#vlog squad natalie
waldorfsvibe · 2 years
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Heath Hussar in David Dobrik’s Vlogs
“I haven’t given up drugs, David!”
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Vlog Squad Masterlist
Jason Fluff
Natalie Smut
Todd smut
Corinna Fluff
Vlog Squad
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golbrocklovely · 2 years
Todd allegedly (not really because theres proof) stood by with Zane as a girl was s.a’ed by a old friend of theres named Dom. She was heavily intoxicated, David filmed them going into the room and apparently Zane and Todd attempted to go into the room to laugh and watch. Afterwards theres clips of them kicking or dismissing the girl and her friend from their place (who could barely walk on her own) as Natalie (todds gf and davids assistant) watched out. David was canceled and confronted about this at the airport and Natalie laughed. People got mad at a magazine for giving her the cover during the ordeal. Scotty went on a rant defending them til he realized what happened and apologized and deleted the rant. All cut off Dom and Law & Order made an episode about it S23 E5. Thats why he was hated.
i got into the vlog squad after that video happened, so i never heard about it until the allegations came out. dom was always so sleezy to me, and i never liked todd prior.
zane and heath were the only two i liked from the vlog squad completely. everyone else was just kinda there for me.
idk why snc are hanging out with them all of sudden or collabing with them. it's very weird to me. like, i get it. yall came up on vine together and have known each other for a while. but like… is it worth it?
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jeffchats · 4 months
Jeffs story about seeing todd at coachella, somethings off. Jeff went to an after party for guess and todd was there. I think jeff went to the party with brooke because she was doing some pr for them, guess rented out a 10 house compound for influencers during the weekend. Now jeff had to know that guess jeans last year and this year sponsored the vs to come to coachella, it was all over snapchat, I know Jeff had to have seen it. Why would jeff go to a vlog squad party if he knew who he would run into. Jeff could of went to any after party with tana or mike. I think he went to try to start something. When jeff said that todd got mad for talking about natalie, what was jeff thinking was going to happen? If I know david and how he operates, I wouldn't doubt he had the guess camera crew keep eyes and cameras on jeff the whole time he was there to see if he jeff went nuts and started something and leak it to ruin jeff. It didn't happen but I bet there's footage. Now jeff went after guess on his ig stories this week, interesting?
Jeff's an idiot and he's so emotionally immature. He is in the middle of a probably multi-million dollar lawsuit and he thinks doing this is beneficial? I am not sure how much more people can defend his actions. What happened to him is so fucked up and David should pay for it, however, Jeff actively choosing to do things that can put him in hot water? He has no one to blame but himself.
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zanesgirlfriend · 5 years
Pretty Girl | Jeff Wittek
Requested by anonymous: could you do a pre-relationship jeff one where the reader is also a youtuber and someone in the group makes a comment about how she only has her subs because ‘she’s a pretty girl’ (maybe jonah bc i feel like he’d say something like that lol)
David was a strange creature, that attracted even stranger creatures. Following him around when he's looking for footage never fails to amaze you, or any of your other friends.
One of the weirdest places you frequented was the Antonyan's house. It was David, you, Jeff, Jason, and Natalie, and of course the craziness that was the Antonyan's. You sat on the couch next to Jeff, his knee casually bumping yours every time he laughed. David was filming a few bits, ultimately resulting in everyone making fun of Jonah.
"Your biggest accomplishment is a Dollar Shave Club commercial." You joked at Jonah. Everyone was poking fun at him, and he was starting to retaliate.
"You only have subscribers because you're a pretty girl!" His words were quick and angry. You were about to thank him for calling you pretty when Jeff spoke up.
"She also has ten times the personality you have, so you really can't say shit." Jeff's words were also quick, but more defensive than Jonah's. You cocked your head to the side to look at him.
"You're only defending her because you have a crush on her." Jonah jabbed. You smiled at Jeff, his cheeks red and his voice getting higher by the second. He'd forgotten that Jonah was there when he revealed his crush to David.
"You're mad because she turned you down!" Jeff recalled the incident from a month ago, Jonah asking you on a date and you politely saying no.
Jonah stuttered for a moment, David eating it up, his camera panning quickly between the two boys. "She didn't say yes to you either!" He finally spit out. You sat silently as they argued, more focused on the fact that you liked Jeff and now you knew he liked you back.
"I haven't asked her yet!" Jeff stood up now, getting in Jonah's face. Jonah's mom was telling them to be quiet, them continuing to bicker about you as if you weren't even there. They reached a head and you finally stood up.
"May I interject?" A brief thought crossed your mind of how stupid this all sounded before you continued. The two men looked at you, mouths agape. "First off, Jonah, thank you for calling me pretty. Secondly, the fact that you called me pretty as an insult is exactly why I won't go out with you."
"But-" Jonah started but she cut him off.
"Jeff, if you ever would ask me out I'm pretty sure I would say yes, so pull the thong out of your ass and don't worry about what his stupid ass has to say." You finished, promptly plopping back down on the couch. David, Jase, and Nat all laughed as Jonah and Jeff stared dumbfounded at you. It took a few beats before Jeff finally got his wits about him.
"Okay then," Jeff turned around to face you. "Whaddya say we get outta here and go get ice cream?" His hand stretched out towards you, and you gladly accepted. He pulled you up and you smiled at Jonah as you headed out the door.
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derpysith · 3 years
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The beautiful goddesses Amanda Cerny
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headassdobrik · 3 years
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He’s got his own travel show on Discovery 🥺
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we’re too stupid ~ the vlog squad
word count: 1885
request?: yes!
@iawaythrown​  “May I ask for a vlog squad x popular youtube reader
The reader has their own very popular youtube channel/podcast like a scientific/space podcast. (Like a Vsauce\GameTheory channel) The vlog squad and the reader fan base (somehow) always wants them to collab. One day David says "It won't happen because the reader probably doesn't like us." This ends up getting everyone on the podcast.”
description: when their favorite youtubers show interest in being on their podcast, they jump at the chance to invite them on
pairing: vlog squad x gender neutral!reader
warnings: swearing
masterlist (one, two)
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“You know what I’ve been listening to a lot lately?” Scotty asked David on the newest vlog David had uploaded. You were watching the vlog on your TV while you prepared to upload the newest episode of your podcast. You had a drink half raised to your lips when Scott responded to his own question, “The Spaced Out podcast.”
Your drink nearly slipped from your hand at the mention of your podcast. You were sure you had imagined it, so you went back and repeated the part just to be sure. The name of your podcast slipped from Scott’s lips again and you had to pause the video to scream with excitement.
When you placed the video again, David spoke next. “Oh wait, is that the one about space and shit? You played it for me before.”
“Yeah! Man, it’s so interesting. I could honestly listen to the host talk about space all day,” Scott said.
“He keeps bringing it up during the Scottcast, too,” Jeff commented. “I’m starting to think he’d rather co-host that podcast instead of our own.”
“Man, I’d love to be on that podcast!”
You could hardly contain your excitement. Your favorite YouTubers knew who you were?! They knew your podcast?! You had to be dreaming, you were sure of it.
“There’s no way they’d ever have us on the podcast,” David was saying. “We’re too stupid and immature, they’d probably hate us.”
“Speak for yourself!” Zane, dressed in some weird costume for a bit, called, causing the boys to laugh together.
This gave you an idea. You put your laptop aside and opened Instagram on your phone. You searched the name “David Dobrik” and went to his DMs.
A week later, your podcasting room was filled with 11 extra people than there normally was. The room was only small with a handful of seats, so a lot of your guests were squeezed in together or basically sat on one another. No one seemed to mind, though. Every single person in the room was super excited to be there.
“What’s up all my space geeks? Welcome back to another episode of The Spaced Out podcast, the podcast where we discuss super nerdy space things,” you started with your usual intro. “Today’s episode is a little different, though, as today I am joined by not one, not two, not even three, but eleven special guests. You heard me right, eleven. Special guests, wanna say hi?”
All eleven of your guests rang out with a chorus of, “Hello!”s at the one time, making it all come out as just a shouting mess. You laughed and waved a hand to silence them.
“In case you had trouble understanding what they were saying,” you said, “my guests today are David, Scotty, Toddy, Zane, Erin, Carly, Natalie, Heath, Mariah, Corinna, and Jeff, better known as a large chunk of YouTube’s biggest vlogging group: The Vlog Squad!”
The Vlog Squad cheered at their introduction as you just clapped your hands.
“Can I just say,” Heath said once the noise started to die down, “that I am impressed with how fast you said our names and how easy it was. You didn’t even stutter once.”
“I’ll be honest, when David told me exactly who was coming I prepared myself for this,” you admitted. “I’ve never had so many guests on the show before. Actually, I don’t know if I’ve ever had any guests at all. I don’t really know anyone in my real life that’s as interested in space and science as I am.”
“To be fair, none of us are, either,” Jeff joked, causing the room to laugh.
“Yeah, you picked the wrong people to be on your podcast,” Corinna added.
“You don’t have to have any sort of interest to be on the podcast, really. As long as you don’t mind me talking about my nerdy space obsession every now and then anyone is welcome on the podcast.”
Your heart was beating so fast you were sure everyone else could hear it. You were shocked that you were managing to remain so calm in that moment. Your favorite YouTubers were sitting right there in front of you, being guests on your podcast, and somehow you were acting as though they were just friends that you had convinced to come on the podcast.
“Is there any cool space facts you can share with us to get the ball rolling?” David asked.
“Dude, I’ve made over 300 episodes of this podcast that is literally all about space, you gotta narrow down your parameters there,” you told him.
“What’s your favorite space fact then?”
You thought for a moment, going through all the little facts you had in your mind. There was so much you could share with them that you really didn’t know where to start.
“Okay,” you said finally, “I have one. I think David will like this cause we all know he’s made of money: there is a planet that is called 55 Cancri e. It is over twice the size of Earth and it is potentially made of diamonds.”
They all gasped and made comments of astonishment at the same time at this.
“Like, literally made of diamonds?” Corinna asked.
“It’s hard to know for sure. It’s roughly 41 lightyears away so it’s not exactly easy to reach, but they think it’s made of graphite and diamonds,” you explained. “My favorite fact, and one that’s a little scary, is that it’s actually completely silent in space. Like not a single sound, because atmospheres around planets are what contain the soundwaves to make noise.”
“I told you,” David said, turning to face Scott. “We’re too stupid to be on this podcast.”
You all laughed together. “You guys aren’t stupid! I was just fascinated with space as a child and my parents let me feed into that fascination. They always bought me books about space and brought me to visit certain space centers. I was that kid that always said she was gonna grow up and be an astronaut. Instead, I just talk about them on the internet.”
Everything was going so well. You were getting to know your guests and they kept urging you to tell them facts and stories about space. You knew a lot of what you were telling them you had talked about on the podcast before, so devoted listeners probably wouldn’t be too interested in a lot of what you had to say in that episode, but you didn’t mind too much. You just loved to see the looks of astonishment on everyone’s faces as you continued to tell them fact after fact.
When you came to a segment you did in the podcast in which you would read messages from fans, you decided to your guests choose which messages to read and respond to. David took the tablet you used for this first and read through the thousands of messages you received between uploading your most recent episode and recording the current one.
“Are you going to talk about the new 4K pictures of Mars?” he read.
“Oh my God, yes!” you responded. “That will be next episode. I haven’t looked at them all yet because I wanna have a live reaction to them, but I did see one picture and it looks absolutely stunning.”
“It blew my mind how it just looked like a desert here,” Carly commented. “Mars is a lot more like Earth than we think. Sucks that we’ll never be able to live there or anything.”
“I don’t think we’ll never be able to live there, but I don’t think it’ll happen in our lifetimes,” you commented. “But that’s a whole other thing, let’s move on from that.”
“What has been your favorite space related story of the past year?” Natalie read the message she had picked.
“I don’t know if it’s my favorite, but it’s definitely one that I was very interested in reading: a star just vanished in 2020,” you responded. “Apparently that’s something that can just happen, stars can just suddenly disappear and no one knows where they went. This star from the Kinman dwarf galaxy that shined almost brighter than the sun just vanished between 2011 and 2020, and they have no explanation for it. That story stuck with me the most cause I just find it funny that a star that bright just vanished and no one can figure out where it went.”
They continued reading you messages for a while before passing your tablet back to you.
“While I wish I could sit here with you guys and talk about space and your vlogs forever, unfortunately we are running out of time,” you said. “I want to thank the Vlog Squad again for joining me on this episode, and I hope I didn’t bore you guys to death with my stories and facts.”
“Not at all!” David spoke. “I can’t speak for everyone, but I really enjoyed myself. Listening to you talk was really interesting.”
The rest of the group agreed. You tried not to blush from all their kind words.
“I always wanna thank our sponsors again. As always I appreciate them supporting my show, and of course I want you guys, the listeners. Your constant support for the show means so much to me. If you wanna hear more fun facts about space that you’ll never use in live, follow me on my social media. If you’re not already following the podcast, follow the podcast! I upload episodes every Friday, and if you want to be involved in the show be sure to send me your space related messages and maybe I’ll read them out on the next episode. Have a good weekend, little space geek out!”
You ended the recording and the group almost cheered for you. You smiled and stood to thank them again for coming on the show. You were shocked when Corinna pulled you into a hug, which caused the rest of the group to hug you one by one.
“This was the most fun I think I’ve ever had,” Erin commented. “Would you be open to having more guests on the show? I’d love to come back and to just listen to you talk for a full hour.”
The rest of the squad agreed. You really didn’t think you could feel any more excited or on cloud nine, but they kept surprising you.
“I would definitely be open to having guests again,” you replied. “If you guys ever wanna be on the show again, just send me a DM. I’d love to have you!”
“We’d love to have you on the vlogs sometime, too, if you’d be open for that,” David told you.
There they go again, making you feel like you had passed cloud nine and now were on a completely different planet with excitement.
“Y-Yeah!” you managed. “Of course, I’d love that!”
After some more small talk, you showed the group out and thanked them again for coming. Once you were sure they were gone and unable to see you, you began jumping for joy and exclaiming with excitement. You couldn’t believe it! You had just hosted a podcast with your favorite people, and they asked you to join them for filming sometime?!
“This is the best day of my life!”
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choiaerastour · 3 years
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isthisthingeven0n · 4 years
content, baby : n.m
brief summary: whilst filming for one of david’s vlogs, you end up injured and natalie tries to help (528 words)
requested: yes by the sweetest anon, i hope you like the outcome! warnings: none that i’m aware of
all my links
(everything on my blog is my own writing. if it is shared on another page or website know it hasn’t been approved me unless specified. all rights reserved. - i have to start doing this as I had some shit on my other blog with plagiarism)
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Hopping over to the sofa, you hold back a cry as you Natalie stands in front of you, her arms crossed.
“Natalie, it’s fine.” You assure her, not daring to look down at your ankle as her brows remain knitted together in concern.
“Babe, I think it’s broken.” Natalie states with a short sigh, looking past you and over to David. “We’ve got to get her to a hospital, now.”
“It’s fine, it’s a sprain honestly.” You comment, trying to stand up on both feet as an involuntary cry sounds from your lips and Natalie forces you back down, her hand holding yours tightly.
“Nope, that isn’t a sprain.” Natalie tells you, watching as your jaw clenches. “David put the fucking camera down and go start the car.” She yells across the room, taking you by surprise.
“I know I’m in a lot of pain right now but that was hot.” You mutter to Natalie, smiling up to her, catching her eyes rolling.
The front slams open and David runs back in. “I’ve got the car ready, you good to go, Y/n?” David asks hesitantly, his eyes widening at the sight of your ankle now swelling dramatically.
“As ready as I’ll ever be.” You breathe deeply as you stand up, keeping your foot up as Natalie wraps her arm around your waist, helping you toward the front door. “God, this is shit.” You chuckle as David appears on your other side, helping you out the front door to his Tesla.
“You fell down three flights of stairs at Scott’s house, Y/n.” Natalie reminds you. “You’re lucky.”
Shrugging your shoulder, you slide into the backseat of David’s car whilst Natalie sits in the front. “But you got it on camera, right, Dave?” You laugh, hearing David chuckle in response whilst Natalie glares at him, cutting his laugh short.
“You do realise you’re going to have a cast babe.” Turning her head, she pouts at the sight of you in the backseat, spread out with your leg resting on the other seat as you hold back tears forming in your eyes.
“Yep.” You curtly reply, your adrenaline now wearing off. “Are we almost there? I think I’m gonna pass out.”
Natalie stretches her arm out, grabbing your hand in hers as she rubs her thumb over your hand. “We’re almost there, okay. Just keep breathing.” Natalie softly tells you, the soothing motion providing some comfort as you watch the city pass you by.
“We’re here.” David announces, and you sigh in relief as they both help you out of the car.
“Hey, David?” You speak up before you hobble through the doors.
“You okay? I’m not hurting you am I?” David asks, but you shake your head.
“You better have your camera on you, this is content gold.” You joke, and Natalie shakes her head in disbelief.
“Sometimes I worry I’m dating a David clone.” Natalie states as she looks to you.
“But you love me anyway?” You pout as you enter the ER, David leaving your side to go and speak to the front desk.
“Yeah,” Natalie squeezes your side lightly. “whatever you say.”
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corinna-kopff · 3 years
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fanficimagery · 5 years
Nobody Puts Baby in the Corner [Part 1 of 2]
Summary: Imagine being the “baby” of the group.
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Words: 2.8K Warnings: Language. I tried my best, anon. I hope you like it either way. Requested by Anonymous who said: hi! i’ve had this idea in my mind of being younger than everyone else in the VS (maybe like 19/20?) and literally everyone calls you Baby like it started as a joke but it’s gotten to the point they’re introducing you to others as “Baby” and they’re all super protective of you and yeah just a cute thought i’ve been having hehe
While you've heard of the Vlog Squad and watched David Dobrik's videos to pass time, you didn't think nothing much of the group who were living their best lives and posting for everyone to see. They seemed like they'd be fun to hang out with, and though you lived quite close to where David apparently lived, you never once rushed to the random pop-ups or ran into any of them when they were out and about.
But that all changed one day when you were playing with your puppy in the park, and you were surprised when David, Natalie, and Jason walked up to you. Natalie had fallen in love at first sight of your Beagle puppy and David chanced walking up to you in hopes of getting his friend some play time with the dog. You were surprised to see them and then quickly explained your surprise, and they were pleased to learn you watched their videos. You had then happily let Natalie play with Milo, the four of you sitting on the ground as you teased Milo with doggie treats. It was then David, Natalie, and Jason learned some about you, the three of them surprised to learn you were not yet twenty-one when David had jokingly invited you out for drinks. Jason grumbled about hanging out with toddlers, and David had giggled as he recorded Natalie and the puppy.
You figured running into them was a once in a lifetime type of deal, so you were surprised to run into David and Natalie again about a week later. While waiting for some food for yourself and your parents, the two of them had walked in to order an outrageous amount of food. They had spotted you first and you were shocked they remembered your name. Then as the three of you had chatted while waiting for your food, David invited you back to his place to eat when he realized you didn't live that far. You had politely declined because you had to get the food back home, but David urged you to join them. He suggested that you could eat with them and their friends, and Natalie suggested she go with you to your house so you could drop off the food, pick up Milo, and then she'd direct you to David's. They were eager to have you join them, and to pick up Milo, that you couldn't say no.
It was a bit surreal to meet Zane, Heath, Mariah, and Todd, but the group welcomed you without even batting an eye. Jason, upon spotting you when he arrived, jokingly referred to you as Baby. Everyone seemed confused, but when they found out why the baby jokes were soon to start. And from that day forward, you were introduced as Baby to everyone else you had yet to meet and the name just stuck.
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You're sitting on the floor of David's living room, a bowl of sliced cucumber in hand and a smaller bowl of Ranch dressing balancing on your knee. David's editing not far from you and Natalie is playing with Milo in the backyard.
The front door opens, someone shouts to see if anyone's home, and you shout back to confirm that there is.
Erin, Carly, and Jeff walk around the corner, the three of them laughing at what they were previously talking about. "Hey, Baby." They all greet.
"Hey, guys." You see Carly glancing around the floor and you grin. "Milo's out back with Nat." She chuckles before walking to the door, Erin walks into the kitchen, and Jeff plops down on the sofa right behind you. "Snack?" You ask, holding the bowl out for him over your shoulder.
"What'd you put on it?"
"Just lemon juice and a sprinkle of salt. There's also Ranch."
Jeff huffs a laugh at your bowl of Ranch, but does accept a couple slices of cucumber. Erin soon joins Jeff on the sofa, and the girls come in from outside with an excited Milo in tow. As Jeff and Erin then attempt to grab your dog's attention, your phone rings with the telltale sound of a Facetime call.
Erin takes the two bowls when you answer the call, you quickly thanking her before one of your other friend's excited face fills the screen and her voice spills out of the speaker. "Happy birthday, bitch!" You cringe and smile in thanks, avoiding the gazes of those around you as they suddenly go still. "We're getting fucked up tonight! You're finally legal!" She squeals.
You sigh. "I don't know, Em. I don't drink much and I'm not too fond of having strangers grind on me."
"Come on, girl!" She groans. "We're in the prime of our lives! You need to let loose at least once in your life."
"Yeah, Baby," Jeff lays out behind you, his face just visible behind your shoulder. "You're in the prime of your life. Go out and have fun."
Your friend's eyes widen on screen and you faintly grin. But before she can question you, David's piping up. "It's your birthday? Why didn't you tell us?"
"Because I don't care for celebrations," you shrug.
"But it's your twenty first!" Natalie says. "You're supposed to let go once you turn legal."
"Oh my god. Our Baby is no longer a baby," Erin realizes. Carly laughs, she busy playing with Milo again. These people really loved dogs.
When you meet your friend's gaze on the phone, you sigh yet again. "Em, this is Jeff. Don't even think about it. I forbid it."
"Nope. Now if you want me to go out tonight, you'll forget all about the hot person behind me and text me where I'm supposed to meet you guys tonight. Okay? Love you. Bye."
As soon as you drop your phone beside you, your friends are on you.
"It's your birthday!? Oh my god," Natalie says. "I can't believe you hid it from us."
You laugh sheepishly. "I didn't exactly hide it. I just- I didn't tell you. I didn't want you guys to feel obligated to get me anything or do something."
"But you're twenty-one," Carly says. "That's huge!"
"Not really. It's rare that I'll have a drink. I'm not too eager to get shit-faced and wake up regretting my life's choices."
"Well tonight you are," Natalie says. "Come on. We'll raid my closet for an outfit and get you ready."
"No buts," David muses. "You have this night with your friends and then next week you'll celebrate with us."
"But Milo," you say, picking up your Beagle and holding his face to your cheek. "I can't leave him all alone."
"On it." Jeff takes Milo from you and you pout at him. "What? The sitter's got Nerf for the night. I'm not doing anything."
Chuckling lightly, you let Natalie and Erin pull you up to your feet. Carly follows behind you and you readily start picking through a drawer of your stuff in Natalie's room for underwear you kept there for emergencies. She hands you a towel and a robe, and instructs you to not wash your hair. You oblige her, taking extra care to pamper yourself in the shower before making your way back to her room.
Mariah has now joined them, she surprising you with a cupcake and a singular candle. They quietly sing happy birthday to you as to not attract all the boys, and snap several pictures to post later. Carly then does your hair and Natalie your makeup. Once they're done, you get to choose between four outfits they had put together and laid out on the bed.
One outfit in particular catches your attention- anything that sparkled was a weakness of yours- and you spend a little too long staring at the metallic sequined crop top with a plunging v-neck.
"Why don't you try it on?" Carly asks.
You huff. "And risk flashing my tits? No thanks."
"That's what the tape is for." Mariah laughs.
Natalie and Mariah then help you into the crop top, taping it down so you don't flash anyone when you no doubt let go at the club later that night. The top pairs with high waisted, faux leather shorts that fit almost like a second skin and a pair of chunky heeled boots that stop just above your knee. You have to endure a mini-photoshoot for your friends before they let you out of the room where they then direct you to the kitchen without even addressing the boys.
"A round of shots for the birthday girl," Natalie says, immediately seeking out a bottle of liquor and shot glasses. Carly, Erin, and Mariah cheer. Shots are poured and then passed out, you grabbing it and raising it in front of you so Natalie could finish her toast. "May you let loose, have fun, and call us from a jail cell so one of us can go bail you out."
"Don't jinx me!" The girls all laugh and then you down your shot, grimacing.
There's a sudden commotion as others arrive and you make small talk with Erin and Carly as more people enter the kitchen.
"Oh hey, when did we get a new hot gi- oh my god, it's Baby!" You whirl around at the sound of your name, slowly grinning at Todd's gobsmacked expression. You wink.
"Damn, babygirl," Zane whistles, "who is you trying to impress?"
"Alright, alright!" David shouts, camera recording. "Everyone gather 'round." Zane, Todd, Heath, and Jeff enter the kitchen, everyone gathering the kitchen island. "So today is Baby's twenty-first birthday-"
"Shut up, Zane, and let me finish." Everyone laughs. "As I said before I was rudely interrupted, today is Baby's twenty-first birthday. She didn't tell us because she didn't want presents or a party-"
"-so tonight she's going out with a few friends-"
"Not dressed like that, she's not!" Heath then interrupts.
You and the girls all cackle, even more so when the other boys are seen vaguely nodding along.
"But next week she's all ours. So, Baby," David says, coming in closer so the camera is practically in your face, "any last words before you're too drunk to make good choices?"
"Yeah. If my tits pop out of this shirt, I'm throat punching Natalie for encouraging me to wear it."
More laughter rings out and you can't help but laugh as Zane, Todd, and David struggle to not look at your chest.
"Jesus, Baby," Heath mumbles. "Will you please change?"
"If you don't change, we're following you to the club," Jeff says.
You grin. "Well then I guess you're following me to the club."
Thirty minutes later, you're sitting on Todd's lap on one of the middle seats in David's Tesla. He and Jason are in the front, you, Todd, Jeff, and Zane in the middle, and Heath and Ilya in the back.
"You know, I didn't think you were actually serious that you'd accompany me to the club," you say. "Or pick up Jason and Ilya."
Ilya laughs from the back seat. "Todd sent me a pic of your.. chest. I was torn between wanting to put a shirt on you and ogling the picture some more."
"Todd!" David laughs. "You didn't?!"
"I'm sorry!" He laughs.
"She's like our baby sister, man," Jeff chuckles. "What is wrong with you?"
Todd laughs, his arms lazily wrapped around your waist. "I was so confused! I mean, I know it's Baby, but.."
"We ain't never really seen Baby's boobs on display like this. It's confusing. And upsetting," Zane says.
"Now you boys know how it feels for us girls when you walk around in nothing but your boxer briefs. I mean, you guys are like family. Sort of. But you're all still so pretty. It's confusing."
The rest of the drive doesn't take very long and soon enough David's pulling up to the club your girl friends are all waiting outside of. And before you can open the door, Todd's holding on tighter as Jason turns around in his seat. David records what comes next.
"Ground rules," Jason says, putting on a mock serious expression. "Very little alcohol, no drugs, no boys, no hook-ups, no-"
"Yes, dad, I get it. Have fun, but not too much fun." You sigh. "Can I go now?"
"Listen here, young lady." You snort and all the boys snicker at Jason's tone. "You are only just barely legal-legal. You're lucky I'm even considering letting you out of this car!"
"I love you guys, but you're all idiots. I'm going now." You tap on Toddy's arm to let go, which he does, and you make your escape soon after.
Then making sure the tape has done its job and kept you covered, you pull down on your shorts from where they'd ridden up. You wave to the boys as soon as the door closes, but you only make it a few feet before Jason's voice is ringing out.
"Call us if you run into any trouble! We mean it, Baby!"
You stumble and glare over your shoulder when people start to stare, you flipping off all the boys now laughing. Your girl friends then walk up to you, staring between you and the car of boys in amusement. "Don't ask," you grumble. "I need a drink asap."
          - X - X - X - X - X -
By the time you're stumbling out of the club, every one of your girls are completely smashed. Makeup is smudged, shoes are in their hands, and one of your girls is a crying mess. Your mind is a little fuzzy and some things look like they're in slow motion when you move a little too fast. Thankfully, however, you had enough of your wits about to order an Uber for the girls and call David to come pick you up just because.
The Uber gets there before David, so you quickly wrangle up the girls and get them in the van. Then left alone, you take a seat on the curb and mess about on your phone to keep yourself occupied. Your Instagram has blown up with notifications from all the sloppy pictures your girls had posted and tagged you in, and all the comments your other group of friends had left on them.
There's whistling behind you, followed by some catcalls that make you slightly uncomfortable, but you do your best to ignore it.
Finally the familiar white Tesla pulls up and you sigh in relief. The front passenger window rolls down and Todd's beaming smile greets you. "Someone doesn't look like they've had fun."
"I was until some idiots ruined it."
"Aw, Baby, whose asses do we have to kick?"
You huff a laugh as you attempt to get up, only to trip and bump into the side of David's car. You can hear him cackling from the inside. The back passenger door opens, and Zane and Jeff are recording you with their phones.
"Seriously, Baby, who pissed you off?"
"Just some-"
"Yeah, sweetheart, flash us those tits!"
The shouting startles you and you grimace, looking towards the source of crude remark. The guy who shouted, plus all his friends, laugh as they shove each other around and continue staring at you. Todd leans his head further out the window and Zane halfway exits the car.
"Flash us your tits! Flash us your tits!"
"Suck my dick!" You suddenly bark back, your anger spiking. The catcalling morons seem startled you spoke back, they still laughing but no longer chanting. "What? You think it's cute to act like jackasses? You wanna see tits so bad, go home and jerk off to PornHub."
"You tell 'em, girl!" A random group of girls cheer you on.
"Fuck, Zane, get her in the car!" Jeff says.
"You wanna go, you little bitch? Lets go, motherfucker!"
"Zane, grab Baby!"
You start to walk off, but arms wrap around your waist and pull you back.
"Yo, man, come get your girl! She's fuckin' crazy."
"What the hell did you just say?" Zane stills and suddenly you're the one nudging Zane back to prevent him from marching up and starting a fight.
Suddenly David's in your face, the light on his camera blinding as he laughs in your and Zane's face. Todd and Jeff do their best to calm the situation, and then you're being herded into the Tesla. And even though there's two perfectly empty seats in the back, you're seated on Zane's lap in the middle seat with Jeff beside you.
"Are you kidding me right now?" Jeff suddenly muses, chuckling the further David gets from the club. "You went from 0 to 100 in a blink."
You frown. "They started it. I ignored it at first, but the chanting really got under my skin."
"You're a mean drunk," Todd giggles. "You went off on those guys. I seriously can't wait until next week."
"I can. Everything feels super slow right now. It's almost making me dizzy." Since you're sitting sideways in Zane's lap, you place your head on his shoulder and snuggle in. "This sucks."
"No, no, no. Don't you dare puke in my car."
You burp. "No promises."
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zanesgirlfriend · 5 years
Wouldn't Date You | David Dobrik
Requested by anonymous: request: can you write something where david and the reader dating in secret and david’s reaction when the guys talk about her in a vulgar way
"I would hit that." Jeff's words cut through the room into David's ears.
"Who?" He called out, joining their conversation.
"Y/n." Todd told him, no idea that she was such a valuable person to David.
"You shouldn't talk about her that way." David stood up, walking towards them.
"What do you mean?" Todd asked.
"Saying 'I would hit that' like she's an object and not a person." He defended her. Jeff's face contorted.
"We talk about girls that way all the time?"
"Instagram models, yeah, but not normal girls." David realized he was singling out y/n and didn't want them to suspect anything.
"So Instagram models are objects, but y/n isn't?" Natalie called David out on his bullshit, knowing full well about his secret relationship.
"No, no, that's not what I meant." David took a deep breath before correcting himself. "You shouldn't talk about any girls that way, but especially not y/n."
"Oh, I get it." Todd nodded. David felt a sigh of relief, only to be nervous again when he continued. "You have a crush on her." Todd's white teeth cracked through his lips as he smiled, Jeff nudged his arm.
"That makes sense."
"No, I don't!" David's cheeks lit up, unsure if it was the anxiety of talking about her to people, or if it was the fact that he was lying.
"Look at his face! He has a crush on her." Jeff laughed. David glanced over at Natalie, pleading for help, but she was giggling. She was gonna let him flounder.
"Y/n would never-" Todd started, but abruptly stopped as the door opened.
"Y/n would never what?" Y/n asked as she shut the door behind her.
"Would never date David." Todd finished. Her eyes went wide for a moment, feeling her face heat up as she looked at David. She could see on his face that he didn't know what to do.
"Well then," Her face relaxed as she walked over to the giggling men. "Who would I date?" Her voice was intimidating, causing them to stop laughing immediately.
"Uh, Jeff." Todd stammered, the back of his hand hitting Jeff's arm.
"Why do you get to choose who I date? David's cute, what's wrong with him?" The guys looked over at David who smiled innocently.
"That's not what we were say-"
"Why wouldn't I date David?" She asked again, this time her voice a little deeper.
"We just couldn't see you two together, that's all." Jeff jumped in. Y/n smiled before walking over to David. Their eyes followed her, David's eyes tracking her lips as they drew nearer to his mouth. Her hands grabbed the sides of his head, pulling him in. They kissed, smiling to eachother through it, and then she stopped, sitting down on the couch.
"Hey. Natalie." Todd and Jeff were dumbfounded by what they just saw.
"Hey." She smiled, resisting laughter. Todd leaned over to Jeff, whispering in his ear.
"We shoulda said she wouldn't date you."
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harianasavenue · 4 years
woman with a broken heart - j.f
hey guys, i haven’t posted in a while and i’m sorry. i have been really busy but i’m available finally. if you have any requests, please send them in! <3 -a 
song: beware by big sean ft. lil wayne and jhene aiko. 
summary: jeff and y/n have been in a toxic relationship due to his past mistakes, driving them to breakup
warnings: cursing, mentions of cheating, toxic and broken relationship. 
words: 348 
1 year ago*
jeff was out clubbing with his friends, while you stayed at home. he wouldn’t let you come with him, which did make you mad and sad, but it was whatever. jeff had been going a lot more than normal. it made you so mad seeing him get ready in front of you, but he wouldn’t let you go out. 
he was a sweetheart in the first stages of the relationship. 5 months in he started rebelling against you and he started disrespecting you, which lead to your first fight. he had stormed out and got drunk. he cheated on you that night, and you forgave him after a week. 
this happened 3 more times. he cheated on you so many times, you began to distance yourself and you broke up with him. 
shortly after, he promised he’ll change and you guys got back together.
 jeff started that cycle again.
you decided it was a good idea to question him about cheating on you, judging from past mistakes and drama. 
“are you cheating on me?” you say, sitting on the couch drinking champagne. you were prepared for a fight. 
“are you crazy? you have got to be kidding me. i said i changed.” he tells you, his anger already building up. 
“don’t call me crazy. you did it before, so it’s not unreasonable.” you say calmly.
“ why do you have to bring this up all the time.” 
“why do it in the first place?” you shoot back. 
“that’s it, we’re done.” 
that stops you in your tracks. it literally felt like he shot you in the heart and left you in the dust. 
“i fucking hate you jeff. how dare you break up with me after everything i did for you. keep a fucking eye open at night.” you say, grabbing your stuff. 
“baby, you know i meant it with good intentions, right? i was just mad.” he tries to justify. 
“this is your last time calling me crazy or baby. cut off everyone from my family, we’re over.” you say leaving him alone in his apartment. 
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livylove151 · 4 years
Life Choices (David Dobrik)
Request:  Can you write one where David's dating an older girl and she has a child from a previous relationship, Natalie and Erin judge her for it and question her intentions and David defends her.
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Your POV
Being a single mother was already hard enough especially since the father of your child was no longer apart of you or your baby’s life. So when you started dating YouTube sensation, David Dobrik, you knew there were going to be a few challenges. You told him you’d love to be apart of his vlogs but to keep your child out of the vlogs until you felt comfortable enough. 
All his friends adored you and your baby girl (Y/D/N). Well almost everyone. For some reason David’s assistant, Natalie, and one of his friends Erin doesn’t approve of the life you had. You could kind of tell when you first introduced your daughter to the group. They were the only ones who didn’t want to hold her, didn’t seem interested at all in the conversation and kind of hung back from the group. But as you continued to bring your daughter over and hang out with everyone they started making comments. 
“Why do you always bring your child over?” Natalie asked. You bounced your daughter up and down on your knee. You glanced over in her and Erin’s direction. David was cuddled up next to you as he dangled a toy in front of your daughter. 
“Well, the person who usually babysits her is not in town. My parents are busy and I kind of can’t leave her by herself,” you muttered. 
“There’s always daycare centers,” Erin said rolling her eyes as she scrolled through her phone. 
“Your parents are still involved in your life?” Natalie asked. You shifted uncomfortably. 
“I currently don’t have the money to put her in a daycare and yes my parents love their granddaughter.” You looked over at David, you could tell he was getting annoyed with all the questions as well. 
“Ah, so are you just dating David for child support,” Erin said as she shook her head in disapproval and Natalie made a disgusted face at you. 
“Whoa guys, what the hell?” David said looking at them. You held your daughter close to your chest as she snuggled next to you. You were trying to hold back the tears that threatened to fall. It hurt hearing people who were so close to David talk to you like that. Assume you were only using him for money. 
“I’m just saying that why would she want to always be around and be in the vlogs and date you if it wasn’t for money to support the mistake she made,” Erin said letting out a small laugh. 
“Mistake?” David said standing up, a hint of anger in his voice. 
“Well yeah- it was her fa-” David cut her off.
“No, it wasn’t a mistake. Her daughter is not a mistake. She’s a blessing to (Y/N) and frankly to me. I gave her the choice to not be apart of my vlogs. She has never once asked me for money or any support. She does fine on her own and works her fucking ass off to support her child,” David said his voice gradually getting louder. 
“David, we didn’t mean it-” Natalie started. David let out a laugh. 
“You know you two were the last I expected to judge someone. Out of all the people we hang out with who make shitty decisions everyday, who sleep around, get STD’s and do drugs and you decided to judge my girlfriend who raised a child by herself with no father in the life, who works multiple jobs? That’s a low blow guys, I’m very disappointed,” He said shaking his head as he sat down next to you and kissed your forehead. 
“Thank you,” You whispered as you smiled at him. Your daughter put her tiny hands on your face and you couldn’t help but let out a smile. 
“(Y/N)-” Erin started. You shook your head. 
“It’s okay, guys. Really. I wouldn’t have my life any other way,” You whispered as you leaned your head on your boyfriends shoulder and your daughter resting her head on your chest. 
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choiaerastour · 3 years
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