queen-scribbles · 1 year
For the couples asks, #1 and #12 for Jas/Tristian and Vikkari/Arue?
1.What, specifically, was the catalyst for their physical attraction (if applicable) to the other character? In other words, what in particular had them like “Oh, they’re…hot…”
I think for Jas, there wasn’t really a specific moment, she just has eyes and can see that Tristian is v attractive lol. For Tristian, it was the first time Jas cast something like Shield of Faith or Archon's Aura and was all glowy and righteous and he had kind of an …uhoh. I can’t do this moment.
For Vikkari it was when Arue one-shotted the derakni in Greengates, the one from the arrival cutscene. That was really hot. For Arue, there was a time she was looking for Vikkari to talk to him and found him with Seelah, laughing at something she’d said. Unrestrained joy looks really good on him(also he’s hot anyway) and she had a big time “oh no he’s hot” moment that flustered her so bad she ran away xD
12. How much independence do they prefer in a relationship—do they want to share their lives as much as possible with their partner, or do they prefer to mostly do their own thing and let their partner do their own thing?
I think they're both in the middle, with Jas/Tristian maybe a little more toward doing everything together than Vikkari/Arue. Given their canonical endings.
Tristian stayed with Jas in her kingdom and they're practically joined at the hip(figuratively, there's too much height difference to be literal xD) her whole life. They enjoy each other's company, trust each other, have similar interests. While they will occasionally go do their own thing, it never takes long to drift back together.
Vikkari keeps up(returns to?) his wandering lifestyle after the Worldwound is closed, and Arue settles down outside a village. He visits her a lot, and it's my firm personal belief that those visits get longer and closer together until one day he just... doesn't leave. Nothing out there compares to what's here. They're a little more likely, even after that point, to go do their own thing and not rush finding their way back together.
Couple Asks
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bellia-25 · 2 years
We had a dnd session and I think our dm was just thinking the whole time “these players are fucking idiots” because we make hilariously terrible plans 
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scarlettjane22 · 2 years
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Povis Sant
by Vikarus
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shyfoxsky · 8 days
So, I tried a little experiment with myself. I know for a fact that horses are a heartedtype of mine. They're so so important to me and my journey and my animality that at one point I did question them because I do sometimes perform their behaviors and mannerisms, especially when I'm around them. I figured that most if not all of any other potential heartedtypes must feel the same to me as they do, and elicit the same emotions when looked at.
Putting pictures of a red wolf, horse, and red fox side by side didn't really give me any noticeable differences in feelings, but when thinking about them, especially in a setting where I'm physically with them with no barriers in between us, or where my body has become one of theirs, I imagine myself in my hearthome habitat with foxes without trying, where with horses and wolves, my imagination is okay to go wherever, even to places that don't make sense for the encounter or situation. I don't know if my brain's inability to disconnect foxes in my imagination from the habitat I consider mine means anything important, but it's an interesting difference. I should also note that when imagining encountering them, meeting with a horse and wolf was a more reverent experience with excitable petting, but with a fox, it was quiet, I hesitated to pet it and kept the petting very calm and gentle, and I imagined myself experiencing phantom shifts. That could be because I've been up close with wolves and foxes more than once before so I feel more comfortable with them and less likely to scare them, but I do think it says something that I have a much more similar reaction in my mind with them than with the fox.
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(Photo Credits: Aimee, Photo Vikarus, S. J. Krasemann)
I wonder if me being a suntherian/contherian/vacillant therian/whatever term is keeping me from realizing something that probably should be super obvious. Because, like, I get fluctuations and what I would call shifts, but ultimately, no matter how human I feel, I am always animal, and the difference between human me and animal me is simply if I'm thinking about it enough to feel there's a difference. If my baseline of what is and isn't human for me is always partly if not wholly animal, then how do I know what's my theriotype and what's my human brain simply being similar to another species? I don't, and I think that's the most frustrating part. I have no idea if certain behaviors that are exclusive to either species that I exhibit are showcases of my true theriotype, something I do because I've done so much research on both that I've unintentionally picked up those behaviors, or a part of my human personality. It knocks out multiple options for figuring this out, because it means I can't just look at shifts and behaviors, but I can't just go off of gut feeling, because that changes daily because whichever one of these isn't my theriotype is 110% a heartedtype, if not both, which makes me feel connected to and similar to and deeply tied to both species.
Either way, I'm still feeling disconnected from wolves during this fox phase, but I remember that happening pretty much every time I've questioned anything in the past, so I'm not taking that into account during all this. Hopefully treating this blog like a journal like this post and the last one will help me keep things straight and not forget important details and realizations, so when the time does come to confirm, I'm not left with only the few instances I can remember.
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miaqc1 · 2 months
The ships I have created on Ao3 & Squidge. 🙂
Simulami = Simulacra (SIMULACRA Games)/A.M.I. (AMI Movie)
BadiUsa = Queen Badianne/Chibiusa (Sailor Moon).
Vikaru = Tomoe Hotaru (Sailor Moon)/Ruben "Ruvik" Victoriano (The Evil Within).
AyaDelka = Aya Brea (Parasite Eve)/Koudelka Iasant (Koudelka Game)
(No names... yet) = Jake/Garathe Den (Hunter Hunted), Defect (Slay the Spire)/Mizuno Ami (Sailor Moon), Kagetsu/Lena/Tiara (Shamanic Princess), Jacques Dufaux/Yvonne (Fort Boyard FMV Game) and more.
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SnowBath - by Vikarus
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juni-ravenhall · 5 years
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found pics of a horse that looks like winterborn randomly while browsing pinterest n got so excited. i love him........ 
(photographer’s site: http://foto-vik.ru/gallery/2009Al-Hilyali/horse.html)
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havoc-warband · 2 years
in the Maguuma Jungle, halfway through the campaign on Mordremoth, in the tent of the Commander's warband
A flap of fabric lifts away from the outside, letting in the burning sunlight.
“Who’s there?” Vikarus grunts out, shielding his eyes with one paw.
“It’s me,” a familiar tenor says. A head of purple leaves pops through the frame of what passes as a door in Havoc’s private quarters in this gods-forsaken jungle.
Ah. “Scothin,” Vikaros says, not turning his head, but raising his voice a little - their quarters aren’t that small, but not that big either - “your boyfriend’s here, he’s let himself in again.”
“His boyf-” Renfrac sputters, his glow briefly visible even in the sunlight as he does what seems to be the sylvari equivalent of a blush. “I- We-”
“Whatever, you know where he is,” Vikaros says, already tuning out the sylvari as he turns back to his paperwork. Paperwork, he thinks, this is the opposite of anything I ever signed up for.
“He called me your boyfriend,” Renfrac grumbles, when he crouches down next to his friend’s bedroll.
“Who did?” Scothin asks, sitting up a little bit.
“Your leader, what’s his name, white with black stripes and always looks some degree of pissed off-”
“Vik!” Scothin snorts. “He’s too busy to learn the difference. I wouldn’t mind him.”
Something in Renfrac’s chest twists at the response. He shoves it down.
“Is it really alright here, for you? Among these charr?” he asks.
“Yes, actually! They were very impressed with my fighting skills, when they found me fending off that Mordrem that got past you,” Scothin says cheerily. And another pang of something shoots through him at the words.
“They’re a battle unit, of sorts, aren’t they?” Renfrac asks, trying to not let venom seep into his voice. “Would you-”
“They’ve actually hinted at asking me to join it, once we’re all out of here!” Scothin says, clearly excited about the prospect.
Renfrac nearly bites off his own tongue as whatever had been coiling tighter in him snaps. He’s almost ready to say something, when they’re interrupted by a different charr, a golden-furred one, poking her head in.
“Scothin, got some more healing salve for ya,” she says, before she notices Renfrac, and blinks at him, but greets him warmly. “Oh, hey, I’ve heard of you, maybe you can help him apply it? He keeps complaining that we get fur in his wounds.”
The patient only laughs and shoots back: “That’s because you do! I keep finding your hair everywhere!”
“Sure, I can do it,” Renfrac grumbles. “As long as he doesn’t get squirmy.”
The charr hands him the pot of salve, grins, and retreats back out of sight.
Renfrac looks at the pot in his hands. Not unlike the stuff he’s bought off hylek before, going off the smell. “Alright, well-”
“Right,” Scothin says, and for a moment, the room is slightly more blue than it was before. The warrior sits up some more, the blanket that had been covering him sliding off, revealing bandages on a bare chest and arms.
“Bit too warm here, for extra clothes,” he shrugs, and winces a little immediately.
They’ve routinely fought enemies together, and taken care of each other’s wounds before. Still, this felt a little different, a little bit more long-term than tying a quick bandage around a still-bleeding scratch, and then not seeing the other for weeks, after which the wound is a barely-there scar left by the treatment of the Grove’s menders.
Renfrac hums in agreement and settles back down from his earlier ready-to-jump-and-run stance, practicality winning it out from his nerves, and puts the jar aside for the moment. “Where do you keep clean bandages?”
Scothin points the basket out to him, and he fetches them. When he turns back, the warrior is already trying to unwind the old ones, clenching his jaw with what Renfrac can only assume is pain at the motion. He barely resists the impulse to roll his eyes.
“You need to calm down, you’re only aggravating the wounds like this.”
His stubborn patient sighs and leans back, letting Renfrac do his work. Unwinding the first bandage, he remains calm until the last few wraps, which are still sticky with the old salve. Pulling on it pulls on his bark and on the wounds. Scothin is breathing heavily through his nose by the time the first slice, one on his arm, is open to the air.
“Do you have any water here?” Renfrac asks him, uncomfortable seeing his friend in this pain, but knowing it was necessary. “I’ll need to rinse out your wounds anyway but if I soak the bandages before I take them off, they might not hurt so much to remove.”
Still clenching his teeth, Scothin inclines his head in the direction of a bucket. Renfrac brings it closer and wets the cloth that was still on the rim of it.
“Now, be still, we’ll go one at a time…”
Tavryn walks into the main area of the tent, where Vikaros is still doing his paperwork and grumbling about it as he does.
“Scothin’s friend is tending his wounds, and he’s actually letting it happen much more easily when it’s not me,” she says, sitting down on the stool in front of the desk with an oomph, stretching out her limbs.
“You sound cheery about your patient’s preference in doctors,” he said, not looking up from the documents.
“Well, yeah, less work for me,” she replies easily.
“Ah. Then, while you have time to spare,” Vikaros begins, tone dangerous, and Tavryn sees her mistake with sudden clarity. She winces. “Maybe you can help me with some of this-”
A distinctly non-charr growl suddenly sounds through the tent. Tavryn jumps up immediately. “No, no, I should go and check on-”
“They’re fine,” Vikaros insists, eyes still glittering with malice, “sit down, and you can go through the supply reports for the week.”
She does, even as she continues protesting. “But what if Scothin’s friend doesn’t know-”
“They’ve known each other since they awakened together,” he says, already reaching out, offering her a sheaf of papers and a pencil, “and they’ve been fighting together off and on for years. I’d be more surprised if they didn’t know how to tend each other’s wounds by now.”
She takes the items on autopilot, surprised. “How do you know that?”
“No training is useless, soldier, least of all from the Order of Whispers,” he answers. “Now, those reports, and I don’t want another peep from you until they’re done.”
Tavryn gives him a salute, diminished only a little bit by her mockingly sour expression, and gets to work.
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equinedream · 4 years
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Fairy lights  BY Vikarus
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tylermcnamer · 7 years
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Oh my goodness! This is very cool! I suppose people do like it when I smile a bit.
This has been done by a girl that goes by the name Vikaru. She and I enjoy the hit Nintendo game, Splatoon, and she drew me as an Inkling! The eyes and the ears give the Inkling their unique look.
Thank you very much for the drawing! Stay Fresh!
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My little puppy by Vikarus
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queen-scribbles · 3 years
OTP things: pick 6 favorites for Vikkari/Arue and 6 for Ves/Kurt
4. Who wakes the other one up with kisses?
They've both done it(and both very much enjoy it as a method of being woken up), but I feel like Arue does it more. Vikkari loves it.
24. Who is the talker/ Who is the listener?
Arue is usually the talker, and Vikkari is a very good listener.
29. Who is the better cook?
Oh, Vikkari. He loves to cook and is good at a wide variety of things. (even if in-game he usually winds up one of the watch shifts just bc of the bonuses various people have to skills, I headcanon he's the cook xD)
31. Who is more affectionate?
They're currently in a dead heat competing for that title. xD They went so long without being able to do more than hold hands, they're making up for lost time. Lots of kissing, snuggling, looooonnnggggg hugs. (Seelah always grins ridiculously when she catches them bc she's been Ship Captain of the SS VikArue since day 1)
39. Who buys cereal for the prize inside?
In a world with cereal prizes(Modern AU, maybe?) Vikkari would 100% be the one to buy it. If it's something good though, Arue will race him to see which one of them actually gets it first.
50. Who is the hopeless romantic?
Again, both a lil bit, but I think Vikkari more. Boy's been smitten with Arue since about Greengates, and any chance he gets to help other people--like Elan and Kiana--with their own romantic bliss he's there in a heartbeat.
2. Who is the big spoon/ Who is the little spoon?
Kurt's big spoon like 95% of the time and Ves loves it. If she feels safe when he's just, y'know, nearby, multiply it by about 10 when he's actually wrapped around her holding her close. 😁 She fits so nice under his chin. And she likes to trace random patterns on his arm until she falls asleep, which is very relaxing for both of them. The 5% exception is times Kurt has a bad day or flashback to the Ghost Camp/Major Rat-Bastard who shall not be named, Ves is happily the big spoon on days he needs the comfort. (she gives lots of very gentle shoulder blade/back of the neck kisses and is open to either talking or silence, whichever he prefers)
3. Who hogs the cover/ Who loves to cuddle?
They both love to cuddle, and Ves is the blanket hog. :3
25. Who wears the other ones clothes?
Ves wears Kurt's shirts pretty much any time she has a lazy day where she gets to just stay home and relax. Sometimes with pants, sometimes not. >:3 (they're really big on her.) Kurt has borrowed one of her scarves a few times when it's cold out(equal parts "it's chilly!" and "it smells like her")
37. Height difference or age difference?
Yes, both, technically. He's... 10-12 years older(game's fuzzy on De Sardet's age) and 5 or 6 inches taller.
40. Who is the fun parent/ Who is the responsible parent?
So I had a ship ask a while back where I said Ves is the Strict Parent and Kurt has basically 0 resistance to a three year old giving him puppy eyes, which I still stand by. But I was thinking about it(bc I love so much the idea of them as parents and it's definitely happening), and I think somewhere between the kid being 8-10 they'd semi-gradually switch roles. Still not so much that Kurt's strict, just that it's harder to pull bullshit over on him and he doesn't accept excuses for genuine laziness/ducking responsibility as much as Ves will. They're still both responsible and fun, just different kinds of fun (nature walks with Mom, Dad will teach you how to use a sword), so it comes down to each kid's taste which parent they think is more fun.
45. Who is more likely to get drunk?
Haha, Vesper, just bc she doesn't drink a lot so she has a very, very low tolerance for alcohol and would get smashed very quickly. xD
50 OTP Things
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bellia-25 · 1 year
This session of OoV is called "the clerics fucks up" by flirting with the enemy cult member known as the "paladin killer". Plus is she does get some important information and some fun roleplay, but at what cost? because it was all just to find that he is a vampire...
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scarlettjane22 · 3 years
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Kart Blansh
by Vikarus
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eighteenmeters · 6 years
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Reference pictures:
#2 Eva Roemaat,
#3 Vikarus,
#4 basen on this picture:
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#5 Dave&Andy
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boudhabar · 7 years
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by vikarus
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