#visiting my familly for it ^^
bonniecupcake · 1 month
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Swap AU boys for my soul 💙
Got into kissing mood so take it xD
Edit: Crap my bad, I've based the kissing pose of @ink-mar-qin drawing. I've had this comic as a little wip in my folder for a while and honestly forgot, sorry for that. I can change or delete this drawing.
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deadnymaster · 3 months
Now that hazbin hotel finished, I have some guess list thing for season two:
-Lucifer goes to live whith Charlie at the hotel (pretty obvious for the apple building zone)
-Baxter replacing Sir Pentious (he made two cameos and acording to unconfirmed rumours he was about to ocupate Sir Pentious rol if him would not have been so popular in the pilot)
-Episode about Angel Dust's familly on hell
-Backstory of why the hell Alastor and Lilith disappeared for 7 years
-Lilith owning Alastor soul (Theorys makes this looks so real lol. Specialy if we consider that the time both disappeared it's the same)
-Lilith visiting the hotel like nothing happened, for "visiting Charlie". Lucifer and Alastor being so nervous about it for some kind of awfull backstory
-Alastor being afected by the wound Adam made to him (he's in pain or something like in that fan animatic everyone knows of him discussing whith Lucifer about not mess whith the hotel decoration)
-Alastor asking Charlie for the favor she owns to him, being this be free from his contract whith Lilith (the episode would develop in a comical way, may serious at the end) this would be interesting to watch because Alastor confessing Charlie that his soul belongs to her mother (or someone else)... It could be a very personal and awkward thing for him to reveal (just look at how angry he acted at Husk for him mentioning the thing) but Charlie is very easy to manipulate so let's see how the deer boy would do it whithout loosing all his cool and creepy acting
And that would be all my guesses. Write your opinions if you reached this point :)
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vibratingskull · 6 months
Thrawn and Che'ri bonding time 🥹
Girl, don't get me started... This is so self indulgent, let me believe that it actually happened
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So Thrawn never had any children as we all know, but she's definitively the closest he will ever have for a daughter and he's reveling in that bond they share.
He loves to teach, and teaching he will with her. He helps her with her homework, teaches her to fly, teaches the basics of self defense combat, helps her with her drawings.
He even brings her to a studio for live modeling drawing (they keeped their clothes, don't freak out) and she went "Buddy, my guy, my man... That's too high level for me, I can't. I just draw fireflies and landscapes." And he just supports her throught the whole session, telling that she got it, that she can do it, that it looks great. And it does look great! She's very pleased with her final drawing and will keep going to the studio to practice.
Like in the magnificient art (done by @jun-c, shout out to them) he occasionally brought her with Thalias on Csilla for some sledge sessions and a little bit of Ice skating, she has a terrible balance at first and need to hold his hand but she quickly gets the gist of it.
Movie nights! Plenty of them, he will sit through all the animated movies and cartoon with her, circling her shoulders with his arm. They even ended up sleeping on top of each other in the Skywalker suite and Thalias had to woke them up.
He gots her art supplies for her starday and can't wait to try them with her. Paint, clay, felt-pens, embrodery frames, she gets to taste anything and everything.
Do'nt buy her toys cause he doesn't really knows with what children her age play with, he lets that to Thalias. Tried ONCE to buy her plushy and she winced, she too old for it now. (she hugs it each evening nonetheless but shhhhhhhh!)
She will beat his ass at any video games, no question asked.
Of course his favorite moment is their monthly game of Tactica together. He goes easy on her as she tries to grasp the basics of strategics games, with a cheese platter next to them. That's when he is in his true element and thrives, that's when he's the most expressive and open about his affection, so she keeps playing despite having her ass handed to her each game.
She once called him "dad" by accident, and while gently chastising her, that it was improper, his chest puffed up with pride and love.
We all know he would be a girl dad, so he's 100% into their bound, he cherishes it so much, can't have enough.
Tells her bedtimes stories, especially at the begining when she was younger, less now that she's a grown up. It pains his heart, but he's proud that she is growing up.
He actually draw along side her one time, and it was not good! At least she had a good laugh out of it!
Visits her when she's ill. Even if he remains professionnal and aloof he comes see here everyday.
He would be so supportive of her and her crushes, even if would be a bit worried but she's almost a teenager, that's her time. He would be cheering for her on the sideline if she went on dates, and she would tell him everything after.
She definitively got adopted by the Mitth after his exile, 100% wears his familly name now.
Once an adult she took a ship and flied to the planet they exiled Thrawn for closure. She didn't have hope to find him or anything, she just wanted to see for herself the last place he was (Ar'alani never told her anything about the Empire) and she had a good, freeing cry before coming back to the Ascendancy.
And finally Thrawn will come back to the Ascendancy with his new Empire behind him, save the day, save them all, hug her and will retire somewhere where she will visit him often (This will totally happen, I'm not delulu at all)
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callmeherry · 1 year
I can't keep following people because they like my favourite streamer (Cellbit and Roier)
You're the last one./obvious lie
Anyway! What is your favorite thing or headcanon for both? Or guapoduo
Honestly, same anon- Well, I have some headcanons for them so I'll list them all >:D q!Cellbit has ptsd from the cucorucho encounter and is afraid of sleeping and waking up on that corridor again, q!Roier knows this and sleeps holding him so even if Cell is teleported he won't be alone there.
Both are aware that there is SOMETHING going on between them but Roier keeps trying to convince himself he is just seeing things because "Cellbit only has eyes for his familly and mistery, and I'm neither of those things" and Cellbit doesn't want to see it because cucorucho is already messing with his loved ones, it took Felps! HIS bestfriend, bringing someone new onto his life is just too risky, and he needs to focus anyway.
q!Cellbit is ace non repulsive "Sure we could have sex BUT... Look at this code I found! Why don't we do this instead :D"
q!Roier tries his best to aways be energetic around Cell trying to take away all his worries
Roier and Richarlyson aways talk about Cell and Richas keep trying to push the two dummies together (and Bobby thinks it is gross) but Roier brushes off as just a kid being silly.
I see them both as people who would start a relationship without starting one, one day both of them just call eachother love when parting way and don't notice it until way later and then never bring it up again.
Roier cooks decent food and gives it to Richas to give it to Cell (Richas is the only one that can convince his dad to eat something good for his health)
Forever dislikes Roier because he is jealous of their relationship so everytime Roier visits he brings gifts for Forever to try to get into his good side
Cell has some pretty nasty scars from both his past™ and from the chainsaw incident, Roier kisses them as a way to paint in a positive light so Cell will remember him when he sees them instead of flashbacks on how he got them.
And that is all I can remember for now :D
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fortunecookie892 · 13 days
Hey so I'm like very new to tcc and I'm wondering what should I ... Like study to become more informative on this? I tried doing my own research but everything has disappeared from the face of earth :(( or everything is too .. vague???
first of all...hi welcome ^^ not sure why you asked me this out of everyone but i really do appreciate it <3 i would suggest you visit sites like reddit if you ever have any questions about a specific case and internet archive if you're looking for removed content posted by the perpetrator, read different articles written by different people so you can get more information as well as other peoples views on the case...watch news coverage and court hearings (personal fav thing to do on a friday afternon lol), listen to crime podcasts (some might be a little disrespectful, like they're actually fucking eating while they're explaining how some guy got beheaded, shit's crazy ._.), maybe stalk their famillies facebook accounts *cough cough* ...but idk, thats how i usually find info about shit...oh and if u have any questions regarding the case or any other cases feel free to ask me^^ i love helping other people learn more about the topic of true crime <3
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just-an-enby-lemon · 1 year
Of all the fic ideas I never wrote and likely won't that I have the one I really wanted to wrote/might actually do is the OBD AU were Edward is raised by his mother. Part of it is because all my other ideas have a way higher chance to be actually used by someoene else intencionally or not but this one is seems very unlikely to me at least.
But mostly is because Edward's mom was a characther that really stayed with me after reading One Bad Day. And just like everything on that comic not in a good way. There is just something about her absence. How Edward's abusive father is a real person, he is there on flasbacks and he gets a real actual chance to try to explain himself. We see him by Edward's eyes but also by his own. And in a sense the comic is amost apologetic towards him, like he might done it wrong but he really tried his best with the genius kid he loved or something, that it makes sense that Edward being the son of whore would make him more impure and evil and harder to love and I just have no words for how shitty this all is.
But it gets worse because this abusive asshole gets a voice, he gets a chance to explain his side of the narrative. But Edward's mother doesn't. Not to Edward and not to us. Riddler killed her. He was angry and empty and she slept with his henchman (wich the comic points out as if it matters somehow) and he killed her on first meeting and we don't even see her trying to explain. Edward's mother exists as a blood stain on the wall and a dead body for shock value close to bloodied picture of Mary holding baby Jesus because subetly is too hard and we need to let clear she is the mother from the start and add some religious symbolism even if it's sorta meaningless in these context and in the words of a neighboor that might or not have being her client. Her status as a woman, as a sex worker, as poor all appear to be reasons somewhat that this is fine, that her brutal murder was bound to happen, that while she doesn't deserve her fate she doesn't mean and never meant anything more than a bloodstain in wall anyway.
She has no friends. Or if she has they are never mentioned because her neighboor didn't knew about them and Batman doesn't think she has anything to add so he never digs further. She has no partner or at least none went to the police or visited her house and if they did everyone though they were a client. Her only familly killed her the moment they met. She is insignificant. And one of the first things the neighboor says about her is: "saw her spoting a bruise on her cheek on the form of a cop badge" and "no one can save these pepple" and after he compliments her says her clients had taste and that she was nice and babysat his cat. But the bitter taste is already there and the fact that the neighboor didn't include himself on "these people" shows what he was talking about. Her brutal murder was inevitable. The cops woudn't help. Batman wouldn't notice because she didn't matter. Not even for him.
Edward's mother doesn't matter. She might be the cataclism for his change but even in that she has the same value of an inanimate object. Edward appears, screams with her, doesn't let her explain anythjng at all and just kills her. She has no voice. She has no importance. She doesn't matter even for the only thing she does. And it really angers me. It angers me that his dad got a scene that he deserved a moment. It angers me how misoginistic and anti sex work her treatment is but also how devoid of nothing. How a characther that could have changed the narrative, that in papper has a central role, means nothing because potential is irrelevant.
And between that and the idea that an Eddie that was raised by his mother not only might be closer to cannon Riddler in loving puzzles and riddles and not being the most over the top edgylord to ever edgy but instead follow my idea of a Riddler that learns to be unapologitically himself out of spite (this time a thing he learned copying his mother) this really makes me want to write it.
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mihwee · 2 years
A Crazy Bitch
Fem!reader x Og!Penelope
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Fandoms; Death is the only ending for the villainess
Sys; penelope groans, feeling her irritating headache come back once more. she wants to find someone, her friend. Her one and only friend in this goddamned duchy that was only visiting for a week. You, a princess of another but quite powerful Kingdom, and...someone like you? The ill mannered wench is friends with the crazy bitch of the eckharts? Seriously, some people coudnt help but wonder whats your relationship with eachother.
Tags; fluff, comfort, WLW YAAAHHH, proper representation, first love, penelope my love
Settings; Midnight, Guest room
Authors note; YAHHHH PENELOPE MY GIRLLL, nayways yeah check req list (pinned) if u need something, i also have a waiting list! Theres alot waiting to be written rn :D im gnna write reynold sucking pp next but im too lazy AGHH , just... just enjoy pls and req more unholy blood fics
Note; Reader in this fic is she/her!!
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"penelope?" You raised a brow, looking at her tightly shut eyes. "Y/n." She spoke, you gently smiled, crossing your legs as you make yourself comfortable under the soft plush of the luxurious sofa. "Is there a problem?" You replied back.
"Seriously?" She gritted her teeth, "my head hurts." She sucked the air up, her messy pink hair framing her face perfectly. As you stared with concern, penelope threw the expensive cape on the opposite seat, and sat her body on the same seat you were sitting on.
"Did that pink hair boy nag you out again?" You scoffed, you looked at her as she rambled about how shitty this whole place is. about derrick, reynold, or what so ever. you caressed her hair, fixing anything strangled. But overall, penelope was just a lonely child.
Being reincarnated here wasnt your choice, you werent even any of the main cast taking part in love project. But at least, lets hope this girl doesnt die. So you took up the courage and laughed, if im not one of the main cast. Why not just be with one of them?
being ridiculed and shamed for just not being the blood related child of the duchy is too much, even for penelope. And they wonder why she acts this way.
Penelope scrunched her brows, feeling a lump stuck in her throath. Recently, the assholes in this place have decided to fed her rotten food. And ofcourse, she threw the table making a huge fit and scolding the maid for doing such things, its just reasonable.
"Why dont i tell your father about it? Im sure he'll listen to me." You requested, but she groaned in response, "-dont, he'll make everything worse. As if he even pays attention to me." Penelope muttered. For the first, penelope felt comfortable ranting about things with someone. With, a friend.
She layed her head on the head of the sofa. trying not to burst into tears all of the sudden. "Just let me rest here." Spoke penelope. You stood quiet for awhile.
"Penelope." You finally said, with a closed smile. Your hand reached out to hers slowly. "Thank you" you closed your eyes. Penelope tilted her head slightly. "?"
"For trusting me, you know? I believe in you." Penelope raised an eyebrow. All you did was listen to her, but i guess this was a different day. "I know it must be hard, getting accused of something you didnt do just because your brothers dislike you."
"But in the end, they failed to notice how you became this way" penelope snickered. "...became like what?"
"A bitch." You replied back, smilling. As she rolled her eyes, she squeezed your hand tighter.
"So when the original daughter of this house comes back,"
"Go to me." You replied, looking at the luxurious ceilling. "If all their lives they cant accept and teach you, and me. Who only arrived a few months ago became your friend—whats the use? Of trying so hard to reconnect with your fake familly when they dont even try themselves?
"....sometimes. People who recently just arrived in your life are better than people who stayed with you for years"
She looked at you, quietly. "...you really like complimenting youreself huh."
"Im glad you noticed"
"Yeah, cause i know its true." She replied back.
for a moment, you and penelope stayed there. Without letting go of eachothers hand. She hopes you woudnt get dissapointed of her,
Her one and only "Friend"
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This is after my AI interaction with Chisei Kuzuryu and quite an funny one with The reader being a Ojou of an Mafia familly,using a bakery as an base of operations however she does have an love for bakery and Chisei meets her,after picking up her ID and start talking. She realises he can't bake an cake and he asks to be taught by her...wether not you want her to show her Mafia roots afterwards or during is up too you lol I just find this amusing as Mafia female bosses are normally an cool type!
Writer's corner: Oh that's pretty interesting! Thank you for requesting, sweetheart! I hope you like what I wrote for you! Please, let me know if there's anything you want me to change or fix! Enjoy~♥
mc's pronouns: SHE/HER
Words: 1305
Warnings: sfw
⭐"𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐚𝐤𝐞..?"⭐
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I was walking through the streets, heading to Haruomi's workplace.
My mind was completely lost in thoughts as I kept thinking about how amazing me and Haruomi had been the previous night against the other rappers at Club Paradox! I was smiling to everyone I was meeting in streets when I realized that there was a new bakery exactly beside Haruomi's Raimentei. I don't know why, but.. I got immediately curious! I could see so many delicious cakes and pastries from outside the place! Also the smell coming from inside seemed so inviting! I peeked through the door and smiled at the sight of a sweet and cute young woman... I couldn't help it so I ended up entering the bakery, a sweet and welcoming sound greeting me as I opened the entrance door. I greeted her and approached the bar counter, my eyes sparkling at the view of so many inviting sweets, cakes and pastries. I started talking to y/n and she really looked so friendly and adorable! I immediately got surprised to know that she was the one baking all those cakes and pastries all by herself! It was amazing! She was so talented! And when I tasted a slice of cake.. I couldn't help but felt a shiver along my spine.. It was so delicious! It was like a blessing to my taste buds! Even the place looked kind of cute: there was tons of small tables with different types of cakes and pastries.. There were also some kind of decorations and everything seemed to glitter somehow! It was a very nice and welcoming place! That's how I met y/n!
Even since y/n's place was beside Haruomi's Raimentei, I started visiting the place more often, speaking and knowing her even better each day. I couldn't help but enjoy being around her! She seemed a very nice person and was even quite charming somehow! I didn't know why but.. I really liked being around her, spending my time with her.. Even only by hearing her sweet and soothing voice I felt immediately better, happier and even stronger..! It was strange but she was so sweet and talented that I couldn't help but fell for her. I even talked to Haruomi about her, but.. he didn't seem to like her. He thought she was suspicious...
And indeed there was something about her that was very suspicious..
As my days spent with her in her bakery passed, I noticed her acting strangely. There was also a room in the bakery she didn't want to show me somehow. It was a sort of attic. The door leading to that room was usually shut and a key was necessary to open it. I didn't mind the fact that she had her privacy, of course, but... Why did she get all mad all of a sudden when she saw me under the attic's door? Her usually cute eyes looked at me in pure anger. Even if I wasn't doing anything but only looking at the door, wondering what there was in there, she screamed at me to stop and mind my own business. Her voice sounding like if I had just discovered something terrible about her..."H-huh..? Sorry, y/n..", I replied kind of surprised by her anger. I slightly blushed too because.. Even if angry, she looked so adorable.. And charming!
"What?.. You really want me to teach you how to bake..?"
Y/n looked surprised when one day I suggested her to teach me how to bake a cake. I had never cooked myself, since I had always eaten what Haruomi had always cooked for me.. But I thought that it wasn't bad to give it a try, no? Maybe it could be even fun cooking with y/n! So I decided to ask her to teach me. Haruomi looked very busy with Raimentei, plus he had already kind of understood that I had gotten a crush on y/n, so he didn't wonder why I used to spend more time with her.. Plus he didn't like her.. She looked like someone who was hiding something but.. How to blame her? Everyone has something to hide, no? I do hide something myself as well..!
We soon started cooking into the bakery. It was y/n's day off so the place was closed and empty of customers. Y/n looked very cute and adorable wearing her usual apron, while her hair seemed so soft to touch. I had the impulse to touch it to feel if it was really as soft as I thought but.. I stopped my hand immediately as she turned around and looked at my eyes. I blushed heavily at her glance and then I followed each tips she gave me. I started mixing some ingredients into a pot. I knew I had to pay attention at what I was doing, but.. I couldn't help it: y/n was very cute while cooking. She was cutting some chocolate bars for the cake and her beautiful sparkling eyes looked very focusing and caring while doing it. I smiled and then realized that I was mixing the ingredients too fast and that everything was falling on the counter.. my hands was shaking.
"Be careful with that, Chisei!", she said softly, smiling. I nodded and blushing as I decided to turn my eyes and attention to the pot I was holding. I couldn't think about anything else but y/n at that moment. Soon her scent reached my nose when she moved and got by to take a spoon from the table. I turned around and realized that she was very close to my face. My eyes got open wide immediately as a heavy red blush appeared on my face. I was falling head over heels in love with that woman... I was really. "S-sorry..", she muttered before taking the spoon and moving away, embarrassed and blushing just like me. I chuckled and mumbled: "Don't worry..". I then came back to follow her tips while baking. The cake seemed to be almost ready as we both put it in the oven. I kneeled down and, just like a kid, I looked at it with sparkling eyes. I couldn't believe that I seriously had learned how to bake!
"We're a very amazing team, y/n! It looks delicious! I bet it's tasty as well--!", I exclaimed as I soon realized that she was very close to me. Her beautiful eyes were staring into my soul with a light in them that I hadn't seen until then. She suddenly wrapped her arms around me and pressed her lips against mine. Her movements took me off guard and I couldn't help but blushed heavily, feeling my heart starting pounding inside my chest. I didn't break the kiss but deepened it, holding her close, making her understand that I loved her too. I was feeling a beautiful and strong feeling inside my chest. Suddenly though she broke the kiss as her phone rang. She looked in panic. In a few seconds y/n had run into the attic. I couldn't stop myself as I followed her since she looked very scared. Maybe she needed some help? I wanted to be helpful for her if necessary! That's how I knew what there was into the attic: a secret base of operations?!.. She was a... Mafia girl?! The room was full of monitors and laptops. There were maps of the city marked in red in some city's spots! There were also pictures of people and other things that made me shiver in surprise and unbelieve. Y/n turned around just to meet my concerned and shocked eyes. She smiled softly and approached me, wrapping her arms around my neck, pulling me closer.
"So you discovered it.. Hehe.. It's okay, Chisei, my dear.. I'm chasing some men who have betrayed my father.. Don't tell anyone or...~"
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pykanico · 6 months
Day 23 - Familly
Fic if you want to read every posted day : https://archiveofourown.org/works/51386731/chapters/129854215
“Ingo this is verrrry ridiculous, I hate it”
“Emmy is right, why did you have to paint your hair black? it looks dumb”
“Yup, it looks dumb”
Ingo cannot believe that the first thing that his brother and Iris agree on is that they hate his new style, and it has only been 10 minutes since these two met each other.
Emmet and Ingo had just returned home after their visit to Nimbasa city to see how Elesa was doing and passed the day together, to discover than Drayden got himself a surprise visit from an old friend, who just happened to be the legal guardian of Iris.
And if his younger twin was already a menace to himself with his infuriating prank, then Iris, of her 4 years of existence, was by her guardian mouth ‘a hell of a Impidimp’ with her boundless energy, and they said all of that before promptly leaving their daughter here because of an emergency.
Now that the tracks of Emmet and Iris converge in one, Ingo is not sure if the world is prepared for it, He, is not prepared for it personally.
And it seems that they decided to direct their track in his direction full speed ahead, as Emmet was pretty vocal about his distaste with Ingo’s new interest in fashion and Iris seemed to hate it with as much fever as his brother.
“My outfit is in no point dumb, it is a perfectly adequate one that Elesa has approved as such, neither of your opinions have value for me”
The two troublemakers looked at Ingo with no emotion, betraying them before Emmet turned his attention to Iris with a mischievous smile, one that Ingo could recognize everywhere, his twin talking quietly as if he was sharing a secret but loud enough to be heard by every people who was in the room “Elesa did not approve his hair at all, yup, she only approve his outfit”
That seemed to be enough to make Iris grin like she found the last piece of candy, as she herself turn her head in Emmet direction and false-whisper to him “That explain a lot Emmy! Your friend did not want to say that he shouldn’t have painted his hair!!”
“I am Emmet, and I am sure that is the reason”
Ingo could only groan loudly at the shenanigan of the two, as they seemed to laugh loudly at his misery, With all of that, Drayden simply entered the living room with what seemed to be an amused expression as he put two cup of tea and one glass of orange juice on the small table.
“Emmet, Iris leave Ingo alone, I am sure you two have other things to talk about other than bugging him off?”
His younger twin rolled his eyes as he seemed to understand what their uncle was asking and reluctantly left Ingo alone, starting a discussion about Pokemon that seemed to perk up Iris attention.
“Thank you Uncle Drayden”
“...I must admit that your brother is right through, black hair does not look great on you”
“This is utterly stupid, Ingo you cannot walk around this house in that!! Come on !"
“I am Emmet, And I am utterly disappointed in you, how can you do that to us?!”
It’s only been one minute, how can they be already at him when he had just changed into the ONLY available outfit, who was unfortunately this for some mysterious reason.
“Maybe if someone didn’t stolen the rest of them, then maybe I wouldn't be on this track”.
The two culprits seemed to laugh at his misery as Drayden entered the room with the breakfast, Even years later, things really never change.
“Ingo, I thought you hated this shade of Green?”
“…” For once in his life, he had a sudden urge to scream more loudly than his usual volume.
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the0garden0of0eyes · 3 months
My distant familly has payed mom and grandpa a visit. They brought a lot of food and I have to bake a cheesecake tomorrow.
A creamy good cheese can't go to waste.
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battlemageserioth · 2 years
Jim's interrogation awaiting his trial, 4
In a surprising twist, Jim has willingly given himself over to the Council. I suspect he plans something, but holds no proof. I will question him, and use an Orb of Recording to transcribe our conversation. I hope it will be fruitful.
S: Here's your cell.
J: Those are your quarters. [Light chuckle] People might talk.
S: Very funny. It's the most secure place I know. Even if you somehow still had your Council member credentials, only mine can open the door. Or the windows.
J: I'm not going to jump.
S: You won't walk out either. This is it. No more tricks. You will be judged by the Council.
J: Yeah, yeah, you got me. Can't cast a single necromancy spell. I'm just the tax guy now.
S: You won't let that go, uh?
J: No I won't. It made the way you see me way too clear. But the worst part of it is that I was the Council's tax guy. I spent weeks in my tower, so you guys could have everything in order, and mess it up even more. Never again.
S: It's a noble cause. Serving the Council is much more noble than being a traitor.
J: Don't make me laugh. The Council only cares about power. There's nothing noble about it.
S: Power for everyone's protection.
J: Power for power. You can see it just as well as I can. The Council has the worst flaw a wizard can have. Hubrys. It tries to expand where it doesn't belong, and crushes anyone who dares oppose it.
S: The Council is necessary!
J: No it's not! It pretends to be. I've met plenty of wizards doing just fine outside Council juridiction. Plenty of worlds have their own governments, and they regulate magic just fine themselves, so tell me, why do we need a Council?
J: ...why are you looking at me like that?
J: Serioth?
S: I cast my first battle spell when I was ten.
J: Wh... What?
S: I lived in a world that had not yet been visited by multiversal travellers. We were not in contact with the Council, or the multiverse at large. My familly were farmers, and I was probably going to become one. Magic as a whole had been sealed away from our world millenias ago by the gods themselves. We never even dreamed of the bounty of a Druidic Harvest, and never had constructs working for us. We were happy, though. We worked the fields, with the rest of the village. My father told me stories of his travels, from his youth, before bedtime. My mother taught me how to craft a bow when I was eight. I still keep it, as a reminder. It was a simple, quiet life.
Then, the Veil was breached.
Someone entered entered our world, and broke the sigils in the process. Magic dawned on our world like a sunrise at midnight. And it dawned in fire. Every single one of us were suddently bursting with mana, as it penetrated every ounce of matter in our world. The leaves glew with energy, the ground pounded at the rythm of a gigantic, beating heart and the stars started forming engravings in the night sky, dancing a mesmerising ballet. It was glorious. Then it became a nightmare.
Raiders descended on us like vultures on carrion. They all wielded powerful magic that they could not control. It wasn't just us, though. Our world drowned in war. Every single sentient being had suddently become a living weapon, and chaos broke out the second the first spell was cast. And the things they did... I saw flesh turning into buzzing wasp nests. Fire erupting from someones hands and spewing back into their fingers, burning them from the inside out. The skies went red, fire and screams were everywhere. I defended myself the best I could, then I ran. I wanted to run until I could no longer smell the burning flesh, but I eventually passed out.
This is what happens when magic goes unregulated. Never again.
J: ...Serioth, I...
S: Good luck on your trial, Jim.
[Door closing.]
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lordadmiralfarsight · 10 months
Cultural christianity, and what it can look like
I often-ish see people get all upset and angry when cultural christianity is brought up, taking it as an insult. Most likely, they feel insulted because of past trauma related to abusive behaviour in the sect of christianity they were raised in. That, or they have delusions of grandeur about how rational and special and immune to religion they are and how dare people assume their perfect rational minds are affected in any way? (Don't worry, it's OK, I went through that phase too when I was a teen).
First off, I live in France, a country that has historically been rather Christian, Catholic to be exact, and only fairly recently moved towards more secular structures. Yes, a century since the law on secularism is a short time for a nation. Debate is still raging on what form that secularism should take, and talking about that debate would be a whole other post.
I was raised in a rather atheist familly, due in part to religious trauma in both my parents (even if they wouldn't necessarily think of it that way). My interactions with Catholicism have been limited to visiting churches for the art and stained glasses, a baptism I do not remember (due to being a baby at the time) and a handful of funerals. And I am going to supply you with an exemple of cultural christianity : last Saturday, I had a Catholic moment.
This was fairly topical, one could say, as I was going to visit the Mont Saint-Michel (very pretty, breathtaking vistas, strong recommend). I stopped at a supermarket to buy food for the road, and for the visit, one does need energy to climb up and down repeatedly on that rock, and everything costs an arm, a leg and the soul of your firstborn over there (or lots of money, if you're boring). I see a homeless person sitting outside, quietly hoping people give him some money. I walk along, awkward because I don't have money and I'd rather not have to tell someone "sorry, I can't help you, I don't have cash". I think this is bad, and resolve to buy him a sandwich, which I do. I also give him the sandwich, because just buying it on its own really isn't enough, the man can't eat his sandwich if I drive off with it, really defeats the purpose of the act.
Anyway. I sit down in my car, and have idle thoughts about how maybe that'll help me get the job I recently applied to and ... the Catholic Moment begins. Why am I hoping that? What can that realistically do? Did I give that man a sadnwich for selfish, supersititious reasons? Why would I "taint" this act of kindness with that superstition I don't even believe in?
And then the Catholic Moment ends. And I reassert reality. The guy doesn't care what was going on in my head when I bought and gave him a sandwich, he cares that he has a sandwich. He was smiling, thanked me and said it was nice. Who cares what was going on upstairs, I still gave him the damn sandwich. It's still an improvement in his life, however small. And it's OK to have idle thoughts about that kind of small hope, who cares so long as I don't try to force that on other people. And if it motivates other people to help someone, all the better. That act isn't tainted just because I thought the "wrong thoughts". The dude has his sandwich.
And that is cultural Christianity. I am an atheist, mostly by lack of care about spirituality, but still. But I was raised in a society that is still largely Catholic shaped. My parents were raised as Catholics and broke away later. My grandparents were Catholics. Their own parents were too. And looking back, a lot of my ancestors were more on the poor side of things, which made them even more Catholic.
That doesn't make me evil or bad or wrong. That just means my social and cultural software is cross-shaped due to centuries of previous updates being cross-shaped. And removing bits and bobs from it, and adding a few more, isn't going to change that. I just need to keep that in mind, so I can use that software in a way that takes into account people with non-cross-shaped software, and make sure I don't react in ways that hurt them.
The societies and cultures we live in were built over centuries or millenia, and are marked by our ancestors and what they believe in. You can break some walls, put in bigger windows and change the drapes, it's still the same building, and the crosses scratched into the mortar haven't gone away. But those crosses aren't stopping you from being more open, more friendly to other people. They don't stop people with software that isn't cross-shaped to set up their room as they please.
Just because you live in a building with crosses scratched into the mortar and the bricks, just because those crosses have been scratched into your brain by familliarity and repeatedly being seen, it doesn't make you evil, it doesn't make you wrong. It just means you've grown in there, and you may need to keep that in mind, to make sure those crosses scratched into your brain don't end up hurting someone or blinding you to someone's hurt.
Where you come from, where you grew up, doesn't reduce your worth as a human, and it's OK to carry on stuff from there. We all do. It's not a moral failing. All we're saying, is to take a good look at what those bits do to you, how they motivate your actions, and most importantly, when they tell you not to listen to others.
One of these little brain crosses is telling you that you're right, and everyone that thinks otherwise is wrong, because there is only One Truth, but are you sure you want to listen to that little cross? Are you sure you want to listen to the same little cross that caused your friend, parent, trusted adult figure, to hurt you and refuse to listen to you? Isn't it worth a go to listen to people whose software isn't cross-shaped, and try to understand where they come from?
It's not easy, I'm not going to lie. @athingofvikings can tell you, I stumbled a fair few times, in parts because he is litterally the first Jewish person I actually talked to. But he is a friend, a dear one, and I feel blessed to have met him and become his friend. I stumbled, but I keep my mind open to see my mistakes and correct them, and I do what I can to make sure those brain crosses aren't hurting people, and I got several great friends out of the deal. Imagine the friends you can find, if you just accept them as they are and keep the crosses in check?
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melodythebunny · 1 year
Family ties-
Steven was apprehensive about coming here.
Its been years since carrie last saw her parents. She wanted to see them again
Steven knew how important family was. And who was he to get in the way of that? Becky and chase were on break from school for holidays. And work was allowing vacation time for such occasions
And so here they were, baby stroller and all standing on the stoup of a quaint house. 
It was home-y sorta…but then there was the underlining uneasiness he felt he supposed it sprouted from the few times he's been here.
It suited them.
Pastic home for plastic people.
"mother! Father!" 
""Caroline,dear! It's been so long!"
Their almost doll-like appearances it was easy to tell Carrie had gotten her looks from. Same with her brother, Clayde. However she and Clayde weren't similar in personalities like their parents. And perhaps that was a good thing.
"i know. I missed you guys and we thought-"
"steven-" Carrie hardly got to finish her sentence.
They then turned and grinned at steven but it didn't reach their eyes.
Muted dissatisfaction.
Steven wanted to be civil with them. Even if he knew they wouldnt be with him. For the kids and Carrie's sake.
"Steven." Mr. Catswell said stiffly holding out a hand. He shook it. "Good afternoon…" he trailed off for a second unsure how to adress his in-laws. He had other in-laws. Adam's familly. But they actually treated him like one of them, not as a stranger. (When WAS the last time he visited them-?) He quickly adds. "Mr. And Mrs. Catswell."
Mrs. Catswell glanced up and down at Steven, eyebrow raised. "My! New haircut i presume?"
She was referring to his appearance. Steven may have been unfused from squeaky but that didn't mean he was the same prior to the mouse incident. His front two teeth were still longer than normal. His hair was streaked with a bunch of white strands not from age however. 
"ah well something like that." 
"I see…very lovely" the elder lady replied clasping her hands together.
So this is how his in-laws chose to greet steven for the holidays. How nice. If there was one thing the ex villian did not miss- it was the phoneyness. 
Ah well three can play at that game.
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vibratingskull · 5 months
Sugar Daddy Thurfian
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ThurfianxF!reader (laugh at me all you want, I love my old men!❤️)
You come from a lesser familly, engaged by the Mitth to help the new Patriarch in exchange of a hope for a rematching in the 8th.
you spend a lot of time alone doing your work and someday you spend whole days with Thurfian to deal with irregularities and problems
You appreciate this man collected personality, his natural authorithy and somewhat ressuring presence, he feels in total control and nothing can go wrong once he puts himself to it.
Except for Thrawn
You became his agent, the person he sent to the unruly captain to let him know he's in trouble
So dealing with Thrawn's feat is added to your worklist and you had to ask Thurfian for help several times, until he decided to oversee the process right behind your back.
All this to say you spent way more time with him than first anticipated. You don't mind, he's a polite man that patiently teach you your work. He was a simple penpusher like you before after all.
He's incredible, whatever question you have he got the answer, even about old obscure laws of the Ascendancy! Sometimes you feel like he knows everything. You came to admire him and strive to be worthy of this work and his attention.
Your familly has no name for itself, you can count your members on the number of fingers of one hand, so being able to join a familly as tentacular as the 8th is a chance, no, an honor!
For little you who came from the contryside of a fare away planet, this man holds the power to drastically change your futur, without comparison.
You sweat bullets when he reviews your work, you don't want to appear unprofessional and inneficient.
"You are starting to get it." He congratulates you one day. You flush terribly as you thank him, gathering all your paper clumsily.
Maybe you're good to something after all.
Maybe he starts to notice you?
You work even more since that day, following him and Thivik like their shadows, aiming to be more and more efficient, becoming indispensable, thinking ahead all their problems.
It's exhausting and not well paid but your aiming for so much more!
You got a strange visit one day. You were working at the Patriarch office when someone knocked on the door, being alone you had no choice but to go see yourself
You open the door to a stunning, yet flashy lady rocking an impressive cleavage. You press your lips, if only you had her confidence...
"Is Thivik here?" She asks.
"No, he's out with the Patriarch. Can I help you?"
"You surely can, sugar!" She smacks her lips with a sounding pop after putting on a deep red lipstick "Can you give this to our dear Patriarch?" she purrs. She pushes a little wrapped box in your hands.
"Huh... from who? There is no name." You ask a little lost
"Oh, silly me." She take out a bottle of a pricey perfume you've only see shine behind glasses of grand stores and put some on the box "Now he will recognize me! Thank you, sugar!" She heads out rolling her hips.
You close the door and consider the box. For some reasons you feel jealous, you want to destroy that box!
But you don't, that would for sure make you take the door with a kick up your butt.
When Patriarch Thurfian comes back he founds the box immediately, awaiting for him on his desk. He picks it up and deeply inhale it's scent, he exhale with a smile and sparkling eyes.
You observe him from the corner of your eyes, your lips pressed in a fine line. Some really have the easy life, flutter your eyelashes and roll your hips and you got the world at your feet!
You rageously type on your keyboard as he opens the box with a thin smile. And now he stopped working, great! Some people really are just distractions, eh? You greet your teeth, destroying the keys as jealousy devour you whole. When you think some people work their butt off at an honest job and some just have cherry lips to win everything! Blast! Life can be so unfair!
Time passes and you start to calm down, starting by realizing you were unfair to that woman and you should not weep on your situation, you really could do so much worse.
But you can't help a pike of jealousy. Slowly, the idea make it's way that maybe, just maybe you could try to play a bit on the same field as her. You flush at the idea. What could go wrong?
And you would try to seduce who? The Mitth patriarch? He's pretty much untouchable! But again that woman succeeded... You look at him in more details. He's way older than you, but regal and haughty, confident, assured, and you have to admit it : still handsome. You can always try...
The next day you braid your black-blue hair in a high ponytail, put on some the most expensive perfume you have, the most short dress you got and the highest heels. To be honest the result is still incredibly flowy and cute rather than dark and sexy, but you don't see it that way and it remains still a huge step for you.
You enter the office with a seductive smirk, or a tentative of one, and you roll your hips to the little desk you have in Thurfian's office. "Good morning, Patriarch." You purr (way to much)
"Good morning." He respounds with a rising eyebrow. What's your problem? He looks at you walking to your desk, doubtful, then go back to his screen.
"Do we have a lot of work, Patriarch?" You coo.
"Yes, quite! And you are late!" he doesn't even leave his screen with his eyes.
"Oh! I am sorry, Patriarch." You put the emphasis on his title "I am being a real bad girl." You roll your hips to his desk and sit down on it. He doesn't deprive himself from ogling suspiciously before looking into your eyes, he rest his head lazily on his knuckles waiting for your next move with a completely indecipherable expression.
Crap! In your plan he would have flirted back or kicked you out by now. Not remained silent! You sigh seductively, or try to, letting one of your braces slips across your shoulder. He slowly follows it with his gaze before looking back in your red eyes, his brow raised again. You're so unconfident and uneased, it's terrible, but you feel you're in too deep now. So you double down, fidgeting your feet. "What are we going to do about it?"
"Alright, enough." He scoffs.
You're taken aback, you feel tears of humiliation gathering behind your eyes. But he grips your arm. "You have charms, undoubtly, but you do not know how to use them." he pulls you down his laps, you yelp in surprise. "First off, free your hair and let them flow." He tears off your scrunchie, liberating your hair. "Second, cross your legs, it accentuate them and draw the eyes. You have a good skin, show it off." He pulls on your dress to shorten it even more "Third, a good and wise choosen cleavage always brings out the breast, no matter the cup." He put his finger in your cleavage and lowers it down a few inches. "That is better. Avoid cheap perfume, they make everyone dizzy, learn to walk on stilettos, choose a good purse, dress more womanly rather than this model pupil style and it would be a good start."
"I... Yes sir." You're absolutely mortified. You're stiff on his laps, huddled you don't dare looking at him, it would break you definitly. You dig your nails in the hem of your dress, greeting your teeth. Well this couldn't be more humiliating...
He caresses your temple and brush a strand of hair out of your face. "Then you' will make for a tasty treat." His fingers slide under your chin and tilt your head towards him. "That is what you were aiming for, right?" He guides your face closer, gaze on your lips. By instinct you close your eyes and open your mouth slightly.
That's the moment Thivik choosed to enter the office. "Am I interrupting something?"
"Absolutely not." Thurfian says, signifying you to go back to your desk and get a move on! You robotically walk to your chair, completely shaken, grazing your lips with the tip of your fingers.
"You are really well dressed, miss. You got a date tonight?" Thivik ask you mischievious. You shake your head, completely purple and with hot cheek. The day pass with you buried in your work, trying to forget everything that just happened.
"There is a party planned in the Mitth manor, in less than three hours." Thurfian remembers you suddenly, eyeing you up and down "You are coming in those clothes?"
"I... I was invited?" you ask dubfounded.
"Yes, it is a party for all the workers of the Mitth familly."
"Oh... Well in this case I will come with great pleasure." You giggle embarassed "Will this outfit make the cut?"
he looks at you dead in the eyes. "You cannot be serious?"
"It's... It's not good?"
"Absolutely not!" He closes his computer and raises in one movement. "Follow me." He simply orders. You obey immediately.
He guides you to his car, followed by his bodyguards and orders the driver to fly to the Grand galeries. You huddle yourself, seated in between two massive bodyguard you feel so small.
"I can not have you appearing in those clothes, it is about the Mitth prestige and honor, even if you are not a member of the family you work for us and must meet some standards." He berates you.
"Yes sir..." You say with a feeble voice. "But I don't have the paycheck to buy anything where we are heading." You inform.
"It will not be a problem, I will pay for it." He hits you with. You gasp, incredulous. The Patriach is taking you for a shopping session free of charge in the greateast boutiques of Csilla!
When you arrive your breath is taken away. It is so big and brightfull! Thurfian immediately heads towards a Haute Couture shop and you follow the best you can. You are immediately greeted by an armada of employees bowing to you as salutation. "Greeting Patriarch." The head of the store salutes him "Do you need anything in particular?", "I am here for an emergency." Thurfian designates you. "Of course, Patriarch. Right away." And your being pulled inside a large fitting room and being proposed a large choice of dresses. Or rather the dresses are proposed to Thurfian that select a few and send them to you. You're being undressed by employees and dressed up by them, in the movement you don't manage to tell them to let you do it yourself. You're then being placed before an immense mirror that permits you to observe yourself in the most minutes details. Thurfian is behind you with a flute of champagne, casually seating on a white sofe. "Mmmmmh. No. Not this one." Nobody ask you your opinion, you're being pushed back to the dressing room and pass on anoter expensive dress. the crisle repaet several times until he fancies one. "This one is perfect. I take it." The dress is long, black, shiny, deep cleavage and a slit on the side up 'til your hip. Too revealing for you. "Wait, Patriarch!" You stop him. "Thank you, this is really nice of you, but this is not really my style, and-", "It will be for tonight." He decides for you and sent you back to the room with a dismissive hand gesture. You're then being pulled into a jeweler's where Thurfian find you a whole set of diamonds jewels. You don't dare ask for the price, it is better for your sanity if you don't know. He lets you choose and expensive perfume and then take you to have your make up, nails and hair done, in the two hours limit, the employees did a fantastic job but you feel dizzy now.
"Let's go!" Thurfian signifies to the driver and he speeds up to the manor. You feel overdressed and shy, the revealing dress doesn't help. "Raise your head and make sure you do not fall with your new high heels when we enter the Grand room." He casually orders you. "Together?" you ask, "I did not spend all this money for you to do wathever you please, the least you could do is appear at my arm.", "I... Yes sir." You submit "Good." He smiles thinly.
You hold on to his arm as you enter the immense room with blinding lights. The party already started but your entrance is noticed! "Patriarch! You are fashionnably late." One of the Orators salute him "Who is it at your arm?" You gulp and present yourself. You all three exchange mundanities and he guides you to another big shot of the familly, and another one, and another... At the end of the soiree you met every bigwigs, you who thought you could have sneak away you instead spent the all night at Thurfian's arm.
Once alone on the balcony you bow to him lightly "Thank you Patriarch. It was a delicious soiree."
"My pleasure." He nods "But I do not think our soiree is finished"
You blink at him "Sir?"
"Oh come on, sweetheart. Do not think I already forget your feat this morning." he lets his glass on the guardrail and take a step closer, towering over you. "You were so adorable trying to seduce me like that, getting all worked up over nothing." He brushes a strand of hair out of your face "I know you hope for a rematch in the Mitth."
You raise your head at that mention, your heart flutters, what you've been working for so hard! "You can do something about it?" You ask full of hope. He grins, circles your waist and put you on the guardrai with ease, sliding between your legs. "I am the Patriarch. I can do what I want." He leans forward, murmurring at your ear "If you are nice with me tonight, I can guarantee you a rematch." He bites down your ear, you mewl incontrollably. "You promise?"
"I only have one word." he looks into your eyes.
You bite your lips, and nods "Alright..."
"Grandiose." He flashes you his canines in a smirk "I usually prefer savage and confident women, but I can take care of a fresh and shy young one..." he promises, taking your face in his hands to kiss you.
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@bluechiss @thrawnalani @justanothersadperson93 @al-astakbar@thrawnspetgoose @readinglistfics @elise2174 @debonaire-princess @twilekchiss @pencil-urchin @ineedazeezee @mssbridgerton @dance-like-russia-isnt-watching @Cortisolcosplay @aroayr-shuk
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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“SUICIDES WHEN HE KILLS HIS STEPSISTER,” Kingston Whig-Standard. February 21, 1933. Page 1. ---- Leaves Note That Killing Was Accidental — Tragedy in Montreal ---- MONTREAL, Feb. 21 — Horror stricken at having accidentally dealt his step-sister a fatal wound, Andrew Gibson, 21, today committed suicide. Bodies of Gibson and the girl, Jean Kelly, 16, were discovered by members of the family.
The girl apparently was shot while asleep in bed in addition her throat had been slashed with a razor blade. Gibson's body was found in an adjoining room with a bullet wound in the forehead and rifle on the floor nearby. 
A note had been written in a scribbler on the bureau of the girl's room. ‘It was an accident," said the note. “My arm struck the door and the shot went off. I hated to see her kicking." 
Detectives stated Gibson had borrowed the 22 calibre rifle from a neighbor last night. He had said ha intended going out to shoot rats today. Assistant Inspector Brodeaif mid them had evidently been “a row between the children of both famillies." 
The dead girl was housekeeper for her father. Gibson, the stepson, and three other children lived in the home. 
Mrs. Kelly, mother of both Gibson and the girl, is in Scotland visiting relatives. Gibson had been out of work for two years. Archibald Kelly, the girl’s father, said that to his knowledge his stepson and daughter had always been on good terms and had loved each other Iike brother and sister. 
Both bodies were taken to the morgue for autopsy. An inquest will be held tomorrow.
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rpersearch · 1 year
Literate person here. Jay. I aint a minor.
I'm looking for people who want to put effort. Oc characters. Face claims are alright, not compulsory. Any gender's fine. Age I would prefer adults. I have this plot in mind that haven't had response yet;
Starts as typical haunted house story. We visit an abandoned house of a familly that was all killed in it. There are rumours that a dark spirit lives within the house plus the spirits of the dead family and we decide to go hunting. Mind you I go in with a nihilist character so he will always doubt everything paranormal. He is there to prove such things are imaginations. Hell to the no they aint. Your character gets most of it, my character always dismisses it and calls you crazy. You want to leave but he insists you stay so he can see for himself that your claims are true so you are stuck now. The nihilist becomes slightly crazy and dangerous as it goes on. You do as well, seeing all the things that you have. You start to believe the friend is acting like that because there is a dark force influencing him against you so despite the insanity you go through you are still more clear minded and try to work out things to get out of there. I try to block you. The nihilist refuses to go or let you go now. You are trapped. Either you have to fight your friend to death in order to escape from the house or you have to stay there and fight against the spiritual realm yourself with a friend that becomes increasingly more maniacal the more you fight back whatever is haunting; now outright overtaken in body and mind in a hypnotic takeover your friend has turned against you to kill you. You must make the right moves and survive. You might be able to save your friend or he might be another spirit claimed by the house.
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