Penetrating the Five Sheaths: A Path to Self-Inquiry and Realization
Introduction: The practice of self-inquiry, a central tenet of Advaita Vedanta, guides us on a profound journey to uncover the true nature of the Self, or Atman. This process involves penetrating through the five sheaths, or koshas, that veil our true essence. Pravrajika Devyanandaprana, in her presentation on self-inquiry, emphasizes this technique as a method to transcend our physical, mental,…
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raffaellopalandri · 2 months
Book of the Day - Yoga of the Subtle Body
Today’s Book of the Day is Yoga of the Subtle Body, written by Tias Little in 2016 and published by Shambhala. Tias Little is a renowned Yoga teacher and writer, committed to raising awareness about the contemplative path of the practice, leading to greater awareness and deeper understanding. He brings together his experience in Yoga, Sanskrit, Buddhist studies, somatic practices, anatomy,…
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wereinyoga · 3 months
The 5 Koshas
When introduced to yoga, we are introduced to a variety of concepts and philosophical beliefs related to yoga with the star of the show being the Chakras but another concept just as important is the Koshas. According to the Yogic path, we are multilayered individuals, resembling an onion with each layer representing something different and capable of being purified through different activities. Here are the 5 Koshas:
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The Annamaya Kosha is the most physical part of our body, it is purified by the food that we introduce to our bodies and the practice of Asana yoga.
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Pranamaya, prana is the life force energy that flows through everything. It flows through us also, it is not our soul but it is the energizing force that moves us. It deals with every moving part of the body and can be purified through the practice of pranamaya and Asana yoga practice.
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Manomaya refers to the mind from the ego perspective, what do we think of ourselves,. It is purified by Bhakti or Karma yoga, it deals with our emotions and pieces of our ego.
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Vijnanamaya deals with the intellect. Our approach to studying, our dedication, discipline, and how we go about taking in knowledge. This is purified through the practice of Svadhaya, studying, satsang, and meditation.
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Anandamaya, the bliss that we experience when coming out of a meditation or yoga session is a reflection of Anandamaya, purified by Bakhti and a connection to the source.
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turiyatitta · 1 year
Echoes of the Soul
A Journey Through Subtle Realms
In the land of ancient wisdom, where the Eastern sun doth rise,
A profound truth is whispered, a secret veiled in skies.
"Your physical body is your soul's expression," the masters teach,
A sacred dance of energies, an interconnected reach.
Not only the gross body, but all subtle bodies too,
A tapestry of mystic realms, to be embraced and to construe.
For in this realm of existence, a truth transcends the known,
Our corporeal forms mere echoes, of the soul's eternal throne.
The prana that pervades us, the very life force we hold,
A river of cosmic energy, through subtle channels, uncontrolled.
The chakras, vibrant centers, aligned upon our spine,
A ladder to ascension, as the soul and body intertwine.
The sheaths of being, the Koshas, that compose our truest self,
Layers that unfold and guide us, to the soul's eternal wealth.
Annamaya, the physical, a temple of earth and air,
A vessel for our journey, a testament to life's affair.
Pranamaya, the energy, the vibrant breath that flows,
A dynamic dance of life force, through every high and low.
Manomaya, the mental, a realm of thoughts and dreams,
A labyrinth of emotions, where the light of consciousness gleams.
Vijnanamaya, the intellect, the wisdom that resides,
A compass for discernment, a beacon that forever guides.
Anandamaya, the blissful, the essence of the soul,
A boundless ocean of serenity, where we merge and become whole.
These subtle bodies entwined, a symphony of truth and grace,
A journey through the layers, to unveil the soul's embrace.
From the cosmic dance of atoms, to the galaxies far and wide,
Each particle and energy, a testament to the soul's resplendent tide.
In this ever-changing world, where illusions reign supreme,
Our bodies are but vessels, for the soul's eternal gleam.
Through every breath and heartbeat, in joy, sorrow, and strife,
Our souls find their expression, in the dance of human life.
So let us honour every form, these transient temples we inhabit,
And cherish the sublime wisdom, of the soul's eternal habit.
For in the heart of all beings, a spark of the divine resides,
A reminder of our unity, as life's eternal tides.
Morgan O. Smith
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jacksandy28 · 1 month
Saral yoga and their benefits
 Yoga is a science of calming down the mind (that brings harmony in mind, body and spirit). It is an ancient Indian science that has been used for therapeutic benefits in numerous health concerns in which mental stress was believed to play a role. (Considering the current health scenario of the population every country has prevalence of Non communicable diseases, which are psychosomatic in origin; as a major concern, thanks to adulterated foods, fast foods and stressful lifestyle).
The practice of developing one’s internal awareness and relaxation are said to be the main components of these practices that help one to reach higher states of health which can be called as “positive health”.
Saral yoga is a simple different yoga module which emphasizes on the different category of people( who have hectic lifestyle for those who travel frequently and work in stressful environment)such as vimanyatri( frequent air travelers) regular usage of two wheelers and four wheelers, system based jobs that involve long hours usage of electronic devices that are harmful for eye health, education and civil sectors that involve standing for long hours ,night shift professionals and sedentary lifestyle). These yoga modules help work at a subtler level and obtain deeper benefits of yoga by working at the level of mind which then has direct impact on the body.
Saral yoga are the modules designed as a quick fix for your discomforts in day to day activities .For example, A two wheeler rider and four wheeler driver experience pain in the arm, calf muscles and back muscles for which our Saral yoga will come handy. It focuses on quick relief from these discomforts by practicing daily for 15 mins. You can practice it either at home or any place available. All modules are based on IAYT (Integrated approach of yoga therapy).
The basis for an integrated approach to yoga therapy is rooted in Upanishad’s. Panchakosha theory explained in Taittiriya Upanishad says that human beings have 5 major sheaths of existence.
Anandamaya Kosha
Vijnanamaya Kosha
Manomaya Kosha
Pranamaya Kosha
Annamaya Kosha
In Anandamaya kosha, a man is healthiest with perfect harmony and balance of all his faculties. At Vijnanamaya kosha there are movements, but are channelized in the right direction. As such, it is in the manomaya level that the imbalance starts. Likes and dislikes have come to play at this level.
They start governing our actions; often they are in the wrong directions. Thus going against what is right causes imbalances. These imbalances amplify themselves resulting in mental illness called Adhis. At this stage there are no symptoms at the physical level.
How saral yoga helps
Saral Yoga for sedentary lifestyleA long term sedentary lifestyle causes damage to the body, by weakening muscles and decreasing flexibility. It is important to incorporate physical activity and yoga in a perfect way. The practices in this 15 mins module will improve the flexibility of spine, strengthen back and abdominal muscles.
Saral Yoga for House wifeBeing multitaskers, it becomes difficult to look after everything happening at home. But there is a way! A way to a healthy life by doing yoga and inspiring the whole family. This module helps to overcome emotional combat, prevents joint pains and increases flexibility.
Saral Yoga for eye healthRepeated exposure to electronic gadgets, high levels of pollution affect our nervous system and this can lead to a state of fatigue when continuous. This module strengthens eye muscles, reduces dry eyes and reduces impact of stress on eyes.
Saral yoga for long standingPeople work as teachers, are in sales jobs or other jobs that require individuals to be on their feet all day. They will be benefited by this module. This 15mins module helps to stretch the calf muscle, increases ankle mobility, strengthens back and relieves back pain.
Saral yoga for Viman yatriSitting for hours together on a flight can make the body go numb, especially the back, neck and knees .This module helps to release muscle tension, increases blood circulation, decreases anxiety and relaxes the mind.
Saral yoga for 2 wheeler riders and 4 wheelersIn this fast paced life working in major cities, traveling to and fro from the workplace can be exhausting. The time spent in traffic jams could be better spent for health if we implement yoga. Perform this module if you are stuck in traffic or if you are driving long. This module helps to relieve strain and strengthens muscles, relieves pain and fatigue.
Saral yoga night shift professionalsWorking in the night shift creates a great amount of mental health imbalance. Inability to sync night work with the body’s requirements is a challenge. The daily routine of night shifts can lead to irregular sleep cycles thus creating pressure on biological clocks and therefore, on our health. This module helps to relieve stress, increase blood circulation and energizes the whole body.
If you adapt Saral Yoga you can reap good benefits. You can practice it twice daily for better results and remember that you don’t have to give reasons to yourself or others for not doing Yoga. Just do it!!
Article By : Dr. Shraddha Surathkal
For More Details visit : https://vivekanandahealth.com/articles/saral-yoga/
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sagetoday · 2 months
Unlocking the Five Koshas: A Journey to Your True Self!
The Five Koshas This article guides you through the Five Koshas, or sheaths, that cover our Atman, the true self. The Five Koshas include the Annamaya Kosha (physical body), Pranamaya Kosha (energy body), Manomaya Kosha (mental body), Vijnanamaya Kosha (wisdom body), and Anandamaya Kosha (bliss body). Each sheath has unique attributes that contribute to our overall being, influencing our physical, emotional, and spiritual experiences. Understanding these sheaths allows us to gain insights into our existence and identify the areas where we can grow and improve. By working with the Five Koshas, individuals can achieve a deeper connection to their true selves, promoting holistic health and well-being. To learn more about the Five Koshas and how to integrate them into your life, please visit the link below: https://www.sage.blue/five-koshas/ Explore the wisdom of the Five Koshas and enhance your journey toward self-realization and balance.
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vivekkumar66335 · 7 months
purpose of life
The purpose of the life is the realization of the experience of Absolute Existence, which is the highest fulfillment all the aspirations of the whole of creation
Panchdasi as the name suggest this text, "consisting of 15 Chapters grouped into three quintads. This is very much like the three aspects of Brahman – sat (existence), cit (consciousness) and ananda (bliss), respectively
Viveka-panchaka (विवेक-पञ्चक,  (dealing with the discrimination of the real from the non-real): Understanding the nature of reality (Viveka) which distinguishes from external world (जगत, jagata) consist of the five elements -Ether, Air, Fire, Water and Earth and individual (Jiva) consisting of the five sheaths – Annamaya (अन्नमय, annamaya, Physical), Pranamaya (प्राणमय , prāṇamaya, Vital), Manomaya ( मनोमय, manomaya, Mental), Vijnanamaya  Intellectual) and Anandamaya
 Pure spirit is encased with five sheaths to delude individual soul as self. Cosmology of creation is described similar to Samkhya  philosophy stating the relationship between pure consciousness (Brahman) with material universe.
Dipa-panchaka  (expounding the nature of the Self as pure consciousness) : The second set of five chapters through light (Dipa) on the Pure Consciousness (Brahman) as the only Reality with Existence (Sat). God (Isvara), World (Jagat) and Individual (Jiva) are described in detail with their mutual relationship.
 Theory of perception and process of the ascent of the Jiva to its supreme goal, liberation from Maya (illusion) to unite with Brahman the Absolute. Meaning and method of meditation the way to  contact with Reality is also described in very lucid and candid discourse.
Ananda-panchaka(dwelling on the bliss-nature of Brahman): The last five chapters go into details of Brahman as pure Bliss (Ananda). This is not worldly happiness but complex dissolution into eternal pleasure.
 Duality of Jiva and God merging into one Consciousness and Existence.
 This Atman ( Brahman) is the source of ultimate happiness the purpose of human life.
Vidyaranya has succeeded in an eminent way in setting forth the essentials of Advaita which holds that the direct means to release is the path of knowledge (jnana), and as moksa is the very nature of the Self, it is not an experience which is to be brought about through works (karma) ".
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satyawan9saitama · 11 months
Panchakosha Meditation: Exploring the Five Layers of Self
What is Panchakosha Meditation?
Panchakosha Meditation is based on the ancient yogic philosophy of the five layers or sheaths of the self, known as the Panchakoshas. These layers are the physical body (Annamaya Kosha), the vital energy body (Pranamaya Kosha), the mental and emotional body (Manomaya Kosha), the wisdom and intellect body (Vijnanamaya Kosha), and the blissful spiritual body (Anandamaya Kosha).
The Practice:
Find a quiet and peaceful place to meditate.
Begin by focusing your awareness on the outermost layer, the physical body. Feel the sensations in your body and relax.
Move your awareness inward, layer by layer, contemplating each sheath and its connection to your being.
Reflect on the interconnectedness of these layers and their role in your overall self.
Panchakosha Meditation can:
Foster a deep understanding of your holistic self.
Encourage self-awareness and self-acceptance.
Facilitate personal growth and self-realization.
Enhance mental and emotional well-being.
Promote a sense of harmony and unity within oneself.
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princetontv · 1 year
The Quantum Healer - Yoga Pt. 2 from CNJN on Vimeo.
Yoga is an ancient practice that can be traced back thousands of years with many moving parts that create overall well-being for all of the layers of the human person.
The Yoga practice will be in the spotlight for three episodes as a panel of yoga teachers discuss the many healing benefits that they personally have observed, as well as witnessed through their students.
In Part 2, Dr. Tracey talks upper and lower mind benefits with Karuna Lynne, Yoga Teacher, about the benefits to the mind sheath or Manomaya-Kosha, as well as Julie Kramer, Yoga Teacher, about the benefits to the intuitive sheath or Vijnanamaya-Kosha.
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pooma-satsangam · 1 year
Sat Vidya forty
உள்ளவை நாற்பது
5. The body is made up of the five sheaths; [3] in the term body all the five are included. Without the body the world is not. Has one without the body ever seen the world?
உலகைம் புலங்க ளுருவேறன் றவ்வைம்
புலனைம் பொறிக்குப் புலனா – முலகைமன
மொன்றைம் பொறிவாயா லோர்ந்திடுத லான்மனத்தை
யன்றியுல குண்டோ வறைநேரே – நின்ற
Ulagaim pulan-gaḷ uru-vēṛan ḍṛav-vaim
Pula-naim poṛik-kup pula-nām – ulagai-manam
Onḍṛaim poṛi-vāyāl ōrindiḍu-da lānma-nattai
Anḍṛi ulaguṇḍō aṛai-nērē – ninḍṛa
The passage is another reflection attributed to Ramana Maharshi from the work "Sat Vidya forty." It explores the relationship between the body, the five sheaths, and the world, raising questions about the interdependence and perception of the world through the body.
The passage states that the body is composed of five sheaths. The five sheaths are a concept from Advaita Vedanta, a philosophical tradition that explores the non-dual nature of reality. These sheaths are layers or coverings that are said to veil the true Self or consciousness. The five sheaths typically referred to in Advaita Vedanta are the physical sheath (annamaya kosha), the vital sheath (pranamaya kosha), the mental/emotional sheath (manomaya kosha), the intellectual sheath (vijnanamaya kosha), and the bliss sheath (anandamaya kosha).
The passage suggests that when we use the term "body," it includes all five sheaths. It highlights the interconnectedness of these sheaths and their role in constituting the notion of the body.
Furthermore, the passage poses a question: without the body, can the world exist? It implies that the world is perceived through the body and asks whether anyone without a body has ever seen the world. This question prompts contemplation on the relationship between the body and the perception of the external world.
In the context of Advaita Vedanta, this reflection invites individuals to inquire into the nature of perception, the identification with the body, and the ultimate reality that transcends the limitations of the body-mind complex. It encourages seekers to question the notion of a separate individual entity and explore the true nature of oneself beyond the physical body.
"சத் வித்யா நாற்பது" என்ற படைப்பிலிருந்து ரமண மகரிஷிக்குக் கூறப்பட்ட மற்றொரு பிரதிபலிப்பு இந்த பத்தியாகும். இது உடல், ஐந்து உறைகள் மற்றும் உலகத்திற்கு இடையிலான உறவை ஆராய்கிறது, உடலின் மூலம் உலகின் ஒன்றுக்கொன்று சார்ந்��ிருத்தல் மற்றும் உணர்தல் பற்றிய கேள்விகளை எழுப்புகிறது.
உடல் ஐந்து உறைகளால் ஆனது என்று பத்தி கூறுகிறது. ஐந்து உறைகள் என்பது அத்வைத வேதாந்தத்தின் ஒரு கருத்தாகும், இது யதார்த்தத்தின் இரட்டை அல்லாத தன்மையை ஆராய்கிறது. இந்த உறைகள் உண்மையான சுயம் அல்லது நனவை மறைப்பதாகக் கூறப்படும் அடுக்குகள் அல்லது உறைகள். அத்வைத வேதாந்தத்தில் பொதுவாகக் குறிப்பிடப்படும் ஐந்து உறைகள் உடல் உறை (அன்னமய கோஷா), முக்கிய உறை (பிராணமய கோஷா), மன/உணர்ச்சி உறை (மனோமய கோஷா), அறிவுசார் உறை (விஜ்ஞானமய கோஷா) மற்றும் பேரின்ப உறை (ஆனந்தமயம்) ஆகும். கோஷா).
"உடல்" என்ற வார்த்தையை நாம் பயன்படுத்தும்போது, ​​​​அது அனைத்து ஐந்து உறைகளையும் உள்ளடக்கியது என்று பத்தியில் கூறுகிறது. இது இந்த உறைகளின் ஒன்றோடொன்று இணைந்திருப்பதையும் உடலின் கருத்தை அமைப்பதில் அவற்றின் பங்கையும் எடுத்துக்காட்டுகிறது.
மேலும், இப்பகுதி ஒரு கேள்வியை எழுப்புகிறது: உடல் இல்லாமல், உலகம் இருக்க முடியுமா? உடல் மூலம் உலகம் உணரப்படுகிறது என்பதை இது குறிக்கிறது மற்றும் உடல் இல்லாத யாரும் உலகைப் பார்த்தது இல்லையா என்று கேட்கிறது. இந்த கேள்வி உடலுக்கும் வெளி உலகத்தைப் பற்றிய கருத்துக்கும் இடையிலான உறவைப் பற்றி சிந்திக்கத் தூண்டுகிறது.
அத்வைத வேதாந்தத்தின் பின்னணியில், இந்த பிரதிபலிப்பு தனிப்பட்ட நபர்களை உணர்வின் தன்மை, உடலுடன் அடையாளம் காணுதல் மற்றும் உடல்-மன சிக்கலான வரம்புகளை மீறும் இறுதி யதார்த்தம் ஆகியவற்றை விசாரிக்க அழைக்கிறது. இது தேடுபவர்களை ஒரு தனி தனிமனிதன் என்ற கருத்தை கேள்விக்குட்படுத்தவும், உடல் உடலுக்கு அப்பால் ஒருவரின் உண்மையான தன்மையை ஆராயவும் ஊக்குவிக்கிறது.
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gardenofhera · 1 year
Planes of Existence
Charlotte Leonie | White Dakini | 22 January 2022
Taittirya Upanishad, a Hindu book of Ancient India indicates that there are five levels of the self (known in Sanskrit as Koshas). Here, we explore the Planes of Existence as conceptualised in Hindu culture.
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As we delve into the topic of planes of existence we can begin to unpack the concept that there is more to us and all of existence than meets the eye. There have been systems of philosophy developed over the millennia that discuss the concept of multiple planes of existence. Some of these include Hinduism, Buddhism, Tantrism, Platonism, Neoplatonism and Theosophy.
The Hindu Taittirya Upanishad, a book of Ancient India indicates that there are five levels of the Self known in Sanskrit as Koshas. Kosha translates as sheath or covering. These are the: 
Annamaya Kosha - Physical/Food Sheath
Pranamaya Kosha - Breath/Life Force Sheath 
Manomaya Kosha - Mental & Emotional Sheath
Vijnanamaya Kosha - Astral/Psychic Sheath
Anandamaya Kosha - Bliss/Seed Sheath
These sheaths can be visualised as subsequent layers surrounding the seed of the soul making up the united individual. Understanding the concept of these sheaths enables a deep dive into the exploration of our soul and potential within spiritual practice.
Leading spiritual philosopher of Theosophy, Blavatsky, continued to analyse and interpret this concept through her research and psychic investigation. She delineated these sheaths into planes of existence as well as distinguished sub-planes within these planes which brought the concept to the West in a way that could be more readily understood in Western culture.
Through spiritual practice we can gain first-hand experience and understanding of these planes. To give some idea of what to look for on that journey, I’ve written a brief description about each primary plane below.
This plane is the visible reality of space, time, energy and matter. This is the level at  which we are born into, our daily lives play out and our physical bodies exist. We are able to experience spiritual and elevated emotional states on this level through our bodily functions such as through the nervous and cardiovascular systems. The physical plane is the first and lowest in existence. Many try to bypass it on their quests for emotional and spiritual transcendence due to the pain and suffering it can hold and bring. Developing bodily awareness through conscious practices such as yoga and meditation is the gateway to accessing deeper planes of existence wherein the energy is more subtle than solid. It is also common that many hold the belief that the physical body is all that we are, rather than seeing the body as a temple for the soul. Regardless of how the physical body is viewed, it needs to be respected and well cared for with balanced eating, periods of fasting, proper rest and healthy movement practices to have us survive and thrive in life with longevity.
The plane of life force energy, the Etheric Plane, also known as the aura, is commonly witnessed by clairvoyants with a wide array of colours. It’s also called the Pranic plane due to Prana, the multi-faceted Sanskrit term for life force, breath, air and ether. This is a plane of subtle energy which can be felt by allowing oneself to be truly still and at peace in one’s environment and within oneself. Being alone in quiet places in nature can be one way to access its vibrations. Seated meditation with breath work is another way. A dedicated yoga practice will also have your awareness of the etheric plane emerge. This level is where the Chakras reside. They enable energy from the earth to flow through us from our base (pelvic floor and feet) and divine energy to flow into the crown (top of the head). Blockages on this plane create issues that follow through into the physical and emotional/mental levels which is why it’s crucial to cultivate and maintain healthy subtle energy flow through open chakras (energy centres) and nadis (energy pathways). This level links the physical level with the emotional, mental level.
Also the Psychological Plane, holds the unique immortal blueprint of each individual and is typically what most people become consumed and unresolved with and limited by. It consists of our thoughts, desires, mental constructs and belief systems which develop throughout time and continually influence the motivations of our actions. Our desires, emotions and thought forms are influenced by the chakras we have most active and strong. Base chakras bring focus upon and desire for territory, money, sensual intimacy, pleasure and power. Upper chakras bring focus upon and desire for reason, love, generosity, peace, intellectual creativity, knowledge, order and genius. Having access to the various aspects of our psyche enables us to reach resolved emotional and mental states, understand the motivations behind our desires and potentially master the psyche which promotes health and balance of the lower planes and grants access to the higher planes. Through this plane, we can also develop relationships with not only people, but with everything we commune with such as animals, places and spirits. This plane also translates our experiences via the information received at sensory levels so that we can make sense of ourselves in relation to our contexts and those we interact with. In addition to healthy movement practices, fasting, meditation, pranayama and time spent in solitude and silence, this plane can also be accessed and harmonised through song, chanting, altruism and positive affirmation.
From the Astral Plane we can access realms wherein we can traverse through worlds of our own spiritual crafting as well as those of others’, often even without their permission if they don’t have psychic protection. The astral realms are believed to be populated by immortal souls, demons, angels and other spiritual beings. This plane also deals with dreams, prophetic visions and psychic phenomena. It is believed some souls land in the astral plane after they die and stay until they are ready to reincarnate into a different life form. Once we consciously learn how to exist in the astral, we have begun to develop extraordinary psychic powers and depth of wisdom. The astral plane is often accessed through lucid dreaming and astral projection, both of which can be practiced and near-death and out-of-body experiences, which should not be practiced.
As the highest plane of existence, the Causal plane is where matter is subordinate to consciousness and we see with ultimate clarity the entirety of All That Is. From this plane, Nirvana, Samadhi or Enlightenment are achieved. This is a blissful state arising from being in union with the Divine. Abstract lessons about the structure and origins of the universe are learned on this plane and deep self realisation is achieved. Once access to this plane has been granted, it is believed that we are able to craft universes alongside the Creator or True Self. Important to note, however, that ego does not exist on this plane and the only way to access it is through dissolving the ego entirely and transcending all previous planes. With deep, devoted spiritual development, consciousness elevated to the Causal plane becomes more readily available, however, unless one maintains an enlightened state of being such as through extended meditation (days), we only ever achieve temporary immersions into this plane. There is complete awareness of one’s union with the Source on this plane and the physical plane may no longer be required. Though, desires within and attachment to one’s physical life form will keep one confined to it and continually in the process of reincarnation.
By exploring alternate planes of existence, we are able to powerfully self-reflect and reach states of differing vibrational awakening, divine power and self emergence. Transcending through all levels via devoted spiritual practice is said to bring Nirvana and pure bliss, the uniting of the “I,” Individual Consciousness with the “All,” Universal Consciousness.
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saibhaktabrasill · 2 years
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#Mandarin 15.mar.23 你知道,夢中的世界是一個怪誕的無意義世界,五十年的光陰被壓縮成五分鐘,怪事和怪東西被當成真實存在並被體驗到。可是我告訴你,從明心見性的境界來看,連清醒狀態也一樣不真實。所以,要有一套價值觀,或者更正確地說,要有一套衡量價值的尺度,賦予每樣事物、每個人其該有的價值,不多一分。身心靈的五個層把阿特曼包裹在裡面,遮蔽了其光芒,使其無法顯現自己。要讓這五個層純淨而發出光輝,物質層(annamaya kosa)要用好的、乾淨的、純潔的食物來淨化;元氣層(pranamaya kosa)要以平靜、穩定的呼吸和平靜、淡定的脾氣來淨化;心念層(manomaya kosa)要以神聖的想法和情感——不受感官執著感染,不受快樂或悲傷影響——來淨化;智慧層(vijnanamaya kosa)要以沉思真如實相來淨化;極樂層(anandamaya kosa)則要以沉浸在了悟上帝的狂喜中來淨化。 Feb 26, 1961講道 人生是一個夢想,實現它! Samasta Loka Sukhino Bhavantu 願大千世界一切眾生悉得喜樂 #sathyasai #saibhakta #sathyasaibaba #saibaba https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp01ydyODHG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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chaitanyavijnanam · 2 years
శ్రీ లలితా చైతన్య విజ్ఞానము - 426 - 1 / Sri Lalitha Chaitanya Vijnanam - 426 - 1
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🌹. శ్రీ లలితా చైతన్య విజ్ఞానము - 426 - 1 / Sri Lalitha Chaitanya Vijnanam - 426 - 1 🌹 🌻. లలితా సహస్ర నామముల తత్వ విచారణ 🌻 ✍️. సద్గురు శ్రీ కంభంపాటి పార్వతీ కుమార్ సేకరణ : ప్రసాద్ భరద్వాజ 🍁. మూల మంత్రము : ఓం ఐం హ్రీం శ్రీం శ్రీమాత్రే నమః 🍁 🍀 91. తత్త్వాసనా, తత్త్వమయీ, పంచకోశాంతరస్థితా । నిస్సీమమహిమా, నిత్యయౌవనా, మదశాలినీ ॥ 91 ॥ 🍀 🌻 426. 'పంచకోశాంతర స్థితా' - 1🌻
పంచకోశముల యందు వసించునది శ్రీమాత అని అర్థము. అన్నమయ, ప్రాణమయ, మనోమయ, విజ్ఞానమయ, ఆనందమయ కోశములుగ పంచకోశము లున్నవి. ఈ పంచకోశములును పంచభూతములతో నిర్మించబడినవి. ఇందు పంచతత్త్వములతో శ్రీమాత వసించి యున్నది. ఆకాశ గుణము, వాయు గుణము, అగ్ని తేజము, నీటి గుణము, పృథివీ గుణములు శ్రీమాత అస్థిత్వ కారణముగనే యేర్పడు చున్నవి.
పృథివికి గంధము, నీటికి రుచి, అగ్నికి తేజస్సు, వాయువునకు స్పర్శ, ఆకాశమునకు శబ్దము అను గుణములు యున్నవి. వీని యందు శ్రీమాతను దర్శించుట వలన పంచభూతములు, పంచ కోశముల ద్వారా ఆనందము కలిగించగలవు. ఈ కోశములు అపరిశుద్ధముగ నున్నచో ఆనంద ముండదు. పరిశుద్ధముగ నున్నప్పుడు ఒక దానిని మించి మరియొకటి ఆనందమిచ్చును.
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🌹 Sri Lalitha Chaitanya Vijnanam - 426 - 1 🌹 Contemplation of 1000 Names of Sri Lalitha Devi ✍️ Prasad Bharadwaj 🌻 91. Tatvasana tatvamaei panchakoshantarah sdhita Nisima mahima nitya-yaovana madashalini ॥ 91 ॥ 🌻 🌻 426. 'Panchakoshantarah Stitha' - 1🌻
It means Srimata who resides in Panchakoshams. Panchakosha consists of Annamaya, Pranamaya, Manomaya, Vijnanamaya and Anandamaya koshams. These panchakoshams are made up of panchabhutas. Sri Mata is residing here with Panchatattvam. Akasha Guna, Vayu Guna, Agni Teja, Water Guna and Earthly Guna are the causes of existence of Sri Mata.
Earth has sent, water has taste, fire has radiance, air has touch, sky has sound. Darshan of Sri Mata can bring happiness through panchabhutas and pancha koshams. If these koshams are impure, there is no happiness. When there is purity, one thing surpasses the other in giving Happiness.
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the-hem · 2 years
"The Knot." From the Sarva Sara Upanishad “The Exploration of the Mysteries of the Essence of the Almighty.”
In verse 1, we learn we are who we eat: The ego will follow the trail of the past impressions of itself if finds aggrandize it, shield it from suffering, broker power to maintaining its long held delusions.
In part 2 we learn reality only barks, it doesn't bite. Give it a try:
2. When the essence of consciousness which manifests itself as the three states, is a witness of the states, (but is) itself devoid of states, positive or negative, and remains in the state of non-separation and oneness, then it is spoken of as the Turiya, the fourth.
The aggregate of the six sheaths, which are the products of food, is called the Annamaya-kosha, alimentary sheath. When the fourteen kinds of Vayus beginning with the Prana, are in the alimentary sheath, then it is spoken of as the Pranamaya-kosha, vesture of the vital airs.
When the Atman “Supreme Soul” united with these two sheaths performs, by means of the four organs beginning with the mind, the functions of desire, etc., which have for their objects sound and the rest, then it (this state) is called the Manomaya-kosha, mental sheath.
When the soul shines being united with these three sheaths, and cognizant of the differences and non-differences thereof then it is called the Vijnanamaya-kosha, sheath of intelligence.
When these four sheaths remain in their own cause which is Knowledge (Brahman), in the same way as the latent Banyan tree remains in the Banyan seed, then it is spoken of as the Anandamaya-kosha, causal frame of the Soul. When it dwells in the body, as the seat of the idea of pleasure and pain, then it is the Karta, agent.
 The idea of pleasure is that which pertains to wished-for objects, and the idea of pain is that which pertains to undesirable objects. Sound, touch, sight, taste, and smell are the causes of pleasure and pain. When the soul, conforming itself to good and bad actions, has made a link of the present body (with its past body), and is seen to be effecting a union, a connection as it were, with the body not yet received, then it is called the Jiva, individual soul, on account of its being limited by Upadhis “degrees”.
The five groups are those beginning with the mind, those beginning with the Prana, those beginning with the Sattva “the saint”, those beginning with the will, and those beginning with merit. The ego possessing the attributes of these five groups, does not die out without the knowledge of the ever-attained Self.
That which, owing to its proximity to the Self, appears as imperishable and is attributed to Atman, is called the Linga-sharira (subtle body), and the “heart’s knot”.
The Consciousness which manifests itself therein is called the Kshetrajna, Knower of the Kshetra (body).
The easiest way to get on with your day after reading verse 2 is to process this statement first: “When the has performed the link between its past and current states and does the math, the knowledge of the Self is attained.”
Our souls are collections of the merits we experience in the company of others and those we demonstrate in return. Civil society is the greatest merit mankind has ever accomplished- it is where magnificent feats of art, science, technology, medicine, flight, work and entertainment have taken place. This planet was once barren of comfort and safe ways to interest us in ourselves and now, we  can do anything we put our mind to.  Only a few demerits remain and they are all due to corruption and the worship of false gods.
I am coming out publicly against the Mormons, the Republicans, Evangelicals and Pro-Life movements as their demeritorious acts, their constant battery of the government and populace, our permissiveness towards their faiths and its works of oppression have driven us to the brink during a time we that should be freely enjoying our stay here. Everyone everywhere is miserable and scared to death because these people, like toddlers who have given the car keys are running our government.
All we talk about all day is praying to Jesus Christ, Republicans this, Democrats that. There are 7 billion people that want to find their own way through truly meritorious acts and enmeshing the rest of us in the constant nonsense and corruption of the former is wrong.
Donald Trump usurped the presidency with the help of miscreant, misanthropic zealots who proceeded to watch him put hundreds of thousands of refugees in need of our help into concentration camps where most of them died. He stripped mined the oceans, attacked the civil rights of every person in the country of every kind, and built a wall between Mexico and the USA that is killing everything, gun violence is rampant, a bunch of savages, Mormons to the last raided the Capitol under Trump, Ted Cruz’s and Mitch McConnell’s leadership, and the former vile persons voted for the man twice.
The Ukrainians, the best friends of humanity are being annihilated under the watch of a man with the best military hardware (and weapons) on the planet and the highest call to action there is: to prevent genocide upon the innocent by an aggressive neighbor, while his own people are shot at and preyed upon by the Walking Dead. What. An. Asshole.
And that Kamala Harris? After she planned that attack on Nancy Pelosi’s husband? Put that shit. In. the. can!
(and clamp the lid down, have you seen that Mop Top? And where are the Pandas?) (oh! they're there too!)
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So what's going wrong?
The Upanishad says That which, owing to its proximity to the Self, appears as imperishable and is attributed to Atman, is called the Linga-sharira (subtle body), and the “heart’s knot”.
We are not in a knot with the Holy Spirit. Not even close. We are tied down instead by hand wringing over abortions, how people we don’t know fuck, not worried enough at how besieged by war the planet has once again become.
Our reckless behavior towards the environment is shorting our food and water, the economy is teetering, and our lack of a professional, effective response is being limited by an unacceptable mix of church and state.
The ego that possesses the attributes of the saint, the driver of merit, will accept none of these things. All that has to be done, the text says, is to look, to permit the Full Sentience of the Self to Illuminate the world and give rise to what remains of its graces, because verily, the Mormons, Republicans, Evangelicals Pro-Lifers and White House show us none:
3. He who is the cogniser of the manifestation and disappearance of the knower, knowledge, and the knowable, but is himself devoid of such manifestation and disappearance, and is self-luminous, is called the Sakshi, Witness.
When being perceived in an undifferentiated manner in the intelligence of all beings, from Brahma (the Creator) down to an ant, it resides in the intelligence of all beings, then it is called the Kutastha [Supreme Being].
When, standing as the means of realising the real nature of the Kutastha and others, which are differentiations by virtue of possessing limiting adjuncts, the Atman manifests itself as interwoven in all bodies, like the thread through a string of jewels, then it is called the Antaryamin, Internal Ruler.
When the Atman shines forth - absolutely free from all limiting adjuncts, brilliant, as a homogeneous mass of consciousness in its nature of pure Intelligence, independent – then, it is spoken of as the Entity of “Thou” (Tvam), and as the Pratyagatman, Inner-Self. (That which is) Satya (the Reality), Jnana (Knowledge), Ananta (the Infinite), Ananda (Bliss), is Brahman [unconditioned light].
The Reality is the indestructible; That which, when name, space, time, substance, and causation are destroyed, dies not, is the indestructible; and that is called Satya, the Reality. And Jnana – that essence of Intelligence which has no beginning and no end, spoken of as Jnana.
Reality is supposed to consist of an unbroken series of intelligent scenarios. Ours is being ruled by a bunch of evil fawns chasing after an unappealing, sterile and unbelievable story that the wise and good have rejected time and time again.
Through the essence of knowledge, what is real, hot, gorgeous, sexy, fun, happy, and feeds, clothes, houses, employs and recreates the entire human race is fully attainable, is spoken of in the verse above as the driver of the nature of the Self:
“…absolutely free from all limiting adjuncts, brilliant, as a homogeneous mass of consciousness in its nature of pure Intelligence, independent – then, it is spoken of as the Entity of “Thou” and as the Inner-Self. That which is the Reality.”
= We must work harder to share a simultaneous truth that contains “knowledge, truth, and bliss”, brought about by a way of life that is absolutely free from all limiting adjuncts, brilliant, as a homogeneous mass of consciousness in its nature of pure Intelligence, and completely independent.”
Humanity has never really tried to accomplish this level of brilliance, not before or since the end of WWII, and even then the work was incomplete. We are nearly back where we started with all that: Once again hatred of the Jew and LGBTQ persons is spurring sub-human weirdoes to take over the world and not one good man is trying to stop them and put an end to them and all of it forever.
Mankind will remain a doomed and warped version of itself if we can’t find the will to take on one last war of principals against the fundamentalists responsible for the demise of this planet. And for this we will need help, starting with an increased interest in the Words of God. So we can be more like Him and less like we have become.
More to follow.
First, do your part. Write the DC City Council and insist the Republican National Committee, Family Research Council and Heritage Foundation, the sources of all the cankers in our lives are closed down for their roles in the 2016 Election Fraud, their continual resistance to International Human Rights Standards, and their roles in January 6.
The former have taken illegal position against classes of persons protected by the DC City Charter and must be closed down TODAY.
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yogicank · 4 years
Intellectual sheath assists in identifying the truth or false
Intellectual sheath assists in identifying the truth or false
Vijnanamaya Kosam The Vijnanamaya sheath encased inside the Manomaya Kosha and represents the intellect of an individual. This sheath is closer to the self and ultimate bliss. Intellectual sheath works as a determinative faculty and decision-maker. The intellect is the foundation of the usefulness of life. What we think, we try to compete, run after or entertain. The intellect distinguishes…
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templepurohit · 3 years
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Panchmukhi Ganesha is a representation of Lord Ganesh with five faces. “Panch” literally means “Five” and “Mukhi” means “Faced”. Each of the faces of Panchmukhi Ganesha faces a different direction and hence the name. Panchmukhi Ganesha is regarded as an embodiment of all potencies. Each head of Panchmukhi Ganesh symbolizes the Pancha Koshas or five sheaths in the subtle anatomy of human beings. They are the Annamaya, Pranamaya, Manomaya, Vijnanamaya, and Anandamaya. 1) Annamaya Kosha – This is the food sheath and corresponds roughly to the physical body. 2) Pranamaya Kosha – This is the vital energy and it represents the subtle body, nadis, chakras and kundalini. 3) Manomaya Kosha – This is the mental sheath which represents the mind and the organs of perception. 4) Vijnanamaya Kosha– This is the wisdom sheath which represents vijnana, or intellect, the talent which discriminates, determines or wills. 5) Anandamaya Kosha – This is the cosmic bless sheath and represents the eternal center of consciousness. https://ift.tt/3gc3lsK
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