#view this on desktop for the love of god
dxringred · 8 months
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i just want to live this lie, lying right next to you...
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christakisbang · 2 years
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lq gifs of an hq cutie  ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
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kuromi-hoemie · 1 year
me: weird, I’m not able to reblog anymore? If I click reblog nothing pops up. I notice ublock origin’s counter keeps going up, what gives?
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why the fuck is a wordpress pixel preventing me from reblogging you loser ass website. I’m not on wordpress, this breakage shouldn’t be happening.
Tbf, if I open a new tab or refresh the page I’m able to reblog again - but if I’m deep in the dash that’s obviously not the ideal move to make. I’m assuming this has something to do with the new UI Tumblr’s using because this hasn’t happened before.
Also, having refreshed the page and basically JUST making this post - can you fucking not??
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Maybe it’s because I have the logger open so it’s not refreshing things but uhhh yeah this is dumb, whatever’s happening here.
On top of my heart kinda racing (bad) by just using the new UI because it feels like I’m on twitter again I’m just so annoyed with everything @staff​ is doing >.> STOP IT god dammit
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stevenbasic · 9 months
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Growing into the Job, Post 372: Gone Viral
At this point I’d watched the video, the twenty-second clip from Amelia’s Saturday-night stream that had gone absolutely viral, more times than I could count. The clip was everywhere now. My phone was broken but I still had my desktop computer, and the video player filled my screen.
 It still made my mouth gape, it still made my skin crawl, and as I sat in my office alone this Tuesday morning it made me deathly afraid. What the actual fuck is happening?!? What had I become involved in?!? What had been happening to my body and - what was I doing to theirs?!?
Josie’s breasts broke out of her top. 
It was a trick, had to be something with editing, or a really good animation, or something - right?!? People don’t just…grow! It was physically impossible! It broke so many fundamental laws of nature and physics and physiology. It had to be fake. Didn’t it?? And, of course, it wasn’t me that caused it. It couldn’t be!
Lakshmi’s ass ballooned. 
Someone - one of the girls, or some online perv - had obviously made this clip of Amelia’s live recording of me sitting on Melissa’s lap, on her couch, surrounded by girls in bikinis and pajamas and getting whacked off by Josie. They’d clipped it, done weird things to it, and posted it…everywhere. That was the only explanation, that it had been altered. But…no. Now that I thought about it, I remembered. Memories came flooding back. 
Katie’s feet grew and burst from her flip-flop sandals. 
And what was happening with Josie’s hair?!?
And Melissa…Melissa looked enormous!
Oh my god!!
As I relived it again - the first time, in fact, back in the breakroom after a few bites of that terrible scone this morning - the memories started to get clearer. The girls had grown, all around me, my female staff had burgeoned and swelled. They surrounded me pressing around into me on Saturday night right after my handjob in Josie’s grip. And, though it didn’t make it onto the clip’s audio, I now remembered Randi’s whispered voice in my ear: “Get ready little man, your girls are going to eat you alive.”
Again: Oh my god!!
Three million views! More! More than three million views this thing had already, just on GirlToob (this popular, rapidly growing new video platform filled with content “for a female audience”) and it was posted only two days ago! I watched it again, looping. 
There I was, naked as day (certain parts of my anatomy were pixelated out for modesty on some sites, like this one, but I was full Monty on many of the re-uploads) and spasming in climax like a rag doll. And then, as the camera left me and scanned the surrounding women all suddenly consumed in ecstasy, the growth began. Josie’s top, Lakshmi’s bottom, and Katie’s feet, they all got bigger. And, by god, they all got taller too, right after I’d obviously climaxed Yes, it was subtle, and maybe a trick, but the fact remained: I was now internet famous for making girls grow. 
Can one actually die from humiliation? Is there an ICD-13 code for End-Stage Shame? Because I had a terminal case of mortification that was currently making my blood ice water and I felt like I should just go hide under a rock for oh…I don't know…the next decade or so. 
I watched the loop again, still in stunned silence staring into my future and feeling the world close in all around me. Though I tried my best to deny it as trickery, part of me knew this was no joke. It was as if I’d realized this all before, sitting there that Saturday night, but only now had it actually become real. And it was very, very public. Had I been mad at Amelia for streaming this, on Saturday night? I don’t think I was. In fact, I’m pretty sure I didn’t even know it was happening at the time, but when the girls showed me the video early this morning I kind of freaked out a bit. They all just laughed as they watched my reaction.. 
“Aww! Don’t be so dramatic,” one of them had said. 
“It’s all good,” said another. 
“People love you,” they tried to tell me. 
“Here, look at these comments, there’s hundreds of them,” I was told, “one girl calls you a hunk!”
“Or this one: ‘He’s every girl’s dream’.”
‘I want to hug him like a teddy bear.’
I want to eat him for breakfast. 
Can I be next haha??
Though most of the commenters were women, men had chimed in too: ‘ugh the dude is supersimp’ and ‘fuck yes make them all biggger u fuck’ or ‘STOP JUST WATCHNG WE NEED TO STIP THIS’
GOOD LORD!! I was, suddenly, a pariah, a savior, an object of lust and envy all at once. Millions of people had seen this! My heart thrump-thummed in my chest as my skin prickled with ignominy and the anxiety that was coming on like a horde of locusts. It was eating everything! Did I need to go to the authorities? Did I need to go to the hospital to find out what was wrong with me? Or did I just need to commit myself to the psych ward and be done with it? 
I needed t-
A knock at my door.
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“Dr J?” came Aubrey’s voice, followed by Aubrey herself. Goddamnit even in my discomfit, my soul-panic, my eyes went to her tits. Jesus, her chest. Holy Christ her figure. This is Aubrey?!? Little Aubrey?!? She’d been six inches shorter - easily! - three months ago. If somehow I was responsible for all these changes to all these girls -  What have I done to her?!? She stepped in, closing the door to my office behind her, wearing a sensible - if overmatched - blue blouse, a mid-length skirt, and a look of concern. She was also carrying my ‘World’s Best Boss’ mug. 
“H-hey Aubrey, c-C-ome in,” I greeted her, hearing my voice crack again. It had been doing that more and more recently, especially in times of stress. I sounded like a pre-teen. I glanced at the white mug, which after a contrite thanks she offered to me. I hesitated. I remembered the cup the girls had poured me earlier; I hadn’t been able to stomach even a sip. “Is that my coffee?”
“No,” she said, a funny shiver to her voice, “I…I know you haven’t been drinking coffee, so…so I brought you this.”
I didn’t even notice her eyes watching me, studying my face as I accepted the mug and took a look at its contents. Jesus the mug felt heavy to me. And inside -  milk, of course it was milk. Melissa had been insistent we keep a gallon of both 2% and whole in the breakroom fridge now, in case I ever got thirsty, or hungry. It was - I had to admit - the easiest thing on my stomach these days. I was more than a little self-conscious that I’d become a milk-drinker and blushed a little here in front of Aubrey. The smell, though, cut through my perturbation. Wow, I guess I’m really craving this. It made sense: I hadn’t eaten much at all this morning. 
Aubrey continued to watch as I brought the mug to my lips and took a sip. Wow. It was delicious. Creamy, sweet, earthy. Maybe this is a new brand? And…
“You warmed it up?” I asked. It was warm, perfect. Like body temperature. 
“Oh, uh, yeah,” Aubrey answered, still sounding slightly nervous as she bit her lip, “in the, um, microwave? Is that okay?”
“Sure,” I answered, taking another sip, and then another. It caressed my mouth, slipped down my throat and immediately went to work filling my body with warmth and a new sense of something good, familiar. Holy crap this is great. I fought the urge to just gulp it down. “Thank you so much, Aubrey.” There was something different in my voice. I sounded calmer. 
“You’re welcome,” she answered. 
This, of course dear readers, was Katarina’s breastmilk. I didn’t know that at the time though, and somehow, in that moment I didn’t put the memory together, or recognize the taste. Again, my abilities to avoid the truth were Olympian. I’d drank of it over the weekend and this was the same thing, but goddammit as I sat at my desk my mind was if nothing else a fortress of denial. Subconsciously I refused to acknowledge it - but  I was drinking breastmilk.  
I looked up at Aubrey and instead of seeing a woman complicit in a plot to overthrow my authority here at the office, physically infantilize me into a cretin, and help herald in a new age of overwhelming female power, my eyes saw someone else. I saw a girl who cared about me, an employee who wanted my day to go well, and a budding friend. A daughter-figure in some respects, a cool younger protege in others. 
Christ I was so deluded!!!
But, no. Aubrey - all the girls, really - was all these things. Our little story here, if you haven’t figured it out by this point, is complicated. Good guys, bad guys, heroes and villains? It was all too convoluted for labels. What was I, for that matter? A culpable anti-hero working against my gender? A victim, a helpless simp? Was I the lead actor in a comedy, tragedy or reality-show from the most fucked-up universe ever? I don’t goddamn know, even now. But the fact of the matter is, at that moment in time - gazing up at Aubrey with my “World’s Best Boss” mug in my hand and my medical-records clerk’s breastmilk worming its way into me - I felt great. 
“What are you watching?” Aubrey asked, noticing that my screen was on, video player playing, looping. 
“Oh, yeah, this,” I said, taking another sip of warm, delicious  milk and turning the monitor towards her, “this is great. Wanna watch..?”
mucho thanks to RiF for editing and guidance
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ellavatorz · 2 years
Sharing is Caring || c.b. x reader
summary: colby finds you reading fanfiction about him.
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smut (kinda), cursing, unrequited-but-later-requited-love, misunderstandings, confessions, just a tad bit of angst, friends-to-lovers mainly !!
a/n: this is going to be a long one so buckle up! also I’d just like to mention that this pic of colby has a death grip on me.. enjoy
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picture is not mine, found on Pinterest.
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“Fuck, colby—“ you pant, breathy and heated gasps falling from your lips as your body takes him whole. You feel him rocking against your core and can’t help but squirm beneath his grip.
“Stay still, princess.” He growls from where his head lays in the crook of your neck, eagerly nipping at the skin beneath your sweet spot. You cry out, suddenly all too aware of the feeling of his massive—“
“What the actual hell are people on?” Katrina barks out with a laugh, taking a pause from reading the fan-fiction aloud. “There’s no way in hell that this person is serious!”
Sam and Colby’s own rumbling laughter fills the room and soon enough, you’re leaning forward in unison with them, failing miserably to catch your breath.
“Oh my god,” Colby coughs, wiping away tears as he quickly closes out of the page on his computer which you all were viewing just a few moments ago. Sam and Katrina joke amongst themselves, repeating and emphasizing the words you all had just read. Colby shamefully shakes his head, turning towards you in efforts to distract himself. You laugh once more before patting him on the shoulder,
“Your fans are absolutely filthy! How could you let something like this be posted so nonchalantly about you?” You joke, eyes crinkling into half moons when he stares at you, baffled and mouth agape.
“What do you mean!?” He cries, his hands swaying in a pantomime as he tries to fully grasp onto the situation at hand. His eyes flicker to the camera above his desktop as he speaks. “I wasn’t expecting to find something so..” he trails off, at a loss of words.
“Bold? Sexy?” Kat offers, still grinning from ear to ear.
You giggle from beside her and watch the two boys exchange exasperated looks as they continue to direct their comments to the camera before them. This wasn’t a situation you had expected to be dragged into when Colby requested for you to join him in a new video idea, but what did you expect out of these two, really?
You were shocked when the video idea was explained to you—reading Sam and Colby fanfiction—but even more so when finding so many results for the two boys. You quickly became overwhelmed with the idea of your best friends being the center of attention when it came to such lewd content. Especially coming from their fans!
The video was full of easily-entertaining content, from the get-go, thankfully, so you didn’t have to be scarred from visualized fantasies for too long. But you couldn’t shake the feeling of curiosity to find more stories. Were there really that many people thirsting over your friends? Was there more of these stories than you all uncovered today? Surely. There was bound to be.
“Oh man, I hope you all enjoyed this video,” Colby chuckles at the camera. “I’m sure we did. Anyways, thank you for watching, please remember to subscribe and hit that notification button. Who knows, maybe if this video gets to 100 thousand likes, we’ll come back with a part two?”
Kat, Sam, Colby and yourself all share a quick glance before breaking out into laughter again. “I don’t know about that,”
“Oh come on, you don’t want to read about Colby and a reader getting it on? How about his massive—“ Kat prods, eyebrows wiggling as she continues to joke around. You swat at her thigh, cutting her off. “Do you?” She shakes her head, face mimicking an expression of mortification as the guys finally end the video.
“Thanks for going through all that with us, ladies.” Colby smiles at both you and Kat, all of you moving toward the door to officially wrap up filming. You stand within the doorframe for a second longer than the others, waiting for Colby.
“I must admit, that was definitely interesting.” You say, capturing his attention from where he was hovering over his desk, reassuring himself that the footage had saved. A grin forms on his lips as he looks back at you, nodding.
“Oh yeah, I think I’ll be finishing up that last one in my free time. I kinda want to know what happens next.” The both of you share a laugh before joining the others downstairs. The rest of the night is spent teasing one another while enjoying a few bottles of cheap wine.
- -
The morning sun beams down on your face, enticing a groan out of you as you burrow further into the sheets. In the midst of neglecting the day’s responsibilities for a few more minutes of rest, you somehow have managed to tangle yourself in the duvet. At that same moment, Colby has granted himself access to your room and is now standing at the foot of your bed.
“Uh, need a little help there?” Colby chirps and your voice muffles against the material of the duvet in response. “help.”
You hear him chuckle before you’re released from your cocoon, now evidently bare and exposed in all your glory; a fuzzy onesie you managed to claim from Colby’s closet in the past. He feigns a gasp and tugs at the cuff of your ankle.
“This looks oddly familiar, y/n..” he drawls, your dream-slumped eyes barely phased by his act. He smiles at you, noticing just how tired you really are. Straightening himself, he crosses the room and heads for the door, sending you one last glance. “Breakfast is downstairs. I came to get you so we could eat together since the others already did. I’m starving so hurry!”
Once you’ve made it to the dining table, you’re met with a very eager and welcoming smile on Colby’s face. You cock your head slightly, raising a brow at him before speaking. “What is up with you? Why are you so cheery this morning?”
“What? Can’t I just be a good human being and share a smile with my bestest friend in the whole world?”
Squinting your eyes at him, you take a spoonful of pancake into your mouth, chewing slowly as you continue to question him through your stare alone. His facial expression begins to falter until he finally breaks, letting out a sigh in surrender.
“Fine,” Colby starts. “I need some help with the new apparel line and really want you to model for it.”
“What’s in it for me?” You ponder, though him and you both know you would’ve accepted regardless of a reward being involved or not.
“Exposure?” He rolls his eyes as if it’s the most evident response. “Spending the day with your best friend?”
You blink lazily at him until he exhales yet again, this time also stuffing a load of pancake into his mouth before speaking. “And something nice to eat afterwards, I guess.”
Smiling, you nod and continue to inhale your breakfast. “Sounds like a deal, I’m in!” He shakes his head in fondness and the two of you set off for the photo shoot later on.
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It’s been a while since you’ve modeled for the boys’ apparel so your skills are a bit rusty, but you give it your all and eventually end your part of the shoot before Colby. After dressing yourself in the clothes you arrived in, you return to the setup site and sit in one of the chairs placed out of sight of the green screen and watch as Colby poses for each picture.
Two, three, maybe even four years ago, you would’ve never thought you’d be here; tagging along on Sam and Colby’s adventures into success. You were fond of them to say the least, and you definitely felt love for them, but as of recently, you’ve managed to develop a deeper level of admiration for Colby. It’s tough to say that the feeling is reciprocated, given the fact that Katrina has stated that he’s not the type to settle so quickly. But it’s been long enough, hasn’t it? You’ve been friends for a drawn out period and to say that there isn’t a hint of something more in your relationship would be a lie. He’s always there for you, as you are for him, and his character is naturally alluring in all aspects. Then again, kindness and love come as a natural instinct for him, don’t they?
You shake your head in denial before taking your phone out, scrolling through miscellaneous social apps in efforts to take your mind off of things.
And then it happens.
You land on a photo of Colby on your feed. It’s nothing out of the ordinary; you’re used to seeing your group of friends pop up on your social media from time to time. But something’s different this time.
This time, there’s a strange user handle you haven’t seen before, and surely you wouldn’t follow. The name “colbyxyou” stands out to you. Then you find the “recommended accounts” sub genre just above the post’s header. Your curiosity lures you into clicking the post, and sure enough, there’s a fanfiction attached to it. Your fingers flit over the summary and you can’t help but redden at the face.
“Oh wow,” you breathe out. Peering over your screen, you suddenly feel all too aware of where you are. You find Colby in the crowd of makeup artists just a few feet away from the photographer’s setup. As if on cue, he meets your eyes and smiles, waving innocently before turning back towards the woman who continues to pat his face with some kind of translucent powder.
You can’t possibly read this. I mean cmon—you’ve already witnessed just how steamy these stories can get. And wouldn’t it be weird? Reading something so.. dirty about your best friend and eternal crush who just so happens to be a mere twenty feet away?
No. You whisper to yourself, finger moving towards the back button on the screen. Your finger hovers over the screen, ready to press it. Except.. you don’t.
Instead, you purse your lips in thought and stare blankly at the contents on your phone. If you couldn’t live the life you’d like to with Colby in real time, then why not live vicariously through a couple of empty words? Yeah. Empty. There’s no feelings attached. He wouldn’t know either, right?
Eyes shooting over to where he stands back in front of the camera, you take a deep breath, bracing yourself for what was to come. You scroll through the post and begin reading. Ironically, the plot seems to mirror a similar predicament you find yourself in; a muddled relationship with Colby Brock who happens to be your best friend in the story. You want more, and he doesn’t. At least it doesn’t seem like it. Until you ask, and suddenly, he’s giving you it all and more.
After reading for what feels like pages and pages worth of pure filth, your knees feel sore from how tight you had been pushing them together. You subconsciously feel the tightness in your stomach throb for something. Some kind of release. Your so preoccupied with chewing your bottom lip, anxiously trying to find any kind of solution for your issue, that you don’t even notice Colby standing inches behind you until he’s tapping your screen over your shoulder.
“Hey, what’s that? Wait, is it—“
“Colby!” You flinch, eyes widening into saucers as you quickly shut off your phone, burying it beneath your thigh and turning to face him in an instant. He catches the flush on your face and moves to place a hand on your cheek when you swat him away, evidently embarrassed and worried that he’d seen too much.
“Colby.” You clear your throat, standing up and immediately regretting it when you realize just how affected you really are with the contents you’d just read. You’re thankfully stabilized by your friend, though it doesn’t make anything any better considering the man you just fucking wet-day-dream’ed about is right here; holding your pathetic little flustered self while your getting over your imaginary high.
“Y/N, are you alright? What’s wrong?” He pulls you into a firmer stance and backs away only once you’ve managed to regain yourself to your full strength. You lock eyes with him and make an effort to speak, but all that comes out is a broken, “sorry.”
“For what?” He quirks a brow, offering you your phone from where it was left behind on the chair’s seat just a moment ago. Dropping your gaze to the ground, you can’t help but stutter as you explain what you were doing; guilt immediately washing over you. You don’t bother to look up at him—too afraid to do so. Only, you don’t have to, because he’s instantly wrapping you in his arms and chuckling into your ear.
“Y/N, seriously?” He laughs, pulling away and tucking a piece of your hair behind your ear with it. “It’s okay. I’ll admit, it’s a bit.. embarrassing but also flattering? I mean, i didn’t know you’d be that curious to uh.. read about me? in that sense?”
“I’m—“ you stammer, heat rushing to your face yet again. “What?”
“Can we talk about this at home, or yknow.. somewhere private?” He suggests, and you agree. Though now, you realize just what that entails; being in a car with him for nearly an hour for the drive back home.
“Colby,” you start once you’re both in his car, halfway down the road from the studio already. “I’m really sorry if it made you uncomfortable. I honestly should’ve asked you first or even just.. not done that. I don’t know what got into me? Curiosity? Interest? I don’t really know, but I hope this doesn’t make anything awkward between us.”
“Why would it be awkward?” He responds, eyes still focused on the road ahead. You frown at his reply and pause before continuing to speak.
“Because I quite frankly just read and imagined myself having sex with my best friend of five years?” You quip, wishing upon whatever gods are in the sky to just take you now and put you out of your misery.
There’s a beat of silence before he’s pulling into an empty acre of old buildings, parking somewhere that resembles an empty car lot. You glance over at him, brows furrowed as he shuts the car off and removed his seat belt before facing you.
“I don’t know how else you’d like me to put it, but I found that extremely hot and would actually love to hear just how much you thought about me right now.” He states bluntly, though the sinister grin on his lips only makes you flush even more.
“Fuck, are you serious?”
“Y/N, do you think of me like that? Like those people who write things about me? Write about me fucking them? Do you wish that were you? Mh?” His fingers grasp your chin, leveling your eyes with his as a deep exhale escapes your lips.
“Colby,” you nearly whimper, still evidently cautious of how you approach the matter. “I like you, i really do. I know it was weird of me to read a fanfic about you, and I didn’t want this to be the way you found out about me liking you, but—“
His lips meet yours in a feverish kiss, as hurried and rough as you’d imagined it to be. You return the kiss, immediately wrapping a hand around the nape of his neck to draw him in closer. His hand reaches over the car’s console in order to unbuckle your seat belt. He frees you and quickly moves to grasp onto the belt loop on your jeans, tugging you as close as he can before he grows frustrated with the lack of contact between the two of you.
“Fuck, Y/N,” he pants, reluctantly pulling away from you to catch his breath and gaze deeply into your eyes. “I like you too. So much. Do you know how long I’ve been waiting to have you like this? Damn it, I haven’t wanted someone in my life more than I’d want you. And yeah, honestly, when we filmed that video a few days ago, I couldn’t help but think of you while reading. I imagined it was you I had squirming under me, taking me in and crying out for me. Only me.”
His words slur off into a messy fit of ragged breaths as he manages to spew out his confession. Somehow, you manage to control your breathing before giggling, gaining a similar reaction from him as he holds your face between his hands, gently caressing the supple skin of your cheeks.
“You really have a way with words, Brock.” You mutter with a smile. He reciprocates the action and leans in to kiss you once more.
“Yeah, it’s not my best forte. I guess I’ll leave it to the fic writers then, hm?” He smirks, one hand returning to your side to bring you close once more. He tilts his head sideways, motioning towards the backseat. “For now, I think I deserve a little compensation for all the time you spent reading those filthy stories instead of asking for the real thing, don’t you think?”
Your lips part in an attempt to make a bratty retort but falter when he’s already making his way to the back of the car and tapping the inside of his thigh, beckoning you to follow.
And who are you to deny him? After all, this is what you wanted. What you needed.
And now, you’ve got it all to yourself.
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tallymonster · 11 months
Memories of Us Chapter 4
Chapter list (1) (2) (3)
I have no clue what to even say, all the support, reblogs, and comments from everyone who has been reading this beautiful thing I've had in my daydreams has been pretty amazing. I can't thank you all enough 💕
Summary: Octavia has a little mess to clean up.
As always, thanks goes to my beta and best friend @micropoe10 . She's the driving force behind this idea because she kept telling me how good it was. So thanks, I owe you many lol.
Inspired by @cheesy-cryptid 's piece of fan art that buried itself in my brain and kept telling me what to write.
Chapter 4
"sleep til the sun burns out"
The next morning, Gale walks up to his shared office. Octavia should have already begun on the last of their tasks. At least a month of work finally coming to an end. They decided early on to share the office he had, after all one person doesn't need that much space to themselves. As he fumbles with the door, Astarion stops him. "Ah! My favorite assistant! Good morning Gale. I trust that you and our dear Octavia are prepared for the opening?"
Gale enthusiastically nods. The coffees he's got stacked on top of his pile of books are slightly shaking. He catches himself against the door and steadies the drinks, "Oh most definitely. Octavia has been staying after hours a few nights, at her insistence mind you, and she's incredible! She did at least three days of work in only half the time! I don't know what I would do without her at this point."
A small blush lands on his cheeks and he clears his throat. "Thank you for trusting me to bring her on board, she's a wonderful addition." Gale smiles awkwardly as Astarion gets in front of him and takes the cups. "Let me hold this for you before you wear this instead of your dashing sweater." Gale's shoulders fall a bit and he rolls his eyes.
They walk into the office to see a gigantic mess. Books, paperwork, pens, all matter of snack foods and energy potions surround Octavia and Gale's combined desks. "Octavia? Are you...?" Gale places his books on the desk softly, meanwhile Astarion places the cups down, picks up a book, and slams it on the table in front of her.
"I'M AWAKE! I'M HERE!!" Octavia springs up, a small note stuck to her cheek. She looks around bleary-eyed and rubs her face, as the room comes into focus, two faces come into view. Gale, and...OH SHIT. "MR. ANCUNIN! GOOD MORNING!!!"
She looks around and sees the mess left behind, quickly fixing her hair and ripping the note off her face. "I'm sorry, I didn't know" Gale mouths to her, he hands her the coffee and begins to gather the room. She puts her face in her arms and hides into the desktop. Thoroughly embarrassed, she lifts her head and looks at Astarion. "Good morning...sorry...I just really wanted to be done, and good news. It's done." She takes a lazy swig of her drink.
Astarion yawns and sips a bit from Gale's cup, coughing dramatically."Gods! How many sugars do you add to this?! This tastes absolutely vile!" He makes a disgusted face and places the cup back on the desk.
"Please tell me you aren't one of those people who asks for the drink with the longest name just to feel important?" He huffs, rolling his head to the side. "I'm not sure how to react to that." Octavia states, she looks down at the pile of papers Gale has already gathered.
She gets up to help, but Astarion stops her. "There's actually a reason I came by to see you both. Something that will pique both of your interests." Gale shoots him a suspicious glare, "What have you done now?" Astarion smiles and places down a well worn book, its black and red cover fraying like it's about to disintegrate if you sneeze in its direction.
"While I was away in the Underdark, I met with a lovely mind flayer and hobgoblin who had all kinds of interesting rare artifacts. One of which was this very book. They told me that this was procured during the siege on the Szarr estate, I'm hoping that it has more insight into our mysterious subject."
He slides the book over in between Octavia and Gale. "I'd love for the pair of you to tackle this long game Gale has played by himself. Octavia, your dedication to our last project surely landed you the task of caring for this book. Not a soul is to even breathe on it. That means you too, Gale."
He tilts his gaze over to Gale who scoffs a little at the notion that he can't read this book. "No offense, dearest Gale, I just don't want it leaving this office and we all know how you like to take work home." He pats Gale on the shoulder as he turns to leave the shared space.
"Also, one last thing. No more overnights, Octavia. You need your beauty rest, my darling. I've told you once before.." he leans in close to Octavia's left side and softly speaks near her ear "Can't have that beautiful mind of yours working too much, you'll turn into Gale, and I feel like you're far too much fun for that, hmm?"
She turns to him, their faces a few inches from each other. He's slightly taller than her, but in this closeness, he feels ten feet tall. His eyes hidden again behind pitch black lenses pierce through her, and the previous chill builds in her core, a shudder escapes her lips as the flush creeps onto her face. "Of course, sir, no more overnights."
She keeps her gaze on the glasses, her own eyes watching in return. She sees the vulpine expression start on his lips "Octavia, what have I told you about calling me 'sir'? We're in private chambers, not the atrium. Live a little, dearest." His voice dripped with suggestive candor.
Octavia on the other hand, was melting into the floor underneath her in return. She's never been around someone so well spoken, and it's pretty intimidating. "Of course....Astarion. I will go home tonight and sleep in my bed, not on my desk." She smiles timidly, back up at her as she looks towards him. "Wonderful, glad to hear it."
Astarion turns quickly on his heels, he must have somewhere to be. Octavia turns to Gale, an incredulous look on his face. "So he wants you to rest but he gives you another gargantuan responsibility to fulfill? I don't get that man sometimes." He shakes his head and keeps filing away paperwork.
Later on, Octavia finalizes the displays and wanders back to her office. The last of the visitors are filing out, their dull rumblings and soft murmurs keep her company for a moment. As she turns the corner, mind elsewhere, she doesn't notice the person in front of her until it's too late.
The shock is like walking into a wall, her little pad falls to the floor and her forehead starts to feel warm. "You know, we really have to stop running into each other like this" there's a tiny sarcastic laugh behind the statement.
Astarion was standing in front of her and Gale's office holding two black envelopes adorned with silver writing. One for Gale and the other for her. "I meant to give this to you earlier. Before we got caught up in…all that…" he grimaces towards the office.
"Anyway, we're having a little party here for the board members, staff, beneficiaries, pretty much anyone who wants to have their name on a wing or a bench. I came to give you and Gale your invitations but you were both gone. Figured you actually listened to me for once." He shrugs loosely, picks up Octavia's notepad, and hands it back to her along with the envelope.
The black matte paper was smooth in her hands, her name embossed in silver leaf. She flips over the envelope and sees a silver wax seal with a Sharran symbol stamped in the middle. "Spared no expense, huh?" She remarks as she opens it.
"No, of course not. How do you think we pay for all the exhibits? We have to wine and dine these benevolent people to give us more gold to cover what I spent trying to convince other people to let me have their pretty little treasures they kept in dilapidated, crumbling, piles of rubble and bone for two hundred years." Astarion rambles sardonically, waving his hands as he rounds off. "That's all in a day's work for me. Having to put on airs to impress people who wouldn't even give me a second glance had I not worked my way up to where I am now. I've been one with the shadows for as long I can remember."
His voice lowers, a forlorn twinge to his words. "Having to sort through rushed, sloppy graves. You almost feel sorry for the corpses, I think I do. Hmm. Nevermind any of that. There's a dress code by the way. Black preferably. Spend some of that graduation money you mentioned and get yourself something nice."
He brushes some hair off Octavia's shoulder, his hand lingers there for a bit. She stares at his hand there and looks back at him, wide eyed. "You deserve it after all." He takes his hand off, placing both his arms behind his back. "Well I'm off. Looks like I'll have to look for Gale at his place. I'll see you there, dearest."
Tag list (thank you 🥹❤️, if you want to join, please let me know!) : @satanicspinosaurus @sleepy-timaeus @justporo
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larrythefloridaman · 3 months
So ive made two other fankids for cpuk ships and they were pretty straightforward conceptually, but for a while i couldnt think of anything interesting for hackshifter- felt clunky and odd to take the straightforward route, especially when I already see the Machs as essentially already being their Troubled Foster Kids now, so i didnt really see a point to inventing a new bio kid for them and didnt see any obvious avenues to make an Interesting design for one anyway. But then we rewatched CPUK Orange a few weeks ago and the implications of a line from j0hn got stuck in my head again and i made a creature
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This is MachIIIna! 3M (pronounced Em) for short.
So, the idea with her is, when j0hn 'duplicated mach 2's AI and ran chess sims with it,' j0hn realized he was left with a fully formed artificial consciousness on his desktop, and, not feeling right about just getting rid of it, retooled it into a virtual assistant, who then eventually developed her own identity personality and quirks working from the same Baseline as CM2K.
Personality wise, shes like if an evil (read: mostly silly) supercomputer was a bratty teenage girl. The inferiority complex she and mach 2 were designed with is still present, but due to the healthier environment this mostly manifests as normal resentment of annoying siblings and normal teenage insecurity. If she was asked to watch Machi she'd put him in front of an ipad to watch cocomelon so she could go in the other room and complain to her besties while she played the most toxic demoman in tf2 you can concieve of, not pick fights with a baby, is what i mean.
She has no physical body- shes entirely digital. originally she just looked like that face display in the top right corner, but then she stole one of her dads' credit card information to commission herself a bunch of pngtuber style visual assets for self-expressions' sake and thats what the rest of the design shown here is. Views mach 2 as something like an estranged twin and will readily label herself the evil (and superior, having no binding to the limitations of flesh and blood! shes not being serious shes just playing up the the whole 'murder robot master computer' thing as a bit) twin, and they would look extremely similar if she had an organic body. Shes very overdramatic and expressive like him, but unlike him she's not really overcompensating, shes just Like That. Shes a very Loud sort of person. Type of girl to use a fainting couch for effect if she had a body. She loves explosives and keeps ordering bombs when j0hns not looking
She's able to hop around between the controls for most of the electronics in the lab, and likes to take the Nuke Suit out of the lab for joy rides sometimes. She's begged more than once for j0hn to let her take saferoth's controls for a spin like a 16 yr old asking to drive their dad's car, to which he obviously always says no. LOVES hacking into Riley's security camera feeds and spying on people it makes her feel like an omnipresent god of judgement (only really uses anything she learns to gossip with Larry or her internet friends. Singlehandedly responsible for the leaking of like half of what ends up in squid jenny's kerfuffle gossip reporting. She has no ability to keep a secret and doesnt care to develop one)
She wants to do tom and jerry shit to zapmouse its just cuteness aggression dont mind her
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kthecritter · 14 days
May we have a collage wallpaper/banner for our new blog?
Preferably with black and white MaineCoones as those are two of our host's theriotypes. Oh and the theta-delta symbol as well, maybe in the middle?
The theme/colors we want are probably greys to match the black and white of the cats
We use both desktop and mobile for Tumblr but would prefer the wallpaper/banner to be for desktop viewing.
Feel free to add any extras you'd like.
Apologies for sending in an ask so close to closing time, but thank you for reading and have a god timezone!
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here you go, we hope you enjoy! this is so moody and beautiful, love it <33
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Thank god.
If it wasn't for the tumblr community making easy fixes like this I would have killed someone.
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As someone who has never used twitter before.. This is a nightmare to look at on desktop. ESPECIALLY when you go to the tag to search things. And the drop down menu in the first image is so coinvent.
In the second layout, the huge menu on the left side of the screen NEVER goes away... you can't collapse it.. You can't make the icons smaller. And I think this layout could theoretically work if you just had an option to either revert to the old layout, or close the left menu task bar to make the dashboard more bigger for browsing.
When I was testing the search function on the new layout the artwork and images displayed in the tag searched would be VERY small, and only take up like 1/3rd of the screen.
I have a visual impairment. and I want the artwork and images to be BIG without bothering to click for bigger resolution or "open image in new tab" every single time to be able to get a better grasp of what I'm viewing... It's just easier for me to reblog things when I'm able to see them and love them at a glance, rather then needing to Zoom in to be able to see anything.
The main feature of the website should not take up like... 1/3's of the screen.
I thank deeply from the bottom of my heart tumblr user @pixiel you're doing gods work. Really.
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ch3rry-drywall · 3 months
so pissed off about the profile change on discord desktop, collapsed my roles and changed the aspect ratio of the discord banner AGAIN and further from how it is on mobile, now my banner only works well there, fuck my stupid baka life
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(first image above is desktop after the update, second is mobile as of right now) (and before i get comments, no, i do not support the blueycapsules creator)
why do they continue to make their service worse, and why is there no accessibility feature to have roles be automatically open??
they also cut off the connections feature which is usually displayed under profiles, making them almost useless, why did they do this??? it feels counterproductive to the social aspect of discord, and it honestly just urks me in general
if discord wants to preserve its sleek, compact image (which is like, the only explanation for this) i hope discord at least adds a feature where you can have roles automatically expanded,,,, stupid
and then on top of that- when you click the plus next to the roles (for the image above it reads +66) it expands the profile over the WHOLE SCREEN and changes the banner ratio AGAIN expanding it to resemble the ratio on discord mobile
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(my profile on discord after clicking the +66 next to the roles)
so what is it discord?? you fuck with the perfectly fine profile viewing on desktop, only to have it revert to normal after clicking another button?? are you trying to make your app more difficult and unintuitive to use??? this is ridiculous, please let me change it back for the love of god discord. fuck. i just want to have a profile which is at all consistant between desktop and mobile is that seriously too much to ask for
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medjaichieftain · 5 months
The First
Hours, it had been so many hours, since Kettu last squeezed his hand and promised all would be well. The women of the tribe had unceremoniously tossed him on his ear, as it were, chieftain or not, from the birthing tent.
The screams, from his dear sweet wife, her tolerance for pain was astonish but this had pushed beyond her limits, echoed from the tent. Then they stopped, rather suddenly, and there was a flurry of activity, ladies running to and fro, and young girls rushing about to bring water and linens, and the one girl Kettu trusted, brought medicines from the little foreign woman’s vardø.
The silence drew on, and the hushed voices grew frantic. Soon, however, a loud wailing sob rose above the noise and the plaintive cry of a newborn soon rang out. It was still some time before Ardeth was fetched, by one of the older women in the tribe, who had blood across her clothing.
“Come, come, you are needed.”
Two young women hurried out with soiled, bloodied sheets, hurrying away. Inside, propped on pillows and covered in sweat, but cleaned and covered, was Kettu. She held two little bundles against her, and the other village crone held the third. The old woman, keeping a watchful eye on the exhausted mother, not liking her palid cheeks. Shuffling over, she handed the bundle she held to Ardeth. “The first born. A son.”
Kettu looked up, wearily, and smiled weakly at Ardeth. “Husband, a chroí...”
{ When, after exactly 5 million years, I finally get to this... Dear gods. So sorry about that! Also, I can't view this on mobile at all, so I kept forgetting it was here until I peeked at my inbox on the desktop version. *sigh* }
Ardeth wanted nothing more than to be by his wife's side as she gave birth, but his people had very strict protocols for avoiding improprieties during a situation such as this. What impropriety could occur, Ardeth wondered? Have I not already seen the whole of her during the making of the child in question? Nevertheless, he was lightly swatted at by the midwives and ushered out into the desert to wait an agonizingly long time for all of this to play out as it would.
It was torture for him to hear Kettu screaming in pain and not be able to go to her. He took to pacing, then to sitting with his knees bouncing, then to pacing again, but nothing helped. Fear began to set in. What if something happen to his love? Or to the child? Or both? And that led to a good time spent silently praying, for their safety as well as his own strength.
Seeing several people frantically running in and out of the birthing tent made him even more nervous, but he dared not ask any questions. They would tell him what had happened once it was all over. He only hope with all his heart that the news would be good.
When finally he was summoned, his eyes widened in horror at the amount of blood all over the woman who came to fetch him. He opened his mouth to comment, but she drew him along by his arm, telling him that he was needed. Ardeth wasn't about to argue, given the circumstances.
His love looked so exhausted and very pale. Was that normal? Again, he dared not ask. With his heart in his throat, he stared like a rabbit in the moonlight, not knowing what to say or do. But oh, how his face lit up as a bundle was ceremoniously brought to him, his firstborn son. How beautiful he was, if not tiny, red, and wrinkly. Ardeth had never seen such a young child before, not up close like this, and so he wondered if they all looked that way when they first entered the world.
He smiled brightly, looking from the newborn's face to Kettu's. "He is beautiful, my love," he said, his eyes beginning to look a bit glassy. But then, all at once, a realization struck him. "First born?" he suddenly asked, realizing that Kettu held two more bundles in her arms...
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fefairys · 1 year
ok i wanna make my own tips post for the redditors
hello welcome :] here's some things i've noticed it seems a lot of you aren't aware of. i might add more later:
first of all, PLEASE turn on custom theme! you don't have to actually make or find a theme yourself as it gives you a default one, (but it is really fun and good to personalize your blog however you want) but doing this makes it easier to view and search your own blog, as i will describe later. this makes it so that you will show up at yoururl.tumblr.com and not just tumblr.com/yoururl it gives you your own page! it's good!! you can only tick this setting on desktop:
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another very important thing: DO NOT FUCKING REPOST ART WITHOUT CREDIT FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. honestly you should not report art without permission at all, but at LEAST credit the artist. and saying "idk who did this but credit to them" DOES NOT COUNT. take some time to reverse google image search and find the artist. if you can't find them, DON'T REPOST!!! turning the art into a meme doesn't mean you don't have to credit the artist!!!!!! AAHHH!! ok.
TAGS/SEARCHING in reblogs, all tags serve to do is (a) leave a bit of quiet commentary, if you're too shy to leave it in the actual body of the post or (b) organize posts on Your Blog Only. tagging a reblog does not make the post show up in the searchable tag. reblogs are not searchable through the tumblr search bar.
to find posts from a certain tag on your own blog, go to yoururl.tumblr.com/tagged/tag. you can also add /chrono to the end of that url to view the posts in chronological order! you actually don't need to tag original posts with every variation of a tag either. for example if you tag something as "r/196", it will show up when just "196" is searched for, because it contains "196" in it. so you dont NEED to tag the post "196, r196, r/196" etc. but i mean. do whatever u want. honestly i think a lot of veteran tumblr users don't even know that. but yeah tagging with a ton of variations like that is unnecessary unless you're spelling something differently or doing an abbreviation as well as a full title, such as "#what we do in the shadows, #wwdits"
also, your posts are searchable by literally any word in the post, whether it be the body, the tags, or even your url. so if your url has 'catboy' in it, and someone searches 'catboy' they will see all of your original posts in the tag lmao. it is pretty stupid but that's how it works.
on that note, FILTERING with filtering tags, it is very specific. so if youre content warning tagging something, please just tag it with the word, like "#blood" because if you tag it "#cw blood" or "#blood ///" people who just have "#blood" blocked, will still see the post! lots of veteran tumblr users don't seem to grasp this either 😭
you can filter out words as well as tags, but that can get tricky because if you filter out "rape" words like "grape" and "drape" will also be blocked, so i only use the word filter to block peoples urls. because even if you have someone blocked, you can still see people reblogging their posts, so if u don't wanna see them at all, block their url as a filtered word.
you can do all of this in the regular ol' 'settings' tab on desktop. on mobile it's settings -> general settings -> filtering
PAGES something i love about tumblr but is getting used less and less is the ability to make separate pages on your blog. the option to do so is all the way at the bottom on the theme customization panel. (only available on desktop tumblr)
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nowadays a lot of people just make a carrd and provide a link to that, but tumblr allows you to make your own separate blog pages! a lot of people use this to make "about me" pages, since it provides a lot more freedom than just the "blog description" section! you can put images on there, and just completely code the whole thing yourself! unfortunately, these pages aren't visible on mobile unless you link to them in your blog description (see my blog as an example) using <a href="link">link title</a> lots of people have links like this in their descriptions that lead to about pages or carrds! you should click on these to learn more about the person you're following!!
some people have "DNI (do not interact)" or "BYF (before you follow)" pages to set boundaries on who they do or don't want following them, as a warning of like "hey if you fall under this criteria and you follow/interact with me, you're getting blocked" so those are good to check for! some folks have lots of strong opinions on these that theyre "stupid" or "useless" but really it's just a warning and setting boundaries. like, if you follow me and ur not supposed to, i'm just gonna block you anyway, it was just a warning that that's what was gonna happen!
speaking of blocking, just fuckin' block whoever you want whenever you want. if you find someone annoying just block them. if they post something you don't like just block them. there's no need to get into an argument. just block! and they're gone! wheeee!!
SIDEBLOGS!!! you can have separate blogs from your main one that are connected to your same account! some people have tooooons of sideblogs for every single fandom they're in, some people just use their main for everything. it's up to you!
note that you can only like posts, send asks, follow people, and reply to posts under your main blog url. sideblogs are just for posting and reblogging in a more organized manner :] it's good to say in the description of your side blog what your main blog is so people know who you are when you like and reply to posts and such! (and also to list your sideblogs somewhere on ur main for the same reason. i use the aforementioned about page for this ^u^)
um that's it for now! there's a lot of other things i could talk about, but i'm sure other posts are covering it.. these are just ones i really want to iterate, especially the tags thing cause i think a lot of tumblr users don't even realize that lol ^u^ i've been active as fuck on tumblr since 2013 so I can answer questions if you have any :)
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lordofcrowns · 1 year
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❖◇ A SHINY NEW CARRD! ◇❖ → For the love of god, view it on desktop.
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alister312 · 1 year
#3 for the sp ask game?
ask game can be found here :)
3. What’s a fan creation (fic, art, meta, animatic, etc.) that you love and think others should see?
Ok I totally remember answering this back when I first made this ask game and my answer was HELLA long but this time around I'm gonna try and actually narrow it down to one thing per category of sorts. Especially bc if I let myself I'd just link every single one of my mutual's tumblrs and ao3s and whatnot bc I am enamored with everything they all create 🥰
First, I love this animatic of "my band" reimagined with the boys as their Fingerbang selves. It's got a ton of good movement and character moments and is just such a fun watch.
I've said it before and I'll say it a thousand more times but tullie's fic like a couple of cosmonauts is INCREDIBLE and I'm putting it on everyone's required reading list. There is clearly so much love and thought in it and until Matt and Trey tell me otherwise I'm gonna think of it as canon.
tiff's website he made full of all this old school art and watch links and the music embedded and the cursor and literally EVERYTHING is so fucking cool????? While it only works on desktop, I highly encourage people to go click around it for at least a few minutes.
This junk angel Kenny art by xnowherex has been on my mind for YEARS like since I first saw it circa 2014/15 or whatever. It's such a quintessential image for me. Foundation to how I view everything else in the South Park fandom, honestly.
And lastly I don't think it ever got posted publicly, but the meta that sekrit wrote for the Style zine last year? God, that was incredible. Very well done in terms of analysis and really just made me conscious of all that's come before me in fandom and all that will come after me. It was the perfect ender for the zine, Buny and Sneeze chose the placement well. That zine in general was full of awesome stuff and I think it's free to download at this point so anyone who hasn't seen it should look through it.
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the-consortium · 1 year
Mr. Saqqara? How's your lovelife with the Hound? What's the relationship dynamic? Does Mr. Bile know?
(OOC: Asks still don't work on desktop, but are now visible on mobile again. So I can "answer" with a placeholder and add the real text later. I won't type my texts on my phone, so this is an awkward workaround, but better than nothing! Give a big hand to returned ask posts!)
Saqqara snorts indignantly. Sets the datapad aside. „That‘s pretty personal!“
Arrian lowers the book he has just been reading with mediocre interest, slips in one of the dried leathery leaves of the large carnivorous vines from the arboretum as a bookmark, reaches across the table with the stacks of books and half-disassembled explosives and takes Saqqara‘s datapad.
The latter half-heartedly protests: „Hey! That‘s private correspondence!“ - „And this from the man who has made it a very fruitless hobby to steal the Chief Apothecary‘s ‚private correspondence‘?“ - „Only those which would upset him anyway and thus keep him from his work. I‘m practically doing him a favour.“ - „And to find out what of it would upset him, you read everything first?“ - „Yes, of course. How else am I supposed to make an informed decision?“ Saqqara‘s beaming smile as he says this leaves no questions. Arrian shakes his head. The nails rattle. Then he reads the message. His eyebrows move up, slightly distorted by his scars and ancient service studs. „Angron‘s spiky ass … that‘s really personal!“ - „Told you!“
The World Eater sighs and throws the datapad to Saqqara, who catches it with one hand and puts it back on the table. „I‘ve heard there are holo-shows in the Imperium that only deal with the love lives of some singers or actors. If you take that as a benchmark - we‘ve done it, we‘re apparently of public interest!“
Saqqara reaches for the datapad again, plays with the pen. Draws squiggles on the surface and wipes them away again. For Word Bearers, calligraphy and warm-up sketches are service to their Primarch and therefore an almost religious thing. Arrian has learned that the diabolist is then not really responsive until he emerges from this trance again. While he, like all Astartes, is aware of his surroundings and potential threats in a subliminal way, communication is then no longer desired.
Arrian doesn‘t really care what other people think about him or what he does or doesn‘t do. He doesn‘t have the Emperor‘s Children‘s craving for validation - which each of them vehemently denies - and doesn‘t have the Word Bearers‘ need for group affiliation. So this strange question to Saqqara doesn‘t bother him at all. He opens his book again, his mind halfway back to the torsion properties of the fibres of certain climbing plants. He glances sideways at Saqqara. The diabolist has begun to write. Arrian nods, adjusts the band that binds his nails at the nape of his neck and then sinks completely into botany.
Saqqara gnaws on his lower lip as his pen scurries across the pad and the little cogitor dutifully converts the elegant Colchisian runes into cold data.
„In the writings of the Primarch - may the gods steadily bless and preserve him - it is repeatedly pointed out that we do not exist as uninfluenced individuals in a selfish bubble, but only gain strength and resolve through our relationships with our brethren and the beings of the Immaterium.“
He pauses for a moment. Then adds, „And in light of this divine advice, I can say that I am aware of how the gods have blessed me. Arrian may view this more pragmatically, but he cannot deny the benefits and the positive impact our relationship has had on both our performance and abilities.“ He pauses. Crosses out the word „relationship“. Tries about five synonyms before returning to it after all.
Then he continues writing swiftly. „Which is probably something the Chief Apothecary is also aware of. He may in principle be absolutely uninterested in all things concerning the sparse private lives of his students and subordinates, but he punishes anything that leads to a deterioration of performance very mercilessly.
From this I can say with some certainty that Fabius is positively indifferent to our relationship. He wishes to know nothing of it - as little as he cares for the dance that Narvo Quin and Bellephus perform around Savona.
The Chief Apothecary regards any attachment with mild disgust. He is the most solitary being I have ever met. For an Astartes, positively unique. Quin suggests that he was no different before the Rebellion. Lord Fulgrim had to practically drag him out of his apothecarium by force once he needed him to work with other Emperor‘s Children.
To that extent, I can say with some authority that the Chief Apothecary is the last person in the galaxy who cares in the slightest about that relationship.“
He reads through everything again and nods with satisfaction. Taps „Send.“ Then looks over at Arrian, who is absently making notes in the form of chemical formulae. For a few heartbeats he allows himself a very gentle smile in the direction of the World Eater, who doesn‘t notice.
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(Some Saqqara for purely decorative reasons)
And some additional observations: In my mind Astartes are not build to have too deep emotions. If you remove the fear-response, you have to get rid off a lot of other stuff, too - maybe unintentionally.
The Emperor's Children got all of it back and then some. Because of Slaanesh and their gene-seed reflecting Fulgrim. But the other Legions are very sparse in their emotions. Or, let's say: slow-burn.
And that's how I see Arrian and Saqqara. They don't talk much about anything concerning their feelings or their relationship. A bit like cats: "I don't love you. I'm just always in the same room you are purely on coincidence."
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eternityservedcold · 1 year
for the love of god please stop fearmongering about the new editor
since staff said theyre going to force everyone to switch to the new editor, ive seen like... a truly insane amount of people saying like "this is tantamount to KILLING GIF MAKERS WITH HAMMERS", specifically with a link to this post outlining the "differences"
except there isnt a difference. no, really.
so in their post they show off these two gifs:
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(old editor on the left, new editor on the right. direct links for viewing if you dont trust me: old editor, new editor)
and they say "[the new editor version] has less contrast and is more grainy" which is. a lie. like, visually, just looking at these gifs, you know this isnt true. desktop users can also click on one of the gifs and use the arrow keys to quickly switch between them and confirm it. but i can also prove it like this:
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16th frame of the old editor version on the left, 16th frame of the new editor version on the right
ive edited the both images together for easier comparison. i split her face down the middle at her nose:
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cant see the seam where the versions meet? ive marked them for clarity:
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and a reversed version:
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literally no difference.
i also compared the file sizes to see if theres difference:
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nope. the same.
i opened the gifs in notepad
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and pasted them both into a difference checker:
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and, of course, the smoking gun that says this person has no idea what theyre talking about,
they posted the same gif twice in the last bit of the post and didnt notice. BECAUSE THEYRE THE SAME.
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TL;DR: your gifs are safe. there is literally no difference, and if you think there is, its just you.
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