buddyhollyscurls · 7 months
Hiii. For the questions about characters heheh
I noticed that you like YSBLF, and it’s so odd to find someone, ESPECIALLY IN TUMBLR, that likes that masterpiece.
So I will ask you about Armando Mendoza and Marcela Valencia 😮‍💨
5,8 and 12 ♥️
HEY THANKS SO MUCH FOR THE ASK AND GIRL!! ANY TIME U WANT TO DISCUSS YSBLF MY ASKS/ DMS ARE ALWAYS OPEN (also always open if u want to talk about Dosty btw) AND LMAOOOOOO I FELT THAT 😮‍💨 when it comes to marcela that's the perfect emoji so for the asks
5. What song do u associate with these characters
For Marcela piece of my heart by Janis Joplin
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
Hmmmmm well tbh i think the Fandom on here does a great job at analyzing BOTH characters the Betty girlies here have BIG brain thoughts seriously the discussions on here could rival the philosophy of Socrates Plato and the like but something I'll say I don't particularly agree with is when Armando is called stupid or dumb bc while he yes he did asinine things like complete Buffonery Clown shit I can't get with the idea he's dumb. Easily manipulated yes Emotionally constipated definitely. But not stupid. I think if he had wanted the Presidency for the Right things (because he actually wanted to take charge of it and not for his ego to show his parents that he could to get one up on Daniel etc) he'd probably could have made sensible goals and been a good president
For Marcela not on here but when ppl make her the villain of the story. Or the victim. To me this show has no true victim or villain (except Daniel bc fuck him)
12: a headcanon for the characters
Want to imagine how pleasantly surprised he is when he and Betty start dating and he realizes how much they have in common lol. One thing I wish we got was seeing them rekindle their relationship so I imagine on their first date he picks her up in his car and he has jazz playing and she's like oh I love this band! And he's like me too! Just like in her fantasy or one night they're at his house and he scrolling TCM and Maltese Flacon is about to start and she's like Humphrey Bogart is so good in this movie! And he just looks at her and thinks she's indeed the perfect woman
For Marcela: she eventually gets the therapy that she needs learns to be single for a bit and realizes that she and Armando would have never worked. Like she's like I PRETENDED TO LIKE JAZZ FOR THAT ASSHOLE I CANT STAND IT I WANT TO HEAR CARLOS VIVES
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rodiasaxe · 7 months
More Crime and Punishment Social Media Memes
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This one is for @vintageshits and I:
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plutorine · 8 months
An Analysis of Raskolnikov's Natal Chart Placements (Part 1)
this is in continuation of my post re: raskolnikov's birth chart, as i did say i would make another discussing his major placements. before we begin, here are some things i wanna mention:
under the replies of that post i linked above, i used rostov/rostov-on-don as rodya's birthplace, but as user vintageshits pointed out, there is also textual evidence that suggests rodya hails from zaraysk. i tried using that too, and it more or less gives the same placements that rodya might have if his hometown was rostov.
i am not a professional astrologer, and most of what i have deduced from rodya's chart is merely an accumulation of my own observations/learnings over the past seven years of studying astrology. there will always be different interpretations for each aspect/placement; you are more than welcome to add on to the discussion if you wish to do so in the replies! :^)
also, this is a LONG read. maybe have some snacks / drinks ready XD spoilers about the book too
Gives off commanding, individualistic vibes; Rodya often prefers to be left alone and has grown accustomed to being alone (although I’d say that this is also due to his personality/way of living); he likes to be given his space and he is not above demanding it.
RESTING BITCH FACE!!! Every Aries rising I know has a signature RBF and they can’t hide it even if they tried. Couple this with the fact that Rodya also has Pluto in the 1st house; it’s very easy for him to come off as intimidating and sullen, and may also be critical of how he looks. remember that scene when somebody pointed out his worn out hat in chapter 1 and he started grumbling about it? yep. exactly.
BUT — never forget that what is intimidating may also be weirdly charming in the eyes of others! makes absolute sense why Dostoevsky wrote Rodya to be “exceptionally handsome… with beautiful dark eyes and dark brown (translation is debatable but i’m a dark brown-haired rodya truther) hair”; i had a classmate who was an aries rising and they had the most defined, alluring eyes ever — it was like they could see right through my physical body lol
Another applicable description that matches these placements is the passage: “...there was a sort of haughty pride and reserve about him, as though he were keeping something to himself.”
This one, I think, comes off as more of a result of having an Aries ASC square Saturn and Jupiter: “He seemed to some of his comrades to look down upon them all as children, as though he were superior in development, knowledge, and convictions, as though their interests were beneath him.”
Saturn touching the Ascendant often makes one come off as standoffish, cold, and reserved; people with this (undeveloped) aspect may seem as though they’re “above you” and act like they “know better than you” when really they just have a stick up their ass (this is a self-drag, I have Saturn in my 1st house and I used to act like this). Jupiter contacting the ASC may also have a hand in the passage above, especially the “haughty” part. Rodya acts as if he’s more “enlightened” (Jupiter) than his peers when really… he’s having delusions of grandeur due to not having eaten/drunk anything for days 💀
On a more physical perspective, these two aspects may contribute to Rodya’s “above average” height! Jupiter is the planet of expansion, and Saturn “elongates” what it touches (though, some may also say that having these touch one’s ASC may make them short/stout bc Saturn is also about limitations and Jupiter also “expands”, but ig in Rodya’s case we can interpret them in the former way.)
May be quite restless too; they often come off as agitated or always “on the move”; this was probably one of the reasons why Rodya hated his small room so much — there wasn’t enough space for him to be able to literally move around and draw out all that pent up energy inside him. This can also be explained by his chart ruler (Mars) being in Virgo, which is commonly known for its very nervous Mercurial energy.
His ASC also squares his moon, which I think also adds to the whole jitteriness he has; and his overall moody demeanor. The Capricorn moon in him wants him to suppress his emotional reactions, but his Aries rising wants it to be on display! Not anymore surprised as to why it was so easy for him to threaten Luzhin that he was going to throw him down the stairs LMAO (and more fittingly, because he didn’t want another word about his mother [the Moon, in astrology] coming out of Luzhin’s mouth). He can also be quite sensitive about the topic of his family, though may also be distant when he’s actually with them. There’s a lot of struggle with accepting his needs, as well, and this is also in connection with his Virgo Mars, again.
It makes sense too, that Rodya has a disconnect with his innermost thoughts/emotions and the things he does. Remember, when Razumikhin described him to Pulcheria and Dunya, he said that Rodya “...does not like showing his feelings and would rather do a cruel thing than open his heart freely.”
Also irritable, due to that Martian influence. My previous roommate had this placement; it was really easy to excite her / rile her up, be it for a positive or a negative reason. Acting out of instinct is also a main characteristic of Aries Risings. They always do the first thing that comes to their mind — in Rodya’s case it’s to help people (financially), which he ends up regretting afterwards because he’s already so broke XD — which may or may not always work in their favor.
Maybe it's just an observation on my part, but I find that Aries Risings always have to be the first in everything…? Or at least, they always want to do something that makes them stand out or confirms their suspicion/thoughts about an unknown thing that no one else has dared to do before. Perhaps that explains why Rodya was so hellbent on testing that theory (which he ended up not actually believing LMAO)
Another note on Rodya’s propensity to help others; his chart ruler is also in the 6th house, which is the house of service, routines and health — part of what he frequently does is quite literally go around helping people.
Quite possibly the most fitting adjectives in the book that can sum up Rodya are “...morose, gloomy, proud and haughty”; “suspicious and fanciful”; and “...fearfully reserved” (thank you, Razumikhin). These words capture what Plutonic energy is, in some of its rawest forms.
Being a Scorpio Sun myself (though I have mine in the 5th house), Rodya mirrors a lot of who I was when I was younger: heavily secretive, paranoid(as in, always feeling like everyone is out to get them); prideful and conceited at times. Rodya knows he’s intelligent, that’s why he can’t help but feel as though he’s the smartest in the room, but his propensity to detach and isolate himself from others renders him unable to realize how he and his ideas relate to others, and this leaves his identity and worldviews/perspectives unchecked. He’s just stuck in his own little world; inside his echo chamber where he repeats his ideologies to himself over and over again, convincing himself that he’s “enlightened” above others. All that talk about wanting to prove whether he was a trembling creature or if he “had the right” ties in with this.
The catch is, this makes him so terribly lonely. Part of what I have learned from astrology is that the house opposite where one’s Sun is the area of our life which we have to learn to “exist in”. For me, this was the 11th house. My methods of self-expression were always just limited to the purpose of “putting on a show” (5th house) for others, but as I grew older, I learned how to use my talents for more humanitarian causes (11th house). Going back to Rodya, his manner of experiencing life (Sun) is stuck behind the private screens of the 8H, which hides it away from the grounding reality of the 2H, ruled by Taurus. Another way to look at this 2H-8H juxtaposition is that Rodya's ego is on some obscure, nonphysical place (8H) instead of being grounded in real life (2H). He lives only for his mind, and forgoes his physical state. Well, we all know how he wouldn't eat for days and that his sleeping habit is shit. Dude's probably rank too. Oh Rodya.
I guess the best and most redeeming quality of Rodya being a Scorpio Sun is his capacity for rebirth and transformation. We get a glimpse of the initial stages of this while he’s serving his sentence in Siberia. His old self slowly begins a path of renewal towards his transformation into this “new self” that will have shed all what used to be who he was when he was twenty-three.
Sun Sextile Saturn: This reinforces even more that super serious and uptight nature of his (to a degree that is almost comical, like bro would it kill you if you stopped taking yourself so seriously??) Sun aspecting Saturn also denotes heavy responsibility as a young child, or having thrust into the role of a parent at an early age. We aren’t exactly given an age for Rodya when Roman Raskolnikov died, but we can assume that it happened pretty early. This heavy responsibility to fill in his father’s shoes is one of the reasons why Rodya feels so, so burdened by the fact that he’s not going anywhere with his education in St. Petersburg, knowing that Pulcheria and Dunya are also counting on him to get a job so he could support them, being the remaining man in the family; this may also be another reason why his pride couldn’t take it when he learned Dunya was getting married to a rich asshole like Luzhin, so she could contribute significantly to the family — he should be doing that, not his younger sister.
Sun Square Neptune: Did somebody say LIGHTWEIGHT? One of the possible interpretations of this placement is a heightened sensitivity to alcohol and other substances. I fucking cackled when I saw this aspect (I, unfortunately, have this as well), and it brings me back to that scene in Part 1 Chapter 5 where Rodya was absolutely zonked out because he drank a “wineglassful” of vodka 😭 On a more serious note, this placement also points to an absent father figure, or at least having experienced the loss of a father. The person’s sense of self also tends to fluctuate. Ever wondered why Rodya is so prone to switching  between his god complex and crippling depression? This is one of the reasons why.
Little astro tidbit about having 8th house placements: these natives are often the types who’ll just randomly have people involve them or tell them about the wildest shit in their lives, like unprovoked. For example, they’d be just chilling then suddenly a random ass stranger or somebody they don’t really know well starts telling them about their personal business. This was the same thing that happened to Rodya when Marmeladov suddenly approached him in the tavern and started narrating his life story to him 😭 and the entire time Rodya just,,, took it all in XD
Just when we thought Rodya could not be more service-oriented (that is, when he’s not busy being an asshole), he’s also given a Capricorn moon to top it all off! Most Cap moons I know go out of their way to make sure the ones they care for are alright; they spend much time and effort on that sort of thing. Will they let you take care of them though? No LOL they’d rather be caught dead in a ditch than admit that they want to be taken care of
All that pushback Razumikhin got when he helped Rodya out makes so much more sense. Rodya could not fathom why Razumikhin would himself go out of his way to learn about his trifles despite the fact that they don’t really talk much (like,, Rodya doesn’t even say ‘hi’ to him at all out in the street) and aren’t close; although, Rodya is aware that Razumikhin is kind, and he even tells him this when he dropped by his place
When a Cap moon does care, they will put others’ needs first and foremost, esp if they can see that the person really needs help and is in a more dire situation than they are. Not above setting themselves back just so they could help.
Another one of those moon signs who come off as really serious, cold, and calculating; but they’re really softies (and drama queens) deep down, especially when they have water placements. Might also like to keep themselves busy with other things so they won’t have to experience an Emotion™️. I always like to say that Capricorns are just Scorpios in suits lol
I also noticed that with Moon in 10H, it can indicate a tendency of your parents to baby you?? idk but i definitely feel those vibes from Rodya and Pulcheria, esp when she first sees him, his room ("this isn't a room, this is a coffin"), and when he visits her for the last time. or maybe this manifests even as becoming "softer" when you're with your parents?? there's something so sadly endearing abt how Rodya talks in this scene:
"Here you are!" she began, faltering with joy. "Don't be angry with me, Rodya, for welcoming you so foolishly with tears. [...] Sit down dear boy, you must be tired; I see you are. Ah, how muddy you are." "I was in the rain yesterday, mother..." Raskolnikov began.
They might also have a thing for needing something to hold onto when they’re feeling upset/unwell? Capricorn’s cardinal energy mixed with a fixed Scorpio sun further points to being “twitchy” bc they can’t sit still (all that Mars influence,,) — cue “where’s my sock!! give me my sock!!!”
Another placement that points to Rodya's want of gaining some sort of "power" or "control" — and he has the capacity to do so, too (how he goes about obtaining it though, is another conversation). He can be (could have been) really successful if he wills himself to. Moon in 10H natives have this air to them of being well-established in whatever field they choose to dedicate their efforts in.
Feels emotions really deeply when they do allow themselves to (or when faced with the inevitable fate of experiencing them lol). I find that Saturnians are also kind of like Plutonians when it comes to feelings. When they invest in an emotion, you best believe they will feel it to its fullest; which is why I believe that underneath Rodya’s prideful and cold exterior is a heart that is capable of feeling love in the deepest, most profound way. What he said in Part 6 Chapter 7: “But why are they so fond of me if I don’t deserve it? Oh, if only I were alone and no one loved me, and I too had never loved anyone! Nothing of all this would have happened.” (Constance Garnett translation) — really broke my heart knowing Rodya fought against the desire to jump into the Neva because he knew he was loved despite his wrongdoings and all his rough edges; this consciousness was very strong that he felt regretful about being so loved by the people around him. He’s so,, :^(((( I just want to give him a hug :^(( he’ll probably cuss me out but whatever :<
Pig-headed, and will not stop until they get to do what they want to do. My partner is a Capricorn sun and it’s more or less the same — the moment Capricorns set their mind on something, they will see to it that they get it done, no matter what. Pair that with a really driven Aries rising and a Scorpio sun, and you have an unstoppable force.
Moon Conjunct Jupiter: drama queen placement wbk; i made a post about how i always associate Rodya draping himself over his couch like a D*sney princess would XD we just feel emotions deeply and we tend to get pretty extra about expressing it too, esp in front of people we trust,, or idk anyone who's willing to listen really. Though in Rodya's case, his Moon is also conjunct his Saturn, which means he limits his expression of emotions; or that he hides it from others — bro would rather choke than be direct with what he actually feels
Moon Square Pluto: another limiting aspect on his expression of emotions, though this aspect gives his capability to feel more depth and dimension. so when Rodya gets into his feelings, he really plunges into it. at the same time, the obscure yet volatile energy of Pluto also adds another layer to his Aries rising's impulsivity. Additionally, his Moon coming into contact with his Pluto in a square may also indicate pain that stems from the family / the mother. all that this placement reminds me of is that last conversation he had with Pulcheria. the most gut-wrenching shit i've ever read/watched.
WHEW. That's only like half of his big 6 placements. I'm currently working on the others (Mercury, Venus, Mars), but I might not be able to finish/get the post up any time soon because I'll be starting the last semester of my undergrad next week, and I'll no doubt be very busy again 😔
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everything-on-red · 8 months
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you might like this @vintageshits and @disconnected-dragon…
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vintageshits · 8 months
Been having some thoughts lately…
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Saw an instagram astrology post and thought of some of my babies.
Friendly reminder that when this silly little account talks about the signs and C&P, we are referring to this list ☺️:
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*This quote is specifically for @vintageshits, but others can enjoy it as well*
Raskolnikov commenting on a cat video: While not as inventive as other videos in this genre, "Dancing Cats video number 3,620" is not without some pedestrian charm. Quaint choreography and sincere...*Computer explodes* What?!!! What happened?!
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lalinavision · 6 years
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ciliegia X thehrgallery @thehrgallery
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el-fantasma215 · 5 years
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#Illadel #JungleGreen #IcyGrape #VintageShit #JokerColors https://www.instagram.com/p/B7jXwYNJ5Pw/?igshid=t3o4moz3bes4
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hotrod54chevy · 5 years
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Figured I'd get the #1954chevy ready to at least take it to a couple shows this season. Battery charger was in the trunk, guess I shouldn't be too embarrassed to let it be seen😉 #oldcarshit #chevyrunsdeep #kustomkulture #oldschoolcool 😎 #vintageshit #buyitforlife #builtnotbought #driveyourshit #praisethelowered #chevrolet #1954 https://www.instagram.com/p/B2FoM8XA5X3/?igshid=17dbhm0t6rbd7
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lafreakvintage · 7 years
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warrior queen 🗡👑🌟 . . 🦄 iman . 👗 mary mcfadden . 📸 ishimuro . 📖 vogue, dec 1977 . . . .
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graffiittii · 7 years
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buddyhollyscurls · 4 months
When Natasia said "you thought I should accept this good child's invitation to ruin him, did you? That's Totski's way, not mine. He's fond of children."
She ate DOWN DEVOURED LEFT NO CRUMBS.... as the kids would say
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rodiasaxe · 3 months
I am proud to be presented with this member card by my fellow founder @vintageshits. Proud to serve the Crime and Punishment community specifically sector 1970 Soviet film adaption with Georgy Taratorkin 🫡
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plutorine · 8 months
Making Raskolnikov's Birthchart
as per my post about doing a birth/natal chart analysis for rodya, i have finally gone and crafted this chart for him!
the process:
i needed to establish a couple of important information about our beloved babygirl 23-year-old student failure:
his birthday/year: crime and punishment was published in 1866, which makes rodya, from what i understood, 23 years old (turning 24, since i headcanon that he's a scorpio; will elaborate further) at the time of the plot; it doesn’t really make sense to me why rodya would only be born in 1866, because by the time he’s 23 it’s going to be 1889/1890 already (and Russia would have changed quite a lot by then) AND in doing this, we consider the hypothetical situation that rodya is a real person, thus 1866 is the book’s “birthday” and c&p is a story of what happened to him that year; ergo, i took the liberty to run it back by 23 years, but with some exceptions: i ended up with the year 1842 — i purposely subtracted a year (bc well, 1842 + 23 is 1865 so we’re short by a year) since the events of the book happen in july. this leads me to my second talking point:
i (and perhaps a couple of other readers) maintain that rodya is indeed a scorpio. like, come on. there’s no way he isn’t. ambitious, intelligent, mysterious (but is actually really obvious about damn near everything LOL) deeply emotional (but denies it), prone to extremes, and proud as HELL; there’s no other sign that fits rodya other than scorpio. for that reason, i headcanon that he’s a scorpio sun, born some time in early november. i didn’t want to risk putting him in the late october range, because it seemed to me that he’d have more sagittarius-capricorn influence instead of virgo-libra (which, from my experience, kinda “softens” out some scorpio traits)
his birthplace: in the book, we are given this passage that hints about rodya’s hometown:
“A minute later the letter was brought to him. That was it: from his mother, from the province of R—.” (Constance Garnett translation)
Now, a disclaimer: I am not from Russia, and have no idea which provinces existed in the 1860s, so I had to make shot in the dark #1: I had to look up “provinces in Russia that started with the letter R” (no joke) just to have an idea which province Dostoevsky might have been talking about (it's times like these where i wish he didn't censor those places out but oh well). i found two oblasts (Google says it is often translated into English as “region” or “province”) that started with the letter R: Rostov and Ryazan. i literally went “well FUCK which is it?” when i saw it — since it was like almost 3 AM when i was doing all this, i just went with my gut and chose Rostov.
his birthtime: okay, for this part, i had to make shot in the dark #2. when i made the post, @vintageshits suggested that rodya could be an aries rising. that was the first thing i kept in mind when i was tinkering around in astro-seek/astrodienst. this was a bit tricky to do, because i needed to check back and forth in between tabs to make sure that rodya’s birth time was going to align the way it has to to make him an aries rising. again, i was half-referencing from the transits at that time in 1842 (which was, again, no joke u guys it was kinda tedious) and half-choosing numbers from gut feeling, but in the end, this was what i came up with:
Rodya's hypothetical birth details:
November 7, 1842 3:21 PM, Rostov-on-Don, Russia
Plugging these in astrodienst gives us this chart: (yes ik it’s in whole signs don’t @ me on this i did it bc it makes my job easier even though i’d normally use placidus)
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This makes our beloved twink ax murderer a:
Scorpio Sun
Capricorn Moon
Aries Rising
Sagittarius Venus
Virgo Mars
Scorpio Mercury
i’ll go into further detail about his chart in the next post I’ll make about this! I might do another one on his big six placements, and then maybe a couple of others about his major aspects. i'll link these under this post in the future when I get to do them.
edit: 08/02/2024
sun, moon, rising analysis post
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hueydogood · 6 years
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Shoot from last summer down in Cinci. It was a windy day and we ate some delicious food. #readyforsummer #ohio #cinncinati #columbus #midwest #portrait #summer #summertime #photography #ohiophotographer #ohiophotography #art #ohioartist #vintageshit (at Downtown Cincinnati- Ohio River) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvCxjRQnYDZ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=12e2pmf63k0we
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vintageshits · 1 year
wake up, babe, new raskolnikov inspired playlist by this dumbass vintageshits just dropped 🔥
while we discuss wether or not rodya loves sofia semyonovna (jk, i don't discuss, I just shitpost), my mind gets lost in delusions. delusions where I date rodya, and I fix him, ofc. why? because I ordered a copy of "the idiot" to keep going with my dostoevsky year (from this september until September 2024 i'm planning to read nothing but dostoevsky...good luck, mental health), but it won't arrive until october 25th, so right now i'm stucked with my rodya/crime and punishment brainrot, so yeah...i made this playlist as a result of it.
Maybe I could save you from your sins So, kiss the sky and whisper to Jesus My, my, my, you found this, you need this Take a deep breath, baby, let me in
You lose your way, just take my hand You're lost at sea, then I'll command your boat to me again Don't look too far, right where you are, that's where I am I'm your man
from mariner's apartment complex by lana del rey
One word from you and I would Jump off of this Ledge I'm on Baby
Tell me "don't" So I can Crawl back in
from first love/late spring by mitski
Time away Tearing me apart I wear it on my heart, I do Can't sleep I'm wasted wasted Can't stand still I'm shaking over you
Time away I really need my fix Cause you got me so sick I know That I'm burning for you
from day go by by karen o
anywayyyy, besties
i hope you like this playlist, i will keep adding songs these days <3333
I still have some pendant posts from some tags you tagged me in (sound repetitive), I will answer them sooooon, I'm just a bit...let's say it, in my raskolnikov era, I'm literally like this right now...
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