#victor frankestein
nichelle55 · 2 years
True it didn’t work for Victor Frankenstein or the guy from Rocky Horror Picture show, but did it ever occur to you that my lack of scientific knowledge might be exactly why I succeed?
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bonehildart · 7 months
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localratwithcowboyhat · 5 months
So I think it's funny, how in like media were its like " the mad scientist, re animating the ded " they're geniuses right? Like they're clever enough to create a formula to do so. Buut when it actually happens and the expiriment does succeed and a alive patchwork corpse is standing in front of them, they like " oooh fuck what do I do ohh no the consequences"
U CANT tell me that all that time were soo furiously fixated on youre little project, IT DIDNT EVEN CROSS YOUR MIND ONCE THAT THEYRE MIGHT BE
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wormheathen · 2 years
Every Frankenstein adaptation should include a Clerval.
I'm sorry, but you will never be 5 stars if you don't have the bestest friend in the whole world to give Victor emotional support.
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screwlowes · 3 months
I have officially decided that I am going to rewrite Frankenstein as an amazing YouTube movie titled Vicky F and Creepy C
My friends will star in it, I will be the screen writer... It's going to be a hot mess!!! :] can't wait to start filming, all I have to do now is... Well, write the script!
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forestal-ramblings · 7 months
In retrospect reading Frankenstein while in my second month of moving away from home and starting a new job wasn't a good idea because I read shit like ;
I, the miserable and the abandoned, am an abortion, to be spurned at, and kicked, and trampled on. Even now my blood boils at the recollection of this injustice.
And my first thought towards the monster is: oh no, poor little meow meow.
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rxtualistic · 9 months
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"your facial bone structure is sublime," his hand reached to trace the features but stopped at the last second, still too close for it to be comfortable for the other. // @finclgicls
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brain-depositary · 1 year
Victor Frankenstein did his own hysto, pass it on
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lovesbatfacts · 7 months
okay, hear me out....... victor and elizabeth....... in a qpr.......
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"The summer months passed while I was thus engaged, heart and soul, in one pursuit. It was a most beautiful season; never did the fields bestow a more plentiful harvest, or the vines yield a more luxuriant vintage: but my eyes were insensible to the charms of nature. And the same feelings which made me neglect the scenes around me caused me also to forget those friends who were so many miles absent, and whom I had not seen for so long a time. I knew my silence disquieted them;"
Frankenstein, Mary Shelly
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uninfalliable-idiot · 2 months
someone take twitter away from me.
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pigswithwings · 6 months
victor frankestein should've fully been at the club. or if not a club in some meadows frolicking
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sawbones-showdown · 1 year
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several people sent in doctors that don't actually fit the terms of the bracket, but certain of them felt like that they'd either be Suitable or Funny to include, despite their lack of qualifications for the actual competition going on. but in the end, a 42nd doctor was needed to make up an even number of contestants, so we'll accept one Disqualifier Doctor into the prepared bracket!
[note: this concerns Victor Frankenstein from 'Young Frankenstein' (1974) specifically, Victor Frankestein from the original novel will appear elsewhere in the bracket]
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malignantdevils · 29 days
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Atenção, atenção, quem vem lá? Ah, é AIDEN, da história FRANKESTEIN! Todo mundo te conhece… Como não conhecer?! Se gostam, aí é outra coisa! Vamos meter um papo reto aqui: as coisas ficaram complicadas para você, né? Você estava vivendo tranquilamente (eu acho…) depois do seu felizes para sempre, você tinha até começado a ESCREVER POESIA… E aí, do nada, um monte de gente estranha caiu do céu para atrapalhar a sua vida! Olha, eu espero que nada de ruim aconteça, porque por mais que você seja AMÁVEL, você é RECLUSO, e é o que Merlin diz por aí: precisamos manter a integridade da SUA história! Pelo menos, você pode aproveitar a sua estadia no Reino dos Perdidos fazendo o que você gosta: NADA.
Como está a posição dele em relação aos perdidos? Odiou ou amou? Aiden ainda não sabe dizer exatamente o que pensar sobre isso. Preferia que nenhuma outra pessoa passasse pelo que ele passa, então sente empatia pelo perdido que entrou no seu conto como a outra criatura. Ele não suporta quem brinca de deus e por esse motivo detestou a ideia de outro Victor.
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kittycowboy · 3 months
Havent stolen a characters name in a good while but man..... victor frankestein u call to me.....
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amongsthorns · 11 months
something something the way victor dies and comes back and the way frankestein's monster is created are parallels. i feel it in my very spinal cord
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