#ves off to the side going ham too
sleeptaken · 4 months
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full of energy <3 [x]
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bh-writingdump · 2 months
C@ve Sl@ve
[1st draft]
It’s weird, coming back late in the night. The crickets chirping, owls hooting. You have expected a trap or some insect to pop out of nowhere. So much for a nice leisurely walk
What did you honestly expect though?
You wait by a mother tree. Dozen saplings burst from it, fighting each other for the light, one of them clearly on its way out. Your knife slips between your fingers, you hadn’t realized it but you’d lost all feeling.
Standing there, staring at the knife. You’re reminding of the blisters forming on your ankles. The dozen ingrown hairs, angry and red, all of your thighs. You even getting them in your arm pits with the rashes from the times when it’s too hot to wear your jacket. During the day, the rashes chaff while at night, there seems to be an ingrown hair no matter what side you lay on.
What you wouldn’t give for a shower, chocolate and a proper pair of briefs.
The skin on your head contracts and expands with the cold. you would pull up your hod but if someone came from behind…
Above, you hear the flap of feathers.
In an instant, you’re on the move, marching through the underbrush, eying every shadow in the trees. Nothing. Shit, you’re screwed.
You find an old growth tree and duck under its low branches. Remaining still as stone. It hurts breathing each one feels too loud. Heart pounding like a drum. Nearby, you hear twigs snap under foot. You bite your lip to stop form cursing. The knife feels good in your hands. It didn’t take much to knock out Sans. Just one well-placed hit. Hopefully, whoever followed you would be the same.
In the moonlight, a silhouette stands at the edge of the branches.  A low dog whistle rings out.
You stiffen. It’s the same one you heard when you found the jacket. A part of you feel compelled to come out. the jacket feels especially warm, warmer than it usually is. you keenly watch them as they pull something from their pocket, low hand tossing it.
You leap back, getting as much space between it and you.
“woulda fetched you another pair but my bro already unraveled the first.” A sweet scratchy voice murmurs. They sit down. A red ember glows like a firefly at the end of a roll of paper. “name’s Ham, you?” He asks.
With how big his wing span is, there’s no way he’d be able to climb under here. You’ve got the advantage. Long as you’re under here, he can’t get you. You stare at the thing he tossed, a pair of socks.
But you know better. “Haha, very funny. Go jump off a bridge.” With a stick, you flick the sock back.
Ham signs like he just shouldered bag of rocks. “’s not a trap.”
“I’ll admit, it’s not your best work. I have e to say, you used a sound strategy.” It all made sense. “Lure me in with a jacket, then trap everything to high even after that. Is this the reset? One free gift for a lifetime of traps.”
Ham’s breath catches, an ember falls from his smoke, “wasn’t me.”
“How convenient.”
He stops talking, smoking but saying nothing. You hear the flapping of wings, tensing, ready for more harpies to surround you but no others come. The silene eats at you. More than you need to listen for something else.
“So what? Just the jacket.”
Ham shrugs noncommittally.
“How did you know I’d find it?”
The harpy fusses with his hoodie. “had a feeling.”
“Like what? You’re psychic or something?” Before you know it, you’re almost on the edge of the tree’s branches before you force yourself to crawl back.
Noticeably, the harpy’s head drops. “could say that. how ‘bout you? made it this long without turning.”
“Turning?” Now that you thought of it, for all the human paraphernalia you’ve found, you haven’t come across any recent signs like campfires or trash, all of it’s been months or years old. “Like a werewolf?”
It’s then that Ham turns to face you briefly. Dim white eye lights scan over you. hey soften before darting away, chain smoking until they pocket the butt and start again.
Doubt it’ll grow anything. Your palm your smooth done. “Got any recommendations? Personally, I’d go for vampire. That way I’d turn into a bat and kick your ass to kingdom come before you know it.
His laugh bubbles up sudden and sweet. Fuck, it sounds nice. You not to get closer. It’s like a drug the warm feeling, you strip off your coat, balling it into your chest to have something to hold onto. Whatever this guy’s deal is, he’s waiting for you to bolt. Maybe you can knock him out or injure him and make a break for camp.
“I mean it!” You snap, not entirely faking it. Bing human in a world o you super powered freaks sucks. Gimme a little of that power and you’ll see who’s the pet and who’s the master then.”
Its then his laughter cuts off. “There’s worse things.”
“Sure, like meeting a siren.” You think to the eggs bouncing around in you and the one still left.
“did you..” His gaze darts to your belly.
“nearly. Wolf got them out.”
“Has Red—Wolf done anything else.. that you didn’t…” Something weird creeps into his voice. The kind of thing you notice when a business partner smile grew brittle when you went to the bathroom too often. “If… if he was, I don’t’ know much about humans but I would make sure—"
It's your turn to laugh. “Good one! ha! that’s the best shit I’ve heard all day, have you considered stand up?”
Burning heat flashes through you as bile fills your throat. Does he honestly believe you can’t take care of yourself? That you’re some baby bird whose fallen form the nest?”
“’hon…” Pity, a fruit so ripe its bruised.
“I’ll wait here all night if I have to! I’m not some rookie who stumbled in last week. I’ve been here since last year. I know the drill. I’ve been a play thing. Soon as I find a way out of this damn place, I’m gone. Hell, why not do the gentlemanly thing and point me toward the nearest town. Hmm? Would you? no! Cuz all you want is to breed, fuck, chew suck, or play house with me. I know what you want. Or hell, maybe you’ll like Crest and you’re into that sadistic exhibitionism shit—let me burst your bubble, bitch. I’m. NOT. Anybody’s.”
For awhile, neither of you spoke. Ham wouldn’t even look at you, more preoccupied with smoking.
“Do you have to do that?” You snap when the silene becomes unbearable. “It’s disgusting.”
“heh, sounds like my bro.”
“I highly doubt that. At least when I set people on fire, I don’t push them, they leap of their free will.”
His eyes pulse a vibrant orange before going dim again. “he’s a tidy fella. helped me figure out your size.”
Your mouth grows dry. How long has he been watching you?
“The shoes…” You blurt without thinking.
He shakes his head. “Nah, got lucky on that one.” You slump, somehow knowing he’s watching is more recent is relieving. “how’s the heel on those? Never could get a good look.”
There’s no holes in them. Not big ones but enough that you’d be fucked if you came across anything sharp as a blackberry vine or hawthorn branch.
“You got something planned.”
“I didn’t set those traps. Do I look like the planning guy?”
He could’ve snatching you up anytime tonight. Though, that could’ve been incompetence. Don’t’ make excuses for him.
“Who did? The easter bunny?”
“… a friend.”
“Of course, of course, does this friend have a name?
Ham groans. “He didn’t mean to hurt you. would’ve healed you if it got real bad.”
“should’ve told me that when I was CHOKING on fucking TERMITES!” you snarl. Before you know it your out from beneath the canopy shoving him back until he falls on the ground. “I can’t fucking get a goodnight’s seep and you know what helps?! YOUR TRAPS!”
He snatches up your wrists before you can get the knife on his nek. “you wanna help me leave me the-the—”
Your hit by the smell of honey and smoke. You hadn’t recognized it until now but it’s the same as the jacket. As your anger’s tempered, you also realize what you’ve done.
Eyes wide, his grip on y our wrists, while light, feels like a billion needles cross your body. The world goes sharp as you try to fight it but your body won’t move at first.
“Shit.” Ham mutters, taking the knife but letting you go. You scamper back beneath the canopy clutching yourself “didn’t meant to… you alright?”
“Really?” you chuckle, shaking your head. “Funny, so funny! Did I mention you should take up stand up?”
He tosses something else, a necklace with a bee in amber. “This’ll help you resist my magic.”
You eye it. “Why?”
He fiddles with his jacket, like your gaze is sharper than any knife. “please?” begging.
Despite your better judgement, you lower your head. In an instant, the odd warmth dissipates and the compulsion goes away. you return to safety beneath the tree. “should help with sirens too. would given it with the jacket if I remembered… don’t get out often.”
You run your thumb over the amber. “What’s it you want? You’ve been following us awhile. if you wanted to take me, you could’ve why now? You got some kink for consent?”
“that’s not.. I’m.. I’m not interested in.” His cheeks light up a sunset orange that you can’t help but think it suits him. “Just.. seems lots of humans, don’t’ want you to… Red’s had a thing for eating them.”
“That’s it? You’re just worried?”
Likely story. Then again… you’re having to jump through a billion hoops to explain to the contrary. Maybe he is being honest. Then again, if there’s something you’re missing, you’re dead.
“Yup.” He tosses the socks again.
For a solid few seconds, you try to think of a reason not to, then cave. Fuck, socks feel so good on your aching feet. Not a single hole too. gift or not, everything has a price.
“I’m not fucking you or selling parts. Otherwise, everything else is on the table So.. what’s your price?” Your hand burns with magic ready for a deal.
The cigarette bends between his teeth. This time, you crawl toward him, just out of reach.
“Don’t like, I’m not waiting for you to call up.”
“You and red.” He sighs. “fine. I… I always wanted to pet you.”
“Pet me?” You ask incredulously. “You seriously think I’ll believe that.”
“you’re heads shiny and I like shiny things, and ever since I saw humans, your skin’s nice looking and squishy and I always wanted to feel it.” All the while as he babbles his cheeks get such a bright orange it spreads of the rest of his face until he hides in his hoodie.
You crawl out just within rms reach and wait. “1 minute. Per sock. 2 total. I’ll be counting.
He peaks out, “wait, really?”
You hold out your hand. He stupidly gives it to you. It’s tempting to cut him up. Instead, you keep it in your palm, hands on your knees while you say. “120, 119…” before counting the rest in your head.
The time passes sand his hand gets close but doesn’t make contact. “Are… are you sure?”
“It’s part of the deal. Whether you do anything is your choice.”
Only thirty seconds left, he closes his eyes and places his hand against your hand. Your skin tingles against his warm as his magic gets pulled toward yours. You suppress a shiver. His hand doesn’t move, just rests there until you reach zero and lean away.
Staring at him like he has two heads, he merely softly smiles back, still blushing. “thanks uh.. for that.”
Darting back under the tree, when you turn back, his wings flap, sending a wall of pine needles in every direction. You watch him disappear into the canopy. On the way back, you hear the flapping of wings. They keep up until your back at camp.
You see a glimpse of him darting through the branches. The wolf growls, you tense, not ready for whatever is to come.
Will he charge?
Instead, they come behind you, shoving you again and again until you’re back in the cave. So confused that when they just block the entrance, sleeping gain. You’re unsure what to do. Does that mean things are fine?
They hadn’t tucked you under them. it oddly makes you feel uneasy as you settle by the firepit, lighting it and watching the flames until morning. You find socks soaked in drool. While not atop you, their tail regularly slaps your feet. 
[CS: Ham] pg8 -->
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100yearoldcomics · 2 years
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August 9, 1922 The Katzenjammer Kids by Harold Knerr
TOP PANEL [ID: Mamma leans, visibly seasick, off the side of the boat they're sailing to Africa. The Kids stand behind her, pleasantly licking lollipops. /end] Hans: Say, Mamma, should ve tell der cook to bring you some ice cream mit Russian dressing? Mamma: Go 'vay!
MAIN COMIC [ID: Der Captain, using a wheelchair because his bandaged right foot has the gout, angrily talks with Long John Silver below deck. Between the two arguing men, the Kids stand, happily holding each other. Mamma tries to sleep in a bunk behind them. /end] John: But I'm tellin' ye, it's too rough on deck! Ye're better off below! Mamma: Ach! Such a motion! Oy! Captain: Say! Who's doing der telling on dis dod-rotted boat, you or me? I said I go on deck und get tied to der mast und dum-foozle your keel. Ven I said it, I mean it! Hans: He said it! Fritz: He means it!
[ID: Long John ties der Captain to the mast on deck and walks off, waving him off frustratedly. The Kids creep up behind the mast with a knife, ready to cut him loose. /end] Captain: Ah-h-h! So soon I get a snifter uf der dod-gasted ocean, efen der dum-svoggled gout feels better! John: Don't blame me if anything happens! I got work to do!
[ID: The Kids cut der Captain free and he wheels uncontrollably across the deck. /end] Captain: HEY! I'M LOOSE!
[ID: He speeds, full force, into a mooring bollard, hitting it foot-first. The Kids cling onto the mast behind him, laughing uproariously. /end] Captain: OW!
[ID: The ship rolls back on the waves and der Captain starts rolling backwards. He narrowly misses a large open hatch on deck. /end] Captain: Chiminy! Vot a narrow squeaker!
[ID: Der Captain wheels backwards with great speed past a sailor at the ship's steering wheel. /end] Captain: Lend a hand, you goo-faced lubber! Don't you see I'm loose from der moorings? Sailor: Can't leggo the wheel, Cap! She's pullin' hard! Didn't ye hear me warn ye?
[ID: Der Captain rolls forward again, tipping onto one wheel to just barely skirt past the open hatch. The chef, a racist depiction of a Chinese man, walks towards it with a pile of steaming hot dishes. /end] Captain: So soon I find ouid who left open dot gum-doozled hatch, it gifs a broken kneck for somevun! Cook: Me velly big fool eveh leave China! Ship loly-poly makee sick!
[ID: Der Captain runs right into the chef, who drops his dishes as der Captain hits him in the gut with his bandaged foot. A massive serving dish of soup spills onto der Captain's face. /end] Captain: HELLUP! Cook: OO-OO-OOF!
[ID: Der Captain, clutching his injured foot, cries out in pain as he wheels backwards, right towards the open hatch. The cook sits on the ground, watching with surprise while he clutches his sore gut. /end] Captain: If I lif t'rough dis dod-rotted storm, it gifs Hans und Fritz for dinner for der sharks!
[ID: Long John angrily approaches his three sailors, who stand meekly around an opened crate labeled "Strictly Fresh Eggs." /end] John: Wot's the idea o' this dinky lot o' eggs? Didn't I tell ye to get six boxes to last six months? Sailor: It wuz all we could get!
[ID: Der Captain falls through the hatch directly onto the crate, smashing all the eggs. The yolk splashes out into the sailors' faces. Long John is taken aback. /end] Captain: An' them's all the eggs! Sailor #1: The omelette... Sailor #2: ...is... Sailor #3: ...hashed!
[ID: Der Captain, now fastened to the match with a strong chain, angrily brandishes his cane, ready to bring it down onto the backsides of the Kids. Long John holds them both rear-first towards der Captain as the rest of the yolk-soaked crew looks on in anger. /end] Captain: Und chust on account uf der ding-swingled shenanigans I got to eat ham und eggs mitout der eggs! John: Soak 'em a couple fer me, Cap!
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beautifulchaostrash · 4 years
Hi! could I get some fluff with Lester Sinclair and a female S/O? like a date, they go to the woods to search for animal bones and other cool stuff that can be found in the forest and at some point they get lost because they were too distracted being adorable? thank you so much!!!💞💞💞💞 love ya! hope you're doing well💞
A Paisley Afternoon
Lester Sinclair x Fem!Reader
SFW, mentions of abuse, swearing
Word count: 4,884
assasdjhajfsgawgeu you are SO sweet! QwQ I hope you’re doing good as well!
Quick disclaimer: I have not seen the House of Wax, and I haven’t really written for the Sinclair brothers that much, so if their characterization seems off plz let me know! This was hella fun to write and I’m super glad you requested this! (I’m also lowkey simping for Lester Sinclair, what have u done to me)
I know u asked for fluff and while this mostly is, I made the ending kinda angsty cause I can’t help myself...T-T but it has a happy ending tho
cut because this is a loooong ass fic
“S-so uh, Y/N! V-Vinnie asked me to uh, go get some stuff from the forest, ya know, for his artstuffs? And uh, ‘was wonderin’ if you wanted to come with, since yer a big fan of nature and stuff, heh. I-if you don’t that’s ok I understand I-”
You silenced his nervous rambling with a kiss on the cheek.
“I’d love to! Could we make it a picnic? I don’t get to cook for you often,” you hummed.
Lester blushed a deep red. “Y-yeah if you wanna, I’d love that...uh, m-meet you at our usual spot? Four pm?”
“I’ll see you then!” You gave him a chaste kiss on the lips before turning to go back into the house.
He gawked for a minute before jogging down the porch steps, stammering his goodbyes. He drove off as if he had gotten de-pantsed during gym class and was retreating to hide out his shame in the locker room.
He would never call this a date. Not in a million years. After all ‘Dates are s'posed to be nice and fancy, and if there’s one thing I ain’t it’s that!’. Lester’s self-deprecating humor came back in your mind as you sat on the edge of the boarded-up well. The well served as your go-to meet spot for these kinds of outings.
Even though you had both been dating for years, Lester always treated every date as if it were his first. As if he couldn't believe that you wanted to spend time with him. It broke your heart to think about, but it was sweet in away.
Every time he came up with an excuse. ‘Bo wants me out of the house for the evening'...'We need more parts for the House of Wax, and I need some help'... 'You’ve spent a lot of time inside lately, you should go on a walk'! And I’ll come with to protect you in case people come by.’  But you knew better.
You knew that Lester was too nervous to ask you outright. You’re snapped out of your daydream by the slam of a car door. Looking up to see Lester jogging towards you, Jonsey following close behind.
“S-sorry I’m late! Lost track of ti-...Y/N! How many times have I told you not to sit on that well!?!” he picked up his pace, sprinting to where you sat.
You sheepishly stood up, not noticing that you had been leaning on it in the first place.
“Sorry sweetheart, guess I jus’ got tired,”
He pulled you into a tight hug, then pulled away to check your body for injuries. He was like a flustered mother goose, almost.
“That well is ancient, why it-it was 'prolly here before Bo and Vinnie were even born! If you p-put too much weight on it, it could-”
“Collapse and I could get hurt, I know, I know. Gah! You worry too much darling,” You stood on your tiptoes to press a kiss into the bridge of his nose.
He stood back and put his hands on his hips, eyeing you up and down.
“Why I oughta-” He wagged a finger in your direction.
“What? You oughta what? What’re you gonna do huh?” you smirked and leaned into him, tilting your head.
“I oughta…” He trailed off at your sudden challenge, blushing hard.
His eyes widened and a mischievous grin spread across his face.
“I oughta kiss you, fer being so reckless!” He crossed his arms.
You giggled and put a hand over your forehead. “Oh no! What a tragedy! Forced to kiss the most handsome man in the world! Whatever shall I do???”
You sank to the ground and leaned against Jonsey, putting a hand to your forehead. Lester looked down at his feet and rubbed the back of his neck.
“Aww shucks!” He muttered.
You jumped up, wrapping your arms around his waist and ghosting your lips against his. Lester pressed his hands against your waist and closed the distance between you two. You stayed connected for a moment, savoring the tangy taste of sweat and dirt on your tongue. You only broke away when you heard Jonesy snuffling around in the picnic basket you brought with. After shooing her away from your food, Lester went back to his truck to gather his bag, and you were both on your way.
You and Lester walked through the forest, taking your time to pick your way for the undergrowth. Even though you both did this often, and usually traveled the same path each time, you never failed to find stuff.
Jonesy, not learning her lesson from the last time, went after a badger and got her ass kicked again. Leading to a very angry rant from Lester, even though she couldn’t understand what she was saying.
Even though you were looking for animal bones, anything was game. From discarded beer cans to cool looking rocks, weird plants, whatever you managed to find.
You both stopped in a small clearing, the trees were sparser here and the grass a bit taller. A perfect place for treasures to hide. Lester beamed, moving to start sifting through the vegetation. You set your basket down nearby and followed suit, hiking up your pant legs to avoid the mud.
A few minutes and a couple of oddly shaped rocks later, Lester called out to you. He showed off a very excellent stick, that was a bit shorter than him and looked thick and sturdy. He handed it to you, proclaiming that it was going to be your 'wizard staff'.
“Wizard staff?” you chuckled, grabbing the stick from his hands.
“Why yes! You are the most magical person I’ve met! You’ve got to be some sort of powerful enchantress! Sein' as you’ve put a spell on my heart~” he smiled and grabbed you by the waist, leaning down to kiss you.
You gasped when he pulled away, blushing at his cheesy comments. You sure as shit weren’t gonna let him get away with it without firing back with some of your own.
“That’s funny, seeing as you’re the one who’s charmed me~” you whispered in his ear, your breath hot on his sensitive skin.
You spun around and stooped down to pick through the grass,  ignoring his flustered gaping. He smiled and kneeled next to you in the dirt, enjoying the silence of the forest.
You both trek on for another hour or so, before finding a level area near a creek to collapse and have lunch. You made quick work, unfurling the blanket and setting out the food. You tossed a few treats towards Jonsey to make sure your meal wouldn't get sacrificed.
You fell onto the ground with a thud, letting your aching muscles relax. Even though it wasn't hot out, the humidity made doing anything outside torture. You don't know how Lester managed to do it every day.
“You need to eat, here d-drink some water,” he pushed a canteen into your hands along with a sandwich.
“Water?” Taking a swig from the canteen, you smirked. “Why, I think you have more than quenched my thirst, gorgeous~”
Lester went red from ear to ear as he realized that you were ogling his backside while he rummaged around in his bag. He flushed and sat down next to you, suddenly very invested in the ham sandwich in front of him. You finished your sandwich and leaned against his shoulder. Lester blushed and started stammering. You silence him with a kiss, one hand moving to cup his cheek, the other moving to his chest.
He reciprocated, wrapping his arms around your waist and deepening the kiss. His lips slid against yours, chapped and sweaty, and tasting faintly of blood. It was more than gross, it was ghastly, repulsive even, and yet so so addicting. Every time you think you get enough of him he leaves you yearning for more. If you didn’t know any better, you would’ve thought him to be a succubus or some kind of land-dwelling siren.
But nope, it was just Lester. Lester bringing you gifts in the form of wildflowers, pretty rocks, and books. Lester giving you full-throated, heartfelt praise and sappy comments. Lester giving you more passion and love and charm in one smile than anyone else could give you in a lifetime. Bo may be a smooth-talking seducer, but Lester? Lester was straight up husband material, and it made your heart melt.
And it made other things melt as well, you realized as you were craving more of him. You opened your mouth slightly, pushing your tongue on his lips to savor more of that sickly sweet taste. He obliged you, parting his lips to brush your tongues together. Straddling his waist, you press your body against his, leveraging a more intimate kiss.
He gave out a small groan, which only spurned you on further. Your  hand reached down to pull at the hem of his shirt, when his rough hands gripped your hips and pulled you off of him.
“Not in front of Jonesy!” he hissed into your ear.
You couldn’t help but laugh at the notion.
“Jonsey? Babe, she’s just a dog she doesn’t care what we’re doin’, she doesn’t even understand what sex is!”
He puffed up , a bit offended by your words. “She is not jus’ a dog, she is an innocent creature and does not deserve to be exposed to that kind o’ stuff!”
You snickered again, conceding defeat. “Alright alright, but you owe me, mister,” you teased.
He smiled and kissed the top of your head as you snuggled into his side.
“Don’ worry bout a thing darlin’, I always pay my debts,”
You both relaxed, exchanging kisses and occasionally commenting about work, or the weather. After a while, you both decided it was time to move on, and you packed up camp.
As you stopped to refill the canteens from the creek, your eye noticed something odd in the water.
Upon closer inspection, you realized it was a very smooth rock. You, of course, fished it out to take home with you. Only then did you realize what about it that had caught your eye in the first place. The rock itself was a dark color, flat, and about the same circumference as a small wine bottle. Right smack in the middle of the rock was a hole going clear through to the other side.
Your jaw dropped. It was a hag stone. You had heard of them before but had never expected to ever find one naturally occurring. They were ridiculously rare and only formed under specific circumstances. Even though it seemed to be a bit silly, you mentally thanked the forest and the creek for giving you such a gift. “Lester!” you called out. “Come look at what I found!”
You ran over to him and dropped the stone into his palm. His eyes widened, his fingers running over the smooth surface, tracing the round hole.
“You found this in th’ creek?” he held the stone up to his face and peered through the hole curiously.
“Yeah! It was just sitting there,”
“Well I’ll be, I never seen anything like it!”
“They’re called Hag Stones! It's rumored they hold powerful magic, since they're only created through natural means,”
Lester hummed and pushed the stone back into your hands.
“That’s a real hell of a find y/n!” He smiled.
You palmed the rock, thinking for a moment. An idea popped into your head.
“Say Lester do you have any rope or string?” you asked.
He nodded and went to retrieve it from his pack. It was a small bundle of thin para-cord, stolen off some unfortunate tourist. 
“Perfect!” you beamed.
Taking the loose end, you compared the length to your neck to gauge it, then took a small pocket knife and cut the rope. Looping one end through the hole in the rock, then tying both ends in a secure knot. Beckoning Lester to lean down, you looped the necklace over his head, leaving it to rest on his neck . He looked down at it and smiled.
“When Hag Stones are worn around the neck like this, they make the wearer pretty much immune to curses and bad luck. It’s even said that if you look through it, you’ll be able to see into the kingdom of the Fae Folk! And because we found this one in the forest, it grants you favor with the tree spirits!” you bit your tongue and blushed, realizing how silly and hippy-dippy you sounded.
“‘Course that’s just all legend, but it is still pretty though, and I think it suits you nicely.”
Lesters’ eyes widened, and he tried to lift the stone from around his neck. “I can't! Y-you need this more than me!”
You snatched his hands from the cord and laced your fingers in his, shrugging.
“You deserve it baby, you deserve to be protected. You deserve to be happy and loved too! I’m plenty safe with you and Jonesy around. It’s your turn to be taken care of,” you leaned and pressed your forehead against his.
Reaching up, you rubbed his cheek, surprised when your hand came away wet. Looking up you saw that he was crying.
“Oh, Lester? What’s wrong sweetie?” you wiped away the streams of tears with your thumbs.
“N-nothing I just-” he closed his eyes and let out a choked sob. His hands came to rest atop yours. “No one’s ever t-told me that, that i d-deserve to be happy and s-safe!”
He burrowed his face in your shoulder and sobbed. You stood and held him there, rocking back and forth while rubbing circles on his back in through his hair. His arms gripped you tight enough to hurt, but you didn’t mind. Even as you cooed and shushed him, anger bubbled behind your soothing tone.
You were furious. Furious at his parents for treating him like he didn’t exist, at Bo for bullying him constantly, and at Vincent too. Even though Vincent wasn’t as nasty, he still brushed Lester off like a horsefly that wouldn’t leave him alone. When Lester tried to talk to him, show him something, even just say hi, Vincent would always sign the same things.
‘I’m busy,’
‘Go bother Bo,’
‘Lester please, I have a headache, be quiet,’
It made your blood boil and your vision go red. Yeah sure, Vincents’ mute and can’t eat or smile without his deformity causing him pain. Bo was treated like the devil incarnate by his parents in favor of Vincents’ artistic talent. But they had the same fucking parents. The same fucking childhood. The least they could do is treat him like something more than a piece of dirt. Some days you wondered if they even cared about him.
You snapped out of your ire when Lester pulled you into a tender kiss, lower lip still trembling slightly. You pulled back and planted kisses all over his face, on his nose, chin, eyelid, everywhere. He devolved into a fit of wet giggles, his nose crinkling as your lips tickled his handsome features. He wiped his eyes again and looked you in the eyes lovingly.
“I love you, Y/N,”
“I love you too, Lester,”
You smiled and gave him one final kiss. He beamed. Taking the stone, he held it up to his eye, peering through the hole at you.
“Well hey! Would’ya lookit that! I’ve already found myself a fairy! And a mighty cute one at that!~”
You giggled and pushed him away bashfully. “Go pack up the rest of our stuff ya goofball!”
Following the river, you continued to look for stuff along the winding trail. You snagged a pretty decent haul, all things considered. Animal bones and carcasses and rocks and some jewelry left behind by a camper. Nothing really out of the norm for the pair of you, and things were going great.
That is until you realize too little too late, that the sun had all but set, and left you in the dark with no idea of where you are. You tried to follow the creek down back the way you came and kept following it. And kept following it, and….
“Lester? I don’t recognize any of this…”
You hoped that Lester would put on his brave act and reassure you that yes, Y/n. He knew the woods like the back of his hand and that you would be home in no time. You did not get that.
“Yeah, me neither, I don’ know where the hell we ended up. It’s too dark for me to read my compass an’ I left the flashlights at Ambrose ‘cause I didn’t think we’d be out past dark,” Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out his phone. “Ah, damn it’s dead! Knew I shoulda charged it before I left this morning! Did you bring yours?”
The lack of panic and fear in his voice made your skin crawl. How the hell is he so calm??? And no, you didn’t bother to bring your phone with you this time, not wanting to be annoyed with phone calls from work. Lester seemed to notice your mounting panic and quickly set about comforting you.
“Y/N! Y/n, dont be upset, we’ll be ok! You got me an' Jonesy here to protect you. I’m pretty sure that this creek leads to the main road, and we can follow the road back to Ambrose. You have extra food in that basket right?”
“Uh, yeah, treats for Jonesy, some apples and an extra sandwich I think, and we have water in the canteens still,”
“Alrighty then, If worse comes to absolute worse, we’ll make camp for the night in the forest. Then I can make a fire and we’ll head out in th mornin' when it’s light out, ok? Hey…” He reached out and put a hand on your shoulder. “We’re gonna be ok.” he said with an air of finality, putting you somewhat at ease and strenghtening your resolve.
You continued to follow the creek, holding hands so you wouldn’t get separated. You walked on for what seemed like hours, but eventually, you came across the road Lester talked about. You would’ve cried out for joy if you weren't so goddamn tired. You hadn’t realized how far you went into the forest. Lester stepped out into the middle of the road and looked towards the sky, looking for something. You stepped out and looked up with him. You gasped at the sight of the sky. You had never seen so many stars in the sky before. Well, that’s a lie, Lester took you stargazing often, but it still stole your breath every time.
“Fuck” he whispered under his breath. “It’s a new moon,”
“Why’s that bad?” you asked.
“Can’t tell which way east is, ‘least not very easily,” he muttered.
He scanned the sky further, peering at it with an intense stare. Even though you were horribly, horribly lost, you were happy to be able to spend time with Lester. A little bit of impromptu stargazing was also a plus.
“Jesus, you think after a while i’d start to remember to bring the flashlights, huh? Guess you can’t teach an old dog new tricks,” He chuckled.
You reached out for Lesters’ hand again, squeezing it gently. He continued to curse under his breath before giving up on whatever it was he was looking for. “Y/N, I’m really sorry this turned into such a shitshow, I-”
“It’s ok pumpkin, shit happens sometimes. The only thing we can really do is try to do better next time,”
“Yeah, I guess,”
You both stood there staring at the sky, not knowing what to do or where to go from here. So you stood, and stared at the sky, in the middle of the road, like a couple o’ crazies.
You were so lost in thought that you didn’t notice the car approaching you in the road. A door slammed, jarring you out of your stupor. You rubbed your eyes, stuggling to adjust to the birghtness of the headlights. You heard a voice call out.
“Lester? Jonesy?” it was Bo, of all people, and he seemed to be somewhat concerned  for once in his goddamn life.
“Yeah we are we, just got,” Lester was cut off, the worry vanishing from Bo in an instant once he realized you guys were ok.
“WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?!?!? IT’S ALMOST ONE IN THE FUCKING MORNING AND YOU GUYS SAID YOU WOULD BE BACK AT DAWN!!!” he roared. “You haven’t been answering your phone Lester, and YOU, for whatever fucking reason, decided to leave yours at home, what in the fuck happened?!?”
“We got lost,” Lester shrugged.
“Lost?” he hissed. “Fucking lost? Let me guess, asswipe didn’t bother to bring flashlights did he?” Bo asked you, sarcasm and venom dripping from his voice like sour honey.
He was about to launch into another bought of cursing, but a hand on his shoulder stopped him. Bo whipped around to face his twin, who signed something quickly. You couldn’t make it out in the darkness, but whatever he said, it pissed Bo off.
“Don’t you fuckin’ ‘Bo’ me, I’m tired of this lardass going ‘round ‘causin trouble!” He whipped towards you and jabbed his finger in your face. “And you! You-”
Something inside you snapped. You were exhausted, in pain, and flat out sick of everything.
“What?! I’m what Bo? I’m a worthless, good for nothin’ piece o shit? Huh? Just like your FUCKING BROTHER HUH?!?”
“Ya know what, now that you say it-” he smirked.
CRACK The air around you was still, and thick. Bo doubled over, trying to comprehend what happened. You clenched your jaw, refusing to show tears on your face, even as pain blossomed through your joints.
“Not another fucking word out of your goddamn mouth, Bo Sinclair, or so help me god I’m gonna be the one gluing your lips shut! Got it?” your voice quaked low and dangerous, and even Bo knew better than to try and talk back.
“The way you treat Lester is fucking shameful! The ONLY thing you seem to be good at is making people feel like shit, and I would fucking expect an ADULT MAN to have more emotional maturity THAN A FUCKING THREE OLD!!!” you felt your voice go shrill and high, warbling with rage.
And you!”
Vincent jumped and almost fell backward when you turned to talk to him. You could see his eyes wide with fear under his waxy mask. Good. You wanted this lesson to fucking stick.
“You have less spine than your fucking wax statues! If you had even an ounce self respect, you’d grow a pair and stop putting up with Bo’s bullshit! Or at the very least, you’d stop cowering in the basement being all sad and tragic and try to be invested in what Lester is trying to say rather than blowing him off with bullshit excuses because you can’t be FUCKED to give shit!!!”
You finally let yourself pause, catching your breath. You heard Vincent shifting his weight on his feet, and felt the eye daggers Bo was stabbing you with. “You three are brothers, so fucking act like it,”
And with that, you grabbed Lester by the hand and led him to Bo’s truck. Neither Bo nor Vincent seemed to make any move to follow you. Opening the driver’s side door, you let Jonesy hop up into the back. Noticing that the keys were still in the ignition, you pulled them out and tossed them to Lester. You slid into the passenger seat and let out a silent sigh. Christ, did your head fucking hurt.
You noticed that Lester seemed a bit anxious, but you could tell that he was happy that someone stood up for him.
You looked over at the twins just in time to see Bo smack Vincent's hand away.
“DOn’t fuckin’ touch me!” he growled.
“Bo, get in the fucking truck,” you hissed.
Vincent scrambled through the driver’s side door into the backseat. You exhaled through your nose, noticing that he chose the seat opposite of where you were sitting.  Bo was a little late to the party, but you savored the humiliation of him having to crawl into the backseat of his truck.
Satisfied, you leaned against the headrest of your seat, trying to steady your breaths. The purr of the engine was a welcome distraction from the tense air around you. You must’ve fallen asleep at some point because the last thing you remember was Lester carrying you to bed. He gave you a kiss, whispering a gentle ‘thank you’ before you drifted off into a dreamless sleep.
Bo gritted his teeth and rolled his eyes.
“I cannot believe you are making me do this,” he mumbled.
“Please, Bo! I don’t wanna get yelled at again!” Vincent signed hastily.
Bo raised an eyebrow. “You really are a self absorbed prick, aren’t you?”
Vincent dropped his hands in exasperation before picking them up again. “Fine, It’s the right thing to do, and I’m a jerk just like you, now will you please-”
“Alright, alright,” Bo waved Vincents’ hands down.
He reluctantly got up from the couch and trudged up the stairs, Vincent tugging him along . Bo gently knocked on Lester’s bedroom door. Hearing a muffled ‘yes’, he opened it to see Lester standing near his dresser, putting his gear away. Y/n was fast asleep under the covers.
“She asleep?” He nodded his head towards your shape on the bed.
“Uh, yeah i think so, why?” Lester whispered.
“We need to talk,” Bo stated numbly.
“Oh...Uh, gimme a minuet,” he stuffed his pack in the wardrobe before following Bo and Vincent out into the living room.
Bo stood for a moment, shooting his twin a sour glare. He rubbed his forehead and inhaled sharply.
“I’m sorry,” he groused.
Vincent looked at him expectedly as Lester tilted his head in confusion. Bo let out a long-suffering sigh.
“I’m sorry fer always yellin’ at you and tellin’ you yer a piece a shit, ‘cause ya aren’t. I know that you don’t mean to forget things. The reason why I got so angry tonight was ‘cause I was so damn worried about you, but that’s no excuse. So, I’ll try and uh, ‘manage my emotional outbursts', his words, not mine” Bo nodded at his twin.
“What he’s trying to say is that we both care about you, and we’ve both been letting our emotions dictate how we treat you.” His hands hesitated slightly before continuing. “I...as much as would like to believe, I’m not any better than Bo just because I don’t yell at you. I’m self absorbed, and I need to be more self aware and not let myself get strung up over little things,”
Lester sniffed, wiping the tears that were forming on his eyelids. “You wax-heads, of course I know you guys care about me! Why else would you come looking for me at ‘one in the fucking morning’?” he snickered. “I do appreciate your apologies though...I know you an’ Vinnie ain’t got it easy, god knows you didn’t, I was there, but that was it. Just, there. A bystander. I can’t help but wonder if I had said or done something maybe-”
“Lester,” Bo interrupted. “What happened to me-what happened to us is not your fault, or your responsibility.”
“I figure, but the problem is I’m still a bystander now, here in Ambrose. I don’t ever take charge of anythin’, I just stand there and wait for one of you to tell me to do something. Heh...that’s not really useful, ain’t It? I want-I should be takin’ a more active role in the House of Wax, we all have our part to play, don’t we?” “You’re right, we all need to work together,” Vincent signed.
Bo rolled his eyes and huffed, shaking his head at Vincent.
“OOOKAYY, if this shit gets any sweetter im gonna have a heart attack and die!” Bo stood up to leave. “Goodnight,”
“Oh no, not so fast mister!”
Lester wrapped his arms around Bo and pulled him into a hug. Vincent was quick to hug him from behind, pinning Bo between him and Lester.
“Alrighty, I love you too...ok that’s enough you can let me go
“We're not lettin' go 'til you hug back~,” Lester sang out.
Vincent rested his head on Bo’s shoulder in place of making a sarcastic remark. Bo grumbled, throwing his arms around Lester, who in turn, squeezed Bo tighter.
“Hey! A Sinclair Sandwich! Ain’t had one of these in a long time,” Lester giggled.
“Happy now?” Bo muttered.
“Yeah,” he sighed.
Bo relaxed a little, allowing himself to sink into the physical affection. Vincent hummed happily in response, and Lester nuzzled into Bo’s other shoulder. Bo closed his eyes, and for a fleeting moment, believed that he was going to be okay.
-Mod Elith
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sawasmura · 4 years
karasuno as boyfriends
honestly, the happiest boy in the world!!!!!
you (as well as volleyball) are his number one priority!!!
you and hinata have cute, matching phone keychains and screensavers
90% of his photo gallery? ALL YOU!
he loves taking pictures of you and taking selfies with you cuz then he could look back at them (and also show them off to other people)
he loves seeing you wear his clothes; if you wear his clothes, he’ll turn to putty tbh (please wear his jackets)
sometimes, hinata will wrap his jacket around you and zip it up whilst he’s still wearing it so it just ends up with you two laughing in one jacket
hinata ves holding you hand the most, knowing you’re there for him is the most comforting feeling
though he still blushesa bit when you two hold hands
he’s really adament about taking care of you
hinata may seem a bit childish but the idea of doing domestic chores with you and taking care of you sends him into the galaxy!!!!!
he’ll always tell you how his day went so happily and how he’s so happy to finally be with you
he’s kind of stiff at first but with patience, he’ll begin to be a bit more touchy with you
sometimes kageyama will pout and grumblr if you (jokingly) refuse to kiss him (if he plays along with you game, he won’t bend down to kiss you sometimes too)
whenever kageyama is sulky, he’ll lazily wrap his arms around your waist and lay next to you
other times he’ll just follow you around with only a few of his fingers gripping your fingers
maybe emotionally it’s not as obvious, but you are the entire planet to him
you and kageyama’s fingers are almost always intertwined with eath other; the feeling of your fingers tightly holding his just tugs his heart strings
kageyama becomes as red as a tomato whrn you smile at him so brightly; he can’t help but think how cute you are and how lucky is to be with you
when he sees you at his volleyball games, it immediately boosts his determination and energy to win
sometimes when you wait for him after volleyball practice, he would be a blushing mess and stand there at disbelief to have someone willing to wait for him to walk home together
“hey ___, can you throw a few balls so i can set please?”
tiny boy is so thankful for you, he’d do anything and everything in his power to make you happy
you want something? he’ll drop everything he’s doing and get whatever you want
supportive baby!!!!
he’s truly in love
professional hand holder right here!!!!!
doesn’t care where he is, he will always hold your hand
you’re his first priority, he always wants to make sure that you’re feeling happy and loved
yamaguchi always asks how your day is and if he senses that you’re upset or sad, he’ll ask if you’re ok and listen to you vent if you want to vent
your first date with yamaguchi was a movie and dinner! also after the dinner, he wanted to surprise you by taking you to a little street fair
he tried winning a plush duckie for you but instead you won it for him
the level of red his face was after he was given the duck was hilarious
he buys a lot of matching couple stuff (especially couple bracelets and rings)
yamaguchi is always blushing when he gives you one of the couple items
yamaguchi really values your opinion so sometimes when he has a problem, he’ll go to you for some advice
at the end of all your dates, he’ll always kiss you on the cheek and wish you a goodnight
and when he arrives home, he’ll text you a really sweet compliment and hope to go on another date really soon
tsukishima is one tricky fella
he really really loves you from the bottom of his heart, even if it’s hard to read how he’s actually feeling
tsukishima’s favorite thing to do with you is simply to sit with you (hand in hand)
which is what you two did for your first date 
you two decided it would be fun to sit together and watch a movie with some take out
tsukishima is pretty protective of you 
if he senses trouble around you, he’s quick to be by your side to protect you
he will usually either be holding your hand or have his hand on your shoulder when the two of you are walking side by side
tsukishima ALWAYS compliments you through text 
when he’s with you (face to face), tsukishima will call you lame but after dating him for sometime you know what he really means
he's really attentive to your feelings even if he teases you sometimes
he likes to make sure you’re happy with him because you are one of the most important people in his life
behind closed doors, you are treated like royalty
if you need anything, he’ll get it for you instantly
no one can be as energetic as him when he’s with you
he is truly a ball of energy, always trying to think of fun places to make memories with you
on your first date, you two went to the arcade 
honestly, you two stayed there until the arcade workers asked you to leave
you and nishinoya went ham on the dance dance revolution
nishinoya earned so many tickets that he won a bunch of cute prizes for you (one of them being a sticker pack, which led him sticking a bunch on you)
he’s always so confident in your abilities that he always hypes you up (you pretty much have a personal hypeman/cheerleader for everything you do) 
everytime you see him, he’ll hold your hand and say some cheesy compliment in attempts to make you blush a bit
when he introduced you to tanaka, he knew you were the one for him 
and of course tanaka was happy to see nishinoya be with someone he truly loves which led to the close friendship between you and tanaka
when nishinoya confessed to you, he had a single flower in one hand, other hand in his pocket and his cheeks all red
he is absolutely overjoyed when you two start dating
from the moment you said yes to taking you on a date, he tried to think of all the things he could do to make you happy on your first date together
on your first date, he would never let go of your hand
he was just blown away how cute you looked and how he was finally on a date with the person he harbored so many feelings for
over time, you two are together for a longer time things don’t calm down per se but he tries to find new ways to show you the amount of love he has for you
there are times where you, tanaka and nishinoya will all go out together for lunch or something
when you start dating tanaka, expect to be best friends with nishinoya
sometimes you and nishinoya will play tricks on tanaka which will lead him to chasing the both of you around
tanaka is such a cuddle bug, he’ll just want to cuddle next to you and watch a movie
sometimes tanaka will just tell you the reasons why he’s so in love with you and how you make him the happiest person on this planet
at first, he was always blushing when he was with you
ennoshita is really head over heels for you and would travel around the world just for you
since ennoshita is introverted, your dates will often be just the two of you at either one’s house
he loves when he can cook for you and see your reaction to what he made you
a domestic boyfriend to sum it all up
ennoshita loves to cook for you, sometimes back with you, clean with you, etc.
there are a lot of dates where you two will be studying together (or he may be tutoring you or vice versa)
whenever he is the one tutoring you, he’ll often use an incentive for you to work extra hard (for example, extra kisses or candy/chocolate)
there was one time where you gave him some really sentimental pep talk before a volleyball game, he almost started to tear up
but you really ruffled his feathers and got him in the right game mood
he’s always so thankful to have you since you knew what to say at the right time
from the bottom of his heart, he is determined to make you the most happiest and loved person on this planet
the boyfriend everyone dreams of
the most caring and lovely boyfriend EVER!!!!!
sugawara loves to show you off by holding your hand (and sometimes kissing your cheek)
he's really determined to make you the happiest person on earth
you’re his everything and he loves to remind you through cuddles and kisses!!!!!!
when you two cuddle, he loves to nuzzle his head into your neck cuz of how warm you are
he loves to take selfies with you everywhere you two go!!
on the first date, sugawara thought it would be fun to have a picnic and stargaze
he prepared a lovely dinner and drove you out to a park at night to lay next to each other and look at the stars
he would definitely hold your hand while you two laid next to each other
he loves to nap next to you after his practices
sometimes sugawara will tutor you when you need help in any schoolwork
also just to tease you  a bit, sugawara will put some of his weight on you if you don’t give him a kiss
he’s always so happy with you, you bring out the child in him 
sometimes, when you and sugawara can’t see each other for the day he’ll call you and you two will be on the phone for hours talking about your day and how much you two love each other, etc
truly a gentle soul
he is the most loving boyfriend EVER
on the first date, asahi showed up with some flowers and loads of compliments
we have a professional hand holder in the house everyone
he may be blushing but he loves having his fingers intertwined with yours
sometimes when he’s holding your hand, he’ll kiss your hand and tell you he loves you
please listen to him and give him advice when he vents out his frustrations :’(
he has his down days but just you being by his side lifts up his spirits
seeing you at his volleyball games really helps boost his confidence
asahi loves taking naps with you; just having you in his arms is the most comforting thing to him
sometimes when he’s in class and he’s thinking of you, he’ll either space out while the professor lectures away or you name will be all over his notebook rather than actual notes from that day’s lesson
you and volleyball are his number one priority
he’ll buy you anything you want, your happiness is his happiness
seeing your smile warms Asahi’s heart so he’s always happy to spoil you rotten
daichi loves to make lunch for you (and sometimes he’ll feed you cuz you deserve to be treated like royalty)
lots of dates mainly consist of movie and cuddles with some take out on the side
he loves to cuddle under the blankets
sometimes he will play with your hair and talk about how much he loves you and how lucky he is to have you
his jackets are yours
you have him wrapped around your finger if you wear his jackets
he always thinks of you first
you’re his entire world
sometimes daichi will console with you when he’s not feeling great
the way he confessed was so cute; he left a little note for you, telling you to meet him somewhere and when he saw you, he nervously confesses his feelings for you
he always texts you good morning and goodnight texts
sometimes when you two can’t spend the day together you and daichi will be on facetime until you fall asleep on the video call
daichi has so many screenshots of you from the facetime calls
late night snack runs to the store
it’s pretty cute, he has a bunch of photos of you two framed in his room and whenever he sees it, he always has a big smile across his face
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dreamingofmilk · 5 years
Home Cooking Part 1
Synopsis: You’re a great cook, so you want to cook for Bucky. You never knew what good food would do for him.
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Honey lemon pepper fried chicken, mac and cheese, collard greens with turkey neck and ham hock, garlic and cheese mashed potatoes, and fresh banana pudding. That's everything you've been cooking since early this morning to celebrate Bucky coming back from his mission. You woke up at 5am and made everything from scratch, just the way your mom taught you. Bucky was always really hungry when he came over, and you've cooked for him plenty of times before, but nothing like this.
You got the idea a few weeks ago right before Bucky left for the mission. He was over your house again, he practically lived there, and you both were cuddled up on the couch watching Project Runway. You'd gotten him addicted and it was your go to show to watch together. You both found the pettiness of the contestants hysterical.
Three Weeks Ago
As you both laid there you heard Bucky's stomach growl. It was so strong you felt the vibration on your back. You laughed, "Damn Buck!" You didn't have to turn around to know he was blushing.
He huffed, "Sorry doll. Do you have any snacks?"
He had already eaten most of your snacks. The man was like a bottomless pit. You shook your head. "Nope, you ate them all last time remember?" He pouted, "Babe! Please I'm starving!" You held your hands up, "Alright alright! I can make you something."
Bucky's smile was blinding. "Thank you babe!" He grabbed you and gave you a few quick pecks, speaking in between kisses. "Thank you, thank you, thank you."
You rolled your eyes, "Yeah yeah, let me up." Once you got to your fridge you found the ingredients to make your favorite cream cheese dip, a recipe your dad threw together one day that became a huge hit. You quickly assembled everything, making sure to put extra jalapenos, and put it in the oven to cook.
Once it was done you grabbed a bag of chips and made your way back to the couch. Bucky was practically salivating by the time you sat the bowl down.
“This smells amazing!” Bucky wasted no time opening the chips and scooping a generous portion of the dip. As he did, it created a perfect cheese pull and the steam wafted off. He was unconcerned, he popped the whole chip in his mouth. It’s a wonder the man has any taste buds left.
He chewed a few times then moaned. It was the sexiest thing you’d ever heard, it honestly sounded pornographic. You clenched your thighs together to try to relieve the tension you felt between your legs. Before you could react, he was grabbing another chip and popping it in his mouth. This time his eyes rolled back and he whimpered. “Fuck, baby this is so good!” You were still reeling from the noises he made. You have never seen someone react to good food that way. You felt like your food was turning him on.
After finishing your movie snack, you both laid back down, bellies full of the hot dip. You had to find out why Bucky reacted the way he did. You just found the whole thing interesting. A few minutes after the final credits started to roll, you turned around and looked at Bucky. “So, do you have a food fetish or something?” You didn”t sound accusational or anything, just curious.
Bucky broke the eye contact and you could see his face flush red. “Yeah, sorry about that. I tend to overreact to good food. I’ll calm down with it.”
You were shaking your head before he finished. “No! You shouldn’t be embarrassed about it! I just thought it was sexy as hell! I”ve just never seen anyone react like that before. It was like the food was literally turning you on.”
His face just got redder, “That’s exactly what happens. It’s a side effect of the serum. I was always a very sensual person. Food especially always excited me and I loved to eat before the serum, but now that my senses are heightened I can taste even more now and it’s all so much stronger, so it affects my body way more than it used to.”
You took all of this in and stored it in the back of your mind for later. So your boyfriend had a food kink. If he got this excited about some cream cheese dip, he’d lose his mind over a full soul food meal. You grinned to yourself at the thought. You’d definitely have to try that sometime.
Present Day
You couldn’t keep the smile off your face as you did your magic in the kitchen. You were already excited to see Bucky after being apart for two weeks, but you also couldn’t wait to see his reaction to all this food. You were so happy that you could do something like this for him. Something that he’d no doubt enjoy immensely. This was a whole lot of work, but Bucky was always so good to you. You wanted to return the favor somehow.
You were pulled out of your thoughts when Bucky unlocked the door. You could hear his boots thumping against the floor as he put his coat and keys away. “Y/N?” You didn’t realize how much you’d missed his voice until now.
You smiled to yourself, “I’m in the kitchen Buck.” You felt a surge of nervousness as his footsteps grew closer, his bare feet padding across the wood floors. When he came into view, your instinct kicked in and you immediately ran to him and jumped in his arms, your legs wrapping around his waist. He was surprised, but he caught you with ease, his strong arms wrapping around you. “I missed you, baby. It’s been a long two weeks.”
You pressed your nose into his neck, breathing deeply. “I missed you too, Bucky. So fucking much.” You both stayed there for a while, familiarizing yourselves with each other’s bodies and scents like you’d been apart for a year instead of just two weeks.
Bucky suddenly perked up, and started walking further into the kitchen, with you still attached to him. “Something smells amazing. What are you cooking?”
You pulled back to look into his eyes, closely monitoring his expression. “I know you are always starving when you get back from missions, and that you appreciate a good meal, so I made you some soul food. The kind of food I grew up eating.”
You hopped down from him and started dishing everything up. “There’s fried chicken, mac and cheese, collard greens, and mashed potatoes. And later we can have banana pudding for dessert.” You made Bucky a plate, piling it high with everything.
Next to you, Bucky didn’t know what to feel. Part of him was so happy, so overjoyed that you took time out of your weekend to make him food. And so much of it! This had to have taken you hours, and you did it just for him. His heart swelled with love at the thought of you working so hard just to make him food. He really had the best girlfriend in the whole world. But, there was another part of him that was horny as fuck. There was something undeniably sexy about his woman spending all day in the kitchen so he’d have a nice meal when he came home. Bucky wasn’t a chauvinist, but the barbaric part of him could appreciate the domesticity of this entire situation.
You handed him the plate with a smile, the sweetest smile. It honestly just made Bucky want to fuck you on the kitchen counter, meal be damned. But his stomach won out. He was starving and all of the good smells from his plate were making him salivate. He’d satiate this hunger so he can take care of the other one after. To show his appreciation, he sat the plate down, grabbed you, and gave you the filthiest, panty-dropping kiss you’d ever experienced. A few minutes of that, and you’d cum on the spot. When he pulled away, he smirked, “Thank you baby. This looks amazing. It makes me hungry for something else too though. I’ll take care of that later.”
Whew! That man was fucking dangerous. You couldn’t even move. Niagara Falls had taken residence between your legs, and you weren’t sure if you could even walk. Tonight was going to be a good night that’s for sure. After Bucky walked into the dining room you made yourself a plate, grabbed 2 beers and made your way to the table as well.
You sat down across from Bucky, and you both said your prayers before digging in. You were just about to take your first bite when all you heard was the dirtiest, filthiest moan you’ve ever heard right across from you. Your head whips up and all you see is Bucky’s eyes, pupils blown wide. He had taken a huge bite out of a chicken breast. His face was flushed, and he was rolling his eyes as he chewed, barely swallowing before he shoveled the next bite in. As if he could feel you staring at him, he took a quick pause and looked over at you. “Baby, this is the best food I’ve ever had in my life. Honestly, thank you so much for doing all of this. I love you so much.”
You beamed, so pleased that he liked your food. “You’re welcome babe, you deserve it. You’re always so good to me.”
He reached across the table and grabbed your hand, “I’m gonna be really good to you later.” He winked and started cleaning the chicken bone. You never would have thought that you’d find watching someone eat sexy, but Bucky proved you wrong. There was something so manly about the way he tore into his food, especially when he really liked it. Every few bites, he’d suck on his fingers, or lick his lips and it was honestly driving you crazy. You could barely focus on your own plate, your hunger for him starting to overpower your empty stomach.
Finally finished with his chicken, he moved on to the mac and cheese. He shoveled a huge portion in his mouth and groaned, “Fuck, this is so good.” By the time he got to the collard greens, he was actively moaning, and you were about to lose your shit. He sounded like he was going to cum just from eating. It was incredibly fascinating, but it was making you horny as hell.
While you were having your inner monologue, Bucky was living his best life. He knew the food was going to be good. You've never made anything he didn’t love, but this was a different level altogether. He had never had food this good in his entire life. Every bite fired off every synapse in his brain, the rush of endorphins enough to make the average man pass out. All it did for Bucky was make him hard as a rock. He'd have to have Y/N cook for him more often.
He polished off the rest of his plate, scraping everything he could into his mouth. The satisfaction was overwhelming, or at least it was until his dick twitched and reminded him of the other hunger he was supposed to be satiating.
He looked over at Y/N. "Come here, baby." His voice was soft, but it was very clear that he wasn't asking. You make your way over to him, your legs weakening more and more by the second. Bucky patted his lap, "Sit right here." You sat down and leaned into his chest as he rubbed your thighs. "Thank you again for that amazing meal baby. It was the best I've ever had."
Your sweet smile just made him harder, and he made sure to push his bulge into your ass. Bucky grabbed your ass and started grinding you on his dick. "But now I'm hard as fuck Y/N. You shouldn't have fed me such good food, baby."
You moaned, the pleasure starting to overwhelm you already. "I just wanted to make you as happy as you make me Buck."
He laughed, "Oh you succeeded babe. Now I'm gonna make you happy." And with that he stood up, holding your ass as you wrapped your arms and legs around him to keep from falling.
"Bucky! Warn a girl next time!"
His laughter carried through the whole house. "Where's the fun in that?"
"You could have dropped me!"
Bucky scoffed, "Please, you know damn well I can carry you with one arm. Don't play that shit with me." He took a short pause before a devious smile appeared on his face. "Matter fact, I'll show you just how strong I am. Especially since you fueled me with all this good food."
Taglist: @aislinnsilver @wawakanda-btch @chaneajoyyy
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Summer Night Dream (JiminxReader)
Summer night dream 
Pairing: Jimin x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Summary: Love is just like a summer night dream.
Hello, long time no see! Well, I realized that I´ve got a lot of writings on my computer that I´ve never posted so here I am.
Also, I´ve written this when I was about to write my final exam. I was kind of on vacation and while I was studying on the balcony of our hotel room, starring at the mentioned scenery , I´ve got this idea. Don´t look too close when it comes to grammar. I was anxious at the time and my mind went crazy which you can also see within the super realistic plot. I´s still kinda cute.
 You put your hands into the pockets of your jacket. Your eyes were fixed on your surroundings. You walked on a small sidewalk, a fountain was near and trees formed walls at each one of your sides, only disturbed by streetlight from time to time. Soon a bench came in sight. Your eyes lit up as you reached the meeting spot. You nervously sat down and now all you had to do was to wait.
 The beach wasn’t far off and you could still hear how the waves meet the sand in soft patterns. The sea salted air felt fresh and cold because of the night itself.
 You placed your hands on your lap as they played nervously with the ham of your sweater that your wore under your jacket. You bite your lip, gazing from sight to sight while you waited for him.
 He was your crush. To most people it must sound ridiculous, considering that you only knew each other for like a week but for you it felt right to be with him. You had spent your holidays here, seeking time that you would only spend on what you wanted to do. Your plans had only been interrupted when he had shown up.
 You had walked around alone, only your camera had been with you to capture the beauty of this place. When he had seen you near the beach, taking pictures, he couldn’t help but talk to you. You had been cute and the way you had looked so concentrated when you had taken pictures, had captured him as well.
 You both had hit it off as friends pretty fast. He would ask you out for ice cream and you had agreed. The following days you had met up as well, liking each other company.
 You actually planned a vacation just for yourself without people disrupting you in any way. You loved photography and wanted to be able to decide what you would see and do at this vacation. You wanted to free your mind from everything that held you back most of the time.
 Well, this boy changed your plans. You didn’t want to be alone anymore. You didn’t want to walk around taking pictures by yourself. Of course, you still wanted to use your camera but a little company by your side wouldn’t hurt, right?
 It turned out that the two of you got along better than you thought. He was funny, considered and a bit cheeky. Even if the two of you didn’t have the same culture or even the same mother tongue, you felt like he was what you were searching for. A missing puzzle piece that was now completing you, making you happy and forgetting about everything else.
 Tonight he had asked you to meet him near the shore at a small bench you two had eaten ice cream on five days ago. Without hesitation you agreed and here you were, waiting for him to come.
 You only sat there for a few minutes before two hands were placed on your eyes from behind. A smile formed on your lips as you already knew who it was.
 “Who am I?” He asked, you could literally hear the cheeky grin in his voice.
 “Park Jimin!” you laughed and the next moment his hands left your eyes and a boy climbed over the back of the bench to sit down next to you. Jimin pouted adorably at you.
 “You weren’t supposed to be right!” He responded, looking like an offended child. A black cap hid most of his blonde hair, only letting his bangs fall onto his forehead. In general, he wore all-black as his sweatshirt and his ripped jeans fitted perfectly into the dark night.
 “I knew it was you from the beginning” you said, making him smile again, what in return made your heart beat faster.
 “Really? How? I thought my voice gave me away”
 “I don’t know. It just felt like it was you?” you blushed as the words left your mouth. Jimin´s eyes began to sparkle mischievously at your answer.
 “Wow, you must feel really connected to me, if you can already tell it´s me just by my presence” he teased and shoved your shoulder with his in a playful manner. You starred back at him with wide eyes while fear of being found out started to bubble in your stomach.
 “Don’t look at me like a deer caught in the headlights. It´s fine, it´s nice to know that we are already that close” he bit his lip as he said the words, meeting your eyes with a mysterious gaze. For a few seconds you felt like paralyzed by his dark brown eyes before his eyes broke away, looking down at his hands in his lap.
 “Anyway, how.. how about a walk along the beach?”
 “At night?” You questioned
 “Well, yes! It´s romantic, isn´t it?” He chuckled as he stood up and held out his hand for you to grab. You smiled shyly, still not used to his gentleman-like gestures. You put your hand in his and you couldn’t even enjoy the tingle that went through your entire body by his touch since he pulled you up instantly before dragging you pass the fountain and down to the beach.
 Even when you reached the water he wouldn’t let go of your hand and you wouldn’t ask him to for the world. You started to walk, shoulder by shoulder, your hands still tangled together. No words were said and the waves were the only sound that surrounded you.
 After a few minutes you started to shiver a bit because of the cold wind around you.
 “Are you cold?” His voice was soft as his eyes looked over to your shivering form.
 “I´m fine” you mumbled, not wanting to have to go back to the hotel or something. You wanted this moment to last.
 “Are you sure?” Jimin suddenly stopped walking and stepped in front of you. He wasn’t much taller than you so you looked almost directly into his eyes when he did so.
  “Stop worrying about me. I will be fine” you assured him but he wouldn’t buy it, seeing how much you shivered. He hesitated before he took your other hand in his as well and put your hands into the pockets of his jacket. Your eyes widen and you didn’t know what to do as well but letting him do so.
 Next his hands left yours in order to pull your body into a tight hug, warming you with his own body heat. He nuzzled his face into your hair while you shyly cuddled into his neck. Both of your hearts were racing when you were so close.
 Jimin was relived, though, that you wouldn’t push him away. That might be a sign that you would accept his next words. That you might accept his feelings.
 You on the other hand couldn’t believe that you were that close to a boy you liked so much. You could feel his warmth, his breath on your hair and how his chest went up and down by every breath he took. It felt surreal.
 “Y/N?” His voice was small, almost unsure.
 “Yes?” You voiced out quietly.
 “It means ‘I like you’” he paused for a moment. “Like I really like you. More than a friend” he whispered.
 “Jimin-“ you wanted to answer him immediately but he interrupted before you could say what was on your mind.
 “Before you say something. I know we don’t know each other for a long time! There is lot of things we don’t know about each other, actually. I know we are from different countries and a long distance relationship doesn’t work out well most of the time. But it feels so right to be with you. You made me fall in love in a week and I can´t just leave and act like this never happened. I would like to try. I want to give us a chance. That means if you feel the same…” he trailed of and you could feel how tensed his entire body was.
 “Jimin, I wanted to say ´I love you too`” you felt so relieved when the words finally left your mouth. Not only was it the first time you sad those three meaningful words, but you were so sure he was the one.
 “Really?” He asked, pulling you off of him by your shoulders but still kept you close enough so you wouldn’t be cold again. His eyes were wide as they stared into yours. You giggled at his bewildered expression what made him lose all the tension at once.
 His eyes started to flicker down to your lips and up again to your eyes, which looked back at him, innocently as ever. He bit his lip nervously before he leaned forward, wanting nothing more but to finally kiss you.
 When his lips met yours, you felt butterflies flying around in your stomach. His kiss was soft as if he was afraid to break you, if he kissed you too hard. You kissed back shyly, signaling him that it was fine and soon he would deepen the kiss by pulling you closer by your neck before his tongue started to tease your bottom lip. It was your first kiss and you didn’t know better than to let him dominate you.
 You only separated when you both needed to breathe again and even then his lips still ghosted over yours.
 “사랑해요.” you mumbled shyly, remembering the words you had been looking up on the internet earlier.
 “나도 사랑해요” He whispered back, adoring your choice of language before he pecked your lips again and again and again.
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rmsmoni · 6 years
April Lady Pt 1 Roger Taylor Series
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She won our hearts the art she loved
Y/N was born in London, in an april rainy afternoon. She was known for being the daughter of a well known man in the neighborhood, an artist, a good one. Not only she was good as well, she would hang them around the streets, hoping and desiring for people to get inspired and to seek beauty.
Is painting pictures free
When she was done she hung them up
For all the children to see
The thing was she not only drew landscape, but the human body as well. Every single old lady of the town was disgusted to see the man and woman body on full display, less in a young girl drawing. Teens around town were known for stealing them, only conscious people knew what for. She would sign them right at the tip of the sheet, April Lady, a name very well known aroun town. Such a drama was made, she had been asked to take them out. To the young people´s dismay, she did.
Goodbye April Lady
It´s been good to have you around
Goodbye April Lady
You´ve done a lot for the folks in this town
As her main hobby had been taken away from her, she decided it was time to learn something else and that thing turn to be the piano. She studied for a solid four years till she entered college with nineteen, not knowing what was waiting for her. That’s were she met Roger Taylor. They were pretty good friends, going to pubs together, having mutual friends. Until one day everything changed.
Y/N had decided that apart from studying, she would give classes as a private teacher to earn money, things were going pretty well in her college room whlie she teached an older student than her basic biology, till Roger decided to interrumpt.
_Y/N! For fuck´s sake! Hear me out, you won´t believe this!- He shouted entering the room.
_Roger, not now!- She whispered shouted at him.
_They are making auditions for a band! Singers, pianists, drummers! That´s us!
_ What?! Really?
The student was just so lost by this point.
_There´s just a little thing, It´s kind of right now. So like...We gotta go.- Said Roger slowly.
You looked at him in disbelieve and turned around to talk to the guy who you were trying so agonizingly to teach.
_  Hey sorry, I will make sure we have another date, but I kind of have to leave now...
_Oh, fuck yeah- Said the dude trying to get out of there as fast as he could, not really wanting to keep studing.
_Ok, that was fast, let´s go.
They ran through the corridors, dodgin students till they made it to the streets, were they decided to walk as Roger was about to have an azma atack. Both of them couldn´t describe how anxious they were, if both of them ended having a part in the band, Roger was sure he would cry.
And he did. Not only him, but Y/N got in. They were ecstatic. They met this guy called Brian, pretty good guy, and Tim, a little obnoxious as Roger called him, but overall, everything was going more than perfect.
Children learned to read
She strung her beads
It´s sorry she was the one
As you can isn´t she good
She don´t leave nothing undone
After a few months of doing gigs together, everything was going well, or It seem to. You were helping Roger and Brian to load up the instruments in the truck after a gig, Tim was nowhere in sight.
_Do you guys want some beers?- Asked Brian, while we were finishing locking everything up.
Both Roger and you nodded your heads, to tired to formly answered. Brian just scoffed at your antics and walked away. To tired to do literally do anything, you and Roger sited in the backsite of the van. 
_So, how did I do?- Asked Roger for the ninth time tonight.
_Rog, I´m pretty sure you got all those ladies swooning, you were amazing.
_But, what did you...
Seeing Brian walking back to you in the distance, you decided to joke Roger´s unsureness away.
_Oh, Brian, darling!- You shouted, watching how the curly tall man looked at you in weirdness after you call him out in a really exaggerated british accent.- Dear Roger here is being a little unsure about his performance tonight...- You dropped the act after some girls passed past you and laughed at your conversation, looking at Roger.- Oh, girlies! What did you think of Roger tonight?
_He was wonderful, handosome too.- Said one of them, making Roger chuckle.
_You know what I´m wonderful on too, Dear?
_Oh, fuck off Roger!- Said Brian and you the same time.- Thanks girls for your enthusiasm, but we will lift his spirit from now on.- Said Brian with a disaproving look in his face.
Brian took the sit beside you, living you in the middle of them. In was a cold night, but warm enought to survive with a jacket. Student of all ages came and went, rushing to take someone home or to just arrive to their houses before curfew. You were cleaning Roger’s pant, before someone interrupted you.
_Y/N leave it!- Said Roger puting your hand away.
_I don’t even know what that is, let me clean it!
Brian took a look at the patch in Roger pants.
_Is that the left over of your ham sandwich?- He Laughed.
Roger threw his head back.
_No, It’s not...
You were distracted by someone clearing their throat, your other bandmate, Tim. He had a sour look on his face, bass case on one hand. He opened his mouth, but rapidly closed it.He looked down at the floor and then at all of you.
_I´m leaving the band...- He said looking up.
_Tim..- You said shaking your head.
_I hope you are joking- Said Roger standing up with Brian, leaving you siting while watching the scene unfold.
_Don’t do it Tim.- Said Brian.
_It’s called Humpy Bong, they are going places. Uni gigs, pubs? We are not getting anywhere like this.
_The only thing you will be humping is each other, fuck off Tim.- You said angrily, making Roger laugh and Brian chuckle.
Tim shook his head.
_I´m sorry- He said before leaving.
You three looked stunned how Tim walked away from you. Brain and Roger sitted back down were they were before. 
_I think he’s right- Said Roger- That show was a total disaster.
_Well, there was room for improvement, yeah- Said Brian.
_I got better things to do on a saturday night, i could give you her name.- Said Roger looking at you.
You laughted and winked at him.
_You wish.
Roger was gonna respond, before you wre interrumted again. This time was young man with long hair and strong jawline. You knew him, you have seen each other here and there, mostly in parties. He was a good dude, liked to coment on how good your outfits were.
_I enjoyed the show- Said, who you remember to be Freddie, traying to sound casual.
_Thanks man-Said Brian.
_I have been following you for a while actually. Smile. Makes sense for a dentist student- He said looking at Roger- Astrophysics- Pointing at Brian- And environmental sciences- Smiling at your way- Makes you both the clevers ones.
_Yeah, i suppose it does.- Said Brian looking at Roger with ego, making him roll his eyes. 
_I study design. Also, I write songs- He said extending a piece of paper to Brian. Looking how he was not going to take it, you grabbed it. You have heard Freddie’s songs a long time ago, when he was still with his band, and they were pretty good. He looked grateful at you once you took them. Roger shook his head.
_You are five minutes too late.- Said Roger.
_Our lead singer just quit- You said, making Freddie smile.
_Then you will need some one knew.
That’s how the new band was formed. A few months later after trying with different people, John was introduced to the band. He was the only one who fitted in and everyone was more than happy to have him. So that´s how it begun. Their first performance together would be in the pub were they first met. To say they were nervous was an understandment, they have practiced in Brian’s basement, but being stressed on how the public was going to take them was eating them alive.
The day finally came. Brian, Freddie and John had already arrived to the pub to try and talk to the owner about the day of the week they will be coming and pay day, while Roger and y/n were in Brian’s house trying to get all the instruments in the van. You were saving the guitar on t’s case, while Roger was desperately trying to get all the drum set to fitt in the small place. With one bad movement, all of the cables of the amplifier fell on the floor at the same time that half of the drum set was slowly falling on Roger.
_Fuck! This is imposible!- He said angrily, trying to pick the cables on the floor, whil his other hand was holding the drum set.
 _Here let me help you- You accommodated everything on it’s place and then took a look at Roger who was lighting up a cigarette. At not being able to light it up, he let out a curse. You came closer and light it up for him. He looked up at you with a face you hadn’t seen in a long time, fear.
_Y/N?- He mumured
_What if they don’t like us?- He asked looking at you eyes.
_They will love us, i’m sure of it. We have practiced, we can’t be that bad- You laughted. Still seeing his insecurity, you tried one more time.- Plus, we have one of the most beutiful man in the town, ladies will we swooning. - You said shaking your hips a little, making him laugh.
_Thank you- He smiled.
_Come on, loverboy. We got people to impress.- You said graving his hand.
Roger couldn’t describe the warm felling that grew in his chest everytime you talk om him. He started to feel them a few months ago, when he realised how important yo were in his life. He knew he was slowly falling and there was no way out. Starting the van to leave, he took a last glance at you. You look stunning and there was no way out of hell he could love you more.
After arriving, fighting with the boys and fixing up the instruments, the show was starting.
_Hello all you beautiful people!- There was a big silence, until Brian started with his guitar riff.
Both you and Freddie started singing and moving around, owning the stage. People seem to love it, they were shouting and singing along. The energy on the room was amazing, everyone could feel it, you were killing it. You were moving side to side on the stage singing, until it was your cue to stop, Roger drum solo was starting. You turned around, giving you back to the audience, facing Roger. He looked amazing, the red light’s hitting his face just righ, pointing out his face structure. His lips poking and his eyes focused on the drums, you couldn’t help but find him irresistible. He looked up and smiled at you with that look in his eyes, you just could’t help but smile back. He was your death sentence.
She taught them all to love
She was their cream
And we don’t want her to go
but we know too well
She fell in love
And there’s no stopping her now
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tellywoodtrash · 7 years
ishqbaaz 28.08.17 lb
plain text version here. 
rewatching the scene from yesterday instead of fwding as usual, just to mentally prepare myself for what’s coming. 😐😐😐
favt part: rudra’s bitch!face at pinky. god i love this boy and his steadfast bhaabi love so much. 😊😊😊
god it doesn’t make it easier to hear pinky say “tera jo kuch bhi hai, mera hai, mera, sirf mera!” the second time round either. like i know she’s not just talking about his money, but also his loyalty and commitment and who he is as a person, but man... the money is a huge fucking part, and to hear that from your MOM... just ow. 😖😖😖
usse khud nahi pata wtf the NKK sach is, but the way he played his hand to get pinky to come out with it. well done, shaatir singh oberoi. i haven’t been this proud of your smarts since... well, ever. 😌😌😌
why would she admit the lie out loud? 😕😕😕
guess she’s completely lost it. she’s in that hysterical mode where she no longer has control over wtf is coming out her mouth. 😬😬😬
aw man, their faces. not just shivika’s, but omRu’s too. allllll that suffering they went through for over 4 months, for fucking nothing. 😪😪😪
idk how anika’s found her voice to even say anything. i would have just fucking passed out right there. 😶😶😶
ok never thought i’d feel sympathy for shakti of all people, but oh man... the poor guy. 😞😞😞
shivaay ka paara chad raha hai bg mein. await explosion in 3... 2... 🌋🌋🌋
omfgggggggggggg what the fuckkkkkkkkk PINKY WAS INVOLVED IN THE KIDNAPPING???? JESUS FUCKING CHRIST. 😧😧😧
ok this is just... WAY TOO MUCH. fucking WAAAAAAAAY TOO MUCH. like fuck, harneet how the fuck can you just ghusaooo all this into the plot right now? how the hell is pinky ever going to come back from all this to redeem herself? 😟😟😟
does pinky really expect him to APPRECIATE all this fuckery? 😐😐😐
ok... nakuul ki *~ACTING~* shuru ho rahi hai. 😬😬😬
oh boy. ohhhhhhhhhh boy. 😣😣😣😣
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omRu instantly running to bolster shivaay. and i have started to cry already. 😭😭😭😭
ok shit, the horrible acting is starting. yuck what is this BLUBBERING he’s doing? 😟😟😟
readying the bread and cheese to make sandwiches with ALL THE HAM. 🥓🥓🥓🥓 (no ham emoji, i have to make do with the bacon.)
i am gauri/bhavya in the bg, like just akhdsdhaskdhkjaj @ whatever is going down 😧😧😧😧
for once, dadi’s drama is warranted and aimed at the right person for the right reasons 😗😗😗
shakti ji still pretty measured in his tone and words. he’s a far greater man than we all realized, you guys. 😔😔😔
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ok, pinky’s hamming it up even more than nakuul. 😐😐😐
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time for omRu to fucking eviscerate pinky. TEAR HER APART, BOYS! 😠😠😠
ok yiiiiiiiikes, pinky’s truly lost it. 
woman, give up already. you’re just digging yourself in deeper and deeper. 😐😐😐
nakuul’s being more measured in his acting than i thought he would, but his voice modulation is a fucking mess. i hate when he does this high pitched shit in emotional scenes. he sounds like hrithik in koi mil gaya. 😒😒😒
“aap shivaay ki maa hai, uski utni khushi aapko kabhi nahi hui jitni khushi aap SHIVAAY SINGH OBEROI ki maa hai, usse hui.”
sigh. my poor son. my poor trash son. 😭😭😭
shivaay attributing whatever little goodness is in him is solely because of omRu... dying. FUCKING DYING. THIS IS WHY I WATCH THIS FUCKING SHOWWWWWWWWWW. 😭😭😭😭😭
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shivaay talking about om and how he took on the najaayaz tag for him. ok i’m a mess. i’m a fucking mess no one look at me. *weeping bitch baby tears* 😪😪😪
ok but who the fuck was daimaa talking about then??? 🤔🤔🤔😒😒😒
lol ok someone tell shivaay, tej isn’t that magnanimous and that jhanvi fully had to blackmail his ass into complying. god bless jhanvi though. what a good mom she is to ALL the kids in this house. 💖💖💖
this episode is a mess re: what shivaay calls ppl. he’s been calling pinky MAA this whole ep, when he’s only ever called her “mom”. chalo, that let’s attribute to all the EMOTIONS~~~ attributed to the word “maa”. but him calling jhanvi “badi MUMMY”? come on, he calls her “badi maa” 🙄🙄🙄
“mujhe lagta tha ki main, shivaay singh oberoi, the great wall, main apne parivaar ko protect kar raha hoon. lekin mera parivaar mujhe protect kar raha tha, bina bataaye, bina kuch jataaye.”
aw man, i’m glad that for once, the whole fam (other than omRu) stepped up for this kid and did something for him. 😌😌😌
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crying at how her hands are all over him, trying to reassure him. my babiessssssssssss. 😭😭😭
goddamnit pinky, STOP TALKING. 😣😣😣
ohhhhhhhhh shit. maa ko disowning. ~~DRAAAAAAAAAMA~~~ 😯😯😯
ok kuch zyaada ho raha hai. no need to go to every person standing here and tell them this. 😐😐😐
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bhavya be like “shit i’m not even part of this damn family, i’m just here on fucking duty, what the fuck even am i supposed to do or say rn? 😕😕😕”
oh thank god. he’s walked out. it’s finally over. 😓😓😓
ok where even is he? why is it so blue? 🤔🤔🤔
hein, tumhe toh samajh aa gaya, lekin mujhe nahi aaya, behen. kuch toh idea dede. 😕😕😕
is silence their version of “i love you”? will they never say it out loud to each other? 😑😑😑
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this horrible fucking lighting man. god this show and it’s ajeeb ramleela waali lighting. 😒😒😒
also, it’s so obvious this is set up in that “storeroom”/hall/whatever. 🙄🙄🙄 
yesssss finally, she’s admitting what she did wrong too! FUCKING YES!🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽
“tum mere saath ho toh hum sab kuch milkar handle kar sakta hai. yeh bhi kar leta main.” 😭😭😭
the horrible lighting is fucking pissssssssing me off. it’s such a good scene otherwise. 😥😥😥
lol mini-fight about if she’s crying or not. 😆😆😆
oh boy she wanted to suggest he forgive pinky. i can see it in her face. thank god she didn’t say it. too soon. too too soon. 😬😬😬
“mat jao door.” 
aaaaaaaaaand i’m crying. 😭😭😭😭😭
will you fucking finally kiss already????? LIKE LITERALLY WHAT ELSE IS LEFT, FOR YOU TWO TO GET TO KISS EACH OTHER?!??!! 😫😫😫
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nowwwwwwww we talking. 😊😊😊
ugh pheeka pg-13 hug. whatever. fucking kiss, you assholes. 😑😑😑
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ok this is the best i’m about to get. *sigh* 😔😔😔
oh lorddddddddd. ragini is here to fuck shit up. GOD CAN THESE KIDS HAVE FIVE FUCKING MINUTES TO THEMSELVES?!?! 😒😒😒
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shivaay: oh shitttttttttt, i knew i was forgetting something in the middle of all this. it was to get this chick’s ass ARRESTED. 😐😐😐
ragini’s confidence, i can haz? 😗😗😗
lmao shivaay, do you know anika at all? like hell she’s gonna go wait in the car. 😂😂😂
i swear the press in this show is like... all the “news” in this show is based on hearsay. 😒😒😒
oh boy, you press people picked the wrongggggg day to fuck with him on this naam khoon khaandaan topic. 😗😗😗
“sirf anika. and there’s no one like her.” 
oh my heart, her smile at that. 😍😍😍
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also how can anyyyyyyyyyyy of this be printed/reported in the fucking news? like... ok forget it. i’m done with complaining about this. 🙄🙄🙄
shot after shot at ragini. and her NKK too. lmao, savage singh oberoi.😆😆😆
lol raginiiiii, this was the most poooorly planned shit ever. like, the fact that you thought this would even get any results is fucking hilarious. 😆😆😆
ok shivaay, no need to go into the details of your dysfunctional af marriage. also, the word you’re looking to use is WEDDING. 😕😕😕
GHUTNO KE BAL!!!!!!!!!!! GHUTNO KE BAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😯😯😯
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ok that proposal was fucking perfect. simple. sweet. to the point. his voice modulation and everything, it was perfect. 
aaaaaaaaaaand i’m crying. i’m fucking crying like an idiot. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
“tumhare liye main ghutno pe aa gaya aaj.” 
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ragini is me, scrolling facebook and seeing everyone in my age group getting engaged and married: 
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‘ugh. straight ppl.’
god shivaay, i haven’t recovered from the last two (three, counting the fake one with tia) weddings you’ve had. just... ouff. give us some fucking TIME to recuperate. 😣😣😣
REALLY? THIS WAS THE  BIG AMAZING PLAN RAGINI HAD THAT VIKRAM WAS LIKE “SOCH LO, THERE’S NOOOOOOOOOO TURNING BACK”?? like, i thought she was fucking going to have her murdered or some shit. what lameass bs. 😒😒😒
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ok iterally don’t care about this tejViLana plot, i’m just watching coz reyhna looks so damn pretty. here, have some caps of her adorable face.
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ugh, so gorgeous. this south indian style has taken her from a 10 to a 19. i love her face so much. 
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lol omRu watching the proposal on tv like it’s an action thriller. 😁😁😁
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their happinesssssssssssssss. i can’t evennnnnnnn. my heart is so full of love for these boyssssssss. *crying happy tears* 😭😭😭😭😭
“aankhon mein utari thi jo, ab dilon tak aa gayi. ishqbaazi chalte chalte, manzilon tak aa gayi.” 
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ok but where is gauri? why she no here? i really wanted her to be here and all ecstatic at her bade bhaiyya and bhaujai’s progress. 😞😞😞
eeeeeeee bulbulllll is hereeee! and she’s here with CAKE! 😍😍😍
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these two be eating cake with the sexiest fucking bedroom eyes at each other. take the rest of it up to your room and eat it off each other. 😏😏😏
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OMFG dadi playing cockblock, bloody hell what is your problem dadi? LET THEM FUCKING BEEEEEE. 😩😩😩😩😩
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stitchyalgerknot · 7 years
been writing the story of how my dnd character met his husband. this happened somewhere along the lines and I felt like sharing.
It was dark, and he was crying.
Agnimar’s fingers bled, as he desperately scratched at the cell floor with his tiny claws in the vain hope that he could dig his way out. Pained moans came at him from all sides in the other cells and suspended cages, but he tried to drown them out with his own sobs and screams.
“Balazar! Kriv! Let me out! This isn’t funny! Please!” his cries were met only with the other prisoners yelling at him, cursing he and his family, and telling him they hoped they really would forget him this time. They said they hoped he rotted there with the rest of them, and eventually his fragile mental state snapped, and it was all he could do to huddle up in the corner of the cell and cry into his knees as he struggled to breathe through the panic attacks.
He lay in that state for hours, weakening steadily until only his gasps for air and sniffles could be heard, then there was the sound of a heavy door far away coming open. When he started hearing multiple sets of footsteps coming closer his eyes opened a bit and the little yellow light of an approaching torch put enough hope in him that he struggled to his feet and ran to the bars and cried with what little of his voice remained.
“Letoclo! Letoclo ve, petranas!” the footsteps all moved a bit faster, until the torchlight could finally shed light on the weeping and shakey 3-year-old dragonborn boy. Holding the light was a guard with pity in his eyes, followed by his mother, a servant, and the two brothers that had put him in there in the first place.
“See, dask?”
“He’s safe, just like we said!” but a fiery look from the duchess caused them to go silent and shrink a bit.
“Bale, please take these two naughty hatchlings to their room at once, and see that they stay there.”
“Yes, Your Grace,” the servant said with a bow, then led the two grumbling boys away while the guard finished unlocking the cell and opened the door. Duchess Korin went in immediately and knelt before her smallest son.
“Erthenuwa’jimos, it’s alright now, please don’t cry,” she said in a voice soft and ever-loving as she held her arms out to him, to which the child only responded with a few teary hiccups and climbing into his mother’s arms so she could pick him up. She did so without complaint, and guided by the guard’s torch, she walked out of the dungeon whispering softly to her little boy. “My garden needs tending this morning. Why don’t we take our breakfasts outside and work on that together, just you and me?” he gave a small not in response, but was still too shaken to use his words yet.
Once out of the darkness of the dungeon, he saw that it was now well into the morning, which meant that he really had been down there all night… again. But his mother continued walking with him until they reached the dining room, empty now, as it was long past the end of breakfast. She set Agnimar into his seat at the table and gently pried his arms off of her so she could stand straight again.
“I’m going to go have a word with your brothers, I’ll be right back, okay danthe?” he gave a watery nod, so she took up her little bell and gave it a short ring. A servant arrived almost instantly with a bow.
“Your Grace, what can I do for you this morning?”
“I would like my usual, Agnimar, go ahead and let him know what you would like, I’ll return soon,” she finished that with a kiss to the top of his head, then left the room, picking up the skirt of her lavish gown in order to move at a more brisk pace.
He waited at the table after his order of ‘lots of ham and fraberry juice’ was meekly placed, when he heard the hurried footsteps and swishing skirt of one of his sisters approaching. He looked up to find Akra running over with a tin in hands until she set the tin at the table and sat breathlessly at her own chair next to his.
“Did the mouth-breathers lock you in the dungeon again, Agni?” he responded with a solemn nod and she shook her head sadly, “I figured when you didn’t show up at breakfast, so I asked them in the kitchen to make you these,” she said as she pulled off the top, revealing a batch of cinnamon rolls, which actually managed to make his face light up a bit, to this she smiled proudly, “I helped put the icing on them!” then she whispered conspiritally in his ear, “I snuck extra on for you when they weren’t looking.” He gave her a grin, and she launched into telling him about the new book she had started the night before and how excited she was to show him. She was in the middle of describing a scene when their mother returned and gave the two an affectionate smile.
“Akra, my sweet, did you make your brother cinnamon rolls to cheer him up?” the little girl gave a proud nod, which earned her a kiss on the temple, “That was very kind of you.”
“Momma, are you two gonna work in the garden together? Can I come too?”
“Tomorrow you can, dear, but this morning I’ll just be doing it with your brother. He needs some air and snow on his scales.”
“Okay,” she said a bit let down, but recovered quickly, “come to my room when you’re done so I can show you the book, okay?” He gave her a nod and she scurried off. Not a minute later, their food arrived, and the pair marched together, followed by a couple servants carrying their trays, out of the castle and to his mother’s garden. Their meal was set in a gazeebo, then the servants left them to their conversations. It was quiet at first, as Agnimar ate his odd combination of ham and cinnamon rolls, and his mother watched sadly.
“Hatchling, would you like to talk to me about what happened?” she began cautiously. Agni’s eating slowed to a halt, and he slumped in his seat.
“…I don’t know what I do wrong, dask. They hate me and I don’t know why,” his voice cracked, both from tears building in his eyes and from screaming the night before until his throat was now raw, “Why can’t I be big like them? Why can’t I make them stop hurting me?”
“Eritov… they just don’t understand you. You’re different, you have talents they just don’t understand.”
“Opsola thinks my violin is dumb…”
“What? Darling, when did he say this?”
“That’s what Kriv says. He says opsola thinks my violin is dumb, and that he thinks I’m a dud…”
“Agnimar, your father would never say anything like that, your father loves you very much,” she said as she reached across to take his scabby little hand in hers.
“Why doesn’t he play with me like the others?” He wanted more than anything for her to tell him all the answers. He wanted the secrets to their love and acceptance, and she was the only one who could possibly know, but she just looked so sad in response.
“Your father… just gets very busy, and his job is quite stressful. He plays with your brothers more because your brothers do things he’s familiar with, so it’s easier for him. That doesn’t make what he does right, and I’ll talk to him about spending more time with you.”
“Yes, Agni?”
“I wanna learn how to fence like Hugo. Can you ask opsola if he can teach me too?” He saw how his words seemed to pain her, like she had just found a blight that had killed all of her favorite flowers.
“You don’t have to fence to get your father’s attention…”
“But everyone might like me better if I did.” She opened her mouth to respond, but she could see the fires of determination alight in his eyes, and she knew he would not be swayed.
“I think you would be very good at fencing, erthenuwa’jimos. Would you like to start gardening now?” Agnimar nodded and got down from his chair. When she also stood he reached up to put his hand in hers and she led him to the first patch that needed tending.
“One way or another, hatchling,” she told him earnestly, “all will be well…”
                  “All will be well…"
His amber eyes opened slowly in the dark mountain cave. The night before he had honestly been afraid to fall asleep here, the small dark space reminding him too much of that place and he was almost sure he would wake up thinking that was exactly where he was. However, with his mother’s words still echoing in his mind, he had never felt more at ease. He set aside the fur that had been over him that night and stood to carefully make his way to the mouth of the cave. The sun was only just beginning its slow ascent into the sky, to which he frowned. He shouldn’t have woken up so early, especially since this was supposed to be the day they would finally face the dragon. But then again, maybe that was why he was so restless. He looked back at Zeddkil, whose brown curls were a hopeless mess, meaning he wasn’t much better off.
Agni hummed softly, a random tune off the top of his head. It didn’t matter what it was, as long as it was soft, sweet and melodic, and the tenseness left the dwarf so he could better rest. He should probably sleep himself. More rest would make for better chances in their fight, but for some reason he wanted nothing more than to sit in the mouth of their little cave and watch the sunrise as some of the wind ruffled his feathering scales.
“Why are you not asleep?” came Zedd’s voice quietly from behind, and Agnimar was proud of himself for not jumping.
“I woke up and wanted to watch the sun rise,” he said whistfully, and didn’t move from his spot, nor look away from the beauty before him. He heard the shuffle of furs, and soon there was a dwarf seated beside him and also watching the sky. For a while they were quiet, and were able to focus on every detail of the scene with awe.
“Do you still believe in us?” Zedd said without taking his eyes away.
 “I do.”
 “What if we’re wrong?"
“Then this is a wonderful last dawn, don’t you think?” Zeddkil turned away from the sunset to look up at the dragonborn, and watched how all the colors reflected off of his metallic scales, then smiled sadly and looked at the sky again.
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placetobenation · 5 years
SmackDown on Fox Episode #12 SmackDown Episode # 1,061 Brooklyn, NY – Barclays Center 12/20/19 The show opens with a video recap of The Miz vs Bray Wyatt match at TLC as wells as the return of Daniel Bryan. Daniel Bryan comes out to start the show and he talks about how when he looked in the mirror for the first time after what happened with The Fiend he didn’t notice that his hair and beard were gone but instead noticed that the Daniel Bryan brand that he created was gone. Bryan says that his daughter Bridie cried when she first saw him because she didn’t recognize who he was as all she has ever known was Daniel Bryan the brand. Bryan vows to change Bray Wyatt just like Bray Wyatt changed him.  Bryan calls out Bray but The Miz comes out instead and talks about Bray terrorizing his family and that at TLC it wasn’t about winning or losing as much as it was about protecting his family. The Miz then says he is going to take the Universal Championship from Bray Wyatt and this brings out King Corbin. Corbin claims to be the next in line for Bray’s Universal title since he beat Roman Reigns at TLC, Corbin goes on to insult Bryan and The Miz and say they had failed as fathers, just as Bryan and Miz are going to attack Corbin Dolph Ziggler slides in and attacks both Bryan and Miz and this sets up the main event match for tonight.  I liked the promo by Bryan about how the brand he had created and the way that most people (including his daughter) had come to know him might be dead but with that brand dying he found his real self once again. That was really good stuff as was the continuation of the love/hate relationship that Bryan and Miz have with each other. Everything was going good in this opening segment but that would change because of course, we can’t have an opening show promo without involving King Corbin, although I will say he wasn’t that bad this week, the line about Bryan and Miz failing as fathers was a great heel line. Corbin actually brought up a credible point that he should be number one contender since he beat Roman Reigns at TLC. It was obvious once Ziggler attacked what our main event was going to be for the evening. 
As the show comes back from the first commercial break we get an interview with Heavy Machinery where they talk about what happened last week with Cesaro slamming the ham on the ground and how that really hurt Otis’s feelings. Mandy Rose then walks up and says she has a present for Otis and she presents him with an all-new ham and then kisses him on the cheek which leaves Otis happily surprised while at the same time my own hopeless romantic heart has me going Aww! Match #1: Heavy Machinery vs The Revival (Miracle on 34th Street Fight) The Revival mock Heavy Machinery who is dressed as Santa Claus. All four men start brawling until Heavy Machinery hit stereo backdrops on The Revival and then squish Dawson’s head between their two massive guts. Wilder grabs Otis from outside the ring and snaps his neck across the top rope while Dawson sends Tucker into the steps on the other side of the ring. The Revival send Tucker face-first into the announce table and then try to shove some of the Christmas cookies that were at ringside down the throat of Otis. The Revival throws around all the presents that were set up around ringside so that they can set up a table next to the ring. The Revival attempt to double suplex Tucker through the table but Otis stops that from happening, Otis lays Wilder across the table and just when he is fixing to jump off the apron and put Wilder through the table he is sprayed by a fire extinguisher that Dawson grabbed from under the ring. The Revival powerbomb Otis through the table as we go to commercial. We come back to see The Revival in control as they are working over Tucker on the ramp, but he fights them both off and hits Dawson with a suplex on the ramp. Wilder hits Tucker with a present that turns out to be a bowling ball, Wilder rolls the ball down the ramp and right into the family jewels of Tucker. Dawson rolls Tucker into the ring while Wilder puts on one of the Santa jackets and grabs one of the trees from ringside so he can put it in the ring. We get a shot of the Otis’s ham at the announce table and Cole tells Graves to keep his hands off it and Graves replies that he is more of a roast beef kinda guy and knowing how Graves is there is a good chance that he wasn’t talking about the actual food roast beef if ya get what I mean. Back in the ring, Wilder has went crotch first into the Christmas tree when Tucker moved out of the way. Tucker hits Dawson with a hip toss that sends Dawson out of the ring to catch a breather. Dawson hits Tucker in the gut with the fire extinguisher and then The Revival sends Tucker flying across the announce table which causes Otis’s precious ham to hit the floor. Dawson picks up the ham and slams it on the floor and this fires Otis up as he grabs Wilder and sends him flying into the presents and Christmas tree at ringside with an exploder. Otis and Dawson are in the ring and Otis hits an exploder on Dawson. Otis looks around confused until he finally gets out of the ring and looks underneath it where he pulls out a bag that ends up being revealed to be full of Legos. Otis picks up Dawson and slams him into the pile of Legos and we see that some of them have stuck to Dawson’s back. Otis then hits an electric chair and fall away slam combo on The Revival. Otis splashes Dawson in the same corner that had the Christmas tree in it and then hits the Caterpillar elbow drop. Otis picks up Dawson and Tucker runs in which allows them to hit the Compactor for the win.  Winners: Heavy Machinery via Pinfall  Match Rating: ***1/4 As we go to break we see Dana Brooke hanging out and talking to Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross as Lacey Evans walks up with her daughter. As we come back from commercial we see Mandy talking to Sonya backstage when Otis walks up and apologizes for what happened to the ham during the match and this leads to Mandy hugging Otis but his sweat rubs off onto her dress and she walks off a bit aggravated but isn’t hateful toward Otis like you would expect, this leaves Otis standing there with a sad look on his face.  I can’t believe I am saying this but I loved everything that involved Otis tonight, first off the match was a lot of fun and had spots that made me genuinely laugh which isn’t something that always happens with these holiday-themed matches. I like how they use Legos as the most dangerous weapon in these comedy matches because those things actually hurt like crazy but at the same time, it’s funny to see these grown men sell being thrown into a pile of blocks. I also liked the Mandy and Otis stuff as their story has been a slow build throughout the year where they would give you just a bit of interaction just to remind you that there is a story between those two, it will be interesting to see where this story goes from here. I will take this story with Otis any day over Mandy calling other women ugly. I wonder if they are starting to split Mandy and Sonya as it seemed like they were each doing their own thing on the show which isn’t something we have seen from the two of them before. Whether I will like this Mandy and Otis stuff in a few weeks is debatable as it could just be that I like it this week because I’m in a good mood because it’s the holiday season.
We cut back to the ring where The Revival is frustrated that they have to compete in matches like they just competed in as they are a serious tag team. They do not want the fact that they compete in silly matches like a Miracle on 34th Street Fight to be apart of the legacy they leave behind. Elias comes out and sings a song and for the second straight week, he says something questionable as he talks about Revival needing to make a major change just like Caitlyn Jenner did.  It’s as if Elias’s gimmick is saying stuff on purpose that he knows is going to get Twitter in an uproar, but that’s not too surprising given that Vince and Bruce Prichard are the ones running things on SmackDown and they are not the most PC people you will run across.  We go back to the locker room where Sami Zayn walks up to Braun Strowman and talks to him about being his secret Santa, this leads to Cesaro and Nakamura coming in to back up Zayn and Strowman tells Zayn that he wants a shot at the Intercontinental Championship for Christmas.  As Carmella makes her way to the ring we see that she now has pyro. We go to commercial before the match starts. Match #2: Carmella vs Sonya Deville They lock up and Sonya hits a couple of knees to the gut before taking Carmella down to the mat with a snapmare and a sliding knee strike which gets a 2 count. Sonya chokes Carmella across the middle rope until Carmella tries to make a comeback with some slaps but Sonya gets her in the corner and delivers a series of kicks. Carmella catches a charging Sonya with a boot and then hits her with a clothesline as Carmella is getting back into the match. Sonya tries for a takedown but doesn’t get the full effect of it as Carmella slides between her legs and then dodges a couple of kicks from Deville. Carmella takes Sonya down with a superkick and then locks her in the Code of Silence which Sonya eventually taps out to. Winner: Carmella via Submission  Match Rating: **¼ This was a decent match but just as I said last week it would’ve been better if they had more time. I really can’t wait until it’s Sonya’s turn to really shine on her own in a feud for the title as she has so much potential and I don’t think we’ve even seen half of what she is capable of.  As Carmella is walking up the ramp and celebrating her win we get the entrance of New Day which leads to a fun little interaction where Carmella dances and then mimes jumping rope as we go to commercial. Carmella seems like she would be really fun to be around as she seems to have a very infectious personality that you can’t help but love.  We see another Sheamus return promo, I just saw this on Twitter a moment ago and I can’t believe I didn’t think about it before, but now that Sheamus is back being a singles star what are the chances they try to do Bryan vs Sheamus once again at WrestleMania. It probably wouldn’t be as bad as we would imagine it would be because once we finally got a proper match between Bryan and Sheamus at Extreme Rules 2012 it turned out to be a really good match that a lot of people think very highly of. Match #3: The New Day vs Cesaro & Shinsuke Nakamura w/ Sami Zayn Kingston and Nakamura start things out and right away Nakamura runs over and knocks Big E off the apron. Kingston and Nakamura trade strikes until Nakamura sends Kingston into the corner but he springs off the ropes and hits a dropkick. Kingston sends Nakamura into the ropes which allows Cesaro to make a blind tag, Nakamura shoves Kingston into a European uppercut from Cesaro and then Nakamura hits him with a backstabber for a 2 count. Cesaro hits Kingston with a gut-wrench suplex and then locks in a rest hold which Kingston quickly escapes from. Cesaro tags Nakamura back in and he tries to get a hold on Kingston but Kingston fights out of it and then lands on his feet on a back suplex attempt and this allows him to make the tag to Big E.  Big E knocks Cesaro off the apron and then hits a series of belly to belly suplexes on Nakamura followed by the big splash. Big E looks to set up the Big Ending but Nakamura hits him with a spinning heel kick instead. Big E catches a charging Nakamura with a uranage out of the corner which gets a 2 count as Cesaro breaks up the pin. Kingston uses his legs to launch Cesaro out of the ring where he then hits him with the trust fall dive. Nakamura lands some kicks on Big E thanks to a distraction from Sami Zayn. Big E rolls to the outside where he is mowed down by a clothesline from Cesaro. Nakamura rolls Big E halfway into the ring and hits him with a running knee strike and then he sends him into the steps as we go to commercial.
We come back from commercial to see Big E backdrop Cesaro over the top rope and to the floor. Big E tries to make the tag but is cut off by Nakamura who knocks Kingston off the apron. Nakamura comes off the middle rope with a diving knee to Big E. Nakamura sets up for the Kinshasa but is turned inside out with a clothesline from Big E. We get a tag on both ends and Kingston springboards into the ring with a clothesline and then delivers some chops and a dropkick before being sent into the corner, but just like earlier he springs off the ropes and this time he hits Cesaro with a hurricanrana. Kingston hits the mushroom stomp that gets a 2 count. Kingston hits a jumping clothesline and follows that up with a Boom Drop that only gets a 2 count. Kingston goes for the Trouble in Paradise but Cesaro avoids it and hits Kingston with a pop-up European uppercut for a 2 count. Big E clotheslines Cesaro out of the ring and then launches Kingston into the air and onto Cesaro and Nakamura at ringside. Kingston throws Cesaro back into the ring and then comes off the top with a crossbody that only gets him a near fall. Nakamura pulls Big E off the apron and the distraction allows Cesaro to roll-up Kingston but he is only able to get a 2 count. Cesaro gets Kingston in the big swing and then follows up with a double stomp into the gut and yet again Kingston kicks out at 2. Cesaro looks to hit the Neutralizer but Kingston backdrops him and then catches Cesaro with a small package out of nowhere to get the win for his team.  Winners: The New Day via Pinfall   Match Rating: ***1/4 After the match, Cesaro, Nakamura, and Zayn beat up New Day until Braun Strowman makes the save. Cesaro and Nakamura are able to get some shots in on Strowman including a kick to the head from Nakamura but he eventually fights back and hits Nakamura with a running avalanche and hits Cesaro with the shoulder block on the outside. Strowman attempts to hit the Powerslam on Nakamura but Zayn pulls him out of the ring in time.  The match was the typical above-average TV match that you see every week from the New Day. I like that they are putting Strowman into the Intercontinental title picture as it is past time for him to win a singles title and if they aren’t going to go all the way and put one of the top titles on him then the Intercontinental title will have to do. I wouldn’t be surprised if they put the title on him next week as a way to make their last show of the year (and of the decade) have a big moment that lets the fans go home satisfied. 
In the back we see Bryan and Miz getting ready for their match against Corbin and Ziggler. Miz thanks Bryan for saving him at TLC as Bray was fixing to smash his face in, but Bryan says he didn’t do it to help Miz and this leads to them arguing about who hates the other more.  Bayley and Sasha Banks make their way to the ring for the next match as we go to commercial. Match #4: Bayley w/ Sasha Banks vs Dana Brooke They lock up and Bayley pushes Dana into the corner where she delivers a forearm and then smashes Dana’s head into the turnbuckle. We get a spot that was too similar to what Sonya did earlier in the night as Bayley hits Dana with a snapmare and then follows up with a sliding clothesline for a 2 count. Dana makes a comeback with some forearm shots followed by a hip toss and a kick to the head that only gets her a 1 count. Bayley slams Dana to the mat by her hair and then hits a running knee that knocks Dana back into the corner where Bayley stomps a mudhole in her. Bayley hits a suplex on Dana that gets a 2 count and then she locks Dana in a chin lock. 
Dana elbows her way out of the hold and then lands on her feet on a back suplex attempt. Dana hits Bayley with an enziguri and then goes up top where she connects with the Swanton which would’ve got the win but Bayley is able to reach the ropes. Dana is on fire at this point as she hits her handspring back elbow and then follows up with a shoulder block and a cartwheel splash for another 2 count. Dana sets Bayley up for the Brooketista Bomb but Bayley is able to escape and flapjack Dana across the top turnbuckle which leads to Bayley hitting her awful new finisher to get the win.  Winner: Bayley via Pinfall   Match Rating: **1/2 After the match, both Bayley and Sasha get in Dana’s face and berate her until Lacey comes out to make the save. Lacey then calls Sasha a Legit Bully and challenges her to a match that will happen after the commercial break. Match #5: Lacey Evans w/ Dana Brooke vs Sasha Banks w/Bayley Lacey and Sasha start the match talking trash to each other before Lacey picks up Sasha and drives her into the corner where she bashes the back of Sasha’s head into the turnbuckle. Lacey charges at Sasha but Sasha grabs her and gives her a receipt as she starts bashing Lacey’s head into the turnbuckle. Sasha hits a running Meteora to the back of Lacey’s neck as she was still leaning against the corner. Sasha stomps and chokes Lacey in the corner before hitting her with a suplex for 2. Lacey fights her way out of an armbar only to be taken down with a dropkick from The Boss. We then see our third snapmare setting up for a running grounded move as this time Sasha hits Lacey with a running Meteora that gets a 2 count.  Sasha starts to toy around with Lacey while also taunting the crowd. Sasha sends Lacey back into the corner where she lets her know that she is the leader and Bayley is the role model. Lacey makes her comeback with some knee shots to the mid-section and then the two women fight on the apron where Lacey comes out the winner as she catches the leg of Sasha and slams her down to the apron, Lacey then slingshots from the apron into the ring and kicks Sasha to the floor in the process. Lacey goes out to attack Sasha and slams Sasha’s head into the ringside floor a couple of times. Lacey feints a Woman’s Right to Bayley which causes her to fall back onto her butt just like Sasha did a couple of weeks ago. Sasha uses that distraction to send Lacey into the ring post and then into the barricade right in front of where Lacey’s young daughter is sitting and while doing this both women are counted out.  Winner: Double Countout   Match Rating: **1/4
After the match Sasha mocks Lacey’s daughter who is at ringside and Lacey’s daughter is not taking kindly to this as she has this mean look on her face and actually almost punches Sasha when Sasha gets too close to her, this finally leads to Lacey attacking Sasha to the point where she has to be pulled off of Sasha by the referees and Dana Brooke. I really enjoyed both of these segments involving Dana, Bayley, Sasha, & Lacey as it was the most storyline development we have gotten in the SmackDown’s women’s division in over a month which was nice to see. I think Lacey is doing a fantastic job as a babyface as I have enjoyed her babyface promos a lot more than I ever did her heel ones. I’ve said it in the last few SmackDown reports I’ve done but it’s good to see Dana get more time on TV. Lacey’s daughter’s reactions to Sasha mocking her and beating up her mom were really great and if I remember nothing else about this episode of SmackDown I will definitely remember that, pissing off and making kids cry seems to be a hobby of Sasha’s as I will never forget when she ripped off Izzy’s Bayley headband back when Bayley and Sasha were feuding in 2015 and it made Izzy cry.  This whole women’s segment was the highlight of this week’s show for me.  We get a recap video of the King Corbin vs Roman Reigns match at TLC before we get ready for our main event.
Match #6: Dolph Ziggler & King Corbin vs The Miz & Daniel Bryan Bryan and Miz argue about who is going to start the match but it ends up not mattering as all four men start brawling. Miz sends Corbin out of the ring while Bryan hits the Yes Kicks on Ziggler, Miz tags himself in and starts hitting the It Kicks. Bryan intersects Corbin with a dropkick to the knee and then both Miz and Bryan hit the kicks to their opponents in stereo which sends the heels rolling to the outside as we go to commercial.  As we come back from commercial Corbin is working over Miz but he quickly makes the tag to Bryan. Corbin sends Bryan into the corner but Bryan backflips out of it and then hits the running clothesline. Bryan is fired up as he starts a Yes chant and then hits a couple of dropkicks in the corner but when he goes for the third he gets caught with the Deep Six by Corbin which gets a 2 count. Corbin tags in Ziggler who rubs Bryan’s face across the laces of his boot and then rubs it across the top rope. Ziggler keeps talking trash to Bryan which allows Bryan to try to make a comeback so he can tag in Miz, but Ziggler grabs Bryan’s leg and pulls him back to the center of the ring. Ziggler knocks Miz off the apron and brings Bryan back into the heel corner where Corbin tags himself back in.  Corbin continues to beat down Bryan and then mocks the Yes chant. The heels are in full control as Ziggler gets tagged back into the match and he continues to taunt Bryan. Ziggler beats Bryan down in the corner and then tells Corbin to finish him off as he tags him back in. Corbin delivers a running clothesline in the corner and then repeatedly elbows Bryan in the collar bone region. Corbin sets Bryan up on the top rope but Bryan fights him off and is finally able to hit a big move as he comes off the top with a missile dropkick.
Bryan makes the hot tag to Miz who hits repeated kicks on Ziggler in the corner and then hits him with the corner clothesline. Miz boots Corbin in the face and then slides under the legs of Ziggler where he tries to get a pin but Ziggler kicks out. Miz hits the snap DDT on Ziggler and then hits the Skull Crushing Finale on Corbin. Ziggler hits Miz with his big DDT which gets a 2 count. Miz catches Ziggler’s leg off an attempted superkick and locks Ziggler in the figure-four. Bryan hits Corbin with the running knee before he can break up the figure-four and moments later Ziggler taps out. Winners: The Miz & Daniel Bryan via Submission  Match Rating: *** It was announced that next week there will be a triple threat match between Corbin, Miz, and Bryan where the winner will face Wyatt at the Royal Rumble for the Universal Championship.
The show ends with the three men who will be in the triple threat match next week in the ring as the lights dim and Bray Wyatt’s laugh echoes throughout the arena. This was a good match and lasted just the right amount of time as some main event matches can get a bit long which tends to make me lose focus and attention on them but I was focussed on this match the entire time. If they keep this whole Miz and Bryan being frenemies story going after Rumble I wouldn’t be surprised to see WWE make them a long term team and have them go for the titles at WrestleMania, because it isn’t likely that either of them will be in the Universal title picture at WrestleMania as that is most likely going to be Reigns vs Wyatt. I wouldn’t complain too much about a New Day vs Revival vs Bryan/Miz match at WrestleMania as they could put on one hell of a match. I was surprised that there was no Roman Reigns or Bray Wyatt on this show, but I’m pretty sure they will be back next week as they want the final SmackDown and Raw shows of the year to be big. 
While this episode wasn’t out of this world amazing I thought it was a lot of fun and was easy to both watch and review which isn’t always the case. I liked the storyline progression in the women’s title feud but still, I wish the women’s matches that don’t involve the champion got more love and more time. I enjoyed everything with Otis tonight as it was harmless fun and the stuff with Mandy was sweet and well done. The best thing about SmackDown tonight was the fact that Corbin was tolerable and the material he was given in his promo didn’t suck so good job to whoever wrote it, actually I felt Ziggler was way less tolerable on this show.  After watching tonight’s show I actually look forward to next week and hope I can at least get a 2-week streak of good SmackDown episodes that are fun to watch. I’ll see you guys next week when I review the final SmackDown of 2019 and of the 2010s. 
0 notes
av7groups · 5 years
25 Delicious Low-Carb Casseroles That Make Keto Easier
If just thinking about casseroles brings your mother’s far-famed dark-green bean or tuna pate formations to knowledge, you should know these one-dish wonders “ve come” a long way since then.
Casseroles are no longer an excuse to clean out the fridge and somehow pull together an easy, delectable meal in under an hour.
With this summary of low-carb casseroles, you won’t have to waste time reworking your old-fashioned recipes to fit your new keto meal plan.
Why You Should Make at Least One Low-Carb Casserole Every Week
Casseroles are a dream if you have a busy lifestyle and still want to stick to a ketogenic diet.
Why? Because they’re so incredibly easy to perform. Even if you shortcoming cooking skills and are just starting out with low-carb cooking, you are able to make a casserole.
Simply preheat your oven, take a bunch of healthy parts, popping them into a casserole bowl, and then bake apart while delicious bouquets fill your home.
Like Crockpot and Instant Pot recipes, casseroles take zero pattern to get them right. You can even have your girls are contributing to see things simpler and trimmed prep time in half.
Casseroles are also ideal for keto snack prep. They’re so easy and fast, you can whip up a few different casseroles in one day and have your whole week’s worth of banquets ready to go without echoing flavors.
Casseroles can be used for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and even as a low-carb side dish. You can make one for any meal of the working day and to suit all sorts of picky palates. Plus, you can sneak lots of healthy parts in every bite.
While your old casserole recipes and store-bought options have way more carbs, disguised carbohydrates, and questionable ingredients, every recipe on such lists of low-carb casseroles implements whole-foods parts to help you stay on track with your ketogenic nutrition and maybe even improve your health.
Breakfast Casseroles You Can Enjoy Anytime of the Day
Whether you’re eating it first thing in the morning or saving it for “brinner”( breakfast for dinner ), any of these breakfast casseroles will help you contact ketosis, while easily becoming your favorite low-carb dishes.
#1: Easy Breakfast Casserole with Bacon, Egg and Cheese
If you’ve grown up on bacon, egg, and cheese bagel sandwiches, this low-carb casserole is for you.
It’s the entire midriff of your favorite sandwich, minus the carbs, so you can savor the same flavors without being weighed down.
This is also an ideal beginner’s breakfast casserole since the ingredients are simple and straightforward.
#2: Artichoke and Feta Breakfast Casserole
This artichoke and feta breakfast casserole is a perfect example of how far casserole flavors have come.
On top of the incredible peaches-and-cream combination, this flare and airy casserole gulps up( just like a souffle) instead of flattening out.
It can also feed a large crowd and be adjusted for specific menu sensitivities.
#3: Keto Slow Cooker Breakfast Casserole
On top of baking your casseroles, you can also throw them in your gradual cooker for about an hour and a half.
One of the best low-carb Crockpot recipes to start out with is this keto slow cooker breakfast casserole.
It mingles together bacon, mushrooms, spices, kale, and parmesan cheese for a healthy dosage of important macro and micronutrients.
#4: Sausage and Pumpkin Breakfast Casserole
When fall rosters around and pumpkin gets added to everything, you’ll be grateful for this breakfast casserole that blends sausage and your favorite seasonal go-to.
This savory casserole dish is made by mixing onions, garlic, sausage, mustard, cheddar cheese, chopped pumpkin, and heavy flog paste. It makes just under an hour to make and will certainly become one of your favorites.
#5: Italian Spaghetti Squash Breakfast Casserole
Before tuning out the idea of a spaghetti squash casserole, remember that this veggie can do wonders for creating a visually pleading dish that’s not just another grassland ol’ casserole.
Because this Italian spaghetti squash breakfast casserole calls for sunny side up eggs on top instead of being scrambled and added to the mix, it won’t even resemble the traditional casserole you’re used to.
#6: Low-Carb Breakfast Casserole
This breakfast casserole is the winner for those eras when you’re too busy to even think about making food.
Just throw together eggs, sausage, broccoli, cheddar cheese, onions, seasonings, ointment cheese, and heavy cream to create a simple hitherto delicious low-carb casserole.
Low-Carb Chicken Casserole Recipes
Chicken can be dressed up in so many different ways you don’t have to feel like you’re eating the same dish every week. With these chickens keto casserole recipes, you’ll never run out of luscious low-carb options.
#1: Prep-Ahead Cheesy Low-Carb Casserole
With only 10 hours of prep term, you are able to have this low-carb casserole ready to go after a long day. It’s one of the quickest and easiest dinner recipes you’ll ever know.
The creamy mozzarella layer on top is perfect for hiding veggies like celery and cauliflower rice, so it’s ideal for mothers struggling to sneak in more vegetables with squeamish eaters at the table.
Thanks to the dollops of chicken, bacon fragments, and both parmesan and mozzarella cheese, your girls( or veggie-averse partner) won’t even notice they’re there.
#2: Zesty Chicken Enchilada Casserole
Is Mexican food all you can think about after slog?
Don’t ruin your keto goals with nuts and tortillas and try this chicken enchilada casserole recipe instead.
With the delicious combining of chicken, enchilada sauce, mayo, egg, and Monterey Jack cheese dispersed on top, you’ll have a close-to-the-real-thing replica without all the extra work or carbs.
#3: Keto Chicken Cordon Bleu Casserole
While this keto chicken cordon bleu casserole examines a bit different than the dish you’re used to, it still has all the same classic spices you’re desiring — aka, chicken, ham, cheese, and more.
It’s also one you can whip up in a snap since it makes only 20 minutes to prepare. You’ll have a healthy and delicious chicken casserole you can enjoy leftovers for lunch the next day.
#4: One-Pan Cheesy Broccoli Chicken Casserole
Chicken, broccoli, and cheddar cheese is another favourite flavor combination that works just as well in a casserole like this easy casserole recipe.
Not simply is it bursting with spice, but this recipe is also a great way to make sure your babies will devour their veggies, even without noticing. It merely compels simple ingredients — like broccoli, cauliflower, mayo, egg, and cheddar cheese -and exactly 30 minutes from start to finish. It is the excellent cheesy comfort food.
#5: Low-Carb Pesto Caprese Chicken Casserole
If corny casseroles aren’t your thing, this keto recipe of low-carb pesto Caprese chicken casserole will be your brand-new favorite mush-free, Instagram-worthy sensation.
In a casserole meal, you’ll put down your chicken heart basi and then add pesto, spinach, mozzarella, and parmesan cheese scattered on top. This low-carb casserole is a must and a great addition to your directory of new recipes.
#6: Chicken and Zucchini Casserole Recipe
Rather than leave chicken hearts entire, this recipe cubes both chicken and zucchini to create a chunky casserole to help you feel more satisfied with every meet burn.( Crushed pork crusts give the dish an extra low-carb crunch .)
You can also replace the chunky zucchini for zucchini pates — aka zoodles — if “youd prefer” something creamier.
Mexican-Inspired Low-Carb Casseroles
Take taco night up a notch with these mouth-watering Mexican aroused casseroles.
#1: Low-Carb Chicken Enchilada Casserole( Two Ways)
Traditional chicken enchiladas manufactured with rolled tortillas are definitely off-limits on keto, but this low-carb chicken enchilada casserole is 100% safe.
As another low-carb option, this green chile chicken enchilada casserole recipe exploits cooked zucchinis as the tortilla “shell” so you still have that feeling of slicing into a tender chicken enchilada without all the carbs.
#2: Mexican Chicken Casserole
This low-carb Mexican chicken casserole is as close to an genuine dish as you’ll get without going to see a diner and staring down a bowl of tortilla chips.
Plus, it only makes 10 times to prep and 15 minutes to cook so you can have this beauty ready any darknes of the week.
Italian-Style Low-Carb Casseroles
These next recipes give you an easier and way more keto-friendly way to get your pizza and pasta cravings satisfied without guilt.
#1: Low-Carb Pizza Casserole
Skip the time-consuming cauliflower crust and prepare a low-carb pizza casserole that simply asks five ingredients( including cauliflower) when you’re in the mood for melty cheese, salty pepperoni, and savory marinara sauce.
This second pepperoni pizza casserole recipe likewise applies cauliflower and makes a great choice for anyone with dairy or gluten predispositions since it’s free of both.
#2: Low-Carb Zucchini Pizza Casserole
This low-carb pizza casserole expends zucchini, eggs, shredded cheese, and parmesan to create a crust to build your keto pizza on.
From there, it’s transcended with ground beef, more shredded cheese, and pepperoni.
After this roasts, you are able to trimmed and serve squares like a slice of Sicilian pizza.
#3: Keto Lasagna Casserole
You don’t have to give up on this classic dish in a keto diet. On this keto lasagna recipe, all you have to do is swap the traditional pasta expanses for sliced zucchini or eggplant. Easy.
It’s procreated with Italian sausage, ricotta, mozzarella, and parmesan, for a cheesy and rich casserole bowl for the whole family.
#4: Spicy Italian Keto Stuffed Peppers Casserole
This stuffed spices casserole recipe utilizes Italian-style ground sausage, onions, mushrooms, and a mix of Italian spices to create a low-carb and keto-friendly dish.
It takes about 35 minutes to prepare from start to finish, and you can garnish it with fresh basil leaves for a full Italian flavor.
Protein-Rich Casserole Recipes for Your Inner Carnivore
From cheeseburgers to chili pups, these protein-packed casseroles are laden with unadulterated American flavors.
#1: Keto Bacon Cheeseburger Casserole
Dead of winter and can’t use your grill?
For a low-carb option that you can reach indoors( and even bring to tailgates ), this keto bacon cheeseburger casserole recipe will realize taste buds happy.
You’ll layer your casserole just like you would a regular burger: with ground beef, mustard, and cheese. Then you’ll move a peaches-and-cream and rich cheesy sauce on top and everything comes friendly with one another in a casserole meal as it bakes.
A huge behavior to make an easy keto food, even during hectic weeknights.
#2: Keto Chili Dog Pot Pie Casserole
You don’t have to wait for the gala to roll into town to nosh on chili hounds( sans buns) in keto.
This low-carb keto chili dog pot pie casserole recipe gives you the same taste you grew up with while remained in your low-carb macros.
This recipe calls for grass-fed beef hot dogs, so you’ll too be avoiding the added hormones, nitrates, and other preservatives present in most traditional hot dogs.
Casseroles to Help You Rethink Tuna
If tuna “sandwiches” and adding mayo to tuna are about as far as you’ve been with this very affordable fish, the next recipes will assist you break out of your fish rut.
#1: Cabbage Noodle Tuna Casserole
With heavy cream, parmesan cheese, peas, herbs, and spices, you and your family may not even notice protein-rich tuna hiding in this gluten-free, low-carb cabbage noodle casserole.
You’ll get a creamy alfredo alternative that happens to keep you full and satiated.
The toasted parmesan layer on top likewise yields this casserole that authentic mac and cheese feel despite the lack of carbs and empty-bellied calories.
#2: Keto Tuna Mornay
Tuna mornay is a usual Australian dish that’s virtually a slow-cooked stew. But as the recipe creators employed it, it’s certainly time a tuna casserole.
Thanks to a milky keto cheese layer on top, the tuna takes a backseat when it comes to flavor. So you get all the benefits of healthy flabs without even savor where they’re coming from( i.e ., the tuna ).
In this recipe, you’ll likewise find a cruciferous basi of broccoli or cauliflower which helps to up the micronutrient profile.
Give this keto tuna mornay casserole a try to expand your taste buds and you are able never look at a can of tuna the same way ever again.
Casseroles That Progressing well as Side Dishes
These side recipes are so yummy they may steal the register as your main meal takes a backseat.
#1: Cheesy Bacon Brussels Sprouts Casserole
Brussels ripens are laden with healthy fiber so they make an excellent addition to any banquet when you’re talking about nutrition.
This cheesy bacon Brussels buds casserole can be whipped up in under 15 instants and only takes about 30 instants to cook.
One helping is 14.2 g of protein, 27.3 g of fatty, and merely 6g of net carbs so it’s reasonably replenishing and satisfying for a place dish.
#2: Loaded Creamy Cauliflower Casserole
This loaded cauliflower casserole applies sour cream and cheddar cheese as the last recipe, but it also throws in half a goblet of mascarpone cheese for an extra layer of creamy goodness.
By adding mascarpone, you’ll have a much closer-to-the-real-thing texture which is as smooth and luscious as milky minced potatoes.
#3: Bacon Green Bean Casserole
Say goodbye to the aged soppy green bean casseroles of your childhood and say hello to this low-carb bacon dark-green nut account that improves upon the original.
This recipe is a serious upgrade to the wet, soupy casseroles of your past because it includes crunchy pork husks to replace those supposed-to-be crispy fried onions.
Not merely will this give you a better composition, but it also adds protein without upping the carbs.
Become a Casserole Genius
If casseroles formerly reached you snooze, consider rethinking your stance by trying any one of these 25 low-carb casserole recipes the coming week.
After making just one easy low-carb recipe and recognizing how simple and crowding the latter are, you’ll become a casserole convert in no time.
Be sure to bookmark this page and share it with your best friend and family so you always have savory, low-carb casseroles to choose from.
If you’re curious about more keto-friendly recipes, have a look a the Perfect Keto recipe page, where you can select recipes by season, ingredient, commodity, or meal.
The post 25 Delicious Low-Carb Casseroles That Make Keto Easier emerged first on Perfect Keto.
Read more: perfectketo.com
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apsbicepstraining · 7 years
FA Cup third round: 10 ties to look out for this weekend
Ailing Bolton and Aston Villa ogle vulnerable at Eastleigh and Wycombe, Exeter v Liverpool retains its enticement amid TV meddling and Chelsea might just imagination their Cup chances
1) Eastleigh wave non-league flag against Bolton
Previously excellent known for subsisting leukaemia and subsequently being pecked to within an inch of their own lives by emus on Soccer AM while wearing a hair made from lettuce and cookies in the name of charity, Eastleighs young Welsh manager Chris Todd has every right to imagination his Hampshire slopes chances of advancing to the fourth round at the expense of Bolton Wanderers. The only non-league area left in the challenger, Eastleigh sit fourth in the Conference and have been bankrolled to the pitch of PS3m by their sugar daddy, Stewart Donald, in recent years. They figure the former QPR winger Lee Cook and the ex-Nottingham Forest defender Dan Harding among their ranks, two musicians who wont have come cheap. Of course Bolton Wanderers have abundance of Championship experience more, having played poorly enough in the schism this season to find themselves fastened to the bottom of the table as well as PS173m in debt, the subject of a winding-up order from HM Revenue and Customs, under a move embargo and resigned to the possibility of having to sell their best musicians during this January window. These are dark epoches at the Macron Stadium on and off the lurch, with makes good and staff members doubtful when or if they are able to next getting paid. With securing Championship survival almost certainly a priority for Neil Lennon and his musicians, Eastleigh love could be forgiven for being more expectant than hopeful of hitting them in the compact environs of the 5,192 -capacity Ten Acres and going into the move for round Four. Barry Glendenning
Sachin Nakrani: what on dirt has gone wrong at Bolton ? All the latest news from the Conference
Listen to the husk on the FA Cup
2) Senseless timing impairs famous night for Exeter
It ought to beggar belief that the powers that be have done their utmost to make an ordeal out of “the worlds largest” petitioning tie in a glean short of traditional Cup romance. But here “weve been”, and if it seems self-defeating that supporters of a competition whose lustre remains difficult to maintain are being actively inconvenienced then it is worth reminding ourselves that we should not be remotely surprised by now. It would be fascinating to hear the logic of the BBCs decision to move this fixture to 7.55 pm on a Friday night 90 hours after the last train of the day departs Exeter St Davids station for the 250 -mile journey to Liverpool but that is the capability broadcasters have. It is gonna be a fine date when their requirements are drawn up with half a thinking for matchgoing love such as the 1,347 away partisans who will nonetheless attain the journey. Liverpool shall not be required to be require too much assistance in disposing of League Two resists but asking them to fulfil this tie-up three days after a Tuesday night League Cup semi-final at Stoke City was surely not necessary, either.
None of this scold should, of course, detract from a famous party for Exeter City and their excellent director, Paul Tisdale. Their league form four consecutive overcomes does not bode well for a amaze but they might just have caught Jurgen Klopp, who had to recall the almost-forgotten Tiago Ilori from his loan at Aston Villa the coming week to partly offset a lack of available centre-backs, and his team at a good time. St James Park will be rocking a sight that should make good video. It is just a shame that little else seem to be concern. Nick Ames
Klopp to arena young, inexperienced Liverpool against Exeter Puzzle-loving Oakley establishes Exeter clues how to defeat Liverpool
Paul Tisdale: hats entertainment. Picture: ProSports/ REX/ Shutterstock
3) Aston Villa should go for transgressed to avoid a shock
This tie yells sicken louder than most and perhaps Remi Garde would be well advised to make good usage of an early opportunity to experience belt-and-braces life in the Football League. Wycombe Wanderers, sixth in League Two, are still some style from filling Aston Villa on a level playing field but Gareth Ainsworth has assembled an impressive area that they are able to hope to bounce back from a home overcome to Morecambe last weekend. In Garry Thompson and Paul Hayes, Ainsworth could plain a strikeforce with a combined age of 67, but Wycombe aim for a high-energy style and Villa boosters may as well hope their team have entered into a same flavour of things. It has all been downhill since Theo Walcott opened the tallying for Arsenal in the 40 th instant of last seasons final; even if Wembley supports a few chastening recognitions, any pause from the weekly grind will seem like a comfort at the moment. History should encourage them to go for purposes: Villa obligated League Cup visits to Adams Park in 2003 and 2005, winning 5-0 and improbably 8-3. NA
Cole completes free convey to Coventry City from Aston Villa Garde craves Arsenals Debuchy to join Aston Villa
4) Resting players has burnt Allardyce in the past
The holders get their recent defence of the accolade underway and they do so in the knowledge that Sam Allardyce and Sunderland are not especially fixated on the booty. Allardyce has had a particularly chatty week but his decrees about the FA Cup dedicated pause for imagine. Of direction Im going to make changes, said Allardyce, pointing to the fact that Sunderland will play Swansea City on Wednesday as part of a full conference curriculum. If the Premier League decides to made a stupid fixture midweek when they dont bloody need to, then I havent got much choice.
The Premier League would argue that it does vicious is a requirement to, with Euro 2016 among the factors truncating the domestic calendar, but Allardyce is far from incorrect and this regrettable segment of planning provides a ready-made excuse for directors in need of Premier League points to give their big musicians a weekend off. It would be wise for Sunderland devotees to prepare apprehensions even lower than usual, then, although Allardyce might recall that it does not ever pay to rest actors in anticipation of future troubles. Two years ago, the then-West Ham manager reached nine changes fielding the youngsters Seb Lletget, Dan Potts, Danny Whitehead, George Moncur and Callum Driver for a third-round knot at Nottingham Forest, with a League Cup semi-final first leg against Manchester City merely three days away. If a 5-0 defeat at the City Ground was not entirely unexpected; the 6-0 thumping when senior participates recalled at the Etihad was emphatically not part of the masterplan. NA
Allardyce ready to rebuild Sunderland around Defoe Wenger presents Arsenal injury update and rulers Sanchez out
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Sam Allardyce didnt “ve been meaning to” disturbed Jurgen Klopp video
5) A jam-packed residence could swell Oxford Uniteds hopes
Things are seeming up for Oxford United, who have sold out their 12,000 -capacity Kassam Stadium for only the third time in its 15 -year biography with the prospect of murderous a Premier League nose. Michael Appletons team are third in League Two and on route both for advertising and the very highest position in 15 times. The midfielders Kemar Roofe and Liam Sercombe have scored 19 league purposes between them and both in particular the former West Brom youngster Roofe are attracting envious gazes from abroad. Oxford parcels a punch but they find themselves stingy, very: they have confessed merely eight durations in 12 residence plays and Swansea City might have wished for the purposes of an easier assignment before next Wednesdays face-off with fellow relegation contenders Sunderland. The proclamation that Alan Curtis will stay on as director until the end of the season has provided a timely shot of stability( irrespective of what it might advocate about the past months search for Garry Monks replacement) but it has not been able to has become a astound if subconscious were elsewhere. The Kassam roar tends to drift out of the three-sided stadium and across the car park behind its open terminate, but perhaps it will be more audible than ever on Sunday lunchtime. NA
Napoli reject PS1 4.1 m Swansea bid for Italys Gabbiadini
6) Cureton eyeing chance to put Everton to sword
Dagenham& Redbridge have led a captivated life in the previous two rounds of this years FA Cup. Despite trailing 2-0 after only seven times of their first round replay against Morecambe, they acquired it into the second round where they again needed a replay , not to mention extra-time, to get past lowly Whitehawk from English footballs sixth tier. The League Two golf-clubs reward for these exertions is a trip-up to Goodison Park, where they will face an Everton team that have played twice since the Daggers lodged it to Exeter on 2 January, although it remains to be seen how many first team regulars Roberto Martinez battlegrounds pondering his crew has Premier League visits to Manchester City and Chelsea in the week ahead.
One Dagenham& Redbridge player unlikely to be phased by the prospect of lining up at Goodison Park is Jamie Cureton, even if, like most of his team-mates, the 40 -year-old has never played there before. In his 22 nd season as health professionals footballer at his 14 th guild, the striker actually obliged his professional debut for Norwich City against Everton in 1994, but has stated that, despite all those miles on the clock, this is the biggest FA Cup competitor of their own lives. There arent many grounds I havent played at and before the reap I was looking at that and thinking what a great draw Everton would be, he said. Its another one to cross off the listing. One could be forgiven for presuming Dagenham& Redbridge would have a better fortune of overpowering their Premier League opposition if they were entertaining them at Victoria Road, but having failed to prevail a single league game there all season they may well favor their chances of notching up win on the road. BG
Still back at Dagenham for challenging third stint as administrator Besic, the cultured scrapper which is able turn out to be an Everton masterpiece
Dagenham& Redbridge Ayo Obileyes( second privilege) celebrates scoring his backs third goal against Whitehawk. Image: Steve Paston/ PA
7) FA Cup can provide Chelsea with sole possibility of trophy
Imagine the fun that is likely to be had with this fixture a few short weeks ago. The Twitter memes, the archway observations studying whether Chelsea Chelsea, get onto? could pull off an almighty third-round upset. There is less to wisecrack about now: Chelsea have, at last, strung together a run of improved sort in the Premier League and their relentlessly efficient old-fashioned methods has the potential to be rendering under Guus Hiddink. With neither relegation nor a Champions League place seeming realistic, a concerted tilt at the FA Cup might regard particular appeal and it would certainly placed a few noses out of joint if, given their lucks thus far, Chelsea emerged from this season with one more award than many of their challengers. What hope, then, for Mark Robins Scunthorpe United, who inspect Stamford Bridge for the first time since a 3-1 third-round defeat in 2005? There is always Bradfords stupefying 4-2 succes last-place January, which in retrospect was a harbinger for the lack of care prevalent in the first half of Chelseas 2015 -1 6. Another reverse against League One rivals would appear unlikely, but Chelsea must still treat hurdles like this seriously if their convalescence is to gather tempo. NA
Costa and Oscar separated after Chelsea instructing struggle Win( residence) tickets to Chelsea v West Bromwich Albion
There were issues on the training ground between Oscar and Diego Costa. Photo: Stefan Wermuth/ Reuters
8) Spurs v Leicester City a prequel to a Premier League showdown
It is a foible of the fixture register that this meeting will be repeated a merely three days later, when Leicester City return to White Hart Lane if they meet any degree in leaving at all for a Premier League accord. And not just any Premier League equal: few could have predicted that these two would both be strongly involved in the name hasten at the seasons midway degree, so it remains to be seen whether Sundays meeting determines a bout of darknes puppetry or a full-scale removal of the gauntlets. Mauricio Pochettino has balk wholesale a difference in bowl contenders so far this expression, citing a better understanding of his actors fitness than in his first season, and if the league claim searches up for grabs it is also exhibition to say that any Premier League slope that considers the FA Cup diligently stands a decent likelihood of being honored, too.
Leicester will certainly end to some degree from the formula that has served them so spectacularly in recent months Jamie Vardy will miss out through injury and Claudio Ranieri is very likely to remained others to minimise the the opportunities of their minor stutter becoming anything worse and maybe lead more peril of overstretching through duel on multiple figureheads. One sure thing is that neither director will be interested in prolonging the argument: expect this one to be settled entertainingly on the working day, with the victor having sharpened their stomach by learning off a believable adversary for the trophy. NA
Riyad Mahrez: The Gallery Spurs on verge of signing teenager Shilow Tracey from Ebbsfleet
9) Big spending Derby County there to be shot at
Hartlepool United are currently in the end of a major stun last season when Blyth Spartans, of the Northern Premier League, beat them at Victoria Park in the second round. More of the same seemed on the cards when Salford City , non-league favorites du jour, travelled to the north-east in December but Ronnie Moores team narrowly persisted after a replay and can now are hoping to receiving antagonists whom there is rather less push to defeat.
Derby County are surely there to be shot at: the most recent signs of Nick Blackman and Abdoul Camara returned the Championship slopes spend on transmit fees alone this season up to around PS26m and they are leaving little to occasion in their quest of promotion to the Premier League. Their one-point advantage over third-placed Hull is not something Paul Clement and corporation will want to let slip after that various kinds of spend; Hartlepool, then, will be eager to capitalise if Derbys focus sways and in the 19 -year-old midfielder Brad Walker they have a knack who is surely not much longer for the lower reachings of League Two. The home unit will need a significant improvement on their recent formation, though. They have lost their last four league plays and the danger is that Derby bankrolled by Mel Morris, whose companionship, King, developed the Candy Crush video game will resemble minors in a sweet store. NA
Karanka and Clement, the former Madrid No2s, share No1 target
Scott Fenwick employs Hartlepool ahead in additional time against Salford, helping them on their channel to a third-round meeting with Derby. Photo: Alex Livesey/ Getty Images
10) Championship competitors will have concentrated elsewhere
The money they have invested already is a statement of intent; some of the summing-ups Championship squads are compensating are astronomical. So said Sean Dyche shortly before his Burnley team resumed life in the second rank following their relegation from the Premier League. He was speaking with particular reference to Middlesbrough and Derby County, which is now occupy first and second place in Championship, while his own Burnley team are reasonably positioned back in fifth, 10 points off the pace-setters. With so much money up for grabs just for being in the Premier League next season, its hard to thought anyone at Middlesbrough or Burnley holding even a single boo about the outcome of their competitor at the Riverside, as long as promotion is still a alternative. Any kind of FA Cup run for either team would be a distraction, but not by any means one that is welcome. BG
The post FA Cup third round: 10 ties to look out for this weekend appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
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av7groups · 5 years
25 Delicious Low-Carb Casseroles That Make Keto Easier
If just thinking about casseroles brings your mother’s far-famed dark-green bean or tuna pate formations to knowledge, you should know these one-dish wonders “ve come” a long way since then.
Casseroles are no longer an excuse to clean out the fridge and somehow pull together an easy, delectable meal in under an hour.
With this summary of low-carb casseroles, you won’t have to waste time reworking your old-fashioned recipes to fit your new keto meal plan.
Why You Should Make at Least One Low-Carb Casserole Every Week
Casseroles are a dream if you have a busy lifestyle and still want to stick to a ketogenic diet.
Why? Because they’re so incredibly easy to perform. Even if you shortcoming cooking skills and are just starting out with low-carb cooking, you are able to make a casserole.
Simply preheat your oven, take a bunch of healthy parts, popping them into a casserole bowl, and then bake apart while delicious bouquets fill your home.
Like Crockpot and Instant Pot recipes, casseroles take zero pattern to get them right. You can even have your girls are contributing to see things simpler and trimmed prep time in half.
Casseroles are also ideal for keto snack prep. They’re so easy and fast, you can whip up a few different casseroles in one day and have your whole week’s worth of banquets ready to go without echoing flavors.
Casseroles can be used for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and even as a low-carb side dish. You can make one for any meal of the working day and to suit all sorts of picky palates. Plus, you can sneak lots of healthy parts in every bite.
While your old casserole recipes and store-bought options have way more carbs, disguised carbohydrates, and questionable ingredients, every recipe on such lists of low-carb casseroles implements whole-foods parts to help you stay on track with your ketogenic nutrition and maybe even improve your health.
Breakfast Casseroles You Can Enjoy Anytime of the Day
Whether you’re eating it first thing in the morning or saving it for “brinner”( breakfast for dinner ), any of these breakfast casseroles will help you contact ketosis, while easily becoming your favorite low-carb dishes.
#1: Easy Breakfast Casserole with Bacon, Egg and Cheese
If you’ve grown up on bacon, egg, and cheese bagel sandwiches, this low-carb casserole is for you.
It’s the entire midriff of your favorite sandwich, minus the carbs, so you can savor the same flavors without being weighed down.
This is also an ideal beginner’s breakfast casserole since the ingredients are simple and straightforward.
#2: Artichoke and Feta Breakfast Casserole
This artichoke and feta breakfast casserole is a perfect example of how far casserole flavors have come.
On top of the incredible peaches-and-cream combination, this flare and airy casserole gulps up( just like a souffle) instead of flattening out.
It can also feed a large crowd and be adjusted for specific menu sensitivities.
#3: Keto Slow Cooker Breakfast Casserole
On top of baking your casseroles, you can also throw them in your gradual cooker for about an hour and a half.
One of the best low-carb Crockpot recipes to start out with is this keto slow cooker breakfast casserole.
It mingles together bacon, mushrooms, spices, kale, and parmesan cheese for a healthy dosage of important macro and micronutrients.
#4: Sausage and Pumpkin Breakfast Casserole
When fall rosters around and pumpkin gets added to everything, you’ll be grateful for this breakfast casserole that blends sausage and your favorite seasonal go-to.
This savory casserole dish is made by mixing onions, garlic, sausage, mustard, cheddar cheese, chopped pumpkin, and heavy flog paste. It makes just under an hour to make and will certainly become one of your favorites.
#5: Italian Spaghetti Squash Breakfast Casserole
Before tuning out the idea of a spaghetti squash casserole, remember that this veggie can do wonders for creating a visually pleading dish that’s not just another grassland ol’ casserole.
Because this Italian spaghetti squash breakfast casserole calls for sunny side up eggs on top instead of being scrambled and added to the mix, it won’t even resemble the traditional casserole you’re used to.
#6: Low-Carb Breakfast Casserole
This breakfast casserole is the winner for those eras when you’re too busy to even think about making food.
Just throw together eggs, sausage, broccoli, cheddar cheese, onions, seasonings, ointment cheese, and heavy cream to create a simple hitherto delicious low-carb casserole.
Low-Carb Chicken Casserole Recipes
Chicken can be dressed up in so many different ways you don’t have to feel like you’re eating the same dish every week. With these chickens keto casserole recipes, you’ll never run out of luscious low-carb options.
#1: Prep-Ahead Cheesy Low-Carb Casserole
With only 10 hours of prep term, you are able to have this low-carb casserole ready to go after a long day. It’s one of the quickest and easiest dinner recipes you’ll ever know.
The creamy mozzarella layer on top is perfect for hiding veggies like celery and cauliflower rice, so it’s ideal for mothers struggling to sneak in more vegetables with squeamish eaters at the table.
Thanks to the dollops of chicken, bacon fragments, and both parmesan and mozzarella cheese, your girls( or veggie-averse partner) won’t even notice they’re there.
#2: Zesty Chicken Enchilada Casserole
Is Mexican food all you can think about after slog?
Don’t ruin your keto goals with nuts and tortillas and try this chicken enchilada casserole recipe instead.
With the delicious combining of chicken, enchilada sauce, mayo, egg, and Monterey Jack cheese dispersed on top, you’ll have a close-to-the-real-thing replica without all the extra work or carbs.
#3: Keto Chicken Cordon Bleu Casserole
While this keto chicken cordon bleu casserole examines a bit different than the dish you’re used to, it still has all the same classic spices you’re desiring — aka, chicken, ham, cheese, and more.
It’s also one you can whip up in a snap since it makes only 20 minutes to prepare. You’ll have a healthy and delicious chicken casserole you can enjoy leftovers for lunch the next day.
#4: One-Pan Cheesy Broccoli Chicken Casserole
Chicken, broccoli, and cheddar cheese is another favourite flavor combination that works just as well in a casserole like this easy casserole recipe.
Not simply is it bursting with spice, but this recipe is also a great way to make sure your babies will devour their veggies, even without noticing. It merely compels simple ingredients — like broccoli, cauliflower, mayo, egg, and cheddar cheese -and exactly 30 minutes from start to finish. It is the excellent cheesy comfort food.
#5: Low-Carb Pesto Caprese Chicken Casserole
If corny casseroles aren’t your thing, this keto recipe of low-carb pesto Caprese chicken casserole will be your brand-new favorite mush-free, Instagram-worthy sensation.
In a casserole meal, you’ll put down your chicken heart basi and then add pesto, spinach, mozzarella, and parmesan cheese scattered on top. This low-carb casserole is a must and a great addition to your directory of new recipes.
#6: Chicken and Zucchini Casserole Recipe
Rather than leave chicken hearts entire, this recipe cubes both chicken and zucchini to create a chunky casserole to help you feel more satisfied with every meet burn.( Crushed pork crusts give the dish an extra low-carb crunch .)
You can also replace the chunky zucchini for zucchini pates — aka zoodles — if “youd prefer” something creamier.
Mexican-Inspired Low-Carb Casseroles
Take taco night up a notch with these mouth-watering Mexican aroused casseroles.
#1: Low-Carb Chicken Enchilada Casserole( Two Ways)
Traditional chicken enchiladas manufactured with rolled tortillas are definitely off-limits on keto, but this low-carb chicken enchilada casserole is 100% safe.
As another low-carb option, this green chile chicken enchilada casserole recipe exploits cooked zucchinis as the tortilla “shell” so you still have that feeling of slicing into a tender chicken enchilada without all the carbs.
#2: Mexican Chicken Casserole
This low-carb Mexican chicken casserole is as close to an genuine dish as you’ll get without going to see a diner and staring down a bowl of tortilla chips.
Plus, it only makes 10 times to prep and 15 minutes to cook so you can have this beauty ready any darknes of the week.
Italian-Style Low-Carb Casseroles
These next recipes give you an easier and way more keto-friendly way to get your pizza and pasta cravings satisfied without guilt.
#1: Low-Carb Pizza Casserole
Skip the time-consuming cauliflower crust and prepare a low-carb pizza casserole that simply asks five ingredients( including cauliflower) when you’re in the mood for melty cheese, salty pepperoni, and savory marinara sauce.
This second pepperoni pizza casserole recipe likewise applies cauliflower and makes a great choice for anyone with dairy or gluten predispositions since it’s free of both.
#2: Low-Carb Zucchini Pizza Casserole
This low-carb pizza casserole expends zucchini, eggs, shredded cheese, and parmesan to create a crust to build your keto pizza on.
From there, it’s transcended with ground beef, more shredded cheese, and pepperoni.
After this roasts, you are able to trimmed and serve squares like a slice of Sicilian pizza.
#3: Keto Lasagna Casserole
You don’t have to give up on this classic dish in a keto diet. On this keto lasagna recipe, all you have to do is swap the traditional pasta expanses for sliced zucchini or eggplant. Easy.
It’s procreated with Italian sausage, ricotta, mozzarella, and parmesan, for a cheesy and rich casserole bowl for the whole family.
#4: Spicy Italian Keto Stuffed Peppers Casserole
This stuffed spices casserole recipe utilizes Italian-style ground sausage, onions, mushrooms, and a mix of Italian spices to create a low-carb and keto-friendly dish.
It takes about 35 minutes to prepare from start to finish, and you can garnish it with fresh basil leaves for a full Italian flavor.
Protein-Rich Casserole Recipes for Your Inner Carnivore
From cheeseburgers to chili pups, these protein-packed casseroles are laden with unadulterated American flavors.
#1: Keto Bacon Cheeseburger Casserole
Dead of winter and can’t use your grill?
For a low-carb option that you can reach indoors( and even bring to tailgates ), this keto bacon cheeseburger casserole recipe will realize taste buds happy.
You’ll layer your casserole just like you would a regular burger: with ground beef, mustard, and cheese. Then you’ll move a peaches-and-cream and rich cheesy sauce on top and everything comes friendly with one another in a casserole meal as it bakes.
A huge behavior to make an easy keto food, even during hectic weeknights.
#2: Keto Chili Dog Pot Pie Casserole
You don’t have to wait for the gala to roll into town to nosh on chili hounds( sans buns) in keto.
This low-carb keto chili dog pot pie casserole recipe gives you the same taste you grew up with while remained in your low-carb macros.
This recipe calls for grass-fed beef hot dogs, so you’ll too be avoiding the added hormones, nitrates, and other preservatives present in most traditional hot dogs.
Casseroles to Help You Rethink Tuna
If tuna “sandwiches” and adding mayo to tuna are about as far as you’ve been with this very affordable fish, the next recipes will assist you break out of your fish rut.
#1: Cabbage Noodle Tuna Casserole
With heavy cream, parmesan cheese, peas, herbs, and spices, you and your family may not even notice protein-rich tuna hiding in this gluten-free, low-carb cabbage noodle casserole.
You’ll get a creamy alfredo alternative that happens to keep you full and satiated.
The toasted parmesan layer on top likewise yields this casserole that authentic mac and cheese feel despite the lack of carbs and empty-bellied calories.
#2: Keto Tuna Mornay
Tuna mornay is a usual Australian dish that’s virtually a slow-cooked stew. But as the recipe creators employed it, it’s certainly time a tuna casserole.
Thanks to a milky keto cheese layer on top, the tuna takes a backseat when it comes to flavor. So you get all the benefits of healthy flabs without even savor where they’re coming from( i.e ., the tuna ).
In this recipe, you’ll likewise find a cruciferous basi of broccoli or cauliflower which helps to up the micronutrient profile.
Give this keto tuna mornay casserole a try to expand your taste buds and you are able never look at a can of tuna the same way ever again.
Casseroles That Progressing well as Side Dishes
These side recipes are so yummy they may steal the register as your main meal takes a backseat.
#1: Cheesy Bacon Brussels Sprouts Casserole
Brussels ripens are laden with healthy fiber so they make an excellent addition to any banquet when you’re talking about nutrition.
This cheesy bacon Brussels buds casserole can be whipped up in under 15 instants and only takes about 30 instants to cook.
One helping is 14.2 g of protein, 27.3 g of fatty, and merely 6g of net carbs so it’s reasonably replenishing and satisfying for a place dish.
#2: Loaded Creamy Cauliflower Casserole
This loaded cauliflower casserole applies sour cream and cheddar cheese as the last recipe, but it also throws in half a goblet of mascarpone cheese for an extra layer of creamy goodness.
By adding mascarpone, you’ll have a much closer-to-the-real-thing texture which is as smooth and luscious as milky minced potatoes.
#3: Bacon Green Bean Casserole
Say goodbye to the aged soppy green bean casseroles of your childhood and say hello to this low-carb bacon dark-green nut account that improves upon the original.
This recipe is a serious upgrade to the wet, soupy casseroles of your past because it includes crunchy pork husks to replace those supposed-to-be crispy fried onions.
Not merely will this give you a better composition, but it also adds protein without upping the carbs.
Become a Casserole Genius
If casseroles formerly reached you snooze, consider rethinking your stance by trying any one of these 25 low-carb casserole recipes the coming week.
After making just one easy low-carb recipe and recognizing how simple and crowding the latter are, you’ll become a casserole convert in no time.
Be sure to bookmark this page and share it with your best friend and family so you always have savory, low-carb casseroles to choose from.
If you’re curious about more keto-friendly recipes, have a look a the Perfect Keto recipe page, where you can select recipes by season, ingredient, commodity, or meal.
The post 25 Delicious Low-Carb Casseroles That Make Keto Easier emerged first on Perfect Keto.
Read more: perfectketo.com
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av7groups · 5 years
25 Delicious Low-Carb Casseroles That Make Keto Easier
If just thinking about casseroles brings your mother’s far-famed dark-green bean or tuna pate formations to knowledge, you should know these one-dish wonders “ve come” a long way since then.
Casseroles are no longer an excuse to clean out the fridge and somehow pull together an easy, delectable meal in under an hour.
With this summary of low-carb casseroles, you won’t have to waste time reworking your old-fashioned recipes to fit your new keto meal plan.
Why You Should Make at Least One Low-Carb Casserole Every Week
Casseroles are a dream if you have a busy lifestyle and still want to stick to a ketogenic diet.
Why? Because they’re so incredibly easy to perform. Even if you shortcoming cooking skills and are just starting out with low-carb cooking, you are able to make a casserole.
Simply preheat your oven, take a bunch of healthy parts, popping them into a casserole bowl, and then bake apart while delicious bouquets fill your home.
Like Crockpot and Instant Pot recipes, casseroles take zero pattern to get them right. You can even have your girls are contributing to see things simpler and trimmed prep time in half.
Casseroles are also ideal for keto snack prep. They’re so easy and fast, you can whip up a few different casseroles in one day and have your whole week’s worth of banquets ready to go without echoing flavors.
Casseroles can be used for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and even as a low-carb side dish. You can make one for any meal of the working day and to suit all sorts of picky palates. Plus, you can sneak lots of healthy parts in every bite.
While your old casserole recipes and store-bought options have way more carbs, disguised carbohydrates, and questionable ingredients, every recipe on such lists of low-carb casseroles implements whole-foods parts to help you stay on track with your ketogenic nutrition and maybe even improve your health.
Breakfast Casseroles You Can Enjoy Anytime of the Day
Whether you’re eating it first thing in the morning or saving it for “brinner”( breakfast for dinner ), any of these breakfast casseroles will help you contact ketosis, while easily becoming your favorite low-carb dishes.
#1: Easy Breakfast Casserole with Bacon, Egg and Cheese
If you’ve grown up on bacon, egg, and cheese bagel sandwiches, this low-carb casserole is for you.
It’s the entire midriff of your favorite sandwich, minus the carbs, so you can savor the same flavors without being weighed down.
This is also an ideal beginner’s breakfast casserole since the ingredients are simple and straightforward.
#2: Artichoke and Feta Breakfast Casserole
This artichoke and feta breakfast casserole is a perfect example of how far casserole flavors have come.
On top of the incredible peaches-and-cream combination, this flare and airy casserole gulps up( just like a souffle) instead of flattening out.
It can also feed a large crowd and be adjusted for specific menu sensitivities.
#3: Keto Slow Cooker Breakfast Casserole
On top of baking your casseroles, you can also throw them in your gradual cooker for about an hour and a half.
One of the best low-carb Crockpot recipes to start out with is this keto slow cooker breakfast casserole.
It mingles together bacon, mushrooms, spices, kale, and parmesan cheese for a healthy dosage of important macro and micronutrients.
#4: Sausage and Pumpkin Breakfast Casserole
When fall rosters around and pumpkin gets added to everything, you’ll be grateful for this breakfast casserole that blends sausage and your favorite seasonal go-to.
This savory casserole dish is made by mixing onions, garlic, sausage, mustard, cheddar cheese, chopped pumpkin, and heavy flog paste. It makes just under an hour to make and will certainly become one of your favorites.
#5: Italian Spaghetti Squash Breakfast Casserole
Before tuning out the idea of a spaghetti squash casserole, remember that this veggie can do wonders for creating a visually pleading dish that’s not just another grassland ol’ casserole.
Because this Italian spaghetti squash breakfast casserole calls for sunny side up eggs on top instead of being scrambled and added to the mix, it won’t even resemble the traditional casserole you’re used to.
#6: Low-Carb Breakfast Casserole
This breakfast casserole is the winner for those eras when you’re too busy to even think about making food.
Just throw together eggs, sausage, broccoli, cheddar cheese, onions, seasonings, ointment cheese, and heavy cream to create a simple hitherto delicious low-carb casserole.
Low-Carb Chicken Casserole Recipes
Chicken can be dressed up in so many different ways you don’t have to feel like you’re eating the same dish every week. With these chickens keto casserole recipes, you’ll never run out of luscious low-carb options.
#1: Prep-Ahead Cheesy Low-Carb Casserole
With only 10 hours of prep term, you are able to have this low-carb casserole ready to go after a long day. It’s one of the quickest and easiest dinner recipes you’ll ever know.
The creamy mozzarella layer on top is perfect for hiding veggies like celery and cauliflower rice, so it’s ideal for mothers struggling to sneak in more vegetables with squeamish eaters at the table.
Thanks to the dollops of chicken, bacon fragments, and both parmesan and mozzarella cheese, your girls( or veggie-averse partner) won’t even notice they’re there.
#2: Zesty Chicken Enchilada Casserole
Is Mexican food all you can think about after slog?
Don’t ruin your keto goals with nuts and tortillas and try this chicken enchilada casserole recipe instead.
With the delicious combining of chicken, enchilada sauce, mayo, egg, and Monterey Jack cheese dispersed on top, you’ll have a close-to-the-real-thing replica without all the extra work or carbs.
#3: Keto Chicken Cordon Bleu Casserole
While this keto chicken cordon bleu casserole examines a bit different than the dish you’re used to, it still has all the same classic spices you’re desiring — aka, chicken, ham, cheese, and more.
It’s also one you can whip up in a snap since it makes only 20 minutes to prepare. You’ll have a healthy and delicious chicken casserole you can enjoy leftovers for lunch the next day.
#4: One-Pan Cheesy Broccoli Chicken Casserole
Chicken, broccoli, and cheddar cheese is another favourite flavor combination that works just as well in a casserole like this easy casserole recipe.
Not simply is it bursting with spice, but this recipe is also a great way to make sure your babies will devour their veggies, even without noticing. It merely compels simple ingredients — like broccoli, cauliflower, mayo, egg, and cheddar cheese -and exactly 30 minutes from start to finish. It is the excellent cheesy comfort food.
#5: Low-Carb Pesto Caprese Chicken Casserole
If corny casseroles aren’t your thing, this keto recipe of low-carb pesto Caprese chicken casserole will be your brand-new favorite mush-free, Instagram-worthy sensation.
In a casserole meal, you’ll put down your chicken heart basi and then add pesto, spinach, mozzarella, and parmesan cheese scattered on top. This low-carb casserole is a must and a great addition to your directory of new recipes.
#6: Chicken and Zucchini Casserole Recipe
Rather than leave chicken hearts entire, this recipe cubes both chicken and zucchini to create a chunky casserole to help you feel more satisfied with every meet burn.( Crushed pork crusts give the dish an extra low-carb crunch .)
You can also replace the chunky zucchini for zucchini pates — aka zoodles — if “youd prefer” something creamier.
Mexican-Inspired Low-Carb Casseroles
Take taco night up a notch with these mouth-watering Mexican aroused casseroles.
#1: Low-Carb Chicken Enchilada Casserole( Two Ways)
Traditional chicken enchiladas manufactured with rolled tortillas are definitely off-limits on keto, but this low-carb chicken enchilada casserole is 100% safe.
As another low-carb option, this green chile chicken enchilada casserole recipe exploits cooked zucchinis as the tortilla “shell” so you still have that feeling of slicing into a tender chicken enchilada without all the carbs.
#2: Mexican Chicken Casserole
This low-carb Mexican chicken casserole is as close to an genuine dish as you’ll get without going to see a diner and staring down a bowl of tortilla chips.
Plus, it only makes 10 times to prep and 15 minutes to cook so you can have this beauty ready any darknes of the week.
Italian-Style Low-Carb Casseroles
These next recipes give you an easier and way more keto-friendly way to get your pizza and pasta cravings satisfied without guilt.
#1: Low-Carb Pizza Casserole
Skip the time-consuming cauliflower crust and prepare a low-carb pizza casserole that simply asks five ingredients( including cauliflower) when you’re in the mood for melty cheese, salty pepperoni, and savory marinara sauce.
This second pepperoni pizza casserole recipe likewise applies cauliflower and makes a great choice for anyone with dairy or gluten predispositions since it’s free of both.
#2: Low-Carb Zucchini Pizza Casserole
This low-carb pizza casserole expends zucchini, eggs, shredded cheese, and parmesan to create a crust to build your keto pizza on.
From there, it’s transcended with ground beef, more shredded cheese, and pepperoni.
After this roasts, you are able to trimmed and serve squares like a slice of Sicilian pizza.
#3: Keto Lasagna Casserole
You don’t have to give up on this classic dish in a keto diet. On this keto lasagna recipe, all you have to do is swap the traditional pasta expanses for sliced zucchini or eggplant. Easy.
It’s procreated with Italian sausage, ricotta, mozzarella, and parmesan, for a cheesy and rich casserole bowl for the whole family.
#4: Spicy Italian Keto Stuffed Peppers Casserole
This stuffed spices casserole recipe utilizes Italian-style ground sausage, onions, mushrooms, and a mix of Italian spices to create a low-carb and keto-friendly dish.
It takes about 35 minutes to prepare from start to finish, and you can garnish it with fresh basil leaves for a full Italian flavor.
Protein-Rich Casserole Recipes for Your Inner Carnivore
From cheeseburgers to chili pups, these protein-packed casseroles are laden with unadulterated American flavors.
#1: Keto Bacon Cheeseburger Casserole
Dead of winter and can’t use your grill?
For a low-carb option that you can reach indoors( and even bring to tailgates ), this keto bacon cheeseburger casserole recipe will realize taste buds happy.
You’ll layer your casserole just like you would a regular burger: with ground beef, mustard, and cheese. Then you’ll move a peaches-and-cream and rich cheesy sauce on top and everything comes friendly with one another in a casserole meal as it bakes.
A huge behavior to make an easy keto food, even during hectic weeknights.
#2: Keto Chili Dog Pot Pie Casserole
You don’t have to wait for the gala to roll into town to nosh on chili hounds( sans buns) in keto.
This low-carb keto chili dog pot pie casserole recipe gives you the same taste you grew up with while remained in your low-carb macros.
This recipe calls for grass-fed beef hot dogs, so you’ll too be avoiding the added hormones, nitrates, and other preservatives present in most traditional hot dogs.
Casseroles to Help You Rethink Tuna
If tuna “sandwiches” and adding mayo to tuna are about as far as you’ve been with this very affordable fish, the next recipes will assist you break out of your fish rut.
#1: Cabbage Noodle Tuna Casserole
With heavy cream, parmesan cheese, peas, herbs, and spices, you and your family may not even notice protein-rich tuna hiding in this gluten-free, low-carb cabbage noodle casserole.
You’ll get a creamy alfredo alternative that happens to keep you full and satiated.
The toasted parmesan layer on top likewise yields this casserole that authentic mac and cheese feel despite the lack of carbs and empty-bellied calories.
#2: Keto Tuna Mornay
Tuna mornay is a usual Australian dish that’s virtually a slow-cooked stew. But as the recipe creators employed it, it’s certainly time a tuna casserole.
Thanks to a milky keto cheese layer on top, the tuna takes a backseat when it comes to flavor. So you get all the benefits of healthy flabs without even savor where they’re coming from( i.e ., the tuna ).
In this recipe, you’ll likewise find a cruciferous basi of broccoli or cauliflower which helps to up the micronutrient profile.
Give this keto tuna mornay casserole a try to expand your taste buds and you are able never look at a can of tuna the same way ever again.
Casseroles That Progressing well as Side Dishes
These side recipes are so yummy they may steal the register as your main meal takes a backseat.
#1: Cheesy Bacon Brussels Sprouts Casserole
Brussels ripens are laden with healthy fiber so they make an excellent addition to any banquet when you’re talking about nutrition.
This cheesy bacon Brussels buds casserole can be whipped up in under 15 instants and only takes about 30 instants to cook.
One helping is 14.2 g of protein, 27.3 g of fatty, and merely 6g of net carbs so it’s reasonably replenishing and satisfying for a place dish.
#2: Loaded Creamy Cauliflower Casserole
This loaded cauliflower casserole applies sour cream and cheddar cheese as the last recipe, but it also throws in half a goblet of mascarpone cheese for an extra layer of creamy goodness.
By adding mascarpone, you’ll have a much closer-to-the-real-thing texture which is as smooth and luscious as milky minced potatoes.
#3: Bacon Green Bean Casserole
Say goodbye to the aged soppy green bean casseroles of your childhood and say hello to this low-carb bacon dark-green nut account that improves upon the original.
This recipe is a serious upgrade to the wet, soupy casseroles of your past because it includes crunchy pork husks to replace those supposed-to-be crispy fried onions.
Not merely will this give you a better composition, but it also adds protein without upping the carbs.
Become a Casserole Genius
If casseroles formerly reached you snooze, consider rethinking your stance by trying any one of these 25 low-carb casserole recipes the coming week.
After making just one easy low-carb recipe and recognizing how simple and crowding the latter are, you’ll become a casserole convert in no time.
Be sure to bookmark this page and share it with your best friend and family so you always have savory, low-carb casseroles to choose from.
If you’re curious about more keto-friendly recipes, have a look a the Perfect Keto recipe page, where you can select recipes by season, ingredient, commodity, or meal.
The post 25 Delicious Low-Carb Casseroles That Make Keto Easier emerged first on Perfect Keto.
Read more: perfectketo.com
from WordPress https://ift.tt/2L6LLak via IFTTT
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av7groups · 5 years
25 Delicious Low-Carb Casseroles That Make Keto Easier
If just thinking about casseroles brings your mother’s far-famed dark-green bean or tuna pate formations to knowledge, you should know these one-dish wonders “ve come” a long way since then.
Casseroles are no longer an excuse to clean out the fridge and somehow pull together an easy, delectable meal in under an hour.
With this summary of low-carb casseroles, you won’t have to waste time reworking your old-fashioned recipes to fit your new keto meal plan.
Why You Should Make at Least One Low-Carb Casserole Every Week
Casseroles are a dream if you have a busy lifestyle and still want to stick to a ketogenic diet.
Why? Because they’re so incredibly easy to perform. Even if you shortcoming cooking skills and are just starting out with low-carb cooking, you are able to make a casserole.
Simply preheat your oven, take a bunch of healthy parts, popping them into a casserole bowl, and then bake apart while delicious bouquets fill your home.
Like Crockpot and Instant Pot recipes, casseroles take zero pattern to get them right. You can even have your girls are contributing to see things simpler and trimmed prep time in half.
Casseroles are also ideal for keto snack prep. They’re so easy and fast, you can whip up a few different casseroles in one day and have your whole week’s worth of banquets ready to go without echoing flavors.
Casseroles can be used for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and even as a low-carb side dish. You can make one for any meal of the working day and to suit all sorts of picky palates. Plus, you can sneak lots of healthy parts in every bite.
While your old casserole recipes and store-bought options have way more carbs, disguised carbohydrates, and questionable ingredients, every recipe on such lists of low-carb casseroles implements whole-foods parts to help you stay on track with your ketogenic nutrition and maybe even improve your health.
Breakfast Casseroles You Can Enjoy Anytime of the Day
Whether you’re eating it first thing in the morning or saving it for “brinner”( breakfast for dinner ), any of these breakfast casseroles will help you contact ketosis, while easily becoming your favorite low-carb dishes.
#1: Easy Breakfast Casserole with Bacon, Egg and Cheese
If you’ve grown up on bacon, egg, and cheese bagel sandwiches, this low-carb casserole is for you.
It’s the entire midriff of your favorite sandwich, minus the carbs, so you can savor the same flavors without being weighed down.
This is also an ideal beginner’s breakfast casserole since the ingredients are simple and straightforward.
#2: Artichoke and Feta Breakfast Casserole
This artichoke and feta breakfast casserole is a perfect example of how far casserole flavors have come.
On top of the incredible peaches-and-cream combination, this flare and airy casserole gulps up( just like a souffle) instead of flattening out.
It can also feed a large crowd and be adjusted for specific menu sensitivities.
#3: Keto Slow Cooker Breakfast Casserole
On top of baking your casseroles, you can also throw them in your gradual cooker for about an hour and a half.
One of the best low-carb Crockpot recipes to start out with is this keto slow cooker breakfast casserole.
It mingles together bacon, mushrooms, spices, kale, and parmesan cheese for a healthy dosage of important macro and micronutrients.
#4: Sausage and Pumpkin Breakfast Casserole
When fall rosters around and pumpkin gets added to everything, you’ll be grateful for this breakfast casserole that blends sausage and your favorite seasonal go-to.
This savory casserole dish is made by mixing onions, garlic, sausage, mustard, cheddar cheese, chopped pumpkin, and heavy flog paste. It makes just under an hour to make and will certainly become one of your favorites.
#5: Italian Spaghetti Squash Breakfast Casserole
Before tuning out the idea of a spaghetti squash casserole, remember that this veggie can do wonders for creating a visually pleading dish that’s not just another grassland ol’ casserole.
Because this Italian spaghetti squash breakfast casserole calls for sunny side up eggs on top instead of being scrambled and added to the mix, it won’t even resemble the traditional casserole you’re used to.
#6: Low-Carb Breakfast Casserole
This breakfast casserole is the winner for those eras when you’re too busy to even think about making food.
Just throw together eggs, sausage, broccoli, cheddar cheese, onions, seasonings, ointment cheese, and heavy cream to create a simple hitherto delicious low-carb casserole.
Low-Carb Chicken Casserole Recipes
Chicken can be dressed up in so many different ways you don’t have to feel like you’re eating the same dish every week. With these chickens keto casserole recipes, you’ll never run out of luscious low-carb options.
#1: Prep-Ahead Cheesy Low-Carb Casserole
With only 10 hours of prep term, you are able to have this low-carb casserole ready to go after a long day. It’s one of the quickest and easiest dinner recipes you’ll ever know.
The creamy mozzarella layer on top is perfect for hiding veggies like celery and cauliflower rice, so it’s ideal for mothers struggling to sneak in more vegetables with squeamish eaters at the table.
Thanks to the dollops of chicken, bacon fragments, and both parmesan and mozzarella cheese, your girls( or veggie-averse partner) won’t even notice they’re there.
#2: Zesty Chicken Enchilada Casserole
Is Mexican food all you can think about after slog?
Don’t ruin your keto goals with nuts and tortillas and try this chicken enchilada casserole recipe instead.
With the delicious combining of chicken, enchilada sauce, mayo, egg, and Monterey Jack cheese dispersed on top, you’ll have a close-to-the-real-thing replica without all the extra work or carbs.
#3: Keto Chicken Cordon Bleu Casserole
While this keto chicken cordon bleu casserole examines a bit different than the dish you’re used to, it still has all the same classic spices you’re desiring — aka, chicken, ham, cheese, and more.
It’s also one you can whip up in a snap since it makes only 20 minutes to prepare. You’ll have a healthy and delicious chicken casserole you can enjoy leftovers for lunch the next day.
#4: One-Pan Cheesy Broccoli Chicken Casserole
Chicken, broccoli, and cheddar cheese is another favourite flavor combination that works just as well in a casserole like this easy casserole recipe.
Not simply is it bursting with spice, but this recipe is also a great way to make sure your babies will devour their veggies, even without noticing. It merely compels simple ingredients — like broccoli, cauliflower, mayo, egg, and cheddar cheese -and exactly 30 minutes from start to finish. It is the excellent cheesy comfort food.
#5: Low-Carb Pesto Caprese Chicken Casserole
If corny casseroles aren’t your thing, this keto recipe of low-carb pesto Caprese chicken casserole will be your brand-new favorite mush-free, Instagram-worthy sensation.
In a casserole meal, you’ll put down your chicken heart basi and then add pesto, spinach, mozzarella, and parmesan cheese scattered on top. This low-carb casserole is a must and a great addition to your directory of new recipes.
#6: Chicken and Zucchini Casserole Recipe
Rather than leave chicken hearts entire, this recipe cubes both chicken and zucchini to create a chunky casserole to help you feel more satisfied with every meet burn.( Crushed pork crusts give the dish an extra low-carb crunch .)
You can also replace the chunky zucchini for zucchini pates — aka zoodles — if “youd prefer” something creamier.
Mexican-Inspired Low-Carb Casseroles
Take taco night up a notch with these mouth-watering Mexican aroused casseroles.
#1: Low-Carb Chicken Enchilada Casserole( Two Ways)
Traditional chicken enchiladas manufactured with rolled tortillas are definitely off-limits on keto, but this low-carb chicken enchilada casserole is 100% safe.
As another low-carb option, this green chile chicken enchilada casserole recipe exploits cooked zucchinis as the tortilla “shell” so you still have that feeling of slicing into a tender chicken enchilada without all the carbs.
#2: Mexican Chicken Casserole
This low-carb Mexican chicken casserole is as close to an genuine dish as you’ll get without going to see a diner and staring down a bowl of tortilla chips.
Plus, it only makes 10 times to prep and 15 minutes to cook so you can have this beauty ready any darknes of the week.
Italian-Style Low-Carb Casseroles
These next recipes give you an easier and way more keto-friendly way to get your pizza and pasta cravings satisfied without guilt.
#1: Low-Carb Pizza Casserole
Skip the time-consuming cauliflower crust and prepare a low-carb pizza casserole that simply asks five ingredients( including cauliflower) when you’re in the mood for melty cheese, salty pepperoni, and savory marinara sauce.
This second pepperoni pizza casserole recipe likewise applies cauliflower and makes a great choice for anyone with dairy or gluten predispositions since it’s free of both.
#2: Low-Carb Zucchini Pizza Casserole
This low-carb pizza casserole expends zucchini, eggs, shredded cheese, and parmesan to create a crust to build your keto pizza on.
From there, it’s transcended with ground beef, more shredded cheese, and pepperoni.
After this roasts, you are able to trimmed and serve squares like a slice of Sicilian pizza.
#3: Keto Lasagna Casserole
You don’t have to give up on this classic dish in a keto diet. On this keto lasagna recipe, all you have to do is swap the traditional pasta expanses for sliced zucchini or eggplant. Easy.
It’s procreated with Italian sausage, ricotta, mozzarella, and parmesan, for a cheesy and rich casserole bowl for the whole family.
#4: Spicy Italian Keto Stuffed Peppers Casserole
This stuffed spices casserole recipe utilizes Italian-style ground sausage, onions, mushrooms, and a mix of Italian spices to create a low-carb and keto-friendly dish.
It takes about 35 minutes to prepare from start to finish, and you can garnish it with fresh basil leaves for a full Italian flavor.
Protein-Rich Casserole Recipes for Your Inner Carnivore
From cheeseburgers to chili pups, these protein-packed casseroles are laden with unadulterated American flavors.
#1: Keto Bacon Cheeseburger Casserole
Dead of winter and can’t use your grill?
For a low-carb option that you can reach indoors( and even bring to tailgates ), this keto bacon cheeseburger casserole recipe will realize taste buds happy.
You’ll layer your casserole just like you would a regular burger: with ground beef, mustard, and cheese. Then you’ll move a peaches-and-cream and rich cheesy sauce on top and everything comes friendly with one another in a casserole meal as it bakes.
A huge behavior to make an easy keto food, even during hectic weeknights.
#2: Keto Chili Dog Pot Pie Casserole
You don’t have to wait for the gala to roll into town to nosh on chili hounds( sans buns) in keto.
This low-carb keto chili dog pot pie casserole recipe gives you the same taste you grew up with while remained in your low-carb macros.
This recipe calls for grass-fed beef hot dogs, so you’ll too be avoiding the added hormones, nitrates, and other preservatives present in most traditional hot dogs.
Casseroles to Help You Rethink Tuna
If tuna “sandwiches” and adding mayo to tuna are about as far as you’ve been with this very affordable fish, the next recipes will assist you break out of your fish rut.
#1: Cabbage Noodle Tuna Casserole
With heavy cream, parmesan cheese, peas, herbs, and spices, you and your family may not even notice protein-rich tuna hiding in this gluten-free, low-carb cabbage noodle casserole.
You’ll get a creamy alfredo alternative that happens to keep you full and satiated.
The toasted parmesan layer on top likewise yields this casserole that authentic mac and cheese feel despite the lack of carbs and empty-bellied calories.
#2: Keto Tuna Mornay
Tuna mornay is a usual Australian dish that’s virtually a slow-cooked stew. But as the recipe creators employed it, it’s certainly time a tuna casserole.
Thanks to a milky keto cheese layer on top, the tuna takes a backseat when it comes to flavor. So you get all the benefits of healthy flabs without even savor where they’re coming from( i.e ., the tuna ).
In this recipe, you’ll likewise find a cruciferous basi of broccoli or cauliflower which helps to up the micronutrient profile.
Give this keto tuna mornay casserole a try to expand your taste buds and you are able never look at a can of tuna the same way ever again.
Casseroles That Progressing well as Side Dishes
These side recipes are so yummy they may steal the register as your main meal takes a backseat.
#1: Cheesy Bacon Brussels Sprouts Casserole
Brussels ripens are laden with healthy fiber so they make an excellent addition to any banquet when you’re talking about nutrition.
This cheesy bacon Brussels buds casserole can be whipped up in under 15 instants and only takes about 30 instants to cook.
One helping is 14.2 g of protein, 27.3 g of fatty, and merely 6g of net carbs so it’s reasonably replenishing and satisfying for a place dish.
#2: Loaded Creamy Cauliflower Casserole
This loaded cauliflower casserole applies sour cream and cheddar cheese as the last recipe, but it also throws in half a goblet of mascarpone cheese for an extra layer of creamy goodness.
By adding mascarpone, you’ll have a much closer-to-the-real-thing texture which is as smooth and luscious as milky minced potatoes.
#3: Bacon Green Bean Casserole
Say goodbye to the aged soppy green bean casseroles of your childhood and say hello to this low-carb bacon dark-green nut account that improves upon the original.
This recipe is a serious upgrade to the wet, soupy casseroles of your past because it includes crunchy pork husks to replace those supposed-to-be crispy fried onions.
Not merely will this give you a better composition, but it also adds protein without upping the carbs.
Become a Casserole Genius
If casseroles formerly reached you snooze, consider rethinking your stance by trying any one of these 25 low-carb casserole recipes the coming week.
After making just one easy low-carb recipe and recognizing how simple and crowding the latter are, you’ll become a casserole convert in no time.
Be sure to bookmark this page and share it with your best friend and family so you always have savory, low-carb casseroles to choose from.
If you’re curious about more keto-friendly recipes, have a look a the Perfect Keto recipe page, where you can select recipes by season, ingredient, commodity, or meal.
The post 25 Delicious Low-Carb Casseroles That Make Keto Easier emerged first on Perfect Keto.
Read more: perfectketo.com
from WordPress https://ift.tt/2L6LLak via IFTTT
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