is like chasin' the clouds". Clouds appear in several of their videos, including Lavender Haze, where, on the Eras tour, Taylor climbs up a ladder to one:
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If I was a bluebird, I would fly to you You'd be the spoon Dip you in honey so I could be sticking to you
To me, this lyric is most reminiscent of Harry's One Direction song, If I Could Fly and it has the similar meaning, Harry is separated from his muse and wishes he could fly home to them. While If I could fly is about sharing vulnerability and hoping they don't run from him, in Daylight his muse keeping him at a distance.
I love dip you in honey so I could be sticking to you, it's adorable and bittersweet and very Harry. Bittersweet because Harry wants to be with his muse, who at the start of the song was not listening to him and he was hoping was missing him. He wants to spend all his time with them and he doesn’t feel that is reciprocated.
In this part of the video, the muse in Red (Taylor's colour) takes shots at him (songs, antics in media) he is resigned that it may kill him, his muse gives a flirting smile when it doesn't. Harry then walks past muses in pink with a bored look. A Grapejuice reference "I'm so over whites and pinks" Harry only has eyes for his 'old and Red' muse, even though they enjoy taking shots at him.
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Daylight, you got me cursing the daylight (ooh) Daylight, you got me cursing the daylight (ooh) Daylight, you got me calling at all times (ooh) Ain't gonna sleep 'til the daylight (ooh)
This lyric reminds me of Harry talking about staying up to finish the song, but also he's staying up late night talking and wanting to be with his muse all the time. Calling at all times could be a muse on a different timezone, or maybe one he can't keep from.
In the video Harry is trying to get to his muse, clowns (read: us) are in the way. He cries and we are on his side, because we are! Harry is commenting on fans getting in the way of his love. Sorry Harry. He is too loud for his muse dressed as Miss Americana (& the Heartbreak Prince) who leaves. This scene reminds me of Story of my life "holding on too tight"
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Out of New York, I'm on the comedown speed We're on bicycles, saying, "There's life out there" You got the antidote, I'll take one to go, go, please Get the picture, cut out my middle You ain't got time for me right now
This verse is similar to the first, Harry is a parting from his muse, he feels incomplete when they are apart, but his muse is keeping him at a distance. The verse has similarities to several of Harry's songs:
Out of NY, comedown speed, I hear as Harry leaving NY and coming down, or feeling sad to be away from his muse.
Harry does refer to Bikes in Matilda, however to me, where Harry rides a penny farthing here in the video emphasises that this is a winding wheel reference. The spinning and 'life out there' also remind me of Satellite again. In the first verse Harry was looking for life out there and he has now found it.
Antidote is also in Golden "I can feel you take control (I can feel you take control) / Of who I am, and all I've ever known Lovin' you's the antidote", and Ever Since New York "Choose your words 'cause there's no antidote" a Medicine is also similar to an antidote. Also in End of the Day "Twenty minutes later, wound up in the hospital / The priest thinks it's the devil, my mum thinks it's the flu / But, girl, it's only you" Here Harry takes one to go because he's parting from his muse.
Finally, the last 2 lines are also reminiscent of Satellite "(Spinning out, waiting for ya) / I'm in an L.A. Mood / I don't wanna talk to you/ She said, "Give me a day or two"
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anuncalledbridge · 1 year
Summary: you didn't expect you'd be pulled into a verse where there is no Avenger, no Peter, and no Ned.
Pairing: Miles Morales x (half filo) Stark!reader
Warning: cursing in Tagalog, xreader, black hole
Author's note: I love the idea of the reader being Filipino sooo, I just felt like making her a Stark because Tony bangs everyone he wants and also this is gonna be a series.
Part two
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You and Ned walked together while Peter walk ahead the both of you. Peter was rambling something about the star wars lore and sometimes inserted MJ throughout his rambling. You didn't listen, you were looking above the clouds, however, Ned listened intensely.
Peter abruptly stopped, making you and Ned bummed into his back "What the hell dude-" your eyes landed on MJ in front of Peter, which made you smirk as you avert your eyes at Ned.
"You know what I'm thinking?"
Ned looked skeptical for a moment "Uhh, you're about to steal Mr. Starks credit card and then you'll buy me a whole set of lego?" You stifle a laugh "No, idiot but yes I'll think about that" Ned made a fist bump in the air followed by a loud whisper of yes.
You cleared your throat loudly, catching Mj's attention "Peter! Weren't you talking about how gorgeous, magnificent, creative, and may I add, Beautiful, M-" You were cut off when Peter jab you on the side making you curl up into a ball.
"Shut up!" He whispered in a panicked tone. "Ned help me.." you said in a dramatic strained way while Peter strangled you like there is no tomorrow.
Mj who was on her way to work, contemplated whether to just walk straight away and pretend nothing happened or to help her suffocating friend. She chose the latter.
"Peter, I would much appreciate it if you let go of the dog you're choking" Peter immediately let go of you, and you made another loud exaggerated gasp, which Ned found Funny because it sounds like Peter when he found out you were Tony Starks daughter.
"Potangina-"(son of a bitch) Peter nudge you again this time gently, you glared at him and then looked at Mj with a huge grin "Hey there, babygurl!" Mj sigh at the nickname but said nothing about it.
You put both of your hands on Peter's shoulder pushing him towards Mj until there is little to no space "Pete here, wanted to accompany you to your, humble work thing, Right Peter?" Before Peter gets to protest Mj interjected.
"Yeah sure, how bout you and Ned?"
"Oh, we're just about..to..." You looked around for an excuse "We're helping Ned's Lola! Right, Ned?"
"We are?" You nudge him on his arm making him hiss "Play along" you whispered yell "O-oh yes actually! Her back is hurting lately s-so.." without a word you grabbed Ned's arms and sprung away.
You cheekily did a fistbump together "I'm so getting you that Lego set" you laughed while Ned gushed like a teenager in love.
You felt your phone buzz in your pocket so you check who it was, it was your dad calling. You groaned in annoyance, halting on your steps as Ned did the same waiting for you.
"What does he want now.." you muttered before answering "Hello Pa?" You heard your dad hum "You don't sound so happy hearing your dad, sweetpie"
You rolled your eyes "What do you want, Dad?" Tony once again hummed "No 'I love you Dad' first?"
"say it."
You whined, you covered your phone, and looked at Ned "Ned go wait for me at the store-" You were cut off by your dad's piercing voice. "No, let Ned hear it"
"I'll just go.." Ned tried to interject "stay." Your dad once again said. Ned went still like a brick.
"Fine....I love you, Dad...ano? masaya kana?" (what? Are you happy now?) Ned quietly but failed, laughed at your suffering you gave him a hard glare. "Very much, dear" your dad chuckled in satisfaction.
"What is it that you want, anyways?" You impatiently asked, "Calm down, the wizard man needs help, I'm too lazy, so go and help him for me, alright dear?" He said over the phone, you grumbled "But dad, I have things to do-"
Your dad hummed seemingly not caring "Uh-huh, and I don't care. Now go, love you sweetchecks bye" he ended the call before you even got the chance to reply.
"So you need to be elsewhere?" Ned asked, as both of you continued walking "I'm so sorry Ned" you apologize sincerely. You felt guilty, Ned and you had been friends for a long time, he's the only one who understood you when you moved to New York, since him being Filipino and you being half, he could relate to a certain extent.
It's not like you couldn't speak English, you were quite decent and it improved throughout the year, and you didn't fit in so when Peter and Ned came into the picture, you felt at ease they felt like home.
"It's alright, but the next weekend, y/n. You can't miss it" he seriously said. You laughed "Of course Ned, I wouldn't miss it for the world" You bid your farewells, you took the train which was quite ironic when you can technically just swing from building to building.
"Hey, there wizard queen" Stephen sigh knowing who that annoying voice belongs to "Your dad sent you instead of him, classic." His monotone voice echoed through each corner of the room which always amused you because everywhere this man goes, there is always an echo. As you inch your way towards him he stopped you.
"What?" You looked at him weirdly "There's this thing bugging the quantum realm, I think someone interfering with it." You raised a brow "How is that possible, Mr. Ozzie?" The nicknames always tick him off every time you say it.
"The nickname you're giving doesn't even make sense" he quizzically said.
"Yes, it does" you defended your stan. He looked at you expectedly, waiting for an answer "It's the Wizard of Oz"
It was quiet for a moment.
"you know what? I'm not gonna argue with your stupid nicknames, stop it with this wizard shit. I'm a sorcerer, there's a deference" You were about to argue but he sounds agitated "Besides, we got some serious pressing matter..." He trailed off, focusing on a book that just automatically flips on its own. It always amazes you how magic could work.
"What is wrong, exactly?" You finally asked. "Someone is trying to make some sort of passage through every multiverse, and it's not just a normal passage, it's a black hole and if created it can potentially-"
"Collapse the space-time continuum.." you pieced out everything, while looking around, not meeting Stephen's eyes. You didn't know what to feel at that moment. Nothing felt right since you woke this morning, maybe that was the reason why.
"We need Dad for this" You picked up your phone from your pocket and dialed your dad's number, it was ringing when suddenly you felt the ground shaking.
"Mr. Strange, what's going on?" Your looked at him wide-eyed, while he tried to do some kind of spell to stop the shaking but it didn't.
You heard your dad's voice on the phone, making you snap out of your focused state "Can't talk right now, sweetheart. I'm currently at the.." your dad's voice became muffled as your eyes landed on a black spot that was currently forming on the ceiling and it was glitching.
Stephen tried to conceal it but to no avail, it only sucked his magic in "Y/n! Get away from here!" He shouted across the room.
"But what about you!?"
"It's not trying to get me, it's trying to get you!" He shouted but this time it was much louder, Tony heard this "Sweetheart what's going on?" He asked worriedly, he could hear the wind blowing loudly on the phone so everything was just muffled.
"dad...I think this is the last time I'm ever gonna be able to talk to you" you finally said after a few beats of silence. Stephen desperately tried to conceal the portal as best as he could to give you the time to run, but even if you could run, it will still suck you up nonetheless.
"What are you talking about?" Tony's voice grew shaky, as he started to put on his suit. "Dad, what I'm seeing right now is stranger than Dr. Strange's name" you chuckled.
Tony paid no mind to his daughter's questionable humor and started to flee from whatever meeting he was in.
"I love you, Dad." He heard Stephen scream your name and then the line ended. Tony's breathing stopped he was utterly blank, if his suit wasn't in control he would have crashed right there and then.
You felt like you'd been tossed around like a ragged doll, with all the blinding colors coming your way. Your stomach churned feeling all your food coming back to your throat.
You screamed for what felt like ages; using your weebs to shoot everywhere, trying to find a wall or anything to stick your weebs with, but found absolutely nothing.
Suddenly you hit the ground rather harshly. You groaned, looking up, the city's blinding lights disturbed your peripheral vision. You had a gut-splitting headache making you wince when you sat up immediately.
"Anak ng- where am I?" (son of a-) You looked around once you adjusted to the familiar yet unfamiliar city. This was New York but not your New York.
You started to panic and started to rephrase the previous events "o-okay, so I got sucked into a black hole- wait aren't I supposed to be dead?" You asked yourself, and then you groaned in embarrassment "I said 'I love you' to Dad, thinking I'm gonna be pulled to shred, god this is so embarrassing!"
"Manhattan! I need to go to Manhattan...maybe the Avenger's Tower is still there." Judging by the place it looked like Brooklyn, you prayed to god that the tower is still there, that your dad is waiting for you to come home.
Before you even got time to swing another portal opened at the other building making you squint your eyes. You saw a silhouette drop gracefully making you feel stupid from earlier.
You swing to that said building but as you came nearer you felt your spidey senses act up. You halted as the person in front of you looked wide-eyed in your direction.
"Who are you?" Her voice was above a whisper, you scrunch your nose.
"what? Speak up, babe"
"I said, who are you?" Her voice became louder, and she sat up from her previous awesome posture and started walking towards you "I'm Gwen Stacy" she said.
"Oh, Y/n Stark" Gwen had her mask on while you didn't "So you're spider woman? I thought I was the only one"
"Me neither" she replied with an airy sigh, looking around her with a sense of familiarity "This is not New York" She looked at you for answers but you were just as confused as she is.
"It is, but different from where you came from" it was silence for a while "What do we do?" She asked.
"We get married and just live here" you proposed as a growing smirk started to form on your lips.
"Give me a better option" she replied almost immediately. You gaped at her "anyone would be so lucky to marry me"
"Unlucky" she corrected "but you barely know me! How could you know" you argued back. "exactly."
She got you with that one. The pair of you started to swing building to building "Where are we-" you dodge a pose "going?" Gwen sighed, she seemed distant but that didn't stop you "I'm going to this academy thing, because that's what my spidey senses want" she shouted through the air so you could hear.
"Your tingly thing? I had one too!" Gwen raised a brow, not replying to the comment as she continued to swing every building.
"You know it's dangerous going around, not wearing a mask, you know that right?" Gwen did a flip through mid-air making you do the same cause you built like that.
"Who needs em? When they got me as their gorgeous sight!" the pair of you continued along your journey to find this so-called academy, although you don't know how both of you can enter but you just left that problem to Gwen.
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scribeforchrist-blog · 3 months
While It Is Still Day
+ Psalm 46:5 God is within her; she will not fall; God will help her at break of day.”
+ Psalm 90:12 Teach us to number our days carefully so that we may develop wisdom in our hearts
    Life is short; our things are temporary, and some people don’t like to be told they are getting older or that life is short. Still, I can remember being very young and saying I have time for this, and I have time for that. I wasted a lot of my years thinking this idea that I'm young,and having this idea that we are young or that we have time is a foolish way to think, and at the time, I didn’t think it was because I was YOUNG, but when we realize our days are numbered. We realize that life is just a mist, and we learn to do more in our lives that have meaning.
  No, we all aren’t called to teach or preach, and some of us aren’t called to be millionaires or to have this or that, but we have to find the purpose of our life by asking God because he placed us here for a reason and for a very short time, time is moving so fast we are in June and I feel the year just started. 
 Many of us waste so much time allowing other things to stand in the way , in our Bible verse today it says , we need to be careful and mindful of how short our life is, and this verse wasn’t written to add fear to us but to take into account that things we waste time on can hinder us from our call in life.
  Ephesians 5:16-17 makes the best use of the time because the days are evil. Therefore, do not be foolish, but understand the will of the Lord.
  It says to use our time best and understand God's will. I spent a good bit of my life running behind the things of this life and doing things I shouldn’t have wasted; those years, that young age, are gone, but the best advice I can give anyone.
Spend every day getting to know your maker, spending time with him, obeying him, and growing in him; it’s a difference from spending time with God and growing, and some of us need to take the time to hear what he is speaking to us, and take it and grow with him, to be what he is calling us to be.
  It’s never too late to start, but don’t think you have time because death is knocking on the old and the young doors. We can't control when it comes, nor can we stop it, but we must be ready for whatever the lord places before us; sometimes, we lose track of the true purpose of why we are here, and that’s 1. to worship the lord 2. To serve him,
 John 9:4 We must work the works of him who sent me while it is day; night is coming when no one can work.
  This is another verse where Jesus is saying we must work and do what we are called to do while it is day; we are losing light every day we do something wasteful, and it's okay to take vacations and travel the world, but God doesn’t want that to be what we think our life is about, our life is to do the great commission which is  “therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely, I am with you to the very end of the age.”
  GO make disciples and baptize in the name of the Father and Son and teach and obey everything God has commanded us to do; he gave us the authority to do this; we don’t have to be a pastor or a prophet or a teacher to do this we must do this in him we must do this because it's what we must do as disciples of Christ.
  James 4:14 Yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a bit of time and then vanishes.
  This verse is the foundation of this devotional; we don’t know what will happen tomorrow; we can make our plans, we can say what we want to do or where we want to go, but our life is a JUST A MIST; some translations say our life is a fog and a vapor, it’s shortly lived and what we must seek every day is to make sure we are right in the eyes of the lord, some of us if we are honest can say I wasted my day away, I laid around today, I did nothing today. Still, every day, we live life; in this way, we drift from the calling of God; we drift from what we are supposed to do, which is seek Christ and teach others about Christ.
   Psalm 39:5 You have made my days a mere handbreadth; the span of my years is as nothing before you. Everyone is but a breath, even those who seem secure.
   It says it here: EVERYONE IS BUT A BREATH; all our lives are short, and the Holy Spirit today is telling us to “seek him while we can still come as we are. I don’t care what you did; I don’t care what your identity is; come to me and receive your new and true identity; let me show you who I am; “he wants to show you who he is and how to be truly loved by him!
 *** Today, we learned that life is too short to continue to play games, to play into the narrative that we are young, or we have time we don’t; the young and the old are being called home, and we can act like we don’t know. We can act like we don’t understand, and we can continue to ignore what’s happening around us; people are going to stores and not returning home, it’s people that are going to school and not coming home, and we have to ask ourselves are we ready to see Jesus if something happens today, I know this devotional won’t be something someone wants to read or if your listening on the podcast it’s something you don’t want to hear.
  Friends, we must be ready; hell is just as real as heaven; we can’t continue to believe that our good works will get us in, that what our father and mother did will do it; no, we must go to God ourselves and be judge on the things we do, we all have some type of call on our life we need to ask the lord daily to help us find it. We need to seek him daily and love him with our whole hearts; the word says if you love me, you’ll obey me, you do as I say; if you love the lord, seek him and do as he says!  ©Seer~ Prophetess Lee
Heavenly Father, we thank you for everything; we ask you to continue to be with us, lord; we thank you for the ups and the downs; we ask you to show us the true way; we ask you to open our eyes to see and our ears to hear let us not ignore you no longer help us to be healed by you always. Father, we give our life to you; we fully submit to you; we ask you to reveal our calling to us; help us to seek you with our whole hearts in Jesus' Name, amen.
+ Psalm 144:4 Man is like a breath; his days are like a passing shadow.
+ Isaiah 2:22 Put no more trust in man, who has only the breath in his nostrils. Of what account is he?
+ Proverbs 27:1 Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring.
Proverbs 24
1 Kings 22
Lamentations 3
Acts 27
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thebreakfastgenie · 11 months
Billy Joel songs as mash characters?
Darling this is not a simple question. This is a subject I have been pondering for some time.
Hawkeye - I Go to Extremes
Sometimes I'm tired, sometimes I'm shot Sometimes I don't know how much more I got Maybe I'm headed over the hill Maybe I set myself up for the kill Tell me, how much do you think you can take Until the heart in you is starting to break? Sometimes it feels like it will
This is hard because, a lot of songs fit him. I have, previously, associated Hawkeye with Tomorrow Is Today, Pressure, and Everybody Loves You Now. I also think there's something there for Code of Silence (which could also fit other characters, I considered it for Charles; it's kind of an all-purpose trauma song). I wanted to do something different, which is why I picked this one. I don't see it as being about mood swings, despite the chorus, but the verses really sound like Hawkeye to me. It's that feeling of constantly fighting something and being at a breaking point.
Tomorrow is Today Pressure Everybody Loves You Now
Trapper - Only the Good Die Young
You mighta heard I run with a dangerous crowd We ain't too pretty, we ain't too proud We might be laughing a bit too loud Aw, but that never hurt no one
Look, I know it's basic, but it fits. The melody and beat fit him too! He's might seem a little rough but he has a heart of gold and wants to have a good time! And he's a threat to good Catholic girls everywhere.
Henry - Big Man on Mulberry Street
Why can't I cool out? Why don't I button my lip? Why do I lash out? Why is it I always shoot from the hip?
It's just a vibe! I think the melody and lyrics both fit his kind of anxious everyman thing.
Radar - Get It Right the First Time
I'm not much good at conversation I was never to smooth at comin' on real strong If all it takes is inspiration Then I might have just what it takes If I don't make no bad mistakes and I get it right the first time That's the main thing
The lyrics fit Radar's interest in romance, but the melody as well as parts of the chorus also remind me of how seriously he takes his job as clerk and how busy he always is. Sexually the first time did not last for Radar, but you know.
Margaret - She's Always a Woman
Oh, she takes care of herself, she can wait if she wants She's ahead of her time Oh, and she never gives out and she never gives in She just changes her mind
Look, I know. But it's perfect. It's about a woman in a male-dominated field who was widely hated for being too assertive and generally for misogynistic reasons. She's all these things, but she's still a woman. Plus the vaguely negative vibe to it fits Margaret too.
Frank - Why Judy Why
I never thought that I would need, need a friend But I did, in the end Tell me why, Judy, why
I really puzzled over this one, but I couldn't think of any Frank songs that summed up his whole character, so I chose one that I thought fit a specific part of his story. I don't think Frank ever anticipated Margaret would actually leave him, and when it happens, he's crushed. He does need a friend and he doesn't have any. "Judy" could be Hawkeye and Trapper or BJ, or it could be his mom, depending on the episode. I chose to focus on pathetic Frank, but while he's with Margaret, Blonde Over Blue fits as well. There's also a demo called The End of the World that I like to associate with Frank's fears of Louise becoming her own person.
Klinger - You May Be Right
You may be right I may be crazy Oh, but it just may be a lunatic you're looking for It's too late to fight It's too late to change me
Choosing a song for him was so hard! I think the general vibe of this one fits with the melody and all. Obviously "I may be crazy" is very Klinger but I also think "don't try to change me" conveys his absolutely refusal to be turned into a killer. I also like She's Right On Time as a Klinger/Soon-Lee song.
Mulcahy - All About Soul
This life isn't fair It's gonna get dark, it's gonna get cold You've got to get tough, but that ain't enough It's all about soul
It's a romantic song, but you don't have to take it that way, and I think it describes Mulcahy's role in the group well. They need more than toughness and more than medical skill. They need a heart, someone who can look after their souls.
BJ - Temptation
'Cause I know what all of my friends say There's a danger in wanting too much But she's such a temptation
It's about his baby daughter. It's about overwhelming love, but it conveys a bit of a dark side, too. Being in Korea is even more painful because he loves his daughter so much, so I think that desperation and fear of how strong those feelings are suit BJ well.
Potter - Shades of Grey
Once there were trenches and walls And one point of every view Fight 'til the other man falls Kill him before he kills you These days the edges are blurred I'm old and tired of war I hear the other man's words I'm not that sure anymore
It just so perfectly encapsulates Potter's changing feelings about war as a career soldier who once believed in the romance of it. Billy Joel also has a demo called The Siegfried Line that fits Potter very well because it's about WWII.
Charles - Where's the Orchestra
After all, this is my big night on the town My introduction to the theatre crowd I assumed that the show would have a song So I was wrong
I assigned this to him once a while ago and I'm glad I remembered because it's perfect for him. The melancholy melody... the feeling of getting/having everything you want but something not being right... being out of place in the place you're supposed to fit... and the lyrics are perfect for him because of his love of music and experience with the musicians.
As a bonus, I've previously associated This Is the Time and Famous Last Words with the entire cast!
This Is the Time Famous Last Words
Goodnight Saigon reminds me of MASH a lot too, with the choppers and some of the lyrics, but it's very anchored to Vietnam. And of course I'd be remiss if I didn't mention his two songs that actually reference the Korean War directly, We Didn't Start the Fire and Leningrad.
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brynnmclean · 11 months
twenty questions for fic writers
I was tagged by @stitchingatthecircuitboard! Thanks, friend! This was fun! :D
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
54! Though some of them are ficlet collections that I might separate out, if I could do it all over again.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently, Rings of Power / the Tolkien Legendarium (including Silm, LotR, The Hobbit).
Previously, Rogue One, Star Wars sequel trilogy, broke ground writing fic for a m/m Viking romance novel Brothers of the Wild North Sea (it made me so happy), and the tiniest bit of Black Sails.
Before that, a LOT of Supernatural fic, some Being Human US, and LOST.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
cast some light & you'll be all right, 4.5k Explicit Rogue One Rebelcaptain fic where Cassian doesn't like one-sided sex and Jyn isn't used to having a partner who wants to make time for her. They figure it out!
waiting to step forward, 3k Explicit Rogue One Rebelcaptain fic, the direct sequel to cast some light featuring Cassian Andor: Cunnilingus Addict again
I waited for the crash to come, 17k Rogue One Rebelcaptain ficlet collection -- one of those ones that I suppose I could have separated out, but it feels way too late to do it now! There are a lot of ficlets that I love in there though.
beneath the stars, 4k Kíli/Tauriel Hobbit AU where Thranduil hosts a party and Kíli and Tauriel get to dance together and smooch :)
I wanna hurry home to you, 2k Explicit Rogue One Rebelcaptain fic, ALSO part of the cast some light 'verse, sex interrupted by a stand-up meeting, sex continued after the meeting, lol
5. Do you respond to comments?
I try to respond to them as they come, but I have DEFINITELY run into the problem where I haven't responded to some of them and the more time passes, the worse I feel about not responding, and then it just-- anyway, if you've ever sent me a very nice comment that I haven't responded to, please know that I saw it, cried about how nice it was and how good it made me feel, got slammed by something in life, and now remember you with helpless, wordless gratitude.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't write a lot of angst! But an old old old episode-related fic called exercise in futility for Being Human US, featuring season 1 Aidan who was a MESS, might fit the bill.
Or out of storms comes strength for tomorrow which is a Tauriel-centric, grief processing fic...? but I feel like the ending for that one is more hopeful than not? That's a little more where I like to land. There's light in there somewhere, always.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Either sanctuary (Rogue One crew beach vacation for @eisoj5!) or I used to be a king alone (a May the Fourth Rebelcaptain Date-Shaped Mission or a Mission-Shaped Date).
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I got a couple unpleasant anons during the SPN days over some meta re: fandom reaction to a very large fic project, but otherwise my fandom experience has been kind. I can't remember ever getting hate on my fics in particular, but I have gotten some odd comments before, ranging from "why is [male character] randomly a girl" for a genderqueer / rule 63 fic to "when are [m/f couple] going to have Real Sex" for a smut series.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do! Not as much lately, but the majority of my Rebelcaptain fics were non-PIV (out of spite :D) explicit fics. The first smut fic I wrote was a SPN OT3 with Dean/Castiel/Lisa so... I have a little experience writing threesomes (looking at Galadriel/Celeborn/Halbrand eventually)!
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I have written the beginnings of crossover AUs-- I was kicking around a Rogue One Black Sails AU (was going to be Saw Gerrera-centric, as he's the Flint analog), I have an outline for a Rebelcaptain Bourne Identity AU (Jyn as the GFFA Jason Bourne -- one day I SWEAR I'll give this one a fair shot because I actually do have the rare PLOT OUTLINE), and I wrote a ficlet for a Rogue One Grey Company LotR AU.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I did have a Rebelcaptain ficlet plagiarized once. Many thanks to the anon who alerted me to the situation so I could make a successful removal request.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I have not! I have had some fics podficced which were wonderful. :)
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I haven't formally co-written a fic with anyone, but I am enjoying the hell out of playing around in the sandbox @rain-sleet-snow and I are hanging out in for the Uncorrupted Mairon AU.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
WOW, I absolutely cannot choose ONE out of ALL of them... If I have to choose... Right now I'm positively feral over Galadriel/Celeborn/Halbrand, but I wrote and will love Jyn/Cassian forever.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Alas... I am not good at finishing fics and I don't often have the discipline to write long-form fic. One of these days I would love to get back to safe house in the hurricane or out of grief joy.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Considering like, 95% of my fics are conversations / dialogue, I think we can consider that a strength!
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
PLOT. I'm a pantser. I never know where I'm going next. Also action scenes are extremely difficult!
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Thoughts? Cold-sweat terror. Thank you to much smarter people than I am for Elvish translations. Anyone who writes in multiple languages, whether real-world or conlangs, leaves me in awe.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
... LOST, maybe??? @ladytharen helped run a 108 word drabble challenge on LJ that I THINK got me into my first forays of writing fic that wasn't, uh, childhood handwritten scrawling in notebooks for LotR.
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
Oh!!!! I'm taking a leaf from @stitchingatthecircuitboard's book and going to list three:
I still think out of storms (the Tauriel grief fic) is one of my best
There's so much of my heart in blessed, the Éomer & Éowyn late night conversation fic that also features genderqueer / genderfluid!Éowyn fic-- though damn it, I wish I'd titled the fic better, but it feels too late to change it, lol
and honestly, as rusty as I felt writing it, I really love first flush of hope to carry the grey away, 1k Rebelcaptain not-a-kiss in an alley
tagging: @rain-sleet-snow, @ladytharen, @eisoj5, @heymacareyna, @ichabodjane, and whoever else is reading this and would like to. Consider yourself tagged!
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bylightofdawn · 9 months
Tomorrow May Be Gone
Happy New Year! Have a fresh Gallahir fanfic to celebrate
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bluewinnerangel · 2 years
can you talk about change pls i need more change love and analysis in my life
I know of a couple of Change analyses here and I think I'll just end up repeating a lot of what's already said if I'll just do a full reading but BUT what's not part of those analyses is it in the context of FITF (you know since he played it well before we had the album). Soooo I wanna use this ask to highlight a bit of the lyrics weaving magic that goes on within FITF, taking Change as a handle and somewhat match other lyrics? I think that might result in some fun stuff to break our brains over.
I don't think we have the official lyrics of Change, just so you know some of these words may be wrong I can't be sure. Also these parallels often just hold the same theme and said theme is everywhere (I mean, change and time and being the same they're just always everywhere constantly) so they're paired up with a line in Change in this thing but they all just belong together in one big piece of coherent work and not so literal in the one-on-one I'm writing down here but it does the job I think:
Change x FITF:
Time of our lives, it's easy to see / We were just getting by but we were complete
To me the most obvious parallel is with Common People:
I came from a good home / A house full of terrace dreams / That was enough for me / You know you had to see it to believe / All the late nights / Good times - Common People
and again the next verse, perhaps even worse:
No deep pockets / But big hearts / Do you see what I see / Now we’re all screaming on the dance floor - Common People
And more:
We’re going out to end up somewhere we’ll regret / Cos in this town it’s easy to forget - That's the way love goes (easy to have a good time)
Do you see what I see - Common People & She's Beauty We Are World Class
Lately, lately it’s been so easy to see my life completed instead of half way full - Paradise
Gonna cut here because it's gonna be a few scrolls:
Fun that it starts with "time", because that's EVERYWHERE. Out of 21 songs (16 deluxe +paradise +copy +saved by a stranger + high in california + change), 17 have the word "time" in them. 17.... Yes we're doing it. This is literally every time(lol) the word time shows up, rather than the theme of time, because that's more than this (you know when you stare at a word too long and you forget its meaning yeah get ready):
Said I had a plan for us / Time it came and changed it all / We had to disappear - The Greatest
Before the world it got so serious / Before the time it got away from us - Lucky Again
Let’s buy some time / For what we shouldn’t do / I don’t wanna face the music / But I still wanna dance with you - Face the Music
They "say bitter ends turn sweet in time", is that true of yours and mine? - Chicago
Just have patience / It’s not how you spend the time / It’s if you waste it - All This Time
The friends we make / the love it takes / is worth it all this time - All This Time
I only wanna go faster towards disaster every time - Out of my system
Maybe if you’d taken more time / I’d still be the one you wanna talk to every night - Headline
I've been wondering about what you're up to / Not for the first time / Not for the last time / And I've been thinking 'bout the things we used to do / Not for the first time / Not for the last time - Saturdays
You know it’s times like these we’re so much happier - silver tongues
You smile at me and say It’s time to go but I don’t feel like going home - silver tongues
Sit down sit down in the space and time - She's Beauty we are world class
All the late nights and the good times - Common People
There’s a time for saying who did what / Where it went wrong I wanna hear all that /But right now all I need you to know is / You’ll be ok we can talk tomorrow / I’m on my way with some time to borrow - Angels Fly
And time can always heal ya / If you let it make its way into your bones - Holding on to Heartache
Pick up the phone cos now it’s time you learnt to say that's the way love goes - That’s the way love goes
Remember when you told me I should give it time? - That’s the way love goes
that she changed me for the better by the time that I was coming ‘round - Saved By A Stranger
I wanna be in California smoke some weed outside in the summertime - High In California (I mean I had to)
Time of our lives, it's easy to see - Change
Now it's time to realize you don't get another life - Change
It hasn't been long that I've been away I don't know why everything's changed
tumblr is being weird with the formatting but everytime i try to fix it it just gets weirder so egh well leave it
Still on the same parallel we started with but now it's the opposite? kinda?:
When I get lost I go back to where I started / Common people / Nothing's changed - Common People
There are a lot of things being away from other things throughout but I don't think I'd be able to list em all if I tried, but here's an attempt:
You give and give until it’s gone away / Just tell yourself you’ve got another day / You’ve lived that life you just don’t see it yet - Lucky Again
Before the world it got so serious / Before the time it got away from us - Lucky Again
Has it been long enough that you can forgive me? - Chicago (as a whole really
I think she’s moved on mate it’s almost been a year / We haven’t seen you yeah we’ve given you your space - that's the way love goes
Saturdays take the pain away - but really Saturdays as a whole
put the pain behind you now, you don't need it anymore - Away from the pain again in Angels Fly
But the truth is, I/you still doubt / That what I/you do can get me/you home - All This time
We had to disappear / Cos nothing gets through here - the greatest
With me, I know you wanna come with me / Take anything you can carry /And leave everythin' else behind - Out Of My system
Sometimes I wake up and I wish you were beside me - Headline
It's time to go but I don't feel like going home - Silver Tongues
'Cause inside we're still the kings of the Friday nights Silver streets and the neon signs
This makes me happy-angry. hangry?. I don't know how else to put it:
Air max’s and silver tongues / Settle in for another heavy one - Silver Tongues
I love all the things you know but I’m king on a 50 metre road - Silver Tongues
I'm not supposed to be feeling dirty cheap on silver street at quarter to three - Saturdays (+the friday night melting into the saturdays that take the pain away)
You said I’m holding on to heartache / You said I wear it like a crown - holding On To Heartache ( about that king )
Everything's changed outside, sometimes I wonder why
When somebody told me I would change / I used to hide behind a smile / When somebody told me I would change / I was afraid I don't know why / Cos so does the world outside / I've realised - Bigger than Me (let's also add the next line: didn't read the signs, because last line of Change we had neon signs asdsdf)
If you need you can call on me, I'll be the friend you need
Cos if you’re lonely in Chicago you can call me (baby) - Chicago
I’ll knock on your door it’ll save me from calling / I won’t say a word It can wait ‘til the morning - Angels Fly
The nights they change in seasons / Become the strangest days / I called you twice but then regretted it / And changed my number - Holding On To Heartache (nights - changing - calling)
We haven’t seen you yeah we’ve given you your space / Pick up the phone cos now it’s time - That's The Way Love Goes (he's being the friend needed <3 )
Everything's changed outside, but I feel the same inside
Saturdays take the pain away / But nobody stays the same / No matter how much you want it / Some things change - Saturdays
Spend my whole life just thinking I had to change - High In California
The kids are alright / That used to be me Always losing our minds / Out on the street
I think this is described in Silver Tongues, being in the middle of the losing of their minds out on the street lol
And I choked when your smoke got in my eye / Bad logic and empty cans // You said grass was a dirty drug / You like to preach with vodka in your mug / I love all the things you know / But I’m king on a 50 metre road / We stand up tall and beat our chest / Shout some things that we’ll regret / Sit down with a master plan / I know nobody understands me like you do / You know it’s times like these we’re so much happier / Nights like these we’ll remember those stupid jokes only we know // You smile at me and say It’s time to go but I don’t feel like going home // You and me until the end / Waking up to start again - Silver Tongues yes I just basically pasted the whole song
A trip down memory lane, houses all look the same
Screams in Silver Tongues MV
Yeah I'm gonna use this as an excuse to paste any and all "home"s and "house"s in FITF:
But the truth is I/you still doubt that what I/you do can get me/you home when it gets cold - All This time
You smile at me and say It’s time to go but I don’t feel like going home - Silver Tongues
I came from a good home / A house full of terrace dreams - Common People
There's different names on the gates You know the people have changed It's such a shame, nothing stays the same
Common people / Nothing’s changed / You’ll hear strangers singing you name / If you act like you’re one of us - Common People (This. Is. Such. An. Interesting. Parallel.)
[When you gonna/now it's time to] realize [you/we] don't get another life? Always overanalyze, what's the point? I know it'll be alright [You've/we] still got the rest of [your life/our lives] We're [all/still] the same inside
Realizing you don't got another life / having the life you choose kinda waters:
Then made my way back to a life I would choose - Lucky Again
I just wanna stay in the moment the rest of my life / one more night I'm gonna choose I don't wanna face the music but I still wanna dance with you - Face The Music
Have you seen how my life’s been going? Cos i’ve been wondering what you’d say / Would you have told me to keep going or would you say to walk away? - Chicago
I am only half of what I think I can be / Gotta get it out of my system / Gotta get it off of my chest / I've lived a lot of my life already / But I gotta get through the rest - Out Of My System
With me, I know you wanna come with me / Take anything you can carry / And leave everythin' else behind - Out Of My system
And I/you keep on building mountains hoping that they’ll turn to gold / But the truth is I/you still doubt that what I/you do can get me/you home when it gets cold - All This Time (building the life / what happens when it changes, overanalyzing, not sure it'll be alright, but then: )
Together we’re the greatest / We’ll never be that cold again / No falling all to pieces / We’re the greatest / It’s you and me until the end / Life for us is never over - The Greatest
All being the same inside waters:
So come on call me liar / Yeah you're so quick to judge / Cos yeah I might have changed / But everybody does - Bigger Than Me
when you're just like me- Bigger Than Me
Are we one or are we two? Are we me or are we you? Have we been all this before / do you see what I see? - She's Beauty We Are World Class
common people / just act like you're one of us - Common People
So let this be your comfort / You're not the only one, no /In a strange way, all in this together / Been this way forever, you're not the only one - COAC
Getting high on the amber wave / Going deep for the ones who do the same // I know nobody understands me like you do - Silver Tongues
Our eyes meet and I can tell that you’re the same as me - All This Time
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caltropspress · 3 months
RAPS + CRAFTS #25: k-the-i???
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1. Introduce yourself. Past projects? Current projects?
My name is k-the-i??? I’m from Cambridge, Massachusetts but I’ve lived in many places throughout the United States. From Los Angeles, California to Chicago, Illinois, to even a little bit of Berlin, Germany. I’m global but I’m now looking to move to New York / New Jersey in the near future.
As far as music goes, heads might know me from my Mush Records release of Broken Love Letter and my Mush / Big Dada / Ninjatune release of Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow produced by my brother Thavius Beck. I also have a plethora of other releases.
I’m currently working on a major record (major for me, at least). I’m slowly in the process of completing it. All produced by one producer, it features a slew of today’s modern-day hip-hop heroes. At this moment I can’t talk about the project but be sure everyone will be pleasantly pleased by the surprise. I’m also working on a gang of special limited EP releases for the future. You know what??? I could tell you what’s up. My new project is titled Genuine Dexterity. Produced entirely by the one and only Kenny Segal. It's being released by Backwoodz Studioz. If features Armand Hammer, Open Mike Eagle, Fatboi Sharif, and more. Me and Kenny are really proud of the record. Honestly, I personally think it’s one of the best records that I’ve done. 
2. Where do you write? Do you have a routine time you write? Do you discipline yourself, or just let the words come when they will? Do you typically write on a daily basis?
I usually write when I feel the urge, but as of lately since I fully rekindled my love for the arts as well as working on many projects, I’ve been writing non-stop, every day, for the past year. The excitement from the beats I’ve been receiving got me fully back in mode. So yeah…everyday. I have way too many things on my mind not to write all the time.
3. What’s your medium—pen and paper, laptop, on your phone? Or do you compose a verse in your head and keep it there until it’s time to record?
Originally I was a pen and paper writer; then I became a phone writer. Once in a while, I’m the "keep it on my mind"—no phone, no paper—freestyle-ish over and over until it’s cohesive type writer. As of recently I’ve been writing my lyrics on the phone, then I’ll send them to my laptop, laptop to printer to be printed out and plastered behind the microphone for me to see clearly. The sad thing about recording with a phone is you sometimes have the tendency of talking down and not projecting your voice directly into the mic.
4. Do you write in bars, or is it more disorganized than that?
I do write bars down but only sporadically. Only things come to me out of nowhere. Most of the time I let it flow naturally. Otherwise disorganized at first, but once I initiate what I’m writing about I’m locked in. Though it might come off as extremely dense, the picture is clear to me, of course.
5. How long into writing a verse or a song do you know it’s not working out the way you had in mind? Do you trash the material forever, or do you keep the discarded material to be reworked later?
Depends. Sometimes from the first line I’m locked in. Other times it takes me writing a whole verse to decide whether or not if I’m keeping it or archiving it. I’m a quick writer because I write what I live and fully express the emotions that have gathered up since my inception. I’ll never completely get rid of a verse. What might not work now may work in the future to be used or reworked.
6. Have you engaged with any other type of writing, whether presently or in the past? Fiction? Poetry? Playwriting? If so, how has that mode influenced your songwriting?
Totally!!! I write poetry aside from my rap lyrics. I have been thinking of writing some fiction. Maybe create a special project that involves a story that goes along with my music. I have tried this before. Wrote an interactive children’s book that came with music to follow, but it died with my old hard drive fifteen years ago. Since then, I’ve been scared to reattempt a project like that in fear that I might lose it again.
7. How much editing do you do after initially writing a verse/song? Do you labor over verses, working on them over a long period of time, or do you start and finish a piece in a quick burst?
I do a fair amount of editing just to make sure that I’ve chosen the ideal words for each verse that I write. This is if I’m working alone. If I’m in the studio with a crew writing a song, I just write it and record it. No time to really look it over. I just have to trust in myself sometimes.
8. Do you write to a beat, or do you adjust and tweak lyrics to fit a beat?
Both. Since I’m also a producer, I have the option of approaching a song from every direction.
9. What dictates the direction of your lyrics? Are you led by an idea or topic you have in mind beforehand? Is it stream-of-consciousness? Is what you come up with determined by the constraint of the rhymes?
I write in so many absolutes it’s crazy. Sometimes I go into a song knowing exactly what I’m about to talk about. Other times I may just put on a beat and let the pen slide and do what comes naturally. The song sometimes writes itself. I’ve experienced so many things in my life that sometimes the beat guides my verses.
10. Do you like to experiment with different forms and rhyme schemes, or do you keep your bars free and flexible?
Funny thing is, before I moved to Los Angeles, I didn’t care for flipping styles and schemes as much as I do now. At one point in time I used to just kick the verse and whatever scheme was developed was through osmosis. If the situation requires me to alter a song, I’m all there for it.
11. What’s a verse you’re particularly proud of, one where you met the vision for what you desire to do with your lyrics?
I have a song that I wrote almost 30 years ago that I end sets with until this day titled "Kollidoscope." Aside from that, me and Thavius Beck's album Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow has some of my most proud verses. Usually I make the beats I rap to, so when I get someone else to take on the production it allows me to concentrate on just writing the best that I can. All the focus is on the writing.
12. Can you pick a favorite bar of yours and describe the genesis of it?
"It’s my Chemical Romance to dance, fluid fluidity, / Really milestones to travel gravel now I’m lost." ("Cell-Shaded/Daydreams/Nightmares")
I was a fan of My Chemical Romance first of all. Also, the line entwines with me being chemically off-balanced romancing the density I express and allowing it to flow naturally even though they’ll be numerous obstacle courses in my way.
13. Do you feel strongly one way or another about punch-ins? Will you whittle a bar down in order to account for breath control, or are you comfortable punching-in so you don’t have to sacrifice any words?
For the most part I don’t do punch-ins. I just kick the verse straight through. Though sometimes it requires it. I have nothing against it though. I just don’t utilize it as much, but at times it calls for it. If I use punch-ins, it’s an artistic choice, not a "I can’t nail this verse" type of issue. Plus my breath control is fairly on-point, especially after I actually know the verse. By that time I know where to breathe and when to go ballistic.
14. What non-hiphop material do you turn to for inspiration? What non-music has influenced your work recently?
My favorite bands are Broadcast (R.I.P. Trish Keenan) and Stereolab, so I go to them all the time for inspiration. That and Atlas Sound (Bradford Cox of Deerhunter's solo project), Beach House, Animal Collective, Oldies (Rock, Jazz, Blues, etc.), and the list goes on. Believe it or not, I’m the biggest Transformers fan, so I might watch old episodes of the show to get me writing. That or anime in general. Weird thing: sometimes I write to white noise, the sound of rain, wild forests—nature sounds and such. It clears my mind, so I’m writing from a decluttered state.
15. Writers are often saddled with self-doubt. Do you struggle to like your own shit, or does it all sound dope to you?
Sometimes I struggle to like certain ish that I write until I send it off for an opinion and then realize that I must’ve been bugging when heads hit me back like, You murdered this . As of recently, since I’m working on a project solely produced by one person, I’ve been really loving my new ish. I feel like as time goes on, I’m getting better and I still have room for plenty of new projects.
16. Who’s a rapper you listen to with such a distinguishable style that you need to resist the urge to imitate them?
Honestly, no one. The only person I have to resist the urge to go down the same lane as them is Mach-Hommy. And it has nothing to with style or lyrics because we’re completely different. It’s the fact that we’re both Haitian artists and he tends to apply a lot of my people's culture into his music, like rapping in Creole or an album cover depicting him as Toussaint Louverture. I’m trying to avoid not going in that direction unless I make a song with him. Then we’ll go there.
17. Do you have an agenda as an artist? Are there overarching concerns you want to communicate to the listener?
No agenda, but I do write my music in a dense fashion. Apply Morse code, metaphors, similes in order for you not to fully figure it out now and for it to make more sense to you as the years go on. So, yeah, I’m totally engaging my listeners. Fine wine, my friend.
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RAPS + CRAFTS is a series of questions posed to rappers about their craft and process. It is designed to give respect and credit to their engagement with the art of songwriting. The format is inspired, in part, by Rob McLennan’s 12 or 20 interview series.
Photo credit: Antimc
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a-froger-epic · 2 years
We need to talk about 'Green'
Why have I never (rarely?) seen this song discussed in fandom? Green. The song Freddie Mercury wrote before he was Freddie Mercury, when he was still with Wreckage (formerly Ibex). I am enchanted by this song, and I think it's so emblematic of young Freddie that I know you all must love it, too.
This was recorded at 40 Ferry Road, the flat Freddie shared with Roger Taylor, Brian May (for a bit) and some of his Wreckage groupmates and others in late 1969 to early 1970.
Now, we don't have proper lyrics to this video. I would be ABSOLUTELY DELIGHTED if there's anyone who can make out more than I can, so please chime in! But this is what I hear:
Someone from Wreckage: No, we'll pick it up. Freddie: Yes, so don't... listen. Don't forget, when you, I'll tell you, after the two verses you'd be doing the same thing like you did, like you be going: dee doo dee doo dee doo dee doo... that'd be great. Someone from Wreckage: Okay, one... look. Let's get on with this, alright, let's sing. Alright?
There's a sudden change in me Part of my memory, but still inside of me Tomorrow I'm going to see the light Of the blue skies above me And I'm ready and I'm going away There's something you could do to stop me But till the light [?] the journey start again [?] voice screaming beyond [?]
I believe my time has come Any moment I'll be drifting through the sun And I'm waiting for this time to turn me on To the flower that is beckoning me on And I'm ready, I know I'm going away Nothing you could do to stop me But till the light [?] I'm going again [? ? ?]
Green Turning green Rapidly changing to the place I've never seen
Green Turning green [? ? ?] defiance of the [?] Green Turning green [? ? ?] you to leave, goodbye I'm losing such a rhythm
Losing such a rhythm I'm completely changing to a brand new system
Even though I can't make out the entire song, this is clearly such a hippie song, oh my word. Little hippie Freddie. Bless him, I adore him!
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writingmochi · 6 months
an honest review of minisode 3: tomorrow purely from musical observation (not proofread)
opening remarks: i'm one day late and that is definitely still valid. given that there is currently a boycott for big 4 from april 1st to may 1st, i've downloaded the album off of spotify so thank you to the developer who created the software.
is there a reason why both the chaos and name chapters only have two releases on their belt whilst the dream chapters have 3? in a way, i think this is telling of how fast the trend is changing here in kpop and pop culture music in general. i could say that kpop groups are literally cloud chasing the newest tiktok trending music given that le sserafim's newest release is full of familiar sounds rather than establishing their sound. i sure hope this album has a clear way to tell what it wants to tell because i have a pretty big expectation when it comes to txt, especially since i came here blind and deaf cause i don't know anything about this comeback apart from the concept and promotional photos.
speaking of that, concept-wise it seems interesting. i'm currently in a more neutral side because i just realized just how biased i can become even if it doesn't meet my expectations. i like how they basically embrace their fantasy-esque story retelling on things happening to individuals in real life. based on the txt.ibighit, the concept of this release is about past promises, salvation, and hope for tomorrow, which i've felt in a few of the concept photos. i, once again, feel disappointed to know the creative difference in between the concept photos and the music video. it kinda feels like false advertising as i realize the dichotomy of it. as i enter into the sonic world of this album with restrain and neutrality, i hope that the songs can help to invest me with them too.
let's start!
1.i'll see you there tomorrow: what in the illit is this? it sounds rhythmically and melodically complex at the start, which i like. but it became this light hyperpop-esque edm sound. i think this will be a challenging first song to here, especially with kpop fans who are not familiar with "strange beats". the bridge part kind of reminds me of daft punk in a way with beomgyu's voice on the vocoder filter. soobin's timbre is the highlight of this song for me because it has been a long time since i hear low-voice soobin, so i'm glad to hear it here. i like how complex the percussion of the song is, especially in combination with the bass playing.
2.- --- -- --- .-. .-. --- .-- ("tomorrow" in morse code): i know it's literally only morse code and it's definitely lore-based, but why do they bring back the morse code now when the last time we hear it is in crown/dream chapter star? hmmm
3.deja vu: i've heard from people that this title track doesn't have a bridge. that is definitely a minus for me. but let me here it first before continuing to write this.
at first listen, this reminds me of a japanese release of a kpop group. i was reminded of stray kids's slump, maybe because it's the synth that they're using. i like the little sprinkle of a floaty synth behind it as it seems like there is ghost (positively?) haunting the song, that's why it sounded a bit mystical and isekai-ish. i like that little interlude as it enters verse 2. okay, i now understand why there are people who complained about the lack of a bridge cause this song has the potential to be a more tear-jerker than it is now if there is a bridge.
i will compare this song with bts' spring day (which for me gives off similar vibes, especially with their current situation mirroring bts during their time releasing ynwa). i'm always near in tears whenever i hear spring day ever since it was released and i believe it is because of taehyung's bridge and how the song pays off what it is building throughout the listening experience, especially in the music video version with the added band interlude. deja vu has the potential to be txt's take on spring day (some may say it already is), but, for me, the lack of bridge = lack of payoff = lack of grit to the song. that second interlude with the guitar and added like another set of lyrics can definitely alleviate and add that grit i'm searching for. i also think that maybe strings can also be added to aid the tear-jerking sense of the song. but it is synthy so idk how it will be connected (maybe this is an encouragement to use acoustic/natural sound more than midi). i also think the short pre-verse also contributes to the lack of grit this song potentially has because it hasn't fully develop the transition between the verse and the chorus.
other than that, this is the first hybe song where the vocal processing doesn't sink the vocals into the instrumental (until the deja vu part in the chorus). yeonjun's voice has this yearning in it that is definitely to match the vibe of the song. he is definitely the highlight for me. i'm also not surprised at the lack of beomgyu here because this song is high even for me and especially for the boys. beomgyu's songs are the brooding, darker one but this one is more melancholic to hopeful so it is expected to not hear much of him.
a missed potential to add a freaking heartbreaking bridge and a much more grand departure. if they maybe get more inspirations from aespa's welcome to my world then i can hear the track in its fullest potential.
4.miracle: different types of me hearing the world miracle: (1) life could get better~ (suju's miracle) n (2) i believe in miracle (wayv's miracle).
the start of this song reminds me of bts' love myself before changing to enhypen's tfw. okay, it sounds more like those feel-good pop rock songs kinda like enhypen's orange flower or something that i called "road trip songs". it definitely embraces more of rock txt as it delves into something i usually listen at the start of my alt/indie music listening arc. idk why but hearing the synth synchopation at the verse reminds me of the game i'm currently playing, hyper light drifter (which is one of the sound i associated with my fic, subterranean homesick alien). i like the instrumental break at the part where i can say is the bridge, but maybe like a musical breakdown/slowdown where the song slows as it starts with acapella/minimal instrument before rising to the last chorus (that's a beomgyu part and he will definitely shine in that) and i like the cymbals bash at the end as the song closes out.
5.the killa (i belong to you): okay, guitar ooh the latin sound (which i expected seeing the title). it definitely is riding high (maybe dry) of tinnitus with their latin influence. a more lo-fi reggaeton, unlike tinnitus. tbh idk what to say because this is so similar to tinnitus but a bit mellower with the sensuality. i can feel the sensuality with the harmony. with how similar this song is with tinnitus, it also shares its weakness for it to be too droning especially because of the more lo-fi approach. i also don't know what to say on making this song better because i think it is meant to be a song that drones, like those 70's 12" disco songs that can be played for 10 minutes. maybe, if they consider it, making this song more bossa nova it can give off a more unique feeling. surely a bit more sensual but it sounds more like they are serenading you or something. i can also guess from the fact that this is a yeonbin song that it might even have innuendos in the lyrics. another safe entry for me.
6.quarter life: with the title of quarter life and the fact that this a unit song, i thought that THIS song is the yeonbin song because they are in/approaching their quarter life. so i didn't expect the killa to be their songs while beomtyunkai get this song.
i can definitely hear the same influence of this with miracle. the same inspiration maybe because of its rock vibes. it's like the quintessential coming-of-age song you hear in those american coming-of-age movies (say edge of seventeen, perks of being a wallflower type of movies). i can hear the mid 2010s influence of those feel-good songs but i hate how the song abruptly stops anhajkfhaj pls beomgyu sounds so good at the ending but they just decide to finish it. this song deserves a freaking bridge and too hear tyun belt his voice at the last chorus. ughh why are you making a song that can be 3 minutes long so short? me is mad.
7.deja vu (anemoia remix): even i am intrigued with why they decided to put a remix in the main release instead of a one-off single. but after listening to the song, i definitely understand why.
this version of the song is the one that i'm willing to pay to watch live (but i can't tho cause i'm boycotting hybe) because for me, this song doesn't deserve to have a choreo and i rather watch them sing their hearts out. in a way, this version of the song is the happier ending compared to the original's more melancholic. hearing the main synth being put here in it's original form makes it weird, like, you couldn't adjust the synth with the band background? idk, like make it sound more like an organ instead of an 80's synth.
even though in the context of which one i want to watch live, it's this remix. the original deserves to be the title track because i can't imagine this version of the song having to use the choreo. in kpop sense, using this version as the title track will actually erase the other pivotal part of kpop: the performance aspect. yet, i could definitely see this song being performed in the festival circuit (hopefully they do that)
closing remarks: concept-wise and now sound-wise, the concept photos captures perfectly of what the album sounds like (but i just dislike how the music video is different than the concept photos). other than that, especially coming from freefall, this album is definitely underwhelming for me. did it meet my expectations? it exceeds it actually but i just have the feeling that it isn't optimal enough.
to have txt embracing their pop rock side with soft rock now (especially with balletcore, fantasy, n rocker fallen angels as part of the concept) definitely defines them as the rock representative that i have assigned them too (along with woodz for the more grittier alt sounds and dreamcatcher with the heavy metal rock songs) and it shows in how i think their creative director knows that txt = rock, which validates my txt as a rock band au so much but i digress. this side of rock that they're showing is definitely the rock that can be found on tiktok--those songs you hear in those feel good tiktok which is imo a very beginner-friendly side of rock because of its pop n rnb influence. i also like that they're experimenting with i'll see you tomorrow, especially in the verses but the chorus sounds too generic.
i actually really describing this release their spring incarnate song. it's just a shame that they didn't do more with it. and also 17 min ep for 7 songs? i'm actually mad cause that is a freaking scam and the fact that none, NONE, of the song has sung bridges is just *sighs*
final ranking:
7. - --- -- --- .-. .-. --- .-- (it's literally morse code)
6.the killa (i belong to you) (too droning)
5.quarter life (that abrupt ending makes this drop against miracle even though instrumentally i like this one better)
4.miracle (it feels too safe for me)
3.i'll see you tomorrow (will like it better if they embrace the weirdness instead of making it into the pop mold)
2.deja vu (anemoia remix) (pls don't force the choreo to this one)
1.deja vu
small conclusion: how could it have been if deja vu had the spring day x welcome to my world treatment... just add the life-changing bridge, a chorus of string insturments, and voila: best txt title track. lovesong is still my fav title track but ughh what a missed opportunity. f u hybe and bighit for not taking risks
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timeoverload · 7 months
Today was a pretty easy day for me. I had 29 cases but it wasn't as stressful because they weren't moving too fast. Nothing bad happened except I still haven't found that muscle hook. Hopefully it turns up tomorrow. I was happy that I got to eat breakfast and lunch and it wasn't terrible.
I did get very angry with the morning team lead earlier. He started telling me how he feels about trans people and I do not agree with his opinions. I told him I didn't want to have a debate about it but he wouldn't stop so I sort of blew up on him. He was telling me that he thinks trans people are mentally ill and he refuses to treat them with respect because he doesn't believe in that. He's always preaching about God and going to church every Sunday but obviously it hasn't taught him how to be a compassionate person. I remember a verse from the bible that says, "Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself." I think he needs to read the book again. I believe if God exists then they created trans people and Jesus loves everyone. They have always existed and it's not a trend. He tried to argue that they are just "seeking attention" but I don't believe that's the case. I think all humans can be attention seeking and that's just the way we are. He needs to stop hating people just because he doesn't understand them. He said that we will have to agree to disagree and I was so mad that I had to leave the room. I also don't think that was an appropriate conversation to be having at work period. I don't want to be forced to be around a transphobic asshole. I barely said a word to him the rest of the day. He says so many horrible things and thinks it's funny. I don't think he realizes how mean he is. He was talking about one of the surgical techs and couldn't remember her name so he referred to her as "the ugly bridge troll". He makes so many disrespectful comments about women. He told me he would leave his fiancée if she didn't shave her legs and I think that's shallow as fuck. He believes a man should make all of the decisions in a relationship and I don't agree with him. He is just so rude and has the biggest ego. He's always pissed about something. I know I have been complaining about him a lot but I am forced to spend hours of my life working with him by myself. I hate coming in to work in the morning now. I think maybe karma is starting to catch up with him because he has been having a lot of bad things happen to him. He has been having a health issue and may need to go on leave. I don't want anything bad to happen to him just because I don't like him but it would be nice to not be around him for a while. He said he is going to come back to work the next day after his procedure because he "lives to work". He's crazy and irresponsible. He also spends at least half of his day talking instead of working anyway. I already know his doctor isn't going to let him do that. He thinks it's fine for him to come in to work anyway and is expecting everyone else to wait on him and bring him stuff to do while he sits. I'm not doing that and that's a bad idea for so many reasons. I really need to stop talking about him but I have been bottling it up and he has been driving me bonkers. I am going to try to stay away from him as much as possible. I'm sorry for going on a rant.
Anyway, there was an add-on at 4:15 and that didn't get done until 4:45. I didn't leave on time because it took me a while to get everything cleaned up but it's ok. I'm so glad I'm home and that it's almost the weekend. I am feeling strange right now. I think I might be getting sick but I can't tell. I have a sore throat but it's not that bad so maybe I will feel better in the morning. I am very tired and achy though. I'm sorry I haven't been on here as much. It's hard to use my phone at work and when I get home I am so sleepy. I am probably going to order a new phone on Friday. I have fallen asleep several times lately with the light on and my keyboard in my lap. I think I need to go eat something really quick and get ready for bed. I need to relax because I have 32 cases tomorrow and it might be a rough day but I hope it isn't. I don't like Thursdays very much but I will try my best to make it a good day.
I hope everyone else has a wonderful day tomorrow!!! Thank you for listening to me vent because that means a lot to me. Talking about stuff usually helps me feel better. I love you all!!! :) 💖💖💖
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ako-udagawa-official · 7 months
@aroace-polysho hi venus idk how tf to work sekaipedia and im on my phone at work so im doing stories here. translation by puroeng
Ch1 Disturbing Notification
25:00 ; Kanade’s room
Kanade: I guess I was right to lower the bass. The melody really does stand out now.
Mafuyu's lyrics seems to fit too.
Next is the C meoldy...
Mafuyu: [...I'm off now.]
Kanade: [Ah... okay.]
Ena: [Eh, already? Just a little longer can't you?]
Mafuyu: [... I've finished my work for today and I may worry my mom so...]
[Instead, I think I'll login and start work early tomorrow.]
Kande: [...Understood. Then I'll have the next demo finished earlier, too.]
Mafuyu: [Really?]
Kanade: [Yeah, all that's left to do is the fine-tuning.]
Mafuyu: [Got it. I'm waiting for it.]
Kanade: [Ah...]
flashback to sekai
Miku: Mafuyu looks relieved when she's making songs with you all.
flashforeward to current
Kanade: Yeah
<everyone does that lil nod thing>
Mafuyu: [See you tomorrow...]
Kanade: [Yeah, goodnight...]
Kanade: ........
Kanade: (I haven't made a song that can save Mafuyu yet.)
(But... If spending time making songs like this can be of help to Mafuyu-)
(Let's keep it up. And then one day, I'll surely-)
the next day ; Asahina's living room
Mafuyu: Then,I'm going now mom.
Mafumom: Take care... Oh, you have bags under your eyes.
Did you study too hard last night? Don't push yourself too hard, okay?
Mafuyu: Ah, you're right. It was fun solving the puzzle, so I was completely engrossed.
I'll be off early today, so it's okay. I'm off, then.
Mafumom: ...Mafuyu is always eager to study, isn't she?
Mafuyu: I want to try it... making music.
Mafumom: (Someday, it'll be too late to regret it...)
Mafuyu's room
Mafumom: (...Not in this folder, either.)
I think there might be some music data somewhere, but I can't find it.
But Mafuyu is smart, so maybe she's trying not to be found.
Apparently, there's something called a hidden folder. Let's look for it a little more.
--As I thought.
In this folder... an illustration, and is this... a verse? Oh?
chat: [I'm going to be off. I'll give the progress of the illustration.] [I've got the video content ready too. Please look at it later!] [Thank you both, I'll check it out.]
Mafumom: ....This is a chat tool.
(I can't believe she uses this stuff... Maybe this is where she's making her music related contacts.)
Yuki: [I've sent over the lyrics.]
Mafumom: ... this yuki one is Mafuyu.
The message was sent at one in the morning.
Mafumom: Did you study too hard last night? Don't push yourself too hard, okay?
Mafuyu: Ah, you're right. It was fun solving the puzzle, so I was completely engrossed.
Mafumom: ..........
K: [This new demo is ready. Yuki, I'd appreciate if you think you can work on it.]
Mafumom: .....K.....
I see, this is the kid making the song.
Kanade: (...Dad looked fine today.)
(He still didn't remember anything about me after all, but...)
(But, I'm glad I could talk to him even just a little.)
....Alright, once I get home I'll work my best on the song.
(It's good that I could finish the demo early. Mafuyu's about to go home too-)
....Huh? Whats this notification?
A friend request on Nightcord?
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serenescribe · 1 year
got tagged by @kimium in a music tag game here (thank you, kim!) and i figured i may as well get this post written before the next twst update drops tomorrow and permanently alters my brain chemistry q-q
rules: post 5 songs you actually listen to, and tag 10 of your followers/mutuals (except i def don’t have that many people to tag TT)
i freaking love music with all my heart and soul so uhh— time to tangent! under the cut. this got long. just scroll past if you didn’t follow me for this shit ahfndhgdgf
1. bathroom community by glass beach (pinkshift cover)
i stumbled upon this song earlier this year thanks to spotify (yes, i actually look at what they recommend! i need more songs!) and god. GOD. this song has held me in a choke hold since i first listened to it. i desperately want to create an oc from this song, or a story of some sort; the story it paints with its lyrics just has so much goddamn potential for a character.
i love singing this song, even if i can’t sing very well. it’s just a lot of fun, with how intense it is! plus the lyrics... god, the lyrics. i usually like to gravitate to songs with more vague lyrics, but something about this song really soothes that teenage version of me tucked away somewhere in my soul, still angsting about the world.
i think my favourite line is this one, in the second verse — “he said you’ll never be okay if you don’t come to your senses / with you, everything’s the end of the world.” though “flipping through a spiral notebook for some / sad, hopeless words to turn into a liturgy” slaps hard too.
2. everybody’s falling in love by *repeat repeat
oh, i have a fic idea i long to write with this one. actually, i have an oc story (which is its own thing i won’t talk about) based on this song, but i have a fic idea i want to write too. this song just evokes so much whimsy of people falling in love, a constant spiral of romance! and it brings to mind a soulmate au — except instead of soulmate marks already existing and being common knowledge, they just... suddenly appear. which leads to a spiral of people figuring it out, relationship drama — what if two people who were dating aren’t soulmates? people who were platonic who suddenly get marks for each other? who gets together? who doesn’t? i’unno, i’m like... relationship introspection extraordinaire. might be a silly idea now that i’ve typed it out, but it’d be fun.
ah— for the song itself... yeah, it’s light on the lyrics, but like i said, it’s whimsical! it’s fun! i love the announcement at the start to really set the scene — this is a stage, and people falling in love is the show for everyone’s entertainment. yeah, it’s just— it’s a fun song. i don’t have much else to say.
3. sex sells by lovejoy
oh... (longing sigh) this song.
i listen to it a lot whenever i’m in a depressed funk. it just resonates with me a lot; the lyrics remind me of being second place to someone else, of a relationship slipping, that kind of thing. actually, the fact that i haven’t listened to it as much lately is probably a sign of my improving mental health (HA!)
i conceived a fic au before based off this song before — for a different fandom, not twst. it’s kind of shelved, i might turn it into an oc story instead because i still like the concept. but the inspiration i drew from this song turned into a very complex introspection of a close relationship (think childhood friends to lovers) crumbling and shattering under jealousy, envy, et cetera, et cetera. wrote like, one short ficlet off that? never posted it, but i’m still happy with it.
ah... lyrics. yeah, this one’s obvious; my favourite line is “how’s it feel to be so loved yet so alone?”
4. poplar st. by glass animals
was struggling between a lot of songs (how do you expect me to pick just FIVE?!) but considering how a line from poplar st. is literally my blog title on my main... figured it was a no brainer to include it. i wish i could convey my thoughts and feelings on this song, but this is one of the very rare few songs where, if you asked me to tell you what i like about it, i’d be stumped.
i’m not good with identifying instruments or explaining any of that, but the almost dreamy atmosphere of poplar st. hooks me splendidly. the vocals fit beautifully, to the point where they blend with the music and almost seem hard to pick out. i like how the song seems to tinge with darkness and fragment as it goes on — both lyrically and musically. it just scratches a lot of itches for me. would love to try writing something based off it someday? might just be oc stuff though, given the lyrics.
lyrics... the whole chorus slaps. it’s so lovely. all the lines about flowers, and then “i am a true romantic / free falling love addict” just tops it off beautifully <3
5. schoolin’ by everything everything
ah... hahaha.
not to sound cringe on main but if i had to ascribe a song to myself, it would be this one. my friends know — oh, they know — just how much schoolin’ resonates with me. if i divulged all my thoughts here, this post would turn into a criminally long essay, so i’ll exercise restraint for now.
like, i genuinely think this song permanently altered my brain chemistry. so much of it just resonate with me — the scathing observations, the metaphors slamming society, the absolute raging emotions in the voice of the singer, the resentment brimming just underneath. it’s a song about mistakes, it’s a song about learning from them or not, it’s a song about conformity and education and straying or conforming to it. it’s a song about questioning the world and ripping apart the people who are too scared to do so. it’s a wickedly poetic song once you rip apart and dissect every little bit of the lyrics, and i fucking love it with all my heart and soul.
too many lyrics in this song. and yet i have always known my favourite lines. “so learn me anything good / and teach me something that works.” there’s something about that that clicks with me so deeply. a single, scathing request: let me learn anything useful at all, and teach me something that can work for me.
also shoutout to the entire coda (outro) of the song for being the best 1m 50s of my life.
tagging: @llondonfog @olivebranch311 @pitruli @digdeepergravedigger09 @lakuronekobaka @pixelfun20 @reubeam @0rchidm4ntis (cheating? by also tagging friends who follow my main but not this sideblog? sue me. also i hope y’all are ok w being tagged in this HGFNDHGDF sorry if youre not ;;; just ignore if that’s the case)
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