#vocals that move like a flute
autophage · 7 months
The slow but incessant rain of anvils began in 1942.
George Macomber was walking from the trolley stop to his home in Great Falls (a name which many newspapers took advantage of in their lede selection) when a two-ton Bavarian fell out of the sky, landing squarely on top of poor George. He was Flattened instantly.
And, seconds later, he slid out from beneath the anvil, with a new height of one and a half millimeters. He had become, in an instant, the densest human being on the planet.
George Macomber happened to look up just before impact. This saved his life: because he was the first to ever be Flattened, the extremely-high-density intravenous fluid setup had not yet been invented, and no hospital could have kept him hydrated if his mouth were not accessible on his topside. (Iris Colelman invented the extremely-high-density intravenous setup in 1947, after hundreds had perished due to dehydration mere days after their Flattening.)
In another twist of good fortune, George Macomber had served as a signal officer in the Navy during the Great War and knew Morse code. While his vocal chords were capable only of producing an awful gurgling, he could still communicate by blinking - a trick that the doctors recognized quickly. And so he was able, painstakingly, to describe the characteristic sound of the anvil's descent: a terrifying descending whistle, like the slide-flute sound used for falling bombs in animated reels.
His story is not all a happy one, though. Some who are Flattened eventually pop back up to their former stature, but poor Mr. Macomber never did. While his medical condition remained stable, his wife divorced him and he had trouble finding employment. Seven years after his Flattening, he stopped eating or drinking. His final words, blinked to his nurse, are lost to history; she felt that she owed him her silence, even as she was fired and eventually prosecuted for letting him pass in this manner. The court asserted that she should have immobilized him and given him a high-density drip.
Only twenty-three days after George's Flattening, Irma Childress was returning from the bakery when a six-ton farrier's anvil hurtled down and Flattened her. She, too, was lucky enough that her mouth remained accessible. Her story is happier than George's - she was also the first person to pop back up to her normal height. It took her six months, and those must have been worse than George's, as she did not know Morse code - though she learned it and was proficient by her third Flattened month.
Even after regaining her former height, Irma remained wary of doors, stairs, and any place with high foot traffic. She sold her house in Los Angeles and moved out to an almond farm. She spoke to the press repeatedly and respectfully, and to this day is remembered as an early and passionate advocate for keeping the Flattened comfortable and helping them maintain their dignity.
Nobody has discovered where the anvils come from. They fall primarily in North America, most often in the southwest and midwest. Some suspect that they are flung by tornados, or some sort of awful prank, or military test flights. They are always of recent manufacture, indicated by a date stamp, but never a maker's mark.
The rate of Flattenings increased until the late 50's, at a peak of a bit over 100,000 in 1958. Today, the rain has slowed: there are usually between one and two thousand Flattenings a year. This incident rate has held steady since the early 1980's. This is unusual, since far fewer anvils are manufactured or used today than were in the 1940's. Of those Flattened, about half pop back to their previous height, usually between two months and a year after their initial Flattening.
It was difficult for the Flattened to connect with each other before modern video conferencing - those who were lucky enough to look up before their Flattening can see above themselves, but cannot see in front of themselves, and it is generally difficult for the Flattened to orient themselves otherwise. The Flattened of today generally stay on a table with a tablet above them, modified to use eye tracking for navigation. (Of course, this only really works with Flattened whose eyes are on their top- or bottom-sides; those with eyes facing forward, or whose faces were crushed into their bellies, can usually hear, but have a very hard time making themselves understood.) Regardless of orientation they are helped by dedicated care nurses who changes their IV fluids. These nurses are provided by Flattening insurance, offered by all major insurance providers; they often also take over some of the responsibilities the Flattened previously held, such as taking care of their children.
Sadly, the provisions surrounding Flattening insurance have changed in the last twenty years. Most nurses make less than 20% above minimum wage, and are afforded very little flexibility by the job, which requires them to attend the Flattened's household around the clock. They become very close with those they care for - in many cases they develop shorthands to make communication easier, such as diacritic modifications to the blinked Morse code.
While the Irma Childress Foundation is the leading voice for Flattening insurance reform, some long-term Flattened feel that their concerns are often not heard. They contend that the Foundation often bargains away provisions that could help some edge cases - especially those with limited communication capabilities.
Some of the Flattened have started pooling resources to buy land and build a city suited to their own needs, to wean themselves off of the marginal succor offered by the insurance system. We who stand tall must support them. We must afford them not only the dignity of doing our best not to step on them, but to self-determination. We must acknowledge that their lives are all unique and different. We must refuse, if you will pardon the pun, to flatten their experiences into one single narrative.
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shinynewboots · 2 months
In the Night Sky: GuitarSpear
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Guitarspear week: Day 3
Prompt: Sun and Moon - Celestial
AN: A fun little fluff/feel-good piece about the beginnings of Lute and Adam's relationship!
No warnings
Lute stood on the wall, sipping her champagne slowly as she took in the scene of the ballroom before her. Emily had wanted to start the tradition of throwing an annual gala to 'boost morale and good spirit' among Heaven and its host. Lute didn't quite understand the point, but who was she to argue with the young seraphim.
And so she had, along with her exorcist sisters, dressed up for the occasion. Emily had chosen the theme "In the Night Sky" and gave everyone a rather vague idea of what was to be expected of them. So far, Lute had seen everything from someone dressed up in a beautiful ball gown meant to envision the Milky Way to another angel wearing a large ball that engulfed their body and proclaiming themselves to be "Jupiter".
Lute had chosen something a tad simpler, and opted for a silver mini dress with a haltered top that clung to her body before stopping mid-thigh. Her hair had been curled (curtesy of her fellow exorcist, Lyre) and was adorned with a small silver tiara with star embellishments.
She knew she should interact with people (lest she face the wrath of Emily) but Lute wasn't good with people. She was always too abrasive, too vulgar, too dark (especially to Winners who indulged in their own piety and declared such things to be beneath them). No, Lute was better off here on the sidelines. Watching.
Emily had outdone herself. The ballroom had been transformed into an accurate representation of the night sky, complete with stars that twinkled to give the illusion of one floating amongst the galaxy. She looked around the room to see her various sisters floating around the room and she couldn't suppress the hint of jealousy at how it just came so easily for them.
She took a final sip of her champagne before setting the flute down on a table and stepping outside to get some air.
The balcony was even more magnificent than the ballroom and it gave the illusion that she could simply walk off the ledge and begin to walk among the stars. And even better, it was empty and quiet. Away from the warmth of the ballroom. Lute sighed and walked towards the edge, placing her elbows on the railing.
"More booze for your thoughts?" A voice behind her said.
Lute shot up and turned to see Adam, the First Man and leader of the exorcists.
"Sir," She replied. "I didn't think you were coming."
She looked him up and down, unable to stop staring at the angel in front of her. He was dressed in a traditional Greek toga (right down to the sandals) with a golden wrap around it. In his hands he held two glasses of champagne. His hair had been fixed in such a way that his normally messy hair was now lying playfully in boyish curls, adorned with a golden laurel wreath crown. His golden wings were spread out behind him and Lute truly believe he looked like an ancient Adonis.
Adam shrugged. "I figured I wouldn't pass up free booze."
He handed one of the champagne flutes to her. She gave him a hesitant smile and grabbed the glass. Appeased, he moved closer to the railing and turned so that his back was leaning precariously over the ledge.
"Thanks." She said, taking a sip and letting the bubbles flood her senses.
"What are you supposed to be anyway? An astronaut?" He asked, poking a teasing finger into her arm.
She scowled at him. "I'm supposed to be the Moon."
Adam took a long look at her, his pursed as he thought. His eyes held a strange gaze, as if taking her appearance in for the first time. He shook his head. "No way you could be the moon."
Lute took another sip of her champagne. She could feel him trying to push her buttons. He rarely saw her out of uniform, but when he did, he was very vocal about his thoughts. "And why not?"
"You're too pretty to be the moon." He replied, his face serious as his golden eyes looked down at her sincerely.
"Oh." Was all she could muster before she tipped back the flute of her drink and downed it in one gulp. The multiple glasses were already going to her head and she could feel a future of questionable decisions ahead. "Well, what are you even supposed to be?"
Adam chuckled, spreading his arms and wings out wide so that she could get the full effect. "I'm Apollo."
Lute raised an eyebrow. "And?"
"And he's the Greek God of the Sun." He said, gesturing towards his golden attire. Lute couldn't help but giggle.
"Sounds blasphemous." She smirked. Adam tapped her on the nose and laughed.
"Not blasphemous if I really am Apollo. Or at least, the inspiration for him." Adam replied, shrugging.
"Wait, are you trying to tell me that you're the reason Apollo exists in Greek mythology?"
"Yeah! We used to go down to visit Earth more back in the day. Where do you think a lot of inspiration for myths comes from? I might have been revered as god in a culture or two, but who's counting." Adam shrugged, grinning in a way that said he definitely was counting.
"The real Apollo?" She asked again, still trying to wrap her head around the revelation.
Adam nodded his head enthusiastically. "Yeah, I even brought my old lyre."
And from God knows where Adam pulled out a lyre that looked as though it had seen better days. He began to strum the strings softly, very different than the aggressive way he would play guitar. She found herself entranced by the way his large fingers strummed the strings in such a gentle manner.
She found herself forgetting his absurd claim of being Apollo (though some of those statues did bear a somewhat striking resemblance in a certain light she supposed) as she watched him gently play .
He soon finished up his somber song and Lute couldn't help but set down her champagne flute and clap.
"What did you think?" He asked, his cheeks flushed as he looked at her for approval.
"Shockingly wonderful, Sir. I really had no idea you could play something that wasn't AC/DC." She teased.
"I'd say there's a lot you don't know about me." He said, giving her that strange look once more. He stowed the lyre back where it was he kept it in the first place and stepped closer to Lute. She had to look up at him to meet his golden eyes.
"I uh, I could play it for you again. Some other time. I even take requests." He said, the words more confident than his tone.
"I'm sure the girl would love to hear your playing skills on something other than a guitar."
He rubbed his neck sheepishly. "I was actually thinking more outside of training. Just me and you."
It was Lute's turn to flush. She was grateful for Lyre (maybe she would be grateful for both lyres tonight) for helping her apply enough makeup so that hopefully her reddened checks wouldn't be noticed.
"I think I would like that," She replied, her voice softer than she could ever remember it being. "Sir." She added for good measure.
"Adam. I want you to call me Adam. At least in private if you're more comfortable that way." He said, a hesitant smile on his lips.
"Adam," She said, feeling the word as it moved through her vocal cords as though it were the most natural thing in the world.
"Or you could call me Dickmaster."
Unable to help herself, she punched him sharply in the arm earning a high-pitched 'hey' from him.
"Absolutely not, Adam."
"Okay, maybe I deserved that." He said turning to stare out into the illusion of the night sky. Lute joined his lead and rested her hand on the railing. She heard the noise of something moving on the railing and looked down to see his hand hesitantly deciding if it wanted to reach out for her own. She looked up at Adam, her golden eyes matching his own, and nodded softly.
The large hand tenderly held onto the smaller hand as their owners gazed into the night sky and witnessed the beginning stages of a star being formed.
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cwritesforfun · 4 months
Eddie Roundtree x Fem!Reader: Introverts & Parties Don't Mix Well
You're in the band and while you are close to all of them, you and Eddie tend to gravitate to each other.
Y/N = Your First Name & L/N = Your Last Name
Narrator = Julia Dunne (but Narrator for sake of the story)
** I do not own the DJATS characters or plot ** **** The timeline is going to seem weird lol but I'm just writing what I want to write lol ****
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Narrator: This is just going to be your introduction. So could you tell us who you are and how you got into Daisy Jones & The Six? Y/N: Hi everyone I am Y/N L/N! I have always loved listening to music and creating music. When I was younger, I started with piano and guitar. Then in middle school, I learned flute and piccolo because I wanted to be in a concert band. I joined a band with friends outside of school in early high school and we played some small gigs in town. After high school, I moved to Los Angeles and met Karen within my first week. Her band needed an extra musician and I filled the spot. I followed Karen wherever she went, and she did the same with me. If one of us left a band then so did the other. We only joined a band if we both could. I learned sound engineering and technology to do anything a band could need. Karen took up something else. I'm feeling really tired at the moment, so I honestly can't remember. You’ll have to ask her. The Dunne Brothers played after us at this bar. We met the boys there. I wasn’t interested in being social and I left, but they liked Karen. So, we changed bands. Narrator: Were you angry that you had to leave? Y/N: No. The band we were with never liked our ideas or respected us anyway. They also wanted Karen & I to dress a certain way that we didn't want to. Karen: I just wanted to make music and I wanted to do it with Y/N. She is and was my best friend. Narrator: Did either of you ever think about splitting ways? Karen: Never. Y/N: Never. Narrator: Wow, and would you say you're both still best friends? Karen: Yes. Y/N: Yes. Narrator: We already talked about Karen joining. What about Y/N? How did you feel about her joining? Billy: We needed a keyboard player, which was Karen. Her only condition on which she would accept our offer to join the band was to let Y/N join as well. The rest of the band liked Karen and thought that it was worth it to bring in Y/N too. I'm glad we did. Y/N is and was such a kind soul. She was also very kind to Camila and you growing up, so yeah I was a fan. Warren: Y/N, yeah I found her hot. We saw her play and she rocked hardcore. She also had a cool voice, so I was on board. As soon as I saw how Eddie looked at her, I knew he was a goner. That man was lost in the world of Y/N even before we met her. Daisy: I liked her a lot. Her vocal range was amazing and I could listen to her for hours. Y/N was always kind to me. I consider her to this day one of my close friends. Graham: Y/N was cool. To be honest, I was more focused on Karen at the time, so I was all for letting Y/N join. We don't keep in touch as much as I would have liked because of well Karen. Eddie: She could sing, she knew how to work any sound technology, she could play so many instruments, and she was single. Yeah, I was interested in her as soon as we were told she could join.
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Narrator: How were the early days for you? The boys talked a lot about the parties. Did you like the groupies and parties? Y/N: God, I hated the parties at first. Introverts and Parties, they don't mix well. I realized that part of being in a band is doing things they like and interacting with them in social spaces. Even if I preferred being alone in my room, I wanted to be close to the band. And, if I hadn’t been pulled out of my comfort zone at those parties, I never would’ve fallen for Eddie. Narrator: Were you always closest with Eddie? Other than Karen, that is. Y/N: Yes, I was. Graham mainly hung out with Karen and he only talked to me if it would make him look good for Karen. Obviously, I was still close to Karen. Daisy was not always in the right headspace, which made me too worried to hang out with her because I wanted her to be safe. Billy was too serious at work but he was cool at parties. Camila was kind and I would talk to her at a lot of parties. Warren was so outgoing that I was anxious being around him at parties because he would try to get me to take more shots or take drugs. He was cool during recording sessions and for work though. And as for Eddie, I knew he was talented and Billy didn’t see his full potential. I also knew that some of Eddie’s ideas were good ones if we just went through with them. He was also a really inspiring songwriter and had a sweet voice. He'd probably hate that I called it sweet, but it always felt like home to me. Eddie: Y/N was always supportive of me and my ideas. She would listen to demos of songs that I’d written and we’d write together. She was a great lyricist on top of everything else she was amazing at. She was perfect to me. Y/N: Before we started dating, Eddie and I would spend a lot of time together. Warren always joked that Eddie and I should just cut the sexual tension by having sex. He also kept telling us that we should date because we clearly both liked each other. We were both coming to terms with seriously liking each other, so we would then just make fun of Warren for getting drunk and we wouldn’t talk about it. We just agreed to move on. Well not until this one party…
Skip to the party ~
You hang with Billy, Camila, and Daisy drinking before you decide to head outside to see if it’s quieter and calmer. Billy and Daisy are tolerating each other, so you feel good leaving them with Camila.
You notice no one sitting at the table by the fire pit so you grab a new drink and sit down. A guy you’ve seen at parties before starts talking to you and sits in the chair next to you. You decide to be polite so you keep talking to him.
You feel arms wrap around your neck and can tell it’s Eddie. You know his cologne and you know his hugs. He leans down, kisses your cheek, and exclaims, “I was wondering where you were, babe. Who’s your new friend?” The guy looks between you two, gets up, and runs away. It makes you and Eddie laugh. Eddie takes the guy’s seat and says, “I saw you out here and you looked bored. I wanted to save you from that guy.” You reply, “He was being polite and he never even talked about sex. It was nice actually. But, I just wanted to be alone to drink by the fire. It was getting way too much inside the house with all those people.” Eddie replies, “Yeah, tonight's energy is not the best. And, I did get myself into a bit of a sticky situation. I need your help.” You ask, “Sure, what’s up?” He answers, “I need you to go inside with me and pretend to be my girlfriend. Some of the groupies and Warren are annoying me. I want them to leave me alone and I'll even sneak somewhere quiet with you after.” You ask, “Why me?” He answers, “Everyone thinks we’re already dating. I thought it would be the easiest option... and well they asked if you were the girlfriend and I said yes.” You nod. So it’s just out of convenience and he agreed to a lie that you wish was true. You say, “Sure boyfriend. What do I need to know before we go in?” He tells you the plan as you walk in. You know Eddie and he loves physical touch. So you give him permission to be touchy as if you were actually dating and he gets a little flustered at the idea.
Eddie’s hand finds yours as you walk. He twirls you around and you dance together. Your hands go around his neck and his go on your waist. You ask, "Ready?" He looks confused and asks, "For what?" You answer, "A kiss, babe." You then pull him closer and you kiss. You wish you could say it was a horrible kiss, but the truth is, it was the best kiss you had up to that point in your life. You felt the fireworks everyone talked about. Eddie pulls away, puts his forehead to yours, and says, "Holy wow that was a kiss... I think I need something cold." You laugh and pull him toward the fridge. You hand him a cold beer that you open by kicking it with your foot. Eddie's jaw drops and he says, "Wtf, I didn't know you could do that." You press a kiss to his lips and say, "That's good, babe. It keeps the relationship more interesting." Eddie replies, "It really does."
You hear, "Well well well... if it isn't traitors." You see Warren with hands on his tips and girls hanging all over him. You ask, "Why are we traitors?" Warren answers, "You two have been fu**ing and dating without telling me. I've wanted you two to date since you two met. I thought you two would tell me first. Eddie was in love from the first time he saw you, Y/N." Great news great news... ok self act like this is old news... You wrap an arm around Eddie and say, "I know. It's so cute how he fell for me on day one. And Warren, we've been keeping it a secret. We didn't anyone to know just yet." Eddie's arm finds your waist and he adds, "We were waiting for the right time. We didn't want to steal anyone's thunder." One of the girls asks, "You two are hot. Are you looking for a third?" You smirk and answer, "We don't like sharing." Warren lets out a laugh and says, "Staking your claim on your man, wow. Eddie, do you feel the same? You've done an orgy or two." Eddie smirks and replies, "Hearing the woman you love moan your name during an orgasm is more satisfying than being with multiple people." You feel your cheeks blush and you move a little because it is feeling a little hot in here. Warren says, "I'll leave you two to it then." He walks away with the girls.
(( PLAY THIS NOW for the full experience ))
Before you and Eddie can talk, the power goes out. You all start passing out candles and flashlights. Karen finds you, pulls you into a hug, and leads you to the piano. She starts playing and you start singing. Daisy joins you and you both twirl each other around. Eddie starts playing and his eyes meet yours. They never leave you as you sing. Daisy starts singing with Billy and you join Karen on the piano bench. Karen lets you play with her. Everyone is singing and it's magical. It feels so nice being here with friends doing what you love.
People start leaving after that and you go to your bedroom to wait for everyone to clear out. You also are trying to avoid Eddie because tonight did crazy things for your heart. You knew how much you cared about Eddie, but tonight made you fall deeper for him. It's going to be hard to keep going with hiding your feelings. Maybe you should tell him? If he says he sees you as a friend, then well... you could just quit the band. Karen should stay though. She fits in well.
You leave your room and Eddie is standing there staring at you. He exclaims, "Hey uh I need to talk to you." You reply, "Funny, I need to talk to you too." He replies, "Oh good... Can I come in?" You nod and he walks in. You ask, "So, what do you need to talk about? Does it uh... does it have to do with our little act tonight?" He answers, "Yeah it does... great job by the way. I think it really worked. You're a great actress." Actress... yeah you were acting. Your shoulders deflate and you sigh. So he must not feel the same. He asks, "What's wrong? You seem upset." You answer, "Because Eddie Roundtree, I like you. And tonight's little act wasn't acting for me! I like you a lot and I want to date you if you would like to go on a date with me." His jaw drops and he exclaims, "I really like you too. Ever since I saw you sing for the first time, I knew you were it for me." You ask, "So then kiss me like you mean it?" He smirks, pushes you onto the bed, and kisses you deeply.
Your door creaks open and Eddie stays on top of you. Warren jumps and says, "Oh sh**! I thought you two were kidding when you said you were dating. I'm backing out of this room slowly or I could stay and watch. This is kind of hot." On sync, Eddie and I scream, "LEAVE!" Warren backs out of the room and Eddie collapses next to you with laughter. He says, "You smell really good. Can I stay in your bed tonight? I want to smell like you." You answer, "You can stay here, but won't you be uncomfortable sleeping in jeans?" He smirks, "Babe if you wanted to see me naked, you could just say it." You cover your face with your hands as you blush while saying, "I just want you to be comfy. I'm going to put on different clothes. I'm not sleeping in this dress." He replies, "Well babe, you looked really hot tonight. I don't know if this dress was to get my attention, but it worked. I want you to wear this on our first date." You smile and say, "I can't wait for our first date. And, I did wear this dress for you." He smiles and you kiss again.
You change into your pajamas and Eddie asks, "Is it okay to sleep in my boxers?" You answer, "Sure." He lays down in my bed and replies, "Your room is quieter than my room. Wtf! Is this how you sleep every night? I laugh and say, "Yeah. It's because I'm next door to Karen who we all know is too down bad over Graham to properly hook up with someone so it's quiet. I also don't share a wall with Warren or Billy who are little sex demons." He laughs and replies, "You're so lucky. Don't be surprised if I start sleeping in here." You laugh and reply, "I don't mind. You can take your afternoon naps here if you want as well. I usually am on my runs or reading outside at those times." He replies, "You're making me feel so spoiled." You laugh and ask, "But you have to do one thing for me, do you promise?" He asks, "What? I'd do anything for you." You answer, "I kind of wrote this song about you and I want you to listen to it. You're always really good at helping me improve my lyrics and you give me such helpful critiques. I want to eventually release this song even if not with the band. I just really like it." He smiles and replies, "A song about me? And why would you release without the band? Oh wait Billy would probably not want it because he's not the star. True." You reply, "I don't think any one of us is the star of the band. We all have star potential and star qualities. Billy is talented, but he needs to learn to compromise. The song about you is about my crush on you."
Narrator: How was the song? Eddie: It was so cute. Y/N is an amazing singer and her lyrics had me blushing so much. Her little smile as she stared at me while singing was melting my heart. I told her to change one line because I think another word fits instead of what she wrote, but it was perfect. Teddy actually helped Y/N produce and release it, which we all supported. Y/N was staying in the band, so no one minded. Y/N: Eddie was so cute when I played it. Teddy also really liked it and said it would be a summer hit. Sure enough, it was. Narrator: How was the rest of the tour? Y/N: Insane wow! I opened our summer shows to play my single with Eddie as my lead guitarist, which was fun. We'd then run off and run back on with the rest of the band. Everyone loved my song including the rest of the band. Eddie and I had fun at every show. We spent some nights drinking out with the rest of the band. Some days I wanted to have a chill night and Eddie wanted to be wherever I was, so we would spend some time with Billy in his bus. Billy and Eddie would act civil in front of me. It was nice. We had fun... until it wasn't fun anymore. The tour ended. The band broke up. Most people wouldn't talk to each other. Narrator: What about you and Eddie? Y/N: I got my stuff from Karen's place and moved in with Eddie. We shared rent, and cooking responsibilities, and just enjoyed being together. He became a music producer and helped me produce music. I've played some small venues and started creating a fan base. It's really cool to do what you love with someone you love. Eddie: Don't tell Y/N, but I'm proposing tomorrow night.
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aliensubstance-011 · 10 months
NPMD Band AU incoming!!!
I was at work just thinking about Richie as you do and just. picture:
Richie has an emo phase in middle school- he's not long moved in with his Uncle Paul and Paul is all 'how tf do I bond with this child' and buys him a bass guitar because Richie wants one or something. Richie gets out of this phase, but he keeps the bass guitar and keeps practicing.
Eventually, Peter and Ruth find out and Ruth goes :0!!! We should be in a band! Because Ruth is one of those people who owns every obscure musical instrument ever (and she ends up playing the keyboard + doing backing vocals (because of her anxiety)).
Pete is the lead singer- he doesn't think he's actually that good, but Ruth and Richie convince him and he's super good <3
So I have some vague ideas of what I want to do! I'll make separate posts on a tag for people to use, but this will just list the main stuff!!
Richie plays bass + helps write songs
Peter is lead singer and writer
Ruth plays keyboard + backing vocals. Also supplied a lot of tech like microphones etc
Steph (when she joins) plays drums!
Ruth is relieved about that cause she doesn't have to fake drums/beats w/ her tech skills lol.
Steph is also REALLY good at lyrics she just doesn't believe in herself
She and Peter lift each other up and write the songs together
She also convinces him to learn electric guitar (because this dork with an electric guitar absolutely shredding is hilarious to me)
Richie helps him teach himself.
Ofc this has to be a Max redemption AU so Max is There Too Guys
He's just there to cheer people on :)
I think some kind of Rock/funk genre maybe? I always think of Sturgill Simpson's 'Sound & Fury' when I think of them.
Oh Grace absolutely shreds on the flute but I haven't really found a place for her in the group yet...if you have any suggestions let me know!
They practice in Paul's garage and Have Never Done A Gig Ever
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canary3d-obsessed · 2 years
Restless Rewatch: The Untamed, Episode 36 part one
(Masterpost) (Pinboard)  (whole thing on AO3)
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Warning! Spoilers for All 50 Episodes!  
Lan Wangji’s alcohol tolerance has improved considerably since the last time he got drunk with Wei Wuxian; this time he does not face plant onto the table. He’s still totally hammered after a single drink, though. Lan Wangji doesn’t do anything halfway. 
Wei Wuxian maneuvers him into their inn room (which does appear to have a second bed, alas) making the same vocalization that people in cdrama seem to use to settle skittish horses, and puts him into bed.
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...Fully clothed, because the hair & costume department ain’t got time to be re-doing anybody’s outfit, we’ve got a schedule to keep here, people, let’s move!
The last time Wei Wuxian put a drunk Lan Wangji to bed, they were kids and he laid him down like a sack of potatoes. 
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This time he cradles his head, holds his hands, tucks him in, and comes within a censor’s breath of kissing him. 
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He’s obviously got a lot of feelings for Lan Wangji at this point, and I think he’s sort of aware of the nature of those feelings, but he is still not clear about what’s going on in Lan Wangji’s head and heart. So he continues to slap a veneer of playfulness over the deeper stuff that’s going on underneath...mostly.
(more behind the cut!)
Old Friends (Sat on the Park Bench Like Bookends)
While Lan Wanji sleeps, Wei Wuxian goes outside to find Wen Ning. Wen Ning shuffles up wearing comically huge chains and a deeply strung-out expression. 
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He’s so blank of expression, in fact, that the editor uses this exact same shot three times in the course of his interaction with Wei Wuxian, rather than bothering to film a longer take. 
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Wei Wuxian is delighted to see him; the only survivor, or sorta-survivor, that he’s seen from their little refugee village. He’s not delighted to see that Wen Ning barely recognizes him--although he recognizes him enough to come whenever he hears his flute playing, even though it’s a new flute, which is really very sweet. This kid got a sincere compliment from a beautiful upperclassman when he was a freshman and promptly signed his entire self over to that guy for the rest of eternity, and he’s not going to let death or mind control keep him away. 
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Wei Wuxian can tell something is wrong because of the heap of chains that Wen Ning is wearing, which weren’t part of his look in the old days. Critical Role fans like me are probably thinking of ways to sell these to a blacksmith. 
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After a little provocative hair pulling, Wei Wuxian extracts the control nails from Wen Ning’s skull. 
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Wen Ning: I hope this doesn’t awaken anything in me
Unlike the next time Wei Wuxian encounters this exact same technology, he doesn’t stop with one nail, but keeps poking around until he finds and removes the second one, which fully restores Wen Ning’s consciousness. 
Wen Ning promptly feels bad about having killed Jin Zixuan, and kneels to apologize.
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Wei Wuxian is like “dude, I’m so over it” and tries to get him to stand back up. When he won’t, Wei Wuxian kneels down too.
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This is a gesture so important and powerful that he does it from two different camera angles, for emphasis. 
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It’s interesting, when you watch a mix of CDrama genres like I do, to see how kneeling is so often a huge deal in Wuxia, Xianxia, and whatever genre Dao Mu Bi Ji and Guardian are (Sci-fi? Fantasy? Ghostpunk? Gravepunk?), and then to watch a palace drama where non-emperor people spend endless time on their knees without appearing to have any feelings about it at all.  I’m not saying these things are in conflict; kneeling is governed by a bunch of hierarchical stuff and in a palace drama, the hierarchy is all-pervasive, whereas in a Wuxia, it’s more nuanced. 
Here, Wen Ning kneels to apologize to Wei Wuxian for killing his family member. Wei Wuxian, however, has come to a different understanding of that death; as Wen Qing told him long ago, Wen Ning is a knife. Wei Wuxian is the knife’s creator and wielder, which makes Wen Ning’s violence Wei Wuxian’s responsibility. By kneeling himself, he forces Wen Ning to get up and to start moving past that event.
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Next, Wei Wuxian wants to cut Wen Ning’s chains off, but he needs a spiritual sword to do it so he plans to borrow Bichen. As soon as the words are out of his mouth, though, Lan Wangji appears, still drunk, and now also jealous.
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Wen Ning wisely makes himself scarce, after a few obvious “scram” gestures from Wei Wuxian.
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After Wen Ning leaves, Wei Wuxian attempts to guide Lan Wangji back to their inn, and manages to get lost in this town with exactly four shooting locations, if you count the Inn’s dining room and bedroom as two locations.
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Lan Wangji enjoys being lost and immediately gets busy stealing and tagging. 
First, he steals a couple of chickens and gifts them to Wei Wuxian. 
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Much has been made of the “betrothal gift” aspect of this chicken situation, but I’m more interested in the “penis slang” aspect of the scene. 
So, in English, the word “cock” can mean a male chicken, a.k.a. a rooster, and is also popular slang for a penis, as anyone ctrl-F’ing an AO3 page to get to the spicy bits knows. 
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Naturally this made me curious if the same association exists in Chinese. I’m not any kind of Chinese speaker, but Google Translate tells me that 雞 (jī) means “chicken,” 公雞 (gōngjī) means “rooster” or “male chicken”, 母雞 (mǔ jī) means “hen” or “mother chicken.” 
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...and 雞雞 (jī jī) means “dick.”  
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Google image search confirms that this isn’t some other type of “dick,” either. So, with that in mind...let’s look at what happens in the scene. 
1. Lan Wangji gives Wei Wuxian one chicken.  Wei Wuxian is confused. Lan Wangji gives him a second chicken.
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2. Lan Wangji asks Wei Wuxian to evaluate his chicken(s), asking is it “肥‘ (féi), which Viki subtitles as “fat” but google translate tells me can also mean “fertile.”
3. Wei Wuxian says it’s fat and pets it, then gives it a thumbs up.
4. Lan Wangji wanders off while Wei Wuxian speculatively knocks their...chickens together..
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Given that Chinese and wordplay go together like rama lama lama ka dinga da dinga dong, I’m going to go out on a limb and say I think there is possibly some sexual subtext hidden in this scene. 
Sword Grafitti
Next, Drunkji decides to carve his name on a post, so that everyone will know he’s a chicken thief, I guess.  Wei Wuxian reflects on how Lan Wangj, due to his repressed upbringing, is an even crazier drunk than Wei Wuxian is. 
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Book and/or Manhua readers are aware that these mild on-screen antics are not nearly the extent of their uncensored drunken craziness. Tags include: hand jobs, biting, pinching, dubious consent, improper use of the gusu lan forehead ribbon, under-negotiated everything, major injury to a bathtub. 
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Lan Wangji spends some time looking at Wei Wuxian’s suprasternal notch, and eventually allows himself to be dragged away from the farmyard.
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Wei Wuxian puts his Lil-Apple dragging experience to good use here. 
Having convinced Lan Wangji to stop vandalizing things, Wei Wuxian’s natural sense of mischief instantly recovers, and he runs back to carve his own name in the post next to Lan Wangji’s.
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He also takes the opportunity to try out Lan Wangji’s signature move: cuddling his beloved under the guise of keeping him from falling over, while gazing at him yearningly.
Drunken Master
Back at the Inn, Drunkji looks at Wei Wuxian with 100% bedroom eyes, but unfortunately Su She in a mask has shown up to cockblock him. 
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Lan Wangji promptly sobers up the swordfighting part of his brain so he can bust a move. 
Not for the first time in this show, we’re treated to a fight scene with beautifully executed fight choreography paired with weird camera framing and rapid, choppy editing.
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Wei Wuxian stands back and carefully watches the swordfighting, analyzing the fight moves to try to figure out the identity of the masked dude. Then he throws a talisman at him to chain him up. 
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Fanfic writers, I feel like I should have read more stories featuring this particular talisman.
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Anyway, with the virtue of hindsight, we know that this masked dude is ex-Gusu-Lan weasel Su She. How did Su She ever get to be such a strong cultivator? He holds his own in a sword fight with Hanguang-Jun, breaks a Yiling Laozu binding talisman, and teleports.
He still sucks, given that he’s not able to hang on to one little bag of corpse parts, but he’s definitely not the guy who couldn’t get his sword out of the lack back in their Gusu days. Maybe he’s getting regular doses of qi from Jin Guangyao, if you know what I mean. 
Oh He May Get Weary
After the remarkably proficient fighting, Lan Wangji goes right back to being extremely drunk, so much so that he briefly irritates Wei Wuxian with how bad he is at drinking.
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But the dynamic shifts very quickly as Wei Wuxian sees Lan Wangji’s vulnerability, and allows himself to treat him with tenderness.
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It's not just sentimental no, no, no She has her grief and care, yeah, yeah, yeah But the soft words they are spoke so gentle, yeah It makes it easier, easier to bear, yeah
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We’re seeing a new side of Wei Wuxian in these moments. We have seen his devotion, his easy affection and his playfulness with his friends and loved ones. But tenderness is something he’s mainly reserved for Jiang Yanli.
Of course, he quickly moves along to mischief, asking Lan Wangji a series of questions about rulebreaking and rabbits. (Gifsets here and here)
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Then he moves along to the serious question that’s been on his mind since their reunion: why are you helping me? In Wei Wuxian’s mind, he and Lan Wangji parted as enemies or perhaps frenemies; certainly not as allies. He doesn’t know about Lan Wangji’s grief or his true thoughts.
Lan Wangji gives him a serious answer, that he’s totally not prepared for: Lan Wangji regrets not being by Wei Wuxian’s side in the final battle.
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Hearing this, Wei Wuxian comes a little unglued; he’s felt himself to be all alone, even while traveling together with Lan Wangji, and hearing that Lan Wangji has held him in his mind, possibly even in his heart, is overwhelming for him.
Wei Wuxian tries to tell him that he shouldn’t feel responsible for Wei Wuxian’s choices, but Lan Wangji refuses to acknowledge what he’s said, and drunkenly toddles off to bed.
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Soundtrack: 1. Old Friends by Simon and Garfunkel 2. We Go Together, from Grease 3. Try a Little Tenderness by Otis Redding (but the version that is in my head forever is by that drunk Irish dude in The Committments, thanks VH1 circa 1991)
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ghostradiodylan · 9 months
I'm on a four hour car drive, singing at the top of my lungs (terribly, I'm so congested right now, not gonna stop me though lol), and having quarry brainrot. Who among the counselors do you think can sing well and who do you think can play an instrument?
I looove this question and I have to admit I haven’t thought about it that much so this is gonna be kind of off the cuff, instinctive stuff and I’m sure I’ll refine my opinions if others chime in (please!).
It’s kind of weird we never get any campfire singalong action in the game when there’s a guitar in Chris’s bedroom and he mentions Kumbaya, but maybe they’re tired of that from camp by the time the plot line picks up.
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Miles obviously is a musician and Dylan’s the music guy so I’d imagine he’s musically inclined in some way. I’ve seen headcanons that he plays guitar and I could see that but I lean more toward thinking he would have taken piano lessons when he was younger and moved on to keyboard and adding on techie stuff like the Mellotron and Moog synth. I think he loves dials and buttons and weird sounds and he can sing but he’d rather fuck around in the noise. Any instrument he plays is gonna get a bit sad if he loses his hand but maybe he’d get more into sampling and remixing and looping computer generated beats as a result.
I think it would be funny if Jacob had a surprisingly angelic singing voice that was completely uncoached and no one ever expected out of him, sort of like Finn from Glee (RIP) but less auto-tuned. I think he’d be an acoustic guitar guy for sure just for the romance of it. Anyway, here’s “Wonderwall.”
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Actual footage of Jacob serenading Emma, feat Abi.
Kaitlyn does not strike me as particularly musical though I headcanon that she and Jacob slay karaoke together. She just kind of shouts into the mic like a 90s riot grrl and sings Alanis or Joan Jett and kills.
Abi is so high school marching band nerd coded to me and I feel like she’s a total flute/piccolo girlie or else clarinet/oboe. Or maybe she plays violin in the school orchestra. Something sweet. She’s good but too nervous to perform or audition in front of people very much so it’s just a hobby she shares with people she trusts.
Emma I think would have a perfectly nice mid range singing voice that she’d wish was better. She probably started her influencer career recording Taylor Swift covers for YouTube but she’s a much better actress and dancer than she is a singer. Not quite triple threat material but she believes in herself so she’s trying.
Ryan has such a unique voice that I can’t decide if he definitely can sing or if he’s practically tone deaf. I kind of lean toward the latter. I imagine he hates his singing voice and rarely sings even for fun but if Dylan catches him singing or humming he’s like smitten times one million about it. I could see Ryan playing drums though, I’d imagine he has a good sense of rhythm.
Max, on the other hand, cannot carry a tune but sings ALL THE TIME anyway. And Laura cringes but finds it endearing all the same. He probably plays the ukulele. He just seems like the type.
Laura was a choir kid for sure and probably got solos in school plays and Max was accompanying her on ukulele and playing unnamed roles or else he was painting backdrops or something. We know Siobahn can sing and I feel like that would carry through with Laura for sure. I imagine them doing elaborate musical routines together on car rides even with their vastly different musical abilities.
Nick reminds me of a bassist I know who is maybe the weirdest human being alive. So that’s where I see him. He can sing a little but it’s definitely a backing vocals voice. I feel like he’d be in a stoner jam band just fucking around, playing the same song for an hour while both the band and audience are too high to know the difference.
Chris Hackett obviously plays guitar and Travis accompanies him on harmonica. Bobby plays blowing air over the lip of a jug and also cowbell.
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sotwk · 1 year
Hehe I'm curious are any of the 5 brothers musicians? What instruments do they play? Also do any of them paint or do handicrafts?
Eeeee! More questions about the Princes! *hugs Anon fiercely* 🥰 (Thank you thank you!)
Musical and Artistic Skills of the Thranduilion Princes
Answers under the Fancast image:
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(Thranduilion Fancast L-R: Mirion, Turhir, Arvellas, Gelir, Legolas)
All five of the brothers can sing beautifully because communal singing is something that Woodland Elves love to do. The princes grew up within that culture, and throughout their lives they developed skills within the extent of their talents and interests.
MIRION: His vocal range isn't wide, (his voice is quite deep, much like Thranduil's), but when he sings, the quality of his voice makes people fall silent to listen. He is especially good with lullabies that soothe children and put babies to sleep. He plays the violin with great skill, but usually does so when alone as a way to relax.
TURHIR: The least musically inclined in his family, but would willingly sing for community celebrations. Much prefers to listen to music rather than create or play it, and actually has a discerning ear.
ARVELLAS: Doesn't sing very often (usually just in community events), but he is a masterful harpist, which he does recreationally or upon the request of his family.
GELIR: A magnificent singer, and he's not afraid to show it off. He sings to animals as well as people, and this is one of the ways he communicates with them. He is also extremely skilled at making animal sounds, so much that most elves cannot tell the difference. He plays various types of flutes, and always carries one with him when he travels, which he uses to entertain himself and others. He can also play the lute, but not as frequently since it's an extra item he does not want to carry on his frequent travels.
LEGOLAS: The musical "jack of all trades" in his family. He can sing very well, and dabbles in virtually all existing instruments he has encountered. He has a knack for just picking things up, and creating songs at random (like a Hobbit!). He and Gelir are the "performers" of the family.
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When it comes to arts and crafts, the princes all each have extraordinary natural skill for it, because they descend from the House of Finwe on their mother Maereth's side. They all have different passions and interests, but are all very skilled with their hands. (*wink-wink* Had to.)
MIRION: He is a blacksmith and metallurgist; next to his family, this is his greatest passion, and would be his full-time profession if he did not have Crown Prince duties. He specializes in designing and crafting armor and weaponry, renowned for their beauty, strength, and unique ("magical") properties. Many of his designs are produced for and used by the soldiers of the realm. His favorite masterpiece is the Elvenking's famous sword, which he gifted to his father early in the Third Age.
TURHIR: His dedication to combat and warfare doesn't give him as much time to devote to the arts, but recreationally, he is a builder and craftsman. He enjoys and is skilled at constructing and making things, usually practical objects such as houses and large furniture. He especially likes woodworking and carpentry, and is a member of the very exclusive guild of woodcutters (felling trees in the Woodland Realm is highly restricted).
ARVELLAS: Where to start with this scholar-genius, Fëanor reborn? He writes in virtually every script existing in Middle-earth, including his own system that he devised for use by his family. He draws, paints, and sculpts in different styles, all with master-level proficiency. He is an inventor, an architect, and an engineer, and he spearheaded the design and construction of the underground halls his family moved into late in the Third Age.
GELIR: He takes the least interest in creating art (much like his father), but he has taken the time to learn to craft things he finds useful for himself. He is a master fletcher and ropemaker, able to make both items either with great speed or great intricacy. He is also skilled at putting together makeshift items as needed during travels, such shelters and camping implements.
LEGOLAS: Has the greatest skill working with paper, fiber, textiles, and ceramics/clay. Creative-minded with very nimble and dexterous fingers, he likes to whittle objects out of leftover/discarded wood, such as small toys. He is known for making elaborate artwork and décor from folded paper and leaves (Elvish origami). He is both an experienced basket-weaver and potter. He is also a talented painter, though he tends to paint more abstract pieces that is less appreciated by conventional tastes. His wide range of skills allowed him to transition to being a shipwright at the end of the Fourth Age.
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For more Thranduil/Mirkwood headcanons: SotWK HC Masterlist
Tolkien Headcanon tag list: @quickslvxr @laneynoir @auttumnsayshi @achromaticerebus @tamryniel @friendofthefellowshipsnerdblog @blueberryrock @aduialel @glassgulls @ladyweaslette @klytemnestra13 @creativity-of-death @heilith @fizzyxcustard @absentmindeduniverse @lathalea @tamurilofrivendell @jordie-your-local-halfling @ladyk8tie @scyllas-revenge @asianbutnotjapanese @conversacomsmaug @lemonivall @ratsys @a-world-of-whimsy-5 @entishramblings @stormchaser819 @freshalmondpandadonut
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griefabyss69 · 10 months
Counting Time
Been thinking about guitars lately
Written for @steddiemicrofic!
[ AO3 ] [ Tip / Commissions post ]
‘Rest’ wc: 387 | rated: G | cw: Mentions of Eddie's fun little romp around the Upside Down but he lives don't worry <3
A rest is the absence of a sound for a defined period of time in music, or one of the musical notation signs used to indicate that.
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Eddie's used to living life like one big guitar solo, clean wails crashing into a fuzzy crescendo as he goes from thought to action to event to end and back again.
There are times when he's quieter, maybe even the acoustic version of himself during downtime, his fidgeting sluggish as his tempo slows and he falls asleep.
But he never stops.
It's always one noisy note to the next, even when they're subdued, and he's pleased to be living that way, sometimes switching up the instruments just to try something else on for a change.
Going from the echoing vibration of the last note of Master of Puppets to the steady beat of a war drum is a terrible fucking idea, though. Sure, he wanted to do something new, be brave, but for the first time in his life he experiences it.
A rest note.
It counts the beat of silence, where all is dark and still and he's not an instrument at all, he's just an unconscious, shredded up body.
He gets lucky – the song starts back up, this time more of a new wave kind of synthesizer thing with how the machines all beep around him.
He gets to manipulate the steady sound of his heart though, which is pretty much the only fun he can manage without moving his body, though after the first time he has to be careful because otherwise he freaks out the nurses.
So he focuses on a repetitive beat instead of a melody, no huge tempo changes or fingers scaling up and down the neck of his metaphorical guitar. A softer drum than before, something that suits the atmosphere, everything all subdued and sick.
Recovery takes a lot out of him, almost as much as the bats did, but he never experiences that silence again, even if he's feeling like the faint flutter of a flute instead of something heavy and chugging, makes himself choke laughing thinking about becoming the intermittent Ding! of a triangle.
The deep parts of his music come back in the form of two different kinds of warm hands. One's rough, bracing, a constant support, the other is sliding it's fingers between his own as he's helped into bed, and they both take on the singing for him while his vocal chords are still recovering.
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tuesday again 9/5/2023
moving closer to your best friend means hanging out in big groups a lot of the time. while this is theoretically good for mental health or whatever, in practice i overextended myself this weekend and am going to wake up tomorrow with the mental equivalent of a sore lower back
listening (2x bonus)
very fond of måneskin's new single HONEY (ARE U COMING?). sonically different from their other stuff, lyrics and tone-wise another incredible sad banger! spotify
my sister viewed the film Party Girl (1995, dir. von Scherler Mayer) last week at a party in philly and sent me this song featured in the film with no further explanation. Double Cross by First Choice (a Larry Levan remix) has what i want to call bollywood strings, a flute, and the funkiest bassline backing up some really classic disco vocals. First Choice were a group out of philly, which no one at the party knew at the time, and this blog calls this specific remix "dancefloor soul" which is probably as good a descriptor as any. i have had it on loop for a solid week. lyrics include
Love stealing, double dealing, two-timing lowdown son of a gun
which is just so much fucking fun to sing in the car. spotify
reading (2x bonus here also)
i read the mandalorian comics in between volumes of berserk, which feels a bit like saying i took a break from watching the evil dead franchise to watch some cocomelon.
the mandalorian comics are a remarkably uninspired nearly shot by shot breakdown of the episodes. not in the way most film/tv comics are, where they’re very clearly traced screencaps, but screenshots redrawn. this would be interesting if the artist was not contractually obliged to the very flat marvel comics style. i am constantly reminded of how the mandalorian is simply…not very good. it’s entertaining as a spectacle of television to watch, but there are not a lot of fun ideas in there. something that made me fucking scream with laughter are these panels of baby yoda
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pápá, your son is So high
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back to the other series with a dark haired, roaming, grouchy, reserved man on a mission. unfortunately i don't have a lot of berserk thoughts just yet, i am waiting on vol 4 to come off my library holds and my brain is still digesting it. anyway i think not wanting random "friendly" embraces from strangers is a very reasonable thing for guts to dislike and i truly do not understand why ppl in-universe get so fucking offended. unfortunately reading these late at night did lead to an unpleasant sleep experience.
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bitches love a fucked up interior space that can't ever actually exist (it's me i'm bitches)
not to be all therapeutic but im trying to be Curious About and Gently Interrogate why i get a real bee in my bonnet once a year to read some horror comics/manga when i am big squeamish baby about film depictions of those things. i think mostly bc comics gore is so much more stylized than some of the very effective practical and cgi effects? and crucially nothing is actually like writhing around on screen it’s a still image? does anyone else’s brain have a much easier time handling still images over moving images of gore? much to consider
as with many other things, me reading berserk is indirectly @dying-suffering-french-stalkers ' fault
i have viewed the first four episodes of Fire Force, the urban fantasy mercenary firefighter anime and do not think i will be continuing. while i have a great many questions about the worldbuilding (gravitational anomalies?? genetic predisposition to spontaneous human combustion?? solar god nuns??) it has a dead mom plot, which i am allergic to. this is also a 7.5-8 on the Ass part of the Weeb Ass Shit scale, and has a lot more casual assault than i try to encounter in anime. it's by the soul eater guy, remember the level of Stuff going on in soul eater? a little bit more ramped up groping and stuff that makes me say out loud "wow i don't like this" than soul eater.
the animation re: aforementioned fire is really top notch tho. visually complex and interesting television program.
how i found this: me and my best friend and my best friend's husband morosely poking around the anime section on hulu, looking for something to fill the spy x family void. this ain't it tho
i have no fun genshin tidbits to share bc i am grinding talent mats while catching up with the podcast episodes of the road to partizan and i don’t have much to say about the not-fun parts of gachas. why am i playing something if it’s not inherently fun? great fucking question
making (3rd 2x bonus)
very uninspired (derivative, even) abbreviated sofrito thing over rice. with heavy application of Worcestershire sauce it was fine. no pics
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also i finally bought a couch bc salvation army had 50% off everything for Labor Day. this is a question of ethics vs money i have decided for myself, and encourage you, the reader, to go off and quietly make your own philosophical choices without explaining them to me in detail.
it will be arriving on friday bc that is when the strapping young men who own trucks are available. my front door is a very non standard size and i have a very awkward front stair, so i needed something that could fit under the overhang while standing on its end. this one was the best size and (fortunately) the cheapest at $150. it is some sort of extremely flammable early polyester and 100% has a grandma’s soul trapped within its fibers. i will probably buy a cover at some later date to deter miss macaron but in the meantime we will do the strips of brown painters tape, which does successfully deter her. this really really does not want to be steamed so i will also be procuring some chemicals.
here are some other couches i could have bought but didn’t.
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motherofqups · 7 months
Something I think about more than I probably should: People don’t think about you as often as you think about them. Or in the valence you think about them. You have no control over how people see you no matter how you show up in their lives, for better or for worse.
I was an orchestra, theatre, and marching band kid all through high school. I saw my band director 3 times a day for multiple hours for 4 years of my life. I still have anxiety nightmares about this guy. I forget my flute, or I can’t put my flute together, or my fingers move like molasses through the runs. No matter how much I practiced as a teenager, it was never good enough for him - he never gave me the solos, the parts, the chairs. He once told me in front of the whole wind ensemble that I was a disappointment. He once insinuated that I was getting fat at the height of my eating disorder.
I saw him at a friend’s wedding a year ago, and he didn’t remember me. At all. Not my name, what year I graduated, what musicals I was in or what instrument I played. He confused me with my brother. It was an extremely disorienting experience.
Meanwhile, I went to my partner’s 10 year homecoming a year or so ago and ran into two of my old professors and a retired administrator for the art department. The first, I had one class with my entire college career. I saw him twice a week for two-ish hours for 3 months nearly a decade ago. He remembered me, and my partner (who showed up for one of my poetry readings the prof attended). He told me he thought about one of my art projects for his class on a regular basis. He remembered one of the papers I wrote *for one of his colleague’s classes* that he happened to read. He asked me if I was still writing, if I had published. He said he was glad he randomly ran into me, encouraged me to keep writing.
The second professor was from my freshman experience class, a much older Science type, quiet, birdwatcher kind of guy. He barely remembered my class but he remembered my performance in the spring musical. I had a vocal solo. He said it was his favorite part of the show. He teared up a little when I remembered the name of his dog, who had long passed at this point. I showed him a picture of gray lady, who has that dog’s same name.
The admin retired midway through my college career, and we ended up on a group hike together through the college nature center. I wasn’t shocked she remembered me (we were a small department) but she remembered so many little details. The outfits I used to wear. How I wore my hair, my favorite doc martens. She remembered the piece I won an award for my sophomore year, but she secretly preferred the other piece I submitted that wasn’t selected. She liked my loud laugh - she could hear it in her office when I was working in the studio.
I think there is value in trying to show up and be your best for the people around you, but it also strikes me that at a time when I wasn’t thinking about how people saw me - I was regularly showing up late to classes, swearing in front of my professors, generally just a fuxjing emotional wreck dealing with depression and ed and a complicated ldr - people remembered me so positively, not just for my achievements, but my personality. And when I was breaking my back to win someone’s approval, I was miserably anxious and they didn’t even remember my name in the end. I don’t know what to do with that information but goddamn does it floor me to know there are people out there who I don’t have to impress, who seem to love me no matter how I show up in life, who intrinsically see what I bring to the table without having to prove anything to them.
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polutrope · 1 year
hi! if you're up to it, daemags and 36? ;)
Thank you! Am I ever not up for them? From the kiss asks. On AO3.
36. … to give up control
“Here.” Without looking, the Noldo flung one arm back, proffering a wooden flute. “You play that.”
Daeron accepted the instrument and twirled it between his fingers. “Hm. I would rather not.” It was simple enough for a child. It probably was for a child. “How about that lute?” He used the flute as a pointer to indicate which he meant.  
Maglor threw a sharp glance over his shoulder. “No. Strings are my signature.” He moved gracefully between several other instruments—or it would have been graceful, had his trailing red robe not caught under the frame of an absurdly large harp. What madness had possessed someone to travel with such an instrument, Daeron could not guess. 
“Very well,” said Daeron. “Why don’t you play the lute and I will sing?”
“Absolutely not!” Maglor cried. He tugged his robe free. “I will sing.” 
“You said strings were your expertise.”
“They are. And vocals. Here,” he stretched forwards to grab what looked like an oversized aulos. “Is this more suitable for you?”
Daeron sighed and held his palms open in front of him in a gesture of both confusion and reconciliation. “Maglor—may I call you Maglor?” It seemed appropriate that he should, given the casual disregard with which this lord of the Noldor was speaking to him. Maglor grunted. “What is the matter with you?”
Up until the revellers in the feasting hall at Ivrin had called for a duet between them, Maglor had been perfectly pleasant—charming, even. Daeron had even been wondering if Maglor might not serve as an evening antidote to the many days of dull diplomacy that still lay ahead of him. But as soon as they were alone together, he seemed to turn sour. 
Now he looked affronted. His mouth fell open as if to protest, then shut again; then he said, “I do not like improvising with someone I hardly know.”
Not the full reason, but part of it, Daeron surmised. The vulnerable curve to Maglor's lips did not linger long, but it was long enough that Daeron felt a tug of sympathy for him—and a flutter of something else. In his far more practical leggings and short tunic, Daeron was able to weave easily between the instruments towards Maglor, who was now turned to the wall with a hand masking half his face. 
“Shall we get to know each other first, then?” said Daeron, brushing up against his shoulder.
Maglor turned to him, eyes wide and cheeks coloured a lovely pinkish hue. Daeron's lips quirked into a smile. 
“Confound it,” Maglor said. “Why are you so damned…” his eyes darted about, searching for the word, “enchanting?” he said, bitingly. Their eyes locked; their faces were not more than a few inches apart. 
Daeron grinned. “Forgive me,” he said. “I have that effect sometimes. It’s not intentional.”
“Oh, shut up and kiss me already,” Maglor said, the breath of each emphatic syllable hot on Daeron’s lips.
“Will you let me play the lute?” said Daeron, taking him by the wrist.
“Yes, fine, I’ll—” Daeron tugged on his arm, pulling him flush against his hips, “—mmph!” and cutting him off with a kiss, to which Maglor entirely and enthusiastically surrendered himself.   
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burlveneer-music · 7 months
Molly Lewis - On the Lips - don't know if I'm ready for a full-on lounge/exotica (re)revival, but it's the perfect milieu for a whistler
Consider this your invitation to Café Molly, a lounge bar like they don’t make them anymore. The lights are low, the martinis are ice cold, the banquettes are velvet, and the stage is set for the electrifying talent of whistler Molly Lewis. Molly’s soft-focus cocktail music conjures up visions of classic Hollywood jazz clubs, Italian cinema soundtracks and lingering embraces between lovers. After the exotica stylings of The Forgotten Edge EP and the tropicalia-indebted Mirage EP, Molly wanted to encapsulate the sound of Café Molly for her debut album On The Lips, a dreamy tribute to classic mood music. That spellbinding sound, which usually comes to life in Los Angeles, has also popped up in Mexico City dancehalls, graced the runways of Paris and London Fashion Weeks, and made a magical appearance at a children's fairyland. Molly Lewis’s love for this smoky corner of the world doesn’t end with her songwriting. She is a devotee and an archivist, capturing and enlivening the pieces that endure. She was a regular at the legendary shows by Marty and Elayne, the lounge duo who spent almost 40 years playing LA’s Dresden bar. The duo came to global fame after an appearance in 1996’s Swingers and kept going long after that spotlight faded, finally finishing their nightly residency after the death of Marty at the ripe age of 89 last year. “That felt like the end of an era,” says Molly. But there are still flashes of that world to be found, and she finds them. “I’ve been spending a lot of time in New York lately, where there are a lot more of those moody, classic jazz bars,” she explains. Over the past few years Molly has flexed her one-of-a-kind musical skill alongside Mark Ronson on the Barbie soundtrack, as well as with Dr Dre, Karen O, actor John C Reilly, Mac De Marco, fashion houses Chanel, Gucci and Hermes, and folk rock royalty Jackson Browne. After a performance with longtime friend Weyes Blood on Burt Bacharach’s The Look of Love during a Café Molly evening at LA’s Zebulon, Molly supported the singer on a US tour, introducing her sound to a brand new audience. “I forget sometimes that what I do has that factor of surprise and uniqueness – it is something that most people have never seen before,” says Molly. She too might never have entered the idiosyncratic world of whistling had she not as a teenager seen the 2005 documentary Pucker Up, which details the International Whistling Competition. Equally amused and bemused by the eccentric event, in 2012 she competed herself. Spending her early twenties in Berlin she then moved to LA to work in film – and returned to the contest in 2015 to take home first prize. One evening Molly did a turn at an open mic at the Kibitz Room, a tiny late-night bar inside historic LA deli Canter’s. Her display led to appearances at performance art happenings across the city, and she soon caught the ear of independent record label Jagjaguwar. On The Lips was recorded with producer Thomas Brenneck of the Menahan Street Band, Budos Band, Dap-Kings and El Michels Affair, at his newly-built Diamond West Studios in Pasadena. The pair bonded over the work of 1960s soundtrack composers Alessandro Alessandroni and Piero Piccioni, and, with something of an open door policy during the sessions, a stream of acclaimed musicians ended up across the album’s 10 tracks. With her intoxicating compositions, and wry brand of stagecraft (she might not be singing up there, but she can sure tell a joke) Molly Lewis looks set to join her heroes in the storied lore of the Los Angeles lounge scene and beyond. So pull up a chair, order your favorite drink, and prepare to fall for On The Lips.  PERFORMER LINE-UP: On The Lips Molly Lewis - Whistle, guitar, vocals Joe Harrison - Flute, bass Eric Hagstrom - Drums, clave Thomas Brenneck - Organ Written by: Molly Lewis
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ultra-nohai · 2 months
The eleventh installment of the Trance Vortex series is finally out on YouTube! Featuring Roxvix, Barcode Brothers, Tokyo Ghetto Pussy, Ben Nicky, and Love, Inc.
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——————————— 01 STARSPLASH Free 02 ALICE DEEJAY Celebrate Our Love 03 LOVE, INC. You're A Superstar (City Of Love Radio Mix) 04 SCAN The Sound Of The Earth 05 LADY VIOLET Inside To Outside 06 BARCODE BROTHERS Flute 07 THREE 'N ONE Sin City 08 BEN NICKY Adagio for Strings 09 AVACANDA Go! 10 S.P.Q.R. ft. LEA HEART Hypnotic State 11 ROXVIX Reality Check 12 RICHI M One Life to Live 13 RED 5 Da Bass 14 DJ JURGEN One Step Away 15 FUTURE BREEZE How Much Can You Take? 16 DJ QUICKSILVER Ameno 17 FLOORFILLA Anthem #5 (Enter the Arena) 18 DJ DEAN Kick Off
——————————— 01 TOKYO GHETTO PUSSY You Make Me Feel (Kai Tracid Mix) 02 THE TAMPERER ft MAYA Feel It 03 PLAYAHITTY The Summer Is Magic 04 IAN VAN DAHL I Can't Let You Go 05 CAMISRA Let Me Show You 06 KENNY "DOPE" presents THE BUCKETHEADS The Bomb! (These Sounds Fall Into My Mind) 07 REEL 2 REAL I Like to Move It 08 ARMAND VAN HELDEN You Don't Know Me 09 STRIKE U Sure Do '99 (Jono's Big Mix Edit) 10 PAUL OAKENFOLD Southern Sun (DJ Tiësto Edit) 11 KEY4050 & PLUMB I Love You 12 APOLLO BROTHERS One Of Us 13 SUNBEAM Outside World 14 REFLEKT ft. DELLINE BASS Need To Feel Loved (Adam K & Soha Vocal Mix) 15 DJ SAMMY The Boys of Summer 16 BRYAN KEARNEY & PLUMB All Over Again 17 LAMBDA Live Together 18 ATB ft. YORK The Fields of Love
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bnd-yuwon · 8 months
˚˖𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒✧˚.🎀༘⋆ Yuwon's Profile 𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒
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𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒✧˚ ༘ ⋆。˚♡ MEET BOYNEXTDOOR'S GODDESS *ੈ♡⸝⸝🪐༘⋆
ೀ⋆。 basic infoೀ⋆。
☁︎STAGE NAME: Yuwon (유원)
☁︎BIRTH NAME: Kim Yuwon (김유원)
☁︎NAME MEANING: "Noble or brave"(Kim), "Paradise, Eternity" (Yuwon).
☁︎NICKNAMES: Yuwonie, Wonie, Wonwon, Princess, "Born to be Center", "Goddess", "Aphrodite", "5th gen IT Girl"
☁︎BIRTHDAY: MAY 08, 2001
☁︎BIRTHPLACE: Seoul, South Korea
☁︎ZODIACS: Taurus🐂
           。 ₊°༺❤︎༻°₊ 。 HAIR COLOR: Golden Brown
EYE COLOR: Golden Brown
HEIGHT: 180 (5. 10)
WEIGHT: 42kg (92Ibs)
          。 ₊°༺❤︎༻°₊ 。
*➳♥FACE CLAIM: Ju Jingyi
*➳♥VOICE CLAIM: IU and Wendy (Red Velvet)
*➳♥RAP CLAIM: So-yeon (GIDLE)
*➳♥DANCE CLAIM: Lisa (Blackpink)
*➳♥STAGE PRESENCE CLAIM: Lisa (Blackpink)
。 ₊°༺❤︎༻°₊ 。
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♫₊˚.🎧 ✩。 Yuwon's Career Information ♫₊˚.🎧 ✩。
☆GROUP(S):  BOYNEXTDOOR (2023- Present)
♡DEBUT DATE: May 30, 2023
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-'ღ'- idol info -'ღ'-
˖◛⁺ ⑅ ♡ POSITIONS: Co-leader, Lead Rapper, Main Dancer, Main Vocalist, Visual, Center, FOTG.
❥[◉"] SKILLS
— Vocals: 10/10
—Rap: 10/10
— Dance: 10/10
— Song Writing: 9/10
—Composing: 9.5/10
—Modeling: 10/10
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
-Website (Japan): BOYNEXTDOOR JP
-Facebook: BOYNEXTDOOR_official
-Instagram: boynextdoor_official
-Twitter (Japan): BOYNEXTDOOR_JP
-TikTok: @boynextdoor_official
。 ₊°༺❤︎༻°₊ 。
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1.---She was born in Seoul, S. Korea.
2.--- Her personality is like a loving mother.
3.---She attended St Paul's Girls' School Elementary (graduated), Dwight School Seoul (graduated), Harvard University (previously before moving to Korea) & Yonsei University (Department of Medicine and Business Administration.)
4.--- She can play the piano, flute, violin, cello, guitar, drums, & harp.
5.---She has a pet dog named Leo. 6.--- She made an appearance in many BTS MV 7.---Her favorite flavor of ice cream is cookies and cream.
8.---She is the global brand ambassador and muse for Innisfree, Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Celine, CHANEL, HERA, CALVIN KLEIN and Dior, 9.---Her stylist calls her "Perfect Beauty" 10.---She loves cooking.
11.---Her favorite song is Love Wins All by IU
12.--- She loves eating anything sweet or spicy
13.---She loves spoiling the members with food and gifts.
14.---She was never a K-pop fan until she became a trainee
15.---She can memorize any song or dance with just one look
16.---She has a photographic memory
17.---She has a huge plushie obsession
18.---She's friends with every Hybe idols
19.---Loves wearing the member's clothes
20.---Her ideal type is "someone who prioritizes her over anything and acts like a child only around her"
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ೀ⋆。🌷personal infoೀ⋆。🌷
 MBT: ESTJ - The Supervisor
PERSONALITY - mother-like personality, affectionate, charming, overly caring, kindhearted, passionate, open-minded, easygoing, confident, responsible, creative.
HABITS-  Raising one of her eyebrows, Pouting, Biting her lips, Sticking their tongue out, Sleeping anywhere.
KNOWN FOR- her goddess like visual, her strong and unique vocals, her strong dancing, her unbelievable stage presence, being the most popular K-pop idol, being 5th gen IT Girl, being the Nation's "Goddess", being a trendsetter, being the daughter of Kim Jae-yong SouthKorean business magnate and the vice chairman of  XXXX Electronics.
HOBBIES- cooking, traveling, musical instruments, photography, eating, sleeping, ballet, figure skating.
PHOBIAS- achluophobia (fear of darkness), astraphobia (fear of thunder and lightning).
FAVORITE NUMBER- 08 ( cuz it's her bday and lucky number)
FAVORITE COLOR-  black, white, and anything pastel.
CLOTHING STYLE-  has 2 types of style 
1- comfy everyday outfits ( got this style after moving to Korea cuz the old money style stood out too much while going out)
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 2- old money outfits
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FAMILY- mother, father ( only child)
BACKGROUND- come from a rich family and am known to be the perfect girl .... perfect grades, perfect looks, perfect manners. But deep down, she knew she was far from it. 
Tired of her family's expectations she ran away from home (aka went on a vacation to Korea) without her parents knowing. Moving to Korea she experienced what a normal life was like renting a small cozy apartment, enrolling in Yonsei University (Department of Medicine and Business Administration.), and working part-time jobs to provide for herself. (But without her knowing her parents already knew where and what she was doing the whole time).
Got scouted a hundred times by a lot of companies even the big 3 but rejected them all except for one particular company that begged outside her apartment for a week just to go audition at Hybe.
 Finally, after a lot of persuasion, she went to the company and passed after one look at the judges, trained for 2 weeks then got moved to KOZ Entertainment (due to Zico begging to have her as a member of BOYNEXTDOOR).
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𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟First serenade, and last serenade𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
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thunderstomm · 8 months
Penguin Band + Cadence Gijinkas & Headcanons !!
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Headcanons under the cut (:
Headcanons from left-to-right of drawing order.!!
19 Years old, the youngest member of the penguin band
He/Him, Trans Man
The lead singer of the Penguin Band, and the most versed in instruments. Typically plays the keyboard when performing with the band, but can play the guitar, bass, flute and violin.
He likes to invent in his free time. Fixes the other band member’s instruments and Cadence’s turntables when they break.
Used to work at the Pet Shop, where he’d often sing to the Puffles when he found himself alone with them. This is where he met Petey K, who was the one to later invite him to join the band.
Like the book “Franky’s First Show” suggests, he joined the band at a later date, after it had already been founded.
Despite this, he’s the “most popular” member of the band, according to tabloids and teen-scream magazines.
Likes to wear warm clothing, and lots of layers.
While he seems very chill and calm, he still gets nervous before every show.
His favourite genres of music are Hip-Hop and Pop
Stompin’ Bob
20 Years old
He/Him, Cis Man
The bassist of the Penguin Band, but he also likes to rap!
He writes the songs for the band, finding his inspiration from a multitude of places. He sometimes helps Cadence write her songs too.
Tough, and loves to adventure around the island! From going camping in the woods, to beating penguins at the toboggan races, and even trying to learn Card-Jitzu, Stompin’ Bob loves to spend his time having fun.
He used to work at the lighthouse, as security before starting the band.
The first of the members to move to Penguin Island, and one of the three founding members of the Penguin Band.
Upbeat and rowdy personality!!
Loves to dress in fishnets, ripped shirts, and studded accessories. Never seen without wearing his favourite eyeliner.
His favourite genre of music is rock! But he’s not a genre snob, and enjoys writing a multitude of genres for the band, but has a fondness for writing pop-punk, as he thinks it suits Franky’s vocal style best.
Petey K
20 Years old
He/Him, Cis Man
Gay Man
White, British
Plays the Electric Guitar for the band, previously played the accordion!
Composes most of the songs for the band, and works alongside Stompin’ Bob when it comes to the early conception of the band’s music. Often works on music for Penguin Island’s parties, to earn extra income.
Used to work at the Pet Shop, alongside Franky. Quit after the band began to gain traction.
A bit of a “Hipster”, Petey K is very witty, and enjoys going to art shows to find inspiration for his music. Loves to go to the Coffee Shop and listen to the music of upcoming penguin artists.
Cannot see without his glasses.
A bit of a self-proclaimed funny man, Petey likes to make jokes and quips in interviews, and plays pranks on his band mates, to varying degrees of success.
Likes to thrift all of his clothes!
His favourite genres of music are Cool Jazz, Garage Rock, and R&B.
G Billy
21 Years old, the oldest member of the Penguin band
He/Him, Cis Man
Gay Man
White, American, from the south.
The G is for “George”.
Plays the drums for the band, but can also play the bongos, and the flute!
The band was his idea.
Strong believer in “good” luck and “bad”, he always wears his lucky bandana to shows and concerts.
Used to ride horses ! Has been kicked by a horse before in his past. He grew up on a farm!
A foodie and talented chef, he used to work at the pizza parlour !
Honest and loyal, but also friendly and playful.
He books the band’s gigs for them, and is the best with time management.
Hates to disappoint people, especially his fans.
Likes to dress in plaid, and leather boots.
His favourite music genre is country, which is why it’s no surprise that his original vision for the band was for them to be a country one.
DJ Cadence
18 Years Old
She/They, Non-Binary
A DJ, singer, rapper and composer!
The younger sister of DJ Maxx (from Penguin Chat 3).
Her family owns the Night Club, where she hosts the Dance-Offs, and got her start in sharing her music!
A total scene girl, she loves to listen to loud music, make kandi bracelets, and attend raves.
Bad at controlling the volume of her voice, often is yelling without realising it.
Brings her pet Puffle, Lolz, with her everywhere.
Dislikes when her hair grows too long, as it causes her discomfort. Loves to dye her hair !!
Eyes are naturally brown, she wears contacts.
Loves to dance, releases detailed dance tutorials for all of her songs for her fans to follow along to and learn.
Is never seen without her scarf, no matter how badly it clashes with her outfits.
Dresses like she’s about to go to a party ! Loves bright colours, clashing patterns, and statement accessories.
Her favourite music genres are rock, indie, hip-hop, eurodance, and J-Pop !
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call-me-tk · 1 year
Beetlejuice the Musical - an Analysis/My Favorite Parts
Prologue: Invisible
“Grown-ups wanna fix things. When they can't it only fills them with shame, so they just look away." 
The Whole “Being Dead" Thing
“Rodgers, Hart, and Hammerstein”
"How you doin'? Oh, not good! *scats*"
“If you die while listening to this album, it’s still gonna keep playing”
“Blah blah Bible Jesus Magic”
Ready Set, Not Yet
When Adam waits a beat after his fast bit before saying “ready set” because he’s not as confident as Barbara ahhhhhhhh
When Barbara sings the word "terror" like "terra" 
“Hiding away so you don’t have to face being a bad mom” whoever wrote these lyrics is so mean
“Oh… NO”
The Whole "Being Dead" Thing: Reprise
The pause after “Hi!”
“Jesus I can’t spell”
“Eh, worth a try”
“I’m the bio-exorcist, giving houses enemas”
Dead Mom
“Daddy’s moving forward, daddy didn’t lose a mom”
“A plague of mice, a lightning strike, or drop a nuclear bomb”
Fright of their Lives
“Drop your panties”
“No. What fills you with RAGE”
“Being mean to a pet” MOOD BARBARA
BJ’s soliloquy, he’s so over it, so DRAMATIC
“Uch, these dopes are both hopeless”
Ready, Set (Reprise)
You can just SEE the shoulder bump with “I’m sure we can haunt our own halls”
“I gotta get right outside my comfort zone” 😬
No Reason
“What’s happening, GURL”
“Buy more crystals”
The windchime during “put a little alright in the world”
“Where good people die” “NO”
“Cuz you’re bored” FLUTE SOLO
“Meaninglessness and alone” “NONONONONOOOOOOoooooo~” the talent it takes to pull off that vocal riff is ridiculous
“Is this still about me?”
The harmonies in the last note
Invisible (Reprise)/On the Roof
“Somebody’s on the roof” always has me cackling
“I, Lydia Deetz” *BIG SIGH* “will be gone”
Say My Name
The musical style?!?!?!?
This is my favorite song in the entire show. And it was not an easy choice.
“What?” “Nothing”
Nice Moana reference
“Beetlejuice?” she says, like “what a dumb fuckin name”
Including the music change
BJ being like WHAT and SO frustrated every time she psychs him out
In the production I saw Lydia said “I just metcha” and I like that better
“I may be suicidal but Beetlejuice it’s not as if I’ve lost my mind” OOF
“That was possession” lol he’s so proud of himself
Love love love the rhyme: “Pretty much, any ghost’ll do, sure” “Then Beetlejuice, what do I need you for?” and the subsequent WOAH WOAH WOAH
The instrumental hit right after she sings “Yeah I got game” is my favorite 
This whole song just slaps idk what else to tell you
“I’d have to… check my pay stubs”
“Oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy” as he pops up out of the table he had to hide in the whole scene
Dad finally saying Lydia’s name as he’s swept away
“It’s our house now, kid”
Girl Scout
The piano during “my heart is defective” A+ score writing
*dramatic music* JAMBOREES
*nervous laughter after meeting Lydia*
“By selling cookies *BIG BREATH* four dollars a box”
Also. FOUR DOLLARS A BOX?!??!?!?! Jealous.
“Pedophiles” 😇
That Beautiful Sound
“He is so weird”
Love the smooth jazzy style
“Time for a few OH MY GOD”
“How many… people… live here?”
Lydia’s laugh after “nice moves Lydia” is so pure
“Pfah, holy moly, lotta people come to this house”
“Yes, I hear that sooooooooooound” he’s so happy
“No more condescending adults hanging around”
“Daddy’s leaving me the hell alone”
Barbara 2.0
“It’s the stuff of our lives, and all of it’s shit.”
“Okay, that wasn’t as much fun as I thought it would be.”
“Buhreak it”
“The new Adam is wiserrrrrrr”
What I Know Now
“I went to parties a lot…” *sniff* “You know?”
“Niche was right, you know? To live is to suffer, bro”
“Life is short but death is super long”
I really like this song because if you ruminate on it long enough it’s a good song to talk you into living life to its fullest even if things suck.
I love that this is a reprise but also the whole theme of Lydia’s character - that her mom is home. But then she finds out that she can have a home with a (very dysfunctional) family and not forget her mom either.
Her little laugh when she says Delia’s name
Creepy Old Guy
“I’m a creepy old guy!!” 
“Girls may seem disgusted, but we’re actually just shy”
In the show I saw, Lydia goes: “Even on the inside, he- he’s disgusting” which I liked better than the recording
“A dance break on an album? Amazing.”
“L’chaim” is pronounced correctly, thank you Alex
“God be glorified” in a fucked up key
The whole company going “I can’t believe some cultures think this kind of thing’s alright” in unison
Jump in the Line/Dead Mom - Reprise
A perfect song to end a perfect show.
“I adore huh”
“Mama if you’re listening, doesn’t this just blow your mind?”
Shake shake shake senora in the background UGH MY HEART
She’s home (I’m not crying you’re crying)
Overall thoughts:
Alex doing the Beetlejuice voice throughout THE WHOLE SHOW
The rhyming throughout the whole musical is just. A+
Lydia’s songsssssss
Honestly all the vocal parts are real hard
And so is the book for the pit
There’s like 8 different genres of music throughout the show and it just WORKS
I had no idea this show existed until the start of this year and now it’s in my top 3 favorite musicals. 10/10 amazing incredible perfect
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