#vicente bonus
sesiondemadrugada · 1 year
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Terror Is a Man (Gerardo de Leon & Eddie Romero, 1959).
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thewhumpcaretaker · 4 months
Top 5 favorite john wick ships⁉️⁉️
Omg the asks are coming so fast um um um
John x Helen. The OGs. Love itself personified to the extent that it's almost religious. They will find each other in every lifetime and they are bound to each other by a power that reshapes international political systems and outshines the powers of death. The sweetest domme and most devoted sub that ever lived. They're brought together by blood transfusions, bullet wounds, and the complete lack of any familial support system. If they're getting whumped, they're getting whumped at the same time because they're soul mates that can feel each other's emotions even beyond the grave (this is Broken Veil lore). The flavor of the whump is honey and that's what they call each other. Fun fact: I literally, irl had to quit writing about them because I stopped sleeping, oops.
John x Vincent. Churchduel sends my brain into immediate overdrive. I am thinking about it all of the time. Sometimes, I try to think other thoughts, and Churchduel thoughts assert themselves out of the ether instead. Unconditional love and impossible levels of redemption. Throw your punitive justice out the window to prove you're not a cop, we came to cum and it WILL save him. Actually healthy underneath it all because this is secretly an NPD/cluster B positivity story about how a narc can have a healthy relationship with proper accommodations. The flavor of this whump is strawberry and it is mixed with so much cocaine. I NEED Vincent and he needs so much help. Kiss this sad wet cat!!! Kiss him now, John, with tongue!!!!!!
John x Santino. I can't think about them without my heart fluttering. I feel their love for each other inside my own body. They are pure entities of angst and hurt/comfort, to the extent that I can write endless drabble and ficlets about them which I don't normally do. They don't even require context, Santino is just distilled clinginess and need while John is distilled comfort and they just produce an outpouring of gentleness as John helps Santino heal and Riccardo Scamarcio's pronounced eye bags haunt my daydreams (I swear to god, there is never a time when this man looks like he's had a full night of sleep and I think that's just his face. What a face <3). The flavor of this whump is coffee and cigarettes, and the whumperflies make me feel like I'm passing out.
John x Caine. It is a goal of mine to get feral about John x Caine. That one GIF of Caine saying "are you dead John?" and looking like his heart just shattered is buried in my brain, waiting to blossom. Also the fic with the head pats. THE HEAD PATS. And the wet spot induced by the head pats...I can't. I'm dead. People should please send me John x Caine asks, I need to figure out how to write them so I can dive into this because there's so much potential. Their whump flavor remains a mystery and I need to know. I'm getting hints of something slow and ponderous and gentle, perhaps a relaxing tea?
Vincent x Chidi. Let's be honest: Beyond Judgement could just happen with Chidi instead under slightly different circumstances. The point is for there to be a bodyguard who will do anything for Vincent and love him unconditionally like daddy didn't. Chidi might not offer that enemies to lovers factor, but he could absolutely bring out the best in Vincent. He's the one person in the world who is canonically there for Vicent and doesn't want him to die alone and forgotten. Also I spent the better part of today thinking about that Vincent web weaving image set and how much I want there to be someone there to prevent Vincent's tragic fall
Jude x no one. Get it Jude. Live your best aroace life and whip some folks platonically. I'm spinning you in my brain anyway.
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madam-whim · 1 year
for that character ask game: the gray prince, lucien lachance and baurus! :D
Why would you do this to me... why would you give me the tragic ones...
Gray Prince
First impression: I thought he was a bit ridiculous and didn't really fit in with everyone else in the arena, mostly due to the way he speaks and acts.
Impression now: God that poor guy... I really do feel for him. I cannot imagine the shock when he found out about his true heritage, and I can understand why it was all too much for him. After all, the general consensus is that all vampires are evil, and poor Agronak really doesn't have a way of knowing that's not the case. And I really don't think his mother made things better for him with how she must have told him half-truths about where he came from. I know she likely meant well, but in that particular case, it would probably have been better if she'd just made something up instead of giving her son these bits of information that of course he'd want to follow up on if given the chance.
Favorite moment: None, because the best ones are all tragic and I refuse to call them "favorites."
Story idea: The HoK going "fuck this, you don't need someone to kill you over this, you need friends" and supporting Agronak, and somehow this kickstarts a series of changes in the arena that results in people just... not getting killed as much anymore, where there are no more "criminals who are given a chance to earn their freedom", only professional fighters who fight to win, not to kill.
Unpopular opinion: Agronak's mother should either have told him the truth or nothing at all. She allowed him to build his life around a fantasy, and so she's partially to blame for what happened to him when it came crashing down.
Favorite relationship: The one that he could possibly have had with his father, who we know loved his baby and was excited to be a father.
Favorite headcanon: Agronak was the kid that got bullies to leave other kids alone. I can totally see him being that kind of person even at a very young age.
Lucien Lachance
First impression: *incoherent screeching because someone just You Sleep Rather Soundly For A Murderer'd me* Not gonna lie, he scared the shit out of me the first time around because I was not expecting him. It got better once I realized he was the alive version of my ghost buddy from Skyrim.
Impression now: I love, love, love that man. He's undoubtedly one of my favorite characters in the entire franchise, mostly because he is so dramatic, and he's utterly unapologetic about what he does. I may or may not have a mod that allows me to kill Arquen for what she did to him.
Favorite moment: I think that would be that one moment where he shows up after you just killed Ungolim and he realizes that both he and his Silencer have been played. He's usually so calm and confident about everything, and in that moment, he's just... not.
Story idea: This is a rather obvious one, but... the Silencer being a lot smarter than the game allows them to be and instantly noticing the different handwriting and strange wording of the first switched set of orders. Why would Lucien suddenly change his handwriting? Why would he suddenly give reasons for killing someone, when that's never been an issue before? Bonus points if the Silencer has also managed to keep the Shadowscales and Vicente alive and they team up to figure out who has it out for Lucien. But I haven't yet figured out a good enough reason to let them live.
Unpopular opinion: He's not this mysterious, silent and brooding man that some people see him as? He can play that part exceptionally well when it suits him, because he's a great actor, but it's not really him. The real Lucien can be pretty goofy and over the top and overly dramatic, and his family loves him for it.
Favorite relationship: Dad Lucien and his Shadowscale kids!
Favorite headcanon: Lucien shows his affection through keeping people on their toes, i.e. sneaking up on them and scaring and attacking them. He never does serious harm, of course, but he's serious enough about it that people fight back and defend themselves. The family eventually figures out why he does it - he wants them to live, and by making sure they can handle him when he's serious either by escaping or matching him in a fight, he ensures that they will live through pretty much any contract.
First impression: Oh thank the Divines, a competent Blade!
Impression now: Still pretty much the same, only now I'm also aware of just how young he has to be when the crisis happens, and he still proves to be one of the bravest and smartest people around. Also, I think he played an important role in making sure neither Martin nor the HoK crumbled under the pressure of being just some random people suddenly burdened with having to save the world.
Favorite moment: I think my favorite Baurus moment is when he meets with the Mythic Dawn agents, and he walks into that meeting knowing that if anything goes wrong, or if the HoK's aim is just a little off, he's dead, and he still does his job perfectly. The amount of trust he places in the HoK is insane, especially because he knows they were in prison just a little while ago and could easily walk out on him or even turn on him.
Story idea: ... and this is where I currently can't come up with something :(
Unpopular opinion: I don't think I have any unpopular Baurus opinions. And why would I?
Favorite relationship: Baurus and Martin. Those two deserved more time together. It would have been a life-long friendship.
Favorite headcanon: He's a little bit of a matchmaker and definitely ships Martin and the HoK. Jena is his accomplice.
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writernopal · 4 months
Rose! Here you go!!
Por Tu Maldito Amor by Vicente Fernandez (about a Very Very Heartbroken person)
Por tu maldito amor Ajaja jaja jay ¿Y ya pa' qué quiero la tumba? Si ya me enterraste en vida Aja jay, ay No quiero que regreses nunca, no Prefiero la derrota entre mis manos Si ayer tu nombre tanto pronuncié Hoy mírame rompiéndome los labios
Because of your cursed love <Vocalization> What do I need a grave for now? You've already buried me alive <Vocalization> I never want you to come back, no I prefer destruction at my own hands Yesterday, I spoke your name so sweetly Today, I split my own lips
As a bonus bit, the entire song carries on much like this, cursing the person who broke his heart but at the very end he says:
Por tu bendito amor
Which translates to:
Because of your blessed love
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supervillain-smut · 1 year
Hi! I'm not sure if your doing requests, and I completely understand if you just don't want to write this, but I just read your Lucien Lachance fic and I was wondering if I could get some fluff for him? Thank you!
Hi! Oh my goodness, thank you so much for supporting me! It helps so much and I'm so glad you enjoyed it enough to send a request! I love Lucien so much, I really don't get enough requests for him or Vicente. Here you are, I hope you like this just as much!
You strode confidently into the Cheydinhal sanctuary, spirits high after a fulfilled contract, waving to your brothers and sisters as you passed them.
“Vicente. I’ve completed the contract, to the letter.” You spoke chipperly, sitting on the desk in front of him.
“So I heard. Off the desk, please,” He tapped your hip until you hopped off “I assume you’re eagerly awaiting your reward and bonus?”
“Mhm~” you hummed in a sing-song manner and Vicente chuckled.
“Very well, here they are. The usual 500 gold, plus another 200 for the extra work. Well done, Silencer. Ah! One more thing, Lucien has informed me he will be visiting the sanctuary tonight, and he wishes to speak with you. I’d prepare for his arrival.” Your heart fluttered at the mention of your lover and Speaker’s name as you thanked Vicente and got into comfortable clothing, chatting with Ocheeva, Teinaava, and Telaendril in the meantime, swapping ridiculous stories of previous contracts.
Before you knew it, it was time for all the day-dwellers to turn in, and the night-dwellers to rise. You frowned at Lucien’s absence and decided to go for a walk. You threw on your cloak and left through the well. You walked as far as the stables outside the gates, visiting Shadowmere. She nickered at your arrival and bowed her head so you could pet her, her amber eyes almost glowing in the night. You looked northeast towards Fort Farragut, where Lucien normally resided outside of the sanctuary.
“Let’s go pay him a visit, shall we?” You asked Shadowmere as you placed your foot in the stirrup. She enthusiastically nodded her head and began to chew on the bit, beginning to prance in place awaiting your signal.
“Get going!” You encouraged her, and she took off into the night towards Fort Farragut, following the path she knows so well back to her original master. It didn’t take long to reach the fort, it wasn’t very far from the city, but Shadowmere was breathing like a dragon in excitement; she loved to run. You relieved her of her saddle and bridle, turning her loose to let her graze freely, to rest. You entered the fort the secret way Lucien had shown you, climbing down the rope ladder as silently as you could.
You could just barely make out the room with the dim candlelight, looking around only to spot Lucien slumped over his desk.
At first, you feared the worst, that someone had found him, only to find no weapon or blood, just his steady breathing. Ah, so that’s why he hadn’t shown up. He fell asleep working at his desk. This wasn’t the first time, and it certainly won’t be the last. You approached him carefully and lightly shook his shoulder, only for him to startle you backward by jolting awake, his hand immediately reaching for his blade.
“Easy, Lucien, it’s just me! It’s alright! You didn’t show up at the Sanctuary, so I came here.”
Lucien calmed, rubbing his eyes and groaning.
“My apologies, Listener, I regret to have kept you waiting.” You walked up behind him and rest your hands on his shoulders.
“That’s alright, my Speaker. You need rest. We can discuss things in the morning.” He hummed in contentment as you ran a hand along his jaw, cupping the side of his face as the other pulled the hood off of his head.
“I suppose I can’t argue that. I am exhausted.” He stood from his chair, his back cracking a few times as he straightened himself. He loosened his hair from its ribbon, letting it cascade down as he grabbed your hand, bringing you with him toward his bed.
“Please stay with me tonight, my love. I would like it if you stayed.” Lucien begged as he sat on the edge, his hands resting on your hips.
“I would love to, Lucien.” You purred as you lifted his Speaker robes over his head, leaving him in nothing but trousers. He pulled you into bed with him, pulling the covers over you both as you rest your head on his chest. You whispered stories of the events that transpired since the last time you two saw each other. 
“Did you know Shadowmere likes candy?” You giggled.
“How on earth did you get candy, and why was it your inclination to give it to her?” Lucien chuckled as he spoke.
“I stole it from a count, what does it matter how I got it? And besides, I was eating some and she was curious, so I held one out to her, she ate it, and then she wouldn’t leave me alone! I had to hide them in my knapsack rather than the saddle bag because she wouldn’t stop trying to reach back and get them!”
Lucien burst into laughter. “She is stubborn. You’re never going to get rid of her now. Did I tell you how one of my most recent contracts took care of himself?”
“No, what happened?”
“I surprised him in his sleep, as I usually do, and he decided to make a run for it. I’d already ensured he couldn’t escape, the door was barricaded and he’d have to undo several locks, and the fool fell down the stairs!” He started laughing at the end of his story.
After you finished telling stories and catching up, you played with his hair and massaged his scalp as he rubbed your back and placed soft kisses on the top of your head, occasionally attempting to pull you impossibly closer to him.
The fort soon fell silent as you both drifted to sleep in each others’ arms. You’d discuss more important matters in the morning.
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lucasttrpg · 2 years
I always found the 2e spell mechanics to be the best of all editions, it has changes in the core rules, it doesn't follow a pattern, some are unbalanced with chaotic effects and on top of that they are very well written. Despite being mini mechanics often foreign to the d20 roll system (yeah I know that 2e has THAC0, roll under skills etc), in very little texts the rules/mechanics are well explained, some obviously have excessive crunchiness/complications, but who am I to judge?
In this blog post I made a small text compilation of these spells and I will try to suggest examples on how I would use these mechanics in my own games.
I dedicated a few hours to this research, which is not very in-depth, and therefore I am completely open to suggestions and contributions. Also the mechanics I will explore and expand on here may or may not be used in some future game, but either way this can be used by anyone.
I won't compile all the spell text just the highlights, anyway the texts are easily found in a simple google search.
So without further ado, let's check it out:
Remove Curse
“The reverse of the spell is not permanent; the bestow curse lasts for one turn for every experience level of the wizard casting the spell. It causes one of the following effects (roll percentile dice):
Between 1 and 50 bestow curse lowers one ability of the subject to 3 (the DM determines which by random selection)
Between 51 and 75 bestow curse worsens the subject's attack rolls and saving throws by -4
Between 76 and 00 bestow curse makes the subject 50% likely per turn to drop whatever it is holding (or simply do nothing, in the case of creatures not using tools)
It is possible for a wizard to devise his own curse, and it should be similar in power to those given (the DM has final say).”
This is one of the simplest ones, but it is quite illustrative. I'm using the reverse spell system, here as an example, but a d% roll is not the logical thing to use in a d20 system, plus randomness (on a higher result of it  causes the target to drop an object WTF? ) I actually love it!
Let’s picture a minimalist game based on curses with effects on an expanded table of d%, with random and dangerous effects, but which over time become controllable, generating some autonomy to the curser, for example per level they can choose two effects numerically above or below of the result in this %(100) table.
“When a wizard wishes to gain supernatural guidance, he casts a vision spell, calling upon whatever power he desires aid from and asking a question that will be answered with a vision. Two six-sided dice are rolled. If they total 2 to 6, the power is annoyed and refuses to answer the question; instead, the power causes the wizard to perform some service (by an ultrapowerful geas or quest). If the dice total 7 to 9, the power is indifferent and gives some minor vision, though it may be unrelated to the question. If the dice total 10 or better, the power grants the vision.
The material component of the spell is the sacrifice of something valued by the spellcaster or by the power supplicated. The more precious the sacrifice, the better the chance of spell success. A very precious item grants a bonus of +1 to the dice roll, an extremely precious item adds +2, and a priceless item adds +3.”
This is the mother fucker PBTA’s core rule!!!
I guess it doesn't need more explanation, if you ever played PBTA games you will get it, I don’t know if Vicent was already thinking about this, but the resemblance is very clear, and I don't think he was wrong if it is really an inspiration. After all, this post is exactly about this.
Death spell
“When a death spell is cast, it snuffs out the life forces of creatures in the area of effect instantly and irrevocably. Such creatures cannot be raised or resurrected, but an individual slain in this manner might be brought back via a wish. The number of creatures that can be slain is a function of their Hit Dice. (See book for table ).
In other words, from the 4d20 roll subtract the number of creatures of less than 2 Hit Dice (these creatures die). If there are any remaining points from the 4d20 roll, subtract 2 for each creature of 2 to 4 Hit Dice (these creatures also die). If this still doesn't use up all the 4d20 roll, subtract 10 for each creature of 4+1 to 6+3 Hit Dice, and so on. Stop when all the creatures are dead, all the 4d20 roll is used up, or the remainder is less than half the CF of any remaining creatures. (If the remainder is one-half or more of the CF of a creature, that creature dies.)
For example, a mixed group of 20 goblins, eight gnolls, and four ogres, led by a hill giant, are caught in the area of a death spell. The 4d20 roll gives a total of 53 points; 20 of this eliminates the goblins (20 x 1 CF), 16 kills the gnolls (8 x 2 CF), and the remaining 17 kills two ogres (10 points to kill one ogre, and the remaining 7 points are enough to kill one more ogre). The other two ogres and the hill giant are unharmed.”
This one is almost completely compiled. First of all: “or the remainder is less than half the CF of any remaining creatures. (If the remainder is one-half or more of the CF of a creature, that creature dies.)” is garbage, a mistake, let’s ignore it. But how about this for a hit point system or even for a mass combat rule, with little short change this can be done. On example: 
The PC has a pool of vitality, resisting light, medium and severe damage. Light damage would have a degree of soak 1:1, medium 2:1 and severe 3:1. Where the blow "landed" a table of consequences, obviously with different degrees of severity, is rolled. If all the points from the pool are over the PC is obviously dead. Example of the example: The PC has a pool of 6 light, 3 medium and 2 severe wounds. One hit deals 15 points of damage. All light wounds are exhausted (1:1, 15-6=9), 9 points remain; 6 points are absorbed by medium wounds (the 3X2=6 and 9-6=3), leaving 3 points. These 3 points cost a major wound (1:3), a major wound table must be rolled.
This can all be further extrapolated to mass combat, where units would have different absorb proportions and even dice damage/attack rolls. If anyone wants me to exemplify better, just comment that I could do it.
“The liveoak spell can be cast upon a healthy tree of small, medium, or large size, according to desire and availability. A triggering phrase of up to maximum of one word per level of the spellcaster is then placed upon the targeted oak. For instance, "Attack any persons who come near without first saying sacred mistletoe" is an 11-word trigger phrase that could be used by a caster of 11th level or higher casting the spell.”
Imo, this is the best one! How about a one word per level magic system? Genius! Choose wisely the words, cautious negotiation with GM and mainly very dangerous consequences at low levels. What I’m thinking about is an almost free form system where the magic user chooses a power (or several) such as an elemental power as “fire”, and then has one word to describe the effect per level. 
These are examples and some points highlighted in the post. A close friend is intent on reading more spells together and theorizing about, I'm excited, so more related posts may come. As always and as previously mentioned, I am completely open to suggestions and contributions, I already advance that this is just the beginning and that there is still a lot of material there to be explored.
Thanks for reading this far!
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aamy2100982 · 2 years
I was thinking of the symbiote as a human, he works in the military with his longtime friend Flash Thompson and is married to Eddie Brock. They could get very interesting things out of this theme, but I can only imagine the symbiote arriving at the house saying something like
"Honey I'm home" and Eddie in kitchen apron receiving his husband. and that's it 👍
as an bonus, I keep thinking about the human name of the symbiote would be something like Vicent
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12 Flamenco Guitarists You Should Know
Today we are going to be talking about 12 or more Flamenco guitar players you should know about! Flamenco is a genre of music born out of Spain and has gone through quite the evolution over the years with many incredible key players, one is even considered the best guitarist in the world! In this video we will list off just a few of these incredible musicians that have brought Flamenco to what it is today! We will have all the links provided below for you to help get you stated with your own journey into the incredible genre that is Flamenco! Have you heard of Flamenco music before? what is one of you favorite Flamenco artists? Let me know what you think! #flamenco #music  #musician Source Article: https://harmonyvine.com/famous-flamen... X: https://x.com/pranshu_nigam Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sup3rg4mer/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/pranshu-n... Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tennman11/ Featured Artists: Sabicas (1921 – 1990) https://youtu.be/ZnFtLjQ_rr8 Paco de Lucia (1947 – 2014) https://youtu.be/2oyhlad64-s Manolo Sanlúcar (1943 – 2022) https://youtu.be/2Nwnru8OaHE Niño Miguel (1975-2013) https://youtu.be/r55g-jYS06k Moraíto Chico (1956 – 2011) https://youtu.be/p5ypbEOZLUU Vicente Amigo (1967 – Present) https://youtu.be/4X64Wf7z2AQ Paco Peña (1942 – Present) https://youtu.be/jfo647In7qE Carlos Montoya (1903 – 1993) https://youtu.be/b1gVZsbt6I4 Tomatito (1958 – Present) https://youtu.be/ja1dNqNAIsc Antonio Rey (1981 – Present) https://youtu.be/T4bmdNUGpIQ Grisha Goryachev (1977 – Present) https://youtu.be/UN69o3mj8kM BONUS Al Di Miola www.youtube.com/@UCwoq7qaww1rb6QKCgFp... John McLaughlin Website: https://www.johnmclaughlin.com/ My Social Media: patreon.com/thekillogiceffect https://www.twitch.tv/thekillogiceffect https://www.reddit.com/user/TheKillog... https://www.tumblr.com/thekillogiceff.. thekillogiceffect.weebly.com https://www.facebook.com/thekillogice... twitter.com/KillogicFilth vk.com/thekillogicefect Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7KA...
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mistfm · 3 months
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who is that we see, peering through the mist? it's goro noriyama and vicente valdebenito valdivia ! welcome to the city of pension — how long have you been waiting to move in? never mind, you're here now, bringing the fcs of miyavi and pedro pascal, and the mythos of the oni and thanatos along with you! make sure you look over the checklist as you make yourself at home!
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◟✧⡀ ( miyavi. agender. he / him. ) … there’s a figure off in the distance, do you see it? wait is that … GORO NORIYAMA ? how long have they been standing there? if that’s really them, i believe they’re 40.  do i know them?  no,  but i hear they’re HONORABLE and CHARMING, but also CRUEL and MANIPULATIVE. i do know that they’ve been in the City for 10 YEARS. it’s crazy that they’re just standing there … shouldn’t they be working at A COPY OF A COPY OF A COPY as a THE OWNER? maybe they’re off today, i couldn’t tell you. hope they get moving soon. i’m starting to feel like THE ONI is peering over at me … ( cassi. 31. he / she. est. redacted. )
Rift Level: borderliner Available powers:  obscene strength with his appearance being a little larger than the typical human to accompany that strength, able to induce true fear, a hunter of those truly wicked. How long ago did the Mythos Manifest: 15 years ago Main Goal/Desire/Drive: cause chaos among these groups and factions and still manage to slip under the radar; wants to see the downfall no matter who and what gets involved, bonus points if these people are disturbing in their own right.  Gang / Group name + position, if applicable: the ears of the jekyll and hyde investigations.
◟✧⡀ ( pedro pascal. agender. he / him. ) … there’s a figure off in the distance, do you see it? wait is that … VICENTE VALDEBENITO VALDIVIA? how long have they been standing there? if that’s really them, i believe they’re 46.  do i know them?  no,  but i hear they’re GENTLE and HUMOROUS, but also WITHDRAWN and HATEFUL. i do know that they’ve been in the City for 25 YEARS. it’s crazy that they’re just standing there … shouldn’t they be working at THE RISING SUN as a BARTENDER? maybe they’re off today, i couldn’t tell you. hope they get moving soon. i’m starting to feel like THANATOS is peering over at me … ( cassi. )
Rift Level: legendary Available powers:  uses a butterfly via soul communication on when someone's expiration date is (if u see a butterfly ur time is Soon:tm: or up), death empowerment, flight (grows a pair of wings in this form only those thats holding hand with the fate of death can see), durability How long ago did the Mythos Manifest: a few months after he moved to the city Main Goal/Desire/Drive: help those that need it and aid those that knock on deaths front door as determined by fates design Gang / Group name + position, if applicable: the divine comedy, associate
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horsepartyrecords · 7 months
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cratosroyal · 10 months
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guanabanito29 · 11 months
Y nuevamente te soñé y sigo preguntando en qué me equivoqué… ¿Porque te haz ido?
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mosquera-vicente · 1 year
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fuestra · 1 year
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Half of 2023 Topster
1. Pablo Chill-E - El Duende Verde [39 plays]
2. Vicente Garcia - A la Mar [30 plays]
3. Eddy Mugre - Fumate Un Jazz [20 plays]
4. Maisie Peters - You Signed Up For This [15 plays]
5. Solteronas en escabeche - PAN DURO [15 plays]
6. Hot Mulligan - Shhhh! Golf is On [12 plays]
7. Doomed and Stoned Latinoamerica - Doomed & Stoned Latinoamerica Vol. IV [10 plays]
8. Cero - e o [9 plays]
9. Aerstame - Re-Cuerdas (Reversión) [8 plays]
10. Maisie Peters - Trying: Season 2 (Apple TV+ Original Series Soundtrack) [8 plays]
11. Illapu - Con sentido y razón [7 plays]
12. Mecano - Entre el Cielo y el Suelo (Bonus Tracks Edition) [7 plays]
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ricardotomasz · 2 years
Such is life! Behold, a new Post published on Greater And Grander about Director of Fresh Off The Boat, Steven J Kung; S2 E24
See into my soul, as a new Post has been published on https://greaterandgrander.com/director-of-fresh-off-the-boat-steven-j-kung-s2-e24
Director of Fresh Off The Boat, Steven J Kung; S2 E24
Steven J. Kung uses comedy to illuminate things oft unseen which include POC, LGBTQ folx, and his car keys. While at first glance he reminds you of that over-achieving Asian classmate (which self-admittedly, he was), he's also a salsa merengue instructor and very queer. With his encyclopedic knowledge of Dear White People, Steven was promoted to staff writer and he is developing a semi-autobiographical comedy pilot with Lionsgate. As a director, his feature about unapologetically hot Asians, A Leading Man, won multiple awards on the festival circuit. Other credits include the Disney ABC Directing Program and directing Fresh Off The Boat. In another life, Steven worked at the Department of Justice and the Kennedy Center. Now he co-chairs the WGA Asian American Town Hall and serves as co-chair emeritus of the DGA Asian American Committee.
Follow him at https://www.facebook.com/aleadingman
Credits Include...
Dear White People starring Wendie Malick, Nia Long, and Giancarlo Esposito
A Leading Man starring Lilan Bowden
Camp Abercorn starring Brad Leland
The Man Who Shook the Hand of Vicente Fernandez starring Barry Corbin
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Music is Hungaria by Latché Swing.
Episode still image is by Ricardo Tomasz on Greater & Grander.
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radicalrascals · 2 years
The Zealous Journalist
Original Character | FC: Wagner Moura
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Threads | Headcanons | Aesthetics | Open Starters
NAME: Rafael Moreira da Silva
AGE: late 40s - early 50s
SPECIES: human
PROFESSION: journalist
Short Bio
Rafael is an accomplished journalist with a focus on politics and socio-economics. In his long career hes worked as a foreign correspondent, guest lecturer and editor, but ultimately prefers the freedom of freelancing. He's a workaholic to the point that he does neglect himself and the people around him, which ultimately had led to his divorce.
Addendum for the Supernatural verse
Although his brother Nick is a werewolf, Rafael wasn't aware of the supernatural parallel society until recently. He still struggles to cope with his new knowledge, but is eager to learn everything he can, mostly in an attempt to better understand his little brother.
Isabella Perez > [Threads] | [Ship]
Theo Matos > [Tag]
Tisha Whileaway > [Tag] | [Ship]
Ben Hernandez > [Tag]
Jocelyn > [Tag]
Taca Fogo by Tihuana from Ilegal (2000)
Presença by Skank (feat. Emicida) from Presença (2010)
Don't Speak by No Doubt from Tragic Kingdom (1995)
Maka's Song by Abraskadabra from Maka's Song (2007)
Creep by Radiohead from Pablo Honey (1993)
Detailed Profile
FULL NAME: Rafael Moreira da Silva
KNOWN AS: Rafael da Silva
NICKNAMES: Rafa, Rafinha
SPECIES: human
RESIDENCE: São Paulo, Brazil, in hotels all over the globe
PROFESSION: socio-economical & political journalist / foreign correspondent
AGE: late 40s - early 50s
PLACE OF BIRTH: Belo Horizonte, Brazil
PARENTS: Ana Maria Schmidt Moreira (†) & Renato Soares da Silva
SIBLING: Nicolau Moreira da Silva (younger brother)
EX-WIFE: Joana Luíza Ribeiro Pinto de Mello Neves
CHILDREN: Vaneza Talita Pinto da Silva (daughter) & Tiago Vicente Pinto da Silva (son)
FACE CLAIM: Wagner Moura
HEIGHT: 5ft 12 (1.82m)
STYLE: Always well-groomed, Rafael is clean-shaven, wears his grey hair short, and always sports a nice button down, either with a full suit or formal trousers or a bit more casual with a classic jeans.
LANGUAGES: Portuguese (native), German (fluent), English (fluent), Spanish (passable), French (passable)
SPEECH MANNERISM: Rafael's English has a strong Portuguese lilt to it, but he know how to express himself in an eloquent and sophisticated manner. He speaks clear, unhasty and with a low, soothing voice. He usually refrains from cursing, but some situations just ask for it.
STRENGTHS:  his strong sense of justice and a nose for a good story make Rafael a great journalist; he's brave and eloquent and just a bit of a flirt
WEAKNESSES: Rafael tends to put his work before everything else, including friends, family and his own well-being
INTERESTS: his job. there's barely anything outside of it that he registers; although he does enjoy riding his motorcycle and he makes an attempt to reconcile with his children and maybe be better with people in general
VICES: fuelled by his desire to get more work done, and caffeine's limited effect, Rafael resorted to illegal stimulants, and in turn to alcohol to come down. He may have renounced hard drugs, but he still appreciates his booze.
Rafael is romantically and sexually attracted to women, looking for someone to engage in sophisticated conversations as much as silly banter. He needs someone who can accept that he won't always be physically or emotionally available, especially not when hyperfocus strikes. He considers himself just a tad bit dominant in bed, but a true gentleman. Has no issues taking care of household chores but needs reminders. He needs reminders for everything.
Bonus points for muses with the following face claims: Ana de Armas, Camila Pitanga, Alinne Moraes
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