#very very excited for this though its such a cool topic to me
larabar · 6 months
sorry ive been busy with stuff (and. sick.) but ive got a thing i could use some help on !
im making a piece in my studio art class that acts as a response to this question: how have your special interests/hyperfixations affected you in a positive way?
i made a survey to gather lots of input from people because this can have so many different answers and im just. curious about it in general honestly :)
no need to answer but thanks billions if you do
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torasplanet · 2 months
being bruce wayne's controversially young gf is probably such a handful. with all the paparazzi, and new reporters and don't even get me started on that whole batman thing...you'll never forget the time you discovered the batcave in the middle of the night and neither will bruce. you were just sitting at the computers next to Barbara in your silky rope with a frown on your face just ready to yell at him for not telling you.
but that's not what we're here to talk about. we're here to talk about that little munchkin damian.
see at first, he didn't really like you. you were there before him but he still didn't like you very much in all honesty. the other batkids took a liking to you, some quicker than others (dickie) but they still liked you and told damian that you were cool and everything but damian found it disgusting how his father would date someone as young as you.
you were only in your twenties but considering bruce's age being early forties... he thought it was weird. damian was one of many who thought it was horrible until he didn't. you don't exactly know what made him switch but you weren't complaining well...sometimes you were because of his clinginess but you loved him too! damian was attached at your side the moment he started to like you and it was hard to get him away.
you always defended damian especially when he would go back and forth with bruce, which by the way he hated, but it didn't matter the topic because you'd still back him up. "father, school is a waste of time. training is far more important." "yeah! dami is too smart for that."
but don't get him wrong, he still found the age gap horrifying but it was more toward bruce than you now. as time went on, he stopped caring about it but he acted as though he did. damian is just a hater tbh.
anyways, back to him being the clingiest son ever! during galas, you are never seen without the middle schooler at your side either silent or talking to you about something he is passionate about. bruce thinks its cute and plus it makes the public not hate this relationship more but when damian actually needs to do things at the galas, it's pretty annoying for him...
"todd insisted that i play uno with him and the rest of the former robins and it was quite interesting. especially when todd jumped at grayson for cheating." damian ranted in your ear while standing at your side as you sipped at your wine glass carefully listening to him unaware of your boyfriend approaching.
damian noticed before you did and his silence made you confused "damian, you cannot stand next to her all night." bruce said with a sigh and his son only narrowed his eyes at him "why not? i don't find talking to these other wealthy families any sort of intriguing." damian argued while you only smiled brightly at the fact that he found you interesting!
"that doesn't matter, you still have duties."
"well ummi–[y/n]..." damian stuttered clearing his throat in embarrassment as the conversation seemed to go silent. bruce looked at you and you were close to dropping the wine glass because of how happy you seemed so he swiped it from your palm quickly. "...she doesn't seem to mind at all." the boy continued before looking up at you.
you barely registered him looking at you. you were just too happy about him referring to you as his mom!! even if it was just a slip-up. "oh yeah! i don't mind at all and you can call me whatever you want dami! i don't mind that either." you shrugged while rocking back and forth on your heels and damian seemed to be relieved with that but he quickly cleared his throat again and looked at his father with a careless expression.
"well, we'll be going now. grayson is better company than you anyway." damian said grabbing the glass from bruce's hand and grabbing yours with his other before beginning to walk away. you looked back at bruce and silently screamed to show your excitement. i guess he can let it slide this one time...because he was just as happy.
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©torasplanet .ᐟ reblogs and likes are very appreciated! pls do not repost!!
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nostalgebraist · 1 year
@oakfern replied to your post “it's going to be fun to watch the realization...”:
i feel like this is going to play out very similarly to voice assistants. there was a huge boom in ASR research, the products got a lot of hype, and they actually sold decently (at least alexa did). but 10 years on, they've been a massive failure, costing way more than they ever made back. even if ppl do think chatbot search engines are exciting and cool, it's not going to bring in more users or sell more products, and in the end it will just be a financial loss
​(Responding to this a week late)
I don't know much about the history of voice assistants. Are there any articles you recommend on the topic? Sounds interesting.
ETA: Iater, I found and read this article from Nov 2022, which reports that Alexa and co. still can't turn a profit after many years of trying.
But anyway, yeah... this is why I don't have a strong sense of how widespread/popular these "generative AI" products will be a year or two from now. Or even five years from now.
(Ten years from now? Maybe we can trust the verdict will be in at that point... but the tech landscape of 2033 is going to be so different from ours that the question "did 'generative AI' take off or not?" will no doubt sound quaint and irrelevant.)
Remember when self-driving cars were supposed to be right around the corner? Lots of people took this imminent self-driving future seriously.
And I looked at it, and thought "I don't get it, this problem seems way harder than people are giving it credit for. And these companies show no signs of having discovered some clever proprietary way forward." If people asked me about it, that's what I would say.
But even if I was sure that self-driving cars wouldn't arrive on schedule, that didn't give me much insight into the fate of "self-driving cars," the tech sector meme. It wasn't like there was some specific deadline, and when we crossed it everyone was going to look up and say "oh, I guess that didn't work, time to stop investing."
The influx of capital -- and everything downstream from it, the trusting news stories, the prominence of the "self-driving car future" in the public mind, the seriousness which it was talked about -- these things went on, heedless of anything except their own mysterious internal logic.
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They went on until . . . what? The pandemic, probably? I actually still don't know.
Something definitely happened:
In 2018 analysts put the market value of Waymo LLC, then a subsidiary of Alphabet Inc., at $175 billion. Its most recent funding round gave the company an estimated valuation of $30 billion, roughly the same as Cruise. Aurora Innovation Inc., a startup co-founded by Chris Urmson, Google’s former autonomous-vehicle chief, has lost more than 85% since last year [i.e. 2021] and is now worth less than $3 billion. This September a leaked memo from Urmson summed up Aurora’s cash-flow struggles and suggested it might have to sell out to a larger company. Many of the industry’s most promising efforts have met the same fate in recent years, including Drive.ai, Voyage, Zoox, and Uber’s self-driving division. “Long term, I think we will have autonomous vehicles that you and I can buy,” says Mike Ramsey, an analyst at market researcher Gartner Inc. “But we’re going to be old.”
Whatever killed the "self-driving car" meme, though, it wasn't some newly definitive article of proof that the underlying ideas were flawed. The ideas never made sense in the first place. The phenomenon was not really about the ideas making sense.
Some investors -- with enough capital, between them, to exert noticable distortionary effects on entire business sectors -- decided that "self-driving cars" were, like, A Thing now. And so they were, for a number of years. Huge numbers of people worked very hard trying to make "self-driving cars" into a viable product. They were paid very well to do. Talent was diverted away from other projects, en masse, into this effort. This went on as long as the investors felt like sustaining it, and they were in no danger of running out of money.
Often the "tech sector" feels less like a product of free-market incentives than it does like a massive, weird, and opaque public works product, orchestrated by eccentrics like Masayoshi Son, and ultimately organized according to the aesthetic proclivities and changing moods of its architects, not for the purpose of "doing business" in the conventional sense.
Gig economy delivery apps (Uber Eats, Doordash, etc.) have been ubiquitous for years, and have reported huge losses in every one of those years.
This entertaining post from 2020 about "pizza arbitrage" asks:
Which brings us to the question - what is the point of all this? These platforms are all losing money. Just think of all the meetings and lines of code and phone calls to make all of these nefarious things happen which just continue to bleed money. Why go through all this trouble?
Grubhub just lost $33 million on $360 million of revenue in Q1.
Doordash reportedly lost an insane $450 million off $900 million in revenue in 2019 (which does make me wonder if my dream of a decentralized network of pizza arbitrageurs does exist).
Uber Eats is Uber's "most profitable division” 😂😂. Uber Eats lost $461 million in Q4 2019 off of revenue of $734 million. Sometimes I need to write this out to remind myself. Uber Eats spent $1.2 billion to make $734 million. In one quarter.
And now, in February 2023?
DoorDash's total orders grew 27% to 467 million in the fourth quarter. That beat Wall Street’s forecast of 459 million, according to analysts polled by FactSet. Fourth quarter revenue jumped 40% to $1.82 billion, also ahead of analysts’ forecast of $1.77 billion.
But profits remain elusive for the 10-year-old company. DoorDash said its net loss widened to $640 million, or $1.65 per share, in the fourth quarter as it expanded into new categories and integrated Wolt into its operations.
Do their investors really believe these companies are going somewhere, and just taking their time to get there? Or is this more like a subsidy? The lost money (a predictable loss in the long term) merely the price paid for a desired good -- for an intoxicating exercise of godlike power, for the chance to reshape reality to one's whims on a large scale -- collapsing the usual boundary between self and outside, dream and reality? "The gig economy is A Thing, now," you say, and wave your hand -- and so it is.
Some people would pay a lot of money to be a god, I would think.
Anyway, "generative AI" is A Thing now. It wasn't A Thing a year ago, but now it is. How long will it remain one? The best I can say is: as long as the gods are feeling it.
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wily-art · 1 year
Been meaning to say this (if I have already said some of this in some form, I am sorry, hahaha), but I absolutely love ur portrayal of so many characters! Esp. Sans and Paps (Sans who is my favorite in the game, and Paps who is another one from the game I love very, very much. Though UT characters are generally just so good), Gaster, Frisk, Chara, and Alphys (been liking the stuff between her and Sans too)! U do them all so well!!
I also love Sans and Paps GB's and how they have personalities and stuff! Even though Sans seems to just think they are his magic and nothing else, while Paps, doesn't. Which is an interesting contrast between them.
The skelebros dynamic is also just so funny and on point. Frisk and Chara's dynamic is quite interesting (and the dynamic between Chara and Gaster puts me on edge. And the one between Chara and Asriel is just tragic like always). And Sans (both younger and present) and Gaster's dynamic is probably one of my favorite Sans and Gaster relationships portrayals I have seen so far. Like, they are such coworkers, and trust each other (to some extent), but there is also seems to be some tension going on w/ them. And Gaster is just terrorizing present Sans basically, lol.
And one of the most interesting dynamics to me, is the one between younger and present Sans. Idk, it is just so interesting and weird to see them interact. And it will always stand out to me younger Sans saying to older Sans that just because he stopped being him, doesn't mean he isn't Sans, in reply to older Sans wanting to give him another name. Idk, I just found that line interesting. And makes me wonder if older Sans will ever be more like younger Sans again.
On the topic of younger Sans. It is kind of heartbreaking to see how happy? (I say with a question mark, because like I said, Sans seems to kind of helping keep Gaster sane in some form, and I don't know how good that is for either of them, even though I love their relationship in this), and outgoing and just actually more enjoying life, to his present self, that is just so more worn down and tired, and depressed. It just makes me sad. Though it is also so interesting.
Saying that, I don't know if it is because younger Sans seems so happy and stuff; even more so in contrast to older Sans, but like, I don't trust him for some reason. I do actually trust older Sans; guarded and secretive as he is, but younger Sans, something about him. I just don't trust (I don't really trust Gaster either though). I love younger Sans, like I do older Sans, but he is suspicious to me for some reason.
Also, in reply to to another ask you did, I am very curious about Sans' yellow eye, and why that gets weird/messed up/whatever.
Last of all, ur animation looks great! Paps looks so awesome and expressive and badass so far in it. Though, it looks like in one of the frames, there is some geno stuff going on; which, oh no.
It is cool to see this comic; which already looks great, get an awesome animation like this. It is always cool to see gifs, animations, animatics, etc., sometimes like this with comics and/or etc.! Though, I also know they can take a lot of time, so take ur time and rest and stuff okay! Really excited for more of this series, but I can also wait!!
Oh man this gave me all sorts of warm feelings. It really hits me in the feelings when people enjoy my work especially the relationship exploration because its one of my favorite things to explore. Trying to find some key things about a character and see how they react and interact with scenarios and people that you haven't before.
For example the younger intern version of sans is, at his core, pretty much the same person. Just a version that hasn't "gone through" the same things yet.
And it sort of is an exploration of the relationship a person has with themselves and the people around them especially after they have gone through things and change.
But anyways thank you so much!
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magicxc · 2 months
Movie Genres
Pairings: Survey Coprs - their fave movie genres
Word Count: 835
Warnings: netflix and chill? hulu subscription? binge watching disney?
A/N: I LOVE a good movie okay!! Put me in front of a juicy plot and I'm SAT. Here are the genres that I think the boys would enjoy most!! Tell me yours 🍿🎥🎬 
Eren  - Action/Thriller 
Eren def strikes me as the type to enjoy loud movies that’s fast paced and chocked full of fighting scenes. Even though he has a special appreciation for the martial arts he can still get down with some good ole hand to hand combat. Anything that elicits excitement and anticipation does it for him.
Levi - Western Film
Walk with me here. I’ve seen Kenny reference and even dress cowboyish. I think he’d be all for the genre and considering his influence on Levi, it’s safe to say our short king would too. While the culture may be different from his own, it adds to his amusement all the more. Featuring cowboys, gunslingers, and bounty hunters it’d feel like a dramatisation of his old life underground; and while he no longer affiliates himself with that lifestyle, he does find the genre interesting. 
Erwin - Historical Drama
Fight me. Erwin strikes me as boring lowkey lmfao. I genuinely believe he’s only watching things that stimulate his mind or shows that he can take away from. He doesn’t mind the messiness too much as long as the movie in question is thought provoking or at the very least holds some truth to it. And honestly, the Commander might be onto something here cause historical drama pieces fucking slap. Movies/series like The Crown, Apollo 13, Hotel Rwanda, etc is what he’s tuning into if he wants to watch tv.
Throwing in National Geographic or shows like The Most Extreme for when he wants some background noise.
Connie - Animation/Musical
Connie is such a vibe and while he is comedic relief he’s also super sweet. It's said that he’s basically a runner up to Armin on the emotional scale in regard to how deeply he feels. Our boy started out super naive and trusting and although it shaped him into someone a little more serious; he’s still that sweetie pie at heart. And so I believe animation is his thing and can bring a deep sense of nostalgia from time to time; allowing him a chance to cater to the child within. And the plots genuinely be plotting. That early 2000’s Disney and Pixar was un-fuck-witable. Musicals are just as fun for Connie btw, anything with a happy ending he’s down for.
Jean - Drama
Jean is literally so messy he can't help it. The call is coming from inside the house with this one. Even though Jean is a realist, he can also be an asshole with little regard to how what he says may affect Eren people. That doesn’t mean our boi is heartless, noooo, there has been lots of maturation over the seasons. But he LOVES a good conflict chile. Movies/series like RHOA, anything Tyler Perry, Moonlight, etc is his go to.
Onyankopon - Crime/Mystery
Similarly to Erwin, Onyankopon prefers films that are stimulating. He doesn’t mind indulging in the occasional reality show, but that's usually if he just so happens to be walking past his girl and a good scene comes on. Other than that, Ony is all for the suspense. He loves trying to stay one step ahead of the character but finds it's equally as fun to pick up some cool trivia along the way as movies like these tend to touch on a wide range of topics.
Reiner - Comedy 
After almost losing his mind and his life, Reiner is cool on the movies that bring about intense emotions. He wants to laugh and not regularly either, but full on knee slapping laugh when he decides to indulge in a film. You know the kind where you have to beg your friend to stfu so you can catch your breath? The kind of laugh that feels like you just did a ab workout? That's what he wants. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t watch other genres, but they’re certainly not his first choice.
Armin - RomCom
It's self explanatory with this one. Our munchkin still views the world and its people with big doe eyes of hope, even against all odds. He is a little more realistic in his hopes but he’s still hopeful nonetheless. And he’s much the same when it comes to movies. He wants to see the film where the guy gets the girl, against all odds, and they kiss in the rain; and he’ll love it even better if you slide a joke or two in the mix. 
Floch - Slasher
I genuinely feel like if Floch had a Tumblr, he’d be like one of the slasher girlies with their ghost face fics, only he’s posting ghost face thirst traps hahaha. He gets a thrill from the gore, the screams, the plot, and the kills. I think Floch is just all for the scare, even if he's on the receiving end of it. Anything to get his adrenaline pumping while keeping him on the edge of his seat will do. Thankfully though he’s able to separate fiction from reality and we can only hope he doesn’t get any cute ideas.
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jovieinramshackle · 28 days
Tea and Tenderness
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VERY self-indulgence Inky Ribbons one shot because I needed it 🐙🎀. If you guess what book/movie I'm referencing in this you're officially super cool.
Words: 1064
Prompt: “. . . sorry, I talked too much” “No no no not at all. Keep talking” (the prompt was taken from this list)
(if you wonder about the pronoun changes, me and Jovie/my sona use she/they)
(Reblogs and Likes are appreciated 💕)
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Jovie had a lot of interests.
And they loved talking about her interests.
As reserved as they seemed, once she was comfortable with someone who would listen, they would not close their mouth until the air left her lungs.
Despite being a chatter himself, Azul couldn't compare to the amount of chatting and information sharing Jovie could do. It was common practice for the two to get together, enjoy a nice cup of tea or coffee, and talk. Or more accurately, for Jovie to talk as Azul carefully paid attention to their words, taking in the information, and storing it in his head for potential future use. 
He often didn’t fully comprehend what exactly they were talking about— he lacked the proper context to fully understand, even if she did their best to provide it. What kept Azul focused was his adoration for their enthusiasm— he loved how passionate she was about their interests, the way her eyes sparkled while talking about their favourite books or shows. He, admittedly, found it attractive. 
Azul, like the researcher that he was, made sure he researched their interests to follow their conversations better. Although he couldn’t dedicate his time to fully watching all the shows or reading all the books, he made sure he had a general idea of the topics and ensured he remembered the information she would offer him.
As they sat once more in the dimly lit Mostro Lounge, sharing one table long past closing time, romantic soft jazz quietly played in the background, adding to the ambience. This time, they were enjoying a warm cup of tea Azul had prepared beforehand— Lemon tea, Jovie's favourite. Silence embraced the room, ruined only by the constant chatter of the young witch.
This time Jovie had a new fixation to share during their alone time— a dark fantasy novel about a young girl, who discovers a hidden door inside her new house that leads to a supposedly better world, when in reality, it was a trap to lure her in.
Azul wasn’t versed in this book, though he was a reader himself, his preferences laid with autobiographies of businessmen and the economic news. So the dark fantasy genre was a whole new subject of discussion to him, let alone the particular book Jovie wanted to talk about.
Despite that, Jovie went on, animatedly talking about the plot, explaining every point, all the little details in it. They spoke as if she had made a world-alternate discovery, as if the whole world needed to know about this one book they loved so dearly.
If he had to be honest, he would be at a loss at times, especially when Jovie began to explain the differences between the book and its movie adaptation— she wasn’t the best with words, sometimes stuttering while speaking as their voice got tired. He started feeling a sense of overwhelmingness taking over him as they continued. Despite that, it was something he was accustomed to, it had no negative effects on him. So he let her continue, occasionally asking questions to catch up to them.
But then, suddenly, Jovie stopped, fixing their gaze on him as if analysing his current facial expressions and body language. Her face changed from radiating excitement and enthusiasm to becoming completely expressionless.
The abrupt shift in Jovie's demeanour made the gears in his mind start. He couldn't shake the sense that something was wrong, since it was unusual for Jovie to go silent so suddenly. Even if they were tired after so much talking, she wouldn't stop and just stared at him, like a deer caught in headlights.
“Is everything alright, angelfish?” He finally decided to ask, his concern evident with his eyes betraying a hint of worry. “...sorry, I talked too much again.” She turned their look away from him. They spoke quietly, like a kid realising they did something bad and had to apologise. “I know it's not really your thing.” 
Azul's eyebrows furrowed slightly in surprise at the unexpected apology. He began wondering— or overthinking— if he had unintentionally shown any hints of discomfort, with Jovie picking up on them. And if he did, he never intended to, he quite enjoyed learning more about his girlfriend, after all. 
“O-Oh- no no no not at all.” He reassured them with a smile, part of his worry slipping through his words.  “You can keep talking, I don't mind.” 
They shifted uncomfortably in her seat. “Are you sure?” Their faces turned a slight shade of red while they fidgeted with their fingers, embarrassment running over their body. “I know I can be…a lot when I get like this.” 
Azul felt his heart beating as a warm flush spread across his cheeks, this sight of them brought up his own feelings at the forefront. He rarely saw this…unusually vulnerable side of her. Jovie was known for being animated and talking loudly—them speaking so quietly and so unsure of herself was a rare sight, even if he had seen it before. And every time he'd see it, it prompted an urge to comfort them, as if that very moment nothing in the world was more important than that.
 “I promise you, it's alright.” His voice sounded smoother as he spoke with such sincerity. “Besides, I do enjoy delving into your interests. It offers valuable insight into who you are."
Jovie's eyes met his once more, absorbing his words. A small, shy smile made its way onto their continuously flustered face “...Thanks, it means a lot.” They admitted quietly.
“Of course, angelfish.” His expression softened at the sight of their smile, his heart melting a bit too. “Now please, do continue— what happens once the girl throws the cat at the monster?” Leaned closer as he raised an eyebrow, his genuine curiosity of the absurd plot point evident in his tone.
“Oh, that's the best part-! You see, in the book…”
They launched into an explanation of both the events in the book and the movie once more, emphasising the biggest differences between the two and why they loved both for their own reasons.
With how much they had talked about it, Azul thought he might as well watch the movie himself.
As he thought about it at the moment, he realised it would make for a perfect date idea.
And as he kept that thought in mind, he continued listening.
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tagging: @ramshacklerumble @thehollowwriter @summerspook @scint1llat3 @skriblee-ksk @cyanide-latte (lmk if you wanna be added)
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starsurface · 4 months
Can you please do Nightwolf caregiver headcanons?? I haven't seen a single agere post with him yet 😭
I love Nightwolf!! He'd made an AMAZING CG, fr!
Also on the side note: I do not know much about Native American culture, so if I do get any of these either incorrect or ‘eeeeeeeeh’ tell me and I'll make sure to change or alter them!!!
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
CG Nightwolf Hcs
🐺 Would be amazing with ANY age, fr
🐺 Tiny soft baby? Oh my goodness of course!! Wrapping you up in soft furs, rocks you gently
🐺 Toddler that just likes sitting around, watching cartoons and coloring? Cartoons might not be entirely his thing, but of course he'd love to watch an episode or 17 with you!!
🐺 Excited kid that likes running around and doing things? He's all up for some tag and arts and crafts!!
🐺 Emo or Moody preteen? He use to have a emo phase back in middle school too, what's your favorite band? Do you wanna share eyeliner secrets?
🐺 ^ If your not Moody preteen (i really project on that sometimes), he still likes hanging out with you. Whether its gossiping over making those kanji (?) bracelets or letting you rant about your favorite current thing in the entire world
🐺 Adores pet regressors!!! Playing tug-in-war with a puppy, letting a kitty curl up on his lap, finding yummy treats for a bunny, etc etc
🐺 Will highly encourage you to spend some time outside with him
🐺 Outside is good for you!! Plus you can go on a nice walk, or play hopscotch, or sit on his lap and play with the grass or whatever toys you brought
🐺 If you can't handle outside for whatever reason, such as sensitivity to grass or lightness sensitivity, he is very understanding and won't force you outside
🐺 Even five minutes is good for him, but if you really can't or just don't wanna, he will never force you to
🐺 If you do like going outside, that's great!! But if your too fearful about going outside because your small and someone might judge or see, he'll make sure to find secluded spots like the Motako Woods or Fujin's Temple Garden
🐺 If Nightwolf is busy hell most likely leave you with Fujin because thats who he trusts the most
🐺 Off topic, Fujin would so spoil you if Nightwolf dropped you off to him (he's gotta keep the fun Uncle title!! Otherwise he might get the Grandpa title, like Raiden!! 😨)
🐺 I feel like he'd make you wooden toys, hand crafted
🐺 I don't know a ton about Native culture, but I know there's a BUNCH of really cool stories/legends!!
🐺 He'd love story time, sharing one's passed down from his Mama and Auntie
🐺 He doesn't mind reading from a book either, but does prefer legends passed down
🐺 Favorite CG nicknames would be Nighty Wolf (I dunno why, but it sounds cute), Cloudy (based off his true name), Papa, Bubba, and any other one you wanna call him
🐺 His favorite nicknames for you would be Little One, Young One, Cuddle Bug, Moonlight, Starlight, Baby Bear, and more
🐺 Although truly his favorite nicknames for you are your favorite nicknames because you perk up at them and have the biggest smile and ugh- His heart!! 🥺
🐺 He's a stickler for the rules though >:/
🐺 Doesn't like seeing you pout and whine but will put his foot down on very certain rules (if you use your acting skills and tear up a bit you can get past half of them)
🐺 Not a health nut, but does give you mostly healthy snacks . . . >:(
🐺 But if you ask for it, he'll give you a piece of candy on the side, he's not that mean
🐺 Doesn't let you eat too many sweets though, tries to explain that it's not the best and you might get a tummy ache
🐺 (Although one look of ‘🥺’ and he'll probably crack)
🐺 The most he's ever done for punishments is the naughty corner, and that's only if you've hurt someone or did something really, really bad
🐺 Firmly believes in talking about what you did and how to fix it
🐺 Doesn't ever yell but he has this stern voice that you know your testing his limits
🐺 And he knows it's a scary stern voice (will only use it if he must must)
🐺 Any boo-boos you have get a band-aid and a kiss, you don't have much arguing room
🐺 (^ Also kisses make everything better anyways 🥺)
🐺 On the topic of band-aids, if you have a favorite show or something, he'll try his hardest to find band-aids with that specific design!!
🐺 Really likes cuddle time because it's time to relax and he can ‘protect you’
🐺 Man has big arms, feels like he's protecting you whenever you two hug
🐺 If you ask for permission and he grants it, he'll let you play with his hair
🐺 But you must use soft hands!! No tugging whatsoever pretty please
🐺 He'd love to do hairstyles on you though!! Even if its a super complicated, he'll try his hardest to do it perfect!!!
🐺 If you babble when regressed, most of his reply are ‘Hm?’ or ‘Is that so?’ but his tone is always very gentle and loving
🐺 Feels like the type of CG that if you place something in his hands, unless it's trash that he'll throw away, he'll hold it until you need it again (even if you already forgot and two hours went by)
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Y'all there were so many amazing gifs for Windwolf. Also like 97% of Nightwolf gifs have Fujin in them??
I love this man, he's so Dad coded. 🥺
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the-64th-gamer · 5 months
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(Started December 3, 2022 - Ended January 1, 2024 - 413 Days)
Am absolutely mindblown to see such an amazing series go through 9 seasons and literally continuously keep getting better and better!!!!!!!
Its been very cool binging it so quickly compared to most old fandom members watching it through syndication. Similar to when I rewatched SU there's such a difference seeing ideas and characters evolve at normal pace than to sit there for years brewing in fandom content that makes you expect them to go a different path. Lots of what I've heard be controversial things like Slice of Life and Starlight in general were some of my favorite parts of the show!!
Fav episode is The Perfect Pear, I was spoiled William Shatner was gonna play someone in the series and was SO FUCKIGN EXCITED when I realized it was him and in such an amazing episode!!!!! The ending was so fucking sweet omg.
Second fav was Slice of Life cause I get it was fanservice but on its own it was a great change of pace in the season to focus on background and side characters!!! After that it feels like they focused on background characters way more and it was very rewarding.
Seeing ***every single shot of Derpy*** was the funnest part of the show, I have personal screenshots of every single time I spotted her and stopping in the middle of songs or big fights just to scream and snapshot them was such a fun scavenger hunt. It made me go NUTS to see them do actual stuff on screen (ESPECIALLY THE SCENE IN BEST GIFT EVER WHEN SHE FINALLY GOT TO SPEAK IN FOREVER). It was also hilarious to see all the error derpies with fucked up colors and hair!!!!! It stopped in the later seasons except a time where she had a purple eye in a single shot, and one where she had big mac's face???? I was having a blast.
Similarly I was also just watching every single background character all the time every time, got to figure out which ponies would be used for which locations, when they'd appear in other places, which special ones could show up anywhere, which ones would do funny stuff, seeing new super cute background characters come in like Sweet Biscuit and Rainbow Stars!!! As someone hyperfocused on stupid stuff this was so fun watching the background nonstop.
Favorite season was season 6 or 7. Starlight was a great link for the episodes and it was the most normal seasons while the writing had gotten really good. Season 8 and 9 are still super good and I love that they were so willing to be bold and change things up a ton to keep interest, but 6 and 7 are closer to the usual baseline episode stuff so they're the best to go back to if I wanna rewatch.
I think the early seasons were still looking for a longterm identity for the show but I think starting season 5 it became this really great constant escalation of things. I really expected the show to just linger around the same ol' topics but it it kept changing the characters lives, the plot, and circumstances a ton while developing old characters and introducing new ones! Out of everything I've watched so far it was like the most masterful way to run a longterm series I've seen. Never felt burnt out or that anything was dragging, but also never felt like it ever lost its core identity!
Season 9 also was just a masterclass on ending a series, every single episode focused on bringing back some side character to give them an interesting spin, or conclude some arcs left behind. There were maybe one or two normal episodes but even those didnt feel like filler! I think the show was at its best throwing new ideas out and then taking a break with a standard friendship problem episode in a normal location. After watching it I don't think there was any missing thread or interesting thing they didn't try out! (Though also the series is formatted well enough they definitely could have continued making tons of standard episodes)
I can't remember if it was season 2 or 3 but I think when they first started introducing like regular songs to non adventure/important episodes it was really off, didn't really mesh well having the show be so musical, but they definitely incorporated it better as they went along and its kinda crazy it worked out well.
BTW I've steered clear from almost all opinions on the show outside of what Ray tells me so I dont know what of my opinions are universal to the fandom, but holy shit the season 8-9 intro sucks so much ass, all of the timing is COMPLETELY lost, theres that stupid school zoom out shot thats just maud hitting a rock in the middle of the road as it slowwwwwly pans, the backgrounds are way too visually noisy in the classrooms and the castle and its just an absolutely horrible nightmare that was thrown together in a day.
But yeah great show favorite show best show!!!!! I now get to see a decade of fan content and reviews and discussions n such!!! I watched some that were time appropriate for the current season I was watching to avoid spoilers but nows time for the floodgates!!!!! I'm glad I'll be able to hold onto my opinions now though and seperate them from anything I'm gonna further see discussed by all the old fans. I'm sure there will be tons of complaints I never considered but as I see it now that was a perfect run of television that I love very dearly!!!! Its certainly changed my life going forward lol.
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stillness138 · 2 months
visual/art things in the Hades 2 technical test i don't like
it was said and is being said already that most of the character sprites have less dynamic poses, or that Aphrodite's face looks, for the lack of a better term, yassified,... it's actually quite a frequent topic in the tag. and i think looking closely despite the excitement is a good excercise! so let's.
i've seen a sentiment that everyone has been made (more, in some cases) conventionally attractive, and i disagree with that a little bit. depends on your definition of convention, but while it's a look popular with many, i wouldn't say Hecate's abs for example are necessarily mainstream. another point i've seen was that Demeter looks younger. i kinda agree, but i don't think it's intentional, because it's quite subtle. she's mostly just missing the defined cheekbones.
the thing about this game's art seems to be that it's a little less sharp, the lines are thinner, shadows are smoother. i think it's an attempt to look more detailed and realistic compared to the first game. i'm not sure how i feel about it. i understand the want to improve or change up, but at the same time the lack of hard shadows and highlights, while it might come across as more realistic, also leaves the sprites a little bland. and i was going to bring up Poseidon as an example where the newer style fits in with visibly older sprites, but he still feels noticeably different in how he's shaded compared to say Moros.
i also agree that the poses are simpler and in most cases less dynamic; Mel is fine and the fact she can change during dialogue adds to it, Hecate looks good too. Nemesis is justifiable since she seems to be standing guard. i think they're simpler maybe because now everyone has a detailed environment backdrop as well, it's especially bold in the olympians' case, but i do hope characters revealed in the future have more dramatic or interesting poses. Selene gives me some hope.
Artemis is definitely unfinished. her sprite lacks any bolder linework or shadows, the coloring is very dull. it really sticks out like a sore thumb as of now. but her boon icons having those letters, likely placeholders too, make it more apparent that she's not finalized yet.
now, this might be controversial, but...i don't like Apollo's design that much. in his case, i definitely wish he had a cooler pose, for his bow/lyre to be a lot more prominent. the outfit is fine, i'm kinda on the edge about it. on one hand, all the colors and shapes work, on the other, maybe not together? but what makes it all bad for me is his actual appearance. i wish his hair was wilder, actually committed to it, and brighter. i wish he wore either more elaborate jewelry or more of detailed armor pieces. i wish he had heavy freckles, vitiligo or some other skin condition to reference the surface of the sun. i think in part this is definitely a case of being spoiled by fanart, but yeah. i'm not vibing with him as much as i hoped i would. i like this design because while the outfit isn't detailed, the freckles and pose make up for it. the hair, choppy like irregular sunrays, is cool too. this one i like too, it's less crazy but still has its own flair, distinct from the rest of the first game, and the lyre/bow design is beautiful. this one is a bit out there but it's pretty cool as well imo, with apparent callbacks to Artemis in hair texture, birthmarks/crests, and the shoulder pelt.
lastly though, Aphrodite. the good! referencing Ares's warpaint is sweet. i like the armor pieces. in general the pose is tasteful, and the long ass banners coming from her spear kinda add some needed drama to it. the spear and shield themselves have nice designs in line with Aphro's overall aesthetic. but the bad... i don't like her face all that much either when compared to her sprite from the first game. there, i liked that her lips aren't exaggerated in any way. compare that to Athena (her shade of lipstick is absolutely amazing tho). but it felt more, i dunno, like trying to convey some natural beauty? in 2, she got that barbie doll treatment. reminds me of witcher 3 female npcs' faces and that is not a good thing. people have said that she looks thinner - her arms definitely do. and maybe because of that they also seem a bit too long to me. she suffers from the lack of hard shadows and highlights a lot, putting both her sprites next to each other really shows the difference in approach. like, overall it's a pretty and perfectly fine sprite, but...there is a but. a part of that but is definitely our expectations and uncertainty about the new direction the sprite art seems to be going in. to give nuance to the other side, we're also still in a pre-early access stage. on the other hand, the other olympians we've seen don't look unfinished the way Artemis does and it's quite likely these sprites is what we'll go into full release with. there was no reason to change Aphrodite's face, and we're allowed to not like it. leaving well-meaning feedback can be effective! and i would encourage it. with emphasis on well-meaning.
i also think the icon for gold in Hades 2 should be just a single coin, because a little hoard of them looks too much like the moly flower icon from a distance.
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exocynraku · 1 year
ok so that book was surprisingly? not that bad. the BIGGEST thing that happened was BRAMBLESTAR RETIRED!!! SQUILF IS GOING TO BECOME LEADER!!!! (unless something bad happens) and i am SO PUMPED FOR IT!!! FINALLY STUPID IDIOT BRAMBLESTAR IS GONNEEE i still skimmed over nightheart chapter this arc and tbh? he didnt really do that much. talked to sunbeam. talked to berryheart. talked to bramblestar and sparkpelt. did some tasks. FAILED HIS TASKS ON PURPOSE TO LEAVE SUNBEAM BEHIND AND GO BACK TO THUNDERCLAN WHAAAT??? honestly i dont think they shouldve let him back in but whatever AND NOW SUNBEAMS GOING TO THUNDERCLAN TO BE WITH HIM. babygirl just leave him please
sunbeam also didnt do a crazy amount of things it was mostly just interacting with nightheart but there was one thing i wanted to talk about! in one of the chapter (I dont remember which one) she had a dream about nightheart WITH ANOTHER CHICK?? she was described as a silver tabby with blue eyes and i tried to see if that was a cat but the only ones that are even CLOSE are flowerstem from shadowclan and shimmerpelt from riverclan, who are both described as silver mollies. IK it was proooobably just a dream but . what if its more of a vision. what if that actually ends up happening. very interesting....
berryheart still kinda sucked BUT ALSO. she is schemeing with RIVERCLAN to get tigerstar out!!! whaaat!!! specifically splashtail! WHO'S CLOSE TO FROSTPAW!!! i was actually pretty shocked lol! duskfur and mallownose (i think thats their name?) were also there
on the topic of riverclan reedwhiskers death was CONFIRMED. to be a murder. BY SOMEONE HE WAS PROBABLY CLOSE TO. WHAAAT??? I was so shocked! And intrigued! I'm SO excited to figure out who that was. he also said to frostpaw 'there is a darkness in riverclan' which is VERY interesting. also frostpaw has a crush on splashtail and its literally killing me babygirl thats your cousin. ough. also i think splashtail might be evil. i hope hes evil. that would be very interesting
ok time to talk abotu FROSTPAW!!!!!! little. tiny. i love her. she was so interesting this book. BIGGEST thing about her is SHE'S NOT A HEALER ANYMORE! she decided to become a warrior apprentice again because of her (supposedly) fake visions! splashtails been trying to convince her to become a healer again but it is NOt working LOL. though the odd thing is, now she's having REAK visions! she had the vision about reedwhisker where she was in the attackers body who attacked him and then threw him over the ravine. BUT!! cuz she's not a med cat anymore, she only told this to splashtail and.,... and.... she's going to tell whistlepaw too!!!! that means... WINDCLAN CONTENT!!!!!!!! im so excited! BUT. she didn't get to windclan! before she could make it, someone ATTACKED HER! it wasn't shown who it was or if it was riverclan or windclan or someone else but EEK!!! please be okay frostpaw. please. aaaaanyway, i thought this book was pretty good, surprisingly! frostpaw is still my number one fav :3 also i love owlnose & splashtail. i love alot of riverclan. icewing, shimmerpelt.... such cool characters!!! also lightleap and blazefire are cute
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suzuran777 · 7 months
Review: Shingakkou -Noli me tangere- (PIL/SLASH)
This is a game I've been wanting to replay for a long time! It has been 10 years, so I had a fun time revisiting it.
The story focuses on protagonist Michael, who's enrolled into a seminary. Excited to finally reunite with his family, Michael and his twin brother Gabby return home during their Christmas holiday, only to find out that someone has killed their parents and sister. To make things even more strange, they find a mysterious mark on the wall, written in their father's blood. Upon returning to the seminary, Michael discovers that this mark belongs to a secret society that exists in his very own school.
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It turns out that this secret society is a group of devil worshippers called "Akahebi no Tsuichi" (soil of the red snake). After receiving some hints about how to join, Michael joins their group to find out the true identity of its members. During their first meeting, some of the voices sound familiar to characters you meet earlier in the game... I will try to avoid mentioning any big spoilers in this review because it's more fun to experience it yourself!
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The first three routes follow a kind of similar story, you can choose between Leonid, Cecil or Neil. I personally think it doesn't really matter, so I started with Leonid's route. I ended up really liking him. At first he seems like a very serious character who has a lot of responsibilities, but later you learn he also has a different side. Michael often has to help him clean his room because Leonid has a habit of not organizing anything (to put it lightly...). When he does try to organize his belongings, Michael ends up finding shoelaces in tea cans and shirts stuffed in drawers... He's voiced by Midorikawa Hikaru who is in a lot of older BL games, so maybe I'm biased.
I guess it's important to mention that it definitely feels more like a horror game than a mystery game, so after playing the first route you kinda know what to expect from the next routes already, but it's still interesting to see how each character reacts to everything that happens in the game imo! I played Neil's route next, followed by Cecil's route. I thought Neil's personality was really fun, he teases Michael a lot but he also has a serious and caring side. I must admit that Cecil wasn't really my type, but he's Michael's closest friend and I'm sure there's many people out there who do enjoy childhood friend characters.
After playing the first three routes... it was time for August's route. And oh boy this is where things get a lot worse for Michael! I like how you can still choose who tops and bottoms by the way, which you can do for every character in this game. I remember I somehow didn't expect August of all characters to bottom LOL... I actually quite liked the ending because it's so different than the previous three routes. Some very cool symbolism at the end of his route too which is hard not to appreciate! August's route unlocks Gabby's route, which is the final route of the game.
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So, one thing you immediately notice in the first routes is that not many people seem to talk to Gabby, he mostly chats with Michael. When him and Michael get too close to the lake, which is kind of a prohibited area to visit, only Michael gets scolded for being there. One of the only exceptions is when August talks to them, who mentions both of them. I promise everything does make sense eventually and I actually really liked Gabby's route and ending... It was also fun to learn more about the side characters!
I think it was interesting to see how the game handled topics like religion. I remember I wasn't sure if I would like a game with these kind of themes, but it was actually quite good. Even though the seminary has very strict rules, many of the students have different interpretations of what religion should mean to someone. In the end it turns out Leonid is not very religious at all and wants to create a world in which same-sex marriage is accepted, and even Neil, who's revealed to be a pastor in his own route, thinks it's fine that people sometimes question if God really exists. At the end of the game Michael also mentions that maybe the god they believe in isn't the one that is literally described in the bible, but that he still believes that there is something out there.
I thought the horror in this game was pretty well done too, not super scary but it never failed to surprise me. As the route progresses, Michael starts having more and more nightmares and hallucinations. Demons, bugs, ghosts etc. Some scenes have these "jumpscares" but I wouldn't say they're too bad. What caught me off guard is whenever the faces of the other characters became weirdly distorted, which was quite creepy.
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I guess my only "complaint" would be that it's one of these games in which every route doesn't really have a completely different story, therefore it can get a bit tedious when you have to complete Leonid, Cecil and Neil's route before you can play August's route, which unlocks Gabby's route. I always try to play every route though, so for me it was no big problem.
I was actually surprised there's a completed Shingakkou manga which focuses on Neil's route! I think it has also been fan-translated, so if you do want to get a feeling what the game is like before playing it, it might be an option to read that instead. Shingakkou hasn't been translated into English, but it's very easy nowadays to download a tool like Textractor and to play it using machine translation. I definitely recommend checking it out yourself!
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wisteriainslumber · 7 months
leoidevil friendship headcanons
two posts so soon?? no wayyy everyone seems to love their dynamic in penned in ink (deserved, i love them) so i decided to give you some fun, general hcs about the mean girls of all
warnings: swearing? i think thats it. wow, go me
they share a steady HBIC rotation
they respect each other so much but it will never look like it (bc seven forbid they show love and compassion and care in clown school, right?)
insults in this group = love. the more unhinged, the more it means they care for each other
aka if you try to break them up bc they look like they're going to throw hands they'll flip the narrative as if you are the crazy one for thinking they're genuinely fighting
do you see why these three are always split up in events now?
leovil are constantly using honey, dear, and sweetie in their arguments (derogatory)
once, when particularly annoyed, idia called them mom and dad bc 1. they remind him of his parents and 2. he hoped it would be weird enough to change the topic but no, leovil are running with it
there's made up lore about how idia was adopted. the story changes every time. so far, idias been a double orphan, picked up at a dumpster, cloned, picked up from the lost and found, and at some point he was biologically related to that fire lizard from frozen 2
leona regularly gifts idia super expensive jewelry. he receives a bunch of them and believes idia would have something better to do with them than he can (idia uses them for cosplay and hands some off to ortho because he likes the way it shines)
and the gifts progressively get very specific to idias interests but the chances of the court giving the second prince a custom headset (conveniently aligned with idias interests) seems relatively low
vil vehemently refuses the charity but will not say no to exclusive afterglow savanna garments (she wants to feel special and leona isn't thaaat opposed to it)
whenever someone offhandedly mentions that they got their eyes on something, its a race to see who can get it first
and bc vil is a sentimental one, his room is FILLED with trinkets and photos of his outings
leovil is always caught up on idias current obsessions, with leona knowing the key plot points and vil only knowing the names and faces
idia would not stfu abt this con and leovil didn't have time to pretend like it was annoying bc they do NOT KNOW who to go as (presumably idia just wanted to talk or maybe get one of them to go to the con for him but the girls were not having that)
like these two binged Idia's 'show of the month' and were having so much trouble figuring out who his favourite characters were, but ultimately settled for the main character and her friends
idia LOVEDD the surprise even though he has like, no clue who tf they were cosplaying (turns out leovil remembered the title completely wrong)
leovil were hella committed to keeping up their character while idia was too busy running around like an excited puppy
vil always carried around a bunch of tampons for his classmates but has a seperate pouch for leona & idia (bc they have nice patterned packaging. that's it)
leona's homescreen is a photo of them wearing mouse-ear shades. they all look so cool (leona has not revealed the lockscreen to anyone)
vil always lends his products to his friends because besties share everything (he even has specific formulas he's custom made for them! vil's never ever EVER gonna give them away tho bc then he wont have an excuse for an impromptu skincare session LMAOO)
leona's the designated everything holder bc idias backpack is always filled with random junk and his posture is terrible and he's the only one who can apparently 'treat vil's purse with respect' (he complains about it though)
even if they weren't important, i feel like if they got group kidnapped, they'd bully the kidnapper so hard that they'd be let go unharmed and the kidnapper would be in tears
leona has ALLLL the tea and it takes a swipe from idia to verify the facts. with rumours, vil can pinpoint exactly who is being talked about, down the the dorm, year, and class number
idia sits in between the custody battle for epel and jack DAILY. but the silly thing is whenever idia chimes in with a perfectly reasonable idea (like say, flip a coin), leovil suddenly get along again just to say it's a dumb idea (its not)
idia and leona have sibling solidarity and bc vil is an only child they exercise their sibling rights just to tell vil complete lies (aka, anything vil does, like sneezing, will receive a comment like 'if you sneeze more than 4 times a day, it means you're awakening a ghost')
and they're committed to the bit. idia will absolutely forge research articles and leona will claim his fifth-cousin-twice-removed had mysteriously gone missing because of it
when vil's feeling down they do not gas the queen up (she already knows it, hun). they let vil raid their closets to pick out their outfits for a photoshoot
when vil's not in the mood for THAT then its a code red. leoide will dress themselves up so good that vil feels underdressed so now he HASSS to go on their impromptu outing. peer pressure wins again
the gossip sessions over shaved ice or any kind of dessert go CRAZY in this trio, like they're so loud bc the tea is outrageous and you want to be mad but at the same time, go on, i gotta hear more
idias ideal hangout is a self-care day. they'll all wear facemasks and idia will do everyone's nails and they all gossip
sometimes idia will come up with a theory, like that sam is from another world, and vil will say it's bogus but ends up feeding more evidence for the theory
once vil beat idia in a video game (that idia was a pro at, mind you) on the first try and idia declared their friendship over
vil and idia are video game buddies but not past the AMs bc vil has a bed time (leona's still salty about the cats & videogames comparison so he only watches)
vil and idia fight over custody of ortho all the time but leona just uses the distraction to get ortho to leak all the juicy secrets
other than that vil and ortho are doing evil potion making aka finding creative ways go sneak veggies in leoides food
the trio never have any real drama so they always end up 'fighting' each other over the stupidest shit. like the way they tie their shoes, the typo they just made, or how loud they breathe
whenever one of them is seriously down, it's always a bad-cop/good-cop situation bc getting too serious makes these emotionally stunted losers feel icky
they do talk about their feelings though, but it never turns into a pity party
idia LOOOVES being dramatic tho and will set the stage for his sob story only for it to be that the cashier didn't wish him a good day
vil will use idia's lingo for the shock factor and pretends it never happened after and leona will pretend like he didn't like that his time got wasted but will reassure him. and by reassure i mean he stands w idia in line and says 'have a good day' to the cashiers so they'll say 'you too'
and no idc what u say, idia will chat shit about everyones crushes but will do one of two things: A. be besties w them if his friends end up dating and B. have a crush on the BAREEE MINIMUM
okay i joke a lot but leoidevil all keep each other in check and strive to uplift & become the best version of themselves
its three different flavours of self-hatred all communicating with each other
and they will still preach self-love (leona bc he thinks they deserve better, idia bc he gave up but that doesnt mean his loved ones have to, and vil bc he believes you will never be at a satisfactory point in ur life if you dont make amends with yourself)
btw they have a very elaborate plan to go to therapy together and a back up plan if they happen to end up at the ward instead
friendship bracelets but its the admission wrist bands
all in all, the whole school is afraid of this power trio but they're just super weird together
12/10 leovil still have pictures of idia's phantom bride wedding day
if there's other groupings or ships you want me to do hcs for, send me an ask! i love exploring character dynamics smmm this will definitely be a new series of mine
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imsiriuslyreading · 5 months
hello i wasn’t quite sure where to send this so i’ll put it here for the moment. i just wanted to say that i found myself a quiet afternoon to binge ‘i have no milk’ and i am finding it so so lovely. you’ve both made wonderful companions today, and making lots of ppl give me strange looks as i laugh at seemingly nothing :))
also perhaps on a strange note but i’m a bit younger than you guys and i’m finding the style of conversation and topics, etc, all rather comforting(?). it gives the same vibe as that ‘because the world didn’t end when i was 15’ trend, is the best way i can phrase it. listening to you discuss your lives and the expectations you had for them and then them being Not Those Expectations but here you are making a podcast, reading your fics and making new friends etc etc. it all kind of feels like you’re patting me on my little anxious head and going ‘the world isn’t ending it’s just changing’.
anyway i haven’t a clue if that actually made any sense but i’m enjoying the podcast immensely and hoping you’re both well and looking forward to more to come !!
hello lovely thing,
this was the most beautiful message to wake up to, oh my goodness.
firstly, thanks ever so much for listening. Montana and I are very honoured to have been your friends alongside your sunday afternoon <3 no better way to spend a day, if you ask me.
we both adored your message, particularly the part about 'the world didn't end at 15', alongside the 'world isn't ending, it's just changing.' because I think you're onto something a bit special there.
something i've noticed is that, yes, as you said, the world didn't end at 15. it didn't end at 17, 19, 24, 27 etc for me either, although sometimes it sort of felt like it had. but it did change, and so did i, as we all do, but some things stay the same i reckon.
the main one being is the need and want for connections and friends throughout your life. everyone has it, i think, whether or not its something they speak about freely. our whole lives, the Big Expectations of What Your Life Should Look Like is drilled into us so thoroughly, and in actuality, the older I get, the less i find all that matters. I've done some cool things over the last few years in my career. I've had the whole long-term relationship on the right track to marriage and the big house, blah blah blah. but none of that matters, really.
my career is boring as sin and I'm always looking for the things that set my soul on fire. that relationship burned into nothingness and, frankly, i couldn't be happier about it.
the bits that stick, though, are the friends you make. we go through such periods of loneliness where it feels like we'll never find our people. but we do find them. often in the most unexpected places (harry potter fanfiction I'm looking you dead in the eye right now). and let me tell you, I'm pretty sure I've found my soulmates here, if that's not too cheesy. I've felt more highs and lows in fiction and friends in the past year or so than I have probably my whole life. and when I was a teenager or in my early 20s, I'd look at people my age now and think 'god you're like, a real grown up.' but fuck if they exist, really. we're all just toddling along, doing our best and seeing what sticks.
and honestly, the best bit about getting to grow older is that you discover so much more of yourself, and get the chance to craft who you are into someone you're proud of.
so, i guess, what i'm trying to say is that I'm absolutely thrilled to hear our conversations felt like a little reassuring pat on the head. because whatever life ends up looking like, as long as you love it, or big parts of it at least, i think that's what matters.
and thank you, because your message felt a bit like a pat on the head, too. and it meant so much more to me (and Montana!) than you know.
I'm excited for you to decide whats next in your story.
have the most beautiful day and thank you ever so much once again for sending this <3
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hiroshotreplica · 9 months
i would love to hear about ur Hiro thoughts if u wanna share :3
hiro.... where do i begin...... (btw no coroika stuff sorry. from what ive seen the characterization there does not line up with any of my promo kid brainrot at all LOL. also they turned kayoss into an inkling there lol???)
love him so much you dont even know. i memorized his username (Hirooooo) i think he's cool. i like his inkless office drone title it implies so much about him. projected some of my traits onto him a very long time ago, so he's an autistic trans guy to me. maybe bi. ive mentioned it before but i think he wears his ocho octophones outside of battle and theyre noise cancelling. i think he needs that feature for battles cause oh my goodness there's so many noises in battles sometimes.
of COURSE he uses .96 gal, its iconic as hell. but i think he uses like.. 3 other weapons too. splattershot, mainly because he's been shown with ttek splattershot + he's on the trizooka card (or at least the octoling there has a VERY close resemblance). i think he uses range blaster and dark tetra dualies cause he's been shown with them (the range guess is based on like. 20 pixels from a millisecond of footage though). also i use range and dark tetra..and i thought it was funny
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also fun little thought i had the other day: i think he avoids .96 gal deco like the plague. was excited to see it get splash wall but freaked out about kraken royale. picked it up just to find out about the kraken part mid-match and got jumpscared by the transformation. enough to shove somewhere and never think about it again
i dont think he has like, a set in stone team or anything (i dont think any of the splat 3 promo kids do, they all play matches with each other n theyre all friends) but he usually teams up with anemoneno1, takotruck, and c4l4m4r. they have the most toxic synergy ever but thats another story. my interpretation of ane is its own thing too. i think they and hiro hate each other in the friend way. say the rudest shit to each other as a joke then laugh about it.
SPEAKING OF HIS RELATIONSHIPS WITH OTHER PEOPLE. coming out as a hironika lover. i think he loves veronika so much its unreal. kind of boyfail type of way. they share an apartment w/ ane. sometimes i think about a poly thing between them but i like to think ane's just an onlooker to the frustrating chaos that is the two of them pining on each other in the most obvious way possible. theyre so t4t oh my god. (off topic but im a veronika she/they nonbinary believer forever. i think she's also a girl too but i dont know how to explain that. bigender, demigirl?? hard to label wish i could just let people peer into my brain on that.)
ALSO I LOVE NEO 3 VERONIKA BUT HIRO'S THE NEO 3 TO ME SORRY. my url gives this away so fast (hiroshotrepilca.. huh i wonder who hiro is). i think his smallfry friend would have the mohawk haircut. need more neo 3 hiro fanart in my life...
ok thats all i can put into words... a lot of this is going to show up in a thing im writing (I NEED A HIRO. posting it on ao3if anyone cares) but Yeah. sorry for this being sooo long these thoughts have been brewing in my head for like a year
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floofz · 10 months
i don't have many thoughts about the ep but it was. Something. to watch. i sorta knew what was about to happen because i saw you talking about it on the dash but My Fucking God. i don't know whats up with link click and their fifth eps but they sure do like putting all the strong topics into them. i did liked? enjoyed? a lot the realism it was treated with though
also my brain sort of died halfway n i spent a nice hour trying to figure out what was happening with lu guangs ability in this ep
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that theory about one of the siblings taking control of him during that brief time period sounds very interesting?? i wonder if that's what happened or if the bad connection is due to lu guang's current health or a third secret thing
also another thing but i?? really like the way link click distracts you from the culprits. i spent the ending of ep4 n half of ep 5 thinking that the culprit was gonna be the cat ears dude n they also seemed to be playing onto it at first. i don't know. it's cool
wahh thanks for asking about my thoughts in turn newayz !! you're very cool
bro omg youre so right LINK CLICK AND THEIR FIFTH EPISODES. thanks for reminding of THAT one in s1 😭✌️ nah but fr it was A Lot. s1 ep5 was absolutely devastating made me cry like a baby and then we have s2 ep5 which is just. on a whole other level of hard to even watch.
I AGREE WITH THE CONFUSION ABOUT LU GUANGS ABILITY THOUGH. like its sooo... inconsistent. we dont know a lot about it from the get go anyway but i also sometimes wonder abt the logistics of the dives and if lu guang is surprised like cheng xiaoshi by what happens but then in other instances we see him knowing exactly what happens?? idk. suspension of disbelief ig. it is a time travel show after all so theres bound to be some inconsistencies. i try to just enjoy the show and not think too much abt the logistics of lu guangs ability.
also to your last point i knowwwww right?? the first time i saw this man and noticed the beard shadow i immediately thought it was that henchman guy from qian jin, just in the past. and thats also how the siblings have this connection in the present to him now. im still kinda sus abt him though. bet on link click to first make us think hes the bad guy, then the good guy, and then it turns out hes the bad guy again and actually that henchman dude. it is an interesting choice to give him the same beard shadow as him. link click, istg ur making my hairs turn grey.
anyway thank YOU for asking my thoughts on this ep too, i love talking about this show!!! tickles my brain in all the right ways GAHH. im so excited to see whats in store for us next week
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asherloki · 1 year
It's nice to have a friend
Sherlock x reader
Prompt list here
A/n:- I'm so glad you like my work, I hope you like it, sorry it came out platonic, made more sense to me that way.
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Y/n is the neighbour of Sherlock Holmes, she lives in the upper flat of the detective's. They both kinda get along well, platonically. They're like the friends that understand's eachother's eye signs, they argues like siblings, they care like besties. But y/n is rather possesive, maybe a bit like Sherlock, if anyone touches her stuffs she acts like how Sherlock would if you touch his test tubes.
The only thing that was different from Sherlock about her was that she was literally a cry baby. And that annoyed Sherlock, well he made it seem so, but ultimately his hand would be the one calming her down by wrapping them around her.
So on a Sunday when Sherlock just got up from his bed wrapped in his bedsheet, he heard his door creeked open, and went to see it was y/n, "hey morning!" Said she all dressed up. He was stunned to see her like that, usually she's in her pyajamas or shorts that are so short that might even gives a glimpse of her butt.
"Hey, good morning, where are you upto?" He asked.
"Oh well" she buzzed in excitement and came in, "you remember Lauren?"
"The popular guy of your college?"
"Yes! He asked me out, Tada!"
"Woah that's cool" he said blankly didn't know what to think about it."
"Huh! I'm so happy, anyway I came to give you this extra key, if I drop mine on the road in excitement, so I'll ask this extra from you."
"What if I'm out?"
"Oh just give it to Mrs Hudson then, anyway I'm late see, you mate". Waving she went out, Sherlock literally saw from the window she was leaping through the road. He rolled her eyes but couldn't help but giggle at her.
Sherlock got a case from lestrade which needed his immediate attention. So He went out after two hours of y/n's departure.
At 8pm y/n came home, she didn't look very happy, atleast not that how she was when she was out. She went upstairs to ask Sherlock for her keys. As she reached she found his door open but Sherlock wasn't in, she didn't like to enter his flat when he wasn't there cause it would be invading his privacy. Baffled of why's his door open she did went upstairs. Half way through she saw her door unlocked too, "wtf?" She thought. This new fear of a thief entering their flats and stealing stuffs replaced her sadness. She couldn't think properly, her things being touched was so frightening she ran to her flat and pushed her bedroom door open, she gasped at the sight of Sherlock sitting on her bed and looking up at her, "y/n how was...."
“Why are you in my bed?” she interrupted him.
“I was sad.” he replied
“Well now I’m sad you’re in my bed, move.” said she almost with tears in her eyes and with a pout. He noticed it and knew her date didn't went well or she's just making a fuzz out of nothing.
"I... I always noticed whenever you're sad you go to your bedroom and comeback as if nothing happened so I thought maybe..."
"Ugh" she said annoyed, "fine why are you sad?"
"Why are YOU sad?" He cross questioned.
"I asked first". She replied
"Fine you win, thinking everything in a complicated way, checkmated me, I forgot to see the simple solution, so you see, my first deduction of a case which I was sure of wasn't correct, though the second one was, but I wasn't sure of it, that much".
"Oh" she said.
"Well" she sat beside him, and looked down then said softly, "you know me, I'm looking for love, and I want marriage. Lauren, he is a real nice guy, respectful, but doesn't believe in marriage. I don't know what to do".
He listened, but this topic is not very much of Sherlock Holmes's interest so he didn't know what to say on that, rather he asked, "how everything goes fine when you come out of this room? I'm here for half an hour and I'm still upset."
"You what? Did you touch anything?" She gasped.
"What no... Well except for your makeup products, those are expensive, how much do you spend on them?"
"You? " She almost bursted but calmed herself, "I forgive you this time."
"I'm grateful " he joked "so? My answer ".
She giggled and replied, "I cry here, I'm a cry baby, i cry, let my sadness go and comeback stronger."
"I see, I never done that, anyway you take some rest I better go..."
She held his arm to forbid her from going, "maybe you can sit here, it doesn't make me sad anymore."
He smiled and sat down beside her, "maybe we should cry our sadness out" he said with a laughter. But they didn't cry that night, they laughed over lot's of things, that seemed sad alone but with eachother the burden was light a bit.
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