#verse.   the seven c's
campbenji · 11 months
Kenji is so mirrorball and seven coded I said what I said
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akkivee · 1 year
hypmic’s fun because you have lyrical phrases that obviously do reference between characters like dice and otome’s ‘do or die’ or the ‘beef’ between rei and ichijiku lmao and does serve some purpose!!!
and then you have stuff like dice rapping about ‘hell or heaven’ in his first solo and rei and kuukou both with a ‘kick and snare’ verse and wonder if that’s supposed to be anything lmao
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sins-of-the-sea · 1 year
//Uh oh.
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girlgenius1111 · 11 days
one of your girls part 3
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part 1 part 2 alexia x jenni x leila x reader. jenni takes her turn. smut 18+. part of the rush verse @vixwritesagain ... for context: Read Part One here Read Part Two here Read Part Three here Read Part Four here Read Part Five here Read Part Six here Read Part Seven here Read Part Eight here
Though her lips were kind on your shoulder blade, her victorious smile was anything but. Alexia spoke lowly, a quiet thing only aimed at you. “Since you like your girlfriend’s cock so much more, you can come on hers later.”
Another five seconds of listening to your whimpers, then Alexia stood up. She was quick to let go of your wrists and pull out entirely.
Twitching, you pressed your hands to the cold surface and found a little room to breathe through the sensation. 
Meanwhile, the room was quiet but for the buzz of the A/C. 
Jenni could tell how pleased Alexia was with herself when the midfielder turned around to face her. Rising from where she was comfortably reclined on the bed, the striker couldn’t help but smile. 
“Your turn.” Alexia grinned back, moving to take her girlfriend’s spot on the bed. Jenni grabbed the blonde’s hand before she could pass, running a finger over a scratch mark on Alexia’s abdomen that you didn’t remember leaving. Jenni’s eyes found Ale’s, and the younger woman couldn’t help the way she preened a bit under the proud gaze of her girlfriend. 
“Lo hiciste muy bien, amor.” Jenni murmured, taking a moment to gently grab a displaced strand of Alexia’s hair and tuck it behind her ear. The gesture was dripping with affection, but Alexia focused only on the smile on Jenni’s face; the smile that signified the brunette was very happy with her girlfriend at the moment. 
“I am not done.” Alexia whispered, the words just loud enough for you to hear. “Go fast. I want it to be my turn again.” 
Jenni threw her head back and laughed, the sound echoing through the otherwise quiet room. It felt like only a second later that the forward was resting a hand on your back, delighting in the small whimper you let out. 
“Jenni.” You groaned, allowing the older woman to pull you up and over, so that you were sitting on the desk facing her. 
“Hi.” She smiled, brushing some hair away from your face. 
“Your girlfriend is insane.” 
Jenni chuckled, stepping in between your legs and easing you closer to the edge of the desk. “And that is my fault?” 
“You know it is.” 
“Mm. I am not crazy, cari.” She argued, hands trailing up and down your sides in a soothing manner. 
Her lips caught your eye, so close to your own. As if reading your mind, her tongue ran across them, leaving a faint sheen behind. “No. Promise.” 
It was simultaneous, both of you moving in towards each other until your lips met. It was unusually soft, and while Jenni told herself it was just because you needed her to take it slow, the truth made itself known in the way you each melted into the other. Jenni’s arms around your back, your own linked behind her neck, you both pressing into each other until it was skin on skin. So close to each other that the momentarily forgotten strap brushed against your core. You whimpered, a pathetic sound that was just barely muffled by Jenni’s mouth on yours. 
“Sorry.” She mumbled against your lips. Her eyes cracked open to check on you, but you were already leaning forward again. You ignored the apology, chasing her lithe body as it pulled back and wrapping your legs around her midsection. Her hair was pulled up into a bun, and you gently unwound the hair tie until it gave way. The dark strands tumbled down around her shoulder, your fingers promptly weaving into them. 
The two of you kissed for a while, long past what was probably expected from the other two in the room. You didn’t feel like pulling away. Not when Jenni’s soft skin felt so comforting against yours. Not when it had been so long since you’d had her like this. It wasn’t the passion that had been missing from your encounters, it was the tranquillity that couldn’t exist when there was more than just the two of you. 
When you did break away, you didn’t go far. You kept your forehead pressed to hers. “Jen, I-” 
“I know.” She assured you. It wasn’t necessary to hear you say the words; she’d known a millisecond before you’d broken the kiss what you were going to ask for. One of her hands moved from where it cradled your back to slip in between the two of you, finding the strap that was pressed in between both of your bodies. “Do you need-?”
“Just need you.” You gasped, tucking your head into the crook of her neck as she nudged the tip against you. Jenni took care to shift your hips, angling herself in just right. 
“Dios mió,” She groaned, pushing in gradually until she was buried inside. The soft cry that tumbled from your lips was unlike any other sound you’d made so far. It was needy, and you were acutely aware of that fact as you bit down on the firm muscle of Jenni’s shoulder. 
Her hand stroked up your back to cradle your head against her. She let you breathe, pressing her lips to your temple softly. When you eventually pulled back, it was impossible not to get lost in her stare. “Lista?” 
“Yes.” You murmured back, leaning in to capture her lips once again. 
The first roll of her hips had you moaning into her mouth. You could feel the smile she tried to fight, but you couldn’t be irritated when her hands started to wander. Jenni began at the small of your back, tracing gentle patterns with her fingertips. She ran down your sides, stroking at your thighs where they curved around your hips but never dipping inside. 
She worked slowly, rocking into you with a fluidity which made it easy to get lost in the rhythm of her kisses and forget about how well she filled you. Everywhere she touched tingled. 
“Oh my god, Jen.” You breathed, reaching down to hold her waist. Underneath your fingers, you could feel the gentle shift of her muscle giving pass after pass. 
You ducked your head, pressing your lips to her neck, then her shoulder. It took a few seconds to find the spot which made her sigh, a little up from her collarbone, a little down from the sharp jut of her jaw. You licked first to be sure, then mouthed when her fingertips flexed on your thigh. 
She was quick to get you back, licking filthily into your mouth and chasing your kisses with her own until you whined. Only when you gasped at the pleasured shivers she sent up your spine did she pull back. Still, she was so close. Her hair tickled at your chest as she leaned into you. 
It was so quiet when you closed your eyes, just Jenni’s gentle grunts and the slick slide of her skin against yours. Your hands wandered, trailing along bare skin until you held her tenderly. The rock of her hips inside was steady enough for your own to tilt. With every pass, Jenni brushed against your clit. 
With nothing else to focus on, she filled every sense. The taste of her, how her hair smelled fresh from her shower, touching all the tiny marks on her skin you’d memorised so well you could trace them with your eyes closed. 
Her tongue dragged over your neck. You could feel her when you stretched back and let her have you however she wanted. Most satisfying, you relaxed into the sound of the muffled moans she’d breathe out intermittently. 
Jenni just knew where to touch and what to do. You could feel yourself smiling between her kisses, running on nothing but instinct and feeling. Chasing every roll of her hips with a touch of your own, coaxing her to feel as good as she did you. 
The tension she built caught you by surprise. It wasn’t a focus until she moaned herself and changed the pattern. Just a fraction harder, but still as fluid. 
“Fuck.” You breathed, loathe to break the tranquillity with anything too loud. 
Jenni nodded into your neck before one of her hands cradled your cheek. Her forehead pressed gently to yours. 
Your whole body shivered, making you cling to her. “I’m so…” You tried, but the feeling of her made it hard to think. 
The striker hummed before she leaned in to let your lips brush. 
You managed half a second before your own parted in a low moan. Jenni stayed close, shifting her hips just a little deeper now. Her own groan was caught in your mouth. 
Brain blank of anything but her, it went on and on. Over and over. Wet and panting, breathing in each other’s air until you weren’t sure if the high would ever end. 
All it took was a sharp snap. “Don’t let her come.”
Jenni jolted immediately at her girlfriend’s call. A moment of silence, then she was still. She had the decency to pull you close, letting you burrow your head in her neck while you whined needily. 
For a long time, the feeling of her cock inside and her skin pressed to your clit kept you right there. A few little rocks would have done it, but your limbs clung to her so tightly that moving even one of them would have been a challenge. You tried to focus on the whir of the A/C and the occasional shift of bedsheets over her shoulder to calm yourself, but the sounds just kept coming. There was arousal, yes, but also a hint of embarrassment at losing yourself so completely. 
Jenni tried to move first, shifting her torso with every intention of pulling out and creating space. 
At the first movement, you clamped your limbs around her, whining as she shifted inside.
Soothing hands were slow to stroke at your skin. When Jenni spoke, it was the quietest you’d ever heard her. A husky, mumbled thing just for you. “Be good. I want to see you come tonight.” 
one more to go!! this part and the next part are tied for being my favorites so do with that what you will :)
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chinesehanfu · 29 days
[Hanfu · 漢服]Chinese Warring States period(475–221 BC) Traditional Clothing Hanfu-Life of Qu Yuan(屈原)
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【Historical Artifact Reference】:
China Warring States period (475-221 BC):Silk painting depicting a man riding a dragon (人物御龍帛畫)
it was discovered in the Zidanku Tomb no. 1 in Changsha, Hunan Province in 1973. Now in the Hunan Museum
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A man with a sword is riding a dragon by holding the rein. The dragon's body was given the shape of a boat. A little egret is standing at the tail of the dragon. A carp under the dragon is leading the way. The umbrella in the top middle of the picture shows the owner's nobility. The work has become associated with the Chu poet Qu Yuan’s famous verse from his poem Shejiang (涉江, Setting foot in the river), ‘Carrying a long sword with weird colour; Wearing a qieyun–styled high cap.” (帶長鋏之陸離兮, 冠切雲之崔嵬)
Western Zhou Dynasty seven-huang jade pendant with linked beads/西周七璜联珠组玉佩
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About Qu Yuan(屈原)
Qu Yuan (c. 340 BC – 278 BC)was a Chinese poet and aristocrat in the State of Chu during the Warring States period. He is known for his patriotism and contributions to classical poetry and verses, especially through the poems of the Chu Ci anthology (also known as The Songs of the South or Songs of Chu): a volume of poems attributed to or considered to be inspired by his verse writing. Together with the Shi Jing, the Chu Ci is one of the two greatest collections of ancient Chinese verse. He is also remembered in connection to the supposed origin of the Dragon Boat Festival.
Historical details about Qu Yuan's life are few, and his authorship of many Chu Ci poems has been questioned at length.[4] However, he is widely accepted to have written "The Lament," a Chu Ci poem. The first known reference to Qu Yuan appears in a poem written in 174 BC by Jia Yi, an official from Luoyang who was slandered by jealous officials and banished to Changsha by Emperor Wen of Han. While traveling, he wrote a poem describing the similar fate of a previous "Qu Yuan."Eighty years later, the first known biography of Qu Yuan's life appeared in Han dynasty historian Sima Qian's Records of the Grand Historian, though it contains a number of contradictory details.
Life of Qu Yuan(屈原)
The only surviving source of information on Qu Yuan's life is Sima Qian's biography of him in Records of the Grand Historian (Shiji), although the biography is circumstantial and probably influenced greatly by Sima's own identification with Qu.Sima wrote that Qu was a member of the Chu royal clan and served as an official under King Huai of Chu (reigned 328–299 BC).
During the early days of King Huai's reign, Qu Yuan was serving the State of Chu as its Left Minister. However, King Huai exiled Qu Yuan to the region north of the Han River, because corrupt ministers slandered him and influenced the king.Eventually, Qu Yuan was reinstated and sent on a diplomatic mission to the State of Qi. He tried to resume relations between Chu and Qi, which King Huai had broken under the false pretense of King Hui of Qin to cede territory near Shangyu.
During King Qingxiang's reign, Prime Minister Zilan slandered Qu Yuan.[9] This caused Qu Yuan's exile to the regions south of the Yangtze River. It is said that Qu Yuan returned first to his home town. In his exile, he spent much of this time collecting legends and rearranging folk odes while traveling the countryside. Furthermore, he wrote some of the greatest poetry in Chinese literature and expressed deep concerns about his state. According to legend, his anxiety brought him to an increasingly troubled state of health. During his depression, he would often take walks near a certain well to look upon his thin and gaunt reflection in the water. This well became known as the "Face Reflection Well." On a hillside in Xiangluping (at present-day Zigui County, Hubei Province), there is a well that is considered to be the original well from the time of Qu Yuan.
In 278 BC, learning of the capture of his country's capital, Ying, by General Bai Qi of the state of Qin, Qu Yuan is said to have collected folktales and written the lengthy poem of lamentation called "Lament for Ying". Eventually, he committed suicide by wading into the Miluo River in today's Hunan Province while holding a rock. The reason why he took his life remained controversial and was argued by Chinese scholars for centuries. Typical explanations including martyrdom for his deeply beloved but falling motherland, which was suggested by the philosopher Zhu Xi of the Song dynasty, or feeling extreme despair to the situation of the politics in Chu while his lifelong political dream would never be realized. But according to "Yu Fu," widely considered to be written by Qu himself or at least, a person who was very familiar with Qu, his suicide was an ultimate way to protect his innocence and life principles.[citation needed]
Qu Yuan is said to have expressed his love for the ruling monarch, King Huai of Chu, through several of this works, including "The Lament" and "Longing for Beauty".
Dragon Boat Festival/端午节
Popular legend has it that villagers carried their dumplings and boats to the middle of the river and desperately tried to save Qu Yuan after he immersed himself in the Miluo but were too late to do so. However, in order to keep fish and evil spirits away from his body, they beat drums and splashed the water with their paddles, and they also threw rice into the water both as a food offering to Qu Yuan's spirit and also to distract the fish away from his body. However, the legend continues, that late one night, the spirit of Qu Yuan appeared before his friends and told them that he died because he had taken himself under the river. Then, he asked his friends to wrap their rice into three-cornered silk packages to ward off the dragon.
These packages became a traditional food known as zongzi, although the lumps of rice are now wrapped in leaves instead of silk. The act of racing to search for his body in boats gradually became the cultural tradition of dragon boat racing, held on the anniversary of his death every year. Today, people still eat zongzi and participate in dragon boat races to commemorate Qu Yuan's sacrifice on the fifth day of the fifth month of the traditional lunisolar Chinese calendar.
Recreation Work by : @晴南
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devilmen-collector · 4 months
Solomon/MC - the Pope of Hell
C/W: religious theme, spoilers of the main story up to chapter 5 of the main story.
Note: calling Solomon "Pope of Hell" doesn't mean his dynamic and relationship with the devils are exactly the same with the relationship between the Pope and other Catholics. The same applies in the case of MC, who is Solomon's successor.
To begin, after reading the main story, I started to notice some interesting similarities between the Pope and Solomon, enough to make me write this post from the sentiment of my religious heart.
I. The Keys
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Christ Giving the Keys to Saint Peter, fresco, Pietro Perugino, 1481-82.
Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give to thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven. And whatsoever thou shalt bind upon earth, it shall be bound also in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose upon earth, it shall be loosed also in heaven. Matthew 16:18-19 DRB
So we have Christ giving Peter the keys to the kingdom of Heaven. From this very Scripture verses comes the well-known symbol of the Papacy, two crossed keys, one gold and another silver, under the triple tiara. The silver key symbolizes the power "to bind and loose" on earth, while the golden key symbolizes the power "to bind and loose" on Heaven.
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Now returning to the lore we are given in the game. It's mentioned that Solomon had 2 "Keys". One Lesser Key he left in Hell, and one Greater Key crafted by God.
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Chapter 4, Stage 29 - the Holy Grail of God that Betrayed God
So I began to make a connection between the two images. The Lesser Key with St. Peter's silver key, which symbolizes papal power and authority on earth, which is lesser than Heaven; and the Greater Key with the golden key, which symbolizes papal power and authority on Heaven, which is the greater of the two.
Yes, the devils did mention a "third Key". However, they were only making a hypothesis on Solomon's disappearance. And given the likely reality that Solomon is physical deceased after his disappearance, the third Key probably doesn't exist and there are only two Keys. The fact that there are two key currencies in-game solidifies this theory, at least for now.
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Story 4-29
II. The Power to Crown the Emperor
In the game, we know that at the end, MC has to choose one devil among the Seven Deadly Sins and 72 nobles and makes him the "Emperor of Hell", "the king of kings", "the Final Temptation" who will rule all of Hell.
"With your own hands" make me thing MC has to literally put a crown on the head of the devil whom they chose. But that's just my personal theory.
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Chapter 1, Story 45 - the Contract is Broken
Now return to history, in the Medieval Age, kings were crowned by a bishop/archbishop of a prominent see in his country on their Coronation Day. However, there's one monarch who has to be crowned by the Pope. That's the Holy Roman Emperor.
Before being crowned by the Pope, the Emperor could not style himself as "Emperor", but only a "king", the exact title being "King of the Romans". Only after the Pope put the imperial crown on their head did the Emperor call himself "Holy Roman Emperor". This remained the case until 1508 when Pope Julius II permitted Maximilian I to use the title "Emperor Elect" with coronation by the hands of the Pope. Before that, like his predecessors before coronation, Maximilian I was only styled "King of the Romans". Even Napoleon knew that and had to get the Pope to officiate his coronation as the Emperor of the French, even though he raised the crown on his head himself.
The difference lies in the fact that unlike the Emperor of Hell, who will rule all the 7 nations of Hell, the Holy Roman Emperor in real life didn't have the power to rule other independent kingdoms in Europe, like France or England. However, being the Emperor, he was the most prominent Catholic monarch across Europe. Still, I believe I have proved the similarity here: Pope crowned an Emperor, MC will also crown one.
III. Tongue
The third similarity I see lies in the traditional way of how Catholics received Holy Communion (or the Eucharist), which is receiving on the tongue. And to do that in a correct way, Catholics need to kneel down and stick the tongue out a little bit.
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Maybe it's just me but when I saw the CGs where MC break the contracts with the devils. I immediately thought of this image because I saw some similarities.
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To have their contracts broken, the devils also kneel down and stick their tongues out. And if they stick their tongues out to break the contracts, could it be possible that when they first made contracts with Solomon, they also knelt down and stuck their tongues out to receive the pattern, just similar to how Catholics receive the Eucharist in the traditional way?
IV. Relationships with two powerful sides
In the fourth century, the Roman Empire converted to Christianity and gradually abandoning paganism. The Byzantine Empire was the successor of this great empire. The Byzantine Empire was Christian throughout its history. However, on more than one occasions, this empire showed disrespect and even violence to the Pope, the Head of the Christian Church, whom they were supposed to protect and honor. One Pope, St. Silverius was even murdered by the Byzantine conspiracy. Slowly, the Pope knew he couldn't trust or rely on the Byzantine anymore, so he sought help from the Frankish, whose king was Charlemagne, and Charlemagne's successor was the Holy Roman Emperor.
In a similar way, we have the powerful angels hating Solomon for gaining God's favor. They even tried to kill all of his descendants, including MC. As God's messengers and servants, they should have been the ones to protect Solomon and his descendants, but they did the contrary. Now to survive, MC has to rely on the other powerful faction, the devils.
Solomon and MC mirror St. Peter/the Pope/Papacy
Angels mirrors the unfaithful Byzantine Empire
Devils mirror the Frankish/Holy Roman Empire and other Western European kingdoms, by allusion
Another point is that just like the historical relationship between the Pope with the Holy Roman Empire and other Western kingdoms, the relationship between MC and the devils is not always smooth and well. Mammon once thought he was MC's owner at first, just like how kings and Emperors of the West thought they could keep the Papacy under their control, or Leviathan and his Hades nobles kidnapping and trying to kill MC, just like how the Pope was a prisoner and had his life endangered by a particular Western kingdom for a long time and on more than one occasions.
Well, that's all to my ramble (possibly being delulu like Sitri) but thank you for reading it all to the end :3
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uwmspeccoll · 3 months
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Tragically Greek
This 1955 edition of Oedipus the King, written by Sophocles, features the original Greek text alongside the English verse translation. Offering a rich, immersive reading experience results from hard work, dedication, and creative minds coming together to create this masterpiece.
Jan van Krimpen (1892-1958), Dutch typographer, book designer, and type designer, designed the two typefaces. The Greek type is named “Antigone,” and the English type is called “Romulus.” The translator for this work was Francis Storr (1839-1919), a British classicist, translator, and teacher.
The paper was specially manufactured at the historic Dutch Pannekoek Papermill, a mill with a rich history that unfortunately met its end in a fire in 1944. This exclusive feature adds a touch of rarity to your reading experience. Printed in the offices of Johannes Enschedé, under the supervision of Mijnheer van Krimpen, it was for the members of the Limited Editions Club. 
Adding to the richness of this edition is the detailed and insightful introduction provided by Pulitzer Prize winner Thornton Wilder (1897-1975), American playwright, novelist, and native of Madison, WI. His esteemed perspective offers an enlightening preface to the classic tale.
The illustrations are black and terra-cotta wood engravings designed by Greek artist Demetrios Galanis (1879-1966). He was the trailblazer of modern Greek engraving and was once touted as one of the greatest living Greek artists at the time of the book’s release. 
Sophocles (c. 497/496 – winter 406/405 BC) was an ancient Greek playwright born in Colonus near Athens. He is one of the three great tragedians of classical Athens, along with Aeschylus and Euripides. Sophocles wrote over 120 plays during his lifetime, although only seven have survived in their entirety. His works are characterized by their complex characters, well-crafted plots, and profound exploration of moral and philosophical themes. 
Among his most famous plays is the tragedy Oedipus the King. The story is about Oedipus, the king of Thebes, who tries to uncover the truth behind a plague that has struck his city. In doing so, he discovers that he himself is responsible for the plague, having unknowingly killed his father and married his mother. The play delves into themes of fate, free will, and the consequences of one's actions.
-Melissa, Special Collections Classics Intern
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faindri · 2 months
Roan's Trigun Fic Recs
It's Trigun Fanfic Appreciation Week, hosted by @trigunfanfic. So to start off, I'm going to share some of my favorite fanfics! (If you saw the first version of this post, no you didn't LOL)
These are ordered by ship and rating! I don't have the brainpower to create a little comment on every single one, but source: trust me bro, they are Good.
Hopefully I didn't miss any! I combed through my bookmark list a billion times. =w=
Saving Grace by Anon -- Not Rated | Monster Vash agenda
Breaking News: A Creechur Has Been Spotted by InfiniteInMystery -- General | Gamer Meryl AU
gun safety by beelzebby666 -- Teen | Trans Vash!
what a shame by eomma_jpeg -- Teen | college AU
Sea Foam by Squid789 -- Teen | Merfolk AU
Memories on Film by FullCry -- Explicit
Growing Truths by wormlover69 -- Explicit | this is just porn lol
OVER EASY! by kissable_cryptid -- Explicit | ovi/eggs
Hallowboned by RevenantPoet -- Teen | Fallen Angel AU told in narrative poetry style!
Even If I’m Alone In The World, I Will Not Stray From The Path I Have Chosen by InfiniteMystery -- Teen (but pls mind the tags)
A Multitude of Sins by DespiteWhatShouldBeOtherwise -- Mature | Ancient Magnus Bride AU but it's kind of it's own thing!
Like Eden by RevenantPoet -- Explicit | VW h/c that turns into frottage
You Can't Make an Omelet Without Breaking a Few Laws of Physics by tenshinokorin -- Explicit | ovi/egg cw, crack fic
Till Forever Falls Apart by ChaoticBuka -- Explicit | Wolfwood lives but there's a twist
Seven Feet Tall by Badum_tsh -- Teen | Meryl character study
through the deep dark forest long by dingusmaximus -- Mature | Princess Mononoke inspired AU
sometimes it's heaven sent (we kiss, make up on the way) by dingusmaximus -- Explicit | pushing daisies AU
maybe my heart needs to break to be sure by lilith_writes -- Rated Explicit | mpreg / miscarriage cw
Lend Me A Hand In Exchange For Emotional Support by InfiniteInMystery -- Explicit | Meryl-centric
Fire on the Mountain by Yuku_Laylee -- Explicit | cryptid Vash!
heart on ripped sleeves by inkpot_gods -- Explicit | a Stryfewood/Mashwood series based on Tristamp-verse
Preaching to the Choir by Yuku_laylee -- Explicit | childhood frienemies AU, A/B/O dynamics in the last half
Sun, Moon, and Stars by tragic_unpaired_electron -- Teen | Tesla lives AU!!
warmer tomorrow, with a high of 91ºF by inpot_gods -- Mature | Meryl & Roberto character study
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truly-twirls · 29 days
takeout or duffle bags? - c. beomgyu
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Word Count: 1,328
Warnings: Slight food mention, Relationship issues idk
Characters: Choi Beomgyu, Choi Soobin
Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Bittersweet(?) Ending
AO3 Link
You wanted to leave. Right here, right now.
You couldn’t stand feeling like a shadow that he walked past every single damn time. It was insulting at this point.
There was a point in time when you truly believed that your relationship was strong enough to get through thick and thin.
Beomgyu made you believe that, anyways.
Lately, you’ve seen him maybe twice a week if you’re lucky. But that was well after midnight and you were already in bed, few words were exchanged as he fell asleep immediately after changing.
He stopped leaving notes or texts for you to wake up to in the mornings, no updates throughout the day unless he was going out of town.
To be fair, you weren’t much different. You stayed in your office several hours a day, seven days a week. It used to be due to major projects coming in where you would take the lead on. Now, it’s because you couldn’t stand to sit alone in that apartment longer than you needed to.
How the hell did we get here?
Both you and Beomgyu used to text each other often, expressing each other’s excitement to share a meal, or meet each other for multiple dates throughout the month.
Nothing is ever planned anymore. Everything is last minute, quick, and most painfully: quiet.
You yearned to hear Beomgyu’s laugh, or his teasing, just something. Anything had to be better than this standoff between the two of you that seemed to have no clear beginning nor end.
However, you were not the only one suffering. You could feel it. Beomgyu was also feeling the heaviness of the atmosphere within your two-year relationship.
Beomgyu has been shutting himself in his studio, his only company being instruments and speakers at full blast. But he was rarely able to come up with anything tangible, just simple beats or verses that went nowhere.
He felt like he was slowly trickling into a puddle far below him, unable to do anything about it but watch. Words left him any time he saw you, and he watched as what the two of you built together crumbled apart.
The other members tried to reach out and understand how he was feeling but Beomgyu gave them nothing.
He gave you nothing.
He lost the ability to go to you with his worries some time ago. He wanted to come across it again, he missed being able to.
At this point in time, it appeared that neither of you had anything else to give to each other. Just solemn silence.
“Are you two going to end things?”
That was a question you heard from the members, your friends, and quite literally anyone who knew of the situation.
Of course you didn’t want to end things, that was the last thing you wanted. And you hoped Beomgyu felt the same, but your options were beginning to disappear.
Plus you weren’t sure if your heart could bear much more of this. Very few threads still connected the two of you.
You could pack a bag. You could stay with your parents for a while. You can see how life would be like without this. Without Beomgyu.
It’s not like there’s much left to miss.
“What are you doing?”
A low voice startled you from your speeding train of thought, eyes focused on the clothes that were half stuffed into a duffle bag. You looked up to see your boyfriend standing in the bedroom door frame, with a bag of takeout food in one hand and in the other was his phone, open to the text messages between the two of you.
The contact photo was a selfie Beomgyu took of the two of you a while back, he surprised you with a kiss on the cheek right as he clicked the ‘capture’ button. Recalling that memory only made your heart ache more. How could he look at that photo and still be unable to say more than ‘goodnight’ to you?
“Y/N, what’s with the bag?” This time, your boyfriend’s voice was softer, as if he was beginning to understand what he was witnessing.
You were halfway correct about the photo Beomgyu had selected for your contact. He adored that photo, he looked at it more times throughout the day than he’d like to admit.
Soobin caught him today looking at the photo, he could hear Beomgyu’s sobs from outside the studio’s door.
“You’re not getting anywhere looking at their photo when Y/N is at your apartment right now. They likely miss you as much as you miss them,” The sound of the leader sitting on the couch quickly fled Beomgyu’s ears as he sighed.
“It’s all I keep telling myself. They’re right here. I can’t help but feel pathetic for being like this..”
Silence filled the room for a moment, but of course, the question weighing heavy on Soobin’s tongue was obvious.
“What exactly has been—”
“I don’t think I can give Y/N more. I am all that I can be, and I don’t think that’s enough for them,” Beomgyu covered his teary eyes with his forearm, letting himself feel the weight of the world on his chest. “I can see us being together for so long, but at the same time I can see them being unhappy and never telling me.”
Beomgyu’s mind flashed back to when the two of you picked each other up from the lowest of times, wondering if you were true to your word that you’d always be there, and that you were more than happy to do so.
Soobin sat in front of Beomgyu, resting his hands on the younger member’s shoulders. And then proceeded to shake the living hell out of them.
“Wake up!! You’ve been in this spiral for how long? You know what you can do, you know that you’re able to fix this. You’re scared, Choi Beomgyu. You’re scaring yourself into isolation.”
“I don’t think I can get them back, Soobin..”
“…You should go to them. Just sit with them, because personally Beomgyu? I think you’re running out of time,” Soobin spoke up about the very fear Beomgyu, and you as well, had been dwelling on for the past weeks.
The bag of takeout crinkled from how much Beomgyu’s hand was shaking. He processed one thing at a time.
There was an open duffle bag on the bed. That bag had clothes in it, your clothes. And you. You were looking at Beomgyu with desperation and guilt.
“Are you done, Y/N? Is this it? Are we done? I mean… What is this?…”
“Beomgyu.. I..” You ran a hand through your hair, huffing.
“It’s the last thing I want. But how much longer could we have done this?”
“I didn’t mean for this to go on so long, I needed time to think and.. I don’t know—”
“What did you think I needed? The silence? The isolation? I just wanted you, Beomgyu!” Tears were threatening to start rolling down your face, you just felt so angry at this point. Any other emotion was exhausted by you throughout the past weeks.
“Y/N. I’m sorry. I truly am… Do you want to talk now? Over some good food?” A somber smile met Beomgyu’s cheeks as he lifted up the bag of takeout that is likely to be cold soon.
Your mind was going between the tied plastic bags and your duffle bag, going between how you’re night was going to go.
Are you truly ready to talk about everything?
You finally met Beomgyu’s eyes, the tension was thick and the stakes were high. This was a relationship you both cherished and wanted to fix, tonight is just the first step into reaching the comforting endearment the two of you have shared for so long.
You walked up to your boyfriend, taking the takeout bags from his hands, and made your way to the living room for a late-night dinner.
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stylusmusings · 2 years
Vinnie Hacker NSFW ABC
A - After Sex
Vinnie likes to be taken care of, whether he topped or bottomed. If you’re clearly worn out and he’s not, then he’ll clean you up but otherwise, he much prefers if you clean him up and get in bed with him.
B - Bottom or Top
He’s both, despite what people want him to be. As much as he has gained fame over the public perception, at heart, he is verse and more often than not, prefers to be the submissive one during sex.
C - Cum
He loves cum on his skin. That can be from his own cock, when you’ve made him cum all over his abdomen and chest, or from yours, where you’ve cum all over his ass and back. He doesn’t mind it occasionally going straight into his holes, it deprives the opportunity for you to lick it off of him which he prefers much more. If he’s topping, he still wants to cum on you or himself, so that you guys can lick it off.
D - Dress Up
Not his favourite thing but you guys did it for humour anyway, was fucking in the maid outfit and him pretending to be a maid. It was a joke, but it was still fun either way.
E - Experience
He has lots of experience with girls and since he’s joined the Hype House, a fair amount of experience with guys.
F - Favourite Bodypart
He loves his own cock, not in an egotistical way entirely, but mostly because he’s just really proud of how well-endowed he is. He also loves tattoos on his partner, they have to be good ones though otherwise it isn’t worth it.
G - Gag Reflex
So far, he’s only able to take about 4-5 inches without struggling and his maximum has only been about seven.
H - Hair
Vinnie is waxed almost all the time, he occasionally has a light shadow on his face but everywhere else, he’s clean. He likes the way that it feels and looks aesthetically.
I - Intimacy
Fairly intimate person, he likes dedicating time to the person that he’s with but he also likes making this fun so that it doesn’t get too stressful.
J - Jerking
Surrounded by the guys that he is, in the situation that he is in, he is constantly jerking off to avoid awkward situations. He probably goes about twice or three times a day, but that’s only if he isn’t having sex.
K - Kinks
His biggest kink is choking, he likes being choked and doing the choking so it doesn’t matter which way around it is. He’s even had a few times where you’ve mutually choked each other until one of you gave in Read the rest on my Wattpad or AO3
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stillcarmine · 1 year
There's a lot wrong with c*leo but one thing that just doesn't make any sense and that I haven't seen addressed before is the way that Leo believed that being with Calypso was his destiny.
So, the way Calypso's immortality is portrayed after HoO is inconsistent at best. There was never any indication in the text that her life force was tied to Ogygia, but then she's suddenly mortal in ToA. She's lost the ability to do magic, but then starts to get it back somehow. She's supposedly no longer a titan but unlike Lester, who has also lost his immortality, she retains all her memories of her thousands of years. As I've seen some people discuss before, making her mortal is just an attempt to put her and Leo on more equal footing.
It's like how Emmie was an immortal, from Apollo's power, before she joined the Hunters of Artemis, but then when she left, she had to give up her immortality? Now, she did this so she could grow old with Jo, but if that wasn't the case, it read like she would still have been turned mortal either way. Like her immortality was payment to Artemis for her patronage. From what I remember that isn't the case, but it played out like this.
At the end of Blood of Olympus, Leo is the one that brings up that Calypso might not be an immortal anymore when she leaves Ogygia, but he had no reason to think this based on what is in the text. It feels especially strange considering that Leo, out of all the seven, has always been the least versed at matters like magic and immortality and how they operate. They are not things that make sense to him, as he says multiple times, like when he's trying to understand how the Athena Parthenos works. There is no basis for this change in her immortality, no foreshadowing, no anything. In ToA, we are given scenes where Calypso reminisces about her life before she was imprisoned on Ogygia, where she was an immortal. Her curse is that heroes come to her island and then they always leave. It is not that she and the island are intrinsically linked in any way that means she fades or changes without it. Again, this feels like RR's way to mitigate the fact that Calypso is literally thousands of years old.
The text of the books actually does the opposite of set up this shift, especially in Leo's mind. Throughout HoH and BoO, Leo refers to her as an immortal: "Leo wished he could sound as confident as Calypso. Then he remembered that this annoying fifteen-year-old girl was actually the immortal daughter of a Titan"; "Even among the Hephaestus campers, Leo had never worked with anyone as intuitive as this immortal gardener girl". "That didn't just happen, he told himself. I can't be in love with an immortal girl. She definitely can't be in love with me. Not possible."; "Just Leo's luck. A super- hot immortal girl was waiting for him on Ogygia, but he couldn't figure out how to wire a stupid chunk of rock into the three-thousand-year-old navigation device."
And no point until the final scene of BoO does Leo think that she will no longer be an immortal after she leaves Ogygia.
RR also includes the word 'girl' with each of these uses of the word 'immortal', as if to cancel out the fact that she is, again, millennia older than Leo.
(Leo even refers to her as a woman at one point, which she is.)
Despite where you stand on the whole, 'oh, she's mentally a teenager' thing (I think I've made my own stance on this clear but that's not the point of this post), it's so ingrained in the text of the entire last two books (the only ones where she's relevant) and only referenced at the very end that it might change, that Calypso is an immortal.
And the entire premise of this series is based on the fact that immortals do not stay with mortals.
Leo is a demigod. He grew up with his single, human mother who only ever mentioned his father in his capacity as Leo's father. When he finally meets Hephaestus, Leo insults him, calls him out for not claiming him when he was supposed to, for never caring, and for letting Esperanza die. For not being present. For letting Leo's entire life take the route it did.
The only wisdom he gets from Hephaestus is that nothing lasts.
Leo's hope of an entire future with Calypso can be seen as him desperately wanting to rebel against this idea, or to embrace the idea of reusing what doesn't last for something else. He does both of these things with rebuilding Festus at the cost of the Argo II. If you want to get metaphorical about this, then it's him trading his home and his crew for a way back to Ogygia. He wants a place to belong and someone to love him fully. Leo has struggled with loneliness and feeling out of place his entire life; it makes sense that he wants this.
But he's also seen first-hand the way that immortals are fickle and move on easily, how they can't get involved with mortal affairs. There's a whole camp full of other children to attest to that fact. The way gossip is portrayed in the series makes it clear that he must know about all the drama from the original series. He must know at least some part, if not everything, of what Piper and Jason's mortal parents went through because their immortal partners did not stay. His own life was so deeply influenced by this fact.
It could be argued that he's letting go of the past, or that he's taking a leap of faith, but the thought that things might not work out with Calypso never even crosses his mind. This isn't a recognition and acceptance of a risk that Leo knows because it has shaped the course of his life. This is an entire erasure of a major conflict in both the books as a whole, Leo's life and the lives of his loved ones. It just feels like setting Leo up to be devastated when Calypso inevitably behaves the way an immortal behaves.
TLDR: Leo knows full well that immortals don't stay in romantic relationships with mortals, but for some reason he's written to plan his entire future around a romantic relationship with an immortal.
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gerec · 2 years
Yay it's holiday time again and I'm a-rolling in with an updated rec list for my fandom lovelies :D :D :D
Walking in a Winter Wonderland by TurtleTotem
Charles hasn’t seen Erik since their devastating breakup ten years ago. He’s certainly the last person he expects to run into at a Christmas lights display.
Terrible Hanukkah Sweaters and Other Life Challenges by professor (series)
“Why am I here again?” Erik groans.
“I need you to lift things and glower at people over my shoulder when I tell people that it’s not ‘politically correct’ or a ‘war on Christmas’ to have a non-denominational winter holiday festival,” says Theresa Pryde.
Well, at least those are two things he’s good at.
soul of my soul by ikeracity
You can imprint on your soulmate anywhere — school, work, on the street, in a restaurant, on the subway. Charles and Erik imprint on each other just in time for the holidays.
The Holiday Lights Battle by so_shhy
Some people take their Christmas lights a little too seriously. Erik is one of those people. So is his new neighbour, Sebastian Shaw.
Winter Song by ikeracity
They manage to make time to be together on New Year’s Eve 1999 into 2000.
table for three by pocky_slash
Erik should have known to call ahead to the Chinese restaurant–it’s Christmas Eve and he lives in a predominantly Jewish neighborhood, after all. But before he can go home to mourn the loss of another one of his mother’s yearly traditions, he’s accosted by a teenage girl with a strange proposition–that he should stay and have dinner with her and her mother, instead.
December, Take Two by mabyn
Charles has no problem being in the same room as his ex at Emma’s holiday party. They’re adults, after all.
Mistletoe, Latkes, and Long-term Revenge Strategies by pocky_slash
Charles knows that Erik hates working at a department store in the best of times. Being Jewish in a department store during the holiday season is far from the best of times. He does what he can to help.
In the Bleak Midwinter by keire_ke
It is not easy to find out, well into the second decade of the twenty-first century, that your mother arranged a marriage for you. It is even less easy to convince her that you have no interest in the very fertile Magda, she of the wide hips and lustrous auburn hair. Fortunately, with a good friend at his side over the holiday weekend, Erik is sure he will prevail.
All We Are We Are by kianspo
Charles's boyfriend breaks up with him days before the holidays. Not willing to ruin anyone else's festive mood, Charles hides this fact from his sister and his friends, and retreats into the family mansion, letting the world move on without him. He's flirting with depression when a one-time ex and a long-term friend surprises him. Long-kept secrets are revealed, and it turns out, Charles hasn't been paying attention to the right things.
Where The Heart Is by professor
It's Christmas, and Charles is sick, and alone. Until he's not.
The Haunting of Erik Lehnsherr: A Christmas Carol by TurtleTotem
Erik's business partner, Emma Frost, died seven years ago. This Christmas Eve, her ghost returns, dragging the chains of eternal torment, to say he can avoid her fate only through the visitation of three spirits, who will show him the mistakes of his past.
festival of lights by pocky_slash
A series of ficlets featuring Erik celebrating Hanukkah in various verses.
Watching the Stars Slide Down by groovyphilia
Seventeen-year-old Charles Xavier is ridiculously wealthy, and is used to being paraded around for show at his mother’s high-society Christmas parties. He’s always been rather sporting about it, and dutifully rubs shoulders with the elite every year in the glitz of the mansion ballroom.
This year, he meets a man by the name of Erik Lehnsherr.
New Way Home by luninosity
Christmas at the mansion (written November 2011). All the festive holiday fluffiness in the world; protective Erik; tiny bit of emotional h/c near the end; realizations of love.
And of course these classics by Yahtzee (see linked post):
Somewhere I’m Going & Have Never Been Before
Made To Be Broken
Xmas in Connecticut
Red, Gold, and Green 
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tobobby · 5 months
music review #1 - the ballad of hollis brown
rating: 10/10 song: the ballad of hollis brown album: the times they are a-changin' (1964) artist: bob dylan
just pre-dating dylan's electric era, this track is haunting and certainly a predecessor to songs like "it's alright ma (i'm only bleeding)". with its repetitive acoustic guitar chords and harrowing lyrics, this song is certainly one of my favourite dylan tracks, and i love it so much that i renamed my socials after the song.
the lyrics tell the story of a man named hollis brown who lives in a broken-down cabin & farm outside of a south dakota town. he has a wife and five children and is incredibly poor & jobless, with no one to help his family out. his family is going hungry & so they scream & cry, but still, hollis brown feels hopeless as he cannot do anything. and so, he uses the last of his money to buy shotgun shels and murders his children and wife and then himself. the song ends with the ominous lyric, "somewheres in the distance there's seven new people born".
first, i'd like to talk about the interesting lyric & rhyming pattern dylan utilises here. it's certainly unique, as it has the pattern of:
line 1 [A] line 2 [B] line 1 [A] line 2 [B] line 3 [C] line 4 [B]
it is quite repetitive, but also very impactful. another interesting aspect of the lyrics is the point of view. very few writings in general are written in second person point of view, and here, this pov is used to make the song all the more visceral. you are hollis brown; you walk the floor and wonder why with every breath you breathe; your wife screams are stabbin' you like the dirty driving rain; your eyes fix on the shotgun that you're holdin' in your hand. this certainly allows for the listener to, at the very least, make more sense of what brown's thought process it is, no matter how fucked up it is. dylan places the listener in the position of brown, and by doing this forces the listener to wonder what they would do in this situation, if they would have any other option.
this technique is certainly effective and although seemingly small is quite important in what makes this such a good song. another detail is the descriptive lyrics, setting, & similes dylan uses. there's a lot of scene-setting, such as the lines "way out in the wilderness a cold coyote calls" and "seven shots ring out like the ocean's pounding roar". it's extremely important to the listener as it helps visualise the setting of the song and understanding exactly how brown feels / what he is experiencing.
one of my favourite lyrics of the song has to be the line:
you walk the floor and wonder why with every breath you breathe.
there are SO many interpretations to this line. brown could be wondering why his life is so terrible, why he's stuck in this cycle of poverty. this could also take to mean that he's wondering why he's even alive (explained more in this genius lyric annotation), hinting at his suicidal tendencies early on in the song. or, it could be about his baby, as the line before this mentions his baby tugging at his sleeve. maybe he's curious as to what the baby wants from him, after he's tried everything he can. and again, this line (like most of the song) is written in second person, meaning you're placed in the shoes of brown, left to decide for yourself.
another one of my favourite verses is:
your brain is a-bleedin’ and your legs can’t seem to stand your eyes fix on the shotgun that you’re holdin’ in your hand
i love this lyric because it's so explicit. the bleeding - metaphorical at this point, but affecting brown physically; the shotgun in brown's hand, the final moments before he murders his family. dylan slowly hints at this moment the entire song making this climax incredibly effective. i just adore the uneasiness of it all.
finally, the last lines of the song (likely the most important, summing up the moral) is ambiguous and fascinating.
there’s seven people dead on a south dakota farm somewhere in the distance there’s seven new people born
that last line. "there's seven new people born". again, this can be taken to mean multiple things; is he referring to the fleeting nature of human existence, how easy it is to murder seven human beings and them being replaced immediately? is he referring to the cycle of poverty, that these seven new people will also be born into poverty and repeat brown's cycle? that it's easier to replace seven people than it is to keep them from dying?
many questions arise when listening to this song, and rightfully so. this song makes me think a lot, and i love it. it's an incredibly underrated track and i hope you all listen to it and love it as much as i do.
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grogusmum · 2 years
Hazel !!! I saw your selkie Ezra post and you have provided so many prompts that I would love to see you write.
What’s the limit on prompts to send in? right now number 8. “i can’t sleep without you here” from the soft smut list is tugging at my heart strings🥺 (but I think about them all the time, so there are others I could send in…👀)
Aw lol m'dear!
I would LOVE to see the 8, idk that I'd be able to get to all 8 but I will pick the ones that speak to me and the one here 🥺 is pulling at my heartstrings too!! Thank you for the request, Ash 💚
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W/C: 500ish
A/N: part of the Seven Tears 'verse.
WARNING: Though set in Ireland, and Ireland's predominantly white, Reader is physically undescribed, as are her blood relatives, her missing spouse and his family are white, selkie Ezra is a Ezra and a selkie, oh and possessive Ezra, needy Ezra, Ezra dealing with "modern" conveniences.
Gaelic Translations:
Mo stór: my treasure
Mo stóirín: my little treasure 
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Ezra's eyes map a pencil line fissure along the ceiling, and shifts disgruntled under the wedding ring quilt. The bed feels large. The back of his hand absently passes over your cool pillow. 
Huffing, he throws the bed clothes off and goes to the sitting room. 
Pacing, he looks out the windows as he passes each one. At the front door he opens then closes it, his mustache bristling. 
His dark eyes fall on the large black telephone and his brows knit. He has seen you use it. You told him how in case he needed to call you at the mongery, but he has never wanted to tangle with it.
He hates the thing… it is loud and diverts you from him. Sometimes having to leave, like tonight at supper.
Of course, Ezra cares very much for your family, and when Deirdre called and asked if you would help with your sick brother and father, he  completely understood. He just wishes he had gone too. But it is a terrible fever going round, and they are trying to keep exposure down. 
Ezra stares at the fool contraption, with a hesitant hand he picks up the heavy receiver and puts it to his ear, as you had done. There was a tone, loud and unnatural. He does not like it. He looks at the paper beside the telephone your parent's exchange on it, and dials slowly. The rotary dial whirring.
There is a sound of ringing and suddenly a loud click-
" 'llo, Brennan residence"
"Moonbeam," Ezra is unnecessarily loud. "Is it you on the other end of this monstrosity?"
He hears a quiet chuckle.
"Ezra, my love, here I am."
"No, you are there and I am, as you are aware, here. And I have to use this infernal doodad!"
"These doodads make it so we can speak to one another when parted."
Ezra knows, and is grateful- but not happy about it.
"I can not sleep without you here, moonbeam. The bed is too big. It goes on for absolute leagues!" 
You smile, you can hear his pout. After a moment,
"Everyone is asleep here. Why don't I wash up, and meet you outside."
You hear noises, boots maybe, the door, then the loud clunk and ring of the bells within the telephone- the base falling to the floor.
"Yes, mo stór (mu store), yes!" 
"We have to hang up, Ezra."
"Of course! Yes," Ezra says as he picks it up and puts it back on the table, you hear him mutter, diabolical machine, under his breath. "I am on my way to you, moonbeam!" 
Ezra hangs up the handset and flies out the door, sweater in hand. He pulls it on as he makes his way to the house behind the fishmongery. 
When he knocks, it is quiet but urgent. Thankful he only waits a few moments before you open the door to him. 
Ezra pulls you out of the house and envelopes you in a hug. His face, hidden in the crook of your neck.
"Mo stóirín (mu store-een)," he says, like a sigh of relief. And then the nips and kisses begin…
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regionalpancake · 6 months
3, 5, 12, and 14 for the Star Trek ask meme, please. 😈
Ahh, I see you have chosen VIOLENCE today my friend. 3. Top 3 least favorite characters? Hooboy. Jack Crusher is a no brainer. Beverly Crusher, but SPECIFICALLY the version of her that would keep a child secret from her friends and loved ones for 20+ years - Classic Formula Bev is of course not on this list. I am also not a fan of the Extended Spiner-verse, I love Data as much as the next fan, but the endless parade of Soongs leaves me cold.
5. Episode plot you wish they had handled differently? I adore Nepenthe - it was my happy place. So seeing "The Troi-Riker's Hate Nepenthe Actually" moment was not fun.
12. Top 3 NOTPs? C/7 and... I think that's it!* I'm usually open to reading most ships when they're written interestingly. @grissomesque has recently converted me to J/P - which is a feat when I was raised in the J7 faith. * I take it back - I just remembered 'Someone to Watch Over Me' and I cannot with Seven and The Doctor, that combo is just Not For Me.
14. A ship you wish hadn’t been canon and why? It breaks my heart but honestly, maybe Saffi? Raffi/Seven are so very dear to me, and their off-screen break up and general treatment in PIC S3 really did a number on my brain. Part of me wishes their relationship could have remained fanon so M'Talas couldn't screw with it. But then again, I don't think that trade would be worth losing Canon Queer!Seven 🤔 Maybe Agnebal instead? Since they ended PIC S1 on a kiss and then immediately broke them up for S2, what a narrative waste. At least we have fanfic <3
Send me Star Trek Asks 🖖💕✨
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captblackthorn · 25 days
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---- INDEPENDENT ORIGNIAL CHARACTER || Adored and created by Boba [she/her || 26 || PST].This is a HIGHLY SELECTIVE & PRIVATE Role-playing account for RODERICK BLACKTHORN. More muses will be added in due time. Heavily inspired by Black Sails, One piece & fantasy--!! Multiverse & Multiship. Please be aware there will be triggering content on his blog: Adult themes / Drugs / Violence / death / gore / etc. MINORS DO NOT INTERACT. Currently have verses for One Piece, Overwatch, [more to come.]
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RODERICK BLACKTHORN: [original character.] CARRD [wip] || PINTEREST || TAGS || PROMPT || BANNER C.
v. [the shadow serpent.] || v. [calling of the seven seas.] || v. [a keen talon.] || [main verse; background.] ||
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CYRUS LEONHARDT [original character.]
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