How online video platform embedded in your web / mobile app can boost your content-to-commerce journey with diverse use cases
In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, video content has become a cornerstone of effective communication, engagement, and commerce. Online Video Platforms (OVPs) have emerged as powerful tools that allow businesses to leverage video content to drive growth and enhance customer experiences. But what exactly are the different use cases of an OVP, and how can these platforms facilitate the content-to-commerce journey for businesses? We provider online video platform provider & online video streaming platform provider
What is an Online Video Platform (OVP)?
An Online Video Platform (OVP) is a cloud-based solution that enables businesses to upload, manage, distribute, and monetize video content across various channels. OVPs offer a suite of tools designed to handle the entire video lifecycle, from content creation to distribution, analytics, and monetization. These platforms are versatile and can be tailored to meet the specific needs of different industries.
To learn more — https://www.mogiio.com/online-video-platform-provider/
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inkryptvideos · 1 year
Protecting Your Videos Enhance Security with Video Watermarking
In an age where digital content is easily accessible and shareable, protecting your videos from unauthorized download and piracy has become increasingly crucial. At Inkrypt Videos, we understand the importance of safeguarding your valuable content, and we offer comprehensive services to secure your videos. In this article, we will explore the significance of video watermarking and how it can enhance security, deter piracy, and protect your digital assets from unauthorized use.
The Power of Video Watermarking
Video watermarking is an effective technique used to protect videos by embedding a visible or invisible mark onto the content. These marks can be logos, text, or unique identifiers that identify the rightful owner or copyright holder of the video. Video watermarking serves as a deterrent to unauthorized use and provides a clear indication of ownership, making it an essential tool for content creators, influencers, and e-learning platforms.
How to Choose the Right DRM Software for Your Video Content
Deter Piracy and Unauthorized Download
Watermarking your videos acts as a powerful deterrent against piracy and unauthorized download. By visibly marking your videos with your logo or copyright information, potential infringers are less likely to engage in illegal activities, as the watermark serves as a constant reminder of the video's ownership. Additionally, if unauthorized sharing occurs, the watermark helps trace the source back to the original owner.
Protect Your Digital Assets
Video watermarking plays a vital role in protecting your digital assets. It acts as a visible proof of ownership and discourages unauthorized distribution. By implementing a robust watermarking solution, you can ensure that your videos are traceable and identify potential infringers, making it easier to take legal action if necessary. Protecting your digital assets is crucial for maintaining the value and integrity of your content.
How Inkrypt Security Beats The Competition In Video Encryption Craftship?
Preserving Brand Identity and Recognition
Video watermarking goes beyond security alone. It helps preserve your brand identity and recognition. By watermarking your videos with your logo or branding elements, you reinforce your brand presence, even when your content is shared or viewed on different platforms. This ensures that your brand remains visible and recognizable, enhancing brand awareness and establishing a stronger brand identity.
What is Adaptive Bitrate Streaming and How It Works?
Inkrypt Videos: Your Partner in Video Security
At Inkrypt Videos, we provide a comprehensive video watermarking solution that helps you protect your videos from unauthorized download and piracy. Our advanced watermarking technology enables you to customize the placement, opacity, and visibility of your watermarks. With our services, you can enhance the security of your videos and maintain control over your valuable digital assets.
Video watermarking is a powerful tool for content creators, influencers, and e-learning platforms to secure their videos from unauthorized download and piracy. Inkrypt Videos offers a robust video watermarking solution that empowers you to protect your digital assets, deter piracy, and preserve
brand identity. Don't let your hard work and creativity go unprotected. Embrace video watermarking today and strengthen the security of your videos.
Securing your videos from unauthorized download and piracy is essential in today's digital landscape. Video watermarking serves as a strong deterrent and a visible proof of ownership, protecting your digital assets and preserving your brand identity. Inkrypt Videos provides advanced video watermarking services to help you enhance security and maintain control over your valuable videos. Ready to enhance the security of your videos with video watermarking? Visit Inkrypt Videos today to explore our comprehensive services and start protecting your digital assets. Safeguard your videos, deter piracy, and reinforce your brand identity. Take the first step towards video security. Get started now!
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bogdanpred · 7 months
Excited to see Hyperhuman featured in Athletech News, the industry's leading publication! The article highlights how our AI platform helps fitness brands create impactful video content efficiently, while also reducing production costs and resource allocation. 🚀
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gudshovideo · 1 year
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amrtechnology · 2 years
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regioonlineofficial · 9 months
De regels voor online bescherming van consumenten worden aangescherpt, wijziging van de lijst van duurzame investeringen die in aanmerking komen voor de energie-investeringsaftrek en de jaarlijkse vaststelling van de bedragen voor coöperatieve energieopwekking. Dit zijn een aantal van de belangrijkste veranderingen van regels en wetten op het terrein van Economische Zaken en Klimaat die begin 2024 ingaan. DSA: verantwoordelijkheid en aansprakelijkheid veel gebruikte digitale diensten Betere bescherming van grondrechten, de aanpak van online misleiding en gebrekkige informatie, een gelijk speelveld voor bedrijven en digitale handel makkelijker maken. Dat zijn de doelen van de nieuwe Digital Services Act (DSA) die vanaf 17 februari 2024 geldt voor veel gebruikte onlinemarktplaatsen, sociale netwerken, zoekmachines, cloudaanbieders, online reis- en accommodatieplatforms, internetproviders en platforms om content te delen zoals videoplatforms. Onlinemarktplaatsen moeten bijvoorbeeld meer informatie inwinnen én publiceren over de bedrijven (handelaren) op hun platform. Ook moeten digitale diensten onder andere de regels voor het verwijderen van informatie of gebruikersaccounts uitgebreider uitleggen aan gebruikers. In de DSA wordt het online platforms verboden om nog langer advertenties te personaliseren op grond van bijvoorbeeld geloofsovertuiging of seksuele geaardheid. Minderjarigen zijn straks bovendien extra beschermd tegen gepersonaliseerde advertenties. Dat moet eraan bijdragen dat ze geen ongepaste reclame te zien krijgen. DMA: eerlijke concurrentie en betere consumentenbescherming allergrootste digitale platforms Vanaf 6 maart 2024 moeten zes bekende digitale platforms moeten met in totaal 22 van hun diensten aan de nieuwe Digital Markets Act (DMA) voldoen. Het gaat om Alphabet (onder andere Google Search, YouTube), Amazon, Apple (onder andere Appstore), ByteDance (TikTok), Meta (onder andere Facebook, Whatsapp) en Microsoft (onder andere Windows, LinkedIn) die zijn aangewezen. De DMA beschermt consumenten en ondernemers, zorgt voor meer concurrentie en ook keuzevrijheid op digitale markten en regelt beter toezicht bijvoorbeeld op fusies en overnames. Nederland is een van de drijvende krachten achter deze nieuwe Europese concurrentieregels geweest. Door de DMA kunnen gebruikers van deze platforms straks individuele berichten sturen van de ene naar de andere berichtendienst. Ook mogen appontwikkelaars niet meer worden gedwongen om het betaalsysteem te gebruiken van appstores en mogen platforms eigen producten of diensten niet bevoordelen, bijvoorbeeld door ze bovenaan de zoekresultaten te zetten. Ook regelt de DMA de mogelijkheid om eigen data van een platform naar een ander platform mee te nemen en de mogelijkheid vooraf geïnstalleerde apps te kunnen verwijderen. Verder komt er een ruimere meldingsplicht om fusies en overnames in de digitale economie te kunnen beoordelen. Bv online oprichten Er zijn in Nederland meer dan 400.000 bedrijven die de besloten vennootschap (bv) als rechtsvorm hebben. Een nieuwe bv kan vanaf 1 januari 2024 voor het eerst ook online worden opgericht, zónder dat een ondernemer fysiek hiervoor naar een kantoor van een notaris hoeft te gaan. De notaris stelt een akte op die samen met de ondernemer via videobellen wordt doorgenomen en waarbij de ondernemer zich met een digitaal identificatiemiddel legitimeert. De akte kan dan ook online ondertekent worden. Een notaris mag weigeren om de oprichting online te doen. Bijvoorbeeld als er een vermoeden is dat er sprake is van identiteitsfraude of twijfel of een aanvrager zelfstandig beslissingen kan nemen. Omgevingswet De Omgevingswet gaat per 1 januari 2024 in. Deze wet bundelt een groot aantal wetten, regels en voorschriften over de fysieke leefomgeving in één wet. Daarnaast zorgt de wet voor één digitaal loket voor het aanvragen van vergunningen en de start van projecten. De wet heeft ook gevolgen voor ondernemers en hun activiteiten
(zoals bedrijfspanden, industrieterreinen) en voor de energietransitie en infrastructuur. Meer informatie over de wet is te vinden via het ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties. Subsidie voor isolatie en warmtepompen aangepast De Investeringssubsidie Duurzame Energie en Energiebesparing (ISDE-regeling) verandert per 1 januari. Huiseigenaren kunnen komend jaar met de ISDE-regeling opnieuw subsidie aanvragen voor het verduurzamen van hun woning, zoals isolatie of een warmtepomp. De subsidiebedragen voor isolatie met biobased materialen, zoals hout en vezelhennep, zijn verhoogd. Daarnaast wordt het makkelijker om subsidie aan te vragen voor de isolatie van monumentale panden. Voorlopige correctiebedragen Subsidieregeling coöperatieve energieopwekking Met de Subsidieregeling Coöperatieve Energieopwekking (SCE) kan een energiecoöperatie of vereniging van eigenaars (VvE) in aanmerking komen voor subsidie op hernieuwbare (duurzame) elektriciteit uit zonne-energie, windenergie of waterkracht. De subsidie bedraagt het verschil tussen een basisbedrag (de kostprijs voor de productie van hernieuwbare elektriciteit) en een correctiebedrag waarin de elektriciteitsprijs meetelt. Per 1 januari worden de voorlopige correctiebedragen van 2024 aangepast om de ontwikkeling van de stroomprijzen mee te laten tellen in de hoogte van de subsidie. Vaststelling Energielijst 2024 De Energielijst 2024 bepaalt welke duurzame investeringen in aanmerking komen voor de Energie-investeringsaftrek (EIA) in 2024. De belangrijkste wijziging ten opzichte van 2023 is dat veel investeringen die zich in een periode korter dan 5 jaar terugverdienen uit de Energielijst zijn verwijderd. De energiebesparingsplicht verplicht bedrijven namelijk al om dergelijke investeringen te doen. Hiervoor heeft de EIA dus niet langer een stimulerend effect. Zo komen bijvoorbeeld zonnepanelen met een vermogen groter dan 55 kiloWatt niet meer in aanmerking vanwege de (gemiddelde) terugverdientijd.
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nateintora · 1 year
Reviving my tumblr once again because I saw too many funny videos on EVERY SINGLE VIDEOPLATFORM but still not sure what to do with it now.
Do I continue my cringy fandom adventures from 10 years ago? Do I make inspiring posts in hopes of anyone reading them at all? Do I become a librarian tumblr guy because somehow becoming a librarian guy happened to me irl?
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techvandaag · 1 year
'Google test integratie van direct speelbare online games op YouTube'
Google wil mogelijk online games integreren in YouTube, schrijft The Wall Street Journal op basis van een interne e-mail die de krant heeft ingezien. Met dit product moeten gebruikers spellen rechtstreeks kunnen spelen via de webbrowser en iOS- en Android-versies van het videoplatform. http://dlvr.it/SrCvvK
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surveycircle · 2 years
Respondenten gezocht voor onderzoek! Onderwerp: "How consumers use video platforms" https://t.co/EZBBSg9MnT via @SurveyCircle #VideoPlatform #video #youtube #PredictedEnjoyment #ActualEnjoyment #tilburg #enquête #survey #surveycircle https://t.co/mgb5MzYkS0
— Daily Research @SurveyCircle (@daily_research) Nov 4, 2022
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How HR Leaders are Benefiting from the Launch of L&D Focused Enterprise TV in Large Corporates
In today’s rapidly evolving corporate landscape, the need for continuous learning and development (L&D) is more critical than ever. HR leaders are constantly seeking innovative ways to upskill their workforce, enhance employee engagement, and foster a culture of continuous improvement. One such innovation that is gaining traction is the launch of Learning & Development (L&D) focused enterprise TV channels within large corporations. These internal TV networks are revolutionizing the way companies approach training and development, offering numerous benefits to HR leaders and their organizations. We are live streaming platform provider & ott platform provider
1. Enhanced Engagement and Participation
Traditional training methods often struggle with low engagement levels. Employees may find it challenging to attend lengthy workshops or webinars amidst their busy schedules. Enterprise TV channels, on the other hand, offer a more flexible and engaging way to deliver L&D content. By broadcasting training sessions, expert talks, and motivational content, HR leaders can capture employees’ attention more effectively. The visual and auditory elements of TV make learning more dynamic and engaging, encouraging higher participation rates.
2. Consistent and Scalable Training
One of the significant challenges in large organizations is ensuring that training is consistent across all departments and locations. Enterprise TV channels provide a centralized platform for delivering standardized training content. This ensures that every employee receives the same high-quality training, regardless of their location. Additionally, enterprise TV is scalable, allowing HR leaders to reach a large number of employees simultaneously, making it ideal for global organizations.
To read this full article -https://www.mogiio.com/enterprise-streaming-solution/
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inkryptvideos · 1 year
Safeguard Your Digital Content Secure Videos from Download and Piracy
In the digital era, protecting valuable digital content, especially videos, from unauthorized download and piracy has become a crucial concern for content creators, influencers, and e-learning platforms. At Inkrypt Videos, we understand the significance of safeguarding your content, and we provide comprehensive services to protect your digital assets. In this article, we will explore the importance of securing digital content and videos, and how Inkrypt Videos can help you protect your content from download and piracy.
Optimizing Video Hosting for Maximum Security: Best Strategies and Tools
Why Secure Your Digital Content?
With the rise of online platforms, the risk of unauthorized downloading and piracy has increased exponentially. Securing your digital content, especially videos, is essential to protect your intellectual property, maintain control over its distribution, and preserve its value. By implementing robust security measures, you can safeguard your content from being accessed, downloaded, and distributed without your permission.
Create Online Learning Platform With Secure Content
The Risks of Unauthorized Download and Piracy
Unauthorized downloading and piracy pose significant risks to content creators and businesses. They can lead to revenue loss, dilution of brand value, and a negative impact on your market position. Additionally, piracy undermines the rights of content creators and discourages innovation. By proactively securing your digital content, you minimize these risks and protect your hard work.
Inkrypt Videos: Protecting Your Digital Content
At Inkrypt Videos, we provide cutting-edge solutions to secure your digital content and videos. Our comprehensive services include encryption, watermarking, access control, and content protection mechanisms. By leveraging our platform, you can ensure that your videos remain safe from unauthorized access, download, and distribution. We provide you with the tools and technologies necessary to protect your valuable content.
Elearning Video Security The Ultimate Guide to Protecting Your Content
Benefits of Content Protection
Implementing robust content protection measures offers several benefits. Firstly, it safeguards your intellectual property, ensuring that only authorized viewers can access your videos. Secondly, it allows you to control the distribution of your content, granting access to specific users or groups. Thirdly, content protection enables you to monetize your videos by offering paid access or subscription-based models. Ultimately, it preserves the value of your content and enhances your revenue streams.
Conclusion and Call to Action
Inkrypt Videos is committed to securing your digital content and videos from unauthorized download and piracy. By utilizing our comprehensive services, you can protect your valuable assets and maintain control over their distribution. Don't let unauthorized access and piracy threaten your hard work and creativity. Embrace content protection today and safeguard your digital content.
How Many People Use Easy Video Download Tools for Piracy?
Securing your digital content and videos from unauthorized download and piracy is essential in today's digital landscape. Inkrypt Videos offers a range of services and technologies that empower content creators, influencers, and e-learning platforms to protect their valuable assets. By implementing robust content protection measures, you can preserve the integrity of your work, maintain control over its distribution, and maximize your revenue potential. Ready to secure your digital content from unauthorized download and piracy? Visit Inkrypt Videos today to explore our comprehensive services and start protecting your valuable assets. Safeguard your content, maintain control, and unlock new opportunities for growth. Take the first step towards content security and protection. Get started now!
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reneleijen · 2 years
Kinderen mogen niet meer livestreamen op TikTok
Kinderen mogen niet meer livestreamen op TikTok
Videoplatform TikTok heeft wederom strengere regels voor kinderen ingevoerd: vanaf eind november 2022 mogen alleen volwassenen nog een livestream starten. Dat kunnen nu nog gebruikers van boven de 16 die ook nog eens meer dan duizend volgers hebben. Minderjarigen mogen nog wel naar livestreams kijken. Volgens TikTok, dat al tijdenlang onder vuur ligt bij privacyorganisaties en…
View On WordPress
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antonioortegaen · 4 years
LiveReel Review
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Livereel ReviewLiveRell.  Inside the tool.As the world becomes digital enlightened, people are much more interested in watching a video than reviewing a lot of words stringed with each other.It is the power of a video clip that has made digital advertising a strong selling factor.Nonetheless, digital advertising and marketing has passed regular video to the capacity to stream live video clips to get traffic, interact with your customers, and boost sales for your products.Live videos are interesting to make, however they are likewise picky and take the stamina out of you.To be honest, you need a whole lot of power as well as understanding invested into the making a video to bring in the group you desire.With the advent of social media, marketers are on more than one platform and need to drive traffic on all platforms but how do you go about it.The answer is there is a software application that allows your stream live videos on greater than one platform all at once without the stress and anxiety of videotaping different videos each time you intend to go live.Check LIVEReel today! What is LIVEReel?Well, LIVEReel is a cloud software application that allows you to live stream an already recorded video on all social platforms you belong to at once to market products orsolutions you are into like on Facebook, Twitters, as well as YouTube, etc .  Who Read the full article
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super-jeepster · 6 years
LiveReel Review
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As the world becomes digital enlightened, people are more interested in watching a video than reading a bunch of words stringed together, it is the power of a video that has made digital marketing a strong selling point. However, digital marketing has moved past ordinary video to the ability to stream live videos to get traffic, interact with your customers, and increase sales for your products. Live videos are interesting to make, but they are also finicky and take the strength out of you. To be honest, you need a lot of energy and knowledge invested into the making a video to attract the crowd you want. With the advent of social media, marketers are on more than one platform and need to drive traffic on all platforms but how do you go about it. The answer is there is a software application that allows your stream live videos on more than one platform simultaneously without the stress of recording different videos each time you want to go live. Check LIVEReel today!
What is LIVEReel?
Well, LIVEReel is a cloud software application that allows you to live stream an already recorded video on all social platforms you belong to at once to market products or services you are into like on Facebook, Twitters, and YouTube, etc.
Who needs LIVEReel?
Well, it is safe to say everyone needs LIVEReel, but for people that offer a ton of products and service that need visibility, it goes a long way to know that you can actually stream your old videos for a particular show and generate the needed traffic and sales without ever being there. People that benefits from this software are marketing agencies, private salespeople, affiliate marketer, product creators pr manufactures, e-commerce stores, social media marketers, local and international store owners, and even podcasters.
What platforms are compatible with LIVEReel?
With LIVEReel you can go live on the following 15 platforms all at once. They are Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Twitch, DailyMotion, Periscope, Smash Cast, MobCrush, WordPress, Bloggers, LiveJournal, Tumblr, Medium, iNSTAGIB and Chew TV.
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Why we love LIVEReel?
It is funny how in no more than a year this cloud-based software tool is gaining momentum especially among marketers, but there are several reasons why we are in love with LIVEReel. Obviously, we know that it is now possible to live stream across fifteen platforms as listed above, but other reasons are: Live to stream at your own time: this feature allows you to live stream pre-recorded videos any time even when you are asleep. Add eye-catching Video frames: LIVEReel also allows users to add low-grade music, picture frame or language to capture the viewer attention to keep watching the video to the end. There is something for everyone. Stream live on your website: in addition, to live streaming on the above-listed platforms, LIVEReel gives its users the benefit of streaming their videos on their websites too. Auto-comment your viewers: this is by far the most wonderful features about LIVEReel. The ability to reply to the comments of your viewers through autopilot message making it looks as if you are there before them. Fix your problems: in the world of marketing, there will be angry and unsatisfied clients especially even more online. LIVEReel allows you to also handle customers with pre-messages and also remove spam and negative comments from your page. Keep track of the viewers: marketers need clients to make sales, and with LIVEReel, you can create a mailing list that allows you to reach out to your potential customers after the live video is over. Increase your ranking on YouTube and Google: we are all on the internet to get a high ranking, and with LIVEReel you can achieve that success as people love and prefer video than text anyways. Advanced Track Setting: with LIVEReel users are able to see which of your social media platform gets the highest views and capitalize of it to increase your online presence and product without less work.
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What is the bonus in using LIVEReel?
It is cloud-based software so you are free from downloading, installing or trying to configure it. All that is needed is to create an account, log in to your account, and start going live any time you are ready. LIVEReel also allows you to customize your video and compatible with MAC, Windows, etc. Furthermore, the software is 100 percent safe and sharing video is in no way breaking or in violation any law or regulation.
Final thought on LIVEReel
After going through several beta testers and months of intensive research and development, LIVEReel is proving to be a stable and real money earner for the users. Live videos are always an instant hit with online viewers, they find it comfortable but for the producers of these videos, it is hard work getting to make a video when it’s needed especially if you are a marketer. The creator of LIVEReel has certainly taken the stress of repeating videos to enjoying an increase in traffic and customer base on your site. At a price of 37 dollars and a 30-day full money back guarantee, you can cheat your way to unbeatable traffic for your site with this software. Click here to get LIVEReel today (with a 30 day money back guarantee, you have nothing to lose) Read the full article
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paperboi02 · 6 years
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New single from @martyblaze on all #StreamingPlatforms #PayAttention Video on all #VideoPlatforms #TheLitDaisyCompany #PaperboiManagement (at Gardena, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bsippw8Ah7Ou5e80xwYDkEO5oZeyS9HvIwZoGM0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1pg7aqjpk50t5
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storieblu-blog · 4 years
who we are
Storie Blu - video content and much more from Milan. A platform born on the idea of a TV channel. Made with contributions of all directions. Each contribution is coming online in a series of episodes. It is an integration of Birdwatching, DJ-Sets, Graphic Design, the Adventures of a Sicilian muppet and many other stories. It is a platform that gives creators the opportunity to reach an audience that is interested in filtered and artistic contributions with selected content. Since none of the stories end after an episode and the constant new surprises, Storie Blu will never get boring there join the adventures and enjoy!
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