#vida industrial
pixeltacto · 1 year
Después de hacer todo lo que hacen, se levantan, se bañan, se entalcan, se perfuman, se visten y, así progresivamente, van volviendo a ser lo que no son.
~Julio Cortázar
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nestorleont · 5 months
Evolución e Historia de la Higiene y Seguridad Industrial
La Higiene y Seguridad Industrial es un campo esencial para garantizar el bienestar y la protección de los trabajadores en los entornos laborales. Su evolución a lo largo de la historia ha sido marcada por la creciente conciencia sobre la importancia de salvaguardar la salud y seguridad de los empleados. Los orígenes de la Higiene y Seguridad Industrial se remontan a la Revolución Industrial del…
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adriano-ferreira · 5 months
Primeira Revolução Industrial e questões jurídicas
A primeira revolução industrial foi o período histórico que ocorreu entre a segunda metade do século XVIII e o início do século XIX, principalmente na Grã-Bretanha, em que houve uma série de inovações tecnológicas, econômicas e sociais que transformaram radicalmente o modo de produção, alterando as relações entre as forças produtivas e as relações de produção. Nesse período, observou-se um…
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linasombra21 · 7 months
La Infancia en la Oscuridad: El Cruel Destino De Los Niñoa
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gcgothic · 11 months
Join us Saturday November 4th, 2023 for Midnight Mass Presents: Dia De Los Muertos
☠️Let’s Dance With The Dead ☠️
D.J. Shayn Blaqk & D.J. Angel Fatale
Spinning: New and Old: #sysnthwave #darkwave #indutrial #emo #deathrock #coldwave #postpunk #darkcabaret #80s #darktechnoindustrialdarktechnomusic
#darktechnoindustrial #indiemusic #synthpop, and so much more!
#goth #gothic #ebm #dark #black #dance #sysnthwave #darkwave #diadelosmuertos #djs #industrial #bats #music #emo #deathrock #coldwave #postpunk Gulf Coast Gothic
‼️Presale tickets are $8.00 per person and available via the link below
$10.00 at the door via Square day of the event
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oceanos-en-peligro · 1 year
Imagina océanos donde el atún es una memoria y el arrastre ha dejado paisajes desolados. La pesca industrial está cambiando la cara de nuestros mares y afectando su equilibrio vital.
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ihavemanyhusbands · 4 months
Vidas Pasadas (Past Lives)
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Mini-Series Masterlist
Also on AO3
Pairing: Cooper Howard/The Ghoul x Latina!Reader (Spanish speaking)
WC: 2.5k words
Series Summary: Before the great war, you were an actress—A good friend and frequent co-star of Cooper Howard. After two hundred years in cryogenic stasis, you’re being sent to New Vegas as a performer, but on the way there, things don’t go quite as planned.
Warnings: MINORS DNI, series is 18+, canon typical violence, some angst, friends to lovers-ish?, some miscommunications, eventual smut, chem use, there’ll be some Spanish in there for sure (with translations), cursing, the ghoul being the ghoul, aaaaand that’s all I can think of for now but lmk if anything else!
A/N: This is INCREDIBLY self indulgent, but imagine yourself in these shoes for a moment why don’t you? :) hope you enjoy! pt.1 dedicada ao meu amor @the-devils-littlegirl <33
The holotape was a little over two hundred years old, but it was in relatively good condition. It contained a talk show interview with two actors who were promoting a Western film. The image was in black and white, fuzzy with time, and the voices sounded tinny. 
“So tell me, both of you, what’s it been like working on so many pictures together?” The interviewer, Holden Boyd, asked. “This must be — what, the fourth one?”
“That’s right. You know, Holden, in all my years in this industry, I have never met anyone more professional,” Cooper Howard, the handsome hero of the film, turned to you, sitting beside him. “But she also knows how to keep things balanced between work and play. We laugh a lot behind the scenes, actually.”
“Really?” Holden asked, leaning forward with renewed interest. “Well, that doesn’t surprise me, you two have some incredible chemistry on screen.”
“Well, gee, Coop, do we really?” You couldn’t help but grin at him, making him chuckle. “Maybe that’s why we keep getting cast together.”
“And how’s his Spanish? Are you teaching him any?” Holden asked you. 
“I’ve certainly tried,” you said, raising an eyebrow in amusement. “Say something, why don’t you?”
Cooper’s smile turned sheepish, shaking his head. “Errr… No muy bueno, pero intento.”
His thick southern accent made you and Holden laugh, invariably charmed. In the background, claps and cheers from the live audience, equally smitten. Cooper always knew how to win people over, it was like second nature to him.
“He’s a natural!” Holden exclaimed. “Say the line Coop, you know the one.”
Cooper cleared his throat, squared his shoulders and pretended to point a gun, his expression fully serious.“Feo, Fuerte, y Formal.”
An eruption of cheers, louder than before. You clapped in delight, smiling ear to ear as you bumped your shoulder against his playfully.
“Ah, I see you’ve found our tapes,” the mechanical voice of vault thirty-one’s overseer startled you. 
You looked down at… it, still not used to interacting with a motorized brain suspended in some sort of tank. Bud, you thought it said its name was. Vaguely familiar, but your memories were still hazy, having been in cryogenic stasis for so long. 
“Why do you have these?” You asked.
“Everything pertaining to Hollywood was preserved for archival purposes. Feel free to watch anything you like,” Bud said. “We have all of your films, as well as interviews, press clippings, and pictures.”
You looked back at the screen, crossing your arms over your chest and trying not to shudder. You had me, too. You thought, stomach turning. A shiny toy shelved away for later use.
You’d gotten a spot in vault thirty one in exchange for compliance — after all, the future would need entertainers, right? And the nostalgia factor would just sell so well. You would be totally set for whatever came… or so they’d said.
It hadn’t seemed like a terrible deal at the time, but you hadn’t truly realized how tremendous the losses would be. Or how much things could veer off course in two centuries. 
Cooper was gone, and so was everyone else you had ever cared for. Bud hadn’t said what happened to your former co-star, but it didn't need to. 
 You had entered the vault all by yourself, with no family or spouse to consider. And just a few days ago, you had been greeted by that same loneliness when you’d emerged from the pod. 
Some things never changed, it seemed. Perhaps New Vegas wouldn’t be a terrible distraction, all things considered.
“Feels like it was only yesterday…” you said, keeping the melancholy out of  your voice.
“Doesn’t it? That’s the best part of the stasis pods. Keeps one fresh,” Bud said, chipper. “How’s your head feeling, by the way?”
“Better,” you sighed. “Barely any pain left.”
“Oh, good. You should be ready to travel to New Vegas in a couple more days. I’ve been in touch with a trusted courier that should be able to escort you there safely.”
A tinge of fear in your chest. “How… bad is it out there?”
“Well, er, it’s… not great. But we’ll get there! I’ve heard New Vegas has a lot more going for it than these parts,” Bud said quickly, not wanting to linger on the negative. “Vault twenty one, where you’ll be staying, was turned into a hotel. Lots of people passing by. I’m sure it’ll be easy for you to attract the crowds.” 
Stepping towards the projector, you ejected the holotape, unable to watch any more. The memories would consume you far too easily, if you let them. That life had crumbled to dust long ago, and there was nothing you could do to change that, either.
What other choice did you have but to trudge forward?
“For both our sakes, Bud, I really hope that’s true.”
As with most things, Bud had severely understated just how bad things were on the surface. The sight of it had instantly struck you— Nothing was left but ruins and desert plains stretching as far as the eye could see. No one but you and the courier — a weathered, gruff looking middle-aged man — around for miles.
You’d left your vault suit behind in exchange for the clothes you’d worn when you first went in. You were also given a small survival pack, a tranquilizer gun, and a pip boy, but that was the extent of your belongings.
 The courier handed you a hat and an old scarf to cover yourself from the sun and the sand, instructing you to keep close before whirling around and starting to walk.
Did he even say what his name was? You couldn’t recall, but you were too busy being in shock to care too much.
It was all so unceremonious, unlike what you’d been used to in the past. No cars or any other mode of transportation, no roads to smoothly cruise on. No kind words offered for your departure, except for Bud’s overly enthusiastic Good luck! before opening the vault’s enormous door. 
“Say, how long do you think the… trip is going to take?” You asked, trying to keep your fear at bay. 
“Around three weeks, give or take. That is, if the weather holds and we keep a good pace during the day,” the courier said. “Can’t be out at night around these parts.”
You swallowed hard, wondering what sorts of dangers lurked out there. You had some stunt training, but no actual fighting skills. Hopefully, the tranq gun would be enough, but you also suspected your companion had far deadlier weapons.
Better to stay on his good side, you thought.
“First stop’s at a town called Filly. Got some quick business to take care of there, so we’ll be spending the night,” the courier continued when you didn’t respond. “Keep your head down and let me do the talking. Don’t want anybody to recognize you.”
You nodded, letting out a long sigh. 
“Hopefully they’ve got showers there,” you said, imagining how calming the hot stream of water might be. 
The courier looked at you over his shoulder, incredulous, and barked out a laugh. Your face heated up at his ridicule, mumbling something about vault dwellers to himself with a shake of his head. 
You walked in silence for the next couple of hours, trying to guess what area you might be passing through. Briefly, you wondered if the ruins of your old house still stood somewhere, and if you’d be able to find them. 
But you reminded yourself not to dwell on what no longer existed. 
Soon enough, you started to see signs of humanity. A few stragglers here and there, but the courier steered you in different directions whenever he spotted larger groups. Raiders, he’d told you, a grim look on his face.
 You hurried your step, wanting to put as much distance between you and them as possible. Bud had given you a very basic rundown of what you might encounter on the surface, but while some of it was hard to believe without seeing it firsthand, raiders did not fall under that category.
Still, despite the danger, at least you were reassured that you weren’t the only people left around. 
Filly was a ramshackle town made up of scraps;  A small testament of humanity’s endurance. Vendors were hawking questionable food and other wares at the outskirts of it, the tight pack of more bodies making you nervous. 
Your senses were invaded by smells and noises and even the occasional passerby bumping into you. Life was still brimming, as chaotic as it may seem. Somehow, it made you feel the smallest flicker of hope.
The courier led you through the crowd and down a rickety stairway towards a small square, where there was a little more room to move. The sun was beginning to set, bright tendrils of orange and gold tinting the sky. 
For a brief moment, you stopped to look at it, moved almost to tears by the simple beauty of a sunset. At least, that hadn’t changed either, and you vowed to never take them for granted again. 
“This way,” the courier said, urging you to move. 
Unbeknownst to you, someone had taken notice of the two of you. More specifically, the courier. A hit had been placed on him, worth three hundred caps. There was no reason given for it, but he hadn’t thought to ask questions, anyway. He didn’t much like meddling unnecessarily.
He surreptitiously followed behind, keeping his distance so you wouldn’t notice him. He already stuck out like a sore thumb, what with being a ghoul and all. But, like any bounty hunter worth his salt, he still knew how to lay low.
The courier led you into a repurposed building that rented out closet sized rooms. You paid with a few of the caps Bud had put in your survival pack, relieved that you wouldn’t have to share a room. 
The courier was curt but prudent, in his own way. You were just a task to him, and you knew he would protect you as best as he could because of it. You had nothing against him so far, but you didn’t want to take your chances regardless. 
“Stay in your room, I’m gonna head out for a bit. I’ll bring back some food,” he said, turning to leave.
“Wait!” You hurried behind him, out into the open, where it was growing darker. “Wouldn’t it be better to, uh, stick together?”
“It’s private business,” he grunted, annoyed. “Besides, you’ll be safer in there.”
“Hey, you,” you heard from behind you, followed by a commanding whistle. “Sabinez, is it?”
The courier looked up, his eyes immediately widening. “Oh, fuck.”
You followed his gaze, finding a… cowboy. His face was mostly obscured underneath the brim of his hat, but his lack of a nose was still strikingly apparent. Radiation burns marred what little skin you could see, the rest covered in old, tattered leathers. 
A ghoul, from what Bud had described. The see-it-to-believe-it kind of danger. Your stomach dropped.
He was pointing his revolver at the courier – Sabinez –  finger about to squeeze the trigger.
“No, please!” You exclaimed, panicked. 
Foolishly, without even thinking about it, you stepped in front of him, arms extended in an attempt to further shield him. The ghoul raised his hairless eyebrows, both amused and surprised.
“I need him,” you said, heart beating so fast you feared it might leap out of your chest. “Please.”
“How sweet,” the ghoul said mockingly, one hand on his chest. “But as it turns out, sweetheart, I need him, too.”
Before you could react, he raised the barrel of the revolver infinitesimally and fired. A dizzying moment in which the bullet whizzed by your head, and Sabinez’s body slumped behind you, his blood spraying at your back. 
Any onlookers that had stuck around scattered to safety, not wanting to be next in line for whatever the ghoul had planned. You let out a choked sound, too shocked to even scream. Shuddering, you slowly looked over your shoulder, only to avert your gaze quickly.
“No,” you murmured, horrified. “No, no, no…Fuck!”
It was just your luck, encountering death the very first day you finally returned to the surface. You wondered if you should fall to your knees and beg for mercy, but your body refused to move.
The ghoul’s spurs clinked as he stepped towards you, and you raised your hands in surrender, keeping your eyes down.
“You the cargo?” He asked, tilting his head to one side in curiosity. “Let’s get a better look at’cha.”
You whimpered as he grasped one of your arms, his other hand tugging down the scarf that covered half your face. He seemed to hesitate for a moment, eyes roaming over your features.
“Look at me,” he ordered, voice low.
Swallowing hard, you finally dared to look up at him. Tears clung to your lashes, a stray one running down your cheek. He looked more skeletal up close, his eyes sunken in, cheekbones prominent, and of course there was the cavern where his nose would be. 
He removed your hat next, letting go of you and taking a step back. There was something in his expression you couldn’t quite decipher, but you felt a creeping sense of deja vu the longer you looked at him. 
“You…” he said, something like recognition in his voice, as well as disbelief.
“I–Please, I don’t know w-what he did to you but I don’t–” You started to babble, but he interrupted. 
“Where were y’all heading off to?”
“U-um, New Vegas, uh, sir?” You tried to smile placatingly, but it was watery and would slip away at any moment. 
Not only was it strange for him to see you alive and in the flesh, but you were also fearing him. He remembered your earnest smiles, genuinely pleased to see him. Then again, you hadn’t yet recognized who he was. 
He wasn’t entirely sure he wanted you to know, but he also didn’t really want to let you go on your own way. Plus, he’d just killed your only guide, so it was only fair that he took on the job and saw it through.
That way, he could try to find out more about all that had happened, without giving himself away.
“New Vegas, huh,” he mused, letting out a low whistle. “That’s a long ways away, especially if you don’t know where you’re goin’...But it’s your lucky night, sweetheart, ‘cus I just so happen to know the way.”
“R-really? I could pay you if you’d h-help me!” you said quickly, rummaging through your pack to show him some caps. “I’m not sure how much would be enough but… I’ll be making more once I start working.”
“Don’t get your panties in a twist now, we can do some negotiating later,” he drawled, lips curling in a smirk as he looked up at the building behind you. “Hope you don’t mind us bunking together.”
Your entire face heated up. “Uh, you can take his room. It’s already paid for.”
“Well, what a generous fella he was,” he said, tossing your stuff back at you. “Jus’ don’t come runnin’ when you get nightmares. I ain’t much of a cuddler.”
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daimiyamoto · 2 months
‎‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎→ KEI'S GIF PACK DIRECTORY!
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Since Tumblr terminated my previous account, where I stored every gif pack I ever made, I decided to upload them in a separate one just in case this one gets nuked too. This is the link to the directory, but I will also post a list in alphabetical order under the cut so you know which ones I've made so far. Some of them are in a payhip page, the rest are in their respective Tumblr page.; most of them are for free, a couple of them are paid.
If you like, use or plan to use any of them, please spread the word! I won't be making an individual post for them again, so a reblog to this post helps too. Thanks!
Alec Secăreanu in Happy Valley season 3
Alex Høgh Andersen in Darkness: Those Who Kill season 2 (P)
Álvaro Rico in Madres: Amor y vida season 4 (P)
Bilal Hasna in Extraordinary season 1 (P)
Brian Tyree Henry in The Outside Story
Brian Tyree Henry in Atlanta season 3 (unfinished)
Carlos Cuevas in Citas: Barcelona season 1 (P)
Carlos Cuevas in El verano que vivimos
Carlos Cuevas in Sin límites
Carlos Cuevas in Smiley season 1 (P)
Carlos Miranda in Station 19 season 5
Woo Do-Hwan in Bloodhounds (P)
Evan Peters in American Horror Story: Red Tide (gif icons)
Elias Kacavas in Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin seasons 1 & 2
Wi Ha-Joon in Bad and Crazy
Wi Ha-Joon in Little Women
Wi Ha-Joon in With Coffee
Hasan Piker in several interviews (gif icons)
Kim Hieora in Bad and Crazy
Jesse Williams in Only Murders in the Building season 3 (missing one episode because I'm d*mb)
Jesse Williams in Your Place or Mine (P)
Jim Parrack in 9-1-1: Lone Star season 3 (unfinished)
Jordan Calloway in Fire Country season 2
Lakeith Stanfield in The Changeling season 1 (P)
Omid Abtahi in American Gods seasons 1 to 3
Omid Abtahi in Damien
Nabhaan Rizwan in Industry season 1
Nico Greetham in American Horror Stories season 2
Peter Gadiot in Yellowjackets season 1
Raúl Castillo in Night Teeth
Raúl Castillo in Seven Seconds
Ritesh Rajan in Twentyfiveish
Sachin Bhatt in But She's my Best Friend
Stephan James in Surface season 1 (unfinished)
Ted Sutherland in The Walking Dead: World Beyond season 2
Yahya Abdul-Mateen II in Watchmen season 1
I think I didn't forget any — if you think I did, let me know!
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chadillacboseman · 2 years
Las Almas Blues
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Pairing: Alejandro Vargas x F!Reader
Warnings: Mentions of injury, the military industrial complex, etc. We all know what MW2 is about at this point. Alejandro being a big ass softie.
Summary: Post MWII. Alejandro has had his ass kicked, been betrayed, lost at least one squadmate, and finally took down the woman who has caused all of the bloodshed in his beloved Las Almas. There's only one person he looks to for comfort in the aftermath.
Word Count: Very short. Call it an exercise in getting back into the groove I guess.
A/N: Some use of Spanish language, translations provided at the bottom. NO mention of reader's skin, hair, or eye color. Reader does also speak a lil Spanish.
Every inch of Alejandro's body ached as if he'd been run through a meat grinder. Bruises and burns that had gone unnoticed before suddenly throbbed now that the surge of adrenaline had left his muscles.
"Oye hermano- " Rudy peered through the rear view mirror when they hit another bump that sent Alejandro into a fit of animated groans, "¿Estás bien?"
"Estoy bien. Just get me home."
Rudy grunted in response and directed the SUV down a darkened street that wound its way out of Las Almas and into the mountains that surrounded it.
The house was tucked just beyond a range of steep peaks that reached for the sky, their black, jagged edges just barely visible against the deep blue above them. Alejandro had known the house as a child- the former home of an American painter who had been scared off by the cartel violence that threatened to encroach upon his front yard.
But it never did.
It was why he had chosen this place to hide you- to keep you distant from the violence and the bloodshed he saw every day. To give you some sense of normalcy behind the suspiciously tall fence and armed Vaqueros that lined the property.
Rudy signaled to one of the men at the gate and jerked his head toward the rear of the vehicle.
"Bienvenido, jefe," the guard glanced in the back seat and Alejandro offered him a nod in return.
From upstairs, you watched the lights of the SUV as they turned through the gate and came to a stop in the driveway. One of the back doors opened and a figure that was unmistakably Alejandro's stumbled out, hunched over as if in pain.
"Alejo-" you breathed his name and bolted for the stairs, taking them two at a time until you reached the foyer. You waited, fingers wringing in worry until the front door opened and he stumbled through.
"Vida mia-" Alejandro practically collapsed into your arms and you took a few steps backward as his weight fell against you and his heavy gear bags dropped to the floor, "te he extrañado."
"¿Qué pasó?" You pulled back to examine his face- he looked exhausted, every line seemed etched into his skin as if into a granite slab.
How could he possibly begin to explain his week to you?
"Hey, we caught El Sin Nombre- turns out it was an old squadmate-"
"Rudy almost died in a burning building, but he drove me home."
"We saved the US from a missile strike."
"A lot," was all he could muster, so you left it at that. You'd seen him bloodier than this more times than you liked to think about, but never had you seen him so utterly exhausted.
"Come upstairs."
Alejandro took your hand and followed you up the stairs to the master bathroom where he perched himself on the edge of the bathtub. His head throbbed in the brightness there- a new, sharper pain that shot down his jawline with every movement.
"Here," you pressed a cool cloth to his forehead and he leaned into it, his eyes squeezed shut against the ache. His head came to a rest against your midriff and you chuckled, running your fingers through his tousled black hair, "You going to live?"
"Maybe," he murmured against the fabric of your sweater, "Maybe not."
You pulled his head back gently and he grinned weakly up at you, his soft eyes glinting in the bathroom light. The grin faded when he spoke again.
"I almost died out there," Alejandro's eyes darkened for a moment as his mind wandered to the way Rodriguez's body had tumbled from the cliffside, lifeless into the ravine below, "I lost a good man, too."
"Alejo," he hummed in response to the nickname, something so personal, something he held so dear when you spoke it, "When will you give this up?"
You had asked him that question a thousand times.
Through tears, through screams, while squeezing his hand at his bedside. Time and time again, he had told you that Las Almas needed him- that he couldn't abandon the good people of the city like a dog with its tail between its legs.
But now? Now Valeria was behind bars, maybe even permanently. Los Vaqueros were back on top despite their losses, and for once, Alejandro felt as if maybe he could give it up.
"Would that make you happy, mi amor?" he rose to his feet and clasped your hands in his, "You want this old man to hang it up?"
You laughed, the first genuine laugh you'd had since he had been gone with the American taskforce. It made his heart sing to hear it, to see your face light up as it broke open into a bright smile.
Rudy could take the helm- he was more than capable of continuing Los Vaqueros without Alejandro.
Since the day he had first met you, he'd dreamed of giving you the life you deserved- one that wasn't fraught with worry or tinged with loneliness when he had to be away.
Because God, he loved you. He loved everything about you. He wanted you to be happy in ways he wasn't even sure he could make you-
But he could try.
And he would try every day of his life until he succeeded.
Oye hermano. ¿Estás bien? - Hey Brother, you alright?
Estoy bien - I'm good/I'm fine.
Bienvenido, jefe - Welcome, boss.
Vida mia, te he extrañado - my life, I've missed you.
mi amor - my love
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pixeltacto · 1 year
La gente llegará a amar su opresión, a adorar las tecnologías que deshacen su capacidad de pensar.
~ George Orwell.
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brunaestaobesa · 2 years
Conduta p/ 2023
Pra começar vou fazer 18h de nf todos os dias
Vou ser a viciada em exercício, todos os dias terei q fazer alguma coisa que mexa o corpo e gaste kcals
Acordar as 7h dias de semana e as 8h aos finais de semana
Pelo menos uma vez na semana fazer uma caminhada até a praia
Cortar o carbo refinado
Pão 🍞🫓🥐🥖🥯🍔🌭🥪🥨
Biscoito (nem tipo "fit")
Macarrão 🍝🍜🥡
O pão só trás inchaço, gordura e culpa! Se for usado, deve ser de forma estratégica combinado com proteína e sem gordura.
O biscoito é traiçoeiro, parece inofensivo umas bolachas de água e sal né?! Pois em apenas 4 unidades tem 160 funking calorias!!! E a coisa so triplica quando e aquela recheada, seja do formato q for! Aquela fantasiada de fitness, cara e cheia de frufru n fica de fora, pelo contrário, se for pra comer biscoito de aveia, magic toast, torrada 7 grãos e o caralho a quatro, melhor comer a porcaria de 4 trakinas e ser feliz de uma vez!!
Macarrão caseiro e uma bomba calorias nojenta e o miojo n vale a pena, aquela massa frita com o pacotinho de puro sódio acaba com a limpeza interna do corpo e ainda deixa inchada.
Comeca com o chiclete zero açúcar, dps uma pastilha de menta n mata ngm, em seguida um drops azedinha n vai me engordar, e talvez essa balinha de chocolate n seja tão maligna afinal...
Depois disso ate um balde de Nutella eu considero passavel e vira um novo ciclo de r.e de semanas a fio comendo de tudo e engordando os 3/4 kg que lutei o mes inteiro pra perder em menos de 10 dias!! 🤬🤕👹
Então é por isso q devo passar pelo processo de abstinência para ficar limpa do açúcar. O doce da mais vontade de doce, e quando vc percebe aquele docinho depois do almoço passa a ser encaixado em várias refeições do dia
Alguns alimentos estão totalmente liberado e outros deverá ser tomado mais cautela...
Frutas de baixa kcals
Vegetais e legumes a vontade
Proteína sem gordura no preparo, na Air fryer ou cozido mesmo, como:
O importante é inovar nos preparos e evitar a gordura, seja vegetal, natural, animal ou industrial!!
Chá, suco zero, refri zero, café, agua saborizada deve ser consumido com EXAGERO!! Está com sede? Bebe água. Esta com fome? Bebe suco. Esta louca por doce? Bebe refri. Está sem energia? Bebe café. Esta entediada? Faz um chá doido e toma. Quer algo gelado, refrescante e aesthetic? Faz um suco verde, posta, e bebe tudo. N faz 💩 pq n está comendo? Faz chá de sene e boa sorte!!
O importante desse ponto é não ser vencida pelo cérebro, se estiver prestes a destruir tudo, bebe algum líquido ate n aguentar mais e esquecer a vontade.
Extremo cuidado
Frutas favorite, porém calórica e engordativa
🥭🍌🥥🥑 tentar usar em receitas em dias de refeição livre é a melhor opção. Usar a banana em panqueca, bolinho ou shake. O coco deve ser consumido em tips cru ou assado para melhor controle de quantidade. O abacate, manga, jaca, temoia e semelhantes deve ser um evento!!
E considerado saldavel e inofensivo por muitos nutricionista, mas uma porção é tão pequena para quantidade de kcals que n vale a pena. São os grãos, oleaginosas e os cereais.
Arroz, feijão e grão de bico é saldavel, mas o preparo desses alimentos aqui no Brasil e cheios de adições desnecessária e extremamente caloricas. No arroz coloca óleo e sal. No feijão soca carne, embutidos, gordura vegetal, animal e artificial, e muuuuito sal. Uma porção pequena para agradar a vó ou a mãe uma vez na vida n vai estragar progresso, mas n deve ser frequente essas escapadas.
Bebida alcoólica somente em ocasiões especiais e que n tenha outra opção menos calorica. O álcool so faz inchar, desidratar, jogar sais minerais no ralo, ressaca e barriga de shop, então cuidado com a quantidade pois tbm tem muita caloria para pouca quantidade.
Sobre a gordura que é usada no preparo de alimentos cozidos ou fritos: A opção mais aceitável é a banha e o óleo de coco. Para refolgar uma carne, 5 a 10 gramas já é mais que suficiente. Para omelete e panqueca, pincelar a gordura bem espalhado na frigideira é o ideal. Ovo frito sem comentários pq está banido.
O senhor sínico, o sal 🧂
O sal causa retenção de líquido, o que engorda visualmente e na balança principalmente. Existem milhares de temperos para ser descoberto e apreciado no mundo. Vai de omelete? Coloca orégano, cuminho e curry e uma pintadinha de sal, n tem erro!
O cigarro ☠️🚬
Esse vai ser o verdadeiro castigo do monstro, a guerra entre eu e EU, o que vai ser decisivo em 2023.
Para adaptação será feita uma diminuição de dose. Será estabelecido horários para fumar. Será 5 🚬 por dia
Manhã. Ao acordar ou depois de realizar as primeiras tarefas do dia
Intervalo/almoço. Depois de realizar alguma tarefa mais exaustiva e que mereça ser recompensada, pode fumar. Assim como depois da quebra do nf no almoço, é uma boa hora pra um cigarrinho.
Tarde entediante ou tarde produtiva, esse horário do dia pede um cigarrinho.
Fim da tarde início de noite, fechando o ciclo alimentar, depois do Exercício ou do banho, agora é a hora do cigarettes.
O último. A chave que fecha o dia, o cigarro antes de escovar os dentes e fechar as portas.
Essa será a fase inicial e ate mesmo flexível do processo. Quando essa parte difícil passar e virar uma rotina de fumante, está na hora de introduzir uma distribuição de cigarro menor em momentos mais relachados.
Tres a dois cigarros, vc vai decidir o momento de fumar. No 2 semestre do ano ja será a hora de começar esse .
Uma clean girl 🧖
Uma garota bonita e magra n e o suficiente, para ser perfeita é preciso rosto e corpo limpo, cheiroso e bem cuidado!
Rosto de dar inveja
A água ja e figurinha repetida então sem muita delongas, BEBA ÁGUA E SUA PELE VAI AGRADECER, SÉRIO!
Invista antes de tudo em um protetor solar fp 50. O uso deve ser diário, logo após escovar os dentes de manhã, seja sol ou chuva.
Água micellar para remover impurezas do dia a dia e a maquiagem que venha a ser usada.
Um kit basico de skin care é o ideal para começar, para quem n tem costume nem noção de produtos e funções é a opção mai sensata.
Quem tem Braço e perna peluda é aranha cargueira
Depilação deve ser como culto de domingo, religiosamente feito toda semana.
Pe de 🐸??? Nunca mais!! Usar sandália é essencial, se vc quer mudar seu corpo, pare de ser moleca e passe a andar calcada para ter pés de princesa. Assim como a pele e o cabelo os pés também precisa de cuidados. Faça a pedicure semanalmente, no banho esfregue cada dobrinha e cantinho e lixe a sola para deixar lisinho e limpo.
Produtos para pele: esfoliante corporal(1X na semana); óleo de banho(1X no dia); creme hidratante com cheiro Mach com perfume(após o banho)
Perfume e a marca registrada de uma garota. Pesquise o cheiro que deseja ter e qual sensação causar nas pessoas com ele, se arrisque e compre alguns, uma hora vc vai escolher um. Tenha um baratinho pra usar em casa pra ir dormir e um principal para o dia a dia.
Cabelo é foda, pra quem treina diariamente pior ainda. Existem duas opções, cortar deixando bem curtinho ou Pixel. E a mais chata, lavar o cabelo religiosamente todos os dias após o treino e manter um cronograma semanal de hidratação e crescimento capilar 🥲. É uma grande decisão...
Roupa transmite sua essência 👗✨
Para uma pessoa indecisa como sou, essa vai ser complicado:
Escolha um estilo propio!! Gosta de roupas folgadas, despojada, cool e desfem, mas tbm gosta de calça de alfaiataria, blusas femininas e salto alto...
Combine os seus gostos!! Põe um vestido com um tênis branco e uma bolsa cool 😎
Mude seu guarda roupas de dentro casa. Use roupas mais simples e baratas para o dia a dia e para ir na padaria, mas que imprimam sua personalidade com elas
2023 será o seu ano, chega de deixar a depressão tomar sua vida! Então vc vai fazer cursos e procurar um novo emprego, então faca pastas no Pinterest com as inspos de roupas e looks q vc vai usar.
Tenha pecas coringas!!
Parte de cima > blusa baby look clean, de cor neutra para base de looks; camisas oversize com estampas descolada e cool para math com parte de baixo mais simples; body clean e com pouca estampas para parte de baixo que merecem mais destaque; tops cropped para cintura alta.
Parte de baixo > calça jeans mom e wide será a predominância; calça de alfaiataria, seja as mais estruturadas e mais carinhas e ate as mais soltinhas. Tenha uma de cada cor; shorts e saias não vai ser usado com constância, mas e bom ter alguns jeans, alfaiataria e soltinhos para usar no verão.
Calça e shorts legging para treinar, de preferência cores escuras e tecido de qualidade.
Vestidos, muitos vestidos!!! Curto, longo, molinho, estruturado, clean, estampado, de festa, de casa... Use e abuse de vestidos, eles sao perfeitos para dias de preguicinha, é so por e ir.
Calçados > compre rasterinhas, elas são baratinhas e ate uma ida a padaria fica mais arrumada com uma. Tenha umas mais trabalhadas para rolês que pede algo a mais sem deixar de ser casual, e varias mais simples para o informal do dia a dia; tênis sera seu best: um alstar branco e outro preto, um lv branco pra o rolê descolado, um basiquinho adidas, um tênis novo para treinar e outros dois mais decorado; saltinhos baixos tanto plataforma quanto bico fino, mas toda mulher, seja a casual a paty, tem q ter bons saltos.
Gym skinny girl🏋🏽‍♀️
Para ser uma verdadeira it girl em 2023 vc precisa se manter magra e torneada, isso sera alcançado com musculação.
Treinar pesado, intenso, fofo, cardio, ou 10 min de hit, fodasse!! Treine msm quando sentir q foi mt ativa no dia. Fodasse tbm a motivação, o foco é na disciplina!!!
Fazer musculação seria muito bom msm, então tenha como meta primordial do início do ano de entrar na academia
É importante tornar o Exercício um hábito tal qual escovar os dentes de manhã
Caminhada é bom pra pensar na vida, organizar as ideias, e principalmente gastar kcals e tempo. Tente fazer ao menos 1X na semana. Caminhar bem cedinho ate a praia, por os pés na água e correr na areia vai tornar o seu dia 5 vezes melhor!
Paty pobre 💍👑
Uma garota marcante usa e abusa de acessórios sofisticados e harmônicos. E uma garota cool e de personalidade usa prata!! A shoppe vai te ajudar nessa missão
🤚 mão direita
Smartwatch ☑️
Pandora coração cravejado
Pandora reflexions
Tiffany bolinhas
Anel Pandora coração
Anel Pandora gota
Anel Pandora V cravejado
✋ mão esquerda
Bulgari serpenti
Hermes bracelet
Cartier love
Cartier prego
Van Cleef cravejado
Anel Cartier love
Anel Pandora V coroa
Anel simple cravejado
📿 colares fixos
Pandora circulo grande
Pandora choker reflection
Os charms n devem ser esses baratinhos nem banhado, dê total preferência a comprar um a cada 1/2 meses, mas q seja totalmente prata 925 e da loja tanfa
Por enquanto é isso, qualquer coisa vou atualizando dps
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delirantesko · 1 month
Numa fria segunda do fim de agosto de 2024 (texto, escrevendo)
Vontade de não fazer nada.
Escrevo um pouco do pássaro e a fonte, mais pela disponibilidade de tempo do que inspiração.
Suspiro profundo.
"Como luto contra essa sensação?" eu penso, e isso acende alguma fagulha, porque de repente eu aceito o fato de que "essa emoção também é uma musa" como meu eu do passado escreveu num post anterior.
Meus "Três estágios".
Claro que é uma simplificação, pessoas são mais complexas que isso, mas aqueles que dependem apenas de si mesmos pra se reerguer precisam de sistemas simples de serem realizados.
A princípio nem penso na música. Não vou, não quero ouvir. Que preguiça, é muito mais fácil ficar aqui boiando e me afundando nessa sensação.
Mas aí lembro da raiva. Preciso dela pra sair do lugar, emergir dessa lama paralisante. A raiva me ajuda a dizer "foda-se" pra essa versão afundando nela, como se eu fosse uma criatura furiosa insatisfeita com aquela situação.
Vou ouvir algo de industrial rock, minha trilha sonora pra induzir raiva, pois é o estágio intermediário pra que surja um estágio de loucura criativa. Pode ser algum tema de batalha de um jogo por exemplo, até porque é uma luta. Lembro dos fudoomyoo e seus semblantes de fúria.
Loucura porque não busca compreensão, loucura porque só através dela algo novo pode ser alcançado. Loucura porque não existe outra resposta disponível. Porque a loucura não espera nada de ninguém além de você mesmo, a única existência real e duradoura, essa maldição que persegue toda sua existência, um coração que bate sem parar, pulmões que inflam e esvaziam, uma música que anuncia vida, por mais miserável que seja. Uma música que pode ser alterada. E sou eu quem vai sintonizar essa nova estação, pra que meus braços mesmo tremendo dancem, pra que meus pés realizem algum tipo de passo ou mesmo um semaz dos dervixes.
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eirinstiva · 2 months
I was reading the fourth chapter of "The Hound of the Baskervilles" and for some reason I always forget the translation of moor into Spanish. Páramo is not a word that I use a lot so probably that's why I always forget it. This is the first time I read this book in English so I couldn't remember too much about some details, so this is a good excuse too look for this part in my copy of Todo Sherlock Holmes
As you value your life or your reason keep away from the moor.
The edition in Spanish is almost a literal translation
Si tienen valor para usted su vida o su razón, deberá alejarse del páramo"
How do they translated the original text? Well, the difference is the word you and your translated as the formal usted and su.
‘You may be cajoled into imagining that your own special trade or your own industry will be encouraged by a protective tariff, but it stands to reason that such legislation must in the long run keep away wealth from the country, diminish the value of our imports, and lower the general conditions of life in this island.’
In Spanish looks like this:
Tal vez se imagina usted que su propio comercio o su industria se verásn incrementados si tienen un arancel protector; pero hay razón para creer que, con dicha legislación, a la larga, la riquesa deberá alejarse del país, se reducirá el valor de nuestras importaciones y bajará el nivel general de vida de esta isla.
The other difference are the word cut together. In English are two groups: keep away and from the while in Spanish are three groups: si tienen, o su, deberá alejarse del.
I like how the translator solved the problem of "keep away". In Spanish the verb to move away is alejarse and adding the verb deber they can change the subject of the sentence and implies an order (like using must). The original text has that word but it's not used in the note, but in the Spanish version is a necessity.
Translation is hard as fuck.
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sainzfilm · 2 years
hiii can I request an Instagram au Carlos x reader where reader is starting her singer career? She can be friends with most of the drivers too ty <3
pairing: carlos sainz x singer!reader
a/n: i love this!!! hope you enjoy it as much as i enjoyed making it :) also can you all tell that i love hailee and gracie…AND i also inserted taylor’s song ;) just because that makes me swoon from my feels ugh
new beginnings - carlos sainz
instagram edit
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Liked by carlossainz55, lilymhe, and 272,419 others
yourusername new beginnings. can’t wait for you all to hear my story x
photo credits to amor de mi vida, carlossainz55 🖤
view all 627 comments
yukitsunoda0511 congratulations, Y/N!! 😊 i will make some sushi for you when you come by next race weekend
carlossainz55 also me, right?
yourusername no he said for ME, tonto
charles_leclerc excited for your career, bonne chance! 🍾🎊
yourusername thanks, bud!!! see you next weekend, stop hogging my boyfriend 😘
landonorris there we have it folks! the next grammy award winner for next year 😉
alex_albon you’re saying that so she can give you tickets when she opens for taylor swift
yourusername YOU GUYS….im blushing 🙄 also obviously what do you think of course im getting you guys tickets
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Liked by estebanocon, landonorris, and 761,398 others
carlossainz55 boyfriend duties for mi amor. hope you all stay tuned for her ep next week, she worked very hard for it 😝❤️
view all 52,274 comments
charles_leclerc mate….did you just let her pass out on the floor?
yourusername he did.
carlossainz55 ay, stop lying, amor. i carried you to bed afterwards 😑
danielricciardo all the best!!! already told the family and friends to check it out when its released 😎
❤️ Liked by yourusername
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Liked by estebanocon, pierregasly, and 21,383 others
carlossainz55 first gig in london 🇬🇧 she didn’t know we were coming to surprise her, which is obvious in the second photo. 😝 proud of you, mi amor, te amo. x
ps. give me back my polo?
view all 42,362 comments
yourusername HEY!!! to be fair, you told me you were busy with media day 😔 te amo te amo te amo. thank you for being the best, my carlos :)🖤 also. no. my polo now.
carlossainz55 ay, busy? when am i ever going to be busy when it comes to you?
charles_leclerc he’s right. he doesn’t want to play chess with me anymore because he’s on a call with you
alex_albon great great show, Y/N!! can’t wait for your success, lily and i are sending the biggest hugs 😊
yourusername PLEASEEEE come to my next show, i miss the both of you 😔
landonorris she’s beauty, she’s grace, she’s taking the music industry in the face!!! proud of you
yourusername you, george, and alex better come visit me real soon 😤 the powerpuff quartet must have a reunion
georgerussell63 i didnt agree to that name.
alex_albon we dont care, george
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Liked by charles_leclerc, lilymhe, and 289,273 others
yourusername its past midnight and i ask him to go on a drive, he picks up his car keys without hesitation. its one of his rest days and i ask him if he could cook some pasta, he grabs my hand and leads me to the kitchen. oh how you make coming home always so sweet.
sweet nothing, coming out on september 1. 🖤
view all 21,323 comments
sainz55files oh my god…..did she write this song for him 😭 im going to be in tears when it comes out!!!
powerpuffquartet COUNT ME IN IM NOT READY
charles_leclerc why does he never cook pasta for me? 😔
landonorris change your name to Y/N then ask him again
danielricciardo such a poet your girl is, smooth operator! 😉
yourusername shakespeare must be tossing and turning in his grave
carlossainz55 brilliant mind, kind heart– you are everything and more to me, mi amor. i love you
yourusername now don’t come home without pizza hehehe i love you
alex_albon there we go, Y/N just messing the cheesiness up 😒
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klimtjardin · 6 months
Da poética à estética: o que é dar sentido? | Análise da identidade visual do NCT
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{Aviso de conteúdo: LONGO | Introdução: conceitos | 1. Como funciona na prática | 2. Minha visão sobre o assunto | 3. Identidade visual do nct | 4. Em cima do muro? | Conclusão}
Caras queridas, o conteúdo de hoje toca em assuntos mais técnicos. Quis trazer um pouco da teoria para que vocês entendam o que é conceitualizar, o que é criar uma imagem e como isso acontece (ou não) no nosso querido NCT.
Vamo que bora?
Introdução: conceitos
Todo mundo já ouviu a palavra estética empregada nem que fosse em uma piada {aqui no Tumblr, então, é a casa do "aesthetic" e de uns anos para cá, o Tik Tok também virou}. Mas vocês sabem qual a origem da estética e da irmã siamesa dela, a poética?
Para explicar-lhes devemos retornar no tempo, na Grécia Antiga. Aristóteles estudou e classificou as artes literárias em diferentes poéticas, sendo elas: comédia, tragédia, epopeia e poesia lírica. Divisões que futuramente se tornariam os nossos conhecidos gêneros literários.
O que isso quer dizer?
A poética é como uma narrativa. É sobre o que se trata a história. Ela é aplicável em todas as artes, mesmo as não visuais. Hoje em dia talvez a gente chame a poética de "tema" ou "tema central".
A estética diz respeito aos elementos que aparecem para contar a história. No caso das artes visuais é mais fácil visualizarmos, mas eles estão presentes em todas as artes de uma forma geral. Por exemplo, a literatura se apresenta em forma estética de texto. A arquitetura de construções, e cada construção também segue uma linha estética dependendo do arquiteto, e assim por diante.
Como funciona na prática?
Para dar um exemplo bem prático, vou usar o NCT, obviamente.
Sabemos que existe uma história do NCT que envolve os sonhos, não é? Então, essa é a nossa narrativa, a nossa poética.
Já a estética fica por conta dos elementos que são usados para contar essa história. No caso, fica a critério de cada diretor que faz cada MV. Geralmente o NCT tem um visual "tecnológico", mais polido e etc., então essa se torna a sua estética.
Minha visão sobre o assunto
Como penso que foi/é o processo criativo em relação ao NCT e porque isso é importante?
Bem, vamos começar pelo básico: qualquer peça de arte tem poética e tem estética. Ou seja: existe uma história por trás dela e como ela irá ser contada.
Pensando no quesito prático ou lógico, a estética não é algo essencial na nossa vida como comer e dormir o é, por exemplo. Porém, é claro que como artista sempre vou defender a beleza! A beleza é e não é essencial. O que seria de nós sem as histórias que contamos? O que seria de nós sem a beleza e o romance? Já dizia o professor Keating: é isso que nos mantém vivos!
Então, sim, é importante pelo menos na arte que haja uma organização das coisas, que haja então beleza.
Identidade visual do NCT
Vou traçar um caminho do abstrato para o concreto. O ponto de partida é a música, o mais abstrato em quesitos visuais.
Como é a sonoridade do NCT? Isso vocês bem sabem! Eles trabalham com inspirações no metal pop, industrial pop {tudo isso fica escondido debaixo do guarda-chuva "edm", mas está lá}. As músicas dos Neos são conhecidas por serem barulhentas, terem sons incomuns, "sons de construção", essa seria a marca sonora deles.
Agora, como transformar um som em imagem? Por que é preciso uma imagem. Como serão distribuídos os conceitos sem ela? As capas dos álbuns, os MVs, os figurinos, tudo isso...
O que acredito ocorrer é que, dentro da SM não há uma equipe focada somente nisso. "Como não, Klim?" É fácil chegar a essa conclusão quando percebemos que, geralmente, de um comeback para outro as ideias não se conversam. Existe um fundinho de conceito, sim, não é tão bagunça. Mas também não existe uma identidade tão demarcada. A SM contrata um diretor diferente para cada MV. Ou seja, cada estúdio de filmagem fica encarregado de dar o seu toque no MV. O que tem de errado nisso? Não tem nada de errado nisso, porém, ocorrem certas quebras de narrativa, isso é inegável. "Quem conta um conto aumenta um ponto", especialmente se não há uma direção única para qual se está caminhando {isso é tudo minha opinião, não sei se é de fato assim que funciona, mas é o que parece para mim}.
Calma, nem tudo é derrota! É claro que existe, sim, uma linha de coerência no visual deles. Fica implícito que o NCT trabalha com os conceitos "punk." Vou deixar um infográfico abaixo, joguem no Google para entender mais a fundo:
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Figura 1. Infográfico da estética punk
O punk é uma estética distópica. Tudo a ver com a sonoridade deles, que é meio caótica por assim dizer. Você ouve uma música do NCT, você reconhece sons de metal, de vapor, de instrumentos que não são musicais. Ponham aí Kitchen Beat, Chain, Superhuman, SOS, ISTJ, Hands Up, Turn Back Time, Unbreakable... Que vocês vão perceber.
Acho genial que eles tragam esse visual, que se alinha diretamente com a música: aí vem a coerência.
Vou pegar alguns MV's de exemplo para que vocês vejam isso na prática:
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Figura 2. Turn Back Time e Kick It = cyberpunk
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Figura 3. Phantom e 2 Baddies = decopunk
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Figura 4. Moonwalk = steampunk
Não são MV's irretocáveis ao meu ver. Meu olhar tem algumas críticas a respeito deles, mas aí entra também a questão de quanto $$$ se tem para fazer todo esse conteúdo visual. Enfim, acho que se a SM abraçasse essa ideia do punk e a levasse além, como a única linha a ser seguida, nós teríamos histórias melhores contadas e conseguiríamos identificar com mais facilidade o que é do NCT ou não, assim como conseguimos fazer com a música deles {a SM já faz isso muito bem com as aespa, não custava nada...}
Em cima do muro
Na análise do Wish, comentei sobre Favorite. Já tenho toda uma opinião formada sobre o álbum Sticker em si e Favorite vem de brinde nesse pacote. Quando foram lançados os teasers, fiquei muito feliz porque sempre quis ver o NCT 127 fazendo algo com conceito fantasioso, acadêmico ou vampiresco {maldita expectativa!}.
Favorite é aquilo que não é uma coisa nem outra, e tem um excesso de CGI que rouba a beleza do que poderia ser, transformando o conceito em algo bem infantil. Se o intuito era ser o Crepúsculo dos MV's de Kpop, então a missão foi cumprida com sucesso kkkk, mas noto que tivemos conteúdos extra/variedades que ficaram melhores que o MV em si. Vamos nem comentar a capa do álbum, né, meninas?
Outro MV terrível desculpemmm é o de Ridin'. Um dos meus comebacks favoritos do Dream, arruinado pelo visual desconexo. Tem referência nele? Tem, mas ele é tão mais ou menos. O que salva é aquela transição do Haechan estalando os dedos. É nítido que foi feito às pressas, dado o número de quadros em que os membros só estão lá sendo bonitões e não acrescentando algo à narrativa. Os efeitos péssimos para encher linguiça... "Klim, você está exagerando!" Meus bens, assistam We Go Up e Ridin' um seguido do outro e vocês vão entender exatamente o que estou falando.
Boom poderia entrar aí também, a falta de paleta de cores me incomoda {e nem vou tocar no assunto álbum físico que é TEnebroso} e Beatbox {apesar de eu amar porque é fofo}. Ainda bem que tivemos ISTJ para salvar a nação!
O WayV é sempre lindo e sempre entrega! Tirando, talvez, Kick Back, mas passo pano. Para mim é a unit que mais tem coerência visual.
Outra coisa que me incomoda, mas aí é questão >da minha poética< em particular, é o vazio. Ay-Yo é um bom exemplo. Ai, como me incomoda aqueles espaços vazios no MV! Apesar de, talvez a intenção ser essa mesmo. Sou muito do artesanal, queria ver muito mais cenas e objetos de cena construídos e não colocados em CGI. Mas é bem provável que a SM não esteja disposta a investir nessas coisas, porque isso demanda tempo. Entra na equação tempo x custo x qualidade:
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Figura 5. Que roubei do Gaveta para ilustrar a equação.
Mas nós que trabalhamos com artes manuais bem sabemos que não é necessário tanto gasto para fazer algo bom de verdade, é mais necessário tempo e dedicação, afinal, a beleza vem dos detalhes.
O que eu espero que vocês entendam com esse post é que a estética (e a poética também) tem uma função importantíssima de dar sentido.
Se eu te perguntar qual a estética do NCT, você provavelmente vai olhar para os lados, analisar e demorar para chegar em uma conclusão. Além da cor verde neon e do Neobong, não existe algo mais palpável dentro do universo do NCT que o represente. Ok, talvez a 🌱, mas isso é uma piada interna criada pelo Mark, não é algo que tenha sido definido como conceito do grupo desde o início. Até mesmo o Neobong por vezes se torna uma incógnita: é um android? é um prédio? é um picolé de limão?
"Coisas tecnológicas" até podem se encaixar no quesito da estética, mas mesmo assim, existe uma falta de coerência.
É lógico que conceitos podem mudar. Ninguém é obrigado a seguir fazendo a mesma coisa da mesma forma por anos {apesar de isso ser o que traz autenticidade a algo}. Porém, contudo, entretanto e todavia, não acho que alguma equipe realmente tenha sentado junto para decidir "isso faz parte da estética do NCT, isso aqui não, os projetos irão seguir essa linha ou essa daqui".
Creio eu que a SM não tenha uma equipe dedicada a isso. Provavelmente eles apenas contratem estúdios de filmagem e cada diretor com sua equipe parte do zero ao criar um comeback.
É daí que surge o problema "mas a música título não tem nada a ver com o resto do álbum, nem o MV com os teasers, nem com a estética geral do projeto." Bem como não tem nada a ver com o comeback passado e o retrasado e há um ruído na forma como a história é contada.
Foram poucas às vezes que presenciei acontecer de forma coerente; bons exemplos são Glitch Mode e We Young, ambos álbuns que carregam músicas {não todas porque também não é necessário} que condizem com seus conceitos do início ao fim. Mas mesmo assim entre eles não há qualquer conexão {ou quase}, o que é triste.
A poética e a estética são capazes de dar sentido a algo.
Como eu disse, seria muito bom ver algo que é a marca registrada do NCT. Que bom que pelo menos com a música dá para dizer isso, mas falo visualmente. É muito legal que cada comeback seja diferente e tenha um novo conceito, mas dá para fazer isso também tendo uma estética definida. Que você bata o olho e diga "ah, isso aqui é NCT, sem sombra de dúvidas!", porque cria autenticidade e cria conexão com a história que é contada, e por conseguinte, com o público.
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ihavemanyhusbands · 4 months
Vidas Pasadas (Past Lives)
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Also on AO3
Part One // Part Two // Mini-Series Masterlist
Pairing: Cooper Howard/The Ghoul x Latina!Reader (Spanish speaking)
WC: 5.9k words
Chapter Summary: It was always meant to end up this way, wasn't it? Some things never changed.
Warnings: Minors DNI this fic is 18+, canon typical violence, reader kidnapped by raiders, the ghoul being the ghoul, cursing, some injuries (very mild whump), mentions of death/loss, heavyyyy angst (happy ending tho!), only a little Spanish dialogue, love confession, smut, unprotected p in v, oral (fem receiving), irradiated creampie (with RadAway after lol), aaaaand that's all I can think of but please lmk if I missed anything!
In the Past….
You had been restless all day, unable to explain why. Something just didn’t feel right, and not knowing what it was made you feel even worse.
Your house had felt large and empty as you paced around it, smoking. All those long hours, you were acutely aware of the clock’s ticking — Time relentlessly marching on, waiting for no one.
 Once you’d actually gone to bed, you’d tossed and turned long into the night. The moon shone faintly through a gap between the curtains, barely illuminating your bedroom. You could not face the yawning void of solitude you found at that hour, so you got up. 
Things had gotten much trickier in a short amount of time. There had been many more bomb drills, more fear and paranoia, and substantially fewer job opportunities.
Cooper was no longer acting. He simply wouldn’t get cast anymore, so he had to look in other directions. The loss was tremendous, for yourself and the industry. Moviemaking didn’t quite feel the same anymore, its luster having faded.
You saw him much less, but you still tried to keep in touch. You’d even helped him care for Janey a few times when he had to take an odd gig that would run late. Slowly, he was becoming a shell of the man he formerly was, and you felt helpless to stop it.
But that night, you couldn’t hold yourself back, leaving your house in just a coat and your night dress, like a ghostly apparition. The drive there was nebulous, like you were moving on autopilot. You drifted up the steps and pressed the buzzer to his apartment a few times.
When he came down to see who was at the door, he looked a little worse for wear, like he’d been having a hard time sleeping, too. He ushered you inside, not wanting you to be out in the cold.
“What happened?” Cooper said, worriedly searching you for any sign of injury. “It’s the middle of the night, why didn’t you telephone?”
“I’m so sorry, Coop,” you said, as if waking up from a trance. “Did I wake you up?”
He shook his head, leading you to the old, rickety elevator and pressing the button to his floor. 
“No, I was up. Lucky you didn’t wake Janey, though. She’s with me this weekend.”
You covered your face with your hands, ashamed. “Oh God, I’m a mess, aren’t I?”
He wrapped an arm around your shoulders, worrying even more at your clear distress. He guided you to his unit, which was smaller than you’d imagined. It’d been a while since Cooper and Barb’s sudden divorce, but he barely seemed to be settling in. The walls were mostly bare, and the sparse furniture seemed to have been included with the unit. There were only a few pictures, mostly of him and Janey, but a few of just his daughter. 
He had never really told you what happened, but the change had seemingly occurred overnight. He simply said he was done, that he couldn’t even look at her anymore. You were still pretty baffled about the whole thing, but it wasn’t your business to pry about. You simply supported him however you could.
Barb had not gone easy on him, having the best lawyers Vault-Tec could afford. He had Janey some weekends, but he didn’t get to see her nearly enough. It was a bad situation altogether, and you were sad for everyone involved.
“Cozy,” was all you could whisper after a moment of silence, to which he snorted derisively.
You went to sit on the couch, arms around yourself. The two of you kept your voices soft so as not to wake Janey, and you felt a pang in your chest knowing she was near. She was such a bright ray of sunshine, and you were glad that she and Cooper had each other despite everything.
And especially on a night like that one, when the world seemed to be holding its breath in anticipation of something.
“Drink?” He offered, already pouring himself a glass of scotch in the small kitchen.
You nodded, sniffling, trying to keep the tears that threatened to crawl up your throat at bay. He shuffled back over to you, a frown still on his face.
“Why don’t you tell me what’s going on?” He encouraged, handing you the glass and sitting next to you on the couch. 
How could you possibly explain the feeling of grief you had, when you hadn’t really lost anyone? 
Not yet, at least.
“I don’t know, I just… I had to see you,” you said, taking a sip of your drink. “I didn’t even think about it, I just got in the car and drove.”
“Well, ain’t that sweet,” he chuckled, the sound a little awkward. “But it couldn’t wait until morning?”
“No, Coop, I can’t even explain it. If I tried, I’m sure you’d think I’m crazy.”
“Try me,” he said. “You know you can trust me.”
You set your glass down and scanned his features for a moment, committing them to memory. Then, without a word, you leaned in and brought your lips to his chastely.
 You had kissed dozens of times in the past, but for the first time, it was as yourselves. Love was the only thing you could give him then. Years worth of it had accumulated inside of you, with nowhere to go… until that moment. 
But your heart was breaking at the same time. Instinctively, you realized this would be your only opportunity to do so. Tears swam in your vision, but you turned your face away before he could see the one that escaped.
Cooper blinked, too stunned to react. You sniffled, pulling back, hands wringing anxiously. He shook his head, snapping out of it.
“Why are you crying?” He asked, hands cupping your face. “I ain’t that bad of a kisser, am I?”
You let out a sad little chuckle, which sounded more like a sob.
I love you, you wanted to say. I love you, I love you, te amo con todo mi corazón*. Please find a way to live, whatever happens.
(*I love you with all my heart)
“Please, take care of yourself,” you pleaded softly instead. “Give little Janey a kiss from me.”
And with that, you got up from the couch and left him like a thief in the night. He’d called for you, but you’d been faster, running down the stairs and heading back to your car. You simply couldn’t handle it anymore. The waiting, the fretting, feeling so fucking helpless…  Wouldn’t it be better just to get it all over with?
The rest of the night blurred into a gouache rendition of melancholy and self pity. In the morning, as soon as you were able, you phoned Bud Askins — the Vault-Tec executive who had organized your admission into Vault thirty one — to ask for an expedited entry.
And just as he picked up the phone, you looked out the window and saw the enormous, fiery mushroom cloud rising as if from the depths of hell itself.
The Present….
“There she is,” one of the raiders pointed at the old TV screen, where one of your movies was playing. “No wonder she looked so goddamn familiar. Got ourselves a movie star, boys.”
“Gotta be a clone or somethin’, no way she’s lived this long,” another one said.
“What does it matter? Whoever buys her won’t be able to tell the difference. Fresh meat’s hard to come by, and this is the luxury kind,” the first one gruffed, looking back at you over his shoulder. “Isn’t that right, baby?”
You could only glare at him from your spot against the wall. You were gagged, your ankles and wrists bound by old rope. Two days had passed, in which the raiders hadn’t done much other than tie you up and haul you around. You’d gotten a few scraps of food, but not nearly enough to even be considered a snack. Thirst and hunger clung to your very bones, but you were lucky that your survival instincts had kept you going so far. 
You might not have been a fighter before, but now you were determined to keep yourself alive at all costs. It hadn’t taken long for you to realize that things were truly ruthless in the wasteland, and it all basically narrowed down to kill or be killed. 
You weren’t sure yet if you’d be able to go through with something like that, but you had no other choice but to try if it came down to it.
You were still holding out hope that the ghoul would come find you, but you were well aware that you couldn’t just rely on that possibility. You were running low on time, unsure of how long exactly the potential transaction would take to complete. Or if they would grow tired of searching for buyers and try to possess you themselves. 
You would not let it get to that, though. You were just trying to devise the least recklessly foolish escape plan possible.
The raiders had holed up in an old supermarket, which seemed to be their usual base. Most of the empty, broken shelves had been pushed against the walls to make space for whatever furniture they had managed to find. A few shelves surrounded the space like a makeshift barrier, shielding the rest of the building from view.
Rations, old clothes and other miscellaneous objects were scattered about carelessly, but you didn’t notice many weapons, which was potentially a good sign. More valuable loot was stashed in empty freezers, and you were frankly surprised they hadn’t tried to shove you in one, too.
The raiders went back to watching the movie, your own voice sounding strange and faraway to your ears. And then… you heard Cooper’s voice, that southern drawl bringing your attention to the screen. It was the scene of his Feo, Fuerte y Formal speech, when his enemy was at his feet.
Though the screen was riddled with static, you could still see the determined look on his face. Hearing his voice again gave you strength, but it also gave you pause. Why did it feel like it hadn’t been that long since you’d last heard it?
You thought back to the day you’d been abducted, still unsure if you had hallucinated the ghoul screaming your name. Even his voice had sounded different there, but not unfamiliar – more like a dream that had slowly devolved into a nightmare.
 There was a nagging feeling at the back of your head that wouldn’t let you rest until you had some answers, but it would all have to wait for a later time. 
For the next hour or so, you slowly moved your wrists back and forth in an attempt to loosen the ropes. You went still whenever any of them looked at you – like a deer in headlights, sweat trickling down your spine – but luckily, none of them seemed aware of your actions.
At some point, you had to fully stop as most of them prepared to go out scavenging, leaving only one man behind to guard you.
“Shouldn’t give you much trouble, but you know what to do if she does,” the leader had said, looking right at you with a shit-eating grin. 
But the raider left in charge hadn’t seemed too worried about you being a threat, falling asleep on one of the couches soon after they had left. When your wrists were rubbed raw and bloody by the rope, you soldiered through the pain until adrenaline kicked in, and you managed to loosen the knots enough to free one of your hands.
You swallowed down the nausea that crawled up your throat at the sight of your mangled skin. Keeping one eye on the sleeping raider, you began to attempt untying your ankles, but then you heard a crash at the front of the building. The raider woke up with a start and you had a millisecond to hide your hands behind your back once more. 
“What the fuck was that?” he muttered, looking around frenziedly.
You shrugged helplessly, your heart nearly leaping out of your chest. He narrowed his eyes in suspicion as he stood, grabbing a weapon. You whimpered, momentarily fearing he might use it to prod you further, but he stayed put.
“You better not try any stupid shit, alright?” He said, pointing it at you in warning. 
You nodded quickly and he crept around a shelf, disappearing from view. It was eerily silent after that, except for your blood thundering in your ears. You waited for him to return, unmoving, for what seemed like an eternity. 
There were a few more sounds somewhere out front, but you couldn’t quite discern what they were. Still, you didn’t really want to wait around and find out. Who knew if you’d get another opportunity like this?
But just as you decided to push your luck and reached for your ankles, you heard footsteps. And with those footsteps, there was the familiar, faint clinking of spurs that you had come to know.
The ghoul suddenly rounded the corner, holding the raider’s bloodied machete, which matched the blood spattering his clothes. Talk about a guardian angel, you thought, somehow finding humor to keep yourself from absolute hysteria – even as your eyes welled with overwhelmed tears. A muffled sound escaped your throat, but there was still tape covering your mouth, so all you could do was widen your eyes.
“There y’are,” he said with what seemed to be a relieved grin, but it was short-lived. “Oughta kill you myself for makin’ me go through all that trouble to find you…”
He crouched in front of you to free you from your binds, tossing the weapon aside. You gasped as he ripped the tape from your face, momentarily glaring at him for his lack of gentleness. But your own relief outweighed any frustration you felt, and without thinking you threw yourself at him, your arms wrapping around his neck. 
He froze, feeling the jackrabbit pace of your heart against his chest. The breathed-out thank you in his ear almost gave him goosebumps, but he kept himself composed. You yourself couldn’t believe that you were so elated to see him, having been terrified of him only a week prior.
But now it didn’t seem to matter, because even if he groused about having to do the work, he had still come to find you. 
“Alright, alright, that’s enough of that,” he said, shoving you back. “Get up, we gotta get outta here before the rest of ‘em come back.”
He hauled you onto your feet, steadying you when you almost stumbled into him. You glanced at the TV, where the movie had been paused on a close-up shot of Cooper.
You hesitated, suddenly transfixed by an emotion that was getting close to realization. The ghoul followed your line of sight and grimaced, averting his gaze. 
“You feel it too, don’t you?” You said, the words spilling before you’d even thought them through. “How ironically familiar it all is, in a fucked up way.”
He shifted his weight from one foot to the other. When you looked over at him, something ill-concealed in his expression confirmed things without him having to say anything.
His eyes hadn’t changed… how did you not see it before?
You took a step closer and that seemed to snap him out of it.
“No idea what you’re goin on’ about,” he gruffed, turning away. “Now get movin’ or I’ll tie you to my belt and herd you like cattle. Andale!”
You pursed your lips at his stubbornness but trailed after him. You watched his back, hunting for more details to further reassure yourself you weren’t crazy — His posture, the way he walked, his strong shoulders squared proudly, as if in preparation for whatever came.
There was still so much to say, but first, you had to get as far away from this serpent’s nest as possible. 
On the way, he found an old tire iron, tested its heft, and then handed it to you. At least, it seemed less daunting than a knife or a machete, and arguably less bloody. The world might be a cruel place, but he would try to help minimize the blow as much as he could. In his own way, of course.
 He pushed out of the secret entrance at the side of the building, and you almost slammed into his back as he abruptly stopped. 
“Well, fancy seeing you here boys,” he said before you could even ask what was wrong, and a stone seemed to drop into your stomach. “Jus’ came to collect what’s rightfully mine. We’ll be on our way now.”
“Like hell you are,” came the barked reply.
You peered around him and saw only a handful of the raiders, the leader nowhere in sight. Somehow, that made you relax a little, the odds slightly more favorable. Not that you didn’t believe the ghoul could handle the whole group, but you just didn’t want to take your chances.
“Oh, yeah? And who’s gonna stop me? You?” The ghoul drew his revolver before anyone else could react, firing a shot directly at the raider’s head. “Whoops, I guess it ain’t gonna be him, after all.”
A stunned moment passed before the raiders were all launching themselves at him. You pressed back against the wall, watching how the ghoul moved with a swift, deadly grace. Two were down before they even knew what was happening. 
You moved from your spot to try to find some cover in case any stray bullets flew by you. Crouching by some rusted oil barrels, you kept your eyes on the action, listening to the ghoul laughing at a failed attack.
Then you noticed movement elsewhere. While he was facing off another three of them, a raider that had broken off from the rest was slowly inching closer behind the ghoul’s back.
Yelling out a warning would probably hinder more than help him, so you took a deep, fortifying breath and crept behind the raider. You tried to keep control of your breathing as you got closer, taking deliberate steps. You adjusted your grip on your weapon a few times, your palms sweating like never before.
But just as you closed the distance between you and raised the tire iron over your head, one of the other raiders yelled Watch out!
Still, you swung, striking him right across the temple with a sickening crack. He crumpled, knocked out cold, and everything moved quickly after that.
 In all the distraction, the ghoul dove forward and sank his knife into the nearest raider’s stomach. Then he turned them both around, using him as a shield before he shot the other two raiders.
Once they were all on the ground, he looked at you over his shoulder and grinned. 
“Well, well, look at you watchin’ my back for me,” he said, seemingly impressed. “Doesn’t make us quite even, but getting closer.”
You let out a breathy laugh, but your mouth suddenly filled with saliva, and you had to keep yourself from throwing up. All of the day’s events were starting to catch up to you, and adrenaline could only keep you on your feet for so long.
“Can we just uh… please?” You said, gesturing into the distance vaguely. “If I don’t eat something soon, I think I’m gonna pass out.”
He sighed, jerking his head to one side in a motion for you to follow. “Better hope there’s still rations in your pack, then, ‘cus I ain’t a free meal ticket.”
You slept for what felt like days, waking up disoriented to find the afternoon sun high in the sky. You rolled onto your back, wiping away the drool that had trickled out of the corner of your mouth. You were sure you looked just as terrible as you felt, but it was the least of your worries at that moment.
The abandoned parking structure you’d camped out at was cool and shaded, the wind blowing through it. It’d been dark by the time the two of you had found it, and you could only remember wolfing down some food before promptly passing out. 
Your wrists had been bandaged at some point, a small courtesy from the ghoul. Proof once again that he cared, despite his tough, biting exterior. The warmth you felt in your chest reminded you of what was still pending between you, and how it could wait no longer. 
You sat up and looked around, gathering your bearings. He wasn’t too far away, standing at the other end of the lot with his back to you. He was looking off into the distance, lost in thought. 
You watched him for a moment, wondering what was going through his mind. Wondering if maybe, just maybe, your thoughts were running parallel. 
Only one way to find out.
You got up, wincing at the deep ache in your muscles. You started to shamble over to him, but you only reached halfway before you were no longer brave enough to get any closer. 
“Cooper,” you called, voice tremulous. “… It is you, isn’t it?”
The ghoul turned around slowly, leaning back and crossing his arms over his chest. He was quiet for a moment, for once seemingly afraid to meet your gaze.
“Still stubborn as a mule, aren’t’cha?” he said, trying to mask the nostalgia in his voice with wry humor. 
You let out an amused huff. “Always drove the producers crazy.”
“Well, it wasn’t just them.”
Finally, he looked up at you, his gaze much softer than they’d been the past few days. At that moment – despite the ravages of time, radiation, and even misery – you could still see the Cooper you had always known. And while you were elated by the revelation, your heart also hurt to think he had undergone so much by himself, losing who he was in the process. 
“Why didn’t you tell me?” You asked, knowing it was likely a selfish question. “From the beginning?”
“I never… thought you would see me like this,” he said, swallowing hard. “After that night, when the bombs were dropped, I didn’t know what happened to you. I just assumed you were…”
“Dead,” you finished for him. “I thought the same about you.”
Silence hung heavily for a moment, and you weren’t sure if you should move or not. 
“What about your family?” You asked, bracing for the worst.
“Lost,” he said simply, a muscle ticking in his jaw. “I got Janey to one of the vault’s on time, but there was no space left for me.”
His pain was palpable, making your heart shatter anew. But how to take it away from him? It was impossible to just erase all that had happened, but you could at least help him shoulder the burden.
“Cooper…” you breathed, finally closing the remaining distance between you.
He shifted uncomfortably, angling his head away. You reached up to gently cup his face, making him look at you.
“A face not even a mother could love, ain’t it?” He murmured, braced for whatever reaction you’d have to him now. 
He expected disgust and rejection, but that was far from what you felt then – A yearning so deep you feared it would fully consume you. The world had fucking ended already, so why not confess how you felt? Nothing worse could happen if you did. 
“My feelings for you have remained intact for more than two hundred years, Cooper. You really think this is going to change my mind?”
He blinked in surprise, his eyes searching your face for any sign that you were lying. You merely smiled, open and earnest, letting him digest your words.
“That night, when you kissed me… My mind was all over the place. I didn’t know what to think, what to say, but you ran away before I could even try.” He chuckled weakly at the memory. “Somehow, I felt it was a long time comin’, but a part of me never thought it was possible.”
“I’m sorry it was all I could give you then,” you whispered, and he placed a hand over one of yours. “If only we had known…”
“Say the words for me, will you?” He rasped, face inching closer to yours. “I won’t believe it until you say it.”
You didn’t hesitate. “I love you, Cooper Howard. I loved you before, and I love you now, just as you are.” 
“You sure about that?” He said, but his resolve was crumbling.  “Not much room for love in places like this, especially with folks like me.”
“We’ll just have to make room for it then.”
He raised his hairless eyebrows, both pleased and amused at your conviction.“Just like that, hmm?” 
One of his arms snaked around your waist slowly, pressing you closer to him. Your eyes dropped to his mouth, desirous. The fire he saw in them ignited him as well — A long lost feeling that was returning to the surface with a vengeance.
“Bésame,” you sighed, mere seconds before his lips were melding against yours. 
You kissed with an almost frantic desperation, tightly clinging onto each other. It was the kind of kiss you had always dreamt of — devouring and insatiable, eager to fuse together.
His hands were curious but hesitant, roaming up to your ribcage and down to your hips, but no further. You grabbed one of his hands and placed it on your chest, not only as permission, but also so he could feel how your heart pounded for him. 
His own longing overflowed, clouding his senses. A part of him had still been unwilling to believe you could actually love — much less tolerate — what he had become. But when you moaned softly into his mouth, he knew he was a lost cause.
Unfortunately for him, he wasn’t very good with words that weren’t scripted. But fortunately for you, there were other ways he could demonstrate his devotion.
You arched into his touch as he palmed one of your breasts, a low sound in his throat. He moved to kiss your neck, lavishing your collarbone with his tongue. He wanted to kiss you all over, but he would need to get you bare first. 
You let him tug your blouse over your head, his gloves subsequently coming off. His hands were calloused as they returned to touch your skin. The tips of his fingers teased the waistband of your pants, and he smirked as you frowned up at him. 
“What? I wanna enjoy every moment of this,” he drawled, eyes dipping lower to watch your chest heave. “So many times I tried to imagine how I would do this. Sometimes I would unwrap you like a present… Others, well, let’s jus’ say I was like a coyote getting ahold of a chicken.”
You couldn’t help but laugh at the morbid description, strangely not put off by it. “How romantic. I’m still trying to decide how I’ll take yours off.”
He shifted, something like panic flashing in his eyes for the briefest second. “Hold your horses, sweetheart. I ain’t done with you yet.”
You understood his hesitance immediately, deciding not to push it for the time being. You had years of patience under your belt, and his trust was something you did not mind earning again. He removed only his duster, draping it on the floor. 
He undid your belt and knelt in front of you as you wiggled your hips to help him take your pants off. There was a puff of warm breath against your navel a second before he planted a kiss on it. You shuddered as his teeth snagged the hem of your panties, pulling them down.
There was a noticeable wet spot on the fabric, which made him groan. His cock was straining against his pants already, but he wanted to focus on you first. 
“Come here, you,” he rasped, grasping your hips and bringing you down with him. 
As soon as you were on your back, his mouth was on you again. He’d wanted to feast his eyes first, to take you in in your full glory, but he found he couldn’t keep himself detached from you for too long. 
He kept his promise, slowly working his way around. You surrendered to his adoration with ease, every caress and every kiss awakening every part of you. At some point, you reached a level of sensitivity that had you whimpering at the slightest touch. The light sting of his teeth on your nipples sent electricity straight to your core. 
He lost himself in your smell and your warmth and your softness – a supplicant finally worshiping at his sacred temple. When his mouth finally sealed over your clit, your back arched off the floor, taut as a bow. 
“Cooper,” you gasped, delirious with lust. “Please, I-I need… Let me touch you, something, please!”
He shushed you gently, arms wrapping around your legs. “Just lie back and let me take care of you, darlin’.”
You wished you could say you lasted some time under his ministrations, but you came with embarrassing ease. That first orgasm hit you like an avalanche, sweeping throughout your whole body. You clapped a hand over your mouth as you cried out, not wanting to be too loud and potentially attract unwanted attention. 
He let out a faint chuckle, lapping up your release with gusto and nearly making you come a second time. He found he especially liked teasing your clit with quick little flicks of his tongue, your moans higher pitched. You tried squirming away from him, nearing overstimulation.
“You’re killing me, Coop!” You couldn’t help but giggle hysterically, pushing at his head. “Por favor!”
He pulled back, grinning roguishly as he licked his glistening lips. “What can I say? Seems I can’t get enough of you.”
“Then take me already,” you pleaded. “I can’t wait any longer.”
He needed no further convincing. He unhooked his arms from your legs and his body slid upwards until your faces were level. He was quick to undo his pants and push them down, bending down to kiss you as he took his cock in one hand, stroking it. 
You brought your knees up to his sides as you tasted yourself on his tongue. Slowly, he pushed inside of you, leaning his forehead against yours so he could see your reactions. Brows furrowed, mouth slack, cheeks flushed – you were the prettiest picture, in his eyes. 
“That’s it,” he exhaled as he buried himself to the hilt. “Takin’ me so good, like you were made just for me.”
“You’ve a-already made it clear th-that I’m yours,”  you said with a teasing little smile that you could barely hold as he started to move. 
He remembered his words to the raiders, letting out a breathy chuckle. “I did say somethin’ like that, didn’t I? Guess it must be true, then.”
His strokes were long and slow at first, letting you feel every inch as he stretched you. His eyes were fixed on your face, drinking in your features and reassuring himself that it was not a dream. He knew he wouldn’t last too long either, for all he teased you about it.
He started going faster, the snap of his hips harsher, as you begged for it. Pleasure was overtaking him, wiping his mind clear of everything that wasn’t the present moment. Your name left his lips like a prayer, his eyes heavy lidded and glazed over with ecstasy. 
“Fuck, sweetheart,” he moaned. “I-I love you. Fuck, I love you.”
You clung to him, afraid that if your heart went any faster, it might stop altogether. Soon enough, he felt you tightly squeezing around him, and he knew you were close once again. He was right there with you, driven by your pleasure, and then you pulled him in for a kiss. 
He felt you tremble under him as you came, the intensity not letting you make more than a small, choked sound. With a long, rough groan and a deep thrust, he spilled inside of you. Lost in a feverish oblivion, having forgotten when the last time he’d experienced it was… if at all. No drop was wasted, in the end.
During the comedown, you lay there panting, his added weight on top of you comforting. You looked at each other and laughed, elated at the whole thing. It felt like no time had passed at all, somehow. 
“Tryin’ to steal my soul already,” he said, a fondness in his voice that made your stomach flutter. “Hold on, I need to get some RadAway in ya.”
Breathing heavily, he slowly pulled out of you and got to his knees. He tucked himself away and reached for his pack. He pulled out a yellow IV bag, which you recognized from Bud’s few lessons about the wasteland. You hadn’t even thought about it until then, but you were immensely grateful he had been prepared. 
He hooked you onto it delicately and slumped back down beside you, lying sideways. You grinned, snuggling closer to him. His fingers traced lazy circles on your belly as he looked down at you, adoring. 
The real world slowly crept into the edges of your mind, anxiety at being separated from him suddenly spiking. Now that you had him, there was no way you would just let him go. 
“I don’t know what I should do now,” you confessed, voice low. “I know I want you, and I want to be with you, but what about New Vegas? Do you think they’d send someone to look for me?”
He thought about it for a moment. “Maybe. It’s very possible, you never know. You’re more valuable than you realize, and I ain’t just sayin’ that ‘cus I’m biased.”
You snorted, shoving him playfully, but he continued. “But… I think I should still take you there. My sort of lifestyle in the wasteland ain’t for you, darlin’. I almost lost you once already, very stupidly.”
“That was my fault, though,” you said, pained at the guilt in his voice for not being able to protect you.
“Everybody makes mistakes. You could make a hundred more, but one of ‘em might just cost you everythin’. I ain’t takin’ those chances.”
“Well, you’re certainly more forgiving now…” you muttered, rolling your eyes. “But then what? You’re not just gonna drop me off at twenty one for safe keeping, are you? I would kill you.”
He laughed. “Oh, I don’t doubt it. But it won’t come to that, we ain’t stayin’ in the vault.”
“Oh? We aren’t?” 
“There’s a few settlements out there that are safe and, uh, friendly to my kind.” He cleared his throat, not wanting to bring much attention to his current state of being. You took his hand, squeezing his fingers, and he returned the gesture.
One day, you would make sure he would never doubt his worth ever again. You admired his strength and perseverance, soldiering through an unforgiving environment, continuing to live. He was certainly different from the hero that he always played in the movies, but he was a hero nonetheless. In your eyes, at least.
“Well, well… That’s all it took to bring you to your knees, huh?” You teased, raising an eyebrow. “You really thinking of settling down?”
“Oh, I ain’t retirin’, sweetheart,” he said with a huff. “But if you’re askin’ if I’m thinking of going steady with you, well…”
The two of you shared a knowing look, smiling at that echo from the past. At that moment, you felt that things might just be okay after all. You had been through worse things, jumped through bigger hurdles, and yet you had still arrived there. Who was to say you couldn’t handle more?
“Kiss me then, and let’s seal the deal.”
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