#visual and auditorial hallucinations and stuff
fridka · 11 months
Inktober day 26
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Lana was one of the first sheneral weavers of Santropia. A shrieker who quickly lost control of her magic, she removed her grounding gem in an attempt to escape the worsening hallucinations - and discovered the grave consequences of doing so.
She lives on, now fully Severed, having somewhat made peace with the nothingness that awaits her after death.
Tldr she fucked around and found out
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schizononagesimus · 3 months
lofi beats to fend off the hallucinations to
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caffeinatedopossum · 2 years
Hhh I may be having hallucinations. But like I'm definitely in denial. I can't have another disorder, I already have way too many. I'm sure it's just my stress 👀
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saviorpilled · 1 year
running over from twitter, but PLS explain the thing im so invested and on my hands and knees to know the context of the hetch and security picture
hetch is very much haunted by the memory of security and his death to it so that image is him basically hallucinating it being behind him and it’s something that happens frequently
he never wanted to die in the mall, but death became something he saw as his only way out after failing over and over to get out any other way !
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reasonsforhope · 1 year
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Story from the Washington Post here, non-paywall version here.
Washington Post stop blocking linksharing and shit challenge.
"The young woman was catatonic, stuck at the nurses’ station — unmoving, unblinking and unknowing of where or who she was.
Her name was April Burrell.
Before she became a patient, April had been an outgoing, straight-A student majoring in accounting at the University of Maryland Eastern Shore. But after a traumatic event when she was 21, April suddenly developed psychosis and became lost in a constant state of visual and auditory hallucinations. The former high school valedictorian could no longer communicate, bathe or take care of herself.
April was diagnosed with a severe form of schizophrenia, an often devastating mental illness that affects approximately 1 percent of the global population and can drastically impair how patients behave and perceive reality.
“She was the first person I ever saw as a patient,” said Sander Markx, director of precision psychiatry at Columbia University, who was still a medical student in 2000 when he first encountered April. “She is, to this day, the sickest patient I’ve ever seen.” ...
It would be nearly two decades before their paths crossed again. But in 2018, another chance encounter led to several medical discoveries...
Markx and his colleagues discovered that although April’s illness was clinically indistinguishable from schizophrenia, she also had lupus, an underlying and treatable autoimmune condition that was attacking her brain.
After months of targeted treatments [for lupus] — and more than two decades trapped in her mind — April woke up.
The awakening of April — and the successful treatment of other people with similar conditions — now stand to transform care for some of psychiatry’s sickest patients, many of whom are languishing in mental institutions.
Researchers working with the New York state mental health-care system have identified about 200 patients with autoimmune diseases, some institutionalized for years, who may be helped by the discovery.
And scientists around the world, including Germany and Britain, are conducting similar research, finding that underlying autoimmune and inflammatory processes may be more common in patients with a variety of psychiatric syndromes than previously believed.
Although the current research probably will help only a small subset of patients, the impact of the work is already beginning to reshape the practice of psychiatry and the way many cases of mental illness are diagnosed and treated.
“These are the forgotten souls,” said Markx. “We’re not just improving the lives of these people, but we’re bringing them back from a place that I didn’t think they could come back from.” ...
Waking up after two decades
The medical team set to work counteracting April’s rampaging immune system and started April on an intensive immunotherapy treatment for neuropsychiatric lupus...
The regimen is grueling, requiring a month-long break between each of the six rounds to allow the immune system to recover. But April started showing signs of improvement almost immediately...
A joyful reunion
“I’ve always wanted my sister to get back to who she was,” Guy Burrell said.
In 2020, April was deemed mentally competent to discharge herself from the psychiatric hospital where she had lived for nearly two decades, and she moved to a rehabilitation center...
Because of visiting restrictions related to covid, the family’s face-to-face reunion with April was delayed until last year. April’s brother, sister-in-law and their kids were finally able to visit her at a rehabilitation center, and the occasion was tearful and joyous.
“When she came in there, you would’ve thought she was a brand-new person,” Guy Burrell said. “She knew all of us, remembered different stuff from back when she was a child.” ...
The family felt as if they’d witnessed a miracle.
“She was hugging me, she was holding my hand,” Guy Burrell said. “You might as well have thrown a parade because we were so happy, because we hadn’t seen her like that in, like, forever.”
“It was like she came home,” Markx said. “We never thought that was possible.”
...After April’s unexpected recovery, the medical team put out an alert to the hospital system to identify any patients with antibody markers for autoimmune disease. A few months later, Anca Askanase, a rheumatologist and director of the Columbia Lupus Center,who had been on April’s treatment team, approached Markx. “I think we found our girl,” she said.
Bringing back Devine
When Devine Cruz was 9, she began to hear voices. At first, the voices fought with one another. But as she grew older, the voices would talk about her, [and over the years, things got worse].
For more than a decade, the young woman moved in and out of hospitals for treatment. Her symptoms included visual and auditory hallucinations, as well as delusions that prevented her from living a normal life.
Devine was eventually diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder, which can result in symptoms of both schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. She also was diagnosed with intellectual disability.
She was on a laundry list of drugs — two antipsychotic medications, lithium, clonazepam, Ativan and benztropine — that came with a litany of side effects but didn’t resolve all her symptoms...
She also had lupus, which she had been diagnosed with when she was about 14, although doctors had never made a connection between the disease and her mental health...
Last August, the medical team prescribed monthly immunosuppressive infusions of corticosteroids and chemotherapy drugs, a regime similar to what April had been given a few years prior. By October, there were already dramatic signs of improvement.
“She was like ‘Yeah, I gotta go,’” Markx said. “‘Like, I’ve been missing out.’”
After several treatments, Devine began developing awareness that the voices in her head were different from real voices, a sign that she was reconnecting with reality. She finished her sixth and final round of infusions in January.
In March, she was well enough to meet with a reporter. “I feel like I’m already better,” Devine said during a conversation in Markx’s office at the New York State Psychiatric Institute, where she was treated. “I feel myself being a person that I was supposed to be my whole entire life.” ...
Her recovery is remarkable for several reasons, her doctors said. The voices and visions have stopped. And she no longer meets the diagnostic criteria for either schizoaffective disorder or intellectual disability, Markx said...
Today, Devine lives with her mother and is leading a more active and engaged life. She helps her mother cook, goes to the grocery store and navigates public transportation to keep her appointments. She is even babysitting her siblings’ young children — listening to music, taking them to the park or watching “Frozen 2” — responsibilities her family never would have entrusted her with before her recovery.
Expanding the search for more patients
While it is likely that only a subset of people diagnosed with schizophrenia and psychotic disorders have an underlying autoimmune condition, Markx and other doctors believe there are probably many more patients whose psychiatric conditions are caused or exacerbated by autoimmune issues...
The cases of April and Devine also helped inspire the development of the SNF Center for Precision Psychiatry and Mental Health at Columbia, which was named for the Stavros Niarchos Foundation, which awarded it a $75 million grant in April. The goal of the center is to develop new treatments based on specific genetic and autoimmune causes of psychiatric illness, said Joseph Gogos, co-director of the SNF Center.
Markx said he has begun care and treatment on about 40 patients since the SNF Center opened. The SNF Center is working with the New York State Office of Mental Health, which oversees one of the largest public mental health systems in America, to conduct whole genome sequencing and autoimmunity screening on inpatients at long-term facilities.
For “the most disabled, the sickest of the sick, even if we can help just a small fraction of them, by doing these detailed analyses, that’s worth something,” said Thomas Smith, chief medical officer for the New York State Office of Mental Health. “You’re helping save someone’s life, get them out of the hospital, have them live in the community, go home.”
Discussions are underway to extend the search to the 20,000 outpatients in the New York state system as well. Serious psychiatric disorders, like schizophrenia, are more likely to be undertreated in underprivileged groups. And autoimmune disorders like lupus disproportionately affect women and people of color with more severity.
Changing psychiatric care
How many people ultimately will be helped by the research remains a subject of debate in the scientific community. But the research has spurred excitement about the potential to better understand what is going on in the brain during serious mental illness...
Emerging research has implicated inflammation and immunological dysfunction as potential players in a variety of neuropsychiatric conditions, including schizophrenia, depression and autism.
“It opens new treatment possibilities to patients that used to be treated very differently,” said Ludger Tebartz van Elst, a professor of psychiatry and psychotherapy at University Medical Clinic Freiburg in Germany.
In one study, published last year in Molecular Psychiatry, Tebartz van Elst and his colleagues identified 91 psychiatric patients with suspected autoimmune diseases, and reported that immunotherapies benefited the majority of them.
Belinda Lennox, head of the psychiatry department at the University of Oxford, is enrolling patients in clinical trials to test the effectiveness of immunotherapy for autoimmune psychosis patients.
As a result of the research, screenings for immunological markers in psychotic patients are already routine in Germany, where psychiatrists regularly collect samples from cerebrospinal fluid.
Markx is also doing similar screening with his patients. He believes highly sensitive and inexpensive blood tests to detect different antibodies should become part of the standard screening protocol for psychosis.
Also on the horizon: more targeted immunotherapy rather than current “sledgehammer approaches” that suppress the immune system on a broad level, said George Yancopoulos, the co-founder and president of the pharmaceutical company Regeneron.
“I think we’re at the dawn of a new era. This is just the beginning,” said Yancopoulos."
-via The Washington Post, June 1, 2023
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rhaenerystargaryen · 2 months
Could you write a story for Daemon Targaryen were he was in love with a woman before Rhaenyra, Laena. When he was younger the two planned to marry but one day daemon backs out. So now years later when daemon is in harrenhal in his visions instead of rhaenyra he see's his old love and is like feeling guilty and stuff.
can’t escape me
pairing: daemon targaryen x fem!reader
synopsis: read prompt
warnings: hallucinations, crying
wc: 0.7k
the cold castle walls and damp environment of harrenhal made daemon quiver underneath his sheets. countless days were spent dozing off as ser simon strong had brought countless lords to affirm their support and men for rhaenyra. if only daemon had the mental capacity to remember half of their names. ever since he'd landed in harrenhal constant whisper, creaks, and delusions had plagued his mind.
first he saw rhaenrya. child rhaenyra.
"always coming and going, arent you? and i have to clean up afterwards."
then it was laena.
"have you been looking after our girls?"
he was surprised to not have seen rhea royce at this point.
it was late. daemon having retired to his chambers a couple hours prior laid looking at the ceiling. drip drip drip. another leak in the roof. how could it be that harrenhal was this neglected? yet before he could get up and fetch another bucket, a knock on his door snapped him out of his trance.
"ser simon, i already told you i do not wish to meet with any one at this hour," how dense could everyone here be? he thought as he shook his head.
groaning, he pulled the covers off of his body. grabbing sword and a cloak he made his way to the door. daemon cracked it ajar, expecting to see at least a knight if not ser simon but instead he was met with the silence and emptiness of the hall. assuming this was another one of harrenhal's antics, he moved to shut the door but not before he heard a voice call out.
"daemon...", he snapped his head back and forth.
"REVEAL YOURSELF!" he shouted.
"daeeeemon..." the voice lingered for a bit now, almost teasing him.
he was no stranger to these things yet they always seemed to having a lasting effect on him. almost as if these visual and auditory hallucinations had taken a greater form and enslaved his mind. his sword was pointed, his breath was heavy, and still there was no one in sight. he had walked well off from his chamber doors, even crouching to scope out the area. nothing had come.
"daemon...come play with me..." the voice was that of a young girl's.
quickly daemon turned his head, sword pointed at her but he was not fast enough to catch her face as she took off laughing. leaving the wind to blow on his face.
"this fucking castle," daemon muttered before throwing his head back in agony and taking after her.
"STOP! STOP RIGHT THERE!" he charged after her.
she had taken him around harrenhal until he used his sword to grab at her gown, ultimately pushing her down.
"little girl, where do you think you're going?" he asked as he fought with her to flip her onto her back.
it was only then, when he caught a hard look at her face, that he realized the young maiden's identity.
"y/n?" his eyes filled with tears.
you erupted into a fit of laugher which was almost enough to make daemon lose his mind as his grasp on her body tightened.
"y/n, what...what're you doing here?" he stroked your cheek, but you could only smile back.
"i don't understand," his voice was trembling.
*start of flashback*
"daemon! daemon! come play with me! hurry!"
"i'm coming, my love!"
"here, i made you something," he watched as your face lit up, "it took me ages to make," he shyly admitted.
"a flower crown," you threw her arms around him, "i love it," you pulled back to look at him.
"not as much as you love me though, right?" he teased.
"never," you affirmed as he pulled you in for a kiss.
*end of flashback*
"did you forget my flower crown?" you teased.
daemon couldn't help but start sobbing. it had been over two and a half decades since he'd last seen you.
"oh please," you moaned out, "don't be like that."
tears dropped onto your face. daemon's tears.
"you left me. did you suddenly get amnesia?"
"my love," daemon pressed his forehead to yours.
"you know how many lords would take a wife whose already sullied herself with a lover?" your tone was icy, cutting through his heart and making him sob harder.
"you ruined me."
"i never meant to leave you y/n. i had no CHOICE," daemon hit the ground with his fist but it was no use.
you were gone. yet he remained. on the cold floor of harrenhal.
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tontoemojis · 6 months
Hello, I stalk your blog literally daily because you need your dick sucked for the absolute banger art style LMAO <3
ASK: Maybe some NPD, ASPD, Schizo, or just general mental health emotes? Usually every place I check demonizes these disorders like hell and it sucks.
Here's a list of some ideas if you feel like doing this ask! No pressure.
1. Splitting (Like a black and white love/hate guy or something, creative liberty here)
2. Equal/FP (this could be two people being silly together both wearing crowns?? maybe)
3. Hyper-sexuality (Maybe a dude with some sort of hot pink gradient and dizzy love eyes. Or a wordmoji that says "/sx urges" above him?)
4. Narc crash (maybe a panicked dude with a breaking crown or smth idk have fun)
5. Some sort of "empty" emoji, like a gray person with a hollow chest. I would use this daily
6. An emoji for delusions/hallucinations?
7. Something for having an antisocial peak to communicate to others that you don't want to talk atm
I don't want to stress you out so I'll keep it at that! Sorry for the long ask, I love your collection of SYSemotes and thought some other disorder themed mojis would go CRAZY. didn't want to spam your inbox ❤️ be safe
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thank you anony I definitely need my dick sucked 😭 . Anyway , I will center this post especially in NPD , ASPD & Schizophrenia related stuff .
As someone with NPD & schizo & etc etc these were so fun to make !!! , I hope these are good .
ASPD symbol
NPD symbol
A couple of schizophrenia symbols , ““ schizophrenia ”” & ““ schizo ””
A couple of equal person / favorite person emojis
Hypersexuality { no words } , hypersexuality with words & / sx urges
A couple emojis of narc crash
A couple emojis for empty , emptiness , feeling of emptiness
Hallucinations ; visual , auditory & olfactory
Antisocial peak , not wanting to talk to others …
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mazzystar24 · 5 months
Being a psychology nerd and engaging in fandom actually makes my eye twitch sometimes because terms are constantly being used wrong to diss people or characters and also people will act like they know every experience a mentally ill person can have just based off a small sample of what they’ve seen and they’ll use that to disregard storylines or people’s opinions or spec
So some things guys that may be an unintentional call out or reassurance for your spec:
Hallucinations CAN be auditory and visual simultaneously (multi modal it can even be tactile, somatic olfactory or gustatory) and there is actually a very high prevalence of this in a lot of disorders and are actually thought to occur more frequently than unimodal hallucinations, and yes it can be in the form of full blown conversations with people that aren’t there and they can be extremely elaborate and complex especially if paired with delusions- so yes the possibility that Kim is a hallucination and we are just seeing it from Eddie’s pov is valid spec so stop being dismissive to people
Also for my brain tumour truthers- a brain tumour is a little complicated when it comes to hallucinations cos it really depends where the tumour is and what regions are effected because for example an occipital lobe tumour is more likely to just cause visual hallucinations- but multimodal hallucinations due to a brain tumour is also possible, a brain tumour also comes with other symptoms too but a lot can be consistent with the spec like for example impulsivity or disinhibition, delusions, aggression (if the buddie divorce is true that works), anxiety, depression, etc.
Trauma bonding is something that occurs in ABUSIVE situations where you start to feel sympathy and love for your abuser it’s not when people bond over trauma - so no what buck and Eddie or buck and Chris have is very much not a trauma bond
Gaslighting isn’t just lying to someone it’s intentionally manipulating them to the extent that they doubt their own sanity (the term coming from a play turned movie where a husband drives his wife crazy by like screwing with the gas lights in their house when she’s alone to make her doubt her memory and her perception of reality) - so no Eddie is not GASLIGHTING buck when he lies to him 😭😭
Codependency is also just not what Eddie and buck have, they don’t base their entire lives on each other and they don’t like have an unhealthy dynamic or have an imbalanced relationship, now yes they both had times when they needed the other to be there for them or help them through stuff or aid their self worth but overall they more so just want to be around each other not that they NEED to and they work on themselves separately like going to therapy by themselves while also supporting eachother by helping out while they do that
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neon-virus · 3 months
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Now ramble shall be under the cut since this also touches on stuff that will be relevant for my fic so, spoilers maybe?? (Also i am no expert in making stuff sensical, so this is mostly shiet ive slapped together thats sitting in my brain)
also excuse any errors, english is hard :D
SO! the crowns.
I've made a lil sketch comic about Shamura and Nari talking briefly and Shamura referring to them as 'beasts'. I like to think that's what they are, parasitic like beasts.
They require strong willpower to withstand their influence. The crowns cannot do anything without someone to wield them, but if that person cannot resist the influence the crowns exert, then they will start to lose themselves to the crown.
The process depends. If the person is of weak mind, then they could become instantly consumed by it the moment it touches their brow. They would no longer be who they once were as the crown infects them in entirety and claims them for its own, eating their essence and making them effectively a shell for its own control.
Of course, these 'bodies' can still die, and once the crown no longer has its host, it becomes inactive.
But if you have a strong will, it comes down to a fierce endurance match, where the crown will try its damnest to break past your mental walls, to weasel its way in until you either give up or the crown submits.
Once submitted, it will effectively be 'inactive' in trying to influence the host, becoming a tool to be used and melded to its host's will. However, suppose that the host falls into a low point or has a grave vulnerability. In that case, the crowns will become active again, seeing their host is becoming weak and thus a perfect opportunity to influence and gain control.
For the bishops, this wasn't much of a problem outside of the initial wearing, at least until Nari started to question. Although Narinder is a very strong-willed person, the red crown still whispers to him, influencing his thoughts in the background and encouraging him until he ends up in his predicament of being imprisoned and leaving the bishops injured and vulnerable themselves.
Though the crowns can be given to others in smaller capacities or abilities granted to others, such as appointing them a vessel, they typically gain access to what is deemed necessary for use and not much else after that.
However, lamb was a bit different. Due to Nari knowing about the prophecy and the lamb showing absolute devotion, he gave her more access than she should have had and gave the crown room to sink its teeth in.
Granted, the crown quite likes lamb, almost imprinting onto her from her sheer strength of will and determination for revenge. It sought no reason to take control or try to as she did what it would have wanted her to do most of the time anyway.
So much so that it gave her a bit of help after Nari 'promised' her the prize she wanted, and the crown placed them into a pact. (That will be its own ramble later.)
and if she hadn't rejected Nari herself, the crown would have tried to make her reject him in her vulnerable state.
Now that he resides in the cult, the crown more or less is her's 100%, no shared control. And now that it has a new host, it no longer needs its old one, for what use is a gross chewed up toy to a beast when there's a fresh one to bite?
It still wants control—it's still a beast in a cage—but it's more willing to let her do as she pleases. It waited with Nari for over a thousand years, and it's waiting who knows how long more for the new host to eventually give in. It's very patient.
Also, when a host becomes infected with the crown's influence, their behavior tends to become strange.
Bursts of anger, erratic behavior, thoughts being replaced with what the crown wants you to think, and hallucinations, both visual and auditorial, are the general baseline for the start of an infection of the host, with other symptoms varying from host to host
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gobbogoo · 1 year
Everything We Know About Who Pyro Is/Was:
Obviously Pyro remains ​​⁠​⁠​⁠an enigma and I'm not going to pretend I have much in the way of definitive proof, however there ARE aspects of their background we can reasonably assume based on the skills and behaviours Pyro displays. First and foremost, we need to understand the extent of the disconnect between their consciousness and reality. Most folks understand it as mainly auditory and visual hallucination, however if you look at side-by-side moments in Meet The Pyro, you'll realize that there's a clear disconnect between Pyro's physical stance:
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What Pyro believes they are doing with their body and what their body is actually doing can be entirely disconnected. Furthermore, if you listen closely to Pyro's more comprehensible dialogue, you'll notice that what they say lines up more with what they're actually doing, and not what they THINK they're doing:
Put together, this implies Pyro possesses not just a disconnect from reality, but also a full-blown division of personality. There's Conscious Pyro, who is the bundle of joy frolicking through Pyroland, and then there's Unconscious Pyro, who is the maniacal murderer actively interacting with reality. Both of these personalities seem to play a factor in Pyro's behaviour. While Conscious Pyro clearly seems to possess a degree of control over how they act in Pyroland, the fact that all those actions also happen to be very effective methods of murder in the real world says that Unconscious Pyro is steering these decisions.
Now, these two are not ALWAYS so disconnected or extreme. When not actively burning things, Pyro's perceived reality seems to line up more closely with what's actually happening from a visual, auditory, and physical standpoint:
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Conscious Pyro's whimsy and Unconscious Pyro's murderousness both seem to drastically tone down in these circumstances, however both never fully go away. Pyro is ALWAYS capable of extreme violence/destruction:
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Speaking of extreme violence, Conscious Pyro DOES share Unconscious Pyro's capacity and willingness to cause harm. This implies that the difference between the personalities' behaviour is more-so the result of their perceived environments, not demeanour.
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To summarize, Pyro's disconnect from reality becomes more powerful when in the presence of fire/destruction, and this causes a divergence in Pyro's perceived and presented personalities. Moving on to in-game lore, it is stated that Pyro built/improvised the majority of their weapons (mainly out of stuff found in a garage.) This is immediately clear if you look at the individual components of their flamethrower:
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The primary exception to this is their shotgun, which is a standard weapon they nonetheless operate with a trained familiarity:
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Building a flamethrower is no easy feat. Besides being extremely complicated and dangerous, all information regarding flamethrower construction and schematics are strictly controlled by the U.S. government. Therefore I'd say it isn't much of a leap to suggest that Pyro's ability to construct and operate improvised military-grade incendiary weaponry must have been the result of formal training.
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This is further supported by the fact that their flame-retardant suit is not equipment provided by Mann Co, as they continue to wear it even after being fired. All this together implies that before becoming a mercenary, Pyro had a job that provided them with both the knowledge and tools of an incendiary specialist. This more-or-less confirms that Pyro was not ALWAYS so insane, as at some point they were considered stable enough to be trusted with such a dangerous job. Since Pyro seemingly hasn't taken the suit off since that job, it can be deduced that whatever triggered or inflicted the madness they now suffer from must have occurred during their service. It would also explain why all of Pyro's incendiary weapons are homemade while their suit is standard-issue. After being fired they obviously weren't allowed to keep any weaponry, meaning they had to construct their own.
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There are a lot of ways to interpret all of this, but my personal theory is that Pyro was at one point part of some Cold War experiment. One that sought to disconnect soldiers from the reality of their actions during combat, while ALSO allowing them to operate with brutal efficiency. Considering this was the era of the Vietnam War, a way to make soldiers not feel guilty or resentful while being ordered to commit atrocities would have been an invaluable tool for the USA's military. Pyro being a highly trained candidate for such an experiment is the only explanation I can think of for how they could be simultaneously highly trained in incendiary weaponry AND be too blatantly insane to ever justify such training. This would ALSO explain why Pyro is both so frighteningly dangerous and unstable, yet still somehow employable as a mercenary. While extreme, they remain capable of understanding and following instructions from superiors. Even if said instructions have to be delivered in a slightly different manner:
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luxury-nightmare · 3 months
mom says it’s my turn on the writing
“So how exactly do your hallucinations work?”
Clyde looked up from the sandwich it was eating. It narrowed its eyes at Alex, cocking its head like a confused dog. “What do you mean?”
“You can create hallucinations that effect a person without even making any contact with them,” Alex said, looking back at Clyde with curiosity “I know of animals who’s venom can cause hallucinations, and some hallucinations are cause by human minds, but your hallucinations seem to work entirely differently.”
Clyde paused, its brow furrowed “I dunno, I’ve just always been able to.” It replied, and Alex’s face fell. This was clearly not the answer they were looking for “it gets easier to control as you get older, but it starts subconsciously”
“What does that mean?” Alex asked. “It means you start projecting things you already think are there.” Clyde replied.
It was looking at Alex with an odd look, like it knew something they didn’t. They tried to brush it off.
“So are your hallucinations purely visual or can you mimic other things?” Alex asked. Clyde curled into a more comfortable position “we can do auditory hallucinations, but i prefer visuals. Audio is my partner’s expertise”
“Wait, partner?” Alex took their legs off the couch “I didn’t know you were dating someone?”. Clyde chuckled “Not in the way you humans do.” It replied, smiling fondly “They’re my hunting partner”
Alex flinched. They don’t really enjoy the reminders of Clyde’s ‘hunts’. Clyde didn’t notice, too enamored with the memory of it’s partner. “So, what their name?” Alex asked, trying to break the ice.
“Winfrey” Clyde replied “their name is Winfey”
Alex paused. That named sounded so familiar, where had they heard it before?
“So, are they here in Eastridge with you?” Alex asked, and Clyde froze. Alex cringed, they had clearly touched a nerve.
“I don’t know” it hissed “I woke up from hibernation and they were gone.” It snarled, inhuman teeth emerging from the shadow. Alex flinched, and then tried to comfort the hurt velidgun.
“Hey, we’ll figure it out, we’ll find them, ok?” Clyde looked up at the human. “We?”
“Well, I’ve been doing some stupider stuff recently.” Alex shrugged “what’s one more bad decision?”
Clyde smiled, before leaning back on the couch.
“So, what were they like?” Alex asked. Clyde’s smile grew wider.
“They love music, got it as a quirk from their first victim, some musician who just came out of treatment for something. Would drag me to some concerts between hunts” Clyde said fondly.
Alex’s eyes narrowed. Something clicked in their head. “Willam Winfrey.” Clyde looked towards Alex. “One of the asylums first patients, that was their first victim.”
A growl built in Clyde’s throat, “yes, what are you saying?” It snarled.
“Willam was diagnosed with schizophrenia, was released from the asylum, but was re-administrated only a couple days later a rambling mess, back when Clyde Lankmann was in charge of the asy-“
Alex looked over at Clyde, and everything clicked into place.
“That’s why he knows so much”
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ratlordsarah · 3 months
whispers got any fun headcanons on any wordgirl characters… or maybe if you’re really crazy a whole wordgirl oc?… or even a au… fades into the shadows of anonymity
I will not miss this opportunity 🫡
for two brains (there is a lot)
The way Steven’s brain is fused with squeaky’s caused part of his skull to crack off and while part actually popped off during the transformation, it also caused a fracture or two in his skull, so whenever the mouse brain pulsates, it is basically a mix of feeling like your head is going to explode, and the brain slightly pushing his skull, causing the fracture to never properly heal, because it gets slightly opened up again as it pulsates
another thing I’d like to point out is I feel like two brains would occasionally black out and also have a seizure every once in a while due to the electricity during the transformation. This also goes with the fact that he also could get frequent nosebleeds too, if he injured his brain in a certain way.
Also, a hot take of mine is that 2 brains is basically just Steven, but being mostly forced/controlled by squeaky, and of course, his dna is modified too.
another hot take is that it’s only his scalp hair that turned white (maybe a salt and pepper mix everywhere else?idk) because his eyebrows are still brown, and in ballad of Steve mcclean, he is shown to have brown facial hair too, so maybe it was only what touched the helmet in the experiment to turn white, and the rest of the den was sort of scattered everywhere
As a more silly hc of mine, I like to think that squeaky likes to play silly games where he attempts to freak Steven out every once in a while, by causing auditory and visual hallucinations, but Steven later just gets used to it
Also, due to the change in eyes, he’s probably a little color blind, so I like to think that he sees colors the way the color settings were inside the hospital in the house md pilot episode, or maybe just having him see more in a slight grey scale? Idk
The way I like to think squeaky takes control is via brain stem, so it’s basically where the mouse brain still has the brain stem and spinal cord attached to it, and it’s braided and tangled with Steven’s spinal cord, so if Steven and squeaky are fighting for control, it looks like two brains is fighting an invisible person in an arm wrestle or something.
Another hot take is that two brains is still able to remember everything as both Steven and two brains, so have fun with that one as you wish 💀
also, the mouse brain is obviously anatomically incorrect, in both looks and scale, so my theory on how this was achieved was during the transformation, the mouse brain almost blew up due to the electricity, so the brain is basically very inflamed and bloated. As far as the brain wrinkles go, I like to think that squeaky was originally genetically modified before Steven buying him, causing the mouse to basically have the same brain as a human, and squeaky was actively seeking revenge
as far. As cheese goes, I like to think squeaky is really the only one enjoying the cheese, while Steven is purely sick of it, like where after the first month of being two brains, he was just done with cheese, but he’s basically addicted to it due to squeaky. Also, I like to think that two brains can hardly eat anything that’s not cheese, and if he eats something that’s not cheese, he’d have to put so much cheese on that food to the point where you can’t even taste the stuff that isn’t cheese. besides orange juice, because squeaky likes that stuff. In other words, I also think that if he were to put something that’s not pure cheese in his mouth with the intention of eating it, he’d immediately throw up because squeaky doesn’t like rebellion (squeaky read about famous dictators once pre-transformation and decided that’s what he wanted to be)
also, because of only eating cheese, this is why he tries to have as wide of a variety as possible, to at least try and keep it a little interesting.
with that being said, I feel like if the mouse brain were removed, he’d probably puke at the sight of cheese, from how much he had to eat, and due to squeaky, even normal food would probably not be that appetizing either.
Also, in the show, he is built like a noodle, despite how much cheese he eats, so my theory is that he stays like this because the transformation made his metabolism go into overdrive, and usually, fast metabolism causes excess body heat, so if two brains were to take his lab coat off, you can literally use him as a radiator, because he’s gotta get that energy burnt off somehow lmao.
also, mice can’t sweat, so unless unter extreme circumstances, he’s basically just chilling radiating heat like it’s nothing because this genetic trait somewhat transferred during the transformation
Also, throughout the show, he is seen multiple times to worry a lot about how people think about him, (prime example is the episode ballad of Steve mcclean, but also you can see little dribbles of this trait in invasion of the bunny lovers, fill in, wordgirl & bobble boy, and rat trap) and honestly I think this is caused because of the obvious genetic changes that happened, so he obviously gets a lot of stares and weird looks in public, due to his appearance, so imo, he gets that from his appearance.
Due to the cheese consumption this guy does, I feel like he’d definitely have some problems in his digestive tract, as well as a vitamin deficiency for obvious reasons 💀
Also, I like to think that during the transformation, he was a week away from turning 30 (what a great way to start off your thirties XD)
Also, as far as Charlie and meatloaf, I have another hot take that they don’t live in the warehouse, and only two brains lives there. Someone could protest on that because in the new year episode, they are seen to sleep in the warehouse, but I like to think this as more of a thing that they only do every once in a while when two brains is planning a crime that requires them to be there really early. So essentially, they basically work based off of when dr two brains calls them over for the scheme. as Steven
As Steven, I like to think that he had two tuxedo cats. A long haired tux cat named Dennis, and a shorter haired girl tux cat nicknamed mags in public, but is truly named plunger
he was certainly a cat person pre-transformation. Look at him. (You cannot change my mind)
I also like to think that he has a huge cage set up for the lab rats and mice that he had to work with, as he felt really bad for having to use them, so he tried his best to compensate by spending a butt ton on of money on spoiling the rats, and getting a big place for them to stay. (I also am convinced he would name them after the first thing he sees them do, but doomed to the worst way possible, so he named a lab rat piss finger, or Ricky pee pee, and he has a whole long story on how he decided to name the lab rats those names
i like to feel like he was in a science trio with tubing and doohickey, and they were probably great friends
honestly idk how much I agree with the hc I made, but I’d like to feel like doohickey and Steven are probably cousins (blood related or not)
I’ve even pondered ideas like how I feel like Steven is a mix of Irish, Romanian, and maybe a little bit Italian (mother is Irish, and dad is an Italian Romanian mix)
also, I feel like Steven was actually friends with lrw when she was Beatrice, and they’d have some long conversations while he is having his science research copied and stuff
also, I like to think that he and Huggy were good friends,too, and would discuss ways to help wordgirl fight crimes sometimes
I feel like Steven and amazo guy were really good friends and the two would have karaoke night at least once a week, and they’d prolly also chill a lot cracking beers and playing with Steven’s cats and stuff like that.
I feel like he has a phd in engineering, some form of degrees in both biology and chemistry, and a minor in culinary arts
this man can make the best food in the world, but the way he makes it will make Gordon Ramsay cry
has an o
The reason Charlie doesn’t talk is either due to nonverbal autism, or a certain condition that causes him to not be able to talk.
either way, Charlie is so silly and honestly I feel like two brains has a soft spot for him(same bro, same)
I like to feel like he is more of a silent observer, like heavy from tf2
amazo guy
Honestly, I like the hc that people think his name should be Adam so much to the point where sometimes I forget it’s not cannon💀
so yeah, his name is Adam
i like to think he also came from lexicon, but on his own accord when he was 21.
he has the same language powers as wordgirl, but just doesn’t make them his main focus.
hes obsessed with pizza and pizza rolls. He would literally rather have a pizza party by the city than 1million dollars.
he was actually fighting alongside wordgirl, and teaching her how to deal with villains until about a month before Steven turning into two brains
he ended up leaving to go and help another city , because she thought wordgirl was ready to fight the villains herself.
i like to think that he was an extreme back street boys and David Bowie fan, and whenever there was a ceremony for him, star man would certainly be playing
he secretly loves the song baby one more time by Britney Spears, but will tell no one
he is more of a dog person, and words cannot describe how badly he wants a golden retriever or German shepherd
She made it to earth with huggy when she was about 9 months old
the reason why lexiconians are so good with reading is that lexiconians use their powers to travel to neighboring planets and galaxies to help others in need, and they achieve this by being able to hyper-adapt to any different language, like to where the average lexiconian can learn Russian fluently in just a week
hot take but lexionite it’s doesn’t come from lexicon, but an enemy planet trying to make a weakness (I say this because it doesn’t make sense to have something from her home planet be her weakness, so it’s basically a hc of mine to not go bonkers over that lmao)
wordgirl is fluent in many other languages, like French, polish, Spanish, and mandarin
Due to her high iq, she still has the energy of a kid her age, although the mental age of a 30 year old, which is why she is so good at talking with other adults
Near perfect memory (why she can remember how she got to earth
early 10 year old at the time the show starts, and either young 12 year old, or almost 12 towards the end of the show
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howlsofbloodhounds · 1 month
I got some assorted headcanons for Nightmare's henchmen because I've been thinking about how many chronic issues those guys are bound to have non-stop lately...
He doesn't take care of himself properly, even after he starts taking care of the others. Meaning my guy is most likely gonna have some issues with chronic dehydration, which, in my experience, leads to "fun" things like: long-term and short-term memory issues, struggles with focus, difficulties regulating emotions (meaning, the longer this goes on the more often he might flip between different stages), difficulties sleeping, frequent headaches, chronic fatigue, dizziness and vision blacking out when he gets up from a sitting position, and joint pains.
Being dehydrated also generally makes pre-existent mental issues worse. So the struggles with guilt, self-hatred and all that stuff that is very present at Stage 1 are probably all accentuated by his lack of proper self-care.
His skull and empty eye socket both cause him pain often. Especially with switches in temperature or humidity. Because of the positioning of those wounds, that often leads to debilitating headaches and often teeth pain too. He pulls on his bones to try and alleviate the pain because the pressure does help in the moment, but the strain he puts on them always leaves him far more sore after.
The years of starvation also left his bones far more brittle and prone to breakage. He's gonna be extra careful even while doing things like getting out of the shower or sitting down. He would benefit from getting braces and several different kinds of mobility aids, but it's not like he's got access to any of that either in his world or at the castle, so he learns to make do without.
Because he's got a high LV and yet his soul is still inside of his body, he experiences a lot of side effects from that. Things like: chest pains, frequent headaches, auditory and visual hallucinations, memory problems, frequent blackouts, disorientation, and bone fragility (though, unlike Horror, his bones aren't more prone to breaking, they're more prone to dusting).
The thin layer of dust that constantly covers his bones causes frequent rashes and irritation. It's not unusual to see red blotches on his bones. Massaging his bones with oil or cremes would help relieve some of his discomfort and I'm sure that Killer does his best to find and steal some for him, but their resources are still limited and his access to it is only temporary. Also, that scarf he always wears doesn't help, what with it being covered in dust. And having his hood always up doesn't help either, since fabric rubbing against his already sensitive and irritated bones is probably Hell. Wearing some lighter and breezy clothing would do wonders for him. (Yes, this is part of my propaganda to put all my faves in pretty dresses. It would look cute and it makes sense, I swear).
Old badly healed fractures from his time in the military probably cause him a lot of general pain he's grown used to in the years. But, by far, the worst of his problems come from his and XChara's unusual soul situation. Sharing a soul cannot be easy, and it probably leads to a great deal of disorientation and confusion around their memories and identities.
Not knowing where one ends and the other begins makes social interactions with outsiders to their bond rather difficult. It most likely led Cross to develop a great deal of social anxiety which is why he often tends to isolate himself and suppress most of his emotions. Truly, he tries to minimize the amount of meaningful social interactions he gets because the panic attacks afterward are just not worth it
All skeletons should immediately be put in loose pretty dresses /hj
But honestly I love these very much, they seem very probable. And I can honestly relate to Killer’s dehydration and Horror’s teeth problems, those things suck. (For me tho it’s often because water is a boring drink.)
Also do you think that whenever Killer decides to take the others on his responsibility, does he do things like help Dust rub the cream on his bones, especially with those hard to reach places or extra painful spots? Maybe this is something they’d have to work up to, as doing something like that is a rather vulnerable thing, requiring trust.
I think itd be a cute image though, and maybe if we go with the headcanon that horror is or grows to be a little bigger or taller than Murder and Killer, he offers Murder some of his clothes since they’re bigger and looser. I’d imagine that Killer would have to frequently steal and horde painkillers and numbing medications for the gang, and perhaps manage it all carefully to avoid overuse.
And Dust probably wouldn’t want to wash his scarf, but I wonder if he’d accept a cleaner version of a scarf that looks just like it and just keep the old one as a comfort somewhere in his room.
And I’d imagine that Dust and Horror would have to frequently remind both Killer and Cross/XChara of who they are, where they are, the time and the year.
And very likely have to remind Killer about things multiple times either because he forgot something, or because he was asked to do something but didn’t realize if that experience was real or not. Perhaps they create a little system of asking if they can hold Killer’s hand (or let him hold their hand), to anchor him in reality whenever it seems like he’s not really present or sure.
{ @stellocchia }
Honestly id love to hear more about all of your headcanons. They’re all so detailed.
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aralisj · 13 days
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You're gonna have to hear me out but I have been on the Schizophrenic Carmy hc since watching s1 and it has a fair amount of symptom overlap with autism. If that's anything.
I just checked a couple of articles on symptoms of schizophrenia and I see what you mean.
Possibly inherited from his mother, feeling joyless, his emotionless delivery, difficulty communicating, his inability to take care of himself, insomnia, prone to addiction, "is that in my head"... I see it.
Also, the way the show is shot, with Mikey's voice, Carmy's nightmares and visual cues of stress taking over at times... That could definitely be read as auditory and visual hallucinations.
I'm still firmly with the possibly autistic headcanon, mainly because he is described as shy and "weird" even as a child and there's little discussion about him changing drastically during or after his teenage years, so we're assuming that he's always been this way, only maybe less depressed. There's also his need for structure and attention to detail - though, that could be explained with the comorbidity of OCD and schizophrenia, I've learnt.
All in all, an incredibly valid interpretation that I hadn't ever considered. Rest assured that I will be thinking about this for literal days. It's honestly fascinating stuff, thank you for sharing your headcanon with me - I love to discuss thoughts about this 💜
I keep track of Carmy's autistic coded moments in that tag, in case you're curious lol
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shizucheese · 7 months
So full disclosure, I actually listened to episode 7 on Saturday, but this episode had so damn much to it and I got a bit side tracked by a theory that I'm still working on but I really want to get this out before episode 8 comes out.
As usual, if you want to see the continuously updated and reblogged version of my red string board, you can find it here.
Today is Tuesday, 2/27/24. Episode 7 came out 5 days ago on 2/22/24.
Norris (Voice: Martin?/ Alex)
Episode 1: “Reanimation (Partial) -/- Regret [Email]”. The Stranger? The End? The Dark? The Lonely? The Flesh? Arthur (Nolan?).
Episode 3: "Infection (full body" -/- Arboreal [Journal entry]". The Spiral? (Paranoia? Auditory, visual and olfactory hallucinations) The Lonely? The Corruption. The Flesh? (Callbacks to the Flesh Garden from S5)
Common Themes: Hearing the voice of a dead/ missing loved one?
Chester (Voice: John?/ Jonny)
Episode 1: “Transformation (eyes) -/- Tresspass [chat log]”. Magnus Institute, The Eye. (Involves a forum; the Web?).
Episode 5: "Disappearance (undetermined) -/- Invitation [Internet blog]". The Eye (Movies. Movie name: "Voyeur" "Must be seen to be believed"...). The Web? (Another website?). (Very reminiscent of Mag 110: Creature Feature.) The "poor old guy" at the theater is totally an Eye avatar, right? Kinda gives me "Simon Fairchild when he was first introduced" vibes.
Episode 7: "Agglomeration (miscellany) -/- congregation [email]". The Stranger. The Burried. The Desolation. Possibly all of them if my theory about the items the Volunteers brought in is correct...
Unsure if this is Eye related like the other statements were. This is also the first "Chester" statement where the source material wasn't from a website or blog, which don't have the same expectation of privacy that the sources of the other statements do. Email, though, so still internet related, and this seems to be an open letter rather than personal correspondence, so it still might align with the theme.
Agustus: (rare?)
Episode 4: “Collection (blood) -/- musical [letter]” The End. The Lonely? The Slaughter.
Letter writer thinks passing on his violin might allow a part of himself to live on in his nephew. Very Jonah Magnus of him.
Music teacher hears “faraway music”, then goes crazy and throws himself out of the carriage and dies. Reminiscent of Mag7 and the Piper? The merchant’s wares include dice (Mag 29?). Got the violin from him (took his blood?). Effect of the violin reminiscent to Grifter’s Bone (Mag 42).
(Oliver Bardwell lol very funny guys)
Non-Talkers (?)
Episode 2: "Transformation (full) -/- dysmorphic [video call]". The Spiral? The Flesh. The Stranger. Ink 5oul (avatar/ entity?)
Episode 6: "Injury (needles) -/- intimidation [999 call] "Corruption? The Spiral? The Flesh? The End?
"Needles" reminds me of Michael!Distortion.
Notes and Thoughts:
"It's not like we're dealing with Tape Recorders..." I'm side eying you real hard, Celia. And what's with all of the questions? The "looking for patterns" question is 100% fair but those examples are AWEFULLY SPECIFIC. I wasn't entirely sure I bought the idea that Celia was the same Celia from TMA, but no this is totally her for sure. "DO YOU KNOW WHO JOHN" IS EXCUSE ME? WHAT REAL STUFF?
HILLTOP CENTER BRANCH?!!! 0 managerial or other support from HR; very reminiscent of the weird circumstances surrounding the house on Hilltop Road. Bear skin rug very reminiscent of the Gorilla Skin in TMA S3. The Volunteers remind me of the medical students from Mag34. The email is about events from 2015. This was the same year Gertrude died and John became the Head Archivist in TMA. Why am I not seeing anyone else talk about this?
I have a theory that I was originally going to put in this post but detangling that giant ball of red string entirely is taking too long so I'm just going to put the TL'DR here and maybe make a proper list later if I can ever finish pulling the string on that particular red sweater. Between the items the Volunteers bring in, and the events of the incident itself, what if every single Entity is represented? The gunshots that were heard were the Slaughter. The fire was the Desolation. The person who wrote the email being crushed by all of the items was the Buried. There are a number of artifacts that get listed off that could represent at least one if not multiple Entities (which might be their purpose; considering how many times the fact that the categorization was imperfect got brought up in TMA, it's probably more helpful to view them as a spectrum more than anything else), including some that are very reminiscent of things from specific TMA statements (The bear skin rug -> The Gorilla skin, Old medical equipment -> the syringe in mag 45? The telescope -> Maxwell Rayner was originally Edmond Halley, the Astronomer, etc. etc). So...okay, hear me out: what if this was all part of a ritual, and that's what the "good cause" was? A ritual that involved all of the fears being represented? Sound familiar? Except instead of it being a ritual to start an apocalypse or reshape the world in the image of one or more of the fears, what if it was a ritual to summon something that was associated with all of the fears? Or, rather, what if it was a ritual to summon someone who had been touched by all of the fears? And that's also why so many of the items seem to be analogous to things from statements and events from TMA? Like....maybe I'm wrong entirely. Or maybe I'm right about this being about summoning someone, or something, (maybe someone from TMA? Maybe Celia?), but wrong about it being John who was being summoned. But, again, this incident took place in 2015, which was the same year Gertrude died and John became head Archivist, and I feel like this means something.
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p1xiemeat · 5 months
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I love alice in wonderland and alice: madness returns themes so much. the victorian era, red, black & white, rabbits, clocks, stripes, dark cabaret vibes, teeth, the creepy & macabre, dolls, knives, tea cups, bugs, strange creatures, surgical instruments, the portrayal of what its really like to experience hallucinations, psychosis, delusions, or just mental illness in general.
not only do i adore all of these aesthetics, but as someone who has personally experienced auditory and visual hallucinations/psychosis, depersonalization, and delusions myself, it really makes me happy seeing ppl turn something that i've struggled with into something beautiful, artistic and poetic.
i've escaped to my head more times than i can count in an attempt to escape trauma. sometimes purposely and other times involuntarily when experiencing traumatic situations. i've struggled to know what is real and what isn't. i've had to grow up with a mother who still to this day tries to convince me that certain events didn't happen when i know for fact they did because my sister went through them too. my mind has never been quite right or "normal." i've lost my mind many times. i've struggled to make friends my whole life because i don't think or act like most ppl despite desperately wanting to fit in. and then throw autism on top of all that, and you have a scared, lonely, shy & anxious wreck of a girl.
you see, i love to play around with aesthetics, and share my interests, but the stuff i post online goes so much deeper than just looking visually pleasing to people. these things i care about so much are my very heart and soul. my interests are basically who i am. people may find it strange that i care so deeply about bugs and rabbits, but to me it resonates with me so deeply that i can't even put it into words.
i've always loved alice in wonderland, but when i discovered alice: madness returns i REALLY knew then that i found exactly what i've been feeling my entire life. that game, those characters, that realm describes my mind and my personality and my trauma so well that its actually crazy to know someone out there had those same ideas living in their head.
oh what i wouldn't give to have a conversation with american mcgee🥺😭
maybe i'm just ranting again but i just wanted to share a bit about myself and why i love the things i post about. it really means the world to me when i find likeminded people on here. its so precious to me when i talk to people who have a connection to the same things i do.
so yeah i'm not kidding when i say my tumblr is just the inside of my brain😹
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