#vg: wolfenstein
boneforts · 5 years
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"Tfw you just kicked an entire castle's worth of Nazi ass and escaped"
May 9, 2018
Wolfenstein 3D (1992)
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zombiedisco5150 · 7 years
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tuesday again 2/1/22
it sure did snew and friz ! also ANOTHER recipe! what the fuck is this series becoming!
listening the wolfenstein sountracks are shockingly good? these are games i am never going to play bc i do not love shooters, but they’ve been getting me through an incredibly miserable work week. this one is probably part of a cutscene or heavily scripted sequence somewhere bc it is essentially two different pieces lightly spliced together. this starts HITTING at about three minutes. also ohohohoho we love a punny title
firing off a double-song week VERY early in the year bc i am more and more charmed each time i listen to it. chaise longue by wet leg, indie rock by way of sung-spoken verses, killer bridge. i think this song is going to be fucking everywhere this summer and honestly good for them it’s very fun
Is your muffin buttered? Would you like us to assign someone to butter your muffin?
Is your mother worried? Would you like us to assign someone to worry your mother?
reading The Thousand Crimes of Ming Tsu by Tom Lin
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while i was reading this i thought “huh! it’s funky that there are way more revisionist western movies than novels,” but this NYT interview with Lin namedrops a bunch so i guess that’s what i’ll be reading for a while. anyway, let’s just yoink the little brown & co description bc it’s serviceable
Orphaned young, Ming Tsu, the son of Chinese immigrants, is raised by the notorious leader of a California crime syndicate, who trains him to be his deadly enforcer. But when Ming falls in love with Ada, the daughter of a powerful railroad magnate, and the two elope, he seizes the opportunity to escape to a different life. Soon after, in a violent raid, the tycoon’s henchmen kidnap Ada and conscript Ming into service for the Central Pacific Railroad.
love the premise! a take on a western i haven’t seen before! i guess it is technically “own voices” but not in the queer/disability way i usually see it deployed? it is very mccarthy at points.
i have a lot of things that bug me about the structure and execution. it has a lot of debut novel wonky execution problems. the way the author writes women leaves a lot to be desired. a lot of desert/sea/the earth remembers philosophical monologues that don’t really go anywhere or serve the narrative in really any way whatsoever but do serve to heighten the dreamlike quality of the thing. it’s not fractured, it’s definitely one whole narrative, but boundaries between sections are blurry if that makes sense?
rot13 spoilers, more about cycles: gur jubyr shpxva guvat nobhg plpyrf bs frn/qrfreg naq gur ynaq erzrzorevat znxrf zr jbaqre vs yva jnagrq gb qenj n zber qverpg cnenyyry orgjrra gung naq gur plpyrf bs ivbyrapr zvat gfh vf erperngvat sbe uvf bja fba? v jbhyq nyfb unir rkcrpgrq n terngre rzcunfvf ba "jryy guvf vf gur ynaq naq ubj vg vf naq guvf vf uhzna angher naq ubj lbh ner, pna'g ernyyl punatr gung" RKPRCG zvat gfh qbrf fubj n ybg bs xvaqarff gb frireny crbcyr ur srryf obhaq gb ol pvephzfgnapr be angvbanyvgl, rira vs ur vf rkgerzryl hc uvf bja nff zbfg bs gur gvzr. guvf cbffvoyr plpyvpny cnenyyry vf abg zragvbarq va nal erivrj v pbhyq svaq fb znlor v zlfrys nz hc zl bja nff n yvggyr 
it’s somewhere between magical realism and weird west. like magic is absolutely real and we see a bunch of it, but because our main character isn’t particularly interested in it we don’t get much explanation? i feel like if you introduce magic into a story your readers are going to be interested, bc this is the thing that sets your book apart from other westerns? but it’s inconsistently applied and inconsistently seen in a way that isn’t in a fractured dreamlike everyone-operating-on-home-country rules as ive seen before, it’s just inconsistent in a sometimes frustrating manner. the ending hit really hard and was then undone by the epilogue. so it goes. i am interested in whatever he writes next
watching i really hate how letterboxd has gotten me watching more movies, bc it’s much easier to scroll through posters and pick a Vibe than it is to go down the horrible little google keep note with all the movies and shows i want to watch. anyway this is how i pitched my favorite movie i watched last week to a beloved discord
in the event we feel like having another movie night may i submit Return of Sabata (1971, dir. Parolini) for consideration? i feel like we (tumblr users) overuse the words "insane" and "unhinged" but this movie starts with lee van cleef in the circus and just gets wilder from there? he is here with SO many gadgets and tricks to cause problems on purpose. there's a bit where he gets everyone in a room and explains the murder mystery this movie is BANANAS im genuinely obsessed with it  
this one has a fucking banger of a opening scene- it’s very tense! it’s very dark! there are Gadgets! it truly does only get wilder from there!! lvc looks like he is having fun the entire time but also very obviously does not do any of his own stunts. perfect film.
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this is already a frightfully long post and im positive i’m going to continue to be insane about this movie BUT!!! also some of the best non-morricone music i’ve heard in a western!
playing dicking around with phone games mostly, forgot i loved those little logic puzzle chart things and also forgot the fucking dire state of ads in free mobile games. one every two minutes. i timed it.
making QUICHE, mostly bc we all got groceries last week pre-blizzard, forgot we all already had eggs, and we had a bit of an Egg Situation in the fridge.
used this crust recipe (but with butter that was literally straight out of the freezer bc i had the advantage of my housemate’s gigantic fancy food processor) it was VERY good bc it’s like half butter but i deffo should have blindbaked it beforehand, the layer of cheese on the bottom of the quiche made it a touch soggy
used this broccoli quiche recipe sort of kind of not really, bc this was more of a “cleaning out the fridge” quiche than things i bought on purpose? should have cooked more of the water out of the broccoli and a very sad handful of wilted basil but hey! it was delicious! my housemates really liked it! it was basically all we ate for a day and a half! we also used up a ton of the smoked salmon we also needed to use up!
FUCK i miss a good everything bagel with like half an inch of cream cheese, plus capers and a quarter inch of lox. the only good use case for capers
anyway here’s the big momma quiche bc i only have one normal sized pie pan (yes it did cook all the way through), i said the phrase “she got that deep dish chicago pussy” and my housemates threatened to vote me out of the house (which isn’t how it fucking works, you fools, i am the primary lease holder) but they were right and correct to reply with that
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deadmugen · 7 years
we live
and we killing nazis 
playing Wolfenstein: The Old Blood
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silentir · 6 years
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vgprintads · 7 years
BEST OF 2017
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The struggle goes on.
“After a while, the scars serve as their own layer of armor.” ~Diablo 3
2017 wasn’t a year that we wanted, but it was the year we got. Coming out of 2016, many of us dug in our heels and expected the worst; often, putting on our best marching shoes and hitting the protests in droves. Hurricanes, political corruption, mass murder, and the sort of dumb evil that has continued to remain timeless with every passing generation: this has set the stage for what may be a real battlefield of a year.
But what of our games? Our escapism from a world gone mad? I may be the wrong person to ask, seeing how I spent most of the year glued to the Gallups polls, but I occasionally took a peak at what was going on the the digital realms.
 The AAA’s continued to crank out the usual cash cows and push hardware further if not just a little bit. Call of Duty came back home to its World War II roots, Wolfenstein II made the ethics of punching a Nazi moot, and the success of the Switch helped Nintendo back up on its saddle thanks in part to stellar new titles in the Zelda and Mario franchises. Though 2018 still was no golden year: from EA’s cocaine-induced DLC decisions to the unearthing of Half-Life 3′s corpse, there was plenty of fodder for angry fourm-bound gaming folk.
On the indie game end, Cuphead showed us that quality (and justified mascocore) will never go out of style, and by doubling up with the episodic Bendy series, 1920′s cartoon aesthetic has become cool again. Though unfortunately, the said indie universe risks over-saturation now that Steam--once a bastion and pinnacle for indie greatness--has allowed any joker with a $100 bill to come in and clog up the market with rushed shovelware and meme-filled trash.
But to be honest, if there really was anything Earth-shattering in the gaming world, I missed it due to work, mental health crisis, and the aformentioned political fixations. But for me, 2018 brings great promise: I’m finally moving out on my own, and with a space for personal projects I can dedicate more time to projects such as this blog with more peace and quiet--and even in the nude if I wanted to!
So providing that Tumblr doesn’t sell us out for a cigarette and a handjob, VG Print Ads will still be here to provide dubious, nostalgic entertainment!
Oh, but what about the Best of 2017?
Don’t worry, I got ‘em right down here. Once again, for the last week of the year, the queue will be filled with some of this year’s greatest hits: favorites of fans and myself alike: four times everyday until New Years Day: where, with hope, a new leaf will soon follow.
See you guys in 2018!
December ♥ 97
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November ♥ 237
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October ♥ 439
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September ♥ 117
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August ♥ 242
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July ♥ 272
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June ♥ 336
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May ♥ 394
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April ♥ 3027
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March ♥ 1378
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February ♥ 118
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January ♥ 332
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[Generated using the best of tumblr tool.]
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callmearcturus · 7 years
look i am gonna buy wolfenstein ii as soon as i have time/spoons for video games and i will tell you why (in rot13 because massive spoilers)
fb gbjneqf gur raq bs gur tnzr lbh unir gb trg gb uvgyre (lrf uvgyre) sbe Cybg Ernfbaf. naq uvgyre vf ng gur gjvyvtug bs uvf yvsr naq ur'f n shpxvat cngurgvp uhzna unatvat bagb eryrinapr ol uvf svatregvcf. ur'f n shpxvat *nhgrhe qverpgbe* jub vf thrfg qverpgvat na rcvfbqr bs *anmv ynffvr* naq gur tnzr tbrf bhg bs vgf jnl gb qevir ba jung n fravyr fuvg ur vf.
gung'f abg rira gur orfg cneg. gur orfg cneg vf lbh arrq gb vasvygengr guvf frg ol cergraqvat gb or na npgbe ng n pnfgvat pnyy. gurer vf nabgure npgbe gelvat bhg sbe gur ebyr, naq ur'f pyrneyl n faviryyvat yvggyr fuvgurnq, cbfvgvbavat gurz nf bar bs gubfr crbcyr jub whfg oebjaabfr gur crbcyr va cbjre gb rafher gurl jvyy trg va tbbq. gurl qb n cbbe wbo bs vg naq trg xvyyrq va gur fprar.
gur nsberzragvbarq npgbe vf FGEBATYL vzcyvrq gb or ebanyq erntna.
machine games aint fucking around.
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okamidensetsu · 7 years
2017 VG Journal 1
I’m starting to do this in the hopes that I’ll be better about beating games! I have a bad habit starting titles and getting 75% of the way through with them and stopping, never to return. It helps that @approachingfarewell and I can switch off or pass the controller back and forth to do this too x.x. So let’s get started... 
*This list will be edited and redone as the year goes on*
Here is a list of games completed in 2017 [US releases unless marked otherwise]:
The Last Guardian (PS4) x2
Uncharted 1  (PS4)
Uncharted 2  (PS4)
Uncharted 3  (PS4)
Uncharted 4  (PS4)
Titanfall 2  (PS4)
REZ  (PS4) x6
KH .2: Birth By Sleep (PS4)
Horizon Zero Dawn (PS4)
Job Simuluator (PS4)
Abzu (PS4)
Dariusburst CS (PS4)
Yakuza 0 (PS4)
Wolfenstein: The New Order (PS4) x2
Wonderboy: The Dragon’s Trap (PS4)
Wolfenstein: The Old Blood (PS4)
Limbo (PS4)
Rush of Blood (PSVR)
Breath of the Wild (Switch)
Shock Troopers (Switch)
Metal Slug 3 (Switch)
Alpha Mission II (Switch)
Cave Story+ (Switch)
Splatoon 2 (Switch)
Implosion - Never Lose Hope (Switch)
Super Mario Odyssey (Switch)
Dragonball Xenoverse 2 (Switch)
Shovel Knight (Switch)
Resident Evil: Revelations (Switch)
Doom (Switch)
Sine Mora EX (Switch)
Metroid: Samus Returns (3DS)
River City: Tokyo Rumble (3DS)
Ace Combat [JP] (PS1)
Ace Combat 2 [JP] (PS1)
Ghost in the Shell [JP] (PS1)
Mobile Suit Gundam: Char’s Counterattack [JP] (PS1)
Star Wars Lethal Alliance (PSP)
MechAssault (Xbox)
Rez (PC) x3
Dö̶̡́k̷̻̕i̴͔̐ ̴̲̀d̷͓̑ơ̵͚k̵̞͌i̸̯͊ ̸́ͅḽ̸͌i̸̦̓t̸͜͠e̸͇͆r̴̲̀a̶̟͛t̵̠̂ǔ̴͕r̴͓̈́e̵̖̍ ̵̜̐c̶̫͒l̸͓̄u̷̱͑b̶̠̅(PC)
Portal (PC)
Big (unbeatable) time sinks:
Overwatch (PC/PS4)
Animal Crossing Welcome Amiibo (3DS)
Binding of Isaac Afterbirth+ (Switch)
Voez (Switch)
Superbeat: Xonic (Switch)
Rocket League (Switch)
Every Extra Extend (PSP)
Gunpey (PSP)
Gunpey (DS)
Didn’t get to finish (*or start):
Nier Automata (PS4)
Astebreed (PS4)*
Hyper Light Drifter (PS4)*
Lego City Undercover (Switch)
Snake Pass (Switch)
Fast RMX (Switch)
Bangai-O (DS)*
Tiny Barbarian (Switch)
Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron (PSP)
NFL Street 2: Unleashed (PSP)
And Fin! It’s January 1st, 2018! So my goal with this was to do a game a week. 52 games after 52 weeks..and I succeeded! Kind of. By virtue of starting this diary I definitely spent a lot more time playing games this year...and if you’ve followed my over the years you already know I have a hard time just dumping hours into games. I nearly have an existential crisis anytime I think about it too much...so my conceit was if I spent more than 5 (but usually 10) hours in a game that is not story driven/cannot be completed - then it counted towards my completed games. So with 9 unbeatable time sinks added to 43 games with endings, you get 52! I had a lot of fun doing this and it’s made me more accountable for what I’ve been picking up which was the overall goal so I will be starting my 2nd VG diary sometime this week for 2018! And because I have done this and kept a record of the games I’ve completed I think I might do something special and do some sort of game of the year list! We’ll see if I have time x.x! Thanks for reading and have a great 2018 everybody!
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wavedashppt · 7 years
VG ask: 15, 29, 33, 34
15: Favorite animal in a video game? Amaterasu from Okami. I really gotta replay that game someday.
29: Watch cutscenes or skip them? That depends. If I’ve already seen them then I’ll usually skip them, unless it’s a damn good cutscene then I’ll rewatch it.
33: Favorite female npc? Alyx Vance from Half-Life 2
34:Favorite male npc? This is a hard one. I might be forgetting someone but I thought Fergus Reid from Wolfenstein The New Order was a pretty good character.
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boneforts · 5 years
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dishonored shit in wolfenstein!!! @lycanamor
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May 7, 2018
Wolfenstein 3D (1992)
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zombiedisco5150 · 7 years
Me and the hatchet are becoming very good friends
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captainkupo · 7 years
1and 34 for the VG ask thing
from this
1. First console you’ve ever owned? 
34. Favorite male npc? 
uhhh i cant think of one off the top of my head but just a few:
sgt johnson from halo, sully from uncharted, J from wolfenstein, Emil from nier
all really great characters
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That was literally the saddest ending.
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"Guten tag, mein Führer.. and auf Wiedersehen"
May 9, 2018
Wolfenstein 3D (1992)
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