#viktor x helen
eyy, same on the bi viktor hc and shipping helen and vik 🤝
i spef hc viktor as having not figured out being bi yet, as of current canon, but after taking time to settle into realizing he’s trans he realizes his feelings towards dudes isn’t just gender envy and he’s like holy shit, and has a bit of a crisis. spef hc that sexuality crisis occurs between the end of s3 and the probably inevitable s4 timeskip we’ll have thx to elliot’s voice being deeper during filming. the vik realizing he’s bi is probably be more then a bit complicated thx to his trauma w leonard 😔😔
imo 1) s1 viktor defo had a bit of a crush on helen 2) people take helen’s words way more harsh then they were actually meant, like i think she was probably a bit frustrated, bc viktor had been in third chair for years and the being late thing seemed like a somewhat regular occurrence, but while she’s a bit frustrated, she said the stuff she did outta tough love type thing/she)s one of those people who believes that being blunt helps people more often then not
all this partially just to say i think viktor and helen as a rivals to lover’s relationship would probably be more rivalry on viktor’s part then helen’s. there’d be mutual rivalryship, yes, but viktor would care about the rivalry a lot more then helen would which i think is absolutely hillarious
i like imagining and hoping (tho it’s obv unlikely) that viktor meets helen again in s4, bc they’re just cute
Okay yesss to all of this!! I doubt Viktor’s gonna meet Helen again in S4 but I REALLY WANT HIM TO bc it could show just how much he’s grown from S1. I feel like Helen was trying to give an honest critique ngl - we KNOW Viktor had been trying for other positions than third chair, so imo she was trying to give some honest advice that just came off as kinda rude.
So Viktor meeting her again and having that passion she said he lacked now that he’s off his pills would be so cool imo!!
Lmao yeah, I meant ‘enemies to lovers’ in the ‘got off on the wrong foot, single sided rivalry, oh shit they’re hot’ kind of way. I could absolutely see Viktor having a single sided rivalry with Helen - hey, Luther and Diego got a rivalry so now it’s his turn!
...And if that eventually turns into a romantic violin contest that ends w them leaning into each other and staring into each other’s eyes, who’s gonna tell?
I also 100% agree w you that he hasn’t figured out he’s bi yet. I feel like what happened with Leonard would make him a bit anxious to date men for a while tbh, so it would be difficult for him to figure it out. I really hope we can see canon bi Viktor in S4 (but then that’s what I said about bi Diego in S3 so ahaha), and I hope they like... actually address the trauma that leonard caused?? Bc it feels like they kinda ignored that for the past two seasons.
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Passionate Life
Fandom: The Umbrella Academy Summary: So much had happened in his life since the Academy, so much that sometimes he forgot what his life before was life. He can't ignore it forever when he runs into an all too familiar face, however. Warnings: Mentions of transphobia, dysphoria, and mentions of child abuse Word Count: 3,463 Ship(s): Viktor Hargreeves/Helen Cho, Viktor Hargreeves & Allison Hargreeves
Archive link!
A/N: This fic has been sitting, waiting to get published for a very long time and I have been putting it off because I enjoyed a lot of the other fics I had written a lot more. It's a pretty small 'what if' type situation that I originally wrote hot off seeing S1 for the first time. It was originally written with Viktor's deadname and she/her pronouns so if you see any of that please let me know so that I can correct it. With all that being said, please enjoy this fic!
It wasn't his first time on a movie set, but it was his first time being on a set that he was working on. It wasn’t like he was the one that was going to be on camera, but that didn't stop the nerves from fluttering throughout his system. He stood on the very outside of the set as he watched everyone rushing around while trying to get ready for the day's shoot. The camera and lighting people were talking with the director as they talked about a way that they could get the shot that was in the script without the camera or any of the sound equipment showing in the final cut. Several personal assistants were running back and forth as they tried to get the talent that they were responsible for into the proper locations before action was called. The talent themselves were talking amongst each other while they ran through some of their lines and just conversed about their days, taking up time until they were needed.
Viktor had his violin case strapped to his back for something that he would be working on later in the day after talking to the people he was here to visit. He was watching the chaos unfold around him just like he had when he was a child. 
He laughed softly to himself as the thought crossed his mind. He had woken up today feeling oddly nostalgic about his past despite the trauma that he had endured. It may have been because this was the last day of his classes for the year. The last semester of the year was coming to a close, so he was going to be losing a lot of his students to graduation. Regardless of the reason, he had woken up thinking about his past, which didn’t happen very often anymore. So much had happened since he had moved out that there were some days where he forgot where he had come from. But with that came days like today, when all he could think about was his past. That meant that being on the outside of the chaos around all the other people that had tasks without him reminded him of being a kid. The other children in the Hargreeves house hadn't meant to always leave him out, even when they were playing, but they were so separated from each other that it ended up happening anyway.
Slowly, things were beginning to wind down and the chaos was turning into a more controlled tide. Viktor took a couple of steps back so that he was by the refreshment table, standing off to the side so that he was out of the way and could continue people-watching without actually being noticed. He felt his face brighten a little bit as he saw the one person he had truly been looking for.
Helen noticed him as well, giving him a smile. "Fancy seeing you here," she smirked as she finally moved over to her boyfriend. She reached out so that her fingers threaded together with Viktor's and they were standing closer together. The musician's other hand was clutching the strap that was keeping his violin up on his shoulder, which alerted his girlfriend to how out of sorts he was feeling. "How are you doing, my dear?"
"I… can't stop thinking about my childhood for some reason," he sighed. "Something about letting all my students go, I guess."
The woman clicked her tongue. She pressed a kiss to Viktor's cheek to try and soothe his nerves. "Make sure you bring that up during your next session. I know you can sometimes forget now that you're only having monthly."
  "What would I do without you?" Viktor asked. He took the hand that he was holding and then pressed his lips to it in a brief kiss.
"Be a semi-well adjusted human, I would hope," she chuckled.
Viktor giggled, rolling his eyes. It was a joke between the two of them that Viktor would never be completely well adjusted no matter how many medications he was on or therapy he did, not even after fully transitioning. It had come from the reaction that Helen had when she really learned about what her boyfriend's childhood had been like. Her exact words had been 'how could anyone growing up in a home like that be functional?' Viktor had found it hilarious instead of offensive, partly because of his aforementioned childhood.
They had to break apart when the producer called out towards them, "Hargreeves?"
"Yes?" Viktor and someone else on the set called in reply at the same time.
Despite having just dropped his girlfriend's hand he reached out and threaded their fingers together again. He was seeking comfort as his heart thrummed in his chest due to panic. "Love, you're alright," she murmured. Helen was able to tell when her lover was barreling towards a panic attack from just a few things. Viktor got a nervous tic where both of his hands would flutter like they were preparing to play a note on the piano. His breath would hitch every time he tried to take an inhale. The biggest signifier was always the step back he took, no matter where he was.
"Professor, not missus," the director chuckled.
"That would be me," Viktor said, dropping his girlfriend's hand so that he could bring some attention to himself. He was desperately trying to ignore the fact that one of his siblings was most likely on set as well, and he might have to run into them. He hadn't had any contact with them since he had published his book in the down time of his sophomore year of college. The added bonus of his gender crisis and subsequent transition made any future interaction he might have with them utterly terrifying. His therapist hadn’t even begun unpacking that specific trauma, that was how badly the idea of it freaked him out.
"Professor? It's Doctor," Helen piped up.
"It's not a big deal," Viktor soothed. "What did you need from me?"
The director motioned for the both of them to walk onto the set. "We wanted you to know what the set looked like so that you could help the audio department when they record your songs," he explained. "Dr. Cho is going to be telling you what you should perform but we're relying on you to be our expert while helping the actress learn how to play and making the song sound accurate."
"I know with the internet it has to be difficult to make a movie with someone that doesn't know how to play the instrument the same way that the character does," he chuckled. He shifted his violin around a little bit as his girlfriend moved to stand beside him. They both looked over the current set and then the ways that things were going to look when they were actually in the movie. They were shepherded off the set and into the hallway so that they could begin shooting the scene. 
Helen reached over so that she was holding her boyfriend's free hand while they walked. She had something that she had to do in a couple of minutes, but she had enough time to walk Viktor to his practice room. "So what do you think? Now that you're in my world," she chuckled.
"I've worked in your orchestra before, Helen," Viktor giggled.
"But you've never had this much of a part in it before. I'm writing a piece specifically for you and it's going to play throughout the entire movie," Helen commented.
"It's nerve wracking. I know that I've played pieces in front of hundreds of thousands of people and we play in the same orchestra, but it still makes me nervous," he sighed. "Especially since my sister might also be working on this movie."
"It'll be okay," Helen murmured. She reached her spare hand up so that she could cup her boyfriend's cheek. She brought their lips together in a sweet kiss, for just a moment. "Even if she is here, you're okay. You can talk to her and handle anything that she throws at you. Because you're mostly stable."
The shorter of the two rolled his eyes but then gave his girlfriend another swift kiss. "Go do your job. I'm going to try my best to learn that piece you spent all last week making me while I was doing finals," he chuckled. 
"If you insist, my dear," Helen replied. “Please remember to correct your sister if she comes up to you and misgenders you. You’ve been through Hell because of the things your father and siblings did to you, you deserve to be gendered correctly.” Viktor felt his heart melt inside of his chest as he looked over his wonderful and supportive girlfriend. He cupped her cheek with one hand and pressed their lips together in a delicate kiss. When they broke apart, she gave her boyfriend's hand a soft squeeze before she continued her way to where she would be helping her orchestra learn the pieces she had written for the movie. 
Viktor slipped into the dressing room that they had given him so that he could learn his piece while on set if they needed him for the actress playing the main character. He removed his violin from the case and then began to get the sheet music set up on the music stand that they had provided him. He had gotten about halfway through learning the piece in the last hour when there was a knock on his door. He carefully laid his violin down into the case and then the bow on the couch next to it. 
He opened the door, peeking out at who had interrupted him. "Yes?" he asked nervously.
A flare of panic and dysphoria overtook him as he heard the name that he had used in what now felt like an entirely different life. He barely even recognized it anymore. He didn’t bother correcting her as his shocked brain finally realized that his sister was actually standing in front of him. "Allison?" he asked, his eyes widening. He bit his lip as he moved so that he was standing all the way up and the door was opened a little bit more. "W-what are you doing here?"
"Well I saw you on the set, so I had to come and say hi. We finished doing the scene that we needed to get done today. I figured that I could come and say hi. May I?" she asked, motioning into the room.
Viktor's brain was still chugging to try and catch up with what was happening. He hadn't seen his siblings since he left the house a little bit before their eighteenth birthday. He hadn't talked with any of them since he published his book. He had gotten an angry voicemail from Diego that was just a lot of shouting and stuttering. He assumed that Klaus either had no idea or was too out of his mind on drugs to comment on anything Viktor did. He had gotten no response from Luther and their father. Allison, on the other hand, had written a very long letter expressing her disappointment and panic about how this could affect her career. 
In retrospect, maybe it was a good thing that they had all stopped talking to him since he didn’t know how they would all take the whole transition, especially given how dismissive they had been of him throughout their entire childhood. 
Viktor blinked and moved away from the doorway so that the woman could walk past him, "Oh, uh, of course."
Allison entered, her eyes immediately flashing over to the violin. "Is this the same one that you played when we were kids?"
"I mean, I had to replace the strings back when I was in college, but yeah," he nodded. He had a shy smile on his face as he tried to think of how he was supposed to react around the other woman, and if he was supposed to come out to her. Helen had said that he had worked too hard to be misgendered, but coming out again after so long without being misgendered felt like a lot to handle right now.
"Wow, it's been so long since then. I didn't even know that you went to college. I never got an invitation to your graduation," she commented, sounding a little hurt.
"I, uh, had two," he replied nervously. "My masters and then my doctorate. The doctorate was only three years ago," he chuckled.
"Why didn't you invite me?" she asked.
"Well, I thought that you wouldn't want to come. I mean, I wrote my book when I was a sophomore so by the time I was graduating I figured that I would have accidentally cut off any and all connections to you guys," Viktor rubbed the back of his head nervously. "If I had sent you an invitation to my graduation, would you have come?"
Allison considered it for a moment before she answered, "I'm not sure. I know that I definitely would have attended your doctorate graduation. That's a huge life event," she insisted. "I would have wanted to be back in your life at that point."
"But you never reached out," he shrugged. He walked over to the couch, sitting down next to his open violin case. He had picked up his bow and was now tapping it against his hand to try and rid himself of the nervous energy building in chest, just under his heart. Things around the room began to rumble almost like they were having a miniature earthquake, but Viktor had gotten so used to that happening whenever he had an anxiety attack that he just ignored it.
"I got busy. Movies are a lot of work," she shrugged. "And the book was kind of a signal to a lot of us that you didn't want to talk. I think it just ended up being a miscommunication between all of us," Allison moved to carefully sit down next to him. 
Vitkor packed his violin away entirely so that it was tucked up against the couch. "Yeah, I guess so."
“You also never reached out to us,” Allison commented, her voice soft and nervous. Viktor wasn’t sure that he had ever heard his sister be that soft. The other Hargreeves didn’t reply, just fiddled with a couple of the stiffer hairs on his cheek that he had missed when shaving that morning.
They lapsed into silence for a moment before the taller of the two siblings asked, "What's been going on in your life, other than getting a doctorate?" she asked. She had a soft smile on her face and was leaning easily back against the back of the couch.
"Well, I got together with my girlfriend," he answered. He realized that was the perfect opportunity to come out, but it still felt like his gender identity was a raw wound and poking it wouldn’t help anything.
Allison's eyes lit up at hearing that. She reached out so that she was touching her brother's hand, "Tell me about her?"
"We were together on the set. Her name is Helen Cho, she's going to be the composer for this movie," Viktor explained. "She's the one that wrote the song I was practicing when you knocked."
"How did the two of you meet?" Allison asked next, the smile unable to fall away from her face. This seemed like something that was a lot easier for her to talk about than their tumultuous history or his gender. 
"We were in the same orchestra. I was in third chair and she was in first. She barely even talked to me for the first year that we played together. By the time I was in my sophomore year of college I was on new meds, not the weird things that Dad had been giving me my entire life. It was like new life had been breathed into me. I was able to write the entire book and get it published. And I was able to de-chair Helen. She said that she had to figure out what kind of person could move up through the ranks of the orchestra so fast and so she asked me out. She'll never admit this, but I think that she liked me from the very beginning. We found out that we were also going to the same college and both studying music. She was learning to be a composer, obviously, and I ended up becoming a professor at the university I graduated from."
Her eyes softened as she listened to the story. She had met the composer a few times before, and had liked her alright even though she thought that she was a little self-centered. Her brother seemed head-over-heels for her. "V-” she paused, pursing her lips. “You know that’s not what I was talking about, even if I’m happy to hear you’re in a healthy relationship. Do you feel comfortable talking to me about…”
“Me being a guy?” Viktor asked. He was picking at the skin on the side of his thumb like he always did when he was nervous.
Allison’s shoulders lost a lot of the tension that had built up during his story. “Yeah, that. You don’t have to if you don’t want to.”
“No, it’s okay. Helen said that I should come out to you anyway,” he shook his head. “There’s not a lot to talk about. After I stopped taking those meds that Dad doped me up with I realized how unhappy I was with my life. My therapist was the first to point it out to me actually. I just kind of… transitioned after that. I go by Viktor now. I wanted to keep my heritage alive, and I liked the ‘V’ nickname you guys used to call me. I use he/him pronouns.”
The taller sibling reached over, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. “The most important thing is, are you happy?”
"I'm very happy," Viktor nodded. He could feel a blooming appreciation growing in his chest the more he talked with his sister. He had never had the best relationship with them when they were all children, but he had missed them dearly after he published his book. Knowing that he had a chance of having at least Allison back in his life, and accepting him as her brother, was more than he could have ever asked for. "What about you?"'
"I'm married, and my husband and I have a daughter who's about two," Allison beamed. She glanced at the clock and then swore, standing up from the couch. "I have to get going, but we should catch up sometime, maybe spend some time together. Especially now that we know we don't hate each other. What's your number?" She dug her phone out of her bag and then handed it to the man.
Viktor input the requested information his sister needed before he handed it back over. "I'll be available pretty much all Summer. This and some lessons are the only thing that I have scheduled," he smiled at his sister. He could barely even put words to how good it felt to have someone that had known him so personally in his pre-transition life easily accept him now.
"It's good to see you, Viktor. Maybe we can reach out to some of the others too," Allison suggested. She opened her arms in the offer of a hug, which Viktor took after a moment of consideration. They bid each other goodbye before he was left alone in his practicing room.
He got his violin back out and began to think as he ran through the beginning of the song that his girlfriend had made for him. The angry words post-book and transition had built themselves into a complicated mess of nerves inside of him, to the point where the idea of seeing his siblings literally terrified him. Being forced into a situation where he came out to Allison and caught up with her helped chip away at the hard bundle until it felt more achievable. Like getting back in touch with his siblings was something he could reasonably do. There was some small part of him that wanted the first sibling he talked to again after leaving the house to be Five, but he had to give up that hope when fifteen years finally rolled around. He thought that Klaus would probably be the easiest to talk to again, but Allison was definitely above Diego and Luther. While the music surrounded him and pierced through his soul, he smiled to himself. He was reconnecting with his family, and there was nothing better.
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katie-krum · 4 months
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Malfoy's Bastard - Chapter 1 - katiekrum - Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling [Archive of Our Own]
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undatablebracket · 11 months
Last updated 8/18/23, please check the bracket posts for the most up-to-date competitor list.
Sorted alphabetically by game for easy searching.
These are (almost) all of the bracket participants! There are a few who are still up in the air. Please do not get upset with me if your blorbo did not qualify; I did my best to research each game I was unfamiliar with. The most common reason for a character to be disqualified was being from a game without any romance at all.
Note that some of these may be removed, as my attempts at research may not have been sufficient.
Madoka Aoyagi from Aokana Four Rhythms Across the Blue
Reiko Satou from Aokana Four Rhythms Across the Blue
Nahara from The Arcana
Nazali from The Arcana
Nasmira from The Arcana
Natiqa from The Arcana
Brasidas from Assassin's Creed: Odyssey
Soma Jarlskona from Assassin's Creed: Valhalla
Alfira from Baldur's Gate 3
Volo from Baldur's Gate 3
Mallory from Black Closet
oniontheif from Blooming Panic: Full Bloom Edition
Mossie from Cattails
Guinevere from Code: Realize
Kotoho Sakuragawa from collar x malice
Antonio from Coral Island
Helene Leventis from Crown and the Flame - Choices (mobile app)
Owen Herriot from Cupid Parasite
Viktor Vector from Cyberpunk 2077
Johnny Silverhand from Cyberpunk 2077
Goro Takemura from Cyberpunk 2077
Mayor Mingus from Dialtown
Jerry from Dialtown
Pierre from Dialtown
Monika from Doki Doki Literature Club
The Arishok from Dragon Age 2
Varric Tethras from Dragon Age 2
Avaline Vallen from Dragon Age 2
Vivienne de Fer from Dragon Age Inquisition
Cole from Dragon Age Inquisiton
Scout Lace Harding from Dragon Age: Inquisition
Cremisius "Krem" Aclassi from Dragon Age: Inquisition
Sten from Dragon Age: Origins
Quizzmaster Quinn from Dream Daddy
Morgott the Grace-Given from Elden Ring
Matthew Gursky from Emily is Away
Magnolia from Fallout 4
Nick Valentine from Fallout 4
Phila from Fire Emblem Awakening
The Gatekeeper from Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Hypnos from Hades
Orpheus and Eurydice from Hades
Chaos from Hades
Charon from Hades
Sisyphus from Hades
Alecto from Hades
Azami Koshiba from Hatoful Boyfriend
Blanc Lapin from Ikemen Revolution
Lyla Park from Life is Strange 2
Kyousuke Natsume from Little Busters!
Javik from Mass Effect
Urdnot Wrex from Mass Effect
Zaeed Massani from Mass Effect
Mordin Solus from Mass Effect 2 & 3
The Illusive Man from Mass Effect 2 + 3
Samara from Mass Effect 2, Mass Effect 3
Evfra de Tershaav from Mass Effect Andromeda
Zevin Raeka from Mass Effect Andromeda
Jeff "Joker" Moreau from Mass Effect trilogy
Moss Mann from Monster camp
Gerard from Monster Camp and Monster Roadtrip
Tate from Monster Prom
Sadie from Monster Prom 3: Road Trip and Monster Prom 2: Camp
Jerry the Murderer from Monster Prom series
Mali from My Time at Portia
Jaehee Kang from Mystic Messenger
Vanderwood from Mystic Messenger
Shinbi from Nameless (the one thing you must recall)
Soi from Nameless (the one thing you must recall)
Thirteen from Obey Me! One Master to Rule Them All
Aurora Emery from Open Heart - Choices
Jeremy King from Our Life: Beginning & Always
Miranda from Our Life: Beginnings & Always
Terry from Our Life: Beginnings & Always
Rio Iwasaki from Persona 3 Portable
Junpei Iori from Persona 3 Portable
Yosuke Hanamura from Persona 4
Kanji Tatsumi from Persona 4
Goro Akechi from Persona 5
Yusuke Kitagawa from Persona 5
Ryūji Sakamoto from Persona 5
Eothas from Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire
Grim from Romancelvania
Gaius from Rune Factory 3
Illuminata from Rune Factory 4
Porcoline Tulle De Saint-Coquille from rune factory 4
Ventuswill from Rune Factory 4
Lin Fa from Rune Factory 4
Volkanon from Rune Factory 4
Terry from Rune Factory 5
Malix from Seduce Me the Otome
Halek Prince from Shepherds of Haven
Bao-Dur from Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
Clint from Stardew ValleyGus from Stardew Valley
Jodi from Stardew Valley
Kent from Stardew Valley
Krobus from Stardew Valley
Linus from Stardew Valley
Marnie from Stardew Valley
Mayor Lewis from Stardew Valley
Sandy from Stardew Valley
Robin from Stardew Valley
The Wizard (aka. M. Rasmodius) from Stardew Valley
Clemens from Story of Seasons Pioneers of Olive Town
Jacopo from Story of Seasons Pioneers of Olive Town
Karina from Story of Seasons Pioneers of Olive Town
Flora from Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life
Lars from Story of Seasons Pioneers of Olive Town
Brynjolf from The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Cicero from The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Erandur from The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Faendal from The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Hadvar from The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
J'zargo from The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Miraak from The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Seranna from The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Teldryn Sero from The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Ondolemar from The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Olivia Vanderwall Nevrakis from The Royal Romance - Choices
Iorveth from The Witcher 2
Vernon Roche from The Witcher 2
Julian Alfred Pankratz (Dandelion/Jaskier) from The Witcher 3
Emiel Regis Rohellec Terzieff-Godefroy from The Witcher 3
Karen Hanatsubaki from Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side 3
Arihiko Inui from Tsukihime
Yumizuka Satsuki from Tsukihime
Alicia Rosales from XOXO Droplets
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maximwtf · 2 years
A Masterlist
-♥︎-  All works from different fandoms listed and linked here! -♥︎-
♥︎ - You’ll find the characters and fandoms I write for linked at the bottom !
♥︎ - Some rules for requests are there too.
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Kirikaze beloved
♡ Baldur’s Gate 3
Astarion x Reader (emotional hurt/comfort)
♡ Genshin Impact
Beidou x Reader (platonic, action/fluff-ish)
Baizhu x Reader (hurt/comfort)
Baizhu x Reader (hurt/comfort)
Kamisato Ayato x Reader (angst/comfort)
Xianyun x Reader (chronic pain/comfort)
Thoma x Reader (emotional hurt/comfort)
♡ Our Flag Means Death
Izzy Hands x Reader (injury)
Izzy Hands x Reader (chronic pain)
Izzy Hands x Reader (Injury/death)
Izzy Hands x Reader (hidden relationship)
Izzy Hands x Reader (love letters)
Izzy Hands x Reader (hurt/comfort-ish)
Izzy Hands x Reader (sword fighting)
Izzy Hands x Reader (whip scarring, hurt/comfort)
Izzy Hands x Reader (angst/comfort)
Izzy Hands x Reader (Fluff, re-blossoming love)
Stede Bonnet x Reader (comfort)
Stede Bonnet x Reader (fluff)
♡ The Magnus Archives
Jonathan Sims x Reader (worm bite)
Elias Bouchard x Reader (a burn)
Helen Distortion x Reader (Hurt/Comfort)
♡ The Arcane
Silco x Injured reader (death/gore)
Viktor x reader (comfort)
Viktor x reader (injury/comfort)
Heimerdinger x Sick Reader (comfort)
Dying Viktor x reader (death)
♡ Obey me
Simeon x reader
Asmodeus x reader (anxiety attack/comfort)
Lucifer x stressed reader (comfort)
♡ The Arcana
Julian Devorak x Sick! Reader (Red Plague/Death)
♡ Lord of the rings / The hobbit
Legolas x Male Elven Reader (Death/comfort)
Legolas x reader (injury) (1)
Legolas x reader (Injury/comfort) (2)
Legolas x Elven reader (Injury/Death)
Legolas x reader (Frostbite/fluff?)
Legolas x reader (Hair braiding/fluff)
Legolas x reader (Angst/no comfort)
Elrond x Elven warrior reader (injury)
Elrond x Injured reader (Dragon fire burn)
Elrond x Reader (Hurt/no comfort)
Thranduil x Elven warrior reader (Dragon fire scar)
Thranduil x Elven reader (grief)
Lindir x warrior reader (injury)
Aragorn x reader (Injury/death)
Kili x reader (injury/comfort)
♡ Steven universe 
Pearl x Gem Reader (hurt/comfort)
Pearl x Gem Reader (poofed/comfort?)
Pearl x reader (fluff)
Peridot x gem reader (limb enhancers)
Peridot x Sapphire! Reader / Pt.1
Peridot x Sapphire! Reader / Pt.2
Jasper x gem reader 
♡ Pokémon
Captain Ilima x injured reader
♡ Bbc Sherlock Holmes
Sherlock Holmes (Mycroft Holmes) x Sister reader
Mycroft Holmes x reader (overdose)
Mycroft Holmes x reader (trauma response/comfort)
Mycroft Holmes x reader (nightmares/comfort)
♡ Pirates of the Caribbean
Jack Sparrow x pirate reader
♡ Squid Game
Sang-woo x dying reader
The Front Man x reader
♡ Lucifer
Lucifer Morningstar x Angel reader (Trauma/comfort)
Lucifer Morningstar X Angel Reader (Injury/preening)
Lucifer morningstar x Deity reader
Lucifer Morningstar x reader (injury/comfort)
Michael x Angel Reader (Injury)
♡ Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them
Newt Scamander X Witch reader
Newt Scamander x Animagus Reader (1)
Newt Scamander x Animagus Reader (2)
Platonic! Newt Scamander x Animagus! Reader
♡ Peaky Blinders
Thomas Shelby x Injured Reader (death)
Thomas Shelby (Ada, Polly) x Depressed Reader
♡ Inside Job
Myc x Reader (Hurt/comfort?)
♡ Cookie Run Kingdom
Almond x injured reader
Mango x reader (injured/comfort)
Pure Vanilla x injured reader (gore)
♡ Mystic Messenger
Jaehee Kang x dizzy Reader
♡ Undertale
Grillby x child reader (Injured/comfort)
! Characters and Fandoms I write for !
Keep in mind, I don’t write full blown smut. 
Platonic and romantic requests for everyone are fine.
Angst and hurt requests are always first priority, those are the easiest for me to write!
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-♥︎-That’s it, love yall! -♥︎-
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tklpilled · 2 years
characters i will write for!!
italics: my favs <3
bungou stray dogs: atsushi, dazai, kenji, junichirou, yosano, ranpo, lucy, poe, akutagawa, chuuya, tachihara, gin, higuchi, fyodor, mushitarou, nikolai, sigma, jouno, tecchou
hunter x hunter: gon, killua, kurapika, leorio, alluka
fullmetal alchemist: ed, al, winry, ling, lan fan, roy, riza
cowboy bebop: spike, jet, faye, ed
saiki k: saiki, kaidou, teruhashi, kuboyasu, hairo
spy x family: loid, yor
ouran host club: haruhi, tamaki, hikaru, kaoru, kyoya, honey, mori
fruits basket: tohru, kyo, yuki, momiji, ayame, hatori, shigure, haru, machi, kakeru, hanajima, uotani
my hero academia: izuku, todoroki, uraraka, mina, asui, iida, kaminari, kirishima, jirou, momo, shinsou, bakugou, mei, monoma, aizawa, mic, hawks, dabi, toga, shigaraki
sk8: reki, langa, joe, cherry
the case study of vanitas: noe, vanitas, domi, jeanne, louis
banana fish: ash, eiji
moriarty the patriot: william, sherlock
trigun: vash, wolfwood, meryl, milly
mob psycho 100: mob, reigen, serizawa, teru, ritsu, shou, tome
death note: l, light, misa
jujutsu kaisen: yuji, megumi, nobara, gojo, geto, nanami, yuuta, maki, mai, toge
chainsaw man: denji, aki, power, angel, kobeni, asa, yoshida
buddy daddies: kazuki, rei
bloom into you: yuu, touko, sayaka
heaven official’s blessing: xie lian, hua cheng, feng xin, mu qing, qi rong, shi qingxuan, he xuan, quan yizhen, yin yu
south park: stan, kyle, tweek, craig, kenny, butters
the umbrella academy: luther, diego, allison, klaus, five, ben (including sparrow!ben), viktor, lila
it: richie, eddie, ben, bev, bill, mike, stan
spiderverse: miles, gwen, pavitr, hobie
six of crows: kaz, inej, jesper, wylan, nina, matthias
the raven cycle: blue, gansey, noah, ronan, adam, henry
percy jackson: percy, annabeth, nico, piper, jason, leo, hazel, frank, will
pokemon: n, cheren, bianca, hugh, ingo
breath of the wild: link, zelda, sidon, revali, tulin, riju, mipha
rune factory 4: lest/frey, arthur, dylas, doug, vishnal, leon, kiel, clorica, forte, xiao pai, amber, dolce, margaret
stardew valley: sebastian, maru, penny, sam, abigail, emily, haley, elliot, shane, alex, leah, harvey
deltarune: kris, susie, ralsei, noelle, lancer
genshin impact: aether/lumine, kaeya, albedo, kaveh, alhaitham, amber, lisa, venti, xiao, zhongli, childe, thoma, ayato, ayaka, diluc, hu tao, kazuha, heizou, itto, scaramouche, cyno, tighnari
ace attorney: phoenix, edgeworth, franziska, gumshoe, maya, apollo, klavier, athena, simon, nahyuta, trucy
the magnus archives: jon, martin, tim, sasha, georgie, melanie, michael, helen
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deathcabforplots · 4 years
☕ » tag drop: otps, mids and exes pt II
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mouisorange · 3 years
☰ Asks — how to send
★ I don’t actively do requests, but I will use them as warm-ups or use them if I’m really into the idea. 
★ Currently accepting requests! Ready to reload and focus on something! 〔 ⅰ. 〕Open to Write & Draw
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☰ Accepted
〔 ⅰ. 〕 Yandere — Horror  — Gore — Fluff  — Brain-rots / whatever type of ‘request/ask’ comes to your mind — Non - Explicit Smut / Not SFW — drabbles — concepts — building off of things I’ve written already — etc…
☰ Not Accepted
〔 ⅰ. 〕 Explicit Smut / Not SFW — Explicit Suicide . both the process of it and the act itself — Real Persons . ex-please do not ask me to write something for real breathing people, like celebrities  — Character x Character . this is mainly a Character x reader blog ...
☰ Please do not...
〔 ⅰ. 〕...ask for continuations of stories — or at least not repeatedly. 
〔 ⅱ. 〕...send asks with extremely detailed readers . having a lot of identifiable features somewhat defeats the purpose of being a reader-insert.
〔 ⅲ. 〕...send extremely detailed concepts and the like unless you just wanna share something! I’m happy to read your ideas but sometimes if something is too detailed, I won’t be able to build off of it. If that’s not your intent, then go wild!
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☰ Fandoms / Characters
[FANDOM] ★...Current Favorite — ✦...Also Writing For.. [CHARACTERS] ❤...Current Favorite — ♡...Also Writing For... Bolded characters are my most liked out of the category they’ve been placed in.
〔 ★ 〕My OCs ❤ Clover... Freisya... ♡ ...
〔 ★ 〕Genshin Impact ❤ Childe... Zhongli... Kaeya... Xinyan... Yoimiya... Traveler(s)... Sucrose... Albedo... Venti... Razor... Diluc... Kaedehara Kazuha... Kamisato Ayaka...  Sangonomiya Kokomi... Xiao...  ♡ Amber... Barbara... Beidou... Bennett... Chongyun... Eula... Fischl... Ganyu... Hu Tao... Jean... Keqing... Kujou Sara... Lisa... Mona... Ningguang... Raiden Shogun / Ei... Rosaria... Xiangling... Xingqiu...  Yanfei...
〔 ✦ 〕Twisted Wonderland ❤ Carter Diamond... Deuce Spade... Jack Howl... Azul Ashengrotto... Jade Leech... Floyd Leech... Rook Hunt... Idia Shroud... Malleus Draconia... Silver... ♡ Riddle Rosehearts... Ace Trappola... Trey Clover... Leona Kingscholar... Ruggie Bucchi... Kalim Al-Asim... Jamil Viper... Epel Felmier... Vil Schoenheit... Lilia Vanrouge... Sebek Zigvolt...
〔 ✦ 〕Demon Slayer ❤ Tengen Uzui... Shinobu Kocho... Kyojuro Rengoku... Kyogai... Enmu... Rui... Kokushibo... ♡ Kagaya Ubuyashiki... Giyu Tomioka... Mitsuri Kanroji... Obanai Iguro... Sanemi Shinazugawa... Gyomei Himejima... Akaza... Douma... Gyutaro... Daki... Hantengu... Kaigaku... Muzan Kibutsuji... Tanjiro Kamado... Inosuke Hashibira... Zenitsu Agatsuma... Tamayo... Yushiro...
〔 ✦ 〕Jujutsu Kaisen ❤ Yuji Itadori... Megumi Fushiguro... Yuta Okkotsu... Kento Nanami... Aoi Todo... Choso... Suguru Geto... Junpei Yoshino... ♡ Satoru Gojo... Masamichi Yaga... Nobara Kugisaki... Maki Zenin... Toge Inumaki... Utahime Iori... Kokichi Muta... Mai Zenin... Kokichi Muta... Kasumi Miwa... Naoya Zenin... Mahito... Sukuna... Toji Fushiguro...
〔 ✦ 〕Jojo’s Bizarre Adventures...up to part 7 ❤ Majority of characters... (there are way too many characters) ♡ Majority of characters... (there are way too many characters)
〔 ✦ 〕Magi ❤ ♡
〔 ✦ 〕Attack On Titan ❤ Reiner Braun… Etc ♡… etc
〔 ✦ 〕Castlevania ❤ Alucard… Hector… Dracula… ♡ Isaac… Sypha… Trevor… Carmilla… Godbrand… Striga… Lenore… Morana…
〔 ✦ 〕Beastars / Beast Complex ❤ Legoshi… Haru… Louis… Ibuki… ♡ Gohin… Riz… Pina… Raul… Melon… Bill… Agata… Juno…
〔 ★ 〕Greek Mythology ❤ Apollo... Ares... Hades... Eros... Zagreus... Hermes... Achilles… Patroklus… Hercules… Helios... Hektor... Orpheus... Odysseus... Bellerophon... Helen...  ♡ Athena... Hypnos... Thanatos... Nyx... Aphrodite... Artemis... Hera... Demeter... Dionysus... Poseidon... Zeus... Persephone... Gaia… Zephyrus… Boreas… Hestia... Amphitrite... Paris... Nyx... Hyponos... Atlanta... Harmonia... Selene... Asclepius... Hekate... ↳ If you wanna talk about / see me talk about a god(dess) that is not on this list, go ahead and ask! I’d (probably) love to look into them! They might not be on the list solely because I’m not familiar with them.
〔 ★ 〕Norse Mythology ❤ etc ♡ etc
〔 ✦ 〕 Arcane ❤ Viktor… Jayce… Vi… Silco… ♡ Ekko… Mel… Jinx… Caitlyn… Sevika…
258 notes · View notes
bumblingbee1 · 3 years
I'm in a mood for angst.
Could you send please do some HC of the safehouse crew reaction to finding out that their children betrayed and was working with Perseus's team?
Pretty please? (Hope I'm not bothering ya)
*deep inhale* HOOOO BOY, this is gonna be a doozy 😅😅
Reader pronouns: Gender neutral Warnings: Angst, betrayal, mentions of blood, disownment and radicalization.
[X] = Safehouse Crew character of your choosing.
You have always taken the Red Scare with a grain of salt, and hated how the mainstream media portrayed the Russians. “Here we go again with the “SoVi3Ts bAd” kinda thing.” In your eyes, it was never about who’s good or bad. It was a conflict of interest based heavily on clashing ideologies. Despite this disdain, only one person was a true hero in your eyes. Your parent, [X].
When you finds out just how CIA treated Bell (the brainwashing), you couldn’t believe it. To make it even worse, it was [X] who initiated the idea. Your heart fell right down to your stomach.
You didn’t know what to believe anymore. The supposed “good guys” would subject someone to this cruelty, yet preach kindness? Imagine what the US government has really been doing behind closed doors.
“The flag might be different, but the methods are the same.“
When nobody is looking, you reveal to Perseus’ agents that the CIA is on to them. Throughout every mission, you leaked intel to Robert Aldrich and his spy ring. Little did you know about Perseus’ true ambitions...
Throughout every mission it would turn out that Perseus always was one move ahead. But why? The crew does suspect that the heightened activity within Aldrich’s spy ring had something to do with it. However, no one had any idea you contributed to it.
Fast forward to post-Cuba fiasco (Park is saved here). The entire Safehouse Crew (including YOU) found out about Perseus’ plan to wipe out half of Europe. You felt like throwing up. None of Perseus’ agents ever informed you about this. Not Aldrich, not Volkov, not Stitch, not even Perseus himself. You were nothing but a little pawn. Nothing more.
Post-Solovetsky Ending:
Your heart was racing. How could you tell your parent, the one you used to look up to, as well as his/her team, that you were an accomplice? “Mom/Dad? I am so sorry...” Tears rolled down your cheeks.
Russell Adler:
“I never expected this from you. Had things turned out differently, those tubs of blood would be on your hands.”
At first, he contemplated disowning you. Then he put two and two together. 
Given what he did to Bell, even after they told the truth, he can’t fully blame you. Even if he wants to.
He’s devastated at just how Perseus had radicalized you.
If the pursuit of Perseus wasn’t personal, it sure is now.
It’s not over yet. Not by a long way.
You join in on this pursuit. 
Frank Woods:
“You chose to help out that fucking genocidal maniac?“
After finally cooling off, he listens to your side of the story.
Blames himself for not even considering the possibility of his kid betraying him like this.
“If you were to lie to us about where he’d be at, I wouldn’t know what to do.“
(You turning against Perseus may or may not have gotten Menendez’ attention...)
Alex Mason:
“Come on, Dad. After what happened to you in that Gulag, how can you justify this? At least Perseus doesn’t forcibly turn people against their own!“
He gets a bit taken back by this, given his experience in Vorkuta, especially his encounter with Viktor Reznov.
As such, he does see where you are coming from. 
In the end, he is beyond relieved that you fought by his side.
Lawrence Sims:
“How fucking could you?!“
Can’t believe that his own kid would side with the enemy.
Luckily, the government does not know the truth. The secret is 100% safe with him.
At the end of the day, he’s happy you didn’t get to the ‘point of no return’.
At the moment of truth, you were his hero.
Will do anything in his power to help de-radicalize you. 
He wants to be your hero again, and believes you can redeem yourself.
Helen Park:
“Bloody hell.“
Would never believe that her own child, of all people, would be radicalized by Perseus and his men. That made it hit extra hard.
“Sometimes, we have to get our hands dirty to keep the rest of the world clean.“
She’s grateful that you could see through Perseus’ wool over your eyes and stood by her.
Explains how Mk-Ultra works, and why she and Adler had to subject Bell to it (see below).
Jason Hudson:
“It’s not that cut and dry, kid!“
Explains how interrogation processes work.
Brief you on Bell’s background, and that they were Perseus’ second-in-command. You realized they were fully complicit and culpable in the nuclear threat.
“I should have never doubted you, Dad.“ 
Eventually, he’s happy you’re on his side. 
He’ll never fully cut you off, but he’s still terrified for you, given your impressionable nature.
He knows sheltering you will only make things worse.
If you didn’t do the right thing, you best believe he would do ANYTHING to get you back home. Even if it involves striking deals with Menendez.
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theinspiredinfp · 5 years
Huge INFP reading list
Miguel de Cervantes: Don Quixote (1605)
Hans Christian Andersen: Fairy tales (1800s)
Mary Shelley: Frankenstein (1818)
Edgar Allan Poe: The Tell-Tale Heart and Other Writings (1843)
Emily Brontë: Wuthering Heights (1847)
Herman Melville: Moby-Dick (1851)
Henry David Thoreau: Walden (1854)
Leo Tolstoy: Anna Karenina (1877)
Thomas Hardy: Jude the Obscure (1895)
Frances Hodgson Burnett: A Little Princess (1905)
E. M. Forster: A Room With a View (1908)
Lucy Maud Montgomery: Anne of Green Gables (1908)
Vincent van Gogh: The Letters of Vincent van Gogh (1918)
Xun Lu: Diary of a Madman and Other Stories (1918)
Sherwood Anderson: Winesburg, Ohio (1919)
A. A. Milne: Winnie-the-Pooh (1926)
Virginia Woolf: A Room of One's Own (1929)
Daphne du Maurier: Rebecca (1938)
Jean-Paul Sartre: Nausea (1938)
Carson McCullers: The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter (1940)
Albert Camus: The stranger (1942)
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry: The Little Prince  (1943)
Viktor E. Frankl: Man's Search for Meaning (1946)
Osamu Dazai: No Longer Human (1948)
George Orwell: 1984 (1949)
C.S. Lewis: The Chronicles of Narnia (1950)
J. D. Salinger: The Catcher in the Rye (1951)
John Steinbeck: East of Eden (1952)
J. R. R. Tolkien: The Lord of the Rings (1954)
Ray Bradbury: Dandelion Wine (1957)
Jack Kerouac: On the Road (1957)
Harper Lee: To Kill a Mockingbird (1960)
J. D. Salinger:  Franny and Zooey (1961)
Shirley Jackson: We Have Always Lived in the Castle (1962)
Sylvia Plath: The Bell Jar (1964)
Hubert Selby Jr: Last Exit to Brooklyn (1964)
John Fowles: The Magus (1965)
Julio Cortázar: Hopscotch (1966)
Jean Rhys: Wide Sargasso Sea (1966)
S.E. Hinton: The Outsiders  (1967) 
Joyce Carol Oates: them (1969)
John Berryman: The Dream Songs (1969)
James Kavanaugh: There Are Men Too Gentle to Live Among Wolves (1970)
Milan Kundera: The Unbearable Lightness of Being (1984)
Patrick Süskind: The Story of Mr Sommer (1991)
Pat Conroy: The Prince of Tides (1991)
Katherine Frank: A Chainless Soul: A Life of Emily Brontë  (1992)
Charles Bukowski: The Last Night of the Earth Poems (1992)
Lois Lowry: The Giver (1993)
E. E. Cummings: Selected Poems (1994)
Douglas Coupland: Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated Culture (1996)
Jon Krakauer: Into the Wild (1996)
Chuck Palahniuk: Fight Club (1996)
Stephen Chbosky: The Perks of Being a Wallflower (1999)
Janet Fitch: White Oleander (1999)
Laurie Halse Anderson: Speak (1999)
Helen DeWitt: The Last Samurai (2000)
Yann Martel: Life of Pi (2001)
David Mitchell: Cloud Atlas (2004)
Kazuo Ishiguro: Never Let Me Go (2005)
Amy Tan: The Joy Luck Club (2006)
Cormac McCarthy: The Road (2006)
Betty Smith: A Tree Grows in Brooklyn (2006)
André Aciman: Call Me by Your Name (2007)
Junot Díaz: The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao (2007)
Miranda July: No One Belongs Here More Than You (2007)
Karl Ove Knausgaard: My struggle (2009)
Haruki Murakami: 1Q84 (2009)
Aimee Bender: The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake (2010)
Deborah Levy: Swimming Home (2011) 
Jonathan Culver: I am an Island (2011)
Vanessa Diffenbaugh: The Language of Flowers (2011)
Elena Ferrante: Neapolitan novels (2012)
Carol Rifka Brunt: Tell the Wolves I'm Home (2012)
Alexis M. Smith: Glaciers (2012)
Rachel Kushner: The Flamethrowers (2013)
Ruth Ozeki: A Tale for the Time Being (2013)
Donna Tartt: The Goldfinch (2013)
Neil Gaiman: The Ocean at the End of the Lane (2015)
Martine Leavitt: Calvin (2015)
Janice Y.K. Lee: The Expatriates (2016)
Elizabeth Strout: My Name Is Lucy Barton (2016)
Olivia Laing: The Lonely City: Adventures in the Art of Being Alone (2017)
Rebecca Solnit: A Field Guide To Getting Lost (2017)
Rachel Cusk: Outline Trilogy (2018)
Stephen Chbosky: Imaginary Friend (2019)
Patti Smith: Year of the monkey (2019)
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hogibebeleri · 4 years
eski model listesi
bunu temizleyip yürürüz diycektim ama çok varmış o yüzden eski ünlülere isimlere bakmak için buraya bırakıyom kalsın sdfojdsoğjısıdjğods
ay daraltçam bu ne aq
- A -
Aaron Johnson - Leo Constantine
Aaron Tveit - Ezekiel Wymond
Abbey Lee Kershaw - S
Adam Brody - Cedric P. Powell
Adelaide Kane - Alana Windsor
Aidan Turner - Blaise Lynch
Alicia Vikander - Lily Marzia Lewis
Alona Tal - Claire Jenkins
Alycia Debnam Carey - Faith Franchot
Amber Heard - Edith Mori de Oliveira & Aureola Diana
Amy Poehler - Apple Corin
Ana de Armas - Riley Polanco
AnnaSophia Robb - Olivia Maeve
Andrew Garfield - Christen Austen
Andrew Lincoln - Desmond
Andy Samberg - Milo Dexter
Anna Christine Speckhart - Maria Sparrow
Anna Kendrick - June Lynwood
Ansel Elgort - Landon Scotty
Armie Hammer - Nikolai Fedosov
Ash Stymest - Wilford Grayson
Ashley Benson - Lexie Mallaith
Astrid Berges-Frisbey - Anthea Harrison
Aubrey Plaza - Zoya Everdene
- B -
Barbara Palvin - Annie Lancaster
Bella Heathcote - Fern Weinberg
Bill Skarsgård - Hermes Wolfhart
Boyd Holbrook - Hugo Montague
Bradley Cooper - Adonis Dard
Brett Dalton - Aldous Riordan
Brian J. Smith - Ä°.
Brit Marling - Euria Madlyn
- C -
Candice Accola - Evanora Eckhart
Carey Mulligan - Ophelia Delfino
Charlie Cox - Darcy Hemingway
Charlie Weber - Wardell Jon
Chloe Bennett - Miroslawa Waljewski
Chris Pine - Azure Welkin
Chris Pratt - Dux Stanton
Chris Wood - Atlas
Christian Bale - Mars Brant
Christian Cooke - Conor Lynton
Chyler Leigh - Cassandra Evans
Claire Holt - Karyna Gwen
Clark Gregg - Christopher Hart
Courtney Eaton - Night Haven
- D -
Daisy Ridley - Monica Myles
Dakota Johnson - Barbie Riley
Dan Stevens - Damien Delacroix
Daniel Radcliffe - Michael Genim
Daniel Sharman - Clementine Quinton
Danielle Campbell - Calista Apostolou
David Tennant - Hunter Chandra
Dianna Agron - Isis Chamberlain
Domhnall Gleeson - Jules E. Lincoln
Dominic Cooper - Quentin J. Lloyd
Dominic Sherwood - Dimitri Wolf
Douglas Booth - Vasco Delacour
Dylan O''brien - Nathaniel Hawkins
Dylan Sprayberry -Ove Stanford
- E -
Eddie Redmayne - S
Ebba Zingmark - Eloine Heaven
Eiza Gonzalez - Veronika Boleslava
Eleanor Tomlinson - Calleigh Gardenar
Elizabeth Debicki - Pippa Voughan
Elizabeth Henstridge - Gwendoline Cler
Elizabeth Olsen - Corinne Constantine
Eleanor Tomlinson - Calleigh Gardenar
Ella Purnell - Dolu
Elle Fanning - Rosie Van Laren
Ellen Page - Lydia Carrington
Elodie Yung - S
Emeraude Toubia - Elena Dimitriou
Emma Stone - Alexandra Zaleski
Emilia Clarke - Maya Davenport
Emilie De Ravin - Astrid Blanche
Emily Bett Rickards - Ocean Highmore
Emily Blunt - Lilla Arverne
Emily Browning - Ava Marlowe
Emily Deschanel - Hannah Montiel
Emily Didonato - Vera Isabel
Emmy Rossum - Vivian Gardner
Emily Rudd - Antje Griet
Erin Richards - Glory Constance
Eva Green - Verena Gray
Evan Peters - Viktor Chekov
Evangeline Lilly - Blue Marchand
Ewan McGregor - Acse Lemoine
Ezra Miller - Eugene Irwin
- F -
Felicity Jones - Macey Raphaelle
Felix Kjellberg - Silvestre César
Finn Jones - Buster
Freya Mavor - Olivia Fitzgerald
- G -
Gabriel Luna - José Espina
Gaia Weiss - Freya Kjellfrid
Gal Gadot - Cerys Ryan
Garrett Hedlund - Vitto Carlevaro
Gemma Arterton - Sabetha Belrossa
Georgina Haig - Calypso
Gigi Hadid - Mitchie Finnegan
Gina Rodriguez - Ida Castillo
Grace Phipps - Mia Kayleigh
Gustaf Skarsgård - Vincent Valente
- H -
Haley Bennett - Graciela de la Fuente
Hannah Simone - S
Harry Lloyd - Valentin Veaceslav
Hayden Christensen - Kristoff E. Petrov
Hayden Panettiere - Skyla Chavira
Hayley Atwell - Carmela di Chimici
Henry Cavill -Â Chester Norton
Hunter Parrish - Francis Rousseau
Hwang Jung Eum - Hana Godfrey
Ian De Caestecker - J.C. Murphy
Isabel Lucas - Helen Ambrosia
- J -
Jack O''Connell - Roy Whesker
Jai Courtney - Téo Teixeira
Jake Johson - Tony Thompson
James Franco - N/ash Carrington
James McAvoy - Sebastian Van Laren
Jamie Chung - Irene Weitz
Jane Levy -Â Elsie Rodgers
Jasmine Sanders -Â Liesje Lijsbeth
Jason Statham - Rafael Romero
Jay Baruchel - Cal J.W. Fox
Jeffrey Dean Morgan - Zed O''Callaghan
Jenna-Louise Coleman - Cecilia D. Chandler
Jennifer Morrison - Penny Black
Jensen Ackles - Florian W. Hoffman
Jeon Jeongguk - Jeon Jeongguk
Jeremy Renner - Dorian Dixon
Jesse Soffer - Grover Alen
Jessica De Gouw - Vera Guthrie
Ji Sung - Yong Jae Sun
JoAnna Garcia Swisher - Pacifica
Joe Gilgun - Desmond Gallagher
Johanna Braddy - Reva Keegan
John Krasinski - Jesse Wescott
Jon Kortajarena - Aaron Anderson
Josefine Frida Pettersen - Dolu
Jude Law - Andrei Pavlov
Julian Morris - Wesley Franklin
Julianne Hough - Madelyn Weaver
- K -
Karen Fukuhara - Yuki Nakashima
Karen Gillan - Emma Fray (<33)
Kate Mara - Tuesday Beckett
Kate Mckinnon - Myrna Morgenstern
Katherine McNamara - Norene Harland
Kaya Scodelario - Quinn Jenae
Keira Knightley - Mystral Roux
Kevin Zegers - Damon Wallner
Kit Harington - Joel Paxton
Kristen Bell - Vivien Rouge
Krysten Ritter - Iris Thorne
- L-
Lauren Cohan - Wonder B.
Leighton Meester - Anastacia Bouvier
Leonardo diCaprio - Jerry Arlexa
Lily Collins - Frankie Chandra
Lily James - Anaïs V. Grimaldi
Lindy Booth - Camilla Weitz
Lindsey Morgan - Zenobia
Lizzy Caplan - Ramona Fade
Logan Lerman -Â Harley Langley
Luana Perez - Elizabeth Burton
Lucy Hale -Â Sheri Payne
Lyndsy Fonseca - Daisy de la Vina
- M -
Mads Mikkelsen - Ä°
Maeve Dermody - Athena Zoega
Maia Mitchell -Â Lynda Stine
Margot Robbie - Josie Lesniewski
Maria Valverde - Valerija Roque
Marie Avgeropoulos - Ljubica Solvej
Marion Cotillard - Marika Lamora
Martin Wallström - Fabio Chepe
Mary Elizabeth Winstead - Amelie Steiner
Matt Hitt - Douglas Roswell
Matt McGorry - Corbin Renwick
Matthew Daddario - Diego Mendoza
Matthew Gray Gubler - Patrick Descoteaux
Max Irons - Marc Janko
Max Riemelt - Ziggy Hildebrand
Melanie Martinez - D
Melissa Benoist - Charlotte Evans
Melissa Fumero - Catherine Winters
Michael Fassbender - Franco Locatelli
Miguel Ángel Silvestre - Rico A. Moreno
Min Yoongi - Min Yoongi
Morena Baccarin - Tulip Talitha
- N -
Natalie Dormer - Gem Julep
Nick Blood - Isaac Wyatt
Nick Offerman - Alfred Castillo
Nico Mirallegro - Jack Daniels
Nikolaj Coster-Waldau - Theos Volantis
Nina Dobrev - Emmaline Winslow
Norman Reedus - Harley Harford
Noomi Rapace - Yulia Utkin
- O/Ö -
Olesya Rulin - Ceku Balım
Olga Kurylenko - Zelda Croft
Olivia Holt -Â Rylee Cantrell
Oscar Isaac - Aldo C. Ferreiro
- Q -
- P -
Paul Rudd - Marco Polo
Paula Patton - Winter Willford
Penelope Mitchell -Â Caitlyn Weatherly
- R -
Rachel McAdams - NavoÅŸ Lancaster
Rashida Jones - Jean Cardellini
Rebel Wilson -Â Lauren Dwyer
Reeve Carney - Dylan Breckendridge
Richard Madden - Tristan Windsor
Rinko Kikuchi - S
Rosario Dawson - Eve Blanchett
Rosamund Pike - Daniela Carlevaro
Rose McIver - Skyler Freestone
Rosie Huntington-Whiteley - Leona Lane
Ruth Negga - Lara Tailler
- S -
Sabrina Carpenter - Louise Linn
Sam Claflin - Mathias Clayton
Sarah Gadon - Nina Buchvarov
Sarah Hyland - Marceline Apostolou
Sebastian Stan - Maximillian di Chimici
Seychelle Gabriel - Leila Beaumont
Scarlett Johansson - Diamontina Dixon
Shailene Woodley - Joy Cappella
Shantel Vansanten - D
Shelley Hennig - Nora Simmons
Sophia Bush - D
Sophie Cookson - Rain Gisbourne
Summer Glau - Rhea Crisanta
- T -
Taron Egerton - Caleb Lysander
Tatiana Maslany - Margo Wiggins & Felicia Makovecz
Taylor Marie Hill - Milla Alexander
Taylor Swift - Melanie Phoenix
Teresa Palmer - Dora Desjardins
Theo James - Keiro Padmore
Tom Ellis - Hector A. Whittemore
Tom Felton - Alpha Rigorous
Tom Hardy - Dito Delfino
Tom Hiddleston - Newton F. Windsor
Tom Holland - Flynn Holdsworth
Tom Mison - Armitage Cromwell
Toni Garrn - Audrey Tyler
Torrey Devitto - D
Travis Fimmel - Forrest Dickson
Tuppence Middleton - Mia Santiago
- U/Ü -
- V -
Victoria Justice - Lotus van Boven & Selo
- X -
Xavier Samuel -Â August FridtjofÂ
- W -
Will Smith - Dante di Mercurio
Willa Holland - Ethea Middlesworth
- Y -
- Z -
Zendaya - Izzy McGowan
Zoe Kazan - D
Zoë Kravitz - Thalia Hardy
Zoe Saldana - Kiara Kingsley
Zooey Deschanel - Hailey Montiel
Zoey Deutch - Myra Blackbourne
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for that most recent character ask game that you reblogged, vikor hargreeves
This one? I hope its the one you meant lol
Viktor Hargreeves!!
Sexuality Headcanon: Personally I hc him as bi. Like ik some people think he's attracted to only women but he feels very bisexual. Gender Headcanon: Canon, trans guy. A ship I have with said character: Uhhh I feel like him x Sissy is kinda obvious so Viktor x Helen Cho, that one violinist from S1. LISTEN its enemies to lovers ft dramatic violin music what more could you want. A BROTP I have with said character: Him and Allison. LET THEM BE BESTIES AGAINST TUA WRITERS. LET THEM JUDGE EVERYONE. GIVE ME MY ALLISON VIKTOR SIBLINGS SKREEEEE- A NOTP I have with said character: Given, but any Harcest. I heard a rumor there's no incest. Also him x Leanard Peabody, disgusting man, burn him, the only good thing he ever did was be stabbed to death by Viktor. A random headcanon: He doesn't know the order of the planets in the solar system. He can do some really advanced science bc Reggie, did some deep dives into moon physics after he destroyed it, but doesn't actually know the order of the planets. General Opinion over said character: He's my blorbo, I want to hit him with a tire iron, I want to wrap a blanket around him and give him a cookie, I want him to pick up his violin and rock Reggie's shit to the tune of Rasputin, I want his powers to actually be explored beyond boom blast thing.
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skijumpingdreamer · 6 years
Music Tag - Ski Jumping Edition
I was tagged by @blondyn-z-szaflar. Thanks, Hon.
RULES: You must choose 10 of your favourite Ski Jumpers and match each one of them with a song that, in your opinion, best describes/suits him. Tracks should be funny, crazy, iconic etc. - it’s up to you! Also remember to tag from 5 to 10 people.
My choices (somehow it turned out to be more than ten hm...):
Tomáš Vančura - "No Vacancy" OneRepublic
Viktor Polášek - "Alone" Alan Walker
Daniel Andre Tande - "Thunder" Imagine Dragons
Manuel Fettner- “Judas” Lady Gaga ;)
Philipp Aschenwald - "Jump into the fog" The Wombats
Thomas Hofer - "Used to have it all" Fais & Afrojack
Thomas Diethart - "Somebody told me" The Killers
Gregor Schlierenzauer - "Atemlos durch die Nacht" Helene Fischer
Sven Hannawald  - "Fly on the wings of love" Olsen Brothers
Stefan Kraft x Michael Hayböck - "Friends" Ed Sheeran
Peter Prevc x Kenneth Gangnes -  "Stolen Dance" Milky Chance
Special shoutout to Andreas Kofler - “Wolke 4″ Philipp Dittberner
I tag: @citadeloftherisingstar @vodkaforprevc @the-dying-fan @giada-immer @magioghvitetekopper @skijumpingphotography
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womenofcolor15 · 4 years
2020 GOLDEN GLOBES AFTERPARTIES: LaLa, Mike & Kyra Epps, Yara, Storm & More Make High Slits, Bold Colors & Baby Bumps Look GOODT
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Celebs - those invited to the actual show and those who weren't - made their way to the afterparty scene following the 2020 Golden Globe Awards.  See fashion flicks from LaLa Anthony, Mike Epps and his pregnant wife Kyra, Yara Shahidi, Storm Reid and more inside…
If you were rooting for everybody black at this year’s Golden Globes, unfortunately no YBFers took home any awards. "When They See Us" was snubbed, but Beyonce, Eddie Murphy and a few other black stars nabbed nominations.
No celebratory wins for the YBF folks, but celebs did hit the afterparty scene for the turn up.
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InStyle and Warner Bros. hosted its 21st annual Golden Globes afterparty and LaLa Anthony pulled up on the blue carpet to flex. The "Power" star served up thigh action and sex appeal in a black LaBourjoisie gown.
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A post shared by ℒᎯ ℒᎯ (@lala) on Jan 6, 2020 at 9:49am PST
  Over the weekend...
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                  VANITY FAIR/AMAZON PARTY
A post shared by ℒᎯ ℒᎯ (@lala) on Jan 5, 2020 at 11:02am PST
  "The Chi" star flexed her curves in this burnt orange Monse frock for the Amazon Studios x Vanity Fair pre-Golden Globes party.
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Oh baby!
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Weeks after announcing they're expecting, comedian/actor Mike Epps and his new bride Kyra Robinson Epps bumped along on the carpet. She's about 8-months along now.
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The newlyweds celebrated their new bundle of joy during a baby shower in Chicago last week. Congrats again to the couple!
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Tiffany Haddish - who's gearing up to star in her new movie Like A Boss - kept it pretty in pink straight from the show, rocking a Galia Lahav dress, Jimmy Choo shoes and Pomellato jewels.
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Tiff stays cutting up.
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Mother-daughter twins! Actress Lisa Bonet and her daughter/"Big Little Lies" star Zoe Kravitz were all smiles when they hit the carpet alongside Lisa's fine hubby/Aquaman star Jason Momoa. Zoe & Jason presented together at the show.
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Lisa rocked a Fendi dress, while Zoe played with patterns in this off-the-shoulder Saint Laurent gown.
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"Orange Is The New Black" star Laverne Cox stole the show in this orange Michael Cinco creation. It was bold, extra and glamourous - everything Laverne served on the red carpet.
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"Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" star Garcelle Beauvais hit the carpet with her new man/screenwriter Michael Elliot, one of their first together since revealing they're officially a couple.
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Comedian/actor Keegan-Michael Key and his wife Elisa Key served up coupledom vibes on the carpet.
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Come all the way through!
"Euphoria" star Storm Reid twirled down the carpet in a floral one-shouldered Rosie Assoulin gown.
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                      A post shared by Storm Reid (@stormreid) on Jan 6, 2020 at 8:07am PST
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"How To Get Away With Murder" star Aja Naomi King kept it silky smooth in a rose gold Reformation dress.
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Disney starlet Skai Jackson struck a pose in a strapless pink REDValentino mini dress and Stuart Weitzman heels.
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"Queer Eye" star Karamo Brown changed it up and had some fun with his co-star Bobby Berk on the carpet after hitting the carpet at the show.
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Model chick Jasmine Sanders looked like a goddess in this Georges Hibeika number.
She has been rumored to be dating Washington Wizards baller Kelly Oubre Jr., following her split from TV personality Terrence J.  But we're hearing that may be over too, thanks to a certain new rumored celeb bae (we'll reveal that later).
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A Wrinkle In Time star Gugu Mbatha Raw shined brightly in a gold Gucci gown.
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Flirty & fun! "The Haves & The Have Nots" actress Tika Sumpter showed off her stems in a white Viktor and Rolf mini.
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DOPE actress Kiersy Clemons showed off her curves in this peachy nude JLUXLABEL dress.
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Rapper Snoop Dogg came out for the fun.
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"The Real" co-host Adrienne Bailon Houghton - who revealed on her YouTube account she lost 20lbs - rocked this sculpted Water Collection dress accessorized with XIXI jewelry.
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All Eyez On Me star Kat Graham posed it up on the carpet in a chocolate suede gown that featured a high neck and embroidery.
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If Beale Street Could Talk actress KiKi Layne switched her style rocking this feathered wore see-through Julien Macdonald number. LOVE!
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Inside, actor Evan Ross, his wife Ashlee Simpson Ross, Queen & Slim writer Lena Waithe, and Jasmine Sanders snapped it up together. Lena's BDE has us fangirling as usual.
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Evan & Ashlee are still all wrapped up in love.
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Family fun!
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"The Vampire Diaries" star stopped for a photo-op with new mom & actress Shay Mitchell, who was wearing Nicolas Jebran.
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                  When She Wears Paco #JSNstyleteam
A post shared by Jason Bolden (@jasonbolden) on Jan 5, 2020 at 10:07pm PST
  Trans activist Janet Mock killed it in Paco Rabanne, styled by Jason Bolden. HOT.
At another party...
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"Grown-ish" star Yara Shahidi lit up The Walt Disney Company's Golden Globes afterparty at The Beverly Hilton Hotel. She killed it in a yellow, strapless Carolina Herrera with a side train paired with gold Christian Louboutin pumps.
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                  tonight #goldenglobes
A post shared by Yara (يارا‎) Shahidi (@yarashahidi) on Jan 5, 2020 at 10:30pm PST
  Season 3 of "Grown-ish" premieres January 16th on Freeform.
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"POSE" star/EMMY winner Billy Porter (who was nominated in the Best Performance by an Actor in a Television Series - Drama category) turned heads in a white Alex Vinash 'fit. On the carpet at the Golden Globes, he rocked the look with a feathered train.
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HARRIET star Cynthia Erivo (who was in the Best Performance by an Actress in a Motion Picture - Drama category) changed out of her multi million dollar Thom Browne look for this more casual black-and-white number.
At another party...
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Netflix made sure to host a gig for the Golden Globe post-party scene. "A Black Lady Sketch Show" Gabrielle Dennis, Like A Boss star Tiffany Haddish, "The Have & The Have Nots" actress Crystal R. Fox and Night School star Bresha Webb were in the mix, snapping flicks together during the festivities.
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"Queen Sugar" star Omar Dorsey linked up with the ladies. #BlackExcellence
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Superproducer Pharrell Williams, his wife Helen Lasichanh, and Ambassador Nicole Avant chopped it up during the party.
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Werk! Victoria's Secret model Winnie Harlow killed it in this LaQuan Smith fringed dress.
At another gig...
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"How To Get Away With Murder" star Aja Naomi King was making her rounds last night. After hitting up the InStyle/Warner Bros. party, she made her way to HBO's post-Golden Globes bash. By the way, the network nabbed four wins at the Golden Globes.
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Miss J made sure to serve a lewk. 
At another bash...
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"The Gifted" actress Frances Turner attended the Amazon Studios Golden Globes after party, rocking a body hugging slip dress intricately hand embroidered with micro beads inspired by Moroccan tiles from THEIA. Fab!
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Singer Lalah Hathaway posed it up in a printed Melissa Mercedes gown.
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Rapper Trinidad James popped up on the scene.
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EMMY winner Glynn Turman was also in the mix.
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                  CAA party.... #letsdance
A post shared by Jennifer Lopez (@jlo) on Jan 5, 2020 at 11:27pm PST
  HUSTLERS star Jennifer Lopez (who was nominated for Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role in any Motion Picture) slayed in this Zuhair Murad look with her fiance Alex Rodriguez before hitting up the CAA afterparty.  She looked better at the afterparty than the actual awards show.
Photos: Getty/Startracks
[Read More ...] source http://theybf.com/2020/01/06/high-slits-bold-colors-baby-bumps-lala-mike-epps-yara-tiffany-haddish-more-party-it-up-af
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ethmoids · 7 years
17 and 18 for the oc questions
17. Any OC OTPs? 
Ponies >>> Glacier x Orabelle // Emily x Jye // Cadenza x Felicity // Taotoa x Opal // Silver Sword x Kamala // Rosabella x Frangipani (bffs) 
Humans >>> Harry x Jayda // Josh x Toki // Toki x Raven // Josh x Fay // Liam x Melody // Zara x Red // Claude x Helen // Charming x Gretel // Hector x Goldilocks // Viktor x Vicky // 
18. Any OC crackships?
Ren x Aokuro // Odessa x Cpt. Seraphine
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trashyy-levi · 7 years
92 Truths
Rules: once you’ve been tagged write 92 Truths about yourself. At the end tag 25 people to tag. I was tagged by @nikkiecola  Thank you!!
[1]Drink: Orange, Lemon and Pineapple Squash
[2]Phone call: My friends, Krystal, Becca, Olivia, Helen and Lucia
[3]Text message: “Cuz I leave sunday lunchtime”
[4]Song listened to: Still Into You by Paramore
[5]Time you cried: Wednesday - A scene in spiderman: HC made me tear up
[6]Dated someone twice: Never
[7]Been cheated on: December 2015
[8]Kissed someone and regretted it: Never been kissed
[9]Lost someone special: February 2016
[10]Been depressed: I had a pretty bad spell of it over Christmas
[11]Gotten drunk and thrown up: I’ve been drunk but never thrown up
[12] Pastel Blue [13] Lilac [14] Pastel Pink
[15] made new friends: Yes, in the past year i met my now best friends, they’re basically family
[16] fallen in love: Nah, unless Tom Holland or Matthew Daddario counts
[17] laughed until you cried: Absolutely, specially when i’m on call to friends
[18] found out someone was talking about you: Yea, they’re no longer in my life 
[19] met someone who’s changed you: Krystal, Becca and Olivia have helped me become more comforable in my own skin
[20] found out who your true friends are: 100%
[21] kissed someone on your Facebook list: Nah
[22] how many Facebook friends do you know in real life: all of them
[23] do you have any pets: yea, i have smol black cat called rosie
[24] do you want to change your name: I’m hoping to get it legally changed to Levi when i turn 18 at the end of august
[25] what did you do for your last birthday: Had a barbecue with people i no longer speak to par like two of them, and just ate a shit tonne of cake
[26] what time did you wake up: 12:40pm ish - I was up til like 4 watching isak x even videos so
[27] what were you doing at midnight last night: I was on call to my friend lucia
[28] name something you cannot wait for: To get my name changed and to start T even though it’s not going to happen for at least a year yet 😕
[29] when was the last time you saw your mother: Yesterday evening. but she’ll be home in like an hour
[30] what is one thing you would change about your life: One day I wanna move closer to my faves and I want to be happy with my body
[31] what are you listening to right now: Forever and Ever by James Carter
[32] have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Yea, I had kid called Tom in my tutor and i went to primary + secondary school with him
[33] Something that is getting on your nerves: rude customers who act like i’ve killed someone when I ask if they want a bag or if I say have a nice day after serving them :))
[34] Most visited website: Youtube and maybe pinterest
[35] elementary: Was okay but I was bullied quite alot
[36] highschool: secondary school for me was a bit all over the place some years were good, but then year 11 got super shitty for me and was just urgh, glad i’m out of that hellhole
[37] college: Just finished my A-levels waiting for my results,  hoping i did well so i can get on to the writing course i applied for
[38] natural hair color: I am a blonde
[39] long or short hair: Short <3
[40] do you have a crush on someone: other than tom holland and matthew daddario, nah
[41] what do you like about yourself: I like my enthusiasm towards things that interest me, people call me obsessive but I can’t see what’s wrong about being passionate about Marvel or a movie or show or anime or band or book, like what is so wrong about loving something wholly?? I also fucking love my new hair okay i look good xD which is rare for me to say because I have self esteem the size of a pea
[42] piercings: I have 3 on each ear lobe, one cartilage piercing on my left ear and my nose pierced
[43] blood type: Idfk
[44] nickname: Son, Legi, Level, Trash Monkey (all courtesy of Krystal <3) 
[45] relationship status: Single 🤴
[46] zodiac sign: Virgo
[47] pronouns: He/him
[48]favourite TV shows: Skam, Shadowhunters, Riverdale, Grey’s Anatomy, Haikyuu, Fairy Tail,K Project, Teen Wolf, Voltron
[49] tattoos: Not yet, but i’m getting one at the end of august once i turn 18
[50] left or right handed: Right 
[51] Surgery: Haven’t had one but eventually I want top surgery
[52] Piercing: Ears
[53] Best Friend: Lewis, I meant him in reception (kindergarten) but then he moved to Portugal and I was friendless for like 8 months and then I met a girl called Darcy who was new and then she was my best friend
[54] Sport: Swimming, I had lessons from the age of 6 cuz I was bored in the summer and my nan signed me up
[55] Vacation: My parents told me that we went to france when I was 1 and apparently i took my first steps there.
[56] Pair of trainers: i never rly wore trainers, so probably school daps or smth idk
[57] Eating: baby food
[58] Drinking: baby drinks
[59] I’m about to: watch youtube or something on Netflix, i haven’t decided yet
[60] I’m listening to: The reckless and the brave by all time low
[61] Waiting For: Hyper Japan
[62] Wanting: to get my GIC referral 
[63] Get married: not particularly
[64] Career: writing, i either wanna become a screen writer or a publisher
[65] hugs or kisses: both but i do love cuddling so hugs
[66] lips or eyes: eyes
[67] Shorter or Taller: I’m short anyways so taller
[68] Older or Younger: Older, i’m also the baby of all my friends so
[69] Romantic or Spontaneous: Spontaneous but then I also love people who are super chill so 
[70] Nice arms or nice stomach: both is good, but like i said i like hugs so comfy arms are good <3
[71] Sensitive or Loud: I just want someone who can match my weirdness but also who isn’t a dick so a bit of both
[72] Hook-up or relationship: relationship
[73] Trouble maker or hesitant: trouble maker
[74] Kissed a Stranger: Never kissed anybody so no
[75] Drank hard liquor: Yea, mainly vodka
[76] Lost glasses/contacts: I don’t have either so no
[77] Turned someone down: Yah,
[78] Had sex on first date: Nah
[79] Broken someone’s heart: Not that i know of? I’m the one who gets dumped or fucked over so 
[80] Had your heart broken: My ex broke up with me cuz I came out as trans which sucked 
[81] Been arrested: Nah
[82] Cried when someone died: My nan died when I was young so i never really cried, I was sad about it though and i do miss her
[83] Fallen for a friend: My ex and I were friends for a year before we started dating
[84] Yourself: Never used to but I do now, well more than I used to at least
[85] Miracles: Not really
[86] Love at first sight: I believe in lust at first sight? but personally I don’t think you can love someone until you get to know them
[87] Santa Claus: Nahh I was a cynical 9 year old and now i’m an even more cynical very nearly 18 year 😂
[88] Kiss on first date: Yea, i don’t see anything wrong with that, there’s no rush or timeline for these things though
[89] Angels: did you mean alec lightwood
[90] Current best friends name: Krystal, Becca, Olivia and Helen
[91] eye color: Umm they’re blue but some days they’re a lighter blue and soem days they’re darker
[92] fav movies: Spider-man Homecoming (i’ve already seen it 3 times in cinema) umm, the breakfast club, Doukyuusei, Deadpool, Fairy Tail: Dragon Cry and Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix and Half-blood prince
I tag:
@damndanhowell @danizntonfire @evaaks @endearingphil @suga-swan @fandomsoverpeople @galaxyphan @oisvgas @gaysontheice @heartbreakhowelll @just-a-touch-of-phan @karasuno @karasuhoe @lancejacket @lessamazinghowell @miss-cigarettes @macnkeith @nekkoma @qanhowell @ratinof @radiophan @sarcasticphan @takemetovikturi @viktor-nikiforov-san @isakvalty
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