stormbeyondreality · 9 months
OC Tag Game
tagged by @nuwanders some time ago, but I was going through my drafts and now I have more ocs to work with for this!
rules: sort your OCs into the below categories and (optionally) make them in this picrew. 
tagging: @oblivions-dawn, @avantegarda, @nerevar-quote-and-star, @fallen-chances, @thediamondcityradio, and whoever else would like to!
I'm only doing my TES ocs, because if I included other fandoms and my original works I'd have too many to pick from.
Favourite OC.
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Erlind Ebonsong, formerly and at least still in High Rock officially, known as Erlind Madieve, child of Lisende and Antoc Madieve, younger sibling to Coran and elder sibling to Alesinne and Wylin. Dragonborn, Companion, bard, relic hunter, and spellsword. I'm not entirely sure when I made them, but I love them dearly and absolutely both send them through a meat tenderizer and want the happiest ending for them.
2. Newest OC.
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Nathari, Queen of the Reach, daughter of Jarl Igmund and his father-disapproved Reachfolk lover Esana. She's close behind Erlind on the favourite oc list, tbh, and is the one I made to satisfy my interest for messing with Skyrim's politics. She's got her fingers in a lot of pies despite only sticking within the Reach for the overwhelming most part. She's a little younger than Erlind chronologically, and was about seven when the Markarth Incident happened and her mother fled to the hills with her. (And Jarl Hrolfdir told Igmund that Esana and Nathari were killed by other Reachfolk 'as traitors' in the chaos.)
3. Oldest OC.
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Vezha is the oldest out of my current TES OCs, I should specify. Both irl and chronologically, actually since he's the father of one of my others. I'm not sure when I made his original version, but he was afab and genderfluid at one point, with purple tattoos, and he was part of my previous set of story-based OCs. I don't think I ever landed on a questline for him to be the protag of, however. What I know for certain is that I liked the plot hook of his backstory notes, so I adapted him to fit into my current set and since then he's undergone some other changes as well. (For instance, he used to be Volgash's uncle and not her father, which I've kept in that because of his amnesia and context clues he thinks he's her uncle for a while.)
4. Meanest OC.
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Larus. This picrew makes him look so dang young, but also if I recall my timeline correctly he is one of the younger ones in the batch. Raised in a bandit camp that really screwed up his perception of other people's worth to each other, then spent a bunch of years with a vampire den, then joined the Dark Brotherhood. He is a vampire, I just based this picrew off of his in-game preset that I haven't updated yet. He's an ass unless he wants something from you, and even then he'll still probably be an ass, just more of a subtle one.
5. Softest OC.
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Okay, so this was a hard choice, considering Erlind's a devotee of Mara and makes a point of being kind to everybody that they can. However, I think this one has to go to Volgash, Vezha's daughter. She's the baby of the group, had the best childhood on a whole even considering her dad's amnesia, and until Plot Stuff starts happening at Sarthaal, she's sailing by nicely. Volgash is maybe not the nicest of my ocs, but niceties are fickle anyway and that role would change on a daily basis depending on if Larus or Janora or Nathari wanted something from someone.
6. Most Aloof/Standoffish OC.
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So I think at this point I'm only missing Janora, but alas, here we get a double-Larus, with Nathari and Erlind coming up several paces behind for their own reasons. Larus was taught to believe as a kid that nobody has any worth except for how they can be useful to someone else, and that continues on into his adulthood even after the vampire den were...well, I haven't done much development of him, but at least the vampires were nicer about that.
7. Dumbest (Affectionate) OC.
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This was a hard one, because a lot of my OCs are smart, and similarly they've all got elements of complete idiot, as most people do. However, I'm gonna give this to Erlind, because they're very, very, very emotionally oblivious. I don't call the romance in the fic a 'glacial slowburn' for nothing.
8. Smartest OC.
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So...she may have gotten caught at Helgen, and whatever it was she did to make the Cyrodiil Thieves Guild send her to Skyrim, but Janora is very good at what she does. She can read people very well, which is only compounded by the excellent education she got before the events that caused her to join the Thieves Guild. She's extremely logical and pragmatic, which makes her a bit slow in action, but when she does something - for the most part - it's because she's thought it through first.
9. OC I would be best friends with.
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So. We're going Erlind here because for one thing they're the one I know most about, but also they're the most of these OCs like me, and I think we'd enjoy rambling back and forth at each other and commiserating on having epic mothers and wonderful not-each-other best friends.
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thifiell · 2 years
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coldthinwolf · 2 years
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yewphoric · 5 months
OC fact exchange!
Volgash knows that Vezha's her father, but he thinks he's her uncle because he lost the memories of meeting her mother and wasn't there when her mother brought her to Dushnikh Yal. I'm not entirely sure why Volgash or anybody else just lets Vezha assume that he's her uncle and not her dad, but they do (for now).
Do any of your OCs have some weird family situations?
TOTALLY didn't forget this was in my inbox, forgive me--
That is a funky family situation!! Poor Vezha, I hope the guy can get it figured out soon!
As for my OCs... hmm. I'm not sure anything I've got quite reaches that level of weird, but I can go over the connection I think might be the strangest!
So, Mazourkh (my Hero of Kvatch) was the result of an affair between an altmer noble and an orsimer blacksmith, who, at the time, had been employed by the family to make and upkeep their armor for them. The noble was ashamed of his 'mistake', and refused to allow this secret to get out, so he fired her and cast her out. So, Mazourkh was born in Leyawiin and had no idea (for a very long time at least, or maybe she'll never know) who her father was or his social standing.
It's a pretty standard story, but it gets weird when I reveal that her father was Anthaer Oesis. He later wed and had "proper" children, one of which defied the Thalmor and the Third Aldmeri Dominion and fled to Skyrim, having children there.....
Which makes Sheogorath Jenais' aunt!
Not that he knows that (he probably never will), but it's a funny connection to me.
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critter-in-skyrim · 4 months
OC fact exchange: Erlind, Nathari, and Vezha (and Volgash by extension 'cause she's Vezha's daughter) can all very feasibly fit on the same family tree. None of them are aware of this.
For some reason, none of my OC's have too many relatives, so I genuinely don't know what their family trees would look like (ironic, since I work on strangers' family trees all day at work).
I DO know that my OC Louis has a twin sister! She is my friend's OC Annie. Louis also has a grandmother "Oma" that is still alive.
My OC Ben also has brothers, but they are more of a "found family" situation. Connor, James, and Luke are their names! Kitschicritter, or Critter for short (my self insert lol) has a brother in Skyrim. Some of you may have met him, even. Cosnach from Markarth? Yeah... that's him. I have a lot to say about Cosnach if anyone is interested, I have so many headcanons about him...lol
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oblivions-dawn · 6 months
OC fact exchange!
Vezha whittles both wood and bone, and occasionally he'll absentmindedly make something that pings a bit of a memory. He hasn't gotten anything too solid from that (other than the carvings) but he does know that he once knew someone named Khagral who liked butterflies and he made her a pin for her cloak.
WHITTLING IS SO SO COOL . . . I'd love to see everything he's made so far :3c
Truthfully, the one OC whose age is a complete mystery to me is Raelyn'szah. She feels very old--ancient, even. Since she's technically undead, she could very well be, but the exact number is still unknown to me. Maybe I'll never know; time isn't exactly a concern of hers, and living so long means you start to lose track. I like to think of her as my . . . creepy Eldritch horror set in the world of Skyrim. At least she lives this time!
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queendafa · 9 months
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Nicknames of the sunshine: Monkey queen, sunshine, golden girl، Maroon Sun، Hero girl
Information about sunshine:Maroon Sun is the real name, but most people call it sunshine, She wants to be the champion of the world and be the only queen of the world, and be the most beautiful girl in the world She joins a group called Sisters, who decide to invade heaven and become queens of the world، But they don't succeed and Maron Sun is imprisoned for several centuries. And after eight years, a woman from heaven, named Ladies of paradise , saves her, but on the condition that she becomes a kind and good girl, and Maroon San accepts and becomes a hero woman and her friends. And she became the queen of the monkeys "because her father is a monkey"
Things Sunshine Likes: Being a hero, being the only queen of the world, being the most beautiful woman in the world, saving people, peach fruit, staying young until the end of the world, singing, romantic books, love, orderliness, cleanliness Those whom the sunshine likes: Ladies of paradise "Miss Teacher"، Mrs. Pig His friend, who accompanies him and Ladies of paradise . on their journey, "a kind of evil woman who has accompanied them like the sunshine to become a good girl."، Sandra Their friend, an evil woman who becomes a good woman with them، Eve, the child of the sea queen, who has the power of a dragon، vezha"Heaven's patron who has an older brother named King fan and a younger sister named neza، Because he like sunshine, he joined them, younger brother، Mecca» students and Mecca friends، Lala"Her daughter and her first student, but her half-sister kills her, And whatever sees mecca, he remembers it, mk, son wukong «She's in love with him»
Those whom the sunshine hates: Her half sister, her twin sister, her enemy, especially Mr. Bones
impatience, and if someone tells him that May her twin be more beautiful than you, "starshine"
long tongue ,, Disrespect, Spider queen,
His famous saying:»«I am the queen»
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gloryannadnd · 1 year
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1st, Dragonsdream, 1582
10 years ago today, the city of APPLESEED was rocked by a series of ritual killings linked to a resurrectionist cult on PINEWOOD AVENUE.  They were worshippers of the dead dragon YANKEEMAXIUS and believed that with enough sacrifices made to the dragon god Tiamat; the long dead dragon could return as a herald to a draconic apocalypse.  The cult eluded GRIT for weeks before they were finally rooted out from their hideout; an old warehouse front.  A total of twenty five cultists were captured by the authorities after a brutal raid that resulted in magic and gunfire.
Their leader; a dragonborn priest, DARROO SANDSTORM and five other cultists were killed in action.  GRIT had also rescued the cult’s latest sacrifice, elven local woman ANJA SAMCOPATA, saving her from a grisly fate that had befallen others.  If it weren’t for that fortunate night, Anja would’ve been victim number five.
The other victims were: RALEIGH McMOSS, a novice halfling sailor, age 56; SOPHIA TILLSON, local human woman, age 22; FREDRICKA VEZHA, a dwarven woman from Grom, age 160 and TOM MOOSE; a male sasquatch and pillar of the Appleseed farming community. 
For the past 10 years; the location of the cult has been sealed off and left to rot.  Meanwhile, the families of the victims continue to survive and move forward.  For Tom Moose; some say his spirit has wandered back towards the western woods to be reborn and his friends pray that perhaps one day they’ll see another similar sasquatch with his signature jig.
Meanwhile; Anja has moved to Rimal Bayda and has become a teacher of Solstarian history there.  In a recent interview she said, 
“I’m just happy to have it all be put behind me.  I’m happy for everyday I’m alive and have the opportunity to teach history.  Sure, it still haunts me but it feels like a faint memory now.  Sometimes I’ll see something or hear something that reminds me of that day but in all honestly, I’m doing very well.”
Though Pinewood avenue is now much safer with the cult gone, we at the STAR SPANGLED TIMES implore our readers to keep safe and stay cautious when moving around Pinewood Avenue.  If you see or hear anything suspicious that you may think is cult activity, please contact your nearest GRIT authority. 
-Ken Shackerman  
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The Kyiv TV Tower (Ukrainian: Телевізійна вежа, romanized: Televiziyna vezha) is a 385 m-high (1,263 ft) lattice metal tower on Oranzhereina Street, Kyiv, Ukraine, and is the tallest structure in the country. The tower was built in 1973 while Kyiv was the capital of Ukraine SSR.The tower was the tallest free-standing metal structure in the world until being surpassed by the Tokyo Skytree in 2012. It is used for radio and television broadcasting and is not open to the public.
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androshchuk-run · 2 years
Running through Lviv
I decided to prepare a small article about interesting running locations and routes in Lviv, and tell you about them in a little more detail.
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Interesting running locations
Park "Horikhovyy hay"
A great place for morning runs.
Park "Vysokyy zamok"
A great place for morning and evening runs.
Park "Znesinnya"
This is a great location for jogging. Znesinnia Park is a regional landscape park in Lviv. Located near the city center.
Stryysʹkyy park
This park has earned the title of the favorite among Lviv residents for a reason. Spring and summer are especially beautiful here. Morning joggers can often be found in the park.
Vynnykivsʹkyy park
Distances (trail): 5-10 km.
Coverage: forest trails, off-road
Terrain: plain + moderate hills You can not only run interestingly but also enjoy the natural landscape of the forest park area and organize a trail race.
Stadiums for jogging
Stadion "Torpedo"
The stadium got this name during Soviet times. Although it's not currently hosting major sporting events and residents are trying to get the stadium back into community ownership, it's a great place for a morning run if you live nearby.
Stadion Lʹvivsʹkoho natsionalʹnoho lisotekhnichnoho universytetu
The cozy stadium will be a favorite place for morning jogs or exercise if you live nearby.
Stadion "Dynamo"
Another place for running is located not too far from the "Gorikhoy Gayu" - the "Dynamo" stadium.
Stadion "Yunistʹ"
The stadium was recently renovated, with new changing rooms, seats, rain covers, and a grandstand renovation. You can run not only in the stadium but also in the Park of Culture named after Bohdan Khmelnytskyi.
Interesting running routes
1. Powder Tower → High Castle Park
Distances: 4-6 km.
Covering: asphalt, paving stones
Terrain: plain + moderate hills
A scenic route on which you can be inspired by the panorama of Lviv on the lower and upper viewing platforms of the "High Castle" park.
2. Powder tower → st. Maksym Kryvonosa → str. Córdoba → Znesinia park
Distances: 6-8 km.
Surface: asphalt, cobblestones, forest paths
Terrain: plain + moderate hills
On this running route to Lviv, you can see the Powder Tower, Lysa Gora, and the old railway, as well as enjoy the natural landscape of Znesinnia Park.
3. Avenue of Freedom → st. Horodotska (to the station) → Horodotska St. (to the turn on Sechenova St.) → St. Sechenova → St. George's Square → Ivan Franko Park → St. Lystopadovoy Chin → Svoboda Avenue
Distances: 9-10 km.
Covering: asphalt, paving stones
Terrain: mostly flat + sometimes minor ups and downs
The running route passes through architectural landmarks of Lviv, in particular, the Lviv Academic Theater of Opera and Ballet, the Church of Saints Olga and Elizaveta, the central railway station, St. George's Cathedral, the House of Scientists, Lviv National University named after I. Franko, Potocki Palace, Svobody Avenue and many, many other sights.
4. Porohova Vezha → St. Volodymyr Vynnychenko → st. Ivan Franko → str. Shota Rustaveli → st. Stryyska → Stryysky park → street Panasa Myrny → St. Kybalchicha → Zalizna voda park → Snopkivskyi park → Pogulyanka park → st. Kostya Levytskyi → Cathedral Square
Distances: 12-14 km.
Surface: asphalt, cobblestones, park paths, forest paths
Terrain: plain + moderate hills
The running route passes four large parks of Lviv — Stryi Park, Zalizna Voda Park, Snopkiv Park, and Pogulyanka Park.
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stormbeyondreality · 1 year
My current Skyrim characters! I greatly welcome questions.
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Erlind Madieve, who will in time become Erlind Ebonsong. Dragonborn but doesn't know it yet. Erlind was raised in High Rock as the eldest daughter of lesser nobles and arrived in Skyrim via shipwreck at sixteen, fleeing an arranged marriage. They're genderfluid and at the time of the screenshot has spent five years at the College of Winterhold and just helped Erandur at Nightcaller Temple. Combat style is magic (mostly Restoration/Destruction/Alteration) and a sword. The armour is the Winter Mage set from the mod D-Armory; it's heavy except for the hood which is light.
He's my primary character, and the one that I have a tag of shortform writing on! I also have a work-in-progress series on AO3 that can serve as an expansion of the shortform writings.
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Vezha, the newer of the two, and not the Dragonborn. Woke up one day in Dushnikh Yal with no memory of her past except for the knowledge of her skills and the familiarity and affection for his dog Yashdu and horse Ogruna. Is also genderfluid but is masc more often than not. Vezha is not their original name. Combat style is axe and shield augmented with a bow. Armour is the vanilla Orcish set given via Alternate Start.
Vezha's an old character that I found in my notes and have decided to bring back; there wasn't much information available, so I look forward to coming up with more. Unlike Erlind, there isn't much planned for her...yet.
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sigappurojakal · 2 years
🌿 Vinayagar Agaval Lyrics in English & it’s Reading Benefits
🌿 Vinayagar Agaval Lyrics in English & it’s Reading Benefits
🌹 🌿 Vinayagar Agaval Lyrics in English & it’s Reading Benefits🌿🌹 🌹🌿Vinayagar Agaval Lyrics in English 🌹 🌿 Seetha kalaba sentha maripooPaadha silambu pala isai paadaPonaraignaanum poonthugil aadaiyumVanna marungil valarnthazhagerippaPezhai vayirum perumbara kodum (05) 🌹 🌿 Vezha mugamum vilangu sinthuramumAindu karamum Angusa paasamumNenjir Kudikonda neela meniyumNandra vaayum naliru…
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metallurgia · 7 years
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the old water tower, now VEZHA
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valdawaismlyav942 · 4 years
Home Interior 2019 Svoya Vezha / Interiors / Portfolio
Home Interior 2019
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Svoya Vezha / Interiors / Portfolio
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kirbyhorsetbuk942 · 4 years
Home Interior 2019 Svoya Vezha / Interiors / Portfolio
Home Interior 2019
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Svoya Vezha / Interiors / Portfolio
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dulcedespiyebq398 · 4 years
Home Interior 2019 Svoya Vezha / Interiors / Portfolio
Home Interior 2019
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Svoya Vezha / Interiors / Portfolio
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