#victor did a magic trick!!
altairring · 1 year
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yeah i google translate-d my way into this skdjsjakks. Look, i am very desperate.
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wonky translation but i get what he means i guess LMFAO
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letter-from-afar · 3 months
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• How do you know about this story, Victor? Did she tell you this herself? Or were you her Aide even when the Queen had just ascended to the throne? If so, how old are you actually? So many questions!!
• So Victor hasn’t told this secret to anyone else... Not even William, then?
• Also, why that child in particular? It sounds like he’s implying something here...
• What if he is the child in question?
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• Firstly, the “resent” section on the Villains’ profile usually gives some information that’s directly linked to their past
• This can be applied to the currently released routes: William with his “restrictions on freedom” and Harrison with his “corruption, police” (Liam’s a different case here)
• In Victor’s profile, it’s stated that he resents “being excluded”. Therefore, it’s likely that he has experienced or witnessed an incident related to this in the past
• The most logical conclusion would be that it is related to his status as the Grim Reaper. It’s only natural if he were feared by others for his connection with Death. Perhaps, that’s why he acts cheerful and lively. So that people aren’t afraid of approaching him. However, it has been seen in events that he does have a hidden side to him — one that is much more dangerous —and he even mentions it in his bond story
• The other plausible conclusion is related to my previous theory that he was that child. Though we don’t know at which age he got his curse, we can safely assume that he’s been working in the palace for a long time, potentially before the Crown was created. In such an environment, it’s easy for him to be discriminated against by politicians and other nobles
• The lack of his last name can connect to these two conclusions. Maybe he doesn’t have one because he’s the Grim Reaper. Or... He had no family at all?
• Let’s look at his other sections: skills — dancing, magic tricks, piano
• Dancing and playing the piano are typically the things you’d learn if you were an aristocrat. Especially at a young age
• This disproves my theory of him being that child. But you know what contradicts this? Sewing and baking/cooking are also one of his skills, though not written explicitly here
• You could argue that he learned to do those things for the sake of the Crown, just like with his magic tricks
• But it’s surely more interesting to think, what if he knew these things from a young age? As a means of survival. Because he only had himself for the longest time until Queen Victoria came along
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• I know he’s exaggerating his feelings here, but what if it’s true? He feels so lonely, all the time, despite being surrounded by everyone.
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• This is addressed towards Harry and Jude, but what if he said this to others before? To stop them from leaving 'cause they didn't want to be around him
• There’s already a lot of theories about the relationship between the Queen and her Aide. Siblings, lovers, friends or even that Victor is the Queen. Who knows?
• Side note: why is Victor always called as eccentric or a weirdo in-game? What has he done to deserve this? He’s just a silly lil guy (called the Grim Reaper)
• Moving on, here’s why I think Darius could possibly be the rival in Victor’s route or vice versa
• Appearance-wise, they both have contrasting colours. And contrasting personalities, for Victor at least
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• Both Lynn and Nica also have whites in their outfits, however, Darius is probably the one with the lightest colours (his golden hair and eyes count too)
• Most of us imagined Victor would’ve been ruthless and wickedly evil based on his dark appearance (not that he isn’t; we simply haven’t seen that side of him). You’d never have expected a villain with the title of Grim Reaper to be some happy-go-lucky single father of 8, would you?
• Darius’ title (not officially translated) is something along the lines of “The Cruel Angel of Distrust”. He’s likely the type to be all polite and kind on the outside while harbouring twisted plans in his mind
• Victor is the leader of Crown whereas Darius is the Chief of Vogel; both organisations have cursed members
• Funnily enough, Darius apparently hates scones. Then there’s the long-haired dad who loves buttering up his scones with EXTRA butter
• Both of them are collecting the Cursed like Pokémon
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• He won't hesitate to steal your girl
• Victor, despite his philosophy of freedom, subtly exerts dominance through his words and actions. It’s not that noticeable because of his carefree attitude, but it’s definitely there
• So how would Darius act?
• Vogel appears to follow a uniform code to some extent, most noticeable with Nica and Lynn
• Both of them also have the Vogel organisation symbol separately on a badge like thing?
• Whereas Darius has his on the neck
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• What in the world are milk puzzles? Does anyone have an answer? (I've received an answer by @/fictional-men-set-my-standard so thank you!)
• This actually makes me think he really likes the colour white. And by extension, purity. He's also the only one wearing gloves in Vogel (Lynn should be wearing gloves too, fingerless ones specifically)
• Proposal: Darius’ nickname should be Darry (or Darrie if you prefer that spelling)
• As previously mentioned, the “Resent” section of each Villains’ profile tends to be related to their past
• For Darius, it says something like “looking after living things,” which makes me think he could've had a pet that died because of him
• His weapon is interesting, the top part resembles the handle of a cane, while the end is sharp like a sword
• His line, “Hello, Cursed and all. Won’t you join me in creating a wonderful world?” is supposed to make him sound kind, but it’s giving the impression that he has a twisted sense of humanity
• Bet he has something against people who are not Cursed, or treats them differently
• Is he a noble by any chance? His whole look screams rich
• This might be an overreach but I NEED him to be this person from Kate’s childhood
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• It could be anyone else but this just feels like it would suit Darius’ nature
• Childhood friend troupe with him aaaaah
• Both variations of his name are cute (Nika/Nica)
• His “Resents” are something like “deep affection”, which is ironic since he’s apparently a frivolous, cunning man who plays around with love. Does his curse involve something with controlling feelings?
• Maybe inside, he’s deprived of love. All playboys are desperately in need of love in their lives
• He sounds like a good rival for Jude, especially with his interest in money and power. Plus, he knows how to forge a person’s writing, which is handy for messing up contracts
• “I’ll play with you like a toy” — Alfons better watch out you’ve got a new competitor
• And for Lynn, his “Resents” say something like “eating alone”? Which makes me think he could have spent a period of time where he ate all by himself, without Nica, at the dinner table...
• And yes, I’m calling Ring “Lynn” because it's much cuter
• His hobby of sitting in the corner of a room oddly reminds me of a doll (or puppet in this case) thrown away, forgotten
• I’m not at all familiar with the story of Swan Lake, so I had to do some research first
• As with all fairytales, there’s going to be many variations and multiple endings, but I’m going to follow the general plot
• The story primarily involves Rothbart, an evil sorcerer who turns Odette into a swan and prevents the curse from being broken by sending his daughter Odile to fool the prince
• Darius’ last name makes more sense when you relate it to his curse, Rothbart, who was able to transform into an owl
• Befitting an owl, Darius also happens to have a sharp sense of sight and smell
• The organisation being called Vogel makes sense now since all their curses are from the Swan Lake, which heavily involves themes of transformation and birds
• Both Nica and Lynn seem to have the same curse, though I think it’s more fitting for Nica
• He is a sly schemer who manipulates feelings, just like Odile, who does it with the prince, by pretending to be Odette
• Lynn is described as Darius’ puppet, and he’s not exactly villainous, judging by his profile.
• His hobbies, skills, and likes remind me more of Odette, but of course, he can’t be the white swan, right?
• All Villains have Curses based on the respective Villain of their fairytale (or an associated object like the magic mirror in Alfons case)
• Which makes me think... What if “curses” also existed for the heroes? What if, instead of being called the Cursed, such people would be called the “Blessed”?
• And they’d have “blessings” based on the protagonist or good guys of the respective fairytale. And their ending will always be happy
• Unless they try to escape it. You know, do things they shouldn’t. Opening secret doors, entering forbidden forests... And falling in love with Villains
Tysm if you've read this far into my rambling ⁠♡ And don't hesitate to interact and share your ideas on this because I would LOVE to hear it
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reccyls · 29 days
Don't Look at Anything Except for Me (Victor story)
My translation of Victor's story for this collection event
Standing in the otherwise empty lounge was a tall box with a handle.
(It looks big enough to fit an entire person inside. I wonder what it's for.)
Just as I was going to open it...
Victor: Looks like you found it.
Surprised, I let go of the handle, and and approached the wryly smiling Victor.
Kate: What's this for?
Victor: A prop for my next magic trick!
He enthusiastically pulled open the box, revealing nothing inside. Just darkness.
Kate: It looks like just a normal box to me... What kind of magic trick can you do with this?
Victor: I'm very glad you asked! A trick where you can escape after being shut within a perfectly ordinary box.
Kate: Ooh, I've seen a magic trick like that before!
Victor: Since Vogel has arrived, I've been thinking about welcoming them with a little magic show. Victor: And I might as well take the chance to add a new trick to my repertoire.
Kate: Vogel did say that they want to build a closer relationship with us. Kate: I should also be talking more to the three of them!
(I am concerned about Harrison's warning, but it's important to know people, too.)
I suddenly realized Victor was staring at me...
Kate: What's wrong?
Victor: You're very kind. Always extending grace to anyone you meet, no matter who they may be. Victor: But... I want you to know more about Crown, as well.
Victor turned his gaze downwards, and his shoulders fell slightly. He looked lonely.
Victor: And of course, more about me, as well.
He gave me a playful wink, as if to say not to mind what he just said.
Victor: And now, to make sure I don't lose your attention, allow me to monopolize your time! Victor: I've never done this trick before, so I'd like your help to practice. How does that sound?
Ecstatic that he wanted to practice with me, I nodded vigorously.
Kate: Absolutely!
I stepped into the box, finding it wide enough to fit me comfortably.
Victor: There's a switch on the inside. If you flip it, the back panel should slide out so you can escape.
But inside the box, I couldn't find the switch.
Victor: The manual said it should be in there. Let me see...
Victor stepped forward, half his body leaning into the box. I watched him intently search for the switch, and then-
Kate: Ah, is that it?
Victor: ! Yes, that's the one!
Finding the slight knob, Victor met my eyes and smiled as he pushed it. And just then--
Victor: Eh?
Kate: Aah!
The door slammed shut, and trapped the two of us inside the box.
Victor: That was a shock... Kate, are you all right?
Kate: Yes, I'm fine...
(What do we do? He's way too close...!)
Our bodies were so close that I could hear the sound of his breathing clear as day. He had his hands pressed up against the back wall, so there was a bit of a gap. Perhaps it was due to the darkness, but I felt as though any slight movement in any direction would lead to us being pressed flush against one another.
Kate: Y-you know how to escape from the inside, right?
I tried to hide my nervousness with a question.
Victor: .......Unfortunately, I don't.
His answer was exactly what I didn't want to hear.
Victor: I thought that switch was supposed to be for that exact purpose. Victor: We may have no other choice but to wait until someone lets us out.
Kate: No way...
(Maybe if we press that switch again?)
Kate: Let's try pressing the switch again! I'm pretty sure it was somewhere around here...
Victor: Ahhh!
My finger poked into Victor's side, and he let out a yelp I'd never heard from him before.
Kate: S-sorry!
Victor: It's fine. I was just surprised, that's all.
Perhaps the cramped conditions were getting to be a bit too much for Victor, because he bent an arm. I stifled a gasp at how close we had become. A lock of his silky hair brushed across my cheek. His voice carried the soft texture of a cool night's air. For some reason, my face felt hot where his hair had fallen across it.
(If we don't get out right now... My heart isn't going to be able to take any more of this.)
I ran my hand along the wall again, in the hopes that I'd find something that could hasten our escape by even a single second.
Victor: Kate?
Kate: Maybe I can find the switch by touch.
Victor: That's a good idea, I'll try too-- !!
Kate: Ack!
Because of our movements, the box began to wobble, throwing me off balance. In a panic, I tried to stand, but only ended up with my legs around Victor's, almost as if straddling him.
Victor: Sorry for this. I'm going to try to get us out of here, but I'll need to move a little.
Kate: W-wait a second-- mm....
I tried to scramble for a better position, but there wasn't any space inside the cramped box. Victor's knee pressed between between my legs, digging right into where I was most sensitive...
(Oh no, I can feel my body start to respond--)
My toes curled as Victor's movements caushed his knee to continue to rub in between my legs. I gripped his shirt, trying to endure the sensations.
Kate: It's fine. Please stop moving.
Victor: !
I heard his breath catch, before his knee pushed me back.
Victor: ...I'm sorry.
As I looked up, there was an apologetic expression on his face. And then with a crash and a hard impact, throwing my face upwards. My lips brushed right against the mole at his lips.
Kate: --The door's open...?
Beyond Victor, I could see the familiar sights of the castle's lounge. Unsteadily, I made my way out of the box and collapsed on the spot out of pure relief.
Victor: Are you hurt?
I looked up at Victor's worried expression, his hand extended to me to help me up.
(Right at the very end, I almost kissed Victor...)
Embarrassed and uncomfortable, I couldn't meet his eyes as I took his hand.
Kate: ...I'm okay.
Victor: If we'd been stuck in there any longer, my heart might have exploded.
His tone was light as he turned to look back at the box. That was when I noticed.
Amidst his flowing black hair, his ears had turned faintly red.
(Maybe I'm wrong? But, if he realized what happened too...)
Victor: Kate?
The voice that called my name carried just a hint of seductiveness. And I could feel the heat we shared while trapped in the box stlil lingering.
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judesmoonbeauty · 26 days
Only Look At Me CE: Victor
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This is a fan translation only. Not 100% accurate, so please expect grammatical errors. Cybird owns everything. Re-blogs are appreciated, but please do not post my translations elsewhere. Dividers: @/natimiles. Thank you for your support! ☾.
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There was a large long box  with a handle that was placed in the lounge room.
(It’s big enough for someone to fit inside, but I wonder what it’s going to be used for.)
Just as I tried to open it -
Victor: Seems like it’s been found.
Surprised by his voice I let go of it, he approached with a bitter smile on his face.
Kate: What is this?
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Victor: It’s a new magic trick gadget!
Opening the box revealed nothing, but a dark empty space.
Kate: It looks like an ordinary box…..what sort of magic tricks can it do?
Victor: I’m glad you asked!* It’s a magic trick you can use to escape from an ordinary box.
Kate: Oh, I’ve seen that before!
Victor: Since Vogel is here, I was thinking of performing a magic show as a welcome reception.
Victor: I wanted to take the opportunity to try something new.
Kate: Well, they did say they wanted to deepen our friendship.
Kate: I should also speak to and get to know them!
(I know what Harrison said, but it’s important to get to know the person.)
I suddenly noticed Victor staring at me…..
Kate: What’s the matter?
Victor: You’re such a kind-hearted young lady, but I want you to know more about Crown.
His shoulders were slumped down, and he seemed lonely,
Victor: And of course, about me too.
I could tell by his playful wink, that he really didn’t mind.
Victor: Now, in order to regain Miss Robin’s attention, I shall monopolize your time!
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Victor: First of all, I’d like for you to help me practice some magic tricks, okay?
I was happy when he said that he wanted me to help him practice, so I gave a BIG nod.
Kate: Please just leave it to me!
Once I entered the box, I found that it was spacious enough for one person to fit inside.
Victor: There is a mechanism inside, and if you touch it, the back plate comes off.
There wasn’t any switch in the box,
Victor: The manual should be around here somewhere, but…..
He leaned forward, half way inside.
As I watched his hands search for the switch earnestly,
Kate: Oh, isn’t this it?
Victor: THAT’S IT!!
I found a slight protrusion, and he happily pressed it.
The next moment,
Victor: Huh?
Kate: Woah.
The door suddenly closed and we were trapped inside the box.
Victor: That was surprising….are you alright, Kate?
Kate: Yea, I’m okay……
(What should I do, we’re super close…!)
With our bodies close together, I could hear our breathing in a way I normally couldn’t.
There was a small gap between us thanks to his hand against the wall, but in this darkness, with the slightest movement we’d be pressed together.
Kate: You know how to open it from the inside, right?
I asked trying to hide my nervousness,
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Victor: …….I don’t know.
I never expected him to say that.
Victor: I thought the switch from earlier was for the escape door.
Victor: We might have to wait for someone to open it.
Kate: To wait for…..
(I was thinking that if we pressed the switch again, it would open.)
Kate: Let’s press it again! It’s around here….
Victor: Woah.
My fingers touched his side and he let out a sound I’ve never heard before.
Kate: S-sorry!
Victor: It’s okay, I was just a little surprised.
He bent his arm as it seemed to be getting tired.
I gasped as we grew closer, his glossy hair brushing against my cheek.
His soft voice, his scent of a cold night, I felt heat run to my cheeks where his hair touched.
(We need to get out of here soon….my heart can’t handle this.)
I placed my hand against the door to get out as quickly as possible.
Victor: Kate?
Kate: If I keep touching it, I might be able to find the switch.
Victor: That’s right, I’ll look for it too!
Kate: Kyaaa.
As I moved, the box shook causing me to loose my balance.
I quickly try to stand, but ended up straddling his lap.
Victor: Sorry, I’ll move if you lift your hips a little.
Kate: Just give me a moment, hng.
No matter what I did, I couldn’t change my position in the narrow box.
His knee pushed up between my legs, rubbing back and forth.
(My body’s reacting, what should I do?)
My toes twitched as his knee rubbed against my sensitive spot, while I clutched his shirt to brace myself.
Kate: It’s alright, please don’t move.
Victor: [Gasp]!
I hear a gasp as his knees push my body up.
Victor: ……I’m sorry.
When I looked up I saw an apologetic look on his face, there was a crash and my lips hit his beauty mark.
Kate: Ah, it’s open…..?
Normal scenery came into view, I stumbled a bit when I exited the box, and collapsed in relief.
Victor: Are you hurt?
I looked up at him as he held out his hand worriedly
(Come to think of it, I kissed Victor in the end…..)
Feeling both sorry and embarrassed, I took his hand without making eye contact.
Kate: …..I’m not hurt.
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Victor: If we’d been trapped any longer, I think my heart would’ve exploded.
He spoke in a cheerful tone as he turned towards the box, and I suddenly noticed something.
Amidst his glowing black hair, his ears were slightly red.
(Did I see that wrong? But, I guess he’s aware of it too…..?)
Victor: Kate?
His voice somehow sounded lustrous as he called my name, and the heat that I felt inside that narrow box lingered.
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Tagslist: : @sh0jun @theimaginativelyreticent @sapphire-323 @letter-from-afar * I was torn between this line. It seems like it could also be rendered as [I'm glad you were to listening!], implying that no one gives Victor the time of day when he talks about magic, but I chose to render it as I did above.
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Vivi is so cuuuute! His little ear blush!!
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dark-frosted-heart · 2 months
Roger Barel Main Route - Chapter 7
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As usual, can’t guarantee 100% accuracy on this. I’m doing this for archiving purposes and you can probably find a better translation out there.
Roger and I headed to our mission destination by train.
(We’re runaway lovers that wound up at the village after having nowhere to go)
…That’s what Victor’s having us pretend to be to hide our identities.
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Roger: Because everyone in this village welcomed us so warmly, I was able to save my beloved girlfriend from starvation.
(What’s with the sudden change in speech and refreshing smile? Who are you?)*
Though relieved that we safely made our way into the village, I was thrown off by Roger’s sudden transformation.
Roger: Kate, we will happily settle in this village.
Kate: Y-yes. Let’s be happy here, R-Roger.
Roger kissed my cheek, making my fake smile even more awkward.
However, Roger’s convincing performance was a success and the villagers welcomed us with open arms, serving us welcoming meals one after another.
Woman of the village: You must have been nervous. You’ll stay safe in this village because our Spirit God gives protection to everything.
Man of the village: Ah, indeed! Those who believe in the Spirit God will be saved as he is the one who can ward off any disease.
Spirit God: …
The villagers beamed at a man sitting in the middle of the room who hadn’t said a word since we arrived.
(...This is the Spirit God)
(He looks around 50 years old? And looks like your average human)
However, as Fairytale Keeper who’s witnessed evil up close, I now understood.
A human’s outward appearance belied evil that dwelled in their heart.
(Even so, it seemed like stories of “disease being warded off” in this village were widely accepted)
(A mere human couldn’t possibly ward off disease. There had to be some kind of trick—)
Kate: Hm?
I felt a tug on my skirt and turned to see a little girl that looked around five years old standing there with a smile.
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Blonde child: Is id nummy?
(Huh…her speech…? Maybe it’s because she’s still young?)
Kate: Yeah, it’s really delicious. Thank you.
When I thanked her, the girl smiled back happily.
This village was very peaceful and full of smiles.
It felt like a utopia where all things scary were removed.
—Unfortunately, there was no such thing in this world.
(Something’s up with this village)
Sometime after being welcomed by everyone, Roger and I finally found ourselves alone.
Roger: This village’s so fishy it’s laughable.
Kate: Yeah, I thought so too. This village…there’s something going on.
The Spirit God’s existence, in addition to some other sense of discomfort that I couldn’t put a name to.
Roger: Let’s hear your point of view first, lil’ lady.
Kate: If what Victor said about an undercover police being killed was true, Then the villagers wouldn’t be as welcoming to newcomers. It wouldn’t have been strange for them to turn us away. But they were all so friendly. While I don’t want to question their generosity, I think…we should keep our guard up.
(Maybe there was something hiding behind all those smiles…)
Roger: Yeah, I was thinking the same. What about you, Liam?
Kate: Huh, Liam?
(That’s right, Liam went ahead of us to gather intelligence…)
I looked around but didn’t see him anywhere.
Kate: Liam, are you hurt or anything? Hungry?  
When I called out to the room, only my voice echoed.
Liam’s voice: Hehe, I’m not hungry or hurt. Also, I’m on the other side.
Kate: Ah, sorry. Huh, how did you know where he was, Roger?
Roger: My ears picked up his heartbeat and presence. So disappearing on me’s useless.
Liam: My power and Roger’s aren’t compatible at all. Let’s move somewhere else.
With Liam concealing the sound of his footsteps, I was completely at a loss.
I followed Roger out to a place a little ways away from the villager’s homes.
The moment we stopped, Liam appeared out of nowhere like magic.
(The power to disappear’s amazing)
Liam: I’ll tell you guys everything I’ve learned about the village in the past few days. In short, this village…or rather, the Spirit God, is bad.
Kate: I thought so. How is he warding off diseases?
The most important thing was the trick that got the villagers to believe in him.
Liam: The trick’s simple. He’s not warding them off, just giving them to non-believers.
(No way…)
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Liam: The Spirit God poisons anyone that doesn’t worship him or doubts him. Unaware of this trick, the villagers are deluded into thinking they’re being protected from disease. Hey Roger, have you heard of Gracefield Royal Hospital? The man they call the Spirit God used to be a doctor there.
(Gracefield Royal Hospital…?)
Roger: The hospital’s been around for a while. There’s a lot of brilliant doctors, but a high turnover rate. Useless doctors were shunned and fired.
Kate: You’re pretty knowledgable.
Roger: They left a long time ago and opened their own private practice, but my old man and his “cherished friend” used to be doctors there.
(A cherished friend…)
There was some warmth in Roger’s voice when he said that.
Roger: With this, all that’s left is getting physical evidence…
Liam: Ah, I also found a medicine cabinet. Roger can tell which one’s poison.
Roger: As expected from our cat. Nice job, Liam.
Liam: I’m glad everything went smoothly.
At that moment, Roger’s eyebrows shot up.
Liam: …Hm, what’s wrong Roger?
Roger: …
His eyes peered into the darkness.
Roger: …I can “hear” people coming from all sides.
Kate: Huh?
Roger: Yeah, there’s quite a few people. Is that how the villagers assemble?
Kate: Are we surrounded?!
Roger: Haha, looks like it. Well, we’ll just have to settle this fast.
Apparently Roger intended to take them head-on.
Liam: Yeah, it’ll be fine. Doesn’t matter how many come at us, we won’t lose.
(Liam too!)
Kate: The entire village has roughly 200 people.
Roger: We can take 100 each.
Kate: Are you insane?!
As we continued bickering, I heard footsteps approaching— 
A candle flames floated in the darkness.
Roger: Here they come.
Man of the village: …I knew you were a threat to our village.
Woman of the village: And they have a friend too. Disgusting, how did he even get in.
Liam: I’ve been here the whole time.
(It was as if the peaceful atmosphere they had greeted us with was all a lie)
The villagers’ eyes were cold and I sensed that they were willing to do anything to eliminate any foreign entities within their sandbox.
They were like mindless puppets controlled by the “Spirit God”.
Man of the village: Spirit God, what should we do with them?
Spirit God: Seize them. I will use my abilities to punish traitors.
Roger sneered at those words.
Roger: Ability, huh? If you were a Cursed One, I’d keep you alive as another on my list of precious test subjects… Too bad you’re not. Liam, go nuts. We’ll capture him.
Liam: …Roger that**
As Liam was about to pounce, daggers gleaming in hand—
A scream erupted in the crowd.
(What just happened?!)
When I realized that the girl lying beside the screaming woman was the little blonde girl who talked to me during dinner, I ran toward her.
Kate: Out of the way!
Woman of the village: What, don’t come any closer.
I was pushed back when I desperately tried to reach the girl lying in pain.
Kate: Now is not the time for this!
Woman of the village: If you hadn’t come here, none of this would’ve happened, you disease-carrying demons!
I saw her raise her hand and braced myself for a slap on the cheek.
Roger: Enough. We had nothing to do with the girl collapsing.
At the sound of his voice, I opened my eyes and saw Roger holding the woman’s wrist.
Thank you
Sorry for acting on impulse
Please help that girl +4 +4
Kate: Roger, please help that girl.
Roger: Yeah, leave her to me.
With Roger’s intimidating aura parted the crowd, allowing us to reach the girl.
Blonde child: …Ugh…
The girl’s body was stiff. Her eyes were wide open and her limbs were twitching. 
Kate: What do we do, Roger?
Roger: Based on her symptoms, it looks like tetanus. It’s a bacterial infection from a wound that affects the nerves. It makes it difficult to open your mouth, and eventually, it causes muscle spasms and paralysis.
Worst case, those infected will have a hard time breathing and die.
Kate: No way…
Roger: Anway, look for any wounds on the girl.
Roger and I examined the girl’s body and found a scratch on her calf.
Roger: …
Child’s mother: Spirit God! Please cure my child’s illness!
Spirit God: …
The man they called the Spirit God started backing away.
Child’s mother: …What’s wrong? Why aren’t you…
Roger: Relying on this guy’s not gonna do anything. He’s not some guy with special powers. He’s just a quack pretending to ward off disease by poisoning people.
Man of the village: That’s impossible! Our Spirit God’s a child of God granted with special powers!
Roger: Then why isn’t he saving this child in pain? Why didn’t you know she had tetanus until it got to this point? A false god can’t cure disease, but proper medicine can treat tetanus.
Spirit God: He’s lying! Tetanus cannot be treated!
At the Spirit God’s desperate cry, Roger looked at him with pity.
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Roger: That’s ‘cause the medical knowledge in that brain of yours is outdated. There’s a treatment for tetanus. However, practical use is a miracle and there’s still some room for improvement.
(A treatment’s been discovered…)
Kate: Really, Roger?
Roger: Yeah. Though only the privileged class has access to it and it’s not available to the common citizen at all.
Spirit God: …Hahaha! If it’s not widely available, then it’s the same as saying she can’t be saved! Ah, that’s right. No one in this world can make diseases completely disappear. And yet, you all put your faith in me…It’s your fault for being foolish enough to put your trust in me.
Girl’s mother: …
With one hand, Roger grabbed the Spirit God by the neck.
Spirit God: Urk?!
As he tightened his grip, the Spirit God’s face began to turn red.
Roger: Did you never learn to let people finish talking while you were in your mama’s womb? Sure, treatment for tetanus isn’t widely available. But if you don’t have it, then you make it.
Spirit God: You can’t possibly…
Roger: As a former doctor, I can.
*Here, Roger is speaking more politely and softens himself by using boku as his personal pronoun instead of his usual ore. Originally, Kate goes (Boku? [...]) but changes in JP pronouns don’t translate well in English.
**Ok this time didn’t resist using “roger” for 了解.
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yuurei20 · 10 months
Strange question but!! Yk how the villains are treated as heroes? How on earth did the heroes stories work if they, uh, yk, dont have the villains? Like i briefly remember TWST!Jafar hijacking Aladdin’s plan to fake being a prince, so theres not rlly any more “aladdin” story, but im curious how other stories went if u know! Are the OG heroes still treated as heroes, etc etc, that fun stuff
Hello hello! Thank you so much for this question!!
The different interpretations of history that seem exist in Twst are fascinating, and one of my favorite things is the part in Book 6 where Lilia seems to insinuate that the Disney stories that we know might not actually be what really happened, because history is written by the victors:
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These "classic" stories--were they, too, twisted to suit an agenda? Is the truth closer to what is taught as history in Twst, or is it somewhere in the middle? It is so interesting to think about!
For the most part it seems that the heroes from the stories we know are not turned into villains in Twst, and the deeds that are attributed to them were actually done by multiple characters from different folklore:
For example, Harveston has stories about miners and customs based on "a young lady who made a wish at a well," a "traveler" who cleaned a stranger's home and then a tale about "some princess who wished to fall in love right away," as if the young lady, princess and traveler are three separate people.
While basing their traditions on the miners, the lady and traveler, they also deify the Fairest Queen, as if they are all independent individuals with no overlap.
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One of the more interesting parts of the Fairest Queen's history, in particular, is that there is actually a "dastardly villain" in Harveston folklore that stalks a woman who is then saved by forest creatures.
The huntsman is--just like the queen--not a villain in the Twst universe. Who was who, and what really happened? 👀
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For the Scalding Sands, it seems that the unnamed princess and the sultan from local stories are just as revered as the Sorcerer of the Sands himself, with the sultan known to be the person who named the Sorcerer as his vizier and retaining their connection from the story we know.
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Much like in Harveston, the history of the Scalding Sands seems to attribute what we believe to be the history of just one character to multiple individuals: Kalim talks about the Sorcerer saving his country from a street rat, who was a swindler/charlatan/usurper who tried to trick the sultan and princess, in a rare case of a "hero" being vilified.
But they also have folklore about "a poor but kind-hearted young man" who shared his food with children, and whose marriage to the beautiful princess they celebrate every year with a festival.
Whereas the Disney movies make the charlatan and the kind man into one person, in Twst's history it seems they were two different people.
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Diasomnia is very big on the Thorn Fairy, and they also talk about the human king who feared her, the princess whose birthday she was not invited to (Silver: "Was their king raised in a barn?") and the three presents that the princess received.
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Lilia talks about a trio of fairies that were not able to break the Thorn Fairy's curses and also put an entire kingdom to sleep, while Silver comments on how Lilia is consciously, intentionally emulating the three fairies from that tale with his cooking.
Silver and Malleus discuss "some faeries" raising a child for 16 years without magic, but they do not seem to know why they did so, and it is unclear if they believe that those faeries and the three faeries that put the kingdom to sleep are the same or different people.
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Heartslabyul seems to separate Alice into two different characters as well, referring to a 1-km-tall giant that the Queen of Hearts tried in court and a child that got lost in the castle as if they were two people.
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The only reference we get of the "heroes" of the Lion King tale are Jack referring to the King of Beast's "rascal of a nephew" and Leona mentioning that he deposed his brother "to build a better, wiser kingdom."
While the characters seem similar to the stories we know it's possible that the timelines are slightly different, with the rebirth of the pridelands being attributed to the King of Beasts himself rather than his nephew.
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The history of the Sea Witch in Twst might be the most fascinating: the characters reference the Sea Witch taking someone's voice for a contract and making a shapeshifting potion to facilitate love between a mermaid and a human, but also turning herself into a human and being proposed to by a prince the next day, with no acknowledgement that the human from the first tale and the prince from the second might have been the same person.
They also talk about the eels flipping over a boat and a mermaid princess who had trouble walking on land, but there is no mention of the princess being in the boat in the eel story.
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Octavinelle even acknowledges that the Sea Witch once made herself huge and sunk a ship with a whirlpool and "some even labeled her a monster," saying that she was later lauded as a compassionate figure after turning over a new leaf. (While the less-than-pleasant deeds done by the Sorcerer, the Fairest Queen and the King of Beasts in the stories that we know are never mentioned.)
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Silver's tale from Halloween seems to be an exception to this rule. Everything done by the "hero" in the tale we know is still attributed to the hero in the story that Silver knows, and the enemy army is still the enemy army.
To the initial question: it seems that the heroes from the histories that we know are still being regarded as heroes in Twst (though they tend to get separated into multiple people), while the characters that we know as villains are also highly regarded. This sometimes includes their pasts (in the case of the Sea Witch and the Queen of Hearts), being separated from their pasts (in the case of the Hunter) or with no mention of their pasts (the King of Beasts, the Sorcerer of the Sands, the Fairest Queen, the Thorn Fairy).
(Not a lot of information about the King of the Underworld when compared to the others! Idia mostly just talks about how charismatic he was. Ortho suggests something about "the truth" about him being closer to Idia's own situation than they have been taught, but Idia is not convinced.)
Also: there is a reference to a hero rescuing his ladylove from the Underworld in Book 6, so it seems the hero in that tale remains a hero in Twst as well!
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yanderepuck · 4 months
I am upset that the ikevil guys don't have pets.. but it's also for the best..but I also want there to be a single castle pet that they all take care of. But there's no communication on how to take care of it.
How many breakfasts has that fucker had bc everyone kept giving it breakfast?
Liam never went to sleep so he fed it.. but then William got up and fed it bc he doesn't know Liam does. Then Roger got up later and was like "wtf, why did no one feed you" and feeds it to be responsible, thinking he's the only responsible one.
Victor never stops with the treats and turns it into a whole magic trick every time.
Elbert keeps trying to steal it going "you're so beautiful" and Alfons has to take it from him
Jude is having a little stare down with it thinking that it'll make it feel like Jude is the dominant one with power.
Ellis never stops playing with it, making it nearly pass out bc so much play time.
It keeps following Harrison around and he has no clue why, so now he just takes it everywhere.
No one can figure out how it keeps gaining weight, meanwhile it's eaten 4 breakfasts and Victor pulled 7 treats out of thin air.
It's very well loved however.
Roger just wishes it would stay out of the lab. He now has to baby proof it even more.
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welp-back-on-my-bs · 2 months
I think I'll make one lil story for each ikemen game (maybe obey me too, haven't decided) with a disabled MC, because I personally like what I've seen of the rep (haven't completed everything but ye-)
Deaf reader x IkeVil
You were a maid that worked under the crown. Not the crown that meant the royal family or the queen however. The Crown was a group of individuals, who had their own oddities, working under the queen to 'destroy evil with evil'. You were never told this, but they did talk about it alot.
You couldn't hear, like the rest of your co workers, but you were skilled in lip reading. You weren't able to pick up everything due to mouths being coverd or them talking too slow or too fast. But, you didn't want to pay attention to everything anyways.
Master William was always so kind and sweet to everyone. He was the reason you and your Co workers had the job in the first place. He let you all do what you wanted within the realms of your job of course.
Master Victor was allways quite entertaining, he would often ask things for magic tricks, insiting you to stay and watch. He sometimes fell asleep at his desk in the middle of working on some documents, so you would go in and put a blanket on him and turn out the lights.
Master Liam was quite sweet and charming, he did everything in his power to make the maids like him. Of course, they all did. He allways asks for odd things and rarely the same thing twice except when it comes to his favorites. It was allways interesting, finding him such odd things and seeing what he does, you couldn't help but smile at the child like joy radiating off of him.
Master Harrison was quite the odd one. He liked toying around alot, but you manged to figure out some things. You often found some new books by Arthur Connan Doyale for him, or other novels he may like. He allways smiled and hugged you tightly when gifting them.
Master Elbert was... quite odd. He often had many lavish and beautiful things brought to his room. Stored there for all time. A bad habit of his was just not eating, so to conteract that, you found a way to get him to eat. You would make food that was just appealing enough to be eaten, not too perfect or beautiful to be stored away to rot, but just enough that he would eat it. He allways thanked you and fed you some aswell.
Master Alfonse often helped you out, especially when it comes to Master Elbert. He allways insisted on it even. Later on he would ask for something random if yours, being quite teasing and takeing it back.
Master Roger was the Crowns doctor, so whenever you worked with him, he was often takeing care of Jude or Liam. You have grown to become a good nurse and became quite skilled at helping him out and anticipating what he needs. He is quite grateful for your assistance and gifts you little things as thanks.
Master Jude is often doing something in relation to his buisness or sitting in the library reading. So you would often bring him tea or coffee, whatever he was feeling that day. He didn't show his thanks when there was someone else in the room, but when it was you two, he did sign it to you. Him doing that often made your day a little brighter.
Master Ellis was allways worried about everyone else happiness. So, you did what you could to make him happy in turn. The two of you often had long conversations in sign and you massaged him aswell if he looked extra stressed due to Jude giveing him alot of work. He allways seemed so happy when you were around.
Mistress Kate (that's MC's name right?? T-T) is the newest member of the crown. When she first got here she seemed so scared and alone. So you did what you could to comfort her, leaveing her little letters, tea and snacks, a book or two. Whatever you could to make it a little easier. She never really asked for much at first. When she started to get more comfortable, she fit right in with the rest of your masters. You two would often hangout and have some tea together, signing about how your days have been. She checked in to see if any of your fellow maids needed any help or anythjng if the sort. She was allways so sweet. You hoped your masters wouldn't take too big of an advantage over that.
Overall, you couldn't help but be happy to serve such wonderful masters. They made you feel right at home and that you belonged there
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ethereal-blossom · 11 hours
Deep dive on Victor and his possible past + curse
This man is as attractive as he is mysterious and the curiosity is killing me, so I just need to let out some thoughts.
** I'm going to be referencing some translations and posts so I'll link them and their OP's (I'm too afraid to tag hehe but they deserve all the love and appreciation🩷)
Be aware of JP and EN spoilers
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First, what are some things we know and are safe to assume when it comes to Victor? He's the co-founder of Crown and the Queen's Aide. I think it's safe to assume Victor is the oldest in Crown; Harrison calls him an old goat, he acts like a mom, and I believe in the Valentine event the dynamic between Harry and Victor was labeled child-parent. Through this detailed post that @/kurishiri made we can guess that Victor is 30/32+ years, which I have to subjectively note is very hot. William was 14 when he was invited to the castle where he met Victor, meaning that Victor has been associated with the castle for at least 14 years. Was he already the Queen's Aide back then? High-likely, yes.
But how long exactly has Victor been the Queen's Aide? And how did he become one in the first place? One thing that stands out to me is this dialogue in Victor's Wicked Little Secret event:
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For context, Victor is sharing why he started doing magic tricks. He explains it's traced back to the queen and how she does them as a reminder of how difficult but precious it is to get someone to smile.
Of course, it can be that Victor simply didn't go with the queen to the slums that day or that she told him about it, but I like to think about the possibility he didn't know the queen at this point but knew about it anyways because he was a kid in the slums. It might explain why he doesn't necessarily pay attention to status and why he treats people such as the villagers and Kate as his equals despite being the most powerful man in the country. Does he stay humble due to perhaps having experienced the lack of power, money, and status to a severe degree? And is the Victorian slums the reason why he suffered enough pain for a lifetime?
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@/Reccyls translated an event in which the suitors are meant to win over Kate's heart by having her give the suitor a heart-shaped necklace. Jude, Roger, and Alfons are being very proactive while Elbert, William, and Victor are drinking tea. The nobles team points out there's no rush because it's the end of the day that matters. Victor agrees but then suggests they're also probably laid back because they are rich. It might be nothing but if you ask me, that's pretty self-aware and honest for a rich person. Not every rich person will realize having money does influence you, and not everybody loves to point out the frowned upon behavior that comes along with money, especially when it applies to yourself. So, it's a very small thing to say and I might be reading too much into it, but I think the people who know the affect of money better than anyone are the people who weren't born first class.
Victor continues to point out what makes William and Elbert rich, but right when he wants to talk about himself he cuts himself off (🖕/affectionately) . It confuses me because sir, you are the Queen's Aide. Why is it a mystery that you're rich? Elbert asks if Victor comes from nobility but we never get a yes or no answer to that. So is there still a chance he might have been born in a rich family? Yeah, but I'm not a strong believer of it. Victor is known to cook and sew, and I don't remember where or when but I believe he said somewhere that if he can do it himself he won't let the maids do it. Does that sound like the skills and the mindset of a man born in nobility during the Victorian age? Not to me, so here comes my next thought: what if queen Victoria has taken young Victor under her wing?
I don't know how it would necessarily end up like this, though. But I was thinking: it didn't go unnoticed by us that Victor and Victoria's names are scarily similar to each other (it's like yeah whatever we're a bit like Sherlock ourselves yknow💅). What if his name was quite literally inspired by the Queen's name in the story itself? Maybe Victor chose it or Victoria gave it to him.
Because @/shatcey recently made a post pointing out that William said "the man who calls himself Victor." I heavily agree with her that the phrasing is suspicious, mostly because of Victor as a character.
If he is from the slums then perhaps he's an orphan who doesn't know his actual name, or maybe he took up another name? If Victor is not his actual name, it might explain why we don't have a last name in the first place. Also, @/otomefiend translated the Black Wedding event when it came out in JP. While the official English translation uses "business smile" to describe Victor wearing a smile to bury his dark comment, I like her translation saying "Victor, the Queen's Aide' expression" much better. I genuinely could go into depth about this but I sadly digress. It makes me think back on the summary reccyls did for the first christmas event wherein Victor was wondering if he should give a "Victor-like" response.
Naturally, it can also mean he just has different persona's connected to his masks as this is a reoccurring theme and topic in his content. Victor said in the Between Villains' epilogue (translated by otomefiend) that he wants to be seen as the gentle Queen's Aide by Kate, so after showing a bit of his darker side it's natural he goes back to his gentle side that still implies distance to ease Kate. However, that doesn't make any of his masks a lie or someone he is not. Important disclaimer to put out there because this doesn't have to be proof that Victor isn't who he says he is. The phrasing just reminded me of this.
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So, it wouldn't be a deep dive if I didn't talk about the theory that Victor might be the queen. Harrison has pointed out twice that Victor lies a lot. I think it'd be so funny if Harry is going to be like "stay away from Kate you old goat >:(" in Victor's route and then William is going to be the complete opposite like "listen to your desires and get a room already :)"
I think we might have seen the queen once, but it's canon that people have cosplayed her so who says it doesn't happen all the time? Victor only has to say the Queen's safety is in danger and then someone will fill in. I think it's safe to assume Cybird is making us doubt whether the queen is alive on purpose and what does that say about the mystery? You don't create mystery when there's nothing to reveal.
In Wrapped in Wicked Romance, something broke from the Queen's tea set only for Victor to reveal that, surprise, it's his own set! During the first anniversary epilogue (talked about by shatcey here) Kate gets told the queen is waiting for her in Victor's office and surprise, it's Victor! Or how in Between Two Villains it's mentioned how Victoria doesn't seem human because of the dedication she has as queen but then the doubt of humanity is a theme in Victor's events as well. Or how in Harrison's route Jude is reading the morning's newspaper and it mentions a criminal situation and surprise, Victor shows up from behind and says the queen ordered a mission related to it... almost like he overheard the news and decided on the spot it had to be dealt with.
To be honest, I don't know what to think when it comes to the queen. If she's actually dead, I think she might have died from an illness and then the veil + private persona might have been crafted to make it easier to look like she's alive (a bit like this one thing in Ikemen Prince). Why she should give the impression of being alive? I don't know, there's a high chance I am reaching. Maybe the queen is very healthy and happily living her introverted life.
Going back to another translation by reccyls, here Victor ends on the note that even if he has feelings for Kate he can't offer anything as "I belong to her majesty/ Victor belongs to Victoria." Ignore that you can call me the wicked witch of the west with how green of envy I turned, but this stood out to me a lot.
I think it shows an incredible amount of dedication and loyalty, and I read it in two ways. If Victor was saved by Victoria, it might be that he feels like he owes her himself, or perhaps a deal/promise was made? But, in a way, I also read it as Victor belonging to England. His loyalty towards queen Victoria is loyalty towards the safety and well-being of England, a land he's passionate about keeping safe.
The relationship between Victor and Victoria is lowkey fascinating to me because if she's still alive, they have been together for so many years. Victor always talks so positively about her so even though we barely interacted with her, I became to really like and admire ikevil!Victoria. Victor is also the only one who we know speaks with the queen directly. For the tea set mentioned earlier, Victor said he replaced them with his own because he is known to break them when he and the queen are drinking tea. Victor braids the queen's hair and helps her with fashion. William even said in this event translated by @/judesmoonbeauty that the queen knows everything about Victor.
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We've almost reached the end but the last thing I want to talk about is Victor's birthday event translated by @/archiveikemen. Victor murders a bunch of criminals with what I assume is his curse or something in that direction. He commands them to succumb to his wickedness and the people essentially kill themselves with a peaceful expression. William makes a comment about it, saying these men look as if almost possessed by a God. Victor thinks to himself it's like saying "Her Majesty The Queen" was no God, and then he says humans can never be God. To be honest, I'm slightly confused because I feel like this can mean different things. When Will makes his comment he's speaking about the peaceful faces, so I don't think he's talking about how the criminals were unhealthily worshipping the queen but I assume he's talking about Victor's ability.
One of the reasons why I think it's a curse is because of this post Shatcey made. One of the screenshots translates to Victor saying he doesn't want Kate to end up lying at his feet with a happy face. It sounds an awful lot like what happened to the criminals in the event. Victor worrying about Kate's fate like that makes me believe it might has something to do with the fate of his possible curse. Think about it: Kate essentially gets dragged in every cursed fate of the suitors and if Victor is another cursed individual, it's high-likely his curse is related to death.
There must be something special going on, though. Is Victor's curse like any other but kept a mystery because something about Victor's identity should stay a mystery? Or is there actually something special about his curse or whatever ability he has? Because his birthday event convinced me he's not an ordinary human. However, something special must be going on for this to be a mystery.
Funny story but for a while I thought that if Victor is cursed it might be Ursula from The Little Mermaid. Sometimes you can see Easter eggs of the suitor's curses back in the outfit designs so when I looked at Victor's outfit, I saw he has scrubs on his jacket (reminding me of fish) and something that looks like knots/ropes (reminding me of sailboats), plus the deep blue and black aesthetic still reminds me of the dark sea. There is also a part in the christmas event where Victor thinks to himself he has sacrificed his human soul to death in order to get what he has now, and who has a song about doing business with poor unfortunate souls?
In this flashback translated by reccyls, I think we are witnessing the moment he's sacrificing his soul. He has a choice that'll impact him as a person greatly and I feel like it's safe to assume he's close to dying, so it'd make sense if this part of his life triggered a curse related to death. Also, his flashback says "the path of becoming the dust of history" which is another reason why I think Victor might have come from the slums, or at least not nobility. It sounds like Victor himself thought he had left no footprint on the world, which actually aligns with his character if you read the translation of Will saying Victoria knows Victor better than anyone till the end.
But I got sidetracked a lot. I think the comment Victor made about the queen in his birthday event is another micro-hint. I sometimes feel like I'm reaching like a clown trying to figure out if Victor isn't keeping up the idea the queen is still alive. It almost feels like having a gaslighting lover; am I picking up clues or am I picking up clowns makeup? Wouldn't it actually be a possibility for Harry to help Kate unreveal the mystery that is Victor? Because while they're not the most interactive dynamic, I feel like Harrison will at least have a little role in Victor's route. As I mentioned before, Harrison pointed out twice that Victor lies a lot: one time in his own route and the second time in the Christmas event. He goes a step further in the latter one, saying that if Kate takes the first step towards Victor's darkness, he'll open her eyes to the truth. Plus, Harrison already had his "when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth" moment in his route so I think it makes sense for the Sherlock lover who is a walking lie detector to play a role in the most mysterious suitor who is a walking liar's route.
The actual last thing I want to talk about (guess I'm a liar like Victor) I notice that in events wherein Victor and Kate are together, they declare their love in an interesting way. Since death seems to be a huge part of Victor that possibly is connected to a curse, the two put focus on loving each other even after death. I'm curious if this is part of Victor's possible fate or if this is just a romantic way of thinking that fits Victor's theme. Either way, I think it's perfect to end on this note.
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So, I think this is mostly what I wanted to get out. Thank you for having read all the way through and please share any theories you have! And spread love for the people mentioned in this post because I'm eternally grateful for everything they translate and post🩷
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ilyasorokinn · 6 months
always a winner ― ilya sorokin
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note, i love ilya, and can’t believe i haven’t written as many things as i have for other players. he’s literally the love of my life, and i’ve kind of neglected him lol. anyways, this fic is part of the "sorokin, party of four" series. check out this masterlist for more. another note, also, let's please not talk about how this is like a 300 years late. i'm so behind on things and so tired and i think i'm getting burn out? but idk so let's just enjoy that i wrote something :) all-star fics are in the works. last note, sorry one last note. in this fic, mila is 4 and victor isn't really in this, but he is 2 :) summary, regardless of the outcome, ilya sorokin is the best dad in the world to his kids. warnings, kids/children word count, 1286 words (a little short, i'm sorry. it's just ilya being cute with mila ig)
mila’s eyes were wide as she took in the converted football field. she was wearing her sorokin jacket and a beanie with a sequined ‘30’ on it. victor was only 2, so you left him with ilya's parents because you knew he wouldn't remember most things.
"mama, look!" mila pointed up at something before her attention was grabbed by something else. you tried your best to keep up with her but she was running on sugar and adrenaline, a dangerous combo for a toddler.
"i know," you laughed, "slow down, mimi." you called after her. you eventually spotted the girls and all the kids, standing off to the side of the field, talking and taking everything in as well, "look, there's your friends." she quickly spotted all the other kids and ran over to join them.
you followed after her a little slower, wrapping your jacket tighter around you and taking everything in. it still was mind-boggling to you, even a decade later, that this was your life. you were in metlife stadium, watching your husband play the sport he loved, surrounded by a group of girls doing the same thing. it was special.
"take it all in." kristy wrapped an arm around her shoulders, "it's magical."
"this is so insane." you laughed.
after bribing mila with some more sugar and almost having a meltdown, the guys finally came out. before family was let out onto the ice, all the media content was taken. once that was all taken care of, family was finally let onto the ice.
once he was able to, ilya immediately made his way over to you and snatched up mila, flipping her upside down, making her giggle like crazy.
"put me down, papa!" she giggled, trying to get out of his grasp. he put her back down and set her down on the bench. he made quick work of helping her tie her skates and helping her get her helmet and pads on.
after helping mila, he turned to you. even though you had been together for a decade and no matter how much you protested, he would always help you put your skates on.
he kneeled in front of you and grabbed your foot, tying your skate, "new trick?" mila asked. she had been taking skating lessons for a few weeks.
"you want to show everyone your new trick?" she nodded her head, "of course, you can," you smiled, kissing her head and switching legs so ilya could tie the other skate. once he was done, he helped you off the bench, and you each grabbed one of mila's hands, walking her over to the ice.
all around you, the rink was a buzz. everyone was skating around. kids were playing mini sticks, guys were skating around, girls were mingling and skating.
it took a few laps, but eventually, mila was comfortable with skating and let go of your hands and skated around. you and ilya followed behind her and when she did fall, ilya was quick to pick her up and soothe her before she could start crying.
ilya skated off to the bench and grabbed a stick he had brought for her and handed it to her. varlomov's kid was in front of the net, just like their dad, so mila winded up and skated shakily up to the net with the puck and managed to get it past them.
she turned around and looked at you, shocked that she had done it. you both gave her a thumbs up, "celly." you told her. she did a little celly, which the media team had caught on camera and would later be posted on the isles social media account.
she skated over to ilya, who picked her up and held her to his chest, "that was amazing, mimi." you cheered, patting her on the back.
she skated around a little more before she was distracted and started playing with the other kids. you managed to take lots of pictures and got a picture of mila with her favorite guy on the team, mat barzal, cause of course her favorite uncle is uncle maty.
mat carried her around the rink, making her laugh and giggle (which gave the media team more amazing content of mat with a child). you and sydney got pictures of matt holding mila and ilya holding winnie which melted your heart.
the next day, mila somehow overcame the sugar rush and was filled with even more energy. the entire way back to metlife, she was bouncing around in her seat in the car.
"mimi, calm down." you laughed, watching her talk to herself through the rearview mirror, "now remember, when we get there..."
"i know, i know. hold your hand and don't let go, i know." she sighed. you didn't have to look back to know she was rolling her eyes. you knew where she got her attitude from.
"good." you nodded. you looked back at victor, who, on the other hand, was as calm as a cucumber in his seat. he had been occupying himself and barely paying attention to his sister.
you arrived at metlife earlier than all the fans attending, and met up with a few other girls, as well as your parents and all of the family ilya had invited. it wasn't many people, but you were excited to see them.
after pregaming the game with a few of the girls, fans started to arrive. there was a good mixture of both rangers and islanders fans so you were excited. you had left mila and victor with ilya's parents and your's so you could go off with the girls to get snacks and drinks.
by the time you had returned, mila already had a bag of cotton candy and victor was asleep, his headphones on so he couldn't hear all the loud noise. when mila saw you, she looked at you, her eyes big and scared.
"who gave you cotton candy, miss mila?" you asked. without hesitation, she pointed over to your dad. you looked over at him and raised a brow.
"who am i to deny my grandchild?" he simply shrugged, accepting a piece of cotton candy mila was offering him. you shook your head and smiled before turning your attention to the game.
the first period of the game was strong. the isles were up 3-1 and everything was looking good. by the end of the second, it was 4-3 and by the end of the third, it was tied and mila was asleep.
then, 10 seconds into overtime, panarin scored and the rangers fans in the crowd went crazy. when the horn blared, an overwhelming feeling of sadness filled your heart. you knew ilya tried his best and he would probably beat himself up about it.
you left mila and victor with your parents and ilya's family, who would drive back to your home where they were all staying, and you would drive back with ilya.
you followed alexa, matilda, and emma down to meet up with the guys. when you saw ilya walk out of the locker room, you couldn't help but smile. he managed a sad smile back and made his way over to you.
no words were said as he wrapped his arms around you. you stayed like that for a few minutes, just wrapped in a hug. you pulled away and cupped his face, "i'm proud of you." you leaned your forehead against his.
he nodded, "you were amazing, ilya." he nodded again before closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, "let's go home. order some sushi and go to sleep." you grabbed his hand and let him lead you over to his car.
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otomefiend · 10 months
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Collection Event: Mirror mirror...
A little Victor treat cause I missed him. ♡ Pardon any awkwardness since I don't have much time to proofread it.
(Where... am I...?)
(I'm sure I went to sleep in my room at the Crown castle, did I not?)
I decided to walk around and assess the situation...
Victor: "Hi there, Kate."
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...I was greeted by Victor, who suddenly appeared in front of me.
Kate: "Victor....!? You appeared out of thin air..."
Kate: ".. oh, is it a magic trick, perhaps?"
Victor: "Pfft, it's not a magic trick. This is just a dream you're having, so anything is possible!"
Kate: "A dream...?"
Victor: "Yes, anything that happens here, happens according to your wish."
Victor: "Whether it's gorgeous gem- adorned dresses or delicious, buttery pastries..."
Victor: "One wish from you, and you can have anything you want."
As he said this, he picked up a tree branch that lay at his feet.
Victor: "Let's see --"
He gently waved the branch as if it were a wizard's wand.
At that moment, a table ready for a tea party and a large wardrobe fell from the sky.
The wardrobe opened itself, revealing a variety of colourful dresses.
Victor: "... ta da!"
Kate: "Whoa... amazing! It really is a dream..."
Victor: "Your enthusiasm is appreciated! Well, no point just standing around; let's continue our chat over a cup of tea."
He urged me to sit on the chair that had just appeared and drink the tea prepared for me.
(I feel like I'm always drinking tea with Victor...)
(...it's strange to enjoy myself like that in a dream)
Kate: "By the way, why are you my dream, Victor?"
Victor: "I'm here to make your dreams come true! It's like a stage set-up."
Kate: "My dreams, you say..."
Victor: "Yeah, no matter how daring they may seem. Tell me what you want?"
Victor: "Let your imagination run freely. Whether you want to fly, do something outlandish, or just visualise it!"
Victor: "I'll accept anything and make it come true!"
Kate: "Then... I want to spoil you, Victor."
His jewel-like eyes widened in astonishment.
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Victor: "...spoil me?"
Victor: "Um... it's definitely something you want to do, yes? You're not trying to fulfill my wishes?"
Kate: "Yes, it's what I want."
Kate: "You're busy working as the Queen's Aide and looking after the Crown."
Kate: "And yet you never show that you're tired and always take care of me..."
Kate: "So I thought I'd let you rest your body and mind."
Victor: "........."
Kate: "But whenever I try to persuade you to take a break in real life, you politely refuse..."
Kate: "And there's only so much I can do when I lend you a hand with work."
Kate: "So... will you allow me to help you, even if just in a dream?"
Kate: "That's what I want."
Victor: "Seriously... you know you've already helped me enough?"
Victor smiled softly in an attempt to dispel my anxiety. He was kind even in a dream.
(Still, it was true I've been performing my duties as a fairytale writer...)
(Little by little, I feel like I'm helping the Crown)
(... but, that's not enough)
I wanted him to need me more. I wanted to be useful... I wanted to get closer.
These feelings welled up in my heart whenever I was with Victor.
Wanting to dote on Victor was more for my own benefit than his.
Victor: "........."
Kate: "I'll do whatever I can, so..."
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Victor: "...now now, don't be too hasty saying things like that."
Victor: "Even if I'm just a figment of your imagination."
Victor chided me but then winked playfully.
Victor: "But... if that's what you want, then by all means, feel free to pamper me."
Kate: "Thank you so much...!"
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Victor: "Haha, I should be thanking you."
Victor: "Hmm, so you want to pamper me then... but what should I ask you to do?"
Kate: "Would you like to have a nap? You could use my lap as a pillow!"
Victor: "Lap pillow...?"
(Oops, I got carried away and said something weird... offering my lap was a ridiculous idea...)
Kate: "S-sorry, forget what I said..."
Victor: "What a splendid idea, Kate!"
Victor: "I'm tall, so I always look down at you, don't I? It'll be fun to look up for a change."
He did not find it strange and accepted the proposal.
As I sat down in a field of flowers, Victor took off his coat and gently placed his head on my lap.
(It's strange... the touch of Victor's hair and his warmth feel so real)
Kate: "Are you comfortable?"
Victor: "Of course! It's perfect... though isn't my head too heavy?"
Kate: "Not at all, it's very light... Erm, I don't mean that your head is empty or anything like that...!"
Victor: "Haha! Don't worry, Kate!"
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Victor: "I know you wouldn't look down like that at anyone... I can see right through you."
Kate: "... thank you."
His words made me happy; I could feel my lips curve into a smile.
Victor, who had been watching me from the lap, reached out and stroked my cheek.
Victor: "Being able to see your happy face at such a close distance... definitely makes me a fan of this position."
Victor: "Thank you for being by my side and always keeping a smile on your face."
His tender touch tickled me, and I returned the favour by combing my hand through his hair.
We continued talking about trifle things, until...
Kate: "....achoo!"
I suddenly felt a chill and let out a small sneeze.
Victor: "Are you feeling chilly? I'd hate for you to catch a cold."
Victor: "Put on my coat for now... I'll get something else to keep you warm."
He stood up in a hurry, intending to leave me.
Kate: "W-wait, please! I'm fine, so stay with me a little longer..."
It was Victor's presence that brought happiness into my dreams.
I felt that the moment he disappeared from view, the dream would end, and I would be back to reality...
I stopped him, wanting to immerse myself in this world a little longer.
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Victor: "... then, may I hug you?"
Kate: "Huh...?"
Victor: "There's nothing here that can keep you warm other than me. Kidding --"
Kate: "... is it okay to impose on you this way?"
I was aware I was dreaming, and yet I did feel a bit chilly.
I wanted Victor to stay by my side, and I wanted to stay warm,
His offer satisfied both of those needs... so I gladly accepted it.
Victor: "........."
Hearing my reply, Victor became unusually silent, and then, hesitating, he gently pulled me into his arms.
He wasn't supposed to be real, and yet I could feel his body heat,
my own body, which meant to be cold, gradually started to warm up.
(I don't know why... I feel so calm)
Being held like that by a man made me embarrassed.
But more than that, it was like my body had been waiting for Victor to embrace me for a long time...
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It gave me a sense of security—the sensation that I was where I belonged.
Without saying a word, I hugged him back, and his arms, initially hesitant, tightened their grip around me.
Kate: "... I think I like being hugged by you."
I said it without thinking, and then I realized. This was not the reality but the world of dreams.
Kate: "Still... this is my dream and my desire. I'm sorry for making you go out with me..."
I was happy to have my shallow desires fulfilled by the dream Victor...
...yet my happiness rang hollow.
Victor: "... you think so? Maybe this isn't just your wish."
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Victor: "I'm sure the real Victor would appreciate it as much."
Wrapped in the arms of an imaginary Victor whose words were kind, just like in reality.
I sincerely hoped that this pleasant dream would last a little longer.
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aishangotome · 2 months
Roger Barel: Chapter 7
Chapter 6
Roger and I boarded the train for our mission.
(We are lovers who eloped and ended up in this village after wandering with no destination in sight)
...That was the scenario Victor came up with to conceal our identities.
Roger: The villagers kindly accepted us, so I was able to save my beloved from starving to death.
(Me? And this refreshing smile, who is this?)
We successfully entered the village, but I blinked in surprise at Roger's drastic transformation.
Roger: Kate, let's settle in this village and be happy.
Kate: Y-Yes. Let's be happy, Roger... Rog--.
Roger kissed me on the cheek, and my fake smile became even more awkward.
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But perhaps due to Roger's convincing acting, the villagers welcomed us warmly and served us welcome dishes one after another.
Village Woman: You must have been anxious. You'll be safe in this village now, the Spirit God will protect everything.
Village Man: Oh, yes! Those who believe in the Spirit God will be saved. He can ward off diseases.
Spirit God: ..............
The villagers smiled at the man who had been sitting in the center and hadn't spoken a word since we arrived.
(...This is the Spirit God?)
(He looks about 50 years old? He looks like an ordinary person...)
But as a Fairytale Keeper who had seen evil up close, I had come to understand that a person's appearance is just an appearance, and that evil dwells in the heart.
(Even so, the story of him "warding off diseases" seems to be widely accepted in this village.)
(It's impossible for a human to ward off diseases. There must be some kind of trick...)
Kate: Hmm?
I felt a tug on my skirt and looked down to see a little girl about five years old smiling at me.
Blonde-Haired Child: Is it yummy?
(Huh... What's with her mouth...? ...Maybe it's because she's still young?)
Kate: Yes, it's very delicious. Thank you.
When I thanked her, she smiled happily too.
This village is very peaceful and full of smiles.
It's like a utopia where all the scary things have been eliminated.
--But such a thing sadly doesn't exist in this world.
(There's definitely something strange about this village.)
After being thoroughly welcomed, Roger and I finally had a moment alone.
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Roger: This village stinks, doesn't it?
Kate: Yes, I agree. There's something about this village...
The existence of the Spirit God, and other indescribable discomforts lingered in the air.
Roger: Let's hear your thoughts first, lil' lady.
Kate: As Victor mentioned, if an undercover police officer was killed in this village...
Kate: The villagers should be wary of newcomers.
Kate: In fact, they should have refused us entry. But they're too kind to us.
Kate: I don't want to doubt their kindness, but we're definitely... being watched.
(The people who welcomed us with smiles probably have a hidden side...)
Roger: Yeah, I have the exact same view. So, tell us what you know, Liam.
Kate: Huh, Liam?
(Come to think of it, Liam infiltrated the village earlier to gather information...)
I looked around, but he was nowhere to be seen.
Kate: Liam, are you hurt? Are you hungry?
I spoke into the empty air, and only my voice echoed back.
Liam's Voice: Heh, I'm not hurt, and I'm not hungry. And I'm on the other side.
Kate: Oh, I'm sorry. But how did you know where he was, Roger?
Roger: My ears pick up the sound of Liam's heartbeat and his presence. So it's pointless for him to disappear.
Liam's Voice: My ability and Roger's ability are the worst combination. Let's move a little further away.
Liam's figure, which had been moving stealthily, truly disappeared.
I followed Roger to a place a little away from the villagers' residences.
Where he stopped, Liam's figure appeared as if by magic.
(The ability to disappear is amazing no matter how many times I see it.)
Liam: I've been undercover in this village for a few days and I'll tell you everything I've learned.
Liam: To cut to the chase, this village... or rather, the Spirit God, is shady.
Kate: I knew it. How is he warding off diseases?
The most important thing is the trick he uses to make the villagers believe him.
Liam: The trick is very simple.
Liam: He's not warding them off, he's just giving diseases to those who don't believe.
(No way...)
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Liam: The Spirit God was poisoning and inflicting diseases on those who didn't respect or doubted him.
Liam: The villagers, unaware of this scheme, were simply under the illusion that they were being protected from diseases.
Liam: Hey Roger, do you know Gracefield Royal Hospital?
Liam: It seems that the man called the Spirit God used to be a doctor there.
(Gracefield Royal Hospital...?)
Roger: That's a hospital that has existed in England for a long time.
Roger: It gathers extremely talented doctors, but it's also very competitive.
Roger: Incompetent doctors are treated as failures and quickly fired.
Kate: You know a lot about it.
Roger: I left there a long time ago and started my own practice, but my father and a "dear friend" were once doctors there.
(Dear friend...)
There was a hint of warmth in Roger's voice when he said that.
Roger: Now that we know this much, all that's left is to secure physical evidence...
Liam: Oh, I also found the medicine storage. Roger, you can tell which ones are poison, right?
Roger: As expected of my cat. Well done, Liam.
Liam: I'm glad it went well without any mistakes.
At that moment, Roger raised an eyebrow.
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Liam: ...Hmm, Roger, what's wrong?
Roger: ..............
His eyes stared into the darkness.
Roger: ...I can "hear" someone approaching, from all directions.
Kate: What?
Roger: Yeah, there are quite a lot of them. Is this the whole village coming together?
Kate: Are we surrounded!?
Roger: Haha, seems like it. Well, at least it'll be a quick conversation.
It seems Roger is ready to face them head-on.
Liam: Yeah, yeah, it's okay. We won't lose no matter how many of them come at us.
(Even Liam!)
Kate: There are about 200 villagers!
Roger: We each just need to take down 100 of them.
Kate: Are you serious!?
While we were arguing, I could also hear footsteps approaching.
Candles flickered in the darkness.
Roger: Here they come.
Village Man: ...So you were also one of those who threatened the existence of this village.
Village Woman: And you even brought friends! How did you get in here, you abomination?
Liam: Hmm, I've been here the whole time.
(The peaceful atmosphere when they welcomed us feels like a lie.)
The villagers' gazes were cold, and I could sense their determination to expel us, the foreign objects that had entered their miniature garden.
It was as if their thoughts had been taken over by the "Spirit God," like puppets.
Village Man: Spirit God, what shall we do with these people?
Spirit God: Capture the three of them. I will punish the traitors with my power.
Upon hearing those words, Roger twisted his lips in mockery.
Roger: Power, huh? If you were cursed, I'd let you live and add you to my valuable test subjects...
Roger: But it seems you're not. Liam, no holding back. Capture them.
Liam: ...Understood.
As Liam flashed a knife in his hand and tensed his legs to get a running start, a scream rose from the crowd.
(What happened!?)
The moment I realized that the collapsed figure next to the screaming woman was the blonde girl who had spoken to us during the meal, I started running towards her.
Kate: ...Please make way!
Village Woman: What? Don't come any closer!
I was pushed back as I tried to approach the girl who was lying there in pain, and I desperately reached out my hand.
Kate: This is no time to be saying that!
Village Woman: If you hadn't come, this wouldn't have happened! You are demons who brought disease!
I saw her hand raised and closed my eyes, prepared to be slapped on the cheek.
Roger: Stop it. This girl's collapse has nothing to do with her.
I opened my eyes at the sound of his voice and saw Roger grabbing the woman's wrist.
Thank You
I'm sorry, I acted without thinking
Please help that child
Kate: Roger, please help that child!
Roger: Yeah, leave it to me.
The villagers cowered under Roger's intimidation, and we pushed our way through to reach the girl's side.
Blonde-Haired Child: ...Ugh...
The girl's body was stiff, her eyes wide open, and her limbs convulsing.
Kate: ...Roger, what should we do?
Roger: Judging from the symptoms, it's tetanus.
Roger: It's an infection where bacteria that entered through a wound invade the nerves.
Roger: It makes it difficult to open the mouth and eventually causes convulsions and paralysis throughout the body.
Roger: In the worst case, it leads to difficulty breathing and death.
Kate: No way...
Roger: Anyway, let's look for any wounds on this child.
Roger and I examined the girl's body together. Then, we found a wound near her calf.
Roger: ..............
Child's Mother: Spirit God! Please take away my child's illness!
Spirit God: ...!
The man called the Spirit God stepped back slightly.
Child's Mother: ...What's wrong? Why aren't you doing anything...?
Roger: It's no use clinging to him.
Roger: He's not a human with special powers.
Roger: He's a failed quack doctor who poisoned people and made it look like he was warding off diseases.
Village Man: Th-That's not true! The Spirit God is a child of God with special powers!
Roger: Then why can't he save this suffering child?
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Roger: Why didn't he notice that she had tetanus until it got this bad?
Roger: A fake god cannot cure diseases. But with proper medicine, tetanus is a curable disease.
Spirit God: You're lying! Tetanus is supposed to be an incurable disease!
Roger looked at the Spirit God, who was shouting in desperation, with pity.
Roger: That's true with the outdated medicine in your brain.
Roger: A cure for tetanus has been discovered. It's still a miracle that it's been put into practical use, and there's still room for improvement, but...
(A cure has been discovered...?)
Kate: Really, Roger?
Roger: Yeah, but it's only held by the privileged class and not available to the general public at all.
Spirit God: ...Ha, haha! If it's not available, it's the same as not being able to save her!
Spirit God: Oh, that's right. There's no one in this world who can completely eradicate diseases.
Spirit God: So it's all your fault, you fools, for believing in me and entrusting everything to me.
Child's Mother: ...!
Roger grabbed the Spirit God's neck with one hand.
Spirit God: Gah!?
As he applied pressure with his fingertips, the Spirit God's face turned a murky red.
Roger: Didn't your mama teach you in the womb to listen to people until the end?
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Roger: It's true that the tetanus cure isn't available to the public. But if it doesn't exist, we can just make it.
Spirit God: That's impossible...
Roger: It's possible for me, a former doctor.
Chapter 8
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shatcey · 7 months
Chocolate from Kate (Victor/Harrison)
Victor/Harrison (Victor) Ellis/Elbert (Ellis) Alfons/Roger (Alfons) Victor (epilogue)
Kate went into the chocolate store to buy chocolate for the villains as a thanks or something. Harrison followed her (they literally just finished the mission and she ran away from him, so of course he followed her).
While he was trying to figure out what she was up to, Victor came over. Who, as always, teased Harry lovingly. I like their interactions. I wish I had taken screenshots.
Kate finally decided what she wanted to buy, but the seller said that, unfortunately, they were out of stock. Their supplier suddenly stopped deliveries. On Valentine's Day. And the owner was trying to solve the problem right now.
But… Victor never came without a reason, as Harry pointed out. And Victor said basically the same thing as a seller. But with the name of the person who bought all the chocolate. Mr. Brown.
Vic suggests a game. Whoever solves this case first will receive a cake (or chocolate) from Kate. Don't you think you should ask Kate first if she wanted to give anything either of you? As always… Vic has decided, and there's no point in arguing…
And they need to solve this problem because…
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This is a huge problem indeed.
They went to this Mr. Brown's party. But there was one small problem… women are not allowed. So they dressed Kate up in men's clothes and teased her mercilessly along the way.
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In the mansion, they found a table covered with different kinds of chocolate, and people who were discussing something (I did not catch the meaning). But there is culprit, so… something needs to be done about it. And they decided to use a trump card. Kate. She takes off her hat and…..
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How dare they use Silvio's trait. It's so unfair!!!
They moved to another room for a private conversation. Harry, as usual, said that he was a police officer and demanded that the man confess. The guy was definitely not the real culprit, so…
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He's a f*** Grinch! But on Valentine's Day. Poor guy… I feel so sorry for him…
And again… Someone tried to run away…
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But this is his ending… So I don't think so, and Harry agrees with me.
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Kate ran after Victor and told him he was a winner or something. So… they went back to the mention, took the ingredients and cooked together. So cute.
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And he innocently asks
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I wish I knew…
I'm still thinking about buying his epilogue…
So... about event. I like this story more than Ellis/Elbie for several reasons.
First… I like the interaction between Victor and Harry. Vic teases him, but at the same time he is a very proud daddy. And Harry is annoyed, but lets him do it like a good son.
Second… this detective story with disguise and revealing of the criminal was fun and intriguing.
And the last… Vic is so cute here. I mean, most of the time he just laughs and does magic tricks, but here he seems a little more open, not enough to understand him, but definitely enough to pique interest in him. Good job, CyBird!
I don't know Japanese and don't quite understand some of the translations. Thanks to my wild imagination, I can fill in a lot of gaps in the text.
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Hey, fair warning, this is kind of a longer ask. So, since the SVE farmer seems to be strangely talented with magic (like how they made iron into gold without even being told that it's possible), I headcanon that they can get a little… carried away with their magic experiments. How would the SVE bachelor/ettes (maybe the adventurers and mages too, if that's not too much-) react to the farmer accidentally turning themself into an animal? Like a wolf or a cat that looks like them and has their eye and hair/fur color, for example. Maybe the Farmer ends up using their paw to write a message in the dirt explaining what happened
Eyyyy, glad to see you again ☺️ Thanks for asking, and enjoy! 🫰
Magnus Rasmodius:
It takes Magnus just a few seconds to realise what has happened to his apprentice. Farmer in the form of a cat doesn't even need to try to do anything, the old wizard immediately picks them up and teleports to the tower to change Farmer back. Magnus had magic in his veins, and he could sense whether the animal before him was an ordinary animal or an enchanted one. Plus, he's also had some failed attempts when he accidentally turned into a frog, and his colleagues had to... Um, let's not mention it. Magnus would immediately return the Farmer to their former appearance, and would also strongly advise them to do such magic with him. So there'd be no more... awkward situations.
As with Magnus, Lance sensed almost immediately that something was wrong with the animal in front of him, which the adventurer had never seen on the porch of his friend/spouse's farm. Magic flowed in his veins too, and sensing the magical aura around the poor animal was no problem for Lance. Alas, he can't restore the Farmer to their former image, but he knows he can turn to Magnus or Camilla. After the incident, Lance praises Farmer for their talent in magic, but advises them to do it in a safe revenge and notify the older mages or him beforehand.
Victor mistook the enchanted Farmer for a stray cat, and therefore for at least a few days the young man did not suspect that it was his friend and not a lost poor pet. Then when people began to wonder where the Farmer had disappeared to, Victor, without knowing it, noticed, besides very similar features of appearance with his friend, also strange behaviour. Well, strange for a cat at least. And when the spaghetti lover came across a book in his library about all sorts of myths and fairy tales, when people could turn into animals, he became paranoid. So he decided to take this cat and go to the strange man in the tower to confirm or deny his theory.
Today Sophia decided to take a walk in the forest, closer to that unusual tower, and her scream immediately scared away all the animals in the forest. The girl is understandable - how would you react when you were chased by a wild wolf? When she fell down and started crying, waiting for the end, the wolf started sniffing her and... comforting her? She was so shocked that she even stopped crying. Next, the four-legged beast, which Sophia would later find out turned out to be Farmer, would try to write a message for Sophia with its paws. True, even if the girl believed in the intelligence of the wolf, she still does not believe that this is her friend and not an evil spirit. Still, she decides to listen to her compassion and think about how she can help them.
Olivia always thought that turning into animals, magic, and other occult things weren't just another charlatan's trick. But she's been going to Rasmodius' house for several nights, and now she knows it's all true. And her son's strange cat, which he "found near the bus stop", made her think. The cat has the same eye colour as Farmer's, the same coat colour as their hair, and yet... No, it couldn't be. Farmer was just delayed in another adventure, not lost. Still... Olivia would quietly pick up the cat and take it to Magnus that night, or else the woman would be tormented by intrusive thoughts.
Claire couldn't understand why a raven had chased her to the bus stop on her way home from work. She couldn't possibly be a threat to the chicks, could she? Their nest is high up in a tree. So what had she done to make the bird so angry that it was so determined to keep her off the bus? Claire could have put it down to sleepiness, but when the raven said the words "Farmer", "trouble", "help", it made her worry. The raven sat on her shoulder and began to direct with the words "there" and "here" the girl in the direction of the farm so that she could help. The poor cashier still doesn't understand what kind of help the raven needs, but since she's already agreed, she'll help. And yes, Claire is going to faint later when she helped the Farmer to change back. Oops...
Bonus - Marlon:
Who would have thought that for Marlon, hunting a hare for his future stew, would end up being another hard day. It wasn't that the hare was difficult to catch, quite the opposite. The big-eared lump, you could say, came to him, but this hare did not behave like a hare should. Little animal was running around, banging it's paws on the ground and... trying to draw symbols? Marlon realised at once that it was an unusual hare (he knew too well about magic and sorcery to be surprised). But when the little beast was able to write a message for the one-eyed adventurer with its paws, Marlon sighed tiredly and took the hare in his arms. As the two of them walked to Magnus's house to cast a spell on Farmer, the old adventurer, in the manner of a strict and caring father, began to berate Farmer for being so careless in their use of magic. Because it could end in a pitiful way. After all, hares he usually become a frequent prey of predators....
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Is each wand supposed to have its own distinctive look or is that just something the movies did?
“— OH NOT AGAIN!” She had picked up her wand from the table, and it had emitted a loud squeak and turned into a giant rubber mouse. “One of their fake wands again!” she shouted. “How many times have I told them not to leave them lying around?” - Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Chapter 5
Harry thinking that’s Molly’s wand isn’t odd because it was right next to her and I doubt he has hers committed to memory but it’s weird that she is consistently getting her own confused with Fred & George’s fake ones. I’d assume some at least look demonstrably different from each other because some wood is lighter or darker than others but is that all? Harry recognizes his immediately when Winky has it in the same book and I think Draco recognizes his when Harry has it in DH but again those are their wands so maybe that’s why. Just curious if I’m missing something or if you have any ideas?
I mean, the wand woods are definitely different, and so are the length and flexibility, so it's not that all wands look the same even if they were all just colorful sticks. I mean, even if you have three of the most basically shaped sticks in different colors and lengths it would be noticeable.
Personally, I like to think wands are designed different from each other (I even redesigned a few here). I like to think the wands do have different designs that fit their personalities. The books do include some references to differences in wand designs:
“Shall I persuade him, Dumbledore?” called a gimlet-eyed witch, raising an unusually thick wand that looked not unlike a birch rod.
(OotP, 473)
The fact Harry mentions the wand is thicker and looking like a birch rod means most wands don't look like this, but some might. This suggests wands do look different from each other in design.
Victor Krum's wand is also mentioned to be thicker than usual:
“Yes . . . hornbeam and dragon heartstring?” he shot at Krum, who nodded. “Rather thicker than one usually sees . . . quite rigid . . . ten and a quarter inches . . . Avis!”
(GoF, 309)
It's also said that:
No two Ollivander wands are the same
(PS, 62)
And yes, it could refer to their magic and personality, which is the implication, and it likely refers to that too, but I'd like to think it refers to how they look as well. That no two wands actually look alike. The fact that Ollivander and others can easily enough recognize which wand is whose supports that this statement is also about their design itself.
Ollivanders also comments on his personal styling of wands and its difference from Gregorovitch:
“Hmm,” said Mr. Ollivander, “this is a Gregorovitch creation, unless I’m much mistaken? A fine wand-maker, though the styling is never quite what I . . . however . . .”
(GoF, 309)
Meaning different wand makers likely have their own stylistic flares and it's very recognizable to someone who's familiar with the wandmaker's style. It's like you can recognize an artist's art style, each wand is a unique piece of art. At least, that's how I always saw it.
We also never get a character mistaking someone else's wand for their own, even if the wood coloring is similar, so I always imagined them being different from each other in other ways besides the color and length — unique pieces.
If we consider official art on Pottermore canon, then there is the fact the page about Wand Woods has this picture:
Tumblr media
That clearly showcases wands designed differently from different woods.
Unlike the movies, though, I think the wands are only made from wood and colored like the wood they are made of. Although, I guess you could paint them or put handles on them, I don't think it's common (or at least, Ollivanders doesn't do it or it isn't fashionable in the UK).
As for the trick wands, it's possible Fred and Geroge purposefully made a trick wand shaped like Molly's to trick her. I mean, that is a very Fred and George thing to do — to make trick wands that look like all their family's wands to be little shits. They probably made multiple different designs of trick wands in general. Perhaps the trick wands are transfigurable to appear as anyone's wand. This would be harder to manage while keeping the trick wand's enchantment intact, but it's possible Fred and George could pull it off.
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otome-obsessions · 3 months
One Day and One Night - [Victor x Kate]
Prologue (🌞) | Chapter 1 (🌞) | Chapter 1.5 (🌞) | Chapter 2 (🌞) | Chapter 2.5 (🌞) | Chapter 3 (🌞) | Chapter 4 (🌚) | Chapter 5 (🌞)
Chapter 2 - Kate
WC: 1830
As the first hint of sunlight peeks through my bedroom window, I do my best to rub the sleep from my eyes. Today is finally the day, and I want to get a headstart on Victor. Knowing him, he’d have his own parade of surprises for me, but I’ll beat him to the punch this time!
I head to the castle kitchen, apron in hand. 
(There’s no better way to start the day than with a delightfully delicious breakfast! It may have taken a while, but I’ve finally gotten Victor’s scone recipe memorized, so I’ll-)
The opposite door of the kitchen opens right after I walk into the room. I lock eyes with Victor, and there’s a moment where we just stare at each other in surprise.
Victor: “Pfft. Ahaha! They say great minds think alike, but I’d say this is a bit uncanny.”
I can’t help but laugh along with him. I mean, he even has his own matching apron in his hand. We couldn’t have been more in sync if we’d tried.
I mask the end of my laughter with a short cough and give Victor a stern look.
Kate: “This is no laughing matter. I don’t know who leaked the details of Operation: Succulent, Sensational Scones, but once I find the mole, he’ll have hell to pay!”
Victor: “Hmm, is that what you call it? No matter how you cut it, it’s obvious that your operation was reverse engineered from Project: Bawdy, Buttery Breakfast, Little Robin’s Favorite Treat! I cannot forgive such overt plagiarism!”
Victor makes his way over to me, gently takes the apron from my hand, and drapes it over my neck. He’s close enough to make my voice ever-so-slightly thinner when I speak.
Kate: “Plagiarism? I would never!”
Victor: “Well, we’ll simply have to get to the bottom of who copied whom.”
He ties the strings of my apron, his hands lingering on my waist both too long and not nearly long enough. After taking a few steps back, he flicks his apron into the air. When it lands to the ground I see him clothed in a different apron with his hair neatly tied in a ponytail.
(A new magic trick? How did he even manage that?)
He strikes a regal pose in his adorable new outfit, and I gave him the polite applause I knew he was waiting for. 
Victor: “Thank you, thank you! Your honest praise is the only payment I need. Now we must settle this case of domestic espionage through battle! May the most delectable dessert win!”
We spend the next couple of hours baking, making a mess, and finding any excuse to enjoy just being together. Little tastes of the batter on his spoon. Tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear. Feeding each other like we did all those months ago. 
Eventually, we both become nearly full to bursting, having gorged ourselves on a mix of scones, tarts, and whatever pastries we could slap together with the leftover ingredients. As we relax at the kitchen counter, I toy with a strand of Victor’s hair.
Kate: “So, what’s next, Vic? The day’s barely begun.”
Victor: “Already so eager to leave?”
Kate: “Well, if we’re together anywhere is fine. I just didn’t expect you to waste your chance at ‘anything.’”
His eyes simmer with something darky and heady, cutting through the happy malaise left behind by our meal. I feel a pleasant shiver run up my spine as he smiles at me.
Victor: “A fair point. I’d hate to disappoint my stunning songbird, after all. Hmmm.”
Victor rests his head on his hand, eyes shut and seemingly deep in thought. He looks so cute being so at ease. I’m caught between wanting to pinch his cheeks or just take in the view.
Victor: “Right then! It’s decided.”
With a clap Victor stands to his full height and takes my hand. He pulls me toward the entrance of the kitchen while I’m left wondering what, exactly, was decided.
Kate: “Wait, where are we going?”
Victor: “You’ll just have to see when we get there.”
As it turns out, it wasn’t much of a journey. Not in regards to distance, at least. 
We spend the rest of our day walking through the castle halls and visiting our favorite locations in Crown’s massive home. Everytime we come up to something I had grown familiar with, Victor teaches me something new.
He taught me a simple song on the ballroom piano. He helped me sit and glide down the entry stairs. He showed me a hidden collection of rare books in the library. And so much more. Just when I thought I was really coming to feel that Crown Castle was a home, Victor managed to find a way to make it even more bright and exciting. 
The day passes by quickly, and before I know it, it’s time for supper. We make our way outside to have a picnic in the garden. Though hanging low in the sky, the sun is still bright when we lay out our cozy blanket and Victor unveils an absolute feast. 
(Seriously, how did he even manage this? We’ve been together all day!)
I’m unsure where to start, but luckily Victor makes the decision for me by bringing a lovely little sandwich to my mouth. We start happily munching away and chatting as the sun sinks lower on the horizon. Eventually, a thought occurs to me.
(There’s just no way he could have done this all on his own. Maybe he’d had the maids prepare something while we were roaming around the castle.)
Kate: “Say, Vic. Where have all the maids been today? I haven’t seen anyone around.”
Victor: “They’ve all been given time off until sunrise. We typically keep a skeleton crew, but I wanted to be truly alone with you today.”
Kate: “Wha- Then how and when did you have time to make all this?!”
Victor: “I can’t have you knowing all my secrets. A man’s only as attractive as he is mysterious, right?”
(Ah, this again. This is the part where I say ‘You’re attractive no matter what!’ isn’t it?)
It took some time for me to notice, but Victor had a bad habit of trying to win compliments from me in roundabout ways. It’s cute, but sometimes his methods leave me feeling a bit sad or insecure. I think it’s best if we’re more straightforward with each other, especially after multiple months of dating.
Kate: “Vic, if you want me to compliment you, there’s no need to fish for it..Just ask me very nicely and I’ll tell you how handsome you are anytime.”
Victor: “Egads! To believe that my dishonest scheme was so easily unveiled. You’ve come to know me rather well, Kate. In that case…”
He reaches across the blanket, past the food that’s lined up between us, and cups my cheek. Then he crosses the distance between us until our noses are almost touching while his thumb lightly caresses my skin. I’m absolutely ensnared by his eyes at that moment. That oppressive, dangerous aura isn’t present, but there’s still a clear greed and hunger in his gaze.
Victor: “Compliment me. Please.”
It doesn’t sound like a request in the slightest, and I can’t really say he’s being nice about it. Even so…
Kate: “You’re beautiful…”
My voice is breathy, and my words are much simpler than what I’d intended to say. I’m just enchanted because when he looks at me like that, I don’t necessarily mind if he’s being greedy…
Victor: “Hmmm, beautiful. I’ve been called that before, but the word feels new when it passes through your lips.”
I inhale a quiet gasp as his thumb glances over my lower lip. The air between us suddenly feels charged, electric, and my eyes can’t help but be drawn to his smile. We’ve shared so few moments of physical touch, but surely he would finally close the distance today?
Victor: “Thank you, little robin.”
Pulling his hand away from my face, he retreats, yet I still feel the warmth of his palm and the heat of his gaze. What is this feeling of restlessness? Of something being incomplete? I don’t even have the chance to really ponder my disappointment before a drop of water marks my cheek.
We both look up to see the clouds have gathered and darkened while we ate. 
(Sigh. Lovely London weather.)
Just as we finish packing away our remaining food, the rain really starts to come down. Victor takes off his jacket and covers me with it as we dash inside to escape the sudden downpour. 
When we make it inside, Victor is soaked through his vest while only my shoes and socks got wet. 
Kate: “Thank you, Victor. What an awful turn of events.”
Victor: “Was it? I found it quite thrilling to dash through the rain with you.”
Is thrilling the right word for it? I didn’t think of our frantic scramble that way, but…
Victor begins to wring out his hair now that we are covered, and my eyes follow the curve of his neck and the droplets of rain slide down his skin.
(He really is drenched… Thrilling, huh?)
Before I can give myself time to second guess my desire, I fold Victor’s coat, place it on the ground, and reach for his vest. His hands go still as he observes me quietly, and I’m suddenly taken by the need to make an excuse.
Kate: “You’ll catch your death of cold if you stay in this…”
I look up to him as a way of asking permission, my hands lightly gripping the buttons of his vest. His hair cascades through his loose fingers as he stares back, that caged energy starting to peek through and send my hairs on end again.
Victor slowly covers my hands with his own, before leaning in to give me a sultry whisper.
Victor: “Kate, look out the window.”
I follow his instruction and see hues of orange, yellow, and purple painting the rain clouds in a quickly dimming light. Twilight has finally come.
Victor: “So, tell me, beloved, what will it be? Does our day end here?”
The day flashes through my mind, blending with the other memories we had made together. The joy, excitement, contentment. The danger. The love. All of it flows through me as I glance at Victor’s coat. He is always shielding me from danger, both inside these walls and beyond. When we dance with darkness, he never allows it to come too close to me. He’s so incredibly special to me, and above all, I trust him. 
My fingers tighten their grip on his vest before I spread them out along his chest, relishing in the contrast between the wet cloth and firm heat underneath. I meet those impossibly blue, gemstone eyes, and I’ve never wanted to dive into something so recklessly as I do now.
Kate: “I’m yours, Vic.”
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